General Aspects of Phytoremediation - SOLABIAA

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General Aspects of Phytoremediation - SOLABIAA
Revista Latinoamericana de Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal
Vol. 12 No. 2 p. 45-49.

                                     Short communication

                        General Aspects of Phytoremediation
                      [Aspectos Generales de la Fitorremediación]

                                        Enrica Uggetti *

      GEMMA – Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology, Department of Civil
                              and Environmental Engineering,
                    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech,
                c/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Building D1, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
                      (*Corresponding author:

Abstract                                            Constructed Wetlands
Phytoremediation is a set of viable                 Among other phytoremediation processes,
technologies that uses selected plants and          constructed wetlands (CWs) are a
their microorganisms to degrade, extract,           consolidated eco-friendly, nature-based
contain, or immobilize contaminants from            technology that has gained popularity for
soil and water. It is based on natural              decentralized wastewater treatment in small
processes that can be effective at a variety        communities and rural areas of both
of sites and on numerous contaminants.              industrialized and less developed countries
Processes are carried out by selected plant         (Álvarez et al., 2017, Machado et al., 2017).
species that possess the genetic potential to
remove, degrade, metabolize, or immobilize          They are low-cost treatment systems, in
a wide range of contaminants.                       terms of maintenance and operation, and
                                                    have proven to efficiently remove organic
                                                    matter, nitrogen (N) and pathogenic
                                                    microorganisms from wastewater (Wu et
La fitorremediación es un conjunto de               al., 2016, Castillo-Valenzuela et al., 2017,
tecnologías viables que utilizan plantas            Ilyas and Masih, 2017). During the last
seleccionadas y sus microorganismos para            decades, this technology has greatly been
degradar, extraer, contener o inmovilizar           developed, using, and evaluating different
contaminantes del suelo y el agua. Se basa          CW designs and operational modes. CWs
en procesos naturales que pueden ser                have been successfully used for the
eficaces en una variedad de sitios y en             treatment of various types of wastewaters
numerosos contaminantes. Los procesos son           such as textile waste, dairy waste, industrial
llevados a cabo por especies vegetales              waste, piggery waste, tannery waste,
seleccionadas que poseen el potencial               petrochemical waste, municipal waste
genético    para    eliminar,    degradar,          (Parde et al., 2021).
metabolizar o inmovilizar una amplia gama
de contaminantes.

©The Author(s) 2021. This article is published with open access by Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal

General Aspects of Phytoremediation - SOLABIAA
Revista Latinoamericana de Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal
Vol. 12 No. 2 p. 45-49.

Constructed wetlands can be classified into         sludge treatment (ST) systems based on
free water surface flow constructed wetland         constructed wetlands. Sludge treatment
(FW) CW and sub-surface flow constructed            wetlands have been used in Europe for
wetland (SSF) CW. Subsurface flow is                sludge dewatering and stabilisation since
divided, according to the flow direction, into      the late 1980s. The largest experience
vertical flow (VF) CW, horizontal flow              comes from Denmark, where there are over
(HF) CW, hybrid systems combining VF                140 full-scale systems currently in operation
and HF CW are also used (Vymazal and                (Nielsen, 2008).
Kröpfelová, 2008).
                                                    Other systems implemented in northern
In constructed wetlands, several pollutants         Europe are located in Poland, Belgium, and
removal mechanisms act together, including          the United Kingdom. In the Mediterranean
physical,     chemical,    and    biological        region, full-scale systems are operating in
processes. The physical process involves            Italy, France, and Spain (Uggetti et al.,
sedimentation of the suspended particles            2010). Sludges from different sources have
present in the wastewater, which leads to the       been treated in wetlands, including
removal of pollutants.                              anaerobic digesters, aerobic digesters,
                                                    conventional activated sludge systems,
Sedimentation process not only reduce the           extended aeration systems, septic tanks, and
organic matter but also eliminates the              Imhoff tanks.
coliform bacteria (Dotro et al., 2015). On
the one hand, constructed wetland media is          Sludge is directly spread into the basins
helpful for the accumulation of organic             from the aerations tanks or is previously
matter, phosphorus, sulphate, arsenate and          homogenised in a buffer tank before its
removal of pathogens (Stanković, 2017). On          discharge into the wetlands. From this tank,
the other hand, macrophytes used in the             the sludge is diverted into one of the beds,
wetland provide huge surface area for the           following a semi-continuous regime. The
microbial growth, which helps in stabilizing        number of beds may vary, according to the
the organic matter (Brix, 1994). It is              treatment capacity of the facility, between 3
important to take into account that                 and 18, which correspond to 400 and
constructed wetland performance depends             123,000 population equivalent (PE),
upon the various factors like temperature,          respectively. The result of sludge
applied hydraulic load, vegetation, media,          dewatering and stabilisation processes is a
etc (Tilak et al., 2016).                           final product that is suitable for land
                                                    application, either directly or after
Sludge treatment wetlands, also known as            additional composting.
sludge drying reed beds, are rather new

©The Author(s) 2021. This article is published with open access by Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal

General Aspects of Phytoremediation - SOLABIAA
Revista Latinoamericana de Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal
Vol. 12 No. 2 p. 45-49.

                           Figure 1. Scheme of a Constructed Wetland.

       Figure 2. Aspect of a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland located in Toulouse (France).

©The Author(s) 2021. This article is published with open access by Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal

General Aspects of Phytoremediation - SOLABIAA
Revista Latinoamericana de Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal
Vol. 12 No. 2 p. 45-49.

Figure 3. Constructed Wetland for ecosystem restoration located in Granoller, Barcelona (Spain).

                Figure 4. Scheme of Constructed Wetlands for sludge treatment.

©The Author(s) 2021. This article is published with open access by Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal

Revista Latinoamericana de Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal
Vol. 12 No. 2 p. 45-49.

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©The Author(s) 2021. This article is published with open access by Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Biotecnología Ambiental y Algal

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