From Solution Synthesis to Student Attempt Synthesis for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks

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From {Solution} Synthesis to {Student Attempt} Synthesis
 for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks ∗

 Adish Singla Nikitas Theodoropoulos

 ABSTRACT education. Considering the Hour of Code initiative alone,
arXiv:2205.01265v2 [cs.AI] 20 Jun 2022

 Block-based visual programming environments are increas- over one billion hours of programming activity has been
 ingly used to introduce computing concepts to beginners. spent in learning to solve tasks in such environments [8].
 Given that programming tasks are open-ended and concep-
 tual, novice students often struggle when learning in these Programming tasks on these platforms are conceptual and
 environments. AI-driven programming tutors hold great open-ended, and require multi-step deductive reasoning to
 promise in automatically assisting struggling students, and solve. Given these aspects, novices often struggle when
 need several components to realize this potential. We inves- learning to solve these tasks. The difficulties faced by novice
 tigate the crucial component of student modeling, in par- students become evident by looking at the trajectory of stu-
 ticular, the ability to automatically infer students’ miscon- dents’ attempts who are struggling to solve a given task. For
 ceptions for predicting (synthesizing) their behavior. We in- instance, in a dataset released by [10, 8, 35], even
 troduce a novel benchmark, StudentSyn, centered around for simple tasks where solutions require only 5 code blocks
 the following challenge: For a given student, synthesize the (see Figure 2a), students submitted over 50, 000 unique at-
 student’s attempt on a new target task after observing the tempts with some exceeding a size of 50 code blocks.
 student’s attempt on a fixed reference task. This challenge
 is akin to that of program synthesis; however, instead of syn- AI-driven programming tutors have the potential to sup-
 thesizing a {solution} (i.e., program an expert would write), port these struggling students by providing personalized as-
 the goal here is to synthesize a {student attempt} (i.e., pro- sistance, e.g., feedback as hints or curriculum design [37].
 gram that a given student would write). We first show that To effectively assist struggling students, AI-driven systems
 human experts (TutorSS) can achieve high performance need several components, a crucial one being student mod-
 on the benchmark, whereas simple baselines perform poorly. eling. In particular, we need models that can automatically
 Then, we develop two neuro/symbolic techniques (NeurSS infer a student’s knowledge from limited interactions and
 and SymSS) in a quest to close this gap with TutorSS. then predict the student’s behavior on new tasks. However,
 student modeling in block-based visual programming envi-
 Keywords ronments can be quite challenging because of the following:
 block-based visual programming, programming education, (i) programming tasks are conceptual, and there is no well-
 program synthesis, neuro-symbolic AI, student modeling defined skill-set or problem-solving strategy for mastery [23];
 (ii) there could be a huge variability in behaviors and a long-
 tail distribution of students’ attempts for a task [51]; (iii) the
 1. INTRODUCTION objective of predicting a student’s behavior on new tasks is
 The emergence of block-based visual programming platforms not limited to coarse-grained success/failure indicators (e.g.,
 has made coding more accessible and appealing to beginners. [49])—ideally, we should be able to do fine-grained synthesis
 Block-based programming uses “code blocks” that reduce the of attempts for a given student.
 burden of syntax and introduces concepts in an interactive
 way. Led by initiatives like Hour of Code by [10, Beyond the above-mentioned challenges, there are two criti-
 8] and the popularity of languages like Scratch [41], block- cal issues arising from limited resources and data scarcity for
 based programming has become integral to introductory CS a given domain. First, while the space of tasks that could be
 This article is a longer version of the paper from the EDM designed for personalized curriculum is intractably large [1],
 2022 conference. Authors are listed alphabetically. the publicly available datasets of real-world students’ at-
 tempts are limited; e.g., for the Hour of Code: Maze Chal-
 lenge domain, we have datasets for only two tasks [35]. Sec-
 ond, when a deployed system is interacting with a new stu-
 dent, there is limited prior information [15], and the system
 would have to infer the student’s knowledge by observing
 behavior on a few reference tasks, e.g., through a quiz [21].
 These two issues, in turn, limit the applicability of state-
 of-the-art techniques that rely on large-scale datasets across
 tasks or personalized data per student (e.g., [49, 28, 29,
def Run(){ def Run(){
 move move
 turnLeft turnLeft

 Datasets for
 reference task
 (a) Reference task T4 with solution code and datasets (b) stu’s attempt for T4 (c) Target task T4x (d) stu’s attempt for T4x

Figure 1: Illustration of our problem setup and objective for the task Maze#4 in the Hour of Code: Maze [9] by [8].
As explained in Section 2.2, we consider three distinct phases in our problem setup to provide a conceptual separation in
terms of information and computation available to a system. (a) In the first phase, we are given a reference task T4 along
with its solution code C?T4 and data resources (e.g., a real-world dataset of different students’ attempts); reference tasks are
fixed and the system can use any computation a priori. (b) In the second phase, the system interacts with a student, namely
stu, who attempts the reference task T4 and submits a code, denoted as Cstu T4 . (c, d) In the third phase, the system seeks to
synthesize the student stu’s behavior on a target task T4x , i.e., a program that stu would write if the system would assign
T4x to the student. Importantly, the target task T4x is not available a priori and this synthesis process would be done in
real-time. Furthermore, the system may have to synthesize stu’s behavior on a large number of different target tasks (e.g., to
personalize the next task in a curriculum). Section 2 provides further details about the problem setup and objective; Section 3
introduces the StudentSyn benchmark comprising of different types of students and target tasks for the reference task.

 def Run(){ def Run(){
 RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){
 If(pathAhead){ move

 } Datasets for move
 Else{ reference task turnLeft
 turnLeft move
 } }
 } }

(a) Reference task T18 with solution code and datasets (b) stu’s attempt for T18 (c) Target task T18x (d) stu’s attempt for T18x

Figure 2: Analogous to Figure 1, here we illustrate the setup for the task Maze#18 in the Hour of Code: Maze Challenge [9].

36])—we need next-generation student modeling techniques (3) We develop two techniques inspired by neural (NeurSS)
for block-based visual programming that can operate under and symbolic (SymSS) methods, in a quest to close the
data scarcity and limited observability. To this end, this gap with human experts (TutorSS). (Sections 4, 5, 6)
paper focuses on the following question:
 (4) We publicly release the benchmark and implementations
 For a given student, can we synthesize the stu- to facilitate future research.1
 dent’s attempt on a new target task after observ-
 ing the student’s attempt on a fixed reference task?
 1.2 Related Work
1.1 Our Approach and Contributions Student modeling. Inferring the knowledge state of a stu-
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate this synthesis question for two dent is an integral part of AI tutoring systems and rele-
scenarios in the context of the Hour of Code: Maze Chal- vant to our goal of predicting a student’s behavior. For
lenge [9] by [8]. This question is akin to that of close-ended domains like vocabulary learning ([42, 36, 22])
program synthesis [20]; however, instead of synthesizing a and Algebra problems ([12, 40, 43]), the skills or knowl-
{solution} (i.e., program an expert would write), the goal edge components for mastery are typically well-defined and
here is to synthesize a {student attempt} (i.e., program that we can use Knowledge Tracing techniques to model a stu-
a given student would write). This goal of synthesizing stu- dent’s knowledge state over time [11, 33]. These model-
dent attempts, and not just solutions, requires going beyond ing techniques, in turn, allow us to provide feedback, pre-
state-of-the-art program synthesis techniques [3, 4, 25]; cru- dict solution strategies, or infer/quiz a student’s knowledge
cially, we also need to define appropriate metrics to quan- state [40, 21, 43]. Open-ended domains pose unique chal-
titatively measure the performance of different techniques. lenges to directly apply these techniques (see [23]); however,
Our approach and contributions are summarized below: there has been some progress in this direction. In recent
 works [28, 29], models have been proposed to predict hu-
(1) We formalize the problem of synthesizing a student’s at- man behavior in chess for specific skill levels and to recog-
 tempt on target tasks after observing the student’s be- nize the behavior of individual players. Along these lines,
 havior on a fixed reference task. We introduce a novel [7] introduced methods to perform early prediction of strug-
 benchmark, StudentSyn, centered around the above gling students in open-ended interactive simulations. There
 synthesis question, along with generative/discriminative has also been work on student modeling for block-based pro-
 performance measures for evaluation. (Sections 2, 3.1, 3.2) gramming, e.g., clustering-based methods for misconception
(2) We showcase that human experts (TutorSS) can achieve 1
 The StudentSyn benchmark and implementation of
 high performance on StudentSyn, whereas simple base- the techniques are available at
 lines perform poorly. (Section 3.3) machine-teaching-group/edm2022_studentsyn.
discovery [18, 44], and deep learning methods to represent of C. Details of this DSL and code attributes are not cru-
knowledge and predict future performance [49]. cial for the readability of subsequent sections; however, they
 provide useful formalism when implementing different tech-
AI-driven systems for programming education. There has niques introduced in this paper.
been a surge of interest in developing AI-driven systems for
programming education, and in particular, for block-based Solution code and student attempt. For a given task T, a
programming domains [37, 38, 50]. Existing works have solution code C?T ∈ C should solve the visual puzzle; addi-
studied various aspects of intelligent feedback, for instance, tionally, it can only use the allowed types of code blocks
providing next-step hints when a student is stuck [35, 52, 31, (i.e., Cblocks ⊆ Tstore ) and should be within the specified size
15], giving data-driven feedback about a student’s miscon- threshold (i.e., Csize ≤ Tsize ). We note that a task T ∈ T in
ceptions [45, 34, 39, 51], or generating/recommending new general may have multiple solution codes; in this paper, we
tasks [2, 1, 19]. Depending on the availability of datasets and typically refer to a single solution code that is provided as
resources, different techniques are employed: using historical input. A student attempt for a task T refers to a code that is
datasets to learn code embeddings [34, 31], using reinforce- written by a student (including incorrect or partial codes).
ment learning in zero-shot setting [15, 46], bootstrapping A student attempt could be any code C ∈ C as long as it uses
from a small set of expert annotations [34], or using expert the set of available types of code blocks (i.e., Cblocks ⊆ Tstore );
grammars to generate synthetic training data [51]. importantly, it is not restricted by the size threshold Tsize —
 same setting as in the programming environment of Hour of
Neuro-symbolic program synthesis. Our approach is related Code: Maze Challenge [9].
to program synthesis, i.e., automatically constructing pro-
grams that satisfy a given specification [20]. In recent years, 2.2 Objective
the usage of deep learning models for program synthesis has Distinct phases. To formalize our objective, we introduce
resulted in significant progress in a variety of domains in- three distinct phases in our problem setup that provide a
cluding string transformations [16, 14, 32], block-based vi- conceptual separation in terms of information and compu-
sual programming [3, 4, 13, 47], and competitive program- tation available to a system. More concretely, we have:
ming [25]. Program synthesis has also been used to learn
compositional symbolic rules and mimic abstract human (1) Reference task Tref : We are given a reference task Tref
learning [30, 17]. Our goal is akin to program synthesis and for which we have real-world datasets of different stu-
we leverage the work of [3] in our technique NeurSS, how- dents’ attempts as well as access to other data resources.
ever, with a crucial difference: instead of synthesizing a so- Reference tasks are fixed and the system can use any
lution program, we seek to synthesize a student’s attempt. computation a priori (e.g., compute code embeddings).
 (2) Student stu attempts Tref : The system interacts with a
2. PROBLEM SETUP student, namely stu, who attempts the reference task Tref
Next, we introduce definitions and formalize our objective.
 and submits a code, denoted as Cstu
 Tref . At the end of this
 phase, the system has observed stu’s behavior on Tref and
2.1 Preliminaries we denote this observation by the tuple (Tref , Cstu
 Tref ).

The space of tasks. We define the space of tasks as T; in
this paper, T is inspired by the popular Hour of Code: Maze (3) Target task Ttar : The system seeks to synthesize the stu-
Challenge [9] from [8]; see Figures 1a and 2a. We dent stu’s behavior on a target task Ttar . Importantly,
define a task T ∈ T as a tuple (Tvis , Tstore , Tsize ), where Tvis the target task Ttar is not available a priori and this syn-
denotes a visual puzzle, Tstore the available block types, and thesis process would be done in real-time, possibly with
Tsize the maximum number of blocks allowed in the solu- constrained computational resources. Furthermore, the
tion code. For instance, considering the task T in Figure 2a, system may have to synthesize stu’s behavior on a large
we have the following specification: the visual puzzle Tvis number of different target tasks from the space T (e.g.,
comprises of a maze where the objective is to navigate the to personalize the next task in a curriculum).4
“avatar” (blue-colored triangle) to the “goal” (red-colored
star) by executing a code; the set of available types of blocks Granularity level of our objective. There are several differ-
Tstore is {move, turnLeft, turnRight, RepeatUntil(goal), ent granularity levels at which we can predict the student
IfElse(pathAhead), IfElse(pathLeft), IfElse(pathRight)}, stu’s behavior for Ttar , including: (a) a coarse-level binary
and the size threshold Tsize is 5 blocks; this particular task prediction of whether stu will successfully solve Ttar , (b) a
in Figure 2a corresponds to Maze#18 in the Hour of Code: medium-level prediction about stu’s behavior w.r.t. a pre-
Maze Challenge [9], and has been studied in a number of defined feature set (e.g., labelled misconceptions); (c) a fine-
prior works [35, 15, 1]. level prediction in terms of synthesizing Cstu
 Ttar , i.e., a program
 that stu would write if the system would assign Ttar to the
The space of codes.2 We define the space of all possible codes student. In this work, we focus on this fine-level, arguably
as C and represent them using a Domain Specific Language also the most challenging, synthesis objective.
(DSL) [20]. In particular, for codes relevant to tasks con- 3
 In practice, the system might have more information, e.g.,
sidered in this paper, we use a DSL from [1]. A code C ∈ C the whole trajectory of edits leading to CstuTref or access to
has the following attributes: Cblocks is the set of types of some prior information about the student stu.
code blocks used in C, Csize is the number of code blocks Even though the Hour of Code: Maze Challenge [9] has
used, and Cdepth is the depth of the Abstract Syntax Tree only 20 tasks, the space T is intractably large and new tasks
 can be generated automatically, e.g., when providing feed-
 Codes are also interchangeably referred to as programs. back or for additional practice [1].
def Run(){
 turnRight Datasets for
 } reference task

(a) Reference task T4 with solution code and datasets (b) Three target tasks for T4 : T4x , T4y , and T4z

 def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 move move
 move move move move move
 turnRight turnLeft turnRight move turnLeft turnLeft
 move move turnLeft move move turnRight
 turnLeft turnRight turnLeft move turnRight
 } move turnLeft
 move move move } move
 } turnLeft move turnLeft
 turnLeft move turnRight
 turnRight turnRight ...
 move move (many more blocks)
 } } }

(c) Example codes (i)–(vi) corresponding to six types of students’ behaviors when attempting T4 , each capturing different misconceptions

Figure 3: Illustration of the key elements of the StudentSyn benchmark for the reference task T4 shown in (a)—same as
in Figure 1a. (b) Shows three target tasks associated with T4 ; these target tasks are similar to T4 in a sense that the set
of available block types is same as T4store and the nesting structure of programming constructs in solution codes is same as
in C?T4 . (c) Shows example codes corresponding to six types of students’ behaviors when attempting T4 , each capturing a
different misconception as follows: (i) confusing left/right directions when turning, (ii) partially solving the task in terms of
getting closer to the “goal”, (iii) misunderstanding of turning functionality and writing repetitive turn commands, (iv) adding
more than the correct number of required move commands, (v) forgetting to include some turns needed in the solution, (vi)
attempting to randomly solve the task by adding lots of blocks. See details in Section 3.1.

 def Run(){
 } Datasets for
 Else{ reference task

(a) Reference task T18 with solution code and datasets (b) Three target tasks for T18 : T18x , T18y , and T18z

 def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){ move move
 move If(pathAhead){ turnLeft
 If(pathAhead){ If(pathLeft){ If(pathAhead){ move
 move turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft move move
 } move } move } move
 Else{ } Else{ turnLeft Else{ move
 turnRight Else{ turnLeft move turnLeft turnRight
 } move } } } move
 } } move } } move
 } } } move
 } } move

(c) Example codes (i)–(vi) corresponding to six types of students’ behaviors when attempting T18 , each capturing different misconceptions

Figure 4: Analogous to Figure 3, here we illustrate the key elements of the StudentSyn benchmark for the reference
task T18 shown in (a)—same as in Figure 2a. (b) Shows three target tasks associated with T18 . (c) Shows example codes
corresponding to six types of students’ behaviors when attempting T18 , each capturing a different misconception as follows:
(i) confusing left/right directions when turning or checking conditionals, (ii) following one of the wrong path segments, (iii)
misunderstanding of IfElse structure functionality and writing the same blocks in both the execution branches, (iv) ignoring
the IfElse structure when solving the task, (v) ignoring the While structure when solving the task, (vi) attempting to solve
the task by using only the basic action blocks in {turnLeft, turnRight, move}. See details in Section 3.1.

Performance evaluation. So far, we have concretized the syn- conceptions itself is not clearly understood. To this end, we
thesis objective; however, there is still a question of how begin by designing a benchmark to quantitatively measure
to quantitatively measure the performance of a technique the performance of different techniques w.r.t. our objective.
set out to achieve this objective. The key challenge stems
from the open-ended and conceptual nature of program-
ming tasks. Even for seemingly simple tasks such as in Fig- 3. BENCHMARK AND INITIAL RESULTS
ures 1a and 2a, the students’ attempts can be highly diverse, In this section, we introduce our benchmark, StudentSyn,
thereby making it difficult to detect a student’s misconcep- and report initial results highlighting the gap in performance
tions from observed behaviors; moreover, the space of mis- of simple baselines and human experts.
def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 move move move RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){
 move move move If(pathLeft){ move
 turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft
 RepeatUntil(goal){ move RepeatUntil(goal){ move move
 If(pathRight){ move If(pathLeft){ } turnRight
 turnRight move turnLeft Else{ move
 move move move move
 } turnRight } }
 } }
 Else{ move Else{ }
 move move move }
 } move }
 } move }

 ? }
 option (a)
 def Run(){
 option (b)
 def Run(){
 option (c)
 def Run(){
 option (d)
 def Run(){
 option (e)
 def Run(){
 move move move turnLeft move
 move move turnLeft move move
 turnLeft turnLeft move move turnLeft
stu’s attempt for T18x If(pathRight){ RepeatUntil(goal){ move If(pathRight){ RepeatUntil(goal){
in Figure 2 turnRight If(pathRight){
 move turnRight turnRight
 move move move turnLeft
 } move } turnLeft
 } Else{
 Else{ move turnRight Else{ move
 move } turnRight move }
 } turnRight turnLeft } }
 } } move }
 } }

 option (f) option (g) option (h) option (i) option (j)

Figure 5: Illustration of the generative and discriminative objectives in the StudentSyn benchmark for the scenario shown
in Figure 2. For the generative objective, the goal is to synthesize the student stu’s behavior on the target task T18x , i.e., a
program that stu would write if the system would assign T18x to the student. For the discriminative objective, the goal is to
choose one of the ten codes, shown as options (a)–(j), that corresponds to the student stu’s attempt. For each scenario, ten
options are created systematically as discussed in Section 3.2; in this illustration, option (a) corresponds to the solution code
C∗T18x for the target task and option (e) corresponds to the student stu’s attempt as designed in the benchmark.

3.1 STUDENTSYN: Data Curation For a given pair (Tref , Ttar ), we first simulate a student stu
We begin by curating a synthetic dataset for the benchmark, by associating this student to one of the 6 types, and then
designed to capture different scenarios of the three distinct manually create stu’s attempts Cstu stu
 Tref and CTtar . For a given
phases mentioned in Section 2.2. In particular, each scenario scenario (Tref , Cstu
 Tref , Ttar
 , C stu
 Ttar ), the attempt Cstu
 Ttar is not ob-
corresponds to a 4-tuple (Tref , Cstu
 Tref , T
 , Cstu stu
 Ttar ), where CTref served and serves as a ground truth in our benchmark for
(observed by the system) and Cstu Ttar (to be synthesized by evaluation purposes; in the following, we interchangeably
the system) correspond to a student stu’s attempts. write a scenario as (Tref , Cstu Tref , T
 , ?).

Reference and target tasks. We select two reference tasks Total scenarios. We create 72 scenarios (Tref , Cstu tar
 , Cstu
 Tref , T Ttar )
for this benchmark, namely T4 and T18 , as illustrated in in the benchmark corresponding to (i) 2 reference tasks, (ii)
Figures 1a and 2a. These tasks correspond to Maze#4 and 3 target tasks per reference task, (iii) 6 types of students’
Maze#18 in the Hour of Code: Maze Challenge [9], and have behaviors per reference task, and (iv) 2 students per type.
been studied in a number of prior works [35, 15, 1], because This, in turn, leads to a total of 72 (= 2 × 3 × 6 × 2) unique
of the availability of large-scale datasets of students’ at- scenarios.
tempts for these two tasks. For each reference task, we man-
ually create three target tasks as shown in Figures 3b and 4b;
as discussed in the figure captions, these target tasks are sim- 3.2 STUDENTSYN: Performance Measures
ilar to the corresponding reference task in a sense that the We introduce two performance measures to capture our syn-
set of available block types is same and the nesting structure thesis objective. Our first measure, namely generative per-
of programming constructs in solution codes is same. formance, is to directly capture the quality of fine-level syn-
 thesis of the student stu’s attempt—this measure requires
Types of students’ behaviors and students’ attempts. For a human-in-the-loop evaluation. To further automate the
a given reference-target task pair (Tref , Ttar ), next we seek evaluation process, we then introduce a second performance
to simulate a student stu to create stu’s attempts Cstu measure, namely discriminative performance.
and Cstu
 Ttar . We begin by identifying a set of salient stu-
dents’ behaviors and misconceptions for reference tasks T4 Generative performance. As a generative performance mea-
and T18 based on students’ attempts observed in the real- sure, we introduce a 4-point Likert scale to evaluate the
world dataset of [35]. In this benchmark, we select 6 types of quality of synthesizing stu’s attempt Cstu Ttar for a scenario
students’ behaviors for each reference task—these types are (Tref , Cstu
 T ref , Ttar
 , ?). The scale is designed to assign scores
highlighted in Figures 3c and 4c for T4 and T18 , respectively.5 based on two factors: (a) whether the elements of the stu-
 dent’s behavior observed in Cstu Tref are present, (b) whether
 In real-world settings, the types of students’ behaviors and the elements of the target task Ttar (e.g., parts of its solu-
their attempts have a much larger variability and complexi- tion) are present. More concretely, the scores are assigned as
ties with a long-tail distribution; in future work, we plan to follows (with higher scores being better): (i) Score 1 means
extend our benchmark to cover more scenarios, see Section 7. the technique does not have synthesis capability; (ii) Score 2
Method Generative Performance Discriminative Performance suring the discriminative performance, we randomly sample
 Reference task Reference task Reference task Reference task
 T4 T18
 a scenario, create ten options, and measure the predictive
 accuracy of the technique—the details of this experimental
 RandD 1.00 1.00 10.15 10.10
 EditD 1.00 1.00 30.83 47.06 evaluation are provided in Section 6.2.
 EditEmbD 1.00 1.00 42.94 47.11
 TutorSS 3.85 3.91 89.81 85.19 Human experts. Next, we evaluate the performance of hu-
 TutorSS1 3.89 3.94 91.67 83.33 man experts on the benchmark StudentSyn, and refer to
 TutorSS2 3.72 3.89 91.67 88.89 this evaluation technique as TutorSS. These evaluations
 TutorSS3 3.94 3.89 86.11 83.33
 are done through a web platform where an expert would
 provide a generative or discriminative response to a given
Table 1: This table shows initial results on StudentSyn
 scenario (Tref , Cstu
 Tref , T
 , ?). In our work, TutorSS involved
in terms of the generative and discriminative performance
 participation of three independent experts for the evalua-
measures. The values are in the range [1.0, 4.0] for gen-
 tion; these experts have had experience in block-based pro-
erative performance and in the range [0.0, 100.0] for dis-
 gramming and tutoring. We first carried out generative per-
criminative performance—higher values being better. Hu-
 formance evaluations where an expert had to write the stu-
man experts (TutorSS) can achieve high performance on
 dent attempt code; afterwards, we carried out discriminative
both the measures, whereas simple baselines perform poorly.
 performance evaluations where an expert would choose one
The numbers reported for TutorSS are computed by av-
 of the options. In total, each expert participated in 36 gen-
eraging across three separate human experts (TutorSS1 ,
 erative evaluations (18 per reference task) and 72 discrimi-
TutorSS2 , and TutorSS3 ). See Section 3.3 for details.
 native evaluations (36 per reference task). Results in Table 1
 highlight the huge performance gap between the human ex-
 perts and simple baselines; further details are provided in
means the synthesis fails to capture the elements of Cstu Tref and Section 6.
Ttar ; (iii) Score 3 means the synthesis captures the elements
only of CstuTref or of T , but not both; (iv) Score 4 means the
synthesis captures the elements of both Cstu tar 4. NEURAL SYNTHESIZER NEURSS
 Tref and T .
 Our first technique, NeurSS (Neural Program Synthesis for
Discriminative performance. As the generative performance StudentSyn), is inspired by recent advances in neural pro-
requires human-in-the-loop evaluation, we also introduce a gram synthesis [3, 4]. In our work, we use the neural ar-
disciminative performance measure based on the prediction chitecture proposed in [3]—at a high-level, the neural syn-
accuracy of choosing the student attempt from a set. More thesizer model takes as input a visual task T, and then se-
concretely, given a scenario (Tref , Cstu tar quentially synthesizes a code C by using programming to-
 Tref , T , ?), the discrimi-
native objective is to choose Cstutar from ten candidate codes; kens in Tstore . However, our goal is not simply to synthesize
see Figure 5. These ten options are created automatically in a solution code, instead, we want to synthesize attempts
a systematic way and include the following: (a) the ground- of a given student that the system is interacting with at
truth Cstu ? real-time/deployment. To achieve this goal, NeurSS oper-
 Ttar from the benchmark, (b) the solution code CTtar ,
 stu0 ates in three stages as illustrated in Figure 6. Each stage
(c) five codes CTtar from the benchmark associated with other
 is in line with a phase of our objective described in Sec-
students stu0 whose behavior type is different from stu, and
 tion 2.2. At a high-level, the three stages of NeurSS are
(iv) three randomly constructed codes obtained by editing
 as follows: (i) In Stage1, we are given a reference task and
the solution code C∗Ttar .
 its solution (Tref , C?Tref ), and train a neural synthesizer model
 that can synthesize solutions for any task similar to Tref ; (ii)
3.3 Initial Results In Stage2, the system observes the student stu’s attempt
As a starting point, we design a few simple baselines and Cstu
 Tref and initiates continual training of the neural synthe-
compare their performance with that of human experts. sizer model from Stage1 in real-time; (iii) In Stage3, the
 system considers a target task Ttar and uses the model from
Simple baselines. The simple baselines that we develop here Stage2 to synthesize Cstu Ttar . In the following paragraphs, we
are meant for the discriminative-only objective; they do not provide an overview of the key ideas and high-level imple-
have synthesis capability. Our first baseline RandD simply mentation details for each stage.
chooses a code from the 10 options at random. Our next two
baselines, EditD and EditEmbD, are defined through a dis- NEURSS-Stage1.i. Given a reference task and its solution
tance function DTref (C, C0 ) that quantifies a notion of distance (Tref , C?Tref ), the goal of this stage is to train a neural synthe-
between any two codes C, C0 for a fixed reference task. For a sizer model that can synthesize solutions for any task similar
scenario (Tref , Cstu
 Tref , T
 , ?) and ten option codes, these base- to Tref . In this stage, we use a synthetic dataset DTtasks ref com-
lines select the code C that minimizes DTref (C, Cstu Tref ). EditD prising of task-solution pairs (T, C?T ); the notion of similarity
uses a tree-edit distance between Abstract Syntax Trees as here means that Tstore is the same as Tref store and the nesting
the distance function, denoted as Dedit Tref . EditEmbD extends structure of programming constructs in C?T is the same as in
EditD by considering a distance function that combines C?Tref . To train this synthesizer, we leverage recent advances
 Tref and a code-embedding based distance function DTref ;
 in neural program synthesis [3, 4]; in particular, we use the
in this paper, we trained code embeddings with the method- encoder-decoder architecture and imitation learning proce-
ology of [15] using a real-world dataset of student attempts dure from [3]. The model we use in our experiments has
on Tref . EditEmbD then uses a distance function as a con- deep-CNN layers for extracting task features and an LSTM
 0 0
vex combination α·Dedit emb
 Tref (C, C )+(1−α)·DTref (C, C ) where for sequentially generating programming tokens. The input
α is optimized for each reference task separately. For mea- to the synthesizer is a one-hot task representation of the vi-
NEURSS-Stage1.i: Training a solution synthesizer network NEURSS-Stage2: Continual training at deployment
 Inputs: Inputs:
 § Reference task and solution T $/0 , C-⋆123 § Student attempt C-'"(
 123 of student stu

 § Synthetic dataset "#'5'
 -123 of tasks and T C-⋆ Computation: T$/0 C
 solutions T, C-⋆ s.t. T is similar to T $/0 #""/78"'
 § Find neighboring codes C ∈ -123
 Computation: s.t. (C) is close to (C-'"(
 123 )
 § Train a solution synthesizer network § Continual training of Stage1.i network
 "#$ '"(
 T ,M
 NEURSS-Stage1.ii: Training a code embedding network NEURSS-Stage3: Student attempt synthesis at deployment
 Inputs: Inputs:
 § Real-world dataset #""/78"' of different § Target task T "#$
 students’ attempts C for T $/0 C (C) Computation: T"#$ C-'"(

 Computation: § Use Stage2 network to synthesize the
 § Train a code embedding network attempt C-'"(
 =>1 of student stu for T

Figure 6: Illustration of the three different stages in NeurSS, our technique based on neural synthesis; details in Section 4.

sual grid denoting different elements of the grid (e.g., “goal”, using Cstu
 Tref —this is important to avoid overfitting during the
“walls”, and position/orientation of the “avatar”), as well as process. Second, during this continual training, we train
the programming tokens synthesized by the model so far. for a small number of epochs (a hyperparameter), and only
To generate the synthetic dataset DTtasks
 ref , we use the task fine-tune the decoder by freezing the encoder—this is impor-
generation procedure from [1]. For the reference task T4 , we tant so that the network obtained after continual training
generated DTtasks
 4 of size 50, 000; for the reference task T18 , still maintains its synthesis capability. The hyperparame-
we generated DT18 of size 200, 000. ters in this stage (threshold r, the number of epochs and
 learning rate) are obtained through cross-validation in our
NEURSS-Stage1.ii. Given a reference task Tref , the goal of experiments (see Section 6.2)
this stage is to train a code embedding network that maps
an input code C to a feature vector φ(C). This code em- NEURSS-Stage3. In this stage, the system observes Ttar and
bedding space will be useful later in NEURSS-Stage2 when uses the model from Stage2 to synthesize CstuTtar . More con-
we observe the student stu’s attempt. For each Tref , we use cretely, we provide Ttar as an input to the Stage2 model
a real-world dataset of students’ attempts DTattempts on Tref and then synthesize a small set of codes as outputs using
to train this embedding network using the methodology of a beam search procedure proposed in [3]. This procedure
[15]. To train this embedding network, we construct a set allows us to output codes that have high likelihood or prob-
with triplets (C, C0 , Dedit 0 0 attempts ability of synthesis with the model. In our experiments, we
 Tref (C, C )) where C, C ∈ DTref and
 edit use a beam size of 64; Figures 9e and 10e illustrate Top-3
DTref computes the tree-edit distance between Abstract Syn-
 synthesized codes for different scenarios obtained through
tax Trees of two codes (see Section 3.3). The embedding
 this procedure. The Top-1 code is then used for generative
network is trained so the embedding space preserves given
 performance evaluation. For the discriminative performance
distances, i.e., ||φ(C) − φ(C0 )|| ≈ Dedit 0
 Tref (C, C ) for a triplet. evaluation, we are given a set of option codes; here we use
Following the setup in [15], we use a bidirectional LSTM
 the model of Stage2 to compute the likelihood of provided
architecture for the network and use R80 embedding space.
 options and then select one with the highest probability.
NEURSS-Stage2. In this stage, the system observes the stu-
dent stu’s attempt CstuTref and initiates continual training of 5. SYMBOLIC SYNTHESIZER SYMSS
the neural synthesizer model from Stage1.i in real-time. More
 In the previous section, we introduced NeurSS inspired by
concretely, we fine-tune the pre-trained synthesizer model
 neural program synthesis. NeurSS additionally has syn-
from Stage 1.i with the goal of transferring the student stu’s
 thesis capability in comparison to the simple baselines in-
behavior from the reference task Tref to any target task Ttar .
 troduced earlier; yet, there is a substantial gap in the per-
Here, we make use of the embedding network from Stage1.ii
 formance of NeurSS and human experts (i.e., TutorSS).
that enables us to find neighboring codes C ∈ DTattempts such
 An important question that we seek to resolve is how much
that φ(C) is close to φ(Cstu
 T ref ). More formally, the set of neigh- of this performance gap can be reduced by leveraging do-
bors is given by {C ∈ DTattempts
 ref : ||φ(Cstu
 Tref ) − φ(C)||2 ≤ r} main knowledge such as how students with different behav-
where the threshold r is a hyperparameter. Next, we use iors (misconceptions) write codes. To this end, we introduce
these neighboring codes to create a small dataset for contin- our second technique, SymSS (Symbolic Program Synthesis
ual training: this dataset comprises of the task-code pairs for StudentSyn), inspired by recent advances in using sym-
(C, Tref ) where C is a neighboring code for Cstu Tref and T
 is bolic methods for program synthesis [24, 51, 26]. Similar in
the reference task. There are two crucial ideas behind the spirit to NeurSS, SymSS operates in three stages as illus-
design of this stage. First, we do this continual training trated in Figure 7. Each stage is in line with a phase of our
using a set of neighboring codes w.r.t. Cstu Tref instead of just objective described in Section 2.2. At a high-level, the three
1 p
 SYMSS-Stage1: Expert designs a symbolic synthesizer gStart:= −→ gR gM gL gM gM gM gL gM
 Inputs: −→ gR gM gL gM gM gM gM
 § Reference task and solution T $)* , C,⋆-./ −→ gR gM gM gM gM gL gM
 § Set ℳ of misconception types T, C,⋆ C −→ gM gL gM gM gM gL gM
 ,-./ p3
 −→ gR gM gM gM gM gM
 Computation: M p3
 § Expert designs a symbolic synthesizer ,-./ −→ gM gL gM gM gM gM
 § Given a similar T, C,⋆ and M ∈ ℳ, ,-./ −→ gM gM gM gM gL gM
 synthesizes an attempt C with probability −→ gM gM gM gM gM
 The solution code C?T4x for T4x is {Run {turnRight; move;
 SYMSS-Stage2: Predict misconception type at deployment
 turnLeft; move; move; move; turnLeft; move}}. These rules
 Inputs: for gStart are specific to the behavior type Mstu that cor-
 § Student attempt C,'"( "#$ stu'"(
 -./ of student
 T ,M T $)* , C,⋆-./ C,'"(
 -./ responds to forgetting to include some turns in the solution
 ,-./ and are created automatically w.r.t. C?T4x .
 § Predict M '"( as M ∈ ℳ with highest p 5 p7
 probability C,'"(
 -./ | M
 gM:= −→ gRepM gRepM gRepM:= −→ gRepM gRepM
 p6 p7
 −→ move −→ move
 p5 p8
 SYMSS-Stage3: Student attempt synthesis at deployment
 −→ turnLeft −→ turnLeft
 p5 p8
 −→ turnRight −→ turnRight
 § Target task and solution (T "#$ , C,⋆;
Method Generative Performance Discriminative Performance Required Inputs and Domain Knowledge
 Reference task Reference task Reference task Reference task Ref. task dataset: Ref. task dataset: Student Expert Expert
 T4 T18 T4 T18 student attempts similar tasks types grammars evaluation
 RandD 1.00 1.00 10.15 ± 0.2 10.10 ± 0.2 - - - - -
 EditD 1.00 1.00 30.83 ± 1.1 47.06 ± 0.3 - - - - -
 EditEmbD 1.00 1.00 42.94 ± 2.1 47.11 ± 0.8 7 - - - -
 NeurSS 3.28 2.94 40.10 ± 0.7 55.98 ± 1.5 7 7 - - -
 SymSS 3.72 3.83 87.17 ± 0.7 67.83 ± 1.0 - - 7 7 -
 TutorSS 3.85 3.91 89.81 ± 1.9 85.19 ± 1.9 - - - - 7

Table 2: This table expands on Table 1 and additionally provides results for NeurSS and SymSS. The columns under
“Required Inputs and Domain Knowledge” highlight information used by different techniques (7 indicates the usage of the
corresponding input/knowledge). NeurSS and SymSS significantly improve upon the simple baselines introduced in Sec-
tion 3.3; yet, there is a gap in performance in comparison to that of human experts. See Section 6 for details.

SYMSS-Stage1 (PCFG). Inspired by recent work on model- codes with highest probabilities; Figures 9f and 10f illustrate
ing students’ misconceptions via Probabilistic Context Free the Top-3 synthesized codes for two scenarios, obtained with
Grammars (PCFG)s [51], we consider a PCFG family of this procedure. The Top-1 code is then used for generative
grammars inside GTref .7 More concretely, given a reference performance evaluation. For the discriminative performance
task Tref , a task-solution pair (T, C?T ), and a type M, the evaluation, we are already given a set of option codes; here
expert has designed an automated function that creates a we directly compute the likelihood of the provided options
PCFG corresponding to GTref (T, C?T , M) which is then used to and then select one with the highest probability.
sample/synthesize codes. This PCFG is created automati-
cally and the production rules are based on: the type M, the 6. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION
input solution code C?T , and optionally features of T. In our
 In this section, we expand on the evaluation presented in
implementation, we designed two separate symbolic synthe-
 Section 3 and include results for NeurSS and SymSS.
sizers GT4 and GT18 associated with two reference tasks. As
a concrete example, consider the scenario in Figure 1: the
PCFG created internally at SymSS-Stage3 corresponds to 6.1 Generative Performance
GT4 (T4x , C?T4x , Mstu ) and is illustrated in Figure 8; details are Evaluation procedure. As discussed in Section 3.2, we eval-
provided in the caption and as comments within the figure. uate the generative performance of a technique in the fol-
 lowing steps: (a) a scenario (Tref , Cstu
 Tref , T
 , ?) is picked; (b)
SYMSS-Stage2. In this stage, the system observes the stu- the technique synthesizes stu’s attempt, i.e., a program that
dent stu’s attempt Cstu Tref and makes a prediction about the
 stu would write if the system would assign Ttar to the stu-
behavior type Mstu ∈ M. For each behavior type M ∈ M dent; (c) the generated code is scored on the 4-point Likert
specified at Stage1, we use GTref with arguments (Tref , C?ref , M) scale. The scoring step requires human-in-the-loop evalua-
to calculate the probability of synthesizing CstuTref w.r.t. M, re-
 tion and involved an expert (different from the three experts
ferred to as p(Cstu
 Tref |M). This is done by internally creating a
 that are part of TutorSS). Overall, each technique is eval-
corresponding PCFG for GTref (Tref , C?ref , M). To predict Mstu , uated for 36 unique scenarios in StudentSyn—we selected
we pick the behavior type M with the highest probability. 18 scenarios per reference task by first picking one of the 3
As an implementation detail, we construct PCFGs in a spe- target tasks and then picking a student from one of the 6
cial form called the Chmosky Normal Form (CNF) [5, 27] different types of behavior. The final performance results in
(though the PCFG illustrated in Figure 8 is not in CNF). Table 2 are reported as an average across these scenarios;
This form imposes constraints to the grammar rules that for TutorSS, each of the three experts independently re-
add extra difficulty in grammar creation, but enables the sponded to these 36 scenarios and the final performance is
efficient calculation of p(Cstu computed as a macro-average across experts.
 Tref |M).

SYMSS-Stage3. In this stage, the system observes a target Quantitative results. Table 2 expands on Table 1 and reports
task Ttar along with its solution C?Ttar . Based on the behavior results on the generative performance per reference task for
type Mstu inferred in Stage2, it uses GTref with input argu- different techniques. As noted in Section 3.3, the simple
ments (Ttar , C?Ttar , Mstu ) to synthesize Cstu baselines (RandD, EditD, EditEmbD) do not have a syn-
 Ttar . More concretely,
we use GTref (Ttar , C?Ttar , Mstu ) to synthesize a large set of codes thesis capability and hence have a score 1.00. TutorSS,
as outputs along with probabilities. In our implementa- i.e., human experts, achieves the highest performance with
tion, we further normalize these probabilities appropriately aggregated scores of 3.85 and 3.91 for two reference tasks
by considering the number of production rules involved. In respectively; as mentioned in Table 1, these scores are re-
our experiments, we sample a set of 1000 codes and keep the ported as an average over scores achieved by three different
 experts. SymSS also achieves high performance with ag-
 gregated scores of 3.72 and 3.83—only slightly lower than
 Context Free Grammars (CFG)s generate strings by apply- that of TutorSS and these gaps are not statistically signif-
ing a set of production rules where each symbol is expanded icant w.r.t. χ2 tests [6]. The high performance of SymSS
independently of its context [27]. These rules are defined
through a start symbol, non-terminal symbols, and termi- is expected given its knowledge about types of students in
nal symbols. PCFGs additionally assign a probability to StudentSyn and the expert domain knowledge inherent in
each production rule; see Figure 8 as an example. its design. NeurSS improves upon simple baselines and
def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 turnRight turnRight turnRight
 move move move
 turnLeft turnLeft move

 ? move
 move }


 (a) Attempt Cstu
 (b) Solution C?T4x (c) Benchmark code (d) TutorSS

 def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 turnRight turnRight turnRight move move turnRight
 move move move move move move
 move move turnLeft move move move
 turnLeft move move move move move
 move turnLeft move move turnLeft move
 move move move } move move
 } } } } }

 (e) NeurSS – Top-3 synthesized codes in decreasing likelihood (f) SymSS – Top-3 synthesized codes in decreasing likelihood

Figure 9: Illustration of the qualitative results in terms of the generative objective for the scenario in Figure 1. (a) The
goal is to synthesize the student stu’s behavior on the target task T4x . (b) Solution code C?T4x for the target task. (c) Code
provided in the benchmark as a possible answer for this scenario. (d) Code provided by one of the human experts. (e, f ) Codes
synthesized by our techniques NeurSS and SymSS—Top-3 synthesized codes in decreasing likelihood are provided here. See
Section 6.1 for details.

 def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 move RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){
 turnLeft move move
 RepeatUntil(goal){ turnLeft move

 If(pathRight){ move turnLeft
 turnRight turnRight move
 move move move
 } turnRight
 Else{ }
 move } move
 } move
 } }
 } }

 (a) Attempt Cstu
 (b) Solution C?T18x (c) Benchmark code (d) TutorSS

 def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){ def Run(){
 RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){ move move move
 move move move move move move
 turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft turnLeft
 move move move RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){ RepeatUntil(goal){
 turnLeft } turnLeft turnRight move turnRight
 move } } move turnRight move
 } } move move move
 } } move move
 } } }
 } }

 (e) NeurSS – Top-3 synthesized codes in decreasing likelihood (f) SymSS – Top-3 synthesized codes in decreasing likelihood

Figure 10: Analogous to Figure 9, here we illustrate results in terms of the generative objective for the scenario in Figure 2.

achieves aggregated scores of 3.28 and 2.94; however, this the Top-3 codes synthesized by NeurSS in Figure 10e only
performance is significantly worse (p ≤ 0.001) compared to capture the elements of the student’s behavior in Cstu
 Tref and
that of SymSS and TutorSS w.r.t. χ2 tests.8 miss the elements of the target task Ttar .

Qualitative results. Figures 9 and 10 illustrate the quali- 6.2 Discriminative Performance
tative results in terms of the generative objective for the Evaluation procedure: Creating instances. As discussed in
scenarios in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. As can be seen Section 3.2, we evaluate the discriminative performance of
in Figures 9d and 10d, the codes generated by human ex- a technique in the following steps: (a) a discriminative in-
perts in TutorSS are high-scoring w.r.t. our 4-point Likert stance is created with a scenario (Tref , Cstu tar
 Tref , T , ?) picked
scale, and are slight variations of the ground-truth codes in from the benchmark and 10 code options created automati-
StudentSyn shown in Figures 9c and 10c. Figures 9f and 10f cally; (b) the technique chooses one of the options as stu’s
show the Top-3 codes synthesized by SymSS for these two attempt; (c) the chosen option is scored either 100.0 when
scenarios – these codes are also high-scoring w.r.t. our 4- correct, or 0.0 otherwise. We create a number of discrimina-
point Likert scale. In contrast, for the scenario in Figure 2, tive instances for evaluation, and then compute an average
 predictive accuracy in the range [0.0, 100.0]. We note that
8 2 the number of discriminative instances can be much larger
 χ tests reported here are conducted based on aggregated
data across both the reference tasks. than the number of scenarios because of the variability in
creating 10 code options. When sampling large number of for programming tasks. We believe that the benchmark will
instances in our experiments, we ensure that all target tasks facilitate further research in this crucial area of student mod-
and behavior types are represented equally. eling for block-based visual programming environments.

Evaluation procedure: Details about final performance. For There are several important directions for future work, in-
TutorSS, we perform evaluation on a small set of 72 in- cluding but not limited to: (a) incorporating more diverse
stances (36 instances per reference task), to reduce the ef- tasks and student misconceptions in the benchmark; (b)
fort for human experts. The final performance results for scaling up the benchmark and creating a competition with
TutorSS in Table 2 are reported as an average predictive a public leaderboard to facilitate research; (c) developing
accuracy across the evaluated instances—each of the three new neuro-symbolic synthesis techniques that can get close
experts independently responded to the instances and the to the performance of TutorSS without relying on expert
final performance is computed as a macro-average across ex- inputs; (d) applying our methodology to other programming
perts. Next, we provide details on how the final performance environments (e.g., Python programming).
results are computed for the techniques RandD, EditD,
EditEmbD, NeurSS, and SymSS. For these techniques,
we perform numEval = 5 independent evaluation rounds, 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and report results as a macro-average across these rounds; This work was supported in part by the European Research
these rounds are also used for statistical significance tests. Council (ERC) under the Horizon Europe programme (ERC
Within one round, we create a set of 720 instances (360 in- StG, grant agreement No. 101039090).
stances per reference task). To allow hyperparameter tuning
by techniques, we apply a cross-validation procedure on the 9. REFERENCES
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