From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated

Page created by Peggy Brooks
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Volume 30 Issue 2                                                                                             May 2021

Working together:
outstanding care and
                                           From the CEO
support for older people                   Hello everyone,                         The Commissioners
and their carers                                                                   have delivered a
                                           COVID-19 Vaccinations                   balanced report.
• Trust                                    It was pleasing that the                It outlines the
                                                                                   systemic issues
• Dignity                                  government has recognised the
                                           importance of protecting our older      within the aged
                                                                                   care sector over the last 20 years,
• Choice                                   Australians by prioritising them
                                           in the rollout of the COVID-19          recognising that the system has
Resthaven acknowledges the                 vaccine. Residents and some staff       been deliberately designed to limit
traditional owners of the lands on         at our residential aged care homes      government expenditure.
which its services are delivered.          have been vaccinated as part of the     The impact of this is that
We pay our respects to elders past,
                                           Commonwealth rollout, thanks to         government funding has seriously
present and future.
                                           the assistance of our Residential       lagged behind the rising costs of
Resthaven is a richly diverse              Services team.                          care by almost 50%.
community, founded on the principles
of inclusion and unity, embracing          All Resthaven direct care               Commissioner Pagone stated in
and respecting each person’s beliefs,      employees are now eligible to be        the report that in his view, “many
culture, language, sexual orientation,     vaccinated as new clinics continue      providers have been exemplary
gender identity, lifestyle, life           to open across the state. A clinic      in prioritising quality care despite
experiences and values.
                                           has been opened at the Wayville         restricted financial resources.”
                                           showgrounds, and two more clinics
                                                                                   While the recommendations are
In this issue:                             will be opening soon at Elizabeth
                                                                                   clear that additional funding is
                                           and Noarlunga. For staff living
                                                                                   required, this is offset by significant
From the CEO______________________1        in regional locations, you can
                                                                                   increases in the reporting of quality
Finance & Technology_______________4       find your closest clinic using the
                                                                                   indicators, incidents, staffing levels
Residential & Retirement Living	�������6   online vaccine clinic finder. Further
                                                                                   and finances. The Commissioners
Clinical Services____________________7     information about the vaccination
                                                                                   are also recommending minimum
Community Services Update	���������8       rollout can be found at:
                                                                                   staff time, increased remuneration
Service Development________________9
                                                                                   and minimum qualifications for the
Strategy & Governance_____________10
                                                                                   direct care staff.
Chaplaincy_______________________10        Royal Commission
Quality Systems___________________11                                               It is critical that the
                                           The final report from the Royal
Policy Reviews____________________11                                               recommendations are delivered
                                           Commission into Aged Care
People & Culture___________________12                                              in a balanced way; for if more
                                           Quality and Safety was tabled
Work Health & Safety_______________13                                              regulation and compliance is
                                           in parliament on 26 February
                                                                                   implemented without the requisite
Workforce Development____________14        and is now available to read on
                                                                                   funding, we will see further strain
Public Relations___________________15      the commission’s website. The
                                                                                   on the system and undesirable
Diversity_________________________16       recommendations focus on
Volunteer Services_________________18      addressing the needs of older
Out and About____________________19        Australians across the system.                                  Continued page 2...
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                 Staff Link

From the CEO (continued)
It is apparent that the government    For the past few months, the            Jasmina will now be the point
has already begun implementing        national “It’s time to care about       of contact for any enquiries in
several recommendations of the        aged care” campaign has been            relation to risk, rather than Justin.
Royal Commission into Aged Care       lobbying politicians about the          This will provide the opportunity
Quality and Safety, including the     importance of aged care reform.         for Justin to focus more time on
new Serious Incident Response         To support this change you can          staff wellbeing initiatives.
Scheme, which commenced in            visit        As part of this review, we have
April. Most responsible providers     au, and sign the petition.              taken the opportunity to adjust
already report such incidents
                                      Over the past two decades,              Justin and Jasmina’s titles to
internally, but now must also
                                      successive governments have             better reflect their overall roles
report them to the Aged Care
                                      failed to act on more than 20           and responsibilities. These are:
Quality and Safety Commission
                                      independent reports signalling          y Justin Burgess – Manager
within strict timeframes. At
                                      the need for major reform in aged         Work Health Safety & Injury
the same time, each and every
                                      care. We can all agree with the           Management
resident is currently being
                                      common purpose of the new aged
assessed under a new funding                                                  y Jasmina Borsic – Manager
                                      care system; to provide quality
tool (called AN-ACC). Additionally,                                             Governance & Quality
                                      aged care and support, to enable
two more mandatory clinical
                                      older people to live an active,         I express my gratitude to Justin
indicators and increased financial
                                      self-determined and meaningful          Burgess for the fantastic job
reporting requirements will also
                                      life. It is now ultimately a societal   done, managing the risk register
be introduced later this year.
                                      question for all of us as to how this   and risk reporting for a number
By the time of the announcement       will be achieved.                       of years on Resthaven’s behalf.
of the budget in May, the federal
                                      The campaign is ramping up in
government will be able to                                                    Flu Vaccinations
                                      the lead up to the 2021/22 Federal
report on the actions that they
                                      Budget in May, with the petition        Resthaven commenced the
have already taken to increase
                                      surpassing 40,000 signatures.           annual flu vaccination program
compliance and reporting. It is
                                      Every signature sends a direct          on 1 April. I am pictured below
imperative that they also commit
                                      message to that person’s local          ‘rolling up my sleeve’.
to the funding and system
                                      Member of Parliament. If you            I remind staff
changes desperately needed to
                                      haven’t already done so, please         that vaccination
provide quality aged care and
                                      jump on the website and sign the        is mandatory.
support, to enable older people to
                                      petition. It only takes a moment.       From 1 June
live an active, self-determined and
meaningful life.                                                              2021, any person
                                      Division Movements                      without proof of
It’s Time to Care About               We have decided to move the             a 2021 influenza
Aged Care                             risk management division of             vaccination
                                      Resthaven from People & Culture         will not be permitted to enter a
The Australian Aged Care
                                      to Strategy & Governance.               residential aged care facility.
Collaboration (AACC) is a group
of six aged care peak bodies,         This will mean management of the
which include Aged & Community        risk register, previously managed
Services Australia (ACSA) and         by Justin Burgess, will move to         It gives me great pleasure to visit
UnitingCare Australia. Together,      the Strategy and Governance             our sites to meet staff, residents
they represent more than              team under Jasmina Borsic.              and clients. I am truly inspired by
1,000 organisations that are          Business Continuity Planning and        the valuable contributions that
responsible for about 70 percent      Management, and Work Health             you make each day. You really
of the services delivered to the      and Safety, will continue under         make a difference. Thank you.
1.3 million Australians receiving     the excellent stewardship of Justin
aged care, either at home or in       Burgess and Sylvia Powell, in                              Darren Birbeck
communal residential settings.        People and Culture.                                      Chief Execuitve Officer

 Volume 30   Issue 2
                          2                                                                               May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                         Staff Link

Across Resthaven
Aberfoyle Park           Anyone for Bowls?
                         On 23 April, Resthaven Board President, Mark Porter, and
                         CEO, Darren Birbeck, visited the Resthaven Community
                         Respite Services ‘Ridgway House’ respite cottage. They were
                         greeted by a very lively bunch of staff and clients, who invited
                         them to join their bowls game! The group are pictured below.

 Aberfoyle Park

 Aberfoyle Park

                                     Leabrook        Leabrook

 Westbourne Park

Westbourne Park                 Westbourne Park                  Leabrook

                               Thank you to all those residents, clients, staff and
                               volunteers who stopped to say ‘hello’ to Darren as he
                               made his way around the sites!
                               Look out for Darren at your site soon :)

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         3                                                     May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                               Staff Link

Finance & Technology
Building Update                      Fitout works are currently being      These activities are being
                                     planned. It is expected that the      managed by the Finance team.
A number of projects are
                                     new office at 11 George Street
underway across Resthaven.                                                 Electronic Medication
                                     will become operational in June/
                                                                           Management Solution
Resthaven Bellevue Heights           July 2021. The phone number will
                                     remain the same.                      In collaboration with the
The redevelopment at
                                                                           residential site management
Resthaven Bellevue Heights           Resthaven Carbon Analysis
                                                                           team, the Electronic Medication
now has approval to proceed,         Project
                                                                           Management tender documents
and planning is underway to
                                     In March, consultants from a          have been issued to vendors. An
commence works in mid-May.
                                     company called D2 (squared)           evaluation and selection process
The project will take two years
                                     attended Resthaven Head Office        will follow.
across a number of stages.
                                     to undertake the process of
                                                                           Community Services Project
The redevelopment will include       gathering data to establish our
a major new extension and            carbon footprint. The project will
significant construction, with       measure, evaluate and document        The team have continued to
a new dementia-specific area,        all components contributing to        review the Community Services
kitchen, laundry, service rooms,     Resthaven’s carbon footprint          ‘AlayaCare’ solution, and now
staff room, central entry and        within the built environment.         focus on a smooth transition
café area, and an upgrade of the     Once data capture is complete         from our current system.
Auditorium. The redevelopment        a strategy will be developed to       A phased approach will be taken.
will also provide new car parking    substantially reduce our carbon       In March, ‘super user’ training
and access to the site.              footprint. The project will be        was delivered to representatives
Resthaven Westbourne Park            across the whole organisation         from Resthaven Western
                                     encompassing residential,             Community Services and Head
In May, we will lodge our            community and corporate sites.        Office, to prepare them for phase
development application for          This is an exciting and progressive   one of AlayaCare. The group are
the the major redevelopment of       step for Resthaven. The board and     pictured below.
Resthaven Westbourne Park.           executive have stipulated it as a
The planned project will             target in the strategic plan.
encompass the demolition             Project Ignite
and replacement of the older
Hampton and Richmond areas,          It has been a very busy period,
along with demolition of the         with the Project Ignite team
three cottages on Norseman           completing, progressing and
Avenue. It will also include the     commencing multiple projects.
construction of a new entry,         Procure-to-Pay
complete with central cloister
garden, café, hall, new kitchen,     The procure-to-pay project is         Following the testing period,
laundry, staff room and back of      well progressed, with the Epicor      the focus will move to the pilot
house services areas. A great        purchase order configuration          implementation of AlayaCare at
effort is being focused on           complete. We have had a great         Resthaven Western Community
improving the outdoor gardens        turnout from community services       Services in May.
across the site.                     site representatives who have had
                                                                           The pilot will include client
                                     some hands-on experience with
Resthaven Limestone Coast                                                  records, client care plans, and
                                     the new system.
Community Services                                                         documentation in AlayaCare,
                                     Corporate Credit Cards                along with maintaining basic
A new office in Millicent has been                                         client records, reporting and
leased to accommodate growth         Existing credit card holders
                                     are trained and using the new         scheduling/billing/payroll
at Resthaven Limestone Coast                                               processes.
Community Services.                  system. New card holders are
                                     in the process of completing                        Continued opposite page...
                                     applications and training.

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         4                                                                             May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                           Staff Link

Finance & Technology (continued)
This approach provides              Visitor Management Systems:           Microsoft Project: We
opportunity for staff to become     The Visitor Management                commenced the move of
familiar with the software          System has been introduced at         Microsft Exchange to the online
and develop confidence in           Resthaven Leabrook, with good         cloud environment. This provides
developing care plans, prior to     success and acceptance. ICT are       more flexibility, ensures we
implementing phase two.             now working with Residential          stay current and relevant with
                                    Services on rollout plans for the     our email environment, and
Many people have been involved
                                    remaining residential sites.          supports our strategy to move
in the preparation work that
                                                                          to the cloud. Microsoft Teams is
has contributed to reaching this    Resident WiFi and Phone
                                                                          in planning, and we hope to run
milestone, including multiple       Project: Good progress has been
                                                                          a small number of pilots in the
working groups across both          made on this project. Resthaven
                                                                          coming months.
Community Services and Head         Mitcham is now complete, and
Office. To all who participated,    we can offer WiFi on appropriate      Other key initiatives being
thank you for                       Smart TV’s. The next site to be       considered include:
your time,                          upgraded will be Resthaven            Cyber Security: We are looking
knowledge and                       Aberfoyle Park, followed by the       into our requirements to improve
assistance.                         remainder of the residential sites.   our risk profile and management
                                    Nursecall System Pilot at             in the Cyber Security space.
                                    Resthaven Aberfoyle Park: The         Business Intelligence: We
   David Norton                     proposed pilot for the Nursecall      are working on the scope
  Executive Manager,                System did not go ahead due           and priority of our needs and
Finance & Technology                to some late complications. We        aspirations in the Business
                                    have now decided to go out to         Intelligence arena. A project
                                    market and consider the merit of      brief and business case are
Information Communication           alternative Nursecall Systems for
Technology (ICT)                                                          currently being considered for
                                    our current and future needs.         development.
Welcome to Autumn 2021 on           CCTV Project: A proposal was
behalf of the ICT Team.                                                   Printer Management: ICT
                                    sent to potential vendors in          are working with a third party
An update on staff: Joe Maiese      February 2021. We are currently       vendor to consider the merits
has re-joined us on a permanent     in the process of short listing and   and cost benefits of a – “pay for
basis in a new role (ICT Customer   moving into demonstrations of         use” verses “ownership” model of
Services Team Leader). Sascha       the short listed solutions.           our printer fleet.
Woods will join the ICT team as     Mobile Device Management
our Systems Training Officer from                                         Jitterbit Integration: ICT are
                                    Project: This project is now          working with Empired and
4 May 2021. Welcome, Sascha.        underway in earnest. We               the Ignite Program to take on
We have been progressing on a       have signed contracts with            operational responsibility for the
number of key initiatives:          the selected vendor and               Integration environment being
                                    commenced project planning for        used across our new systems.
Epicor Upgrade: Epicor Upgrade      the replacement of old devices,
time has come around again. We                                            This work starts with training and
                                    the introduction of new devices       education for our team in May
commenced testing on 19 April,      and planning in readiness of
with the new release set to go                                            2021.
                                    the needs of the Community
live in the middle of May 2021.     Services Pilot Project.               There’s never a
AutumnCare Upgrade:                                                       dull moment!
                                    Email Archiving Project: We
AutumnCare was upgraded in          recently migrated away from our
March 2021. The upgrade was         legacy email archiving solution
completed as intended. It allows    to the Mimecast solution. We
us to take up the AutumnCare        also use Mimecast for our email
mobile app, which we are                                                  Stuart Warwick
                                    security management.                  Senior Manager, ICT
currently assessing.

Volume 30     Issue 2
                           5                                                                     May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                            Staff Link

Residential & Retirement Living
Staff Movements                      Recruitment is underway for the       The changes make these
                                     the Manager role at Resthaven         obligations more explicit, and
Congratulations to
                                     Craigmore, and the Care               focus on minimising the impact
Relieving Manager,
                                     Coordinator role at Resthaven         on consumers and reducing
Rachael Musico, who
                                     Marion, following the farewell of     preventable incidents.
has been appointed
                                     Jane Perry and Eliza Kelly.           From 1 July 2021, the National
to the Manager
                                     We wish them all the best.            Aged Care Mandatory Quality
Residential Services
role at Resthaven Marion,            Australian National Aged              Indicator Program (QI Program)
following Stephanie Steensma’s       Care Classification                   will include new quality
farewell in March. We thank                                                indicators: Pressure injuries,
                                     The Australian Government             physical restraint, unplanned
Steph and wish her all the best.
                                     has approved the continued            weight loss, falls and major
In Rachael’s stead,                  development of the Australian         injury, and medication
we welcome Aman                      National Aged Care Classification     management. More information
Kahlon to the role of                (AN-ACC) funding model                is available on the department’s
Resthaven Relieving                  as a possible replacement             website. Updated guidance
Manager. Aman                        for the Aged Care Funding             materials will soon be provided.
commenced in late                    Instrument (ACFI). Over a
April. Welcome, Aman!                12-month period, starting             COVID-19 Vaccinations
At Resthaven                         April 2021, everyone living in
                                     an Australian Government-             The Commonwealth government
Westbourne Park,                                                           has initiated the rollout of the
we welcome Jessica                   funded residential aged care
                                     facility (except residents who        COVID-19 vaccination program.
Margrate to the                                                            Residential aged care residents
role of Manager                      are nearing end of life) will
                                     receive an AN-ACC assessment.         and staff were among the first
Residential Services,                                                      Australians to be offered a
and Finela Laluces                   As these assessments will run in
                                     addition to current ACFI funding      COVID-19 vaccination, beginning
to the role of                                                             in late February (see page 13).
Care Coordinator,                    arrangements, this period
following Carol                      is referred to as the ‘shadow         Mrs Oriole Beaty
Vlachos’ farewell in                 assessment period’.                   of Resthaven
March.                               During the shadow assessment          Marion is
                                     period, residential aged care         pictured
Jess has previously held nursing                                           receiving her
roles with Resthaven, most           facilities will be contacted by one
                                     of six independent Assessment         vaccination in
recently as the Care Coordinator                                           March 2021.
at Resthaven Mitcham until early     Management Organisations
2020. Welcome back, Jess. Finela     located around Australia, who         I sincerely thank Senior Project
has worked as at Resthaven           will conduct these assessments        Officer, Leonie Robson, and the
since 2014 in many nursing roles,    on behalf of the Government.          staff teams, for their hard work
most recently as Clinical Nurse at                                         to ensure that these clinics run
Resthaven Westbourne Park.
                                     Serious Incident Response             smoothly. As always, I thank the
                                     Scheme                                dedicated residential staff for
We also welcome                                                            their ongoing work to provide
back another                         The Aged Care Quality and Safety
                                     Commission has published              residents with
familiar face,                                                             high level care
Pardeep Singh, to                    detailed guidance on the Serious
                                     Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)       and services.
the role of Relieving
Care Coordinator.                    for providers on its website. The
Pardeep worked with Resthaven        incident management system
                                     commenced on 1 April 2021,                Tina Cooper
as Care Coordinator at Resthaven
                                     building on existing obligations       Executive Manager,
Craigmore until late 2019. We are                                               Residential and
delighted to welcome him back.       placed on providers under the
                                                                              Retirement Living
                                     Aged Care Quality Standards.

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         6                                                                         May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                                   Staff Link

Clinical Services
Staff News
On 30 March, the Residential
Services clinical team sadly
said farewell to Continence
Nurse Advisor, Raelene Merrett,
after over 22 years of service.
Raelene started her career with
Resthaven as a Registered Nurse
at Resthaven Bellevue Heights
in December 1998. Her final role
was to impart some of her vast
expert knowledge of continence
in two Continence Workshops in
February 2021 (pictured below).

                                     Above (L-R): Kelly Geister (Senior Manager Residential Services), Karen Gregory (Project Officer
                                     Palliative Care), Leanne Lawrence (Project Officer Clinical Services), Peter Jenkin (Palliative Care
                                     Nurse Practitioner), Vicki Kaur (Continence Nurse Advisor), Raelene Merrett (retiring Continence
                                     Nurse Advisor), Wendy Morey (Residential Services Senior Project Officer), Merridy Bayliss
                                     (Senior Manager Clinical Services), Leonie Robson (Residential Services Senior Project Officer)
                                     and Tina Cooper (Executive Manager Residential Services & Retirement Living).

Raelene has mentored                 Resthaven Marion Pressure                            International Nurses Day:
many nursing staff and new           Injury Project                                       12 May
Continence Nurse Advisors            Preliminary findings from the                        International Nurses Day is on
over the years; her knowledge        Pressure Injury Prevention                           12 May (the birthday of Florence
of everything continence-            Project currently being                              Nightingale). What will you do to
related will be greatly missed.      conducted at Resthaven Marion                        celebrate at your site? Enjoy!
Retirement will allow her time       have shown some very positive
to enjoy her family, pottering in    outcomes in preventing the
her garden and time to travel        occurrence of pressure injuries.
(notwithstanding COVID-19!).
                                     Staff at Resthaven Marion have
I am pleased to                      been extremely engaged in the
announce the                         project, along with the nine                          Merridy Bayliss
appointment of                       residents who are participating.                            Senior Manager
Sampath (Sam)                        Pressure injuries have been                                 Clinical Services
Palipane to the                      avoided for all participants.
role of Relieving                    The project focuses on a major
Clinical Nurse.                      avoidable injury to residents, and
Many of you will be familiar with    we hope to roll it out to other                        I think one’s feelings waste
Sam from his previous roles as       sites in the future.                                    themselves in words; they
Registered Nurse and Continence                                                             ought all to be distilled into
Nurse Advisor. Please say hello to   Wound Care Project
                                                                                              actions, and into actions
Sam if you see him at your site.     Leanne Lawrence and Wendy                                   which bring results.
                                     Palm are trialling a new wound
                                                                                                                  Florence Nightingale
                                     care product, with great success.
                                     More on this project later.

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         7                                                                                                May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                                     Staff Link

Community Services Update
The growth in Community
Services continues. It is exciting
to know how many people
are seeking our services. I am
aware that this good news also
creates a lot of change in daily
work. I appreciate the flexibility
everyone is taking to manage the
We continue to recruit additional
staff, with 60 new employees
commencing in the past three               Above: Resthaven Community Respite Services client, Mr Ian McCarthy, is interviewed by
months. Opportunity for staff to           Channel Seven News at Parafield Airport.
change their status from casual
to permanent part-time has been            We have also been selected to                     Western Community Services
taken up by 50 people.                     expand our centre-based respite                   have begun planning for their
                                           services to people of culturally                  training and care planning
Working Safely                             diverse background. Three                         setup in AlayaCare which will
                                           new services will commence                        commence in late April. Thank
A review has been conducted                at Goodwood, Gawler and Mt                        you to the Project team and all
about the amount of domestic               Gambier in the near future.                       staff who have given time to the
assistance activity in rostered                                                              project in the past few months.
visits. This review showed that            Outreach Office Update
the volume has increased.                                                                    Flying High
However, the amount undertaken             The Millicent office of Resthaven
each day by an individual staff            Limestone Coast Community                         On 17 March, the Resthaven
member has, on average, stayed             Services will move to 11 George                   Community Respite Services
the same. A reminder to all staff          Street, Millicent during June/July.               ‘Men About Town’ and ‘Just Fellas’
to follow safe practices when                                                                groups were featured on the
                                           A new office in Goolwa is being
undertaking domestic assistance.                                                             Channel Seven News, following a
                                           established to support the services
Check the additional Work Safety                                                             special trip to Parafield Airport.
                                           transferring from Alexandrina
Information sheets available at            Council. Details to follow.                       The group visited to view and
your site.                                                                                   hear about the aeroplanes,
Additional training in the use of          AlayaCare Implementation                          and one lucky client, Mr Ian
lifters is also occurring at all sites.    The project is reaching important                 McCarthy, was taken up in
                                           milestones. Recently Community                    the Pipistrel electric plane –
CHSP Expansion                             Services staff were involved in                   making him the oldest person in
                                           several days of testing the system,               Australia to do so at 91 years of
Resthaven has been successful                                                                age. It was a great day out.
in our proposals to increase               which confirmed the setup is
Commonwealth Home Support                  almost ready to commence.                         Thank you again to our staff
services. We were selected                                                                   teams, for all that you do to
to take over a program from                                                                  support older people to live
Alexandrina Council from 1 July                                                              independently
2021. The services include minor                                                             in their own
home modifications, home                                                                     homes.
maintenance and gardening,                                                                   Until next time,
domestic assistance and social
activity groups, and transport in
the Goolwa/Strathalbyn areas.                                                                Sue McKechnie
Right (L-R): Glenn Rappensberg (CEO,                                                           Executive Manager,
Alexandrina Council), Sue McKechnie, and                                                      Community Services
Keith Park (Mayor, Alexandrina Council).

Volume 30      Issue 2
                            8                                                                                                May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                              Staff Link

 Staff Profile:                        Service Development
 Gil Briones                           Making Minds Matter                   Comments received in the
 Resthaven Paradise and Eastern                                              survey, included:
                                       Resthaven’s Cognitive
 Community Services Registered Nurse
 Coordinator                           Stimulation Therapy program,          “I was overcome by the care and
                                       ‘Making Minds Matter’, is             service that I received from the
                                       attracting interest from The          very well trained staff. Please
                                       Queen Elizabeth Hospital              keep going with this wonderful
                                       Memory Clinic, with our first         care program that you have”.
                                       referral received.                    “We are very grateful to all who
                                       Tania Petroccia (Project Officer      helped us in the 8 week program.
                                       Service Development) and              My husband’s quality of life
                                       Gillian Schulze (Dementia             has improved and for that I am
                                       Educator) have presented at           very grateful. Thanks to all that
                                       the Allied Health Development         helped us”.
                                       Day, Coordinator Development          “I have been in so much pain
                                       Day, and some regional sites.         over the last two years, but doing
 Gil Briones graduated with            Resources have been developed         the exercises gets you believing
 a Bachelor of Science and             to support the program, which is      in yourself again, being on this
 Nursing in the Philippines in         targeted at people with mild to       program really has given me an
 2007, working as a registered         moderate dementia.                    attitude change”.
 nurse, before deciding to
 begin his new adventure               Short Term Restorative Care           Be Connected
 in Australia. He moved                Resthaven provided Short Term
 to Queensland, where he                                                     ‘Be Connected’ is a Government-
                                       Restorative Care (STRC) services      funded, Australia-wide initiative
 completed a bridging course           to 177 clients in 2020. STRC is a
 in 2010, to gain his nursing                                                empowering all Australians to
                                       short term (eight week) program       thrive in a digital world.
 registration in Australia. Gil        of intense therapy and services,
 says that working in both             provided to people living in the      ‘Be Connected’ has online
 Australia and the Phillipines         community, aimed at reducing          learning resources as well
 helped him to develop a               the need for higher level home        as a network of community
 wider perspective in his              care and residential services.        partners—the Be Connected
 role, and have a deeper                                                     Network—who offer support to
 understanding of people.              A recent evaluation of outcomes       enable people to develop digital
                                       for clients involved in Resthaven’s   skills and confidence.
 Gil says, ‘An average day             STRC program in 2020 showed
 for me is varied and busy –           excellent results: 90% of clients     This is a great resource for
 talking with clients about            achieved improved function            older people who are learning
 their services and care               as measured by the Modified           about technology. It is also a
 plans, including some with            Barthel Index. Survey results         good resource for staff who
 very complex needs, and               (sample of 42 of the 177 clients      want to brush up on some basic
 assessing them, along with            receiving services) showed that       technology tips and skills.
 clinical coordination.’               86% were very satisfied with          Check it ‘Be Connected’ at
 ‘No one day is the same for           the quality of services; all had
 me, and I find a lot of joy in        been included in planning and
 the work that I do. I enjoy           decisions about their services
 the people I work with, and           and 80% were very satisfied
 the level of genuine care and         with the amount of services and
 time that I can put into the          therapy received.
 client’s needs.’
                                                                             Lynn Openshaw
 ‘I see myself being with                                                         Senior Manager,
 Resthaven for the long haul.’                                               Service Development

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         9                                                                          May 2021
From the CEO - Resthaven Incorporated
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                          Staff Link

                                                            Delivering trust, enabling dignity,
                                                          and providing choice for each customer.
Strategy & Governance                                      Principle for delivering on the Resthaven customer experience

Hello! Welcome to autumn.            In 2020, it took the Quality team           Chaplaincy
I hope you are enjoying the lovely   three months to manually compile
                                                                                 Following Rev Anne Butler’s
weather that comes with a change     vaccination records for Resthaven’s
                                                                                 retirement in late 2020, Rev
in season.                           2,600 employees. It was a huge
                                                                                 Frances Bartlett has taken on the
                                     job, done well by everyone.
We thought it would be good to                                                   Coordinating Chaplain role at
share some of the things we do in    This year, we looked at ways in             Resthaven Westbourne Park. She
Strategy & Governance. We:           which we could streamline the               wll continue to support Resthaven
                                     process. Together with HCA (our             Bellevue Heights.
y Attract, support and coordinate
                                     fluvax partner), People & Culture,
  around 300 volunteers—who                                                      Rev Dr Trevor Whitney,
                                     and ICT, we implemented online
  are a vital part of Resthaven’s                                                Coordinating Chaplain at
                                     flu vaccination bookings and
  workforce, providing around                                                    Resthaven Craigmore, retired in
                                     automated record keeping. Whilst
  25,000 hours of support to our                                                 April 2021. Recruitment for his
                                     there were a few teething issues,
  customers each year. If only we                                                replacement is underway.
                                     more than 1,900 people were
  had more of them! See page 18.
                                     vaccinated by the end of April, and         Dr Louise Townend
y Provide pastoral care to 1,200+    the data management effort was              (right) has been
  residents, their families, and     significantly reduced. Thank you            appointed as
  staff, through nine wonderful      to everyone for supporting these            Coordinating
  Coordinating Chaplains. They,      vastly improved processes.                  Chaplain at
  along with the volunteer                                                       Resthaven Port
  Chaplain’s Assistants, provide     Whistleblower Policy                        Elliot. We welcome
  invaluable care and support.                                                   Louise to Resthaven.
                                     On 1 May 2021, we will publish
y Coordinate and ensure 3,000        our Whistleblower Policy. This is           In January 2021, a Commissioning
  staff and volunteers receive an    fundamental to supporting and               Service was held for Coordinating
  annual flu vaccination.            enabling Resthaven’s values; in             Chaplain, Dr Nina Corlett-
y Gather and analyse around          particular, trust and integrity. The        McDonald, at Resthaven Leabrook
  2,800 survey, focus group,         Policy supports people to speak up          (below). Thank you to all those
  and feedback touchpoints           if they have a concern, and ensure          who participated in the service.
  each year, providing insight       that they are protected from any
  into our customers and their       form of disadvantage as a result of
  experiences. There are many        making a report.
  compliments for Resthaven’s
                                     In order to support and protect
  workforce in this feedback.
                                     someone, reports need to be made
y Undertake around 60 site audits    to specific people, or through
  in relation to food quality,       specific channels. At Resthaven,
  infection control and auditing     you can report a concern to
  key areas of operations.           me, or Sylvia Powell (Executive
y Monitor around 200 legislative     Manager People & Culture) or
  instruments, and the many          Darren Birbeck (CEO). In order to
  standards, guidelines, rules and   demonstrate our commitment
  obligations that we have to        to the protection of anyone who
  comply with in the sector.         has a concern, Resthaven has
                                     also established a service with an
y Maintain around 1,700
                                     independent provider (below),
  controlled documents, and                                                      Take care until
                                     who will protect the anonymity of
  undertake around 500 changes                                                   next time,
                                     the person making the report, and
  to these documents annually.
                                     can also provide advice.
Fluvax Improvements                  Independent Whistleblowing
                                     Support Line:                                  Erika Comrie
We have made several
                                     Email: whistleblowing@
improvements to the flu                                                                   Executive
                                                   Manager,Strategy &
vaccination clinic and record
                                     Phone: 1800 951 055 (8.30am-5.30pm)               Governance
keeping process this year.

Volume 30   Issue 2
                        10                                                                                        May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                    Staff Link

Quality Systems                                                             Policy Reviews
                                                                            The following policies/procedures,
Residential Focus Groups              home must have received a 2021
                                                                            & related forms/documents, have
                                      influenza vaccination, and be
Focus groups were held across                                               been reviewed. All are available
                                      able to produce evidence of this.     on RestNet. It is your responsibility
Resthaven residential homes
                                      This includes volunteers, families,   to check and keep up to date.
throughout March. They
                                      friends, contractors, and all other   Please familiarise yourself with
were orignally scheduled for
                                      visitors.                             changes.
November 2020, however,
most were postponed due to                                                  Corporate & Administration
                                      COVID-19 Vaccinations
COVID-19, except for Resthaven                                              y   CAA-PRO-17 Motorised Chair/Vehicle
                                      The COVID-19 vaccine is               y   CAA-PRO-20 Contract Services
Port Elliot, held as planned in                                             y   CAA-POL-22 & CAA-PRO-22
November 2020.                        encouraged for Resthaven staff,           Advance Care Planning
                                      but it is not mandatory.              y   CAA-PRO-23 Vehicle Use
All sites have now completed                                                y   CAA-POL-25 & CAA-PRO-25
their focus groups, and we thank      As mentioned on page 8, as at             Application and Entry to
                                      April 2021, COVID-19 vaccination          Residential and Retirement Living
the site staff for welcoming the                                                Accommodation
Quality team onsite. We enjoyed       clinics had taken place at several    y   CAA-POL-29 Corporate Credit Card
visiting you and speaking with        Resthaven residential services        y   CAA-POL-31 ICT
                                                                            y   CAA-POL-31-01 Resthaven Network
residents and representatives         sites, with a large number                and Application User Password
about their experience of             of residents taking up the            y   CAA-POL-31-02 ICT Services Access
COVID-19 in relation to the           opportunity to be vaccinated.             Management
                                                                            y   CAA-POL-38 & CAA-PRO-38 Naming of
services we provide.                  These clinics are part of the             Buildings, Property and Services
                                      Commonwealth government’s             y   CAA-POL-43 & CAA-PRO-43 Workforce
We received some very positive                                                  Influenza Immunisation
                                      phase 1a vaccine rollout, which
feedback from the focus                                                     Clinical Practice Manual
                                      prioritises older people living
groups, including compliments                                               y   CPM 14 Specialised Health Care Needs
                                      in residential care, and the staff
about how well staff facilitated                                            Community Services
                                      who directly support them.
communication with families                                                 y   CS-PRO-01 Referral and Eligibility
                                      The clinics are managed and           y   CS-PRO-04 Client Services
during the periods of restricted                                            y   CS-PRO-11 Lifestyle Choices Plus
visiting. We also appreciate the      facilitated by external health
                                                                            Human Resources Manual
suggestions for improvement           providers. Residential services       y   HR-PRO-06 Job Descriptions
that we received, as it helps us to   staff are only offered the            y   HR-PRO-37 Counselling and
continually improve.                  COVID-19 vaccination on the day           Disciplinary Action
                                      of the clinic if there are leftover   Maintenance
                                                                                MAG-PRO-35 Monthly Preventative
Influenza Vaccinations                doses once all residents who          y
                                                                                Maintenance - Electric Beds Powered
                                      wish to be vaccinated, have               Recliner Chairs
Flu vaccination clinics for
                                      been.                                 y   MAG-PRO-39 Checking of DECT
Resthaven staff commenced                                                       Phones Batteries and Chargers for
in April 2021. It is a mandatory      The rollout of vaccination clinics        Residential Sites
requirement that all Resthaven        for staff and community clients       Residential Services
staff be vaccinated against           has been slow, and yet to be          y   RS-POL-02 & RS-PRO-02 Assessment
                                                                                Care Planning and Evaluation
influenza. I thank the Resthaven      clarified.                            y   RS-POL-05 Resident Incident Injury
staff community for ensuring          We will keep you informed when
                                                                                and Compulsory Reporting
we keep our customers safe            we know when, where, and how
                                                                            Work Health & Safety
by participating in the flu           clinics will be conducted.
                                                                            y   WHS-PRO-02 Management of
                                                                                Notifiable Incidents
vaccination program. As at 30                                               y   WHS-PRO-13 Smoking Vaping Use of
April, 59 clinics were booked, and    Stay well!                                E-Cigarettes in the Workplace
49 clinics were completed. I am                                             y   WHS-PRO-14 Waste Management
                                                                            y   WHS-PRO-17 High Risk Work
delighted to report that almost                                             y   WHS-PRO-18 Installed Asbestos and
1,400 staff have been vaccinated.                                               Asbestos Containing Material
                                                                            y   WHS-PRO-19 WHS Entry Permit
Thank you, everyone!                                                        y   WHS-PRO-20 Management of Blood
It is a mandatory requirement          Jasmina Borsic                           and Body Fluid Exposure Incidents
                                               Manager,                         including Needle Stick Injuries.
that, from 1 June 2021, all those
                                            Governance &
entering a residential aged care                  Quality

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         11                                                                                May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                               Staff Link

People & Culture
Thank You...                           Casual/Permanent Part Time            Professional Development
… to all our valued staff for the      Resthaven offers the option           As part of Resthaven’s commitment
work you do every day. Thank           of working regular hours on a         to ongoing learning and offer of
you for your can-do attitude,          permanent part time basis, with       career pathways, eligible staff with
going the extra mile and above         benefits of annual and sick leave     continuous service of greater than
all, working as a team                 entitlements.                         nine months may have access
                                                                             to financial assistance through
Together                               Staff can change from casual to
                                                                             the Resthaven Professional
Everyone                               permanent part-time contract
                                                                             Development Fund. Speak with
Achieves                               with entitlements to:
                                                                             your Manager, or the People and
More                                   y A minimum guaranteed                Culture team, to find out more.
We are stronger together!                number of hours to work
                                       y A minimum of four weeks paid        ‘My Own Portal’ Update
Staff Appreciation Awards                annual leave entitlements           You can now organise your leave
To thank and recognise long-             (accrued pro rata) based on the     through ‘My Own Portal’. Simply
serving staff, the Resthaven             employee’s hours worked in a        log on to apply for leave, or to view
Staff Appreciation Awards will           week, with a minimum loading        your leave entitlements.
be held on Friday 2 July, 2021,          of 17.5% when the leave is
at the Pavilion on South Terrace.        taken                               Workforce Development
This year, there are 125 award         y Up to 10 days annual paid
recipients who have reached the
                                                                             With growth across a number
                                         personal leave (sick and carers,    of Resthaven services, we have
following milestones:                    accrued pro rata) based on the      increased recruitment activity with
y   69 x ten years                       employee’s hours worked in a        more than 200 staff inducted in the
y   36 x fifteen years                   week, which accrues each year       first quarter of 2021. Traineeships
y   10 x twenty years                    of service and is cumulative        are being introduced as part of a
y   6 x twenty-five years                every year                          stronger Career pathway, with 37
y   3 x thirty years                   y Paid Public Holidays for            currently in place.
y   1 x (an incredible) forty years!     employees who regularly work
Awards are calculated in financial       on that day and are approved to     Staff News
years, with milestones starting          be absent                           Sadly, we farewell Recruitment
at ten years. Staff who reach          y Paid parental leave                 Lead, Nicky Brunning, who has
their five year milestone receive      y Paid compassionate leave            been offered a career opportunity
a personally signed ‘thank you’          for up to two days for each         to support a major SA initiative,
card from the CEO.                       instance.                           outside of aged care. I take this
Unfortunately, in 2020, the            If you have any questions about       opportunity to thank Nicky for
awards were cancelled for              working in a permanent part time      her significant contribution to
the first time in their 26 year        capacity, please speak with your      the Recruitment portfolio within
history due to the COVID-19            Manager.                              Resthaven. Please join me in
pandemic. Instead of a luncheon,                                             wishing Nicky the very best for her
award recipients had their gifts       Guest Panellist                       future endeavours. Sam Rothall will
delivered to their respective sites                                          be Acting Recruitment Lead whilst
                                       On 16-17 March, I was delighted       we recruit for a replacement.
by Public Relations staff, with
                                       to be invited by Business Insights
balloons and flowers. We are                                                 Thank
                                       Asia Pacific (BIAP) to participate
crossing our fingers that the 2021                                           you, team
                                       as a Guest Panellist at the 2021
awards go ahead as planned!                                                  Resthaven!
                                       South Australia Human Resources
Award recipients and their             Leadership Summit. I was
Managers will receive their            honoured to share the great work       Sylvia Powell
invitations via post closer to         Resthaven is doing to support staff
the date. Congratulations to all       development, and the creation of        Manager, People
awardees, and thank you for your       career pathways for staff.                 and Culture
long and valued service.

Volume 30     Issue 2
                          12                                                                          May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                            Staff Link

Work Health & Safety
Wellness Boost
We all experience a mid-               Employee Assistance
afternoon slump sometimes.             Program (EAP)
Here are some simple activities        If you need support at any
we can all put in place to stay        time, or for any reason,
energised, productive, and ready       please access our free and
for tomorrow.                          confidential Employee
                                       Assistance Program (Access
Stay Hydrated
                                       Programs) to speak with a
Dehydration can negatively             counsellor. To contact Access
impact energy levels and               Programs, phone:
increase fatigue. Start each
day with a glass of water and a        1300 667 700, or visit
goal of drinking eight glasses
throughout the day. There are
several apps available that can
help to track your hydration.       Take a Break
Stay Positive                       Taking frequent breaks can help
                                    to keep your energy levels up.           Self-care is not a waste of
A great positivity exercise is      A walk at lunchtime, away from        time; self-care makes your use
to place a notebook and pen         your electronic devices, can             of time more sustainable.
next to your bed before you fall    boost energy levels and reduce                 Jackie Viramontez
asleep. Right after your alarm      fatigue. if you don’t have time for
goes off, write down one thing      a walk, simply stand and stretch.
you’re looking forward to doing
that day. This will help to start   Dinner                                 Single-Use Plastic Ban
your day with a positive mindset.   Aim to finish eating 2-3 hours         Starts
Breakfast                           before bedtime for better sleep.       South Australia’s ban on
                                    Incorporate lean protein, dark         single-use plastics began on
A healthy breakfast will give you   leafy greens, whole grains and
a great start to the day. Try:                                             1 March, 2021.
                                    other nutrient-dense foods.
y Yoghurt with fresh fruit/nuts                                            The ban applies for single-
                                    Eat mindfully; put the phones          use plastic items like straws,
y Porridge with chia seeds          away and turn off the television,      cutlery and beverage
y Boiled eggs with cooked           and enjoy the meal. Mindful            stirrers and will expand to
  spinach.                          eating can prevent you from            include other items such as
                                    overeating.                            polystyrene cups, bowls and
                                    Creative Colouring Time                plates in early 2022.
Instead of a large meal at
lunchtime, try eating a smaller     Quiet time away from the blue          Exemptions allow for the
lunch with an afternoon snack.      light of screens will help you to      sale, supply and distribution
Including healthy unsaturated       get a better night’s sleep. Read a     of single-use plastic straws
fats and whole grains can also      book, fill in a colouring book, or     for people with a disability or
give the body sustained energy.     listen to music.                       health needs (this includes
                                                                           aged care).
Plan your Exercise                  Take care,
                                                                           South Australia is the first
Scheduling regular physical                                                state in the nation to pass
activity means that it will                                                legislation to ban the sale,
become a normal part of your        Justin Burgess                         supply and distribution of
day. Exercising boosts energy            Manager, Work                     single-use plastic products.
and improves sleep quality.              Health Safety &
                                    Injury Management

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         13                                                                       May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                              Staff Link

Workforce Development
Defining and supporting career
pathways within Resthaven has
had additional focus since July
2020, with the appointment of
a Career Pathway Lead, Hannah
Acknowledging the continuing
demand for attracting, recruiting
and retaining a workforce in aged
care, this role works closely with
recruitment to find opportunities
to support new demographics
into the industry, and support the
pipeline into critical roles through
the development of existing staff.
                                       If you have completed this           This is especially helpful for staff
Currently, 37 Resthaven staff are      training face-to-face in the last    who work in regional areas,
on a training contract, including      12 months, you may not be            where support for people with
Home Support Workers, Personal         required to complete it online       Parkinson’s Disease and their
Care Workers and Community             – if in doubt, check with your       carers in the community are
Services Coordinators.                 Manager.                             limited.
                                       Residential and Community            Throughout April, Julie facilitated
Staff News
                                       staff are required to complete       sessions for clients and their
We sadly farewell Clinical Nurse       additional emergency response,       carers at Resthaven Limestone
Workforce Development - Student        manual handling and donning          Coast Community Services. She
Facilitator, Kerry Billing, from the   and doffing practical training       also presented further sessions
Workforce Development team.            delivered at site by the Workforce   at Resthaven Paradise, with very
Kerry has been a passionate            Development team.                    positive feedback received.
facilitator of the Flinders Uni        If you have any questions or
Nursing students. Some of our                                               Leadership Training
                                       concerns, please speak with your
longer term staff would have           Manager.                             As a Platinum member of the
seen Kerry in a Clinical Educator                                           Australian College of Nursing,
capacity, or even a Registered         Parkinson’s Education                Resthaven received ten
Nurse on the floor! I have no                                               educational places, valued at
                                       Over the past few months,
doubt that she will thrive in her                                           $11,000, for staff to complete
                                       Clinical Nurse Workforce
new role in a lecturing capacity.                                           a series of online education
                                       Development, Julie Tansing, has
We wish Kerry all the best.                                                 modules called the Leadership
                                       conducted several education
                                                                            Masterclass Series.
                                       sessions for staff and residents
Training Update
                                       alike about Parkinson’s Disease.     These were allocated to staff
I’m happy to advise that                                                    across Resthaven residential and
                                       Julie is pictured (above) in
Resthaven’s annual theory                                                   community services, and the
                                       February conducting zoom
training is now accessible via                                              participants are
                                       sessions for staff teams from
RestLearn, for those who will be                                            all progressing
                                       both community and residential
completing the program online.                                              well with their
                                       services, along with a group of
The recommended internet                                                    modules.
                                       residents at Resthaven Paradise.
browsers are Chrome, Edge
                                       April is Parkinson’s Month,
and Firefox (note: the settings                                               Tom Cleghorn
                                       and Julie prepared Resthaven
in Internet Explorer are not                                                Manager, Workforce
                                       staff teams with information
compatible).                                                                     Development
                                       surrounding the disease.

 Volume 30   Issue 2
                         14                                                                            May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                            Staff Link

Public Relations
2021 Resthaven Television
On 4 April 2021, Resthaven’s new,
highly anticipated television
commercial was released to the
world, and on our television
The process was an incredibly
rewarding experience for all
involved, and a lot of hard work
and weeks of preparation being
brought to fruition.
This commercial showcases the
heart and soul of Resthaven
while promoting the multitude
of services that we provide.
We knew our staff would best        We are thrilled with the outcome
represent us on the screen – and    of the 2021 Resthaven television
that is exactly what they did.      commercial, and to be able
                                    to share what we have been
On 1 March, we sent out an
                                    working on with all of you. You
internal talent call, encouraging
                                    can view it on the home page of
those who know Resthaven best
                                    the website any time. Enjoy!
to represent our organisation.
                                    It is with your passion for what
We received 50 responses
                                    we do here that has made all this
from across Resthaven, and it
                                    possible and worthwhile – so we
was fantastic to see so much
                                    thank you.
enthusiasm. We would like
to thank all 50 staff members       Listen to the radio and look out
who applied to be a part of this    for our new print advertising that
project.                            complements the new campaign.
                                    Watch out for our forthcoming
Of those applicants who were
                                    photo shoots for more photos of
shortlisted, we thank you for
                                    our community!
your shared excitement and
cooperation, in what was an
interesting process.
The shortlisted applicants
were invited to audition to
the advertising agency. Those
selected saw themselves diving       Julie Johinke
head-first into the filming world     Manager, Public
on 22 March.
                                    Pictured (from top): Michelle O’Dea (Home
Filming day involved a lot of       Support Worker, Resthaven Northern
back and forth, retaking the        Community Services); Bindia Arora (Personal
same scene until it was perfect,    Care Assistant, Resthaven Leabrook) and
                                    Julie Johinke (Public Relations Manager);
running around to different         Darren Birbeck (CEO) and Bola Abu
locations, and enduring the heat.   (Home Support Worker, Resthaven Marion
                                    Community Services); Darren and Bindiya
                                    Maka (Registered Nurse, Resthaven Paradise
                                    & Eastern Community Services).

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         15                                                       May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                         Staff Link

Staff Diversity Training
As part of Resthaven’s Diversity
Action Plan, ‘diversity groups’
training has been provided
to various residential and
community services staff. The
training sessions cover the topic
of ‘diversity’ in its broadest sense
– not just categories such as
ethnicity or cultural diversity.
Rather, the course outlines
diversity in aged care, the
different diversity groups, how
people of diverse background
may have been impacted by their        Above: Staff celebrate Nepali New Year at Resthaven Mitcham.
lived experiences, and how this
influences their access to aged        Harmony Week                                    Upcoming Cultural Events
care services.                         For this year’s Harmony Week                    y Orthodox Holy Saturday
As time of writing, 34% of             (15-21 March), Resthaven                          (1 May)
Resthaven sites have booked            developed a special Harmony                     y Mother’s Day (9 May)
in this training. Contact me to        Week poster for sites, and an
                                                                                       y Eid al Fitr (end of Ramadan)
arrange this session for your site.    appreciation card for all staff and
                                                                                         (12 May)
It’s not too late!                     volunteers to acknowledge their
                                       part in making our organisation                 y International Day Against
‘The Little Things’ Project            an inclusive workplace. See                       Homophobia, Biphobia,
                                       photos opposite page.                             Intersexism and Transphobia
The Resthaven Internal Research                                                          (IDAHOBIT) (17 May)
Project, ‘Communication Matters
                                       Nepali New Year                                 y Buddha Day (19 May)
– Intercultural communication
skills training’, commenced in         On 14 April, residents and                      y Pentecost (23 May)
January 2021, and will run until       staff at Resthaven Mitcham                      y National Sorry Day (26 May)
the end of June. Resthaven             celebrated Nepali New Year                      y National Reconciliation Week
Leabrook was the pilot site            in style. Resthaven Mitcham                       (27 May – 3 Jun)
for this project, with residents’      Lifestyle Coordinator, Sylvia
                                                                                       y Refugee Week (20-26 June)
experiences and feedback               Ortiz, organised for the Hall to be
                                       decked out in all things Nepali,                y Coming of the Light (1 July)
informing the training.
                                       taking residents on a cultural ride             y International Tartan Day
The aim of this project is to                                                            (1 July)
                                       (without the travel!).
support direct care staff to better
                                       Residents delved into all things                y NAIDOC Week (4-11 July)
connect with consumers through
the use of language. Part of this      Nepali, such as the history                     For more information about
project is the use of ‘The Little      of Nepali New Year, and the                     these events, visit the Significant
Things’ training kit, developed by     traditions surrounding it. Nepali               Days & Events calendar 2021 on
Meaningful Ageing Australia.           staff donned traditional dress                  RestNet, under the Multicultural
                                       and performed a dance that                      Services &
The training sessions are highly
                                       is specific to Nepali New Year                  Diversity portal.
interactive, involving discussion
                                       (pictured above).
and activities. These include
a combination of sharing               To top off celebrations, the
experiences and perspectives.          kitchen team provided a                        Priscilla de Pree
The first training sessions were       delicious Nepali afternoon tea                       Project Officer,
held in March, with follow up          for residents to enjoy. Well done,                 Multicultural and
training planned for May.              everyone!                                                   Diversity

Volume 30    Issue 2
                         16                                                                                      May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                Staff Link

Harmony Week 2021
From 15-21 March, we celebrated
                                   Resthaven Craigmore
Harmony Week. In previous                                  Did you
years, Harmony Day was held                                know...?
on 23 March. Harmony events
aim to promote diversity and                               Since 1999, more
acceptance of other cultures.                              than 80,000
Pictured this page are just some                           Harmony Day
of the many events held across                             events have been
many Resthaven sites.                                      held in childcare
                                                           centres, schools,
Resthaven Malvern                                          community
                                                           groups, churches,
                                   Resthaven Head Office
                                                           and federal,
                                                           state and local
                                                           agencies across

Resthaven Leabrook

Volume 30   Issue 2
                         17                                           May 2021
Resthaven Incorporated                                                                                Staff Link

Volunteer Services                                                             Volunteer with
                                           Great ‘Bee-ing’ Together!           Resthaven!
                                                                               People can apply to
                                                                               volunteer with Resthaven
                                                                               through our website:

                                                                               Or, pass on their details to us.
                                                                               Email volunteer@resthaven.
Volunteer celebrations are             bus trip in April (pictured right),, or phone 8373 9036.
back! Events will be held across       along with Resthaven Malvern,
Resthaven locations throughout         Bellevue Heights, and Craigmore.
May 2021. Sadly, we were not able      We sincerely thank the volunteer
to bee together last year, which is    bus driving team.
why the theme of our 2021 events
                                       We are keen to engage more
is: ‘Great “bee-ing” together again!
                                       volunteers across Resthaven.
Let’s make a buzz this year            Join us in spreading the word...
with our celebration events for        Keep an eye out for volunteer
Resthaven volunteers                   promotions and inspiring stories.
‘bee-ing’ inspiring, kind and
                                       One of these is of Resthaven
unique people.
                                       Murray Bridge
We are delighted that bus trips        volunteer, Jan
have recommenced, after being          Menz (below).
put on hold during the past year       Enjoy!
due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
After trials at Resthaven                   Thompson
Malvern and Leabrook in March,                  Manager,
Resthaven Mitcham enjoyed a             Volunteer Services

 Volunteers in Top Form at the Winning Post
 Volunteers engage and connect with people living at Resthaven in such
 varied and interesting ways. Resthaven Murray Bridge volunteer, Jan
 Menz, is one such person.
 Jan and resident, Mr Robert Lynch (right), talk all things horse racing.
 Robert has three grandsons in the racing industry, two of whom are
 jockeys and one a trainer. Before each visit with Robert, Jan follows up
 on their racing form and provides this information to Robert, who is a
 person with vision impairment.
 Together, Jan and Robert are also involved in the footy tipping competition and maintaining Robert’s
 pinboard with the football results, for all residents to follow.
 ‘Robert is our longest residing resident on-site, and at the age of 96, we have never seen him happier!’,
 says Lifestyle Coordinator, Soraya Fitzgerald. This match is a photo finish!
 Jan also supports and arranges activities at Resthaven Murray Bridge, including the ‘500’ card game with
 three residents who enjoy playing together.
 As you can see, Jan makes a real difference in the lives of people living at Resthaven Murray Bridge.

Volume 30   Issue 2
                        18                                                                               May 2021
You can also read