CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.

Page created by Oscar Mccarthy
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.


CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.
                                            HERD YOU
                                           LOV E
                                            TO MILK!
Front Cover: 10, 11 and 12 year old daughters - Oliver & Sons, Umawera, Okaihau.
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.
ION                         LON
               CT                               GE
             DU                                   V                    BREEDING IS A
                             Insight                                   HIGHLY VALUABLE,


                            in performance
                              and genetic
                                                                       LONG-TERM ACTIVITY
                                                                       CRV Ambreed has a strong belief about the cow needed in the future.
                                                                       She needs to be healthy, productive and efficient, live longer, and be

                                                                       easy to get in calf. This is reflected in our CRV Result Navigator.

                                                                       The CRV Ambreed average cow will produce 450kg milksolids on
                   RESULT NAVIGATOR

                                                                       pasture-dominated diets. She’ll be an efficient converter of feed to milk,
                                                                       and more environmentally efficient. She will last longer, be strong and

                                                                       capacious and have great udders to produce high milk volumes.

             Improve                          progress in
                                                                       Your breeding decisions made today will be seen in three years when

                                                                       the progeny enters your milking herd. Gains made will accumulate each
              by applying                    performance

                                                                       year over the lifetime of the cow. CRV progeny will return more profit

                                             and genetic


                                               capacity                annually and live longer.

                                                                       Our consultants will use the CRV Result Navigator when sitting down

                                                                       with you to select the right genetic solutions and herd services to meet
                                                                       your herd improvement goals.

                                                                       To build the value of your herd, talk to your local CRV Ambreed
                                                                       Consultant today!

                        F E R TILIT Y
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.
                                           PLANNING                                    ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION

             WHAT GENETICS                 WHAT SIRES ARE        HOW DO I        WHAT DO I NEED            IS MY COW ON
             ARE RIGHT FOR                 AVAILABLE?            MAKE THE BEST   FOR MY STRAWS             HEAT?
             MY HERD?                                            MATING CHOICE   ON FARM?
                                           NEW ZEALAND SIRES                                               CRV ESTROTECTTM
                                                                 FOR MY COW?                               HEAT DECTECTORS
             GENETIC SOLUTIONS                                                   AI UNIT

                                            HOLSTEIN FRIESIANS
               BETTER LIFE HEALTH           JERSEYS              SIREMATCH        BUY OR HIRE
               BETTER LIFE EFFICIENCY       CROSSBRED                             We do on-farm delivery
               A2                           REDS                                  TEST WEIGHT SERVICE
               FACIAL ECZEMA               GLOBAL SIRES
                                            HOLSTEIN FRIESIANS
               SIRYX SEXED SEMEN
               GLOBAL GENETICS
                                            JERSEYS                                     LN2
               SHORT GESTATION
               DAIRYBEEF / BEEF TO BEEF

                                                                                                           HOW DO I AI
                                                                                                           MY COWS?
             HOW CAN I ACCESS              HOW DO I CHOOSE                                                 CRV AI TECHNICIAN
             TOMORROWS                     MY BULL TEAM?
             GENETICS                                                                                      CAN I LEARN
                                           CRV SELECT                                                      TO AI?
                                           NOMINATED GENETICS
             CRV PROGENY                                                                                   CRV AI TRAINING
                                           SIREMATCH                                                       SCHOOLS
             TEST PROGRAMME

             INSIRE BULLS                                                                                   AI TECH TRAINING
             Look for the INSIRE icon on
             the bull pages

                                                                 CONTINUED HERD IMPROVEMENT
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.
                                                          BULL PACK OPTIONS                                      6
                             HERD MANAGEMENT              CRV SELECT		                                           6
                                                          NOMINATED GENETICS		                                   8
                                                          GENETIC SOLUTIONS                                      9
HOW DO I           WHAT ARE            WHO ARE            BETTER LIFE HEALTH / BETTER LIFE EFFICIENCY		          9
                                                          A2		                                                  10
RECORD MY AI       MY EAR TAG          MY BEST            FACIAL ECZEMA		                                       10
MATINGS?           OPTIONS?            COWS?              ONCE-A-DAY		                                          11
                                       HERD TESTING       SIRYX SEXED SEMEN		                                   11
PORTABULL          BIRTH PACKS                            GLOBAL GENETICS		                                     12
                                                          SHORT GESTATION		                                     12
                   FARM MGMT
                                                          FERTABULL		                                           13
                   BEEF                                   BEEF		                                                13
                                       HOW DO I
                   REPLACEMENT                            BREEDING PROGRAMMES		                                 14
                                       UNDERSTAND         CRV PROGENY TEST PROGRAMME		                          14
                                       & MANAGE MY        CRV JOINT VENTURE PROGRAMMES                          15
                   READERS             HERD INFO?         NEW ZEALAND SIRES                                     16
                                                          UNDERSTANDING NEW ZEALAND GRAPHS                      16
                                                          KEY TO BULL PAGES                                     18
                                       CRV INSIGHT
                                                          HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN                                     19
                                                          HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN TRAIT LEADERS                       20
                                                          JERSEY                                                35
                                                          JERSEY TRAIT LEADERS                                  36
                                                          CROSSBRED                                             45
                                                          CROSSBRED TRAIT LEADERS                               46
                                                          AYRSHIRE & RED BREEDS                                 55

                                                          ADDITIONAL NEW ZEALAND SIRES                          59
                                       WHO’S THE          GLOBAL SIRES                                          61
                                       DADDY?             UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL GRAPHS                           78
                                                          ADDITIONAL GLOBAL SIRES                               80
                                       DNA PARENTAGE
                                       TESTING            PRODUCTS & SERVICES                                   81
                                                          CRV ESTROTECT™ HEAT DETECTORS                         83
                                                          AI SERVICES - AI TECHNICIANS / AI TRAINING SCHOOLS    84
                                                          AI UNITS                                              85
                                                          SIREMATCH                                             86
                                                          CRV INSIGHT                                           87

            CALL US!                                      PORTABULL
                                                          HERD TESTING
                                                          GENOTYPING SERVICES                                   90
            0800 262 733                                  EAR TAGS                                              91
                                                          PRICING                                               98
                                                          CONTACTS                                             100
                                                          INDEX OF SIRES                                       101
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.

                                                                                                                                                                                         FRIESIAN TEAM
                                                                                                                                   Breeding Indicators
                                                                                                                                        NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                           CODE         BULL           NZMI BW PG#
                                                                                                                                   BV     240      201           72    289          45         2           7          115509 PULSAR*                   266 250   30
                                                                                                                                   BA      85       35            -     74          55         -               -      115573 REMATCH*                  257 257   30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      115516 DAVID*                    256 245   23
                                                                                                                                   Production                                                                         112559 SKYLARK                   252 187   32
                                                                                                                                     Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                   115541 PLAYWRITE*                250 222   29
                                                                                                                                   BV        985         39           3.7          30    4.4              68          109544 STRAVAGANZA               248 158   33
                                                                                                                                   BA        791         24           3.6          16    4.4              40          108818 MACCA                     236 165   27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      109500 DUMPLING                  232 186   59
                                                                                                                                   Management & Health                                                                112564 REPO                      229 214   31
                                                                                                                                    Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                    111508 THADIUS                   224 167   33

                                 CRV SELECT
                                                                                                                                   BV     2.5 -0.01 0.09                     2.5          -4.2           -38          111543 MEDAL                     224 163   59
                                                                                                                                   BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3          -2.0           -14          110508 IDAHO                     209 201   26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *CRV calculated genomic BV’s from Jan 2016
                                                                                                                                   Shed Traits            -0.5                0                         1.0        BV      BA
                                 With CRV Select, you will know which sires you        BENEFITS                                    Adaptability Milking                                              QUICKLY 0.09          0.05
                                 will receive and how many doses of those sires                                                    Shed Temperament                                                   LOVELY 0.06          0.04
                                 you will be using before the mating season              Simple and cost effective                 Milking Speed                                                        FAST 0.15          0.01
                                 starts. It is the most simple, cost-effective way                                                 Overall Opinion                                                 WELL-LIKED 0.28         0.17
                                 to achieve genetic gain in your herd.
                                                                                         Teams of quality preselected bulls        Conformation
                                 CRV Select lets you choose eight or more                                                          Stature                                                              TALL 0.84          1.07
                                 sires (Friesian, Crossbred, Jersey or a                 Know how many doses of each sire          Capacity                                                        CAPACIOUS 0.27          0.12
                                 combination of) from a team selected by                 you will receive up front
                                                                                                                                   Rump Angle                                                        SLOPING 0.15          -0.02
                                 CRV Ambreed for their complimentary traits.                                                       Rump Width                                                          WIDE 0.46           0.42
                                 Choose the sires yourself or your local sales
                                                                                                                                   Legs                                                              CURVED -0.04          -0.05
                                 consultant can tailor a team to your herd
                                                                                                                                   Udder Support                                                     STRONG 0.52           0.40
                                 improvement goals.
                                                                                                                                   Front Udder                                                       STRONG 0.45           0.25

                                                                                                                                   Rear Udder                                                        STRONG 0.41           0.33
                                 # STRAWS       100-250     251-500     501-750      751-1000   1001-1500   1501 - 2000   2000 +   Front Teat                                                          CLOSE       0.27    0.17

                                                                                                                                   Rear Teat                                                           CLOSE 0.47          0.39
                                 8-12 bulls     $15.75      $14.50      $13.25       $12.25     $11.25      $10.50        $10.25
                                                                                                                                   Udder Overall                                                   DESIRABLE 0.59          0.43

                                                                                                                                   Dairy Conformation                                              DESIRABLE 0.41          0.30

                                                                                                                                             NZAEL 13/02/2016
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BULL PACK OPTIONS - CRV SELECT
                                                      JERSEY TEAM                                                                                                                           CROSSBRED TEAM
Breeding Indicators                                                                                                                    Breeding Indicators
     NZMI      BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                            CODE         BULL           NZMI BW PG#              NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                       CODE            BULL            NZMI BW PG#
BV     223    235             77    312         -54         5          10          312501 KINGPIN                   269 208       40   BV     247      250           60    390          -5         5           9         515813 VIKING J10F6*              326 318       53
BA      75      94             -     81         -62         -               -      315503 CONNACHT*                 262 303       37   BA     127      134            -    211         -12         -               -     515665 WARO F10J6*                273 281       50
                                                                                   306549 MURMUR                    242 233       41                                                                                     515655 BOOMA F12J4*               271 291       49
Production                                                                         312510 IZZY                      222 222       60   Production                                                                        512803 KEIRAN J11F3               265 245       54
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                   310507 SUPERSTITION              221 220       44     Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                  515656 VIPER F11J5*               263 253       50
BV     -184            9           4.1          24    5.6              33          314503 VELOCITY*                 216 262       60   BV        449         26           3.9          26    4.7              52         514664 STORM F9J7*                257 326       51
BA     -584            -7          4.1          2     5.6              -6          311536 PRESELY                   212 225       43   BA         52         11           3.9          15    5.1              26         512801 MARSHALL F8J8              241 231       51
                                                                                   314500 POWERPLANT*               208 268       43                                                                                     513663 MISSION F12J4*             237 228       48
Management & Health                                                                308583 DEGREE                    204 243       37   Management & Health                                                               515663 SARAJEVO F12J4*            233 231       49
 Fertility    BCS    SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     311803 NEW LEADER                173 163       42    Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   512656 DONINGTON F13J2            216 191       47
BV     1.6 0.03 -0.28                    -2.2          -2.7             8        *CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016        BV     3.6 0.09 -0.09                    -0.2          -2.4             8         511650 STARSKY J9F7               214 208       52
BA     1.5 -0.01 0.02                    -2.4          -1.5           -11                                                              BA     1.9 0.02 0.01                     -0.8          -3.1            -3         510673 MENDELSSOHN J9F7           170 194       52
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016
Shed Traits            -0.5                0                         1.0        BV      BA                                             Shed Traits            -0.5                0                         1.0        BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                              QUICKLY 0.21          0.24                                           Adaptability Milking                                              QUICKLY 0.12         0.01

Shed Temperament                                                   LOVELY 0.24          0.07                                           Shed Temperament                                                   LOVELY 0.12         0.02

Milking Speed                                                        FAST 0.15          0.07                                           Milking Speed                                                        FAST 0.13         0.05

Overall Opinion                                                 WELL-LIKED 0.29         0.03                                           Overall Opinion                                                 WELL-LIKED 0.23        0.09

Conformation                                                                                                                           Conformation
Stature                                                              TALL -0.91         -0.98                                          Stature                                                              TALL -0.05        -0.20

Capacity                                                        CAPACIOUS 0.42          0.01                                           Capacity                                                        CAPACIOUS 0.41         0.18

Rump Angle                                                        SLOPING -0.03         -0.10                                          Rump Angle                                                        SLOPING -0.08        -0.06

Rump Width                                                          WIDE -0.05          -0.25                                          Rump Width                                                          WIDE 0.15          0.03

Legs                                                              CURVED 0.11            0.11                                          Legs                                                              CURVED 0.06          0.09

Udder Support                                                     STRONG        0.23    0.03                                           Udder Support                                                     STRONG        0.27   0.05

Front Udder                                                       STRONG 0.51           0.19                                           Front Udder                                                       STRONG 0.31          0.05

Rear Udder                                                        STRONG 0.48           0.22                                           Rear Udder                                                        STRONG 0.46          0.09

Front Teat                                                          CLOSE       0.13    0.10                                           Front Teat                                                          CLOSE       0.05   0.02

Rear Teat                                                           CLOSE -0.04         -0.09                                          Rear Teat                                                           CLOSE 0.10         0.07

Udder Overall                                                   DESIRABLE 0.53          0.23                                           Udder Overall                                                   DESIRABLE 0.48         0.15

Dairy Conformation                                              DESIRABLE 0.40          0.05                                           Dairy Conformation                                              DESIRABLE 0.39         0.17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CRV AMBREED
          NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                       NZAEL 13/02/2016
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.

                                                                                             NOMINATED GENETICS
                                                                                             Nominated genetics gives you unlimited choice from our
                                                                                             best sires to meet your individual goals for your herd.        •   Are you looking for specific traits?
                                                                                                                                                            •   Do your cows have individual needs?
                                                                                             Choose from our daughter proven sires and genomically          •   Would you like to try a different cross-breeding strategy?
                                                                                             selected InSires tailored to suit a range of environments      •   Do you need cows that will fit your environment?
                                                                                             and farming systems.                                           •   Do you want to change breeds?

                                                                                             Purchase at least four domestic or overseas sires as a         If you answered yes to any of the above then nominated
                                                                                             package to ensure you achieve top value.                       genetics is the right choice for you.

                                                                                              # STRAWS             100-250         251-500        501-750       751-1000        1001-1500       1501 - 2000       2000 +

                                                                                             4 bulls               $19.70          $19.20         $18.65        $18.10          $17.60          $16.50            $16.00
                                                                                             5 bulls               $18.65          $18.10         $17.60        $17.10          $16.50          $15.50            $15.00
                                                                                             6 bulls +             $17.00          $16.50         $16.00        $15.50          $15.00          $14.00            $13.75

                                         CRV AMBREED HAS:
                                         • Diverse range of premium bulls

                                         • The right people to help you make effective
                                           breeding decisions
                                         • SireMatch to make the best bull choices per cow
                                         • Better Life indexes for different breeds
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GENETIC SOLUTIONS
                                             CRV is the only breeding company with a tool to help make it easier to improve the health and efficiency
                                             of your herd. We do this by using the Better Life Health and Better Life Efficiency indexes.

BETTER LIFE HEALTH                                                                                             BETTER LIFE EFFICIENCY
The Better Life Health index (BLH), expressed                                                                  The Better Life Efficiency (BLE) index supports
as a percentage, indicates the bull’s progeny                   BLH TOP BULLS                                  sustainable dairy farming by helping to reduce               BLE TOP BULLS
will have a lower rate of health incidents                                                                     feed costs and increasing lifetime production,
                                                     HIGHLITE              312543        Jersey 11%                                                              KEIRAN                512803         Cross     11%
like mastitis, lameness, difficult births or                                                                   resulting in a lower environmental footprint.
reproductive problems.                               DELUCA                109504 Friesian 9%                                                                    LAZARUS               312538        Jersey 11%
                                                                                                               You can easily see the expected efficiency
                                                     DIESEL*               315526        Jersey      8%                                                          INGOT                 312548        Jersey 11%
The traits that are factored into this index for                                                               value of an individual sire. A higher
New Zealand include fertility, calving difficulty,   PRESELY               311536        Jersey      8%        percentage means the sire’s progeny are           KINGPIN               312501        Jersey 11%
somatic cell count, residual survival, condition     KEIRAN                512803         Cross      8%        more efficient at converting feed to milk over    IZZY                  312510        Jersey 11%
score and a number of TOP-values. Overall                                                                      the course of their productive life.
                                                     MURMUR                306549        Jersey      8%                                                          PIONEER               307522        Jersey 11%
opinion, body condition score, longevity,
                                                     PRETORIA*             515661         Cross      7%        The traits included in the BLE index for          STORM*                514664         Cross     11%
capacity and udder overall, indirectly support
                                                                                                               New Zealand are kilos of milk, fat, protein,
an animal’s health and ease of management            MAXWELL*              313526        Jersey      7%                                                          STARS & STRIPES 508655               Cross     11%
                                                                                                               liveweight, longevity, and fertility.
in the herd.
                                                     OVERDRIVE             106538 Friesian 7%                                                                    REPLICA               112563 Friesian 11%

                                                     VIKING*               515813         Cross      7%                                                          HIGHLITE              312543        Jersey 10%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CRV AMBREED
                                                                * Indicates Insire bulls using Genomic Data                                                                 * Indicates Insire bulls using Genomic Data

% MORE EFFICIENT/HEALTHIER COMPARED TO POPULATION AVERAGE                                         1-4% = Improved performance         5-9% = Excellent performance         10%+ = Superior performance
CRV Ambreed. Catalogue 2016. Better Cows Better Life.

                    A2                                                                                         FACIAL ECZEMA
                                                                                                               Genetic tolerance offers the best protection
                    The demand for A2 milk is growing with             BENEFITS                                                                                  BENEFITS
                    investor enthusiasm for businesses in the                                                  against Facial Eczema (FE).
                    infant formula and natural health products          A herd producing only A2 milk                                                             Greater tolerance against facial eczema
                                                                                                               Using CRV Ambreed’s FE tolerant sires in your
                    sectors. CRV Ambreed offers a range of A2
                                                                                                               breeding programme is an environmentally
                    sires specifically for farmers who wish to enter
                                                                        Access to a niche market               friendly and safe way to help increase your        Healthier cows
                    this speciality market. We can also test your
                                                                                                               herd’s tolerance to FE challenges, resulting in
                    current herd for A2 status.
                                                                                                               healthier cows and improved production.
                                                                        Convert your herd in two generations                                                      Improved production
                    A2 milk contains only the A2 type of beta-
                                                                                                               FE costs the New Zealand dairy industry
                    casein protein rather than the more common                                                                                                   * Sourced from (Feb 2015)
                                                                                                               over $100 million a year in lost production,
                    A1 protein commonly found in regular cows’
                                                                                                               treatment costs and animal loss*, and the
                    milk. It usually takes two cow generations
                                                                                                               problem in New Zealand is worsening.
                    through tailored A2 genetics (about ten years)
                                                                                                               AgResearch scientists have shown that the
                    to convert a New Zealand herd to A2.
                                                                                                               average New Zealand cow today is more
                    Look for sires that have A2/A2 beneath their                                               susceptible to FE than her counterpart was
                    name when browsing through this catalogue.                                                 25 years ago.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     GENETIC SOLUTIONS
ONCE-A-DAY                                                                                SIRYX SEXED SEMEN
The demands placed on a cow in the Once-           BENEFITS                               With SiryX sexed semen you can increase the     BENEFITS
A-Day (OAD) milking system vary to the more                                               number of heifers generated through your
traditional twice daily system. Our OAD genetics   Higher milk production                 yearly mating programme.                         More heifers
are selected to support those demands.
                                                                                          SiryX sexed semen goes through a sorting
CRV Ambreed focuses on protein, somatic            Improved protein, udder and somatics   process where more than 90% of the               Greater value replacements
cells and udder support traits to help increase                                           sperm cells in the straw carry the female ‘X’
production and feed efficiency, increase the       Improved longevity                     chromosome and only less than 10% of the
                                                                                                                                           Easier calving
overall longevity of your herd, breed cows with                                           sperm carry the male ‘Y’ chromosome*. This
a great udder and low somatic cells, and lower                                            ratio carries through to produce on average     * As outlined in the quality control threshold as
your replacement rates.                                                                   90% heifers from the doses of sexed semen         provided by Sexing Technologies in their sorting labs.
                                                                                          used on the farm.
The CRV Once-A-Day index ranks the sires
on their suitability to be used as part of a OAD                                          Conception rates with SiryX are around
system. The higher the index, the more suitable                                           10-15% lower than non-sexed semen. Using
they are (see Trait Leaders for our top sires).                                           the correct semen handling and the right
                                                                                          selection of animals on heat will help you
                                                                                          get the best possible results using the SiryX
                                                                                          sexed semen product.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     CRV AMBREED

                    GLOBAL GENETICS                                                                  SHORT GESTATION
                    Do you wish to achieve greater production,      BENEFITS                         CRV Ambreed offers short gestation dairy and    BENEFITS
                    achieve greater genetic diversity, or you                                        beef to create greater value offspring and to
                    want to breed a larger animal? Our global        Greater genetic diversity       give your cows more days in milk.                More days in milk
                    experience combined with our local
                    knowledge of grazing systems, will help you
                                                                     Greater production              Breed beef-cross calves that you can sell        Tighter calving spread
                    select the right overseas genetics to support
                                                                                                     to the beef market. The gestation length
                    your herd goals.
                                                                                                     of beef breeds are on average four to five
                                                                     Access to unique dairy breeds                                                    Replacements or saleable offspring
                    CRV Ambreed has the following breeds                                             days longer than dairy sires. However Short
                    available in it’s global products portfolio:                                     Gestation Hereford and Angus bring the
                                                                                                     calving date in line with dairy sires.
                     • Holstein Friesian: USA, Europe
                     • Jersey: USA, Australia, Denmark                                               DAIRY
                     • Finnish Ayrshire, Swedish Red, Danish                                         Short Gestation Dairy is a good option if you
                       Red, MRI: Netherlands                                                         need more replacements from your tail-end
                     • Montebeliard: Germany, Czech Republic                                         cows. Short Gestation Dairy is available in
                                                                                                     Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Crossbred.
                                                                                                                                                                       GENETIC SOLUTIONS
FERTABULL                                                                     BEEF
CRV Ambreed’s Fertabull helps you maximise          BENEFITS                  CRV Ambreed has a range of Dairy Beef and            BENEFITS
fertility at the end of mating and get your tail-                             Beef to Beef options available to suit your
end cows back in calf.                               More cows in calf        farm needs.                                           Higher value offspring

Fertabull contains the semen of three sires                                   CRV Ambreed’s DairyBeef semen is ideal to
in each dose. You have a greater chance of           Higher milk production   use across the tail-end of your mating season,        Breed beef-cross offspring
getting your cow in calf with Fertabull as it                                 or if you want to on-sell calves to the beef
increases the length of time viable semen is                                  industry.
                                                     Higher value offspring                                                         A large selection to choose from
available to fertilise the egg.
                                                                              CRV Ambreed have a wide range of breeds
Fertabull is available in Angus and polled                                    available including (but not limited to):
Hereford (selected for calving ease and good
growth rates) or available in short gestation                                 • Angus                   • Lowline
polled Hereford.                                                              • Belgian Blue            • Murray Grey
                                                                              • Belted Galloway         • Red Devon
                                                                              • Charolais               • Scottish Highland
                                                                              • Dexter                  • Shorthorn (white only)
                                                                              • Galloway                • Simmental
                                                                              • Hereford Polled         • Speckled Park

                                                                                                                                                                       CRV AMBREED
                                                                              • Limousin                • Wagyu

                      CRV PROGENY TEST PROGRAMME
                      By taking part in CRV Ambreed's progeny test programme    BENEFITS
                      you can develop and enhance your herd using tomorrow's
                      elite genetics today.                                      First access to tomorrow's elite genetics

                      New Zealand dairy farmers have been working with CRV
                                                                                 The flexibility to nominate a percentage of your herd to
                      Ambreed for over 30 years to develop generations of
                                                                                 bulls you choose
                      daughter proven sires.

                      The elite Holstein Friesian, Crossbred and Jersey          Financial rewards for meeting agreed criteria
                      bull calves selected for CRV Ambreed’s progeny test
                      programme ultimately ensure dairy farmers’ herds are
                      competitive and continue to be more productive and
                      more profitable in the future.

                      CRV Ambreed invites you to be part of a select group of
                      farmers who are helping develop the next generation of
                      elite dairy sires.
                                                                                                                                                                                       BREEDING PROGRAMMES
                                                                                                                                                       PUKETAWA KING CONNACHT JG

CRV Ambreed works with both Holstein Friesian New            By pooling resource, CRV Ambreed and partners are helping     graduate on their genetic merit year-on-year.
Zealand and Jersey NZ to source elite animals, and prove     to progress the Holstein Friesian and Jersey breeds in New
                                                                                                                           When you purchase joint venture sires, you are supporting
and sell high-merit bulls.                                   Zealand for the greater good of the dairy industry.

                                                                                                                                                                                       CRV AMBREED
                                                                                                                           the continued development of the breeds here in New
Our joint ventures combine modern day science in the form    The true success of the joint venture programmes can be       Zealand and internationally.
of genomic selection with the breeding skills of the breed   seen in the high quality joint venture sires being marketed
society members and CRV Ambreed’s sire analyst team.         in this year’s catalogue, and the high number of sires that
UNDERSTANDING                                                                                                                                BREEDING INDICATORS
NEW ZEALAND GRAPHS                                                                                                                            NZMI                                                          LIVEWEIGHT
                                                                                                                         SAMPLE DATA          LOW                                                 HIGH      LOW                                                HIGH
                                                     Breeding Indicators
New Zealand Animal Evaluation                                                                                                                 This is the CRV Ambreed desired gains index. It               The estimated liveweight of the animal. This is usually
                                                          NZMI         BW BW Rel                Long   LiveWt %Health         %Efficiency     aims to breed a productive, long lasting cow that will        one score lower than stature, and will likewise vary
Limited (NZAEL) calculates Breeding                                                                                                           typically produce about 450 kg MS a year by balancing         considerably between breeds.
                                                     BV     265      245             85          288         -55         8             11
Values (BV) and Breeding Worth                                                                                                                production, management and type traits.

(BW) using information from the sire's
relatives (ancestry & progeny) and the               Production                                                                               BW                                                            % HEALTH
sire's own records by comparing it to                  Milk (lts) Prot (kg)         Prot (%)      Fat (kg)     Fat (%)    Fat & Prot (kg)     LOW                                                 HIGH      LOW                                                HIGH

that of the Genetic Base Cow.                        BV         -5       12               4.0          21          5.2                 33
                                                                                                                                              Economic index that ranks bulls and cows on their             The CRV Ambreed index known as Better Life Health
                                                                                                                                              expected ability to breed profitable and efficient            helps you select animals that will have more or less
The genetic base cow is the average                                                                                                           replacements.                                                 incidences of health problems throughout their lifetime.
of a group of well recorded New                      Management & Health
                                                      Fertility        BCS           SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival
Zealand cows (across all breeds) and
                                                     BV     7.3      0.24            0.13              -1.8          -2.9             -199
is updated every five years to reflect                                                                                                        TOTAL LONGEVITY                                               % EFFICIENCY
genetic progress.                                                                                                                             LOW                                                 HIGH      LOW                                                HIGH

                                                     Shed Traits             -0.5                 0                             1.0   BV
Breeding values are deviations above                                                                                                          The total longevity breeding value is defined as the          The CRV Ambreed index known as Better Life Efficiency
                                                     Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY 0.18     expected genetic merit of a cow to live for more (or          helps you select animals that will more or less efficient
or below (-) the same genetic base cow                                                                                                        fewer) days of herd life relative to the genetic base cows.   at converting energy to production over the course of
                                                     Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY 0.23                                                                   their lifetime.
(regardless of breed).
                                                     Milking Speed                                                              FAST 0.08
Reference:   Overall Opinion                                                     WELL-LIKED 0.25
                                                     Stature                                                                    TALL -1.21
                                                     Capacity                                                             CAPACIOUS 0.94
                                                     Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING -0.19    MILK (LTS)                                                    PROTEIN (KG)
                                                     Rump Width                                                                WIDE -0.25     LOW                                                 HIGH      LOW                                                HIGH
                                                     Legs                                                                    CURVED 0.27
                                                                                                                                              This trait measures the expected volume of milk               Milk protein is a component of the milk produced by
                                                     Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.11      produced by the individual and is of interest due to          cows and is the most valued output (by processors) from
                                                     Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.34      transport costs associated with moving milk from farms        NZ dairy farms. It is also the single most important trait
                                                                                                                                              to processing plants around the country. This is why milk     for both NZMI & BW.
                                                     Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.28      is valued negatively in both NZMI & BW.
                                                     Front Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.00
                                                     Rear Teat                                                                CLOSE -0.04
                                                                                                                                                                                                            LOW                                                HIGH
                                                     Udder Overall                                                        DESIRABLE 0.42
                                                     Dairy Conformation                                                   DESIRABLE 0.54                                                                    Milk fat is the other component of milk which is paid for
                                                                                                                                                                                                            by milk processors in NZ and is used in producing lower
                                                     CRV Ambreed calculates the New Zealand Merit Index (NZMI), %Health                                                                                     value commodities such as butter.
                                                     and %Efficiency on all sires as well as genomic information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        UNDERSTANDING NEW ZEALAND GRAPHS
MANAGEMENT & HEALTH                                                                                                          CONFORMATION
 FERTILITY                                                    CALVING DIFFICULTY                                              STATURE                                                      RUMP WIDTH
 LOW                                                HIGH      EASY                                           DIFFICULT        SHORT                                               TALL     NARROW                                             WIDE

 The objective for herd reproductive performance in most      Although the calving difficulty BV is expressed in terms of     The height at the shoulder of the animal. This trait is      Distance between the most posterior point of the pin
 New Zealand herds is to achieve high pregnancy rates in      assisted births in first-calving heifers, the BV can also be    measured across all breeds, resulting in all Jerseys being   bones relative to the size of the animal. This trait is a
 a short time period following the planned start of mating,   used to identify bulls that are expected to increase rates      negative on the breeding values bar graph, Ayrshires         good predictor of the width a cow has throughout
 and to maintain calving intervals very close to 365 days.    of assisted calving for cows carrying the bull’s calves.        being intermediate and Friesians being mainly positive.      her body.

 BODY CONDITION SCORE (BCS)                                   GESTATION LENGTH                                                CAPACITY
                                                                                                                                                                                           STRAIGHT                                       CURVED
 SHARP                                        COVERED         SHORTER                                          LONGER         FRAIL                                       CAPACIOUS
                                                                                                                                                                                           Measures the angulation or ‘set’ of the rear legs and is
 Body condition score is commonly used as a method to         The number of days shorter or longer than the average           Combination of strength and depth of chest and body          measured from an imaginary line between thurls and
 assess body energy reserves.                                 gestation period of a dairy cow. Use this strategically to      as viewed from side, rear and front in relation to the       mid-hoof while the cow is walking. A low score indicates
                                                              tighten your calving pattern.                                   physical size of the cow. This is an important trait and     a straight leg, whilst a high score indicates a sickled or
                                                                                                                              reflects an animals ability to convert feed into milk and    curved leg set. A score close to 5-6 is considered ideal.
                                                                                                                              withstand the rigours of life.
                                                                                                                                                                                           UDDER SUPPORT
 SOMATIC CELLS SCORE (SCS)                                    RESIDUAL SURVIVAL                                               RUMP ANGLE                                                   WEAK                                           STRONG
 DESIRABLE                                UNDESIRABLE         LESS                                                MORE        HIGH                                           SLOPING
                                                                                                                                                                                           This trait describes the strength of the suspensory
 Good udder health is typically reflected in low levels of    Residual survival is defined as “herd-life after accounting                                                                  ligament as viewed from the rear. It also includes the
                                                                                                                              Describes the angle between the centre of the hip            udder depth relative to the hocks . Udder support is
 somatic cell counts in milk.                                 for the genetic effects of production, liveweight, milk,        and the top of the pin bone. A low score indicates the
                                                              somatic cells and fertility on herd-life”.                                                                                   a very important trait in determining the number of
                                                                                                                              cow has high pins and a high score indicates low pins.       lactations a cow’s udder will survive.
                                                                                                                              A score of 5-6 describes a flat rump to slightly sloping
                                                                                                                              which is optimal.
                                                                                                                                                                                           REAR TEAT
                                                                                                                                                                                           WIDE                                             CLOSE
                                                                                                                              FRONT UDDER
SHED TRAITS                                                                                                                   LOOSE                                          STRONG        The placement of the rear teats (at the point of
                                                                                                                                                                                           attachment to the udder) relative to the centre of the
                                                                                                                              Measures the strength of attachment of the fore udder to     quarters. A low score indicates wide rear teats whilst a
                                                                                                                              the body wall.                                               high score is close and 5 is central.
 ADAPTABILITY TO MILKING                                      MILKING SPEED
                                                                                                                                                                                           UDDER OVERALL
 SLOWLY                                         QUICKLY       SLOW                                                  FAST
                                                                                                                              REAR UDDER                                                   UNDESIRABLE                                 DESIRABLE
 A description of how soon the animal settled into the        The length of time from putting on the cups to when             LOOSE                                          STRONG
 milking routine after calving specifically taking into       the milk flow stops or cups are taken off. Those cows                                                                        The inspector gives an overall score of the udder
 account how many milkings before let down was                that have nice silky udders (in contrast to meaty, lumpy        Describes the height and width of the rear udder             including any other udder traits not measured before.
 spontaneous and completed without extra attention.           udders) tend to, nine out of ten times, be quicker milkers.     attachment as distinct from udder support.                   Udder overall score can be used to simply compare the
                                                                                                                                                                                           overall udder standard of bull daughters.

 SHED TEMPERAMENT                                             OVERALL OPINION                                                 FRONT TEAT                                                   DAIRY CONFORMATION
 GRUMPY                                          LOVELY       POOR                                          WELL-LIKED        WIDE                                             CLOSE       UNDESIRABLE                                 DESIRABLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CRV AMBREED
 Measures the temperament of the animal in the shed           A farmers overall acceptance of the animal as a herd            The placement of the front teats (at the point of            An overall conformation score combining all traits
 while being handled and milked. It is a different trait to   member.                                                         attachment to the udder) relative to the centre of the       except udder traits. Dairy conformation is a useful trait
 adaptability to milking as it is assessed once an animal                                                                     quarters. A low score indicates wide front teats whilst a    for simply comparing animals for dairy type.
 has settled into the milking routine.                                                                                        high score indicates close front teats.

                    KEY TO BULL PAGES                                                                                         LOOK FOR THESE ICONS IN THE BULL PAGES

                    Look for the CRV Result Navigator on each bull page to identify the key strengths of the sire
                        HEALTH             EFFICIENCY      PRODUCTION             LONGEVITY                FERTILITY
                      Easy to manage,         Optimal      More milk in the vat    More lactations,      More cows in calf
                    trouble-free animals    performance                           more years in milk

                                                                 Elite young sire                         Breeding Worth (BW)
                        Semen sourced from                                                                                                 Sires selected for increased
                                                          selected on a combination of                  and Breeding Values (BV)
                      domestically proven sires                                                                                              Facial Eczema tolerance
                                                           parental and genomic data                      sourced from NZAEL

                          Joint venture bull                   Joint venture bull                          Joint venture bull                  Joint venture bull
                     between CRV Ambreed and               between CRV Ambreed and                     between CRV Ambreed and             between CRV Ambreed and
                    Holstein-Friesian New Zealand             Jersey New Zealand                            Liberty Genetics                    Vision Genetics

                                 NED                                  USA                                         AUS                       FIN       SWE        DEN

                        Semen imported from                   Semen imported from                        Semen imported from                  Semen imported from
                          CRV Netherlands                          CRV USA                                  CRV Australia                       Viking Genetics

                                                                                      CRV AMBREED
Maelstrom daughter: #449 Aljo Maelstrom Ronnie S0F, Megaw Farms, Tapanui

             NZMI                              BW                               PROTEIN                  UDDER OVERALL                     LIVEWEIGHT
FULTON           112577   275    REMATCH*           115573   257     STRAVAGANZA    109544   50    SAHARA        110541   1.20   REPLICA                 112563         -8

MAELSTROM        109502   267    PULSAR*            115509   250     RIVINGTON      112584   49    MACCA         108818   1.07   WYLD                    112576         -6

PULSAR*          115509   266    DAVID*             115516   245     FEDERAL*       115575   47    BRAVE         111521   1.03   FULTON                  112577         12

FEDERAL*         115575   266    REPLICA            112563   231     FRANKLIN       110550   46    WYLD          112576   0.91   DUMPLING                109500         16

REMATCH*         115573   257    MAELSTROM          109502   227     OAKLEY         110521   45    OAKLEY        110521   0.90   PULSAR*                 115509         18

DAVID*           115516   256    PLAYWRITE*         115541   222     REMATCH*       115573   44    STRAVAGANZA   109544   0.84   AVALANCHE               112522         19

           FERTILITY                    SOMATIC CELLS                   TOTAL LONGEVITY             CALVING DIFFICULTY              BODY CONDITION
DELUCA           109504   7.9    REPLICA            112563   -0.60   OAKLEY         110521   503   RAMBLER       110536   -2.5   DELUCA                  109504       0.27

MEDAL            111543   6.3    DUNSTAN            111555   -0.44   DELUCA         109504   502   DELUCA        109504   -2.3   SKYLARK                 112559       0.26

REPO             112564   5.0    JAVA               111531   -0.41   DELUX          110583   472   FRANKLIN      110550   -1.7   OVERDRIVE               106538       0.24

DEVILLE          110528   4.5    RAMBLER            110536   -0.34   SKYLARK        112559   392   GLOWING       112557   -0.2   GLOWING                 112557       0.23

GLOWING          112557   4.4    STRAVAGANZA        109544   -0.30   IDAHO          110508   391   PHONIC        112580   0.0    BRONX                   110524       0.21

RICHIE           112569   4.3    IDAHO              110508   -0.28   GLOWING        112557   385   BRAVE         111521   0.1    DUNSTAN                 111555       0.16

           CAPACITY                 OVERALL OPINION                      CRV ONCE-A-DAY              SHORT GESTATION              FACIAL ECZEMA                      FE
WILLOW           110580   1.15   AVALANCHE          112522   0.67    BRAVE          111521   119   GLOWING       112557   -9.4   BRIXTON*                        115520

PASCAL           110577   0.83   SAHARA             110541   0.63    REPLICA        112563   108   THADIUS       111508   -9.0   CASSIDY                         112554

SHADOW           108590   0.82   CELTIC             111558   0.57    DUNSTAN        111555   101   BRONX         110524   -8.7   TSUNAMI                         111620

BRONX            110524   0.77   DUNSTAN            111555   0.55    GLOWING        112557   83    DANNY         109789   -8.5   SKYLARK                         112559

DUNSTAN          111555   0.76   DAVINCI            108550   0.52    PHONIC         112580   77    UTU           105800   -8.3   ALADDIN                         112503

WYNSOR           109790   0.70   SKYLARK            112559   0.50    FULTON         112577   76    MEDAL         111543   -7.8   GLOWING                         112557

                                                                                                                                   * Indicates InSire bulls using Genomic data
TRALEE MINT AVALANCHE S3F                                                                                                                                                                        WYNSOR

                                                                                                                                          112522      MURITAI FIRENZE
                                                                                                                                                      MIDDLEVALE MINTE                                                                                                                       111521

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN
Breeder: Taffy Ltd                                                                                                                                    Breeder: D & J Dodds
                                                                                                                                             NZ                                          A1/A2
DOB: 21/08/2010                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                   PROVEN   DOB: 10/02/2010                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                    PROVEN

Breeding Indicators                                           92 dtrs, 21 herds                                                                       Breeding Indicators                                       106 dtrs, 34 herds

     NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                               NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
BV     236      179           78    252          19           3             8                                                                         BV     219      126           85    258          60           4           5
BA      85       35            -     74          55            -               -                                                                      BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -

Production                                                                                                                                            Production
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                        Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
BV        555         29           3.9          30      4.8                59                                                                         BV     1179           38           3.6          21      4.1              59
BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                40                                                                         BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40

Management & Health                                                                                                                                   Management & Health
 Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                    Daughter: #59 BA & TA Norris, Huntly                                Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   Daughter: #162 G & S Blackler Family Trust, Te Awamutu

BV     1.4 -0.04 0.33                     1.5            -4.1             -50                                                                         BV     -0.4 -0.14 -0.26                   0.1            -1.5            50

BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0             -14                                                                         BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14

Shed Traits            -0.5                0                             1.0       BV     BA                                                          Shed Traits            -0.5                0                           1.0        BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                                  QUICKLY 0.52        0.05                                                        Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.03         0.05

Shed Temperament                                                       LOVELY 0.49        0.04                                                        Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY -0.01        0.04

Milking Speed                                                            FAST 0.40        0.01                                                        Milking Speed                                                          FAST 0.18         0.01

Overall Opinion                                                    WELL-LIKED 0.67        0.17                                                        Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.17        0.17

Conformation                                                                       61 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                  Daughter: #212 BA & TA Norris, Huntly               Conformation                                                                       77 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Daughter: #547 G & S Blackler Family Trust, Te Awamutu

Stature                                                                  TALL 0.33        1.07                                                        Stature                                                                TALL 1.12         1.07

Capacity                                                            CAPACIOUS 0.21        0.12                                                        Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS 0.39         0.12

Rump Angle                                                            SLOPING -0.11       -0.02                                                       Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING       0.01   -0.02

Rump Width                                                               WIDE 0.33        0.42                                                        Rump Width                                                            WIDE 0.59          0.42

Legs                                                                  CURVED 0.00         -0.05                                                       Legs                                                                CURVED -0.03         -0.05

Udder Support                                                         STRONG 0.75         0.40                                                        Udder Support                                                       STRONG 0.94          0.40

Front Udder                                                           STRONG 0.43         0.25                                                        Front Udder                                                         STRONG 0.56          0.25

Rear Udder                                                            STRONG 0.81         0.33                                                        Rear Udder                                                          STRONG 1.07          0.33

Front Teat                                                              CLOSE -0.10       0.17    Tralee Mint Avalanche S3F                           Front Teat                                                            CLOSE 0.26         0.17    Middlevale Minte Brave

Rear Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.44        0.39                                                        Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 0.56         0.39

Udder Overall                                                       DESIRABLE 0.82        0.43                                                        Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 1.03         0.43

Dairy Conformation                                                  DESIRABLE 0.42        0.30                                                        Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.73         0.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CRV AMBREED
NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                      NZAEL 13/02/2016

                                                     TOP DECK KO PIERRE                                                                                                                                    TOP DECK KO PIERRE
 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION                               SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY                                                                             FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION                               SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY
 VALDEN FLUKE AMBERLY S2F                                                                                                                              MIDDLEVALE FAVOUR BEAUANN GP84
                                                     SRB NGAIO HUGO FLUKE                                                                                                                                  AURORA DONOR FAVOUR
                                                     VALDEN POSH AMBERLY-ET                                                                                                                                SRD MIDDLEVALE SKEL BEAU GP84
RIDGETOP MINT CELTIC S3F                                                                                                                                    BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F
                                                                                                                                                            111558                                                                                                                        LIMITED STOCK 109789

                    Breeder: Ridgetop Farms Ltd                                                                                                                                 Breeder: R & J Earl LTD
                                                                                                                                                                       NZ                                          A1/A2
                    DOB: 07/08/2010                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                         PROVEN   DOB: 12/08/2008                                      From: $15.00 - $25.00                                                                   PROVEN

                    Breeding Indicators                                        140 dtrs, 33 herds                                                                               Breeding Indicators                                            95 dtrs, 17 herds

                         NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                                     NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
                    BV     190      184           86    313          25           0           7                                                                                 BV     211      156           85    332          55            4             6
                    BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -                                                                             BA     85        35            -     74          55             -                -

                    Production                                                                                                                                                  Production
                      Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                              Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
                    BV        295         26           4.0          36      5.2              62                                                                                 BV        960         34           3.7          24       4.4                58
                    BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40                                                                                 BA        791         24           3.6          16       4.4                40

                    Management & Health                                                                                                                                         Management & Health
                     Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   Daughter: #496 R & C Sutherland, Hejlea Dairies Ltd, Balclutha             Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                      Daughter: #50 PJ Groenendijk, Cambridge

                    BV     2.1 -0.04 0.49                     3.5            -2.3             5                                                                                 BV     3.3 0.02 0.03                      1.1             -8.5              15

                    BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14                                                                                 BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3             -2.0             -14

                    Shed Traits            -0.5                0                            1.0       BV     BA                                                                 Shed Traits            -0.5                0                              1.0        BV     BA
                    Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.39          0.05                                                              Adaptability Milking                                                   QUICKLY 0.14         0.05

                    Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY 0.36          0.04                                                              Shed Temperament                                                        LOVELY 0.13         0.04

                    Milking Speed                                                          FAST       0.28    0.01                                                              Milking Speed                                                             FAST       0.34   0.01

                    Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.57         0.17                                                              Overall Opinion                                                     WELL-LIKED 0.36         0.17

                    Conformation                                                                      53 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                      Daughter: #517 Hejlea Dairies, Balclutha                  Conformation                                                                         62 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Daughter: #258 SF & DM Wellman, Te Awamutu

                    Stature                                                                TALL 0.62          1.07                                                              Stature                                                                   TALL 1.02         1.07

                    Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS 0.02          0.12                                                              Capacity                                                             CAPACIOUS 0.52         0.12

                    Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING -0.19        -0.02                                                              Rump Angle                                                             SLOPING       0.18   -0.02

                    Rump Width                                                             WIDE 0.52          0.42                                                              Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.34         0.42

                    Legs                                                                 CURVED -0.03        -0.05                                                              Legs                                                                   CURVED -0.18         -0.05

                    Udder Support                                                        STRONG 0.64          0.40                                                              Udder Support                                                          STRONG 0.30          0.40

                    Front Udder                                                          STRONG 0.55          0.25                                                              Front Udder                                                            STRONG 0.37          0.25

                    Rear Udder                                                           STRONG 0.70          0.33                                                              Rear Udder                                                             STRONG 0.17          0.33

                    Front Teat                                                            CLOSE -0.24         0.17    Ridgetop Mint Celtic S3F                                  Front Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.42         0.17    Bungay Oman Danny S3F

                    Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 0.01          0.39                                                              Rear Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.02         0.39

                    Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 0.63          0.43                                                              Udder Overall                                                        DESIRABLE 0.36         0.43

                    Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.25          0.30                                                              Dairy Conformation                                                   DESIRABLE 0.43         0.30

                    NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                            NZAEL 13/02/2016

                                                                         TOP DECK KO PIERRE                                                                                                                                          HA-HO CUBBY MANFRED-ET
                     FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION                               SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY                                                                                   O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET                            MEIER-MEADOWS EL JEZEBEL ET EX92 GMD DOM
                     RIDGETOP SKNIFE KARRA S2F VG86 7*ET SP                                                                                                                      BUNGAY PIERRE DANETTE S2F GP84
                                                                         SRC SHARPES SLICK KNIFE                                                                                                                                     TOP DECK KO PIERRE
                                                                         RIDGETOP 01-5-RR S1F                                                                                                                                        BUNGAY DONOR DANA S1F VG85
VALDEN DANNY DAVID -ET                                                                                                      LORNLACE EBO DRIFTWOOD

                        S3F                                                                                        115516                                                                                                                   114538

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN
Breeder: Valden Stud                                                                                                        Breeder: Ash Farm Ltd
DOB: 10/07/2014                    A1/A2             From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                  DOB: 18/02/2013                    A2/A2             From: $13.75 - $22.00

Breeding Indicators                                               0 dtrs, 0 herds                                           Breeding Indicators                                               0 dtrs, 0 herds

  gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                           gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
BV     256      245           43    372          37           3               8                                             BV     249      206           47    344          40           1               6
BA      85       35            -     74          55           -                   -                                         BA      85       35            -     74          55           -                   -

Production                                                                                                                  Production
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                              Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
BV     1179           41           3.5          24      4.0                  65                                             BV        986         40           3.7          16      4.0                  56
BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                  40                                             BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                  40

Management & Health                                                                                                         Management & Health
 Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                        Valden Danny David-ET S3F             Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                        Lornlace EBO Driftwood

BV     2.3 -0.01 -0.20                    2.2            -1.9               111                                             BV     -1.1 -0.05 0.13                    3.4            -1.0               158

BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0               -14                                             BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0               -14

Shed Traits            -0.5                0                               1.0        BV     BA                             Shed Traits            -0.5                0                               1.0        BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY -0.02        0.05                           Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY 0.09         0.05

Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY -0.04        0.04                           Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY 0.06         0.04

Milking Speed                                                              FAST       0.19   0.01                           Milking Speed                                                              FAST       0.22   0.01

Overall Opinion                                                      WELL-LIKED 0.21         0.17                           Overall Opinion                                                      WELL-LIKED 0.39         0.17

Conformation                                                                           0 dtrs TOP                           Conformation                                                                           0 dtrs TOP

Stature                                                                    TALL 0.78         1.07                           Stature                                                                    TALL 0.84         1.07

Capacity                                                              CAPACIOUS 0.26         0.12                           Capacity                                                              CAPACIOUS 0.19         0.12

Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING -0.02        -0.02                          Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING -0.08        -0.02

Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.52          0.42                           Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.46          0.42

Legs                                                                    CURVED -0.07         -0.05                          Legs                                                                    CURVED 0.06          -0.05

Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.41          0.40                           Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.62          0.40

Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.41          0.25                           Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.36          0.25

Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.31          0.33                           Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.72          0.33

Front Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.41         0.17                           Front Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.29         0.17

Rear Teat                                                                 CLOSE 0.24         0.39                           Rear Teat                                                                 CLOSE 0.39         0.39

Udder Overall                                                         DESIRABLE       0.49   0.43                           Udder Overall                                                         DESIRABLE       0.81   0.43

Dairy Conformation                                                    DESIRABLE 0.31         0.30                           Dairy Conformation                                                    DESIRABLE 0.33         0.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CRV AMBREED
CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016                                                                               CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016

                                                     O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET                                                                                                    SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET
 BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F                               BUNGAY PIERRE DANETTE S2F GP84                                          EDWARDS BANQ OVATION S3F                            EDWARDS H OLIVIA-RR S2F GP84
 VALDEN OVATION DIXIE S3F GP83                                                                                               LORNLACE MINT DEVA-ET VG87
                                                     EDWARDS BANQ OVATION S3F                                                                                                    FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION
                                                     VALDEN RUSH DIXIE-RR S2F GP83                                                                                               LORNLACE EXTASY DIMPLE VG88 6*ET
                                                               WYNSOR                                                                                                           PARKDALE HRS FEDERAL S2F
                    MURITAI FIRENZE
                    LORNLACE RUPERT                                                                                                                             111555                                                                                                                            115575

                    Breeder: Ash Farm Ltd                                                                                                                                       Breeder: Parkdale Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                       NZ                                          A2/A2
                    DOB: 15/03/2010                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                         PROVEN   DOB: 09/09/2014                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00

                    Breeding Indicators                                           111 dtrs, 31 herds                                                                            Breeding Indicators                                               0 dtrs, 0 herds

                         NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                                  gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
                    BV     196      98            84    270          60            6             5                                                                              BV     266      219           42    181          42           1               6
                    BA      85      35             -     74          55             -                -                                                                          BA      85       35            -     74          55           -                   -

                    Production                                                                                                                                                  Production
                      Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                              Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
                    BV     1270           32           3.5          15      4.0                 47                                                                              BV     1493           47           3.5          44      4.0                  91
                    BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                 40                                                                              BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                  40

                    Management & Health                                                                                                                                         Management & Health
                     Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                      Daughter: #420 V & J Ralph, Morrinsville                                Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                        Parkdale Hrs Federal S2F

                    BV     -0.5 0.16 -0.44                    0.5            -6.9               16                                                                              BV     -1.6 -0.07 0.04                    2.8            -0.2              -140

                    BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0              -14                                                                              BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0               -14

                    Shed Traits            -0.5                0                              1.0        BV     BA                                                              Shed Traits            -0.5                0                               1.0        BV     BA
                    Adaptability Milking                                                   QUICKLY 0.40          0.05                                                           Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY 0.17          0.05

                    Shed Temperament                                                        LOVELY 0.40          0.04                                                           Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY 0.16          0.04

                    Milking Speed                                                             FAST       0.23    0.01                                                           Milking Speed                                                              FAST       0.10    0.01

                    Overall Opinion                                                     WELL-LIKED 0.55          0.17                                                           Overall Opinion                                                      WELL-LIKED 0.27          0.17

                    Conformation                                                                          61 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                         Daughter: #65 Stewart & Bilby, Morrinsville            Conformation                                                                           0 dtrs TOP

                    Stature                                                                   TALL 0.90          1.07                                                           Stature                                                                    TALL 0.73          1.07

                    Capacity                                                             CAPACIOUS 0.76          0.12                                                           Capacity                                                              CAPACIOUS 0.34          0.12

                    Rump Angle                                                             SLOPING -0.15        -0.02                                                           Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING       0.12   -0.02

                    Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.26          0.42                                                           Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.48           0.42

                    Legs                                                                   CURVED 0.06          -0.05                                                           Legs                                                                    CURVED -0.18         -0.05

                    Udder Support                                                          STRONG 0.72           0.40                                                           Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.47           0.40

                    Front Udder                                                            STRONG 0.31           0.25                                                           Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.42           0.25

                    Rear Udder                                                             STRONG 0.71           0.33                                                           Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.53           0.33

                    Front Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.25          0.17    Lornlace Rupert Dunstan                                Front Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.06          0.17

                    Rear Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.48          0.39                                                           Rear Teat                                                                 CLOSE 0.19          0.39

                    Udder Overall                                                        DESIRABLE       0.74    0.43                                                           Udder Overall                                                         DESIRABLE       0.58    0.43

                    Dairy Conformation                                                   DESIRABLE 0.74          0.30                                                           Dairy Conformation                                                    DESIRABLE 0.48          0.30

                    NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                            CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016

                                                                         JOCKO BESNE                                                                                                                                                 ROUMARE
                     DOMINO JOCKO RUPERT S3F                             DOMINO HARDTAC RUBY S2F VG86                                                                            HSS R STRAVAGANZA S2F                               HALLS PIERRE SHARON S1F GP84
                     LORNLACE DLESS DEIRDRE GP82                                                                                                                                 PARKDALE FIRE FLOWER S2F
                                                                         MACFARLANES DAUNTLESS                                                                                                                                       TELESIS EUON FIRENZE
                                                                         LORNLACE EXTASY DIMPLE VG88 6*ET                                                                                                                            PARKDALE PIE FLOSSIE S1F
                                 WYNSOR                                                                                                                AMBZED POWELLS FULTON S2F

      OMAN                                                                                                                            110550                                                                                                                                                      112577

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN
Breeder: Maire Farm No2                                                                                                                                Breeder: MJ & C Powell Family Trust
                                                                                                                                              NZ                                          A1/A2
DOB: 18/07/2009                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                    PROVEN   DOB: 20/07/2011                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                    PROVEN

Breeding Indicators                                            99 dtrs, 45 herds                                                                       Breeding Indicators                                           34 dtrs, 10 herds

     NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                                NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
BV     233      159           85    335          64            3             7                                                                         BV     275      210           64    337          12           3             8
BA      85       35            -     74          55             -               -                                                                      BA      85       35            -     74          55            -                -

Production                                                                                                                                             Production
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                         Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
BV     1533           46           3.5          22       3.9                68                                                                         BV        935         35           3.7          22      4.3                57
BA        791         24           3.6          16       4.4                40                                                                         BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                40

Management & Health                                                                                                                                    Management & Health
 Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     Daughter: Tronnoco Frank Reta S3F GP84, TJ & KA O'Connor, Timaru    Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     Daughter: #105 Hamilton Lands, Taupiri

BV     0.5 0.07 0.13                     -1.7              0.7              13                                                                         BV     0.6 0.07 -0.12                     3.6            -1.8             -25

BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3             -2.0             -14                                                                         BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0             -14

Shed Traits            -0.5                0                              1.0       BV    BA                                                           Shed Traits            -0.5                0                             1.0        BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                                   QUICKLY 0.03        0.05                                                        Adaptability Milking                                                  QUICKLY 0.10         0.05

Shed Temperament                                                        LOVELY 0.07        0.04                                                        Shed Temperament                                                       LOVELY 0.08         0.04

Milking Speed                                                             FAST -0.13       0.01                                                        Milking Speed                                                            FAST       0.36   0.01

Overall Opinion                                                     WELL-LIKED 0.17        0.17                                                        Overall Opinion                                                    WELL-LIKED 0.32         0.17

Conformation                                                                        38 dtrs TOP                                                        Conformation                                                                         31 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Daughter: #193 BA & TA Norris, Huntly
                                                                                                  Daughter: #352 TJ & KA O'Connor, Timaru
Stature                                                                   TALL 1.14        1.07                                                        Stature                                                                  TALL 0.10         1.07

Capacity                                                             CAPACIOUS 0.41        0.12                                                        Capacity                                                            CAPACIOUS 0.61         0.12

Rump Angle                                                             SLOPING -0.05      -0.02                                                        Rump Angle                                                            SLOPING -0.23        -0.02

Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.34        0.42                                                        Rump Width                                                               WIDE 0.28         0.42

Legs                                                                   CURVED -0.22       -0.05                                                        Legs                                                                  CURVED -0.01         -0.05

Udder Support                                                          STRONG 0.41         0.40                                                        Udder Support                                                         STRONG 0.63          0.40

Front Udder                                                            STRONG -0.01        0.25                                                        Front Udder                                                           STRONG 0.47          0.25

Rear Udder                                                             STRONG 0.17         0.33                                                        Rear Udder                                                            STRONG 0.64          0.33

Front Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.32        0.17   Maire Oman Franklin                                  Front Teat                                                              CLOSE 0.15         0.17    Ambzed Powells Fulton S2F

Rear Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.48        0.39                                                        Rear Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.41         0.39

Udder Overall                                                        DESIRABLE 0.28        0.43                                                        Udder Overall                                                       DESIRABLE 0.79         0.43

Dairy Conformation                                                   DESIRABLE 0.48        0.30                                                        Dairy Conformation                                                  DESIRABLE 0.59         0.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CRV AMBREED
NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                       NZAEL 13/02/2016

                                                     HA-HO CUBBY MANFRED-ET                                                                                                                                 GLENMEAD FR RENEGADE
 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET                            MEIER-MEADOWS EL JEZEBEL-ET EX92 GMD DOM                                                           THOMPSONS GR FLAME-ET S2F                           THOMPSONS HUGO FLORET S1F VG85
 MAIRE BANQ FAMOUS-ET S3F VG85                                                                                                                          JQVN-07-110
                                                     SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET                                                                                                                               VALDEN HI APPLAUSE-ET S2F
                                                     SRD MAIRE PALADIUM FLIPS                                                                                                                               JQVN-04-3
RANGEVIEW MPG GLOWING S2F                                                                                                        DROMARD PROXY IDAHO S3F
26                                                                                         Glowing
                                                                                                                                         112557                                                                                                                                            110508

                    Breeder: LS & KA Phipps                                                                                                          Breeder: SO & KL Lannon
                                                                                                                                    FE     NZ                                           A2/A2
                    DOB: 06/08/2011                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                              PROVEN   DOB: 19/07/2009                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                    PROVEN

                    Breeding Indicators                                           62 dtrs, 16 herds                                                  Breeding Indicators                                       171 dtrs, 54 herds

                         NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                          NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
                    BV     219      179           73    385          57           5             8                                                    BV     209      201           90    391          27           1           7
                    BA      85       35            -     74          55            -                -                                                BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -

                    Production                                                                                                                       Production
                      Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                   Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
                    BV     1361           37           3.5          34      4.2                72                                                    BV        889         35           3.8          14      4.2              49
                    BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                40                                                    BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40

                    Management & Health                                                                                                              Management & Health
                     Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     Rangeview MPG Glowing S2F                     Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   Daughter: #340 D & P Parfitt, North Farms, Thames

                    BV     4.4 0.23 -0.08                    -0.2            -9.4             -90                                                    BV     3.8 -0.06 -0.28                    3.1            -5.2            71

                    BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0             -14                                                    BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14

                    Shed Traits            -0.5                0                             1.0        BV     BA                                    Shed Traits            -0.5                0                           1.0        BV     BA
                    Adaptability Milking                                                  QUICKLY 0.15         0.05                                  Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.02         0.05

                    Shed Temperament                                                       LOVELY 0.17         0.04                                  Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY -0.01        0.04

                    Milking Speed                                                            FAST       0.00   0.01                                  Milking Speed                                                          FAST       0.20   0.01

                    Overall Opinion                                                    WELL-LIKED 0.34         0.17                                  Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.25        0.17

                    Conformation                                                                        46 dtrs TOP                                  Conformation                                                                      82 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Daughter: #129 SO & KL Lannon Ltd, Tokoroa

                    Stature                                                                  TALL 0.97         1.07                                  Stature                                                                TALL 0.42         1.07

                    Capacity                                                            CAPACIOUS 0.47         0.12                                  Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS -0.12        0.12

                    Rump Angle                                                            SLOPING -0.03        -0.02                                 Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING -0.47        -0.02

                    Rump Width                                                               WIDE 0.87         0.42                                  Rump Width                                                            WIDE 0.68          0.42

                    Legs                                                                  CURVED 0.11          -0.05                                 Legs                                                                CURVED -0.13         -0.05

                    Udder Support                                                         STRONG 0.39          0.40                                  Udder Support                                                       STRONG 0.39          0.40

                    Front Udder                                                           STRONG 0.44          0.25                                  Front Udder                                                         STRONG 0.40          0.25

                    Rear Udder                                                            STRONG 0.62          0.33                                  Rear Udder                                                          STRONG 0.15          0.33

                    Front Teat                                                              CLOSE 0.06         0.17                                  Front Teat                                                            CLOSE 0.14         0.17    Dromard Proxy Idaho S3F

                    Rear Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.03         0.39                                  Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 0.41         0.39

                    Udder Overall                                                       DESIRABLE 0.45         0.43                                  Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 0.45         0.43

                    Dairy Conformation                                                  DESIRABLE 0.46         0.30                                  Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.18         0.30

                    NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                 NZAEL 13/02/2016

                                                                         TOP DECK KO PIERRE                                                                                                               MACFARLANES DAUNTLESS
                     MAIRE PIERRE GUARANTEE-ET                           SRD LAKESIDE PG GLORIA-ET VG85                                               BRKEL DAUNTLESS PROXY S3F                           SRC RIVENDELL PAL AMANDA VG86
                     RANGEVIEW OMAN GLOTA S1F VG85                                                                                                    DROMARD FIRENZE IREEN S2F GP83
                                                                         O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET                                                                                                         TELESIS EUON FIRENZE
                                                                         MEADOWLANDS WME GLOTA S0F GP84                                                                                                   DROMARD URSINA-RR S1F GP84
MARCHEL FIRE MACCA -S2F                                                                                                                                  ALJO TEF MAELSTROM -ET

                    OC S2F                                                                                                           108818                                  S3FS3F                                                                                                            109502

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN
Breeder: MS & MS Kane                                                                                                                                    Breeder: Megaw Farms Ltd
                                                                                                                                             NZ                                             A1/A1
DOB: 24/08/2007                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                   PROVEN      DOB: 21/09/2008                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                  PROVEN

Breeding Indicators                                     4,862 dtrs, 777 herds                                                                            Breeding Indicators                                        125 dtrs, 40 herds

     NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                                  NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
BV     236      165           99    228          61           4           5                                                                              BV     267      227           89    312          42           1           8
BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -                                                                          BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -

Production                                                                                                                                               Production
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                           Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
BV        955         38           3.8          28      4.4              66                                                                              BV        997         42           3.8          31      4.5              73
BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40                                                                              BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40

Management & Health                                                                                                                                      Management & Health
 Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                    Daughter: Marchel Macca Minx S3F GP83, MS & MS Kane, Thames             Fertility     BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   Daughter: #449 Aljo Maelstrom Ronnie S0F, Megaw Farms, Tapanu

BV     2.3 -0.05 -0.23                    1.2            -2.5          -103                                                                              BV     2.6      0.11 -0.03                3.3            -0.5          -141

BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14                                                                              BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14

Shed Traits            -0.5                0                            1.0        BV     BA                                                             Shed Traits            -0.5                0                            1.0       BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.12          0.05                                                           Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.01         0.05

Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY 0.08          0.04                                                           Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY -0.02        0.04

Milking Speed                                                          FAST       0.00    0.01                                                           Milking Speed                                                          FAST -0.02        0.01

Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.18         0.17                                                           Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.13        0.17

Conformation                                                                      205 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                 Daughter: Marchel Macca Eva 52f, MS & MS Kane, Thames   Conformation                                                                      87 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Daughter: #40 Megaw Farms, Tapanui

Stature                                                                TALL 1.24          1.07                                                           Stature                                                                TALL 0.69         1.07

Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS 0.28          0.12                                                           Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS 0.36         0.12

Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING       0.21   -0.02                                                           Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING       0.00   -0.02

Rump Width                                                             WIDE 0.64          0.42                                                           Rump Width                                                             WIDE 0.37         0.42

Legs                                                                 CURVED -0.16        -0.05                                                           Legs                                                                 CURVED -0.20        -0.05

Udder Support                                                        STRONG 0.99          0.40                                                           Udder Support                                                        STRONG 0.60         0.40

Front Udder                                                          STRONG 0.79          0.25                                                           Front Udder                                                          STRONG 0.73         0.25

Rear Udder                                                           STRONG 1.06          0.33                                                           Rear Udder                                                           STRONG 0.42         0.33

Front Teat                                                            CLOSE 0.30          0.17   Marchel Fire Macca-OC S2F                               Front Teat                                                            CLOSE 0.33         0.17    Aljo Tef Maelstrom-ET S3F

Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 0.43          0.39                                                           Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 0.66         0.39

Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 1.07          0.43                                                           Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 0.67         0.43

Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.68          0.30                                                           Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.66         0.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CRV AMBREED
NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                         NZAEL 13/02/2016, small calf carrier

                                                     HIBI FATAL EUON-ET                                                                                                                                       HIBI FATAL EUON-ET
 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE                                TELESIS ELLIOT FAME GP83                                                                              TELESIS EUON FIRENZE                               TELESIS ELLIOT FAME GP83
 MARCHEL SKEL JORJA-OC S1F GP82                                                                                                                            ALJO PIERRE MARILYN S2F VG89
                                                     SRC HIBI SECRET SKELTON                                                                                                                                  TOP DECK KO PIERRE
                                                     MARCHEL KAI JEMMA S0F                                                                                                                                    ALJO 00-88 S1F
AMBZED BALLS OAKLEY S1F                                                                                                                             HSS FORMAT PASCAL -ET
                                                                                                                           LIMITED STOCK                    110521                         -ET                                                                                                                 110577

                    Breeder: Dennley Farms Ltd                                                                                                                          Breeder: HSS Genetics Ltd
                                                                                                                                                              NZ                                           A1/A2
                    DOB: 27/07/2009                                      From: $15.00 - $25.00                                                                 PROVEN   DOB: 12/02/2009                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                      PROVEN

                    Breeding Indicators                                      529 dtrs, 150 herds                                                                        Breeding Indicators                                      379 dtrs, 102 herds

                         NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                             NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
                    BV     232      191           94    503          85           4           7                                                                         BV     225      143           92    253          61           5           6
                    BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -                                                                     BA      85       35            -     74          55           -               -

                    Production                                                                                                                                          Production
                      Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                      Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
                    BV     1415           45           3.6          36      4.2              81                                                                         BV     1230           36           3.6          25      4.2              61
                    BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40                                                                         BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4              40

                    Management & Health                                                                                                                                 Management & Health
                     Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   Daughter: #54 SB & JA Bertling, Mercer                             Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                   Daughter: #187 SB & JA Bertling, Mercer

                    BV     3.5 0.05       0.11                2.3            -0.5          100                                                                          BV     3.1 0.09 -0.28                     2.1            -7.8          -108

                    BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14                                                                         BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0           -14

                    Shed Traits            -0.5                0                           1.0        BV     BA                                                         Shed Traits            -0.5                0                           1.0        BV     BA
                    Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.02         0.05                                                       Adaptability Milking                                                QUICKLY 0.01         0.05

                    Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY -0.08        0.04                                                       Shed Temperament                                                     LOVELY 0.00         0.04

                    Milking Speed                                                          FAST       0.31   0.01                                                       Milking Speed                                                          FAST -0.04        0.01

                    Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.25        0.17                                                       Overall Opinion                                                   WELL-LIKED 0.32        0.17

                    Conformation                                                                      70 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                     Daughter: #113 GJ Berry, Franz Josef               Conformation                                                                       77 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Daughter: Mill-Ridge Format Zen S0F, B Fullerton, Ohaupo

                    Stature                                                                TALL 1.43         1.07                                                       Stature                                                                TALL 0.98         1.07

                    Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS 0.26         0.12                                                       Capacity                                                          CAPACIOUS 0.83         0.12

                    Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING -0.18        -0.02                                                      Rump Angle                                                          SLOPING       0.17   -0.02

                    Rump Width                                                            WIDE 0.61          0.42                                                       Rump Width                                                            WIDE 0.34          0.42

                    Legs                                                                CURVED 0.01          -0.05                                                      Legs                                                                CURVED 0.05          -0.05

                    Udder Support                                                       STRONG 0.77          0.40                                                       Udder Support                                                       STRONG 0.46          0.40

                    Front Udder                                                         STRONG 0.54          0.25                                                       Front Udder                                                         STRONG 0.23          0.25

                    Rear Udder                                                          STRONG 0.74          0.33                                                       Rear Udder                                                          STRONG 0.23          0.33

                    Front Teat                                                            CLOSE 0.16         0.17    Ambzed Balls Oakley S1F                            Front Teat                                                            CLOSE 0.57         0.17    Hss Format Pascal-ET

                    Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 0.27         0.39                                                       Rear Teat                                                             CLOSE 1.03         0.39

                    Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 0.90         0.43                                                       Udder Overall                                                     DESIRABLE 0.47         0.43

                    Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.52         0.30                                                       Dairy Conformation                                                DESIRABLE 0.73         0.30

                    NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                    NZAEL 13/02/2016

                                                                         HAZAEL EMINENCE DANO-ET                                                                                                                             WHINLEA MAGLEY EXTASY
                     PUKETIRO FROSTMAN S1F                               PUKETIRO FRANCESCA S0F                                                                          HIGGINS FORMAT                                      HIGGINS PAL HEAVEN VG86
                     BALLS PIERRE OLIVIA S0F                                                                                                                             HALLS JUSTICE PAM-ET GP84
                                                                         TOP DECK KO PIERRE                                                                                                                                  O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET
                                                                         HXDP-02-1                                                                                                                                           HOLIM NLD KNOCKOUT PAM-ET VG85
ROYSON JUSTICE PHONIC S2F                                                                                                                   RIDGETOP WYNSOR PLAYWRITE

                                                                                                                                112580                                                                                                                         115541

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN
Breeder: Royson Farms Ltd                                                                                                                   Breeder: Ridgetop Farms Ltd
                                                                                                                                  NZ                                           A1/A2
DOB: 12/08/2011                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                         PROVEN   DOB: 03/09/2014                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00

Breeding Indicators                                           46 dtrs, 16 herds                                                             Breeding Indicators                                               0 dtrs, 0 herds

     NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                  gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
BV     240      210           68    375          28           6             8                                                               BV     250      222           43    275          43           3               6
BA      85       35            -     74          55            -                -                                                           BA      85       35            -     74          55           -                   -

Production                                                                                                                                  Production
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                              Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
BV        886         32           3.7          32      4.6                64                                                               BV        903         38           3.7          26      4.1                  65
BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                40                                                               BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                  40

Management & Health                                                                                                                         Management & Health
  Fertility     BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     Daughter: #366 EE & KL Lambert, Whakatane                Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                        Ridgetop Wynsor Playwrite

BV     3.5 0.05 -0.28                     0.0            -0.6             -45                                                               BV     1.3 0.06 -0.09                     3.1            -2.1                40

BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0             -14                                                               BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0               -14

Shed Traits            -0.5                0                             1.0        BV     BA                                               Shed Traits            -0.5                0                               1.0        BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                                  QUICKLY 0.00         0.05                                             Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY 0.08          0.05

Shed Temperament                                                       LOVELY 0.01         0.04                                             Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY 0.07          0.04

Milking Speed                                                            FAST       0.14   0.01                                             Milking Speed                                                              FAST       0.08    0.01

Overall Opinion                                                    WELL-LIKED 0.14         0.17                                             Overall Opinion                                                      WELL-LIKED 0.26          0.17

Conformation                                                                         31 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                   Royson Justice Phonic S2F                Conformation                                                                           0 dtrs TOP

Stature                                                                  TALL 0.60         1.07                                             Stature                                                                    TALL 0.86          1.07

Capacity                                                            CAPACIOUS 0.39         0.12                                             Capacity                                                              CAPACIOUS 0.40          0.12

Rump Angle                                                            SLOPING       0.03   -0.02                                            Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING       0.26   -0.02

Rump Width                                                               WIDE 0.51         0.42                                             Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.44           0.42

Legs                                                                  CURVED 0.12          -0.05                                            Legs                                                                    CURVED -0.12         -0.05

Udder Support                                                         STRONG 0.69          0.40                                             Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.62           0.40

Front Udder                                                           STRONG 0.43          0.25                                             Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.51           0.25

Rear Udder                                                            STRONG 0.44          0.33                                             Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.57           0.33

Front Teat                                                              CLOSE 0.37         0.17                                             Front Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.10          0.17

Rear Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.33         0.39                                             Rear Teat                                                                 CLOSE 0.32          0.39

Udder Overall                                                       DESIRABLE       0.74   0.43                                             Udder Overall                                                         DESIRABLE       0.57    0.43

Dairy Conformation                                                  DESIRABLE 0.47         0.30                                             Dairy Conformation                                                    DESIRABLE 0.47          0.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CRV AMBREED
NZAEL 13/02/2016, small calf carrier                                                                                                        CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016

                                                     SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET                                                                                                                    TELESIS EUON FIRENZE
  ARONAMEE JB JUSTICE                                ARONAMEE B T JENNA                                                                      MURITAI FIRENZE WYNSOR                              MURITAI DESTINY WILLOW VG86
  ROYSON FROST PEONY-ET S1F VG85                                                                                                             RIDGETOP MINT PACEY GP84
                                                     PUKETIRO FROSTMAN S1F                                                                                                                       FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION
                                                     ROYSON HSS PRISCILLA S1F EX                                                                                                                 RIDGETOP 03-22-RR S3F
                    HILLSVIEW LAD PULSAR -ET
                                          -ET                                                                                      115509

                                                                                                                                            Breeder: Meander Holsteins
                    Breeder: GE & KM Coxon
                                                                                                                                            DOB: 06/08/2014                    A1/A1             From: $13.75 - $22.00
                    DOB: 07/07/2014                    A1/A2             From: $13.75 - $22.00
                                                                                                                                            Breeding Indicators                                               0 dtrs, 0 herds
                    Breeding Indicators                                               0 dtrs, 0 herds
                                                                                                                                              gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
                      gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
                                                                                                                                            BV     257      257           45    269          49           0               8
                    BV     266      250           44    264          18           1               9                                         BA      85       35            -     74          55           -                   -
                    BA      85       35            -     74          55           -                  -
                    Production                                                                                                                Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
                      Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
                                                                                                                                            BV     1087           44           3.6          54      4.5                  98
                    BV        975         40           3.7          27      4.2                  67
                                                                                                                                            BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                  40
                    BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                  40
                                                                                                                                            Management & Health
                    Management & Health                                                                                                      Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                        Meander Max Rematch S2F
                     Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                      Hillsview Lad Pulsar-ET
                                                                                                                                            BV     -0.3 -0.15 0.12                    2.6            -1.9               -62
                    BV     1.3 -0.02 0.36                     2.8            -5.7                24
                                                                                                                                            BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0               -14
                    BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3            -2.0               -14

                                                                                                                                            Shed Traits            -0.5                0                               1.0        BV     BA
                    Shed Traits            -0.5                0                               1.0       BV     BA
                                                                                                                                            Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY 0.02         0.05
                    Adaptability Milking                                                    QUICKLY 0.24        0.05
                                                                                                                                            Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY 0.01         0.04
                    Shed Temperament                                                         LOVELY 0.22        0.04
                                                                                                                                            Milking Speed                                                              FAST -0.04        0.01
                    Milking Speed                                                              FAST 0.22        0.01
                                                                                                                                            Overall Opinion                                                      WELL-LIKED 0.23         0.17
                    Overall Opinion                                                      WELL-LIKED 0.43        0.17
                                                                                                                                            Conformation                                                                           0 dtrs TOP
                    Conformation                                                                         0 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                            Stature                                                                    TALL 1.07         1.07
                    Stature                                                                    TALL 0.31        1.07
                                                                                                                                            Capacity                                                              CAPACIOUS 0.24         0.12
                    Capacity                                                              CAPACIOUS 0.24        0.12
                                                                                                                                            Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING       0.23   -0.02
                    Rump Angle                                                              SLOPING -0.05      -0.02
                                                                                                                                            Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.62          0.42
                    Rump Width                                                                WIDE 0.21         0.42
                                                                                                                                            Legs                                                                    CURVED -0.12         -0.05
                    Legs                                                                    CURVED 0.08        -0.05
                                                                                                                                            Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.33          0.40
                    Udder Support                                                           STRONG 0.35         0.40
                                                                                                                                            Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.31          0.25
                    Front Udder                                                             STRONG 0.26         0.25
                                                                                                                                            Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.25          0.33
                    Rear Udder                                                              STRONG 0.27         0.33
                                                                                                                                            Front Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.21         0.17
                    Front Teat                                                                CLOSE 0.37        0.17
                                                                                                                                            Rear Teat                                                                 CLOSE 0.31         0.39
                    Rear Teat                                                                 CLOSE 0.74        0.39
                                                                                                                                            Udder Overall                                                         DESIRABLE       0.55   0.43
                    Udder Overall                                                         DESIRABLE 0.38        0.43
                                                                                                                                            Dairy Conformation                                                    DESIRABLE 0.43         0.30

                    Dairy Conformation                                                    DESIRABLE 0.31        0.30
                                                                                                                                            CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016
                    CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE
                                                                         VALDEN HI APPLAUSE-ET S2F                                                                                               WOODCOTE DAVE MEL GP84 19*ET
                                                                                                                                             WOODCOTE TF MAXIMISER
                     LORNLACE VHA DUMPLING S3F                           LORNLACE EXTASY DIMPLE VG88 6*ET
                                                                                                                                             MEANDER FMI APRIL S1F
                     HILLSVIEW MINT PIE GP83                                                                                                                                                     FARSIDE M ILLUSTRIOUS S3F
                                                                         FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION                                                                                                   MEANDER 08-153 S0F VG88
                                                                         HILLSVIEW FIRE PURE GP83
TRALEE BE REPLICA S2F                                                                                                                                    BUSY BROOK ME REPO -ET

                                                                                                                                     112563                                  S3FS3F                                                                                                             112564

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN
Breeder: Taffy Ltd                                                                                                                                       Breeder: Henley Farming Farming Company Ltd
                                                                                                                                            NZ                                              A2/A2
DOB: 19/09/2009                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                      PROVEN   DOB: 03/05/2011                                      From: $13.75 - $22.00                                                                   PROVEN

Breeding Indicators                                           62 dtrs, 19 herds                                                                          Breeding Indicators                                           81 dtrs, 20 herds

     NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency                                                                                                  NZMI       BW    BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency
BV     213      231           74    382          -8           2            11                                                                            BV     229      214           78    335          35           3             7
BA      85       35            -     74          55            -                -                                                                        BA      85       35            -     74          55            -                -

Production                                                                                                                                               Production
  Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)                                                                                           Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg)
BV        914         30           3.7          33      4.6                63                                                                            BV        860         35           3.8          30      4.6                65
BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                40                                                                            BA        791         24           3.6          16      4.4                40

Management & Health                                                                                                                                      Management & Health
 Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     Daughter: #404 MJ & VL Tillemnans, Atiamuri                           Fertility      BCS   SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival                     Daughter: #197 Mcnaull Farming Co, Rotorua

BV     0.7 -0.04 -0.60                    0.4             0.5             -22                                                                            BV     5.0 0.16 0.09                      1.9             -3.9           -130

BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3             -2.0            -14                                                                            BA     -1.6 -0.06 0.02                    2.3             -2.0            -14

Shed Traits            -0.5                0                             1.0        BV     BA                                                            Shed Traits            -0.5                0                             1.0        BV     BA
Adaptability Milking                                                  QUICKLY -0.03        0.05                                                          Adaptability Milking                                                  QUICKLY 0.13         0.05

Shed Temperament                                                       LOVELY -0.04        0.04                                                          Shed Temperament                                                       LOVELY 0.07         0.04

Milking Speed                                                            FAST       0.19   0.01                                                          Milking Speed                                                            FAST       0.28   0.01

Overall Opinion                                                    WELL-LIKED 0.16         0.17                                                          Overall Opinion                                                    WELL-LIKED 0.26         0.17

Conformation                                                                        30 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                   Daughter: #95 TH & SM Brophy, New Plymouth            Conformation                                                                        68 dtrs TOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Daughter: #414 M & D Polyblank, Reporoa

Stature                                                                  TALL 0.02         1.07                                                          Stature                                                                  TALL 0.59         1.07

Capacity                                                            CAPACIOUS -0.25        0.12                                                          Capacity                                                            CAPACIOUS 0.08         0.12

Rump Angle                                                            SLOPING -0.54        -0.02                                                         Rump Angle                                                            SLOPING       0.03   -0.02

Rump Width                                                               WIDE -0.15        0.42                                                          Rump Width                                                               WIDE 0.09         0.42

Legs                                                                  CURVED 0.01          -0.05                                                         Legs                                                                  CURVED 0.14          -0.05

Udder Support                                                         STRONG 0.40          0.40                                                          Udder Support                                                         STRONG 0.49          0.40

Front Udder                                                           STRONG 0.32          0.25                                                          Front Udder                                                           STRONG 0.55          0.25

Rear Udder                                                            STRONG 0.25          0.33                                                          Rear Udder                                                            STRONG 0.33          0.33

Front Teat                                                              CLOSE -0.06        0.17    Tralee Be Replica S2F                                 Front Teat                                                              CLOSE -0.05        0.17    Busy Brook Me Repo-ET S3F

Rear Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.08         0.39                                                          Rear Teat                                                               CLOSE 0.14         0.39

Udder Overall                                                       DESIRABLE 0.58         0.43                                                          Udder Overall                                                       DESIRABLE 0.59         0.43

Dairy Conformation                                                  DESIRABLE -0.22        0.30                                                          Dairy Conformation                                                  DESIRABLE 0.21         0.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CRV AMBREED
NZAEL 13/02/2016                                                                                                                                         NZAEL 13/02/2016

                                                     WHINLEA MAGLEY EXTASY                                                                                                                                    TOP DECK KO PIERRE
 BUCHANANS EARLYTIME S2F                             KILBARCHAN ALDO ELLE S1F                                                                             FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION                               SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY
 BUSY BROOK H RAVA-ET S3F VG86 7*ET SP                                                                                                                    BUSY BROOK F RAVE-ET S2F
                                                     GLENMEAD R E HOLIDAY-ET                                                                                                                                  THOMPSONS GR FAITH-ET S2F
                                                     BUSY BROOK GERIS RAVE S2F VG85 7*ET                                                                                                                      BUSY BROOK GERIS RAVE S2F VG85 7*ET
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