GBOOSH UPDATES JUNE 2022 - Gymea Bay Care & Leisure Centre

Page created by Eddie Palmer
GBOOSH UPDATES JUNE 2022 - Gymea Bay Care & Leisure Centre
                       M: 0408 210 705
                       ABN: 17 195 913 900

                                                                  DATES TO REMEMBER
         GBOOSH UPDATES                                             Week 7 – Vac Program & Booking
                                                                                     Form Available
           JUNE 2022                                                      14 June – GBPS P&C Meeting
                                .                                    22 June – GBOOSH Management
CCS End of Financial Year Updates: Did you know that                             Committee Meeting
Services Australia/Centrelink balances family CCS
                                                                      Week 9 – Vac Fee Payment due
entitlements a number of times per year?
                                                                            13 June – GBOOSH Closed
This is why it is critical that families complete any action
                                                                  4 - 18 July – Vacation Care Program
required in their My Gov/Centrelink app ASAP. This includes
entering your annual income estimate, completing your tax                   19 July – SCHOOL RETURNS
return or updating your family details.
With direct link-in access to the GBOOSH data base the
Government is able to adjust or cease CCS payments
without the centre’s knowledge.
Fee Payments: Please make sure you are receiving your           THANK YOU:
weekly fee statement each Monday to avoid building up a         Thank you to all the GBOOSH families
large account.                                                  that have that have shown support for
                                                                a community-based future.
If you have not received a DDR form and would like to
register please email the GBOOSH office                         Many families have put themselves                                       forward to help support the Centre
                                                                through the upcoming changes to the
If you are paying via DDR make sure there are funds             licensing requirements. Whether you
available in your account each week/fortnight/month             have joined the GBOOSH Committee
depending on what you have selected as the DDR provider         or the P&C we thank you for your show
charges a fee for declined payments.                            of support!

Families can also to continue to use the manual deposit
system as outlined on your GBOOSH statement.
BASC Voucher Program: GBOOSH continues to be unable to          GBOOSH has a duty of care to account for
process these due to the costly reporting requirements the       every child booked in for care. Advance
Government has placed on the vouchers. NO OTHER                 notice also allows GBOOSH to offer casual
VOUCHER PROGRAM requires the business to report on how                     care to other families.
each dollar of the voucher is spent. Many services are           If your child will be absent from GBOOSH
reluctantly processing these at a high cost to their service!   please email

Please read the attached information for more detailed                    OR text 0408 210 705.
information. We have written to the Minister’s Office and the   Permanent absences are paid at the normal
BASC Reform Team on many occasions!                                          CCS/fee rate.
                                                                Casual bookings maybe cancelled without
Families have up until December 2022 to redeem the              charge when 48 hours’ notice is provided.
vouchers and we are endeavoring to get the Minister to
address this so GBOOSH can join the program.
GBOOSH UPDATES JUNE 2022 - Gymea Bay Care & Leisure Centre
SAVE GBOOSH – we REALLY need your HELP!                                    VACATION CARE
   The NSW Department of Education has made unexpected                 To avoid disappointment, please book your
   changes to the licence agreement requirements for OOSH              Vac Care needs as soon as the program is
   services on school sites. Unfortunately for GBOOSH this means       released. With limited places and final
   under our current structure as a parent managed service will        numbers needing to be confirmed on
   not be eligible to participate in normal licence negotiations       activities, we ask families book by the
   after 2022. Without making changes to our structure the OOSH
                                                                       suggested closing date.
   Licence for GBPS will be advertised for PUBLIC TENDER via the
   NSW Government website.                                             GBOOSH cannot guarantee places without
                                                                       a completed booking form so do not just
   The first step in changing our structure has been for GBOOSH
                                                                       email and assume these have been booked.
   to approach the GBPS P&C to explore the potential for of
   merging GBOOSH operations under the P&C. This option                Final booking confirmations are included in
   would ensure we keep GBOOSH’s current assets within the             the Week 9 statement so please read your
   community and ongoing operations will maintain a                    statements carefully.
   community focus with minimal interruption to operations and         First priority for Vacation Care must go to
   maximum input from families.                                        GBPS students! So make sure you get your
   On 24 May 2022 the P&C held an Extraordinary Meeting,               bookings & payments in.
   registered members of the P&C voted in favour of the first
   phase of the potential merger process. This involves the P&C
   engaging an external professional to conduct an audit of                        GBOOSH Staff Updates
   GBOOSH and provide a report outlining the financial and
   legal implications for P&C to consider.                             GBOOSH has been advertising for more
                                                                       educators to join our team in 2022. More staff are
   Following review of the audit report, the GBPS P&C will be          needed to support the growing number of
   required to make further decisions and conduct voting to            enrolments and assist where our existing staff
   gauge what the community would like to see for the OOSH in          have studies or practical placements.
   future years. Families MUST get involved & stay updated if they
   wish to have a say in the outcomes of this process. Going to
                                                                       GBOOSH would like to officially welcome our
   public tender would mean that GBOOSH changes forever.
                                                                       newest casual Educator: Tessa.
   If you have you would like to know get involved in the
   campaign to save GBOOSH please join us for the next                 We look forwarding to welcoming more
   GBOOSH Management Committee Meeting, P&C Meeting or                 members to the GBOOSH team over the coming
   email the service                         months.
   More detailed information about the process is also
   available on the NEWS section of the GBOOSH                         Please note; under current policy GBOOSH
                                                                       staff are not permitted to Babysit or Tutor
                                                                       children enrolled at GBOOSH. Please talk to a
                                                                       leader if you have question about this policy.

               CONTACT US ANYTIME:

Congratulations & THANK YOU to our 2022/2023 Volunteer Parent Management Committee
PRESIDENT: Mark Badovinac              VICE PRESIDENT: Alecia Brooks       TREASURER: Craig Manwarring
PUBLIC OFFICER: Taryn Fisher           SECRETARY: Heather Vincin
GENERAL MEMBERS: Kristy Dainton, Emma Davie, Rania Saunders, Diana Abeleven, Alison Jack, Natalie Chandler
The GBOOSH Management Committee is continuing to meet monthly with a mix of attendance both in-person and
online via the Microsoft Teams platform. Over the coming months the Committee will be working with the GBPS P&C to
explore the potential merger of GBOOSH & P&C to ensure our eligibility beyond 2022 for an OOSH licence agreement.

If you would like to get involved in the Committee or just participate in meetings occasionally, please email
Corinne Bochkareff: and we can send you details of the next meeting.
THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD: Wednesday 22 June @     2 6.30pm.
GBOOSH UPDATES JUNE 2022 - Gymea Bay Care & Leisure Centre
BASC Voucher Program Information for families

Background on BASC Vouchers
The NSW Government announced the release of the BASC Voucher program in January 2022. This
program was developed and announced without consultation with the wider OOSH Community or
the childcare software providers that currently provide systems to manage fees and payments
against CCS.

Many services found out about the program the day it was announced publicly by the media. Service
were then told in order to accept the vouchers they would need to register with Service NSW as a
eligible business and then complete a Compliance Reporting Tool developed by the Department. The
Reporting tool asks services to account for every dollar spent against individual days and sessions for
every single eligible child. In this process the service also had to take into consideration the
individual families CCS eligibility.

To see the complexity of this process you can find further details:

So why is GBOOSH currently unable to accept the BASC voucher?
Unfortunately, the redemption process required by the NSW is unsuitable for services as large as
GBOOSH. With over 200 enrolled families, and with many of these families having more than one
child which they would like to claim the voucher for, the workload would amount to at least 1 day
per week of administrative work. Our service is a not-for-profit community-based service and we
would not be compensated for extensive amount of time our staff would need to spend processing

The current redemption process requires a very manual procedure of entry into a spreadsheet to
account for how each dollar of the voucher is balanced against an individual family's out of pocket
expense (after CCS entitlement). We are then expected to monitor the families progress against the
$500 entitlement and at the end of the voucher program, if families have not used the full $500
entitlement it will be expected that any shortfall is returned to the NSW Government.

As the Government has direct access to GBOOSH's CCS software this could mean that money will be
automatically withdrawn from family/GBOOSH accounts which will require further reconciliation
within our accounting systems.

Why can’t the current software programs process the BASC voucher for
As this is a NSW Government incentive only, the CCS software is designed to calculate federally
funded CCS payments against fees, therefore is unable to be redesigned for just one state and also
for something that is very short term.

   Providing quality before school, after school and vacation care on the grounds of Gymea Bay Public School

           Email:              Website:
                          M: 0408 210 705                     ABN: 17 195 913 900
GBOOSH UPDATES JUNE 2022 - Gymea Bay Care & Leisure Centre
What could the NSW Government do to reduce the burden on services to
enable all larger services like GBOOSH to utilise the BASC Voucher Program?
If the NSW Government had honoured this redemption process in the same way they do for the Dine
& Discover, Stays NSW and Parents NSW, essentially as cash, where there is no additional accounting
requirement for the business and no out of pocket expenses for huge amounts of labour. If
Government was to remove the reporting tool, services like GBOOSH would have been more than
happy to register for the program and redeem the vouchers.

Child care services are already required to submit detailed attendance and fee data to the
Commonwealth on a weekly basis, this redemption process appears to be a double handling of much
of this data.

How would services account for the redeemed voucher without the reporting
Without the reporting tool, the process would be simple, child care services would scan the code,
receive the credit from Service NSW which would be entered as a credit against the family account
in their relevant child care software. The system would then simply charge the care sessions to the
family account until the $500 was exceeded, then the system would start issuing normal charges to
the family. Processing the voucher as a direct credit would also allow for more accurate calculation
of the gap fee against the credit, as well as any booking changes and provide flexibility to account for
any CCS entitlement fluctuations.

As a registered NFP association our service is also subject to an independent audit each year,
therefore we are accountable for all transactions against fees we charge, care we provide and any
funding provided to families.

It is important to note that: NO other service providers in the hospitality, accommodation or
entertainment sectors are required to undertake an onerous reporting or redemption

Where to now?
At GBOOSH we understand that the vouchers would be of huge benefit to many families and
particularly those with multiple children in care, however we just cannot physically manage this
process at this time. With our core focus being the provision of quality care for children and a
providing a safe environment for our families.

We have been working with Network of Community Activities to try to lobby for changes to the
redemption process. We have also raised the issue with our local member Mr Mark Speakman, the
office of the Mr Scott Morrison and the NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell.

We would encourage you to write to them also as the more pressure from the community they
receive the more chance we have to change this process. I have already had 3 families write to Mr
Mark Speakman's office asking them to address this issue.
   Providing quality before school, after school and vacation care on the grounds of Gymea Bay Public School

           Email:              Website:
                          M: 0408 210 705                     ABN: 17 195 913 900
GBOOSH UPDATES JUNE 2022 - Gymea Bay Care & Leisure Centre
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