Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of

Page created by Aaron Barnes
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
We welcome you to the joint conferences of
             Future Automotive Production Conference &
                              - May 17th to 18th 2022 -

Hosted by:
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
CONGRESS BACKGROUND                          „One for two“
                                                    The normally annually alternating events will be held together this year
                                                    at the Mobile Life Campus and in the adjacent building, the Open
                                                    Hybrid LabFactory research campus, in Wolfsburg. This close
Partners                                            cooperation results in a high diversity of presentations from research
                                                    and industry, which are scheduled continuously and in a varied manner.


Further informations
 Follow us on LinkedIn for informations about our
 keynotespeakers and possible program changes.

   Future-automotive-    Werkstoff-symposium.de
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of


                             MobileLifeCampus                                                                Open Hybrid LabFactory
                             Herrmann-Münch-Str.1                                                            Herrmann-Münch-Str.2
                             38440 Wolfsburg                                                                 38440 Wolfsburg
                             Germany                                                                         Germany


        By Public Transport                                                           By Car
        The buses 203 and 204 will take you from the central station at               Coming from A39 take exit Wolfsburg
        Wolfsburg railway station almost directly to the entrance of                  West at junction no. 3.
        MobileLifeCampus. It is only a few metres from the bus stop
        (Brücke Sandkamp) to MobileLifeCampus


        You can park your car directly in the parking space at MobileLifeCampus an Open Hybrid LabFactory.
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of

                                                                              Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gebauer Teichmann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Dröder (Chair)     IWF – TU Braunschweig                                                               Volkswagen AG group components
Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Herrmann (Chair)   IWF – TU Braunschweig                    Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Kroos (Chair)        Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH

Prof. Dr.-Ing. T. Vietor (Chair)     IK – TU Braunschweig                     Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Dilger                   Ifs – TU Braunschweig
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Reza Ashgari     Entrepreneurship Hub – TU Braunschweig
                                                                              Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Dröder                   IWF – TU Braunschweig
                                     Cluster of Excellence livMatS –
Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck                                                        Dr.-Ing. Georgios Georgiadis               Excelix
                                     University of Freiburg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Müller           University of Applied Science Hof        Prof. Dr. Wolfram Herrmann                 ContiTech AG
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer      WBK - KIT
                                                                              Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nicole C. Karafyllis   Inst. Für Philosophie - TU Braunschweig
Prof. Dr. Ir. Joost Duflou           MaPS – KU Leuven
                                                                              Frank Preller                              Bertrandt AG

Dr.-Ing. Marko Gernuks               Volkswagen AG                            Dr. rer. nat. Thorsten Reier               Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wolff                Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig GmbH       Dr. Lothar Schäfer                         Fraunhofer IST
Dr.-Ing. Lutz-Eike Elend             Mubea Group
                                                                              Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wierach               DLR

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Schmitt            Open Hybrid LabFactory e.V.              Dr.-Ing. Astrid Wollenberg                 Volkswagen AG
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
17 MAY 2022

  Listen to presentations on   Opening
  current developments         Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1
  and technologies.
                               7:30      Registration
                               8:45      Welcome
  Meet leading experts                   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dröder,
  from economy and                       IWF TU Braunschweig
  science.                               Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gebauer-Teichmann,
                                         Volkswagen AG group components
                                         Dr. Joachim Kroos,
                                         Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
  Make new contacts and                  Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel
  find potential project                 President of TU Braunschweig
                                         Dennis Weilmann,
                                         Mayor Wolfsburg
                               9:30      Keynote
                                         Dr. Christian Vollmer,
                                         Markenvorstand Volkswagen
                                         Geschäftsbereich „Produktion und Logistik“
                               10:00     Coffee Break
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
17 MAY 2022

        Innovative And Smart Production                       CO2-neutrale Antriebskonzepte

        Chair:         Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dröder            Chair:          Frank Preller
        Location:      MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1      Location:       Open Hybrid LabFactory – Room 007

10:20   Wertstromkinematik – The All Kinematic                Sensoren zur Herstellungs- und Strukturüberwachung von
        Production System                                     Wasserstoffdruckspeichern
        J. Fleischer, WBK KIT                                 N. Liebers, DLR
10:40   Why Cargobikes Need To Integrate Automotive DNA       Holistisches Eigenschaftsprofil nichtrostender Edelstähle für
        L.-E. Elend, Mubea                                    alternative Mobilitätskonzepte
                                                              S. Lindner, Outokumpu Nirosta
11:00   Quantitative Method For The Investigation Of          Wasserstoffinfrastruktur: Sicheres Transportieren und
        Digitized Surfaces After Fine Milling Machining       Speichern von Wasserstoffgas in Stahlrohren
        M. Mackiewicz, Volkswagen AG                          J. Mentz, Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH
11:20   Keynote – „The Value Chain Of Alternative Raw         Keynote - Nachhaltige Produktion und Life Cycle Engineering
        Materials In The Mobility Sector“                     Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Herrmann, IWF TU Braunschweig
        Dr. Achim Ilzhöfer, Global Circular Economy Manager
        Covestro AG
11:50   Lunch / Exhibition
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
 17 MAY 2022
Technologies for Circularity                  Functional Structures                               Bezahlbarer Automobilbau
Chair:    Dr.-Ing. Marko Gernuks              Chair:    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer           Chair:    Dr. rer. nat. Thorsten Reier
Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1   Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 2         Location: Open Hybrid LabFactory – Room 007

12:50 Fatigue Life Of Refurbished Fiber       Innovative Design Concepts For Battery Housings     Leichtbau in der Automobilindustrie – Quo
      Reinforced Thermoplastics               C. Drebenstedt, Fraunhofer IWU                      vadis?
      D. Weintraut, Fraunhofer IWU                                                                A. Geffert, Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung
13:10 FiberEUse – Reusable CFRP Structures    Strong Mechanical Interlock Of Plastic And          Rührreibschweißen von Aluminium-Kupfer-
      For Automotive Applications             Hollow Metal Profiles                               Mischverbindungen für die Elektromobilität
      O. Huxdorf, Invent GmbH                 Dr.-Ing. M. Theunissen, Lanxess                     N. Eslami, Volkswagen AG
13:30 Manufacturing Of Lightweight Parts By   Injection Molded Energy Absorber In The Front End   Energieeffiziente vakuumbasierte
      Sandwich Foam Injection Moulding        Of A Passenger Car                                  Handhabung
      Using Recycled Thermoplastics           A. Wüst, BASF AG                                    F. Gabriel, thyssenkrupp Nucera
      M. Kliem, Kunststoff-Zentrum Leipzig
13:50                                         Thermocouple Fabrication By Cold Plasma Spray       ScaleBat – Skalierbarer Batteriekasten für
                                              N. Mainusch, Fraunhofer IST                         größere Stückzahlen
                                                                                                  M. Hillebrecht, EDAG Engineering GmbH
14:10 Coffee Break / Exhibition
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
 17 MAY 2022
Life-Cycle Engineering                            Bio-Based Innovations                               Nachhaltigkeit
Chair:    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Herrmann       Chair:    Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck                    Chair:    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wierach
Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1       Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 2         Location: Open Hybrid LabFactory – Room 007

14:40 A Variability Model And Software Tool       Approaching A Smart, Modular Sustainable Interior   Salcos® Projekt - CO2 reduzierter Stahl aus
      For Life Cycle Engineering                  For Future Mobility Solution                        Salzgitter
      L. Block, IAT Uni Stuttgart                 T. Seemann, Fraunhofer IST                          Dr. Alexander Redenius, Salzgitter
                                                                                                      Mannesmann Forschung GmbH
15:00 Life Cycle Evaluation Of Composite Leaf     Fast Curing Biobased Epoxy Hardener For RTM         Dekarbonisierung von Fabriksystemen mit
      Spring                                      Applications                                        grünem Wasserstoff
      S. ter Heide, Westlake Epoxy                S. Friebel, Fraunhofer WKI                          C. Imdahl, Fraunhofer IST
15:20 Increase The Resource Efficiency By         Investigation On The Bonding Strength Of Plywood    Latest insights into the devulcanization
      Evaluation Of The Effects Of Deep           And Plastic As Hybrid Component                     possibilities
      Rolling Within The Design and               W. Berlin, IWF TU Braunschweig                      H. van Hoek, University of Twente
      Manufacturing Phase
      O. Maiß, Ecoroll AG
15:40 Life Cycle Assessment At thyssenkrupp       Biomimetic Optimization Of Household Appliance
      Steel                                       T. Masselter, University of Freiburg
      T. Uhlmann, thyssenkrupp
16:00 Closing / Transfer Period

16:30 VW-Tour (presence or virtual) / OHLF-Tour
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
EVENING EVENT at Phaeno Wolfsburg
      17 MAY 2022 – 19:30

Location                              Program                                    Hotels

      Phaeno Wolfsburg                       19:30 Arrival                                INNSIDE Wolfsburg
      Willy-Brandt-Platz 1                   19:50 Dinner Speech                          Hotel Global Inn
      38440 Wolfsburg                        Dr. Stephan Fuchs , Toralf                   Leonardo Hotel Wolfsburg City Center
      Germany                                Hagenbruch (McKinsey &
                                             Company, Inc.) "CO2 - the new
                                             currency to pay for lightweight
                                             20:15 Buffet / Networking
Parking                                      23:00 End

      You can park your car directly in the parking space at Phaeno Wolfsburg.
Future Automotive Production Conference & Werkstoffsymposium - We welcome you to the joint conferences of
 18 MAY 2022
Opening                                             Opening                                                Opening
Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1         Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 2            Location: Open Hybrid LabFactory – Room 007

8:00    Registration                                Registration                                           Registration

9:00    Welcome                                     Stream - Welcome                                       Welcome
        Prof. Dr.-Ing. T. Vietor, TU Braunschweig   Prof. Dr.-Ing. T. Vietor, TU Braunschweig              Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gebauer-Teichmann,
                                                                                                           Volkswagen AG group components
9:10    Keynote - „Challenges And Solution          Stream - Keynote - „Challenges And Solution            Keynote – „Die Initiative Leichtbau & das
        Strategies For Bio-inspired Factories Of    Strategies For Bio-inspired Factories Of The Future“   Technologie-Transfer-Programm Leichtbau“
        The Future“                                 Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Ihlenfeldt, TU Dresden               W. Loscheider, BMWK Referat IVB4
        Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Ihlenfeldt, TU Dresden
9:40    Coffee Break / Exhibition
 18 MAY 2022
Generative Manufacturing                          Factories of the Future                                Elektrisches Fahren
Chair:    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Müller              Chair:    Prof. Dr. Ir. Joost Duflou                   Chair:    Dr.-Ing. Astrid Wollenberg
Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1       Location: MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 2            Location: Open Hybrid LabFactory – Room 007

10:00 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Sources         Matrix Disassembly Of Li-Ion Batteries And The Use Of Simulative Untersuchung von
      For Additive Manufacturing                  A Digital Planning Table                              Temperierungskonzepten batterieelektrischer
      T. Neubert, Fraunhofer IST                  Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Brüggemann, Ostfalia Hochschule     Fahrzeuge im Gesamtfahrzeug-kontext - Einfluss
                                                                                                          der lokalen Temperaturverteilung innerhalb des
                                                                                                          Batteriesystems auf die Lebensdauer
                                                                                                          J. F. Hellmuth, TU Braunschweig
10:20 Design Freedoms Of Lattice Structures       Virtual Thin Film Deposition Processes – From Plasma    Leichtbau-Rotor mit höherer Leistungsdichte
      For Interlock Bonding                       Simulation To Digital Twins                             und Systemkostenvorteil für Elektroantriebe
      R. Freund, IK TU Braunschweig               A. Pflug, Fraunhofer IST                                der neuesten Generation
                                                                                                          C. Struwe, Mubea
                                                                                                          Fügetechnik für zukünftige
10:40 Compact Extruder                            Mathematical Formulations For Generative Layout         Einfluss des Werkzeugverschleißes auf die
      T. Jacob, Kunststoff-Zentrum Leipzig        Planning In Manufacturing                               Schweißqualität beim Reibpunktschweißen
                                                  M. Süße, Fraunhofer IWU                                 D. Lauterbach, Volkswagen AG

11:00 Additive Manufacturing In The Early         Assembly And Through Life Services In The Context Of Chancen und Möglichkeiten durch den Einsatz
      Production Life Cycle: Practical Insights   Cloud Manufacturing And Urban Manufacturing          ultrahochfester Verbindungselemente
      Into Limits And Opportunities               A. Oguz, TU Berlin                                   H. Dieterle, KAMAX
      M. Wiese, adddam
11:20 Coffee Break / Exhibition
 18 MAY 2022
Design and Simulation                                      Reports from the Research Clusters                     Sicherheit moderner Mobilität
Chair:             Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Vietor            Chair:          Stefan Schmitt                         Chair:         Dr. Lothar Schäfer
Location:          MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 1       Location:       MobileLifeCampus – Lecture Room 2      Location:      Open Hybrid LabFactory – Room 007

11:40 AI-Based Performance Prediction And Its              Cluster Of Excellence Living, Adaptive And Energy-     Spannungsrisskorrosion
            Application On The Design And Simulation       Autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS)                 H. Schneider, ifs TU Braunschweig
            Of Cooling Plates For Battery Electric         T. Speck, Cluster of Excellence livMatS - University
            Vehicles                                       Freiburg
            N. Klinke, Mubea
12:00 Innovative Module Design With Active                 Potentials And Design Of A Virtual Production System Ein neuer, unbeschichteter, ultrahochfester
      And Passive Cooling Of Traction                      For Intelligent Battery Cell Manufacturing           Warmformstahl für Sicherheitsbauteile
      Batteries                                            K. Husseini, WBK KIT                                 T. Böddeker, Benteler
      D. Löffler, Fraunhofer IWU
12:20 Optimization Of Metal-Composite                      Green Hydrogen Economy And Sustainable Fuel Cell       Structural Health Monitoring unter
            Lightweight Structures In Context Of Digital   Technologies – Opportunities And Limitations           Realbedingungen – Ergebnisse eines
            Linked Development, Manufacturing And          J. Beuscher, Fraunhofer IST                            Feldversuchs
            Quality Assurance Processes                                                                           L. Tampe, DLR
            F. Folprecht, ILK TU Dresden

12:40 Materials For The Design Of Sustainable              Internet of Production                                 Funktionelle Oberflächen und Sensoren für
      Electromobility                                      M. Buchsbaum, WZL RWTH Aachen                          ein smartes Interieur
      T. Schrader, Audi AG                                                                                        A. Ardilio, Fraunhofer IAO
13:00 Lunch / Exhibition
        18 MAY 2022
       Location: MobileLifeCampus

        14:00     Presenting the Entrepreneurship
                  R. Ashgari, Entrepreneurship Hub TU
        14:20     Keynote
                  J. Sutor, Ideation Hub Volkswagen
        14:50     Pitch – Probility
                  M. Demes & S.Bienia
        15:00     Pitch – eco-softfibre
                  B. Wacker
        15:10     Pitch – threedy
                  S. Domdey & J. Behr
        15:20     Pitch – LB.systems
                  C. Heidermann
        15:30     Pitch - EnerKite

        15:40     Panel Discussion

        16:00     Awards and Closing

Programme modifications
Feel free to contact us:

Jan Middelhoff                                     Adriana Ehlers
j.middelhoff@tu-braunschweig.de                    adriana.ehlers@its-mobility.de
info@future-automotive-production-conference.com   0531231721-28
0531 391-7626

Future-automotive-production-conference.de         Werkstoff-symposium.de
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