2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society

Page created by Alfredo Jennings
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
2018 -19 PROGRAMME
     Chamber Music at its Best

 Concerts at Pittville Pump Room and
Prince Michael Hall, Dean Close School

       Cheltenham Music Society
          Twitter @cheltmusicsoc
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
Ellipsis Ensemble                       Tuesday 16 October 2018
(flute, oboe and piano)                        at 7.30 pm
James Gilchrist                            At Pittville Pump Room

(tenor)                              James Gilchrist is one of the UK’s
                                     leading tenors and has performed in
Quantz                               major concert halls throughout the
Trio Sonata in C minor QV 2          world. He is recognised as ‘the
                                     finest Evangelist of his generation’.
Sicilienne op.78                     Ellipsis performed their inaugural
Roxanna Panufnik                     concert in 2009 as part of the St
The Generation of Love               John’s May Festival in Notting Hill
                                     and have relished making music
Telemann                             together ever since. Their concert
Fantasia no.6 in D minor TWV 40      programmes are original and varied
                                     including combinations of solos,
Plus songs by Quilter, Dubery,       duos and trios for oboe, flute, and
Warlock, Dring and Gershwin          piano.

          ‘fresh and invigorating … a committed and            £23 & £18
             persuasive performance from Ellipsis’             Under 26
                 Seen and Heard International                     £5
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
Thursday 15 November 2018            Pražák Quartet
         at 7.30 pm
      At Pittville Pump Room          Smetana
                                      String Quartet no.2
‘With their new leader, the Pražáks   in D minor
 provided a reminder that they are
                                      Jiří Gemrot
    one of the world's leading
    quartets.’ La Baule 2017          String Quartet no.2
                                      String Quartet in C major op.61

                We welcome again the accomplished Pražák Quartet with
                their new leader, Royal College of Music graduate, Jana
                Vonášková. They bring an appealing all-Czech programme
    Tickets     with quartets by Smetana and Dvořák framing an exciting
   £25 & £20
                and virtuoso work by the contemporary Czech composer,
   Under 26
      £5        Jiří Gemrot (b.1957). This was premiered by the Pražáks
                in March 2015.
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
The Marian Consort                   Tuesday 4 December 2018
                                            at 7.30 pm
A Very English Christmas?
A selection of songs on                 At Pittville Pump Room
Christmas themes by
                                      ‘fluid, vivid and, crucially, daring’
Orlandus Lassus
                                      The Guardian
Thomas Tallis
                                      ‘performances that glow with
Alfonso Ferrabosco                    golden purity and soul’
Christopher Tye                       The Scotsman

John Sheppard                         ‘exquisite…the ensemble sings
                                      with eloquence and expressive
William Byrd                          finesse’
Nicholas Ludford                      S u n d ay T i m e s

Details will be on the CMS website

                                         Taking its name from the
                                         Blessed Virgin Mary, a focus
                                         of religious devotion in the
                                         sacred music of all ages,The
                                         Marian Consort is a young,
                                         dynamic and internationally-
                                         renowned early music vocal
                                         ensemble, recognised for its
                                         freshness of approach and
                                         innovative presentation of a
                                         broad range of repertoire.

                                                               £25 & £20
                                                               Under 26
                                      ©Julie Kim
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
Thursday 17 January 2019                Adrian Brendel (cello)
       at 7.30 pm                        Alasdair Beatson
     At Pittville Pump Room              (piano)
Alasdair Beatson’s highlights of         Fauré
2017 included concerts in
London’s Wigmore Hall and Kings          Élégie in C minor op.24
Place, Zurich’s Tonhalle, and            Bach
collaborations with Adrian               Gamba Sonata in G
Brendel, the Doric String Quartet,
                                         BWV 1027
Meta4 and the Nash Ensemble
among many.                              Widor
                                         Sonata in A op.80
                                         Bach arr. Moscheles
                                         3 Preludes from the Well-
                                         Tempered Clavier
                                         Sonata in C minor op.32

            ©Joanne Green

Adrian Brendel is one of the most
versatile and original cellists of his
generation. His discovery of
contemporary music through the
works of Kurtág, Kagel and Ligeti
opened a new and vital avenue                                       Tickets
that he continues to explore with                                  £20 & £15
huge enthusiasm alongside     his
                   ©Joanne Green                                   Under 26
passion for jazz and world music.                                     £5
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
Louis Schwizgebel             Wednesday 13 February 2019
                                     at 7.30 pm
                                   At Pittville Pump Room
                                 ‘Swiss-Chinese pianist, Louis
Allegretto in C minor D.915   Schwizgebel, has won major prizes
                              at a number of international piano
Schubert                          competitions including the
4 Impromptus D.935                     Geneva and Leeds
                                competitions. He clearly has a
Chopin                          prodigious technique as can be
24 Preludes op.28             seen from his recent recording of
                               Ravel’s Gaspard de la Nuit’. Seen
                                         and Heard

£23 & £18
Under 26
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
Wednesday 20 March 2019            Dante Quartet
      at 7.30 pm
    At Pittville Pump Room
                                   String Quartet in G
                                   op.33 no.5
 ‘The unflinching integrity of
 their interpretation and the      Howells
  excitement of their playing      String Quartet no.3
  were consistently superb.’       ‘In Gloucestershire’
        The Guardian
                                   String Quartet in E minor
                                   Op.59 no.2

              The Dante Quartet, one of the UK’s finest ensembles, is
              known for its imaginative programming and impassioned
              performances. The Dante Quartet has been honoured
              with the Royal Philharmonic Society Award for Chamber
              Music and has also received international awards for its
 Tickets      recordings. The wide age-range of the Dante Quartet’s
£23 & £18     members helps to create a harmonious and exciting blend,
Under 26
              marrying youthful enthusiasm with richness of experience
              and consummate technical skill.
2018 -19 PROGRAMME Chamber Music at its Best - Cheltenham Music Society
Castalian Quartet                      Wednesday 24 April 2019
                                             at 7.30 pm
 String Quartet in D minor                  At Pittville Pump Room
  op.76 no.2 ‘Fifths’
                                     ‘They seize motives with the core
                                     of their sound and press them into
 String Quartet No.2 in C op.36        a service of thematic contiguity
 Schubert                            that is enviable, like an orator who
 String Quartet no.13 in A minor     knows how to convince with both
 D.804 ‘Rosamunde’                         passion and persuasion’.
                                               Calgary Herald

            The Castalian Quartet is without doubt one of the most
            exciting new voices on the international chamber music
            scene. In 2015 they won 1st Prize and three special awards
            at the Lyon International Competition. In 2016, as the only
 Tickets    European ensemble to progress to the live rounds, they
£20 & £15   won 3rd Prize at the Banff International String Quartet
Under 26    Competition, and were selected as YCAT artists. In 2018
            they received a Borletti-Buitoni Trust Fellowship Award.
Cheltenham Contemporary Concerts
       At Prince Michael Hall, Dean Close School, Cheltenham GL51 6EP

Acclaimed guitarists Andrey              Sunday 28 Oct 2018 at 3pm
Lebedev and Jack Hancher                 Andrey Lebedev (guitar)
perform solos and duos from
England, Spain and Australia.            Jack Hancher (guitar)
Australian classical guitarist           Works by
Andrey Lebedev is a laureate of          Isaac Albéniz
top international competitions           Malcolm Arnold
including the 2017 ARD Music
Competition and the 2017 Guitar          Benjamin Britten
Foundation of America                    Bill Lovelady
Competition. Jack Hancher
                                         Heitor Villa-Lobos
studied at the Royal College of
Music and received the RCM               Astor Piazzolla
guitar prize in 2014. Both have          Phillip Houghton
performed across the UK at
venues including King’s Place and
                                         Ralph Towner
Wigmore Hall.
                                         Sunday 17 Feb 2019 at 3pm
   Tickets                               Pixels Ensemble
  Under 26                               Hildegard of Bingen
    free                                 O viridissima virga (voice)
                                         O virga ac diadema (voice)

Pixels Ensemble is a collective of       George Crumb
established chamber music players        Vox Balaenae - Voice of the Whale
with a shared passion for                (flute, cello and piano)
performing the finest repertoire,        Luciano Berio
from the classical period to the         Sequenza III (voice)
present day. Vastly experienced          Hafliði Hallgrímsson
and versatile, the group appears in
a wide range of combinations and         Verse I (flute and cello)
line-ups, lending itself to innovative   Maurice Ravel
programming and enabling huge            Chansons Madécasses (voice, flute,
variety within individual concerts.      cello and piano)
How to book

              Chamber Music Concerts at the Pump Room

Series tickets
To purchase seats for the whole series, please apply to the Membership
Secretary using the application form attached. This gives a substantial discount
compared with ticket prices charged for individual concerts. Purchasers
become members of the Society and in place of tickets we issue membership
cards showing the seat number for the whole series. Please remember to bring
membership cards for admission to the concerts.

For priority booking, please add a donation of at least £10 per person. The
Society relies on members’ donations to maintain the quality of its programmes.

The priority booking period runs until 31 July 2018 and the non-priority
booking period continues to 31 August, when sales of series tickets close. Seat
allocation starts on 1 June but non-priority bookings will not be handled until
the end of the priority booking period.

Individual series concert tickets
Tickets for individual concerts will be available from 1 June 2018 at the Town
Hall Box Office (tel: 01242 227979 or 0844 576 2210) but the choice of seats
will be limited until the allocation of series tickets is complete. Tickets are also
available at the Pump Room on the day of the concert.

Those buying tickets for four or more series concerts at the same time get a
10% discount. Members who have purchased a series ticket can purchase up to
two additional single tickets for each Pump Room concert at a discount of 50%.

Under 26 series tickets
Tickets for those under 26 are £5 for individual concerts, and £20 or £15,
depending on seating area, for the whole series.

              Contemporary Concerts at Prince Michael Hall

Members subscribing for the Chamber Music series at the Pump Room can buy
tickets for both concerts for a total of £15 using the application form.

Individual tickets cost £10 and can be purchased at the door. Tickets for those
under 26 are free.
Application Form


Tickets required.
        ...…… Pump Room A block full price seats at £105        £……….
        ..……. Pump Room B block full price seats at £81         £……….
        ……... Pump Room A block under 26 seats at £20           £……….
        ……... Pump Room B block under 26 seats at £15           £……….
        .…….. Contemporary series seats at £15                  £……….
        Donation                                                £……….
        Enclose cheque for total amount payable to              £……….
                    ‘Cheltenham Music Society’

Indicate preferred seating area   Rows A-H

                                  Rows J-L

                                  Rows M-X

Please return with cheque and stamped addressed envelope to the Membership
Secretary: Mr M. O’Connell, 49 Painswick Rd, Cheltenham GL50 2EP (Tel 01242
234791). Please also complete the declaration below if appropriate.
I wish all my donations to the Cheltenham Music Society from this date onwards to
be treated as Gift Aid donations. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay
less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on
all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Signed……………………………….                              Date……………..
Tickets                                 Cheltenham Music Society
                                        promotes a winter season of
Members’ tickets for the whole          varied chamber music with an
concert series are available via the    emphasis on string quartets and
membership secretary Mr M.
                                        also a contemporary music series.
O’Connell, 49 Painswick Rd,
Cheltenham GL50 2EP
(Tel 01242 234791).

Tickets for individual Pump Room        The Society is a registered charity
concerts are available through the      (No 279209) and relies
Cheltenham Town Hall box office,        on donations to maintain a high
Imperial Square, Tel 01242 227979, or   standard of programme and
0844 576 2210, or at the door.          support young musicians.

Tickets for individual Contemporary
Concerts are available at the door.
                                        The artists include some of the
                                        finest performers in the world as
Venues                                  well as outstanding young
The Pittville Pump Room is at East
Approach Drive, Cheltenham
GL52 3JE.
                                        We will use personal information
Prince Michael Hall is at Dean Close    supplied by members and non-
School, Hatherley Road, Cheltenham      members only to mail and email
GL51 6EP.                               these individuals about concerts,
                                        events and programme changes,
Facilities are available for disabled   and we will not share it with any
patrons at both venues. Please make     other organisation. Details of our
your requirements known when
                                        Data Protection Policy are on our

More details at
www.facebook.com/cheltmusicsoc          Photo credits are acknowledged
Twitter @cheltmusicsoc                  on our website.
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