Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation

Page created by Connie Webster
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Fun Times
  Fall 2021
  Fall Harvest
 Feather Fest
 Active Aging
“Visions of the
  Old West”
 Trips & Travel
  Fright Night
 Free Seminars
  Classes &
Senior Programs
Sports & Fitness
Preschool/Youth      Fort Wayne Parks &
   Activities      Recreation Department
  Fall Fun for
   All Ages
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
What’s Inside?
               The Parks and Recreation Department continues to monitor the
               COVID-19 situation and follow the best practices set forth by
               public health authorities such as the Center for Disease Control
               (CDC), Allen County Board of Health Department and the City
               of Fort Wayne. The information in this Fun Times is subject to
               change as needed to comply with new guidelines.

               Botanical Conservatory...................31-35
         7     Concerts.....................................8, 33, 54
               Facility Rental.................................15, 19
               Fright Night Events......................9, 30, 33
               Golf................................................16, 17
               Historic Fort Wayne............................. 55
               Hurshtown Reservoir............................. 5
               Lindenwood Nature Preserve............. 3-5
               McMillen Park Community Center.....44, 45
               Outdoor Programs............................. 3-7
               Pre-School Programs................ 12, 36-38
        22     Registration Information................. 57, 58
               Salomon Farm.................................. 11-15
               Seminars........................................ 26-28
               Senior Programs............................. 46-52
               Special Events............................3, 30, 45
               Special Interest Classes.....13, 20-25, 34, 35
               Sports & Fitness........... 18, 19, 44, 46, 47
        37     Swinney Homestead............................ 55
               Travel................................................... 29
               Trek the Trails...................................... 56
               Unwind Your Mind............................... 53
               Volunteering....................... 10, 14, 39, 52
               Youth Centers................................. 42-45
               Youth Programs...... 7, 12, 35, 40-43, 45, 50
        48     Zoo..................................................... 39

                                                    Tom Henry, Mayor
              705 E. State Blvd.                 Steve McDaniel, Director
            Fort Wayne, IN 46805
               (260) 427-6000                      Board of Park
                                                     Richard Samek
                                                    Pamela Kelly, M.D.
                                                      William Zielke
                                                      Justin Shurley

2    Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation . . .
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
The Great Outdoors

                             Lindenwood Nature Preserve
                       600 Lindenwood Ave. Open daily from dawn until dusk
Lindenwood Nature Preserve is 110-acres of beauty in the heart of Fort Wayne. Explore the park on
one of 4 hiking trails: Trillium Trail (.5 miles), Oak Paradise (.75 miles), Trail of Reflection (1 mile)
and Maple Spur (.25 miles). Hiking, wildlife viewing, photography, picnicking, and just relaxing are
a few of the activities you’ll enjoy at the preserve. Portable restrooms are available onsite; however,
the nature preserve does not have running water, so please plan accordingly. Follow us on Facebook
for nature news, updates, and announcements! Pets, bikes, fishing and camping are not allowed in
the preserve. Admission is free.

               Feather Fest
   Saturday, September 25, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
         Lindenwood Nature Preserve
             600 Lindenwood Ave.

Join us for Feather Fest, our FREE family-fun
birding festival! Lindenwood Nature Preserve
has 4 hiking trails and over 70 identified bird
species. The event includes:
                 Guided Hikes
         Crafts and Activities for Kids
         Live Birds from Soarin’ Hawk
              Information Booths
              Adaptation Station
          where you can learn about
         bird beaks and what they eat.

      This day is
     for the birds!

                          We make FUN of everything!                                               3
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Fall Color Hikes
                Take a Hike!
                                                        Lindenwood Nature Preserve puts on a magnifi-
                                                        cent display of color in the fall. Join us for one, two
Wild Walkers                                            or all three guided hikes planned this fall and enjoy
2nd and 4th Fridays of each month                       the beauty that autumn brings to the area. Hikes
Explore some of northeast Indiana’s finest out-         depart from the parking lot promptly as scheduled
door areas with this nature-oriented group. Wild        and are open to all ages so bring the whole fam-
Walkers is an adult hiking group that meets the         ily. There is no charge, however, pre-registration
second and fourth Fridays of each month for a           is required for planning purposes. Call 427-6000
walk on the wild side. Each hike features a different   to sign up. Registration deadlines: September 8,
natural area in the region (parks, wetlands, nature     October 5, November 8.
preserves, etc.) and carpooling is available when       Code            Date          Day                 Time
necessary. The 2021 schedule is posted on our           448000-A1 9/12                Su                1-2 pm
website at or you may            448000-S2 10/09               Sa                1-2 pm
call Eden at 427-6008 to request a schedule by          448000-S4 11/13               Sa                1-2 pm
mail.                                                   Fee: FREE
                                                        Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600
Harvest Moon Hike                                       Lindenwood Ave.
Celebrate the full moon with an after-hours guided
hike through the preserve. Come explore the for-        Hibernation Hike
est after dark and learn what happens once the          Squirrels, raccoons, birds . . . and everything in
sun goes down. Both the youth and adult hikes are       between. Who is getting ready to hibernate and
free. Pre-registration is required by September 10.     who is not? Join us on our Hibernation Hike to
Space is limited.                                       learn what different animals at Lindenwood are
Code           Date          Day              Time      doing to prepare for winter, whether that is migrat-
Youth Hike – 18 and under with adult                    ing, hibernating, or getting their homes ready to
448002-S1 Sa                 9/18           8-9 pm      stay nice and warm! This hike is free and open to
Adult Hike                                              all ages. Pre-registration is required. Registration
448002-S2 Sa                 9/18 9:15-10:15 pm         deadline: October 25.
Fee: FREE                                               Code           Date          Day               Time
Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600               448000-S3 11/6               Sa             1-2 pm
Lindenwood Ave.                                         Fee: FREE
                                                        Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600
                                                        Lindenwood Ave.
       Questions? 427-6008
4                             Enjoy the great outdoors . . .
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Halloween Night Hike                                   Lindenwood Guided Hikes &
 Join us on the dark and spooky trails of Linden-       Field Trips
 wood Nature Preserve and learn all about bats and      May – October 31
 spiders and other nightlife in the park. We might      Let us plan a nature outing for your class or group.
 even share a few ghost stories around the fire while   Lindenwood Nature Preserve offers a variety of
 enjoying hot cider. Wear your Halloween costume        hands-on environmental education opportunities
 if you like. Ages 12-adult. Registration deadline:     perfect for class field trips, birthday parties or
 October 22. Min. 8. Max 15                             other group outings. For a complete list of pro-
 Code           Date         Day                Time    grams/topics, please visit the Lindenwood page at
 448003-F1F110/29            F          6:30-8 pm The cost is $2/participant/
 Fee: $2                                                hour with a minimum fee of $20/$40 for 1-hour/2-
 Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600              hour programs, respectively. Teachers, caregivers
 Lindenwood Ave.                                        and adult chaperones are free of charge. Reserva-
                                                        tions must be made at least two weeks in advance
 Kids’ Slightly Batty Halloween                         by contacting Eden at 427-6008 or eden.lamb@
 Join us for a not-so-scary afternoon of Halloween
 fun at Lindenwood Nature Preserve. The program
 will include a nature themed Halloween craft, a        Invasive Plant Removal Day
 not-too-spooky story by the fire, and a short hike     Saturday, October 23, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
 in the woods. It will be even more fun if you wear     Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600 Lindenwood Ave
 your costume! Ages 4-11. Registration deadline:        Can you spare a couple of hours to help improve
 October 22. Min. 8. Max. 15.                           the habitat for native plants and animals at Linden-
 Code            Date        Day              Time      wood Nature Preserve? The Indiana Native Plant
 448103-F2 10/29              F         4-5:30 pm       Society (INPS) will be at Lindenwood on Octo-
 # Sessions/Fee: 1/$10                                  ber 23 to oversee the removal of multiflora and
 Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600              honeysuckle. Volunteers (ages 16+) are needed to
 Lindenwood Ave.                                        accomplish the task. Hand tools such as loppers
                                                        and saws will be provided. Interested persons need
 Invasive ID Hike                                       to sign up by October 18 at or
 Learn to identify invasive plant species in prepa-     by calling 427-6000. Refer to code #448001-S1.
 ration for Invasive Removal Day in October. Ages
 10+. Registration deadline: August 27.
 Code           Date        Day               Time
 448004-S1 9/4              Sa           10-11 am
 Fee: FREE
 Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600
 Lindenwood Ave.
                                                           Lindenwood Nature Preserve

                                      Hurshtown Reservoir
                                        16000 Roth Road, Grabill, IN
                 Open through October 15           Tuesday-Sunday, 7:30 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.
   Hurshtown Reservoir may be the best fishing spot in Allen County. It also features a 2.75 mile
   walking path, areas for picnics, an outdoor volleyball space, and row boat rentals. Admission is only
   $4/car or 50¢ to walk or bicycle in. Season passes are available! For more information call Eden
   at 427-6008 or you can directly reach Hurshtown at 627-3390 during our hours of operation.

                                   right here in Fort Wayne!                                               5
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
On the Riverfront

                                         Promenade Park
           202 W. Superior St., Fort Wayne • (260) 427-6000 •

 Park Hours
 6:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.                                                          Facebook – Riverfront FW
 Trubble Riverside Café Hours                                                     Twitter – Riverfront FW
 Check Facebook for hours                                                Instagram-RiverfrontFortWayne
 Park Foundation Pavilion Hours
 Open for RFW Programs

                                                        Create & Play Tuesday
                 Family Fun                             Tuesdays, September 14, October 12, November
                                                        9 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Urban Birdwatching                                      Park Foundation Pavilion
Thursday, September 16 & October 21                     Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
10:00-11:00 a.m.                                        Looking for a family friendly event for Tuesday
Convergence Sculpture                                   nights? Create and play with us on the 2nd Tuesday
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                     of the month with a variety of board games and
Watch a Red-Tailed Hawk soar above, a Cliff Swal-       craft options welcome to all ages! Bring your most
low build a nest, or a Great Blue Heron dive for fish   competitive or crafty friends and family for an eve-
during Urban Birdwatching. We’ll teach you about        ning of free fun! Follow Riverfront Fort Wayne on
identification, ornithology, and how to use your        social media for updates and details about each
binoculars during this free program. Our observa-       date.
tions will contribute to a study by the Cornell Lab
of Ornithology. No pre-registration is required.        Community Chess
                                                        Sunday, September 26 & October 31
Free Family Fishing Day                                 12:00-6:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 25, 8:00-11:00 a.m.                 Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
South Dock                                              Join local chess clubs Fort Chess and Take a Stan
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                     Chess Club for a free opportunity to learn and
Take advantage of the last Indiana DNR Free Fish-       play chess this fall. Events are free and open to
ing Day at Promenade Park! We will provide poles,       all ages and all skill levels. Chess instructors will
bait, Riverfront swag, and lessons on fishing for       be on-site to teach anyone interested in learning
the whole family. Try a cast, or drop a line and stay   this ancient game of kings played by world leaders
awhile. No experience needed, all fishing equip-        for over fifteen centuries. Players may bring their
ment provided. First come, first served.                own board or use a board provided. Contact Brian
                                                        Walker at or 260-
                                                        443-1147 or Eli at themightyfortchess@gmail.
                                                        com for more information.
         Fishing Derby, p. 50

6                      Riverfront Fort Wayne . . . Always Moving
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Riverfront Kids                                           AAAHHHH!
                                                       Community Inclusive Expo
                                                       Sunday October 10, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
                                                       Park Foundation Pavilion
                                                       Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St:
                                                       Come play with Three Rivers Visiting therapy dogs,
                                                       interact with our bubble light machine and sensory
                                                       toys, make a sensory toy (while supplies last), and
                                                       play sensory interactive games. Hear from speak-
Young Naturalist Series                                ers on topics such as gaining employment while
                                                       having a disability. Visit booths from businesses
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                       and organizations that offer services and products
Young Naturalists (ages 6-12) are invited to an        to those who have special or adaptive needs. This
hour of learning with games, activities, and fasci-    event is free and open to the public. If you would
nating nature. The program is FREE and limited to      like to be involved in the event or would like more
20 children plus their grown-ups, so reserve your      information, email Stephanie.Bagley@cityoffort-
spot now. To sign up, go to www.RiverfrontFW.
org/calendar. In the event of inclement weather,
please check the Riverfront Fort Wayne Facebook        Sensory Friendly Night of Lights
page for cancellations.
                                                       Wednesday, November 24, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
                                                       Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
Gone Fishing
Thursday, September 2, 10:00-11:00 a.m.                Escape the hustle and bustle of the holidays to
                                                       enjoy Promenade Park’s Park Foundation Pavil-
Hooked on fishing? Discover what makes a fish a
                                                       ion in a new light. As a premier community asset
fish, uncover the species we have in our rivers, and
                                                       focusing on accessibility for all, we want to show
practice casting using the game Backyard Bass. It’s
                                                       you our newest initiative—sensory friendliness.
a splashing good time! Code: 490201-R1
                                                       You’ve heard the term, now come experience it for
Nature Camouflage                                      yourself. The event is completely sensory friendly
Thursday, September 9, 5:00-6:00 p.m.                  and welcome to anyone, even those without sen-
                                                       sory needs. This relaxing light show presentation
Try to blend in! Come learn about the different
                                                       using low lighting, aromatherapy, soft music, and
types of camouflage and how animals use them to
                                                       guided meditation will be grouped into 15-minute
disappear into thin air. Then, play games and activ-
                                                       sessions. Admission is free.
ities that turn you into the ultimate stealthy spy!
Code: 490202-R1
                                                       Calm Water Sensory Tent
Fall Leaves                                            Riverfront Fort Wayne and Fort Wayne Parks
Thursday, October 7, 10:00-11:00 a.m.                  and Recreation are proud to offer the first-of-
Discover why leaves change color in the fall, iden-    its-kind therapeutic mobile sensory room: Calm
tify the trees around the park based on their          Water Sensory Tent. Designed to mimic stationary
leaves, and get creative with leaf rubbings. Code:     sensory rooms used for individuals with autism,
490203-R1                                              dementia, sensory processing disorders, and
                                                       more, this mobile tent will be at large Riverfront
Animals After Dark                                     events in Promenade Park. The individual’s experi-
Friday, October 15, 7:30-8:30 p.m.                     ence in the tent is entirely customized and targets
Bring your flashlight and stay up late for this spe-   sensory seeking or avoidant needs. Adult supervi-
cial Young Naturalist after dark! We will learn        sion is required. Stays in the tent are limited to 15
which animals wake up when the sun goes down,          minutes. Anyone desiring this extra help to enjoy
and how they use their other senses in the dark.       at large public events is encouraged to sign up for
Plus, we will light up the night with glow sticks,     a time slot ahead of time by emailing Stephanie.
night games, and fun! Code: 490204-F1         Empty time slots are
                                                       otherwise awarded on a first come, first served
                                                       basis during the event. This program is proudly
 Young Naturalist Private Groups                       sponsored by the AWS Foundation. Fall 2021
 We offer Young Naturalist Series to large             Promenade Park Events featuring the Calm Water
 groups, such as daycares, homeschool groups,          Sensory Tent include:
 or school groups. Contact Andrea.Douthitt@            • Muddy River Concert Series or call 427-6124 for more         • Be a Tourist in Your Own Hometown
 information.                                          • Fright Night: Raven Scavenger Hunt

                                     We’re sensory-friendly!                                             7
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Riverfront Entertainment

          MUDDY RIVER
                 CONCERT SERIES
   5:00  – 8:30 PM
                     18 Ross Kinsey
                        Justin Bailey
  18 PROMENADE          PARK
     Ross Kinsey and Justin Bailey                          SEPTEMBER
                                                            1  Distractions
  SEPTEMBER                                                    The Tungstens
  1Family-Friendly         Urban                            15 Adam Baker & The Heartache
                                                               The Debutants
     Cook-out      and Party!
         The Tungstens                                      29 Swimming[Into]View
  15     Adam
  Live Music  • Baker & The Heartache
                Lawn Games   • Food                            The Paper Heart
         The Debutants
    Drinks • Outreach & Education
  29     Swimming[Into]View
         The Paper Heart

Rollin’ at the River Comedy Series                   Riverfront Film Series: Troop
Fridays, 8:00-9:30 p.m.                              Beverly Hills
November 19, December 17, January 21, &              Friday, September 17, 7:30 p.m.
February 18                                          Activities begin at 6:45 p.m.
Park Foundation Pavilion, Promenade Park, 202        Auer Lawn, Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
W. Superior St.                                      Join Troop Beverly Hills for one night only as they
We are partnering with the Maumee, Mary and          rough it out in the great outdoors at Promenade
Joseph Comedy Festival for an evening of laughs      Park. Come to the most marvelous jamboree in
at the riverfront. Join us every 3rd Friday of the   Fort Wayne, complete with camp-inspired crafts,
month for a showcase of local and regional come-     a Bug Buffet, and movie-themed merchandise.
dians certain to keep the fall evenings warm and     We’ll set up camp and enjoy our favorite home-
full of giggles. Food and beverages are available    town actress, Shelley Long, on the big screen in
for purchase from Trubble Brewing and the chef       this family-friendly classic. Bring your lawn chairs,
behind Roko’s Kitchen Food Truck. Ages 18+.          blankets, and snacks. Activities begin at 6:45 p.m.
Tickets $20 if purchased 24 hours in advance and     and the movie starts at 7:30 p.m. The event is FREE
$25 at the door. Max. 150.                           with no registration required. All ages and fabu-
                                                     lous wardrobes welcome. In the event of inclement
    More Concerts, p. 33, 54                         weather, please check the Riverfront Fort Wayne
                                                     Facebook page for cancellations.

8                             Meet me at the riverfront . . .
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
                     The Murders in the Rue Morgue
                                   Can You Solve the Murder?

                               Saturday, October 30, 7-11 pm
                          Park Foundation Pavilion, Promenade Park
 Join us by the river after dark as the park is awash in red and dripping with sinister sounds. Murder
 is afoot in Promenade Park this eerie night. Your help is needed to solve the originally crafted mur-
 der mystery inspired by the story “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” by Edgar Allan Poe. You will
 be set loose in the park to explore the murder scene, collect evidence, find clues, solve puzzles,
 and interrogate the suspects. Enjoy music, heavy hors d’oevres, and a glass of absinthe served
 through a traditional absinthe fountain—just the way Edgar Allan Poe drank it. Ask our special
 guests, the Original ParaSisters, about the real-life hauntings they have experienced. Costumes
 are encouraged (but not required) and prizes will be awarded for the best costume and best mys-
 tery-solvers. A cash bar will be available. Ages 18+. Sign up by October 22 at www.RiverfrontFW.
 org/calendar or 427-6000. Fee: $75/person or $70/person if registering 2 or more. Min. 50.
 Max. 95. Proceeds support future Riverfront youth educational programming.

Fright Night:                                       Fireside Tales of Terror
                                                    Fridays, October 1, 8, 22, & 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Raven Scavenger Hunt                                Old National Bank Plaza
Saturday, October 16, 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.          Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                    Local Paranormal Investigators, the Original Para-
           Keep your eyes peeled for Ravens         Sisters, share their most chilling Fort Wayne sto-
                in disguise throughout the          ries around a cozy fire. Hear about the haunting
                      park. Snap a picture of       history from some familiar places of people that
                      the raven(s) you find and     dare not to be forgotten. On the 22nd, they will
                   leave it in its hiding spot      be sharing their most terrifyingly extreme cases.
                    for others to hunt. Raven       Some stories may not be suited for all ages, but
                    hunters who find all of         stories before 7 p.m. will be kid-friendly..
                     the ravens and show us
                     their pictures at the blue
                    Riverfront tent will be
                                                    Dia de los Muertos
                   entered into a drawing to        Monday, November 1, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
                  win a prize package. All ages     Auer Lawn, Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                are welcome and admission is        The Day of the Dead is a holiday in Mexico where
                  free. Follow Riverfront Fort      families welcome back the souls of the deceased
                  Wayne on social media for         and celebrate their brief reunion with food,
              updates.                              drink, and festive activities. You’re invited to be
                                                    creative with popular festive activities; painting
                                                    sugar skulls, face paintings, and more traditional
                                                    celebrations. Te invitamos a ser creativo con las
                                                    actividades festivas populares: pintar calaveras de
                                                    azúcar, pinturas de cara y más.

         RIVERFRONTFW                                 More Fright Night Fun, p. 30
                                      for frightful fun!                                                 9
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Sweet Breeze
 CANAL BOAT                                           Be River SmART: CLEAN DRAINS
                                                      FORT WAYNE FEST
                                                      Sunday, September 26, 12:00-4:00 p.m.
                                                      Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                      See unique mural art, focused on storm drains—
                                                      enjoy festive music, dance performances, local
                                                      food, and family-friendly activities at the 2021
                                                      Friends of the Rivers World Rivers Day celebration.
                                                      Ride aboard Sweet Breeze, watch river rowing,
                                                      share river stories, and celebrate our riverfront!
    Experience Fort Wayne’s rivers and learn
   about our river history on Sweet Breeze --
     an authentic 1840 canal boat replica!
                                                              Holiday Happenings
       Tickets & Tour Schedule at

       90-min tour $27 45-min tour $17
 Tickets may be purchased dockside in Prome-
 nade Park, if space is available. Sweet Breeze may   Riverfront Sip and Shop
 also be reserved for private tours. Contact us at    Saturday, November 27, 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.                 Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                      Join us for a special experience during Holly Trol-
                                                      ley Shopping. The Park Foundation Pavilion will
Be a Tourist in Your Own                              open as a shopping location for Riverfront mer-
Hometown                                              chandise ($5 off a purchase of $25 or more),
Sunday, September 12, 12:00-5:00 p.m.                 river and promenade-themed art from local ven-
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                   dors, and passes from our neighboring parks. You
Come see why Riverfront is Always Moving!             can also join the silent auction to bid on eco-art
Answer polls and express yourself with sidewalk       murals featuring Promenade Park and other proud
chalk in the Ambassador Enterprises Amphithe-         Fort Wayne themes—all produced by the local
atre. Purchase branded merchandise under the          community with recycled bottle caps. Winter
blue Riverfront tent. Stop on the Parkview Tree       themed beverages and snacks will also be available
Canopy Trail for a photo opportunity with a beau-     for purchase. All ages are welcome to support our
tiful view of Downtown in the background. Enjoy       local retailers on Small Business Saturday with no
food and beverages at Trubble Riverside Café and      admission fee.
Tap; play cornhole, ping pong, and foosball in the
Outdoor Games area; splash around in the Doer-        Holiday Window Displays at
mer Kids Canal; have fun in the PNC Playground;       Promenade Park
and relax on the urban swings overlooking the         November 24 – January 3
St. Marys River. The Calm Water Sensory Tent, a
                                                      Get a small glimpse of daily winter life at Prom-
first-of-its-kind therapeutic mobile sensory room,
                                                      enade Park through our handmade paper cut
will be available at Promenade Park for 15-minute
                                                      light boxes. Paper cut light boxes are believed to
sessions. We encourage everyone to explore all
                                                      have originated from China after paper was first
that Promenade Park has to offer!
                                                      invented. Many countries picked up the skill, but
                                                      Switzerland remains the enduring leader referring
Senior Luncheons by the River                         to the art form as Scherenschnitt. The light boxes
Book a Date with us!                                  will be displayed in the windows of the Park Foun-
Park Foundation Pavilion                              dation Pavilion at Promenade Park from November
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                   24 to January 3 and can be best viewed at dusk.
Enjoy a nice lunch and a small presentation about
our Rivers. Individuals, groups, retirement and
assisted living communities are welcomed. While         Volunteer at Promenade Park!
the luncheons are for 50 and over, our golden            Contact Andi at 427-6124.
hour guests may bring a plus one of their choice.
For more information please contact Stephanie.        Sign up for the Riverfront Fort Wayne e-newsletter or call 427-6022.  
10                                  Tour your hometown!
Salomon Farm Park

                                     Salomon Farm Park
                      817 W. Dupont Rd. Open daily, 6:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Salomon Farm Park is a true historic gem and a perfect location for walking, jogging, biking, bird
watching, photography and more. The Salomons established the farm in 1871, but visitors will notice
the endearing 1930’s theme. Stop by for a visit to admire historic buildings, relax at the wetlands or
enjoy our fully paved 1.8 mile trail around the property. Follow us on Facebook for news, events,
updates and announcements!

Fall Harvest Festival                                Handmade Homemade Sale
Friday, October 1, 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.             Sunday, October 17, 12:00-5:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 2, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.            Salomon Farm Park, 817 W. Dupont Rd.
Salomon Farm Park. 817 West Dupont Rd.               Time to start your holiday shopping! If it was
Join us for this two day celebration of the his-     grown locally or made by hand it will be for sale
tory and culture of the American Farm. It’s fun      at this special sale. Crafters and artisans will
for all ages and the event is free so bring the      be selling their handmade homemade goods at
whole class or your family and spend a day at        Salomon Farm Park in the Wolf Family Learning
the farm. The Fall Harvest Festival makes a great    Center and Old Barn.
class field trip!                                    Interested in vending? Call or email Eden at
              Friday & Saturday                      427-6008 or
                                                     to request an application.
      Live animals • Hand-on activities
     Oat/Wheat Threshing • Concessions
   Corn Husking/Shredding • Wagon Rides
           Antique Farm Equipment
                Saturday Only
     Antique Tractor Parade at 12:00 p.m.
               Farmers’ Market

      Questions? 427-6008
                            Fall for family fun on the farm!                                        11
Meet Our Salomon Farm Chefs
 Patrick Whetstone                 Meghan Hauser                       Peggy Alberda
 Patrick graduated from John-      Meghan is the founder of            Peggy is a local children’s
 son and Wales University in       Wholesome Roots Cooking.            author who has written a
 North Miami and opened David      She spends a lot of time cook-      book based on a day in their
 Bouley’s Evolution inside the     ing and creating meals for her      home with their grandchil-
 Ritz-Carlton in South Beach       family. She enjoys teaching her     dren, “Hugo Makes Bread with
 before making his way back to     6 children that a healthy life-     Grandad.” Hugo spends the
 Indiana where he practices his    style doesn’t mean boring and       day with his grandparents and
 culinary artistry at The Per-     gross food! Her mission is to       learns to make bread in their
 sonal Palate.                     inspire families to plant whole-    loving care. Peggy is the owner
                                   some roots for a healthy life-      and director of Restored to
                                   style.                              Glory Dance Ministry in Leo.
                                                                       She has worked with children
                                                                       for 48 years and loves to teach
                                                                       them fun ways to be creative!

                                  KIDS’ MENU
Little Roots: Culinary Classes for                   Roots: Culinary Cooking Classes
Preschoolers                                         for Youth
*Adult/Child                                         Designed to help children and youth to feel con-
Empower your little one to create his/her own        fident and comfortable in the kitchen, our Roots
healthy snacks. We’ve partnered with Wholesome       classes allow students to grow in their culinary
Roots Cooking to offer fun, age appropriate cook-    skills. Classes are kept small so recipes can be
ing classes bursting with hands-on learning and      catered to the ability of the student! Each class
cooking! Younger siblings are welcome to stay        offers hands on cooking time and instruction, and
with their caregiver, but any child participating    also allows time for eating! Led by a Wholesome
in class must register. Ages 2-5. Led by a Whole-    Roots instructor. Ages 6-14. Registration dead-
some Roots instructor. Registration deadlines are    lines are 5 business days before each class. Min.
one week prior to the start of each class. Min. 5.   5. Max. 15. 453921 T4-T9
Max. 15.      453920 T5-T10                          Code             Date        Day              Time
Code           Date          Day             Time    How to Follow a Recipe
Monsters Inc.: Silly Monster Faces		                 Young chefs will work in teams to prepare a meal
453912-T1  T7 9/7            T           10-11 am    while learning how to prepare each dish from a rec-
The Princess and the Pea: Pea Pasta Salad            ipe and time them to be ready to eat at the same
453912-T2T8 9/28             T           10-11 am    time.
Curious George Discovers the Rainbow: Rainbow        453911-T1T7 9/7              T          6-7:30 pm
Veggie Wraps                                         Food from Around the World: Thailand
453912-T3T9 10/5             T           10-11 am    453911-T2T8 9/28             T          6-7:30 pm
Breakfast                                            Food from Around the World: Italy
453912-T4  T1010/26          T           10-11 am    453911-T3T9 10/5             T          6-7:30 pm
Fruit Salsa                                          Food from Around the World: Caribbean
453912-T5 11/2               T           10-11 am    453911-T4       10/26        T          6-7:30 pm
Food Art                                             Allergy Sensitive: Vegetarian, Gluten and Dairy Free
453912-T6 11/30              T           10-11 am    Learn to cook and serve a delicious meal despite
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$25                                your own food allergies or those of others!
Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,         453911-T5 11/2               T          6-7:30 pm
817 W. Dupont Rd.                                    Soup and Sandwiches
                                                     453911-T6       11/30        Tu         6-7:30 pm
                                                     # Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
  Preschool Classes, p. 36-38                        Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
                                                     817 W. Dupont Rd.

12                        Sign up online, by phone, in person . . .
Welcome to Our Kitchen!
Learn to Make Bread
From a few humble ingredients you can create
something wonderful and nourishing. Let us walk
you through the steps and techniques necessary
for successful bread making. At the end of class
your bread dough will be ready for the final rise
and to be baked when you get home. Bread pan,
honey bear, and a signature bread towel from
the book “Hugo Makes Bread with Grandad” are
included in this class. This class is offered for chil-   Soups On!
dren ages 5-10 accompanied by an adult as well
as pre-teens and adults because, as Hugo learns           Soups have a place in everyone’s heart, from the
in this book, bread making isn’t hard . . . it just       comfort they give you on a cold day to the aroma
takes time! Registration deadlines: September 10,         that fills the house as they slowly simmer. In this
October 1 and October 29.                                 class you will prepare (and sample) three delicious
Code           Date           Day                Time     soups. The recipes will be yours to keep and try at
Ages 5-10 (Adult/Child)                                   home. Ages 18+. Instructor: Chef Patrick Whet-
                                                          stone. Registration deadline: October 13. Min. 6.
453913-S1 9/18                Sa             9-11 am
                                                          Max. 12.
453913-S2 10/9                Sa             9-11 am
                                                          Code            Date        Day               Time
453913-S3 11/6                Sa             9-11 am
                                                          453839-W1 10/20             W              6-8 pm
Ages 11-Adult
                                                          # Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
453829-S1 9/18                Sa      12:30-2:30 pm
                                                          Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
453829-S2 10/9                Sa      12:30-2:30 pm
                                                          817 W. Dupont Rd.
453829-S3 11/6                Sa      12:30-2:30 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$36
Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
                                                          Knife Techniques
817 W. Dupont Rd.                                         Most kitchen accidents involving a knife are a
                                                          result of the knife not being as sharp as it should
Handmade Pasta                                            be. Chef Patrick Whetstone will show you how
                                                          to properly sharpen, fine tune, and care for your
Some of the best foods are the messiest and most
                                                          kitchen knives. You will then have the opportunity
fun to make! Tonight you will learn to make your
                                                          to practice some basic cuts on fruits and vegeta-
own pasta from scratch! You’ll also learn to make
                                                          bles to learn proper cutting techniques and hand
a few basic sauces that allow the pasta to shine
                                                          placement so accidentally cutting your hand will
and be the main focus of the plate. Ages 18+.
                                                          be a thing of the past. Ages 18+. Instructor: Chef
Instructor: Chef Patrick Whetstone. Registration
                                                          Patrick Whetstone. Registration deadline: October
deadline: August 25. Min. 6. Max. 12.
                                                          27. Min. 6. Max. 12.
Code          Date         Day               Time
                                                          Code           Date         Day               Time
453837-W1 9/1              W              6-8 pm
                                                          453842-W1 11/3              W              6-8 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
                                                          # Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
                                                          Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
817 W. Dupont Rd.
                                                          817 W. Dupont Rd.
Healthy Cooking                                           Breakfast for Dinner
Being health conscious doesn’t mean you have to
                                                          Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,
sacrifice appetite or flavor of your meals. Learn
                                                          but boxed cereal just doesn’t cut it. Come dis-
how to prepare 3 different meals that don’t lack
                                                          cover the wonderful world of breakfast food, from
flavor or creativity. Recipes will include salad, en
                                                          the various ways to prepare an egg to eggs bene-
Papillote and a chicken dish. Ages 18+. Instructor:
                                                          dict, quiche and a complete breakfast skillet that
Chef Patrick Whetstone. Registration deadline
                                                          will impress the pickiest eater. Ages 18+. Instruc-
September 15. Min. 6. Max. 12.
                                                          tor: Chef Patrick Whetstone from the Personal Pal-
Code           Date          Day               Time
                                                          ate. Registration deadline: November 10. Min. 6.
453838-W2 9/22               W              6-8 pm
                                                          Max. 12.
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
                                                          Code           Date          Day              Time
Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
                                                          453840-W1 11/17              W             6-8 pm
817 W. Dupont Rd.
                                                          # Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
                                                          Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center,
                                                          817 W. Dupont Rd.

                            by mail, by fax or use our drop box.                                         13
Farm Hands                               Photography at the Farm
                                                        Beautiful barns, rolling meadows, quaint gar-
                                                        dens, and acres of cheery sunflowers make
Salomon Farm Volunteer                                  Salomon Farm Park an attractive place for pho-
Opportunities                                           tography. Professional photographers using
Salomon Farm Park relies on volunteers to help          Salomon Farm Park and charging for their ser-
maintain the park and provide various amenities         vices must purchase an annual photography pass
and services to our community. If you are inter-        ($50) at the Parks and
ested in becoming a garden volunteer or getting         Recreation Office, 705
involved in farm park operations indirectly through     E. State Blvd.
the Tractor Club or Gardeners of America, please        The pass is valid
plan to attend our garden volunteer orientation or      for the calendar
any of the clubs’ meetings. All meetings are held at    year (January-
the Salomon Farm Park in the Wolf Family Learn-         December). Photography
ing Center, 817 W. Dupont Rd. If your business,         passes are not required
club, or scout group is looking for service hours       of hobbyists or profes-
or projects please contact Eden at 427-6008 or          sional photographers
Eden,                          hired to photograph events
                                                        in rented facilities. All fees will
Tri-State Antique Tractor Club                          directly support Salomon
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m.                     Farm Park operations.
                                                        For more information, contact Eden at eden.
The Tri-State Antique Tractor Club tends the crop
                                               or 427-6008.
fields and is a key piece of our annual Fall Harvest
Festival. The club is dedicated to the preservation
and enjoyment of old farm machinery. Join the club     Dirt Wain Community Composting
and meet other tractor enthusiasts, assist in tend-
ing the crop fields, and get the chance to learn       Salomon Farm Park has partnered with Dirt Wain,
and work on a myriad of antique farm equipment         a new composting initiative in the area that pro-
pieces. For more information please contact Eden       cesses food scraps from households. Members are
at 427-6008 or           provided with a bucket that they fill, drop off at the
                                                       Farm at their convenience, and then pick up a clean
Gardeners of America Club                              bucket to repeat the process. For more detailed
                                                       information or to sign up check out www.dirtwain.
2nd Thursday of the month, 6:30 p.m.
                                                       com or Salomon Farm Park on Facebook.
The mission of the Gardeners of America is to
promote gardening education and related environ-
mental issues to its membership and the gardening
public through charitable, educational and scien-
tific means. Join the club! For more information
please contact Eden at 427-6008 or eden.lamb@

Flax and Fleecers Guild
2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm
The Flax and Fleecers Guild is a group dedicated
to the fiber arts: spinning, knitting, crocheting,
weaving, felting and more! In addition to the
monthly meetings, the guild participates in many
activities throughout the year, including spin-ins,
Salomon Farm Fiber Arts Celebration, the Johnny
Appleseed Festival, spinning at the Old Fort, and
many more. The club meets at Salomon Farm Park          Christmas on the Farm
in the Learning Center on the second Tuesday            Call for Vendors and Entertainers!
of each month. The group gathers at 6:30 pm
                                                        We are looking for crafters and artisans to fill
for business followed by a program or show and
                                                        the barn at Salomon Farm Park with Christmas
tell. Guild meetings in July and December will
                                                        cheer and lots of handmade gifts and goodies on
be held off site. For more information please
                                                        Saturday, December 4, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Please
contact Eden at 427-6008 or eden.lamb@
                                                        e-mail or call
                                                        427-6008 to request a vendor application.

14                             Be a Salomon Farm volunteer!
          We rent for your event!

Available May-October
Tables/chairs provided
ADA accessible

                                                      WOLF FAMILY
                                                      LEARNING CENTER
                                                      Available Aug-May
                                                      Modern building in a
                                                      park setting
                                                      Full kitchen
                                                      Tables/chairs provided
                                                      ADA accessible

Available Aug-May
Built in 1871
Unique antiqued interior
Intimate setting
ADA accessible

          Booking for 2021 & 2022!
Reserve one or take advantage of our multiple-facility package

                   Check out these unique event venues.                             15
Family Friendly Golf
Family Friendly Golf
The Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department
                                                                   Golf Leagues
provides a family-friendly golf atmosphere at four
distinctly different public golf courses and two
                                                     Senior Men’s Golf League
driving ranges. We offer:                            The Senior Men’s Golf Association is open to
   • Membership Packages                             retired men at least 55 years of age by July 1.
   • Group and Individual Golf Instruction           Benefits of membership include reduced golf fees,
   • Junior and Pee Wee Golf Tours                   gift certificates, special events, scrambles and the
   • The Lifetime Sports Academy                     opportunity to play the city’s finest public golf
   • Certified PGA Pro/Managers                      courses. For more information, please contact Jim
   • Tournament and Group Outings                    Taper at 479-7770.
   • Women’s Beginning Golf Lessons
   • Special Promotions and Discounts                Ladies Golf Leagues
Contact the golf course clubhouse to reserve         Ladies Golf Leagues are offered at Shoaff, McMil-
weekend tee times, make league reservations or to    len and Foster Park Golf Courses. Please call the
arrange tournaments or outings. Look for on-line     course of your choice for information or to sign
coupons and take advantage of the great golf deals   up.
listed on page 17.

                      Reduced Fall Fees begin September 7!
       Golf Course             Weekday       Weekend/Holiday           Cart           Driving Range
      Foster Park            9 holes $12        9 holes $13
                                                                    9 holes $7
      Golf Course            18 holes $19      18 holes $22
      Rudisill Blvd. &                                             18 holes $14
       Old Mill Road                                               Punch Card
                            Daily Fall Fees Beginning Sept 7
        427-6735                                                    10/$126         9 holes/$10 18 holes/$16

      Shoaff Park            9 holes $10        9 holes $11                          small bucket $5
                                                                    9 holes $6
     Golf Course &                                                                   large bucket $7
                             18 holes $16      18 holes $17
     Driving Range                                                 18 holes $12
    6401 St. Joe Road                                                                 Punch Cards
                            Daily Fall Fees Beginning Sept 7       Punch Card
        427-6745                                                                      10 small/$35
                                                                    10/$108         9 holes/$8 18 holes/$11                               10 large/$60

     McMillen Park            9 holes $6        9 holes $7          9 holes $6
     Golf Complex                                                                    small bucket $3
                             18 holes $12      18 holes $13        18 holes $12     medium bucket $5
      Oxford St. at
     Hessen Cassel                                                 Punch Card          Punch Card
        427-6710            Daily Fall Fees Beginning Sept 7                             10/$30
                                                                    10/$108        9 holes/$5 18 holes/$10

  Mad Anthony III’s
                                                                    9 holes $6
   Short Course                    Adults $5; Youth $4
      Oxford St. at                                                18 holes $12
     Hessen Cassel          Lifetime Sports Academy Certified
                                       Players FREE!               Punch Card

                                  Membership Packages
 		                   Individual      Family (2 people)        Junior         Senior
  McMillen or Shoaff $495                  $650                 $175           $395
  Foster                $630               $785                 $215           $470
           Individual Season Pass valid at all four municipal courses – $730!

16                        Don’t put your clubs away yet . . .
What a Deal!                                 A Different Kind of Golf
• Kids Play Free
One child (age 14 and under) plays FREE with each
paying adult after 6:00 p.m. daily at Foster, Shoaff
and McMillen and any time during public play at
the Mad Anthony III’s.

• Student Discounts
All students receive $2 off greens fees at Shoaff
and Foster Park Golf Courses. College and high
school students must show a current school I.D.

• Ladies Day
Women play 1/2 price before 3:00 p.m. on Mon-
days at Foster and Fridays at Shoaff. (League play
not included.)

• Frequent Player Card
Purchase a 5-round/9-hole card at regular rates
(cart not included) and receive a 6th 9-hole round     Disc Golf Courses
FREE. The free round is valid at Foster, Shoaff or     The Parks and Recreation Department maintains
McMillen Park Golf Course (your choice).               three disc golf courses in city parks. The courses
  Foster $60      Shoaff $50       McMillen $30        are available for open play at no charge. For course
                                                       descriptions and league/tournament information
• Weekday Combo                                        please visit
Play 18 holes with a cart at Foster for just $22
                                                                 Shoaff Park, 6401 St. Joe Rd.
and at McMillen and Shoaff for $20 weekdays from
opening until 1:00 p.m.                                      Swinney Park, 1600 W. Jefferson Blvd.
                                                                  Tillman Park, 600 Tillman Rd.
• Weekday Twilight Special
Enjoy reduced greens fees after 6:00 p.m. Mon-
day-Friday at Foster ($8) and Shoaff ($7). Not         FootGolf at Mad Anthony III’s
valid for leagues, outings or tournaments.
                                                       FootGolf combines soccer and golf into a fun and
                                                       fast growing new sport. FootGolf originated in the
                                                       Netherlands and has spread to over 16 countries
                                                       throughout the world. Similar to golf, the players’
                                                       intent is to kick a ball into the hole with the least
                                                       amount of strokes possible. There is a tee box, a
                                                       green, bunkers, hazards and 18 holes of play (just
                                                       9 holes at MA III’s). There is par for each hole,
                                                       mimicking golf’s scorecard, and you still play as
                                                       a twosome, threesome or foursome. The main
                                                       differences are the cups, which are 21 inches in
                                                       diameter, shorter holes (most people cannot kick
                                                       a soccer ball further than 50 yards) and the lack of
                                                       equipment needed (no need to carry around heavy
                                                       golf clubs in FootGolf). Come try this exciting new
                                                       sport at the Mad Anthony III’s in McMillen Park.
                                                              Adult 9 holes $5; Youth 9 holes $4
                                                                      Soccer Ball rental $2
                                                       Children 14 and under play free with a paid adult.

                                                               Trek the Trails, p. 56

                             there’s a lot more golf to play!                                           17
Sports & Fitness
                                                        Adult Tennis Lessons
        See You on the Court
                                                        Stay on top of your game this fall. Beginning and
                                                        Intermediate lessons will be held at Bob Arnold
                                                        Park tennis courts for adults (ages 13 and over)
                                                        beginning September 7. Beginning classes intro-
                                                        duce the rules of tennis, basic strokes, serving and
                                                        volleying. Intermediate classes focus on consis-
                                                        tency of strokes and volleys and the introduction
                                                        of more advanced strokes. Please bring your own
                                                        racket. Balls will be provided. Registration dead-
                                                        line: September 3. Min. 6. Max. 12.
                                                        Code           Dates        Day                Time
                                                        444500-S1 9/11-10/9 Sa 11:30 am-12:30 pm
                                                        444500-S2 9/11-10/9 Sa              12:30-1:30 pm
                                                        # Sessions/Fee: 5/$59/$69 after September 3
                                                        Location: Bob Arnold Park Tennis Courts,
                                                        Parnell Ave.
Recreational Basketball
As exercise goes, it doesn’t get much better than
a fun team sport that requires no expensive equip-
ment or major time commitments. Basketball is
good for your heart, your muscles, your bones,
your brain, your gut, your social life and your
stress level. And, it’s FUN! Who needs more con-
vincing than that? Pick a night and join us for a few
games of basketball in an informal yet structured
setting. Ages 18+. Registration deadline: Septem-
ber 6. Min. 10. Max. 18.
Code           Dates         Day                Time
444000-M1 9/13-11/15 M                       7-9 pm
444000-W1 9/15-11/17 W                       7-9 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 10/$45
Location: Blackhawk Middle School, 7200 E.
State Blvd.

Recreational Volleyball
Volleyball is one of the top three most played
sports in the world. It doesn’t matter how old you
are, how fit you are or how athletic you are. This
high-energy, zero body contact, mixed team sport
is loads of fun and no matter what level you play at,
volleyball can help improve your fitness and coor-
dination. Recreational volleyball is informal play
with no officials. Teams form once players arrive
and play proceeds for two hours. The program                     Outdoor Fitness Parks
runs for 10 weeks. Ages 18+. Registration dead-
                                                         Outdoor fitness parks are located downtown
line: September 8. Min. 10. Max. 18.
                                                         at the Community Center (233 W. Main St.)
Code            Dates       Day                Time
                                                         and Kreager Park (North River Rd.) Both are
444800-W1 9/15-11/17 W                      7-9 pm
                                                         open to the public, free of charge, like all city
# Sessions/Fee: 10/$45
                                                         parks and playgrounds. Check them out!
Location: Northwood Middle School, 1201 E.
Washington Center Rd.

18                       Choose your sport and get in the game!
Fall Fitness Fun
Eating Smart & Moving More
Wednesdays, September 8-29, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Eating Smart and Moving More offers FREE advice
on food, nutrition and exercise. Learn how to plan
nutritious meals, be active, handle food safely,
spend food dollars wisely and improve food pur-
chasing and preparation skills. You can also earn
a free cookbook and handy kitchen items just by
attending! This program is free, however, pre-reg-
istration with an email address is required. Please
call 427-6460 to sign up by September 1.

Aqua Dance
This high energy class is a total body water work-
out with cardio, weights and core exercises set to
fun music. The warm water also helps take stress
off the joints. It’s a “pool party” for all ages!     Tai Chi Series
Instructors are provided by Fitness Studio. Ages
                                                      Revive your energy levels with this Tai Chi series for
13+. Registration deadline: September 9. Min. 6.
                                                      beginning to advanced students. Skilled instructor,
Max. 15.
                                                      Sandy Gebhard will help you discover the bene-
Code           Dates        Day              Time
                                                      fits of this gentle art form that relaxes the body
442318-R1 9/16-10/21 Th                 6:15-7 pm
                                                      and focuses the mind. Students are also invited to
# Sessions/Fee: 6/$61/$66 after September 9
                                                      take a self-guided meditative walk in the gardens
Location: Turnstone, 3320 N. Clinton St.
                                                      either after the morning session ends or before the
                                                      evening session begins. Please bring a water bottle
Line Dancing for Fun & Fitness                        and wear comfortable fitting shoes. Drop-ins are
This class is designed for the beginner but will      not being accepted at this time. Ages 18+. Regis-
also appeal to the more seasoned line dancer. We      tration deadline: September 14. Min. 10. Max. 20.
will cover the basic steps and terminology while      Code            Dates       Day                 Time
incorporating them into popular dances. Music         427402-T1 9/21-11/2 T                9:30-10:30 am
ranges from pop, classic rock, country, and Latin     427402-T2 9/21-11/2 T                        5-6 pm
to funk. Ballroom styles such as swing, foxtrot,      # Sessions/Fee: 7/$69
waltz, rumba, cha-cha, etc. will be included and      Member or Volunteer Fee: $59
taught in a line dance format. No special shoes       Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S.
or clothing are required. Ages 13+. Instructors:      Calhoun St.
Philip and Carol Fretz. Min. 10. Max. 50. Regis-
tration deadline: September 21.                       Yoga
Code           Dates        Day             Time
                                                      Enjoy the benefits of regular Yoga practice, from
442204-T1 9/28-11/16 T                   7-8 pm
                                                      muscle toning and limbering to managing stress.
# Sessions/Fee: 8/$36/$41 after September 21
                                                      Yoga’s combination of exercise, breathing and
Location: Franke Park Pavilion #1, Sherman Blvd.
                                                      meditation techniques will help you build concen-
                                                      tration and poise, improve your stamina and even
                                                      relieve insomnia. Please bring a blanket and a yoga
      50+ Fitness, p. 46, 47                          mat and wear comfortable clothing. The classes are
                                                      open to all skill levels. Drop-ins are welcome ($10/
                                                      class). Ages 16+. Instructor: Melissa Vanyo-Hey
 Community Center Rental                              is a Certified 200-hour RYT with Yoga Alliance.
 The Community Center at 233 W. Main Street           Registration deadlines are 5 business days before
 offers beautiful, flexible space for large and       the start of each class. Min. 8. Max. 30.
 small events. The Center is audio-visually           Code            Dates         Day              Time
 equipped and has a full service kitchen facility.    442300-M1 9/13-11/15 M                 5:30-6:45 pm
 Alcohol is permitted at the Center and there are     442300-R1 T1    9/14-11/16 T           4:30-5:45 pm
 no restrictions on catering. Call Billy at 427-      442300-R2 9/16-11/18 Th                6:15-7:30 pm
 6463 for details and the full range of options or    # Sessions/Fee: 10/$57/$62 after deadline
 check our website at         Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

                               We’re making fitness fun!                                               19
Special Interest
         The Sound of Music                            You Can Play the Ukulele
                                                         With this fun (and family-friendly) class, you’ll
                                                       learn how to hold the ukulele, use a chord chart,
Mind, Music, Movement                                  and strum with confidence. You’ll leave the class
Music is a great way to excite both sides of the       with the skills necessary to play from any book
brain. It is actually the only information that is     of ukulele music. We’ll start slow, and using lots
stored twice in your brain. This engaging pro-         of repetition, work up to playing real tunes. Your
gram is filled with music designed to cognitively      handouts will have chords and lyrics for a variety
stimulate and challenge your memory while adding       of songs. A ukulele is included with the tuition for
enjoyment and quality of life in a welcoming envi-     this class, and is yours to take home at the end of
ronment. Instructor: Kristine Agen. Registration       the class.  Ages 9-adult. Instructor: Richard Ash.
deadline: September 29. Max. 8.                        Registration deadline: September 25. Min. 10.
Code           Dates       Day               Time      Max. 30.
441213-W1 10/6-11/10 W                    1-2 pm       Code            Dates        Day               Time
# Sessions/Fee: 6/$10                                  442211-S1       10/2         Sa    9:30 am-12 pm
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.            # Sessions/Fee: 1/$72/$77 after September 25
                                                       Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Beginning Guitar
So, you’ve finally reached the point where just lis-         May I Have This Dance?
tening to your favorite songs is no longer enough
. . . and you want to actually start PLAYING those     Beginning Ballroom Dance
songs, with your own two hands . . . on a real
                                                       Learning to dance with a partner is fun, challeng-
guitar. Start right here! Learn proper playing pos-
                                                       ing, and good exercise for the mind and body.
ture, left- and right-hand placement/technique,
                                                       Classes will focus on the Swing, Foxtrot, Waltz,
notes, chords and strumming patterns. Our les-
                                                       Polka and American Tango and will give you a solid
sons also cover fundamental music theory, guitar
                                                       base for social dancing. You must register with a
tablature and standard staff notation. These are
                                                       partner. Ages 16+. Instructor: Tiffany Neuls has
individual lessons with only four times available,
                                                       been teaching dance at the Community Center for
so don’t put it off! Sign up today. Ages 14+. Reg-
                                                       many years. Registration deadline: September 20.
istration deadline: September 27.
                                                       Min.14. Max. 50.
Code            Dates        Day              Time
                                                       Code           Dates       Day              Time
442417-T1 10/5-10/26 T                        6 pm
                                                       442203-M1 9/27-11/1 M              7:30-8:30 pm
442417-T2 10/5-10/26 T                    6:30 pm
                                                       # Sessions/Fee: 6/$40 per person/$45 after
442417-T3 10/5-10/26 T                        7 pm
                                                       September 20
442417-T4 10/5-10/26 T                    7:30 pm
                                                       Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
# Sessions/Fee: 4/$52/$57 after September 27
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

20                                  Sign up with a friend . . .
Relax and Restore
Clogging resembles tap dancing but with double
time steps that are executed with a flat foot rather
than on the balls of your feet. It is fun for all ages
and provides a great aerobic workout. Intermedi-
ate Clogging is for those who have a basic knowl-
edge of clogging, terminology and combinations.
Advanced students should have 4 years of clog-
ging experience as well as knowledge of steps,
combinations and follow clogging clues. Ages
13+. Instructor Elizabeth Hoy has been clogging
for 20+ years and is eager to share her passion
with others. Registration deadline: October 5.
Min. 6. Max. 20. No class November 29.
Code           Dates        Day                  Time
442200-M2 10/11-12/13 M                   6:15-7 pm
                                                         Meditation with Sound Immersion
Location: Frank 1 Pavilion, Sherman Blvd.                Experience the wonderful world of meditation with
Advanced                                                 sound immersion, an ancient art that uses vibra-
442200-T3 10/12-12/14 T                   6:15-7 pm      tional tones to reset and restore cellular and emo-
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.              tional patterns in the physical and energetic body.
# Sessions/Fee: 10/$42/$47 after October 5               Sound immersion is a simple and direct-connect
                                                         to the powerful benefits of meditation – promot-
Adult Tap Dance                                          ing deep restorative relaxation and a quiet mind.
                                                         The harmonic resonance orchestrates an energetic
Tap dancing is great exercise and a great way to
                                                         reset to release stress and tension. Please bring a
spend an evening. You’ll learn various tap dance
                                                         blanket and wear comfortable, light-colored cloth-
techniques and performance skills. No previous
                                                         ing. We recommend removing any metal on your
experience is required for the beginner class. The
                                                         body, as metals have their own frequency and may
advanced class requires some previous tap dance
                                                         interfere in the process. Ages 16+. Registration
training. Please wear tap or hard-soled shoes.
                                                         deadline: September 13. Min. 8. Max. 12.
Instructor: Linda Mullenhour. Ages 16+. Regis-
                                                         Code           Dates        Day                Time
tration deadline: September 7. Min. 5. Max. 10.
                                                         442366-M1 9/20-10/25 M                      7-8 pm
Code           Dates        Day              Time
                                                         # Sessions/Fee: 6/$48/$53 after September 13
Beginner                                                 Location: Lakeside Pavilion 1
442210-T1 9/14-11/2 T               5:30-6:15 pm
Beginning Plus                                           Energy Workshop
442210-T2 9/14-11/2 T                  6:15-7 pm
Advanced                                                 Everything is energy. Vibrations have both posi-
442210-T3 9/14-11/2 T                     7-8 pm         tive and negative effects on people. Some people
# Sessions/Fee: 8/$24/$29 after September 7              (empaths) are more easily influenced by vibrations.
Location: Shoaff Riverlodge, 6401 St. Joe Rd.            This can affect our everyday thoughts, moods,
                                                         actions, and even our health both mentally and
                                                         physically. Our emotions are a direct indication of
Line Dancing for Fun & Fitness                           the vibrations we hold onto. In this workshop you
This class is designed for the beginner but will         will learn about vibrations and different types of
also appeal to the more seasoned line dancer. We         energy, and how to either harness the positive, or
will cover the basic steps and terminology while         rid yourself of negative energy. We will talk about
incorporating them into popular dances. Music            how to keep your thoughts focused, clear and cen-
ranges from pop, classic rock, country, and Latin        tered by using positive energy, and how to con-
to funk. Ballroom styles such as swing, foxtrot,         trol the negative energy that influences our lives.
waltz, rumba, cha-cha, etc. will be included and         This workshop is for anyone and will be held in
taught in a line dance format. No special shoes          a calm and casual atmosphere. Registration dead-
or clothing are required. Ages 13+. Instructors:         line: September 14. Min. 7. Max 15.
Philip and Carol Fretz. Min. 10. Max. 50. Regis-         Code           Date         Day               Time
tration deadline: September 21.                          442314-T1 9/21              T              6-8 pm
Code           Dates        Day             Time         # Sessions/Fee: 1/$16/$21 after September 14
442204-T1 9/28-11/16 T                    7-8 pm         Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
# Sessions/Fee: 8/$36/$41 after September 21
Location: Franke Park Pavilion #1, Sherman Blvd.

                                 and take up a new hobby!                                               21
Artists in Action

Acrylic Painting                                      Painting Tiles with Alcohol Inks
Paint a picture and take it home the same day!        Alcohol inks are brightly colored dye-based paints
From blank canvas to finished painting, you will be   that are most often used in creating free flowing
guided step-by-step as you learn to load a brush,     textures. Whether you are artistic or not, paint-
paint wet into wet and blend colors as you go. All    ing with alcohol inks is downright fun and pro-
necessary supplies will be provided. Ages 16+.        duces lovely results. You will learn simple tips and
Instructor Marilyn Copeland is a nationally cer-      techniques while painting three 3” x 3” tiles you
tified and accredited art instructor. Registration    will be proud to display at home. The inks do emit
deadlines: September 11, October 9 and Novem-         ethyl-alcohol fumes. Face masks will be available
ber 12. Min. 5. Max. 10.                              upon request. Supplies are included and occa-
Code           Date        Day               Time     sional laughter guaranteed! Ages 18+. Registra-
442044-S1 9/18             Sa        10 am-12 pm      tion deadline: October 19. Min. 4. Max. 8.
442044-S2 S4   10/16       Sa        10 am-12 pm      Code 442048    Date          Day               Time
442044-S3 11/20            Sa        10 am-12 pm      441327-T1    10/26           T              6-8 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$31/$36 after deadline              # Sessions/Fee: 1/$31/$36 after October 19
                                                      Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Acrylic Pour
The defining characteristic of the technique of       Diamond Painting
pouring acrylics is that you don’t apply the paint    It is time for a new craft option and Diamond
with a brush or palette knife but rather use grav-    Painting is it! Glue dazzling gems onto a 4” x 4”
ity to move the paint across a canvas. The results    printed canvas to create a beautiful picture. A
are unlike anything you can get with a brush: fluid   frame is included so your piece will be ready to
flows of paint without any brush marks or tex-        hang as soon as you get home! Min. 5. Max. 7.
ture. Choose your technique – dirty cup, swipe or     Registration deadline: September 30.
strainer – and learn to create amazing and beauti-    Code            Date         Day            Time
ful works of art. Instructors are provided by Build   442046-R1 10/7               Th           6-8 pm
Guild. Registration deadlines: September 13,          # Sessions/Fee: 1/$36/$41 after September 30
October 11 and November 8. Min. 5. Max. 12.           Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Code           Date         Day               Time
442018-M1 9/20              M              6-8 pm
442018-M2 10/18             M              6-8 pm
442018-M3 11/15             M              6-8 pm       Evergreen Workshop, p. 35
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$41/$46 after deadline
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                            Register on-line at
       Questions? 427-6000                      
22                       Sign up online, by phone, in person . . .
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