Giving agents the edge - Travel Bulletin

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Giving agents the edge - Travel Bulletin
TB 2102 2020 Coverwrap_Layout 1 18/02/2020 12:36 Page 1

                February 21 2020 | ISSUE NO 2,142 |   Giving agents the edge
Giving agents the edge - Travel Bulletin
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Giving agents the edge - Travel Bulletin
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                February 21 2020 | ISSUE NO 2,142 |                Giving agents the edge

          BULLETIN                        TRAINING                     MEDITERRANEAN                  BERMUDA
          BRIEFING                        More software, training      ISLANDS                        Plan your client a winter
          Cherie from Global Travel       modules and events to keep   From Mallorca to Corfu, fun    blues-busting trip to the
          Group on the power of women     you ahead of the curve       in the Med sun                 stunning islands

                                                                              Locations worth posting
                                                                                                                                  Cover pic : © Maridav
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Giving agents the edge - Travel Bulletin
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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |                                                                                            NEWS BULLETIN                  3

           THIS WEEK                                                              SAFETY ON
                                                                                  THE SLOPES
           04                                      With 2.5 million young adults planning or considering a winter
          NEWS                                     holiday, ABTA is running a digital campaign providing advice to
          Product updates, airline news and              help people have a safer winter festival experience.
          the latest travel industry moves

          Cherie Richards from Global on the
          importance of women in travel

         TRAINING                                             ABTA’s safety tips will remind young people of actions that will make their time more secure.
         Helping agents to update their
         skills and knowledge                   ABTA HAS teamed up with                             the website or provide them        are asked to provide support
                                                the Foreign and                                     with safety z-cards produced       to people who have got into
                                                Commonwealth Office (FCO)                           by the association.                difficulty either through
                                                to give practical safety tips to                       ABTA’s campaign aligns          accident or injury or
                                                those aged between 18 and                           with the FCO’s ‘Stick With         financially. Simple actions
                                                24, as research conducted                           Your Mates’ campaign on            like sticking with your friends
           15                                   by ABTA reveals that this is
                                                the most likely demographic
                                                                                                    youth safety, created after
                                                                                                    research showed that being
                                                                                                                                       when skiing, out socialising
                                                                                                                                       or at festivals, making sure
         Luxurious villas, gastronomy,          to travel with friends.                             alone or being separated           you have winter sports
         culture and warmer weather                The advice covers                                from your friends is a factor      insurance, and reading our
                                                different areas, including                          in some serious, or even           Ski-Safe guide ahead of your
                                                the importance of                                   fatal, incidents overseas.         trip, can make all the
                                                preventing slips, trips and                            Jennifer Anderson,              difference when it comes to
                                                falls and looking out for                           director of consular services,     avoiding trouble.”
                                                friends in a group.                                 commented: “The winter                ABTA is hosting a seminar
                                                   The campaign will run via                        travel season provides an          on Youth Travel on June 9,
           21                                   social media and through
                                                ABTA’s website, where winter
                                                                                                    opportunity to enjoy the
                                                                                                    sounds, the sights and the
                                                                                                                                       where the trends and holiday
                                                                                                                                       habits of young
         High-end holidays from railways to     music festivals safety tips are                     slopes in a range of exciting      holidaymakers will be
         resorts in fine locations              featured in the Winter Sports                       destinations. Most British         discussed further.
                                                safety page. ABTA Members                           people venturing to                For more information, visit
                                                can refer their customers to                        mountain resorts have a  
                                                the safety tips provided on                         great time. But each year we       or email

         BERMUDA                                                                                                                                         @TravelBulletin
                                                                                                                              020 7834 6661
                                                Published by :                            Printed by: Buxton Press
         An action-packed events calendar       Alain Charles Publishing (Travel) Ltd     Subscriptions are £125 p.a.                                    @TravelBulletin
         for this island of pink sand beaches   University House, 11-13 Lower Grosvenor   £195 overseas
                                                Place London, SW1W 0EX                    ISSN: 0956-2419              Travel_Bulletin
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    4    NEWS BULLETIN                                                                                   FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                           Hit the high notes with The Script                                                      Skip into spring with
                                                                                                                    Inghams’ Italy tour
                             and Pixie Lott on P&O Cruises
         P&O CRUISES has                                                                                          INGHAMS IS offering tailor-made
                                                                              The ports of call are Olden,
         announced that The Script                                           Geiranger and Bergen on the          holidays to Puglia, the 'heel' of
         and Pixie Lott have joined                                          ‘Norwegian Fjords’ itinerary.        Italy's boot.
         the line-up for Ionafest, a                                                                                  Puglia is an unspoilt region of
         major new festival set to take                                                                           olive groves and whitewashed
         place this summer on Iona,                                                                               villages that has been overlooked
         P&O Cruises newest ship.                                                                                 by mass tourism for some time,
           Irish trio The Script and                                                                              but is now starting to attract some
         four-time BRIT award                                                                                     wholly deserved attention.
         nominee Pixie Lott join a
         host of artists including
         Grammy award winners
         Clean Bandit and DJs
         including four-time MOBO
         winner Trevor Nelson, MBE;       Guests will enjoy panoramic       Fjords will give guests a
         Blur’s Alex James and BBC        views, Nordic scenery and         dramatic landscape to enjoy
         Radio 2 presenter Jo Whiley.     luxurious accommodation,          a variety of entertainment,
           Guests will join Iona in       as well as street-food-style      incredible acts and mouth-
         Southampton on July 4 for        pop-ups and bars inspired         watering pop-up
         the ‘Norwegian Fjords’ trip.     by foodie fantasies. Other        restaurants, making this a
         The cruise will begin with a     entertainment over the week       truly once in a lifetime                 Inghams’ eight-day ’Best of
         naming celebration that will     will include a silent disco,      opportunity.”                         Puglia & Basilicata tour’ takes in
         excite concert and gig fans,     live screenings and aerial          ‘Norwegian Fjords’ is from          the best sights of this region. Led
         including a special              wonders in the SkyDome.           July 4-11, and is priced at           by an experienced guide, guests
         performance from P&O                P&O Cruises president,         £749 per person.                      will enjoy wine tasting and watch
         Cruises’ new brand               Paul Ludlow, said: “The              the centuries old tradition of olive
         ambassador, Gary Barlow.         backdrop of the Norwegian         cruise/G010/G010                      oil making, for which Puglia is
                                                                                                                  famous. The itinerary includes
                    Olympic Holidays introduces new hotel                                                         exploration of Lecce, soaking up
                                                                                                                  the sandy white beaches in the
                         openings and group tours                                                                 seaside resort of Otranto and
         OLYMPIC HOLIDAYS has launched their first           One example of Olympic Holidays' new                 visiting the unique cave dwellings
         guided group product and a handful of hotel      offering is the ‘Celebration of Ancient                 in the city Matera in Basilicata,
         openings for 2020 in Greece and Spain,           Greece’ tour.                                           which features in the new Bond
         including Ikos Andalusia, MarBella Elix and         Guests will visit the ancient sites of               film, No Time To Die, due for
         Domes Zeen Chania.                               Athens including the Acropolis, the                     release in April.
            Olympic’s new guided group tours cover        sanctuary of Olympian Zeus, explore                        The ‘Best of Puglia and
         Athens, Olympia and Delphi, and guests           Olympia and experience Delphi and                       Basilicata’ tour starts from £1,099
         travelling with the company can now choose       Meteora before enjoying a Saronic Gulf                  per person, offering a saving of
         between two-, four- and seven-night tours        Islands cruise.                                         £50 per person, based on two
         where they will be immersed in and learn            The seven-night Athens, Olympia and                  adults sharing. This package is
         about ancient Greece, accompanied by an          Delphi tour is priced from £1,199 per person.           valid for travel departing May 4.
         expert guide.                                                 

                                                                         A ‘March Mega Sale’ with Skiworld
                                                                         SKIWORLD HAVE launched their ‘March Mega Sale’, with up to
                                                                         half price ski holidays on March departures. Deals include catered
                                                                         chalets and self-catered chalets in snow-sure resorts in France
                                                                         and Austria.
                                                                           One example is the Self-Catered Chalet Crocus Blanc based in La
                                                                         Plagne. The chalet is on offer for £459 per person, saving over 30%,
                                                                         departing on March 14. The chalet offers ultimate ski convenience to
                                                                         the Paradiski ski area. The price includes return flights and transfers.
                                                                         To see more of the Mega March deals, visit
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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |                                                                                       NEWS BULLETIN                        5

                       Slow steam ahead with Hayes & Jarvis                                                                        Sunshine and sporty
                                                                                                                                      savings with
         AS TRAVELLERS become                                                                                                        La Manga Club
         more conscious of
         sustainable, environmentally                                                                                             A SUNSHINE sporting break with
         friendly transport, journeying                                                                                           five-star facilities and an array of
         by train is set to be one of                                                                                             discounts is the prospect that awaits
         the most popular ways to                                                                                                 active families taking up the last-
         travel in 2020.                                                                                                          minute invitation to head to Spain’s La
            Whether it's reaching a                                                                                               Manga Club this February half-term.
         destination by train, or taking                                                                                             Free sports and accommodation
         a rail journey while on                                                                                                  and 20% savings on selected junior
         holiday, it is an efficient way                                                                                          academies are among the benefits
         to see more of a region,                                                                                                 available at the top sports and
         country or continent.                                                                                                    leisure resort in Murcia during the
            One example of a trip                                                                                                 school holidays, as well as the
                                           Hayes & Jarvis’ train travel itinerary coincides with the popularity of slow travel.
         with Hayes & Jarvis is a                                                                                                 chance to bask in temperatures of
         four-hour journey on the          soaring above. A brunch is                  as afternoon tea at the                    up to 26 degrees.
         Belmond Hiram Bingham             served on the way and a                     Belmond Sanctuary Lodge
         train, which takes guests         gourmet three-course                        hotel by the citadel's entrance.
         from Cuzco to Machu               dinner with free-flowing                       The four-night ‘Cuzco &
         Picchu in Peru. The train         Pisco sours on the return.                  Machu Picchu with Belmond’
         travels across Andean             Guests can admire the                       trip is priced from £2,899 per
         plains, passing through the       views from the open                         person. This includes
         Incan towns and villages of       observation carriage at the                 accommodation, an English-
         the Sacred Valley and clings      back of the train or from the               speaking guide, Machu
         for much of the journey to        comfort of their seat.                      Picchu entrance fees,
         the Urubamba River with             Guests will have a guided                 assistance and porterage.
         the Andes Mountains               tour of Machu Picchu as well      

                   Collette: Australia is still open for business                                                                    Valid for stays until March 1,
                                                                                                                                  families can enjoy up to 20% off on
         GLOBAL TOUR operator Collette states that               potential. In fact, a brand new campaign                         accommodation when staying in both
         one of the best ways for Australia to recover           featuring Kylie Minogue and comedian Adam                        La Manga Club’s luxury Hotel Principe
         from the bushfire disaster is through                   Hills was creating great interest before it was                  Felipe and four-star Las Lomas Village
         something that has always been vital to the             put on hold due to the bushfire crisis.                          self-catering accommodation.
         country – tourism.                                         Paul Palmer, Collette’s UK operations                            Children under-12 also stay for free
            Tourism Australia affirmed this, stating             manager, said: “The areas that Collette visits                   on a bed-and-breakfast basis in the
         that the majority of Australian tourism and             as part of their range of escorted tours are                     hotel when sharing their parents’
         events businesses are still operating and               situated outside of the regions most affected                    room, and prices for a five-night break
         need visitors more than ever.                           by the fires. Collette’s tour guides and local                   for a family of four staying in a two-
            UK travellers have always been keen to visit         experts are keen to point out that it is                         bedroom view apartment start from
         the continent and Tourism Australia has                 business as usual for them.”                                     €885, approximately £750.
         pinpointed this as a market with even more                                         

                                                      Navigate through U.S. national parks with Exodus Travel
                                                      EXODUS IS offering a unique tour that explores the crown jewels of America's
                                                      national parks system, whilst enjoying the comfort of its historic and unique lodges
                                                      and upgraded hotels.
                                                        The trip includes locations such as Yosemite, Yellowstone, Death Valley and the Grand
                                                      Canyon, showcasing some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes in the US, with
                                                      expansive vistas and abundant wildlife attracting visitors for over 100 years. The itinerary
                                                      does not forget the lesser known U.S. national parks, including Zion and Arches.
                                                        The ‘National Parks and Lodges’ trip is 12 days, with prices from £3,675,
                                                      excluding flights.
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    6    NEWS BULLETIN                                                                                         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                     Sail the seas with CMV’s Amy Johnson                                                                                    and
                                                                                                                         MOVER               HAKERS
         CRUISE AND Maritime has
         announced the maiden
         voyage of their latest ship,                                                                                    Adam Armstrong has been
         Amy Johnson. Following                                                                                          appointed the global CEO of
         delivery and a refurbishment                                                                                    Contiki. Armstrong will be based
         programme, Amy Johnson                                                                                          out of Geneva, Switzerland, with a
         sails from Singapore in April                                                                                   start date to be announced shortly.
         2021 on a 43-night cruise
                                          Amy Johnson will offer 11 different lounges for guests to take advantage of.
         through Asia, the Middle
         East, transiting the Suez        Jacobs, said: “Amy Johnson              Johnson’s maiden voyage
         Canal, before visiting           will be the flagship of the             will be an epic adventure in
         exciting ports in Europe on      CMV fleet. A real step up for           the spirit of her
         the way to London Tilbury.       us whilst still maintaining our         pioneering namesake.”
         The ship will be adult only.     key brand values of a more                 Inaugural guests will fly
         Fares are available from         traditional style of cruising           from London overnight to join
         £3,399 per person, on sale       and maritime experience.                the ship in Singapore. The
         from now.                        CMV passengers and our                  maiden voyage includes ports           Marriott International announced
           Announcing Amy                 trade industry partners, will           in Malaysia, then to India,            that Marriott veteran, Neal Jones,
         Johnson’s maiden voyage          welcome the similar style on            visiting Egypt and a chance to         has taken on the role of chief sales
         and her 2021 programme,          board to Columbus and                   see Luxor and Jordan.                  and marketing officer, Europe,
         CMV’s sales director, Lisa       Vasco da Gama. Amy                          Middle East and Africa

         Aegean Airlines’ A320neo takes to the skies
         AEGEAN AIRLINES’ newest plane has                    press, including Travel Bulletin, to cheer as
         taken to the skies, with its first flight from       they saw the plane at Hanger 57. The
         Athens to Munich.                                    aircraft is the first of 46 ordered by the
           Straight from its spectacular unveiling, the       company as part of a $6 billion investment.
         airliner with a blue and white tail made a           It’s hoped that each additional aircraft will
         Valentine’s Day departure, with passengers           make a contribution to Greece’s economy,
         receiving surprise presents. As part of the          employment and tourism industry.                           Holiday Extras has announced the
         inaugural celebrations, each traveller will             The A320neo reduces CO2 and NOx                         appointment of Hugo Loudon as
         receive a dessert and inside, 10 of them             emissions, while also lowering the noise                   chief financial officer. He plans to
         there will be free tickets to fly with Aegean        footprint. It also increases fuel efficiency,              help the holiday extras firm deliver
         to any of its 155 destinations.                      which will enable the company to fly to                    ambitious growth plans.
           More than 700 people turned out in the             new destinations.
         Greek capital to see the A320neo unwrapped 
         at a glittering aircraft-hanger ceremony.
           The plane marks a new era of growth
         and modernisation as Aegean enters its
         third decade.
           The Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos
         Mitsotakis, stood alongside Aegean
         executives, cabin crew and the world’s
                                                                                                                         Advantage Travel Partnership has
                                                                                                                         appointed Leigh Cowlishaw as
          Go bonkers for Bastille Day with Corsican Places                                                               interim global supplier
          CORSICAN PLACES is offering holiday savings to coincide with Bastille Day celebrations in                      partnership director.
          Calvi on July 14.
            The popular seaside town on Corsica's northwest coast will host an impressive firework
          display shot from its medieval citadel. Enjoyed from either the beach or the marina, there is
          street parties and parades along cobbled streets.
            Corsican Places presents seven-night breaks suitable for couples and families with
          convenient flights and car hire or transfers, from £790 per person for arrivals July 12 – a
          saving of £102 per person based on full occupancy. This price includes return Stansted-
          Calvi flights, 23kg luggage allowance and car hire.

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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

           Jet2 puts summer 2021 on sale
         JET2HOLIDAYS HAS launched a bumper choice of holidays
         for summer 2021 from four of its UK bases – Belfast
         International, Edinburgh, Manchester and Newcastle – and
         independent travel agents can book earlier than ever thanks
         to an early launch.
           Expanded programmes at each of the four bases means
         that and Jet2holidays is giving independent travel
         agents more choice and flexibility than ever before when it
         comes to offering customers holidays to favourite summer
         hotspots such as the Canaries, Balearics, Spain, Greece,
         Turkey and Cyprus.
           The programme announced includes a new route to
         Larnaca in Cyprus from Belfast International Airport.
           With daily and multiple weekly flights to many
         destinations from the four bases, holidaymakers can
         continue to enjoy complete flexibility over how long they
         choose to holiday for.
           Steve Heapy, CEO of and Jet2holidays said:
         “We are putting our summer programme on sale earlier
         than ever from these bases, giving customers and
         independent travel agents the chance to book early.”

                     A-ROSA River Cruises adds over
                          40 new excursions
           A-ROSA RIVER Cruises has expanded its shore excursion
           programme for 2020, with the addition of 48 new options on its
           international ships. In total, a choice of more than 250 excursions
           will now be available, broken down into five categories: discovery;
           adventure; family; bicycle and gourmet.
              A focus for 2020 has been growing the range of more unusual
           tours, offering guests the chance to do something a little different
           and perhaps unexpected whilst on a river cruise. A-ROSA has also
           grown the number of excursions that are for individuals who would
           like a more intimate experience, rather than joining a full group tour.
              A sample new excursion is the option to ride a classic car through
           Vienna, where guests will sit back in comfort in an electrically driven
           classic car with a maximum speed of 10km/h.
              The relaxed pace allows guests to see the sights of Vienna, such as
           the Hofburg, the City Hall, Herrngasse and St. Stephen's Square amongst
           other things. Each car holds up to five people. Priced from €169 per car,
           this is bookable when sailing on selected Danube itineraries.
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    8    NEWS BULLETIN                                                                                 FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                                                      otes from .
                                                      ORMA                                                        British Airways will offer direct
                                                                                                                  flights from Heathrow to Portland
                                        I HOPE you are all having a fantastic start to 2020 with lots of          in Oregon. Flights will operate five
                                        repeat bookings as well as new ones. Do you find that if there is         times a week, starting in June.
                                        a programme on TV about holidays or destinations, such as
                                        Julia Bradbury’s Greek Islands, more people ask about places
                                        like Crete and Corfu? The first Greek island I visited was Elba, 51
                                        years ago. I would love to go back sometime.
            Meanwhile in Ibiza and Majorca, it will be interesting to see if new laws aimed at clamping
         down on alcohol-fuelled holidays will makes any difference. The laws will ban happy hours,
         free bars and two-for-one drink parties, and make it illegal to advertise pub crawls. There will
         be no new licences for party boats and existing boats won’t be able to operate in designated
         areas. All-night shops selling alcohol will have to close between 9.30pm and 8am, with                   Cape Town Air Access has
         owners risking huge fines or being closed down for three years. These restrictions apply to              announced a direct route from
         the areas of Magaluf, El Arenal de Palma and San Antonio in Ibiza which are considered by                London Heathrow to Cape Town
         law enforcement officials to be the worst affected by alcohol-related issues.                            with Virgin Atlantic. The seasonal
            There seemed to be more deaths and injuries caused by young people jumping off                        service will commence from
         balconies in the last few years. As well as the alcohol restrictions, these parts of Spain are           October onward.
         looking to ban ‘balconing’, the practice of jumping into a swimming pool from a hotel
         balcony. Hotels will have to evict anyone caught ‘balconing’ or encouraging others to do it.
            Time will tell if the new laws will affect people visiting these islands – the alcohol laws
         only apply to outside areas of particular places, so it won’t affect how hotels serve liquor.

                                                                                       To respond to any of
                                                                                   Sandy’s comments email
                 by SANDRA MURRAY in Normanton, Yorkshire                                                         WestJet will be offering a
                                                                                                                  seasonal direct flight between
                                                                                                                  Manchester and Halifax, Nova
                    Aurora Expeditions continue to expand                                                         Scotia. The flight will depart four
                            travel trade webinars                                                                 times per week and will be the
         AURORA EXPEDITIONS’               Trust of Scotland, will share      access that your clients            quickest route to North America
         webinar programme will run        their local knowledge and          can expect on voyages to            from Manchester, with just over a
         every month focusing on a         insights into both regions.        these destinations.                 six-hour journey.
         different geographical area       The speakers will highlight        Agents can register at
         and will be a valuable            the unique historical    
         information resource              experiences and private            .au/events-and-webinars/
         for agents.
           The focus for February will            Aurora Expeditions’
         be on the new Ireland and            Scotland itinerary includes
         Scotland itineraries.                 plenty of puffin sightings.
           The ‘Scotland and Ireland
         Voyages’ webinar will be
         taking place in London on                                                                                Budapest Airport has announced
         February 25, from 9-10am.                                                                                a new route, commencing on
           Auroa’s resident Irish                                                                                 June 2, to the Spanish city of
         expert, Martha Behan who                                                                                 Santander with Wizz Air.
         grew up in the Wicklow
         Mountains and previously
         worked for the Irish Tourism
         Board, and historian Carol
         Knott, an Aurora Expeditions
         expert leader and
         archaeologist for the National
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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |                                                                  AGENT BULLETIN           9

                                                                                            AGENT TRAINING
                                                                                              TRAVEL AGENTS can win a Maltese
                                                                                           gastronomy goody bag by completing the
                                                                                           Malta training programme. The goody bag
                                                                                         includes: Maltese wine, prickly pear jam, sea
                                                                                         salt with lemon, extra virgin olive oil of Gozo
                                                                                         and more. The programme offers five courses
                                                                                          that will give agents inside knowledge and
                                                                                             top tips to share with their customers,
                                                                                            whether that be city breakers, families,
                                                                                                   travellers under 30 and the
                                                                                                       LGBT+ community.

              NOT JUST Travel is set to unveil to the industry the company’s new
            innovative packages built to attract new homeworking agents. 'The Big
               Event' will be held from 11 am-3 pm on February 29 at the London
                  Hammersmith Novotel. Agents attending should register at

                              AGENT INCENTIVES
            ● AGENTS CAN earn up to £100 in Love2Shop vouchers by booking
              any Belleair Holidays package or cruise & stay holidays valued over
              £500. The incentive is valid for bookings made between February 1
              and February 29. Agents will earn £40 voucher for a booking value of
              £500-£999 and £100 voucher for a booking value of £1,000 and above.

            ● LINKS TRAVEL & Tours, the Asia-specialist provider of small group
              tours and tailor-made journeys, has extended its January incentive to
              include February bookings as well. This enables the travel agents to
              win Love2shop vouchers for bookings made with Links Travel & Tours.
              Agents can earn £20 Love2shop voucher for every booking (small
              group tour and tailor-made journey) confirmed over the value of
              £2,098 between January 2 and February 29 inclusive. The voucher will
              be sent at the end of the month. This incentive is per booking, so the
                                                                                                 NEW: Return flight ticket and three
              more bookings made, the higher the value of vouchers received. No
                                                                                                     nights accommodation, plus
              claims for the vouchers need to be made by agents, as the company                  activities to the island of Rodrigues
              will arrange everything.

            ● TRAVEL AGENTS can win a £50 Love2shop voucher for every                              NEW: Seven-night all-inclusive
              booking made with Hodges Bay, a luxury resort in Antigua, West                      stay at the Bahia Principe Grand
                                                                                                 Aquarmarine, Dominican Republic
              Indies. The incentive runs until the end of this month, backdating to
              January 20, for travel up to April 30. It is to coincide with the
              introductory 'two free nights' offer that is in the marketplace. Hodges
              Bay is located on the north of the island, ten minutes from V.C Bird
                                                                                                 NEW: Win a Apple Watch with the
              International Airport and 15 minutes from St. John’s, the capital of
                                                                                                  Qatar National Tourism Council
              Antigua. To redeem the voucher, please email sam@clear-

            ● AGENTS WHO make more than one booking in February with Cruising
              Excursions will be in with the chance of winning a two-night premium               Three-night stay at any Sandos or
              UK break, thanks to the 'Show Us the Love' incentive. If booked twice               Marconfort Hotel up for grabs!
              before Valentine's Day, they will enter a mystery prize draw as well.
              The incentive is running until the end of February. Agents receive up to          FOR ALL COMPETITIONS VISIT
              16% commission selling cruise excursions with the operator. For more      
              information, go to
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   10    BULLETIN BRIEFING                                                                        FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

         insight by...

           Cherie Richards, commercial director, Global Travel Group, discusses the importance of
             women in the workplace and how her own Global Network of Women initiative is
                          helping the push towards equality in the travel industry.
         ONE TOPIC that continues to      women’s equality and deliver     on important issues like how    doubt the capital is a great
         motivate and comfort me is       real and positive change.        to manage wellbeing and         venue for any meeting, but
         the ever-increasing leap         Much of this ambition and        mental health in the            taking a trip to London isn’t
         forward in gender equality       sentiment was the driving        workplace, growth in LGBT       always viable for agents
         and recognition of the           force behind me establishing     holidays and how to build a     that are based nationwide.
         invaluable role women have       the Global Network of            business are shared and         Mindful of this, I was keen
         to play in the workplace.        Women (GNOW) initiative,         discussed not just by           when putting the GNOW
           As I write and look ahead      which is now in its third year   women, but importantly by       together as a forum for
         to the coming weeks and          and its next event quickly       men too.                        sharing experience and
         months, I’m happy to say I                                                                        knowledge that we offered
         have a diary filled with                                                                          the exclusive opportunity to
         events that focus on just this                                                                    Global Members across the
         recognition. First on the        For me, personally, I feel the                                   country. Our members
         agenda on March 8 is                                                                              always embrace the
         International Women’s Day        focus should be on men and                                       opportunity to meet with
         (IWD), a worldwide event                                                                          other members, and this
         that this year is endorsing      women working together                                           initiative allows them to
         equality with the message                                                                         leave feeling inspired
         #EachforEqual. The last          rather than trying to outdo                                      and motivate.
         couple of years have seen                                                                             The final event that I am
         some of the biggest steps        each other. We each                                              really looking forward to is
         forward as more and more                                                                          Mother’s Day on March 22. I
         new opportunities open up        deserve a seat at the table                                      don’t underestimate that the
         across the board for women.                                                                       definition of a mother is wide
         For me, personally, I feel the                                                                    and ever-changing. Even if I
         focus should be on men and                                                                        am lucky enough to get a
         women working together           follows IWD, taking place on       Equality can be achieved      handmade card from my
         rather than trying to outdo      March 10. Developed to           in many ways – not just         little guy Oakley, I hope I’ll
         each other. We each deserve      champion the role of women       between men and women.          be able to take some time
         a seat at the table.             in travel, today it has          Since first launching the       to reflect not only on how far
           IWD aims to celebrate the      become an active forum for       GNOW in 2017, it has            we women have come, but
         social, economic, cultural       members to network, learn        grown to become a regular       more importantly how far
         and political achievements of    and share best practice with     event which takes place in      we can go in the future. It is
         women as well as marking a       invited colleagues from          different regional locations    certainly an exciting time
         call to action to accelerate     across the industry. Insights    across the country. No          for all of us.
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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |                                                                                            PUZZLE BULLETIN                          11

                      Win a £50 M&S voucher in the
                                 Su Doku prize puzzle A

                      Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and
                      each of the 3 x 3 squares contains the digits 1-9.
                      Once you have completed the puzzle, simply identify the
                      numbers that relate to the letters, A, B, C and D then e-mail                   B
                      the solution, with your name, company name, and full postal
                      address plus phone and ABTA number if applicable to:
                      Closing date for entries is Thursday, February 27. Solution
                      and new puzzle will appear next week.
                      The winner for February 7th is
                      William Thompson, Travel Counsellors in Norfolk.
                      February 7th Solution: A=1 B=5 C=3 D=8

                                                                                                                             A M I                                      ?
                                                                                                                      WHER E
                                                                                                                                              A grand mosque, covering an
                                                                                                                                               area of more than 30 acres.
                                                                                                                                              The carpet in the main prayer
                                                                                                                                               hall is considered to be the
                                                                                                                                                world's largest carpet and
                                                                                                                                               was imported from Iran, the
                                                                                                                                                 mosque itself has seven
                                                                                                                                             imported chandeliers from the
                                                                                                                                              company Faustig in Munich,
                                                                                                                                               Germany, and incorporates
                                                                                                                                             millions of Swarovski crystals.

                      Fill in the crossword to reveal the mystery location highlighted by the green squares.

                                                                            Across                                                   Down
                                                                            1. Hotel group based in city centres across the UK       1. First name of the Manager of
                                                                                  and Ireland (5,3)                                        Liverpool F.C. (6)
                                                                            5. Slang for a relative, in short (3)                    2. Greek island in the Aegean (5)
                                                                            6. Navy rank recently deferred by Prince Andrew (7)      3. Costa del Sol resort, famous for it's
                                                                            7. High Street fashion store (3)                               caves (5)
                                                                            8. Edinburgh international airport code (3)              4. Asian desert (4)
                                                                            9. This country is a popular holiday destination (5)     5. Palace birthplace of Winston Churchill (8)
                                                                            12. The old name for Shropshire (5)                      6. Enjoyed after a day on the slopes? (5,3)
                                                                            15. Scandinavian airline, initially (3)                  10. Paphos international airport code (3)
                                                                            16. Red Funnel operate to and from here, initially (3)   11. Often worn with a dinner jacket (3,3)
                                                                            17. Country ruled by a monarch (7)                       13. Country with two capitals, Sri ___ (5)
                                                                            18. Guernsey Channel Islands airport code (3)            14. Historic city in the Veneto region (5)
                                                                            19. Foreign language film which recently won the         15. Travel and insurance company for the
                                                                                  Oscar for Best Picture (8)                               over 50s (4)

                                                                                  Where am I? - Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi                   Mystery Word: JAPAN

                            Down: 1. JURGEN, 2. SAMOS, 3. NERJA, 4. GOBI, 5. BLENHEIM, 6. APRES SKI, 10. PFO, 11. BOW TIE, 13. LANKA, 14. PADUA, 15. SAGA
                            Across: 1. JURYS INN, 5. BRO, 6. ADMIRAL, 7. GAP, 8. EDI, 9. SPAIN, 12. SALOP, 15. SAS, 16. IOW, 17. KINGDOM, 18. GCI, 19. PARASITE.
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                            AGENTS’ SALES
                          ARSENAL UPGRADED
         GLOBAL TRAVEL Group will be offering
         training to agents so they can get the
         most value out of new software
         innovations. It is offering a new set of
         marketing tools made available at an
         exclusive rate, thanks to the new
         partnership with travel technology
         company Net Effect.
            As part of the agreement, members
         will have the option to subscribe to a
         host of products all designed to
         streamline efficiencies for their
         marketing and customer relations               Integrated CRM Marketing – A tool to    business goals but also directly build
         activities and drive sales.                 enable members to manage their             customer engagement and trust and in
            The new products are available now to    customer communications to produce         turn support bookings."
         Global members, and on sign-up, they will   relevant and engaging email offers            Steve Rushton, Net Effect co-founder,
         have access to full training and ongoing    in real-time.                              added: "We are delighted to be working
         support. The products available are:           Reviews – Facilitates the collection    with Global Travel Group to support
            Promote Marketing Suite – It             and display of Google and Facebook         their members with easy and simple
         delivers live operator offers which         reviews on members' websites.              marketing tools to enable them to
         members can select to advertise via            Cherie Richards, commercial director    attract, nurture and convert more
         their own marketing channels                at the group, said: "This new              clients. As a marketing software
         including website, social media, email      partnership has been developed in          systems developer, we focus entirely on
         marketing and TV slideshows.                response to the needs and feedback of      supporting the independent specialist
            Tripquote – Members can build            our member agents. We have worked          travel agency sector and look forward to
         professionally branded quotes which         closely with the Net Effect team to        supporting Global members."
         can then be communicated to                 ensure we offer a range of tools that      For more information, go to
         customers via email or SMS.                 work to not only meet agents' particular
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   14    TRAINING                                                                                  FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                                                                                   PATA to host 16 events for agents
                                                                                   across UK & Ireland
                                                                                   PACIFIC ASIA Travel Association UK & Ireland
                                                                                   (PATA) will host 16 events for travel agents, visiting
                                                                                   fifteen cities across the UK and Ireland.
                                                                                   From quiz nights to roadshows, PATA events will
                                                                                   bring together professionals from across the UK &
                                                                                   Ireland travel community. The events will have a fun
                                                                                   and relaxing environment where members can
                                                                                   network and train agents from destinations to
                                                                                   airlines and hotels in the region.
                                                                                   The quiz nights start at 18:30 and run until 21:00.
                                                                                   Agents can put their travel knowledge to the test as
                                                                                   they’re asked questions about the destinations and
                                                                                   products from around the Pacific Asia region.
                                                                                   Dinner and drinks are included complimentary and
                                                                                   there will also be plenty of prizes up for grabs.
                                                                                   For more information, go to

                                LEARN ON THE GO

         NEWMARKET HOLIDAYS is offering              be accessed on mobile, tablet or            marketing hub with all the latest offers
         six online training modules for agents      desktop, meaning agents can study at        including agent incentives and
         while Nic Newmarket, a fictional            their own pace, even on the go.             promotions, downloadable brochures
         character, will guide them along               As an expert, agents can join the        and posters, plus ‘how to sell’ guides.
         across the courses.                         operator's agent incentive programme        During the training, they will learn
           They will learn about the top             including fam trips, exclusive events       about the new website features, which
         commission-earning tours and                and competitions.                           will provide all the necessary tools to
         holidays, established customer                 The six modules are: dedicated           support them in driving strong sales.
         favourites, new and exciting itineraries.   agent support; escorted touring by air        Those who already sell Newmarket
         Upon completion, agents will be             – Europe; escorted touring by air –         can refresh skills and learn about new
         awarded a Nic Newmarket                     Worldwide; events & festive breaks;         products for a chance to win a hamper.
         Achievement Award certificate, in           river cruising & ocean cruising; and           Agents get 15% off their own
         addition to the chance of winning great     small group touring & extensions.           holiday upon completing the course.
         prizes. The certificate can be                 The operator has added a new   
         downloaded as well. The content can         search facility, together with a  
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                                               FUN ‘N’ SUN
                                        Balearic islands set to celebrate annual holiday.
         MARCH 1 is the official day of celebration   and Mallorca Cathedral open their doors

         on the Balearic Islands, filled with         to visitors. A food tasting is organised at
         activities culture, sports and gastronomy    the Sa Feixina park in Palma with the
         to commemorate their Statute of              participation of different restaurants.
         Autonomy, proclaimed in 1983 and             Visitors will find gastronomic routes and a
         renewed in 2007.                             flea market, located on the Passeig
           The Day of the Balearic Islands offers a   Sagrera, by the seafront, in the area           The Italian island of Sicily is the largest
         rare opportunity to explore the main         between La Lonja and Sa Feixina.                island in the Mediterranean Sea and
         government buildings, museums and the           Menorca features a tour of the Milà          home to Mount Etna, the largest volcano
         most emblematic places of the islands.       wind farm, harness racing in the Maó            in Europe.
           During a period of approximately 15        Hippodrome, Menorcan
         days, many regions hold open days to         dressage sampling in es Castell and             The Ġgantija Temples in Gozo are 1,000
         showcase their precious heritage.            guided tours of Cova des Coloms, plus           years older than Stonehenge and the
           Monasteries, art galleries, museums        musical performances.                           Egyptian pyramids.
         and buildings such as the Consell de            On the Day of the Balearic
         Mallorca, Palma City Council, Bellver        Islands, Ibiza holds activities such as light   Crete is Greece’s largest island and the
         Castle, the Balearic Islands Parliament      sail regattas in Sants Eulària, basketball      birthplace of European civilisation.
                                                      and chess tournaments, trotting awards
                                                      and an artisanal market in the Sant Rafael      Ibiza is the third largest Balearic island
                                                      Hippodrome, with guided tours of the Puig       and recognised by the Guinness Book of
                                                      des Molins Monographic Museum.                  Records to have the largest nightclub in
                                                         In Formentera, there are                     the world, Privilege Ibiza.
                                                      sporting events for everyday races and
                                                      basketball, as well as concerts,                Corsica is the fourth largest island in the
                                                      exhibitions and a huge typical paella.          Mediterranean and was the birthplace of
                                                                     Napoleon Bonaparte.
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   16    MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS                                                                        FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                   LUXURY REFURB                                                                                Savings on villas with
                                                                                                                   Corsican Places
                                                                                                                CORSICAN PLACES is offering an
            Marriott Malta throws open its doors following a £25m renovation
                                                                                                                extra £150 saving on villa holidays in
                that reflects the island’s culture, history and architecture.                                   south Corsica and the Valinco.
                                                                                                                   The discount from the specialist
                                                                                                                tour operator is available on May and
                                                                                                                June villa stays in South Corsica and
                                                                                                                the French island’s west coast. The
                                                                                                                offer applies to new package
                                                                                                                bookings made for holidays
                                                                                                                between May 3 and June 28,
                                                                                                                excluding May 23 and 24, using the
                                                                                                                code: VILLA150, which can be used
                                                                                                                by agents when booking by phone or
                                                                                                                online. South Corsica and the island’s
                                                                                                                west coast are home to some of the
                                                                                                                tour operator’s best-selling villas

         MALTA MARRIOTT Hotel & Spa has reopened            main restaurant serving daily breakfast and
         after an extensive €30m (£25m) revamp.             lavish evening meals. The M Club Lounge
            The refreshed interiors of the hotel’s public   offers spectacular views and the ideal space
         spaces, restaurants, bars and 301 guest            to work or relax.
         rooms blend modernised elements of                    The original Villa Garden, where the hotel is
         traditional Maltese craft with the heritage of     now situated, was the main source of
         the hotel’s local area of Balluta Bay.             inspiration for this space.
            In order to create a local, authentic and          Traditional Maltese with decorative
         sophisticated aesthetic, RPW Design carefully      glasswork including a large-scale lighting
         studied the culture and architecture of Malta      feature in the reception adds colour and
         and the history of St Julian’s. This               vibrancy to the space. The use of soft curves
         understanding is showcased throughout the          subtly encourages guests to move through
         hotel with the studio’s clever use of warm         the expansive space.
         tones, natural materials and shapes.                  RPW design partner, Elizabeth Lane,              which are ideally located to make the
            The hotel offers five diverse restaurants       said: “Inspired by the heritage of Balluta Bay      most of the island’s stunning scenery,
         and three bars. Guests enter the hotel and         we have woven the traditional crafts                with maquis covered hillsides and
         step inside The Great Room. Covering the           of Malta throughout the design in a                 white sand beaches. A wide range of
         entire ground floor, the space incorporates        contemporary way thereby giving the hotel a         villas include Bergerie Olivella, Villa
         the reception, lounge area, bar and various        real sense of place while looking to the future.    Bumortu and Villa Kalliste located on
         dining options.                                    It will be an ideal destination for business or     the Valinco west coast and Villa
            Taro at The Villa Seafront Restaurant,          leisure or a combination of both.”                  Dalida, Villa Tasche Vecchio and Casa
         separate from the main hotel offers fine              Furtuna in the south.
         dining. The Marketplace is Malta Marriott’s        malta-marriott-hotel-and-spa               01489 866 931.

                                                                                    Food, drink and heritage in cultural Ibiza
                                                                                    IBIZA’S MULTIPLE Unesco World Heritage Sites,
                                                                                    wholesome local produce and laid-back vibe make it
                                                                                    an ideal destination for a cultural getaway, especially in
                                                                                    the winter season when the island reverts to its more
                                                                                    authentic and unhurried self. Visitors wanting to make
                                                                                    the most of their stay, and experience the island as a
                                                                                    local, can head to one of its renowned food markets
                                                                                    which are open all year round, such as the Hippie
                                                                                    Market in San Juan de Labritja in the north of the
                                                                                    island or Forada Flea Market in Sant Antoni de
                                                                                    Portmany, to pick up some fresh and seasonal food.
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   18    MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS                                                                              FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                       Taste escape: Greek food galore aboard Celestyal Cruises
         CELESTYAL CRUISES has announced
                                                          Travellers will take part in culinary-focused,
         that celebrated chef and New York                     offshore excursions on Santorini.
         Times leading cookbook author Diane
         Kochilas, creator and co-host of PBS’
         “My Greek Table” will lead a series of
         special events aboard an upcoming
         cruise focused on Greece and Greek
         cuisine. The first of these unique events
         will debut this autumn with a special
         “My Greek Table at Sea with Celestyal”
         inspired by her TV series: a thematic
         seven-night cruise onboard the October
         “Eclectic Aegean” sailing.
            The cruise will feature special lectures
         on Greek cuisine and Blue Zone eating
         habits as well as cooking demonstrations
         led by Kochilas. “My Greek Table at Sea
         with Celestyal” guests will have the rare
         opportunity to take part in culinary-         Greek cuisine. The cruise also visits               inclusive experience with an unlimited
         focused shore excursions led by Kochilas      Istanbul and Canakkale in Turkey.                   standard drinks package, all meals on-
         in Mykonos, Santorini, Heraklion and             Prices for the “My Greek Table at Sea            board, entertainment, port and service
         Volos with visits to local food markets,      with Celestyal” seven-night cruise start            charges and gratuities included in the fare.
         restaurants and shops specialising in the     from £899 per person, including three               For further information and
         best of traditional, local Greek food         select shore excursions, lectures, cooking          reservations, call 0800 411 8038 or visit
         products as well as innovative new            demonstrations and the Celestyal all-     
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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |                                                   MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS                                19

               MALTA MEDIA HUB                                                                                   How to live to 100?
                                                                                                                Visit the Greek island
                                                                                                                       of Ikaria...
            Malta Tourism launches Facebook page for agents and offers a                                        CYPLON HOLIDAYS is offering a
                            guide to upcoming festivals.                                                        package to the remote Greek
                                                                                                                Island of Ikaria.
                                                                                                                    Prices start from £585 per
                                                                                                                person. The offer includes flights on
                                                                                                                the April 30 from London Gatwick
                                                                                                                to Athens with EasyJet, inclusive
                                                                                                                of 15kg bags per person, return
                                                                                                                ferries and private road transfers,
                                                                                                                staying at Erofili Beach on a B&B
                                                                                                                basis for seven-nights, for two
                                                                                                                people sharing a standard room.
                                                                                                                    Known as the island of long
                                                                                                                life, inhabitants of Ikaria surpass
                                                                                                                the average life expectancy
                                                                                                                becoming centenarians.

         MALTA HAS launched a Facebook hub,                Festival combines the best of music with a
         specifically for UK trade. This will highlight    focus on health and wellbeing. Looking for a
         the latest trade information, news, fam trips,    classic? Isle of MTV Malta Festival has been
         incentives and events.                            part of the island since 2007. Well known as
           The tourist board has also put together a       one of the top festivals, it welcomes some of
         dates-for-your-diary list to help agents know     the biggest names in pop, EDM and R&B.                  This unique island in the North
         what’s coming up on the island this year.           Bringing festival season to an end is Glitch       Aegean took its name from Ikarus
           The festival season, kicks off in April         Festival and Summer Daze Festival in August.         who, in Greek mythology, having
         with Annie Mac’s Lost & Found, one of             Glitch is set to be a popular choice, as one of      flown too close to the Sun, plunged
         Europe’s biggest and best pre-summer parties.     Europe’s best house and techno festivals,            to the sea to escape, near the island
           Known for celebrating some of the UK’s          with stages set on boats and secret rave             of Ikaria. This remote island is
         most renowned names from dance, grime             caves amid historical ruins.                         characterised by its rugged and
         and hip hop.                                        Summer Daze was created in partnership             orgiastic landscape and abundance
           Disturbing Malta Festival, Earth Garden         with Creamfields and R1 Dance Stage and is           of olive groves. Recognised as a
         Festival and Isle of MTV Malta Festival are all   the no.1 party spot. Previous line-ups               Blue Zone, its health benefits have
         set for June 2020. Disturbing Malta is a three-   included David Guetta, Martin Garrix and             been a focal point for 25 centuries,
         day festival packed with pool parties, night      Tyga. The festivals are bright and colourful         when Greeks used to travel to the
         swims, boat raves, secret villa parties and       making it a picture perfect Instagram                island to soak in the hot springs of
         brunches.                                         opportunity.                                         Ancient Therma.
           If you’re into wellness, visit Earth Garden         / 0208 340 7612.

                                                                                 Corinthia Palace Hotel Athenaeum Spa
                                                                                 opens this spring
                                                                                 JUST TIME for a relaxing getaway, the Corinthia Palace
                                                                                 Hotel will open the Athenaeum Spa in March.
                                                                                 The new-look spa will include a hot area comprising vitality
                                                                                 pool, sauna, steam room, experience showers and heated
                                                                                 beds. There’s also a terrace and seven treatment rooms.
                                                                                 Designed by Goddard Littlefair, it sits within the gardens of
                                                                                 the hotel’s pool garden area and also features a gym and
                                                                                 studio. The treatments will include natural ingredients like
                                                                                 salts, honey, oils and botanicals being used for a variety of
                                                                                 therapies in partnership with skincare brand ESPA.
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   20    MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS                                                                          FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

                    Robinson Club keeps all the family happy                                                              Save on car hire
                         on island holidays in Mallorca                                                                     with James
         TUI OWNED Robinson is                                                                                             Villa Holidays
         celebrating its 50th birthday
         this year with new events                                                                                    JAMES VILLA Holidays is
         and festivities from                                                                                         giving customers free car hire
         March 2020 across all its                                                                                    and £100 per person Low
         25 properties.                                                                                               Deposit on 2020 holidays
            Best for land activities is                                                                               booked before March 6.
         ROBINSON Club Cala Serena                                                                                        The car hire offers allows
         on the south-east coast of                                                                                   customers the opportunity to
         Mallorca, where guests can                                                                                   explore their holiday
         bask peacefully under the        conservation area by           swimming bays. Sitting in a                  destination however they
         warm Spanish sun, try the        horseback, and for those       beautiful bay, raised slightly               please. With £100 per person
         extensive spa and wellness       wanting a little more          above sea level on a small                   Low Deposit on selected
         programme or take part in        horsepower can join an         peninsula, the property is a                 flights customers can book
         one of their 64 different        exciting Harley-Davidson       beach side paradise that                     their next break without the
         sports.                          tour of the island and enjoy   allows guests to escape the                  worry of paying the balance
            Nature lovers will also be    the thrill of the ride         main crowds that flock to                    all at once.
         well catered for and will        while taking in the            other parts of the island.                       The villa specialist is
         surely be tempted to venture     beautiful surroundings.           Prices start from £479 per                offering Villa Quatrecamins,
         out and explore the beautiful      This lesser known part of    person for seven nights all-                 Mallorca for seven nights with
         island by bike with hires        the island has retained its    inclusive in a Double Room.                  London Stansted flights from
         available.                       original charm and is lined    This includes meal and the                   September 26 at £479 per
            Guests can explore the        by a beautiful rocky           majority of activities on site.              person based on four sharing.
         nearby Cala Mondrago             coastline and small idyllic               

                                                                         Kirker handpicks luxury hotels in
                                                                         Corfu and Mallorca as part of its
                                                                         tailor-made holidays collection.
                                                                         THE LUXURY short break specialist Kirker has launched two Mediterranean
                                                                         island packages with its concierge service included to create bespoke itineraries.
                                                                             Historically, one of the most strategically important of the Greek islands
                                                                         and brimming with fascinating architecture, visitors can explore Corfu’s
                                                                         cultural side during a stay at the five-star Domes Miramare. Reopened in
                                                                         2018 after an extensive renovation, the property – which was owned by
                                                                         the Onassis family in the 1960s, hosting celebrities and royals from around
                                                                         the world – offers a stylish, adults-only escape that blends Venetian
                                                                         architecture, palm-fringed lawns, a pebble beach and a sumptuous spa
                                                                         with a plentiful selection of bars and restaurants.
                                                                             A three-night stay costs from £869 per person based on two sharing,
                                                                         including flights, transfers, accommodation with breakfast.
                                                                             Also, Kirker has also added two four-star properties to its hand-picked
                                                                         selection of hotels on Mallorca, both located in the old quarter of
                                                                         Palma. At Can Bordoy, three nights cost from £798 per person, while
                                                                         three nights at M House is £768 per person.
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                              ESCAPE TO EUROPE
                Jet2holidays adds new destinations across Europe and five-star hotels to its
                                      Indulgent Escapes collection.

         JET2HOLIDAYS HAS has expanded its
         Indulgent Escapes offering for Summer
         20, by adding new destinations and
         hotels to its portfolio of luxury holidays.
            The package holiday specialist will
         have more than 30 destinations and                                                      In 2018, the global luxury travel market
         more than 110 hotels on sale. They have                                                 was valued at $891 billion (£691 billion).
         added four new destinations to its
         Indulgent Escapes collection                                                            Adventure and safari trips accounted for
         including Zadar (Croatia), Corfu                                                        around 43 per cent of the luxury travel
         (Greece), Kos (Greece) and Tivat                                                        market share in 2019.
         (Montenegro). Furthermore, a number
         of hotels have also been added to the                                                   Culinary travel and shopping saw the
         company’s ever-expanding luxury                                                         fastest luxury travel growth with travellers
         portfolio in Spain, Turkey, Greece,                                                     wanting to experience local food and buy
         Cyprus, Tenerife and Croatia. This                                                      handicrafts.
         includes the prestigious Anantara Villa
         Padierna Palace in Marbella, and the          Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Cyprus,      Baby boomers dominate the luxury travel
         ultra-chic Regnum Carya in the Antalya        Turkey, Italy, Malta and Gozo.            market with Europe and the Caribbean
         Area of Turkey.                                 The Indulgent Escapes collection        their favoured destinations.
            The addition of the new destinations       by Jet2holidays boasts romantic,
         and accommodation means that                  adult-only escapes for golfing holidays   The world’s first luxury space hotel is due
         independent travel agents and discerning      and honeymoons, as well as high-end       to launch in 2021, with a 12-day stay
         holidaymakers can choose from more            family breaks. Customers also             costing around $9.5 million (£7.3 million).
         five-star hotels than ever before.            receive 25kg baggage allowance
            Destinations on offer include the          per person on their inbound and           Findings from
         Canary Islands, the Algarve, Madeira,         outbound flights.
         the Balearic Islands, Mainland Spain,
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         FEBRUARY 21 2020 |                                                                                   LUXURY              23

                                AMAZING                                                                            Sandals Resorts
                                                                                                                    launches new

                               ANDALUSIA                                                                      SANDALS RESORTS’ UK tour
                                                                                                              operation, Unique Caribbean
                                                                                                              Holidays, has launched the third
          Between the mountains and the Med, Ikos Resorts offers five-star                                    edition of the Luxury Caribbean
                   luxury on Spain’s sun-drenched Costa del Sol.                                              Holidays brochure.
                                                                                                                 Travel agents can expect to
                                                                                                              receive them from March 2. After
                                                                                                              this date travel agents can request
                                                                                                              additional stock through Trade-
                                                                                                              Gate. Alternatively, an e-version
                                                                                                              can be found online.
                                                                                                                 In the third edition, travel agents
                                                                                                              will notice the addition of the map
                                                                                                              for the company’s newest property,
                                                                                                              Sandals Royal Barbados. Plus,
                                                                                                              updated facts, numbers of
                                                                                                              amenities and facilities across the
                                                                                                              resorts including recent dining
                                                                                                              additions, and a fresh new design.
                                                                                                                 The new brochure boasts new
         IKOS RESORTS continues to expand its roster of      elevated level of luxury to Spain’s sun-         imagery of the resorts, including
         high-end all-inclusive offerings with the launch    drenched Costa Del Sol. Guests will be           the latest additions at the brand’s
         of Ikos Andalusia scheduled for May 2020.           spoiled with à la carte menus curated by         flagship Sandals property, Sandals
            This marks the expansion of the group’s          Michelin starred chefs, signature beauty         Montego Bay, so your clients can
         Deluxe Collection rooms offering an                 products from Anne Sémonin Paris, a              get an accurate holiday preview.
         upgraded in-suite experience, exclusive             choice of 300 wine labels, beach waiter
         benefits, and new complimentary                     service, complimentary kids’ clubs, 24-hour
         experiences outside of the resorts as part          room service and more.
         of the Local Discovery concept.                       In the name of Local Discovery, guests will
            The five-star Ikos Andalusia will be the fifth   be encouraged to explore the area with a
         addition to the group’s award-winning luxury        range of experiences included as part of
         all-inclusive resorts and the brand’s first         their stay. This includes a Dine Out                The new 180-page brochure is
         property outside of Greece.                         experience at carefully selected local           cleaner and greener as well – it
            This is available to book for stays from         restaurants across Marbella and Estepona, a      has been printed using FSC-
         May 14. Rates start from €392 (approx £332)         MINI Drive Adventure for one full day to         certified paper, meaning it has been
         per night based on two people sharing a             explore the area by car, tickets to the best     sourced sustainably.
         double room.                                        museums in Malaga, and free green fee               Agents can book by calling the
            The 411-room resort is located between           passes for golf players to enjoy a round at      call centre on 0808 164 3459 or
         Marbella and Estepona, 55-minutes from              the exclusive Los Naranjos Golf Club.            Agency Sales General enquiries on
         Malaga airport, and will bring the group’s       0207 590 0210.
         award-winning, all-inclusive concept and an         +30 23730 95300.                       

                                                                              Funway Holidays launches “Insta” campaign
                                                                              FUNWAY HOLIDAYS is promoting luxury holidays in the
                                                                              Caribbean with their latest promotion called
                                                                              A selection of luxury, Instagram-worthy holidays have been
                                                                              handpicked throughout Mexico, Dominican Republic and
                                                                              Jamaica to feature in the promotion.
                                                                              Their sample ‘Instagrammable Jamaica’ offers seven nights
                                                                              staying at the all-inclusive, luxury Secrets St. James
                                                                              Montego Bay.
                                                                              Prices start from £1,700 per person including return flights
                                                                              from the UK (London Gatwick) with Virgin Atlantic. Travel is
                                                                              based on two adults sharing, departing June 12.
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   24    LUXURY                                                                                        FEBRUARY 21 2020 |

           Adventure and luxury onboard Great Rail Journey’s                                                     Six Senses is the first
                                                                                                                  luxury resort in the
                                                                                                                 Maldives to introduce
                                                                                                                   blackwater diving
                                                                                                                 IN THE virtually uncharted
                                                                                                                 territory of the Laamu Atoll, Six
                                                                                                                 Senses Laamu is an understated
                                                                                                                 island of natural beauty that is
                                                                                                                 passionate about preserving the
                                                                                                                 biologically diverse reef
                                                                                                                 communities that surround it.
                                                                                                                     Located just 5˚ north of the
                                                                                                                 Equator, the island is encircled by
                                                                                                                 clear turquoise waters that are
                                                                                                                 home to an array of sea creatures,
                                                                                                                 plants and coral. It is this scenery
         GREAT RAIL Journey’s luxury train holidays           four – five star accommodation based               and wildlife that Six Senses would
         offers the chance to explore fascinating             on flight or rail travel.                          like to preserve for future
         destinations in style. Here is a selection of           Twelve nights on the Golden Eagle,              generations through sustainable
         high-end rail itineraries for 2020.                  including all meals with drinks, tips              operations and tourism.
         South African Adventure                              and excursions and one night on-board                  The island’s flora, fauna and reef
           Wildlife is waiting to be discovered on            the overnight sleeper train from Warsaw            have survived for millions of years
         this luxurious South African rail adventure          to Moscow (rail option). This journey departs      without human assistance, and Six
         on the Pride of Africa – one of the world’s          September 6.                                       Senses Laamu adopts a ‘non-
         great luxury slow trains.                            The Venice Simplon-Orient Express & the            interference’ approach.
           This voyage of discovery travels through           Belmond British Pullman                                For many guests, diving at the
         South Africa’s most well-known parks,                   This is a brand new and hot off the press       resort is already a special experience
         including Kruger National, the Addo Elephant         for 2020. Experience the wonder of rail travel     because of guaranteed encounters
         Park and the Valley of a Thousand Hills.             aboard the luxurious Venice-Simplon Orient         with megafauna including manta
           Price: £9,390 per person. Includes 9 nights’       Express in fabulously styled carriages,            rays, sharks and turtles.
         luxury accommodation aboard the Pride of             epitomising Venetian decadence. Discover the           Now the resort’s dive centre,
         Africa and five nights in a four – five star hotel   charm of Venice with a gondola ride and            Deep Blue Divers, has become the
         accommodation. Departing November 4.                 enjoy dinner in an opulent Venetian palace.        first luxury resort in the Maldives to
         Premium Trans-Siberian Express                          The price starts from £4,495 per person. It     introduce blackwater diving, which
           Step on board the infamous Golden Eagle            includes four-to-five-star accommodation and       is gaining popularity across the
         as it skirts the shores of the largest freshwater    one night aboard the Venice-Simplon Orient         globe amongst dive enthusiasts.
         lake in the world and be transported back to         Express; five breakfasts, one brunch, one          Rates at Six Senses Laamu start
         the romantic age of travel – making your way         lunch, one afternoon tea and four dinners,         from $889 (currently approx. £678)
         across Russia, Mongolia and Siberia in               which includes a farewell dinner. This voyage      based on two people sharing a
         unprecedented luxury.                                departs on September 15 and October 20 and         Lagoon Water Villa on a bed and
           Price: £11,995 per person. Fly and train           is priced at £4,495 per person.                    breakfast basis.
         options available. Includes two or five nights’ / 01904 527180.        

                                                                               Five star Qatar with If Only...
                                                                               IF ONLY... is offering a luxury three-night package holiday to
                                                                               Qatar from £929 per person.
                                                                                  This decadent package sees guests spending three nights at
                                                                               W Doha Hotel & Residences, Doha’s first lifestyle hotel that
                                                                               brings all the energy of New York City to the Middle East.
                                                                               Located in the heart of the city’s West Bay area, W Doha Hotel
                                                                               & Residences offers insider access to the hottest shopping,
                                                                               buzzing nightlife and the best culinary experiences in Doha.
                                                                                  Price includes three nights in a Spectacular Room,
                                                                               breakfast each morning and return flights with Qatar Airways
                                                                               from London Heathrow, private transfers and airport taxes.
                                                                               Offer valid for departures on October 1. Book by March 30.
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