GARDINER MONTANA Nature's Favorite Entrance to Yellowstone National Park TM - Gardiner, Montana
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GARDINER MONTANA TM Nature's Favorite Entrance to Yellowstone National Park | 406-848-7971 2020-21 1 VISITGARDINERMT.COM
2019-20 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE Your Source for Groceries in Gardiner, Montana Ready-to-Eat Chicken, Smoked Ribs, and Brisket Everything you need for a great day in the park! State of Montana Liquor Store 701 HWY 89 406-848-7524 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 HISTORY 20 UNSUNG SEASONS 05 ANNUAL EVENTS 22 SAMPLE ITINERARIES 06 GETTING HERE 26 LODGING 07 DOWNTOWN AREA MAP 30 SHOPPING & SERVICES 08 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 32 DINING & NIGHTLIFE 10 OUTDOOR RECREATION 34 TOURS & ACTIVITIES | 406-848-7971 | 216 Park Street, Gardiner MT Visit Gardiner MT @VisitGardinerMT Managed by: GARDINER MONTANA @VisitGardinerMT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & VISITOR CENTER Visit Gardiner MT Produced with Accommodations Tax Funds. Printed in the USA on recycled paper for free distribution. A digital copy of this document is available on or upon request. Front cover photo courtesy of Audy Austin. 1
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE WELCOME TO Gardiner, Montana. Here at the North Entrance to Yellowstone National Park, you’ll find small-town Montana charm, natural splendor, and abundant wildlife. Our beautiful landscape—coupled with a colorful history of trappers, miners, and mountain men—make Gardiner a unique “home on the range” for visitors and residents alike. Split by the mighty Yellowstone River and nestled between the Absaroka-Beartooth and Gallatin mountain ranges, Gardiner is surrounded on all sides by approximately 10 million acres of public lands. Year round access to Yellowstone’s Northern Range, known as "the Serengeti of North America," truly differentiates Gardiner from other Yellowstone gateway communities. Whether you seek the quiet splendor of wildlife watching in winter or the thrill of whitewater rafting in summer, we welcome you to stay like a local—hike, soak, ski, fish, raft, and explore our little piece of Big Sky Country. Happy Trails, Gardiner Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau 2 | 406-848-7971
GET TO KNOW GARDINER Latitude & Longitude: 45.0319° N, 110.7058° W Elevation: 5,259 FT (1,603 M) Time Zone: Mountain (MST) Gardiner is... Gardiner Weather Trends • Home to just under Temperature Precipitation 900 residents F in • Graced by the his- toric Roosevelt Arch, dedicated in 1903 by President Theodore Roosevelt. • Located on the 45th parallel, the half way point between the equator and the North Did you Know? Pole. • Gardiner enjoys Montana's first access to the wild and scenic Yellowstone River -- the longest free-flowing river in the lower 48 states. • The status of "town" was established when the Post Office opened on February 19, 1880 with James McCartney as Postmaster. • When residences were built on the north side of the Yellowstone River, the pedestrian route to school and business was shortened by a swinging foot bridge, which served for 25 years. Find photos at the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce! Learn about the wildlife! You may see me strolling throughout Gardiner... Bison Pronghorn Grizzly Bear Stay back 25 yards. Stay back 25 yards. Stay back 100 yards. Can weigh up to 2000 lbs. Fastest land mammal in Has hump back. Can run 35 mph. North America with an The official animal of Can jump over objects average running speed Montana since 1982. about 5 ft high. of 40 mph Elk Mule Deer Black Bear Stay back 25 yards. Stay back 100 yards. Stay back 25 yards. Only the bulls have Not just black, but Have no upper teeth, antlers, which can be also brown, blonde & only a hard palate. almost 6ft wide. cinnamon. Named after their mule- Calves are born in like ears. May-June. BE BEAR AWARE! P RO All of Yellowstone Country is bear country. TIP | 406-848-7971 Purchase bear spray at the Gardiner Market, 3 Yellowstone Gifts and Sweets, the Flying Pig, or a Yellowstone Forever Park Store.
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE Historic Haynes postcard of the train depot in Gardiner, MT/Yellowstone NPS THE ORIGINAL ENTRANCE TO YELLOWSTONE As the original entrance to the world’s first to come from a phonetic misspelling of “Gardner” national park, the history of Gardiner, Montana, when pronounced by the infamous West Virginia is closely tied to the history of Yellowstone Nation- mountain man Jim Bridger. al Park. Since the park was established in 1872, the “rough and tumble” community of Gardiner In 1883, the Northern Pacific Railway extended its has been serving the needs of park visitors from Park Branch Line south from Livingston as far as around the world, although mining and ranching Cinnabar, a railroad stop just north of Gardiner. would later come to make up the Gardiner econo- The rail line was extended to Gardiner in 1903 and my as well. continued to operate until 1948. Although Gardiner was not officially founded The town has survived gold rushes, destructive until 1880, references to an area known as “Gard- fires, and the coming and going of the railroad. ner’s Hole” date back to the mid-1830s, likely Today Gardiner is home to a range of businesses named for the fur trapper Johnson Gardner. The that welcome visitors to Yellowstone from all over town received its name from the Washburn- the world—from outfitters and guides to cozy Langford-Doane party in 1870. The extra “I” is said diners and family-owned lodges. The Roosevelt Arch on a clear winter morning/Yellowstone NPS Roosevelt Arch stands tall on a winter morning/Yellowstone NPS 4 | 406-848-7971
YELLOWSTONE INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL Expect the Unexpected A ug u s t 11 - 1 6 Artists of the: Paris Opera Ballet • Bolshoi Ballet Royal Albert Hall London Bagpiper s • Native American Dancers • Opera • Photography Tickets and Info: c Nicholas MacKay 406- 579- 6 4 1 4 Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Yellowstone • Paradise Valley • Pray Gar diner • Livingston @YellowstoneIntArts Nadia Khan ANNUAL EVENTS JANUARY Gardiner locals become a tight-knit family JULY The Gardiner Brewfest showcases the town’s when winter arrives—but they’re a welcoming bunch, appreciation for local craft beer, good music, and great too. Residents beat the cold with the annual Chili Cook- company. Off competition. AUGUST Peak summer season is upon Gardiner and FEBRUARY The annual Jardine Ski Run celebrates this Yellowstone National Park and the bison rut begins. mountain community’s love for cross-country skiing Residents and visitors gather for Shakespeare in the and friendly competition. Park at Arch Park. MARCH Yellowstone’s interior roads close for spring SEPTEMBER The bison rut draws to a close and the plowing. Cross-country skiing and wildlife watching are elk rut begins. Park visitation is still high—we'd recom- still popular on the Northern Range from Gardiner to mend advance reservations. Cooke City. OCTOBER The elk rut continues while bears APRIL Many of Yellowstone’s roads open to the public begin to prepare for hibernation. All park roads are for the summer season, offering a chance to visit major open (weather permitting). attractions without crowds. NOVEMBER With the exception of the Northern MAY Bison calves dot the hillsides and spring rafting Range from Gardiner to Cooke City, most park roads begins. The Hell's A-Roarin’ Horse Drive takes place on close for the season. Memorial Day weekend. DECEMBER Stroll, shop, and sing at the annual JUNE All park roads are open. The Gardiner Rodeo Gardiner Christmas Stroll or enjoy the Christmas Tree takes place on Father’s Day weekend. Lighting in Mammoth Hot Springs. | 406-848-7971 5
Y E L L O W S T O N E C O U N T R Y M O N T A N A Townsend Custer k Cree CR 2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE ile nm Gallatin Boulder tee AZY Radersburg Toston Six National er Custer Forest to Miles City, MT MOUNTAINS Riv ek er GETTING HERE Broadview Maudlow Gallatin Cre uri Riv Bo uld e r R i v e r lds 87 a ss National et G r er Shie Melville iv Swe BR Hailstone National ne R 399 Forest Cottonwood Lake wsto Misso Wildlife Refuge Yello ID Reservoir Adam ...and getting there 287 GE Wilsall Wilsall Pk 191 Worden te, MT 10581’ Crazy Pk 11209’ Glasston Rapelje R R Missouri Sedan 69 Headwaters Trident Lake 3 Shepherd Halfbreed Pompeys Pillar Whitehall Logan Ballantine A National 522 Wildlife NG Lewis Manhattan Clyde Park 478 Refuge & Clark Three Belgrade Big Timber Billings Huntley E Caverns 287 55 Molt 302 Cardwell La 2 Forks Madison Bozeman Yellowstone 89 Billings Logan r Willow Buffalo ive n River Jefferson Hood International Airport (BZN) International Airport (BIL) r eR 306 ive Jump Island Creek nR Bridger Bowl ston 401 359 Springdale Yellow Waterloo Amsterdam Bozeman Grannis Greycliff 532 Madiso G a ll a ti Greycliff Reed Point 532 Harrison Churchill Willow Livingston Prairie Dog r 288 ve Creek Town Laurel Ri Pony 283 295 Reservoir TA McLeod to Casper, WY 84 295 Cataract 416 ek Bozeman BA Res 287 Hot Springs Columbus and Rapid City, SD r Cre Hollowtop 345 Gallatin Paradise Valley CC Mtn 10604’ Norris iver 78 Park City Scenic Drive Gateway Pryo ter R O Norris Hot Springs es Lee Metcalf 191 Gallatin 540 Custer Stillwa Silesia Crow Indian Reservation RO Wilderness Canyon NGE Absarokee Loop Rockvale 418 7 Scenic Drive 420 Scenic Hyalite Pine Absarokee O Joliet EY Drive Reservoir Gallatin Beehive T Creek Boulder River Sheridan Madison Dam McAllister Fishtail M RA LL Ennis Edgar T Lake A National Cooney Boyd r N Nye 419 ve 419 Reservoir V S ork Pryor Ri Blaze Mtn N Nevada ANGE Emigrant Forest ek 10384’ Pray Fromberg n TI F or aurin City Ennis Roberts Cre Mt Cowen Clarks gh A E Jeffers 11206’ Roscoe Bi 313 IS Alder 287 B LL k E Roc Yellowtail Dam KA R PR D Big Sky Resort A A Mt Wood Virginia 212 RA Chico Hot R Bridger Y Fort G Ruby TO 12320’ Springs Mt Douglas O Smith Dam City 249 R Bighorn PA 11298’ O MA 78 M Big Sky TH Mystic Lake Red OU Lake RO Dailey RA 72 NT DI Absaroka-Beartooth Cameron Lodge AIN er Lake Alpine oir 357 Ramshorn SA NG Big Pryor Mtn S Riv Wilderness SO N Pk 10289’ Miner E Red Lodge Custer 8786’ AB E. Rosebud Mountain 310 n Corwin Springs Gallatin Madiso Granite Pk. 12799’ Lake Ru 287 Devil’s Beartooth Highway Bearcreek Belfry RANGE C re e k Slide Highest Point in Montana Scenic Drive National Bighorn by Ri Jardine Canyon National ve Petrified Forest Fossil Lake Forest Pryor Mountain r Recreation Area Beaverhead- Monument Gardiner ugh Silver Cooke City Beartooth Pass 10947’ Warren Wild Horse Range Gate M O N T A N A E Deerlodge Mtn 10056’ Roosevelt Arch Closed in winter Slo ST RANG RANGE 191 Mammoth Beartooth W Y O M I N G GA NORTH ENTRANCE WYOMING Hogback National Lee Metcalf All-American Road Mtn 10572’ Madison Wilderness Hot Springs Yellowstone National Park NORTHEAST ENTRANCE 212 Elk Basin Frannie LLA Forest Canyon Mammoth Hot Petrified Tree Scenic Drive Earthquake Quake Lake Springs Terraces Clark Deaver Cowley Tower-Roosevelt LY Area 295 TIN RANGE CRE Hebgen Tower Fall Wade LA Lovell EL Lake 120 294 Lake Obsidian MA V 287 Cliff Byron OW R V A R Roaring AL LEY 296 to Cody, WY Garland 310 14A G Cliff Lake 87 Mountain Canyon SN Hidden Norris Lake Geyser Village GRAND CANYON OF THE YELLOWSTONE Lower Elk Basin Norris W Y O M I N G Red Rock L. 20 YELLOWSTONE FALLS Lake Madison H A Y D E N V A L L E Y La m a r R iver Yellowstone Artist Paintpots Red Rock Ri v er Swan Lake Henry’s Airport SULPHUR 509 Lake (WYS) West Gibbon Falls Mud Volcano CALDRON O N T A N A Lakeview Mt Jefferson 10203’ Yellowstone Geyser Lower Lake Fishing Bridge Big WEST ENTRANCE Basin Fountain Village I D A H O Macks Inn Springs Upper Paint Pot West Map provided by Yellowstone Country, Targhee National Forest Geyser Thumb Basin Island Park Yellowstone Reservoir Old Lake EAST ENTRANCE Faithful to Cody, WY BY CAR BY AIR Island Park D A H O Grant Village Fork DRIVE TIMES TO Shoshone From the north, take U.S. High- Gardiner has a small, non- Henry’s Lake Heart Lewis Lake Lake MAJOR IDAHO ATTRACTIONS 191 89 way 89 from Livingston, Mon- YELLOWSTONE commercial airport. You can Upper Lilypad Lake NATIONAL PARK Canyon Village 287 take a commercial flight to one Mesa tana, for 53 miles until you reach Falls SOUTH ENTRANCE Warm 38 miles (~1 River hr) JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. Ashton Gardiner. To reach Gardiner of these airports and finish MEMORIAL PARKWAY nlarged Area W Y O M I N G Cooke City, MT from the east, west, or south, the trip by car or shuttle: The I D A H O Jackson Lake Colter Bay 56 miles (~2 hrs) MONTANA Bozeman Yellowstone Inter- Visitor Center follow the Grand Loop Road TETON RANGE Jackson Lake Junction Grand Teton National Park north GRA through ND TET ON Yellowstone national Airport in Bozeman, 134 miles (~4 hrs) Jenny Lake Visitor Center National Park toward Mammoth NATIONAL PARK Montana (83 miles), the Billings Hot Springs, then head north five Logan International Airport in Grant Village 73 miles (~2.5 hrs) Snak e River miles and exit the park through Billings, Montana (167 miles), Jackson the North Entrance gate (sum- and the Jackson Hole Airport in Jackson, WY Hole mertime only). In the winter, Jackson, Wyoming (165 miles). 167 miles (5-6 hrs) Gardiner can only be accessed Mammoth Hot Springs from the north as interior roads TRAVELING INSIDE 5 miles (~15 min) are closed to personal vehicles. THE PARK Norris Geyser Basin The northeast road from Be aware it can take extra time to 26 miles (~45 min) Gardiner to Cooke City is open drive through Yellowstone due year-round. to traffic, the whims of wildlife, Old Faithful 56 miles (~2 hrs) construction, or weather. A good BY SHUTTLE rule of thumb is to give your- Tower Fall Many Gardiner tour guides offer 25 miles (~45 min) self at least an extra 30 minutes a shuttle service from the Boze- beyond what you had planned West Yellowstone, MT man Yellowstone International to reach your destination. Check 54 miles (~1.5 hrs) Airport. Learn more about our the status of park roads at NPS. Yellowstone Lake local tour operators on page 34. gov/yell or call 307-344-2117. 54 miles (~2 hrs) 6 | 406-848-7971
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The World’s First National Park “...dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring- ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” - Yellowstone National Park Protection Act, 1872 Yellowstone National Park is the crown jewel of meadows, while families bump along a dusty America’s national park system. At 2.2 mil- trail in covered wagons on their way to the lion acres, the park is home to infinite natural Roosevelt cookout. In the winter months, wonders: steaming thermal features, abundant cross-country skiing and snowshoeing—in wildlife, sparkling lakes and rivers, plunging addition to world-class wolf watching and waterfalls, and geological wonders like the winter landscape photography—are all popu- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (pictured). lar activities. Come spring, wildlife enthusiasts hunch over spotting scopes on the lookout for THE NORTHERN RANGE bear cubs, wolf pups, and bison calves. From the eerie thermal features of Mammoth Hot Springs to the dense forests and jagged GRAND CANYON OF THE peaks at the Northeast Entrance, the North- YELLOWSTONE & HAYDEN ern Range makes up the northern section of VALLEY Yellowstone National Park. A hub for wildlife, A rocky patchwork of muted yellows, burnt some of the largest herds of elk and bison found oranges, and dusty reds, the Grand Canyon in Yellowstone make their home in this thriv- of the Yellowstone is roughly 20 miles long ing ecosystem. Coyotes, foxes, mule deer, and and more than 1,000 feet deep. Best available pronghorn are common sightings in this area, science tells us the canyon was formed more as well as the occasional black bear, wolf pack, than 600,000 years ago, when the Yellowstone grizzly bear, or moose. River carved its way through the lava flows and volcanic tuffs left by the Yellowstone Cal- The Northern Range is the only section of the dera’s eruption. The highlight of the Canyon park open to personal vehicles year-round. In is arguably the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone, summer and fall, fishing lines catch the sunlight where the Yellowstone River plummets over as anglers stalk the blue-ribbon trout streams of jagged cliffs to meet the canyon 308 feet below. Slough Creek and the Lamar River. Hikers and In nearby Hayden Valley, grizzly and black backpackers traverse rolling hills and sun-filled bears are often spotted ambling through the Bison calf/Yellowstone NPS grassy meadows in the spring. In late summer and early fall, the grunts and bellows of male bison fill the air as they jostle for the attention of females in a spectacular display known as the bison rut. 8 | 406-848-7971
YELLOWSTONE LAKE Farther into the park’s interior lie the serene Grand Prismatic Spring/Neala Siegle shores of Yellowstone Lake—the largest lake OLD above 7,000’ in North America. With 141 miles FAITHFUL & of shoreline, Lake can be a welcome respite from the summer crowds found in more popular THE GEYSER BASINS areas. Although swimming can be treacherous, The geologically rich southwest corner of the peaceful hiking trails—including Storm Point park is divided into three regions: the Lower and Elephant Back—provide excellent corri- Geyser Basin, Midway Geyser Basin, and the Upper Geyser Basin. Iconic Old Faithful Geyser—which de- lights visitors roughly every 90 minutes with an eruption—can be found in the Upper Geyser Basin. The largest hot spring in North America, colorful Grand Prismatic Spring, is located at Midway Geyser Basin. Visitors can witness every type of ther- mal feature—geysers, mudpots, hot springs, and fumaroles—at Fountain Paint Pot in the Lower Geyser Basin. MADISON & NORRIS GEYSER BASIN The emerald meadows and steaming thermal features that make up Madison and Norris Geyser Basin are found outside the gateway commu- nity of West Yellowstone. At Madison Junction, the Gib- bon and Firehole rivers flow together to form the Madison River. The cliffs surrounding Madison Junction are part of the rim of the Yellowstone Caldera. Norris dors to explore the shores of the lake or take Geyser Basin has become increasingly popular in the views of the Absaroka Mountains. “The with visitors now that Steamboat Geyser—the Grand Lady of the Lake,” also known as Lake world’s tallest active geyser—has been erupting Hotel, perches on the lake’s northern shore. This more frequently. If Steamboat isn’t putting on a historic hotel was built in the late 19th century show, visitors can take in the vibrant green and and remains a popular getaway for Yellowstone red-orange hues of the thermal features found in visitors from all over the world today. Yellowstone’s hottest geyser basin. | 406-848-7971 9
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE OUTDOOR RECREATION Surrounded on all sides by public lands, Gardiner is an adventure-lover’s paradise. After you’ve had your fill of exploring the park, you’ll want to spend a day or two hanging out in this laid-back Montana town letting us do what we do best—sharing our love of the great outdoors with our guests! WHITEWATER RAFTING HORSEBACK RIDING Most of Gardiner’s five rafting companies have What visit to a western frontier town would been around for decades and are more than happy be complete without some time in the saddle? to share a wild ride on the Yellowstone River with Choose between a trail ride to an old cowboy guests. If a high-octane adventure isn’t for you, opt cookout, a nature ride through Yellowstone for a scenic float on calmer stretches of water that National Park, or spend the day rafting and includes commentary on the natural history of the riding with a combo package from one of Gardin- Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from an expert er’s rafting companies (see page 34). guide. HIKING ZIPLINING Did you know 99% of Yellowstone visitors never Soar above the canopy of the Gallatin National leave the road? Be the adventurous 1% and expe- Forest on the ultimate adrenaline-pumping rience Yellowstone and southern Montana like the adventure. Montana Whitewater Rafting & Zipline early explorers did by hitting the trail—though Company will set you up on a zipline tour at a unlike them, you’ll get to enjoy a warm bed, deli- historic ranch property with incredible views of the cious food, and perhaps a soak in a hot spring at mountains bordering Yellowstone National Park. the end of your day! Rafting the mighty Yellowstone/Paradise Adventure Company 10 | 406-848-7971
5 AREA DAY HIKES YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK HIKES BEAVER PONDS LOOP (4 MILES ROUNDTRIP) This loop trail begins behind the Mammoth Cab- ins in Mammoth Hot Springs. It winds through sagebrush meadows and mature trees, and offers a birds eye view of Mammoth Hot Springs. Sever- al pleasant beaver ponds mark the halfway point of the loop. Keep an eye out for water birds, elk, bears, mule deer, pronghorn, and moose. YELLOWSTONE RIVER PICNIC AREA TRAIL The Beaver Ponds Loop Trail makes a great early spring hike./Yellowstone NPS (3.7 MILES ROUNDTRIP) The trailhead begins at the Yellowstone River PARADISE VALLEY HIKE Picnic Area, 1.25 miles northeast of Tower Junc- PINE CREEK FALLS (2 MILES ROUNDTRIP) tion on the Northeast Entrance Road. After a short The trailhead begins at Pine Creek Campground, but challenging climb to the rim, kids will love 17 miles south of Livingston, Montana. Located spotting marmots, bighorn sheep, and pronghorn in the foothills of the Absaroka Mountains, this along the trail as it follows the narrows of the well-maintained trail is dog friendly. Hikers will Yellowstone River. enjoy ambling through mature forest to reach the beautiful cascades of Pine Creek Falls. For a more challenging hike, continue for another 4 miles to reach the spectacular Pine Creek Lakes. CUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST HIKES KNOX LAKE (8 MILES ROUNDTRIP) The trailhead is located about 40 minutes north- east of Gardiner via Jardine Road, near Bear Creek campground. This moderate hike winds through the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness complex to a lovely alpine lake known as Knox Lake. The trail is dog friendly and offers visitors a longer hike with a break from Yellowstone crowds. THE OTO RANCH (2.6 MILES ROUNDTRIP) Follow this trail to the first and oldest dude ranch in Montana. From Gardiner, follow Highway 89 approximately 10 miles north and turn onto Cedar Creek Road. The trailhead begins at the end of the road. Spend time exploring the restored buildings of the ranch or enjoy a picnic on the porch of the old lodge before turning back the way you came. | 406-848-7971 11
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE WILDLIFE WATCHING The Gardiner area is home to some of the most abundant wildlife in the country, including wolves, elk, bison, and bears. The town is famous for the wildlife that roam right through town—it’s not uncommon to get caught in a bison jam on the way to the market or spot a herd of elk napping on the high school football field! SERENGETI OF NORTH AMERICA WINTER WILDLIFE WATCHING Yellowstone's Lamar Valley, often referred to Wildlife become easier to spot during winter, when as "the Serengeti of North America," is just a the landscape is covered in a blanket of white short drive from Gardiner. For the best chance snow. Our favorite winter wildlife sightings include of glimpsing its famed wildlife, head out around river otters, groups of bull moose, and Yellow- dawn and dusk when the animals are most active stone’s famous wolf packs. Enjoy winter wildlife and consider visiting in spring, fall, or winter. watching in the Yellowstone Northern Range and north of Gardiner along Highway 89. SPRING & FALL WILDLIFE WATCHING LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS Springtime means baby season—including For the best chance of glimpsing wildlife, go with a bison calves, bear cubs, elk calves, and more. Late guide! As experts in their field, our local guides are summer and fall are wonderful times to observe intimately familiar with where to find those elusive the bison rut in the Lamar Valley or the elk rut in animals. Many tours can be customized and in- Gardiner and Mammoth Hot Springs. clude meals and transportation (see page 34). EAS YO NLIN BOO E KIN G! I N - O U R - N AT U R E .CO M © Linda Carney Prviate Yellowstone Tours Winter wildlife watchers/Eric Ian with a Wildlife Biologist (WILDLIFE) SAFETY FIRST P RO For your safety, Yellowstone National Park TIP requires visitors stay at least 100 yards from bears and wolves and 25 yards from Year Round Wildlife Watching . Guided Hikes & Backpacking all other animals. Custom Single & Multi-day Tours . Skiing & Snowshoeing 12 | 406-848-7971
Skiers at Old Faithful/Zondra Skertich 5 NORDIC SKI TRAILS FOR BEGINNERS UPPER TERRACE LOOP (1.5 miles) This classic Yellowstone trail features steam- ing hot springs and expansive mountain Snowcoach on the Grand Loop Road/Zondra Skertich views. Enter Yellowstone through the North Entrance in Gardiner and head south 5 miles WINTER RECREATION for Mammoth Hot Springs. The loop begins at the Upper Terrace parking area. Do you believe in winter magic? With striking BLACKTAIL PLATEAU (8 miles) landscapes, uncrowded attractions, and world- This popular Yellowstone ski trail traverses class wildlife watching opportunities, wintertime vistas and winds through spruce-fir forest. is a local's favorite time of year in Gardiner and Locate the trail 8 miles east of Mammoth northern Yellowstone! Hot Springs at a parking area across the road from a self-guiding trail, or at a service road SNOWCOACH TOURING roughly 1 mile farther east. Snowcoaches ferry visitors from Mammoth Hot Springs to the winter wonderlands of Old Faithful TOWER FALL (5 miles) and Canyon Village in Yellowstone National Park. This Yellowstone trail is popular with skiers Book a coach with Yellowstone National Park for the reward at the end—frozen Tower Fall. Lodges or Yellowstone Vacations. The trail begins at the closed road just south- east of Tower Junction, roughly 18 miles east of Mammoth Hot Springs. WILDLIFE WATCHING Northern Yellowstone, accessed year-round from B BAR RANCH (distance varies) Gardiner, is one of the premiere destinations in B Bar Ranch offers groomed trails ranging the world for watching animals in the wild. Book from beginner to expert. From Gardiner, a guide to increase your chances of spotting your head north on highway 89 for 17 miles and favorite critters. turn left on Tom Miner Creek Road. Cross the Carbella Bridge and turn left at the ‘T.’ NORDIC SKIING & SNOWSHOEING Continue 8.5 miles to the ranch entrance; Snow-covered bison in Yellowstone/Yellowstone NPS There’s a snowy trail for all ages and abilities near follow signs for ranch headquarters. Gardiner, but what makes the experience truly special is the sparkling mountain scenery and MILL CREEK (distance varies) abundant wildlife. Expect friendly faces and dogs along this groomed road in Paradise Valley (the road SCENIC DRIVING closes after January 1). From Gardiner, head With snow-capped peaks and wildlife in the lower north on Highway 89 for approximately 42 elevations, a sunny day in the Gardiner area is miles. Make a right onto Mill Creek Road perfect for a scenic drive to Cooke City or Paradise and follow it for 11 miles until reaching the Valley (see page 14). trail's parking area on the left. | 406-848-7971 13
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE DAY TRIPS Fall foliage in Paradise Valley/Jean Modesette PARADISE VALLEY This 53-mile-long scenic drive wildlife. Elk, pronghorn, bighorn rustic and fine dining, comfort- south of Livingston on Highway sheep, and deer are often spotted able lodging, a poolside bar, and 89 offers the most direct route to along this scenic route. Be sure natural hot springs to relax those Gardiner—and the North to utilize the pullouts along the joints after a hike. Families can Entrance to Yellowstone—from highway for safe viewing! also look forward to an array of the Bozeman Yellowstone other outdoor recreation activi- International Airport. A RIVER RUNS ties including horseback riding THROUGH IT and sleigh rides in the winter. TICKETS TO PARADISE Try your luck on the Yellowstone Paradise Valley is a major river River, a world-class fly-fishing valley of the Yellowstone stream, or stop by one of the River. Characterized by sweeping fishing accesses for a picnic. views of the Absaroka-Beartooth Keep an eye out for birds of prey Mountains to the east and the like osprey and bald eagles. Sage Gallatin Mountains to the west, Lodge, located just off of High- the valley is known for fly- way 89 in Emigrant, Montana, fishing, hot springs and fishing is ready to welcome guests with resorts, and wildlife-watching luxury lodging, fine dining, and opportunities. guided fly-fishing trips and in- struction along this mighty river. SEARCH FOR WILDLIFE Made up of rich farm country SOAK IT UP and located on the doorstep Chico Hot Springs, located in of Yellowstone National Park, Pray, Montana, approximately 25 Paradise Valley is a mecca for miles south of Livingston, offers 14 | 406-848-7971
Beartooth Scenic Byway/Montana Office of Tourism COOKE CITY & SILVER GATE Snowmobiling in Cooke City/Montana Office of Tourism Located outside Yellowstone's Entrance and turn left on the Northeast Entrance, the Grand Loop Road at Mammoth mountain towns of Silver Gate Hot Springs. Head east along this CRUISIN’ THE and Cooke City offer abundant corridor for 18 miles, making a BEARTOOTH HIGHWAY options for camping, hiking, left at Tower Junction. Follow the The Beartooth Scenic Byway, wildlife watching, ATVing, and Northeast Entrance Road for 32 dubbed the “most beauti- horseback riding. The area is miles—pausing to enjoy the vast ful highway in America,” also the closest base camp to the herds of wildlife along the way— beckons travelers from all spectacular Beartooth Highway before reaching your destination. over the world. The 68-mile and Yellowstone's wildlife-rich drive takes you from Silver Lamar Valley. A WINTER SPORTS Gate and Cooke City, to Red PARADISE Lodge, Montana. The route GETTING HERE Cooke City is famoulsy known runs parallel to the Absa- Cooke City is 56 miles from for vast acres of snow-covered roka-Beartooth Wilderness Gardiner and can be accessed terrain in the winter months. and offers jaw-dropping via Yellowstone's scenic North- Popular snow sports include views and plenty of outdoor ern Range. From Gardiner, enter snowmobiling, backcountry recreation opportunities. the park through the North skiing, cross-country skiing, Although closed to wheeled and snowshoe- vehicles in winter, visitors ing. Start your can access the highway adventure at from Cooke City beginning CookeCity- Memorial Day weekend, or weather permitting. by calling 406- 838-2495. Summer in Cooke City/Montana Office of Tourism | 406-848-7971 15
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE Tent camping in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness/Loren Barrett CAMPING Gardiner, Paradise Valley, and Yellowstone National Park There are plenty of options for pitching a tent or camping area on BLM land near Tom Miner pulling up the RV around Gardiner and north- Basin, and dispersed camping along Mill Creek ern Yellowstone. Camping is very popular in the Road. Inquire with the U.S. Forest Service for summertime, so it’s always a good idea to plan information on dispersed camping. ahead and have a few backup choices. YELLOWSTONE CAMPING GARDINER CAMPING There are 12 campgrounds inside Yellowstone The closest campgrounds to Gardiner include National Park. Bridge Bay, Canyon, Fishing Eagle Creek Campground, Bear Creek and Bridge, Grant Village, and Madison camp- Timber Camp recreation sites, and Canyon grounds are operated by Yellowstone National Campground. Inquire at the U.S. Forest Service Park Lodges, and sites can be reserved in ad- office in Gardiner or stop by the Gardiner Visitor vance (depending on availability) by calling 307- Center for more information. RV-goers can book 344-7311. The campgrounds at Indian Creek, a site at Rocky Mountain RV Park, Yellowstone Lewis Lake, Mammoth, Norris, Pebble Creek, RV Park and Campground, or Yellowstone Slough Creek, and Tower Fall are operated by Destinations (see page 27). the National Park Service and sites are first- come, first-served. Be aware these sites often fill PARADISE VALLEY CAMPING by early morning. For a quieter camping experience, there are several options in scenic Paradise Valley north CAMPING IN BEAR COUNTRY of Gardiner, Montana. These include Pine Creek Campground and Tom Miner Campground on P RO Always maintain a clean camp by storing the Custer-Gallatin National Forest, the Carbella TIP food, garbage, cooking utensils, and even cosmetics in a bear-proof storage container or secure vehicle. 16 | 406-848-7971
THE YELLOWSTONE RIVER The longest free-flowing river in the lower 48 For over 670 miles, the Yellowstone River runs unbridled from its headwaters near Yellowstone Lake downstream to the Missouri River in North Dakota. The smaller Gardner River flows into the Yellowstone River at the eastern edge of Gardiner. Loved by anglers and whitewater enthusiasts alike, the Yellowstone River offers a perfect complement of world-class fishing, whitewater rapids, and scenic floats. A summer's evening overlooking the Yellowstone River/Anthony Pavkovich Anglers will know this river as one of the most famous blue-ribbon trout fisheries in the United Those wishing to get more than just their feet wet States. With year-round access and a host of annual can choose from one of Gardiner’s five rafting hatches, the Yellowstone offers every level of angler companies (page 34) for a memorable half-day, a chance to experience the magic of catching a full-day, or overnight adventure. Family-friendly trout on fly. Book with an outfitter or guide for thrills of class II and III rapids await, as well as expert instruction and the added bonus of inside stunning views of the surrounding mountains and information on the best fishing spots and what the abundant wildlife like elk, bald eagles, pronghorn, fish are biting on (page 34). and more. Montana Whitewater RAFTING & TOURS ZIPLINE Promo Code: GardGuide (for online bookings only) YELLOWSTONE AREA’S PREMIER ADVENTURE CONNECTION! RAFT THE MIGHTY YELLOWSTONE RIVER! LE & RAFT & PA D D E NE L L I GUIDED ZIPLINE TOURS AT THE SA DD Z I P HISTORIC STERMITZ RANCH! DISCOUNTED PACKAGE PRICING AVAILABLE • RAFTING • ZIPLINING • HORSEBACK RIDING YELLOWSTONERAFTZIPLINE.COM • 406.848.7398 | 406-848-7971 17
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE LOCAL HOT SPRINGS After a long day of hiking or cross-country skiing, relax those tired muscles in one of three area hot springs. Whether you prefer a rustic experience soaking among elk and deer to a weekend getaway with poolside service, the Gardiner area offers something for every hot springs enthusiast. YELLOWSTONE CHICO HOT SPRINGS THE BOILING RIVER HOT SPRINGS RESORT & DAY SPA The Boiling River flows into The area’s newest hot springs Established in 1900, Chico Hot the Gardner River near Mam- is nestled along the Yellowstone Springs in nearby Pray, Montana, moth Hot Springs, just a few River in Corwin Springs, just has become a long-time miles south of Gardiner inside ten minutes from Gardiner. favorite of Gardiner and Paradise Yellowstone park boundaries. Guests can choose from a main Valley locals as well as visitors Expect an all-natural, rustic pool heated to a comfortable 98 from all over the world. Chico soaking experience (the only degrees F; a hot plunge at 104 offers two open-air, mineral-rich facility is a vault toilet at the degrees; or the cold plunge at pools that are geothermally parking area). Be advised the 67-70 degrees. All the pools are heated and chemical-free. The area is typically closed to vis- fed by fresh, mineral-rich water resort also includes two restau- itors during spring snowmelt and surrounded by breathtaking rants, historic lodging, and a from late April to early July. Montana scenery. saloon. LEAVE NO TRACE SOAKING P RO The Boiling River’s popularity leaves it susceptible TIP to bank erosion and litter. Be a respectful soaker by following all regulations and packing out trash. In the mist at an area hot spring/Lynn Donaldson 18 | 406-848-7971
NEARBY MUSEUMS & VISITOR INFORMATION CENTERS GARDINER VISITOR CENTER When you arrive in Gardiner be sure to stop by the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, centrally located at 216 Park Street. Take advantage of our 24/7 public restroom access, free maps, information, wifi, and, in the winter, our crackling fireplace. Whether heading into Yellowstone or continuing your journey fur- ther into Montana, our friendly staff can help you plan every step of your journey. Travel recommendations are available no matter where you are by calling 406-848-7971. The Gardiner Visitor Center/Loren Barrett YELLOWSTONE HERITAGE & RESEARCH CENTER The Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center (HRC) houses Yellowstone’s collection of historic documents from the park’s in- ception to the present. The center also contains more than 720,000 museum items—including 30 historic vehicles—making it a must- see for history enthusiasts. Located at 20 Old Yellowstone Road in Gardiner, the HRC offers free public tours from May 30-September 5. Call 307-344-2264 to reserve a space on a HRC tour. The HRC was built in 2004/Yellowstone NPS THE ALBRIGHT VISITOR CENTER As you begin your Yellowstone journey, stop by the Albright Visitor Center in Mammoth Hot Springs to explore the interac- tive displays and participate in ranger-led educational talks. The newly renovated center offers trip-planning information, exhibits on the park’s history and wildlife, backcountry permits, restrooms, and wifi. Traveling with kids? Be sure to stop in and ask about the Junior Ranger Program before venturing further into the park. Wildlife exhibit at the Albright VC/ Yellowstone NPS COOKE CITY MONTANA MUSEUM What motivated a man to leave hearth and home and strike out for territories, challenges, and dangers of the unknown? The com- munities of Colter Pass, Cooke City, and Silver Gate, updated, yet unchanged since the early days, are yours to explore and experi- ence at the Cooke City Museum in nearby Cooke City, Montana. Open year-round, the museum offers free admission and features exhibits on the area's rich history including mining, the commu- nities of Cooke City and Silver Gate, and the Beartooth Highway. Historic exhibit/Cooke City Montana Museum Call 406-838-2203 for more information. | 406-848-7971 19
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE THE UNSUNG SEASONS Experience the magic of Yellowstone and southern Montana without the crowds in spring, autumn, Fall along the Northern Range/Yellowstone NPS and winter. Mother pronghorn and fawn/Yellowstone NPS 20 | 406-848-7971
YOUR YELLOWSTONE SPRING WINTER BUCKET LIST Free from the intensity of summer crowds, Snowy selfie/Yellowstone NPS this charming season offers a more intimate experience with the Gardiner area. Residents live amongst an abundance of wildlife, many of which are quite active in the springtime as they give birth. April and May are wonderful times to watch a small elk calf take her first steps, or witness the rusty-red coat of a baby bison against GO WILDLIFE WATCHING impossibly green hillsides. Top that off with early Yellowstone is home to one of the most spring wildflowers and waterfalls flowing at their diverse ecosystems in North America. In win- peak, and you have yourself a nature photogra- ter, animals including elk, bison, and wolves pher’s paradise. are easier to spot against the snowy landscape. For an insider’s perspective, hire a guide out of Gardiner, Montana. AUTUMN TAKE A SNOWCOACH TOUR Ride in style on a snowcoach tour with Yel- Fall in Gardiner and northern Yellowstone lowstone Vacations or Yellowstone National is spectacular—especially if you love wildlife Park Lodges. Enjoy a trip to Old Faithful or the watching, nature photography, and classic moun- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone while learn- tain town recreation. Fall marks the start of the ing about the park’s natural history. elk “rut”—or mating season—where bulls chal- lenge one another and lock antlers to determine STAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS breeding rights with females. Fall is also ideal There are many heart-warming holiday for crisp hikes and a chance to visit the park’s traditions in Yellowstone, from a Christmas geyser basins with far fewer crowds. Whether Tree Lighting ceremony at Mammoth Hot you’re looking for a relaxing long weekend or a Springs to celebrating Old Faithful’s first week-long excursion, this is the time to plan your eruption of the New Year. Yellowstone getaway. TRY CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING OR SNOWSHOEING WINTER Nordic skiing and snowshoeing are low- impact winter sports that keep you warm while Locals will tell you winter is a particularly allowing you to take in the wonders of the park special time of year. With fewer crowds, at a slower pace—like steaming hot springs, abundant wildlife, and stunning winter wildlife, and frozen waterfalls. vistas, Gardiner and Yellowstone National Park resemble a real-life snow globe when the snow EXPLORE YELLOWSTONE'S flies. Yellowstone’s North Entrance, located right NORTHERN RANGE in Gardiner, is the only park entrance open to Yellowstone’s Northern Range is the only personal vehicles year-round, offering convenient section of the park open to personal vehicles access to the park’s famous Northern Range. See all year round. Enjoy beautiful scenery and our three-day sample itinerary on page 22 for uninterrupted wildlife watching in this less- tips on how to make the most of your winter er-traveled section of the park, which includes adventure. Yellowstone’s famous Lamar Valley. | 406-848-7971 21
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE SAMPLE THREE-DAY ITINERARIES Winter DAY ONE: WILDLIFE WATCHING Start your trip bright and early with a drive through the Yellowstone Northern Range, open year-round to personal vehicles. Renowned for its wildlife, the Northern Range offers unparalleled views and opportunities to see everything from Snowcoaches lined up at Mammoth Hot Springs/Yellowstone NPS bison to moose. Traveling with a guide and starting early in the day are the best ways to ensure you spot as many creatures as possible. DAY TWO: CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING AND HOT SPRINGS Ready to stretch your legs? Take advantage of the Nordic ski trails both in Yellowstone and in our surrounding national forest. Stop in at Parks’ Fly Shop in Gardiner or the Bear Den Ski Shop in A bighorn sheep welcomes you to Gardiner/Phil Sonier Mammoth to pick up gear and tips on what trails are best suited to you. After a long day of skiing, WINTER PACKING LIST enjoy a good meal and a soak in one of our area hot springs (page 18). GUIDE DAY THREE: MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS EXPLORATION Start your day with a stop at the Albright Visitor Information Center in Mammoth Hot Springs to learn about the history of Yellowstone GEAR & before exploring the Mammoth Terraces. After a ESSENTIALS break for a warm lunch, perfect your pirouette at Daypack Binoculars the free Mammoth skating rink, which includes Water bottle Thermos Notebook Pencil complimentary skate rentals on site. End your day Sunglasses Pocket Hand & Sunscreen Foot Warmers with some local flavor at one of Gardiner’s cozy Camera Medications Extra Clothes Snacks restaurants. Field Guide CLOTHING OH WHAT FUN IT IS TO RIDE! Mid-Weight Insulating Layer Heavy Wool/ Fleece Gloves P RO Book a snowcoach with Yellowstone National Heavyweight Insulating Layer Neck Warmer Lightweight TIP Park Lodges or Yellowstone Vacations to visit Waterproof & Windproof Liner Socks Heavyweight park attractions like Old Faithful and the Grand Outer Layer Socks Canyon of the Yellowstone. Wool or Insulated boots Fleece pants Lightweight Glove Liners Infographic courtesy of Lauren Beltramo 22 | 406-848-7971
Spring DAY ONE: THE GRAND DAY TWO: OUTDOOR DAY THREE: THE LOOP/GEYSER GAZING ADVENTURES NORTHERN RANGE From Gardiner, head south into Grab a cup of coffee and take Spend your final day in our Yellowstone past Mammoth Hot a stroll through town. While you favorite part of the park, the Springs, stopping at Norris and window shop, stop at one of our Yellowstone Northern Range. Midway geyser basins before adventure companies to plan Heading east from Mammoth reaching Old Faithful. After a out your excursion for the day. Hot Springs, travel along "the day of exploration, head east Choose between rafting the Yel- Serengeti of North America" for towards Yellowstone Lake and lowstone River, ziplining through a chance to spot Yellowstone’s north through Hayden Valley. the Gallatin National Forest, or most famous critters. In the If time allows, be sure to stop at taking a horseback ride. Many spring, highlights include bison the Grand Canyon of the Yellow- companies offer a package deal calves and clumsy black bear stone before completing the loop so you can take on several activi- cubs. For optimal wildlife view- back at Mammoth Hot Springs. ties in the same day! ing book with a local guide. Fox kits are born in late April/Yellowstone NPS Autumn in the Lamar Valley/Yellowstone NPS Fall DAY ONE: ELK RUT & DAY TWO: HIKING DAY THREE: SCENIC PHOTOGRAPHY With temperatures cooling off, DRIVING After a leisurely breakfast, pack fall offers some of the best hiking Whichever way you head home your camera and head out to the of the year. If trekking in bear be sure to leave yourself extra Yellowstone Northern Range to country intimidates you, book time. If you’re heading north, take in the fall foliage and with one of our local guides who travel along the Yellowstone abundant wildlife watching. can provide spotting scopes, River into Paradise Valley. Stay Fall in Gardiner and northern bear spray, and a picnic lunch. on the main highway or take Yellowstone means elk mating After your hike, spend a relaxing East River Road for views of the season is in full swing—evenings evening in Gardiner watching river and Absaroka Mountains. in Mammoth are often a great the elk roam—try the Iron Horse If heading east, drive through time to watch bull elk compete or the Grizzly Grille for a great Yellowstone and over the scenic for the attention of females. view. Beartooth Highway (page 15). | 406-848-7971 23
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE 24 | 406-848-7971
BE OUR guest GARDINER BUSINESS DIRECTORY LODGING, SHOPS, DINING & SERVICES OF GARDINER AND THE SURROUNDING AREA A summer's evening in Gardiner/Anthony Pavkovich 26 LODGING 30 SHOPS & SERVICES Set up your adventure basecamp in one of Gardiner is a full-service town—without any Gardiner's many lodging options. Choose box stores. From auto repair to massage thera- from a cozy cabin, traditional hotel with all the py, our local businesses are here to make your amenities, or a vacation rental to fit the whole trip comfortable and easy. Browse for t-shirts family. Many lodging options are just a stone's and outdoor gear, photography and art, Made- throw away from Yellowstone National Park. in-Montana souvenirs, and more in our locally owned and operated shops. Gardiner is a full-service town—without any box stores. Welcome to genuine, authentic, Montana hospitality. 32 DINING & NIGHTLIFE 34 ACTIVITIES After a day of outdoor adventures, feed the crew The residents of this adventurous mountain at one of our friendly, family-owned restaurants. town can't wait to show you the ropes on Most places are open year-round and dining op- the trail, in the park, or on the river. Popular tions range from comfort food to farm-to-table activities include wildlife watching, photogra- to fine dining. Don't forget to try our interna- phy, hiking, skiing, and rafting. Whichever you tionally famous bison burgers and huckleberry choose, our friendly guides are sure to show you milkshakes! an exhilarating (and safe!) time. | 406-848-7971 25
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE enette le LODGING ccessib ndly ound st ifi pa n/Kitch Breakfa Free W Pool/S Pet-Frie Year R ADA A Kitche 406 LODGE & CABINS 406-848-9956 204 3rd. St. S•Gardiner ● ● ● A STONE'S THROW 406-223-1419 308 Stone St.•Gardiner ● ● ● A SUNNY SLOPE LODGE 406-223-7939 439 Jardine Rd•Gardiner ● ● ABSAROKA LODGE 406-848-7414 310 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● ● B BAR RANCH 406-848-7729 818 Tom Miner Cr. Rd•Emigrant ● ● ● ● CABIN BY THE RIVER 406-223-2593 1047 US-89 S•Gardiner ● ● CHICO HOT SPRINGS RESORT & DAY SPA 406-333-4933 163 Chico Road•Pray ● ● ● ● ● ● ● COWBOY’S LODGE & GRILLE 406-848-9175 303 S 2nd St.•Gardiner ● ● ● CREEKSIDE AT YELLOWSTONE VACATION HOME 406-838-2108 92 US-212•Silver Gate ● ● ● DIAMOND BAR HEART GUEST CABIN 406-848-2388 550 Old Yellowstone Tr. S #11•Gardiner ● ● ● ● ELK RIVER ART STUDIO, GALLERY & LODGING 406-848-9449 1005 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● GARDINER GUEST HOUSE B&B 406-848-9414 112 E Main St.•Gardiner ● ● ● ● HELL'S A-ROARIN’ OUTFITTERS 406-848-7578 164 Crevice Rd.•Gardiner ● ● HILLCREST COTTAGES 406-848-7353 400 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● JARDINE RETREAT 406-220-2201 551 Jardine Rd. • Gardiner ● ● JOHNSTAD’S BED & BREAKFAST & LOG CABIN 406-333-9003 3 Paradise Ln.•Emigrant ● ● ● ● LITTLE TRAIL CREEK CABINS 406-223-8595 430 US-89•Gardiner ● ● ● LOG CABIN CAFE - DANU'S HOUSE OF THE SILVER FOREST 406-838-2367 106 US Hway 212•Silvergate ● MONTANA GUIDE SERVICE 406-223-9636 80 Mol Heron Creek Rd.•Gardiner ● ● MOUNTAIN HOME-MONTANA VACATION RENTALS 406-586-4589 224 E Main St.•Bozeman ● ● ● ● 26 | 406-848-7971
enette le ccessib ndly LODGING ound st ifi pa n/Kitch Breakfa Free W Pool/S Pet-Frie Year R ADA A Kitche MURRAY HOTEL 406-222-1350 201 W. Park St.• Livingston ● ● ● ● NORTH ENTRANCE VACATION RENTAL 406-223-2593 322 W Main St.•Gardiner ● ● ● NORTH YELLOWSTONE LODGE 406-223-5265 1083 US-89•Gardiner ● ● ● ● PARADISE GATEWAY BED & BREAKFAST & VACATION HOMES 406-333-4063 2644 US-89•Emigrant ● ● ● ● ● PARK HOTEL 406-223-7007 107 Main St.•Gardiner ● ● ● ● ● REEDFLY FARM 206-228-5448 2786 US-89•Emigrant ● ● ● ROCKIN’ Y VACATION RENTALS 406-223-3150 29 Papesh Rd.•Gardiner ● ● ROCKY MOUNTAIN RV PARK & CABINS 406-848-7251 14 Jardine Rd.•Gardiner ● SAGE LODGE 855-400-0505 55 Sage Lodge Dr.•Pray ● ● ● ● ● ● SMITH FAMILY RANCH 406-848-7477 1828 Old Yellowstone Tr. S•Emigrant ● ● ● THE RIDGELINE HOTEL AT YELLOWSTONE 406-848-7311 905 Scott St.•Gardiner ● ● ● ● ● ● ● THE ROOSEVELT HOTEL-YELLOWSTONE 406-848-5130 1014 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● TRAVELODGE OF GARDINER AT YELLOWSTONE PARK 406-848-7520 109 Hellroaring St.•Gardiner ● ● ● UPRIVER CABIN 406-640-9000 12 Olson Ln.•Gardiner ● ● ● WONDERLAND CAFÉ & LODGE 406-223-1914 206 Main St.•Gardiner ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE BASIN INN 406-848-7080 4 Maiden Basin Dr.•Gardiner ● ● ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE BIG ROCK INN 406-848-9435 902 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE CONDOS & SUITES 406-262-0880 224 Stone St.•Gardiner ● ● YELLOWSTONE DESTINATIONS 406-848-9911 754 US-89•Gardiner ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE GATEWAY INN 406-848-7100 103 Bigelow Ln.•Gardiner YellowstoneGatewayInn.comm ● ● ● ● ● | 406-848-7971 27
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE enette le ccessib ndly ound st ifi LODGING pa n/Kitch Breakfa Free W Pool/S Pet-Frie Year R ADA A Kitche YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK LODGES 307-344-7311 Throughtout Park•Yellowstone NP ● ● YELLOWSTONE PARK RIVERFRONT CABINS 406-570-4500 550 Old Yellowstone Tr. S #1, #8 •Gardiner ● ● YELLOWSTONE RIVERBEND CABIN 406-449-0222 550 Old Yellowstone Tr. S•Gardiner ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE RIVER MOTEL 406-848‐7303 14 E Park St.•Gardiner ● ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE RIVERSIDE COTTAGES 406-848-7719 521 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE RV PARK & CAMPGROUND 406-848-7496 121 US-89 S•Gardiner ● ● YELLOWSTONE SUITES BED & BREAKFAST 406-848-7937 506 S 4th St.•Gardiner ● ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE SUPER 8 406-848-7401 702 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● ● ● ● YELLOWSTONE VILLAGE INN 406-848-7417 1102 Scott St. W•Gardiner ● ● ● ● ● Gardiner, Montana 406-848-7401 Amenities √ Pet Friendly √ Minutes from Yellowstone Park √ ADA rooms √ RV Parking 702 SCOTT ST WEST • GARDINER, MT YELLOWSTONESUPER8.COM 28 | 406-848-7971 | 406-848-7971 29
2020-21 GARDINER VISITOR GUIDE SHOPPING & SERVICES AUTOMOTIVE COMPUTER & INTERNET SERVICES Town Station - Conoco 406-848-7742 Yellowstone Media Design 406-848-2210 Yellowstone Dino Lube 406-848-9401 Yellowstone Park Service Stations 406-848-7333 GALLERIES, ARTISTS & FRAMING Blue Bison Art 406-223-2751 BANKS & CREDIT UNIONS Elk River Art Studio & Gallery 406-848-9449 Bank of the Rockies 406-333-9009 Yellowstone Wild The Gallery 406-240-6968 First Interstate Bank 406-848-7474 Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union 307-344-7974 GIFTS & GEAR BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTION Kellem’s Montana Saddlery 406-848-7776 Lehrkinds Coca Cola Bottling Company 406-586-2029 Paradise Adventure Company 888-722-6505 CHILDCARE Parks' Fly Shop 406-848-7314 307-344-9011 Teton Backcountry Rentals 307-828-1885 Little People’s Learning Center Yellowstone Forever 406-848-2400 CHIROPRACTORS & MASSAGE Yellowstone General Stores 406-586-7593 Stone Gate Chiropractic 406-425-2421 Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets 406-848-7011 Zondra Skertich, LMT 406-220-2201 GROCERY STORE CHURCHES Gardiner Market 406-848-7524 Gardiner Baptist Church 406-223-4478 JOB SERVICES St. Williams Catholic Church 406-222-1393 Amazing Temps 406-600-8254 CLEANING SERVICES LAUNDROMATS House of Clean Inc. 800-223-5082 North Entrance Washtub 406-848-9870 Industrial Towel & Cover Supply 406-222-1131 MEDICAL SERVICES COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Bear Hearing Solutions 406-333-2547 Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness Foundation 406-425-1944 Livingston Healthcare 406-222-3541 Bear Creek Council 406-248-1154 Medcor Inc - Mammoth Clinic 307-344-7965 Big Bear Stampede Child Care Connections 406-587-7786 PHARMACY Electric Peak Arts Council Gardiner Pharmacy/Yellowstone Perk 406-848-9430 Gardiner Community Library 406-848-7835 307-344-9006 PRESS/PUBLICATIONS/RADIO Gardiner Food Pantry Greater Yellowstone Coalition 406-586-1593 Gardiner Mammoth FM Association Greater Gardiner Community Council 406-848-1883 Livingston Enterprise 406-222-2000 MSU Park County Extension 406-222-4156 Outside Bozeman 406-582-8068 National Wolf Watchers Coalition 503-313-4681 Statewide Publishing 888-442-8838 North Yellowstone Education Foundation 406-223-6859 Stafford Animal Shelter 406-222-2111 Upper Yellowstone Roundup Association Yellowstone Forever 406-848-2400 Yellowstone International Arts Festival 406-579-6414 Your view from our font porch! Come visit with us! Only 4 miles from Gardiner. 406-848-7080 4 Maiden Basin Dr. Yel l owstone B a si 30 | 406-848-7971
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