German and American Eugenics in the pre-World War 1 Era

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German and American Eugenics in the pre-World War 1 Era
Answers Research Journal 6 (2013):71–77.

     German and American Eugenics in the pre-World War 1 Era

Danae M. McGregor, Ten Patrick Henry Circle, Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, Virginia 20132

             Before the traumatic devastation of the Nazi genocides, eugenics theory was widely accepted
          by both German and American scientists, especially in the pre-World War 1 era. Modern eugenics
          originated in the work and theories of Francis Galton in the late nineteenth century. Its later
          policy implementation was determined by both the amount of private wealth and the degree of
          governmental centrality in America, Germany, and other nations. As American eugenics experienced
          a rapid rate of development and implementation, German “hygienists” soon began to promote their
          own eugenics programs.
             Although intellectual and practical connections existed between the ideas discussed in both
          United States of America and Germany, differences in cultural circumstances, including political,
          journalistic, and education-related opportunities, impacted eugenic progress. Ultimately, while
          there is not sufficient justification to fault one nation alone, the extent to which American eugenics
          was successfully implemented heavily influenced the German interest and experimentation in their
          emerging theory of eugenics.

          Keywords: eugenics, Galton, sterilization, racial hygiene

Introduction                                                                                     In his mind, mankind should earnestly embrace
   The question of ultimate responsibility for Nazi                                           their ability and, consequently, carry out our
eugenics tends to induce one of two responses. In the                                         responsibility to shape future humanity. Galton’s
popular mind, culpability is often assigned to Germany,                                       enthusiasm for a systematic study of genetics and
the birthplace of Hitler’s Nazi ideologies, and the                                           biographical trends did not lead him to immediately
eugenic advancements made by American scientists                                              advocate social reform. In his work Inquiries into
are overlooked, often due to honest ignorance. The                                            Human Faculty and Its Development, Galton
less prevalent view, discussed in Edwin Black’s recent                                        acknowledged the ease of access to any number of
work, War Against the Weak (Black 2003), paints the                                           “possible agencies by which the evolution of a higher
American eugenicists, lawyers, and philanthropists                                            humanity might be furthered,” but cautioned against
as the original perpetrators of German eugenics.                                              doing so until the idea of race improvement itself
   The data from the pre-World War 1 era supports                                             could be fully established in the popular mind (Galton
a surprising conclusion—namely, that without the                                              1883, pp. 219–220). Implementation required the
efforts of American eugenicists, German eugenics                                              prior cultivation of a local understanding and support
might not have achieved such historical extent as to                                          of eugenics theory.
cause the Holocaust. Beyond the scientific arguments
for bettering the human race, the ideological                                                 Galton and Darwin’s interaction
environments of both Germany and America impacted                                                As the cousin of Charles Darwin, Galton was
the cultural reception of eugenics ideas.                                                     very familiar with the theory of evolution by natural
                                                                                              selection. Galton had great respect for his cousin’s
Nineteenth Century Roots of Eugenics                                                          work:
Galton and the notion of eugenics                                                                 I rarely approached his [Darwin’s] general presence
   In 1883, Francis Galton coined the word eugenics,                                              without an almost overwhelming sensing of devotion
composed of the two Greek words for “well” and                                                    and reverence . . . This is the simple outline of my
“born” (Galton 1883, p. 138) to represent his studies                                             scientific history (Galton and Galton 1997, pp. 570–
on heredity and evolution. Galton advocated the                                                  573).
idea that increasing the level of desirable qualities,                                        Although both men worked with the fundamental
as well as decreasing the amount of negative ones,                                            concept of heredity, Galton deviated from Darwin’s
was possible with the use of eugenic methods (Brown                                           view of evolution.
2001). Galton was primarily concerned with the                                                   Galton concluded that since natural selection
distribution of socially beneficial qualities throughout                                      seemed unable to progress by small, gradual steps, the
the population—emphasizing variety, not uniformity,                                           evolutionary process must be discontinuous, occurring
as the goal (Blacker 1952).                                                                   primarily via mutations that could cause major

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72                                                                                                                 D. M. McGregor

leaps in evolutionary progress (Gillham 2001, p. 95).               weakest members of society (Carlson 2001, p. 234).
Another point of difference was on the nature of the                Funding was provided by the nation’s wealthiest
mechanism of inheritance. Although Galton agreed                    and most educated men who were convinced of the
with Darwin that inheritance occurred through the                   necessity and importance of the research.
blending of some characteristics, such as skin color, for              As is true of all new ideas, in order for collective
most characteristics, such as eye color, he advocated               action to occur, the ideas must first be perpetuated
particulate inheritance (Galton and Galton 1998).1                  and validated. Not surprisingly, then, many
                                                                    institutions of higher education served as hotbeds of
Galton’s international response                                     early eugenics research and experimentation. Land-
   From the 1880s into the first decade of the twentieth            Grant Universities, for example, were responsible for
century, Galton’s ideas about heredity, evolution, and              institutionalizing science curriculum for American
race betterment were added to the theories of decay,                schools, and earned the nickname “the people’s
inheritance, and other Mendel- and Darwin-inspired                  university” for their role in making scientific knowledge
notions that were beginning to circulate in American                easily accessible to the public. (Glenna, Gollnick, and
intellectual and popular life (Kühl 1994). The                      Jones 2007, p. 282). Land-Grant Universities, such as
international culture was at first not prepared to adopt            the state universities of Virginia, Delaware, North
and implement systematic eugenics programs. Galton                  Carolina and West Virginia, provided an academic
wisely refrained from advocating such a movement                    polish for the underdeveloped theory of eugenics.
until he perceived that the theory had become familiar                 Additionally, in the early 1900s eugenics instruction
enough to the majority of his international audience.               was integrated into the curriculum of other prominent
Although his first program’s reception in 1901 was                  colleges. The range of institutions included Harvard,
not overwhelmingly successful, he was nevertheless                  Princeton, Yale, Purdue, University of Chicago,
encouraged by each generation’s (albeit, minimal)                   Northwestern University, University of California
eugenic improvements (Black 2003).                                  (Berkeley), New York University, Stanford, and
   His caution enhanced his efforts to cultivate                    even Alma College in Michigan, and Bates College
global eugenics awareness and enthusiasm; by 1906,                  in Maine—all of which either explicitly or implicitly
some of Galton’s works had been translated into                     wove eugenics instruction into their curricula. By
German and published in the Archiv für Rassen- und                  1914, over 40 institutions offered eugenics instruction
Gesellschafts-Biologie (Galton and Galton 1998). Over               (Cravens 1988). The ability of these institutions
the years, Galton continued to fine-tune his definition             to recruit both professors and students to this new
of eugenics. In 1908 he expanded his definition to                  discipline was impressive.
     the study of agencies under social control that may
     improve or impair the racial qualities of future               Prominent American eugenicists
     generations either physically or mentally (Galton                 The three giants of the American eugenics
   1908, p. 321).                                                   movement were Charles B. Davenport, Harry S.
While the international community may not have                      Laughlin, and Harry C. Sharp. Davenport was one
been prepared to embrace eugenic measures in 1883,                  of the first to attempt policy implementation of his
over time they began to feel more comfortable with                  ideas in American eugenics research. Davenport
the culturally-laudable ideas of transmitting mostly                enthusiastically marketed his research plans to the
“good stock” to future generations.                                 Carnegie Institution, in the hope of securing financial
                                                                    and social backing for his eugenics campaign. In 1902
American Eugenics in Early Twentieth Century                        he presented his ideas to the board, which focused on
American eugenics theory                                            the establishment of a more permanent experiment
   Galton’s notions of race improvement spread quickly              and research station at Cold Spring Harbor.
in the United States. American eugenics was divided                    For additional support and scientific credibility,
into two major camps: negative and positive eugenics.               Davenport turned to the American Breeders
Whereas Galton was predominantly a proponent of                     Association. In January 1904, the Carnegie Institution
positive eugenics (which expected the healthiest and                formally inaugurated the station for Experimental
most successful individuals of a race to propagate good             Evolution of the Carnegie Institution at Cold Spring
traits), the American scientific community aligned                  Harbor, New York (Black 2003). Seven years later,
itself more closely with negative eugenics. Due to the              Davenport published his views on eugenics in his 1911
classless nature of the American society, American                  book titled Heredity in Relation to Eugenics, which
negative eugenics were “non-elitist (and) democratic”               promoted, among other programs, mass compulsory
in operation and encouraged occasional purges of the                sterilization of the unfit (Davenport 1911).
 Particulate inheritance: inheritance in which offspring manifest discrete characters each inherited from one or other of the parents
(Anonymous 2012).
German and American Eugenics in the pre-World War I Era                                                                   73

   Harry S. Laughlin, a contemporary of Davenport,                 1906, Davenport, who was a member at the time,
was an ardent negative eugenics advocate. The Cold                 suggested the formation of a eugenics committee for
Spring Harbor Eugenics Record Office in its early                  the purpose of expanding research efforts to include
development needed someone to “prod the legislatures               methods of analysis for separating superior blood from
and regulatory agencies into proliferating the eugenic             inferior blood (Black 2003). Davenport envisioned the
laws envisioned” (Black 2003, p. 48). Laughlin                     American Breeders Association as a center for future
actively sought to inculcate eugenics discussion in the            eugenics policy, lobbying to the American public
minds of all Americans. He outlined his strategy at                (Carlson 2001).
the National Conference on Race Betterment in 1914,                   The Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor,
which involved nationwide instruction                              New York, was the hub of the American eugenics
  to lobby for legal restraints of marriage and habitation         movement. As the only eugenics institution to have its
  of the unfit, to agitate for the segregation of those            own staff and research facility, the Eugenics Record
  identified as unfit, and finally to use sterilization . . . if   Office served as a
  the unfit are released into society (Carlson 2001,                 meeting place for eugenicists, a repository for eugenics
   p. 242).                                                          records, a clearinghouse for eugenics information and
Laughlin’s dedication to eugenics principles drove his               propaganda, a platform from which popular eugenic
desire to see them translated into actual policy.                    campaigns could be launched, and a home for several
   Dr. Harry C. Sharp utilized the mechanism of                      eugenical publications (Allen 1986, p. 226).
sterilization to embrace both sides of the eugenics                The office’s first mission was to locate the “most
movement. In 1909, Sharp asserted that eugenicists                 defective and undesirable Americans” to begin to
possessed the dual ability to both restrict the                    unobtrusively compile their genetic inheritances
propagation of the unfit while enhancing the                       records (Black 2003, p. 45).
circumstances of the less fortunate. Sharp was the                    Although explicit eugenics practices were not
first to impose sterilization on inmates. In his mind,             socially acceptable in the office’s early years,
such measures were the only rational means of                      Americans displayed little resistance when asked to
eliminating a “most dangerous and hurtful class” of                produce their genetic records. The threat of social
people (Sharp 1902, p. 412).                                       instability was perceived as a result of the proliferation
                                                                   of feeblemindedness—a term expanded to include
Eugenics facilities and organizations                              not only the mentally retarded, the crippled, or the
   The first two decades of the twentieth century saw              insane, but also the troubled, the unfortunate, and
the inception of a number of eugenic organizations,                criminals (Black 2003).
including the American Eugenics Society, the
Eugenics Record Office, the Galton Society, the                    Implementation/sterilization
Institute of Family Relations, and the Race Betterment                The concept of sterilization was predominantly an
Foundation (Allen 1986, p. 226). The Race Betterment               American idea, with roots in early twentieth century
Foundation, founded in 1906, sought to compile a                   cases of illegal sterilization for criminals and socially
eugenic registry to supplement the existing Eugenics               degenerate people groups (that is, the Jukes ). At that
Record Office list (Carlson 2001).                                 time, eugenicists were convinced that conditions such
   In 1914, Laughlin gave his first speech on eugenics             as insanity, feeblemindedness, epilepsy, pauperism,
to the National Conference on Race Betterment in                   alcoholism, and other forms of social deviance were
Battle Creek, Michigan, stressing that purifying the               fundamentally hereditary. Furthermore, regardless
“breeding stock of the race at all costs is the slogan             of their environment defective people were believed
of eugenics” (Laughlin 1914, p. 478). The hesitancy                to propagate at a greater pace than the normal
of his audience, such as the order from the Carnegie               population (Myerson et. al. 1936).
Institution of Washington for Davenport to check                      The process of converting eugenics principles into
Laughlin’s enthusiasm from causing further legal                   policy, however, was difficult. State sterilization laws
controversy, is indicative of the prematurity that such            varied in both intent and extent, and were frequently
drastic eugenic action held in the American popular                edited, amended, and erased. In 1909, Indiana,
mind (Carlson 2001).                                               Washington, California, and Connecticut adopted
   The two primary American organizations were                     sterilization laws; in 1911, Iowa, Nevada, and New
the American Breeders Association’s Eugenics                       Jersey followed suit; New York conceded in 1912 as
Committee and the Eugenics Record Office of Cold                   did Kansas, Michigan, North Dakota, and one year
Spring Harbor. The American Breeders Association                   later in Oregon (Black 2003, p. 69; Kühl 1994, p. 17)
comprised biologists and practical breeders who                    (see Fig. 1). Interestingly, California’s sterilization
attempted to apply their knowledge of genes and                    laws were the most forcefully applied: nearly half
heredity as applied to animals to human beings. In                 of the 38,087 sterilizations carried out by these
74                                                                                                     D. M. McGregor

                                                                  The German notion of eugenics embodied a
                                                               technocratic, managerial logic—the idea that rational
                                                               management of a nation’s population was considered
                                                               the best way to govern (Weiss 1987). As Germany
                                                               transitioned from being an agricultural society to an
                                                               industrial one, the nation’s perception of the socially
                                                               unfit morphed as well. Despite the disunity of social
                                                               classes, Germans viewed unproductivity as a social
                                                               and genetic ill. Talk of race hygiene, and, later on, of
                                                               racial betterment, soon began to fall on much more
                                                               receptive ears.

Fig. 1. States with sterilization legislation prior to World
                                                               Prominent hygienists
War 1 (approximately 1900–1914).                                  The German race hygiene movement owes
                                                               its origin to the combined efforts of a number of
laws through 1942 were performed in California                 eugenicists, both domestic and international; the
(Carlson 2001, pp. 256–257). Throughout the early              work of Wilhelm Schallmayer and Alfred Ploetz were
1900s, multiple American eugenics societies convened           especially influential. Ploetz, who has been credited
to discuss compulsory sterilization legislation,               as the founder of eugenics as a science, initially
segregation for the unfit, and screening for defectives        gained international recognition in 1904 when he
in the population. The inconsistency of the legislation        founded the German Society for Racial Hygiene
alerted the public to the dubious constitutionality            (Proctor, Weindling, and Lenz 1946). In the same
of several sterilization laws, effectively preventing          year, he started the journal Archiv fur Rassen und
eugenics practices from quietly attaining widespread           Gesellschaftsbiologie (Archives of Race Science and
legal acceptance.                                              Social Biology) to promote eugenic research (Black
                                                               2003). In a later publication, Ploetz clarified his
German Eugenics in Early Twentieth Century                     idea of rassenhygiene as not only encompassing the
Roots of eugenics in anti-semitism                             English term eugenics, which entailed measures of
   Anti-semitism did not become widespread in                  improving hereditary qualities of a population, but
Germany until after 1870, at which point the theory            also measures controlling quantity (Ploetz 1904).
of social Darwinism and Galton’s earliest ideas of                William Schallmayer was arguably the second
eugenics were gaining public support. Although                 most influential German hygienist and echoed the
Galton never openly declared his view of Jewish                concerns of American eugenicists about the rate
inferiority, Jews in Germany began to experience               of propagation of the unfit. German eugenics was
more explicit discrimination. Galton did not wish to           primarily a strategy to improve national efficiency
deny the legitimacy of the Jews’ desire to propagate, he       via cultural hegemony. Within this larger goal,
firmly believed the quality of propagation to be more          Schallmayer uniquely strove to both preserve better
important than the quantity: in a 1910 interview with          social heredities from extinction and suppress
the Jewish Chronicle, Galton affirmed that “(I)t is            unproductive traits from persisting (Weiss 1986).
still more important to determine that children shall          While Schallmayer endorsed negative eugenics, he
be born from the fit and not the unfit” (Galton 1910).         initially refrained from explicitly promoting state
                                                               legislation to achieve his goals, preferring instead to
Racial hygiene theory                                          achieve them by attempting to install a new moral
   The beginning of eugenics thought in Germany                code into society (Weiss 1986).
differed from the American experience. The phrase
“race hygiene,” or rassenhygiene, was the name                 Institutions/eugenics research
of early German eugenics theory, coined prior to                  In the first part of the twentieth century,
Galton’s invention of eugenics (Black 2003, p. 263;            Germany had established few eugenics institutions,
Carlson 2001, p. 318). Rassenhygiene was not born              especially compared to the United States. The
out of a sense of racial superiority. Prior to Hitler’s        institutionalization of German eugenics did not
regime, rassenhygiene was primarily a hygiene                  begin until 1910, when Ploetz founded the German
movement. German eugenicists essentially equated               Society for Racial Hygiene in Berlin. The Society
fitness with levels of cultural and social productivity        offered membership only to white individuals who
and achievement, whereas unfitness was equated                 were “ethically, intellectually, and physically fit”
with asocial behavior and the inability to contribute          and from whom society could expect “economic
meaningfully to society.                                       prosperity” (Ploetz 1907, pp. 1 and 17).
German and American Eugenics in the pre-World War I Era                                                          75

   The members of the society were confident that          countries represented there. The onset of World War
they could document the superiority that the nation        1 two years later resulted in far less collaboration of
could achieve if racial hygiene principles were            eugenics research and development than originally
to be instituted. The next hygienic institution to         projected.
impact Germany, The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute                  The eugenics movement developed more rapidly
for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics,            in American scientific culture than in Germany.
would not be founded until after the First World War       German racial hygienists were well informed of
(Weingart 1989).                                           American eugenic practices due to the work of Geza
                                                           von Hoffmann, whose 1913 book Racial Hygiene
Pre-World War 1 Eugenics Conversation                      in the United States of America, condemned the
Global factors of cultural readiness                       rashness of the American bureaucracy and praised
   It is important to consider the global atmosphere       American eugenic theory as the model for Germany
and its impact on the development of eugenics              to emulate (Kühl 1994). As the director of the Cold
theory in the decades leading up to the World War          Springs Harbor Station for Experimental Evolution,
1. In Germany, though not necessarily in America,          Davenport frequently kept in contact with German
there was a growing acceptance of state intervention       eugenic thinkers as they fine-tuned and revised
into society. Social Darwinism permeated much of           their genetic theories in the first decade of the
American intellectual, social, and political thought in    twentieth century (Black 2003).
this era, making the nation a virtual incubator for the       The intellectual tie between the United States and
growth of racist and eugenic principles. The status        Germany in the twentieth century is also apparent in
of “personhood” (or the standard for fitness) prior        Davenport’s presence on the editorial boards of two
to World War 1 was granted to all white, privileged        widely-read German hygiene journals, Zeitschrift für
males; the strictness of status requirements mirrored      Rassenkunde und ihrer Nachbargebiete and Zeitschrift
eugenic conversation concerning fitness, especially        für menschliche Vererbungsund Konstitutionslehre,
with regards to allegedly superior biological traits       respectively, the Journal of Racial Science and
(Barrett and Kurzman 2004, p. 503). In terms of            its Neighboring Areas and the Journal of Human
political readiness for eugenics policies, the United      Inheritance and Constitution Teaching (Kühl 1994).
States of America, with its unusually decentralized        Both Germany and the United States contributed
governmental structure, was free to adopt such             to the global theory of eugenics; both are partially
programs in the absence of centralized state approval      culpable for providing the scientific data that later was
(Barrett and Kurzman 2004).                                used to, in the minds of scientists and educated elites
                                                           at least, validate the pursuit and implementation of
Rate and places of development                             eugenics programs (see Fig. 2).
   Eugenics movements developed in different
places from 1880 to 1914 with both similarities and        Conclusion
distinctions. Arguably, the larger, global institutional      The question of ultimate culpability for the rise
shift of that era is responsible for the simultaneity      of Nazi eugenics cannot be answered with one
of the various eugenics movements. The American            backwards glance in history. In light of the diversity
movement enjoyed greater implementation of eugenic         in both interpretation and understanding inherent to
policy before the principles were culturally accepted.     the tracking of the development of a scientific theory,
The German hygienists openly expressed admiration          the factual evidence must be considered. By 1914,
for the success of the Americans, and attempted            the notion of eugenics had evolved into a much more
similar techniques in their own culture.                   complex scientific discipline well beyond Galton’s
                                                           original intentions.
International collaboration                                   In his work, Hereditary Genius, Galton’s views on
   The international collaboration of pre-World War        race were the first cautious attempts of a nineteenth
1 eugenicists reflected the unity between American         century man to understand the occasionally
and German scientists. The universal desire for            disadvantageous realities of biological diversity—
eugenic principles to infiltrate all of western society    his motive was to prevent, not to inflict, suffering
drove eugenicists in Dresden, Germany, to hold the         (Blacker 1952). The seed of eugenic thought which
first International Hygiene Exhibition in 1911. The        Galton planted in 1883 could not have matured into
following year, the International Eugenics Congress        the burgeoning, global movement of 1914 without the
was attended by over 300 scientists, including             fertile soil of American laboratories, universities, and
representatives from both the United States                court rooms, nor without the systematic cultivation of
and Germany (Kühl 1994). The 1912 Congress                 German racial hygienists and the centralized political
reinforced the existing contacts between the various       organism of the German state.
76                                                                                                                    D. M. McGregor

                                  Society for Racial
                  Germany         Hygiene established
                                                                  1911–First International 1912–First International
                  United States of America                        Hygiene Exhibition       Eugenics Congress

                     1904–Station for Experimental         sterilization 1910–First
                     Evolution of the Carnegie             laws passed Eugenics
                     Institution established at Cold                     Research
                     Springs, New York                                   Association
                                                                         established at
                                         1906–Race Betterment            Cold Springs,
                                         Foundation and American         New York
                                         Breeders Association
                                         Eugenics Committee

Fig. 2. Timeline of eugenics developments in America and Germany 1900–1912.

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