Market survey - 2019/Q1-4 Hamburg - German Property Partners
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Commercial | Office letting Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Key Facts Office letting 545,000 m² | -7.6% year-on-year change 29.50 €/m² | +7.3% year-on-year change 17.70 €/m² | +12.0% year-on-year change 2.9% | -0.6 pp year-on-year change 13.8m m² | +0.7% year-on-year change pp = percentage point Take-up of space Prime rent mth (net) Average rent mth (net) Vacancy rate Office stock “In conjunction with the strong rise in land and construction The mid-sized categories, i.e. 1,001 m² to 2,000 m² and 2,001 m² costs, the low level of vacant space led to a significant rise in to 5,000 m² accounted for 19 % (about 101,000 m²) and 20% office rents in 2019. Hamburg will remain a landlord’s market (about 110,000 m²) respectively. 109 agreements were signed in 2020.” in 2019 for premises in these two segments, 32 of them in the Andreas Rehberg | Managing director 4th quarter alone. Here the biggest new agreement noted was signed by service company TA Triumph-Adler for some 4,100 m² Take-up of space in the “Area 5.0” (Deelbögenkamp 4, Eppendorf). The smaller Less take-up due to shortage of premises size categories, i.e. 500 m² or less and 501 m² to 1,001 m² posted shares of 16% (about 86,000 m²) and 17% (about 95,000 m²) In 2019 the total amount of office space let in Hamburg was respectively. Noticeably fewer agreements were concluded in 545,000 m² and thus some 8% below the prior year’s figure. As 2019 than in 2018. The number of contracts concluded fell from in the past, the reason for declining take-up was the shortage of 690 to 590. By contrast the number of owner-occupier transac- space to rent. Owner-occupiers accounted for 13% of take-up, tions remained stable at 16. slightly below their 14% share a year before. Towards the end of the year the pace of business slowed appreciably. In the last quarter, for example, only 110,000 m² of office space was bro- Take-up of space kered. 2016–2020 | in 000s m² | incl. owner-occupiers Only one new agreement for more than 5,000 m² of space 10-year average (2010–2020): was registered in the 4th quarter, when energy provider Licht- ca. 531,000 m² Blick rented 8,200 m² off-plan in the “ConneXion Office” devel- opment (Klostertor, City). Overall, the 5,000 m² plus category Forecast comprised 28% of take-up in 2019 (153,000 m²). Compared with 2018 this was a very similar proportion, although the number of agreements fell from 15 to 12. The biggest agreements of the year were the start of construction on OTTO GOeast, an own- er-occupier development at Werner-Otto-Strasse 1-7 (about 40,000 m², Hamburg East) followed by contracts signed by New Work/Xing for some 21,600 m² in the “Unilever House” 550 640 590 545 530 (Strandkai 1, HafenCity) and Vattenfall Europe for 17,500 m² in the EDGE ElbSide (Amerigo-Vespucci-Platz). 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Source: Grossmann & Berger GmbH | Page 2
Commercial | Office letting Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Selected top contracts 2019/Q1–4 1. OTTO Group | Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7 | ca. 40,000 m² 2. New Work/Xing | Strandkai 1 | ca. 21,600 m² 3. Vattenfall Europe | Amerigo-Vespucci-Platz | ca. 17,500 m² 4. Universität Hamburg | Schlüterstraße 51-59 | ca. 15,200 m² 5. GIGA | Schlüterstraße 51-59 | ca. 10,000 m² 6. Signal Iduna | Kapstadtring 5 | ca. 10,000 m² 7. LichtBlick | Klostertor | ca. 8,200 m² 8. Intelligent Apps | Neumühlen 19 | ca. 6,900 m² 9. FFG FINANZCHECK | Admiralitätstraße 60 | ca. 6,200 m² OTTO Group 10. Unilever | Neue Burg 1 | ca. 6,200 m² “OTTO GOeast” Werner-Otto-Straße 1-7 | HH-Ost | ca. 40,000 m² About half of the total space taken up in 2019 was located in the Take-up of space central sub-markets City, HafenCity and City South. City main- 2019/Q1–4 | in 000s m² | by size and no. of lettings tained its traditional position as front-runner in 2019 - this sub- market posted 24% of total take-up (about 132,700 m²). Four Take-up of space of the twelve firms requiring large office suites - LichtBlick, Uni- No. of lettings lever, FFG Finanzcheck and Wünsche Group - chose premises in Hamburg’s city centre. Four new agreements for between 2,001 and 5,000 m² of space were posted in the 4th quarter, bringing the year’s total in this size category to ten. Shortly before the end of the year, for example, the HR services provider KRON- GAARD took some 2,100 m² in “Convent Parc” (Fuhlentwiete 8-10). Trailing City by quite a long way, HafenCity was second in the ranking of sub-markets with a share of around 14%. Take-up figures in HafenCity owed a great deal to the 73,600 m² of 330 139 72 37 12 take-up generated by NewWork/Xing and Vattenfall Europe as 16% 17% 19% 20% 28% well as the construction starts for owner-occupiers BGW and 86 95 101 110 153 VBG in the Elbbrücken (Elbe Bridges) quarter. With a share of up to up to up to up to over around 11% (60,700 m²) City South ranked third in the table of 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 take-up by sub-market. The biggest new let in City South was Source: Grossmann & Berger GmbH in the “Economic Quarter” (Heidenkampsweg 96-98), where Germany’s federal government Autobahn GmbH took some 4,300 m². During the last quarter two new agreements in the size category starting at 2,000 m² were signed, one by Abbott Take-up of space Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company, (Sachsenkamp 5) 2019/Q1–4 | by industry and one by inlingua, a language school, (Amsinckstrasse 28). Retail/gastronomy accounted for 17% and thus the biggest share of take-up (about 91,100 m²). This was largely attrib- 17% Trade/ utable to the construction start for OTTO Group and the two Other sectors 23% restaurants large 1st-quarter agreements signed by Unilever and Wünsche Group. Among the larger new rentals in the 4th quarter were those signed by Carlsberg Deutschland in the “Marzipan IT/telecom- Factory” (Griegstrasse 75, Altona) and the online retailer About Public 15% administration 5% munications You in “Domkaskaden” (Domstrasse 18, City), both in the size Tourism/ category 2,000 m² or more. After retail/gastronomy the next transport 6% most active segments of the economy were information/ 10% Services to telecommunications (15% share, ca. 82,000 m²) and consul- Education 7% business 7% tancy (10% share, ca. 55,200 n²). Among IT firms Xing signed 10% Manufacturing Construction/ industry the largest rental agreement. KPMG took a larger suite of of- property fices than other consultancies, renting some 3,500 m² in the “Springer Quartier” (Kaiser-Wilhlem-Strasse 16). Source: Grossmann & Berger GmbH | Page 3
Commercial | Office letting Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Rents Less room to manoeuvre on terms The shortage of available real estate in conjunction with the strong rise in land and construction costs led to a significant increase in Hamburg office rents in 2019. Year on year the av- erage rent rose by 12.0%, climbing from €15.80/m²/month to a new record high of €17.70/m²/month. By the end of the year the premium rent (prices paid in the most expensive 3% of newly let space in the past twelve months) had also risen, increasing by 7.3% to a new high of € 29.50/m²/month. In view Prime and average rent of the shortage of available premises companies, both large 2015–2019/Q4 | in €/m²/mth (net) and small, are finding they have less room to manoeuvre when 29.50 negotiating terms for their new offices. Meanwhile, even when larger suites of 1,000 and 2,000 square metres are required, 27.50 three or four firms will find themselves competing for the same 26.00 26.00 25.00 space. As a result, incentive packages have been cut consid- Prime rent erably and landlords often succeed in obtaining the asking rent. 17.70 Average rent 15.80 Available and vacant space 15.50 15.20 14.50 Pre-lets for 2020 reach 94 per cent By the end of the year, some 400,400 m² of office space was available to rent at short notice.* Within the space of one year, 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019/Q4 vacancies dropped by 16% or some 77,000 m². During this Source: Grossmann & Berger GmbH period the vacancy rate slipped by 6 percentage points to 2.9%. However, compared with the prior quarter this rate held steady. Over 50% of offices available at short notice are to be found Vacant space | Vacancy rate in the City, Bahrenfeld and City South sub-markets. There has 2015–2019/Q4 | in 000s m² been little change in the type of properties standing vacant compared with 2018. The proportion of category A premises (new build or comprehensively refurbished building with top 5.2% 5.1% fit-out) rose slightly from 22% to 25%, while the share of ex- isting properties was correspondingly lower. Although some 4.3% 304,000 m² of new office property will be completed in 2020 3.5% 2.9% and 2021 this will not ease the tight market because 73% of the volume has been pre-let. The biggest completion scheduled in 2020 is the new Olympus head office building, now under con- struction at Wendenstrasse 14-18, City South (48,500 m²). Of- fering 45,000 m² of office space, the biggest completion in 2021 698 684 580 477 400 will be the Beiersdorf headquarters, which will form part of the 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019/Q4 “Beiersdorf Campus” (Troplowitzstrasse, Eimsbüttel). With Source: Grossmann & Berger GmbH 14 developments set to provide 94,000 m² of space, the City sub-market is the focus of new construction work. In view of a pre-let rate of 77% only about 21,000 m² of offices will come Completions | Pre-let rate onto the open market in 2020/2021. 2017–2021 | in 000s m² 30 developments were completed in 2019, adding 168,000 m² to the total of office space. At the end of the year, the pre-let rate was 74% (about 125,000 m²). The biggest completion of 2019 was the new head office for Euler Hermes, a credit in- 59% surance firm, in Bahrenfeld (Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 26) of- fering some 23,000 m² of office space. 94% * The definition of vacant at short notice has been altered. Vacancies now include all office space that is available to new tenants within six months. Because trade 260 135 168 119 185 firms have full order books, it is generally no longer possible to have the premises fitted out within three months. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Source: Grossmann & Berger GmbH | Page 4
Commercial | Office letting Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Overview of office sub-markets Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Airport City North ter Als Hamburg East Hamburg West Eppendorf Barmbek Alster East Wandsbek A7 Alster West Eimsbüttel Bahrenfeld Außen- alster A 24 St. Georg St. Pauli City Binnen- Altona alster A1 City South Port Rim Harburg Elbe No rde A 253 A7 rel b HafenCity e Rents paid Take-up of space Average rent Completions Vacant space Vacancy rate longer-term Sub-market in m² incl, in €/m²/mth 2020/2021 in m² in % in €/m²/mth owner-occupiers (net) in m² (net) 1 City 132,700 73,000 2.5 12.50 – 32.00 22.70 94,000 2 HafenCity 73,600 22,000 4.0 18.00 – 29.00 21.60 1,000 3 Port Rim 11,200 6,900 3.2 14.80 – 23.60 21.90 0 4 Alster West 37,000 2,500 0.5 15.00 – 23.00 17.80 0 5 Alster East 10,200 6,300 2.0 10.90 – 21.50 15.80 0 6 St, Georg 10,300 4,500 1.0 11.00 – 18.00 15.00 5,000 7 City South 60,700 63,500 3.9 8.00 – 16.50* 14.00 49,000 8 St, Pauli 8,500 3,800 0.8 11.00 – 25.00 18.00 0 9 Altona 27,400 23,300 3.2 13.30 – 20.00 16.30 21,000 10 Bahrenfeld 15,400 70,200 14.8 8.50 – 16.80 12.20 6,000 11 Eimsbüttel 7,700 12,400 5.7 10.00 – 19.80 13.90 53,000 12 Eppendorf 15,200 5,300 1.7 13.50 – 16.50 15.00 34,000 13 Airport 9,500 22,900 2.7 7.50 – 15.00 11.80 0 14 City North 15,800 5,500 1.0 10.30 – 14.50 12.80 0 15 Barmbek 13,600 9,400 1.6 8.00 – 17.90 12.40 1,000 16 Wandsbek 15,800 17,500 2.9 7.00 – 16.70 12.40 1,000 17 Harburg 19,200 13,600 1.4 6.50 – 15.00 11.60 23,000 18 Hamburg East 59,400 27,500 2.8 6.00 – 15.70 8.80 17,000 19 Hamburg West 1,800 10,300 2.4 10.00 – 17.00 13.20 0 Total 545,000 400,400 2.9 6.00 – 32.00 17.70 305,000 * Value adjusted | Page 5
Commercial | Office letting Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Outlook Despite foreign trade risks, business managers take optimistic view of new year The Labour Agency reports that the year-on-year unem- Take-up of space ployment rate inched up in December 2019 from 5.9% to 6.0%. Total take-up for the year of 545,000 m² was higher than The number of jobless in Hamburg remained stable at some Grossmann & Berger had anticipated at the start of 2019. As 64,000 people. the volume of available space continues to shrink, take-up of office space in 2020 is expected to be in the region of the 10- In December 2019 the ifo employment barometer revealed that year average of 530,000 m². German firms are slightly more cautious about adding to their payrolls. However, although the rate has slowed somewhat, Rents jobs are still being created. Logistics and IT firms are important Year on year, average rents rose by 12.0% to €17.20/m²/month, job motors. The barometer fell from 99.5 points in November thus reaching a new all-time high. By the end of the year the to 98.9 points in December. Overall, Germany’s business man- premium rate had risen by 7.3% to €29.50/m²/month and agers are optimistic about the coming year. At the end of 2019 likewise marked a new high. In view of competition for scarce the ifo index of business confidence rose from 95.1 points in No- space, office rents are set to rise even higher in the future. vember to 96.3 points in December. In the services sector the index rose to the highest value seen in six months and managers Available space are taking a cautiously optimistic view of the months ahead. Although some 119,000 m² of new office property will be com- pleted in 2020 this will not ease the tight market because a During the course of 2019 the risks to foreign trade receded massive 94% of the volume has been pre-let. However, during a little, so that the economy has stabilized. Figures from the the year some larger office suites in existing buildings will World Economy Institute (HWWI) indicate that economic become vacant and available at short notice. The vacancy rate growth was 0.6% in 2019. Growth of 1,4% is forecast for 2020, will therefore stabilize at its current low level. followed by 1.5% in 2021. However, the Institute warns that foreign trade risks and the associated danger of recession have not disappeared. “JOHANN KONTOR“ Klosterwall | ca. 15,500 m² | Available from 2023/Q4 Grossmann & Berger‘s Promise. | Page 6
Commercial | Office letting Hamburg 2019/Q1–4 Skilled consultancy Services und contacts From left to right: Sonja Ebert | Anna Martens | Stephan Eckert What can we do for you? Anna Martens | Diplom-Ingenieur Master of Urban Planning An analysis of the property markets is an important part of the Phone: +49 (0)40 / 350 80 2 - 615 wide-ranging consultancy services offered by Grossmann & Mail: Berger. We would be pleased to be of assistance in your deci- sion-making process and can draft an offer that is tailored to Stephan Eckert | Urban and Regional Development M. Sc. your specific requirements. Phone: +49 (0)40 / 350 80 2 - 231 Mail: Glossar Definitions, office market Take-up of space: Take-up of space is the total of all space newly let plus that sold Photo credits: Cover: “LES 1“, Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1 © LES 1 GmbH, Page 2: “Frachtraum“, Neuer Wall 34 to or built by an owner-occupier during the period under review. The operative date © Chantal Weber, Page 3: “Campus Bramfeld”, Werner-Ottostrasse 1-7 © Otto (GmbH & Co. for inclusion in the statistics is the date on which the lease or purchase agreement KG), Page 6: “Johann Kontor”, Klosterwall © KPW Architekten / bloomimages. . was signed. Lease renewals are not counted as take-up. Areas are stated on the We draw your attention to the fact that all statements made here are non-binding. Most of basis of the guide for calculating the rental area in commercial leases (MF/G). the information is based on third-party reports. The sole intention of this market survey is to provide general infomation for our clients. Prime rent: The prime rent is that paid for the most expensive 3% of the market for new lets (not counting owner-occupiers) during the 12 months just ended and Grossmann & Berger GmbH | Bleichenbrücke 9 (Bleichenhof) | D - 20354 Hamburg Phone: +49 (0)40 / 350 80 2 - 0 | Fax: +49 (0)40 / 350 80 2 - 36 is stated as the median of such rents. | Average rent: The average rent paid is calculated by taking the individual rents Managing directors: Andreas Rehberg, Holger Michaelis, Lars Seidel, Axel Steinbrinker agreed in all leases signed over the past 12 months, weighting them by the amount Chairman of the supervisory board: Frank Brockmann of space rented and computing the mean value. Figures refer to nominal net rents Registered office Hamburg • Registered at Hamburg no. B 25866 ex services. Vacancies: Vacancies include all office space that is available to new tenants within six months. Sub-let space is counted as vacancy. | Page 7
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