GLA Sport Utility Vehicle - Mercedes-Benz Caribbean

Page created by Grace Perez
GLA Sport Utility Vehicle - Mercedes-Benz Caribbean
GLA   Sport Utility Vehicle
GLA Sport Utility Vehicle - Mercedes-Benz Caribbean
The GLA. Always restless.
GLA Sport Utility Vehicle - Mercedes-Benz Caribbean
More character at every glance.
    Curiosity and a thirst for adventure are literally written all over the new GLA.
    With its striking radiator grille and impressive bumper it now radiates even more power.
GLA Sport Utility Vehicle - Mercedes-Benz Caribbean
Enhance comfort by 360 degrees.
    Whether parking or manoeuvring – four networked cameras optionally provide
    a realistic all-round view. For fewer worries and more impressions.
Letting go. And staying perfectly connected.
    Enjoy solitude and at the same time share with everyone. You can optionally integrate your
    smartphone perfectly in the GLA. Many functions and apps can be optimally controlled and
Loading plenty.                                                               Discovering even more.
  From shopping spree to long journey – the GLA is ready for any adventure.
  Optionally, you can open the load compartment at the touch of a button
  or even with a kicking motion.
Mercedes-Benz Intelligent                                                       Parking package with
Drive.                                                                          360-degree camera.
In the rush hour, during a long drive at night or on an                         Active Parking Assist with PARKTRONIC makes it easier
unfamiliar route – your GLA noticeably takes the strain                         to find and select a parking space as well as to enter
out of driving, particularly in stressful situations. Itʼs                      or leave parallel and end-on parking spaces or
all down to a concept that makes every journey in a                             garages. Active Parking Assist with 360-degree
Mercedes-Benz a safer and exceptional experience:                               camera transfers a realistic image to the media
Mercedes-Benz Intelligent Drive. Because the time you                           display, thus providing support when parking and
spend behind the wheel is your time. Time for relaxa­                           manoeuvring.
tion. Time to replenish your energy. So that, first and
foremost, you reach your destination safely, but are
also always relaxed when you get there.

                                                                                Active Braking Assist.
                                                                                This system gives the driver a visual warning if the dis-
                                                                                tance to the vehicle in front is too small. If the danger
                                                                                of a collision is detected, an acoustic warning signal is
                                                                                emitted; thereafter, the driverʼs braking action can be
                                                                                supported, and if the driver does not react, the vehicle
                                                                                speed can be autonomously reduced.

In addition to their distinctive visual appeal, the LED High Performance
headlamps boost night-time driving safety thanks to broad light distribution,
a daylight-like colour temperature, and low energy consumption.
The PRE-SAFE® system. This optional system is able to identify critical
handling situations in advance and initiate preventive occupant protection
measures in the event of an impending accident.
Night Package.                                                                         Load Compartment Package.                                                              KEYLESS-GO Convenience Package.                                                       Smartphone Integration Package.
The Night Package for the exterior lends the vehicle a sporty and expressive charac-   The Load Compartment Package creates even more space, tidiness and safety. The         With the KEYLESS-GO Convenience Package, doors open and the engine starts             This package allows compatible smartphones with the corresponding operating system
ter with striking equipment features. These include selected black design features –   rear seat backrests can be tilted forwards at a 15-degree steeper angle (cargo         without having to take the key out of your pocket. It could not be more convenient.   to be integrated into the vehicle via Apple CarPlay™ and Android Auto, and to be
from the radiator grilleʼs two louvres to exterior mirrors and light-alloy wheels as   position), to increase the load capacity. A locking loading floor with chrome-plated                                                                                         operated by voice command, for example. The system supports the most important
well as a simulated underride guard.                                                   handle underlines the high-quality impression.                                         The HANDS-FREE ACCESS function allows contactless, fully automatic opening of         applications and selected apps including navigation.
                                                                                                                                                                              the EASY-PACK tailgate.
Standard equipment and appointments.                                                   The Style design and equipment line.                                                    The Urban design and equipment line.                                                  The AMG Line.
The strikingly sporty attributes span exterior and interior equipment items, such as   The Style design and equipment line features high-quality highlights on the interior    The Urban design and equipment line significantly boosts the carʼs sporty             The AMG design and equipment line combines perfectly matched elements to
bumpers with simulated underride guard, a radiator grille with two silver-coloured     and exterior, one example being the use of chrome (radiator grille, shoulderline trim   charisma. Examples include integrated tailpipe trims or dynamic 18-inch light-alloy   further enhance the vehicleʼs sportiness and exclusivity – from the dynamic AMG
painted louvres, comfort seats and a 3-spoke multifunction steering wheel.             strip, boot sill) and leather (steering wheel and gearshift lever). A special design    wheels. Sports seats or the leather multifunction steering wheel with additionally    bodystyling with AMG light-alloy wheels through the suspension with ride height
                                                                                       feature is the special “Macapá” upholstery pattern, featuring bold topstitching.        perforated grip areas continue the theme.                                             lowered by 15 mm to the multifunction sports steering wheel.
DYNAMIC SELECT.                                                                                                                                                         4MATIC all-wheel drive –
Many options for your very personal GLA experience.                                                                                                                     supreme traction.
The GLA is in its element cruising around bends, kicking up dust and always ready for new adventures.   DYNAMIC SELECT AT A GLANCE                                      Apart from driving all four wheels as required, 4MATIC all-wheel drive also spurs the GLAʼs driver on to fresh         SUPREME TRACTION AT A GLANCE
Its many attributes can be further enhanced at the touch of a button.                                   Comfortable, sporty, efficient or entirely individual vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                        aspirations, remote spots, solitary coves. The all-wheel drive is available for many engine variants to make driving   4MATIC all-wheel drive
                                                                                                        settings of the Mercedes-Benz GLA can be conveniently called    noticeably safer and more dynamic, and not just on rough terrain.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Acceleration skid control (ASR)®
                                                                                                        up with the DYNAMIC SELECT switch.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ESP® Electronic Stability Program
Life without performance?
Every Mercedes-AMG is a masterpiece in its own right, with an unmistakable character. What
unites our performance vehicles and sports cars is their irrepressible sporting spirit. Their
passion for top performance. It is generated at the point where engineering skill meets a very
special attitude: the spirit of AMG. We believe that you have to keep on challenging limits
in order to achieve new goals. We accept nothing as a given. Because limits are
imposed by people, and itʼs also people who can overcome them. Itʼs this attitude
that enables us to achieve outstanding performance for the race track – and for
the road.

Welcome to the world of AMG.
Technical data.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dimensions.

                                         Diesel engines                                                  Petrol

                                         GLA 200 d                                                       GLA 200
Displacement (cc)                        2,143 cc / L4                                                   1,595 cc / L4
Rated output (kW [hp] at rpm)
                                         100 [136] / 3.400 - 4.400 kW [hp] at rpm                        115 [156] / 5.300 kW [hp] at rpm
Transmission                             Automatic                                                       Automatic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                971
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1395    629
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1494                                                                                                709
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            516            693
Fuel consumption4 (l/100 km)             5,9-5,51 / 100 km [2]                                           6,6-6,41 / 100 km [2]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             532              494

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     276             316

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1569                                                                                         913               2699                            812
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1804                                                                                                           4424

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1422            1410

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1391            1350

The best for the engine:              Information about the rated output according to Regulation (EC) No. 715/2007 in the currently valid version. 2 Available temporarily. 3 Electronically governed. 4 The stated figures were determined according to the prescribed

Mercedes-Benz genuine engine oils.     measurement method. They constitute the “NEDC CO2 figures” pursuant to Art. 2 No. 1 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. Fuel consumption figures have been calculated on this basis. More information about the official fuel
                                      consumption and the official specific CO2 emissions of new passenger cars is available in the publication entitled “Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen”
                                      [“Guidelines concerning the fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and electricity consumption of new passenger cars”], available free of charge at all retailers and from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH ( The figures are
                                       not based on an individual vehicle and do not constitute part of the product offer; they are provided solely for purposes of comparison between different vehicle models. The figures will vary according to the optional equipment
                                      selected. 5 Information only valid within the European Union. May vary from country to country. 6 Determined on the basis of the measured CO2 emissions, taking into consideration the vehicle mass. Only valid for Germany. For        All figures in millimetres. The illustrated dimensions are mean values. They are valid for vehicles in basic specification and in unladen condition.
                                       more technical data, please visit
Mercedes-Benz is one of the founding partners of the worldwide “Laureus Sport for Good Foundation”, which
                                           was established in 2000. It is the Mercedes-Benz brandʼs most important social initiative. Laureus Sport for Good
                                           supports children and young people in need through social sports projects, opening up new perspectives
                                           and imparting important values such as team spirit, respect and determination. “Change the Game for Kids” is
                                           our mission statement which we wish to share with you. In buying a Mercedes-Benz you are supporting the
                                           “Laureus Sport for Good” movement.

Please note: changes may have been made to the product since this brochure went to press (21.08.2018). The                accessories and items of optional equipment which are not part of standard specification. This publication is
manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design, form, colour and the product specification                 distributed internationally. However, information regarding statutory regulations, legal requirements and taxation
during the delivery period, provided these changes, while taking into account the interests of the vendor, can be         and the consequences thereof applies to the Federal Republic of Germany only and is correct at the point of the
deemed reasonable with respect to the purchaser. Where the vendor or the manufacturer uses symbols or numbers             editorial deadline. For current and more specific information, please contact your nearest authorised
to describe an order or the subject of an order, no rights may be derived solely from these. The illustrations may show   Mercedes-Benz sales partner.

Daimler AG,, 02-1218
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