Page created by Dean Mann
June 2022
We are currently in the middle of exam season, which means summer is on its way. Most of
us love the sunshine, light evenings and enjoying some quality time with the family, however,
you may be worrying about the extra costs involved, with holiday spends and keeping the
children entertained, so it’s important to keep track of your spending.

                                                         You may have a holiday booked abroad,
                                                         looking forward to enjoying a break in
                                                         the UK, having days out with the kids,
                                                         or just enjoying time in the garden.
                                                         Whatever you plan to do with your time,
                                                         this guide will give you some tips on
                                                         how to have a great summer without
                                                         breaking the bank.
Travel                                Travel Insurance – is a travel          •	
                                                                                Use an overseas spending card
                                      essential and you should ensure           – these are designed to give
Following the pandemic, it            you have your travel insurance            you the best rates abroad. They
probably seems like a lifetime ago    arranged as soon as your holiday is       may take a couple of weeks to
since your last holiday, but this     booked. Most countries charge for         arrive, so ensure you order in
year see’s many of us travelling      medical care, with some charging          time for your holiday.
abroad for a well-deserved break.     a lot, a decent travel insurance
                                                                                Prefer to use cash – never
There are now many more               policy will pay medical bills if you
                                                                                wait until you get to the
considerations for holiday makes      are ill, or you have an accident. It
                                                                                airport to get cash, rates there
than there was pre-pandemic,          will also cover you for cancellation,
                                                                                are a lot higher, do some
which may cause some people           lost or stolen baggage, and for
                                                                                research before you travel and
confusion. Each country has its       legal expenses should you need
                                                                                compare by including all fees.
own rules, including mask wearing,    them. Click here for a Travel
                                                                                Use an online travel money
social distancing and vaccine         Insurance guide. When applying
                                                                                comparison by clicking here.
passports, so it’s important to       for your travel insurance check
check the requirements of where       and compare what covid related          •	
                                                                                Using your credit or debit
you are visiting before you travel.   cancellation cover each has. If you       cards – some cards add
For travel advice for each country    are travelling to Europe check your       additional charges to the
read the Gov.UK guidance by           EHIC/GHIC card is still valid and if      exchange rate and an ATM fee,
clicking here.                        not apply for a new one, click here       they also add charges every
                                      for more details.                         time you use them overseas,
Passports – Passport renewals or                                                so be careful when using them.
applications typically take three     Mobile phones – contact your
                                                                                Check with your bank before
weeks but currently the Passport      service provider before you travel
                                                                                you travel.
Office advises you allow up to 10     to check the rates they charge,
weeks. The Passport Office said       to avoid huge bills for calls or        •	
                                                                                Pay in local currency – if you’re
that most applications are dealt      roaming charges. Use hotel or             paying on plastic and they
with “well within” this timeframe,    accommodation Wi-Fi while you             ask you whether you want
but where possible if you need a      are away.                                 to pay in pound sterling or
new passport, apply as soon as                                                  the local currency, pay in the
                                      Spending abroad – with the
you can. Remember that for some                                                 local currency.
                                      current political uncertainty,
countries you require a minimum       currency rates are fluctuating, so if      If you’re planning on hiring a
of 6 months left on your passport     you are going abroad, whether you          car abroad, many car hire firms
from the date of return. You may      prefer cash or paying by card, here        will only accept a credit card
also need a VISA for the country      are some things to consider:               and won’t accept a debit or
you are visiting, so make sure you                                               prepaid card when you come
apply in plenty of time.                                                         to pick up your car.
UK holidays
There are some beautiful places        This may be due to the costs          Holidays in the UK can still be
to visit in the UK and many of         of travelling abroad, the extra       expensive, so plan ahead and
us will be choosing one of them        challenges that the pandemic          research the local area for free
for our holidays again this year.      has made when travelling or           things to do or places to visit. The
                                       personal choice.                      tips in the days out section below
                                                                             may be helpful.

Looking after your house when you’re away
Wherever you decide to go on           the milk and paper deliveries. You    Neighbours – ask your neighbours
your holiday, there are a few things   may want to use timers on some        to keep an eye on your house and
to think about when leaving your       lights in different rooms of your     if they have a key move your post,
home unoccupied for more than          house so that they come on at         so it’s not visible from outside. If
just a few days:                       different times of the day. You may   you’re taking your car with you,
                                       also want to take care what you       see if a neighbour is happy to park
Burglars – ensure you switch your
                                       post on social media whilst you are   theirs on your drive.
burglar alarm on if you have one.
                                       away as you never know who can
Reduce the obvious signs that no                                             Valuables – keep your valuables
                                       see your posts.
one is at home, including cancelling                                         locked away and out of sight.
                                                                             Ensure any spare door and car
                                                                             keys are also locked away.
                                                                             Outside space – also think about
                                                                             any items of value normally kept
                                                                             outside, like garden furniture,
                                                                             BBQ’s, expensive plant pots and
                                                                             children’s toys, where possible
                                                                             moved these to a locked shed
                                                                             or garage.
                                                                             Fire and leakages – turn heating
                                                                             appliances and kitchen appliances
                                                                             off at the switch and unplug them
                                                                             from the wall. If you’re not leaving
                                                                             your central heating on, you may
                                                                             want to turn off both your gas and
                                                                             water supply at the mains too to
                                                                             avoid any leaks.
Days out
Kids need to be kept entertained,     Theme parks & attractions –            Woodland Trust have some
especially during the school          Theme Park entrance prices can         great free activities on their
holidays, which can be very           be extremely high. Buying tickets      website for outdoor and indoor
expensive. This can be achieved       in advance is usually the cheapest     fun with nature.
with free and cheap activities        option. For details of theme park
                                                                             The National Trust have put
to keep them occupied. There          offers click here.
                                                                             together 50 things to do before
are plenty of fun and interesting
                                      Under the National Rail 2 for 1        you’re 11 ¾, why not tick off some
attractions to visit across the UK.
                                      scheme, you can use a rail ticket to   of these things this summer, click
Here are some ways you can save
                                      get 2for1 entry to over 300 regional   here for more details.
on a family day out.
                                      attractions including Warwick
                                                                             Spend time in the garden – you
Museums – There are many free         Castle and Kew Gardens. For more
                                                                             could make your own den using
entry museums in the UK including     details of the deal click here.
                                                                             old curtains, have a treasure hunt
the National History Museum and
                                      Tesco Clubcard vouchers are also       for treats or small toys, have water
many others in London, Maritime
                                      a good way to pay for your tickets.    flights, or spend the evening
Museum in Liverpool, Museum of
                                      See their website for more details.    looking at the stars. Children also
Science & Industry in Manchester,
                                                                             enjoy helping with gardening
the Transport Museum in Coventry      If you have one make use of your
                                                                             tasks, like planting seeds and
and & Big Pit Coal Museum             Blue Light Card for discounts on
                                                                             watering plants.
in Wales. For more free entry         holidays accommodation, many
museums click here.                   attractions, restaurants, and high     Try Geocaching – which is a
                                      street shopping.                       great way to educate the whole
There are also many attractions
                                                                             family about your local area and
where you can buy an annual           The great outdoors – It’s great for
                                                                             beyond and have fun. To get
ticket for slightly more than a       your mental health to spend time
                                                                             started sign up for free on the
day ticket and visit the attraction   in nature, and in the UK we have
                                                                             Geocaching website.
as many times as you’d like           some stunning national parks and
throughout the year, these include    areas of natural beauty, where you
Blenheim Palace, Imperial War         can spend time looking for the
Museums, and many more.               Gruffalo and enjoying a picnic.
Here are a few tips for staying healthy this summer.
Exercise – get at least 150 mins of physical exercise
each week, this could be a run, a bike ride, or a walk.
Skin care – protect yourself from the sun, wear a hat,
cover your skin, wear sun cream, and spend time in the
shade. Use insect repellent. Wear sunglasses to protect
your eyes.
Diet – eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated. Drink
plenty of water instead of sugary or alcoholic drinks.
Sleep – if you struggle to sleep during the hot nights,
try taking a cool shower before bed, use blackout
blinds, keep a cool glass of water next to your bed,
choose light breathable fabric sleepwear and invest
in a good rotating fan

Police Mutual Services
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                                                                                                             Our Care Line Service provided
                                                                                                             by Health Assured can offer
                                                                                                             advice and information, helping
                                                                                                             with a range of concerns
                                                                                                             including emotional support.
                                                                                                             Take a look at the e-portal or
                                                                                                             download the APP.

                                                                                                             Health & Wellbeing e-portal:
              Download the Health Assured App and register today -
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To read more of our wellbeing guides take a look at our
Wellbeing Hub here.

Call us 01543 441630                                        We’re open from
Visit                                    9am - 5pm Mon - Fri
*PayPlan is a trading name of Totemic Limited. Totemic Limited is a limited company registered in England,
Company Number: 2789854. Registered Office: Kempton House, Dysart Road, PO Box 9562, Grantham, NG31
0EA. Totemic Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Conduct
Authority Number: 681263.
Police Mutual is a trading style of The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited. The Royal London
Mutual Insurance Society Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. The firm is on the Financial Services
Register, registration number 117672. Registered in England and Wales number 99064. Registered office: 55
Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0RL. For your security all calls are recorded and may be monitored.
                                                                                                                                          7008 06/22
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