Page created by Ruth Patel


                                      March 2022

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                                                                                                                                          March 2022

   table of contents

WHERE BIG IDEAS COME TO LIFE ............................. 02


ITEMS TO FIND AT THE SHOW .................................... 18


      Pet Age
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                                Glenn A. Polyn
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                            WHERE BIG IDEAS
                            COME TO LIFE
                            Global Pet Expo can help you build,
                            grow your business.
                            BY ANDREW DARMOHRAJ, CAE

         fter months of preparation and         leaving you with actionable takeaways that          trolley that runs a loop through the
         anticipation, APPA and PIDA            make a real difference in your businesses.          exhibit hall is a great way to cover a
         are excited that Global Pet Expo           Global Pet Expo will also have a digital        lot of ground quickly.
2022 has finally arrived. We look forward       component this year. All exhibitors and          3) Shop show specials. Many exhib-
to welcoming retailers, distributors,           buyers will be able to log in and continue          itors offer price and/or volume
importers and pet industry experts from         participating and interacting digitally after       discounts, rebates with a purchase,
around the world to Orlando. Our trade          the in-person portion ends. Users can               waived or reduced minimums, free
show team has been hard at work making          see products, make appointments, access             shipping and more. Search exhibi-
sure this year’s event is the best yet. From    education and more, extending the value             tors in the mobile app and discover
opportunities to discover new products          of the show even further.                           new products to grow your key
and trends, learn from experts about what           As always, we are looking forward to            categories, expand your customer
it takes to succeed and network with            the New Products Showcase. Make sure                base and differentiate yourself from
industry peers, we are confident you will       to stop by this dedicated area of the show          competitors.
leave Global Pet Expo energized with new        floor to see hundreds of debut products          4) Learn. Take advantage of ourfree
relationships, tools and ideas to continue      and designs, and don’t forget to cast your          Global Learning Series sessions.
building your business and growing              vote for the New Products Showcase                  The sessions are designed to reflect
throughout the remainder of the year.           awards in your official show app. We will           sound adult learning principles
And we thank you for your diligence to          also host a series of 15- to 20-minute              and the best thinking in the field.
health protocols to ensure everyone can         education sessions from the New Products            Pre-show sessions featuring some of
safely enjoy the show.                          Showcase stage. Other specialty sections            the show’s most popular speakers
     Many of you may wonder what’s new          include The Natural Pet, Everything                 take place on Tuesday afternoon and
since our last in-person show. First, we are    Aquatic, The Boutique and What’s New!               continue through Friday.
excited to be in the south concourse of         These areas can be helpful for anyone            5) Connect in-person and online. The
the Orange County Convention Center,            looking for specific products or trends.            power of face-to-face interactions
a new location for us. Investments in this      Read on for five tips to help you get the           is one of the biggest benefits of
year’s show include an improved layout,         most out of Global Pet Expo 2022:                   attending the show. Network with
easier to navigate floor plan, simplified        1) Do your homework. Search online                 industry thought leaders, share ideas
registration process, Map Your Show                 profiles at, then             with other experts and reconnect
online directory and planning tools,                schedule an appointment with any                with peers. Follow along and engage
an enhanced mobile app and upgraded                 exhibitors that are of interest. You            with the show on its official social
services on-site. We hope these upgrades            can do that through the matchmak-               channels using #GlobalPetExpo.
and additions will further enhance your             ing platform on              You may even see your content
Global Pet Expo experience.                         Watch a product demo video or                   featured on our channels!
     We are also especially excited eager           review product brochures on their              On behalf of everyone at APPA and
for the Global Learning Series. These               online profile to make sure you are         PIDA, enjoy the show! PA
business-focused, education sessions are            armed with all available knowledge
traditionally one of the most beneficial            ahead of the event.                          Andrew Darmohraj is executive vice
aspects of Global Pet Expo. This year’s                                                          president and chief operating officer
                                                 2) Be efficient. Use the new Map Your           at American Pet Products Association
Learning Pathways include the Retailer              Show online directory and planning           (APPA). He has been with APPA since
Success Series; Market and Data Insights;           tools and enhanced mobile app, as            1997. He oversees all aspects of APPA’s
Retail Market Tour; and Paws2Learn                  well as the show’s website, to sched-        day-to-day operations including
Mini-Sessions. Each of the more than 40                                                          membership, accounting, and the
                                                    ule appointments and stay up-to-             marketing communications and public
sessions is designed to give exclusive access       date on all the opportunities taking         relations department which promotes
to experts on industry trends, business             place throughout the show. The               APPA’s mission, its members and the pet
strategy and leadership development,                                                             products industry.

2 | March 2022         Pet Age
This is the functional,
 crunchy treat cats deserve!

               treats support
                 clean teeth                          Easy to Digest
irresistibly                         functional       high quality protein as first ingredient
   tasty                            nutrition in
                                    every bite        Functional Ingredients
                                                      to support digestive, heart, and skin & coat health

  only 2 Calories                                     Prebiotics & Probiotics
     per treat                perfect size            support overall gut health
                           for cats & kittens

                                learn more:

Global Pet Expo exhibitors share show specials, other buyer opportunities.
                                                    BY GLENN A. POLYN

      t’s been two years since the pet       pet care community. The following            products found on the shelves of some
      care community has gathered            companies shared with us what they’ll        of the top retailers in America. AWF is
      for Global Pet Expo in Orlando,        have to offer attendees who visit their      a leader in sustainable forestry products
      Florida. While much has changed,       booth during the 3-day trade show.           for homes, pet owners and businesses
many things have remained the same.                                                       of all kinds. AWF’s customers count on
Produced by the American Pet Products        AMERICAN WOOD FIBERS                         the brand for delivery of quality, clean
Association (APPA) and Pet Industry              American Wood Fibers (AWF) looks         and contaminant free products that are
Distributors Association (PIDA),             forward to Global Pet Expo attendees         green and renewably resourced. Good
Global Pet Expo continues to be the          who visit at booth 752 to see the            for people. Good for pets. Good for the
premier international gathering that         brand’s full line of PetsPick small animal   planet.
connects pet product manufacturers,          bedding products, including the new,
importers, retailers, thought leaders and    sustainably sourced, natural, bright         ARK NATURALS
creative minds.                              white, ultra-lightweight PetsPick Paper         Once again, Ark Naturals is
    In place of virtual meetings and         Pellets. Ask for Amy or Julie.               launching innovative and differentiated
digital interactions, pet brands will have       PetsPick creates, manufactures           products demonstrating and validating
in-person discussions with retailers,        and distributes a wide assortment            their leadership position in dental
distributors and other members of the        of branded pet bedding and animal            innovation for pets. This year’s

4 | March 2022        Pet Age
            STOP BY BOOTH #658 TO FIND OUT HOW


                                     POWER TO THE PUP!™
Visit to learn more
about our patented products.

innovation excitement is squarely           company has created two distinctive           ORIJEN Wet Cat, a premium
centered on ensuring dogs of all            brands that speak to two different        cat pâté made of 95 percent quality
chewing types have a dental                  customer groups: Natural Cravings        WholePrey animal ingredients and
chew specifically designed                    USA is exclusively sourced and packed   topped with visible shreds of animal
for their individual                          in the U.S.A. and Barking Buddha        protein in a nourishing bone broth.
chewing                                         Pet has a variety of origins but          ACANA Wet Cat, a premium cat
tolerance. Soft                                     always staying sustainable and    pâté rich with 85 percent quality animal
Shield is the                                            grass-fed.                   ingredients like beef, chicken, tuna,
only soft                                                         Natural Cravings    lamb and salmon.
baked dental                                                      USA sources             On top of these exciting new
chew on the                                                            everything     products, Champion’s team has
market                                                                      in the    developed new food and treat products
today.                                                                                for ORIJEN and ACANA in 2021
It is                                                                                 that will be highlighted at the show:
                                                                                      ACANA High Protein Biscuits,
                                                                                      ACANA Freeze-Dried Food, ACANA
                                                                                      Healthy Grains, ACANA Rescue
                                                             U.S.A.,                  Care for Adopted Dogs, ACANA and
                                                       and this process starts        ORIJEN Premium Wet Dog Food,
                                                     with U.S. livestock then         ORIJEN Guardian 8, ORIJEN Kitten,
                                            continues with manufacturing and          and ORIJEN High Protein Dog
carefully crafted for those pets that are   packaging in the brand’s warehouse in     Biscuits.
delicate chewers. This 5-in-1 soft baked    Homestead, Florida. The brand offers
chew stops plaque and tartar before         single-ingredient products such as its    COLLAR COMPANY
they start and works from the inside        famous Monster and Super Monster              COLLAR Company’s goal is to
out increasing protective antibodies in     bully sticks and chews. The entire        provide its customers and partners
the saliva to form a protective barrier     line is slow roasted in human-grade       with the easiest way to learn about the
on teeth. Extreme Clean is on the           ovens to guarantee high quality while     brand’s innovative pet products. The
other end of the Hardness Scale and         maximizing flavor for your four-legged    brand’s state-of-the-art booth (booth
is designed to be longer lasting. These     fur friend.                               2605) will be showcasing its NASA21
once-a-week, deep cleaning chews are            Barking Buddha has curated a          collection, which is approved by NASA
longer in shape and wider in diameter       great line of healthy treats that begin   and includes collars, leashes, harnesses
than the brand’s Original Brushless         with grass-fed and free-range South       and clothes. This collection is the only
Toothpaste, and they offer deep ridges      American livestock. This process          pet product line that has been approved
for extreme cleaning. This shape allows     continues with the brand’s USDA-          to be on NASA’s official website.
pups to “hold” the chew and makes           approved manufacturing process and            Visitors to booth 2605 will also
them great for more abrasive scraping       packaging. As for organic grooming        discover WAUDOG (leather, nylon and
of plaque and tartar from hard to reach     products, Buddha Bubbles is proudly       waterproof accessories), EVOLUTOR
places like back molars.                    manufactured in the U.S.A., offering      (the most durable collar and leash with
    Ark Naturals is also unveiling          top quality grooming for all dogs’        a global lifetime warranty), AiryVest
its Denta-Meter Hardness Scale, which       puppies to seniors with sensitive to      (the lightest dog jacket in the world),
the brand created to help pet parents       normal skin to various skin issues.       WAUDOG Re-cotton (dog accessories
choose the right dental chew for their                                                made from recycled cotton), WAUDOG
pup. Every dog’s dental needs are           CHAMPION PETFOODS                         Smart ID (pet tags with QR passports
unique, and now they have an option             Champion Petfoods is excited          and unique designs) and Ring-Shaped
on what hardness is appropriate for         to reunite with its valued retail and     WAUDOG Leash (named Product
their specific chewing tolerance.           distributor partners at the show and      of the Year 2020/2021 award by PET
                                            showcase three new products:              Worldwide).
BARKING BUDDHA/NATURAL                          ORIJEN Amazing Grains, which          Puller, a dog fitness tool, will also
CRAVINGS                                    features 90 percent premium animal        be showcased at Global Pet Expo.
    Natural Cravings Pet Treats is a        ingredients, the highest animal content   COLLAR Company will also
family-owned and operated company           in any ORIJEN dry dog food recipe,        demonstrate its newest products that
dedicated to making healthy and             as well as a super-premium grain blend    have entered the U.S. market, including
delicious treats, chews and bully sticks    of quinoa, millet, chia, oat groats and   the WAUDOG Reflective series (collars
that your pets will love to eat. The        whole oats to support digestive health.   and clothes), ergonomic patch for

6 | March 2022        Pet Age
collars and smart ID tags with QR           means that hundreds of thousands of         Trout & Whitefish Recipe for dogs
passports. Visitors and pet partners will   plastic fasteners aren’t go back into the   and cats: the latest introduction from
learn more about COLLAR Company’s           environment.                                the premium, variety-driven line of
licensees at its booth. Originally                                                      artisan recipes that features a blend of
designed WAUDOG products will               DUCKYWORLD                                  trout, whitefish and whole grains as
be demonstrated for the first time at           This year at Global Pet Expo,           well as Miscanthus grass as an alternate,
Global Pet Expo.                            Yeowww! Catnip is all about fun.            functional fiber source to promote
                                            Founded in 1997, Duckyworld will            consistent stools and bowel regularity.
DISTINCTLY HIMALAYAN                        be celebrating its 25th Anniversary             New Diner Classics, a collection
    As a partner to Distinctly              this year and are looking forward to        of six stews, pates and canned entrees
Himalayan’s best-selling Karma Cat          reconnecting with its customers at          for dogs inspired by well-loved 1950’s
cat toy line, the company is excited to     the show. The company has partnered         comfort diner cuisine and formulated to
launch its new Dharma Dog line of           with Sterling Davis, known as the           be nutritionally complete and balanced
dog toys at Global Pet Expo. This wool      “Trapking,” to educate and entertain        to be fed exclusively or in rotation with
blend allows dog’s teeth to sink in all     attendees. Davis will be at the             other Fromm canned and dry diets.
the way to the gums. Coarse wool fibers     DuckyWorld Products/Yeowww! Catnip              Fromm Catastroni Stews for cats: a
have jagged edges to scrape away food       booth 2644 from 1 to 3 p.m. March           series of canned stews in four mouth-
and plaque. It features safe, non-toxic     24. As a former professional rapper and     watering flavors: Chicken & Vegetable
dyes and there are no synthetic fibers      one of the only African American cat        Stew, Lamb & Vegetable Stew, Salmon
that may be harmful if ingested.            rescuers in the nation, Davis has taken     & Vegetable Stew and Turkey &
    Dharma Dog Karma Cat is also            his mission of humanely controlling         Vegetable Stew.
excited to introduce new branding and       cat overpopulation into the national            Fromm Pop’etts, a new line of
packaging. This new branding will more      spotlight. He has been featured for his             cracker snacks for dogs featuring
impactfully reflect the handmade nature     lifesaving work on the Drew Barrymore
of the brand’s products, and also its       Show, Netflix’s Cat People, the Today
commitment to sustainability and fair       Show, the Washington Post, The
trade. Pet owners are incredibly well       Dodo and many more. Davis will talk
informed when it comes to brands, and       about the importance of cat enrichment
cynical in all the right ways. Gone are     as well as perform some cat raps, to
the days of simply greenwashing. The        showcase his work in feline
informational landscape has moved           rescue. He lives and breathes
beyond soundbites and spin; substance       his motto: You don’t lose
is king. Dharma Dog Karma Cat is            cool points for compassion.
all about transparency. The brand’s             Yeowww! Catnip plans
approach to its products and marketing      to release a new product at the
is the same. Be straight-forward, honest    show, Yeowww! Catnip Buds.
and use every day to learn and get better   The brand will also showcase
at what it does.                            its newest toys: Pineapple and
    Sustainability and fair trade have      Kitten Mittens.
been part of the brand’s core principles
from the time it was founded. For           FROMM FAMILY FOODS
Dharma Dog Karma Cat, sustainability            Fromm Family Foods is a
means that the brands leave as minimal      fifth-generation family owned-
a mark on the planet as possible. Fair      and-operated business dedicated to
Trade means its entire production chain,    the health and nutrition of animals.
from the farmers it buys its wool from      Each Fromm product is made with
to the artisans and even the people         the finest ingredients in one of three
who ship its products, are part of a        family-owned manufacturing facilities
cycle that improves their lives. Product    in Wisconsin and sold exclusively
packaging is the perfect example of         at neighborhood pet stores across
this. It is biodegradable, and the brand    North America. Visit booth 3209 to
goes so far as to tie its toys to their     learn more about the full collection
header cards with natural fiber twine,      of food and treats along with new
and not plastic. This both provides         introductions including:
employment for less skilled workers and         Fromm Four-Star Nutritionals

                                                                                            March 2022           |7

four unique flavors including: Chompy      Guardian portfolio and you have more        All “memopet” products are battery-
Chees, Banana Peanut Butter Buster,        than a “must-see,” it’s a “must-have.”      free and have MyFamily signature
Crispy-Airy Cranberry and Kickin’                                                      features like soft, fur resistant “Pelostop”
Chicken Liver.                             INABA                                       fabric, lining every harness and collars
                                                Inaba is deeply rooted in a family     adorned with an ID tag holder and
GUARDIAN PET FOOD COMPANY                  tradition of excellence that has            “Always Ready D-Ring,” which stands
    In addition to showcasing its newly    continued for generations. Since 1958,      at attention making it easier to attach
patented (USPTO #11,206,852)               pet parents have entrusted the brand        a leash. Available in eight bold colors:
NOBL Canine Food Bars and our              with the privilege of providing food        black, electric blue, dark blue, brown,
award-winning Dog Almighty Elixir          that is high-quality, nutrient rich         orange, red, green and pink, memopet is
supplements, Guardian will be featuring    and guarantees feline fun. Inaba is         truly extraordinary.
the NOBL VISIBLES dog treat line.          committed to the future of feline health        Of course, plenty of new ID tag
With only three ingredients, these 100     while recognizing that food is one of       designs will also be presented. The Basic
percent all-natural, freeze-dried treats   life’s greatest joys for people and pets.   Handmade collection has been updated
are sure to become your dog’s favorite.         Inaba will be unveiling several new    with new stylish epoxy filled colors,
No artifiical colors, no synthetic         products at Global Pet Expo, including      pronounced edges and a MyFamily
ingredients. VISIBLES are animal based     Churu Stews. Perfect for all ages (kitten   pictogram that enhances their classic
(Beef, Chicken or Salmon) with visible     to senior), simply tear open a pouch        beauty. The Style collection is made
chunks of vegetables.                      and pour out the delicious mix of gelée     up of camouflage, in green, pink and
    The company’s primary focus at         and meat/cheese. Use as a side dish, a      blue that look great on their own, but
the Global Pet Expo, however, will         complement to a meal, a dry cat food        match perfectly with the brand’s West
revolve around supporting independent      topper or a special treat.                  Point collars and leashes, and Pied de
retailers. Besides “Show Only” sales            For dogs, Inaba will be presenting     Poule, a tribute to that famous fabric
specials, the spotlight feature will be    Mega Churu. Water is very important         of the 1960s which is sure to make you
the new “Lift & Learn” Displays and        when it comes to a dog’s nutrition.         feel nostalgic. The colorful Rainbow
Endcaps. These are interactive units       Dogs naturally lose water throughout        collection, shaped in bones, circles
that will inform and educate both retail   their daily activities. That’s why it is    and hearts, represents peace, joy and
associates and consumers alike. In         essential to not only give them access to   love without boundaries. Finally, the
addition to Guardian assets, they can      fresh drinking water but to supplement      appetizing Food collection, 16 iconic
be customized with                         their hydration with high moisture          things people love to eat and drink, are
store specific                             treats. Inaba makes snack time fun for      presented at their best. From pizza and
information,                                             you and your furry friends.   burgers, ice cream, popcorn, sushi and
graphics,                                                                              beer, they will all leave you smiling and
coupons and                                             MYFAMILY
                                                           MyFamily, the               your mouth watering.
more. Add in                                                                               MyFamily also will be unveiling
the ability                                            innovative leading
                                                    manufacturer of pet specialty      Techla XL, its latest self-service
to display                                                                             engraving machine. Featuring an
the entire                                       accessories, will be introducing
                                                 plenty of exciting new ideas          18.5-inch vertical LCD touchscreen,
                                                  and products at booth 1409.          intuitive user interface and integrated
                                                    The first is “memopet,” an         modular display that is designed to
                                                     innovative collection of high-    enhance the customer experience,
                                                     quality nylon collars, leashes    increase visibility, and improve ID tag
                                                     and harnesses containing an       sales. The unique XL display panel
                                                    NFC chip that allows them          design provides flexibility as retailers can
                                                   to become virtual data bases.       configure its shape and size to fit any
                                                  Health, wellness and other           spatial requirement, also making it able
                                                 important information about           to easily expand for additional ID tag
                                                your pet can now be stored,            designs and complementary products
                                                     managed and shared via            like myfamily premier collars, leashes,
                                                           smartphone with just        and harnesses to be added.
                                                                 a tap of a buckle     NULO
                                                                  on any memopet           Nulo is proud to introduce our
                                                                product and            newest line of functional treats for
                                                            “memopetID” app.           cats — a health & wellness-focused

8 | March 2022       Pet Age
Global Pet, Booth 1858


Dharma Dog Pure Wool Toys are
Fun Dogs Can Sink Their Teeth Into
Your dog can sink their teeth into our pliable wool toys, all the
way to the gums. Coarse wool fibers have jagged edges to
scrape away food and plaque. We use safe, non-toxic dyes and
there are no synthetic fibers that may be harmful if ingested.

line designed to provide cats with the     dogs. Its aroma and flavor tempt picky     are able to attend the show in person or
enrichment they crave in the form of a     and stressed dogs to eat their kibble      not. Promotions will begin the first day
crunchy better-for-them snack. Nulo’s      or simply add to food or water for         of GPE and run through the end of day
nutritional philosophy extends to all      hydration and palatability support.        on April 6.
of its product lines and has a critical        Another newly launched product,            The distributor’s oversized booth
role in allowing the brand to balance      NutriSource SuperStars Training            will be positioned by the Food Court
nutrition with the needs of both pets      Rewards, are pocket-friendly, nutritious   and have a comfortable lounge area
and owners. Nulo cat treats are made       and low-calorie, making them great for     with couches and tables for retailers
with a high proportion of protein from     frequent rewards. These treats feature     to take a break. Walls and signage will
animal (vs. plant) sources, are low in     meat-rich, protein dense recipes that      don its new branding and logo, as well
carbohydrates and contain grain-free       have no corn, wheat, soy or potato. But    as a large selection of its top selling
low-glycemic carb sources and they         these treats also offer an even greater    products. You’ll be greeted by familiar
each contain functional ingredients that   benefit; 100 percent of profits from       faces as well as some new additions to
target health and wellness solutions,      the sale of NutriSource SuperStars are     the sales team, who will invite you to
like improving gut, heart and skin and     donated; helping families, children        visit the newly improved e-commerce
coat health. As carnivores, acceptance     and pets facing hardships — making         website which has recently undergone a
of these high-meat treats by cats is       NutriSource SuperStars a nutritious        variety of functional upgrades. Be sure
naturally very high. And with just         treat with a purpose.                      to drop a business card in one of the
two calories per treat coupled with                                                   contest boxes to win an endcap of free
an active-lifestyle approach, Nulo can     PET PALETTE DISTRIBUTION                   products at the end of the show.
help pets in the battle against feline         Maryland-based national wholesale
obesity and other weight-related issues.   distributor Pet Palette Distribution       P.L.A.Y.
Nulo’s crunchy cat treats are available    has several surprises planned for its          Visit booth 1840 to learn how
in three functional recipes, including     independent retail store-inspired layout   P.L.A.Y. is continuing to develop new
Digestion, Heart Health, and Skin &        at booth 261, including two official       toy collections, beds and other exciting
Coat formulas.                             brand launches that are so new and top-    additions to the special products
    Nulo Soft Chew Supplements for         secret, the names have not been shared     consumers and retailers have come
Dogs are designed to enhance your          yet. The company has guaranteed these      to love. Make traveling with your
dog’s health and wellness beyond what      new products will draw some major          customers’ best friend easy. Get your
core nutrition provides. With more         attention from passers-by. Other new       cameras out and watch as dogs are
than 40 scientifically supported active    brands that will be featured               transported around the globe to iconic
ingredients and five solution-focused      include American-made                      landmarks with the new Totally Touristy
formulas, including Calming, Immune,       SodaPup and Plato Pet                         Plush Toy Collection featuring three
Mobility, Omega and Probiotic, the         Treats, who will only                                   popular tourist attraction
brand’s Soft Chew Supplements are          be viewable at                                              shaped toys including
suitable for puppies, adults and senior    Pet Palette                                                    the Statue of Liberty,
dogs. Since supplements are only as        Distribution’s                                                    Golden Gate
good as what’s inside them, get to         GPE booth,                                                           Bridge and
know Nulo’s ingredients and the many       in addition to                                                          Eiffel Tower.
benefits they have to offer.               Yeowww and
NUTRISOURCE                                    Pet Palette
    NutriSource is excited to be           Distribution will also be
showcasing two new products driven         rolling out new product line
by innovation, both in product             extensions from several
and mission. The newly launched            of its existing top brands
NutriSource Come-pooch-a is the            at the show, including
brand’s first product in the topper        Zippy Paws, VIP Products,
category with a unique twist. Inspired     Outward Hound, the highly
by kombucha, Come-pooch-a is a             anticipated Glow Plush
savory meaty bone broth topper that’s      from Spunky Pup, and this
packed with activated postbiotics from     year’s hot new apparel styles
fermentation product, that thrive in       from GF Pet. Show specials
the gut and promote a healthy gut          from over 50 brands will be
ecosystem for digestion support in         available, whether retailers

10 | March 2022        Pet Age
P.L.A.Y.’s customers have been         the Brew Biscuits better highlights         product additions in each category
asking for smaller versions of its best-    and explains the sustainability behind      including the following items:
selling plush toy collections. The brand    repurposing spent grain — a brewery’s           Cleaning: Messy Pet? New Severe
started by shrinking down its Garden        No. 1 waste product — into dog treats       Mess Stain & Odor (Advanced)
Fresh and American Classic lines and        and why it is beneficial for dogs and the   Solutions for Dog & Cat (35 ounce).
now will be debuting two new mini-          environment.                                And new Outdoor Urine & Odor
sized collections, Barking Brunch and                                                   Destroyer (with hose attachment) for
Party Time. These toys may be smaller       PROJECT HIVE PET COMPANY                    Concrete & Turf (32 ounce).
in size, but they still pack the same           Project Hive Pet Company sells              Grooming: Stinky Dog? New
amount of fun, construction and cool        innovative, interactive made in the         “Happy Puppy” fragrance for its
features as the original sized versions.    U.S.A. dog toys and treats with a           Probiotic Grooming Collection
     P.L.A.Y. will also unveil a fun toy    mission to save the bees. Why bees?         (featuring a 2-in-1 Shampoo +
collaboration coming soon with Earth        Bees are essential to food supply and a     Conditioner, Detangler & Deodorizer
Rated. Dogs and humans alike will get       sustainable future for pets, people and     spray).
to enjoy a playful food tour of Montréal    the planet.                                     Wellness: Itchy Pet? New Probiotic
through four iconic and appetizing toy          The brand’s toys are distinguishable    Paw Spray (preventative solution for
designs, which will celebrate the home      by their unique shapes and color.           keeping paws happy and healthy).
of Canadian cuisine and the Earth           The honey bee-inspired design                   Flea + Tick: Got Fleas? New
Rated office. In line with P.L.A.Y.’s       language — the cute and recognizable        Award-winning Natural Flea + Tick
other plush toys collections, all toys      honeycomb and hexagonal shapes              Collection, featuring Shampoo, Dog
will also feature the same hand-made        — ties into the brand’s bee-saving          & Home Spray, Yard Spray (in an
craftsmanship, eco-friendly PlanetFill      mission. Their bright yellow color          amazing fragrance that smells like fresh
filler made from 100 percent post-          makes them easy to find (for both dogs      peppermint and cedarwood).
consumer certified-safe recycled plastic    and humans). Made of thermoplastic              Training Aids: Bad Behavior? New
bottles, AZO-free dyes and 100 percent      elastomers, they are flexible yet durable   Natural & Preventative Training Aids
machine-washable and dryer-friendly.        and can be recycled and ground              including Super Sour.
                                            into new toys. They are non-toxic,              Global attendees also can learn
PORTLAND PET FOOD COMPANY                   BPA-free, dishwasher-safe, bounce           more about the brand’s successful “Paw
     Portland Pet Food Company (booth       erratically and float. They are             Pledge” program (Buy a Bottle, Feed an
1155) will be featuring some exciting       also multifunctional: The ball can fit      Animal), which has donated more than
innovation alongside its line of fresh,     in a ball thrower; the disc is a soothing   10 million meals to rescue pets to date.
human-grade Homestyle Meals, which          lick mat on the other side, helping to
can be used as a topper, mixer or           soothe anxiety; The Hive Fetch Stick        SQUAREPET
rotational meal. Unlike most human-         and Hive Chew Toys have internal                SquarePet will be showcasing its
grade options for dogs, these meals         cavities that snugly fit Hive Chew Stick    expanded line of VFS (Veterinarian
are shelf-stable for two years, contain     Treats for extended play.                   Formulated Solutions) formulas at
no additives or preservatives and are           Project Hive Pet Company’s co-          booth 1603. VFS is a line of premium
entirely sourced and made in the U.S.A.     founder, Jim Schifman, will be ready        solutions based nutritional diet options
     The brand also will be launching       to greet and tell attendees more about      made with only the highest quality
its line of cat SKUs. These cat meals       the terrific line of toys and treats,       and responsibly sourced ingredients.
are made similarly to the original          and what’s on the horizon for new           The line has been designed and created
Homestyle Meals for dogs; they are          products. Show Special: Orders placed       by SquarePet’s team of veterinary
human-grade, sourced and made in the        during the show will receive a 10           professionals including a board-certified
US.A., and are designed to be used as       percent discount.                           veterinary nutritionist and PhD animal
a complement to a cat’s regular food.                                                   nutritionists to provide a portfolio of
The difference for the cat meals is how     SKOUT’S HONOR                               premium and all-natural solutions-based
they are designed to be nutritionally           Skout’s Honor will be showing off its   diet options to help support a dog’s
appropriate for cats — with a higher        expanded booth (booth 450) with more        individual needs.
inclusion of moisture, taurine and          space to showcase its extensive product         VFS’s ability to meet these needs
protein to best fit a cat’s natural diet.   collections in Cleaning, Grooming,          stems from the SquarePet nutritional
     Finally, Portland Pet Food Company     Wellness, Flea + Tick and Training Aid      philosophy of pairing premium high-
is excited to share its packaging re-       categories. The brand is particularly       quality ingredients with solution
design for Brew Biscuits, which are         excited about seeing customers and          based veterinary style nutrition — a
made with upcycled spent grain from         colleagues again in-person and having       combination that’s never been available
local breweries. The new design for         the opportunity to introduce new            until now. VFS offers premium

                                                                                           March 2022           | 11

solutions based nutritional options            morsels are formulated as a complete       to the environment, the packaging
that support the needs of individual           and balanced nutrition for dogs and        of the Science Selective range is fully
dogs including VFS Active Joints,              cats. To add a boost or raw nutrition,     recyclable.
VFS Skin & Digestive Support, VFS              Stella & Chewy offers Meal Mixers              Multi-award-winning small
Ideal Digestion, VFS Low Phosphorus            and Stella Solutions. Simply mix with      pet brand Tiny Friends Farm was
Formula and VFS Low Fat Formula.               the pets’ kibble or other food to make     launched over 20 years ago. It offers
    SquarePet is driven by a                   mealtime more exciting and nutritious.     fantastic value for money whilst not
commitment to continuous                       Low calorie and high protein, the          compromising on quality. Developed
improvement and innovation, is made            freeze-dried treats such as Carnivore      by nutritional experts, TFF is made
up of pet industry professionals,              Crunch and Wild Weenies are a great        with high quality natural ingredients
veterinarians, nutritionists, and              training incentive. Stella & Chewy’s       for optimum digestive health. This
manufacturing experts to supply new            Magical Dinner Dusts can be sprinkled      wholesome fun range including Russel
and reimagined nutritional formulations        over the top of the food to entice picky   Rabbit and Gerty Guinea Pig provides
unique to the pet food industry.               eaters. These freeze-dried options are     pets with nutritionally balanced diets
                                               available in a variety of responsibly      and is trusted by owners to meet their
STELLA & CHEWY’S                               sourced unique proteins.                   pet’s specific needs.
     The mission at Stella & Chewy’s is to         Come meet the Stella & Chewy’s             To support sales of both brands,
help pets and pet parents thrive through       pack at booth 620 to learn more about      Supreme is launching new consumer
the love of raw. The brand shares in           the power of raw and what the brand        marketing campaigns for 2022. The
its desire to provide the best possible        has to offer.                              Science Selective campaign focuses
nutrition and strive to be pet parents’                                                   on vet recommended science-based
first choice in premium raw pet food,          SUPREME PETFOODS                           nutrition, emphasizing the specific
the best choice for keeping pets feeling           At Global Pet Expo this year,          nutritional needs of each individual
loved, happy and healthy. The dog and          Supreme will be showcasing its popular     stage of a pet’s life. Bold, eye-catching
cat food and treats are exclusively sold       Science Selective and Tiny Friends         branding attracts customer attention
in pet specialty stores.                       Farm (TFF) ranges, two of the strongest    and new lifestyle photography directly
     The company believes in the power         performing brands in the small pet         connects owners to their pets and
of raw which is why it includes raw in         food sector. The company                   the Selective brand.
its kibble. Stella & Chewy’s offers both       will also be launching its
Raw Coated and Raw Blend kibbles all           new consumer marketing
made in its own kitchens. Raw Coated           campaigns for 2022 which
kibble uses its high protein kibble, and       will further support the
is then coated with its irresistible freeze-   sales of these renowned and
dried raw. Raw Blend kibble features           successful brands.
the raw coated kibble with added pieces            As the widest range of
of its freeze-dried raw mixed in. All          veterinary recommended
kibbles are made in the U.S.A. and use         species-specific foods
responsibly sourced animal proteins            for small pets, Science
and ingredients. The brand never uses          Selective supports
artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.   optimum digestive
The kibbles are available in grain-            health and meets the
free and grain inclusive formulas and          unique nutritional
varying different proteins to help fit the     needs of small
unique needs of each pet.                      animals. The range
     For additional benefits of raw Stella     is developed by
& Chewy’s also offers Freeze-Dried             veterinary experts
Raw dinner patties, mixers, treats and         and nutritionists,
dinner dusts. The freeze-dried format          meaning it is trusted by
is the most convenient way to feed raw.        owners and receives high
It is formulated to mirror a dog or cat’s      customer brand loyalty.
ancestral diet and packed with nutrients       Lifestage diets (junior, adult,
and responsibly sourced proteins. It is        mature) ensure that the pet’s
minimally processed, shelf stable, and         exact nutritional needs are
features meat as the No. 1 ingredient.         met throughout life. In line
Freeze-Dried dinner patties and dinner         with Supreme’s commitment

12 | March 2022         Pet Age

The Tiny Friends Farm campaign             Shampoo for a radiant and lustrous            and FDA compliant and recyclable
focuses on the fun TFF characters for      coat, unscented EZ Derm Facial and            through the Join the Loop program. All
greater emotional engagement to the        Tear Stain Wipes and a fruity-scented         products have been tested for Toughness
products. Marketing materials directly     Puppy Tearless Shampoo.                       and backed by West Paw’s Love It
communicate the high quality, value            A therapeutic grooming line, the          Guarantee.
for money messaging. For both product      Swederma Keto-C product group                     Unique as a seashell, the Seaflex toys
ranges, retailers are supported with a     features a fresh cucumber melon scent.        all have different swirl patterns within
full range of brand specific advertising   It also includes the unscented antiseptic     a single colorway to visually conveys
and POS materials including                wipes for the topical management of           the variable nature of the material flow
educational leaflets, posters, free food   skin conditions. Among the scented            within each molded shape. This was
samples and voucher schemes to             products are ear cleaner drops that are       intentional in its product design, as the
encourage customer loyalty and repeat      safe for daily use, antibacterial and         color mixes within the machine, they
purchases.                                 antifungal shampoo, skin spray to             produce infinitely unique and beautiful
                                           nourish the skin and further control          color combinations making each toy
SWEDENCARE                                 irritation, and wound flush for the           unique to its 4-legged owner.
    Trusted for its premium Proden         topical cleansing of puncture wounds,
PlaqueOff dental care products for dogs    lacerations, abrasions and superficial        YUMMY COMBS
and cats, Swedencare has expanded          skin infections on dogs and cats.                 It’s ingenious. It’s revolutionary.
into the pet grooming care arena. The                                                    Shape makes the difference. The next
company’s new grooming assortment          WEST PAW                                      generation of dog treats-today. You’ve
of Lyxvara luxury skin and coat                Seaflex is West Paw’s new eco-            got to see it to believe it. Visit booth
shampoos and wipes, in tandem with its     venture. Made from an exclusive blend         1504 for a free sample of Yummy
Swederma lineup of Keto-C therapeutic      of reclaimed and recycled ocean-              Combs, an innovation that is the result
applications for special skin and coat     bound plastic and zero-waste Zogoflex         of a select few minds with records of
needs, will make their public debut at     material, this collection of pet toys and     success and dedication to helping pets
Global Pet Expo 2022. Swedencare will      feeding accessories saves plastic from        live a happier, healthier and extended
showcase the new grooming products         winding up in our oceans. Millions            life thereby providing more love and
from both lines at booth 4909.             of tons of plastic head for the ocean         enjoyment for owners. This includes
    A moisturizing grooming line,          every year — bad news for the planet          creative individuals with an aggregate of
Lyxvara includes a pina colada–scented     but thanks to a collaboration with            over 100 years in the pet industry and
product grouping that incorporates         Oceanworks, West Paw is safely and            some of the industries’ most innovative
oatmeal and aloe into its soap-free        responsibly sourcing ocean-bound              products.
shampoo and EZ Derm cleansing              plastic from threatened coastal areas in          Shape is the major innovative
wipes. The shampoo                         Central America and making them into          component of Yummy Combs with six
formulation contains                       things dogs love.                             issued patents and three more pending.
emollients to restore                          The Seaflex collection is made up         The shape is designed to address two
natural moisture to                        of four dog toys: Sailz, Drifty (in two       major issues of dogs — gulping and
the skin. Other                            sizes), and Snorkl as well as a no-slip       reducing and removing dental calculus.
products in the                                dog bowl and doggy placemat. Like         Yummy Combs are designed to provide
pure luxury                                         Zogoflex, Seaflex is safe and        360-degree flossing and scrubbing to
Lyxvara line                                                         non-toxic:          the gum lines. The thin wall design
for both dogs                                                             BPA-free,      helps Yummy Combs to dissolve rapidly,
and cats include                                                           phthalate-    but more importantly the hexagonal
Bright                                                                     free,         shape is designed to deter gulping as the
Whitening                                                                  latex-free,   treat is larger than the opening of the
                                                                                         oropharynx. If fed as recommended, the
                                                                                         dog cannot gulp the product without
                                                                                         first chewing. The revolutionary shape
                                                                                         is then packed with 44 percent protein
                                                                                         and 12 special wellness ingredients to
                                                                                         provide sources of all required amino
                                                                                         acids, vitamins and minerals for a dog
                                                                                         to survive and thrive. It is low in starch
                                                                                         to deter obesity — the No. 1 nutritional
                                                                                         issue of dogs. PA

14 | March 2022        Pet Age

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HIGHLIGHTS                              INABA Foods: Rooted in Tradition
                                        INABA was established in Japan in 1805 by Yoshizo Inaba, who
                                        commercialized the production of dried bonito. This continued
2012                                    into the next century, when fth-generation owner, Sakutaro
Churu Launched in Japan                 Inaba, started a cannery in 1936 in Yui Shizuoka, where the
                                        company’s head of ce is currently located. In 1948, INABA
                                        FOODS CO., Ltd. was established.

                                        In 1958, INABA began exporting pet food to the United States
2016                                    and Italy. Since then, pet food production has continued to
INABA Foods (USA) Inc. is established   expand for the next six decades. In 1988, INABA launched an
                                        original, 100% Japanese domestic pet food brand based on the
                                        concept of “Freshness and Affection.” The brand gained popu-
                                        larity instantly and remains the #1 premium cat food in Japan.
                                        The last decade has seen the introduction of INABA’s original,
Churu for Dogs introduced               creamy puréed cat treat- Churu, the expansion into the US with
                                        the establishment of INABA FOODS (USA) Inc. in 2016, and in
                                        2022, INABA breaks ground on its rst US domestic pet food
                                        processing plant in Atlanta, Georgia.
First US Domestic TV advertisements                           Churu Grain-Free, Lickable Purée Cat
                                                              Treat, 0.5 ounces per tube, 50 count,
                                                              Tuna & Chicken Variety
                                                                                       #1 Bestseller:
Construction begins on US factory
                                                                                     2020 and 2021
Inaba Foods produced its first pet product in 1958.
                Since then we have been producing high quality pet products made with carefully selected human grade ingredients.

For more information, visit                           or contact us at

                                                            DENTA-METER HARDNESS SCALE
                                                            Ark Naturals’ Denta-Meter Hardness Scale lets you choose the
                                                            correct dental chew from soft to hard, thanks to the new Soft
                                                            Shield and Extreme Clean products. Soft Shield is the world’s first
GLO-MARR KENIC                                              soft baked dental chew; it works using antioxidant power. The
KENIC shampoos have been soap and detergent-                opposite of that is Extreme Clean, which provides a longer-lasting,
free since the 60’s. This cool retro packaging is           intense deep cleaning – even in hard-to-reach places.
a return to the company’s roots. Made in the
U.S.A., the grooming line includes Pink Pup the   
original 1965 for deodorizing and degreasing;
Purple Pooch & Purr Pet that moisturizes dry skin                                  WORLD’S BEST CAT LITTER
and coats as it cleans; Mellow Mutt & Meow, with                                   More and more cat-loving consumers are
lemongrass aromatherapy to calm and deep-                                          looking to ditch the sweeping and clay dust.
clean your pet, and Bow Wow Blue to whiten                                         That’s why World’s Best Cat Litter created Low
and brighten. These shampoos contain no harsh                                      Tracking and Dust Control — the naturally
chemicals                                                                          safe choice for a clean cat, box and home.                                                                    Made with larger granules of super-absorbent
                                                                                   whole kernel corn, this multiple cat litter is
                                                                                   tested and proven to reduce tracking and
                                                                                   virtually eliminate dust. Finally, a safe and
                                                                                   sustainable litter that lasts longer and stays
                                                                                   where it should — in the box.

                                                 SKOUT’S HONOR FLEA & TICK LINE
                                                  The Flea & Tick line is complete with Flea
                                                  + Tick Shampoo, Dog + Home Spray and
                                                 Yard Spray to help pet parents effectively
                                               rid of pests naturally. Powered with natural
                                                   peppermint and cedarwood oils, which
                                                      makes everything smell amazing, the
                                                  collection is easy to use and offers long-
                                              lasting results to kill fleas, ticks, larvae/eggs
                                                and repel mosquitos, while remaining safe
                                                              for your pets, home and yard.
Techla XL is the latest innovative
engraving system designed by
MyFamily. This new machine features a
high definition 18.5-inch touchscreen,                                                  DHARMA DOG TOY
easy to use interface and an integrated                                                 Dharma Dog pure wool and hemp twist
modular display designed to make                                                        toys are fun toys that your dog can sink
a significant visual impact in stores                                                   their teeth into, all the way to the gums.
while improving the customer                                                            Coarse wool fibers have jagged edges
shopping experience and increasing                                                      to scrape away food and plaque. The
the sale of ID tags.                                                                    company uses safe, non-toxic dyes and
                                                                                        there are no synthetic fibers that may be                                                                     harmful if ingested.

18 | March 2022       Pet Age
                                                                      Yummy Combs are made wide
                                                                      with thin walls to floss and
                                                                      scrub teeth 360 degrees to the
                                                                      gum line and deter gulping.
                                                                      It’s a complete and balanced
                                                                      treat designed with a board-
Square Pet’s VFS line includes premium solutions based
                                                                      certified veterinary specialist in
nutritional diet options made with only the highest quality and
                                                                      dentistry and nutrition. Safety, oral
responsibly sourced ingredients. The line has been designed
                                                                      care and wellness are the heart of this
and created by SquarePet’s team of veterinary professionals
                                                                      groundbreaking, high protein dog treat.
including a board-certified veterinary nutritionist and PhD
animal nutritionists to provide a portfolio of premium and  
all-natural solutions-based diet options to help support a dog’s
individual needs.

                                              TRISHA YEARWOOD DOG TREATS
                                              These healthy dog biscuits act as dog training treats, gourmet dog treats,
                                              and grain-free dog biscuits. With the variety pack, try out all three of
                                              the delicious, all-natural flavors. You can feed your pup a tasty dog treat
                                              without sacrificing their health. All of the dog biscuit flavors are made
                                              from 100 percent natural ingredients and packed with nutrients and flavor.

                                                                                        March 2022           | 19

Shipping now, Fromm Family Foods’ Diner canned food for dogs are inspired
by the 1950s dining scene and are formulated to be nutritionally complete and
                                                                                    NOBL CANINE FOOD BARS
balanced and feature a savory assortment of premium meats and vegetables.
                                                                                    NOBL Canine Food Bars are 100
Diner Cans will be available in pâté, stew and gravy forms with a total of six
                                                                                    percent complete and balanced
tasty flavors to choose from.
                                                                                    nutrition for everyday feeding or                                                            on-the-go. They are shelf-stable and
                                                                                    freeze-dried, with a caloric density of
                                       USA BULLY STICKS                             at least 5,000 kcal/kg of metabolized
                                       Natural Cravings USA Bully Sticks are the    energy. They contain no artificial
                                       thickest in the country. They are dense      ingredients, supply vitamins or
                                       and long-lasting chews that are single-      minerals via fruits and vegetables and
                                       ingredient, unbleached with no added         aren’t heat-extruded. NOBL food bars
                                       chemicals or preservatives. They are pure    are scored for easy portion control;
                                       beef muscle making them the perfect          each of the five segments feeds five
                                       chew to aid in your dog’s dental health,     pounds of dog weight for the entire
                                       they are 100 percent digestible and          day. With total digestibility of 90
                                       perfect for power chewers. They range        percent and 93 percent, you’ll be
                                       in size from five inches, six inches to 12   picking up a lot less too.
                                       inches and thickness from Steer Sticks,
                                       Monsters, Super Monsters to Big Daddy’s.

Now dogs everywhere can travel the globe
to iconic landmarks with P.L.A.Y.’s new
Totally Touristy Plush Toy Collection.
These popular tourist attraction-
shaped toys feature amusing sounds,
interactive features and are ready for
any photo-op. Available in two sizes
(extra-small and medium), toys are
machine washable and sold in case
packs of five.
                                                                                    VANILLA MINT BEEF CHEEKS
                                                                                    Vanilla Mint Beef Cheeks from Barking
                                                           NUTRISOURCE              Buddha come in a variety of sizes, from
                                                           SUPERSTARS               chips to slices, both small and large,
                                                           NutriSource SuperStars   to small and large rolls. They are long
                                                           Training Rewards         lasting and much easier to digest,
                                                          Treats are a nutritious   making them a great alternative to
                                                          treat with a purpose.     rawhide. They are rich in collagen
                                                          One hundred percent       and full of delicious flavor. They also
                                                           of profits are donated   are additive free, chemical free and
                                                           to benefit families,     preservative free. Barking Buddha
                                                      children and pets facing      uses a natural cleaning method and a
hardships. These pocket-friendly, nutritious and low-calorie treats are available   slow baking process, so these chews
in chicken, beef, bacon and cheddar flavors, featuring meat-rich, protein dense     preserve their natural beef flavor.
recipes that have no corn, wheat, soy or potato.                                    Now in Vanilla Mint, these treats are a                                                         refreshing dental chew that will keep
                                                                                    your dog begging for more.

20 | March 2022        Pet Age
                                                          Blue Buffalo believes in feel-good treating that builds the
                                                          bond between pets and pet parents. Through Blue Buffalo’s
                                                          wide variety of tasty treats, pet parents can upgrade their
                                                          treating, bringing fun and excitement to their pet while
                                                          providing them with purposely chosen, high-quality,
                                                          natural ingredients, all combining to create the ideal
                                                          bonding moment.

                                           We research the next
                                            big thing – so you
                                              don’t have to.
Seaflex from West Paw is a collection
                                                   Shop 2022’s hottest products on
of eco-friendly dog toys and feeding      
accessories made from an exclusive
blend of reclaimed and recycled
ocean-bound plastic and zero-waste
Zogoflex material. By collaborating
with Oceanworks, West Paw can safely
and responsibly source ocean-bound
plastic from threatened coastal areas
in Central America and make them into
things dogs love.

Inaba’s Grain-Free
Chicken Stews
start with 100
percent natural
chickens and
contain no grains,
preservatives or
artificial colors.
Each pouch contains a healthy serving
of chicken broth gelée mixed with
flakes of chicken, dolphin-safe tuna,
salmon or bits of cheese. With vitamin
E, 88 percent moisture to help aid with
feline hydration and 21 kcal per pouch,
these are a healthy, low-calorie treat
you can feel good about feeding your
cat. Perfect for all ages of cat.                                Visit us at Global Pet Expo Booth #261
                                 • 410.795.4444 •

                                                                                March 2022          | 21

                           ACANA WET CAT
                           New ACANA premium pâté cat food is rich
                           with 85 percent premium animal ingredients
                           and comes in six recipes: Beef, Chicken & Tuna,
                           Chicken & Fish, Lamb & Lamb Liver, Salmon &
                           Chicken, Tuna & Chicken and a Chicken & Tuna
                           kitten recipe. Served in a delicious bone broth for
                           a great source of moisture, ACANA wet cat food
                           nourishes felines completely.

                                                                                 PROJECT HIVE PET COMPANY
                                                                                 This line of made in the U.S.A. dog
                                                                                 toys and treats is from Project Hive Pet
                                                                                 Company, a Minneapolis-based public
                                                                                 benefit company with a mission to
                                                                                 save the bees. Its interactive toys and
                                                                                 treats work together to provide a fun,
                                                                                 engaging experience for dogs. Give
                                                                                 your customers the power to purchase
                                                                                 with a purpose.

      DOg’s                Dogs. They're
                                       're called "man's best friend" for a
                           reason. But our goal—like yours—is to be "dog's

      BEsT                 best friend." We do this by making things dogs
                           love. You know, anything that goes along with
                           jumping, running, walking, fetching, tugging,
                           chewing, roughhousing, snacking, napping,             ORIJEN AMAZING GRAINS
                           cuddling, and playing. And we want the fun to         New ORIJEN Amazing Grains is packed
                           go on... and on... and on.                            with 90 percent premium fresh or
                                                                                 raw animal ingredients, more than
                           That's why we guarantee every product. We'll          any other ORIJEN dry dog food and
                           replace or refund any product that doesn't live up    includes a super-premium grain blend
                           to your customer’s standards. We also care about      of quinoa, millet, chia, oat groats and
                           how we make the things dogs love. After all, we       whole oats that help support dogs’
                           want our best friends to be safe and healthy.         digestive health. Available in five
                                                                                 recipes: Original, Regional Red, Six
                           In stock and ready to ship                Fish, Puppy and Puppy Large.
                           Find us at Global Pet Expo—Booth 814        

22 | March 2022       Pet Age
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