Using Systems Approaches to Catalyze Whole-of-Community Childhood Obesity Prevention Efforts

Page created by Marilyn Todd
Using Systems Approaches to Catalyze
Whole-of-Community Childhood
Obesity Prevention
Erin Hennessy, Ariella R. Korn, and Christina D. Economos

October 2019

Introduction                                                The global state of obesity
Obesity is a growing global pandemic, with economic,        Obesity affects every age group, with entrenched differ-
social, and health consequences that cost the world         ences based on geography and socioeconomic group.
USD$2 trillion annually1 and affect the lives of an esti-   Across the world, an estimated 14.9 percent of women
mated 641 million people.2 The limited success of cur-      (375 million) and 10.8 percent of men (266 million) had
rent efforts to address obesity may be due to a failure     obesity in 2014, compared to just 6.4 percent and 3.2
to account for the complex “systems” that keep obesity      percent in 1975, respectively.3 While recent global obesi-
deeply embedded in the communities and individuals          ty rates appear low compared to those of some high-
it affects.                                                 income countries such as the United States (41.1 percent
    This article addresses the need at the community        of women and 37.9 percent of men in 2015–16),4 stark
level to examine holistically the existing systems that     differences exist by region, with some of the highest
are at work in the obesity challenge. Doing so would        rates and sharpest increases among low- and middle-in-
help determine what needs to change and how in order        come countries.5
to improve the health and well-being of the population.         One of the strongest predictors of adult obesity is
A bold and substantive systems approach to obesity          weight status during childhood, which calls for early pre-
prevention has the potential to create a paradigm shift     vention efforts.6 Globally, 5.6 percent of girls and 7.8 per-
across the United States. Evidence-based interventions      cent of boys had obesity in 2016—totaling approximately
focused on energy balance, diet quality, and other          124 million children aged 5 to 19 years. Increases in
health-promoting behaviors coordinated through all          obesity have been observed over the past four decades
aspects of community life—including healthcare, local       in every geographic region (figure 1).7 National data from
government, food and beverage (retail, farmers markets,     the United States estimate obesity rates at 17.8 percent
food banks and pantries, restaurants), early childcare,     and 19.1 percent for girls and boys, respectively, with the
education, transportation, and the built environment        highest rates among historically underserved groups,
(parks, sidewalks, bike lanes, playgrounds)—provide an      including Hispanic (25.8 percent) and non-Hispanic
opportunity to deliver a comprehensive approach and         black (22 percent) children.8 Similar disparities exist
more potent medicine for turning the tide on obesity.       among ethnic minority populations in other high-income
countries. In New Zealand, for example, there were                                                                                         Interest in studying the double burden of malnutrition
                                                                                                                                                        12.4 percent of children aged 2 to 14 years with obesity                                                                                (the simultaneous presence of undernutrition [one or
                                                                                                                                                        in 2017–18. However, rates were much higher among                                                                                       more of stunting, wasting, or micronutrient deficiencies]
                                                                                                                                                        Māori (16.9 percent) and Pacific (30 percent) children                                                                                  and overweight/obesity) is on the rise.10 The negative
                                                                                                                                                        and have increased steadily over the past decade from                                                                                   health outcomes, reduced productivity, and economic
                                                                                                                                                        11.8 percent and 23.1 percent, respectively, in 2006–07.9                                                                               consequences for affected individuals, communities,

                                                                                                                                                        Figure 1

                                                                                                                                                          Trends in the number of children and adolescents with obesity and with
                                                                                                                                                          moderate and severe underweight by region

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  West Africa                     Polynesia and Micronesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Central Africa                  Caribbean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Southern Africa                 Andean Latin America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  East Africa                     Central Latin America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            60    Middle East and North Africa    Southern Latin America                                                                     60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Central Asia                    High-income English-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  South Asia                      speaking countries

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Number of obese boys (millions)
                                                                                                                                                           Number of obese girls (millions)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Southeast Asia                  Northwestern Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  East Asia                       Southwestern Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  High-income Asia Pacific        Central Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            40    Melanesia                       Eastern Europe                                                                             40

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            20                                                                                                                               20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0                                                                                                                                0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1980            1990           2000           2010                                                                               1980     1990       2000       2010

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            125                                                                                                                              125

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Number of moderately and severely underweight boys (millions)
                                                                                                                                                           Number of moderately and severely underweight girls (millions)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            100                                                                                                                              100

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             75                                                                                                                               75

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            50                                                                                                                               50
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project funders.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            25                                                                                                                               25
Copyright ©2019 by Chicago Council on Global Affairs

All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0                                                                                                                                0
Printed in the United States of America.                                                                                                                                                                                          1980            1990           2000           2010                                                                               1980     1990       2000       2010

This article may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by sections 107 and 108 of the US Copyright
Law and excerpts by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publisher. For further information about the Chicago
Council or this article, please write to Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 180 North Stetson Avenue, Suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60601 or visit              Source: NCD Risk Factor Collaboration 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 3
Box 1                                                                                                                                      over time.20 The human body has an astounding ability           boundaries that define and distinguish it from oth-
                                                                                                                                           to tightly regulate energy balance through satiety and          er systems.29
   Addressing weight bias and stigma                                                                                                       appetite signaling. Yet factors outside of homeostatic              Over the past decade there has been an increasing
                                                                                                                                           control can override such tight regulation and lead to          call to integrate systems science into obesity preven-
   The evolving dialogue, research, education, and advocacy surrounding the weight bias, weight-based discrimination, and                  increased energy intake. For example, the hormone               tion efforts.30 This is because systems theory and sys-
   stigma that people with obesity may experience must be acknowledged. The consequences for both mental and physical                      ghrelin can induce appetite when high circulating con-          tems-based approaches appear well suited to address
   health throughout a person’s life cannot be understated. The University of Connecticut’s Rudd Center for Food Policy &                  centrations of triglyceride molecules are present in the        the complexity inherent in public health problems such
   Obesity—a nonprofit organization leading the charge in developing strategies to address weight bias and stigma—states                                                                                   as obesity. For decades they have been applied to
                                                                                                                                           blood, perhaps from a diet high in saturated fat and
   that the “social consequences of obesity include discrimination in employment, barriers in education, biased attitudes from                                                                             other complex health challenges such as infectious
                                                                                                                                           excess sugars. A greater appetite can subsequently lead
   healthcare professionals, stereotypes in the media, and stigma in interpersonal relationships. All these factors reduce qual-
                                                                                                                                           to a greater energy intake.21                                   disease31 and tobacco use.32 In 2009 Ross Hammond,
   ity of life for vast numbers of people with overweight and obesity and have both immediate and long-term consequences
                                                                                                                                               Further, as biological factors impact behavior, our         an authority on modeling complex dynamics in social,
   for their emotional and physical health.” In alignment with this movement of inclusivity, social justice, and reduced stigma,
   this article and the obesity field more broadly is readily adopting “person-first language” when describing “individuals with           social and physical surroundings impact behavior and            economic, and public health systems, argued that obe-
   overweight and obesity,” rather than “obese individuals.” Also of note are the diverse perspectives, vocabularies, and no-              biology. Secular changes to the environment—charac-             sity was a challenging problem because of its scale, the
   menclature of varying stakeholder groups when addressing issues related to obesity, fatness, body size, body diversity,                 terized by increased availability, marketing, and con-
   behaviors, and health.
                                                                                                                                           sumption of highly palatable and nutrient-poor foods
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Systems theory and systems-based
   Source: University of Connecticut Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, n.d.                                                           and beverages (often in large portions),22 fewer opportu-              approaches appear well suited to
   For more information, see Himmelstein, Puhl, and Quinn 2017; Sonneville 2019; University of Connecticut Rudd Center for Food Policy &   nities for physical activity in daily living,23 and increases       address the complexity inherent in public
   Obesity, n.d., World Obesity Federation, n.d.                                                                                           in sedentary behavior and screen time24—are cited as                    health problems such as obesity.
                                                                                                                                           major contributors to obesity. Major research efforts
                                                                                                                                           are currently under way to investigate the role of other
and nations amplify inequalities for vulnerable popula-                   stigma and discrimination cause psychological, social,           factors, such as the microbiome,25 infections,26 and epi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           range of diverse actors, and the number of mechanisms
tions.11 A recent Lancet Commission report suggests that                  and physical damage to patients and hinder progress in           genetics,27 for example, in the etiology of obesity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           involved.33 These are the features of complex systems.
obesity is one of three major co-occurring pandemics                      treating obesity for both adults and children.17 In keep-            This article describes two parallel movements in
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Therefore, the field of systems science, including its spe-
alongside undernutrition and climate change. These                                                                                         childhood obesity research: (1) the application of a sys-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           cific modeling techniques (see table 1), can help inform
pandemics are paramount societal and public health                                                                                         tems science—its thinking, theory, and methods—to               both the scientific study of obesity and effective policies
challenges and a triple threat to the most vulnerable                                 Global obesity-related costs                         advance knowledge and prevention and (2) the growing            to combat it.
populations.12 Globally, there are more children severely                          amount to USD$2 trillion annually—                      evidence supporting whole-of-community interventions.               Since that seminal article, there has been a prolifera-
underweight than with obesity. However, if trends con-                              approximately 2.8 percent of the                       Integrating these two movements can transform child-            tion of research highlighting the potential benefit of inte-
tinue, childhood obesity will surpass moderate and                                  world’s gross domestic product.                        hood obesity prevention worldwide. It will provide a tem-       grating systems science into obesity prevention.34 Much
severe underweight by 2022.13 While further discussion                                                                                     plate for determining what evidence-based strategies            of this work has been focused on the etiology of obesity,
of undernutrition and climate change issues are beyond                                                                                     would be most beneficial in a community context and             the discovery of relevant actors, and the realization that
the scope of this article, the systems approaches dis-                    ing with the movement to respectfully address people             how to activate and engage community stakeholders to            many drivers of obesity are interconnected. For exam-
cussed below are applicable to societal and public                        with chronic disease, this article uses “person-first lan-       diffuse, disseminate, and implement those strategies.           ple, the UK Foresight map was the first of its kind to illus-
health issues beyond obesity.                                             guage”18 (see box 1 for more information).                       This article also underscores the importance of imple-          trate the complexity of obesity. The map was created by
                                                                                                                                           mentation science, an interdisciplinary body of theory,         a broad range of stakeholders, which eventually led to
Consequences of obesity                                                   Causes of obesity
                                                                                                                                           knowledge, frameworks, tools, and approaches that               the development of a more integrated policy approach.35
The economic, social, and health consequences of                          The causes of obesity are complex and interconnect-              ensure interventions are strong, impactful, and sustain-        The UK Foresight map gave way to other research
obesity are well documented. Global obesity-related                       ed, spanning poverty, food insecurity, culture, societal         able.28 Definitions for key terms are provided in box 2.        using similar qualitative systems modeling approaches
costs amount to USD$2 trillion annually—approximate-                      norms, federal and state policies, community assets,                                                                             to generate a systems map or causal loop diagram.
ly 2.8 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.14                   and practices at home. Obesity has been described as
                                                                                                                                           Systems approaches to obesity                                   Systems maps and causal loop diagrams are visual tools
Individuals with obesity are at elevated risk of numerous                 a “complex adaptive system” due to the varied, interact-                                                                         designed to help identify linkages among and between
comorbidities, including type II diabetes, cardiovascular                 ing, and emergent factors within and between individ-
                                                                                                                                           prevention                                                      parts of a system. They have been used for decades as
disease, and 13 types of cancer that collectively account                 uals and their environments that influence the balance           Systems science is an interdisciplinary field that studies      an integral part of formal, mathematical modeling tech-
for 40 percent of cancer diagnoses in the United States.15                between energy intake and energy expenditure, or                 the nature of systems, from the simple to the complex,          niques involving computer simulations.
    An additional burden of obesity—and a rising inter-                   “energy balance.”19                                              drawing from specific theories (e.g., chaos theory) and             Institutions and collaboratives such as the Global
est among researchers, practitioners, and advocacy                            From a biological perspective, positive energy bal-          approaches (e.g., systems dynamics). Systems science            Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC) at Johns Hopkins
groups—is the stigma and weight-based discrimination                      ance (energy intake exceeding energy expenditure)                recognizes that a system has interrelated and inter-            University36 and the Childhood Obesity Modeling for
experienced by individuals with the disease.16 Weight                     is fundamental to the accumulation of adipose tissue             dependent parts that can function synergistically with          Prevention and Community Transformation (COMPACT)37

4 - USING SYSTEMS APPROACHES TO CATALYZE WHOLE-OF-COMMUNITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION EFFORTS                                                                                                                                CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 5
have advanced research by illustrating how a more com-                      as described above, but also to identify the character-              Figure 2
plete suite of tools from the systems science toolbox                       istics of community interventions (e.g., local expertise,
can be applied to obesity prevention research.38 For                        stakeholders’ networks, community assets) that may                     Shifting the conditions that hold the problem in place
example, qualitative systems mapping generates useful                       be the most successful and sustainable.43 Collectively,
insights—such as eliciting the mental models of stake-
                                                                                                                                                                             Six conditions of systems change
holders—bringing diverse stakeholders together and
providing a starting point for understanding the structure                                Complex systems modeling                                                                                       Resource                 Structural change
                                                                                         methods are gaining traction in                                                        Policies   Practices      flows                   (explicit)
of a complex system. However, deeper insights can be
generated when more formal, mathematical models                                           obesity prevention research.
or simulation models are built from those qualitative                                                                                                                            Relationships        Power               Relational change
systems maps.                                                                                                                                                                    & connections       dynamics             (semi-explicit)
    While the full set of complex systems modeling                          these approaches allow investigators and practitioners
methods is quite large, table 1 shows a few of the                          to evaluate the system, visualize and elucidate mental
methods most widely applied to obesity prevention.                          models and shared understanding among stakehold-                                                                                    Transformative change
These include agent-based modeling, system dynam-                           ers, and identify key leverage points that will have the                                                                            (implicit)
ics, group model building, and social network analysis,                     greatest impact.
which have roots in disciplines such as engineering,39                          The integration of systems science into obesity pre-
management,40 evolutionary biology,41 and social sci-                       vention research has focused largely on identifying the
ence.42 These methods are gaining traction in obesity                       factors causing obesity or simulating potential impacts of
prevention research not only to help identify individual,                   specific policy, practice, or environmental changes. This              Source: Kania, Kramer, and Senge 2018
social, and environmental determinants of obesity risk                      is because most obesity research has focused on these

                                                                                                                                                 areas. Yet when one considers the six conditions of            could lead to a paradigm shift if the research community
Table 1
                                                                                                                                                 systems change (figure 2) combined with the fuller suite       expands its focus beyond structural change. To date,
  Examples of complex systems modeling methodologies in the context of                                                                           of systems science tools available, the full potential of      very few studies or interventions have been designed to
  obesity prevention                                                                                                                             applying a systems approach becomes much clearer.              influence semi-explicit and implicit changes, yet trans-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                formation in these conditions is critically important to
                                                                                                                                                 Six conditions of systems change                               make impactful and sustainable change. Recent work
      Approach                                                  Description                                                 Example(s)           In 2018 FSG, a mission-driven consulting firm, published       in Australia studying how community network structure
                                                                                                                                                 a report entitled The Water of Systems Change that             influences obesity prevention capacity46 and from the
   Agent-based            Agent-based modeling is a computational tool that models the actions                          ChildObesity180          includes a framework of the “six conditions of systems         COMPACT study47 suggests a growing movement to-
   modeling               or interaction of “agents” and allows for the exploration of dynamic
                          mechanisms that link individual behavior to overall outcomes among                                                     change” organized into three interdependent levels:            ward studying relational and transformative change.
                          populations.                                                                                                           (1) structural change (explicit), (2) relational change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Structural change: Policies, practices, and
   System                 System dynamics is an approach to understanding the nonlinear                                 Baltimore
   dynamics               behavior of complex systems over time using informal maps and                                 implementation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                resource flows
                          formal models with computer simulation (stocks, flows, internal                               model                          We believe that integrating these six                    Efforts to optimize obesity-prevention policies (e.g., a
                          feedback loops, table functions, and time delays) to understand
                                                                                                                                                       conditions into whole-of-community                       school district wellness policy promoting healthy eating
                          endogenous sources of system behavior.
                                                                                                                                                     obesity prevention research could lead to                  and opportunities for physical activity), practices (e.g.,
   Group model            Group model building is a participatory approach widely used to                               Group model
   building               build the capacity of practitioners to think in a systems way. Group                          building in                 a paradigm shift if the research community                  serving water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages at
                          model building improves understanding of the problem, increases                               Australia                   expands its focus beyond structural change.                 community events), and resource flows (e.g., the alloca-
                          engagement in systems thinking, builds confidence in the use of                                                                                                                       tion and distribution of financial support to implement
                          systems ideas, and creates consensus for action among diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                interventions) represent explicit, structural changes.
                                                                                                                                                 (semi-explicit), and (3) transformative change (implicit).44   The vast majority of community-level childhood obesity
   Social network         Social network analysis is a way to map and measure the relationships                         Shape Up
   analysis               between people (or groups, organizations, etc.). This analytic tool has                       Somerville and           The framework “draws upon the extensive literature             prevention efforts to date, particularly those that focus
                          recently been applied to the study of interventions, including obesity                        Romp & Chomp             behind systems change and systems thinking.”45 The             on policy and practice interventions, are structural.48 For
                          prevention interventions.                                                                     coalitions               intersection of these six conditions in the context of         example, the Healthy Communities Study identified and
  Sources: Allender et al. 2015; Allender et al. 2016; Auchincloss and Diez Roux 2008; El-Sayed et al. 2013; Gesell, Barkin, and Valente 2013;   childhood obesity prevention research is described             assessed structural changes impacting children on a na-
  Hammond 2009; Hennessy et al. 2016; Jalali et al. 2019; Marks et al. 2013; Marks et al. 2018; McGlashan et al. 2016; McGlashan et al. 2018;    below. We believe that integrating these six conditions        tional scale (130 communities).49 Associations between
  Rahmandad and Sterman 2008; Shoham et al. 2015; Siokou, Morgan, and Shiell 2014
                                                                                                                                                 into whole-of-community obesity prevention research            the “intensity” (defined by behavioral intervention strate-

6 - USING SYSTEMS APPROACHES TO CATALYZE WHOLE-OF-COMMUNITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION EFFORTS                                                                                                                                    CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 7
gy, duration, and reach) of programs, policies, and envi-     success and the corresponding enthusiasm in the com-         different perspectives, beliefs, and assumptions about      focus on structural components, when intervention
ronmental changes aiming to prevent childhood obesity         munity, Shape Up Somerville is a community-wide pro-         a given problem such as obesity and develop dispa-          strategies target a variety of contexts, and when there
and children’s BMI indicated that children in communi-        gram to this day and has inspired communities across         rate and siloed solutions. Complex systems modeling         is engagement with the community.68 Interventions that
ties with the highest intensity scores had significantly      the world to adopt similar models of change.54               techniques such as group model building61 are promis-       are contextual and culturally appropriate are needed to
lower BMI (on average, a difference of 1.4 kg/m2) than            Research in fields such as community psychology,         ing approaches to share and visualize mental models         address persistent health disparities across the globe.
those in communities with the lowest intensity scores.50      community-based participatory research, implemen-            leading to transformative change. Group model building,     However, the social determinants of health need to be
Despite this observational relationship, further research     tation science, and organizational theory provides           grounded in system dynamics, is a participatory meth-       taken into consideration if obesity prevention interven-
is warranted to understand how intensity thresholds and       important insights into how stakeholders convene and         od led by trained facilitators following scripted, group    tions are to be effectively embedded within communi-
different combinations of intervention strategies can         organize to impact population health. Creating commu-        exercises.62 The process helps diverse stakeholders         ties. While work in this area is ongoing, there has been
favorably impact populations disproportionately affected      nity coalitions, steering committees, task forces, and so    visualize a complex and dynamic system, develop and         an effort to develop frameworks to guide research and
by obesity and health inequities.                             forth (hereafter referred to as “coalitions”) is a common    prioritize action steps, and view connections across time   action. One specific framework developed by Dr. Shiriki
                                                              strategy due to the ability to collaborate with diverse      and scale.63 It can be useful for stakeholders working      Kumanyika illustrates an equity-oriented obesity preven-
Relational change: Relationships & connections                stakeholders, share critical information and resources       together over time in a specific community and has          tion action framework.69 This framework consists of four
and power dynamics                                            specific to local contexts, build capacity, plan tailored    been cited as a promising approach for designing and        “process categories”: increase healthy options, reduce
Structural changes can be difficult to achieve without the    interventions, and put those interventions in place.55       adapting intervention strategies that take the inherent     deterrents to healthy behaviors, improve social and eco-
commitment of time, energy, and resources by commu-               In 2009 the Centers for Disease Control and              complexities into account.64                                nomic resources, and build community capacity, which
nity members, or “stakeholders,” to implement them. The       Prevention (CDC) recommended using coalitions as                                                                         should be considered across all settings important for
relationships, connections and power dynamics among           a strategy to organize obesity prevention efforts.56         Whole-of-community obesity                                  obesity prevention such as schools, healthcare, work-
community stakeholders are critical to systems change.        Yet little research has documented and characterized
    As an example, the Shape Up Somerville study              the processes and dynamics that drive success. To
                                                                                                                           prevention interventions                                    force, etc.70
                                                                                                                                                                                           While the evidence supporting whole-of-community
made structural and relational changes. Utilizing a com-      address this gap, our team led a mixed methods sys-          A pandemic as paramount and complex as obesity
                                                                                                                                                                                       obesity prevention interventions is strong and growing,
munity-based participatory research approach, Shape           tematic review to understand how coalitions engage           requires systems-wide societal changes that target a
                                                                                                                                                                                       there are challenges. First, the current epidemiologic
                                                              in community-based obesity prevention efforts.57 Only        range of influences and behaviors starting early in life.
                                                                                                                                                                                       toolbox and design of whole-of-community interventions
                                                              13 studies met our review criteria, and the majority of      While community-level interventions such as those in
                                                                                                                                                                                       do not identify which components of the intervention
     Investigators attribute the success of the               these described coalitions’ involvement in intervention      school settings have had varying degrees of success
                                                                                                                                                                                       are most effective. However, from a systems science
       Shape Up Somerville study to diverse                   design and planning (n = 11), implementation (n = 12),       in impacting individual biology and behavior as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                       perspective one could argue that the “whole” of a
      community partnerships that designed,                   and sustainability (n = 10). Beyond the coalitions’ impact
                                                                                                                                                                                       whole-of-community intervention trial is greater than
      implemented, evaluated, and sustained                   on these more structural change processes related to
                                                                                                                                  Whole-of-community interventions                     the sum of its parts. A more useful strategy would be to
       changes to promote healthy behaviors                   the intervention (“the what”), study investigators shared
                                                                                                                                 show promise for preventing obesity,                  more clearly study the implementation of whole-of-com-
        throughout the children’s entire day.                 insights on coalition members’ relational dynamics (“the
                                                                                                                                   especially when combined with a                     munity interventions and apply complex systems model-
                                                              how”). Several key themes emerged: the importance of
                                                                                                                               community-based participatory approach                  ing approaches to evaluate potential synergies between
                                                              uniting stakeholders from multiple sectors, strengthen-
                                                                                                                                  and the involvement of a coalition.                  the multiple components. Yet this points to another chal-
Up Somerville focused on policy and environmental             ing existing relationships within the community, strategi-
                                                                                                                                                                                       lenge for whole-of-community interventions: the assess-
changes to prevent obesity, which were designed and           cally creating new relationships, and creating space for
                                                                                                                                                                                       ment of implementation processes and outcomes. A
diffused through a community coalition.51 The study           positive group dynamics so that information and ideas
demonstrated that children living in the intervention                                                                      policy and environmental changes to reduce obesity          recent systematic review of whole-of-community trials
                                                              can be exchanged.58
community had a significant decrease in BMI z-scores                                                                       risk,65 growing evidence supports a whole-of-community      found that few studies reported on aspects such as
(the number of standard deviations from the mean) by          Transformative change: Mental models                         approach. Whole-of-community interventions—those            fidelity or other implementation metrics and that further
0.10 and 0.06 kg/m2 one year and two years, respec-           At the bottom of the inverted triangle of systems change     that are multilevel, multifaceted, and implemented holis-   research is needed in this area. Questions remain about
tively, after the intervention began compared to control      are implicit mental models representing perhaps the          tically throughout an entire community—show promise         how to scale these approaches across communities.71
groups.52 Favorable shifts in dietary and physical activity   most difficult yet impactful target for transformative       for preventing obesity, especially when combined with
were documented.53 Investigators attribute the success        change. Mental models are the relatively enduring inter-     a community-based participatory approach and the in-        A call to integrate systems
to diverse community partnerships (including parents,         nal abstraction of an external system to aid and govern      volvement of a coalition.66 These interventions are more    approaches with whole-of-
teachers, school food service providers, healthcare           activity.59 They are the deeply held beliefs and assump-     likely to be successful and sustained because of their
                                                                                                                                                                                       community obesity prevention
professionals, after-school programs, local government,       tions of how something works that influences how we          focus on all six conditions of systems change. Examples
restaurants, and the media) that designed, implemented,       think, what we do, and how we talk.60 Mental models          of successful whole-of-community interventions include
evaluated, and sustained practice, policy, and environ-       are important because they inform our decision-making        Shape Up Somerville and the Romp & Chomp Project.67         So far we have described two parallel movements in
mental changes to promote healthy behaviors through-          processes and actions. However, if our mental models             Whole-of-community interventions have the poten-        childhood obesity research: the application of sys-
out the children’s entire day. Because of this measurable     are not made explicit, stakeholders may end up with          tial to be effective and equitable, especially when they    tems science and whole-of-community interventions.

8 - USING SYSTEMS APPROACHES TO CATALYZE WHOLE-OF-COMMUNITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION EFFORTS                                                                                                           CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 9
Whole-of-community interventions are not inherently              Two ongoing studies illustrate how combining sys-          Box 2
systems approaches in their design, implementation,           tems science and whole-of-community interventions can
or evaluation. However, combining the two—systems             make a difference in addressing obsesity.                       Definitions
science and whole-of-community interventions—can be
especially useful and powerful for a number of reasons.       Shape Up Under 5 in Somerville,
                                                                                                                              Body mass index (BMI)                                                 Whole-of-community intervention
    First, a systems approach to whole-of-community           Massachusetts (2015–17)                                         BMI is a screening measure used to determine an indi-                 An intervention that is multilevel, multifaceted, and imple-
interventions allows one to better understand the             As part of the NIH-funded COMPACT study, Shape Up               vidual’s weight status. BMI does not measure body fat or              mented holistically throughout multiple community sectors
context of the intervention and can ultimately result         Under 5 was a whole-of-community systems intervention           adiposity directly, but research has shown that BMI cor-              and settings.
in a more targeted intervention. Second, systems                                                                              relates with other measures of adiposity, such as skinfold
                                                              pilot aimed at preventing obesity among children from
                                                                                                                              thickness and body composition. BMI is calculated by                  Community coalition
approaches help uncover the true nature of the prob-          birth to age five in Somerville, Massachusetts. This was
                                                                                                                              dividing an individual’s weight in kilograms by the square            An organized group of leaders and stakeholders, often
lem and why it is particularly hard to shift. This can be     one of the first obesity prevention studies that (a) inter-     of his or her height in meters (kg/m2). Since children are            representing diverse sectors and settings within a commu-
achieved by working collaboratively with key stakehold-       vened across the six conditions of systems change by            growing and there are differences by sex, BMI is age- and             nity, that works together to achieve a common objective
ers to elicit their mental models—either formally through     engaging a multisector coalition of community stake-            sex-specific. Weight status categories are defined based on           (may also be referred to as a steering committee, task
group model building or informally through interviews         holders and employing a stakeholder-driven design to            BMI percentiles relative to a child’s age and sex based on a          force, etc.).
and discussions. However, the formal approach may             elicit structural, relational, and transformative change        reference population.
be especially valuable. Working collectively creates a        and (b) was designed and evaluated using complex                                                                                      Definitions from Kania, Kramer, and Senge,
                                                                                                                              BMI z-score
shared understanding that is difficult to achieve through     systems modeling methodologies. Coalition members                                                                                     The Water of Systems Change, 2018
                                                                                                                              The number of standard deviations from the popula-
other methods. In relation to the six conditions of sys-      met approximately every month over the two-year study           tion’s mean BMI.                                                      (see figure 2):
                                                              period and participated in a series of group model build-
                                                              ing activities designed to promote shared understanding         Obesity
      Integrating systems approaches with                                                                                                                                                           Government, institutional, and organizational rules, regu-
                                                              of the problem and each other’s roles in the community.         Obesity is the excess accumulation of body fat with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    lations, and priorities that guide the entity’s own and oth-
       whole-of-community interventions                       Analyses are under way using agent-based models                 potential to impair health. For adults, obesity is defined
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ers’ actions.
     greatly expands the toolbox with which                   and social network analysis to understand how coali-            as a BMI at or above 30 kg/m2. For children, obesity is de-
         we evaluate these interventions.                     tion members’ efforts were diffused and disseminated            fined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile. This means
                                                                                                                              that the child’s BMI is greater than the BMI of 95 percent
                                                              throughout the community.                                                                                                             Espoused activities of institutions, coalitions, networks, and
                                                                                                                              of other children in the reference population of the same
                                                                                                                                                                                                    other entities targeted to improving social and environmen-
                                                                                                                              age and sex.
tems change, this has the potential to lead to transfor-      The Early Ages Healthy Stages Coalition                                                                                               tal progress. Also, within the entity, the procedures, guide-
mative change through the shifting of mental models.          in Cuyahoga County, Ohio                                        Energy balance
                                                                                                                                                                                                    lines, or informal shared habits that compose their work.
   Third, by applying systems approaches, the inter-          Following the completion of Shape Up Under 5, a new             Energy balance is the state in which energy intake (from
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Resource flows
connections (direct and feedback) can become clearer,         study intended to replicate the whole-of-community sys-         food and beverages) is equal to energy expenditure
                                                                                                                                                                                                    How money, people, knowledge, information, and other as-
which may shift the nature of the intervention. While the     tems intervention approach was conducted in Cuyahoga            (largely from physical activity and basal metabolism [an
                                                                                                                                                                                                    sets such as infrastructure are allocated and distributed.
focus for many interventions to date has been on the                                                                          individual’s minimum energy needs to maintain vital func-
                                                              County, Ohio. The Early Ages Healthy Stages Coalition,
“what” (i.e., what evidence-based components or strat-                                                                        tions at rest]). Positive energy balance occurs when energy
                                                              a multisector group of stakeholders, brought together                                                                                 Relationships & connections
                                                                                                                              intake exceeds energy expenditure, typically resulting in
egies to utilize), a systems approach also focuses on         community partners to improve environments, practic-                                                                                  Quality of connections and communication occurring
                                                                                                                              weight gain.
the “how” (i.e., how the evidence-based components or         es, and policies to ensure that all children in the county                                                                            among actors in the system, especially among those with
strategies are disseminated and implemented through           had the opportunity to grow and thrive in good health.                                                                                differing histories and viewpoints.
                                                                                                                              Systems science
the community). Fourth, a systems approach can                Using the same participatory research method as above           The study of complex systems (natural and social), often
uncover deeper system insights and the importance of                                                                                                                                                Power dynamics
                                                              applied over the course of one year, a systems map/             through the use of methodologies such as agent-based
social networks, the information that flows through them,                                                                                                                                           The distribution of decision-making power, authority,
                                                              causal loop diagram was created to visualize the factors        modeling, system dynamics modeling, and network analy-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and formal and informal influence among individuals and
and the characteristics of people within them. This is        driving early childhood obesity in the community. Using         sis (see table 1).
akin to relational change within the six conditions of sys-   the causal loop diagram, the group identified an ambi-
tems change. In order to shift the system, we must focus                                                                      Implementation science
                                                              tious and potentially transformative long-term vision to                                                                              Mental models
on the relationships and connections along with the                                                                           An interdisciplinary body of theory, knowledge, frame-
                                                              strengthen the systemwide connections between early                                                                                   Habits of thought—deeply held beliefs and assumptions
                                                                                                                              works, tools, and approaches to ensure that interventions
power dynamics. Lastly, integrating systems approaches        childhood health and education focused on monitor-                                                                                    and taken-for-granted ways of operating that influence how
                                                                                                                              are strong, impactful, and sustainable.
with whole-of-community interventions greatly expands         ing, evaluation, landscape mapping and coordination,                                                                                  we think, what we do, and how we talk.
the toolbox with which we evaluate these interventions.       and advocacy.
Traditional epidemiological tools need not be aban-
doned but should be used in conjunction with complex                                                                          Sources: Luke and Stamatakis 2012; Tumilowicz et al. 2019; Kania, Kramer, and Senge 2018
systems methodologies illustrated in table 1.

10 - USING SYSTEMS APPROACHES TO CATALYZE WHOLE-OF-COMMUNITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION EFFORTS                                                                                                                          CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 11
Recommendations and                                                    ners. While there has recently been a strong focus on         Conclusion                                                         with whole-of-community obesity prevention interven-
                                                                       achieving health equity across many sectors, more can                                                                            tions is needed to advance the field and to create a
action steps                                                                                                                         Obesity is a growing global pandemic that affects every
                                                                       be done. The private sector, for example, may consider                                                                           paradigm shift. This would result in a comprehensive
Several key areas need to be addressed to advance                                                                                    age group, with entrenched differences based on ge-
                                                                       how communications, marketing, and advertising impact                                                                            approach that involves all three levels of systems
whole-of-community systems approaches and trans-                                                                                     ography and sociodemographic groups. Interventions
                                                                       socially disadvantaged populations.                                                                                              change—shifting the mental models of diverse commu-
form the field. These areas are highlighted in table 2                                                                               aimed at prevention have focused largely on structural
                                                                           All sectors can invest more resources in training                                                                            nity stakeholders; leveraging relationships and social
and offer innovative ways for different sectors to apply                                                                             changes—changes to policies, practices, and resource
                                                                       and capacity building for systems thinking and systems                                                                           network connections and addressing power dynamics;
systems thinking and systems approaches to obesity                                                                                   flows—and have had limited success in curbing the
                                                                       approaches. Further, none of this work would be pos-                                                                             and changing obesity-related policies, practices, and
prevention. This list is meant to be illustrative, not ex-                                                                           obesity pandemic. While structural change is important
                                                                       sible without funding. A diversity of funding sources                                                                            resource flows based on the previous two levels.
haustive. Recommendations for achieving (a) explicit and                                                                             and needs to be continued, a sole focus on this fails to
                                                                       across government, philanthropy, nonprofits, academia,                                                                               Action is required across government, philanthropy,
implicit change, (b) health equity, (c) training and capac-                                                                          address all of the factors required to achieve true sys-
                                                                       and the private sector is required for innovation given                                                                          nonprofit and community-based organizations, aca-
ity-building, and (d) funding within government, philan-                                                                             tems change.
                                                                       the scale and interdisciplinary nature of the approach.                                                                          demia, and the private sector and must include a focus
thropy, nonprofit and community-based organizations,                                                                                    Systems science is well suited to address the com-
                                                                       As research evolves, efforts must be made to develop                                                                             on health equity, funding to support systems change,
academia, and the private sector are included.                                                                                       plexity of the obesity epidemic and to guide the design
                                                                       the science of scale, including the development of effec-                                                                        and training and capacity building of practitioners and
    For example, we recommend that government enti-                                                                                  and evaluation of whole-of-community obesity preven-
                                                                       tiveness metrics, measurement of dose and impact, and                                                                            scientists in systems science. Such efforts could help
ties consider structural changes in research funding                                                                                 tion efforts. Interventions based on systems science
                                                                       connection of upstream policy changes to downstream                                                                              reduce the enormous economic, social, and health costs
to accommodate the additional time and resources                                                                                     have been shown to be promising and enduring solu-
                                                                       behavioral and health outcomes, to name a few.                                                                                   of this global pandemic and improve the lives of hun-
necessary to build relationships with community part-                                                                                tions to the epidemic. Integrating systems approaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                        dreds of millions of people around the world.

Table 2

   Recommendations and action steps to integrate systems approaches with
   whole-of-community childhood obesity prevention efforts
                                                                            Interventions based on systems science
   Recommendations and                                                       have been shown toPhilanthropy
                                                                                                 be promising and                      Nonprofit and community-based
                                                     Government                                                                                                                               Academia                                 Private sector
   action steps                                                                                                                                 organizations
                                                                          enduring solutions to the obesity epidemic.
   Explicit/implicit levels         Consider structural changes in grant            Share network information to advance best        Shift mental models by activating and     Address silos/structures that limit
   of change                        mechanisms that acknowledge the need for        practices                                        engaging community stakeholders and       collaboration
                                    relationship building                                                                            leadership from backbone organizations
                                                                                                                                                                               Build transparency into communications
                                                                                                                                     Build social networks
                                                                                                                                                                               Develop interdisciplinary networks of
   Health equity                    Build more training and capacity-building       Recognize the profound impacts of social         Adopt equity-oriented practices and       Generate research on equity-oriented       Consider how communications,
                                    opportunities for researchers at all levels     determinants on health and build them into       models                                    interventions                              marketing, and advertising impact
                                                                                    the requirements                                                                                                                      socially disadvantaged populations
                                    Consider resources (time and money)                                                                                                        Work with priority populations to design
                                    required to impact socially disadvantaged                                                                                                                                             Develop equity-oriented training, hiring,
                                    communities                                                                                                                                                                           and capacity building internally
   Training and capacity            Support systems science training programs       Support systems science training for grantees    Train stakeholders on how to apply        Train future leaders in systems thinking   Invest in social impact internally and
   building                         across professional levels (research, policy,                                                    systems thinking and systems-oriented     and complex systems modeling through       externally
                                    practice)                                                                                        approaches                                enhanced curriculum/degree offerings
   Funding                          Increase funding for systems change             Coordinate efforts to maximize impact            Scale and sustain efforts                 Build community partnerships with          See above
                                    research, including systems science methods                                                                                                integrity
                                    and dissemination and implementation (D&I)      Bring together interdisciplinary experts         Adopt/implement equity-oriented,
                                    research                                        (scientists and practitioners)                   evidence-based interventions              Maximize institutional collaboration

                                    Develop flexible, innovative mechanisms that    Assess the mental models of stakeholders         Assess the mental models of
                                    support whole-of-community interventions        within their own organizations and investigate   stakeholders within their own
                                                                                    internal conditions that may help or hinder      organizations
                                    Create new mechanisms to better support         external aspirations
                                    systems change research efforts (e.g., longer                                                    Raise attention to shift power dynamics
                                    funding duration or higher allowable direct                                                      at play in communities

   Some action steps are adapted from Kania, Kramer, and Senge 2018.

12 - USING SYSTEMS APPROACHES TO CATALYZE WHOLE-OF-COMMUNITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION EFFORTS                                                                                                                           CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 13
Endnotes                                                                                                                               22.   Kevin D. Hall, “Did the Food Environment Cause the Obesity Epidemic?” Obesity (Silver Spring) 26, no. 1 (2018): 11–13,
                                                                                                                                   ; Dariush Mozaffarian, “Foods, Obesity, and Diabetes—Are All Calories Created Equal?”
                                                                                                                                             Nutrition Reviews 75, no. supplement 1 (2017): 19–31,; Institute of Medicine, Challenges
                                                                                                                                             and Opportunities for Change in Food Marketing to Children and Youth (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press,
1.    Thomas Lehnert et al., “Economic Costs of Overweight and Obesity,” Best Practice & Research: Clinical Endocrinology &            23.   Church and Martin, “The Obesity Epidemic”; “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends and Maps,” Centers for
      Metabolism 27, no. 2 (2013): 105–15,; Richard Dobbs et al., Overcoming Obesity:              Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, accessed March 19,
      An Initial Economic Analysis (London: McKinsey Global Institute, 2014),                      2018,
      %20fight%20obesity/MGI_Overcoming_obesity_Full_report.ashx.                                                                      24.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
                                                                                                                                             “Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity”; Alicia A. Thorp et al., “Sedentary Behaviors and Subsequent Health Outcomes in
2.    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, “Trends in Adult Body-Mass Index in 200 Countries from 1975 to 2014: A Pooled Analysis                  Adults: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies, 1996-2011,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 41, no. 2 (2011):
      of 1698 Population-Based Measurement Studies with 19.2 Million Participants,” The Lancet 387, no. 10026 (2016): 1377–96,               207–15,; Susan B. Sisson et al., “Profiles of Sedentary Behavior in Children and                                                                                         Adolescents: The US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001–2006,” International Journal of Pediatric
3.    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, “Trends in Adult Body-Mass Index.”                                                                      Obesity 4, no. 4 (2009): 353–59,
4.    C. M. Hales et al., “Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2015-2016,” NCHS Data Brief 288                25.   Elena Niccolai et al., “The Gut–Brain Axis in the Neuropsychological Disease Model of Obesity: A Classical Movie Revised by
      (October 2017): 1–8.                                                                                                                   the Emerging Director ‘Microbiome,’” Nutrients 11, no. 1 (2019): E156,
5.    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, “Trends in Adult Body-Mass Index.”                                                                26.   Sayed Sartaj Sohrab et al., “Viral Infection and Obesity: Current Status and Future Prospective,” Current Drug Metabolism 18,
                                                                                                                                             no. 9 (2017): 798–807,; V. Hainer et al., “Obesity and Infection: Reciprocal
6.    Robert C. Whitaker et al., “Predicting Obesity in Young Adulthood from Childhood and Parental Obesity,” New England
                                                                                                                                             Causality,” Physiological Research 64, no. supplement 2 (2015): S105–19.
      Journal of Medicine 337, no. 13 (1997): 869–73,; Zachary J. Ward et al.,
      “Simulation of Growth Trajectories of Childhood Obesity into Adulthood,” New England Journal of Medicine 377, no. 22             27.   Kerstin Rohde et al., “Genetics and Epigenetics in Obesity,” Metabolism 92 (2019): 37–50,
      (2017): 2145–53,                                                                                 .2018.10.007.
7.    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, “Worldwide Trends in Body-Mass Index, Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity from 1975 to           28.   Alison Tumilowicz et al., “Implementation Science in Nutrition: Concepts and Frameworks for an Emerging Field of Science
      2016: A Pooled Analysis of 2416 Population-Based Measurement Studies in 128.9 Million Children, Adolescents, and Adults,”              and Practice,” Current Developments in Nutrition 3, no. 3 (2019): nyz080,
      The Lancet 390, no. 10113 (2017): 2627–42,                                         29.   For additional background on the application of systems science to public and behavioral health, see Douglas A. Luke and
8.    Hales et al., “Prevalence of Obesity.”                                                                                                 Katherine A. Stamatakis, “Systems Science Methods in Public Health: Dynamics, Networks, and Agents,” Annual Review of
                                                                                                                                             Public Health 33 (2012): 357–76,; Gemma Carey et al., “Systems
9.    Ministry of Health, New Zealand Health Survey, Annual Data Explorer (New Zealand: Ministry of Health, April 2019),
                                                                                                                                             Science and Systems Thinking for Public Health: A Systematic Review of the Field,” BMJ Open 5, no. 12 (2015): e009002,!/home.
10.   The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Current Status and Response to the Global Obesity
                                                                                                                                       30.   Hammond, “Complex Systems Modeling for Obesity Research”; Institute of Medicine, Accelerating Progress in Obesity
      Pandemic: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2019).
                                                                                                                                             Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012).
11.   Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and the World Food Programme, The Cost of the Double Burden
                                                                                                                                       31.   “Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS),” National Institute of General Medical Sciences, accessed April 8, 2019,
      of Malnutrition: Social and Economic Impact (Santiago, Chile: United Nations, 2017).
12.   Boyd A. Swinburn et al., “The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change: The Lancet Commission
                                                                                                                                       32.   National Cancer Institute, Greater Than the Sum: Systems Thinking in Tobacco Control, NIH Pub. No. 06-6085 (Bethesda,
      Report,” The Lancet 393, no. 10173 (2019): 791–846,
                                                                                                                                             MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, April 2007).
13.   NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, “Worldwide Trends in Body-Mass Index.”
                                                                                                                                       33.   Hammond, “Complex Systems Modeling.”
14.   Lehnert et al., “Economic Costs”; Dobbs et al., Overcoming Obesity.
                                                                                                                                       34.   Institute of Medicine, Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention; NIH Obesity Research Task Force, Strategic Plan for
15.   Ashkan Afshin et al., “Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries Over 25 Years,” New England Journal of                NIH Obesity Research, NIH Publication No. 11-5493 (Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National
      Medicine 377, no. 1 (2017): 13–27,; Béatrice Lauby-Secretan et al., “Body Fatness and             Institute of Health, 2011); Anne Barnhill, Anne Palmer, and Christine M. Weston, “Grappling with Complex Food Systems to
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16 - USING SYSTEMS APPROACHES TO CATALYZE WHOLE-OF-COMMUNITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION EFFORTS                                                                                                                                    CHICAGO COUNCIL ON GLOBAL AFFAIRS - 17
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