Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy

Page created by Lawrence Ortiz
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy

                                                           Caloundra South
                                                    Urban Development Area
                                           Proposed Development Scheme

                                                                 April 2011
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy

Caloundra South Urban Development Area Development Scheme

Introduction............................ 1   Introduction................................. 1                             3.3 UDA-wide criteria........................................... 8
                                                                                                                             3.3.1 Neighbourhoods.................................. 8
                                             1.1   The Urban Land Development Authority.......... 1
Strategic Context..................... 2     1.2   Urban Development Area................................ 1                   3.3.2 Centres............................................... 10
                                             1.3   Purpose of the development scheme.............. 1                          3.3.3 Housing diversity and affordability..... 10
Land Use Plan......................... 6     1.4   Elements of the development scheme............. 1                          3.3.4 Employment opportunities................. 11
                                             1.5   Acknowledgements......................................... 1                3.3.5 Movement network............................. 11
Infrastructure Plan............... 27
                                                                                                                              3.3.6 Greenspace network........................... 11
                                             Strategic Context.......................... 2
Implementation Strategy...... 32                                                                                              3.3.7 Community facilities........................... 12
                                             2.1 Background.................................................... 2
                                                                                                                              3.3.8 Natural values.................................... 12
Schedules.............................. 37   2.2 Vision............................................................. 2
                                                                                                                              3.3.9 Community safety and development
                                             Land Use Plan.............................. 6                                          constraints.......................................... 13
                                             3.1 Operation of the land use plan....................... 6                      3.3.10 Service infrastructure......................... 14
                                                 3.1.1 UDA development requirements......... 6                                3.3.11 General requirements......................... 14
                                                   3.1.2 Levels of assessment........................... 6               3.4 Zone provisions............................................. 20
                                                   3.1.3 Meaning of development..................... 6
                                                                                                                         Infrastructure Plan.................... 27
                                                   3.1.4 Schedules............................................ 6
                                                                                                                         Infrastructure Plan.............................................. 27
                                             3.2 Development assessment.............................. 7
                                                 3.2.1 Development consistent with the land                              Implementation Strategy........... 32
                                                       use plan............................................... 7
                                                                                                                         Implementation Strategy.................................... 32
                                                   3.2.2 Development approval........................ 7
                                                   3.2.3 Infrastructure agreements................... 7                  Schedules................................... 37
                                                   3.2.4 Consideration in principle.................... 7                Schedule 1: Exempt development....................... 37
                                                   3.2.5 Development application..................... 7                  Schedule 2: Definitions....................................... 39
                                                   3.2.6 Context plans....................................... 7          Schedule 3: Self-assessable provisions.............. 45
                                                   3.2.7 Plan of Development........................... 7
                                                   3.2.8 Notification requirements.................... 8
                                                   3.2.9 Interim use.......................................... 8
                                                   3.2.10 Relationship with local government
                                                          planning scheme and other legislation.8
                                                   3.2.11 Land not included in a zone................. 8
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                                                                     Introduction                             1.0

 1.1 The Urban Land                                1.2 Urban Development                           1.4 Elements of the                              1.5 Acknowledgements
     Development                                       Area                                            development scheme                           The scheme draws on the extensive planning
     Authority                                     The Caloundra South Urban Development           The scheme consists of:
                                                                                                                                                    work that has been undertaken in the
                                                                                                                                                    preparation of the Caloundra South Structure
                                                   Area (UDA) was declared by regulation on 22
 The Urban Land Development Authority                                                              ÈÈ a vision                                      Plan by Sunshine Coast Regional Council, in
                                                   October 2010.
 (ULDA) is a statutory authority under the                                                         ÈÈ a land use plan                               collaboration with the landowner and key
 Urban Land Development Authority Act
 2007 (the Act) and a key element of the
                                                   1.3 Purpose of the                              ÈÈ an infrastructure plan                        State agencies.

 Queensland Housing Affordability Strategy.            development scheme                          ÈÈ an implementation strategy.                   Prior to the declaration of Caloundra South,
                                                                                                   The vision for the UDA seeks to achieve the      Sunshine Coast Regional Council undertook
 The role of the ULDA is to facilitate:            The Caloundra South UDA Development                                                              public consultation on a draft Structure Plan
                                                   Scheme (the scheme) has been prepared in        purposes of the Act and provides the basis
 (i) the availability of land for urban purposes                                                   for the land use plan, infrastructure plan and   for Caloundra South. Submissions on the
                                                   accordance with the Act and is applicable                                                        draft Structure Plan have been considered in
 (ii) the provision of a range of housing          to all development on land within the           implementation strategy.
                                                                                                                                                    the preparation of the scheme.
      options to address diverse community         boundaries of the UDA. It is a statutory        Map 2 - Vision represents how Caloundra
      needs                                        instrument and has the force of law.            South may develop over time to meet the
 (iii) the provision of infrastructure for                                                         vision in the scheme.
                                                   The purpose of the scheme is to:
       urban purposes
                                                   ÈÈ establish the vision for the UDA             The land use plan regulates development
 (iv) planning principles that give effect                                                         and states the preferred form of development
      to ecological sustainability and best        ÈÈ regulate development to achieve the
                                                                                                   in the UDA.
      practice urban design                           vision
                                                   ÈÈ identify infrastructure and other            The infrastructure plan details the
 (v) the provision of an ongoing availability
                                                      strategies and mechanisms to achieve         infrastructure necessary to support the land
     of affordable housing options for low to
                                                      the vision.                                  use plan for the UDA.
     moderate income households.
                                                   From the date of approval under a regulation,   The implementation strategy describes other
 The ULDA works with local and state
                                                   the scheme replaces the Caloundra South         strategies and mechanisms that the ULDA
 governments, community, local landowners
                                                   Urban Development Area Interim Land Use         will use to complement the land use plan and
 and the development industry to deliver
                                                   Plan which commenced upon declaration.          infrastructure plan to achieve the outcomes
 commercially viable developments that
                                                                                                   for the UDA.
 include diverse, affordable, sustainable
 housing and use best-practice urban
 design principles.

                                                                                                                               Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme   1
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
    2.0           Strategic Context

     2.1 Background                                 in the Sunshine Coast local government area     Map 1: Caloundra South UDA boundary
                                                    by 2031. Caloundra South UDA provides an
     Caloundra South is located at the southern     opportunity to provide approximately 20,000
     limit of the Sunshine Coast Region,            dwellings to accommodate a population of                   1.   Caloundra Aerodrome
     immediately south of Caloundra. Caloundra      approximately 50,000 persons.                              2.   Lamerough Creek
     South UDA comprises approximately 2310                                                                    3.   Pelican Waters
                                                    While most of the UDA has been cleared for                 4    Bellvista                                              4
     hectares generally defined by:
                                                    previous land uses including forestry and                       Urban Development Area boundary
     ÈÈ Caloundra Aerodrome, Bellvista              grazing, stands of remnant vegetation remain                    Bruce Highway

        residential estate, the Sunshine Coast      in waterway corridors and some peripheral
        Regional Industrial Park and the northern   areas. Views south-west towards the Glass                                                                          2

        branch of Bells Creek in the north;         House Mountains are possible from the site.
     ÈÈ Caloundra Conservation Park, Bells          Pumicestone Passage is a significant
        Creek and the western edge of the           environmental feature within the Sunshine
        Golden Beach and Pelican Waters             Coast sub-region. Wetlands associated with
        neighbourhoods in the east;                 Pumicestone Passage, to the south east of
     ÈÈ Bells Creek Road in the south; and          the UDA, are recognised as being of national
     ÈÈ Bruce Highway in the west.                  and international significance.

     The UDA is characterised by a predominantly    The UDA is serviced by a number of existing
     flat to gently undulating topography which     and future regional transport linkages. The
     reflects its location on the margins of the    Bells Creek Road intersection on the Bruce

     coastal plain. The land slopes generally       Highway provides opportunity for the future
     from west to east with a ridgeline along the   provision of an interchange to access the


     southern boundary. The site is traversed       UDA and provide linkages to west of the
     by Lamerough Creek and the northern and        highway.
     southern arms of Bells Creek which all drain
     east to Pumicestone Passage.
                                                    2.2 Vision
     The South East Queensland Regional
     Plan 2009-2031 (Regional Plan)                 A vibrant community
     identifies Caloundra South as a Regional
     Development Area to be developed as a          ÈÈ Caloundra South provides attractive
                                                                                                                                     Bells Creek Road
     compact community supported by public             lifestyles for up to 50,000 residents and
     transport, housing choice and affordability,      approximately 15,000 jobs, in a variety of
     employment opportunities and facilities and       neighbourhoods, mixed-use centres and
     services. The Regional Plan identifies an         industrial areas.
     additional 98,000 dwellings will be required

2    Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                                                         Strategic Context                                     2.0

 ÈÈ Caloundra South is a significant              ÈÈ Residential uses, work from home             An accessible community                         A connected community
    community within the Sunshine Coast              opportunities and non-residential uses
                                                                                                  ÈÈ Caloundra South is a compact, well           ÈÈ Caloundra South is serviced by an
    and the South East Queensland region.            to serve the community needs will be
                                                                                                     planned community with higher density           integrated transport infrastructure
    It achieves the potential identified in the      provided within well designed, walkable
                                                                                                     residential development within and              network which supports transit oriented
    Regional Plan, providing a wide range            neighbourhoods.
                                                                                                     adjacent to centres and major transport         development, promotes pedestrian,
    of housing choices and employment             ÈÈ The natural contours and features               nodes to enhance accessibility to services      bicycle and public transport modes over
    opportunities, supported by community            provide an integrated and linked                and facilities, and reduce demand for           private vehicle use, provides for the
    services and a variety of transport modes.       greenspace network that provides safely         travel by private vehicle.                      integration between public transport
 ÈÈ Caloundra South is serviced by a network         linked nodes of open space to all parts of                                                      modes and connects Caloundra South to
                                                                                                  ÈÈ Caloundra South is serviced by an
    of centres, the major centre being the           the community.                                                                                  the sub-regional transport network.
                                                                                                     integrated public transport system that
    Caloundra South Major Regional Activity
                                                                                                     connects neighbourhoods and centres,         ÈÈ High quality and frequent public
    Centre (MRAC). The network of centres         An inclusive community
                                                                                                     linking with the future bus rapid transit       transport services are provided that
    within Caloundra South complements
                                                  ÈÈ Each neighbourhood provides a diversity         and rail service to provide good access to      connect Caloundra South to other
    the hierarchy of centres that supports
                                                     of housing, including affordable and            work, education and other opportunities         parts of the Sunshine Coast and the
    Maroochydore as the Principal Regional
                                                     accessible housing, to cater for a              elsewhere in the region.                        rail line that connects to Brisbane and
    Activity Centre and nearby Caloundra as
                                                     variety of households and changing           ÈÈ Caloundra South has been designed for           other destinations within South East
    a MRAC.
                                                     requirements as the community matures.          walking and cycling. It has a network           Queensland.
 ÈÈ The Caloundra South MRAC will
                                                  ÈÈ Caloundra South meets the social,               of pathways built around several major       ÈÈ The road network provides for convenient
    serve a sub-regional catchment and
                                                     community, recreational and                     off-road spines along the greenspace            movement for residents between their
    develop as a high quality town centre
                                                     entertainment needs of residents                corridors including Bells and Lamerough         homes, employment, recreation, leisure,
    providing a diverse range of retail,
                                                     through the provision of new services in        Creeks, and along major roads.                  retail and community facilities and takes
    business and commercial, civic, health,
                                                     accessible locations, including multi-          These spines are supplemented by a              account of the topography, natural
    community, educational, recreational and
                                                     purpose community facilities located in         comprehensive network of smaller links          vegetation and where possible views and
    entertainment facilities in conjunction
                                                     centres throughout the UDA.                     and safe, legible street layouts that link      vistas to the Glasshouse Mountains.
    with more intensive residential
                                                  ÈÈ There is a wide range of community              to and between centres, parkland and         ÈÈ The road network provides an efficient
    development. This will be supported by
                                                     groups catering for a variety of                other community facilities.                     system where the function of streets is
    district and neighbourhood centres that
    provide a focus for the community.               activities and interests, and providing                                                         clearly identified.
                                                     opportunities for life-long learning and                                                     ÈÈ A greenspace network will follow the
 ÈÈ Residents live in neighbourhoods which
                                                     recreation.                                                                                     Bells and Lamerough Creek systems.
    have a discernable identity and sense
    of place, and are designed around a           ÈÈ People have a multitude of opportunities                                                        The network includes an integrated
    community focal point which may be a             for social interaction in the centres                                                           pedestrian and cycle network linking
    local park or neighbourhood centre.              and parks that provide the focus for                                                            neighbourhoods, community facilities,
                                                     communities throughout Caloundra                                                                public transport nodes and places of
                                                     South.                                                                                          employment to the greenspace network.

                                                                                                                             Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme      3
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
    2.0           Strategic Context

     A prosperous community                           ÈÈ The majority of land to the east of
                                                         Kawana Arterial along Lamerough Creek,
     ÈÈ A mix of land uses facilitates the delivery
                                                         Bells Creek North and Bells Creek South
        of jobs that contribute to a high level of
                                                         are protected and rehabilitated.
        self containment within the Sunshine
        Coast region. This is promoted through        ÈÈ Integrated water cycle management
        the provision of local employment                contributes to the water quality values of
        opportunities through a network of               the Pumicestone Passage and the Bells
        centres and the development of industrial        and Lamerough Creek riparian corridors
        areas which contributes to a resilient           and their tributaries.
        economy.                                      ÈÈ Buildings and other development
     ÈÈ Caloundra South provides opportunities           respond positively to the key
        for a wide range of employment activities        environmental issues of climate
        to establish in the community, including         change, energy efficiency and waste
        work-from-home opportunities and start-          management.
        up opportunities for local entrepreneurs.     ÈÈ A comprehensive greenspace network
     ÈÈ Caloundra South's wide range of                  ensures important ecological and scenic
        education and training opportunities             values are protected and enhanced,
        means that the community is well                 and adequate parks and recreation
        equipped to compete in the global                opportunities are provided.
        economy.                                      ÈÈ Residents take advantage of
                                                         opportunities to move around using
     A sustainable community                             active and public transport, thus reducing
     ÈÈ Development protects and supports the            private motorised travel and its impacts
        regional and national biodiversity values        on the environment.
        external to the UDA in the Pumicestone        ÈÈ Cultural and community services, open
        Passage.                                         space, sport and recreational facilities
     ÈÈ Development within Caloundra South               meet the needs of the community and
        provides for the enhancement of local            encourage active, healthy lifestyles.
        and regional natural ecosystems               ÈÈ Development provides a visual and
        and biodiversity values through the              acoustic buffer adjacent to the Bruce
        protection of ecologically important areas       Highway ensuring the character and
        and the establishment of buffers to these        visual values of this gateway to the
        areas.                                           Sunshine Coast are sustained.
                                                      Map 2 - Vision represents how Caloundra
                                                      South may develop over time to meet the
                                                      vision in the scheme.

4    Caloundra South Urban Development Area proposed Development Scheme
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
                                                      Strategic Context                                                                             2.0

 Map 2 - Vision

                                                                 Produced by the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) 2011
                                                                 Map is intended for illustration purposes only and unless stated is not to scale

                                           Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme                                             5
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
    3.0            Land Use Plan:                      Context

     3.1 Operation of the                            (ii) UDA self assessable development            Figure 1: Components of the land use plan and their relationship
                                                          (column 2)
         land use plan                               (iii) UDA assessable development which is
     The land use plan establishes the UDA                 permissible (column 3A)                                                               Vision
     development requirements which regulate
                                                     (iv) UDA assessable development which is
     development to ensure the achievement of
                                                          prohibited (column 3B).
     the vision for the UDA.
                                                                                                                                  UDA development requirements
                                                     3.1.3 Meaning of development
     3.1.1   UDA development requirements
                                                     Development is as defined under the
     The UDA development requirements are
                                                     Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA), section
     expressed as:
                                                     7 and 10.                                                    UDA-wide criteria                                 Zone Provisions
     (i) UDA-wide criteria
                                                     For the purposes of administering the              ÈÈ Neighbourhoods                                 ÈÈ Zone intents
     (ii) zone provisions                            scheme in relation to an environmentally           ÈÈ Centres                                        ÈÈ Zone Plan
     (iii) self-assessable provisions.               relevant activity (ERA), material change of
                                                                                                        ÈÈ Housing diversity and affordability            ÈÈ Levels of assessment table
                                                     use of premises for an ERA also has the
     Refer to Figure 1.                                                                                 ÈÈ Employment opportunities
                                                     meaning in the SPA, section 10, material
     The UDA development requirements apply to       change of use (b) - (e).                           ÈÈ Movement network
     all UDA assessable development in the UDA                                                          ÈÈ Greenspace network
     to the extent relevant.                         3.1.4 Schedules                                    ÈÈ Community facilities
     The zone provisions consist of:                                                                                                                                      Schedules
                                                     Schedule 1 identifies development that is          ÈÈ Natural and cultural values
                                                     exempt from assessment for the whole UDA.                                                            ÈÈ UDA-wide exempt development
     ÈÈ the zone plan                                                                                   ÈÈ Community safety and development
     ÈÈ a zone intent for each zone                  Schedule 2 provides the use and                       constraints                                    ÈÈ Definition
                                                     administrative definitions required to             ÈÈ Service infrastructure                         ÈÈ Self-assessable provisions
     ÈÈ a level of assessment table for each zone.
                                                     interpret and apply the scheme.
                                                                                                        ÈÈ General requirements
     The ULDA has prepared a number of
                                                     Schedule 3 sets out the specific requirements
     guidelines providing more detail regarding
                                                     applying to self-assessable development and
     how to achieve the UDA development
                                                     are referenced in the levels of assessment
     requirements. The guidelines are available
                                                     table.                                                                                ULDA guidelines
     on the ULDA website at

     3.1.2 Levels of assessment
     The levels of assessment prescribes for each
     (i) UDA exempt development (column 1)

6    Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme
Proposed Development Scheme - Caloundra South Urban Development Area - For consultation - not government policy
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                                                  Land Use Plan:                        Context                  3.0

 3.2 Development                                 3.2.2 Development approval                        The ULDA, when considering a development             way consistent with the vision and UDA
                                                                                                   application:                                         development requirements
     assessment                                  Identification of development as UDA
                                                                                                                                                    ÈÈ is consistent with existing, approved or
                                                 assessable development does not mean              (i) is not bound by any decision
                                                 that a UDA development approval (with or              made regarding an application for               proposed development in the vicinity.
 3.2.1 Development consistent with the
                                                 without conditions) will be granted.                  consideration in principle                   However, a context plan may not be required
       land use plan
                                                 UDA assessable development requires a UDA         (ii) may give such weight as it considers        where, in the opinion of the ULDA, the
 UDA self-assessable development must                                                                   appropriate to the decision in respect      proposed development will not compromise
 comply with the applicable provisions.          development application to be lodged with
                                                 the ULDA for assessment and decision.                  of the application for consideration in     the UDA development requirements and will
 UDA assessable development is consistent                                                               principle.                                  not unreasonably prejudice the opportunities
 with the land use plan if:                      Approval is required for UDA assessable                                                            for development of the remaining area.
                                                 development to be undertaken.                     3.2.5 Development application
 (i) the development complies with the UDA                                                                                                          A context plan is part of the supporting
     development requirements, or                3.2.3 Infrastructure agreements                   To the extent the UDA development                information for a UDA development
 (ii) the development does not comply with                                                         requirements are relevant, they are to be        application and will not form part of any
                                                 A UDA development condition may require           taken into account in the preparation of         development approval.
      one or more of the UDA-wide criteria, or
                                                 the land owner to enter into an infrastructure    a UDA development application and the
      zone intents but:                                                                                                                             For further advice on preparing a context
                                                 agreement, under section 97 of the Act, to        assessment of the application by the ULDA.
    a. the development does not conflict         address the provisions and requirements of                                                         plan refer to the applicable ULDA Practice
       with the UDA vision, and                  the infrastructure plan and implementation        The infrastructure plan and implementation       Note available on the ULDA website.
    b. there are sufficient grounds to           strategy.                                         strategy may include further information
       approve the development despite the                                                         which should be taken into account in            3.2.7 Plan of Development
       non compliance with the UDA-wide          3.2.4 Consideration in principle                  the preparation, design and feasibility of
                                                                                                                                                    A Plan of Development (PoD) may accompany
       criteria and zone intents.                                                                  development proposals.
                                                 A request may be made to the ULDA for                                                              an application for a material change of use
 Otherwise, the UDA assessable development       consideration in principle for proposed                                                            or reconfiguring a lot and may deal with
                                                                                                   3.2.6 Context plans
 is inconsistent with the land use plan and      development.                                                                                       residential or non-residential development
 must be refused.                                                                                  The ULDA may require an applicant to submit      as well as operational work.
                                                 In considering the request, the ULDA may          a context plan as part of a UDA development
 In this section 'grounds' means matters of      decide to:                                                                                         A PoD is prepared by an applicant and
 public interest which include the matters                                                                                                          may include maps, graphics and text
 specified as the main purposes of the Act as    (i) support all or part of the proposed           A context plan may be required to ensure a       that collectively demonstrate how future
 well as:                                            development, with or without                  proposed development:                            development (i.e. lot and building design)
                                                     qualifications that may amend the                                                              will contribute towards the achievement of
 (i) superior outcomes                               proposed development                          ÈÈ contributes towards the achievement
                                                                                                                                                    the vision and be consistent with the relevant
 (ii) overwhelming community need.                                                                    of the vision and UDA development
                                                 (ii) oppose all or part of the proposed                                                            UDA development requirements.
 'Grounds' does not include the personal              development
 circumstances of an applicant, owner or                                                           ÈÈ does not prejudice the ability for
                                                 (iii) give no indication of either support or
 interested third party.                                                                              surrounding land to be developed in a
                                                       opposition to all or part of the proposed
                                                                                                                                Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme     7
For consultation - not government policy
    3.0           Land Use Plan:                            UDA wide criteria

     The PoD can not include land beyond the            3.2.9 Interim use                                        3.2.10 Relationship with local                 3.3 UDA-wide criteria
     boundary of the land the subject of the                                                                            government planning scheme
                                                        An interim use is a land use that, because                                                              3.3.1 Neighbourhoods
     application, but may cover only part of the                                                                        and other legislation
                                                        of its nature, scale, form or intensity, is
     land the subject of the application.                                                                                                                       Development delivers neighbourhoods that:
                                                        not an appropriate long term use of the                  This scheme may apply a provision of a
     Development approved in accordance with            land. Interim land uses may occur where                  planning instrument, or a plan, policy or      ÈÈ are compact and walkable, comprising
     a PoD requires no further development              appropriately developed and operated                     code made under the Sustainable Planning          the area within a 5 minute walk (400
     approval under the scheme.                         and where located in areas which will not                Act 2009 (SPA) or another Act. However,           metre radius) of a community focal point.
                                                        compromise the zone intent in the long term.             the scheme prevails to the extent of any          A cluster of neighbourhoods supports a
     For further advice on preparing a PoD,
                                                        Possible interim uses are identified in the              inconsistency with those instruments.             neighbourhood centre
     refer to the applicable ULDA Practice Note
                                                        zone provisions.
     available on the ULDA website.                                                                              Other legislation                              ÈÈ have a highly permeable, legible street
                                                        The ULDA may approve an interim use where                                                                  pattern designed to promote walking and
     3.2.8 Notification requirements                    it can be demonstrated that the interim use              In addition to assessment against the
                                                                                                                                                                   cycling as the primary modes for local
                                                        will not preclude or delay an appropriate                scheme, development may require
     A UDA development application will require                                                                                                                    movement
                                                        long term use or intensity of development.               assessment against other legislation
     public notification if the application includes:                                                            including for example the Plumbing and         ÈÈ contain a variety of dwelling types
                                                        Information to support an application for an                                                               including affordable and accessible
     ÈÈ a proposal for development which does           interim use may include:                                 Drainage Act 2002 and SPA.
        not comply with one or more of the UDA-
                                                        ÈÈ a context plan                                        3.2.11 Land not included in a zone             ÈÈ are designed to respond to local site
        wide criteria or zone intents
                                                        ÈÈ a schedule of land supply and projected                                                                 characteristics, settings, landmarks
     ÈÈ development which, in the opinion of                                                                     This section applies to land which is not
                                                           take-up rates                                                                                           and views, and use natural features to
        the ULDA, may have undue impacts on                                                                      shown in the land use plan as being included
                                                                                                                                                                   provide local identity and character
        the amenity or development potential of         ÈÈ plans showing how the development                     in a zone (unallocated land).
        adjoining land under separate ownership,           could transition from the proposed                                                                   ÈÈ have a centrally located focal point
                                                           interim use to an appropriate longer term             Where the unallocated land adjoins land in a      which must comprise of at least a
        including development for a non-
                                                           use1.                                                 zone, the unallocated land is deemed to be        neighbourhood park but which can
        residential use adjacent to land approved
                                                                                                                 included in that zone.                            also include a public transport stop,
        for or accommodating a residential use in       The ULDA may impose a condition of
        the urban living zone.                                                                                   Where the unallocated land adjoins land           community facility, local shop or similar
                                                        approval that limits the duration of an
                                                        interim use.                                             included in different zones, the unallocated   ÈÈ are interconnected and provide good
     The ULDA may require public notification
                                                                                                                 land is deemed to be included in those zones      access to public transport, parks, schools
     in other circumstances if the development          Interim uses will only be approved where it
                                                                                                                 with the centreline of the unallocated land       and other community facilities and
     application is for a use, a size or nature         can be demonstrated that the use will not
                                                                                                                 being the boundary between the zones.             neighbourhood centres
     which, in the opinion of the ULDA, warrants        prejudice the achievement of the vision for
     public notification.                                                                                                                                       ÈÈ provide a safe environment through the
                                                        the UDA.
                                                                                                                                                                   application of Crime Prevention Through
                                                                                                                                                                   Environmental Design (CPTED) principles
                                                        1   The applicable ULDA guideline provides examples of                                                     such as passive surveillance of public
                                                            how this might be achieved.
                                                                                                                                                                   spaces, and a legible street network that
                                                                                                                                                                   minimises traffic impacts on residential
8    Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                                                                  Land Use Plan:                                  UDA wide criteria                             3.0

  Table 1 - Height, gross floor area and density provisions

  Zones                                                                               Urban living zone                                                                               Major centre zone                     Industry and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            business zone

                                Neighbourhoods               Neighbourhood               District centre             District centre             District centre                   Core                   Frame
                                                              centres (each)                 north                       south                        west
  Maximum building                 2 storeys (9m)                  3 storeys                  5 storeys                   5 storeys                   5 storeys                  10 storeys               6 storeys         Area adjacent to
  height                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bruce Hwy - 11m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Area adjacent to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kawana Arterial -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15m *
  Minimum net                              15                          25                          35                         35                          35                        60                       40                     N/A
  residential density
  Indicative Gross Floor Area

  ÈÈ Retail and                           N/A                       1,500m2                    8,000m2                     5,000m2                    5,000m2                              70,000m2 **

  ÈÈ Commercial                           N/A                       1,000m2                    4,000m2                     2,000m2                    2,000m2                              50,000m2 ***

  Total                                                                                                                                                                                       120,000m2                        650,000m2

  Community                                                      500-1,800m2               3,000-8,000m2              3,000-8,000m2               3,000-8,000m2                          10,000 - 30,000m2
  (indicative GFA)
 *Greater heights in the Industrial and Business Zone adjacent to the Kawana Arterial may be considered where unable to be seen when travelling on the Kawana Arterial and by residential neighbourhoods, within and external to the UDA boundary.

 **Does not include low intensity uses such as showrooms and outdoor sales.

 ***Greater commercial gross floor area will only be supported post 2031 if the following can be demonstrated:

     a. The additional commercial floorspace does not compromise Maroochydore as the Principal Regional Activity Centre for the Sunshine Coast.

     b. Transport infrastructure can service the future development and not jeopardise the road hierarchy and movement network.

     c. The additional commercial floor space contributes to self containment within the Sunshine Coast sub region providing opportunities for economic growth and increased employment opportunities.

 ****Includes community facilities as well as privately delivered services such as health, child care, aged care and respite services, sport and recreation and youth services

                                                                                                                                                                     Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme               9
For consultation - not government policy
     3.0           Land Use Plan:                       UDA wide criteria

      ÈÈ locates higher density residential close     ÈÈ are commensurate with their role in         ÈÈ locate higher density development,             Small scale shop or office activities with
         to centres, transit nodes, local parks and      the Regional Plan and the UDA centres          including residential, and key community       an aggregate gross floor area of 250m2
         green corridors, or along busier streets        network                                        facilities in the core of the centre. The      or less are acceptable outside a centre
         that lead directly to centres                ÈÈ comprise of major, district and                core is the area within the 400 metre          where the development will not constitute
      ÈÈ are designed to promote optimum solar           neighbourhood centres. Centres are focal       primary walking catchment of the major         an incremental expansion to a designated
         access and use of prevailing breezes            points for their catchments and provide a      transit node or central focal point            centre, and will not have a detrimental
                                                         wide range of services and facilities       ÈÈ the frame and district centres can also        impact on residential amenity.
      ÈÈ locate urban neighbourhoods around
         transport nodes and higher order centres     ÈÈ respond to local site characteristics,         include urban neighbourhoods with              Map 3 - Centres and transport network
         to maximise accessibility                       settings, landmarks and views, and             higher density residential development         indicates the general distribution of centres
      ÈÈ appropriately interface with existing           use natural features to provide specific    ÈÈ contain commercial, retail and other uses      within the UDA.
         residential development adjoining the           identity and character                         which require high levels of accessibility.
                                                                                                                                                       Centres are designed to achieve:
         UDA boundary, by                             ÈÈ are active places characterised by a high   The major centre is the focal point of the
                                                         quality public realm and safe, attractive                                                     ÈÈ the principles and design standards set
         ÈÈ considering densities through                                                            community. It will provide a wide range of
                                                         pedestrian areas                                                                                 out in the applicable ULDA guideline
            minimum lot sizes and the location of                                                    facilities and services, including most higher-
                                                      ÈÈ have a park, plaza or square as a central   order services. It has the greatest mix of        ÈÈ the specific requirements in Table 1.
            property boundaries
                                                         focal point for community activities        uses and the highest development densities
         ÈÈ access arrangements                                                                                                                        3.3.3 Housing diversity and
                                                      ÈÈ are located to maximise accessibility.      within the UDA.
         ÈÈ uses                                                                                                                                             affordability
                                                         They provide a focus for linear             The staging and timing of the delivery of the
         ÈÈ height.                                      greenspace and the road network, and                                                          Development delivers:
                                                                                                     major centre must not prejudice the delivery
      Neighbourhoods are designed to achieve:            act as hubs for feeder public transport     of the Maroochydore centre.                       ÈÈ housing choice and diversity to meet the
                                                         and walking and cycling networks                                                                 needs of the community, through a mix
      ÈÈ the standards set out in the applicable                                                     The highest density of activities and key
                                                      ÈÈ ensure higher order centres are designed                                                         of densities, types, designs, tenures and
         ULDA guideline                                                                              community facilities are in the core of the
                                                         around planned public transport services.                                                        levels of affordability, to cater for a range
      ÈÈ the minimum net residential densities                                                       major centre close to the major transit node.
                                                         Public and active transport is given                                                             of lifestyles, incomes and life cycle needs
         and specific requirements in Table 1.           priority within centres                     District centres are the intermediate tier in     ÈÈ residential development that
                                                      ÈÈ have a permeable road network that          the centres hierarchy and provide a wide             complements or enhances the character
      3.3.2 Centres                                      provides vehicle access into centres        range of goods and services with relatively          of the neighbourhood and streetscape,
                                                         through a network of low-speed urban        high densities.                                      and contributes to the creation of an
      Development delivers centres that:
                                                         streets                                     Neighbourhood centres provide a range of             attractive and safe environment
      ÈÈ are for knowledge, community and
                                                      ÈÈ contain a core and frame in the major       services and activities to meet day-to-day        ÈÈ dwellings that provide appropriate levels
         commerce, accommodating a range
                                                         centre, where the core accommodates         needs. Neighbourhood centres are located             of amenity and privacy, and adequate
         of employment, education, cultural
                                                         the highest order mixed use activities.     on collector or higher order roads with good         outdoor areas and car parking to meet
         and community, retail, open space,
                                                         The frame accommodates lower intensity      access by public and active transport.               varying household needs
         entertainment, sport and recreational
         facilities which meet the needs of the          and car dependent uses (i.e. showrooms)
         community, encourage community                  on the periphery of the centre to support
         interaction and active, healthy lifestyles      the core
10    Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                             Land Use Plan:                        UDA wide criteria                          3.0

 ÈÈ energy efficient, climatically responsive    ÈÈ an appropriate height of buildings,          ÈÈ the provision of a public transport          Map 3 - Centres and transport network
    design including appropriate solar              structures and advertising devices that         network that is readily accessible to the    identifies the preliminary road and public
    orientation, shading, cross ventilation,        does not impact upon the amenity of             community (90% of all dwellings should       transport network for the UDA.
    natural lighting and passive cooling            the area, in particular the visual amenity      be within 400 metres of a potential public
                                                                                                                                                 The applicable ULDA guideline provides
    techniques.                                     of the Bruce Highway as an important            transport service), and provides effective
                                                                                                                                                 additional information to assist in achieving
                                                    gateway to the Sunshine Coast                   links to centres, the rail station, public
 The ULDA's applicable guidelines provide                                                                                                        these criteria.
                                                 ÈÈ a road network that does not provide            transport interchange and key external
 additional information on how to achieve
                                                    direct access from the primary road             destinations
 these criteria.                                                                                                                                 3.3.6 Greenspace network
                                                    network nor encourage industrial traffic     ÈÈ the delivery of a future rail line
                                                    through residential neighbourhoods.             which follows the protected corridor         Development contributes to natural green
 3.3.4 Employment opportunities
                                                                                                    is integrated into the urban fabric.         space areas by:
 Development delivers:                           The applicable ULDA guideline provides
                                                                                                    Opportunity to slightly move the corridor    ÈÈ retaining where possible locally
                                                 additional information on how to achieve
 ÈÈ a diverse range of employment and                                                               will only be considered where it does not       significant wetlands, remnant vegetation
                                                 these criteria.
    training opportunities that complement                                                          compromise the geometry and operation           and habitat for fauna
    and reinforce the Sunshine Coast                                                                of heavy rail
                                                 3.3.5 Movement network                                                                          ÈÈ protecting important landscape and
    Industrial Park to the north of the UDA                                                      ÈÈ The transit station interchange will            visual quality values
    and contributes towards self containment     Development contributes to:                        be integrated into the major centre,
                                                                                                                                                 ÈÈ enhancing wetland communities as part
    in the Sunshine Coast Region                 ÈÈ an effective, efficient and integrated          greenspace network and pedestrian cycle
                                                                                                                                                    of stormwater management
 ÈÈ low and medium impact industry                  movement network that provides a                network, creating an important focal
                                                                                                    point for residents, workers and visitors    ÈÈ providing ecological corridors and
    including research and technology               high level of safety and accessibility,
                                                                                                    to Caloundra South                              linkages, including to areas outside the
    facilities, service industry and                maintains residential amenity and
                                                                                                                                                    neighbourhood or community.
    warehouses                                      promotes the use of public and active        ÈÈ a comprehensive active transport
 ÈÈ an appealing industrial and business            transport particularly for local trips          (walking and cycling) network based          Development delivers parks that:
    environment providing a high level of        ÈÈ a major road network that provides              around major active transport spines,
                                                                                                                                                 ÈÈ contribute to the achievement of a
    amenity                                         effective links between centres and the         supplemented with local links and a safe
                                                                                                                                                    network of greenspace that caters
                                                    neighbourhoods they serve, and to the           and permeable street network within
 ÈÈ non-industrial uses which are limited                                                                                                           for a variety of recreation functions
                                                    external road network                           neighbourhoods. The active transport
    in scale and type to those uses that are                                                                                                        and experiences to meet the needs of
                                                 ÈÈ a road network that accommodates a              network provides safe and direct links to
    compatible and able to demonstrate                                                                                                              residents and visitors
                                                    range of users including cars, service          key destinations including centres, public
    a nexus with industrial uses. Non-                                                                                                           ÈÈ are accessible for users
                                                    vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and public      transport stops, parks and schools
    industrial uses are not to duplicate
                                                                                                 ÈÈ elements of the movement network             ÈÈ provide for multiple purposes and
    commercial or retail uses intended for the      transport
                                                                                                    should be delivered generally in                uses including recreational, sporting,
    centres network                              ÈÈ a road network that has a functional
                                                                                                    accordance with Map 3 - Centres and             ecological and stormwater management
 ÈÈ appropriate transitioning of land               hierarchy, facilitates longer travel                                                            functions
                                                    movements, provides multiple access             transport network.
    uses at the interface with residential
    neighbourhoods                                  routes to and through neighbourhoods
                                                    and minimises traffic impacts on
                                                    residential areas
                                                                                                                           Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme       11
For consultation - not government policy
     3.0           Land Use Plan:                          UDA wide criteria

      ÈÈ incorporate existing natural features           and linear habitat. Fauna refuge areas are to      for community development and enhance           3.3.8 Natural values
         where possible and are landscaped to            be located adjacent to Bells Creek North and       community wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                            Caloundra South UDA is located within the
         assist in creating neighbourhood identity       Bells Creek South to provide a safe haven       ÈÈ a range of services and community uses          catchment that connects to the Pumicestone
         and wayfinding                                  for fauna during heavy rainfall. For land in       such as schools, child care centres and         Passage and the internationally recognised
      ÈÈ retain existing significant vegetation to       the northern part of the UDA in the vicinity       medical facilities that are accessible          RAMSAR wetlands. Pumicestone Passage is
         the greatest extent practicable                 of Lamerough Creek, a Flora and Fauna              and appropriate to the needs of the             a significant environmental feature within
                                                         Management Plan is required to address the         community
      ÈÈ are shaped and embellished to suit their                                                                                                           the region and forms part of the Moreton Bay
                                                         Acid Frog habitat and management of flora
         anticipated use                                                                                 ÈÈ services and community uses where               State Marine Park.
      ÈÈ support the community's recreational                                                               accessibility to the facility's target market
                                                                                                                                                            Development responds to the natural
         needs and provide opportunities for             Development adjacent to the greenspace             is maximised though good access to
                                                                                                                                                            features of the land and delivers:
         community and special events.                   network which contains or is within close          public transport, pedestrian and cycle
                                                         proximity to valuable ecological features,         paths                                           ÈÈ protection of significant environmental
      The riparian corridors are a sufficient width to   such as the Blackbutt Forest in the north                                                             and ecological values
                                                                                                         ÈÈ a hierarchy of services and community
      protect and improve the ecological function        east of the site, must address potential           uses in neighbourhood, district and major       ÈÈ minimal emissions to land, water and
      of these corridors and includes:                   edge effects. This will vary dependent upon        centres. Neighbourhood level community             atmosphere
      ÈÈ approximately 100m across Bells Creek           the nature of the ecological feature but           facilities and services are located within      ÈÈ efficient use of land and resources.
         South                                           may include a variety of treatments such           walking distance for most residents, meet
                                                         as additional planting, linear open space,         everyday needs and are provided early           The design, siting and layout of
      ÈÈ approximately 200m across Lamerough
                                                         boulevard streets and larger lots. The             in development. District level community        development:
                                                         appropriate response will be determined at         facilities and services serve a broader
      ÈÈ approximately 200m across Bells Creek                                                                                                              ÈÈ avoids and/or offsets development
                                                         the development application stage.                 population catchment, reflect the diverse
         North recognising that part of the corridor                                                                                                           impacts on areas of biodiversity value
                                                         The greenspace networks are distributed            needs of the population and are provided
         is located outside the UDA boundary                                                                                                                ÈÈ maintains and improves ecological
                                                         generally in accordance with Map 4-                in response to population growth
      The outer edges of these corridors away from                                                                                                             connectivity in the local urban context
                                                         Greenspace network.                                thresholds. Major level of services and
      the creek top of bank may include:                                                                    community uses are of a higher order and        ÈÈ incorporates landscaping with endemic
                                                         Greenspace networks are located and                accessed by a sub-regional population.             species that contribute to the bushland
      ÈÈ stormwater management devices
                                                         designed to achieve the principles and                                                                character and flora and fauna habitat,
      ÈÈ fauna refuge areas                              design standards set out in the applicable      Map 5 - Community facilities. indicates the           and fauna movement
      ÈÈ pedestrian / cyclist paths                      ULDA guideline.                                 general distribution of community facilities
                                                                                                                                                            ÈÈ minimises adverse impacts on natural
      ÈÈ passive open space.                                                                             within the UDA.
                                                                                                                                                               landforms and the visual amenity of the
                                                         3.3.7 Community facilities                      Community facilities are designed to achieve          site
      The riparian corridors will be subject to
      extensive rehabilitation works to enhance          Development facilitates the delivery of:        the principles and standards set out in the        ÈÈ maintains the ecological health and
      flora and fauna habitat values. Vegetated                                                          applicable ULDA guideline.                            environmental values of surface and
                                                         ÈÈ sustainable communities with a strong
      buffers will extend from the creek top of                                                                                                                groundwater, including wetlands and
                                                            community identity and access to
      bank. The corridors will contain a diversity of                                                                                                          waterways in and adjacent to the UDA
                                                            services and community facilities that
      habitat types to provide wildlife connectivity                                                                                                        ÈÈ maintains the functioning and
                                                            meet diverse needs, maximise potential

12    Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                                      Land Use Plan:                                 UDA wide criteria                                  3.0

    characteristics of the hydrological        In order to protect the ecological condition              The adoption of the formal Water Quality                3.3.9 Community safety and
    network, including surface and             of the Pumicestone Passage, Bells Creek                   Objectives for Pumicestone Passage                            development constraints
    groundwater                                and Lamerough Creek, development is                       necessitates the adoption of water treatment
                                               to incorporate best practice stormwater                                                                           Development ensures that people and
 ÈÈ incorporates total water cycle                                                                       measures that are more stringent than
                                               management, water management                                                                                      property are safe from potential hazards and
    management and water sensitive urban                                                                 those required elsewhere in South East
                                               solutions and sediment and erosion control                                                                        disturbances including landslip, bushfire,
    design principles to appropriately                                                                   Queensland for other catchments and
                                               techniques2.                                                                                                      noise and flooding4 including the predicted
    manage floodwater and stormwater                                                                     developments.
                                                                                                                                                                 effects of climate change.
 ÈÈ manages air quality, noise and hazardous   A water quality monitoring program must                   Protection of Groundwater Resources
                                                                                                                                                                 Future residents are to be provided with
    materials according to current standards   be developed at the outset of development,
                                                                                                         Development incorporates best practice                  a level of amenity that addresses noise
 ÈÈ occurs in accordance with best practice    except for the provision of community
                                                                                                         groundwater management which:                           sources. Sensitive uses to nearby noise
    techniques for the management of acid      infrastructure located south of Bellvista. This
                                                                                                         ÈÈ substantially maintains the regional                 sources such as the Caloundra Aerodrome
    sulphate soils                             is to be endorsed by the ULDA and set out
                                                                                                            (large scale) flow paths and water quality           and the Bruce Highway are to be protected.
                                               requirements and processes for water quality
 ÈÈ promotes innovative and efficient use of                                                                                                                     The preferred means to control noise impacts
                                               monitoring including, but not limited to:                    of groundwater;
    energy and water                                                                                                                                             will be determined at the development
                                               ÈÈ setting monitoring program objectives                  ÈÈ protects downstream groundwater
 ÈÈ maximises recycling opportunities and                                                                                                                        application stage.
                                                                                                            dependent ecosystems; and
    reduces waste generation.                  ÈÈ identification of appropriate monitoring
                                                  locations                                              ÈÈ provides for artificial groundwater
 Protection of Water Quality in Pumicestone                                                                 recharge infiltration systems that involve           4    The Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry
 Passage, Bells Creek and Lamerough Creek      ÈÈ specification of parameters for
                                                                                                            passive engineering solutions, such as                    is investigating the January 2011 flood disaster,
                                                  monitoring                                                                                                          including a review of existing provisions relating to
 Development protects the water quality of                                                                  seasonal wetlands where necessary,                        flooding and flood risk mitigation.
                                               ÈÈ designing an effective sampling program                   to avoid any adverse impacts of
 surface and groundwater and the ecological                                                                                                                           Consequently the provisions of this development
                                                  (including frequency and dry/wet                          development.
 condition of the Pumicestone Passage,                                                                                                                                scheme with respect to the management of flooding
                                                  weather monitoring)                                                                                                 and flood risk mitigation may be subject to change
 Bells Creek and Lamerough Creek and their                                                               Development complies with a Groundwater                      at the direction of the Queensland Government in
 tributaries.                                  ÈÈ undertaking data analysis                                                                                           the near future.
                                                                                                         Management Plan, established at the outset,
                                               ÈÈ reporting.                                             documenting measures to comply with the                      This should be taken into account by applicants
                                                                                                                                                                      and assessment managers when considering
                                                                                                         groundwater management criteria stated                       development in this UDA. Applicants are advised
                                               2   This includes the site achieving:                     above.                                                       to make relevant enquiries regarding the status of
                                                                                                                                                                      the provisions relating to flooding to the time of
                                                   (i) Water Quality Objectives for Basin No. 141 in
                                                   the Pumicestone Passage Environmental Values          Map 6 - Natural values shows the key natural                 lodgement.
                                                   and Water Quality Objectives set by DERM, and the     and cultural values in the UDA.3
                                                   Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, in
                                                   particular the area within Basin No. 141 designated
                                                   as area PLE - Pumicestone Passage North (Enclosed     3   The information contained within these maps is
                                                   Coastal/Lower Estuary) and                                may be subject to review. Applicants should check
                                                                                                             Sunshine Coast Regional Council's planning scheme
                                                   (ii) Regional Plan Implementation Guidelines No. 7,
                                                                                                             for the most up to date information.
                                                   Water sensitive urban design: Design objectives for
                                                   urban stormwater management (November 2009) by
                                                   the Department of Infrastructure and Planning.

                                                                                                                                       Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme                     13
For consultation - not government policy
     3.0              Land Use Plan:                                    UDA wide criteria

      Development adjoining the Bruce Highway                       Development located near the Caloundra                      Flooding and Flood Management                               3.3.10 Service infrastructure
                                                                    Aerodrome                                                   ÈÈ Development occurs in areas that
      A buffer is to be provided between the limit                                                                                                                                          The UDA delivers efficient and effective use
      of development and the Bruce Highway,                         Development located near the Aerodrome                         are flood free or filled to achieve an                   of infrastructure and services.
      fulfilling the following:                                     must not prejudice the ongoing operations of                   acceptable flood event8.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Development ensures infrastructure and
                                                                    the Aerodrome6. Nearby future development                   ÈÈ Development ensures that stormwater
      ÈÈ provision of a predominantly landscaped                                                                                                                                            services are:
                                                                    that has the potential to receive intrusive                    run off at the site's boundaries does
         treatment that achieves a natural and
                                                                    noise is required to address the following:                    not exceed that which presently exists,                  ÈÈ provided in a timely, orderly, integrated
         rural edge as viewed from the Bruce
                                                                                                                                   and there is 'no net worsening' of flood                    and coordinated manner to support
         Highway                                                    ÈÈ justify that the proposed land use is
                                                                                                                                   conditions at the site's boundaries.                        urban uses and works
      ÈÈ provision of visual separation between                        suitable based on the extent of noise
                                                                       at the subject site and information                      Any seasonal wetlands installed for                         ÈÈ available or capable of being
         development and the highway. Acoustic
                                                                       about future noise projections from                      stormwater management purposes are to                          made available (including key
         walls are not visually prominent and do
                                                                       the Sunshine Coast Airport Corporation                   be subject to a maintenance arrangement                        infrastructure such as roads, public
         not result in a continuous, monotonous
                                                                       comprising both fixed wing aircraft                      between ULDA and the land owner                                and active transport, water supply,
         stretch of acoustic wall along the length
                                                                       movements and helicopter movements.                      confirming the maintenance obligations.                        sewerage, drainage, park network,
         of the site's frontage to the Bruce
                                                                       This will include information about:                                                                                    community facilities, medical facilities
         Highway                                                                                                                Map 7 - Development constraints shows                          and GP services, electricity and
      ÈÈ inclusion of a variety of techniques at                        ÈÈ areas forecast to be exposed to                      the key community safety and development                       telecommunications)
         different locations including separation                          between 20 and 50 noise events a                     constraints affecting the UDA.
                                                                           day exceeding 70 dB(A)                                                                                           ÈÈ designed to allow for future
         distances, mounding, landscaping, noise
                                                                                                                                                                                               developments in information technology
         attenuation measures and recreational                          ÈÈ any available Transparent Noise
                                                                                                                                                                                               and providing access to technology in
         opportunities                                                     Information Package (TNIP) to
                                                                                                                                8   As identified on Map 7, parts of the UDA are subject       neighbourhood facilities
      ÈÈ compliance with the applicable noise                              generate N70 contours                                    to inundation by a Q100 flood event. For information
                                                                                                                                    about how to address potential flooding, refer to:      ÈÈ located and designed to maximise
         standards and requirements5.                               ÈÈ inclusion of a variety of techniques
                                                                                                                                                                                               efficiency and ease of maintenance
                                                                       including separation distances,                              i) the Queensland Coastal Plan
                                                                       mounding, landscaping and other noise                        ii) Sunshine Coast Regional Council for habitable
                                                                                                                                                                                            ÈÈ located and designed to consider total
      5    This includes the Department of Transport and Main                                                                       floor levels                                               life-cycle costs.
           Road Traffic Noise Management: Code of Practice             attenuation measures
           with respect to external road traffic noise levels and   ÈÈ provision of suitable levels of indoor                       iii) State Planning Policy 1/03 and associated
                                                                                                                                                                                            Infrastructure is designed to achieve the
           the Queensland Development and Section MP 4.4                                                                            guideline for siting requirements for key elements of
           'Buildings in a Transport Noise Corridor'.                  residential amenity to comply with the                       community infrastructure and                            principles and standards set out in the
                                                                       applicable Australian Standard7                              iv) the applicable ULDA guideline addressing            applicable ULDA guideline.
                                                                    ÈÈ provision of suitable levels of outdoor                      flooding.

                                                                       residential amenity.

                                                                    6   It is possible that investigations will show that
                                                                        certain areas around the aerodrome are not suitable
                                                                        for residential development. In this instance non-
                                                                        residential uses, not impacted by aircraft noise and
                                                                        consistent with the vision, will be required instead.
                                                                    7   Refer to AS 2021 : 2000 "Acoustics - Aircraft Noise
                                                                        Intrusion - Building Siting and Construction
14    Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme
For consultation - not government policy
                                                                                                                      Land Use Plan:              UDA wide criteria                     3.0

 3.3.11 General requirements                               End of trip facilities for pedestrians and
                                                           cyclists, including secure undercover bicycle
 Site area and landscaping:
                                                           storage facilities, showers and lockers are
 ÈÈ sites have sufficient dimensions to                    to be provided as part of development in
    accommodate buildings, parking, access                 accordance with the relevant requirements
    and circulation areas and landscaping                  of section MP 4.1 Sustainable Buildings of
 ÈÈ landscaping is provided to enhance the                 Queensland Development Code.
    visual amenity of the locality.                        Advertising devices10:
 Sub-tropical design measures                              ÈÈ cater for the needs of display homes and
 Development provides built forms that                        businesses to clearly identify the location
 respond to the subtropical environment,                      and the goods or services which are
 including eaves, roof overhangs and sun                      supplied to the public
 shading devices.                                          ÈÈ are consistent with the scale and design
                                                              of existing buildings and other works
 Parking and end of trip facilities:
                                                              on the site and in the locality, and
 Parking is provided in accordance with the                   complement the local streetscape
 rates and standards set out in the planning
                                                           ÈÈ where appropriate, reflect the character
 scheme9. The ULDA will consider proposals
                                                              of the area
 for a reduced number of car parking spaces
                                                           ÈÈ are sited and provided on premises
 where it can be justified due to factors
                                                              having regard to safety and amenity.
 ÈÈ availability of on-street car parking
 ÈÈ public transport accessibility
 ÈÈ overall accessibility, including, for
    residential development, location within
    or adjoining a centre
 ÈÈ potential for sharing car parking spaces
    by different uses and activities
 ÈÈ target markets for residential

 9   Refer to Sunshine Coast Regional Council's Planning
                                                           10   Refer to Sunshine Coast Regional Council's Planning

                                                                                                                           Caloundra South Urban Development Area Proposed Development Scheme   15
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