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DsTau status report 2021 The DsTau Collaboration May 2021 1 Progress since the last one year The progress in the last one year is devoted to the preparation of the physics run, as well as the analysis of the pilot run. The bottleneck of the pilot run analysis has been the computing infrastructure, requiring specific hardware such as a large memory of 256 GB or a GPU. We have increased the data processing capacity within the collaborating institutes and the speed drastically increased. The dedicated decay search targeting the small kinks of Ds → τ decays was developed and is being tested. The 2021 run has been schedule in Sep-Oct 2021. All the components of the run are in preparation. Each of them is reported here. As a collaboration, the structure has been more professionally defined. The MoU among the collaborators and CERN was signed. CERN-SPSC-2021-020 / SPSC-SR-295 2 Pilot run analysis 2.1 Data processing and data quality Processing of the 2018 pilot run data is being done smoothly. For the moment, 16 mod- ules have been fully processed (up to track reconstruction level) and 15 of them have been uploaded to CERN EOS storage system. In June 2020 a new data processing server with 128 GB of RAM, 30 TB of disk space, and GPU was deployed in Institute of Space Science 01/06/2021 (Magurele, Romania) in addition to the two Nagoya/Kyushu working servers. 5.5 data mod- ules have been processed on this new machine up to now. In the last months of last year, computing and storage resources were allocated for our experiment in TRUBA computing center of Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey). After dedicated environment setup and preliminary tests, one full DsTau data module has been successfully processed using the TRUBA resource management system. Also, in March 2021 a new data processing server with 256 GB of RAM, ∼40 TB of network storage space, and GPU was deployed in JINR. Currently, the processed data occupy approximately 90.5% of the 100 TB space allocated for our experiment at CERN EOS. For the rest modules of the 2018 run, it is currently enough storage space in the collaborating institutes (METU, Nagoya/Kyushu, ISS, and JINR). The EOS storage (∼1 PB) for the physics run is to be set up. We intend to explore the possibility of reducing the amount of information to be stored for a long time and better estimate the amount of disk space required for the 2021-22 data. 1
For the purpose of track reconstruction and further data analysis, the whole volume of each module was divided into many (∼500-570) overlapping sub-volumes with sub-areas of 1.7 × 1.7 cm2 size. In some sub-volumes, reconstructed data quality was not good enough because of problems with the positional alignment between films. This usually applied to edge sub-volumes, with the exception of the ones in modules PD24 and PD26. The sub-volumes with low data quality will be reprocessed with optimized alignment conditions. Information of the processed modules is given in Table 1. #Bad rec. Module Processed in Size, TB #All sub-volumes ratio, % PD02 Nagoya/Kyushu ∼6 7.9 PD03 Nagoya/Kyushu, ISS 6.6 8.3 PD04 Nagoya/Kyushu 8.3 20.6 PD05 Nagoya/Kyushu 7.0 13.8 PD10 ISS 4.3 4.4 PD11 Nagoya/Kyushu 5.1 7.1 PD12 Nagoya/Kyushu 4.8 6.7 PD13 ISS 4.4 12.2 PD14 ISS 4.4 6.3 PD16 Nagoya/Kyushu 4.7 12.9 PD18 Nagoya/Kyushu 4.9 19.4 PD19 ISS 6.0 7.2 PD22 METU 6.1 11.6 PD24 Nagoya/Kyushu 4.6 65.6 PD26 ISS 6.2 48.0 PD27 Nagoya/Kyushu 5.4 9.0 Table 1: Information of the processed DsTau data modules of the 2018 run. The first module (PD02) data have not been uploaded to CERN EOS yet. 2.2 MC simulations (FLUKA) Simulation programs based on different packages have been developed and their consistency has been tested. Since Fluka simulator is available in two versions supported by two teams (INFN and CERN versions), we made a comparison of their performance. Here are the results. Track multiplicity distributions from primary proton interactions in the whole detector, including the momentum estimator, are compared (Figure 1). Both generators simulates interactions of the same number (105 ) of initial protons. In Figure 1a for all the daughters produced by primary protons, both simulators give similar distributions. For comparison, the Kolmogorov test is used, in this case the probability having a value of 0.1656. Figure 1b presents only the charged daughters produced by primary protons. Both the distributions show the same behaviour. The Kolmogorov probability is 0.011. Figure 1c is for the neutral daughters. Both the generators model similarly. The Kolmogorov probability is 0.2326. Figure 1d presents the distributions of heavy particles. Both distributions have the same shape, where the Kolmogorov probability is 0.053. 2
All daughters - primary interactions mult_all_INFN Charged daughters-primary interactions mult_ch_INFN 0.022 # # Entries 7722 0.045 Entries 7722 0.02 Mean 68.65 Mean 26.29 RMS 55.58 0.04 RMS 21.31 0.018 mult_all_CERN mult_ch_CERN 0.016 0.035 Entries 7718 Entries 7718 0.014 Mean 68.5 0.03 Mean 24.85 RMS 53.67 RMS 18.76 0.012 0.025 INFN Fluka INFN Fluka 0.01 FlukaCERN 0.02 FlukaCERN 0.008 0.015 0.006 0.01 0.004 0.002 0.005 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Multiplicity Multiplicity (a) All daughters (b) Charged daughters Neutral daughters - primary interactions mult_0_INFN Heavy daughters - primary interactions mult_H_INFN # # 0.035 Entries 7722 Entries 7722 Mean 36.31 0.3 Mean 7.618 0.03 RMS 28.82 RMS 9.968 mult_0_CERN mult_H_CERN 0.25 Entries 7718 Entries 7718 0.025 Mean 36.09 Mean 7.917 RMS 27.62 0.2 RMS 10 0.02 INFN Fluka INFN Fluka 0.15 0.015 FlukaCERN FlukaCERN 0.1 0.01 0.005 0.05 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Multiplicity Multiplicity (c) Neutral daughters (d) Heavy daughters Figure 1: Track multiplicity distributions for primary proton interactions, normalized to the total number of vertices. Results obtained with the INFN version of Fluka is shown in blue, and with the CERN version of Fluka in red. ×10 3 All daughters - primary interactions 220 FlukaINFN # 200 FlukaCERN 180 tan_INFN_Feb21 160 Entries 542204 140 Mean 0.09456 RMS 0.08506 120 tan_CERN_Feb21 100 Entries 531447 Mean 0.0927 80 RMS 0.08492 60 40 20 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 tan(θ) Figure 2: Angular distribution for the daughters from primary proton interactions, the nor- malization is to the number of vertices 3
In Figure 2, the angular distributions of all the daughters resulted from primary proton interactions within the whole detector structure are compared. They are normalized by the total number of vertices. The CERN version of Fluka generates slightly more forward particles, but the difference is minor. Following these checks, we concluded the CERN/INFN versions are equivalent for our use. 2.3 MC simulations (Geant4) Geant4 based simulation of 400 GeV/c proton interactions in the DsTau detector has been developed. This allows us to compare different physics lists in Geant4 as well as external models such as Pythia and EPOS by propagating the generated events in Geant4. The output format is made fully consistent with one used in the Fluka based simulation. Comparison of the charged track multiplicity in primary proton interactions and their angular distributions obtained by different simulation tool are shown in Figure 3. Analysis of the reconstructed data is ongoing. Figure 3: Distributions of number of charged tracks in primary proton interactions (top) and distributions of track angles normalised on the number of interactions (bottom). Only events with 4 or more tracks are taken into account. The latest version of Geant4 (10.7) includes charm physics making possible the charm samples simulation independently for development/update and test of software. The work on charm sample study is in progress — comparison of charm samples produced by Geant4, Fluka and PYTHIA are shown in Figure 4 and the distributions of kinematic variables are in Figure 5. As we can see from the distributions, Geant4 charms production is base on the model different from the one used in PYTHIA and Fluka, which can be used for estimation of systematic uncertainties affecting the signal registration efficiency. The work on primary proton interactions and signal registration study with Geant4 is ongoing. 4
Figure 4: Charm samples produced by different generators in 400 GeV/c proton interactions. Figure 5: Angular and energy distributions of charms produced by different generators in 400 GeV/c proton interactions. 5
2.4 Search for Ds → τ events in the pilot data The topology of Ds → τ events appear as a double kink (kink = charged 1-prong topology) and another charged/neutral topology. The selection criteria for τ → X / charm → X are described in the previous report. The selected events with “two decay topologies” && “one of them with charged decay topology (kink)” are then checked under the hypothesis of Ds → τ → X decays. Since the kink angles at Ds → τ decays are expected to be small (average 7 mrad), the Ds and τ trajectories are likely reconstructed as a single track. Therefore a dedicated algorithm that searches such small kinks using all the segments in reconstructing tracks was developed. It checks possible small kink angles at each plate where the parent tracks of the charged decay topology passed through, calculating track angles before and after the assumed small kink point. The track angles are calculated using positions after the precise alignment procedure described in [1]. The angular resolution depends on the available length of the parent and daughter parts and is shown in Fig. 14 of [1]. For the selection of Ds → τ decays, possible small kinks with kink angle ≥2 mrad are selected. Figure 6 shows one of the example detected by the algorithm. The event has two relatively large kinks (47 mrad and 56 mrad). When the parents of the kinks are checked, one of them express a small kink of 2.9 mrad. The tracks before and after the small kink were originally reconstructed as a single track, but the algorithm successfully identify the kink. The performance of the algorithm, including the background rate, is being checked. Figure 6: Demonstration of the small kink detection algorithm. An event with two large kinks was selected in Data. One of the kink parents has a small kink of 2.9 mrad. In this display, the extension of tracks segments on individual films are drawn using fitted track angles. 2.5 Kinematical analysis for charm candidate events For selected double decays topology events, a consistency with the hypothesis of charm-pair events are tested by measuring momentum of decay daughters by multiple coulomb scattering (MCS). For example, neutral 2-prong decay topology, named N2, can be due to two body decays of Ks0 , Λ0 . They can be identified by Pt valance by two daughters (coplanarity) and the Pt Jacobian peak value (Ks0 : 206 MeV/c, Λ0 : 101 MeV/c), then it’s possible to 6
reject from charm candidate sample. In the case of charged decay topology, charged 1-prong (C1) or 3-prong (C3), decay Pt is larger than the case of hadron interaction with low track multiplicity. We need to measure the scattering at tungsten plates with good angular resolution. The basetrack angular resolution is limited by the optical and mechanical limitation of the readout system (∼2 mrad), resulting in the detectable momentum of a few GeV/c. This is insufficient for our purpose. Instead, we use track positions to define track angles. The plate to plate po- sition alignment is well below 0.4µm, thanks to high energy beam protons penetrating many plates. These protons are used as the reference for the position alignment. By connecting a track positions at a plate and that at 5 plate down stream plate, the angular resolution reaches ∼0.2 mrad. In order to increase statistics of scattering angles measurements, the track should be reconstructed beyond the standard analysis unit of 30 emulsion films. A module has 10 analysis units in the beam direction, 105 emulsion plate in total, but the data processing unit is separated into 30 plates by 30 plates overlapping 10 plates. So, a track should be connected from one reconstruction unit to the next downstream unit until the track vanished. The maximum number of angle differences between a tungsten plate is 10 − n, n is the event happened unit number from upstream in each projection. The scattering can be measured in x,y two projections separately and cross check can be done. A few hundred tracks at most upstream unit are measured their momentum using maximum 9 times MCS scattering measurement at a tungsten plate and resulting ∆p/p ∼15-25% up to 30 GeV/c. The detectable maximum momentum is well covering the expected momentum region of charm daughters and with a good resolution. For events in downstream unit, we confirmed the momentum resolution getting worse as 35-45% but maximum detectable momentum is not changed by using two tungsten plates. Implementation of this method in the standard analysis chain is in progress and we will use the momentum value as a parameter not only for validation but also for event selection. 3 Preparation for 2021 run 3.1 Detector structure We will employ both tungsten and molybdenum plates as proton interacting targets. This is because the Beam Dump Facility is planning to use a proton interaction target made of both of them. The weight density and interaction (radiation) length of molybdenum and tungsten is different. Molybdenum have 53% weight density and 1.5 (2.7) × longer interaction (radiation) length with respect to tungsten. In order to make compatible proton interactions, 1mm molybdenum plates and 0.5mm tungsten plates are used for each target module respectively. An analysis units is composed of a target plate, 10 emulsion and 9 plastic spacers. A detector module is made as 10 analysis units followed by momentum analyzer. In the pilot run and the experimental proposal, we put a lead-emulsion ECC as mo- mentum analyzer just after the 10 units of tungsten target and emulsion tracker to perform kinematical analysis (Figure. 8). However it was found that the track density in the ECC part quickly increases due to electromagnetic shower components (Figure. 9), which made read- out by the scanning system difficult (it is possible to scan but we needed a special treatment 7
Figure 7: An example of a track’s angle difference vs. number of tungsten plates: root mean square of angle differences and number of tungsten plates between two angles are plot with momentum fit line. Left plots a),c) show x-projection, right plots b),d) show y-projection. Top a),b), momentum fit by each projection. Bottom c),d), momentum fit by X-Y combined with likelihood method. Looking at the vertical axis at the number of tungsten plate equal zero represent nearly the angular accuracy and the value ∼ 0.2 to 0.3 mrad. (slightly affected by MCS at emulsion and plastic plates.) of these films). While as mentioned previous subsection, the analysis of pilot run show the momentum measurement by tungsten emulsion tracker units itself have comparable momen- tum resolution and measurable momentum is even higher. Therefore, we propose a change of the detector structure as shown in Figure 8 on the bottom. This allows to scan the films in the momentum analyzer with the standard scanning, but also maintains the momentum measurement performances. The comparison of the momentum measurement performance is summarized in Table.2 3.2 Emulsion film production A large scale emulsion gel production facility has been established in Nagoya University and operating since 2020. Figure 10 shows an electron microscope photo of the produced silver bromide crystals. The emulsion sensitivity was obtained by exposing the produced emulsion to several tens MeV electrons at the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility (Okazaki, Japan), measuring ∼ 50 grains per 100 micron for minimum ionizing particles (Figure 10-right). This 8
Figure 8: Detector Structure : top) Original detector structure , Lead Emulsion ECC is followed after 10 tungsten emulsion tracker units. bottom) New design, 3 additional Units is followed as momentum analyzer for events happened in down stream Units. Figure 9: The progress of the Track density along beam direction : Geant4 estimation for progress of track density for different detector structures. One with 12.5 units corresponds to the newly proposed detector structure. Plate no.1 to 105 is Analysis units and plate 106 to the end is plates for momentum analyzer. W (Mo) represent tungsten (molybdenum) analysis unit. Top histogram shows all the track, while bottom is limited by angle within 0.1 rad respect to the beam direction. 9
Original: lead emulsion ECC New: additional tungsten units Structure 25 1mm lead, 26 emulsion plates 3 0.5mm tungsten, 25 emulsion plates Momentum 20 - 40% (upstream ev.) 15 - 40% (upstream ev.) resolution 20 - 40% (downstream ev.) 35 - 45% (downstream ev.) Weight 15.0 kg 2.4 kg Table 2: Comparison of original and new structures of the momentum analyzer. Left: original lead emulsion ECC. Right: new proposed design, adding two tungsten analysis units to the main analysis module. The momentum resolution is similar each other. is sufficient for the detection of minimum ionizing particles in 70 µm of emulsion layer. The unit amount of the gel production per shift is equivalent to 7 m2 . Figure 10: Left: Microscopic view of silver bromide crystals. Right: β-ray tracks in the emulsion layer. The produced gel is then to be shaped into films (70 µm emulsion layer deposited on both sides of 210 µm plastic base). A semi-automated film production facility has also been set up in Nagoya University (Figure 11-left). The commissioning of the production in winter 2020 was resulted in a nonuniform emulsion thickness, as shown in Figure 11- center. However, improvements were applied in the pouring procedure and the quality of films became satisfactory level, as shown in Figure 11-right. Originally, we aimed to add an additional layer of 1 µm gelatin to protect the emulsion surface from mechanical damages (so-called the protection coat). However, this feature has not been implemented yet. This will turn into an additional “cleaning” process after film development (more human work), but will not affect physics performance (the pilot runs were done without the protection coat). The gel/film production has just started since May 17th . Due to the COVID pandemic, the man power of the production is limited to the Japanese people. Even travels within Japan by employees of Japanese Universities are partly prohibited or not recommended, therefore the production largely relies on the people in Nagoya University and Aichi University of Education. The production speed is currently two batches per week, corresponding to 14 m2 /week. The production is planned during May-June. A total film will be about 100 m2 or 2000 25 cm × 20 cm films. The necessary shifters per week (= a production of 14 m2 of emulsion films) was estimated from the first weeks of mass production and shown in Table 3. The currently, 20 shifters are needed to produce 14 m2 . This value would decrease by time 10
by improving efficiency of each task (but not less than 14 shifters). Figure 11: Left: Film production facility. Center: An early produced film with stripe patterns on the emulsion surface. Right: Improved film quality. Ready for mass production. Task # shifters per week Approx # of shifts Preparation of additives 2 shifters × 2 hours 1 Gel production 2 shifters × 8.5 hours × 2 days 4 Gel finalization 2 shifters × 8 hours 4 Plastic-base pre-coating 2 shifters × 6 hours 2 Coating 3 shifters × 8 hours × 2 days 6 Cutting 3 shifters × 7 hours 3 Sum shifts per week (=14 m2 ) 20 shifts / week Table 3: Required shifters, from the experiences of the first weeks of mass production. 3.3 Emulsion facility at CERN The CERN emulsion facility in B. 169 has historically been used by several experiments since 1980s, such as CHORUS, OPERA, AEgIS, medical applications and test beams, as well as DsTau and SHiP. Demands for this facility are increasing due to three approved experiments, namely NA65/DsTau, FASERν and SND. DsTau will run in 2021 and 2022. FASERν and SND will run in 2022-2024. The time sharing among three experiments is a big challenge. The three experiments made a common request to the LHCC and SPSC to refurbish the emulsion facility, which was then supported by the LHCC. The main requests are an additional space for emulsion processing, and infrastructures, such as access control, air conditioning, chemical storage and disposal etc. The plan of actions is advanced thanks to the CERN local staffs, Richard Jacobsson and Jamie Boyd. The modifications (implementation of card key access and breaking a part of walls between rooms) will be performed mostly in this year, avoiding the DsTau’s physics run period. 3.4 Detector assembling The emulsion films, target plates and plastic films will be assembled in the dark room. The number of components exceeds 250 pieces. In order to align them with a decent precision, an assembling support was built with three alignment pins (Figure 13-left). The assembled 11
Figure 12: Emulsion facility, current (left) and requested (right). module will then be vacuum packed to fix the alignment by the atmospheric pressure, as shown in Figure 13-right. (The final alignment will be done by using the 400 GeV proton track data with a sub-micro-metric resolution.) Figure 13: Assembling support with a dummy module (left) and a vacuum packed dummy module. 3.5 Target mover Due to the change of emulsion film size, the target mover used in the pilot run cannot be used in the physics run. A target mover used in the J-PARC E07 experiment (Figure 14-left) was provided by the E07 collaboration to the DsTau collaboration, which is being adapted for DsTau. Basic operation tests of the mover were successfully done. The proton beam counter and dedicated control for the DsTau’s data taking is being finalized. The target mover will be shipped to CERN from Japan in mid June (50 days expected), well in advance to the physics run starting from 22nd Sep. 3.6 Beam time estimation and operation plan As shown in Figure 15, the beam time has been scheduled in Week 38 - 40, namely from Sep 22nd to Oct 6th , at the H2 beamline. A tentative schedule of the exposure campaign is given in Table 4. 12
Figure 14: Target mover (left) and control schematics (right) Figure 15: Beam schedule week dates people actions W35 Aug 30 - Sep 5 3 Bern/Chiba group to setup the dark room facility W36 Sep 6 - 12 3 Setup dark room facility, commissioning of target mover W37 Sep 13 - 19 6 Arrival of DsTau shifters, start assembling detector W38 Sep 20 - 26 8 Start of beam time, beam tuning, exposure W39 Sep 27 - Oct 3 8 Exposure W40 Oct 4 - 10 8 Exposure , start development W41 Oct 11 - 17 3 Development W42 Oct 18 - 24 3 Development W43 Oct 25 - Nov 6 3 Development Table 4: Tentative schedule 13
4 Collaboration 4.1 Management structure Although DsTau is a small collaboration, it has all the attributes of a CERN experiment. During the last year, the Memorandum of Understanding between CERN and participating institutions has been prepared and signed by all the sides. Also all collaboration bodies: Institutional Board, Executive Committee, Speakers and Publication Committee were estab- lished and act as intended. The web site devoted to the DsTau experiment - na65.web.cern.ch had been created. It provides the general information on the experiment, news, plans etc. Also it has the internal part were useful technical documentation is being stored. 4.2 Conferences The status and prospect of the experiment have been reported in conferences. Although the most of 2020 conferences were cancelled or performed online due to the covid-19 pandemic, the DsTau collaboration have been represented in five important conferences like ICHEP, NEUTRINO and DIS. References [1] Shigeki Aoki et al. DsTau: Study of tau neutrino production with 400 GeV protons from the CERN-SPS. JHEP, 01:033, 2020. 14
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