GO GREEN WEEk 12 - 16 FEBRUARY 2018 - Student handbook #gogreen2018 - People & Planet
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go green week 2018 fossil free finance For Go Green Week We can imagine a world of 2018, People & Planet fossil free finance through go green week 2018 focuses on banks, fossil are supporting students webinars and campaign fuel finance and winning climate justice across the UK to escalate planning. the movement for climate justice. We’ll skill-up to escalate our Go Green Week is People & campaigns so we can win. Planet’s annual national week We’re winning on fossil fuel of student action on climate MONDAY 4 divestment. Now we're We can develop relationships change. Are you in? Get educated demanding that banks stop of solidarity with the front- financing the fossil fuel line communities through TUESDAY 5 extraction driving the climate online discussions. build solidarity crisis. WEDNESDAY 6 We can build popular support Students are demanding for a world of fossil free plan the campaign that Barclays, the dirtiest UK finance and climate justice by THURSDAY 6 high-street bank, ditch all organising on our campuses escalate fossil fuel finance. and in our communities. FRIDAY 8 During Go Green Week 2018, For much more information build that movement together we can get educated on the campaign and how to through films screenings and get your SU and University workshop. to boycott Barclays, read our Divest Barclays Action Guide get support from people & planet People & Planet offers a range of fantastic training and workshops for school, college and university students and staff. Get in touch to book: fossilfree@peopleandplanet.org | 01865 403225 peopleandplanet.org/FOSSIL-FREE 2 3
get educated build solidarity you're invited to the launch of go green host our front lines webinar with activists week with an exclusive film screening resisting fosisl fuels in south east asia Join People & Planet and Not in London? No problem! SOAS Fossil Free Finance The first 15 groups to sign The campaign for fossil free and we’ll explore how we can society in London to launch Go up to show the film as part finance is fundamentally take practical solidarity with Green Week with an exclusive of Go Green Week receive about supporting struggles them from UK campuses. screening of the film ‘To The the license for a hugely for justice in communities Ends Of The Earth’, where discounted rate of £125. most affected by fossil fuel Keep up to date, organise a we’ll be joined by special Get in touch with us at guests involved in the film’s fossilfree@peopleandplanet. extraction globally. public viewing and book you production. org to organise a screening, place through our website. and for advice on how to fund People & Planet and National Book you free place here. the license fee through your Union of Students (NUS) SU. are hosting a webinar (online seminar) discussion with representatives from to the ends of the earth: [tuesday] front lines against climate [monday] colonialism. Hear their stories synopsis of resistance and learn about To The Ends Of The Earth, follows concerned citizens what you can do to support living at the frontiers of extreme oil and gas extraction, them in your campaigns. bearing witness to a global crossroads. They call for human ingenuity to rebuild society at the end of the fossil We’ll be joined from organisers fuel era. The people we meet are uniquely positioned resisting fossil fuel extraction to watch this global crossroads unfold.The film brings in South East Asia. Whether forward the voices of those who not only denounce the Vietnam, Indonesia or the rise of extreme energy, but also envision the new world Phillipines, grassroots that is taking shape in its stead: a future beyond the movements are leading the resource pyramid, a post-growth economy. fight to keep it in the ground. Read more here: endsofearthfilm.com/ They’ll tell the stories of their struggles for climate justice, 4 5
organise on campus escalate learn about fossil fuel finance, invite people & planet to train your #divestbarclays, plan your campaign group to escalate campaigns Join student campaigners Immediatley after the When we make demands of to your campus and get your from campuses across webinar, host a with a powerful actors like banks and group skilled up to take your the country to hear about Divest Barclays campaign universities, we need to be fossil free finance campaign calls for fossil free finance, planning session with your able to step up the pressure. to the next level using creative the campaign for Barclays group, using this workshop tactics, direct action and to divest from extractive script. Request a workshop on reputational damage. [wednesday] projects, and how the campaign escalations and campaign is going at Find more details and sign we’ll send a trained member Book a workshop here. universities across the UK. up here. of People & Planet staff or [thursday] student organiser to come 6 7
BUILD that movement sign up 1000 people to boycott barclays until they divest Petition on fossil free finance and We want 10,000 people on running the Divest Barclays campuses across the UK to campaign in our Action Guide. pledge to boycott Barclays until they ditch fossil fuels by Contact fossilfree@ the end of #GoGreen2018. peopleandplanet.org for Can you help by signing up campaigns support before, 500-1000 people on your during and afterGo Green campus? Week or if you have any Using the People & Planet questions about the week. petition tool, signatures calling on your University to Fundraising boycott Barclays feed into the People & Planet is a radical [friday] national petition. student network of activist groups campaigning for Campus petitioning is an climate justice, sweatshop opportunity to convince free supply chains and people on campus of our migrants’ justice. demands for fossil free We rely on small regular finance and invite them donations from members and along to future meetings, supporters to support our events and actions if they’re groups and organise events interested. like #GoGreen2018 Resources & staff support Begin your regular donation Find more information now! 8
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