Page created by Ralph Tyler
                                       32ND STATE BREED EXHIBITION
                                              17th & 18th April 2021
                                          JUDGE – Mr Peter Flynn (SA)

Thank you to GSDAWA for the invitation to judge the 2021 State Breed Show which this year acknowledged the
late Mr Barry O’Rourke, by naming the show in his honour.

Special thanks to the hard-working show committee, including the stewards and stenographer who ensured the
show ran smoothly. I was pleased with the overall entry of 86 animals (Stock Coats 67, exhibited 48; Long Stock
Coats 19, exhibited 14). The overall quality of the animals was very good, with only a small number of animals
having loose hocks and short underchests which has been a problem in our breed. Forequarter angulation still
needs to be addressed with only a few animals displaying the correct length of upperarm and angulation.
The Stock Coat Baby Puppy bitch, Minor puppy bitch, Open Bitch, and Open Dog classes were of very good
quality. The overall quality of the long stock classes was very pleasing with some high quality animals being

While understanding the purpose of the “breed show” it is difficult to provide breed direction as while there has
been a large number of new imported dogs into the country, with the cancellation of the last two National Shows
there is little basis to assess what these new dogs are producing.
I note that, two major sires behind many of the stock coat animals are the past State Siegers: Siegen Siris Alfie
and Schaeferhund Rafael.
My Long Stock Coat State Siegerin was Glenbala Ambitious Dream a daughter of Djambo vom Fischenschlag
who displayed a very good balanced ground covering gait in all phases of movement with strong drive and very
good reach.
My Long Stock State Sieger was Iccara Nailed it who is a son of Hasenway Major Tom. He is very well-bred dog
with noted producing lines of Cronos del Seprio (VA), Zicke vom Feurmelder (Dual Gold Medal winner), Leo von
der Zenteiche (VA) and Yankee vom Feurmelder (VA). He is a dog with very good angulations who long stock
coat bitch owners should consider utilising in their breeding program.
In the stock coat bitches I awarded the grading Excellent Merit twice. My State Siegerin was Freinhauf Elle
McPherson a daughter of Toby von der Plassenburg (Gold medal winner) and the very beautiful bitch Pedra
Degli Achei (Bronze medal winner, Italian VA). She impressed with her overall construction and presentation.
The Vice State Siegerin was Seigen Berry Lucious a daughter of Gerry vom Schacher (Gold medal winner) and
the well known bitch Friedental Bliss Fulicious (Silver medal winner) who again impressed with her overall
construction and excellent movement.
In the stock coat dogs I awarded the State Sieger title to Albata Nicco a Hatto vom Huhnegrab son and from the
well known bitch Alabata Havana. Nicco had a number of young progengy achieving VP2 & VP5 in SC Baby
Puppy Bitch; VP1,VP3, & VP4 in SC Minor Puppy Bitch; and VP1 in SC Minor Puppy Dog. Nicco is a very well
constructed dog that I think will produce well with the strong bitch lines of Huhnegrab and Alabata kennels
behind him.
I would like to congratulate all the exhibitors and handlers on their sportsmanship with special mention to the
Open exhibitors who all did the off-lead gaiting very well.
P Flynn
GSDA Specialist Judge/Surveyor.

                                          BABY PUPPY BITCH

1st   1. BABYAWN MI GRACIE GRACE                             DOB: 19/10/2020
      S: Iccara Brother In Arms                              Br:  EXH
      D: Seigen Murphys Ziggy                                Exh: A Smith
                                                             VERY PROMISING
2nd   2. HAUBERK COLOGNE                                     DOB: 22/12/2020
      S: Salvatore vom Grafenwald                            Br:  EXH
      D: Hauberk Vara                                        Exh: G Connolly
                                                             VERY PROMISING

                             GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                          BABY PUPPY BITCH
1st   9. ALDERHAUS IVY EVELYN (AI)                           DOB: 27/11/2020
      S: Django vom Team Panoniansee                         Br:  EXH
      D: Grandwest Winsome (AI)                              Exh: I McIntosh / P I Alder
                                                             VERY PROMISING
2nd   4. CHEVYVALE BIANNI                                    DOB: 02/10/2020
      S: Albata Nicco                                        Br:  EXH
      D: Chevyvale Irresistibly Devine                       Exh: D Auguste
                                                             VERY PROMISING
3rd   3. VOLSCARO CHILL MICCI (AI)                           DOB: 21/10/2020
      S: *Chili Della Valcuvia (imp UK)                      Br:  EXH
      D: *Ch Volscaro Hypnotic Poison                        Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
                                                             VERY PROMISING
4th   8. ALDERHAUS INKA EVELYN (AI)                          DOB: 27/11/2020
      S: Django vom Team Panoniansee                         Br:  EXH
      D: Grandwest Winsome (AI)                              Exh: P I Alder
                                                             VERY PROMISING
5th   5. ADASHAD LAKOTA                                      DOB: 14/11/2020
      S: Albata Nicco                                        Br:  EXH
      D: Chevyvale Irresistibly Devine                       Exh: S R & M Adams
                                                             VERY PROMISING
6th   10. VOLSCARO FIRES END GAME                            DOB: 28/11/2020
      S: Djambo vom Fichtenschlag (imp Deu)                  Br:    EXH
      D: *Seigen Fashions Fireworks                          Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
                                                             VERY PROMISING
7th   11. VOLSCARO FIRES FINAL FLING                         DOB: 28/11/2020
      S: Djambo vom Fichtenschlag (imp Deu)                  Br:    EXH
      D: *Seigen Fashions Fireworks                          Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
                                                             VERY PROMISING
8th   6. SHAYGAR DIAMANT PARIS                               DOB: 26/11/2020
      S: *Ch As Du Domaine Du Val D'Aulnoy                   Br:  EXH
      D: Shaygar Venetian Krystal                            Exh: JAK Smith
                                                             VERY PROMISING
9th    12. SHAYGAR KRUZIKKI MERCEDES                       DOB: 18/12/2020
       S: *Pamakay Kruizer                                 Br:  EXH
       D: Shaygar Nikki Forget Me Not                      Exh: JAK Smith
                                                           VERY PROMISING
10th   7. SHAYGAR DIAMANT SASSY                            DOB: 26/11/2020
       S: *Ch As Du Domaine Du Val D'Aulnoy                Br:  JAK Smith
       D: Shaygar Venetian Krystal                         Exh: S Garvey
                                                           VERY PROMISING
11th   13. WOHLSTAND SWEET INSPIRATION                     DOB: 06/01/2021
       S: Ch Jentol Angels Danger Man AZ                   Br:  EXH
       D: Ch Jentol Fantas Unique Style AZ                 Exh: S J Smith
                                                           VERY PROMISING

                            GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                        BABY PUPPY DOG
1st    14. VOLSCARO CHILICCI IVAR (AI)                     DOB: 21/10/2020
       S: *Chili Della Valcuvia (imp UK)                   Br:  EXH
       D: *Ch Volscaro Hypnotic Poison                     Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
                                                           VERY PROMISING
SCR    15. SHAYGAR DIAMANT ARCHIBALD                              DOB: 26/11/2020
       S: *Ch As Du Domaine Du Val D'Aulnoy                Br:    JAK Smith
       D: Shaygar Venetian Krystal                         Exh:   M Laidler

                         GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - LONG STOCK COAT

                                       MINOR PUPPY BITCH
1st    16. ICCARA DESERT ROSE                              DOB: 23/08/2020
       S: Kuirau Orlando                                   Br:  EXH
       D: Iccara National Treasure                         Exh: C Mailata & S Woollard
                                                           VERY PROMISING

                            GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                       MINOR PUPPY BITCH
1st    27. CHEVYVALE ABSOLUTELY DEVINE                     DOB: 02/10/2020
       S: Albata Nicco                                     Br:  EXH
       D: Chevyvale Irresistibly Devine                    Exh: D Auguste
                                                           VERY PROMISING
2nd    26. VOLSCARO WHISPERS                               DOB: 28/09/2020
       S: Hornemarks Ricco (Imp Swe)                       Br:    EXH
       D: Seigen Coconut Ice                               Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
                                                           VERY PROMISING
3rd    28. CHEVYVALE ACTIVLY DEVINE                        DOB: 02/10/2020
       S: Albata Nicco                                     Br:  EXH
       D: Chevyvale Irresistibly Devine                    Exh: D Auguste
                                                           VERY PROMISING
4th   20. BRONBOREO SPROUSE                                 DOB: 21/08/2020
      S: Albata Nicco                                       Br:  EXH
      D: Seigen Nellie Melba                                Exh: Periera/Pritchard

                                                            VERY PROMISING

5th   22. BRONBOREO CABBAGE PATCH                           DOB: 21/08/2020
      S: Albata Nicco                                       Br:  EXH
      D: Seigen Nellie Melba                                Exh: Periera/Pritchard

                                                            VERY PROMISING

6th   17. GRANDWEST NINA                                    DOB: 23/07/2020
      S: *Tyrilebee Quantum Force                           Br:  Grandwest
      D: *Grandwest Tia                                     Exh: D & C Willis

                                                            VERY PROMISING

SCR   18. ALDERHAUS HAPPY DAYS                              DOB: 03/08/2020
      S: *Pamakay Kruizer                                   Br:  EXH
      D: Cerrah Pennies From Heaven                         Exh: P I Alder
SCR   19. ALDERHAUS HEAVEN SENT MYAH                        DOB: 03/08/2020
      S: *Pamakay Kruizer                                   Br:  P I Alder
      D: Cerrah Pennies From Heaven                         Exh: I D McIntosh
SCR   21. FREINHAUF MYSTIQUE (AI)                           DOB: 12/09/2020
      S: Dingo Di Casa Mary (imp UK)                        Br:  KR,RT&CA Knuckey
      D:Ica zd Zenteiche (imp Deu)                          Exh: D Auguste
SCR   23. FREINHAUF NADIRA                                  DOB: 25/09/2020
      S: Chilli Della Vulcuvia (imp UK)                     Br:  Knuckey
      D:Freinhauf Elle Mcpherson                            Exh: Pereira/Pritchard/Knuckey
SCR   24. FREINHAUF NIGELLA                                 DOB: 25/09/2020
      S: Chilli Della Vulcuvia (imp UK)                     Br:  Knuckey
      D:Freinhauf Elle Mcpherson                            Exh: Pereira/Pritchard/Knuckey
SCR   25. FREINHAUF NIKITA                                  DOB: 25/09/2020
      S: Chilli Della Vulcuvia (imp UK)                     Br:  Knuckey
      D:Freinhauf Elle Mcpherson                            Exh: Pereira/Pritchard/Knuckey

                          GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - LONG STOCK COAT

                                          MINOR PUPPY DOG
1st   29. ICCARA WINTER IS COMING                           DOB: 22/07/2020
      S: *Bluemax Tiger Town                                Br:  EXH
      D: Iccara Bad Habit                                   Exh: C Mailata & S Woollard
                                                            VERY PROMISING

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                          MINOR PUPPY DOG
1st   30. CHEVYVALE AZLIN                                   DOB: 02/10/2020
      S: Albata Nicco                                       Br:  EXH
      D: Chevyvale Irresistibly Devine                      Exh: D Auguste
                                                            VERY PROMISING

                                              PUPPY BITCH
1st    31. HAUBERK FLIGHT RISK                                            DOB: 22/05/2020
       S: Iccara Catchthattiger                                           Br:  EXH
       D: Hauberk Vara                                                    Exh: G Connolly
                                                                          VERY PROMISING

                               GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                              PUPPY BITCH
1st    33. VOLSCARO NO EFFIE FURRIES (AI)                                 DOB: 21/05/2020
       S: Cobra D’Ulmental (Ita)                                          Br:    EXH
       D: *Seigen Honey Booboo (AI)                                       Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
                                                                          VERY PROMISING
2nd    32. BRONBOREO KITTY CAT                                            DOB: 23/07/2020
       S: *Freinhauf Jupiter                                              Br:  EXH
       D: Bodeckecka A Rated                                              Exh: Pereira/Pritchard
                                                                          VERY PROMISING

                             GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - LONG STOCK COAT

                                               PUPPY DOG
SCR    34. CAZELI APOLLO                                                  DOB: 04/06/2020
       S: *Bodecka Casanova                                               Br:  S Schmbri
       D: Stobar Elouise                                                  Exh: S & S Jacques

                             GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                               PUPPY DOG
1st    35. SHAYGAR WICCO KODI                                             DOB: 26/04/2020
       S: Hornemarks Ricco                                                Br:  JAK Smith
       D: Shaygar Venetian Red Velvet                                     Exh: I & L Brown
                                                                          VERY PROMISING
SCR    36. VOLSCARO RIDING SOLO                                           DOB: 19/05/2020
       S: *Ch Hausosin XRated                                             Br:  EXH
       D: Volscaro Ciao Rio                                               Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson

                           GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - LONG STOCK COAT

                                              JUNIOR BITCH
1st    38. EROICA OLIETTA (AI)                                            DOB: 03/04/2020
       S: Kaperville Obsidian                                             Br:  K Leonard
       D: Eroica Humphrey                                                 Exh: S & N Smith & K Leonard
12.5 Months. 61.0 cm / 27.0 cm. Bitch on the limit of size, of very good type with very good proportions.
Very good head and expression with good eye colour. Very good length and lay of neck, High withers, firm
back, good croup which could be slightly longer. Very good forequarter angulation where the upper arm
could be slightly better angled, very good hindquarter angulation with good breadth of thigh. Stands correct
in front. Very good forechest and slightly short underchest. Steps correct coming and going. Very good
ground covering gait with powerful drive and free reach.
                                                                          VERY GOOD
2nd    37. ICCARA LOOK AT ME NOW                                            DOB: 09/12/2019
       S: *Joanchell Panto (IID)                                            Br:    EXH
       D: Iccara Dava                                                       Exh: C Mailata & S Woollard
16 Months. 57.0 cm / 26.0 cm. Above medium size, medium strong bitch of very good type, good
proportions, good head and expression where the eye colour could be darker and the underjaw stronger.
Normal withers, firm back, good length and lay of croup. Stands correct in front. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled, very good hindquarter angulation.
Good forechest, slightly short underchest. Correct going, slightly close coming. Very good ground covering
movement with good drive where the reach could be more expansive.           UNGRADED

                               GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT

                                              JUNIOR BITCH
1st    39. VOLSCARO FIRES FURY AZ                                          DOB: 19/10/2019
       S: *UK Ch Conbhairean Freddie (Imp UK)                              Br:    EXH
       D: *Seigen Fashions Fireworks                                       Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
Almost 18 Months. 60.0 cm / 27.5 cm. Very large bitch of very good type. Very good feminine head and
expression with good eye colour. Slightly erect neck carriage. High withers, firm back, good length and lay
of croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be better angled. Very good hindquarter
angulation. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Slightly close
going, correct coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait, with powerful drive and good reach.
                                                                           VERY GOOD
2nd    43. SABARANBURG VIVACIOUS AZ                                        DOB: 28/12/2019
       S: *Sabaranburg Rosko                                               Br:  Sabaranburg
       D: Sabaranburg Quintessence                                         Exh: B & L Lubbock
15.5 Months. 61.0 cm / 28.0 cm. On the limit for size, medium strong bitch of very good type. Well coloured,
very good proportions. Good head and expression with very good masking where the eye colour should still
be darker. Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, slightly short and steep croup. Good
forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled, very good hind quarter
angulation. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Steps close
going, slightly close coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with strong drive and good reach.
                                                                           VERY GOOD
3rd    42. BRONBOREO RED LIGHT                                             DOB: 21/12/2019
       S: *Ch Kellinpark Helluva Rebel CCD TD                              Br:  EXH
       D: Bronboreo Vedel Vida                                             Exh: Periera/Pritchard
16 Months. 62.0 cm / 28.0 cm. Oversize, strong bitch of very good type, very good substance and very
good proportions, Strong, feminine head with good expression, very good eye colour and good masking.
Slightly short but well laid neck, high withers firm back, slightly short and steep croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation.
Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Steps a little close going,
correct coming. Shows a very good ground covering movement with strong drive and good reach.
                                                                           VERY GOOD
4th    41. GRANDWEST ICE MAGIC AZ                                          DOB: 28/10/2019
       S: Vegas von Dongmiran (imp Ndl)                                    Br:  EXH
       D: *Iccara Bad News                                                 Exh:  D & C Willis
17.5 Months. 60.0 cm / 27.5 cm. Very large, sable bitch of very good type. Very good feminine head and
expression where the eye colour could still be darker. Good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back,
slightly short but well laid croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be longer and
better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Overall I would like the bone to be stronger. Stands
correct in front. Correct going and coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with a powerful drive
and good reach.
                                                                           VERY GOOD
5th    40. VOLSCARO ROXY                                                    DOB: 25/10/2019
       S: Schaeferhund Rafael                                               Br:    EXH
       D: Volscaro Ciao Rio                                                 Exh: T Roberts / L Pearson
17.5 Months. 59.0 cm / 28.0 cm. Large, medium strong bitch of very good type and very good proportions.
Good head and expression where the stop could be a little more pronounced and underjaw a little stronger.
Good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, good length and lay of croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled, very good hindquarter angulation.
Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Steps slightly close going,
correct coming. Shows a very good ground overing gait with string drive and the where the reach could be a
bit more effective.
                                                                            VERY GOOD
6th    46. GRANDWEST LUNAR ECLIPSE                                          DOB: 02/04/2020
       S: La Shadas Amigo AZ VG                                             Br:  EXH
       D: *Awatea Waratha Blossum AZ Ex                                     Exh: D & C Willis
12.5 Months. 60.0 cm / 27.0 cm. Very large bitch of still good type, slightly stretched in proportions. Good
head and expression where the eye colour could be darker and the upper jaw stronger. Slightly erect neck
carriage but of good length. High withers, firm back, well laid but short croup. Good forequarter angulation
where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with good thigh.
Stands correct in front. Good fore and slightly short underchest development. Overall, would like to see the
bones stronger. Steps a little close going, correct coming. Shows a good ground covering gait with good
drive but where the reach should be more effective.
                                                                            VERY GOOD
SCR    44. ALDERHAUS GLAMOUR GIRL                                           DOB: 24/02/2020
       S: Jaci's Style Einstein (imp Deu)                                   Br:  EXH
       D: Alderhaus Pixies Barbi Doll                                       Exh: P Alder
SCR    45. GRANDWEST KESHA                                                  DOB: 28/03/2020
       S: *LaShadas Amigo AZ VG                                             Br:  EXH
       D: Grandwest Queen Bee AZ VG                                         Exh: D & C Willis
SCR    47 .ELKALA ROYAL PEPPER                                              DOB: 03/04/2020
       S: *Ch Volscaro Lenton Brae CD RE ET                                 Br:  E Kohler
       D: Elkala Aryas Game On                                              Exh: T Cool

                               GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG – STOCK COAT

                                                JUNIOR DOG
1st    48. HAUBERK BRUTE FORCE                                              DOB: 15/11/2019
       S: Lanarda Donar                                                     Br:  EXH
       D: Hauberk Lovely Nina                                               Exh: G Connolly
17 Months. 65.0 cm / 30.0 cm. Very large medium strong, dog of very good type with good substance and
good proportions. Very good masculine head and expression with good strength of upper and lower jaws.
Good eye colour. Slightly short but well laid neck. High withers, straight back, slightly short, steep croup.
Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Good hindquarter
angulation with good thighs. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development for his
age. Steps slightly close going and coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with powerful drive
and good reach.
                                                                            VERY GOOD

2nd    49. JARRAHHAUS DOOMEEKWIK                                            DOB: 04/12/2019
       S: Schaeferhund Rafael                                               Br:  R Spencer
       D: Freinhauf Gamble (IID)                                            Exh: Pereira/Pritchard
16.5 Months. 64.0 cm / 32.0 cm. Large, medium strong dog of very good type. Well coloured with good
pigmentation. Slightly stretched in proportions. Good head and expression with very good masking where
the under jaw could be stronger and eye colour could be slightly darker. Very good length and lay of neck.
High withers, firm back, good length and lay of croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm
could be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Very good fore and underchest
development. Stands correct in front. Steps correct going, slightly wide coming. Shows a very good ground
covering gait with strong drive and good reach.
                                                                             VERY GOOD
3rd    50. LASHADAS ED (AI)                                                  DOB: 01/01/2020
       S: *LaShadas Ocka Ex.M                                                Br:  S Hosking
       D: *LaShadas Onyx Ex                                                  Exh: R Hosking
15.5 Months. 64.5 cm / 30.0 cm. Very large, medium strong dog of very good type and good proportions.
Well coloured with good pigment. Very good head and expression with dark masking where the eye colour
could be a touch darker. Very good length and lay of neck, high withers firm back, good length and lay of
croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled, very good
hindquarter angulation with good thighs. Very good fore and underchest development for his age. Stands
correct in front. Steps correct going, slightly close coming. Shows a good ground covering gait with strong
drive, but where the reach could be more effective and would like to see more enthusiasm in running.
                                                                             VERY GOOD

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG – LONG STOCK COAT

                                           INTERMEDIATE BITCH

1st    51. LAWINE DIAMOND ESSENCE AZ                                         DOB: 23/07/2019
       S: Iliano von Juvenisty (Imp Ned)                                     Br:  P R & D J Smith
       D: Ch Lawine Takira                                                   Exh: S Smith
Almost 21 Months. 59.5 cm / 26.0 cm. Large, medium strong bitch of very good type good proportions.
Feminine head with good expression, where the eye colour could still be a touch darker. Very good length
and lay of neck of neck, high withers, firm back, well laid but short croup. Good forequarter angulation
where the upper arm could be slightly better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in
front. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Steps slightly close going and coming.
Shows a very good ground covering gait with strong drive, but where the reach could be a bit more
                                                                             VERY GOOD
2nd    52. BRONBOREO BERTHA VENUS                                                    DOB: 02/10/2019
       S: Sabaranburg Rosko                                                  Br:     EXH
       D: Bronboreo Bever                                                    Exh:    Pereira/Pritchard
18.5 Months, 61.0 cm / 29.0 cm. A bitch on the upper limit of size, medium strong of very good type and
very good proportions. Feminine head with good expression, where the eye could be a little darker, very
good masking. Slightly short but well laid neck. Normal withers, firm back, slightly short but well laid croup.
Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Very good
hindquarter angulation with good thighs. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Stands
correct in front. Steps slightly close going, correct coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with
strong drive, but where the reach should still be more effective.
                                                                             VERY GOOD

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG – STOCK COAT
                                           INTERMEDIATE BITCH
1st    53. BRONBOREO ADRIANNA                                                DOB: 22/04/2019
       S: Schaeferhund Rafael                                                Br:  Periera/Pritchard
       D: Seigen Hayos Asha                                                  Exh: C Ellis
Almost 24 Months. 62.0 cm / 28.5 cm. Oversize, medium strong bitch of very good type and very good
proportions. Very good head and expression with very good masking and good eye colour. Very good
length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back. Slightly short but well laid croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation.
Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development for her age. Steps slightly close going
and coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with strong drive and where the reach could be little
more effective.
                                                                           VERY GOOD

2nd    54. *GRANDWEST ELANA                                                DOB: 26/04/2019
       S:*Pepe von der Zenteiche (imp Deu) AZ                              Br:  Grandwest
       D: Grandwest Bella Mia AZ Ex                                        Exh: D R & C M Willis
23.5 Months. 60.0 cm / 28.5 cm. Large, medium strong bitch of very good type very good proportions. Well
coloured, good head and expression with good masking and the eye colour should be darker. Slightly short
but well laid neck, high withers, firm back, slightly short steep croup. Good forequarter and where the upper
arm should be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in front. Good
fore and underchest development for her age. Overall, would like to see the bone a little stronger. Steps
close going and coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with strong drive and where the reach
could be a little more effective.
                                                                           VERY GOOD
3rd    55 .VOLSCARO BABY SPICE AZ                                          DOB: 16/05/2019
       S: *Hornemarks Ricco (Imp Swe)                                      Br:    T Roberts / L Pearson
       D: Volscaro Classic Porcha                                          Exh: L Cowell
23 Months. 61.5 cm / 27.5 cm. Just oversize, medium strong bitch of very good type and very good
proportions. Strong but feminine head with good expression where the eye colour could be darker. Good
masking. Slightly short but well laid neck, high withers, firm back, slightly short but steep croup. Good
forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Good hindquarter
angulation with good thighs. Stands correct in front. Slightly short underchest. Steps close going, correct
coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with strong drive and the reach could be more effective.
                                                                           VERY GOOD
SCR    56. MAERCECI WINTER SOLEIL                                          DOB: 19/06/2019
       S: *Ch Schaeferhund Xesko                                           Br:  C Baker
       D: Seigen Pure Bliss                                                Exh: N Humphries
SCR    57. VOLSCARO SUC IT                                                 DOB: 29/09/2019
       S: *Ch Hausosin XRated                                              Br:  EXH
       D: Freinhauf Galiana (IID)                                          Exh: T Roberts & L Pearson
       Placing: SCRATCHED

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG – LONG STOCK COAT

                                           INTERMEDIATE DOG
SCR    58. BRONBOREO GARY KELLY                                            DOB: 05/07/2019
       S: *Schaferhund Rafael                                              Br:  EXH
       D: Seigen S And M                                                   Exh: Pereira/Pritchard

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG – LONG STOCK COAT

                                               OPEN BITCH
1st    62. *DUAL CH (T) GLENBALA AMBITIOUS DREAM                           DOB: 03/01/2017
       S: *Djambo vom Fichtenschlag VA (imp Deu)                           Br:  G&K Gregory-Glenbala Knls
       D: Ch Glenbala Ambitious Witch                                      Exh: I Heard/K Pearce/G&K Gregory
3 Years 6.5 Months. 60.0 cm / 27.5 cm. Very large, medium strong bitch of very good type and very good
proportions. Very good head and expression with good eye colour. Very good length and lay of neck. High
withers, firm back, sightly short and slightly steep croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm
could be longer. Very good hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Very good
forechest and underchest development, Steps slightly close going, correct coming with good elbow
connections. Displays a ground covering gait with powerful drive and very good reach and also shows a
very good movement off lead.
                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT MERIT
2nd    63. HAUBERK ZALLIE AZ                                              DOB: 18/10/2017
       S: *Lamarda Donar                                                  Br:  EXH
       D: Andacht Jay Jay                                                 Exh: G Connolly
3 Years 6 Months, 57.0 cm / 25.5 cm. Just below medium size. medium strong bitch of very good type and
very good proportions. Good head and expression where the eye colour should still be darker. Slightly short
but well laid neck, high withers, firm back, slightly short but well laid croup. Good forequarter angulation
where the upper arm should be longer. Good hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Stands correct in
front. Good fore and underchest development. Steps a little close going, correct coming where the elbows
should be firmer. Displays very good ground covering movement with powerful drive and where the reach
could be a little more effective. Shows very good movement off-lead.
                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT
3rd    61. SHAYGAR PARISIENNE DYNASTY AZ                                  DOB: 26/09/2017
       S: *Ch As Du Domaine Du Val D'Aulnoy Ex                            Br:  JAK Smith
       D: *Shaygar Fallon AZ                                              Exh: J Smith/D Freegard
3 Years 6.5 Months. 58.0 cm / 28.0 cm. Above medium size, medium strong, bitch of very good type and
very good proportions. Good head and expression where the eye colour could still be darker. Slightly short
but well laid neck. Normal withers, firm back, good length and lay of croup. Good forequarter angulation
where the upper arm could be longer and better laid. Good hindquarter angulation with broad thighs.
Stands correct in front. Good fore and underchest development. Steps correct going and coming where the
elbows could still be tighter. Shows a very good ground covering gait with powerful drive and good reach.
Also displayed good movement in the off lead.
                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT
SCR    59. KYOARA GRACIE                                                         DOB: 11/10/2015
       S: Formann vom Schloss Rugland                                     Br:    R Oar
       D: Briska Kaizen (imp Deu)                                         Exh:   L & S Woollard
SCR    60. ICCARA NOCTURNAL                                               DOB: 25/09/2017
       S: *Ch Hasenway Major Tom (IID Deu) Ex                             Br:  EXH
       D: Kyoara Gracie                                                   Exh: C Mailata & S Woollard

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG – STOCK COAT

                                               OPEN BITCH
1st    64. *FREINHAUF ELLE MCPHERSON                                      DOB: 18/07/2015
       S:*Toby von der Plassenburg SchH3 IPO3 (imp Deu) Ex.M              Br:  KR,RT&CA Knuckey
       D: *Pedra Degli Achei IPO2 VA (imp Ita) Ex                         Exh: K & R Knuckey

5 Years 9 Months. 61.0 cm / 27.5 cm On the limit of size, strong, substantial bitch of very good type and
very good proportions, Very good head and expression with dark eyes and dark masking. High withers firm
back, good length and lay of croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and
better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Very good length of foreleg. Stands
straight in front. Very good forechest and underchest development. Steps a little close going, correct
coming with good elbow connections. Shows a very good ground covering gait with powerful drive and
good reach and very good enthusiasm. Also shows very good movement off-lead.
                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT MERIT
2nd    68. *SEIGEN BERRY LUSCIOUS                                          DOB: 09/09/2017
       S:*Ch Gerry vom Schacher (imp Deu)                                  Br:  D & C Gallacher
       D:*Ch Friedental Bliss Fulicious ET AZ Ex.M                         Exh: T Roberts / C Gallacher
3 Years 7 Months. 61.0 cm / 29.0 cm. On the upper limit of size, medium strong bitch of very good type and
very good proportions. Very good head and expression with very good eye colour. High withers, firm back,
well laid croup. Very good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled.
Very good hindquarter ang with broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Steps a little close going, correct
coming with good elbow connections. Displays very good ground covering gait with powerful drive and very
good reach and much enthusiasm. Very good off-lead gaiting.
                                                                           Grading: EXCELLENT MERIT
3rd    67. SABARANBURG REIKKI                                              DOB: 03/09/2017
       S: *UK Ch Conbhairean Freddie (imp UK)                              Br:    B & L Lubbock
       D: *Boney M vom Bad Walde IPO2 (imp Deu)                            Exh: B & L Lubbock/W Martin
       Critique:    Age: 3 Years 7 Months     Height: 61.0 cm              Depth: 29.0 cm
3 Years 7 Months. 61.0 cm / 29.0 cm. On the limit of size, strong, substantial bitch of very good type and
very good proportions. Strong feminine expressive head with very good masking and dark eyes. Very good
length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, slightly steep but good length of croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could be better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with broad
thighs. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development. Very good length of foreleg.
Steps slightly close going, correct coming with good elbow connections. Displays a very good ground
covering gait, with powerful drive and good reach and good enthusiasm. Displays very good movement off-
                                                                           Grading: EXCELLENT
4th    73. *MAERCECI MISCHIEVOUS RAFFERTY                                  DOB: 29/10/2018
       S: Schaeferhund Rafael Ex M                                         Br:  EXH
       D: Seigen Pure Bliss                                                Exh: C Baker
2 Years 5.5 Months. 61.0 cm / 28.0 cm. Bitch on the limit of size, medium strong, good substance, of very
good type and very good proportions. Strong feminine head with good expression and good eye colour.
Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, good length and lay of croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could still be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation
with broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Good bone strength. Good fore and underchest development.
Steps a little close going, correct coming where the elbow connections could still be firmer. Displays a good
ground covering movement with powerful drive, the reach could be a little more effective. Shows very good
movement off-lead.
                                                                           Grading: EXCELLENT
5th    74. VOLSCARO RICRAF RAFFY                                           DOB: 21/03/2019
       S: *Schaeferhund Rafael ExM                                         Br:  EXH
       D: Volscaro Hypnotic Poison                                         Exh: T Roberts & L Pearson
24.5 Months. 58.0 cm / 28.0 cm. Above medium size, medium strong bitch of very good type and very good
proportions. Good head and expression with very good masking and good eye colour, slight roman nose.
Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, good lay of croup, but slightly short. Good
forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter
angulation. Stands correct in front. Very good fore, slightly short underchest. Steps slightly close going,
correct coming where the elbow connections could still be tighter. Shows a very good ground covering gait
with powerful drive, where the reach could be still more effective. Shows very good movement off-lead.
                                                                           Grading: EXCELLENT
6th    71. SABARANBURG SENECA AZ                                           DOB: 02/06/2018
       S: *Ch Seigen Suris Alfie AZ Ex.M                                   Br:  EXH
       D: *Sabaranburg Purple Haze Ex                                      Exh: B & L Lubbock
2 Years 10.5 Months. 61.0 cm / 28.5 cm. Bitch on the limit of size, medium strong, good substance, well
coloured bitch of very good type and very good proportions. Very good head and expression with dark
masking and dark eyes. Slightly short but well laid neck, high withers firm back, slightly short but well laid
croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Very good
hindquarter angulation. Very good length of foreleg. Overall, the bones could be stronger. Stands correct in
front. Very good fore and slightly short underchest. Correct going and coming where the elbow connections
are good. Shows a very good ground covering gait with powerful driven and the reach could be more
effective and shows good enthusiasm. Showed very good movement off-lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT
7th    69. LASHADAS A PLUS (AI)                                              DOB: 03/12/2017
       S: *LaShadas Ocka Ex.M                                                Br:  S Hosking
       D: *LaShadas Vixen Ex                                                 Exh: A Jones
3 Years 4 Months. 61.0 cm / 28.0 cm, A bitch on the limit of size, strong and substantial of very good type
and very good proportions. Strong feminine head with very good expression, good masking and eye colour.
Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, slightly shorty bur well laid croup. Good
forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter
angulation. Good fore and slightly short underchest development. Stands correct in front. Steps slightly
close going, correct coming where the elbow connections could be a touch tighter. Displays a very good
ground covering gait with powerful drive and where the reach could be a little more effective with much
enthusiasm. Shows very good movement off lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT
8th    75. *GRANDWEST DJIMIKA AZ                                             DOB: 22/03/2019
       S:*Tyrilebee Quantum Force AZ                                         Br:  Grandwest
       D:*Aimsway Ripepi AZ Ex                                               Exh: D R & C M Willis
24.5 Months. 59.5 cm / 27.0 cm. Large medium strong, well coloured bitch of medium substance, very good
type and very good proportions. Very good head and expression with dark eyes and dark masking. Good
length and lay of neck. High withers, firm back, slightly short but well laid croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with
broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest development. Steps close going,
slightly close coming where the elbow connections could still be firmer. Shows very good ground covering
gait with powerful drive and good reach. Shows good movement off-lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT
9th    65. *SHAYGAR VENETIAN KRYSTAL                                                 DOB: 18/06/2016
       S: *Giotto di Fossombrone IPO3 (Imp Ital) Ex                          Br:     EXH
       D: *Shaygar Fallon AZ                                                 Exh:    JAK Smith
4 Years 10 Months. 59.0 cm / 28.5 cm. Large, medium strong bitch of very good type and very good
proportions. Very good head and expression with good eye colour. Very good length and lay of neck,
normal withers, firm back, slightly short and well laid croup. Very good forequarter angulation, very good
hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Could be longer in foreleg. Stands correct in front. A little bit down
on pasterns. Very good fore and slightly short underchest. Steps a little close going, correct coming where
the elbow connections could still be a bit firmer. Shows a very good ground covering gait with strong drive
and where the reach could be more effective. Also shows good movement off-lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT
SCR    66. BRONBOREO BEAVER                                                  DOB: 22/02/2017
       S: Schaeferhund Rafael                                                Br:  Bronboreo
       D: Jentol Echos Vida                                                  Exh:
SCR    70. HAUBERK GINA AZ                                                   DOB: 12/03/2018
       S: *Ch Gerry vom Schacher (imp Deu)                                   Br:    EXH
       D: Larmada All About Heidi                                            Exh: G Connolly
       Placing: SCRATCHED
SCR    72. *MAERCECI ITS ABOUT TIME                                          DOB: 29/10/2018
       S: Schaeferhund Rafael Ex M                                           Br:  EXH
       D: Seigen Pure Bliss                                                  Exh: C Baker

                                            OPEN DOG
1st 76 ICCARA NAILED IT                                                      DOB: 25/09/2017
       S: *Ch Hasenway Major Tom (IID Deu) Ex                                Br:  Iccara Kennels
       D: Kyoara Gracie                                                      Exh: S&N Smith
3 Years 6.5 Months. 65.5 cm / 30.0 cm. Very large, strong and substantial dog of very good type. Very well
coloured and pigmented, very good proportions. Very good head and expression with dark eyes and very
good masking. Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, slightly steep and very good length of croup.
Very good fore and hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest
development. Good strength of bone. Steps slightly close going and correct coming where the elbow
connections could still be firmer. Shows very good ground covering gait with powerful drive and free reach.
Very good enthusiasm. Shows very good movement off lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT MERIT
2nd 78 ICCARA BROTHER IN ARMS                                                DOB: 26/11/2018
       S: *Bluemax Tiger Town                                                Br:  EXH
       D: Iccara Bad Habit                                                   Exh: C Mailata & S Woollard
2 Years 4.5 Months. 65.0 cm / 29.0 cm. Very large, medium strong dog of good substance, very good type
and very good proportions. Very good head and expression with good masking and where the eye colour
could still, be darker. Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back, well laid but slightly short
croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could still be longer and better angled. Very good
hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest
development. Steps a little close going and correct coming with good elbow connections. Shows a very
good ground covering gait with powerful drive and good reach. Shows very good movement off-lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT
SCR 77 SABARANBURG SKYWALKER                                                 DOB: 02/06/2018
       S: *Ch Seigen Suris Alfie AZ Ex.M                                     Br:  EXH
       D: *Sabaranburg Purple Haze Ex                                        Exh: B & L Lubbock
       Placing: SCRATCHED

                              GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG - STOCK COAT
                                                     OPEN DOG
1st 79 ALBATA NICCO                                                          DOB: 15/11/2015
       S: Hatto vom Huhnegrab                                                Br:  Aili
       D: Albata Havanna                                                     Exh: Petreski/Pereira
5 Years 5 Months. 64.0 cm / 29.5 cm. Slightly worn lower incisors. Large, medium strong dog of very good
substance and very good type, Well coloured, very good firmness, very good proportions. Very good
masculine head and expression, with good eye colour. Slightly short but well laid neck, high withers, firm
back, slightly short and steep crop. Very good forequarter angulation, very good hindquarter angulation.
Stands correct in front. Steps correct going and coming with good elbow connections. Shows a very good
powerful movement with strong drive and free reach. Shows very good movement off-lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT MERIT
2nd 80 *WULKANO-UNO VON SCHNITZERTEAM (Imp Hun)                              DOB: 01/08/2016
       S: Ulkan von Maikhus                                                  Br:  Martin Janos
       D: Ixy van Contra                                                     Exh: Petreski/Periera
4 Years 7.5 Months. 62.0 cm / 27.5 cm. Slightly dropped lower incisors. Medium size, medium strong dog of
very good substance, well coloured very good proportions. Very good masculine head and expression with
dark eyes and dark masking. Very good length and lay of neck, normal withers, firm back. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Good
length and lay of croup. Very good fore and underchest development. Stands correct in front. Steps slightly
close going, correct coming where the elbow connections could be a touch firmer. Shows a very good
ground covering gait with powerful drive and good reach. Shows a very good movement off lead.
                                                                             Grading: EXCELLENT
3rd 82 *SABARANBURG ROSKO                                                 DOB: 03/09/2017
       S: *UK Ch Conbhairean Freddie (imp UK)                             Br:  EXH
       D: *Boney M vom Bad Walde IPO2 (imp Deu)                           Exh: B & L Lubbock
3 Years 7 Months. 65.0 cm / 32.0 cm. Very large, medium strong dog with good substance, well coloured
with very good pigment. Very good type and very good proportions. Very good head and expression with
good eye colour and very good dark masking. Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back,
slightly short steep croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better
angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in front. Good length of leg. Very good fore and
underchest development. Steps close going, correct coming where the elbow connections could be a touch
tighter. Shows a very good ground covering gait with powerful drive and good reach. Shows very good
movement off-lead.
                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT
4th 85 *LASHADAS BUSTER                                                   DOB: 14/09/2018
       S:*Ch Labo vom Schollweiher SchH3 IPO3 VA (imp Deu)                Br:  R & S Hosking
       D: *LaShadas Onyx Ex                                               Exh: J Fenner
2 Years 7 Months. 66.0 cm / 32.0 cm. Double P1 upper right. Dog on the limit of size, medium strong of
good substance, well coloured with very good pigment and of very good type and very good proportions.
Very good masculine head and expression with very good masking and eye colour. Very good length and
lay of neck, high withers, firm back, slightly steep but very good length of croup. Good forequarter
angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with
broad thighs. Very good fore and underchest development. Stands correct in front. Good strength of bone.
Steps slightly close going, correct coming where the elbow connections could still be firmer. Shows a very
good ground covering gait, with powerful drive and good reach. Shows very good movement off-lead.
                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT

5th 83 *LASHADAS AMIGO                                                    DOB: 03/12/2017
       S: *LaShadas Ocka Ex.M                                             Br:  S Hosking
       D: *LaShadas Vixen Ex                                              Exh: A Jones
3 Years 4 Months. 66.0 cm / 32.0 cm. On the limit of size, medium strong dog of very good substance, good
colouring very good type and very good proportions. Very good masculine head with good expression, good
masking and eye colour. Very good length and lay of neck, normal withers, firm back, slightly short but well
laid croup. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled. Very good
hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Very good fore and underchest
development. Steps slightly close going and slightly close coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait
with powerful drive and where the reach could be a little more effective. Shows good movement off-lead.

                                                                          Grading: EXCELLENT

SCR    81 FREINHAUF JUPITER                                               DOB: 18/08/2017
       S: *UK Ch Conbhaiean Freddie (imp UK)                              Br:  Knuckey
       D: *Volscaro River of Champagne                                    Exh: Pereira/Pritchard
       Placing: SCRATCHED

SCR    84 *SALVATORE VOM GRAFENWALD (imp Deu) IPO1                        DOB: 12/03/2018
       S:*Mars von Aurelius IPO2                                          Br:  W Bauer
       D:*Lila v Haus Thalie IPO2                                         Exh: P I Alder
       Placing: SCRATCHED

SCR    86 VOLSCARO BELLISSIMO                                                    DOB: 03/10/2018
       S: *Hornemarks Ricco                                               Br:    EXH
       D: Seigen Fashions Fireworks                                       Exh:   T Roberts / L Pearson
       Placing: SCRATCHED
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