
Issue           01
Date            2021-06-30

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Issue 01 (2021-06-30)          Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                                  i
Glossary                                                                                                                            Contents


1 Glossary......................................................................................................................................1

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Glossary                                                                                        1 Glossary

                                                                           1          Glossary

                 Table 1-1 Glossary
                  Term       Full Name                      Description


                  AI         artificial intelligence        Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of
                                                            computer science that emphasizes the
                                                            creation of intelligent machines that
                                                            work and react like humans.

                  AIPP       artificial intelligence pre-   AI pre-processing (AIPP) provides
                             processing                     functions such as format conversion,
                                                            padding/cropping, color space conversion
                                                            (YUV2RGB or RGB2YUV), scaling, and
                                                            channel data exchange.


                  BIOS       basic input output             It is firmware stored on the computer
                             system                         mainboard that contains basic input/
                                                            output control programs, power-on self
                                                            test (POST) programs, bootstraps, and
                                                            system setting information. The BIOS
                                                            provides hardware setting and control
                                                            functions for computers.

                  BIU        bus interface unit             A bus interface unit (BIU) records the
                                                            memory access between an AI core and a
                                                            DDR SDRAM or an L2 cache.

                  BTB        board-to-board                 A board-to-board connector (BTB) is
                             connector                      used to connect printed circuit boards


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Glossary                                                                                   1 Glossary

                  Term      Full Name                   Description

                  CAN       Controller Area Network     A Controller Area Network (CAN) is a
                                                        serial communication bus to allow
                                                        microcontrollers and devices to
                                                        communicate with each other in
                                                        applications without a host computer. It
                                                        is designed for robust and flexible
                                                        performance in harsh environments, and
                                                        particularly for industrial and automotive

                  CCE       cube-based computing        The cube-based computing engine (CCE)
                            engine                      provides acceleration for upper-layer
                                                        applications (frameworks or applications
                                                        supporting machine learning) through

                  CCE-GDB   CCE-GNU debugger            The CCE-GNU debugger (CCE-GDB) is
                                                        used to debug AI applications and
                                                        control the code debugging of the CPU,
                                                        AI core, and AI CPU. (The debugging of
                                                        the AI CPU is still under development.)

                  CCEC      CCE compiler                The CCE compiler (CCEC) is a
                                                        heterogeneous system compiler, or a
                                                        compilation tool of the CCE
                                                        heterogeneous programming language. It
                                                        compiles CCE hybrid code, including CCE
                                                        host code and CCE AI CPU/AI core code,
                                                        which generates executable files to be
                                                        running on the CCE system.

                  CFM       cubic feet per minute       It is a unit for measuring the gas flow

                  CNN       convolutional neural        A convolutional neural network (CNN) is
                            network                     a feedforward neural network that
                                                        contains artificial neurons capable of
                                                        responding to surrounding units and
                                                        supports large-scale image processing.

                  CPU       central processing unit     A central processing unit (CPU), also
                                                        called a central processor or main
                                                        processor, is the electronic circuitry within
                                                        a computer that carries out the
                                                        instructions of a computer program by
                                                        performing the basic arithmetic, logic,
                                                        controlling, and input/output (I/O)
                                                        operations specified by the instructions.

                  CUBE      -                           Cube is an arithmetic unit in AI Core,
                                                        which is mainly for matrix multiplication
                                                        and addition.

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Glossary                                                                               1 Glossary

                  Term   Full Name                   Description


                  DDK    device development kit      A device development kit (DDK) is a
                                                     developer suite provided by the Mind
                                                     solution. After the DDK is installed, you
                                                     can obtain required components such as
                                                     APIs, libraries, and tool chains for Mind

                  DDR    double data rate            In computing, a computer bus operating
                                                     with double data rate (DDR) transfers
                                                     data on both the rising and falling edges
                                                     of the clock signal.

                  DL     deep learning               Deep learning (DL) is a branch of
                                                     machine learning based on a set of
                                                     algorithms that attempt to model high-
                                                     level abstractions in data by using
                                                     multiple processing layers, with complex
                                                     structures or otherwise, composed of
                                                     multiple non-linear transformations.

                  DVPP   digital vision pre-         Digital vision pre-processing (DVPP)
                         processing                  provides operations such as decoding and
                                                     scaling of videos and images in specific
                                                     formats, and encodes and outputs
                                                     processed videos and images.


                  ECC    error checking and          Error checking and correction (ECC) is a
                         correction                  technique used for detecting and
                                                     correcting errors by adding check bits to
                                                     the source bits.

                  EMMC   embedded multimedia         An embedded multi-media card (eMMC)
                         card                        is a memory card standard used for solid-
                                                     state storage.

                  EP     endpoint                    An endpoint (EP) is a type of
                                                     communication network node, such as
                                                     the NIC with the PCIe interface and SATA

                  EVB    evaluation board            An evaluation board (EVB) is used to
                                                     verify the performance, reliability, and
                                                     integration of chips.


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Glossary                                                                                  1 Glossary

                  Term      Full Name                   Description

                  FLOPS     floating-point operations   In computing, floating-point operations
                            per second                  per second (FLOPS) is a measure of
                                                        computer performance, useful in fields of
                                                        scientific calculations that make heavy
                                                        use of floating-point calculations. For
                                                        such cases it is a more accurate measure
                                                        than the generic instructions per second.
                                                        (Note: The last letter "S" stands for
                                                        second, not a plural form.)

                  Framewo   -                           The Framework consists of the offline
                  rk                                    model generator (OMG) for generating
                                                        offline models and the offline model
                                                        executor (OME) for inferring results
                                                        based on models and data.


                  GDB       GNU debugger                The GNU debugger (GDB) is a command
                                                        line debugging tool in UNIX and UNIX-
                                                        like, which can execute programs,
                                                        manage breakpoints, and check values
                                                        assigned to variables as well as call

                  GE        Graph Engine                The Graph Engine (GE) provides the
                                                        graph/operator Intermediate
                                                        Representation (IR) for a set of secure
                                                        and easy-to-use graph APIs. These APIs
                                                        can be called to build a network model,
                                                        and set graphs in the model, operators in
                                                        the graph, and attributes of the model
                                                        and operators.

                  GPU       graphics processing unit    A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a
                                                        specialized electronic circuit designed to
                                                        rapidly manipulate and alter memory to
                                                        accelerate the creation of images in a
                                                        frame buffer intended for output to a
                                                        display device.


                  HCCL      Huawei Collective           Huawei Collective Communication
                            Communication Library       Library (HCCL) provides high-
                                                        performance collective communication
                                                        between servers for the training scenario
                                                        in deep learning.

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Glossary                                                                               1 Glossary

                  Term   Full Name                   Description

                  HDC    host device                 Host device communication (HDC) is a
                         communication               module deployed in both the host and
                                                     device, which implements the
                                                     communication between the host and

                  HDR    high dynamic range          High dynamic range (HDR) is a
                                                     photographic term that describes media
                                                     applications such as digital photography
                                                     and digital audio.


                  I2C    inter-integrated circuit    The inter-integrated circuit (I2C) bus is
                                                     designed to allow easy communication
                                                     between components which reside on the
                                                     same circuit board.

                  IDE    integrated development      An integrated development environment
                         environment                 (IDE) is a software application that
                                                     provides comprehensive facilities to
                                                     computer programmers for software

                  IFU    instruction fetch unit      An instruction fetch unit (IFU) records
                                                     the information about each access to the

                  IPC    IP camera                   An Internet Protocol camera, or IP
                                                     camera (IPC), is a type of digital video
                                                     camera that receives control data and
                                                     sends image data via the Internet.

                  IR     intermediate                An intermediate representation (IR) is
                         representation              the data structure or code used internally
                                                     by a compiler or virtual machine to
                                                     represent source code. An IR is designed
                                                     to be conducive for further processing,
                                                     such as optimization and translation.

                  ISP    image signal processing     Image signal processing (ISP) is used to
                                                     process the output signals of the front-
                                                     end image sensor to match the image
                                                     sensors of different vendors.

                  IVS    intelligent video           Intelligent video surveillance (IVS) is a
                         surveillance                Huawei-developed video surveillance
                                                     system that integrates management,
                                                     storage, encoding, decoding, intelligent
                                                     video analysis, and applications.

                  IMU    I/O board management        -

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Glossary                                                                                  1 Glossary

                  Term      Full Name                   Description


                  JPEGD     JPEG decoder                A JPEG decoder (JPEGD) decodes images
                                                        in JPEG format.

                  JPEGE     JPEG encoder                A JPEG encoder (JPEGE) encodes and
                                                        outputs images in JPEG format.


                  LAN       local area network          A local area network (LAN) is a network
                                                        formed by the computers and
                                                        workstations within the coverage of a
                                                        few square kilometers or within a single
                                                        building, featuring high speed and low
                                                        error rate.

                  LLC       last level cache            The last level cache (LLC) refers to the
                                                        shared highest-level cache, which is
                                                        called before accessing the memory.

                  LPDDR4x   Low-Power DDR4x             Low-Power DDR4x (LPDDR4x) is a
                                                        communications standard designed for
                                                        memories, which feature low power
                                                        consumption and compact design and
                                                        apply to mobile electronic products. It is
                                                        an extension to the LPDDR4 standard.


                  Matrix    -                           Matrix is a general-purpose service
                                                        process execution engine that consists of
                                                        Matrix Agent (running on the host side)
                                                        and Matrix Manager (running on the
                                                        device side).

                  MDC       mobile data center          A mobile data center (MDC) is used for

                  Mic       microphone                  A microphone (mic) is a transducer that
                                                        converts sound into an electrical signal.

                  ML        machine learning            Machine learning (ML) is the scientific
                                                        study of algorithms and statistical
                                                        models that computer systems use to
                                                        effectively perform a specific task
                                                        without using explicit instructions, relying
                                                        on patterns and inference instead.

                  MLL       machine learning library    A machine learning library (MLL) is a
                                                        mechanical learning library that greatly
                                                        improves the performance of the
                                                        OpenCV operator through algorithm
                                                        optimization and NEON instructions.

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Glossary                                                                                 1 Glossary

                  Term   Full Name                   Description

                  MTE1   memory transfer engine      Memory transfer engine 1 (MTE1) copies
                         1                           the memory from an L1 buffer.

                  MTE2   memory transfer engine      Memory transfer engine 2 (MTE2) copies
                         2                           the memory from a DDR SDRAM or an
                                                     L2 buffer.

                  MTE3   memory transfer engine      Memory transfer engine 3 (MTE3) copies
                         3                           the memory from a UB.


                  NIC    network interface           A network interface controller (NIC, also
                         controller                  known as a network interface card,
                                                     network adapter, LAN adapter, and by
                                                     similar terms) is a computer hardware
                                                     component that connects a computer to
                                                     a computer network.

                  NN     neural network              In the field of machine learning and
                                                     cognitive science, a neural network is a
                                                     mathematical model or computing
                                                     model that simulates the structure and
                                                     functions of a biological neural network.

                  NPU    neural-network              A neural-network processing unit (NPU)
                         processing unit             uses the data-driven parallel computing
                                                     architecture and is capable of efficiently
                                                     processing massive video and image
                                                     multimedia data. It is dedicated to
                                                     processing a large number of computing
                                                     tasks in artificial intelligence applications.

                  NV     nonvolatile                 Once data is written to a nonvolatile
                                                     (NV) storage device, the data will not be
                                                     lost even if the system is powered off.
                                                     The original settings are still retained
                                                     upon the next startup.


                  OME    offline model executor      The offline model executor (OME) is
                                                     used to load and infer a converted offline

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Glossary                                                                              1 Glossary

                  Term   Full Name                   Description

                  OMG    offline model generator     The offline model generator (OMG) is
                                                     used to convert a model trained by the
                                                     framework such as Caffe/TensorFlow into
                                                     an offline model supported by Huawei
                                                     Ascend AI processor. This implements
                                                     device-independent pre-processing
                                                     functions such as operator scheduling
                                                     optimization, weight data
                                                     rearrangement, compression, and
                                                     memory usage optimization.

                  OP     operator                    An operator is a symbol that tells the
                                                     compiler to perform specific
                                                     mathematical or logical manipulations.
                                                     Common operators include but are not
                                                     limited to ReLU, CONV, FC, pooling, scale,
                                                     and softmax of AI.

                  OS     operating system            -

                  OTG    On-The-Go                   On-The-Go (OTG) is mainly used for the
                                                     connections between different devices or
                                                     mobile devices for data exchange.


                  PCB    printed circuit board       A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board
                                                     used to mechanically support and
                                                     electrically connect electronic
                                                     components using conductive pathways,
                                                     tracks, or traces, etched from copper
                                                     sheets laminated onto a non-conductive

                  PCIe   PCI Express (peripheral     Peripheral Component Interconnect
                         component interconnect      Express (PCIe) is a high-speed serial
                         express)                    computer expansion bus standard,
                                                     designed to replace the older PCI, PCI-X
                                                     and AGP bus standards. PCIe has
                                                     numerous improvements over the older
                                                     standards, including higher maximum
                                                     system bus throughput, lower I/O pin
                                                     count and smaller physical footprint,
                                                     better performance scaling for bus
                                                     devices, a more detailed error detection
                                                     and reporting mechanism, and native
                                                     hot-swap functionality.

                  PMU    performance monitor         A performance monitor unit (PMU) is a
                         unit                        hardware unit provided by the CPU,
                                                     which can read some performance data
                                                     of the CPU by accessing related registers.

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Glossary                                                                                  1 Glossary

                  Term      Full Name                   Description

                  PNGD      PNG decoder                 A PNG decoder (PNGD) decodes images
                                                        in PNG format.

                  PWM       pulse width modulation      Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a
                                                        method of reducing the average power
                                                        delivered by an electrical signal, by
                                                        effectively chopping it up into discrete


                  RAM       random access memory        It is a type of semiconductor-based
                                                        memory that can be read and written by
                                                        the CPU or other hardware devices. The
                                                        storage locations can be accessed in any

                  RC        root complex                In a PCIe system, a root complex device
                                                        connects the processor and memory
                                                        subsystem to the PCIe switch fabric
                                                        composed of one or more switch devices.
                                                        Similar to a host bridge in a PCI system,
                                                        the root complex generates transaction
                                                        requests on behalf of the processor,
                                                        which is interconnected through a local
                                                        bus. Root complex functionality may be
                                                        implemented as a discrete device, or may
                                                        be integrated with the processor.

                  RGMII     reduced gigabit media       -
                            independent interface

                  Runtime   -                           Runtime runs in the app process space
                                                        and provides apps with functions such as
                                                        memory management, device
                                                        management, stream management,
                                                        event management, and kernel execution
                                                        for Ascend 310.


                  Scalar    -                           A scalar is an element of a field which is
                                                        used to define a vector space. It is usually
                                                        used to indicate a constant.

                  SDK       software development        A software development kit (SDK) is
                            kit                         typically a set of software development
                                                        tools that allows the creation of
                                                        applications for a certain software
                                                        package, software framework, hardware
                                                        platform, operating system, or similar
                                                        development platform.

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Glossary                                                                                  1 Glossary

                  Term     Full Name                   Description

                  SoC      system on chip              System on chip (SoC) is a key technology
                                                       that lowers the cost of ENPs. Huawei
                                                       integrates all packet forwarding functions
                                                       of switch Line Processing Units (LPUs) to
                                                       a chip, implementing flexibility at low

                  SPI      serial peripheral           The serial peripheral interface (SPI) is a
                           interface                   synchronous serial communication
                                                       interface specification used for short-
                                                       distance communication, primarily in
                                                       embedded systems. It enables
                                                       information exchange between the
                                                       microcontroller unit (MCU) and


                  TBE      tensor boost engine         The tensor boost engine (TBE) provides
                                                       APIs for implementing operators using
                                                       Python and C++, and compiles and
                                                       generates CCE operators.

                  TEE      trusted execution           A trusted execution environment (TEE) is
                           environment                 a secure area of a main processor. It
                                                       guarantees code and data loaded inside
                                                       to be protected with respect to
                                                       confidentiality and integrity. A TEE as an
                                                       isolated execution environment provides
                                                       security features such as isolated
                                                       execution, integrity of applications
                                                       executing with the TEE, along with
                                                       confidentiality of their assets.

                  Tensor   -                           Tensor is the main data structure in
                                                       TensorFlow programs. A tensor is N-
                                                       dimensional (where N may be very
                                                       large). A tensor often takes the form of a
                                                       scalar, vector, or matrix. The elements of
                                                       a tensor can include integer values,
                                                       floating point values, or string values.

                  Tops     trillion operations per     Trillion operations per second (TOPS) is a
                           second                      measure of computing capability of the
                                                       CPU, GPU, and NPU.

                  TS       task scheduler              The task scheduler (TS) is used to
                                                       distribute different kernels to the AI CPU
                                                       or AI core for execution.

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Glossary                                                                                  1 Glossary

                  Term     Full Name                   Description

                  TVM      tensor virtual machine      The tensor virtual machine (TVM)
                                                       provides built-in operators and custom
                                                       operators and supports open source
                                                       frameworks such as Caffe and


                  USB      Universal Serial Bus        Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry
                                                       standard that establishes specifications
                                                       for cables, connectors and protocols for
                                                       connection, communication and power
                                                       supply between personal computers and
                                                       their peripheral devices.

                  UART     universal asynchronous      A universal asynchronous receiver/
                           receiver/transmitter        transmitter (UART) is a chip for
                                                       controlling computers and serial devices.
                                                       It provides RS-232C Data Terminal
                                                       Equipment (DTE) interfaces so that
                                                       computers can communicate with
                                                       modems or other serial devices using
                                                       RS-232C interfaces.


                  VCM      video content               Based on Huawei's leading intelligent
                           management                  image processing and big data analysis
                                                       technologies, the video content
                                                       management (VCM) platform provides
                                                       positioning and structured video analysis
                                                       capabilities, high-performance hardware,
                                                       and abundant algorithm integrated APIs,
                                                       effectively improving image-based
                                                       investigation efficiency and service
                                                       collaboration capabilities, and facilitating
                                                       quick case investigation to help ensure
                                                       global city security.

                  VDEC     video decoder               The video decoder (VDEC) decodes
                                                       videos in specific formats.

                  VENC     video encoder               The video encoder (VENC) encodes
                                                       videos in specific formats.

                  VECTOR   -                           Vector operation

                  VPC      vision preprocessing core   The vision preprocessing core (VPC)
                                                       provides capabilities such as image
                                                       scaling, color space conversion (CSC), bit
                                                       depth reduction, storage format
                                                       conversion, and block segmentation and

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Glossary                                                                              1 Glossary

                  Term   Full Name                   Description


                  YUV    luminance-bandwidth-        YUV is a color encoding system typically
                         chrominance                 used as part of a color image pipeline. It
                                                     encodes a color image or video taking
                                                     human perception into account, allowing
                                                     reduced bandwidth for chrominance
                                                     components, thereby typically enabling
                                                     transmission errors or compression
                                                     artifacts to be more efficiently masked by
                                                     the human perception.

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