Page created by Tony Haynes

     Research Showcase
     2017 |

Bob Marshall, PhD
Professor, EIT Research Director
Research that looks to the future and learns from the past. Applied, relevant,
timely and collaborative. The projects illustrated here demonstrate EIT’s
commitment to research which reflects the above values..

Two of EIT’s staff highlighted in this document are           These include examining growth industries in Hawke’s
producing health research with national and international     Bay, a project looking at how people derive meaning
impact. Rachael Walker’s research on renal disease            from their work, and focuses on entrepreneurism and
and care has resulted in changes to the Ministry              innovation. Another, by Maxine Bevin, Alexa Hantler,
of Health’s service delivery. Rachael has received            Shona Thompson and Bobbie Cameron noted how
invitations to present keynote lectures at international      people who sustain a traumatic brain injury often
conferences and has represented New Zealand on                demonstrate changes in self-identity. They explored how
several international committees. Similarly, outcomes         the experiences of attending a brain injury rehabilitation
from David Tipene-Leach’s research on Sudden Infant           centre (the Stewart Centre @ EIT) influenced the
Death Syndrome have been adopted by indigenous                processes clients undergo which contribute to their
communities in New Zealand and internationally, have          sense of self. Petra King, from the School of Viticulture
resulted in requests for David to speak at international      and Wine Science, leads a team of researchers working
conferences, and his appointment to the new Minister of       closely with Hawke’s Bay vineyards and winemakers in a
Health’s 2018 Health Review Committee.                        project looking at ways to produce lower alcohol wine
                                                              without reducing flavour or quality.
Research on aspects of World War One also feature
here, with the publication of Kay Morris Matthews’ book       Also highlighted in this document is Erena Koopu’s
Recovery: Women’s Overseas Service in World War I             research which involved developing a series of paintings
and associated exhibition. It focuses on women from           examining Māori leadership in a kaupapa-based,
Gisborne and surrounding East Coast areas who served          modern-day context. Tom Pierard recently completed
as nurses during the conflict. On a similar theme, in two     his Master of Music degree looking at “weird and
exhibitions at the Hastings City Art Gallery, the arresting   complex rhythms”, which included a composition centred
works by artist Wellesley Binding were developed using        on the ogene bell, a fundamental part of Nigerian music.
two very different artistic and conceptual approaches         Another recent graduate, Michelle Horwood, completed
to WWI. One explored the relationship between words           her PhD examining the impact of different value systems
as signifiers of experience and memory, while the other       on access to museum-held heritage, specifically Ngā
positioned him as ‘Wellesley Binding – War Artist’ during     Paerangi taonga residing in an English museum.
the Gallipoli campaign of April-November, 2015.
                                                              Kathryn MacCallum researched the impact of technology
Rachel Forrest recently participated in Gansu Agricultural    on learning and, given the pace of technological
University’s ‘Foreign Experts Project’ as part of an EIT/     development, it is no surprise that she finds it exciting
Lincoln University collaboration providing advice on          but challenging to engage students using technology
improving China’s domestic sheep characteristics with         without knowing where it might lead. Kathryn’s work
respect to meat and wool quality as well as lambing           recently included collaborating with 50 other researchers
percentages. Rachel’s main contribution was the               from six tertiary institutions on an Ako Aotearoa grant
implementation of gene markers to enhance both health         looking at ‘learners and mobile devices’.
benefits and economically desirable traits in sheep.
                                                              I hope you find this sample of research at EIT stimulating.
A number of research projects done at EIT have                If there are projects here which interest you, or if you are
particularly strong links to the institution’s community      looking for support for a research project, please give us
and stakeholders. For example, Jonathan Sibley is             a call.
involved in a number of projects which aim to contribute
to people being better able to lead the lives they wish,      Professor Bob Marshall PhD
and to contribute to the development of communities.          EIT Research Director

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Cover Image

Water Tree (study)

clays, slips, glazes, oxides, metal
370 x 210 x 60mm

Linda Bruce

Water is a central focus of my research, specifically issues
relating to the degradation of rivers and waterways and the
consequential threat to our biodiversity. This study explores
ways to express the cycle of water and the interconnectedness
of all living things dependent on clean water.

4 | Research Showcase |

3   Introduction
    Bob Marshall PhD

6   The Home First Study: Patient preferences for dialysis modality.
    Rachael Walker PhD

9   Improving communities through research
    Jonathan Sibley, PhD

10 Hei Kai
    Ērena Koopu, MA

13 Self-identity practices in community-based rehabilitation after acquired
   brain injury
    Alexa Hantler, MEd, Maxine Bevin, PhD, Shona Thompson, PhD and Bobbie Cameron, MN

14 Te Ara Pourewa Graduate Diploma in Museum and Heritage Studies
    Michelle Horwood, PhD

17 Making a difference in China
    Rachel Forrest, PhD

18 Keeping the beat
    Tom Pierard, MMus

21 Recovery: Women’s Overseas Service in World War I
    Kay Morris Matthews, PhD

22 He mokopuna he taonga
    David Tipene-Leach, PhD

25 Emerging technologies
    Kathryn MacCallum, PhD

26 Searching for lower alcohol wines
    Petra King, PhD

29 Words and deeds
    Wellesley Binding, MFA Fine Arts

31 Research Outputs

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Showcase 1

The Home First Study:
Patient preferences for
dialysis modality.
Although Rachael Walker’s PhD research into patient preferences for kidney
dialysis answered many questions, it raised many more, providing scope for
future research.
In July 2017, Rachael was awarded her PhD from the            nursing support at home. Increasingly, information
University of Sydney. The focus of her doctorate was to       technology is assisting with remote patient monitoring
discover what matters to patients and their whānau in         and this is an area that could have a growing impact on
choosing their preferred modes of dialysis treatment.         improving access and reducing inequities.
One of the aims was to discover the barriers in the
uptake of home dialysis in New Zealand. In discussions        Rachael is a newly-appointed Associate Professor within
with patients and whānau, Rachael identified a number         the School of Nursing, and also heads EIT’s registered
of barriers to home dialysis including socio-economic         nurse prescribing programme. She believes an essential
factors and decreased nursing support. The most               way to provide quality care is to understand patients’
overwhelming finding for Rachael was patients’ negative       needs and preferences. In 2010, Rachael became New
experiences of the health care system and how a lack of       Zealand’s first renal Nurse Practitioner which means she
early information and education had impacted on the           can autonomously assess, diagnose and prescribe to
disease trajectory for these people. She also identified      patients who have kidney disease. An important part
how important it was to include family in the care and        of her work is to educate others on healthy lifestyle
decision-making process.                                      choices and disease prevention. This is important as
                                                              kidney disease has a huge impact on the health system,
After conducting qualitative interviews with 52 patients      accounting for 1-2% of the health dollar. The number of
and whānau, Rachael conducted a discrete choice               patients requiring dialysis in New Zealand has increased
experiment, a quantitative survey method which enables        significantly in recent years. About half of all dialysis
quantification of qualitative data. She found that patients   patients have diabetes as a primary cause. Rachael
placed a high value on nursing support and on their           continues to do one day of clinical work with the Hawke’s
own quality of life. She also discovered many barriers to     Bay District Health Board which she feels adds credibility
home dialysis, most of which related to socio-economic        to her research and allows her to maintain a clinical focus.
disadvantage. Just as significant were the number of          In her new academic role she is enjoying the freedom
out-of-pocket costs for the patient. As a result, her         and flexibility to focus on health-related research as well
recommendations included ways to align policy and             as enjoying working on projects with other institutions.
services to better meet patients’ needs and preferences.      Rachael’s work has been published internationally and it
Part of the research looked at ways patients could access     is a topic that has international application.

6 | Research Showcase |
Rachael Walker, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Jonathan Sibley, PhD
Associate Professor, Research mentor and programme coordinator, School of Business and Computing
Showcase 2

Improving communities
through research
Jonathan Sibley’s applied research comprises several related strands which
have implications for the Hawke’s Bay region and EIT. He is involved in projects
working alongside groups and organisations including Ngāti Kahungunu, the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), the Ministry of Social
Development, Matariki Economic Development Strategy, Business Hawke’s
Bay, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council, local businesses and local
secondary schools.

Jonathan’s underpinning philosophy is that research must      Jonathan’s third research strand focuses on
contribute to people being better able to lead the life       entrepreneurism and innovation within Hawke’s Bay and
they want to live and contribute to the development of        how to improve the school/work nexus. Many young
communities. His previous work with the United Nations        people move from the region to attend university
Development Programme, Capital Development Fund               elsewhere. As a region, we lose a great pool of talent
and the World Bank is testament to that philosophy.           when they spend their working lives outside of Hawke’s
His research is grounded in the Capability Approach,          Bay. Close links with schools are essential to discover
initially developed by Amartya Sen, which focuses on          what interventions are needed to encourage more
strengthening individuals by ensuring people have the         young people to stay in Hawke’s Bay and to increase
capability to live a life they value.                         their interest in entrepreneurship. The School of Business
                                                              has formed close links with the Young Enterprise Scheme
Jonathan’s research has four strands. He is working           and the Chamber of Commerce, and is exploring how to
with a team of researchers in the School of Business to       extend the youth enterprise activity to support young
identify growth businesses in Hawke’s Bay. The team is        entrepreneurs who are studying at EIT.
undertaking a study looking at the patterns of demand
for skills amongst businesses in Hawke’s Bay. For many        The fourth strand of work focuses on supporting
businesses, finding skilled labour is challenging and that,   the strengthening of marae governance capability in
in turn, affects prosperity and growth, particularly in an    Hawke’s Bay. The School of Business is helping to build
environment in which the skills required for many jobs        programmes for governance in consultation with local iwi
are changing rapidly. What skills are the next generation     for delivery on marae.
going to need? How can EIT facilitate the learning
needed for those industries?                                  Aimed at strengthening the ability of people in Hawke’s
                                                              Bay to lead the life they want to live, these research
Jonathan is also working with other researchers at the        programmes are also informing teaching practices in the
School of Business to examine meaningful work - how do        School of Business.
people derive meaning from the work they do? Within
this context the research is seeking to understand what
people want and value from their work.

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Showcase 3

Hei Kai
Erena Koopu was one of the first students to graduate from Toihoukura, and she
was ruānuku (top student) for her year. She has been lecturing at Toihoukura
for five years and coordinates Te Toi o Ngā Rangi: Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts
programme. Erena has travelled abroad extensively promoting Māori culture
through both visual and Māori performing arts.

The poukai is an annual series of visits by the Māori king     Erena held two exhibitions based on the poukai. Initially,
to Kīngitanga marae around and beyond the Waikato              she produced a large number of works but then realised
region, a tradition that dates back to the 19th century        that the topic was too extensive. The first series of ten
and includes food, cultural performances and discussion        works was exhibited at the poukai in Kōkōhinau, and
of important issues. Erena Koopu grew up immersed              the final second series of eight works at Toihoukura.
in this environment, then subsequently moved away              These have become the basis of conversations about
from the area. Her Hei Kai master’s thesis and exhibition      leadership and rangatiratanga for whānau, hapū, iwi and
were conceived following the semi-centennial poukai            the Māori art community.
celebrations at Kōkōhīnau Marae, Te Teko, in 2013. Her
fascination with this subject relates to telling stories and   The body of art works created for the Hei Kai exhibition
banking stories at the hapū and iwi level for Ngāti Awa.       comprises eight paintings, each one focusing on a
                                                               specific quality of a rangatira. In particular, Erena uses
Hei Kai explores the history and tradition of the poukai       examples of Manuera’s attributes and his involvement
by the Kīngitanga in the early 1800s and then examines         in poukai, to centralise and focus her art practice
the establishment of the first poukai held at Kōkōhīnau        throughout the creative component of this thesis. These
Marae, Te Teko in 1963 under the guidance of iwi leader        are aroha, whakapono, whānaungatanga, kai, kōrero,
Eruera Manuera. It looks at the future of rangatiratanga       whenua, tikanga and marae.
for Ngāti Awa.
                                                               Erena has been lecturing at Toihoukura for five years
 The exhibition and the report were inspired by the            and co-ordinates Te Toi o Ngā Rangi: Bachelor of
deeds of Manuera in his key roles as an iwi leader and,        Māori Visual Arts programme and has travelled abroad
equally significantly, as her great grandfather. Embracing     extensively promoting Māori culture through both visual
the whakataukī, ko te kai a te rangatira he kōrero, ko         and Māori performing arts.
te kōrero a te rangatira he kai (the food of the leader
is knowledge, it sustains him), they explore the idea
of Māori leadership in a kaupapa-based, modern-day
context and endeavour to address pivotal questions
prevalent today: What is a rangatira? How does one
achieve this status? How do rangatira sustain themselves
in such culturally critical roles?

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Ērena Koopu, MA
Toihoukura lecturer, Ngāti Awa, Te Whānau ā Apanui
Alexa Hantler, MEd (Senior Nursing Lecturer) School of Nursing, Maxine Bevin, PhD (Speech Language Therapist) Stewart Centre@EIT,
Shona Thompson, PhD (Senior Research Fellow) School of Nursing and Bobbie Cameron, MN (Community Nurse) (insert),, and
Showcase 4

Self-identity practices
in community-based
rehabilitation after acquired
brain injury
Dr Maxine Bevin, a speech language therapist, works as a rehabilitation
professional at the Stewart Centre @ EIT, a community-based rehabilitation
centre for adults with brain injuries acquired through stroke or trauma.
The centre at EIT is part of a national organisation, The Stewart Centre
Trust, which provides post-acute rehabilitation services for individuals in a
group environment.
Maxine, Alexa Hantler (Registered Nurse and EIT Senior         contributed to the enhancement of clients’ self-identity
Nursing Lecturer), Bobbie Cameron (Registered Nurse)           development. This form of analysis allowed the
and Shona Thompson (EIT Researcher) explored how               researchers to look more closely at what was happening
the experiences of attending the rehabilitation centre         at the centre to better understand identity rehabilitation
may influence the processes that clients go through            processes at work. It enabled them to identify six key
following a traumatic brain injury which contribute            dimensions which were evident in the process, such
to their sense of self. Historically, rehabilitation after     as belonging, trusting the group, respecting, sharing
acquired brain injury has focused on cognitive, physical       humour, balancing needs, and acknowledging strengths.
and behavioural changes but people can also experience
significant changes in their self-identity following a         Results of the research resonated with the concept
brain injury. They may talk about the “old me” and             that it is not only ‘what’ is done in rehabilitation that is
the “new me” when describing themselves before                 important but also ‘how’ it is done. The research team
and after the injury. The research focused on social           recognised that rehabilitation for identity reconstruction
interactions occurring routinely amongst clients and           following acquired brain injury involves more than just
staff at the centre, including the formal, facilitated group   the delivery of a service to clients. It is also embedded in
rehabilitation sessions and informal interactions such as      the formal and informal social interactions that take place
shared lunches.                                                within the rehabilitation setting.

With the fully informed consent of 54 clients, staff,          As well as an extensive written report, Maxine, Alexa and
helpers and students attending the centre, a number            Shona have presented the results of their research to the
of the routine group rehabilitation sessions and               participants involved, and to the Stewart Centre New
lunchtimes were filmed, collecting six and a half hours        Zealand senior management team, The Hawke’s Bay Brain
of video data. These recordings were then analysed,            Injury Interest Group and the EIT School of Nursing and
using an interactional socio-linguistic approach to            at the EIT ‘Brown Bag Lunch’ seminar series.
discourse analysis, to highlight social interactions that

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Showcase 5

Te Ara Pourewa Graduate
Diploma in Museum and
Heritage Studies
Michelle Horwood took up the challenge of coordinating the EIT Graduate
Diploma in Heritage and Museum Studies in June 2015. Prior to that she had
worked as Curator for the Whanganui Regional Museum and then as a heritage
consultant for the Whanganui region, where the focus of her work practice
centred on building relationships, connecting people with their heritage.

Michelle describes her recent PhD research as “a study    In New Zealand, acknowledgement of Māori authority
over time of a heritage assemblage, comprising of a       over their cultural heritage has resulted in effective
collector, and his collection, an indigenous community    Māori participation within museums at governance
and a museum” to reveal the impact of different           and operational levels and in the application of
value systems on access to museum-held heritage           practices, specific to individual communities, for the
today. The thesis, entitled Worlds Apart: Indigenous      cultural safety of taonga Māori, staff and visitors. This
re-engagement with museum-held heritage: a New            is a result of the proximity of Māori communities
Zealand - UK case study, centres on a collection of       and museums, however is still difficult to achieve
taonga Māori held in the Pitt Rivers Museum in England.   when taonga are held in distant collections.

Members of Ngā Paerangi iwi from Kaiwhāiki on             The postscript to this story is positive. In 2016, after
the Whanganui River were the source of many of            Michelle’s thesis went online, a very distant relative of
these taonga. Their friend, settler Charles Smith,        Charles Smith contacted Michelle and the Pitt Rivers
who farmed nearby between 1859 and 1908,                  Museum to say she had found a package of letters, maps
was the collector. He sent many of these items to         and notes written by her relative in her attic. These
family in England. After his death the collection         provided more detail about many of the taonga in
was sold to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1923.               Charles Smith’s collection. In June this year, the package
                                                          was welcomed to Whanganui by members of Ngā
Ngā Paerangi iwi knew the collection existed but          Paerangi iwi, as Michelle says “as a continuation of the
when they initially tried to access the taonga in         events and effects that have resulted from this relational
person, they were only able to view what was on           assemblage of people, places, events, and things that
public display. Part of Michelle’s thesis looks at the    span nearly two centuries and 19,000 kilometres”.
use of power that manifests as authority and control,
ability and privilege, and how this affects the ways      Through the EIT graduate programme, Michelle
in which museums and indigenous communities               is working to increase Māori expertise in heritage
interact, in particular with regard to access to          management and interpretation and marae-based,
taonga. In 2013, Michelle accompanied a group of          wāhi tapu, wāhi tūpuna - as well as kaitiakitanga for
nine people from Ngā Paerangi to Oxford where             taonga Māori both inside and outside the museum.
they had access to the complete collection.

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Michelle Horwood, PhD
Programme Coordinator and Lecturer, Toihoukura
Rachel Forrest, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Showcase 6

Making a difference in China
China has the world’s largest sheep population; an estimated 145 million animals.
However, it continues to import large quantities of frozen meat from New
Zealand because it is thought to be of superior quality to locally produced meat.
In 2015, China imported NZ $631 million worth of sheep       Selective breeding has been used by farmers for
meat from New Zealand. China’s agricultural scientists       centuries but now a more reliable, scientific method
want to improve meat production and wool quality and         is available. Gene marker research is not genetic
it is to this end that Dr Rachel Forrest (in collaboration   engineering and it is eco-friendly and sustainable. It
with Lincoln University Gene Marker Laboratory) has          involves identifying genes which produce both health
been conducting research with several Chinese academic       benefits and economically desired traits as well as
institutions. In August of 2016, Rachel visited China to     eliminating undesired traits. There are currently six gene
meet with Chinese colleagues.                                markers available for stud breeders. These markers are
                                                             used to improve the genetic traits of their sheep. China’s
In 2012, EIT’s Research Showcase featured Rachel’s           research wish list, which is significantly government
work with gene marker research into cold tolerance           funded, involves looking for improvements in the
in sheep in association with Lincoln University’s Gene       following areas for their sheep: smaller tails with less fat,
Marker Laboratory. The research findings and use of          better wool quality, better carcass quality and increased
gene markers have been used in New Zealand, and              lambing percentages. China is in the very early stages of
internationally, to improve survival rates in new-born       applying genetic selection to their animals and currently
lambs. Since 2011, the laboratory has collaborated with      does not have a commercial mutton sheep breed.
Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China - current      There are 42 indigenous sheep breeds in China and
enrolment includes 16,000 undergraduates and 2,000           breeding technology has not kept pace with demand for
post-graduates (2017). Gansu has set up ‘The Foreign         quality product.
Experts Project’ where seminars are given to assist
knowledge about animal breeding and New Zealand              Rachel and colleagues at the Lincoln Gene Marker
production systems. As part of this project, Rachel helps    Laboratory have other collaborations with Ningxia
mentor young staff and postgraduate students, as well        University in their College of Animal Science and
as helping with data analysis, manuscript writing and co-    Veterinary Medicine and the Agricultural and Forestry
authoring research manuscripts.                              Academy. Both institutions have large farms attached and
                                                             are financially well endowed to conduct research.

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Showcase 7

Keeping the beat
2017 has been a busy year for Tom Pierard. Tom is the programme co-ordinator
for contemporary music on the Taradale campus, but is also well-known
in music circles for the years he spent as a professional percussionist in the
ensemble ‘Strike’.
He recently completed his Master of Music (Auckland          recital demonstrating and discussing the precedents of
University) in composition looking at “weird and             atypical rhythm. The conference, held at the University
complex rhythms”. His composition, portfolio and             of Auckland, this year looked at the how musical works,
graphic scores focused on atypical rhythmic devices          and writings about music, are witnesses to the past.
used by percussionists.
                                                             An article written for The Drummers’ Journal featured
In September, he attended the ‘Transplanted Roots            Herbie Hancock, in particular the Head Hunters (1973)
Percussion Symposium’ at Queensland Conservatorium,          album. Tom considered the influence of the album
Griffith University, in Brisbane. Occurring every three      on drumset playing in the style of jazz and funk, and
years, it is an international event that looks at the role   particularly the notion of improvising while maintaining
of indigenous music, and attracts percussionists from        consistent rhythmic support for harmonic players.
five continents. This group includes researchers and         Although classified as jazz, Head Hunters was an album
performers working in the ever-changing field of             that paved the way for electronic music and hip hop
contemporary percussion. Tom presented research              while influencing many other genres of music.
entitled Igbo meets electronica: Developing African
rhythms through individual interpretation and digital        Performance and research help to inform Tom’s teaching
manipulation, and premiered his composition ‘Another         and composition. It gives him a wide palette of tools
Scene’. He describes this work as “an intense difficult      with which to compose his own music. Song writing and
composition” centred on the ogene bell, an instrument        composition are integral parts of the contemporary
that features heavily in Nigerian music. His challenge was   music syllabus and Tom’s experiences transfer to his
to not only incorporate the bell into the work, but to       students. Exposing students to a wide variety of ideas
retain the fundamental characteristics of the instrument     helps promote the right discussions about musicality
and its traditional function during the writing process.     and musicianship. It is evident to Tom that there are
                                                             constant innovations in music research, for example using
Riffs Journal, a publication of the University of            technology to help with practice and to align this with
Birmingham, featured Tom’s composition Mimesis               music pedagogy. One of his biggest challenges is staying
(I, II and III). The journal, comprising of writings on      abreast of the changes and demands in audio and
experimental popular music, is both a print and online       video equipment.
forum for the publication and hosting of postgraduate
research. Tom has developed a totally new method of          Tom is also a trustee of the Backline Charitable Trust
graphic scoring for musicians and discusses this in-depth    which provides scholarships for music students, helps
in the article.                                              with equipment purchase and supports emerging
                                                             artists in Hawke’s Bay through events and gigs. The trust
At the 2017 Combined Conference of the Musicological         plays a prominent part within the Hawke’s Bay music
Society of Australia and the New Zealand Musicological       and events scene supporting and finding outlets for
Society (MSA): ‘Performing History’, Tom gave a lecture      student performances.

18 | Research Showcase |
Tom Pierard, MMus
Programme coordinator Certificate of Contemporary Music, ideaschool
Professor Kay Morris Matthews, PhD
EIT Research Professor
Showcase 8

Recovery: Women’s Overseas
Service in World War I
Too often women’s war stories get overlooked or lost in time, despite women
being integral to war efforts.

Recovery retrieves the stories of women from Gisborne         Kay hosted a bus tour to Taruheru Cemetery on ANZAC
and surrounding East Coast areas who served during            Day 2017, gave a public presentation and helped design
World War One and makes their work visible. More than         interactive displays at the museum. The displays were
40 nurses from Tairāwhiti travelled to Europe and served      compiled by Andrew McKenna and are on the Gisborne
overseas. The women profiled in Kay Morris Matthew’s          Herald website. Kay says, “The biographical profile is
book and exhibition were brave, strong, determined            transformed from static text to the viewer being able to
women who made sacrifices, and endured hardships and          imagine the setting and what it was like to be there at the
often appalling conditions.                                   time”. It is possible to see timelines and maps for all of
                                                              the people featured in the book at
They served with 12 different service organisations in
England as well as within war zones in Turkey, Egypt,
France, Serbia, Greece, Italy, Palestine and East Africa.     recovery-gisbornes-wwi-nurses
“They worked in tents and temporary field hospitals
behind the front lines; in hospitals set up in large houses   A public lecture at MTG in Napier in July 2017 entitled
and halls; on hospital and transport ships; on ambulance      What did you do in the war, Gran? focused on the 64
trains, in offices and on airfields.” Some of the women       women from Hawke’s Bay and East Coast who served
were registered nurses with the New Zealand Army              overseas. It also looked at their lives before and after
Nursing Service (NZANS) or Volunteer Aid Detachment           the war. The lecture was part of Kay’s ongoing research
members, many of whom paid their own passage to               (2014-2018) for regional museum exhibitions.
Europe. NZANS was not recognised by the New Zealand
government until 1915 so many nurses travelled to             In September 2017, Kay and Eloise Wallace, Tairāwhiti
Europe independently prior to that date.                      Museum director, gave the keynote address in Canberra
                                                              at the Australian and New Zealand Educational Society’s
Recovery: Women’s Overseas Service in World War               conference entitled “Powerful narratives and compelling
I was launched in March 2017 at the opening of an             explanations: Educational historians and museums at
exhibition, curated by Kay, at the Tairāwhiti Museum.         work”. As a result they will publish an article in the
The exhibition was the result of collaboration between        journal History of Education Review.
Tairāwhiti Museum, EIT, The Gisborne Herald and the
Nurses and Midwives of Tairāwhiti (NAMOT). NAMOT              Morris Matthews, K. (2017). Recovery: Women’s
nurses sewed replica uniforms for the celebrations,           Overseas Service in World War I. Gisborne, New
took part in a street parade and featured in ANZAC            Zealand: Te Rau. The book, co-published by EIT and
day remembrances.                                             Tairāwhiti Museum, is available for sale at the museum
                                                              for $35.
The exhibition was a huge success, with 20,000
viewers over the 24-week period. Eight thousand were
school children.

                                                                        | Research Showcase | 21
Showcase 9

He mokopuna he taonga
David Tipene-Leach considers the wahakura to be his best work. The good
progress made over 1995-2004 with the Māori SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome) prevention programme stalled after 2004, and Māori deaths
remained five times the rate of non-Māori.
The dogged persistence of bed sharing where there              By 2016, the expanded Safe Sleep programme was
was smoking in pregnancy was the problem and a new             credited with reducing SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death
approach was needed to keep mothers onside, using a            in Infancy) by more than 30 percent over the preceding
kaupapa Māori framework and sticking to the evidence           five years. Later that year, the Minister of Health
around SIDS prevention.                                        announced a national Safe Sleep programme.

The wahakura provided a separate sleeping surface              With 30-40 unexplained baby deaths a year, New
- long claimed by SIDS prevention experts to be                Zealand has the worst SUDI rate in the Western world
protective - that could be used in a shared bed. Tipene-       and Māori babies comprise some 60 percent of all cases.
Leach developed and became a champion for this woven           SUDI includes both SIDS and accidental suffocation
flax bassinet, claiming with little evidence that it created   deaths. A culturally appropriate response and parental
a safer infant sleep environment. The wahakura (waha,          education around Safe Sleep have made a difference.
to carry, and kura, something precious) was to be used         Bed sharing is now recognised as a risk for infant death
for babies up to five or six months old, when the risk of      only in the presence of smoking in pregnancy and
death from SIDs diminishes.                                    alcohol or drug intake by parents. Sleeping with infants
                                                               remains a viable and safe option for many families.
The wahakura programme was initiated in 2006 while             Tipene-Leach and colleagues have also advocated more
Tipene-Leach was working for Ngāti Porou Hauora in             culturally appropriate ways to deal with the sudden
Gisborne. Created locally by the Nukutere Weavers’             death of a child. Police investigation, post-mortem and
Collective and Māori midwives, the programme got               coronial processes are at odds with traditional Māori
off to a good start in Tairāwhiti with 85 wahakura             practices and make the experience of sudden death even
given to families in the area. Follow-up as to utility,        more harrowing for whānau.
appropriateness and acceptability was done. When its
popularity became obvious, ongoing supply became               Tipene-Leach has had a varied career as a general
an issue. Wānanga wahakura were launched to teach              practitioner, public health physician, researcher and
the skills to other weavers, a more simple model was           academic. He continues to research in the Māori health
developed and the little sister of the wahakura, the Pēpi-     field, particularly where interventions have a kaupapa
Pod, was born.                                                 Māori flavour. He also teaches a postgraduate nursing
                                                               Māori health programme where the emphases are on
A plastic container for storing clothing, the Pēpi-Pod         pro-equity health solutions and cultural competence of
is the same size as a wahakura and, with a mattress,           practitioners. He believes the opportunities in his new
it became another easily available safe sleep space.           role are endless.
The Pēpi-Pod was deployed en masse after the 2010
Christchurch earthquake when safe sleeping spaces for          In 2006, he won the Māori Medical Practitioners’ Mārire
infants became an immediate problem. Tipene-Leach              Goodall Award. In 2015, he was awarded an Honorary
deployed an excellent supply and distribution network          Fellowship in the New Zealand College of Public Health
developed by health education colleague Stephanie              Medicine and a Hauora Coalition Hautoa Award for
Cowan and Change for Our Children in the Hawke’s Bay           ‘Courageous Action in the Prevention of SUDI’. In 2016,
District Health Board’s Safe Sleep initiative in 2011.         he was made a Distinguished Fellow of the Royal New
                                                               Zealand College of Medical Practitioners for services to
                                                               general practice, public health and research.
22 | Research Showcase |
David Tipene-Leach, PhD
Professor of Māori and Indigenous Research, Faculty of Education, Humanities and Health Science
                                                                    Ngāti Kere from Porangahau
Kathryn MacCallum, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Computing
Showcase 10

Emerging technologies
Kathryn MacCallum has two passions - education and technology. So it’s no
surprise that her research focus is the use of technology to enhance learning and
her own teaching practice.

She finds it exciting but challenging to find new ways      As a research mentor, Kathryn finds herself involved in
to engage students, from preschool to tertiary, using       a number of interesting projects which typically involve
technology without knowing where it might lead. It is       some manner of technology and education. For example,
hoped that emerging technology like augmented reality       one of her current postgraduate students is creating an
and mobile learning will increase active participation      app that uses augmented reality and virtual reality to
and enrich student experiences. Although we speak of        support teaching young children letter recognition and
“digital natives” (a person born or brought up during the   sequencing. It employs a mobile device to enhance letter
age of digital technology and familiar with computers       recognition and sequencing in young children. Although
and the Internet from an early age), many young people      this is still in the early stages of development, Kathryn
do not use technology for learning but rather for           feels that such emerging technologies offer rich potential
connection and communication.                               to the education sector.

In 2014-15, Kathryn led a team of EIT staff in an           Kathryn is very busy in many other areas. She is an
Ako Aotearoa project to investigate “Learners and           editor for Journal of Information Technology Education:
mobile devices: A framework for enhanced learning           Innovations in Practice and Journal of Information
and institutional change” (        Technology Education: Research and associate editor
learners-and-mobile-devices/key-findings-and-practical-     of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended
strategies-for-learning-and-teaching-with-mobile-           Learning (IJMBL). She has also been involved in
devices). Initiated by AUT, the project included 50         two other research projects - Massey University
practitioners over six institutions (AUT, EIT, Massey       (EQuake), and Athabasca University, Canada (Learning
University, Otago Polytechnic, Unitec and University        Communities Project). She was recently elected to
of Auckland). The EIT community of practice included        head the International Association for Mobile Learning
David Skelton, Michael Verhaart, Robyn Pascoe, Istvan       communications committee. In addition to her role as
Lengyel and Stephanie Day. This collegiality was a          co-president of ANZmLearn, she is a committee member
feature of the project, where the teachers were also the    of Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand and
learners as they became familiar with mobile devices        the New Zealand Association of Cooperative Education.
such as the iPad mini and iPhones. Although a number        She is also the monitor for Unitec’s Master of Applied
of projects were instigated, the overarching aim was        Practices programme as well as course moderator for
to develop a framework to investigate how affordable        a number of other academic programmes around
mobile technology could be used to support teaching         New Zealand.
and learning by developing content and resources
and increasing student engagement both in and out of
the classroom.

                                                                      | Research Showcase | 25
Showcase 11

Searching for lower
alcohol wines
Petra King delights in “investigating issues and solving problems”. Her recent
research has involved finding ways to produce lower alcohol wine without
reducing flavour and quality. The team of researchers on this project includes M.
Carmo Vasconcelos, Stewart Field, Melissa Annand, Karen Ball, Elise Montgomery
and Chey Dearing. The team is also working closely with Charles Sturt University
in Australia.
New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries partnered         carried out on Sauvignon Blanc grapes in 2015 and
with New Zealand Winegrowers in 2014 on a $17                   2016 seasons but it was found that the sprayed and
million research and development project to produce             the unsprayed grapes had similar sugar accumulation
‘lighter wines’ with less than 10% alcohol. It is the largest   rates during ripening and so a similar sugar content at
research and development effort ever undertaken by              harvest. No consistent significant differences in sensory
New Zealand’s wine industry. The research focus is to           characteristics were found in the trials but acidity levels
use sustainable viticultural techniques and native yeasts;      were unacceptably high.
a point of difference to other methods of creating low
alcohol wines which tend to rely on manipulating the            Following similar research in Italy on Sangiovese red
wine itself. The transition to low alcohol wine is primarily    grape vines, in the 2016/2017 season trials were carried
driven by the market and export growth. Lifestyle and           out on Merlot grapes from the Bridge Pa Triangle with
health factors are important too, with people searching         the aim of producing rosé style wine. In recent years
for a healthy alternative and fewer calories.                   consumers are preferring lighter fruitier summer wines.

Specifically, Petra and her team of researchers have been       Results look promising with a sugar reduction on sprayed
using antitranspiration sprays applied to the upper 60%         vines and sugar accumulation to 18 Brix being delayed
of the canopy at veraison (the onset of ripening). The          by one week compared to the unsprayed vines. The
spray is an extract of pine resin that creates a barrier        changes in acid breakdown and increases in phenolic
on leaves and slows the rate of water loss from the leaf        flavour compounds associated with ripening have not
and prevents CO₂ from being taken in. This has a similar        been affected. Sensory testing of the wines by a trained
effect to removing some of the canopy leaves, albeit            taste panel has found wines from the sprayed vines had
only temporarily, as the spray is broken down by UV             significantly more cherry and strawberry characters and
light. The net effect is that photosynthesis is reduced,        lower acidity and herbal flavours and were much more
carbohydrate production is lessened and sugars do               pleasant to drink than the wine from unsprayed vines.
not increase as rapidly. Grapes used to make higher             Both wines had a 10% alcohol content. The technique of
alcohol wines are harvested when Brix levels are at             applying an antitranspirant spray to the vines at veraison
about 22-24 for red wines and 20-21 for white. In the           may be a useful technique for use in developing lower
low alcohol study, grapes were picked earlier when              alcohol wines.
sugar levels were about 18 Brix. Initially, trials were

26 | Research Showcase |
Petra King, PhD
Research Scientist, School of Viticulture and Wine Science
Wellesley Binding, MFA Fine Arts
Visual Arts Lecturer, ideaschool
Showcase 12

Words and deeds
In approaching World War I critically, in the context of the centenary, Wellesley
Binding adopted two very different artistic and conceptual approaches:

Word & Deed: Art, Memory and The First World War,             constitute an informal community capable of rethinking
Hastings City Art Gallery (HCAG), was a three-artist          political and cultural reality. Owen himself was coming
exhibition that opened on Armistice Day, November             to such a rethinking before he was killed, a week before
11, 2015. In a series of large blackboard-like canvasses,     the Armistice.
Wellesley explored the relationship between words as
signifiers of experience and memory, and the futility of      In a solo exhibition At the Wild Shore, that opened
words in describing the traumatic experience of war.          April 23, 2016 at HCAG, Wellesley critically examined
                                                              the Anzac experience of Gallipoli. In 21 small
The works were a response to the literary impulses of         ‘autobiographical’ panels, portraying individual and
the English war poet, Wilfred Owen, rather than directly      national fantasies of NZ manhood, the paintings showed
to his poems and letters themselves. Interested in the        a fictional account of ‘Wellesley Binding War Artist’,
breakdown of sense and language in the experience             during the campaign of April-November 1915. The
of the trenches, Wellesley posited Owen as existing as        works purport to be preparatory studies derived from
one of Czech philosopher Jan Patocka’s ‘solidarity of the     photographs and sketches, made ‘on location’, toward
shaken’. Patocka (1907-77) theorised a spiritual solidarity   an epic account of the campaign. The protagonist, as he
of men ‘exposed to the abysmal nothingness that our           observes and participates, veers between heroism and
existence rests upon’, irreversibly shaken through their      terror, bemusement and resignation.
experience of the Western Front. Patocka’s shaken men

                                                              “Like many painters today, I wander the border region
                                                              between figurative painting and abstract painting,
                                                              between narrative content and formal proposition,
                                                              between image and mark, between illusion and paint.”

                                                                        | Research Showcase | 29
30 | Research Showcase |
Research Outputs 2017
Erturk, E., MacCallum, K., & Skelton, D. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of Computing and
      Information Technology Education and Research in New Zealand incorporating the 30th Annual Conference of
      the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications Napier, New Zealand, 2nd–4th October 2017.
      Retrieved from

Marshall, M. (Ed.). (2017). Four intermezzi for solo guitar by Michael Calvert [Music score]. Pirongia, New Zealand:
     Hatchet Music, New Zealand Guitar Foundation.

Marshall, M. (Ed.). (2017). Sultry for solo guitar by Anthony Ritchie [Music score]. Taradale, New Zealand: Hatchet Music,
     New Zealand Guitar Foundation.

Morris Matthews, K. (2017). Recovery: Women’s overseas service in World War One. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti

Randle, H., Waran, N., & Kent, L. (Eds.). (2017). Equitation science in practice: Collaboration, communication and
     change; 13th International Equitation Science Conference (ISES 2017 Down Under) 22nd–25th November 2017
     Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia; Proceedings. Retrieved from

Book Chapter
Duffy, M., Wood, P., Whyte, S., Yell, S., & Carroll, M. (2017). Why isn’t there a plan? Community vulnerability and
       resilience in the Latrobe Valley’s open cut coal mine town. In M. Companion & M. Chaiken (Eds.), Understanding
       vulnerability, building resilience: Responses to disasters and climate change (pp. 199–209). Boca Raton, FL: CRC

Erturk, E. (2017). Cloud computing and cybersecurity issues facing local enterprises. In M. Moore (Ed.), Cybersecurity
      breaches and issues surrounding online threat protection (pp. 219–247). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.

Nelson, E. (2017). ‘It’s cool, people your same age being in charge of you’: Enacting student voice through classroom
     governance partnerships. In R. M. B. Cowie (Ed.), Realising innovative partnerships in educational research:
     Theories and methodologies for collaboration (pp. 9–20). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

Papps, E. (2017). Acting in accordance with New Zealand regulatory frameworks. In J. Crisp, C. Douglas, G. Rebeiro &
      D. Waters (Eds.), Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of nursing (5th ANZ ed., pp. 195–206). Chatswood, Australia:
      Elsevier Australia.

Parsons, D., & MacCallum, K. (2017). An mLearning toolset for leveraging learning theory. In R. Power, M. Ally, D. Cristol
      & A. Palalas (Eds.), IAmLearning: Mobilizing and supporting educator practice. Retrieved from https://iamlearning.

Sutherland, B., & Judge, P. (2017). Tomorrow’s song: Polytechnics as living models for ecological consciousness. In P. B.
      Corcoran, J. P. Weakland & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), Envisioning futures for environmental and sustainability education
      (pp. 229–239). Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

                                                                           | Research Showcase | 31
Research Outputs 2017

Journal Article

Aitken, V., Corkery, F., & Jones, K. (2017). Positions, storylines and speech acts: How five mentor teachers from EIT’s
      Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) conceptualise their role in the partnership. Waikato Journal of Education, 22(3),

Bacon, H., Vancia, V., Walters, H., & Waran, N. (2017). Canine trap-neuter-return: A critical review of potential welfare
      issues. Animal Welfare, 26(3), 281–292.

Baddock, S. A., Tipene-Leach, D., Williams, S. M., Tangiora, A., Jones, R., Iosua, E., . . . Taylor, B. J. (2017). Wahakura versus
     bassinet for safe infant sleep: A randomized trial. Pediatrics, 139(2).

Baddock, S. A., Tipene-Leach, D., Williams, S. M., Tangiora, A., Jones, R., Mącznik, A. K., & Taylor, B. J. (2017). Physiological
     stability in an indigenous sleep device: A randomised controlled trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Advance
     online publication.

Chai, W., Zhou, H., Forrest, R. H. J., Gong, H., Hodge, S., & Hickford, J. G. H. (2017). Polymorphism of KRT83 and its
      association with selected wool traits in Merino-cross lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 155, 6–11. https://doi.

Charlton, G. C., Gao, X., & Kuan, D.-W. (2017). The law relating to hunting and gathering rights in the traditional
      territories of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. Asia Pacific Law Review, 25(2), 125–148.

Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Nelson, E. (2017). Innovative learning environments and new materialism: A conjunctural
      analysis of pedagogic spaces. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49(8), 808–821.

Costa, V. P., Guglielmo, L. G. A., & Paton, C. D. (2017). The effects of block training on pacing during 20-km cycling time
      trial. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 42(4), 391–398.

Day, S., & Erturk, E. (2017). e-Learning objects in the cloud: SCORM compliance, creation and deployment options.
       Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, 9(4), 449–467. Retrieved from http://www.kmel-

Dearing, C. G., Jayasena, C. N., & Lindsay, K. S. (2017). Human sperm cryopreservation in cancer patients: Links with
      deprivation and mortality. Cryobiology, 79, 9–13.

Dearing, C. G., & Lindsay, K. S. (2017). Corrected cholesterol, a novel marker for predicting semen post-thaw quality: A
      pilot study. Human Fertility. Advance online publication.

Endacott, R., O’Connor, M., Williams, A., Wood, P., McKenna, L., Griffiths, D. , . . . Cross, W. (2017). Roles and functions of
     Enrolled Nurses in Australia: Perspectives of Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
     Advance online publication.

Erturk, E. (2017). An incremental model for cloud adoption: Based on a study of regional organizations. TEM Journal,
      6(4), 868–876.

32 | Research Showcase |
Research Outputs 2017

Foxall, D., Forrest, R., & Meyer, S. (2017). Māori nurses’ experiences of the Nursing Entry to Practice Transition
       Programme. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 13(4), 246–255. https://doi.

Hamilton, P., Willis, E., Jones, T., McKelvie, R., Blackman, I., Toffoli, L., & Harvey, C. (2017). Evaluating the performance of
      a single-item, global, estimate of missed nursing care. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 25(1), 121–141. https://doi.

Harvey, C., Thompson, S., Pearson, M., Willis, E., & Toffoli, L. (2017). Missed nursing care as an ‘art form’: The
     contradictions of nurses as carers. Nursing Inquiry, 24(3), e12180.

Harvey, C. L., Sibley, J., Palmer, J., Phillips, A., Willis, E., Marshall, R., . . . Pearson, M. (2017). Development, implementation
     and evaluation of a nurse led integrated, person-centred care with long term conditions. Journal of Integrated
     Care, 25(3), 186–195.

Hiby, E., Atema, K. N., Brimley, R., Hammond-Seaman, A., Jones, M., . . . Waran, N., . . . Hiby, L. (2017). Scoping review
      of indicators and methods of measurement used to evaluate the impact of dog population management
      interventions. BMC Veterinary Research, 13(1), 1–20.

Lee, C., & McConnell, C. (2017). Children as photographers: Joyful exploration. New Zealand International Research in
      Early Childhood Education Journal, 20(1), 69–80.

MacCallum, K., Day, S., Skelton, D., & Verhaart, M. (2017). Mobile affordances and learning theories in supporting
    and enhancing learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 9(2), 61–73. https://doi.

Marshall, B., Craig, A., & Meyer, A. (2017). Registered nurses’ attitudes towards, and experiences of, aggression and
     violence in the acute hospital setting. Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 8(1), 31–36.

Mayes, E., Bakhshi, S., Wasner, V., Cook-Sather, A., Mohammad, M., . . . Nelson, E., . . . Cowley, E. (2017). What can a
     conception of power do? Theories and images of power in student voice work. International Journal of Student
     Voice, 2(1). Retrieved from

Munday, K., & Wilson, M. (2017). Implementing a health and wellbeing programme for children in early childhood: A
    preliminary study. Nutrients, 9(9), 1–11.

Nelson, E., & Johnson, L. (2017). Learning to teach in ILEs on practicum: Anchoring practices for challenging times.
     Waikato Journal of Education, 22(3), 63–74.

Nikula, P.-T., & Kivistö, J. (2017). Hiring education agents for international student recruitment: Perspectives from agency
      theory. Higher Education Policy. Advance online publication.

Nikula, P.-T. (2017). Socioeconomic inequalities in higher education: A meta-method analysis of twenty-first century
      studies in Finland and New Zealand. Studies in Higher Education. Advance online publication.

Obrutsky, S., & Erturk, E. (2017). The Agile transition in software development companies: The most common barriers
     and how to overcome them. Business and Management Research, 6(4), 40–53.

                                                                                 | Research Showcase | 33
Research Outputs 2017

Page, M. J., Wyeth, E. H., Samaranayaka, A., McNoe, B., Walker, R. C., Schollum, J., . . . Derrett, S. (2017). Accuracy of
      ethnicity data recorded in hospital-based patient clinical records and the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and
      Transplant Registry. New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1454), 65–71. Retrieved from

Parsons, D., & MacCallum, K. (2017). A learning theory rubric for evaluating mobile learning activities. International
      Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 7(4), 24–38.

Paton, C. D., & Costa, V. P. (2017). Is the PowerCal device suitable for monitoring performance with competitive cyclists?
      Journal of Science and Cycling, 6(2), 22–26.

Paton, C. D., Addis, S. M., & Taylor, L.-A. (2017). The effects of muscle blood flow restriction during running training
      on measures of aerobic capacity and run time to exhaustion. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117(12),

Pavlovich, A., & Watson, S. (2017, May). Director and shareholder liability at Pike River Coal. New Zealand Law Journal,
      122–125, 156.

Peter, S., Bartley, A., & Beddoe, L. (2017). Transnational social workers’ transition into receiving countries: What lessons
       can be learned from nursing and teaching? European Journal of Social Work. Advance online publication. https://

Pierard, T. (2017). Mimesis (1, 2 & 3). Riffs—Experimental Writing on Popular Music, 1(2). Retrieved from http://

Purdon, I., & Erturk, E. (2017). Perspectives of blockchain technology, its relation to the cloud and its potential role in
     computer science education. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 7(6), 2340–2344. Retrieved

Revell, S., Searle, J., & Thompson, S. (2017). The information needs of patients receiving procedural sedation in
       a hospital emergency department. International Emergency Nursing, 33, 20–25.

Robinson, L. M., Altschul, D. M., Wallace, E. K., Úbeda, Y., Llorente, M., . . . Waran, N. K., & Weiss, A. (2017). Chimpanzees
     with positive welfare are happier, extraverted, and emotionally stable. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 191,

Shannon, J., Atalay, S., Collison, J. N., Herewini, T. H., Hollinger, E., Horwood, M., . . . Tapsell, P. (2017). Ritual processes of
     repatriation. Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, 5(1), 88–94.

Sutherland, B. (2017). Colin McCahon and Imants Tillers: The care of small birds—An ecological perspective. Australian
      and New Zealand Journal of Art, 17(1), 17–32.

Sutherland, B., & Judge, P. (2017). Rock Gods of the Anthropocene: The biographical films of Elvis Presley and Jim
      Morrison. IASPM@Journal, 7(1), 71–87.

Tucker, D., Scrymgeour, G., & Marshall, B. (2017). Toward developing a nurse endoscopist role in New Zealand.
      Gastroenterology Nursing, 40(2), 128–133.

34 | Research Showcase |
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