From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

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RESEARCH                                                ORIGINAL ARTICLE                                                                171

Dominik Groß

From SS-Obersturmbannführer to
dentist president: The astonishing
career of Gerhardt Steinhardt*

                                                         Introduction: Until 2022, Gerhardt Steinhardt has been the only university
                                                         lecturer to be elected both President of the DGZMK and the DGMKG. At the
                                                         same time, he is the only DGZMK president with an SS membership in the
                                                         Third Reich. This paper looks at Steinhart’s life and work, and in particular
                                                         clarifies how these seemingly irreconcilable findings fit together.

                                                         Material and methods: The central basis of the study are primary sources
                                                         from the Schleswig-Holstein State Archives and various file collections from
                                                         the Federal Archives in Berlin. In addition, a critical reanalysis of secondary
                                                         literature by and about Steinhardt was carried out, with special reference to a
                                                         dissertation on the life and work of Gerhard Steinhardt published in 2004.

                                                         Results: Steinhardt was one of the leading professors in the Federal Republic
                                                         of Germany, especially with his contributions to the physiology and pathol-
                                                         ogy of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and his clinical expertise as a
                                                         maxillofacial surgeon. He was also regarded as an assertive professional politi-
                                                         cian. During the Third Reich, he joined the NSDAP (National Socialist German
                                                         Workers’ Party), the SS (Schutzstaffel) and other Nazi organisations, resigned
                                                         from the church in accordance with Nazi ideology and took on various politi-
                                                         cal tasks. After 1945 he was enacted for political reasons but managed a return
                                                         to the university in the 1950s.

                                                         Discussion and conclusion: Steinhardt was extraordinarily well connected
                                                         both during the Nazi era and in the Federal Republic. He also impressed with
                                                         his broad education and professional versatility. Politically, he showed himself
                                                         to be strongly adapted in both systems. In the Third Reich he appeared as a
                                                         convinced National Socialist and used his political network to establish a ca-
                                                         reer. After 1945 he tried to construct a distance to Nazi ideology through a
                                                         series of deliberately false statements. In the end, he was able not only to con-
                                                         tinue his university career, but even to expand it considerably. He also achiev-
                                                         ed high social honors.

                                                         * In 2022, the DGZMK Board unanimously passed a resolution to posthum-
                                                         ously revoke the honours awarded to Gerhard Steinhardt (Honorary Fellow-
                                                         ship, Golden Badge of honour) due to his political entanglement in the Third

                                                         Keywords: maxillofacial surgery; National Socialism; SS (Schutzstaffel); tem-
                                                         poromandibular joint; Würzburg

PRWTH Aachen University, Medical School, Aachen: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dominik Groß
Citation: Groß D: From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z Int 2021; 4: 171–181
Peer-reviewed article: submitted: 12.01.2021, revised version accepted: 09.04.2021

                                                                   © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2022; 4 (5)
172   From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

      Introduction                                                  mentioned biography was carried
      Gerhardt Steinhardt’s career offers                           out. The same applies to the
      two striking features: On the one                             laudations and necrologies published
      hand, he was the only university lec-                         by and about Steinhardt.
      turer until 2022 to be elected both
      president of the “Deutsche Gesell-                            Results and Discussion
      schaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kiefer-
      heilkunde” (German Society for Den-                           1. Gerhard Steinhardt: Central

                                                                                                                                                               Courtesy of “Deutscher Ärzteverlag”.
      tal and Oral Medicine, DGZMK)                                    stations in his life
      (1965–1969) and president of the                              Gerhard Friedrich August Wilhelm
      “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mund-,                             Steinhardt (Fig. 1; [9]) was born on
      Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie” (Ger-                          May 24, 1904 in Damerkow in Po-
      man Society for Oral and Maxillofa-                           merania [7, 12, 14–16, 33, 36–41, 46,
      cial Surgery, DGKG, today: DGMKG)                             47, 50, 52, 76, 77]. He was the son of
      (1969–1971), which clearly shows his                          the farmer and farm owner [4] Wil-
      broad professional recognition in                             helm Friedrich Steinhardt and his
      dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.                          wife Berta Pauline Ernestine, née                Figure 1 Portrait of Gerhard Steinhardt
      On the other hand, he is the only                             Hapke, and had three younger sib-                [9]
      DGZMK president with SS member-                               lings [12].
      ship and extensive contacts with in-                              Gerhard Steinhardt graduated
      fluential Nazi officials..                                    from the Realgymnasium Belgard
          This paper deals with Steinhardt’s                        (today Białogard, Poland) in 1923. In            pleted     his   medical      doctorate
      life and work. In a first step, Stein-                        the same year he enrolled in Heidel-             (Dr. med.). This second dissertation,
      hardt’s academic and political work                           berg to study chemistry but changed              “Über besondere Zellen in den al-
      will be analysed and classified. Then                         to dentistry after two semesters at the          ternden Mundspeicheldrüsen (Onko-
      it will be clarified how Steinhardt was                       same university. Here he passed the              cyten)” (On special cells in the ageing
      able to achieve such success despite                          dental examination in November                   oral salivary glands [oncocytes]), was
      the aforementioned political burden.                          1927. At that time, the Heidelberg               again a pathological study. It was
      In this context, it is also necessary to                      Dental Institute was headed by Georg             supervised by Siegmund and sub-
      look at the only biography of Stein-                          Blessing (1882–1941) [13]; the other             mitted in Heidelberg [54]. The start-
      hardt to date. In 2004, Wencke                                authoritative teachers were the titular          ing point of Steinhardt’s study were
      Fischer wrote a dissertation on his life                      professor      Gerhard     Weißenfels            the “oncocytes” described by Herwig
      and work and explains Steinhardt’s                            (1890–1952) [13] and Elsbeth von                 Hamperl (1899–1976) in 1931, which
      loyalty to the regime under National                          Schnizer [13, 28], who habilitated               made Hamperl famous within a very
      Socialism with the statement:                                 under Blessing in those years.                   short time [32].
      “People in high and important posi-                               Steinhardt took up an assistant                  After his second doctorate, Stein-
      tions, like Prof. Dr. Dr. Steinhardt,                         position with Blessing after his                 hardt worked for another year as an
      had no other option than to join the                          studies. In 1928 he received his doc-            assistant at the Stuttgart Institute of
      NSDAP and SS” [12].                                           torate (Dr. med. dent.) with the thesis          Pathology: there he now devoted
          But is this assertion accurate? And                       “Zur Pathogenese der zirkulären                  himself to his habilitation project –
      how did Steinhardt himself see and                            Karies am Milchgebiß” (On the pa-                namely “Untersuchungen über die
      outline his role in National Social-                          thogenesis of circular caries in the             Beanspruchung der Kiefergelenke
      ism? These questions are discussed in                         milk dentition) [53]. His doctoral               und ihre geweblichen Folgen”
      detail in this article. Accordingly, a                        supervisor was the Heidelberg pathol-            (Studies on the strain on the tempo-
      strong focus is placed on Steinhardt’s                        ogist Siegfried Gräff (1887–1966) [12].          romandibular joints and their con-
      political stance in the Third Reich                           At that time Steinhardt studied medi-            sequences for the tissue) [55]. From
      and on his denazification procedure.                          cine – parallel to his part-time work            1933 he was also an assistant at the
                                                                    in the Heidelberg prosthodontics de-             Dental Institute of the University of
      Material and methods                                          partment. In 1931 he passed the                  Cologne       under    Karl     Zilkens
      The study is based on a variety of pri-                       medical examination in Heidelberg.               (1876–1967) [13], where he soon be-
      mary sources from the Schleswig-Hol-                          He completed the mandatory prac-                 came head of the prosthetic depart-
      stein State Archives, the Federal                             tical year at the Medical Clinic of the          ment.
      Archives in Berlin and the Cologne                            University of Heidelberg with Ri-                    In September 1933, Steinhardt
      University Archives. In addition,                             chard Siebeck (1883–1965) [12] and               married the factory owner’s daughter
      Steinhardt’s publications were evalu-                         at the Pathological Institute of the             Elisabetha Gutermann. Their only
      ated – with special attention to his                          Katharinenhospital Stuttgart with the            child together, a daughter, was born
      writings during the Third Reich.                              oral pathologist Herbert Siegmund                in 1934 [12].
          Furthermore, a critical analysis of                       (1892–1954) [43, 51]. In June 1932 he                The next career step followed in
      the secondary literature on Stein-                            received his licence to practise medi-           the same year: in November 1934 he
      hardt’s places of work and the afore-                         cine and in December 1932 he com-                submitted the above-mentioned ha-

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From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt                                                                 173

bilitation thesis in Cologne [55], with                                                                        NSDAP
                                             Term of office                        Name                                                  Life data
Zilkens and the pathologist Ernst Leu-                                                                       Membership
pold (1884–1961) [43] acting as re-
viewers. The formal route via the Co-          1906–1926                      Otto Walkhoff                          +                  1860–1934
logne medical faculty and via Karl
Zilkens was necessary because the Ka-          1926–1928                 Wilhelm Herrenknecht                        +                  1865–1941
tharinenhospital in Stuttgart did not
have university status and therefore        1928–45, 1949–54                  Hermann Euler                          +                  1878–1961
had no habilitation rights. Steinhardt
was able to complete the procedure in          1954–1957                      Hermann Wolf                           +                  1889–1978
July 1935 and was appointed Privat-
dozent. During that period, there was          1957–1965                       Ewald Harndt                          +                  1901–1996
a change of head in Cologne dentis-
try: Zilkens – a member of the Cath-           1965–1969                 Gerhard Steinhardt                          +                 1904–1995
olic “Deutsche Zentrumspartei” (Ger-
man Centre Party) – was considered             1969–1971                      Eugen Fröhlich                         +                  1910–1971
politically suspect by the Nazis; he
had already been dismissed in 1934             1972–1977                      Rudolf Naujoks                          –                 1919–2004
and was officially forced to resign in
1936. Steinhardt, however, remained            1977–1981                      Werner Ketterl                         +                  1925–2010
unaffected by this measure: in 1935,
he was able to move to the Surgical       Table 1 The presidents of the CVDZ (from 1933: DGZMK) who experienced the Third
University Clinic in the Bürgerspital     Reich as adults and their party-political orientation
in Cologne as an assistant to Hans
von Haberer (1875–1958) [43], where
he expanded his general surgical
knowledge; he worked there until          Berlin and arrived in Satrup near                         versity of Würzburg, succeeding Karl
February 1937 [12].                       Flensburg. There he worked as a self-                     Peter (1896–1959), who was seriously
    In March 1937 Steinhart took up       employed dentist from August 1945                         ill. After Peter’s death in 1959, he was
a visiting professorship at the State     to December 1949, with his wife act-                      appointed tenured associate professor
Dental School in Tokyo. For three         ing as a “dental assistant” [12].                         there [12, 42, 44].
years he lectured there on oral pa-       However, he was temporarily de-                                At the beginning of 1961, Stein-
thology and worked as an assistant at     tained in Neuengamme near Ham-                            hardt then took the opportunity of
the surgical department [4]. In No-       burg from December 1945 to Feb-                           another guest professorship – this
vember 1939, while still in Tokyo, he     ruary 1947 [48].                                          time at the Medical Faculty of the
was appointed associate professor in          In 1950 Steinhardt obtained a lec-                    University of Alexandria in Egypt,
Cologne. After his return to the Ger-     tureship at the University of Kiel: his                   where he worked as a lecturer and
man Reich in May 1940, he then            former colleague Heinrich Hammer                          surgeon for several months.
took up a position as senior phy-         had in the meantime become direc-                              Once again, the return from
sician at the University Clinic of        tor of the Kiel Dental Institute and                      abroad was followed by a promotion:
Maxillofacial Surgery in Berlin. This     was able to arrange that (minor)                          in March 1962, Steinhardt was able
clinic, directed by Otto Hofer            teaching position for him [12].                           to take up a full professorship at Er-
(1892–1972) [40, 62], was considered          With effect from April 1, 1952,                       langen University; at the same time,
leading in the German Reich. There        Steinhardt was appointed head of the                      he was appointed Director of the
Steinhardt also got to know the se-       newly founded jaw clinic of the                           Clinic and Polyclinic for Dental Dis-
nior physicians Heinrich Hammer           (non-university) “Städtische Kran-                        eases there. Steinhardt had thus
(1891–1972) [13] and Ewald Harndt         kenanstalten Bremen” (Bremen Mu-                          climbed the last rung on the career
(1901–1996) [13, 18, 66]. Steinhardt’s    nicipal Hospitals). There he soon                         ladder as a university lecturer. From
time in Berlin also saw an important      gained professional recognition, es-                      the winter semester of 1969/70 to the
private change: after his first mar-      pecially in the field of therapy of                       summer semester of 1972, he also
riage had been divorced in July 1942,     temporomandibular joint disorders                         acted as provisional head of the De-
he married the dentist Annemarie Jä-      [12]. In July 1956 he obtained a civil                    partment of Orthodontics in Er-
nicke (*1915) in August 1942. Jänicke     servant position there and was pro-                       langen [12].
had been acting as ward physician in      moted to department director. Never-                           Steinhardt      formally   became
the surgical department headed by         theless, he retained his lectureship in                   emeritus professor on September 30,
Hofer since March 1941 [5]. Three         Kiel.                                                     1972, but remained provisional direc-
children were born of this second             In 1957, the next step in his ca-                     tor until October 1, 1973. He then
marriage [12].                            reer followed: Steinhardt was ap-                         moved with his wife to Feldafing on
    Steinhardt was dismissed from         pointed (non-tenured) associate pro-                      Lake Starnberg. During this period,
university service in 1945. He left       fessor and clinic director at the Uni-                    he suffered from the late effects of a

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174   From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

      self-experiment: as a young re-
      searcher he had infused a colloidal
      solution of the then new X-ray
      contrast medium Thorotrast into the
      ductal system of his parotid gland
      [12, 71]. The agent had the desired ef-
      fect, but later nodules formed in the
      tissue and the cells eventually degen-
      erated. Thus, a parotidectomy had to
      be performed, which resulted in pe-
      ripheral facial paresis.
          Steinhardt died on June 18, 1995
      in Feldafing and was buried in the
      local mountain cemetery (section A,
      grave no. 16). His widow sub-
      sequently moved to Rottach-Egern
      (Rupertihof) [12].

      2. Steinhardt’s scientific and
         professional status in
         German dentistry
      Steinhardt’s career was impressive: al-
      ready at a young age he had gained
      experience abroad and held leading
      positions in both prosthodontics and
      oral surgery. He had acquired pro-
      found expertise in pathology and was
      also trained in internal medicine and
      general surgery. He was able to pub-
      lish basic studies (in the field of tem-
      poromandibular joint disorders), but
      was also considered an accomplished
      clinician. In addition, he had a track
      record in university and professional
      politics: He was Dean of the Erlangen
      Medical Faculty in 1965/1966 and                              Figure 2 Document concerning Gerhard Steinhardt’s SS membership (1942) [6].
      was also, until 2022, the only univer-
      sity lecturer to chair both the
      DGZMK and the DGKG (today:
      DGMKG) [10, 12, 16, 33].                                      mann (1898–1985) [13] was also part              orthodontics [20], also paid tribute to
          It was precisely the professional                         of Steinhardt’s early network: he met            Steinhardt’s studies on the tempo-
      versatility described above that was                          him around 1932 at the Katharinen-               romandibular joint [35]. Even de-
      appreciated     by     contemporaries.                        hospital in Stuttgart. Together they             cades later, Steinhardt showed his
      Erwin Reichenbach (1897–1973) [19]                            investigated the connections “be-                commitment to this field: in 1989, in
      and Eugen Fröhlich (1910–1971) [30]                           tween occlusion and temporoman-                  collaboration with Albert Gerber
      emphasised: “The range of his train-                          dibular joints”. Both later also                 (1907–1990), he wrote a textbook en-
      ing is unusually wide. Apart from                             worked together in the field of focal            titled “Kiefergelenkstörungen – Diag-
      working as an assistant in prostho-                           infection [49].                                  nostik und Therapie” (Temporoman-
      dontics and surgery at the specialist                             The early studies on the tempo-              dibular joint disorders – diagnostics
      dental clinics in Heidelberg and Co-                          romandibular joint conducted with                and therapy) [72].
      logne [… ] we find him [… ] as an as-                         Siegmund are still considered Stein-                  As clinic director in Erlangen,
      sistant physician at the internal clinic                      hardt’s most important contributions             Steinhardt then established a “De-
      in Heidelberg, the surgical clinic in                         and it was no coincidence that one of            partment for Functional Dentition
      Cologne and at the pathological in-                           the research papers from this period             Analysis” – the first institution of its
      stitute of the Katharinenhospital in                          was awarded a prize by the Adolf Wit-            kind in the German-speaking world;
      Stuttgart, where Siegmund was in-                             zel Foundation in 1934 [56]. Ewald               Oskar Bock (1915–1979) became
      strumental in determining his later                           Harndt     particularly   highlighted            head of the department in 1964.
      main direction of work” [50]. Indeed,                         Steinhardt’s habilitation thesis on                   Steinhardt’s scientific focus [76]
      Siegmund laid the foundation for                              this    topic    [37].   Karl   Häupl            also included salivary gland research
      Steinhardt’s career. Konrad Thiele-                           (1893–1960), international pioneer of            [57, 64, 71], the management of

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From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt                                                                   175

mandibular and temporomandibular            powerful protagonists of the disci-                       tian churches for ideological reasons
joint fractures [68, 70, 74], tumour        pline. He stated in his memoirs that                      and was therefore regarded as a sign
therapy [67, 69, 71], the therapy of        Steinhardt had “done everything” to                       of particular closeness to National So-
bite anomalies and jaw malpositions         become DGZMK president in 1965                            cialism. Steinhardt had left the Prot-
[60, 61, 73], prosthetic treatment of       and to prevail against the opposing                       estant Church in 1935 [5, 6]. Stein-
the gap dentition or the role of the        candidate Ulrich Rheinwald [11].                          hardt’s second wife Annemarie Jä-
temporomandibular joints in pros-               The fact that Steinhardt was                          nicke was not a party member, but
thetic planning [59, 63, 65] and focal      highly respected and well networked                       also classified herself as “gottgläu-
infection [58]. No scientific, but clini-   among his colleagues becomes clear                        big” [5].
cal fields of work were root tip resec-     from the large number of offices,                              Whether Steinhardt was con-
tion and the therapy of cleft lip and       awards and honours he received [10,                       vinced of the Nazi ideology or acted
palate.                                     12, 78]: In addition to the two presi-                    opportunistically is difficult to assess
    Steinhardt was not a “prolific          dencies in the DGZMK and the                              retrospectively. What is certain is that
writer”. In terms of quantity, his          DGKG (DGMKG) mentioned above                              he supported the Nazi regime with
œuvre of around 90 publications re-         and the office of dean, he served as                      his various memberships and by leav-
mained significantly behind that of         press officer of the then DGKG as                         ing the church. His stay in Tokyo
other DGZMK presidents. Werner              early as the 1950s. In 1960 he was ap-                    from May 1937 to May 1939 must
Ketterl, for example, published well        pointed honorary member of the Ita-                       also be placed in this context: In the
over 300 papers [31], Hermann               lian Dental Society. In 1970 and 1971                     Third Reich, research stays in the
Euler over 240 [25, 34] and Her-            he served as conference president of                      partner country Japan [45] were al-
mann Wolf [29] wrote more than              the DGMKG. In May 1973 he was ap-                         ways carried out in close coordination
180 publications.                           pointed honorary member of the                            with political decision-makers. Only
    Notwithstanding the basic re-           Swiss Dental Society and in the same                      representatives loyal to the regime
search-oriented contributions to TMJ,       year he received the Badge of Honour                      were considered for exchange with
Steinhardt was considered a good            of the “Deutsche Zahnärzteschaft”                         Japan. This was also evident in the
clinician and surgeon [15]. Stein-          (German Dental Association). In                           Steinhardt case. For example, the files
hardt’s student Ferdinand Sitzmann          1974 he was awarded the Golden                            of the Federal Archives contain the
(*1939) noted: “He was able to single-      Badge of Honour of the DGZMK, in                          minutes of a meeting that took place
handedly translate scientific preten-       1977 he became an honorary                                on September 3, 1936 between the
sion with technical operative skill         member of the DGZMK and in 1980                           Japanese host and rector of the Tokyo
into practice [… ] He [… ] was able to      an honorary member of the DGMKG                           university, Professor Thol Shmanine,
make the right decision at the right        on the occasion of the 30th annual                        the dental “Reichsdozentenführer”
moment. Through his performance             conference in Zurich. The “Arbeitsge-                     Karl Pieper (1886–1951) [23] and the
and example, he was a natural, self-        meinschaft     für     Funktionslehre”                    “Reichszahnärzteführer” Ernst Stuck
evident authority” [52].                    (Working Group for Functional The-                        [24]. It was decided that Hermann
    Steinhardt, who continued to            ory, DGFDT) also appointed him as                         Groß (1899–1979), who was in Tokyo
play golf into old age [52], was re-        its honorary member.                                      at the time, would return to Germany
garded by his colleagues as sociable                                                                  in the spring of 1937 and that Stein-
and eager to debate. Harndt noted:          3. Gerhardt Steinhardt and                                hardt would take his place [4]. Groß –
“Steinhardt prefers ‘uncomfortable’            National Socialism                                     also an avowed National Socialist –
colleagues; he loves sharp, objective       Steinhardt joined the NSDAP shortly                       was to leave early to replace Zilkens,
discussion [… ]” [37]. Sitzmann also        after the Reichstag elections of                          who had been forced to resign, as
confirmed this characteristic: “He          March 3, 1933 (admission May 1,                           head of the Dental Clinic of the Uni-
loved sharp, factual discussions [… ].      1933; membership no. 2,117,571)                           versity of Cologne [13]. Only one day
Tolerance towards dissenters was an         and also decided to join the SS as                        after the meeting, Pieper then offi-
important maxim” [52].                      early as summer 1933 (admission Au-                       cially proposed Steinhardt as Groß’s
    Steinhardt’s trainees found in          gust 1, 1933; no. 118,465). He also                       successor to the head of the NS-Do-
him a committed mentor, which               became a member of the “NS-Ärzte-                         zentenbund – Hermann Hiltner –
Martin Herrmann (1895–1976) [13]            bund” (Nazi Medical Association).                         pointing out that Steinhardt had
also emphasised in a laudation [38].        Furthermore, he joined the “NS-                           been an NSDAP member since 1933
In addition to the aforementioned           Volkswohlfahrt” (Nazi People’s Wel-                       and was thus politically reliable and
Ferdinand Sitzmann, his academic            fare) and the “NS-Dozentenbund”                           that there were no other noteworthy
students included Manfred Straßburg         (Nazi Lecturers’ Association) (admis-                     candidates [4].
(1930–2014) and Hans-Dietrich Mie-          sion January 1, 1940) [1, 4, 6].                               Before Steinhardt left for Japan,
rau (1930–2019).                                In the archive files Steinhart re-                    he was “honorably discharged” from
    A critical undertone, on the other      peatedly    describes    himself   as                     the SS; his reinstatement was envis-
hand, can be found in Carl-Heinz            “gottgläubig” (God-believing). This                       aged for the time of his return. In the
Fischer (1909–1997) [34], who as Rec-       term had been introduced by the                           first year of his stay in Tokyo, how-
tor of the University of Düsseldorf         Nazis for those believers who had re-                     ever, Steinhardt then received in-
(1970–1972) was also one of the             nounced the institutionalised Chris-                      formation that “former members of

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176   From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

                                                                                                                     adapt his uniform in Tokyo to the
                                                                                                                     new SS grade. Therefore, on June 9,
                                                                                                                     1939, he requested the “sending of
                                                                                                                     the [matching] sleeve stripes as well
                                                                                                                     as the collar insignia” for a fee, in
                                                                                                                     order to be able to wear the uniform
                                                                                                                     in a correctly adapted form at meet-
                                                                                                                     ings of the NSDAP local group Tokyo-
                                                                                                                     Yokohama [6]. Steinhardt had joined
                                                                                                                     the aforementioned local group in
                                                                                                                     Tokyo and functioned there as a
                                                                                                                     “Blockleiter” (block leader); this
                                                                                                                     emerges from a letter dated Novem-
                                                                                                                     ber 5, 1939 [4].
                                                                                                                         Steinhardt was in regular cor-
                                                                                                                     respondence with Reichsdozenten-
                                                                                                                     führer Pieper during his stay in
                                                                                                                     Japan. He made no secret of his atti-
                                                                                                                     tude to Nazi politics. On December 1,
                                                                                                                     1939, for example, he wrote to
                                                                                                                     Pieper: “We have followed the victory
                                                                                                                     of our armies in Poland with enthusi-
                                                                                                                     asm. Now our eyes turn to our brave
                                                                                                                     navy, which we all hope will con-
                                                                                                                     tinue to deal such considerable blows
                                                                                                                     to the British fleet in conjunction
                                                                                                                     with the Luftwaffe that proud Eng-
                                                                                                                     land will soon fall to its knees [… ].
                                                                                                                     For Führer and people may it bring
                                                                                                                     victory over presumptuous England
                                                                                                                     and her mean methods of war leaders
                                                                                                                     and propaganda. With heartfelt
                                                                                                                     greetings and Heil Hitler!” [3].
                                                                                                                         At the end of April 1940, Stein-
                                                                                                                     hardt began his return journey to
                                                                                                                     Germany. Already in 1939, it had
                                                                                                                     been explored in the German Reich
      Figure 3 Denazification notice for Gerhard Steinhardt dated July 22, 1947 [48].                                how and where Steinhardt could con-
                                                                                                                     tinue to be employed after his return.
                                                                                                                     Karl       Friedrich      Schmidhuber
                                                                                                                     (1895–1967) [27] – director of the Hei-
      the SS who are abroad can remain in                           tended by one year. This success                 delberg Dental Clinic, leader of NS-
      the SS on application for the du-                             message was sent to Steinhardt by                Dozentenbund in Heidelberg and also
      ration of their stay abroad”. Stein-                          Pieper by telegraph after Otto Koell-            a member of the SS – announced as
      hardt took this information as an op-                         reutter (1883–1972) had given Stein-             early as 1939 that he would make a
      portunity to proactively apply for in-                        hardt a positive report. This in-                position available for Steinhardt at his
      stant reinstatement in the SS. The                            formation is found in a correspon-               institution [75]. At the same time,
      local group leader in charge sup-                             dence between Pieper and Steinhardt              however, there were efforts to get him
      ported Steinhardt’s application. On                           dated 4 May 1939 [4]. Koellreutter, a            into position as a lecturer at the Char-
      October 27, 1938 Steinhardt received                          professor of law, was, like Pieper, a            ité. This proposal came from none
      the message that his application had                          convinced National Socialist. He had             other     than     Max     de     Crinis
      been granted: “You are reinstated in                          already come to prominence in 1934               (1889–1945), prominent ministerial
      the Schutzstaffel with effect from                            as the author of “Der deutsche                   advisor for medical matters in the Ber-
      September, 20” [6].                                           Führerstaat” (The German Führer                  lin Ministry of Science and full profes-
          Steinhardt’s demonstrative zeal                           State) [43]. Koellreutter was in Japan           sor of neurology at the Charité [43]. It
      had an effect: only a few months                              during those years and had appar-                was explicitly supported by Pieper.
      later – on January 30, 1939 – he was                          ently got to know Steinhardt in                      It was precisely against this back-
      appointed SS-Untersturmführer. In                             Tokyo.                                           ground that Steinhardt was ap-
      addition, his stay in Japan, originally                           In view of his promotion to Un-              pointed professor in November 1939
      scheduled for two years, was ex-                              tersturmführer, Steinhardt wanted to             – in absentia [75]. This titular profes-

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From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt                                                                  177

sorship was formally conferred on
him at his last university location: in
Cologne. By doing so, Steinhardt was
able to take up his post at the re-
nowned University Clinic for
Maxillofacial Surgery at the Charité
in Berlin as professor (and senior
physician) (May 1940). This clinic
was considered a career springboard
and was also timely from a profes-
sional point of view: since Steinhardt
had previously worked mainly in
prosthodontics (and oral surgery) at
the dental clinics in Heidelberg and
Cologne, he was now able to gain im-
portant clinical experience in
maxillofacial surgery.
     In 1942, the dental chair at the
University of Tübingen had to be
filled. The Tübingen Medical Faculty
put Steinhardt [13] on its list of three
favourites, in addition to the much
older colleagues Walter Adrion
(1891–1960) [13] and Karl Greve
(1897–1942). All three were party
members. In addition to professional
assessments, it was customary at the
time to obtain expert opinions on
the political views of each list candi-
date. One of the opinions on Stein-
hardt came from Reichsdozenten-
führer Pieper: on February 24, 1942,
he praised Steinhardt in the highest
terms and stated that he had “worked
to a very significant extent for Nazi
Germany in Japan scientifically, prac-
tically, but also politically”; he also
pointed out that Koellreutter was of       Figure 4 Letter from Steinhardt to the Review Committee dated September 15, 1947
the same opinion [4]. Gustav Borger        [48].
(1899–1989) [13, 43], temporary head
of the Department of Science in the
Nazi Lecturers’ Association, came to
the same conclusion on March 30,               Shortly before the end of the                         striking that he was much more
1942 [4]. The Tübingen chair ulti-         Third Reich, another appointment                          politically involved – not only at the
mately went to Adrion, who was             opportunity seemed to arise: There                        level of memberships, but also
13 years older and far more experi-        was a professorship to be filled at the                   through personal networking with
enced. All the experts involved ac-        German University in Prague, where                        influential Nazi officials.
cording to the files – Erwin Reichen-      Steinhardt was again counted among                            Steinhardt’s network ranged from
bach, Otto Hofer and Eugen Wan-            the favourites in 1944 [2]. But the                       the central functionaries of the dental
nenmacher (1897–1974) [43] – had           end of the war got in the way: in-                        profession (Ernst Stuck, Karl Pieper)
assessed Steinhardt positively, but        stead of filling the position of clinic                   to the responsible representatives in
also indicated that he was still in the    director, the entire German Univer-                       the Nazi lecturers’ association (Gustav
process of gaining in-depth surgical       sity was dissolved in 1945 and the                        Borger, Hermann Hiltner) to the
experience. Wannenmacher stated:           clinic was “handed over” to the local                     “Theorist of the Führer State” [43]
“It can be assumed that his devel-         maxillofacial     surgeon    Františ ek                   Otto Koellreutter and the powerful
opment in maxillofacial surgery will       Kostečka (1893–1951).                                     ministerial advisor Max de Crinis.
soon be completed, so that he will be          When comparing Steinhardt’s at-                       Steinhardt sought and cultivated
able to fully represent this field” –      titude and activities in the Third                        these contacts. Therefore, Wencke
implying that this point in time had       Reich with other dental university                        Fischer’s statement that “people in
not yet been reached [4].                  teachers covered in this series, it is                    high and important positions, such as

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178   From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

      Prof. Dr. Dr. Steinhardt was,” had “no                        member before 1945, supported                    member of the NSDAP, especially
      other option” at that time “than to                           Steinhardt in his career within the              since circumstances that could seri-
      join the NSDAP and SS” [12] is clearly                        DGZMK: under Harndt’s presidency                 ously exonerate Steinhardt are not
      inadequate: Steinhardt’s actions, un-                         Steinhardt moved up to the DGZMK                 apparent. The committee therefore
      like those of the majority of univer-                         board, and after Harndt’s retirement             unanimously considers an admission
      sity teachers [17], went beyond                               Steinhardt became his successor [33].            of St. to the university to be politi-
      “purely nominal” memberships. Join-                           The fact that the two cultivated a               cally unacceptable” [48]. The last sen-
      ing the SS and holding the position                           friendship was shown, among other                tence was of decisive importance, be-
      of SS-Obersturmführer (cf. Fig. 2)                            things, by the fact that they honour-            cause it meant that Steinhardt’s de-
      were also by no means typical. This is                        ed each other with laudations and                sired university career would be
      shown by the fact that not even one                           also referred to their personal rela-            blocked.
      in ten of the approximately 400 den-                          tionship [8, 36, 37, 66].                            The latter submitted a revision re-
      tal university lecturers in the Third                              The questions of how Steinhardt’s           quest on September 15, 1947, which
      Reich had SS membership, as a still                           denazification        proceeded       and        was common practice (cf. Fig. 4;
      unpublished study by our research                             whether he critically reflected on his           [48]). But Steinhardt’s objection
      group shows. Among the SS                                     relationship to National Socialism               mainly contained false statements –
      members, practitioners and rather in-                         after 1945 still require an answer:              which was rather unusual in this
      significant scientists predominated.                               The denazification procedures               form and obviousness. Steinhardt’s
      At most, the professors Karl-Friedrich                        pursued the goal of determining the              statement about his SS membership
      Schmidhuber (1895–1967) [27] and                              political burden of those affected. In           was particularly brazen: he claimed,
      Eugen Wannenmacher (1897–1974)                                the end, they were to be classified in           on the one hand, that his entry into
      [13] attained similar career positions –                      one of five categories (I main culprits,         the SS had only taken place in 1935 –
      but even they did not come close to                           II incriminated [activists], III lesser          at the time of his habilitation and ex-
      Steinhardt in academic terms.                                 incriminated, IV followers and                   clusively against this background –
          Steinhardt had also established a                         V exonerated). Steinhardt was in-                and, on the other hand, that he had
      network beyond the aforementioned                             itially held in the British internment           left the SS “voluntarily as early as
      Nazi functionaries, which already                             camp Neuengamme at the end of                    February 1937”. Both were untrue: he
      proved useful in the Third Reich, but                         1945, as he had been “provisionally”             had already joined the SS in 1933.
      also after 1945: Hans von Haberer                             classified in group III (cf. Fig. 3; [48]).      Above all, however, he had not fin-
      [43] had hired Steinhardt at the Co-                          He was not allowed to leave the                  ally left the SS in 1937 as Unterschar-
      logne Surgical University Hospital in                         camp until February 1947.                        führer. He had only suspended his
      1935 – at a time when its previous                                 In the denazification proceedings,          membership “in honour” for purely
      head Karl Zilkens had been sus-                               it was established practice that those           formal reasons because of his stay in
      pended and was thus no longer eli-                            affected procured character references           Japan, in order to rejoin on his own
      gible as an academic mentor. At the                           – popularly known as “Persilscheine”.            initiative the following year and sub-
      beginning of 1942, von Haberer then                           The name was derived from the deter-             sequently achieve the rank of SS-
      gave Steinhardt a positive reference –                        gent “Persil”, because the certificates          Obersturmführer. Steinhardt had ap-
      in the context of the Tübingen ap-                            were intended to cleanse the person              parently withheld this crucial fact
      pointment procedure – as Pieper                               concerned of any accusation of politi-           from the committee in the first pro-
      mentioned in his letter of Feb-                               cal incrimination. In Steinhardt’s               ceedings – for in the denazification
      ruary 24, 1942 [4]. Von Haberer was a                         case, too, the statements – including a          decision of July 1947, it was erron-
      university-political “heavyweight”: as                        statement by Karl Zilkens – were in-             eously stated that he had already left
      Rector, he was at the head of the                             tended to “prove” his political dis-             the SS in 1937 on his own initiative
      politically centralised University of                         tance from National Socialism.                   as a Unterscharführer, which he was
      Cologne from 1935. Heinrich Groß –                            Thanks to the practice of character              given credit for.
      Zilkens’ successor in Cologne – also                          references, the trial chambers increas-              In his appeal, Steinhardt also em-
      exerted a supportive influence on                             ingly developed into “Mitläuferfabri-            phasised that he had disapproved of
      Steinhardt’s career: in 1940, as the re-                      ken” (follower factories). In the end,           anti-Semitism. In doing so, he wrote
      sponsible expert at the University of                         even obviously incriminated National             on an attached sheet under the head-
      Cologne, he supported Steinhardt’s                            Socialists were mostly denazified as             ing “Einstellung zur Rassenfrage” (At-
      appointment there as a titular profes-                        followers (group IV) or even exon-               titude to the question of race) the (in-
      sor; it took place in absentia because                        erated (Group V) – at the latest in the          complete) sentence: “Gelegentlich
      Steinhardt was still in Tokyo [75].                           revision proceedings [17].                       der Berufung nach Japan durch das
      Heinrich Hammer in turn provided                                   In the case of Steinhardt, how-             dortige Kulturministerium Austritt
      him with a lectureship at the Univer-                         ever, the denazification committee               aus der SS, 1937” (On the occasion of
      sity of Kiel in 1950 and thus enabled                         came to the conclusion in July 1947              the appointment to Japan by the
      him to make his first connection to                           that he was to be classified in Group            Ministry of Culture there, resignation
      the university in the post-war period.                        III (cf. Fig. 3; [48]). The reason given         from the SS, 1937) [48]. This remark
      Ewald Harndt, who, like von Haberer,                          was that Steinhardt “could by no                 was apparently intended to suggest
      Groß and Hammer, was a party                                  means be regarded as only a nominal              that he felt prompted by Nazi policy

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From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt                                                                    179

on the “racial question” to “resign”         Conclusions                                               References
from the SS and saw the appoint-             Steinhardt     showed      remarkable                     1. Bundesarchiv Berlin (BArch) R
ment to Japan as a suitable opportun-        scientific and professional achiev-                       4901/13277
ity to do so.                                ements. He was medically broadly                          2. BArch R 9361-II/119188
     Furthermore, Steinhardt claimed         trained, acquired several sub-special-
                                                                                                       3. BArch R 9361-II/217433
to have been “only a nominal member          ities within the field of dental medi-
of the party”; moreover, he stated that      cine and achieved recognition both                        4. BArch R 9361-II/976360
he had had “neither professional nor         in basic research and in the clinic.                      5. BArch R 9361-III/199890
non-professional advantages of any           He was also an excellent networker;                       6. BArch R 9361-III/558147
kind” due to his membership in the           this is shown by the numerous of-
                                                                                                       7. Bolsdorff M: Prof. Dr. Dr. G. Stein-
NSDAP [48]. These two statements also        fices and functions Steinhart at-                         hardt 65 Jahre. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 1969;
did not correspond to the facts – in         tained.                                                   24: 333
more ways than one: his research stay            In the Third Reich, he clearly                        8. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 1967; 22: 1301
in Tokyo would have been inconceiv-          served the Nazi regime, joined sev-
                                                                                                       9. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 1969; 24: 1
able without his membership and              eral Nazi organisations and used his
without political protection. In addi-       contacts to Nazi functionaries and                        10. Erdsach T: Die Geschichte der Deut-
                                                                                                       schen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und
tion, there is evidence that he acted as     party comrades for his own career
                                                                                                       Gesichtschirurgie (1951–2004). Pier, Erft-
a “Blockwart” in Tokyo and appeared          development. Some – other univer-                         stadt 2004 (zugl. Diss. med. dent. Bonn),
in SS uniform – this also does not fit       sity teachers such as the aforemen-                       137, 140, 183, 188f., 208
the picture of a purely nominal party        tioned Karl Pieper [23], Fritz Faber                      11. Fischer CH: Lebenserinnerungen von
membership. The same applies to his          (1887–1961) [22], Heinrich Fabian                         C.-H. Fischer. Archiv der Poliklinik für
(unmentioned) promotions in the SS           (1889–1970) [21] or Hans Fliege                           Zahnerhaltungskunde der MZK-Klinik des
(1939, 1940), his appointment as titu-       (1890–1976) [26] – also derived con-                      Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg. 1985
lar professor in absentia (1940), initi-     siderable professional advantages                         [unveröffentlichtes Typoskript, ohne In-
                                                                                                       ventarisierungsnummer], 484
ated by Max de Crinis and Pieper, and        from their proximity to National So-
to the two list placements in the afore-     cialism, but the latter would hardly                      12. Fischer W: Der Zahnheilkundler Prof.
                                                                                                       Dr. Dr. Gerhard Steinhardt (1904–1995).
mentioned appointment procedures             have been able to achieve a univer-
                                                                                                       Leben und Werk. Diss. Med. Fak.
for professorships (1942, 1944). The         sity career without political protec-                     Würzburg 2004.
provision of the position of senior          tion, while Steinhardt was also far
                                                                                                       13. Friederich W: Die deutschen
physician at the Charité (1940) was          above average in purely professional
                                                                                                       zahnärztlichen Hochschulgelehrten der
also the result of party-political protec-   terms.                                                    Geburtsjahrgänge 1840–1909. Untersu-
tion.                                            Ultimately, of all the DGZMK                          chungen über beruflichen Werdegang,
     Thus, the question of whether           presidents who experienced the                            Lebenserwartung und private Neigungen
Steinhardt critically reflected on his       Third Reich as adults and who are                         in den verschiedenen Altersgruppen.
                                                                                                       Diss. med. dent. Berlin 1968.
relationship to National Socialism           examined in more detail in this
after 1945 can be answered with a            series, he exhibited the strongest                        14. Fuchs P: Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Stein-
                                                                                                       hardt 24.5.1904–18.6.1995. Nachruf.
clear “no”. The opposite was the case:       political commitment. It should also
                                                                                                       Quintessenz 1995; 46: 950
he suppressed incriminating facts            be pointed out that Steinhardt con-
and glossed over his own role.               structed a distance to Nazi ideology                      15. Fuchs P: Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Stein-
                                                                                                       hardt gestorben. Nachruf. Bayer
     Unfortunately, there is no explicit     in the denazification proceedings
                                                                                                       Zahnärztebl 1996; 33(9): 61
paper in Steinhardt’s denazification         through a series of very obvious,
                                                                                                       16. Groß D: Die “Deutsche Gesellschaft
files that could shed light on whether       blatant false statements. Although
                                                                                                       für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde”
his aforementioned revision request          euphemistic claims can also be iden-                      im Spiegel der Geschichte (1859 bis
of September 15, 1947 was successful.        tified, for example, in the proceed-                      1999). Quintessenz, Berlin 1999, 143,
However, there is a document dated           ings of DGZMK presidents Harndt                           145, 177, 182, 184, 189, 191
October 4, 1947, which again notes           [18] or Fröhlich [30], these were less                    17. Groß D: Zahnärzte als Täter.
the classification in Group III. An-         misleading than in Steinhardt’s case.                     Zwischenergebnisse zur Rolle der
other letter showing the same classifi-      So, despite the political commitment                      Zahnärzte im “Dritten Reich”. Dtsch
cation is not dated [48]. Thus is is         described above, Steinhardt found his                     Zahnärztl Z 2018; 73: 164–178
most likely that the original classifi-      way back to success in post-war Ger-                      18. Groß D: A complex case: Ewald
cation (III) was retained. This is also      many.                                                     Harndt (1901–1996) and his relationship
                                                                                                       to National Socialism. DZZ International
indicated by the fact that Steinhardt
                                                                                                       2020; 2: 131–141
actually only returned to the univer-
sity in a roundabout way and with                                                                      19. Groß D: Erwin Reichenbach
                                             Conflict of interest                                      (1897–1973). Leben und Werk unter be-
considerable delay (a mere lectureship
                                                                                                       sonderer Berücksichtigung seiner poli-
in Kiel in 1950, a non-university            The author declares that there is no                      tischen Rolle im “Dritten Reich” und der
management function in Bremen                conflict of interest within the mean-                     DDR. MKG Chirurg 13/4 (2020),
1952–1957). And yet he ultimately            ing of the guidelines of the Inter-                       278–290
managed to pass through all the              national Committee of Medical Jour-                       20. Groß D: Karl Häupl (1893–1960) –
stages of a successful university career.    nal Editors.                                              Leben und Werk unter besonderer Be-

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180   From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

      rücksichtigung seiner Rolle im “Dritten                       35. Häupl K: Ziele und Wege der neuzeit-         sidenten Herbert Siegmund (1892–1954)
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From SS-Obersturmbannführer to dentist president: The astonishing career of Gerhardt Steinhardt

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                                                    © Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2022; 4 (5)
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