Garden Party! Summer Social

Page created by Vivian Pratt
Garden Party! Summer Social
JUNE 2021

                               Summer Social
                              Garden Party!
                                         Friday 25th June
                                   The Hospice Garden

It’s been a difficult year for everyone at the Hospice,   If you’re planning on coming along, please let Angela
but things are starting to look up! Our staff and         Sibbit know so we can gauge how many
volunteers have made tremendous efforts over the          people need to be catered for! Hope to see you all
past year, so we want to take the earliest opportunity    there!
to celebrate all of our accomplishments together.

With that in mind, we’re planning our very own
garden party! It’ll be an informal get together with a
bit of music and a buffet under the marquees to
protect us from whatever weather gets thrown our
                                                                        Save the
way.                                                                     date!
The party will take place on the 25th June in the
Hospice garden between 2:00pm-4:00pm, providing
coronavirus restrictions allow.
Garden Party! Summer Social
JUNE 2021

                         It’s Your Birthday!
                                                     50 & Fabulous
                                                     Our very own Deputy Chief Executive, Amanda Darley,
                                                     celebrated her 50th birthday in May. To celebrate this
                                                     milestone birthday, Amanda and the team were treated
                                                     to some delicious cakes courtesy of our talented catering

                                                     Amanda was showered with lots of lovely gifts from her
                                                     friends and colleagues, including a necklace, some flowers,
                                                     a fabulous gin selection and 100 (yes, 100!) bottles of

                                                     We hope you had an amazing birthday, Amanda.

    Ann Gleed, one of our Trustees, recently celebrated her 80th
    birthday! In true Hospice style we had a collection to buy a
    special gift, which Ann loved! She sent a message to the

    “Thank you so much for the gorgeous gift from you all at our
    Hospice. I was surprised and delighted at the thought given into
    sending such a wonderful present.

    ‘The thought alone lifted me and such treasures inside the box.
    You will never know how much it meant to me, my family who
    were here when it arrived were as excited as I unfolded each

    ‘Know that you all made me feel special and once again a part
    of our Hospice family. Much love to you all, can’t wait to see you
    soon as volunteers are back in and bless you all.”

    We hope you enjoyed your birthday, Ann!

Garden Party! Summer Social
Light Chocolate
                                                                           Recipe of
Does chocolate cake usually make you feel heavy and bloated? Try
Greg’s recipe for a lighter chocolate cake!
                                                                           the month
160g sugar
120g water
6 egg yolks
500g double cream
200g dark chocolate
Cake sponge of your choice (chocolate, Victoria or just a simple biscuit
base as you would need for a cheesecake). If you don’t have a sponge
recipe, just Google ‘sponge cake recipes’!

1. Dissolve the sugar in water and stir over a low
heat to reach 125°C. Cool this sugar syrup to a room
2. When cool, slowly mix into the egg yolks.
3. In a separate bowl melt chocolate (best over
4. Whip the cream and add the mixture of yolks and
sugar syrup, then add the melted chocolate and fold
together until smooth.
5. Pour onto the cake base and leave to set in a
6. Decorate with cream or chocolate and chocolate

Join our staff and volunteers
Facebook group! Simply go
on the Hospice’s Facebook
   page, click groups, and
request to join the staff and
  volunteers closed group.

Garden Party! Summer Social
Appraisals                                                  Volunteers’ Week!
                                                                    This week we’ve been at Junction 32 telling the
                                                                    public about our volunteering opportunities.
    Objectives for 2021/22:
    Just a quick reminder to upload your objectives in              We’ve done really well in letting people know the
    SMI for this year.                                              benefits of volunteering, and we’ve even had
    To record your appraisal you should use the form                people give us their details to get involved soon!
    on SMI. This means that you will type information
    directly into the SMI system. To do this you will               Thank you to everyone who visited our volunteer
    need to follow these simple steps:                              stand and engaged with the public! Hopefully there
                                                                    are even more potential volunteers to come!

    •    Log in to SMI                                              In celebration of our volunteers, Welcome to
                                                                    Yorkshire have planted a tree dedicated to the
    •    Click on ‘Staff Maintenance’ to open up your               Hospice and all it's volunteers.
         personal record
    •    Click on the ‘Events’ tab                                  The tree will grow in one of the Trees for Yorkshire
                                                                    woodlands, so we have our very own 'little piece of
    •    Click on ‘New’                                             Yorkshire'.
    •    On the ‘Event’ drop down field select
    •    In the ‘Narrative’ field type in whether it is a
         start of year, mid-year or end of year review
    •    Click on the ‘Soft Form’ field on the light grey
         bar towards the top of the page
    •    Select ‘Objective Setting Meeting’ and enter
         the date meeting was held
    •    Complete all elements of the form
    •    Click save before leaving the page. It is
         recommended that click save regularly and
         particularly if you leave your desk and the
         system automatically logs you out after a
         period of time
    Lindsay Hamer, Head of HR

        Thinking of holding a raffle? Who ya gonna call?

        Raffles are a great way to fundraise for the Hospice and we really appreciate it when you choose to take
        one on. All we ask is that you speak to someone in the Fundraising Team first. We are licensed to run
        raffles by Wakefield Council and must fulfil certain conditions and report all our gambling activity to them.

        It is vital therefore, that we log your raffle and someone in Fundraising produces the tickets with all the
        necessary, regulated, information on them. We do have a Gambling Policy and Fundraising will help you
        run the raffle safely in accordance with it and our standard raffle terms and conditions.

        They can also help you with promotional material to make the most of your raffle. Running a raffle is still a
        quick and easy way to engage people and raise lovely funds – we just need to get it right before you start
        selling tickets so get in touch as soon as you decide to run one!

Garden Party! Summer Social
Challenege Complete!
On the 22nd May we held our Pen-Y-Ghent Family
Challenge, sponsored by Haribo! We had an amazing
turnout for this event – 43 supporters completed the 10.24km
trek to raise funds for the Hospice.

Paired with the nine supporters who took part in the
Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, we have managed to raise
around £10,000!

We’d like to say a big well done to our staff members Sam
Johnson, Sarah Mortimer, Rebecca Norris, Tracey Watson,
Peter Driffill, Helen Kirby and Lindsay Hamer who all took part in
one of the challenges!

Helen, our HR and Volunteers Manager, told us her thoughts on
the Pen-Y-Ghent trek,

‘It was hard, harder than I expected really but it was an amazing
experience. The whole day had such a feel good atmosphere
that made me prouder than ever to work for the Hospice.

‘To see how many lives and families are touched by the work the
Hospice does, my own family included, it was an honour to be a
part of it knowing I work here too.’

Another massive well done and thank you to everyone who got
involved, it was a huge success!

Garden Party! Summer Social
JUNE 2021

                                                        Employee Voice Group
                                                        In our last staff survey you    • Finance, HR and
                                                        highlighted that you wanted     Reception
    During this pandemic, many of us have lost          to enhance communication        • Income Generation
    loved ones without having the chance of             between employees and           • Clinical Services and
    spending those precious last moments together.      the Senior Management           Medical
    Our Forget Me Not appeal was created to             Team.                           • Shops team
    provide a way for people to honour and                                              • Estates and Facilities
    remember those who were lost.                       A number of you mentioned
                                                        that you’d like us to          Representatives will be
    Crafted from iron, these beautiful keepsakes are    introduce an Employee          responsible for liaising with
    available in two stunning colours – a striking      Voice Group and we think       members of their team on
    pink and a traditional forget me not blue. So       this is a brilliant idea.      various subjects which
    far, over 100 Forget Me Not flowers have been       Jane Slater, our Social        may include things like our
    dedicated. Junction 32 kindly agreed to create a    Worker has offered to          Hospice Strategy etc.
    of display flowers, which looked beautiful in the   develop an Employee
    sunshine this week!                                 Voice Group and the group    If you would like to be the
                                                        will develop its own terms   representative for your
    If you would like to dedicate a flower to           of reference, agenda and     team you can nominate
    remember your loved one, or you know                meeting schedule. The        yourself, alternatively you
    someone who might appreciate a dedication as        group will be an elected     can nominate someone
    a gift, all it takes is a donation of your choice   group which represents the   else from your team but
    (we suggest a minimum gift of £25).                 different teams across the   please speak to them first
                                                        Hospice.                     to ensure they are happy
    Simply visit or                                    to be the representative.
    call Anne on 01977 781488 with your details and     To ensure the group fully    If we receive more than
    your dedication.                                    reflects the organisation we one representative for a
                                                        would like a representative team then we will hold
                                                        from each area of the        an election where team
                                                        Hospice as follows:          members can vote.

                                                                                       To nominate yourself or
                                                                                       someone else please email
                                                                                       Lindsay Hamer by Friday
                                                                                       25 June 2021.

                                                                                       Lindsay Hamer
                                                                                       Head of HR

                                                        Unsung Hero
                                                        This month our Unsung Hero is Jo Benson, nominated by
                                                        Anne Giblin.

                                                        Jo did an amazing video to promote legacies during Dying
                                                        Matters Week, telling people how gifts in wills help our
                                                        patients and the importance of the Hospice.

                                                        Anne said;
                                                        'Jo is always happy to work with fundraising on things like this,
                                                        and it highlights a great collaboration between clinicians and
                                                        fundraisers. Thanks Jo!'

Garden Party! Summer Social
Green Fingers

 As you may have seen in April’s edition of PoW WoW, Susanne, our
 physiotherapist completed her challenge of walking five miles every
 day in March to raise funds for a new greenhouse in the Hospice
 gardens. Susanne managed to raise a massive £1,661, including
 £500 from The Skills Network.

 ‘Thank you to everyone who sponsored me. I really enjoyed my daily
 walks in March and felt fitter and more healthy as a result. Regretfully
 I’m not doing nearly as much exercise without the motivation from the                   The gardening
 challenge!’                                                                            club by Amanda
 Susanne contacted Phoenix Garden Buildings, who generously gave
 a £1,400 discount on a smart and spacious potting shed which they
 kindly offered to deliver and erect. Thank you to Phoenix Garden
 Buildings, and to Simon for removing the old greenhouse!

 The new potting shed will be used to plant new seeds, which will
 hopefully have sprouted into some lovely plants to sell at our Summer

 There’s even enough funds left over to buy a new greenhouse!
 We have approached a company who are generously offering a
 greenhouse at cost price, which they will erect free of charge.

Pride Month
This month people all over the world are celebrating               5th June 2021
the LGBTQ community. Pride month is held to honour                 • Blackpool Pride
the Stonewall riots in 1969, which sparked the Gay                 • York Pride
Liberation Movement in the US.                                     • Bradford Price

Today, Pride is celebrated with huge marches through               19th June
city centres, where people dress up in all the colours             • Silloth Pride
of the rainbow to show their support.
                                                                   20th June
This year is thought be crucial for the LGBTQ                      • Pride in Diversity Harrogate Pride
community, because the 2021 census is hoped to
have highlighted it’s growth and should pave the way
for better services and support.

Despite difficulties with Coranavirus restrictions, there
are still several marches still taking place around the
UK in honour of Pride if you want to get involved and
show your support;

Garden Party! Summer Social
Staff Wellbeing Notices
 Staff Wellbeing Room
 The ‘Staff Wellbeing Room’ that was put in place during the pandemic is to be kept in order to provide a quiet
 space where all staff and volunteers can take a well-needed break! The room contains a variety of resources
 designed to support your wellbeing here in the Hospice. Susanne, one of our Health First Aiders, would like to
 encourage everyone to make use of this facility if they feel they need to.

 If there are any other resources you feel should be displayed in the room to support staff wellbeing, please do
 not hesitate to contact Susanne or a member of the Staff Wellbeing Group.

 Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub
 West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (WY&H HCP) has opened its staff mental health
 and wellbeing hub, supporting people who work in health, social care services and the voluntary community
 social enterprise sector (VCSE) as they deal with the impact of COVID-19.

 Staffed by a dedicated professional team, the hub is a confidential service and free of charge. The hub will
 provide a range of services, from intensive, individual treatment to resources that can support people to help
 themselves cope with feelings of bereavement, burnout, stress and trauma. Wherever you work, the service
 offers advice and support that can help with a range of issues.

 You can get in touch phoning the helpline or using the chat function. The service is open from 8am to 8pm,
 every day, including weekends and bank holidays.

 Call the freephone number on 0808 1963833, or visit

 Staff Wellbeing Sessions
 We have been given access to staff wellbeing sessions run by South West Yorkshire Partnership Trust that staff
 can join free of charge. The details of each session are as follows;

 • Introduction to Mindfulness
 24th June
 10am-12pm via Microsoft Teams.                                        To book your place
                                                                       and obtain the MST
 • Overcoming Anxiety                                                  Link please email:
 10th June                                                   
 2:00pm-4:00pm via Microsoft Teams.                          
Monday to Saturday 9am-4pm
Monday to Saturday 9am-3.30pm                                                       For advice please visit


Monday to Saturday 9am-3pm
Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm
Garden Party! Summer Social
Meet the Staff!                                       Your Nomination
   We have a new team member this week!                      Counts!
   Terri Kidd is our Marketing and
   Communications Assistant. We asked her to             We’re fast approaching the Movement for Good Awards
   introduce herself;                                    nomination deadline, and we would be so grateful if
                                                         you would take the time to nominate us this year. The
   ‘Hi, I’m Terri! I live in Castleford, I have a        awards are designed to give eligible charities in the UK
   degree in Journalism and I love to bake! I            and Republic of Ireland the financial assistance they
   can’t wait to get to know everyone and see            need to help them make a real difference.
   what the Hospice is all about.
                                                         In total, 500 charities stand to gain £1,000 and we’d
   ‘Everyone has been really lovely so                   love to be one of them. That money could make a huge
   far, thank you for making me feel so                  difference to the work we do caring for those who need
   welcome! I promise to do my best in                   it. We’d be able to access equipment to vastly improve
   learning everyone’s names!’                           our quality of care, but we can’t do this without your

                                                         The closing date for nominations is Sunday 13th June
                                                         2021. The more nominations we get, the greater our

Pet Corner!                                              chance of winning so please spread the word to your
                                                         family and friends!

Meet Lulu, Terri’s cat!                                  To make your nomination, simply visit
                                               , click ‘Nominate a charity
                                                         now’, and enter the details below and your own details.
Likes: Chicken, mice, moths, laptop
keyboards and biting toes.                               Thank you in advance for your support!
Dislikes: Fleas, tuna, and next door’s cat.              Charity name:

                                                         THE FIVE TOWNS PLUS HOSPICE FUND LIMITED
Terri told us Lulu’s story;
‘Lulu was found on New Year’s Eve a couple of
years ago. She was tiny, but heavily pregnant! She
was taken to a foster home where she had six
kittens that were all adopted straight away, but no
one had adopted Lulu. The lady who fostered her
called her ‘Janey’ but me and my mum thought it
was a rubbish cat name.

She hid from us under the coffee table for the first
few weeks, but she soon took over the house
leaving a trail of fluff behind her wherever she went.
She loves to bring in live mice, moths, spiders and
birds to play with, despite our protests.

She’s a little softie, she loves to sit on the laptop
and ‘help’ you write, but she needs to work on
napping less.’
Garden Party! Summer Social
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