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From "help me" to Engaged Productivity - 90 days later - IDC

                             An ISG Report, with Unisys
90 days later -
From “help me” to
Engaged Productivity
Boosting Human Mindfulness
and Engagement while
increasing Digital Connectedness
and Productivity

Welcome to the New Future
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     OF NEW OFFICES IN 2020?

           Who benefited and why?
           Why did they benefit?

           A brief history of COVID-19
           The shift in ways of working
           Generational expectations and differences
           Trends in how work might change

           The myths and reality
           Trends in time
           Non-IT benefits
           Equality and access to a wider all-inclusive workforce
           WFH legal issues and liabilities

           New challenges now faced
           The issue of Zoom fatigue
           Human behaviors and the psychology of continual work

           Tech issues have not gone away
           Trends in remote support

           ISG identifies possible solutions – not all future workplace solutions are created equal
           Finding the unique in a sea of change

           Adding intelligence
           Intelligence, intelligently added
           Embedded conversational AI
           Integrated AI
           Automated analytics
           Analyzing sentiment
           Solving issues in the digital workplace – improving productivity
           Reducing costs
           Improving speed and quality of service

           The future is now


           The eight steps to success


              An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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In the last 12 months, we have seen the largest                      For the people working from home, the way of working
population movement ever in the history of the world.                has forever been changed by the virus. As a result,
Through a historical drive for efficiency, hundreds                  corporations have had to adapt how they enable,
of millions of new offices have been created almost                  manage and support their employees. Home-based
overnight, leading to workers sitting at home creating               employees are working up to 40 percent longer with
a near 1,000 percent increase in demand for video                    no correlated increase in productivity. This in itself has
conferencing and collaboration tools with little                     created negative effects after the initial work-at-home
improvement in technology. Suddenly, we realized that                honeymoon period abruptly ended. The reason for
organizations have historically overlooked resiliency,               this is that the technology deployed is reported to be
leading to a rush in shoring up corporate security and               unsatisfactory, and issues take longer to solve. People
business continuity. This has created both benefits and              are becoming more stressed out, and their personal
issues that employers need to address as we move into                time has taken a hit. Previously, when ad hoc at-home
a new way of working in 2021. It has also created new                work happened, it seems it was easier to delineate work
paradoxes where previously perceived benefits such                   and personal time. Now, this line has been blurred.
as work/life balance when working at home have been                  These issues faced by the human workforce can
severely tested and, in many cases, where implemented                result in a positive or negative productivity spiral that
poorly, dramatic shifts in the wrong direction.                      businesses need to understand and be aware of.
Understanding how people work is as important                        Management has conflicting and contrasting demands,
as understanding what they do.                                       which have resulted in some interesting practices
sentiment will be vital in the new future.                           impacting how they deploy remote performance
                                                                     management, ensure staff feel part of the team and
When designing the future of work, organizations need
                                                                     deploy new people-management cultures. On top of
to consider three areas: physical, digital and human
                                                                     this, the technology of the pre-pandemic world has only
workplaces. The physical workspace that workers used
                                                                     advanced slightly, which has resulted in many people
to know and love has become dust ridden and only now
                                                                     working harder to bridge the organizational shortfalls,
is being opened up a gain subject to COVID-19 safety
                                                                     provision technology tools, resolve IT problems and
protocols. Organizations will need to make plans to
                                                                     measure KPIs.
adapt these environments into safe and collaborative
workspaces for segments of workers to come back                      Employees want to work and be able to manage their
to. These workspaces also will need to be integrated                 time flexibly. They just want their lives and work to work
into the digital remote workplace in which workers                   for them. If anything, the pandemic has shown that the
can seamlessly choose where they want to work but                    future we thought we were moving toward has caused
participate in processes or teams in the same way they               employees and employers to realize there are new work
would in person. Organizations also will need to take                models that enable a wholesale change of operations,
into account the needs and wishes of employees.                      customer experience and human interaction. This
                                                                     will be achieved through the seamless connection
The majority of office workers have seen the light
                                                                     of physical space redesign with end-to-end digital
and now want to remain working at home for at least
                                                                     operations that are managed and operated by smart
50 percent of their time. For this digital workplace,
                                                                     human-digital cognitive technologies that can sense the
however, it has become clear that organizations that
                                                                     needs of the customer, employee and operations.
successfully moved all their workers home and onto
mobile technology seem to believe that the problems                  ISG has used its independent status to assess the
are solved, relying on employees and teams to solve                  future-of-work marketplace. Companies must rethink
their own issues. This is not the case, and indeed it is             how they manage productivity and connectivity in the
not the end of the transformation. It is not even the                future workplace. The use of automation and proactive
beginning of the end. It is the end of the beginning,                technology to boost health and happiness is something
and employers need to look hard at the cultural and                  that jumped out in the provider market resulting in this
personal shift that the pandemic has caused. There is                third chapter of ISG’s 90 days eBook series. As the title
much more work to be done.                                           says, welcome to the new future.

                    An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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how internal process and management oversight are
WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED                                           limiting creativity and innovation, which they then
THAT THERE WOULD BE                                                report to the management.

HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF                                            Next comes my favorite part and one of the all-time

NEW OFFICES IN 2020?                                               classic scenes from any movie. After the Bobs
                                                                   recommend to put him on the management fast-track
Prior to the outbreak of coronavirus in early 2020,                while firing a number of employees who have worked
over 85 percent of office managers saw working from                in the same way for years, management disagrees and
home as a perk. Even though 51 percent of the office               a classic consultant, management tête-à-tête occurs.
working population worked from their homes at least                This shows that desk-based, ill-thought-out classic
part of one day a week, only a tiny percentage were                processes can be done from anywhere.
required to work from home full time. This is because
                                                                   One of the Bobs takes charge, with a laser focus
many organizations’ internal and management
                                                                   on Bill Lumbergh, the film’s infamous and pointless
processes were not geared to manage working from
                                                                   manager. “So let me ask you, we feel that you just
home for even short periods of time. This resulted
                                                                   haven’t challenged the workers enough, he says,
in the mainly office-driven operations we saw pre-
                                                                   and when the management disagree, the Bobs bring
                                                                   home the argument with data. “And how much time
To put this in context, if you’ve ever seen the cult               would you say you spend each week in the office
classic 1999 movie, “Office Space,” it demonstrates in             dealing with these TPS reports?” The scene ends
a fanciful way how the most unusual of circumstances               with the two staring at each other with daggered
can change the way employees want to work to                       eyes and management realizing they need to change.
improve productivity and happiness. In this case,                  Lumbergh, simply utters the now famous line, “yeh-
a hypnotherapy session forever changes how a                       ahhh,” and sips his coffee. Peter gets promoted and
frustrated and unmotivated U.S. software employee                  his work life balance and life in general improves.
named Peter views his desk job and life. He transforms             The movie shows exactly how frustrated employees
from a desk-bound tamed man always fearful of his                  feel and how company bureaucracy can influence
matrix of bosses complaining about his TPS reports                 motivation and morale, told in a hilarious modern
to a corporate rebel who finds better ways of doing                workplace classic.
things, refuses to work overtime, plays games on his
                                                                   And this is the problem: Before the coronavirus, the
desk and leaves the office whenever he desires. As
                                                                   workplace was seen as an office with physical desks,
the company is undergoing a period of cost pressure,
                                                                   meeting rooms and some break out areas to meet and
two external consultants, both named “Bob,” arrive to
                                                                   collaborate. The “future of work” was described, and
assess the company’s employees, including Peter.
                                                                   a future aspirational world was promoted by keynote
In the classic scene, the two Bobs ask how Peter                   speakers and well-known entrepreneurs. These global
spends his typical day, who explains to them in blunt              aspirations of a more remote workforce and the
terms how bored he is. He describes how bad the TPS                benefits it brings to work-life balance and productivity
reports are and says, “The thing is, Bob, it’s not that            were and are (but, oh boy, how it has changed) the
I am lazy, it’s that I just don’t care. It is a problem of         topic of conferences around the world where digital
motivation, if I work my ass off and we ship a few more            providers demonstrated the art of the possible
units, what do I get out of it? And another thing, I have          through technology and communication platforms
eight different bosses right now, so if I make a mistake,          enabling employees to work at home.
I have eight different people coming by my desk to
                                                                   At one of these conferencesi, founder and chairman
tell me about it. So, my only real motivation is to not
                                                                   of Virgin Richard Branson said, “We like to give people
have them come by and hassle me about it, that, and
                                                                   the freedom to work where they want, safe in the
the fear of losing my job. But you know what Bob, that
                                                                   knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to
will make someone work just hard enough not to get
                                                                   perform excellently, whether they are at their desk
                                                                   or in their kitchen. Yours truly has never worked out
In a final brutal twist, he shows the two Bobs exactly             of an office, and never will.” And this is great, for the

                    An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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insightful few, where they literally can work anywhere.           by the ILO as those who can or will work at home
People who think like Branson have made investments               permanently as described above. From home or
to challenge the status quo and enable people to                  teleworkers are those who can work from home some
flourish to deliver saleable services and commodities             or all of the time without it being a permanent base.
from anywhere, removing barriers to success as they               Not all organizations and sectors can work from home
go.                                                               due to non-digitized processes or the industry they
                                                                  work in. In manufacturing or service industries for
In the mainstream business community, though,
                                                                  example, a physical workforce is needed.
it was a different story. Through digital workplace
initiatives, some organization made changes to mobile             It is estimated that approximately 25-30 percentiv of
technology and elements of collaboration. These                   the global workforce will be working from home
happened slowly, mainly due to traditional ways of                multiple days a week. When translated into the
delivering change and, in some instances, due to cost             industries that can work from home, wev expect that
benefit. These managers never thought about the                   approximately 76 percent of the office-based
future because their futures had not been challenged.             workforce will remain working from home at least half
Then, just like what happened to Peter in Office Space,           the time. This means that between 643 and 772
something happened that changed everything. For us                million of the 3.4 billion workforcevi will work from
in the real world, the pandemic hit.                              home on a regular basis. So the way we set up
The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimatesii            organizations to deliver customer value will need to
that pre-pandemic approximately 7.9 percent of the                change forever.
world’s workforce, or about 260 million people, worked                Pre-Pandemic
from home on a permanent basis and that while some              51%                                                Office
were teleworkers, most were not. The number of                        During-Pandemic
these people who worked at home exclusively on a                92%

permanent basis was 2.9 percent, or an estimated 7.5                  Post-Pandemic
                                                                                                                  2-3 Days
million people. The other 5 percentage points was               76%                                               per Week
made up of the people who may have been based at
home but worked part time and elsewhere, on the                   We saw this in the the first chapter of our 90 days
road perhaps.                                                     Later e-book focusing on how to ensure that people
This data is further backed up by the EUiii, which                work at home did so securely using zero-trust multi-
shows that between 2009 and 2019 approximately                    device stealth security. The second chapter, 90
5.4 percent of the workforce worked from home most                Days from Firefighting to Fighting Fit, explained how
                                                                  organizations needed to fund that change and ensure
of the time, and that the share of employed workers
                                                                  financial stability in the long term driven by a focus on
working at home at least part time increased from 5.2
                                                                  their hierarchy of needs and cube of value.
percent in 2009 to 9 percent in 2019. Working from
home was considerably more common among the self-                 This is where we pick up, because it is clear from
employed than dependent employees, but the overall                history that organizations focused on a centralized,
figure remained at a roughly constant 5.4 percent in              cheaper delivery model designed for efficiency rather
that time period. This shows that across the globe,               than resiliency suffered the most due to supply chain
employees using their home as a place of work was a               or third-party failures, as well as issues with how to
nice to have rather than a mainstream way of working.             ensure people could work at home using office-based
                                                                  systems and processes. And it is this lack of resilience
And in the period of less than a month, approximately
                                                                  that has left us in the world we are in and has changed
92 percent of the world’s population was ordered to
                                                                  the world of work forever. Here, we explore the
stay at home. This includes hundreds of millions of
                                                                  changes that have happened physically and culturally
office-based workers who suddenly needed security,
                                                                  in the future of work, where employees now work
technology, process, and support to work from home.
                                                                  seamlessly at home, or wherever they need to, and
Not all succeeded, and the world of work changed
                                                                  how technology enables a brighter and healthier
forever. It is worth noting here that there are two
                                                                  future for the aspirations predicted in 2019 that are
definitions to explain. At-home work is defined
                                                                  now a stark reality.

                   An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The opportunities for future employee and human                    instead which requires mitigation and planning to
capital models to incorporate digital tools – not all              occur. It is why ISG is so successful in one of the key
employees will be human – are vast and exciting.                   areas in sourcing and vendor management with its
                                                                   third-party risk management (TPRM) capabilities like
                                                                   GovernXviii, deployed across vendor management
FROM DESIGN FOR                                                    teams worldwide. In the case of something like this,

EFFICIENCY TO DESIGN                                               no local organizational solution can mitigate risk that
                                                                   decimates entire value and supply chains, and because
FOR RESILIENCE                                                     the human capital needed to deliver those supply
As the Organization for Economic Cooperation and                   chains is also badly affected, they collapse.
Development (OECD) explained in its April 2020vii                  Indeed, the OECD’s New Approaches to Economic
coronavirus briefing note on the economic challenges               Challenges (NAEC) Group Conference in September
of the virus, the world needs to adopt a systematic                2019 on Averting Systemic Collapseix identified how
resilience approach to dealing with the virus and any              growing complexity and interdependence has made
potential future shocks. Since the late 20th century,              various global systems such as economic, public
the commercial world has focused on delivering                     health, and cyberspace susceptible to cascading
maximum value for minimum costs. This put an                       failure. It is clear now that from years of the
emphasis on lean operations, just-in-time delivery and             commercial world trying to optimize all that it can,
through the concept of human buffering, operating                  system resilience has foundered, leaving governments,
at the minimum levels of human capital needed to                   the public, and the environment in a weakened state.
deliver in that particular location. This emphasis                 The OECD concludes that short-term, highly lucrative,
on efficiency in the operation, management and                     yet fragile supply chains and economic exchanges
outcomes of various economic and social systems                    are fragile. When disrupted, these systems may
meant that much of the world relies on complex,                    have significant effects in unexpected areas. This
nested and interconnected supply chains to deliver                 was in 2019, and these types of scenarios have been
goods and services.                                                discussed since the financial crashes of 2007-08 and
While this has provided considerable opportunities,                before as shown in the diagram on the next page.
it means that like in all complex systems, tensions                Then, the coronavirus arrived and, as we saw in the
exist between efficiency and resiliency, including the             first eBook chapters, took a significant toll on the
ability to anticipate, absorb, recover, and adapt to               physical, financial, and human landscape.
unexpected threats. In the modern world, resiliency                Now that the pandemic has raged for several
is thought of in terms of disaster recovery and                    months, we know that organizations can adapt and
fundamental infrastructure that must operate in                    learn. Organizations that have a diversified product
times of crisis such as a country’s military and health            offering or were able to adapt quickly to digital
systems. In the corporate world, that translates to                models delivered through multiple channels have
ensuring services are delivered on time and at cost                a much better chance of survival. Those that were
through the careful management of risk. That risk                  able to adapt their workforce and delivery engines
was managed through contractual relationships with                 to a remote delivery model most seamlessly not only
suppliers of services and technology to deliver services           survived but grew.
to your end customer. Those suppliers accepted the
risk and were responsible for risk management. Bear
in mind that this refers to known risk – risks that                Who benefited and why?
people are aware of or acknowledge may happen and
plan for. Technically, COVID-19 was unanticipated                  Recently the European Union published its “Telework
risk, a risk that is known but so highly unlikely that             in the EU before and after the COVID-19: Where We
it doesn’t need mitigation. Despite the fact that a                Were, Where We Head To” science policy briefx. It
pandemic was high among the OECD countries, and                    shows that before the pandemic, people who most
global risk factors, perhaps business should have                  often worked from home on an occasional basis were
put that unanticipated risk into the known column                  in IT and other communications services, knowledge

                    An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Source: Visual Capitalist

                            An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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intensive business services, education services sectors,                  empowered workforce are essential to delivery. And
plus those who provided publishing, audio/visual and                      this is the core theme of this chapter, understanding
broadcasting capabilities. Consequently, after the                        what employees need both physically and technically
pandemic hit, the Financial Timesxi identified the                        to do that work and empowering them to do it through
organizations that saw their stock rise the most in                       removal of problems and thus, making them more
terms of revenue growth, and these increases were                         productive and enriched. Only by having technology
due to new product delivery and adapted channels                          that “just works” and happy, healthy employees are
being created. From the diagram below, it is clear that                   companies like those mentioned above thriving
the winners in each sector mirror those that had the                      due to the products and services they create. And
highest proportion of people who worked remotely                          to top it all off, as we discussed in chapter 2, their
and could therefore adapt to the new conditions. Also,                    value proposition is highly digital, scalable and agile,
those organizations that had products or services to                      making their services and offerings easy to consume.
enable the remote working of employees benefited                          The areas of technical and human freedom and
hugely. In the previous chapter, we explored the                          empowerment through enabled digital delivery and
financial winners and losers in terms of growth across                    agility in the workplace is the theme of this chapter.
the sectors.

                                                                          UNDERSTANDING THE
                                                                          CHANGES BROUGHT ON BY
                                                                          As we explored in chapter one of this series, the world
                                                                          saw a mass movement of people back to their homes,
                                                                          perhaps not seen since times described in the Bible,
                                                                          when everyone had to go back to their place of birth
                                                                          to be registered. Hundreds of millions of people of all
                                                                          ages, races, sex, and nationality had to stay at home
                                                                          and work, or be placed on the equivalent of furlough,
                                                                          as we saw in the U.K., or worse. This single largest
                                                                          mass movement of the workforce has changed the
                                                                          way we work, where we work and how we work most
                                                                          likely forever.
                                                                          As part of its work in understanding the shift to a new
                                                                          model of working, ISG mapped out every possible “day
                                                                          in the life of” (DILO) for each worker type in the future.
                                                                          The resulting “future worker tube map” (the tube map)
                                                                          that follows clearly shows the “office” of the future will
Why did they benefit?                                                     include the home, remote locations, the physical office
The organizations listed above typically work in digital                  and a hybrid of the above.
and Agile ways – it doesn’t mean that they responded
                                                                          The tube map serves as a master plan in terms of all
in agile ways, but their delivery models, with a highly
                                                                          the key elements that organizations need to think
collaborative workforce working in agile ways, existed
                                                                          about. The “day in the life of” (DILO) approach to its
behind the customer product or service. Companies
                                                                          construction shows the common areas, where tube
such as Microsoft, Amazon, Zoom, Apple, Facebook,
                                                                          lines run together or join up such that actions need
and others have workforces that can essentially work
                                                                          to be taken for multiple workers. In the drive to serve
anywhere. Even pre-pandemic, the likes of Facebook
                                                                          the customer, a clear understanding of how work will
had employees able to collaborate on features and
                                                                          be delivered is needed and this tube map reveals key
capabilities from their bedrooms or corporate offices.
                                                                          processes and technologies to consider.
The deployment of collaboration technology plus an

                         An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Home Worker

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Remote Worker

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Collaboration Event
                                                                                                       Automated Scripts
                                                               1st Line Fix                                                                      Call Help Desk                                   Contact Remote
                                                                                                         capture data                                                                                                                                 Technical Issue                                                                                                   Receive Video / Phone
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Help Desk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Office Worker
      Agent Works with User                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sign On                                                                                                                                   Calls from Internal /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Signal Ready for Work                                                                       External Customer
                                                                                                                        User Credentials Sent                                              Help Desk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Customer / Attendee
                                       Escalate to 2nd Line               Agent Works with User                                                                    Self Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Facilities Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Open Work Queue                                       Receive Internal / External
            2nd Line Fix                                                                FM Team Prepare Socially                                 FM Prep Office                            FM Handover
                                                 FM Team Allocate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Customer Contact
                                                                                           Distant Measures                                        Space(s)                                  Space(s)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Home Based Work
                                                  Consumables to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Resolve Issues                                                                  Flexible Worker
                                                                                                                                                                  Mobile GPS                                          Meet Colleagues /       Hold Collaboration                                                                 Follow Host to Exit
                                                                                                                                                                  Logs Arrival                                           Customer                  Session
            Issue / Problem                                                                                                 FM Track GPS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Help Desk
                                            System Allocates                                        FM Occupancy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Backbone Support
                                             Users to Spaces                                       System Updated                                                                                                                                                               Finalise                     FM Alerted
                                                                                                                                                 Arrive Office / Corporate App                     Follow Route on Map       Acoustic Bubbles
                                                                                                                                                    Swipe In                                                                      Created                                       Output                       Space Free
                                                                                                                                                                  Plans Safest                       to Meeting Space                                                                                                                                                                                  Complete Internal                                          Automation
                                                                          Agree Work that
                                              Workspaces                                                                                                             Route                         Maintaining Distance                                                                                                                                                                               Workflow as Required
                                                                            can be Done
                                               Planned                                                                                                                                                                 Smart Office Captures                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Customer
    Daily Occupancy                                                                                                                                                                                                   Content Automatically                                                                               FM Wipe Down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Use App to
     Downloaded                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Space(s)
                                                                                                                               Travel to                                                                                                                                                          Locate Pre-                                                                                                                                                     IT Link
                              Adapting Property Usage                                                                           Office                                                   Contact Remote                                                                                          Booked Desk                                                                        Close Contact
                      Zone                          Signal Interest             Receive Call                                                                                               Help Desk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Smart Property
                                                       in work                from Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Smart Office Finalises
                                                                                                                 Live GPS                                                                                            Meeting Detail                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Key Future of Work Activity
                                                                                                              Signal Logged
                                                                 Work From Anywhere                                                                                                                                                                                     Use App to move to desk
                                                                                                                      Open Workplace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Working Time Ending
                                                           2                    Manager                                                                                    Technical Issue Employee Notified of                                                          following Safest Route                                                                                                                                                                   Major Future of Work Activity
                                                                                Notified                                Application                                                              Arrival                                Meeting Detail Issued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to Participants                                                                                                FM Prepare                 Sign Off System
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Arrive at Desk / Connect                                          Space(s) for                                                                                             Linked Future of Work Activity
                                                                                                               Leave Home                                                    Open and                                                                                                                                                                    Next Event
                                                                                                                                                                           Check Calendar       (re)Plan Day                                                                            to Corporate Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Zone                                                                                                                                                                   Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         6 Collaboration & Social Interaction                                                                                                                                   5  Digital Connectivity (Whole Image)
                                  Decide on
                                   Length of                                                                                                                                                Dial into Team                                                                                         Applications and Virtual                                                                                          Work From Anywhere
                                                                                                                                           Go to Home Office /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sign In with
                                  Availability                                                 Answer Corporate
                                                                                                                                           Launch Workstation                              Kick Off Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Holographic Reception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Assistant Re-Sync                                                                                          2                      END OF DAY
                                                                                               Health Questions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Undertake                                                                                                   Virtual Assistant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Work                                                                                                     Updates Calendar
                                                                                           Family Time /                                                                                                                                                                                                     Update Slack /
                                                                                                                                                                             Update Team                                                                                                                                                                                          FM Track GPS                                                                   Overnight
                                                                                           Health Check                                                                                                                                                                                                      Team Kanban
                                                                                                                        School Run                                          Kanban at Daily                                                                                                                                                                                         in Office
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Update Virtual
                                                                                                                                                                               Stand-up                                  Work on
                                                        Send Signal to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Prepare                                           Assistant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Personal                                                                                     Team Calls
                                                         Productivity                                                                                                                                                  Backlog (AM)                                                                                                                               Output
                        Go to Home Office /                                                 Leisurely                                                Sign On                      Undertake
                        Launch Workstation                 System                           Breakfast                                                Securely                     Team Calls                                                                       Arrive at Office                                           Video Calls                                                                                                                       Free Time /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Telephone Calls
                                                                                                                                                                                         Make Phone                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Plan Next
                                                                                            Personal                                                                                        Calls                       Prepare Output                                  Update Slack /           Undertake                                                                                                        Day(s)/Weeks
                                                                                            Growth                                   Open Work Queue                                                                                                                    Team Kanban              Team Calls                                   Issue Output to Internal /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  External Customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Travel to Meeting
                                    Sign On                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Make Phone                                                                                                                                      Family Time /
                                                                                                                                                                                         Issue Output to                                                                                                        Calls                                                                                                                                         Kids to Bed
                                    Securely                                                                                                                                           Internal / External                                                                                                            Issue Output to Internal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Physical Meeting /                                                                                                         Physical Meeting /                                       Close Day with
                                                                                                                                                                                            Customer                        Collaboration Needed                                                                        / External Customer            Collaboration Needed                                        Team Call
                                                                                                                    Signal Ready for Work
                                                                          WAKE UP                                                                                        Customer Issue
                                                                                                                                                                            Resolved                                                                                                                                                                                       Update Slack /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Break for                      Work on Personal                                                                                                                                                        Travel Home
                        Open Work Queue                                                                                                                                                             Update Slack /                                                                                              Prepare Output                                             Team Kanban
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Team Kanban                             Exercise / Meal                    Backlog (PM)
                                                                                                           Receive Phone
                                                         Update Employee                                                             Discuss Issue over           Complete Internal                                                                                                                                                FM System Blocks Room /
                                                                                                             Calls from                                                                                                                           Virtual Assistant
                                                           Availability on                                                                Phone                  Workflow as Required                                                                                                                                                 Desk and Updates
                                                                                                             Customer                                                                                        Log into FM System                  Informs Employee
                                                        Productivity System                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Occupancy Rates                      Check Out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Desk                                    Swipe Out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Accept Invite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Select type of                                                                                    Book Desk if
                      Signal Ready for Work                                                                                           Provide Improved                                                                                       Space Needed
                                                                                                           Receive Video                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Required
                                                                                                                                     Customer Experience          Complete Internal
                                                                                                             Calls from                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Follow Route on Map
                                                                                                                                          by Video               Workflow as Required                                     Close Call                                                                                                                                                                                 Sign out using
                                                                                                             Customer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to Vacate Maintaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Distance                          Holographic Reception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Choose                                              Receive H&S               Corporate App on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Invite Attendees              Guidance                  Phone Updated
                                                                        Receive Customer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FM Update
                         Customer Wants                                      Contact                                                  Guide Customer to                                            Close Video Call
                                                                                                         Respond to                                           Complete Internal                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Occupancy Figures
                            Assistance                                                                  Customer Chat                    Solve Issue         Workflow as Required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Internal Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sign Off System                                             Update KPI / Workload
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Working Time Ends

                           Logs onto Corporate                                                                                     Zone                                                                      Close Chat
                               Portal / App                                                                                          3 Embedded Intelligent Automation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Workstation / sync with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Users Notified of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Corporate Network
                                                                                        Online Portal                         Automation Pulls                        Internal Processes                                                                                                                                                    updates by next AM
                                                                                      Supports Customer                       Data from CRM /                             Automated                           Automation Logs
                                                                                                                                  Systems                                                                     and Tracks Issues                                                               Internal Productivity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                System Notified

                                                                                                                   Machine Learning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Backbone Proactively     Automation Reviews        End of Day System                        End of Day Sentiment
                  Home Based Workers                                  Online Portal / App                                                                             Automation Logs and
                                                                                                                Capability Learns Patterns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Undertake Fixes          Logs for Issues           Health Check                            Analysis Completed
                 Signalled Work Needed                                Updated with Latest                                                                            Updates Knowledge Base
                                                                         Information                                                                                                                          Internal Productivity                                       Employee Availability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                System Updated                                                 Planned                                         Patches / Updates Run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Automatically Overnight                                                                                                                                Algorithms Produce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Issue / User Hotspots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Issue / User Hotspot
                                                                                                                 Machine Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cases Created
                                                                                                                Capability Reconciles
                                                                                                               Expected versus Actual                                                                                                                                Users Notified of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    updates by next AM                                  Affected Users Notified                              Solution Implemented                       Solution Created

                                                       Productivity System                                                                                         Productivity System Plans                                                                                                  Proactive Fix Completed                                  Communication Created                          Solution Tested
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Backbone Worker
                                                     Verifies Actual Operator                                                                                         Required Operators                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Troubleshoots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4     Always-On IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: ISG
7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              By Iain Fisher, Director – The Future of Work
From "help me" to Engaged Productivity - 90 days later - IDC
procured and delivered to where they needed to be.
         A brief history of COVID-19                                                       Job done, right? No.
         The diagram below shows how the pandemic played
                                                                                           “This is not the end. It is not even the
         out in these three areas of the physical, digital and
         human workplaces, again in a tube map style.                                      beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps,
                                                                                           the end of the beginning.”
                          Manage Workforce
                                                                                           When Winston Churchill famously said the quote
      Pandemic                  size                                                       above, the U.K. was just coming out of the Battle of
                                                                                           Britain, the decisive air battle in World War II. And
    Close Offices          Assess Devices             Define Device                         like that period, the U.K. has run up large debts, both
                            / Technology                Strategy
Mobilise remote                                                                            financially and physically. Currently, the U.K. has spent
                       Address Economic                                                    over £210 billion tackling the pandemic, and the Office
                                                                        Issue Mobile
                                                                         Technology        of Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimates that this will
Assess Situation
                                                                                           reach £370 billion this financial year alone. Britain
      Maintain                                                          Manage Internal    are on track to hit a higher level of debt as a share of
                                                                           IT Issues
                                                                                           national income since the second World Warxii. Like
                                                                                           World War II, the pandemic has impacted nearly every
                                                         Needs                             nation on the planet.
                                               Understand                                  With vaccination wins being declared in the U.K.,
                                             Device Needs of           Deploy Convergent
       Redesign        Work Needs of
                                               Employees                    Devices        the U.S. and Russia, the actions taken to date only
      Operations        Employees
                                                                                           represent the beginning of the end. It is conceivable
                         Deliver Better
                          Work / Life                                Digital Workplace     and indeed highly likely that the world will still be in
                           Balance                Human Workplace                          some form of restrictions until the third or fourth
                                                                                           quarter of 2021, simply because the vaccine needs
         Source: ISG
                                                                                           time to be rolled out and the population needs time to
                                                                                           build immunity.
         As we all know, the pandemic caused a mass exodus
         of the working population as offices were shut and                                And this is the main issue. Most organizations think
         the center of urban cities became uninhabitable for                               they have fought back the blaze, and now they can
         workers, creating scenes not unfamiliar to what a                                 continue operating in this interim way of working
         disaster movie might project. This mobilization then                              without any further change – thinking that this is the
         meant that the physical, digital, and human aspects                               new normal. This is not true. Areas such as office
         needed to be considered, which is where chapter                                   usage and its associated costs are becoming more
         one kicks off. We sent all the workers home, and                                  apparent as workers shift to home. Offices will still
         hoped that we did it securely. Now we have a remote                               be needed but their usage has and will change. But
         workforce using various forms of technology. The                                  now is the time to understand the needs of the
         challenge has been to simultaneously keep the lights                              employees and what technical requirements they
         on financially and deliver services digitally – all while                         have so that business can once again grow in a
         enabling and supporting a remote workforce. This is                               period unprecedented downturn. This is true not just
         where the digital workplace comes in. Chapter two                                 because of the pandemic but any potential future
         focuses on the cost optimization and identification                               impact that may still come to challenge us. It is for
         of opportunity to adapt the financial, operating,                                 these reasons that we need to fully understand how
         and technical models of the business. This cost                                   the population WILL work from home a significant
         optimization impacted the people and the technology.                              period time during the week whether they want to
                                                                                           return to the office or not.
         Through a reduction in people availability and the
         need for reduced operations, the organization was                                 ISG has put the required needs into a simple wheel,
         reshaped to reduce costs. Likewise, the technical                                 called the ISG Future Workplace Framework, which is
         landscape was rapidly shifted into a digital delivery                             shown below and describes the issues on returning to
         model with collaboration tech and mobile devices                                  work and how a fully collaborative environment must

                                   An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
be provided. The pandemic has delivered the                                               in the office to provide touchless integration with
 opportunity to show how we can succeed. We were                                           the work being done will add to this. As most office
 able to get a large portion of some organizations                                         spaces are leased, and for a significant period of time,
 working from home in a week or less – something that                                      companies cannot just vacate office space at will.
 seemed impossible prior to the pandemic. Well, now                                        They will need to rethink how they use these spaces,
 we need that spirit once again to transform the office                                    and with a part time workforce can either rotate their
 and how we work.                                                                          space to ensure thorough cleaning or can adapt the
                                                                                           less used areas into collaboration zones that are fully
                                                                                           integrated with collaboration and communication
                                                                                           technology. These concepts will provide the basic
                       12      Ability to                                                  approaches needed to address the physical workspace
                              Work from
                              Anywhere /
                                            Safe & Secure
                                                                 02                        components depicted in the future workplace
           Uberisa�on /                                           Seamless                 framework here.
            Con�ngent                                              Physical /
     11     Workforce                                               Digital                A digital workplace is where the physical meets
                                                                                 03        the human. Through the provision of unified
    Culture /
  Performance /
                                                                                           communications and collaboration-enabled devices
                                                                    Adaptable Smart
Leadership Change                                                      Facili�es           and technologies, we can start to integrate the remote
10                                                                                         workforce into the physical workforce. This is where
                                Future Workplace                                      04   we started before the pandemic by driving mobile
                                   Framework                         Collabora�on
  Team Virtualisa�on                                                   Focused             tech to remote users to ensure they can connect
                                                                                           to colleagues and deliver work. But we haven’t had
   09                                                  Unified                              a chance to rethink the return to post pandemic
         Digital / Human
         Augmenta�on &
                                                       & Collabora�on           05         working, hence the Churchill quote. Now we will need
                            Automated /       Secure      Enabled                          to have connected employees. Check! Now we need
                            Proac�ve          Cloud         Devices
                08          Technical         Hosted                                       to get more of the applications and tools used onto
                             Support        Applica�ons
                                                            06                             the cloud to ensure resiliency as already discussed.
                                     07                                                    The ability to work from anywhere and do it securely is
Source: ISG
                                                                                           one of the key advantages of cloud provisioning.
                                                                                           Connecting employees to the digital workplace while
                                                                                           maintaining smart and touch-free inputs can be
 Organizations that think they have weathered the                                          achieved through integration of cognitive capabilities,
 storm and are finished in their transformation of the                                     which brings us to the part of the book where we
 workplace will fall behind. Legislation and protections                                   touch on making sure that the employees can work,
 will likely be put in place which will dictate how the                                    mainly because the tools we gave them to work on
 workforce can interact with physical office spaces                                        do, in fact, work and don’t continually break down or
 and organizations will need to build these compliance                                     prove unreliable. This means we need to consider
 requirements into their thinking.                                                         automation, which enables us to think about taking
 As an example, and to explain the future workplace                                        away waste from an employee’s life and boosting
 framework radial above, provisions need to be made                                        available time. We further boost available time by
 for a safe and secure workspace for the workforce                                         embedding digital augmentation into their work lives
 to return to and work form. This includes the home                                        through the use of cognitive AI and natural language
 as well! There needs to be a seamless physical                                            processing. By using simple digital assistants, we can
 integration with digital technologies, which will reduce                                  ask for tasks to be done and, by having automation
 contact with surfaces, and the need to undertake                                          built in, it just gets done. This saves time for
 manual processes where digitization will help. The                                        employees and rounds off the digital requirements of
 use of smart facilities such as a well-lit workspace, air                                 the employee of the future.
 quality monitoring (as COVID-19 is airborne) showing
 safe areas in offices or the use of IoT installed devices

                                 An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The human workplace is where we will focus the                      they need to work, and it would cause them significant
main part of this chapter of the book. This is where                hardship should that job be lost. They have limited say
it is assumed that we have sent everyone home                       in how they will work in the future but do still have a
and removed a commute, so they must be more                         voice. Typically, they fall into several categories, one
productive, right? No. Data shows that in fact                      being physical work that requires hands-on, in-person
organizations that implemented this part quickly and                interaction with a product or service. Manufacturing,
without a thorough strategy like the tube map and                   logistics hospitality and retail typically fall into this
wheel we have shown, employees    actually feel                     category. For these workers, it is unlikely that
                                                                    much will change in terms of process or interaction.
more pressured as their productivity
                                                                    However, the way they interact with services, and the
gets worse, they get stressed and it gets                           services they provide most certainly will.
worse still. This needs attention. To do it correctly,
organizations need to implement proper management                   Through a move to digital supply and consumption
of virtual teams which is different to that of physical             models for services, these workers will still go through
teams. They need to be structured properly                          changes in physical, digital and human workplaces.
with a shift in working culture and performance                     As this chapter is being written, 25,000 people have
management. The harshness of some organizations                     now been put at risk through the collapse of Arcadia
to monitor employees remotely, leads to the negative                Groupxiv and Debenhamsxv. About 12,000 jobs have
productivity cycle above and can actually be illegal                been eliminated at twoxvi majorxvii U.K. airlines, and
in some areas like the EU where GDPR comes in,                      9,000 have disappeared at major U.K. hotel chains
regardless of it being a work situation. More on that               such as Hiltonxviii, Marriottxix and Premier Innxx.
later. This shift in working patterns and the fact that             The main reason is that these organizations offer
organizations in the UK have a total of nearly eight                products that are typically consumed in a physical
million people furloughed opens up the opportunity                  way, but those like Debenhams and other retailers
when redesigning operating and business models                      failed to shift quickly enough to a digital delivery
to use a contingent workforce. The uberization of                   model, instead requiring staff to operate from physical
the workforce managed through new contingent                        brick-and-mortar stores, which had high rental costs
workforce platforms – places where worker supply and                and reduced customer traffic. That equation was
demand is managed – means that they can pick and                    unsustainable even before coronavirus hit. This
choose when they want to work, and organizations will               should be a strong signal that the role of retail needs
need to provide capacity, systems and processes to                  a strong digital presence and supply chain, which
enable this to happen. This shift is beneficial to both             allows retailers to adapt and pivot in what they offer
employer and employee. All this enables employees to                and provide. To do that, we will need to see a shift
work when they want, where they want and in a more                  in people who would normally have been behind a
happy, healthy way.                                                 counter to working from home providing services in
                                                                    new ways.
                                                                    Like those who already work at home due to the
The shift in ways of working                                        pandemic, retail employees have seen a change in
We have already seen the physical shift in the                      the way they work and how they deliver to the end
workforce to a widespread working-from-home model.                  customer. Currys, a large U.K. electronics retailer
Dataxiii shows that it is highly likely we will not see this        has weathered the financial storm better than most
return to pre-pandemic levels where almost half the                 despite having large supercenters from where they
working population will remain at home at least half                sell goods. A significant move online and now the
the week in a post pandemic world. This opens up a                  presence of web-based customer service agents who
number of opportunities and issues in the physical,                 you can see and speak to live about the products has
digital and human workplaces.                                       brought the in-store customer experience online and
                                                                    enables customers to consume Currys’ services safely,
Working at home has made individuals re-think their
                                                                    quickly and at their leisure. This is a great example
relationship with work and how they want to continue
                                                                    of how an organization has used digital to adapt its
working. For most, there is no decision or change,
                                                                    physical workplace to include the digital customer

                     An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
experience through digital workplace change.                      have different needs and requirements and it is
Fundamental to that change is having the employees                only through understanding what those are, will
working at home through changes to the human                      organizations be successful in determining the next
workplace.                                                        steps.
                                                                  Some workers are now used to remote work but will
                                                                  need new technology to remain working remotely.
What work needs done                                              Hybrid workers who now want flexibility will need to
As described in chapter one, some organizations                   fit into new processes and ways of working, which also
adapted quickly to enable employees to work at                    needs to take their wishes into account. These two
home while boiling the issue down to its fundamental              categories of people will need training and upskilling
components. As a result, in many cases, organizations             to successfully move to that mode of operation as the
simply moved the base of operations to a remote                   workforce becomes more skill-dependant rather than
location to enable important processes to continue                hierarchical or process driven. The workforce of the
where possible. In some cases, this was clearly not               future is diverse demographically and geographically.
possible, and problems became clear when existing
processes and service delivery were attempted from
home.                                                             Where people work
Imagine if over the last nine months employers had                The concept of an office has changed and may need
worked to identify the fundamental processes and                  to be entirely rethought and transformed for a post
services across each department, geography or                     COVID-19 world. As we have already seen in ISG’s
business entity and worked with employees, through                Future Workplace framework earlier in this eBook,
the use of data, to design what work is actually needed           organizations will need to assess their use of central
in the new business model. Previously, we looked at               physical properties and have a strategy for its use
understanding how customer habits had changed over                given it is likely that it will be leased for a considerable
the pandemic, and this helps organizations re-design              time. Organizations will need to adapt workspaces to
for the future while bringing the employees with                  enable a safe and trackable workspace for those who
them. The world has changed and so should the ways                do want to return to the office and also for facilities to
organizations deliver work, services or products.                 support the kinds of interactions that cannot happen
                                                                  remotely. If the primary purpose of an organization’s
                                                                  space is to accommodate specific moments of
How work is done                                                  collaboration rather than individual work, then this
                                                                  needs to be designed in with careful consideration
In chapter one, we discussed the types of employees
                                                                  to employee needs and requirements all designed
that will be needed in the future operations of post
                                                                  around the new future customer experience. In the
pandemic organizations. These types, shown below,
                                                                  new future, customers will consume products and

                   Remote                                                                               Remote
                   Workers                            This will also                                    Workers
                                                     shape the role,
                                                       scope and
                                                    requirements of
       Backbone                  Hybrid               your physical                                               Hybrid
        Workers                  Workers               network of                     Backbone                    Workers
                                                       offices and                     Workers
                                                    functions like IT
                   Physical                              and HR
                   Workers                                                                           Physical
                                      Source: ISG

                   An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
services in different ways, and employees will need to            They need to build trust and teamwork for your safety.
deliver in new ways, which in turn drives the human               And, like a cabin crew, trust between gig employees
workplace and physical workplace.                                 with no common history or access to knowledge
                                                                  repositories will be critical to delivering in the new
The outcome of this thinking might mean that
                                                                  normal successfully.
employee types are moved into the remote worker
bucket as they no longer need to work in a central                It is estimated that there are currently 78 million
location full time or even at all. An organization’s              freelancersxxi worldwide, and this number is expected
talent can now effectively live anywhere they want if             to grow. Added to this, we can now increase
the right physical and digital workplaces are provided.           the workforce through a more inclusive set of
This means they have the power to enhance the                     requirements this pool will expand significantly. These
business and their personal health through a rethink              workers will become outcome based rather than
in the way they work.                                             salaried and we have seen a doubling of the number
                                                                  of gig workers in the U.K. just prior to the pandemicxxii.
One possible future, which is backed up by the
                                                                  The CIPD, an HR professional organization, estimates
data, suggests that many employees will work from
                                                                  that four in 10 furloughed workersxxiii will likely lose
home for at least two to three days per week and
                                                                  their jobs in the next 12 months and that many on
make infrequent trips to the office or a collaboration
location to meet colleagues. Organizations will need              the furlough scheme have indeed re-evaluated the
to develop new cultures of people management to                   way they want to work in the future, now focusing
ensure that this approach is a winning proposition                on gig-type work, which provides a better work life/
for both employers and employees. This will create                balance and the ability to work from anywhere. This is
profound effects on the quality of work for the                   only possible, however, through the rapid expansion of
business and the quality of life for the employee as              collaboration technology, part of the digital workplace
well as opening up potential future cost models for               becoming embedded into the human and physical
how organizations pay for talent. This thinking is why            workplaces. The digital technology augments the
the ISG future workplace is a cycle, with one discussion          human and is embedded into physical infrastructure
leading to another regardless of where someone starts             to ensure connectivity thus ensuring both resiliency
on the wheel.                                                     and flexibility, providing opportunities for creativity,
                                                                  rather than just efficiency.

Uberization of the workforce,
                                                                  Technology Integration
the rise of the gig economy
                                                                  Advances in technology will continue to push the
The pandemic has created the ultimate surge in                    future of work agenda and make it even simpler and
the contingent workforce. The uberization of the                  faster to work from anywhere at any time. The CEO
workforce (meaning employees work when they want                  of Vodafone was interviewedxxiv on this subject, and
to) has come about because work is no longer tied                 the company’s thinking mirrors that of ISG. The CEO
to a central location. As we have heard, hundreds                 is quoted as saying that telecommunications industry
of millions of workers were displaced during the                  sees a more virtual and automated work environment
pandemic, and this has meant that it makes almost no              in the future through the integration of 5G networks
difference whether someone in India, Israel or Ireland            and connected machines that enable a true virtualized
provides the work an organization needs. Mobile                   and instant virtual workplace. ISG calls this the digital
and collaboration technology has driven the location              workplace.
out of the delivery equation. It means that we now
                                                                  Employees afforded the ability to interact with
have a globalized talent pool from which to choose.
                                                                  AI-powered assistants can do many things, from
If you have ever boarded a plane and seen the cabin
                                                                  preparing smart facilities and prepping whiteboard
crew saying hello to each other and discussing their
                                                                  presentations to incorporating virtual reality headsets
different routes, this is because they are a temporary
                                                                  that put them at the table of a morning meeting with
crew for that leg of the trip, not a permanent team.

                   An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
co-workers around the world. Indeed, at the time                         ƒ    Generation X – people born between 1965 to
of writing this, the author became aware of Disguise                          1980
XRxxv, which uses augmented reality to insert a 3D                       ƒ    Millennial – people born between 1981 to 1996
version of an employee into a collaborative workspace
or meeting. This technology enables the collaborative                    ƒ    Generation Z – people born between 1997 to
experience to be further enhanced and will improve                            2012
the issues employees face working at home that we                        Within the workplace, there are trends within each
discuss later in this e-book.                                            group that need to be taken into account in a post
                                                                         COVID-19 world. Most of the Millennials and Gen Z
                                                                         people coming into the workplace have been sold a
Generational expectations                                                dream. For many, a number of years at a university or
and differences                                                          college has led to a desire to enter a particular field or
                                                                         industry. However, most industries are changing and
This is a key issue that most organizations have yet to                  changing rapidly. Considering the recruiting processes
take account of. The Society for Human Resource                          of large corporates, a focus is on collaboration, white
Managementxxvi suggests that there are five                              boards, digital tech, and the ability to create, which is
generations, from Silent to Gen Z, working in                            brought to the fore on almost all occasions. But how
organizations today, and they all have different needs.                  are they going to achieve this when everyone must
However, a thorough analysisxxvii of 20 independent                      work at home?
studies on generational groups of over 20,000 people
                                                                         Therefore, organizations that employ multi-
cited by HBR shows that there are inconsistent
                                                                         generational staff need to provide a future workplace
differences in job attitudes when comparing
                                                                         with work modalities that offer alternatives while
generational groups. This is fine when looking at the
                                                                         the employees can still have common ground to
end-to-end career of each group, but over the short
                                                                         collaborate. For instance, let us look at the use of
term, there are indeed differences in the grouped
                                                                         email, a staple of the world of work. Research has
generations. The generations shown below are
                                                                         found that there are large differences in the way
classed as:
                                                                         Millennials and Gen Z (just to compare two groups)
                                                                         use email. Gen Z does use email and about 50 percent
                                                                         look at it once a day at least. But only 14.4 percentxxviii
                                                                         of them use it as a primary tool for work, while 64.9
                                                                         percent use it for personal communication. They
                                                                         are not abandoning email, just using it in other ways.
                                                                         Therefore, despite their preference for social and
                                                                         immediate communication tools, there will need to be
                                                                         a culture change in the organization to deploy and use
                                                                         new technologies in a way that is useful for all and not
                                                                         just one group, or we will lose the inclusiveness of the
                                                                         workplace whether remote or in person.
                                                                         Global surveys have been undertaken during and
Source:                       after the pandemic by several research companies.
                                                                         In one industry-leading survey of nearly 3,000 people
                                                                         globallyxxix, it was clear that there are differences
ƒ    Silent Generation – people born between 1928 to                     between the generations in how successfully each
     1945                                                                group is working from home. The data showed that
                                                                         while approximately 70 percent of Silent, Baby Boomer
ƒ    Baby Boomers – people born after World War 2,
                                                                         and Gen Xers were working from home, this tailed off
     between 1946 to 1964
                                                                         to approximately 60 percent for Millennials and 45
                                                                         percent for Gen Z.

                          An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This same pattern continued when workers were                            reduced number of days at home. Boomers, Gen X and
asked if they had access to everything they needed                       Millennials wanted to work from home two to three
to be successful at home. This is an interesting                         days a week, but Gen Z resoundingly were closer to
perspective in that the
                 younger generation                                      one. A separate global survey revealed an interesting
                                                                         difference between the generations as they worked
is less successful at home. Indeed,                                      during the pandemic: Millennials were almost twice as
the survey continued to ask how many days they                           likely as Boomers to feel positive about their employer
would wish to continue working from home and the                         based on the technology and support that the
same tail off pattern occurred only this time with a                     employer provided to enable working from homexxx.
                                                                                           This shows the nature of Generation
                                                                                           Zers to work and thrive when working
                                                                                           in collaborative environments,
                                                                                           and organizations must take this
                                                                                           information into account when
                                                                                           planning. It could be due to the social
                                                                                           side of the different generations

                    need source
                                                                                           or it could be a training issue when
                                                                                           considering that younger workers felt
                                                                                           less successful and had limited access
                                                                                           to work items remotely. Their view of
                                                                                           working from home will improve only
                                                                                           through an improvement in technology
                                                                                           deployed at home to bridge these
                                                                                           gaps and improve the “feeling of
Source: Unisys Future of Work Survey, IDC, November 2020, Employee Respondents, N=558
                                                                                           connectedness” at home.

Source: Unisys Future of Work Survey, IDC, November 2020, Employee Respondents, N=558

                        An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
So overall key trends when properly planned and
Trends in how work might                                            implemented will be:
change                                                              1. A much more mobile and remote workforce with
By 2028, 73 percent of all departments at                              the proper tools and infrastructure at home.
organizations will have remote workersxxxi. Today,                     Employees in the U.S. respondents say they have
millennials and Gen Z workers make up only 38                          personally spent an average of US $348 to upgrade
percent of the workforce, but in 2028, they will amount                or improve technology while working at home due
to 58 percentxxxii. Because of that, it is no wonder that              to COVID-19 –$75 more than the global average
almost three-quarters of companies will employ some                    ($273), and the second highest among 10 markets
remote workers, while 33 percent of workers will be                    surveyedxl.
fully remote by 2028. At the current time, 16 percent               2. The ability to collaborate effectively – while most
of companies like Appen, a technology services                         are able to work in a collaborative way, according
company headquartered in Australia, exclusively hire                   to the world economic forum, almost one in five
remote workers. This is why Appen ranks first on the                   cite the ability to collaborate as one of their issues
Forbesxxxiii list of global top 100 companies with remote              with working remotelyxli.
working. Others on the list include UnitedHealth
                                                                    3. Technology that works seamlessly – more than
Group at number 11, Humana at number 15, Dell at
                                                                       50 percent of employees surveyed said their
number 19, SAP at number 23, Amazon at number 24
                                                                       employer needs to invest in better technology that
and the listxxxiv goes on with Philips, Hilton, Salesforce,
                                                                       enables then to be more effectivexlii.
GitLab, Gartner, Wells Fargo, etc. According to Owl
Labsxxxv, 44 percent of global companies still do not               4. Automation that assists daily life – as we have
allow remote work, but 16 percent of them are actually                 heard, more than 80 percent of companies are
100 percent remote companies.                                          accelerating automation in response to COVID-19
                                                                       but this has to include cognitive, AI and NLP-based
Given the experience we have had working from
home, it is clear it is here to stay. A survey by CBRExxxvi
shows that 69 percent of millennials would give                     5. The ability to become more flexible and look after
up other work benefits for a more flexible working                     health – a significant number of people identified
space. This is one of several critical statistics as this              by Forbes state that they place flexibility of work
impacts the employee value proposition, which means                    and their hours top of mind and over 40 percent
human resources departments need to think about                        said that their mental health has declined since
the offers companies make to new employees. This                       the pandemic startedxliv. The pre-pandemic norm
is an important point we will cover shortly. Health                    of standardization has given way to post pandemic
                                                                       flexibility and agility.
and safety at the home office will still be
office issues!
The coronavirus pandemic reshaped tech priorities
                                                                    BENEFITS AND ISSUES WITH
for 95 percentxxxvii of companies, but such is the                  A REMOTE WORKFORCE
speed of change. Nearly half (47 percent) have                      The benefits of having a remote workforce are fairly
frozen their IT budgets to steady the ship and plan                 easy to ascertain, when properly managed. Buffer’s
to spend based on required changes. Yet, four in ten                state of remote work report, shown below, highlights
(41 percent) admit their remote working systems                     what we have already described and many already
may be in breach of data privacy regulationsxxxviii.                know. The perception of having a flexible schedule
Almost half of IT leaders said they were increasing                 that can be managed from anywhere due to not having
spending on managing remote network operations                      to commute allows employees to have better work life
and increasing investments in the use of cloud-based                balance from the comfort of their own homes, which
management platforms. Also, almost four in five are                 basically covers 97 percent of the graphic below. This
looking at accelerating automation in response to                   is the panacea, and for many, is the dream scenario.
coronavirusxxxix.                                                   But for many, including managers and workers, there
                                                                    are issues that come from working at home.

                     An ISG Report. ISG Confidential © 2021 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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