From The Principal - Saint Michael School

Page created by Julia Fuller
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
From The Principal

The kids have begun counting down to the last day of school. Everyone is excited about baseball, soccer, spring
recitals and more! We still have five weeks left until the last day but those weeks seem to be disappearing quickly.

This past weekend was a very special one for our second graders. They received their First Holy Communion.
After weeks of rain, I feel like the Holy Spirit was watching over us as the skies were bright with only a few clouds
and there wasn’t a drop of rain all day to spoil the children’s special day. We truly hope that this special day
continues for each child every weekend when they can once again receive Jesus.

We had an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you for all of the kind words, cards and well wishes to our
faculty and staff. We were overwhelmed by the Superhero sign and balloons as well as the PTO breakfast and all
the treats that were provided each day. It has been the most challenging year in education that any of us has
faced. We had to re-learn ways to reach and teach our students, learn new technology, get accustomed to wearing
masks for eight hours a day and so much more. The parents’ dedication, support and encouragement is what kept
us going each and every day in addition to the big, beautiful smiles that are know are hidden under all those
student masks!

The time is really flying by for our Class of 2021 students. While a few of our “traditional” 8th grade activities will
not occur due to Covid restrictions, we have a wonderful Spirit Week planned as well as an in-person Graduation.
8th graders will have some day trip excursions as well as a fully catered Backyard BBQ at school. We’ll send them
off in style at their Graduation Mass on Sunday, June 6th at 5p.m. in our parish church. They are off to wonderful
high schools and we know they’ll take a little bit of SMS with them! Watch the June newsletter for a list of high
schools that our students are heading off to.
I’d like to thank our amazingly supportive PTO for all of their hard work and dedication this year. The funds they
raised this year were used for financial aid, classroom support, technology upgrades, start-up funds for teachers
and more. They are also gifting $150 to each teacher to support any end of year celebrations planned by the
teachers for the students. Additionally, they have arranged for an ice cream truck to come to school one day in
June for all the kids to enjoy a treat. In a year, unlike any other, the PTO (which is each of you) managed to meet
and exceed its budget for the year. The PTO is the reason that we are able to purchase a new reading book series
for K-5 and a new Spanish book for grades 5-8. They are eager to have more parents join their meetings and to
sign up to volunteer next year when we hope (fingers crossed and Rosaries prayed) that life returns to “normal.”
Thank you again from all of the teachers and students for a job well done!

So little time left…just twenty-five days as I write this newsletter today. So much to do as well! We promise to keep
working until the very end but to also enjoy and savor some spring days. Please pray that the weather stays cool
so that the building doesn’t start to heat up too early this year!

Congratulations to our First Communicants and God bless!

Sue Gosselin
                           Saint Michael School · 80 Maple Avenue · North Andover, MA 01845
                          Tel (978) 686-1862 · ·
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Saint Michael School Mission Statement
Saint Michael School offers an exceptional Catholic education to our students, nurturing their desire to
achieve academic excellence and encouraging spiritual, artistic, and athletic development in a caring,
family environment. We motivate our students to become well-rounded, moral young men and women
who are prepared to live a faithful life with intellectual rigor and spiritual awareness.

                                       Pastor’s Corner

 This time of the year is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the journey of faith of many of our young
 people. A few weeks ago, we celebrated the reception of First Holy Communion for our second grade
 children who continue their journey of encountering Jesus Christ in their lives in this extraordinary gift.
 Many of our teenagers will soon be completing their initiation into the Catholic Church with the
 reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. May we who surround these young people continue to
 support them by our prayers, our example and our love. May the Lord continue to bless all of us on
 our journey of faith.

 God Bless,

 Fr. Deeley
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Tuition Update
                          How Do Families Receive a Parishioner Tuition Rate?
As a reminder, to be considered an active parishioner (and receive a parishioner tuition rate for the
2021-2022 school year) families must make a minimum total offertory donation of $500 to our parish
beginning July 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021. Please note that this offertory donation has increased this year.

This can be done on a weekly basis when you attend mass BUT it must be made in a trackable manner.
You NEED to be a registered parishioner. If you wish to receive offertory envelopes from the parish,
please email

You may also make donations on the parish online giving website
298. Donations made at Easter and Christmas are for the benefit of the Clergy Trust and therefore do
NOT count toward the annual $500 donation to St. Michael Parish.

                                                               Dates To Remember

                                                        May 31......................... Memorial Day, No School
                                                        June 6 …........................... 8th Grade Graduation
                                                        June 11……...........…… Last Day Nursery, Pre-K,
                                                                               Kindergarten (Full Day)
                                                        June 14 ……. .… Last Day Grades 1-7 (1/2 Day
                                                                      11:45 Dismissal For Everyone)

          Just A Reminder
Please do not bring in food for your child's
birthday. Also, do not send flowers, balloons, or       Food Allergy Policy
large gifts for your child. Some great ways to
celebrate your child's birthday are: a book for the     Saint Michael School strives to be a nut free
library, gel pens, goodie bags, pencils,                school. Please do not send in items that contain
bookmarks, stickers, coupons for ice cream              peanut butter or tree nuts. Please direct any
cones, etc.                                             questions to the Health Office. Thank you for
                                                        your consideration.

This notice is per the "Asbestos Hazard                       Do Not Send Cash or
Emergency Response Act." An asbestos
management plan has been developed for St.                    Checks Into School
Michael's School which has asbestos containing
material present. These plans are available and         When paying for field trips, art projects, club, etc.
accessible to the public by contacting Nick             for your child, all payments must be made
Ippolito at 978-686-4050 at the Parish Offices as       through our Student Information Service
well as at the LEA administration office.               Program, RenWeb/FACTS.
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
No Food Policy                                    Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy,
For the overall health and wellness of our                  our life, our sweetness and our hope.
students, parents should never send in food for
parties, special occasions, birthdays, etc.                   To thee do we cry, poor banished
Additionally, we kindly ask that parents
refrain from delivering special lunches for                 children of Eve. To thee to we send up
their children including McDonalds, Sal's,                  our sighs, mourning and weeping in
local sub shops etc. We greatly appreciate your
support with this policy. No popsicles even in hot          this valley of tears. Turn, then, most
weather. Please note; that we will continue to
have class parties for Halloween, Christmas,                gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy
Valentine's Day, etc., however, those parties will
be planned and organized by the teacher. We                  toward us; and after this, our exile,
                                                             show unto us the blessed fruit of thy
are doing this to keep all the children safe and
ensure that no child will feel singled out or left
out. Thank you for your continued support!                    womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving,
                                                                    O sweet Virgin Mary.
           Have An Idea or
  We love to hear from you! If you would like to
      send us a comment or a suggestion,
  please email us at

               Help SMS Without Spending Extra Money
Did you know you can raise money for SMS without spending extra money? Here‘s how:

Send in your Boxtops (cereal boxes and other items that have the Boxtop label)
~ Register your Stop and Shop Card (SMS ID 06688)
~ Send in your used ink cartridges from your home computer printers
~ Send in your company‘s used ink cartridges (not toner) from the copy machine or computer printers
~ Buy gift cards from the Scrip Program Shop
~ We‘ll continue to update the list to help you help SMS!
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Congratulations to following students for
                          their academic achievement in term III

                                     GRADE 8
            HIGH HONORS                              HONORS

     Kaya Asmar       Amanda Montminy             Alexander Barnard
   Kayla Barchard     Robert Pappalardo              William Barry
 Nikolas Catalano      Keegan Paradis                 Mia Deluca
Sebastiano Catalano    Vanio Pernikliev           Christopher Ferris
  James Diamantis      Fallon Randone                Evan Gregoire
   Brendan Doody       Meredith Rhodes               Sahil Khurana
    Connor Grella         Ava Sarver               Nicholas Hughes
    William Griffin   Samantha Sayegh                 Jack Makiej
    Lillian Hamlin    Meghan Sheppard               Stephen Mellor
   Emma Hanley          Michael Terry          Nicolas Mendonca-Thebit
Christina Kombouras      Anthony Thu               Gianna Sacchetti
   Julia Matachun      Bella Thurmond                Serena Sader
   Caroline Melvin     Matthew Welch                   Olivia Toto
  Brianna Mercado       Ethan Whitney                Jacob Zapata
   Harrison Miller     Trevor Wlodyka

                                     GRADE 7
            HIGH HONORS                              HONORS

 Morgan Bateman          Joseph Leal
   Laura Bennett        Ella Levesque               Ethan Briggs
     Ryan Brady        Elena Lochiatto             Michael Cadavid
   Jacoby Cascio       Rachel Lochiatto             Logan Carey
  Isabella Chavez       Griffin Murphy               Lucas Diaz
  Christian Collins    Caroline Phillips
                                                   Harrison Gould
    Luca D’Agata       Addyson Plouffe
   Alyssa Furtado      Aubrey Randone             Breckin Greenler
    Quinn Green          Pierce Rowe                Sarah Mellor
Hannah Harrington        Chase Scharf             Joseph Rondinelli
 Sofia Hatzigiannis       Cyan Scott               Jayda Sacchetti
    Evan Haykal         Jameelah Soto
                                                   Charbel Sadek
   Sierra Hudson       Christian Spada
 Addison Hughes           Daniel Topi
Zachary Jacobson         Aaliyah Veloz
Michael Angelo Lalo
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Early Childhood
Nursery, Pre-K, & Kindergarten
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
   May has been a very busy month in Nursery. We
 finished learning all of our Lively Letters, we made
 special handprint key chains for Mother's Day, we
learned about Mary, Jesus' mother, we brought our
 stuffed pets to school, and we had a pajama movie
     day! We have especially been enjoying the
   wonderful spring weather and having extra time
               outside to run and play.
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Ellis & Monkey   Annabelle & Fire   Danny & Chickie

                 Bring your
                 Stuffed Pet
                 to School!

Audrey &
                                        Ara & Grinch

Molly & Bunny     Jack & Freddy      Elie & Giraffe
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Nursery reached the top of their
classroom goal chart during the Fun Run
and earned a pajama movie day. The class
   voted and decided to watch Frozen!
   Everyone had a lot of fun coming to
        school in their jammies.
From The Principal - Saint Michael School
Elementary School
    Grades 1 - 4
Upper School
  Grades 5 - 8

It is hard for me to believe that there is less than one
month left in this crazy school year. This year has flown
by and I never would have expected that. The Upper
Middle School students have been rock stars. All of them
have adjusted and adapted to many different ways of
learning. Most students have been in person for the
entire year. Some students have been remote the whole
year. Many have returned to school during the year at
different times. For the most part everything has gone as
smoothly as possible. Things are starting to look up
everywhere and I cannot wait until next year. I am
hoping that we will get as close to normal as it was
before COVID.

I wish the eighth graders the best of luck in all of their
future endeavors and I will miss them. I hope they get a
chance to come back and tell me all about their new life

Mr. A
Specials, Extended Day &
Faculty and Staff Directory

Name                  Position                      Name                  Position

Abate, Kerrie         Technology                    Lesofsky, Nicole      Upper School Aide

Adam, Debra           Upper School ELA              Jessica McCarthy RN   Health Office

                      Homeroom 5A                   Medina, Maria         Upper School Spanish

Andrewchuk, Jenn      Grade 4A                      Nagle, Christine      Upper School Social
Annand, Ronald        Upper School Science          Studies
                      Homeroom 8A                                         Homeroom 7A
Bagge, Kathy          Pre-Kindergarten              Ordway, Mary          Upper School ELA
Barry, Justin         Custodian                                           Homeroom 7B
Bedard, Michelle      Pre-Kindergarten              Paralle, Renee        Aide
Brady, Sharon         Nursery and Bunch Program
                                                    Parker, Mary          Upper School Math
Bryant, Sandra        Upper School Math
                                                                          Homeroom 8B
                      Homeroom 6B
                                                    Pulveranti, Rosalie   Reading Specialist
Caffrey, Cynthia      Grade 2A
                                                    Quimby, Deanna        Grade 3B
Caldwell, Amy         Upper School Science
                                                    Rich, Cathryn         Aide
                      Homeroom 6A
                                                    Richard, Kathleen     Pre-Kindergarten
Clifford, Shawna      Upper School Social Studies
                                                    Robidoux, Catie       Grade 1A
                      Homeroom 5B
                                                    Rogge, Sue            Administration
Daniels, Lindsey      Grade 1B
                                                    Rowley, Kara          Director of Student
Diaz, Shawn           Physical Education
Donahue, Donna        Receptionist
                                                    Sleight, Susan        Kindergarten
Donegan, Nicole       Art
                                                    Sullivan, Donna       Grade 4B
Dore, Patti           Kindergarten
                                                    Thurmond, Kimberly    Front Desk
Gosselin, Sue         Principal
                                                    Torpey, Elizabeth     Grade 3A
Grant, Kate           Grade 2B
                                                    Walsh, Kelsey         Kindergarten
Jaworski, Kimberley   Front Desk
                                                    Willard, Melissa      Extended Day
Larkin, Katie RN      Health Office

Lavalle, Irene        Music
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