Gender and Connections among Wall Street Analysts
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Gender and Connections among Wall Street Analysts By LILY FANG and STERLING HUANG* We examine how alumni ties with corporate boards affect male and female analysts’ job performance and career outcomes differently. Connection improves men’s, but not women’s, forecasting accuracy. Controlling for accuracy, connection still contributes to men’s, but not women’s, likelihood of being voted by institutional investors as “star” analysts, a marker of career success. For women, only education and forecast accuracy matter. This asymmetry is absent from a placebo test. Our results suggest that men reap higher returns from connections than women, and that investors are more willing to rely on soft information such as connections to evaluate men than women. * Fang: INSEAD, 1 Ayer Rajah Avenue, Singapore 138676. Huang: INSEAD, 1 Ayer Rajah Avenue, Singapore 138676. Special thanks go to Lauren Cohen, Andrea Frazzini, Chris Malloy, and Alok Kumar for generously sharing their data on analyst education and gender information. We thank conference and seminar participants at the American Finance Association, INSEAD, and University of Lugano for helpful comments. All errors and omissions are our own. 1
“I love my job [as an analyst]. The market does not care whether I am a man or a woman, only whether I am right or wrong.” --Kate Reddy, Sarah Jessica Parker’s character in the comedy “I don’t know how she does it”. I. Introduction Gender equality in the work place generates impassioned discussions. In the past few decades, women have advanced significantly in education and labor market participation. In the US, they out-number men among college graduates (Goldin, Katz, and Kuziemko, 2006), and account for about half of the class in medical and law schools. Women are now also the majority of the American workforce. 1 Despite these broad changes, however, the perplexing pattern remains that women are thinly represented at the top of the business world: The ranks of women among senior corporate officers in executive suites and board members remain in the single digits and low teens.2 It thus appears that women’s empowerment in education and labor force participation have not enabled them to successfully break the proverbial “glass ceiling” in the business world. Ibbara, Carter, and Silver (2010) attribute this to the fact that men still get more promotions than women. This paper explores the idea that this observed “gender inequality” in career advancement might be explained by how differentially men and women benefit from—and are evaluated according to—their connections in the business community. The context of our study is Wall Street analysts. We study the interplay between gender, connections, and career outcomes in this population. Wall Street is a fascinating setting to study these issues for at least three reasons. First, Wall Street has the reputation of being male- dominated. Documenting the myths versus reality of the “gender inequality” in this industry is important. Second, Wall Street is notorious clubby, and thus analysts’ connections could affect their access to information, a key source of job performance. Explicitly establishing this value of connections, Cohen, Frazzini, and Malloy (2008 and 2010) document that connections with 1 Economist, Dec 30, 2009. 2 According to recent Bloomberg reports, in 2012 the proportion of female CFOs in S&P 500 firms reached a record high of 10.8%; the proportion of female CEOs was 4%, also a record high. 2
companies’ boards help mutual fund managers and analysts obtain useful information to improve their investment and recommendation performances. Yet demonstrating the gender difference in in the relation between connections and job performance has not been done. We use the same alum connection in Cohen, Frazzini, and Malloy (2008 and 2010) and study men and women’s differential ability to use connections to enhance job performance. Finally, Wall Street’s labor market is highly competitive and the stakes are high: winners make millions and losers lose their jobs. And yet, what determines who is a “winner” are vague and largely subjective. One of the most distinct markers of an analyst’s career success is his/her being voted by institutional investors (mutual fund and hedge fund managers) as a star analyst. A particularly influential ranking is conducted annually by the Institutional Investor magazine through an opinion poll among thousands of fund managers. This poll result is featured prominently in the October issues of the magazine each year. Winners are known as “All American” (AA) analysts. Not only are AAs viewed as celebrities on Wall Street, but they are also coveted by rival investment banks. As a result, the AA designation is one of the key determinants of analyst compensation: A 2007 compensation survey among analysts indicates that AAs on average command three times the pay of other analysts in the same bank. As an opinion poll, the determinants of successful AA election are largely subjective, leading some authors to argue that the AA election is a “popularity contest” (Emery and Li, 2009). This means that the opening quote by the movie character played by Ms. Parker is only half true. For analysts, indeed there are relatively objective job performance measures such as earnings forecast accuracy. At the same time, career outcome measures such as the AA status is based on largely subjective evaluation. How does connection affect both analysts’ performance—forecast accuracy, and their career outcomes—AA election results? Does connection play a different role for men versus women? Our finding suggests that connection improves men’s, but not women’s, forecasting accuracy. Thus to the extent that analyst can use connections to obtain relevant information and improve job performance (Cohen, Frazzini, and Malloy 2010), this effect appears to be driven by male analysts. In addition, even after controlling for accuracy, connection per se still contributes to men’s, but not women’s, likelihood of being voted by institutional investors as AA analysts. For women, only education and forecast accuracy matter for successful election outcomes. Interestingly, this asymmetry is absent from a placebo test. The results on AA election indicates 3
that in money managers’ subjective evaluation of analysts, the analysts’ social capital is given different weight for men versus women: Investors appear more willing to rely on soft information such as analysts’ connections to favorably judge men than women. This conclusion is different from Goldin and Rouse (2000), which finds evidence for sex- biased hiring. Judging from the overall odds for female analysts to become AAs, they are not discriminated against: Men and women’s odds of success are about the same, if not slightly in favor of women. What we document is an asymmetry in the factors that drive their success. Even though our study is situated in the specific context of Wall Street analysts, our findings shed light on whether and how men and women are promoted differently, and by inference, the phenomenon that ranks of women are thin at the top of the business world. The analyst pool we study is a highly competitive and skilled labor pool, as is the pool for senior corporate officers. The process by which analysts “succeed” involves both objective and importantly also the subjective evaluations by others. Our findings suggest that women benefit less from connections than men in both regards, and the evaluators appear to weigh social capital more for men than for women in their judgment. II. Gender, Connections, and Performance Evaluation Why are women so thinly represented at the top of the business world? One reason may be that women shun away from competition, and do less well under competitive pressure. Niederle and Vesterlund (2007) show that among men and women with the same level of skill, men are twice as likely as women to embrace competition by entering a tournament. Gneezy, Niederle, and Rustichini (2003) present experimental evidence that women are likely to perform worse than men in competitive settings, even if they perform equally well in noncompetitive settings. Jurajda and Munich (2011) reach the same conclusion using field data on entrance to highly selective but free universities. If reaching the top of the corporate world involves a series of tournaments, men and women’s differential preference for competition may explain why so few women reach the top. A related attribute is that women are also more risk averse. Barber and Odean (2001) find that among retail investors, men are more risk-willing in their trading behavior than women. Huang and Kisgen (2012) and Levy, Li, and Zhang (2011) both document that women 4
executives and board members are less acquisitive than men. If willingness to take risks is a rewarded leadership trait, women’s higher risk aversion could hurt their chances of reaching leadership positions. Beyond the gender differences in innate characteristics, women’s endogenous career choices and social constraints further contribute to the gender disparity among the business elite. Women’s careers are more likely to be interrupted by child bearing and family considerations. Bertrand, Goldin, and Katz (2010) show that female MBAs’ earnings lag males’ significantly a decade after graduation, despite being nearly identical at the outset of their careers. And this gap is largely explained by differences in career interruptions and weekly hours, both of which are in turn due to motherhood. In our setting, since we focus on Wall Street analysts—one of the most demanding and selective professions—explanations based on the gender difference in risk-preferences and career choices are unlikely to explain our results. Both men and women in this profession have chosen a high competitive career. In fact, Kumar (2010) argue that self- selection means that only the most competitive women would enter this career, leading them to outperform. Our paper is more closely related to the literature that examines socialization as a source of gender difference in career paths and the “glass ceiling”. Athey, Avery, and Zemsky (2000) theorize that if senior employees are more likely to mentor junior employees of the same “type” (e.g., gender or ethnicity), then minority employees will receive less mentoring. This could lead to a “glass ceiling” equilibrium where the upper level remains less diverse than the entry level. Ibarra (1992) demonstrates that men reap greater returns from networks than women. She finds that while network positions of men and women exhibit no difference once background characteristics are controlled for, men appear better able to use network ties to improve their positions in organizations. Our empirical findings echo these conclusions: we find that generally men and women are equally “connected”; but while connections are associated with better performance and career outcomes for men, it is not the case for women. In addition, our evidence goes a step further and suggests that investors—those who evaluate the analysts—appear more willing to judge men favorably according to their social capital (connections) than in the case of women. Because career advancement involves a large amount of subjective evaluation by others, this finding indicates that the evaluators’ biases in the way they use “soft” versus “hard” signals of capabilities could perpetuate the “glass ceiling” phenomenon. 5
III. Data and Descriptive Statistics Detailed data on analysts’ fiscal year-end earnings-per-share (EPS) forecasts and buy/sell stock recommendations are obtained from the I/B/E/S database for the years 1993-2009. The accuracy of the earnings forecasts, and the price impact of their recommendations are used as analysts’ performance measures. To identify gender, we obtain full names of AA analysts from the Institutional Investor magazine. When in doubt, we check the articles in Institutional Investors that describe the analysts. For non-AA analysts, we obtained and cross-check gender classification from Kumar (2010). For analysts’ connections, we use the same alumni tie measure as in Cohen, Frazzini, and Malloy (2008 and 2010). This measure identifies a school tie between an analyst covering a firm and a board member or senior officer at the firm being covered. For example, if analyst Amy Cohen covers Apple, and if both Amy Cohen and one of Apple’s directors have gone to Stanford University at the time when Amy Cohen provides coverage for Apple, then Amy Cohen’s forecasts and recommendations over this periods on Apple are coded as “connected”. To construct this school tie measure, we obtain analysts’ education information from Cohen, Frazzini, and Malloy (2010), and officer and directors’ education information from BoardEx. We construct the “connection” at two levels. At the coarser level, connection only requires the analyst and the officer/director to have attended the same university. At the finer level, we restrict connections to pairs that have attended the same degree program at the same university. We consider 6 types of degrees—MBA, general master, PhD, medical degree, law degree, and undergrad degree. Finally, because both analyst coverage and firms’ officers and directors change over time, we annually update the connection variable to pick up only active connections. For example, if analyst Amy Cohen is connected to Apple through director John Smith who served on the Apple Board from 1999 to 2003, Amy Cohen’s forecasts and recommendations Apple only during these years are coded as “connected”. As the key measure for analysts’ career outcomes, we use the annual AA election results from the October issues of the Institutional Investor magazine each year. The AA titles are given to top analysts in roughly 60 industries, and there are four categories of awards3: 1st-place, 2nd- place, 3rd-place, and runners-up. While the 1st and 2nd-place titles are awarded to one analyst per 3 For more details of the All American analyst election process, see, for example, Fang and Yasuda (2009, 2011). 6
industry per year, the 3rd-place and runners-up titles are often shared by multiple individuals. Thus, the 1st- and 2nd-place titles are special, representing the “cream of the crop” (Fang and Yasuda, 2013). To distinguish between the 1st and 2nd-place titles with the rest, we classify these two titles are high-rank, and others as low-rank. Table 1 shows the gender distribution in our analyst sample. Between 1993 and 2009, female analysts account for 12% of all analysts, and 14% of star analysts (AAs).4 Thus, by this simple statistic, there is no big difference in women versus men’s overall odds of being elected as an AA. This is consistent with evidence in Kumar (2010). Both percentages experienced some time-variation: Female presence in the overall analyst population increased throughout the 90s, but fell after 2000. The rise and fall is particular notable in the star analyst population (Figure 1). We also note that after 2000, the female presence in the star analyst population has generally exceeded female presence in the overall population; thus they are unconditionally more likely to be elected a star in recent years. Table 2 tabulates the number of stocks the average analyst is “connected” to, and compares this statistics across gender and across star status (p-values for differences are reported). For brevity, we report statistics using the coarser measure of connection—at the university level. The finer connection measure at the degree level gives similar results. The important observation is that there is generally no gender difference in analysts’ connections. The p-values for the male-female differences are generally insignificant. For two years—1999 and 2001—the p-values are significant at the 10% level, but both indicate more connections among women than men. If we instead consider number of connections as a percentage of total number of firm covered (statistics unreported), the conclusion is similar. Thus, men do not have more connections than women in our sample. This is important and means that the difference between men and women we document is not because the different degrees of connectedness. On the other hand, star analysts are almost always more connected that non-star analysts. In 1993, stars and non-stars had 2.65 and 1.42 connections respectively, and in 2009 the numbers 4 The 12% figure for the overall population is slightly lower than previous reports. Green et al. (2007) find that females account for 16% of analysts in top-tier brokerages and 13% in other brokerages. Kumar (2010) reports female to represent 16% of his sample. One reason for the difference is that our data is a merged set between the I/B/E/S analyst file and analysts’ education data, which is compiled from websites. The discrepancy suggests that female analysts’ education profiles are slightly under sampled in the websites. Our figures on the female presence on star analysts (14%), however, match more closely with prior evidence, suggesting that the under-sampling is less of a problem with more visible female analysts. 7
are 4.27 versus 3.11. Both differences are significant. This is expected, and indicates that connection is a valuable social and human capital for analysts. Figure 2 graphs the fraction of analysts who attended Ivy League schools. The graph indicates a clear downward trend in the percentages of analysts with Ivy League education. Among female analysts, this fraction decreased from 42% in 1993 to 23% in 2009. This could be due to the increasing popularity of other career options. But throughout the sample period, a higher percentage of the female analysts hold degrees from Ivy League schools than male. If education is used as a signal of skill (Spencer, 1973), female analysts appear at least as competent as their male counterparts. This is also consistent with Kumar (2010). Table 3 compares a number of other statistics between men and women. For brevity, averages over the entire period are compared. We find that women tend to be slightly less experienced than men. They also work less than men by covering fewer firms and fewer industries. But work intensity seems about equal for each firm covered: Women and men issue the same number of forecasts and recommendations per firm per year. These patterns are expected and consistent with observations from Bertrand, Goldin, and Katz (2010). In summary, while there is some differences in work-pattern between genders, on average female analysts are as connected, and at least as well-educated, as their male colleagues. IV. Connections, Performance, and Career Outcomes A. Forecast Accuracy In this section, we examine how connection differentially affects male and female analysts’ forecast accuracy. We define forecast accuracy as the absolute difference between an analyst’s forecast of a firm’s earnings per share (EPS) and the actual reported EPS, scaled by stock price. Since this is a percentage forecast error measure, the small it is, the more accurate (and better) the forecast is. Forecast data set is highly heterogeneous. Analysts cover different firms that vary in forecasting difficulty. Thus, a simple percentage forecast error may not be comparable across firms. For example, whereas a 5% forecast error may be quite good for a complex and volatile technology company, it may be very large for a stable and simple utility business. At the same time, a firm is typically covered by a number of analysts. Among analysts who provide coverage 8
for the same firm, it is the relative accuracy of one analyst versus another that matters. From investors’ perspective, it is also natural for them to compare analysts this way. For instance, while it is natural to compare all analysts providing coverage for IBM with one another, it is not reasonable to directly compare IBM analysts with GE analysts by their average forecast errors. Thus, following existing literature (Clement and Tse, 2005), we compute a standardized forecast accuracy as follows: Raw Accuracy i, j, t min( Raw Accuracy j,t ) (1) S tan dardized _ Accuracy i, j, t max(Raw Accuracy j,t ) min( Raw Accuracy j,t ) where Raw Accuracyi, j, t is the scaled forecast error measure defined above based on the forecast made by analyst i for firm j in year t, and min(.) and max(.) are the minimum and maximum of the Raw Accuracy measures exhibited by all analysts covering the same firm j in the same period t, respectively.5 This standardization thus converts the simple percentage error measure into a ranking: All analysts covering IBM in the same time period are ranked relative to one another. Thus it removes the heterogeneity in forecast errors across firm-year combinations, and the resulting measure is comparable across analysts and firms. But to calculate the measure, we require that the firm is covered by at least 5 analysts in a given year. As a result, thinly covered firms are dropped in our final sample. Table 4 provides summary statistics for the raw (unstandardized) forecast error, and the standardized error. The table shows that standardization is important. Panel A shows that the mean raw forecast error is 0.02 (or 2%). That is, the average forecast error as a percentage of the prevailing stock price is 2%. The minimum is 0 (the analyst’s forecast matched the actual reported EPS exactly), and the maximum is slightly over 75%. Notably, the mean raw forecast error for men is 2%, slightly larger than women’s 1.9% (the difference is statistically significant at 1%). Turning to standardized errors, we find its mean is 0.391 (39.1%), which means that the distance between the average forecast and the best forecast (minimum raw forecast error) is just under 40% of the distance between the best and the worst forecasts, for the same firm during the same period. Notably, for women the average is 0.402, slightly larger than men’s 0.389 (the difference is statistically significant at 1%). 5 We repeated our analysis using a different scaling method, and found qualitatively the same results. The alternative scaling converts measures to z-scores by subtracting the variable’s mean and dividing it by it standard deviation. 9
Because the standardized error measure provides a ranking of all analysts covering the same firm in the same year, it is more informative about the relative performance among analysts. We will focus on this measure in the remainder of the paper (rank-based measure has become the standard, see, for example, Clement and Tse (2005), Hong et al. (2000)). Table 5 tests the difference in standardized forecast error between genders, and between connected versus non-connected forecasts. To ensure we capture differences due to connection rather than among analysts, we keep only analysts who are connected to at least one of the stocks they cover in this test. Thus all analysts in this test have some connected forecasts and some non- connected forecasts. First, on a standardized basis, men appear more accurate than women. Men’s average standardized error is 0.387, versus women’s 0.402. Though statistically significant at 1%, the difference is economically small. It means that men on average are 3% ((0.402-0.387)/0.40) closer to the “best” forecast than women. The difference is significant at 10% for only 7 of the 17 year sample period. Thus there is no overwhelming performance difference between genders. On the other hand, there is a clear difference associated with connection. The standardized error for connected forecasts is 0.378, 4% lower than the 0.394 figure for non- connected forecasts, the difference being significant at 1%. Over the 17 years, this difference is significant at 10% in all but 2 years. This result on the relation between connection and forecast accuracy is consistent with evidence from Cohen, Frazzini, and Malloy (2008, 2010), and suggests that connections, which are important links for informal communication, contributes positively to information discovery. Panel B of the table further examines the connection-related difference in the male and female sub-samples. In the male sample, the conclusion mirrors the whole sample: connection is associated with significantly smaller forecast errors. The average standardized error for connected forecasts is 0.375, compared to 0.392 for non-connected forecasts, a 5% economic difference and significant at 1%. In sharp contrast, we fail to see a connection-related advantage in the female sample: the average standardized error for connected and non-connected forecasts made by female analysts are 0.399 and 0.404 respectively, with a t-stat of 1.37 for the difference. Connection is associated with marginally significantly better forecast accuracy in only 1 out of the 17 years—2007. In the two other years when the difference is significant—2003 and 2006, the direction is wrong: Connection is associated with worse (larger) forecast errors. 10
In sum, Table 5 indicates that connected forecasts are more accurate than non-connected forecasts. However, the connection effect is present only among men but not women. The fact that connection is associated with higher accuracy is consistent with Cohen, Malloy, and Frazzini (2008) and (2010), and indicates that connections can be a potentially important advantage for analysts. But our result suggests that there is a gender asymmetry: The positive link between connection and accuracy only exists for men but not women. Table 6 corroborates this result using regression analysis. The dependent variable is standardized forecast error. The key independent variables are the male dummy, connection, and the interaction between the two. We continue to include only analysts who are connected to at least one of the stocks he/she covers, to ensure that the model identifies variations due to connection, rather than due to differences across analysts. Thus the resulting sample includes only analysts who are connected to at least one of the stocks he/she covers. Model (1) and (2) use the two levels of connection measures respectively. The panel regression includes a host of analyst, forecast, and firm characteristics that have been identified in prior literature to affect forecast accuracy. Analyst characteristics include an Ivy League dummy, an All-star dummy, the analyst’s general as well as stock-specific experience, the size of the broker she/he works for, etc. Forecast characteristics include days since last forecast (by the same analyst for the same firm), forecast horizon, and forecast frequency. Firm characteristics include firm size, book-to-market ratio, and past returns. We include joint firm-year fixed effects, and cluster the standard errors by analyst. Results in Table 6 confirm the univariate results in Table 5. The gender coefficient is negative (marginally significant in Model 2), indicating that there is not a large gender difference in performance (accuracy). The coefficient on Connect1 is positive and marginally insignificant (Model 1) and that on Connect 2 is positive and significant at the 5% (Model 2). These variables by themselves capture the effect of connection for female analysts. Their positive sign indicates that connections do not result in more accurate forecasts for female analysts. On the other hand, the interaction term between both connection measures and the gender dummy is negative and significant, meaning that connection is related to more accurate forecasts for male analysts.6 6 It is possible that women benefit more from same-gender connections: female analysts may be more comfortable with female executives and may be able to obtain useful soft information through informal communications. In unreported analysis, we focus on same-sex networks and did not find it to play a stronger role for women. 11
B. Recommendation Impact Table 7 investigates how connections differentially affect the price impact of male and female analysts’ buy/sell stock recommendations. Price impact is the abnormal stock returns around the days when an analyst issues a new buy/sell recommendation. This measure reflects the market’s perceived informativeness in the analyst’s recommendation, and like forecast accuracy, it is another important—and relatively objective measure—of analysts’ performance. Following extensive literature, we calculate the Cumulative Abnormal Returns associated with a recommendation using the Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers (1997) (DGTW) characteristics-based benchmarks as follows: CAR[t , T ] ri , Bi , , T (2) t where [t, T] is the relevant event window, ri , is the return for stock i on date , Bi , is stock i’s benchmark return on date . Subtracting the contemporaneous benchmark return from the stock return removes expected stock movements associated with stocks’ size, book-to-market ratio, and momentum, leaving only firm-specific abnormal returns.7 We examine two event windows. The CAR[0,+1] (Panel A) is the immediate one-day window after the analyst issues a recommendation. Extensive prior literature documents that the market is efficient with respect to public information such as analyst recommendations; any information contained in analyst recommendations is quickly incorporated into prices within one day (Barber et al. (2001), Green (2006), Fang and Yasuda (2011), among others). Thus price impact should be concentrated in this window. The CAR[+1, +30] window is the subsequent 30- day window. While we do not expect additional price impact in this window, it is important to look at this window for signs of price reversal. The idea is that if the price impact in day 1 is due to true information (rather than over-reaction), then we should not see return reversal in the subsequent days. But if the initial price impact is due to market over-reaction (to analyst status, or gender, for example), such movement would be spurious and reversed in subsequent days. Table 7 indicates that for male analysts, connection is associated with significantly higher price impact. For connected recommendations made by male analysts, CAR[0, +1] is 1.58%, 24 basis points higher than the 1.33% price impact of non-connected male recommendations. The 7 The DGTW benchmarks are available via Details of the DGTW benchmark construction is discussed in Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers (1997) and Wermers (2004). 12
difference is significant at the 5% level. For sells, connected recommendations by male analysts have an average CAR[0, +1] of -2.55%, 26 basis points bigger than the -2.29% figure exhibited by non-connected recommendations. These effects are economicly large: 24 basis points difference in daily returns implies an annual return difference of 60%. For female analysts, on the other hand, connection is not associated with stronger price impact in either buys or sells. The results in the CAR[+1, +30] window (Panel B) indicate that there is generally no reversal in the subsequent period, as returns continue to drift in the positive (negative) direction after buy (sell) recommendations. This indicates that the initial price impact reflects market’s perceived information content in the recommendations, rather than over-reaction. 8 Thus the positive association between connection and price impact in male analysts’ recommendation and the absence of this pattern for females indicate that market perceives male analysts to be able to obtain useful information through their connections but female analysts do not. Summarizing Sections A and B, we find that analysts’ connections with company boards are associated with both more accurate forecasts and more impactful recommendations for male analysts but not for female analysts. There is a gender difference in the conclusion that connections can be important sources of information and improve analyst performance (Cohen, Frazzini, Malloy, 2010). The fact that such a positive link exists for men but not for women indicates that men obtain more benefits from connections than women. C. Career Outcomes – Star Status by Investor Voting We now turn our attention to career outcomes, which we proxy with the AA status that is the result of fund managers’ subjective voting. We again focus on the differential effect connection has in male and female analysts’ odds of being voted. We define three favorable career outcomes based on AA election results and use them as dependent variables in probit analysis. “Promotion1” refers to cases where an analyst who was a non-AA star in last year and becomes and AA this year. “Promotion2” are cases where an 8 We examined whether same-sex connection is more “useful” for female analysts. We find some evidence of this, but the effect is not statistically significant. In unreported analysis, we find that CAR[0, +1] for buy recommendations from female analysts with same-sex connection is 1.44%, 40 basis points bigger than the non- connected female recommendations, albeit the difference is not significant at the 10% level, possibly due to a small sample. For sells, female recommendations with same-sex connections exhibit CAR[0, +1] of -2.93%, 77 basis points larger (in magnitude) than non-connected female recommendations, but one again the effect is not statistically significant. 13
analyst who was a low-rank AA (3rd-place or runner-up title holder) last year and becomes a high-rank AA (1st or 2nd-place winner) this year. “All star” simply indicates whether an analyst is elected as a star. Because AA election results tend to persist from year to year, when we use “All Star” as the dependent variable, the lagged AA variable is used as a control for this persistence. Explanatory variables include measures of analyst work quality and characteristics such as analyst’s experience, the number of stocks and industries he/she covers, his/her track recordof past forecast accuracy, and education—whether he/she has attended Ivy League school. Table 8 reports the estimation results. In Panel A, we find that gender is generally insignificant in determining the election outcomes. This is consistent with uni-variate evidence in Table 1 which indicates that overall men and women’s odds of being elected are about the same; there is no “gender inequality” in the rates of “promotion” to AA status. In the whole sample connections alone and its interaction with the male dummy are also not significant. In contrast, investors value experience—and especially firm-specific experience—when evaluating analysts. One striking observation is low magnitudes of the pseudo-R2 in the regressions. For the “promotion” regressions, the pseudo-R2 is below 10%; for the All-star equation, it is over 50% but this is mainly due to the inclusion of the lagged star status and the persistence of election results from year to year (Fang and Yasuda 2009, 2013). These results indicate that observable analyst characteristics explain a very small fraction of analysts’ promotions; much of what determines star election outcomes are unknown and subjective. Panel B examines the probit regression in the male and female sub-samples separately, to see whether different factors matter for the two genders’ election outcomes. Results here reveal an interesting asymmetry. In the male sample, connection per se is highly valued by investors. The connection indicator has coefficients in the range of 0.15-0.17, indicating that being connected improves the odds by roughly 15% after other effects are controlled for. Importantly, we have controlled for forecast accuracy in these regressions. So this effect is not because men can use connections to improve their performance better than women. In contrast, connection per se is not valued in the female sample by investors. In fact, the variable has a negative sign in all equations. For women, two other variables matter: Ivy League education, and past forecasting accuracy. Ivy League has a coefficient ranging from 0.33 to 0.54 in the different equations, indicating a huge economic effect. Past forecast error has a significantly negative coefficient in the promotion from non-star to star, and from the promotion 14
from the low-rank star status to the high-rank star status. Thus, inaccurate forecasts are penalized (alternatively stated, accurate forecasts are rewarded) in the female sample. Interestingly, the impact of forecast quality is especially significant for the promotion from non-star to star status, but less so for the promotion from low-rank star to high-rank star, suggesting that quantifiable competence plays a particularly important role in the promotion of relatively novice stars. Notably, neither Ivy League education nor forecast accuracy is significant in determining men’s odds of promotion or being elected a star. These results reveal that investors value male and female analysts differently: While connections is valued by investors and affects career outcomes positively for men, for women, it is measurable characteristics—education and forecast accuracy—that matter. Thus, while male and female analysts have roughly the same odds of being voted as stars, the factors that increase their odds are different. Since we have shown that connections potentially improve analysts’ job performance such as earnings forecast accuracy (especially for men), it is important that accuracy is controlled for in the regression. The contrast in the relative importance of the two factors in the two samples show that, fund managers, when subjectively evaluating and voting for who they consider as “the best” analysts, are more willing to weigh signals such as the analysts’ connectedness positively for men than for women; for women, performance rather than such signals are favorably weighted. D. A Placebo Test One important question is whether the asymmetry in the factors that affect men and women’s chance of being elected truly reflects a human bias in the way people (fund managers in this context) evaluate men and women. An alternative is that connections are more strongly correlated with some unobserved skill in men than in women, and therefore it is more important in the male sample regression than in the female sample. The validity of these two alternative explanations has important implications on how we interpret the evidence. If the asymmetry reflects human bias, then our finding is relevant in understanding the “glass ceiling” phenomenon; it shows that men appear to be judged more on their social capital (connections) and women on their performance. But if the asymmetry reflects an omitted variable, then the result only indicates investors’ efficient use of potential skill-relevant information in connections. 15
To differentiate between these two possibilities, we use an alternative, computer-based “best analyst” ranking as a placebo test. Since 1992, the Wall Street Journal publishes its own annual “Best on the Street” list of top analysts for the year. But unlike the Institutional Investor AA list which is based on human voting, Wall Street Journal’s ranking is data-based and computerized. A research company named FactSet Research Systems collects, verifies underlying data on stock recommendations made by analysts, and computes an aggregate numerical score for each analyst’s performance made through the past 12 months, taking into account analysts’ buy/hold/sell calls. While the exact algorithm is not disclosed, the Wall Street Journal’s own description of the process emphasizes its “objectivity, accuracy, and fairness”. We obtained Wall Street Journal “Best on the Street” rankings for the period 1999-2009. The idea is that if the asymmetry in the factors that affect success in the AA voting reflects biases in the way people make subjective evaluations, then we should not observe the same type of asymmetry when the analysis is repeated on the Wall Street Journal ranking. In other words, we should not see connections matter differentially for men and women in this setting. We repeat the probit analysis in this setting, and report the results in Table 9. Results here indicate that the aforementioned asymmetry in the factors influencing men and women’s odds of becoming a star does not exist in this alternative ranking. Notably, connections per se do not matter for either population. The contrast between this result and that in Table 8 suggests that the asymmetrical impact of connections on men and women’s career outcomes is unique in subjective evaluation. E. Young versus old If investors rely on connections to evaluate analysts, this may matter more for young analysts with little track record than for older analysts. To examine this, we split the sample into the “young” versus “old” population, by the median of experience (6 years). We repeat the election results regression for the two sub-samples, and report the results in Table 10. We find that the previously documented asymmetry exists primarily in the young analyst population, but largely disappears for the older analyst population. Thus, young male analysts directly benefit from connections in career outcomes while young female analysts do not. 16
V. Conclusions Using a large sample of Wall Street analysts, we analyze how connections (social capital) affect job performance and career outcomes (human capital) differently for men and women. Our findings support the notion that men reap higher returns from their social capital than women. The male and female analysts in our sample do not exhibit differential amount of social capital; but connections are related to performance and career outcomes in different ways for the two genders. For men, connections are associated with more accurate earnings forecasts, more impactful buy/sell recommendations—both of which are objective job performance measures. And importantly, after controlling for these factors, connections per se still contribute positively for men’s odds of being voted as a “Star” analyst by institutional investors, a key marker of career success. None of these benefits of connections appear strong among female analysts. Instead, important factors for female analysts’ career success include education background and a track record of accurate forecasts. These findings echo those in Ibarra (1992) that men reap higher benefits (or “returns”) from connections than women. But our findings suggest two distinct reasons for this to happen. First, men themselves are better at extracting useful information and use it to improve their performance—earnings forecast accuracy and recommendation impact. But the second reason is that the evaluators of the analysts—institutional money managers who use the analysts’ research to make investment decisions—appear more willing to put weight on signals such as social connections to favorably evaluate men, while preferring to rely on “hard data” such as education and track record to appraise women. Why might this be the case? It may be that when faced with the task of evaluating performance under imperfect information, people feel more comfortable to rely on soft signals such as a worker’s social ties to make a judgment when that worker is of a “familiar type”: There is less asymmetric information and people can more reliably infer the value of the signals than when evaluating unfamiliar types. Thus such behavior is completely rational on the part of the evaluator, with no intent to discriminate against the unfamiliar type. Yet nonetheless it can reinforce the “glass ceiling” equilibrium as the “familiar” type—which nearly by definition would be the majority—appear to receive more benefits from their social connections. Indeed we find that asymmetry in the way connections affect career outcomes for men and women is particularly pronounced for young analysts. 17
Even though our evidence is based on the Wall Street context, it is broadly relevant. As in the case of analysts, whose career success depend largely on the subjective voting by money managers, the career advancement of lower level employees depends heavily on the subjective judgment by their superiors. If the “glass ceiling” phenomenon is reinforced by biases in the way superiors judge subordinates of familiar versus unfamiliar types, then its fix would involve both a natural evolution whereby the unfamiliar type becomes more numerous and more familiar to the evaluators, as well as a top-down approach whereby the diversity at the top (among the evaluators) “chips away” (Matsa and Miller, 2011) the glass ceiling. 18
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Figure 1. Gender Distribution This figure plots the fraction of females in the general analyst population and the star analyst (AA) population. The sample of analyst is from our merged sample between I/B/E/S file, the analyst education file, and the BoardEx file. Star analysts are identified from the October issues of the Institutional Investor magazine. Percentage of Female in Analyst Population 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 1998 2005 Among all analysts Among star analysts 21
Figure 2. Comparing Education This figure plots the fraction of male and female analysts who have ever attended an Ivy League school. Star analysts are identified from the October issues of the Institutional Investor magazine. Proportion of analysts who attended Ivy League 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% Male 10% 5% Female 0% Proportion of star analysts who attended Ivy League 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Male 10% Female 0% 22
Table 1. Gender Distribution This table reports the number of male and female analysts in the general population and the star analyst population. Star analysts are identified from the October issues of the Institutional Investor magazine. All analysts Star analysts year Male Female % Female Male Female % Female 1993 215 24 10.04% 48 4 7.69% 1994 264 34 11.41% 55 3 5.17% 1995 302 42 12.21% 57 5 8.06% 1996 364 50 12.08% 53 7 11.67% 1997 432 70 13.94% 55 7 11.29% 1998 506 72 12.46% 66 8 10.81% 1999 554 84 13.17% 66 11 14.29% 2000 610 91 12.98% 71 13 15.48% 2001 642 88 12.05% 51 14 21.54% 2002 681 92 11.90% 51 13 20.31% 2003 762 104 12.01% 49 11 18.33% 2004 859 108 11.17% 45 10 18.18% 2005 937 127 11.94% 44 8 15.38% 2006 832 109 11.58% 48 7 12.73% 2007 722 92 11.30% 45 8 15.09% 2008 633 76 10.72% 52 9 14.75% 2009 548 64 10.46% 33 5 13.16% Average 580 78 11.85% 52 8 13.76% 23
Table 2. Comparing Connections This table compares the number of connections between male and female analysts, and between star and non-star analysts. A connection means the analyst shares a school tie—he or she has attended the same university—with an officer or director of a firm he/she covers. Star analysts are identifies from the October issues of the Institutional Investor magazine. *, **, *** denotes statistical significance of the difference at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels based on two-tailed tests, respectively. Panel A: Comparing connections p -value p -value year Male Female Star Non-star (diff.) (diff.) 1993 1.73 1.54 0.73 2.65 1.42 0.00 *** 1994 1.59 1.35 0.62 2.59 1.28 0.00 *** 1995 1.69 1.64 0.91 2.96 1.34 0.00 *** 1996 1.61 1.74 0.75 3.16 1.31 0.00 *** 1997 1.52 1.60 0.81 3.22 1.22 0.00 *** 1998 1.46 1.94 0.14 2.92 1.27 0.00 *** 1999 1.68 2.23 0.06 * 3.48 1.46 0.00 *** 2000 1.85 2.33 0.12 3.77 1.62 0.00 *** 2001 2.05 2.63 0.07 * 4.48 1.84 0.00 *** 2002 2.16 2.40 0.44 4.17 1.95 0.00 *** 2003 2.25 2.01 0.43 4.08 2.05 0.00 *** 2004 2.41 2.22 0.57 4.41 2.25 0.00 *** 2005 2.46 2.40 0.83 5.08 2.30 0.00 *** 2006 2.78 2.94 0.66 4.72 2.65 0.00 *** 2007 3.08 3.32 0.55 4.78 2.95 0.00 *** 2008 3.03 3.22 0.63 4.08 2.93 0.01 *** 2009 3.21 3.25 0.93 4.27 3.11 0.03 ** Panel B: Comparing conenctions in star and non-star sub-samples Star Analysts Non-star Analysts p -value p -value year Male Female Male Female (diff.) (diff.) 1993 2.72 1.75 0.59 1.41 1.50 0.86 1994 2.63 2.20 0.79 1.29 1.21 0.86 1995 2.82 4.13 0.33 1.38 1.06 0.43 1996 2.94 5.14 0.18 1.33 1.19 0.68 1997 2.99 4.80 0.21 1.24 1.07 0.54 1998 2.59 5.50 0.02 ** 1.25 1.37 0.70 1999 3.20 5.42 0.04 ** 1.42 1.69 0.32 2000 3.40 5.47 0.03 ** 1.63 1.61 0.95 2001 4.23 5.35 0.32 1.83 1.97 0.64 2002 3.73 6.13 0.03 ** 1.99 1.68 0.33 2003 4.00 4.43 0.66 2.10 1.63 0.14 2004 4.41 4.42 1.00 2.28 1.95 0.34 2005 4.94 6.00 0.44 2.31 2.16 0.60 2006 4.52 6.11 0.22 2.65 2.65 1.00 2007 4.71 5.25 0.73 2.93 3.13 0.62 2008 3.89 5.30 0.23 2.93 2.91 0.96 2009 4.02 5.75 0.21 3.13 2.89 0.65 24
Table 3. Summary Statistics This table reports demographic and work pattern statistics of male and female analyst samples. Ivy League is an indicator variable that equals 1 if the analyst has ever attended an Ivy League school and 0 otherwise. Ever was star is an indicator variable that equals 1 if the analyst has ever been elected as a star analyst and 0 otherwise. Star analysts are identified from the October issues of the Institutional Investor magazine. Connect1 is an indicator variable that equals 1 if the analyst covering a firm has attended the same university as one of the active senior officer and directors of the firm and 0 otherwise. Connect2 is an indicator variable that equals 1 if the analyst covering a firm has attended the same degree program in the same university as one of the active senior officers and directors of the firm and 0 otherwise. Number of firms connected to is the sum of Connect1 among all firms covered by an analyst. % of firms connected to is the number of connections an analyst has, defined above, divided by the total number of stocks the analyst covers. No. of firms covered is the number of firms for which an analyst provides earnings per share (EPS) forecasts. No. of industries covered is the number of industries, according to the Fama French 48 industries classification, represented by the firms that the analyst covers. No. of earnings forecast made per firm per year is the number of year-end EPS forecasts made by an analyst for a firm in a given year. No. of recs issued per firm per year is the number of buy/sell stock recommendations that an analyst issues for a firm in a given year. Years of experience measure the number of years an analyst appears in the I/B/E/S database. *, **, *** denotes statistical significance of the difference at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels based on two-tailed tests, respectively. Male Female t-stat Ivy league 21.98% 26.97% 1.72 * Ever was star 12.83% 14.11% 0.55 % of firms connected to - University (Connect1) 20.21% 23.86% 19.07 *** % of firms connected to - Degree (Connect2) 11.49% 13.35% 12.23 *** Number of firms connected to 1.89 1.96 0.39 Avg no. of firms coverred 9.79 8.58 -3.26 *** Avg no. of industries 2.63 2.29 -3.41 *** Avg no. of earnings forecasts made per firm per year 3.29 3.28 -0.09 Avg no. of recs issued per firm per year 1.36 1.35 0.50 Avg years of experience 4.73 4.32 4.21 *** 25
Table 4. Forecast Error Statistics This table reports summary statistics of the forecast errors of analysts’ earnings per share (EPS) forecasts. Raw Forecast Error is the absolute difference between an analyst’s forecast of the company’s year-end EPS and the firm’s actual reported year-end EPS, scaled by the prevailing stock price in the quarter before the release of the actual EPS. Standardized Forecast Error is calculated using Equation (1). Specifically, it is the Raw Forecast Error minus the minimum Raw Forecast Error among all forecasts issued by all analysts for the same firm in the same year, divided by the difference between the maximum and minimum Raw Forecast Error among all forecasts issued by all analysts for the same firm in the same year. Summary statistics of forecast errors mean sd min p25 p50 p75 max Raw Forecast Error Female 0.019 0.054 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.013 0.743 Male 0.020 0.058 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.014 0.747 All 0.020 0.058 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.014 0.747 Standardized Forecast Error Male 0.389 0.337 0.000 0.083 0.304 0.657 1.000 Female 0.402 0.338 0.000 0.093 0.327 0.676 1.000 All 0.391 0.337 0.000 0.084 0.307 0.659 1.000 26
Table 5. Univariate Comparisons of Standardized Forecast Error This table compares Standardized Forecast Errors between male and female analysts, and between connected and non-connected analysts. Only analysts who are connected to at least one stock they cover are included in this test. Standardized Forecast Error is calculated using Equation (1). A forecast is made by a “Connected” analyst if at the time of the forecast, the analyst shares a school tie—has attended the same university—with one of the active senior officers and directors of the firm. *, **, *** denotes statistical significance of the difference at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels based on two-tailed tests, respectively. Panel A Overall gender and connection effect Male Female t-stat(Diff) Connected Not connected t-stat(Diff) 1993 0.410 0.464 3.740 *** 0.3893 0.4201 2.9020 *** 1994 0.402 0.405 0.214 0.3816 0.4066 2.4616 ** 1995 0.399 0.410 1.055 0.3948 0.4023 0.8316 1996 0.416 0.424 0.758 0.3966 0.4228 3.0539 *** 1997 0.406 0.418 1.255 0.3893 0.4124 2.8773 *** 1998 0.406 0.418 1.392 0.3964 0.4110 2.0697 ** 1999 0.399 0.420 2.489 ** 0.3930 0.4053 1.8349 * 2000 0.399 0.411 1.416 0.3897 0.4053 2.4745 ** 2001 0.383 0.395 1.641 0.3744 0.3891 2.7554 *** 2002 0.390 0.408 2.536 ** 0.3820 0.3957 2.6470 *** 2003 0.367 0.376 1.276 0.3612 0.3704 1.9344 * 2004 0.387 0.397 1.530 0.3781 0.3927 3.4669 *** 2005 0.383 0.377 -0.967 0.3705 0.3874 4.2615 *** 2006 0.381 0.405 4.035 *** 0.3698 0.3893 4.9976 *** 2007 0.398 0.411 2.247 ** 0.3941 0.4011 1.7310 * 2008 0.399 0.419 3.169 *** 0.3987 0.4018 0.7524 2009 0.340 0.358 2.725 *** 0.3316 0.3459 3.4540 *** All years 0.387 0.402 8.282 *** 0.3777 0.3930 11.9215 *** Panel B Effects of connection in gender subsamples Male Female Male Female t-stat(Diff) Connected Not connected t-stat(Diff) 1993 0.385 0.415 2.726 *** 0.470 0.434 0.972 1994 0.383 0.406 2.204 ** 0.412 0.369 1.213 1995 0.391 0.401 1.007 0.408 0.418 -0.397 1996 0.397 0.422 2.694 *** 0.432 0.395 1.501 1997 0.388 0.411 2.628 *** 0.425 0.398 1.328 1998 0.393 0.410 2.257 ** 0.418 0.417 0.078 1999 0.387 0.403 2.290 ** 0.419 0.424 -0.312 2000 0.385 0.405 2.876 *** 0.409 0.414 -0.276 2001 0.372 0.388 2.762 *** 0.399 0.388 0.759 2002 0.378 0.394 2.960 *** 0.408 0.409 -0.056 2003 0.362 0.369 1.263 0.388 0.354 2.402 ** 2004 0.375 0.393 3.999 *** 0.394 0.403 -0.715 2005 0.370 0.388 4.418 *** 0.378 0.376 0.134 2006 0.367 0.387 4.866 *** 0.411 0.392 1.660 * 2007 0.390 0.401 2.592 *** 0.404 0.427 -1.888 * 2008 0.394 0.401 1.439 0.413 0.430 -1.340 2009 0.328 0.345 3.784 *** 0.357 0.359 -0.167 All years 0.375 0.392 12.507 *** 0.404 0.399 1.377 27
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