Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016

Page created by Jamie Sanchez
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
Glenwood Springs,
Parks and Recreation Master Plan
November 2016
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
                                      Mayor and City Council
                                     Mayor: Mike Gamba
                   Mayor Pro‐Term: Todd Leahy     Steve Davis
                            Stephen Bershenyi     Matt Steckler
                              Kathryn Trauger     Leo McKinney

                                     City Manager: Debra Figueroa
                                 Interim City Manager: Andrew Gorgey
                                     Finance Director: Charles Kelty

                             Parks and Recreation Commission
                               Lawrence Heinrichs             Sheldon Emery
                                  Andrew Mueller              Chelsea Parkison
                                     Bill Coleman             Harrison Coley

                                          River Commission
                                      Ryan Davis              Ashley Moffatt
                                 Jeremy Heiman                Patrick Murphy
                                  Tommy Hilleke               Richard Neiley
                                 Andrea Holland               Bob Noone
                           Brendon Langenhuizen

                                   Parks and Recreation Staff
                               Parks & Recreation Director: Tom Barnes
                                       James Main       Staci Andrassy
                                   Jessica Hawkins      Kiev Andrassy
                                      Yvette Baker      Karstin Moser
                                         Lew Grant      Barb Park
                                     Matt Kraemer       Mike Cain
                                  Nate Mohrmann         Lisa Moreau
                                       Al Laurrette     Cristi Newton

                                           Consultant Team
                                                GreenPlay, LLC
                                                 DHM Design

                      For more information about this document, contact GreenPlay, LLC
        At: 1021 E. South Boulder Road, Suite N, Louisville, Colorado 80027, Telephone: 303‐439‐8369

Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                                i
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................. 1
   Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
   City of Glenwood Springs Overview ................................................................................................ 1
   Planning Process Summary.............................................................................................................. 1
   Key Issues and Recurring Themes ................................................................................................... 2
   Maintenance Assessment ................................................................................................................ 2
   Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 2

II. The Master Planning Context .................................................................................................. 3
    Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
    Glenwood Springs ............................................................................................................................ 3
    Project Understanding ..................................................................................................................... 3

III. Demographic Profile and Trend Report .................................................................................. 5
    Glenwood Springs Population and Demographic Trends ................................................................ 6
    Current Trends ............................................................................................................................... 15
    National Demographic Trends in Recreation ................................................................................ 17

IV. What We Want: Community Involvement ........................................................................... 21
   Community Survey ........................................................................................................................ 22

V. What We Have Now – Facilities and Services ........................................................................ 25
   Facility Condition Assessment ....................................................................................................... 25
   Program Development .................................................................................................................. 26
   Funding Resources ......................................................................................................................... 28

VI. Strategic Business Plan ........................................................................................................ 33
   Purpose of this Plan ....................................................................................................................... 33
   Business Concept ........................................................................................................................... 33
   Market Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 35
   Benchmarking ................................................................................................................................ 35
   Cost Recovery ................................................................................................................................ 35
   Performance Measures ................................................................................................................. 39
   Areas for Improvement ................................................................................................................. 43
   Strategic Focus Areas..................................................................................................................... 43
   Strategic Business Plan Recommendations ................................................................................... 43
   Alternative Revenue Source and Other Financial Opportunities .................................................. 46

VII. Master Plan Recommendations .......................................................................................... 49

        ii                                                                                                          Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
List of Tables
Table 1: 2016 Glenwood Springs General Demographic Profile ......................................................... 5
Table 2: Glenwood Springs Housing Statistics ................................................................................... 11
Table 3: 2016 Estimated Household Income Comparison ................................................................ 12
Table 4: Estimated Household Spending on Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Activities – ................ 17
Table 5: Benchmarking Facilities ....................................................................................................... 39
Table 6: Glenwood Springs Membership Sales and Revenue 2013‐2015 ......................................... 39
Table 7: Glenwood Springs Registration/Participation 2014‐2015 ................................................... 40
Table 8: Glenwood Springs Community Room Usage 2014‐2015 ..................................................... 41

List of Figures
Figure 1: Glenwood Springs, Colorado Population Growth Trend ...................................................... 6
Figure 2: Population Age Distribution: 2010 to 2021 .......................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Glenwood Springs Racial and Ethnic Character 2010 to 2021 ............................................. 7
Figure 4: Racial/Ethnic Character Comparison – City to State ............................................................ 8
Figure 5: 2016 Estimated Educational Attainment of Glenwood Springs Adult Residents Ages 25+ . 9
Figure 6: 2014 Educational Attainment of Young Adults Ages 18 – 24 ............................................. 10
Figure 7: 2014 Educational Attainment & Annual Income of Residents Age 25+ ............................. 11
Figure 8: Distribution of Average Annual City Household Income by Category ................................ 12
Figure 9: Employment by Industry in Glenwood Springs – 2016 ...................................................... 13
Figure 10: Employment by Occupation of Glenwood Springs Residents – 2016 .............................. 14
Figure 11: Household Participation in Outdoor Recreation Activities .............................................. 16
Figure 12: Presence of the Three Largest National Generational Groups in Glenwood Springs ...... 18
Figure 13: Sports Participation Rates by Generation 2014 ............................................................... 18
Figure 14: Glenwood Springs Cost Recovery Pyramid ....................................................................... 36
Figure 15: Glenwood Springs Cost Recovery Percentage Compared to National Average ............... 37
Figure 16: Per Capita Comparison ..................................................................................................... 38
Figure 17: Glenwood Springs Rental Revenues ................................................................................. 41
Figure 18: Glenwood Springs Cost Recovery by Facility 2013‐2015 .................................................. 42

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                                                        iii
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
I. Executive Summary
The City of Glenwood Springs provides a comprehensive
                                                               “The Glenwood Springs Parks and
Parks and Recreation system that greatly contributes to the
                                                               Recreation Department strives to be a
quality of life in the City and the surrounding areas of
                                                               visionary organization—one that
Garfield County. The Parks and Recreation Department is
                                                               becomes a benchmark for other
currently guided by the 2006 Parks and Recreation Master
                                                               organizations, one that impresses its
Plan. In order to strategize for the future of this valuable
                                                               customers the first time and every
Parks and Recreation system, the Department began a
                                                               time with customer service, and one
planning process to develop this Parks and Recreation
                                                               that empowers its employees so they
Master Plan Update. Development of the plan took place
                                                               embrace responsibility, ownership,
from March 2015 to November 2016, and included a public
                                                               and accountability...We Take
input process, services inventory and analysis, park inventory
and level of service analysis, needs assessment, operational
and maintenance analysis, and financial analysis, all in
support of the Department’s Vision Statement. The Master Plan provides the framework to respond to
the evolving needs of this unique community.

City of Glenwood Springs Overview
Glenwood Springs is a dynamic and growing community of 10,229 residents located 180 miles west of
Denver on Colorado’s western slope of the Rocky Mountains. Incorporated in 1885 and consisting of 4.8
square miles, the city sits at the confluence of the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers at an elevation of
5,763 feet, and is immediately surrounded by steep‐sided mountains that rise to an elevation of over
8,400 feet.

Planning Process Summary
A project team, which included City staff and commission members, has guided this project, providing
input to the consultant team throughout the planning process. This collaborative effort creates a plan
that fully utilizes the consultants’ expertise and incorporates the local knowledge and institutional
history that only community members can provide.

Document Review included:
    City of Glenwood Springs Comprehensive Plan.
    2006 Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan.
    Transportation Plan as it relates to active transportation (bike, pedestrian, trail) and connectivity
      for the park and open space system.
    Recent community surveys conducted by the City (responses relative to parks, recreation, open
      space, and trails).
     Budget  information, fund descriptions, and calculation formulas.
    Other adopted plans, concepts, data, and documents necessary to complete the Evaluation,
      Research, and Analysis portion of the Plan and provide consistency.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                    1
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
Tasks included:
     Community/stakeholder engagement and community survey.
     Facility condition assessment.
     Trends and demographic analysis.
     Strategic business plan analysis and development.
     Recommendations: goals, objectives, and action plan.

Key Issues and Recurring Themes
During the initial stages of the project and review of the 2006 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
recommendations, some key issues were identified for focus around the following aspects of service
     Maintenance of facilities and amenities.
     Organizational management.
     Programs and service delivery.
     Cost recovery and funding.

Maintenance Assessment
General maintenance program protocols should focus on:
    Areas where the irrigation was spotty and in need of adjustment as exhibited in many of the
    Standardization of trash receptacles, as there is a mismatch with some bear proof receptacles
       and some not at all locations.
    Improved signage to help with wayfinding.
    Continued maintenance to repair broken or overgrown paths.
    Addition of dog stations and bike racks, particularly at Sayre Park.
    The restroom facility at the athletic fields in Sopris Park.
    General weed maintenance and selection of mulch materials to reduce ongoing upkeep.

After reviewing the 2006 Parks and Recreation Master Plan recommendations and analyzing the findings
of the public engagement process, facility inventory, and level of service analysis, a variety of
recommendations are still relevant or have emerged to guide improvements to parks, recreation, and
cultural amenities in the City of Glenwood Springs. Recommendations have been suggested to enhance
the quality of service through maintenance and improvements to facilities and amenities, financial
opportunities, and improved programming and service delivery, as well as organizational efficiencies.
Details are provided in Section VII.

     2                                                                    Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
II. The Master Planning Context
Many of the issues confronting the Parks and Recreation Department are not new. Many have been
around, identified in previous planning processes, and considered for years, some for decades. Many
have been successfully addressed and resolved, while others remain, waiting for solutions that can find
the balance between opportunity and financial feasibility, and community support. This Parks and
Recreation Master Plan is truly an update. It builds on the foundation established by the 2006 plans. The
vision, and many of the recommendations proposed, can be found in the previous plans. Some aspects
of this update are new and reflect recommendations and actions that have not previously been
identified or adopted. Of particular interest with this master plan update is an analysis of the existing
and future Parks and Recreation Department budget needs for parks, trails, recreation programs,
community center operations, and other recreation facilities. All of the components of the Parks and
Recreation Master Plan update have been developed with a variety of public input techniques and have
been confirmed, and in some cases re‐confirmed, by the public and city leadership.

Glenwood Springs
Throughout its history, Glenwood Springs has been known for its medicinal hot sulfur springs that
continue even today to draw tourists from around the world. In addition, Glenwood Springs is a
commercial center for the region. Its location at the intersection of Interstate 70 and State Highway 82,
makes it a convenient location for larger businesses that cater to the communities of the Colorado River
Valley (Parachute, Rifle, Silt, New Castle) as well as the resorts (Aspen, Snowmass) and resort‐related
communities of the Roaring Fork Valley (Carbondale, Basalt, El Jebel). It is also the seat of Garfield
County, home to a regional medical center, and supports a campus of Colorado Mountain College.

Finally, Glenwood Springs is a long‐standing community in its own right, with a rich historical legacy and
a population of year‐round residents. Because tourists and residents alike value Glenwood Springs for its
scenic beauty and quality of life, the community and its elected officials are presented with the
challenge of how to preserve and maintain these cherished attributes in the face of increasing
commercial and residential development pressures.

Project Understanding
The City of Glenwood Springs desired a facilitated process to update its 2006 Parks, Recreation, Open
Space, and Trails Master Plan, providing a new guiding document and allowing a big‐picture look with
short and long‐term recommendations. The recommendations in this plan are based on the
community’s vision and values and help ensure sustainable provision of parks, open space, trails, and
recreation far into the future within the city and school district boundaries. The current Plan has served
the City very well for the past 10 years, and many of the important goals and objectives have been
accomplished. However, due to the recession, many improvement projects were put on hold, and
additional funds are needed for existing operations and future parks, recreation, and trails acquisition
and development. The policies, goals, and implementation strategies of the 2006 Master Plan needed to
be updated to reflect the current vision of the community and future demographic make‐up.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                     3
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update November 2016
The City of Glenwood Springs is anticipating substantial
growth and infill over the next decade. This updated plan      “The Glenwood Springs Parks and
will act as a roadmap to enable the Parks and Recreation       Recreation Department strives to be a
Department to continue its mission to: “…provide enriching     visionary organization—one that
recreational activities, beautiful parks, and open space for   becomes a benchmark for other
our community. We Take Fun Seriously!”                         organizations, one that impresses its
                                                               customers the first time and every
Of particular interest with this master plan update is an      time with customer service, and one
analysis of the existing and future Parks and Recreation       that empowers its employees so they
Department budget needs for parks, trails, recreation          embrace responsibility, ownership,
programs, community center operations, and other               and accountability...We Take
recreation facilities. In addition to present and future       Fun...Seriously!”
capital improvement construction needs, this plan includes
a Strategic Business Plan section that addresses annual operating budget needs to maintain existing and
future service levels. A cost recovery analysis is included to address present and future operations and
maintenance needs, and provide recommendations for cost recovery targets and staffing adjustments,
and outline a funding plan including the potential for voter approval of the Acquisition and
Improvement Fund to implement Master Plan recommendations.

     4                                                                     Glenwood Springs, Colorado
III. Demographic Profile and Trend Report
Gaining a clear understanding of the existing and projected demographic character of the city is an
important component of the master planning process. By analyzing population data, trends emerge that
can inform decision making and resource allocation. For example, if the population of young children
were steadily on the rise and existing public recreation facilities for young children, such as playgrounds
or tot lots, were barely meeting existing user demand, then the City may want to consider targeting
investments to meet the increasing needs of this growing segment of the population.

Key areas were analyzed to identify current demographic statistics and trends that can impact the
planning and provision of public parks and recreation services in Glenwood Springs. Community
characteristics analyzed and discussed below consist of:
     Existing and projected total population
     Age distribution
     Ethnic/Racial diversity
     Household information
     Educational attainment
     Employment
     State and County Health Ranking

Data used in this demographic profile was sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS), and Esri Business Analyst. A summary of existing demographic
highlights is noted in Table 1 below, followed by more detailed demographic analysis.

Table 1: 2016 Glenwood Springs General Demographic Profile
 Population                                          10,229
 Median Age                                             35.5
 Households                                           3,966
 Average Household Size                                  2.5
 Median Household Income                            $57,415
Source: Esri Business Analyst and American Community Survey

Key general demographic comparisons – Local, State, and National:
     The median age of Glenwood Springs’ residents was 35.5 years, lower than the median age for
       Colorado (36.9) and the United States (38).
     The median household income for Glenwood Springs’ residents in 2016 was estimated to be
       $57,415. This is lower than the median statewide household income of ($60,903), but higher
       than the national median household income of $54,149.
     Glenwood Springs’s 2016 population was almost evenly split between male (51%) and female
       (49%) residents. The populations of Colorado, and the United States, are also roughly evenly
       divided between the sexes.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                      5
Glenwood Springs Population and Demographic Trends
Population Projections
Although future population growth cannot be predicted with certainty, it is helpful to make growth
projections for planning purposes. Figure 1 contains actual population figures based on the 2000 and
2010 U.S. Census for Glenwood Springs, as well as population estimates for 2016 and population
projections for 2021. From 2000 to 2010, the city’s population grew by 22 percent, and the growth rate
for 2010 to 2021 is projected to be 11 percent; half the growth rate of the previous ten‐year period. The
projected annual growth rate of the city’s population from 2016 to 2021 is expected to be less than one
percent (0.95%). The projected growth of Glenwood Springs’s population is represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Glenwood Springs, Colorado Population Growth Trend

                         10,000                                                                 10,714
   Number of Residents





                                  2000 Census      2010 Census      2016 Estimate      2021 Projection

Source: U.S. Census Bureau and Esri Business Analyst

Population Age Distribution
The existing and projected population of different age groups within the City of Glenwood Springs in
2010, estimated in 2016, and projected for 2021, is illustrated in Figure 2. Several key age characteristics
     The City’s 2016 population was estimated to be relatively young. Nearly 64 percent of residents
         were under the age of 45 years, 26 percent were ages 45 to 64, and 10 percent were over the
         age of 65 years.
     The median age of residents appears to be slowly increasing over time. In 2010, the median age
         of residents was 34.8 years, in 2016, it was estimated to be 35.5 years, and in 2021, it is
         projected to be 35.7 years.
     Between 2010 and 2021, the most drastic changes projected in the population of different age
         cohorts include a 3.8 percent increase in residents age 65 to 74, and a 3 percent decrease in the
         number of residents ages 45 to 54.

                     6                                                                          Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Figure 2: Population Age Distribution: 2010 to 2021

   % Population



                          0‐9        10 ‐ 14     15 ‐ 24     25 ‐ 34      35 ‐ 44      45 ‐ 54     55 ‐ 64    65 ‐ 74   75+
                                                                       Age Cohorts

                                                             2010      2016    2021

Source: U.S. Census Bureau and Esri Business Analyst

Prior to reviewing demographic data pertaining to a population’s racial and ethnic character, it is
important to note how the U.S. Census classifies and counts individuals who identify as of Hispanic. The
Census notes that Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth
of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arrival in the United States. In the U.S. Census,
people who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race and are included in all of the race
categories. All race categories add up to 100 percent of the population; the indication of Hispanic origin
is a different view of the population and is not considered a race.

Figure 3 reflects the approximate racial/ethnic population distribution for Glenwood Springs, Colorado,
from 2010, estimated in 2016, and projected for 2021.

Figure 3: Glenwood Springs Racial and Ethnic Character 2010 to 2021
   % Population

                                                                                                              Two or
                                       African       Native                          Pacific       Some                 Hispanic
                         Caucasian                                     Asian                                   More
                                      American      American                        Islander     Other Race              Origin
                  2010     81.4          1.2           1.0              0.8           0.1           13.2        2.3       31.5
                  2016     79.9          1.7           1.0              1.0           0.1           13.7        2.6       32.6
                  2021     78.1          2.2           0.9              1.2           0.2           14.6        2.8       34.2
                                                                        % Population

Source: U.S. Census Bureau and Esri Business Analyst

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                                                  7
Although the ethnic and racial composition of the city is not predicted to change drastically by 2021, the
following trends are of note:
      The overall racial and ethnic diversity of the community is on the rise. Between 2010 and 2021,
        the populations of nearly all minority groups is projected to increase, while the majority
        Caucasian population is anticipated to decline by 3.3 percent. However, the Caucasian
        population is projected to remain the largest racial or ethnic group in the city by a wide margin
        in 2021.
      The Hispanic population (irrespective of race) is projected to increase by 2.7 percent between
        2010 and 2021.
      The number of residents identifying with Some Other Race is anticipated to increase by 1.4
        percent between 2010 and 2021.
      The African American population is projected to increase by one percent between 2010 and

The racial and ethnic character of the city was somewhat in‐line with those for the State of Colorado in
2016, as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Racial/Ethnic Character Comparison – City to State
            % Population

                                                                                     Some    Two or
                                               African  Native             Pacific                    Hispanic
                                  Caucasian                       Asian              Other    More
                                              American American           Islander                     Origin
                                                                                     Race     Races
      Colorado                      79.9        4.2      1.1       3.1      0.2       7.6     3.8      21.6
      Glenwood Springs              79.9        1.7      1.0       1.0      0.1      13.7     2.6      32.6
                                                                   % Population

Source: Esri Business Analyst

While the population of the city and state are predominantly Caucasian, the city’s population includes a
higher percentage of residents (11 percent more) that identified as of Hispanic origin, and a 6.1 percent
higher percentage of residents that identified as being of Some Other Race. The state’s population
generally had a higher percentage of residents identifying as African American, Asian, and of Two or
More Races when compared to the city’s population.

      8                                                                                 Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Educational Attainment
As illustrated in Figure 5, in 2016 educational attainment was estimated to be slightly higher in the
statewide adult population (ages 25 and over) when compared with the city’s adult population. The
overall levels of adults who had earned graduate or professional degrees, or had an Associate’s degree
and/or some college experience were 3.2 percent and 2.4 percent higher, respectively, when
compared to the city’s adult population. For the same year, it was also estimated that a greater overall
percentage of city residents had less than a high school education (14.7%), when compared to the
statewide population with the same level of education (9.4%). The percentages of residents with high
school level educations and those who earned bachelor’s degrees were roughly the same in the city
and statewide populations.

Figure 5: 2016 Estimated Educational Attainment of Glenwood Springs Adult Residents Ages 25+
          % Adult Population

              (ages 25+)

                                      Less than High   High School      Some College or                  Graduate or
                                          School       Graduate or        Associate's                    Professional
                                        Graduate          GED              Degree                          Degree
      Glenwood Springs                    14.7            22.0               27.6                24.4       11.4
      Colorado                             9.4            21.9                30                 24.1       14.6
                                                                 % Adult Population (ages 25+)

Source: Esri Business Analyst

According to the American Community Survey, 81 percent of young adults (ages 18 to 24) in
Glenwood Springs had attained a high school education or greater in 2014. In fact, 57 percent had
continued their education beyond high school, with 41 percent having earned an Associate’s degree or
having gained some college experience, and an additional 16 percent having earned a Bachelor’s
degree or higher.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                                    9
Figure 6: 2014 Educational Attainment of Young Adults Ages 18 – 24

                           Bachelor's Degree or
                                                                          Less than High School

                                                                                  High School Graduate
                                                                                         or GED
                        Some College or
                       Associate's Degree

Source: American Community Survey

According to a Census study, education levels had more effect on earnings over a 40‐year span in the
workforce than any other demographic factor, such as gender, race, and ethnic origin.1 Figure 7
illustrates that Glenwood Springs residents (age 25+) with higher levels of education tend to have
higher annual incomes than those with lower levels of education. In 2014, residents with graduate or
professional degree were likely to have earned over twice the salary of residents with less than a high
school education.

1Tiffany Julian and Robert Kominski, “Education and Synthetic Work‐Life Earnings Estimates” American Community Survey
Reports, US Census Bureau,‐14.pdf, September 2011.

     10                                                                                 Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Figure 7: 2014 Educational Attainment and Annual Income of Glenwood Springs Residents Age 25+




                                  Less than High     High School      Some College or     Bachelor's Degree       Graduate or
                                 School Graduate   Graduate or GED   Associate's Degree                       Professional Degree

                                                                EDUCATION LEVEL

Source: American Community Survey

Household Information
As reflected in Table 2, in 2016 the city was estimated to have 4,295 housing units with an overall
vacancy rate of approximately eight percent. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of total housing units
increased at an average rate of nearly 67 new units annually. This rate of increase in housing units is
projected to slow between 2010 and 2021, with approximately 38 new units constructed each year.

Several trends of note regarding household information in Glenwood Springs:
     In 2016, it was estimated that the overall percentage of housing units occupied by owners
         versus renter was about equal, with an estimated vacancy rate of eight percent.
     The number of owner occupied housing units appears to be on the decline.
     The average household size is projected to remain between 2.5 and 2.6 individuals per
     The median value of a home in Glenwood Springs was estimated to be $385,570 in 2016, and is
         projected to increase by over 10 percent in the next five years, to $424,552 by 2021.

Table 2: Glenwood Springs Housing Statistics
                                       2000                                  2010              2015               2020
 Total Housing Units                  32777                                 37502             39095              40894
 Number of Households                 31410                                 34970             36496              38232
 Average Household Size                 2.3                                   2.3               2.3                2.3
 Owner Occupied Housing Units          44.2%                                43.6%             39.9%              39.9%
 Renter Occupied Housing Units         51.6%                                49.7%             53.4%              53.6%
 Vacant Housing Units                  4.2%                                  6.8%              6.6%               6.5%
Source: Esri Business Analyst

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                                             11
Household Income
The estimated 2016 median household income of residents of Glenwood Springs was $57,415. This is
lower than the median household income of residents in the State of Colorado, but higher than the
median level of household income in the United States, as illustrated in Table 3. However, the 2016
average annual household income in Glenwood Springs was lower than the average annual household
income in Colorado and nationwide.

Table 3: 2016 Estimated Household Income Comparison
       Location           Median       Average
 Glenwood Springs         $57,415      $75,207
 Colorado                 $60,903      $83,920
 United States            $54,149      $77,008
Source: Esri Business Analyst and American Community Survey

Most households in the city were estimated to have annual incomes in 2016 between $50,000 and
$149,999, with the average 2016 household income estimated to be approximately $75,000. By 2021,
average annual household income in the city is projected to rise by approximately $6,400, to over
$81,000. Figure 8 illustrates the estimated and projected distribution of household income for these
time periods.

Figure 8: Distribution of Average Annual City Household Income by Category – Estimated 2016 and
Projected 2021

   % Households




In 2016, Glenwood Springs had a total civilian working population (age 16 and greater) of 5,877. Of this
total, approximately 98.6 percent were employed and 1.4 percent were unemployed. Nearly half of City
residents (48.3%) in the 2016 work force were employed in the services industries. Other industries that
employed the most city residents in the workforce were retail trades (17.8%), and construction (15.7%).
Figure 9 illustrates the industries where Glenwood Springs’ residents were employed in 2016.

Figure 9: Employment by Industry in Glenwood Springs – 2016

                         Public Administration
              Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate

                     Transportation & Utilities
                                   Retail Trade
                              Wholesale Trade
                          Agriculture & Mining

                                                  0.0   10.0      20.0       30.0      40.0       50.0        60.0
                                                               % Employed Population (ages 16+)

Source: Esri Business Analyst

The majority of working residents (age 16+) in Glenwood Springs were employed in white collar (59.1%),
blue collar (24.9%), and professional (19.1%) positions. Employment by occupation in 2016 of working
residents of the city is illustrated in Figure 10. It can be assumed that many of the City’s working
residents are employed in white‐collar occupations within the service industry.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                                 13
Figure 10: Employment by Occupation of Glenwood Springs Residents – 2016

                 Transportation/Material Moving

                                        Blue Collar
                            Administrative Support
                                      White Collar

                                                      0.0   10.0   20.0     30.0     40.0      50.0   60.0       70.0
                                                                   % Employed Population (ages 16+)

Source: Esri Business Analyst

Health Ranking
Specific health ranking data for the City of Glenwood Springs is not readily available. However, the
United Health Foundation’s “America’s Health Rankings” and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s
“County Health Rankings” provide annual data on the general health of national, state, and county
populations. The health rankings generally represent how healthy the population of a defined area is
perceived to be based on “how long people live and how healthy people feel while alive,” coupled with
ranking factors including healthy behaviors, clinical care, social and economic, and physical environment

In 2015, the United Health Foundation’s “America’s Health Rankings” ranked Colorado as the 8th
healthiest state nationally. According to the Foundation, Colorado’s health ranking strengths include low
prevalence of obesity, low prevalence of physical inactivity, and low prevalence of diabetes. Health
challenges faced by the State include high incidence of pertussis, high prevalence of low birthweight,
and a large disparity in health status by education level.

The 2016 “County Health Rankings” for Garfield County, Colorado, were somewhat better than average
when compared to 60 (of 63) of Colorado’s other counties. The county ranked 21st in terms of health
outcomes, a measure that weighs the length and quality of life of residents. The County ranked 30th for
health factors, a measure that considers the population’s health behaviors, clinical care, social and
economic factors and physical environment. Several areas where the county scored the lowest (and
where enhancement work could improve the overall health of the population) include the physical
environment, social and economic factors, and quality of life.

Garfield County Health Rankings (out of 60 Colorado Counties):
     Overall Health Outcomes: 21st
     Overall Heath Factors: 30th

 University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, County Health Rankings 2016,

          14                                                                                Glenwood Springs, Colorado
   Ranking of select influencing health issues:
            Length of Life: 21st
            Quality of Life: 24th
            Health Behaviors: 36th
            Clinical Care: 29th
            Social and Economic Factors: 27th
            Physical Environment: 43rd

Current Trends
The provision of public parks and recreation services can be influenced by local and national social and
demographic preferences and market trends in fitness, recreation, and leisure activities. This section of
the Plan reviews both local and national trends that may influence the City’s provision of parks and
recreation services.

Local trends reviewed are based on analysis of 2016 Esri models of citywide household participation in
recreation, fitness, and leisure activities, and the associated economic impacts of local participation
these types of activities.

National trends reviewed draw upon information from a variety of relevant and recent industry reports,
studies, and publications. Topics discussed provide insight on current trends influencing the provision of
public parks and recreation services nationwide, but are applicable in the provision of these public
services locally. The full trends report relevant to Glenwood Springs has been provided as a staff
resource document.

Local Participation in Recreation and Fitness Activities
According to Esri Business Analyst, the residents of Glenwood Springs participated in a diversity of
fitness activities, team and individual sports, outdoor recreation activities, and other leisure activities.
Data presented regarding current (2016) estimated local participation in recreation, fitness, and leisure
activities is derived from Esri’s model, which measures national propensities to use a product or service
applied to local demographic composition. The economic impacts of city residents spending on parks,
recreation, and leisure activities is derived from 2016 consumer spending data from Consumer
Expenditure Surveys prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and applied to local demographic data.

Nearly 1/3 of households within the study area walked, and over 18 percent jogged and ran for fitness
over the past year. Participation in fitness activities is known to have positive impacts on individual well‐
being and on local public health generally. Walking, the top fitness activity among the Glenwood Springs
households, is generally a highly popular activity nationally because it has few barriers to participation
and has positive individual health benefits.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                       15
Figure 11: Household Participation in Outdoor Recreation Activities
                               16.0                                         14.9

                                                  5.7                 5.9          6.0
                                            4.9                                                5.4
                                6.0                     4.6                              4.1


Source: Esri Business Analyst, Sports, and Leisure Market Potential

In addition to the significant number of study area households that participated in walking, jogging, and
running for fitness, significant numbers of households also participated in trail‐based activities, including
mountain bicycling and hiking. Participation in outdoor activities in a natural environment helps people
connect with nature and is known to have positive effects on individual well‐being.

Roughly five percent or fewer city households participated in team sports in the past year; however,
nearly 11 percent of households golfed. Significant numbers of study area households were estimated to
have participated in various leisure activities. Over half of the households dined out, over 40 percent
read books, and over 63 percent watched sports on television.

The overall estimated participation levels in recreation, fitness, and leisure activities of study area
households is tied directly to the local economy.

Local Economic Significance of Recreation, Fitness, and Leisure
Recreation, fitness, and leisure activities generate a considerable amount of economic activity in
Glenwood Springs. In fact, over the past year, the average household in the city spent an estimated $847
on the recreation, fitness, and leisure activities detailed in Table 4. Over a one‐year period, this
spending had an estimated local economic impact of over $3.3 million. As illustrated in Table 4, over
two‐thirds of this spending was on fees for attending or participating in recreation and leisure activities.

                      16                                                                 Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Table 4: Estimated Household Spending on Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Activities –
July 2015 to July 2016
                                                       Average            Total Annual
                    Cost Category                   Amount Spent           Household
                                                    Per Household           Spending
 Entertainment/Recreation Fees and Admissions                  $584             $2,316,254
 Concert/Theater Tickets                                        $52               $207,901
 Tickets to Movies/Museums/Parks                                $71               $280,973
 Admission to Sporting Events                                   $55               $216,711
 Fees for Participant Sports                                    $92               $366,776
 Fees for Recreational Lessons                                 $124               $492,440
 Membership Fees for Social/Recreation/Civic Clubs             $189               $751,453
 Recreational Vehicles and Fees                                 $99               $392,421
 Docking and Landing Fees for Boats and Planes                   $7                 $29,299
 Camp Fees                                                      $32               $126,598
 Payments on Boats/Trailers/Campers/RVs                         $44               $172,527
 Rental of RVs or Boats                                         $16                 $63,997
 Sports, Recreation and Exercise Equipment                     $164               $650,746
 Exercise Equipment and Gear                                    $50               $197,565
 Bicycles                                                       $29               $116,848
 Camping Equipment                                              $16                 $63,871
 Hunting and Fishing Equipment                                  $46               $183,206
 Winter Sports Equipment                                         $5                 $20,136
 Water Sports Equipment                                          $6                 $22,302
 Other Sports Equipment                                          $9                 $34,648
 Rental/Repair of Equipment                                      $3                 $12,170
 Overall Totals:                                             $847               $3,359,421
Source: Esri Business Analyst, Recreation Expenditures

National Demographic Trends in Recreation
Generational Participation and Preferences
Three major age groups, the Baby Boomers, Millennial     In 2016, nearly 83 percent of the
Generation, and Generation Z, are having significant     residents of Glenwood Springs were
impacts in the planning and provision of parks and       members of the largest three
recreation services nationwide.                          generation groups in the county. As
                                                         illustrated in Figure 12, 19.1 percent
                                                         were Baby Boomers, 31.3 percent
                                                         Millennials, and 32.4 percent were
                                                         members of Generation Z.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                 17
Figure 12: Presence of the Three Largest National Generational Groups in Glenwood Springs
   % Population

                                 Baby Boomers                  Millennials                Generation Z
                                                          Generational Groups

Source: American Community Survey, and Esri Business Analyst

Although there are some similarities in the recreational preferences of these generational groups, they
each tend to have their own unique tastes as illustrated in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Sports Participation Rates by Generation 2014
                    Boomers (1945‐‐1964)        Gen X (1965‐‐1979)   Millennials (1980‐‐1999)     Gen Z (2000+)








                         Individual   Racquet Sports Team Sports Outdoor Sports Water Sports Fitness Sports

Source: 2015 Participation Report, Physical Activity Council

            18                                                                                  Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Funding Trends
      The 2016 NRPA Field Report: Parks and Recreation Agency Performance Benchmarks reports
       that the typical parks and recreation agency:
            Has annual operating expenses of $76.44 on a per capita basis/$6,476 per acre of park
                and non‐park sites managed by the agency.
            Has $96,055 in annual operations expenditures for each employee.
            Personnel services represent 55 percent of the operations budget.
            Derives three‐fifths of its operating expenditures from general fund tax support.
            Generates $795,500 in non‐tax revenues on an annual basis.
            Recovers 29.0 percent of its operating expenditures from non‐tax revenue.
            Have $2.981 million in capital expenditures budgeted over the next five years.
            On average, just over half of the capital budget is designated for renovations, while 30
                percent is geared toward new development.
      According to Recreation Management magazine’s 2015 “State of the Industry Report,” survey
       respondents from parks and recreation departments/districts reporting about their revenues
       from 2012 through 2014 indicated a continued recovery from the impact of the recession of
       2008. From 2013 to 2014, 44.1 percent of respondents reported that their revenues had
       increased, and another 44.1 percent reported revenues staying steady. About 48.7 percent of
       respondents said they expected revenues to continue to increase in 2015, while 44 percent
       expected no change.
      Parks and recreation operating and capital development funding typically comes from
       conventional sources such as sales, use, and property tax referenda voted upon by the
       community, along with developer exactions.
      Alternative funding sources include a variety of different or non‐conventional public sector
       strategies for diversifying the funding base beyond traditional tax‐based support.
      Creating synergy based on expanded program offerings and collaborative efforts can be
       beneficial to all providers as interest grows and people gravitate to the type of facility and
       programs that best suit their recreational needs and schedules. Strategic alliance partnerships
       where missions run parallel and mutually beneficial relationships can be fostered.
      Taxing districts established to provide funds for certain types of improvements that benefit a
       specific group of affected properties. Special districts (or local improvement districts) are the
       beneficiaries of pass‐through funding from cities or counties, which have responsibility for their

Marketing Trends
      The San Jose Group, a consortium of marketing communications companies specializing in
       reaching Hispanic and non‐Hispanic markets of the United States, suggests that today’s
       multicultural population of the United States, or the “new majority,” is 107.6 million, which
       translates to about 35.1 percent of the country’s total population.
      Parks and recreation trends in marketing leisure services continue to emerge and should be
       taken into consideration in all planning efforts, as different cultures respond differently to
       marketing techniques.

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                    19
     Mobile marketing is a growing trend. Social websites and apps are among the most used
          features on mobile phones. Popular social marketing electronic tools include Facebook, Twitter,
          YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Private messaging apps such as Snapchat and WhatsApp are
          being used more and more for live media coverage.3

Relevance for the City of Glenwood Springs is:
     Millennials often look for local and relatively inexpensive ways to experience the outdoors close
       to home; on trails, bike paths, and in community parks.
     Millennials and Baby Boomers both place a high priority on having sidewalks, hiking trails, bike
       paths, and fitness choices available to them in their community. In fact, these community
       features are viewed as higher preferences than a great school system, vibrant centers of
       entertainment and culture, and affordable and convenient transportation choices by both.
     Adult sports teams of all sorts, from competitive volleyball to local flag football teams to casual
       kickball, are becoming more and more popular around the country, especially among Millennials
       (young adults from around 18 to early 30s). Adult team sports are attractive as ways to be social,
       get exercise, or just for something to do after work. Sports teams in the work place are also a
       growing trend in the United States as companies look for new ways to keep their employees
       healthy and happy.
     Youth and young adults (ages 6‐24) who identify as Hispanic prefer to participate in outdoor
     Additionally, young adults in general, engage in mobile data applications at much higher rates
       than adults. It is also a fact that minority Americans lead the way when it comes to mobile
       internet access.

It will be important for the City of Glenwood Springs to continue to invest in connectivity and
walkability, preserving open space, increasing opportunities for outdoor fitness, and investing in mobile
applications for programming and wayfinding.

 Jacqueline Woerner, “The 7 Social Media Trends Dominating 2015,” Emarsys Blog,‐7‐social‐media‐trends‐dominating‐2015/, accessed February 26, 2015.

     20                                                                               Glenwood Springs, Colorado
IV. What We Want: Community Involvement
Public input was held in August of 2016 through focus groups, staff meetings, meetings with
commissioners, and an open public forum. Focus groups were by invitation extended through the parks
and recreation staff with the goal of mixing area residents and stakeholders with differing points of view
to solicit broad based perspectives. Each meeting lasted approximately 90 minutes. All meetings were
facilitated by GreenPlay staff and a series of questions was used to ensure that adequate input
opportunity was afforded all attendees.

There were a total of six focus groups with public, staff, the River Commission, the Parks and Recreation
Commission, and City Council. A total of 41 individuals participated.

Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement
The residents of Glenwood Springs benefit from their proximity to the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers,
and participants rated river access, outdoor recreation opportunities, and river front parks as strengths
of the Parks and Recreation system. The community center, swimming pool, variety of parks, and ice
rink were also identified as strengths. The staff is well respected and dedicated to providing quality
programs and serving the community to meet the demand of the residents. A regional focus, customer
orientation, and affordable fees contributed to increased memberships and participation.

Focus group participants addressed the need to maintain current facilities and amenities along with
adding athletic fields and courts. A general focus on the current parks infrastructure was evident. Use
conflict between the established tennis community and the up and coming Pickleball community was
acknowledged to be addressed. Finally, finding an appropriate use of the ice rink during the off‐season
was identified.

Programming and Activities, and Locations
Glenwood Springs residents appreciate their programs and love the outdoors. Although residents are
satisfied with the programs that are offered, they desire more program offerings, with a particular
interest in outdoor recreation programs and outdoor adventure events and races. They identified more
programming for special events, arts and crafts, Pickleball, and additional adult sports and non‐
traditional and adventure sports opportunities. Social gatherings and fitness classes were also
mentioned to increase use of facility and park space.

Improvements to Existing and New Facilities
When asked how satisfied residents are with current facilities, they received lower scores based on the
current condition of facilities and many amenities operated by the Department. When asked what
improvements are needed, the following suggestions were made for renovations:
     Soft surface trails
     Restroom upgrade
     Boat ramps to accommodate private and commercial users
     Addition of lights to athletic fields
     Year‐round use of the ice rink
     ADA Compliance for all facilities and amenities
     Branding/wayfinding signage for parks

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                    21
When asked what additional parks and recreation facilities are needed for the community, the following
suggestions were made:
     More fields and amenities
     Additional soft surface trails
     Additional public river access
     Additional bike paths/trails
     Parking at trailheads
     Outdoor fitness equipment
     Dedicated Pickleball courts

Top Priorities
When asked to prioritize what the City should concentrate on in the next 10 years, focus group
participants indicated that taking care of we have and improving the current infrastructure should be
the top priorities. Following that, participants expressed interest in repurposing existing under used
spaces, preserving the environment and habitat, and finding a dedicated revenue source for operations
and maintenance.

Participants also prioritized additional facilities and amenities including soft surface trails for biking and
hiking, a dedicated Pickleball facility, additional fields for youth sports in town, and acquiring property
for additional facilities and amenities. There was also concern about continuing to provide affordable
memberships and programs, staffing appropriately to maintain the current quality of service, and focus
on adventure tourism as a means of new revenue and growth.

Glenwood Springs residents value the role the Parks and Recreation Department plays in the
community. They believe that staff provides a very good service to residents and visitors and that
availability of outdoor programs and activities is essential to maintaining recreation economy of the City.
Connectivity must be addressed concerning wayfinding, branding, marketing, and communication.
Residents live an active lifestyle, interact with the environment, and enjoy the outdoors daily.

Community Survey
A survey research effort and subsequent analysis were               This section provides a summary of
designed and conducted to reach out further to the public           the survey results. The complete
regarding existing and potential future facilities and              survey results including open‐ended
services.                                                           comments exists as a separate staff
                                                                    resource document due to the large
The survey was conducted using SurveyMonkey and was                 number of pages.
open from July 14, 2016 through July 24, 2016. A total of
437 completed responses were received, with 59 percent identifying as residents living in 81601 (37%)
and 81647 (27%) zip codes. The only other zip code with a double‐digit response was 81623 (11%).

     22                                                                         Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Summary of Selected Findings
A brief overview of key findings of the survey include:

       The majority feel it is very important to their household that parks, recreation, and trails are
        available. Eighty‐eight percent (88%) rated the importance of availability to parks, recreation,
        and trails in Glenwood Springs as very important.

       Most important facilities included trails, the community center, public water access, water front
        parks, and the swimming pool. The most important facility is trails, with a strong majority of
        respondents identifying it as very important (76%), followed by community center (gym) (61%),
        public water access (52%), and water front parks (46%). These four amenities are consistently
        identified throughout the survey as top parks and recreation offerings in Glenwood Springs.

       Maintenance of parks and facilities are highest priorities for the future. Sixty percent (60%) of
        respondents rated maintenance of parks and facilities as the top issue to be addressed by the
        Parks and Recreation Department. This was followed very closely by connectivity between trails
        and facilities (59%), affordability of programs and services (52%) and land
        preservation/acquisition (51%). Land preservation/acquisition received the largest number of
        top priority responses.

       Community events are highly valued. Community events was identified as the most important
        parks and recreation program, with approximately two‐thirds of respondents identifying it as
        important (34%) or very important (48%). It is also currently meeting the needs of the
        community best, with 79% percent indicating that community needs are currently being met. In
        addition, wellness/fitness/health, and outdoor recreation were important to respondents.

       Additional facilities/amenities would increase utilization. Fifty‐eight percent (58%) of
        respondents stated they would likely utilize Glenwood Springs facilities, services, and programs
        more often if additional facilities/amenities were provided. This was followed by “programs I
        want,” (56%) and addressing condition/maintenance of parks or facilities (49%).

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                     23
V. What We Have Now – Facilities and Services
Facility Condition Assessment
During the summer of 2016, DHM Design, in collaboration with GreenPlay, conducted an inventory and
assessment of six parks identified by the Parks and Recreation Department. Focus on only those six
parks occurred to avoid duplicating previous work with the 2016 update, as much of the 2006 Master
Plan is still valid. The six parks included:
     Glenwood Community Center
     Glenwood Park (soccer fields across from Sopris Park)
     Sayre Park
     Sopris Park (athletic fields adjacent to elementary school)
     Two Rivers Park
     Whitewater Activity Area

The general findings from the site review echo sentiments from the focus group meetings and survey –
take care of what we have and maintain and improve the infrastructure. The six parks assessed
contribute greatly to the overall recreational experiences for Glenwood residents at a neighborhood,
community, and regional level. The overall condition of each of those facilities is good, but a dedicated
maintenance program is important for the future health of each of the parks.

General maintenance program protocols should focus on:
    Areas where the irrigation was spotty and in need of adjustment as exhibited in many of the
    Standardization of trash receptacles should be considered, as there is a mismatch with some
       bear proof receptacles and some not, at all locations.
    Improved signage to help with wayfinding.
    Continued maintenance to repair broken or overgrown paths.
    Addition of dog stations and bike racks, particularly at Sayre Park.
    The restroom facility at the athletic fields in Sopris Park.
    General weed maintenance and selection of mulch materials to reduce on‐going upkeep.

In terms of specific observations, the following upgrades are recommended.

Glenwood Community Center
     Playground is under‐utilized and could be improved, upgraded or repurposed
     Signage
     Irrigation adjustments

Glenwood Park (soccer fields across from Sopris Park)
     The irrigation needs attention to address dry areas
     Signage
     The fence needs to be repaired

 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update                                                    25
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