Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1

Page created by Nancy Erickson
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
                          Prospectus 2022
                          Honours | Postgraduate diplomas and certificates | Masters | Doctorates

                            Top 10                      No.1
Ranked New Zealand   Globally for Sustainable      In New Zealand
    University1       Development Impact2         for Employability3
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
Nau mai, haere mai                                                                                                                                                                                    Contents
Welcome to the                                                                                                     01 Welcome to                                  02 Postgraduate                           03 Supporting
University of Auckland                                                                                             the University of
                                                                                                                   Welcome to the University of Auckland      2

                                                                                                                                                                  Postgraduate programmes              12
                                                                                                                                                                                                            your study

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Funding your studies           48
                                                                                                                   Prepare for your future of work            5   Arts                                 14   Student services and support   49
                                                                                                                   Take your research to the next level       6   Business School                      18   Finding accommodation          53
Postgraduate study at the University of Auckland            We offer a wide range of support and
offers the opportunity to fulfil your academic and          opportunities for students, including:                 New Zealand's most innovative university   8   Creative Arts and Industries         22   Arriving from overseas         55
career potential. Whether you choose one of our             • Over 150 taught and research postgraduate            Gaining an international qualification     9   Education and Social Work            26
taught or research programmes, you can expect               programmes                                                                                            Engineering                          30
to challenge your thinking, learn new skills and
                                                            • $40 million in postgraduate scholarships and                                                        Law                                  34
position yourself for the next step in your career.
As you pursue advanced study, you could be
involved in the discovery and development of
                                                            awards each year
                                                            • Extensive pastoral and learning support
                                                                                                                                                                  Medical and Health Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                            04 Applying
innovations that improve our social, cultural,              The University of Auckland is also placed at                                                          Auckland Bioengineering Institute    44
economic and environmental wellbeing.                       number one in New Zealand for Graduate                                                                                                          How to apply                   58
                                                                                                                                                                  Liggins Institute                    45
                                                            Employability3. When you finish your studies,
As well as innovation through research, we offer                                                                                                                                                            Dates to remember              60
                                                            you’ll be equipped for the next step – what that
specialised and innovative degrees that meet the                                                                                                                                                            Glossary                       62
                                                            looks like is up to you. Success with us is just the
demands of an ever-changing world.
                                                            beginning.                                                                                                                                      Find out more                  63
We’ve also been recognised as world leaders
in sustainability with our top ten ranking in the
Times Higher Education Impact Ratings. These
measure how well educational institutions are
delivering on the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals.
Our postgraduate students play an important role
in the University’s innovation ecosystem and are a
valued part of our academic community.

                                                            DAWN FRESHWATER
                                                            The University of Auckland

1 Times Higher Education and QS World University Rankings 2020
2 Times Higher Education Unversity Impact Rankings 2021
3 QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020

Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
Prepare for your
    “The academic staff at the
    University were excellent,
    supportive and practical.
                                                      future of work
    I immediately felt like I                         If you’re looking to upskill or take your career to the next level, a postgraduate qualification will set you
                                                      apart and support your future career goals.
    was a part of a welcoming
                                                      Ready for a change?                                    Returning to study                                 Their in-person and virtual support is available
                                                                                                                                                                from day one, right up to three years after
                                                                                                                                                                graduation! They bring employers on campus
                                                      The world of work is changing rapidly and we           It’s never too late to go back to university.      to connect with students in person and offer
    “I found the most valuable skills I learnt at
                                                      understand how important it is to keep up.             Further study gives you the opportunity to         a range of interactive workshops, from finding
    the University of Auckland were high-level
                                                      If you’ve been thinking about taking your career       achieve your academic goals and prepare for        your career direction to job search, interview
    academic thinking and meticulous research.
                                                      in a new direction, we have a wide range of            your next career move. Whether you choose one      skills and LinkedIn.
    “I work in developing neonatal respiratory        postgraduate study options to get you started          of our taught or research programmes, you can      You can access all of their services including
    medical equipment. This involves everything       on your journey. Our programmes can help you           expect to build your confidence and challenge      exclusive online modules, job board, self-service
    from immersive hospital visits to conducting      to learn relevant, practical skills in the field you   your thinking.                                     CV and cover letter checks, plus register for
    usability studies with neonatal nurses, and       want to work in, build your professional network                                                          appointments and events via their online career

                                                                                                             Learn new skills
    machining mould tools for prototype injection     and get the edge you need in an increasingly                                                              platform MyCDES.
    plastic manufacturing.                            competitive job market.                                                                         
    “The neonatal intensive care unit can be          Switching careers can feel daunting, but we’re         To augment and enhance the skills and
                                                      here to make it as easy as possible. We offer
    a very tense and emotional environment. I
    enjoy seeing the joy on nurses' faces when the    plenty of options for people who want to reskill
                                                                                                             knowledge you receive as a postgraduate
                                                                                                             student, the University offers a variety of        Doctoral
                                                      or begin work in a new industry, whether you’ve
    product I have helped design provides them
    with another tool to deliver better care for      studied previously or not. We can also support
                                                                                                             courses to develop academic and professional
                                                                                                             skills, and to help with career planning and       Development
                                                      you to find job opportunities that align with your
    premature babies and their families.
    “My degree set me up with the skills I need
                                                      long-term career goals, so you can make the
                                                                                                             professional development.
                                                      transition with confidence.
    to translate robust qualitative research into
    product solutions, and the wider professional                                                            Academic Career                                    Career advancement comes from careful
                                                                                                                                                                planning. The Doctoral Development Framework
    network to enable those solutions to drive
    change in healthcare delivery.
                                                      Accelerate your                                        Advancement                                        helps candidates plan their development
                                                                                                                                                                holistically for success within their doctoral
    “I found the Faculty of Engineering to be quite   career                                                 Programme                                          programme and beyond.
    flexible and encouraging when I told them                                                                                                         
    about my intentions to make my masters            If you want to take your career to the next level      The Academic Career Advancement
    dissertation a cross-faculty collaboration.       and bridge the gap between where you are in            Programme (ACAP) prepares mid-phase
                                                      your work life and where you want to be, we can        doctoral candidates for a career in academia.
    “This flexibility meant I was able to learn       help you get there.                                    This competitive programme is funded by the
    about qualitative research and how to capture                                                            Academic Career Advancement Award and
                                                      A qualification from the University of Auckland
    the human factors that influence the delivery                                                            hosted by the School of Graduate Studies.
                                                      gives you the opportunity to build on your
    and distribution of healthcare. That knowledge
                                                      experience and achieve your long-term career 
    has made me an infinitely better medical
                                                      goals. You’ll be able to position yourself for the
    device designer.”
                                                      next step in your career by developing your skills
                                                      and learning from some of the best teachers in
                                                      the country.
                                                                                                             Development and
                                                      Advanced study also offers networking and
                                                      leadership opportunities, as well as the chance
                                                      to surround yourself with like-minded people           Employability                                                         No.1
    Michelsen                                         who share the same desire to learn new skills.
                                                                                                             Services (CDES)                                          in New Zealand for
                                                                                                             The CDES team supports postgraduate
    Larissa is a graduate of the Master of                                                                   students to identify where they want to take
    Engineering Studies programme. She works                                                                 their qualification and develop an employability
    as a Product Development Engineer for                                                                    action plan to build experience (and                     *QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020
    Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.                                                                              confidence) alongside their studies.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
Take your research to
    the next level
    Postgraduate research is a cornerstone of the University of Auckland. We offer a wealth of opportunities for
    you to undertake research as a postgraduate student: from small projects to in-depth doctoral theses.

                                         Leading researchers                                Renowned research-
                                         The University has more internationally and
                                         nationally esteemed researchers than any other
                                                                                            led University
        $40 million                      tertiary institution in New Zealand. This means
                                         you could be working alongside internationally
                                                                                            The University of Auckland has more top quality
                                                                                            researchers in more subjects than any other
                                         respected researchers on a project of global       university in New Zealand.* The University
       worth of postgraduate             significance, whilst building your international   supports the work of eight faculties covering a
         scholarships and                networks and a reputation of excellence.           comprehensive range of disciplines, as well as two
        awards are on offer                                                                 internationally-renowned Large Scale Research
                                                                                            Institutes. The University is also host to four
            each year.                   Be part of our                                     Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs), partner
                                                                                            on another four, and hosts two National Science
                                         research community                                 Challenges and is a partner on another eight.

                                         As a postgraduate researcher at the University
                                         of Auckland, you will be part of a community of
                                                                                            * Quality Evaluation (PBRF) – Final Results, Ngā Kete (TEC)
                                         like-minded postgraduate scholars that has the
                                         largest number of research degree completions
                                         in the country.

                                                                                                 Find doctoral and masters research
                                                                                                 opportunities at the University on
                                                                                                 FindaThesis. Whether you’re searching
                                                                                                 by area of interest or looking for a
                                                                                                 specific project, the online database
                                                                                                 provides detailed information about
                                                                                                 available projects, potential supervisors
                                                                                                 and more.
                                                                                                 You can also browse the University’s
                                                                                                 staff directory to find potential
                                                                                                 supervisors who research in your area
                                                                                                 of interest.

6                                                                                                                                                         7
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
New Zealand’s most                                                                                                                                                             Gaining an international
    innovative university                                                                                                                                                          qualification
    From innovation workshops and challenges to support starting a spin-out company, the University                                                                                Our partnerships with leading universities around the world open up a range of opportunities for you to
    has a strong innovation culture, where every student has the opportunity to develop and pursue their                                                                           interact with your counterparts, including joint research projects with partner universities, international
    entrepreneurial potential.                                                                                                                                                     networking, exchanges, conferences and workshops.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Take advantage of                                   Association of Pacific Rim Universities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Worldwide Universities Network
    The University of Auckland has been identified
    as one of the world’s leading entrepreneurial         Unleash Space:                                          seeking out and bringing together partners in
                                                                                                                  academic institutions, industry and government                   our international                                   As a network of leading universities linking the     The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Americas, Asia and Australasia, the Association      brings together 22 universities across six
    universities1 and the most innovative university in
    New Zealand2. We are committed to developing          innovation hub and                                      to build new knowledge and solutions through
                                                                                                                  research through to whakatupu (nurturing)                        partnerships and                                    of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) is the Voice of   continents that sit in widely diverse geographical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Knowledge and Innovation for the Asia-Pacific        and cultural contexts, and which, in partnership
    entrepreneurial-minded students and graduates
    in an innovative environment.                         maker space                                             and commercialising the ideas and intellectual
                                                                                                                  property that arise from the University of                       programmes                                          region. APRU brings together thought leaders,        provide an unparalleled richness of talent and
                                                                                                                  Auckland’s great minds, we act as the kaihono                                                                        researchers, and policy-makers to exchange           resources that are brought to bear on major
    • Many of our academics and postgraduate              Unleash Space is the University’s state-of-the-art                                                                                                                           ideas and collaborate on effective solutions to      research problems.
                                                                                                                  (those who join and link people to people, and                   The University of Auckland is ranked 13th in the
      students are involved in research that has the      innovation hub and maker space. Membership                                                                                                                                   the challenges of the 21st century.
                                                                                                                  people to projects) firmly entrenched in the                     world in the 2020 Times Higher Education’s                                                               WUN provides opportunities for early-career
      potential to benefit our society and economy.       is free for all students and staff at the University.
                                                                                                                  ecosystem that bridges the world of academia                     most international universities, reflecting         APRU leverages collective education and              researchers, including postgraduate and
    • We offer extensive support to students and          It offers workshops, equipment and seminars to
                                                                                                                  with business, government and our communities.                   our international outlook. We develop key           research capabilities of its members into the        postdoctoral students, to gain experience in
      staff to develop and commercialise their            inspire and motivate and help you develop your
                                                                                                                                                        international relationships that enhance our        international public policy process. Primary         international research collaborations.
      research.                                           entrepreneurial capability.
                                                                                                                                                                                   ability to perform as a globally competitive        research areas include natural hazards &   
    • We provide opportunities and activities to
                                                          Create what you imagine, design for today and                                                                            research-led University. Our formal engagement      disaster risk reduction, women in leadership,
      develop your innovation and entrepreneurship                                                                Funding and investment
                                                          prototype for tomorrow. The space houses 3D                                                                              in 40+ countries includes organisations and         population aging, global health, sustainable
      skills.                                                                                                     • The University of Auckland Inventors’ Fund,                                                                                                                             China Scholarship Council (CSC)
                                                          printers, laser cutters, routers, electronics,                                                                           institutions across industry, government,           cities, artificial intelligence and the future of
    • We have opportunities to network with                                                                          managed by UniServices, is a $20 million seed
                                                          vacuum formers, sewing machines, craft and art                                                                           philanthropy, alumni and higher education.          work, the Pacific Ocean, and labour mobility.        China to New Zealand
      like-minded students and academics in an                                                                       investment fund that is accessible to University
                                                          supplies and other tools and machinery.
      environment where collaborations have led to                                                                   researchers and students. The fund supports                                A number of opportunities exist for students,        Top Chinese PhD students can study at the
      start-ups and spin-out companies.                                                                                                                                                                    including participation in APRU research             University of Auckland through a scholarship
                                                                                                                     the commercialisation of ideas and inventions,
    • We offer postgraduate programmes in                                                                            enabling researchers to transform their                       360 International                                   conferences and research symposia.                   programme developed in collaboration with the
      innovation and entrepreneurship that will
      stretch and develop those working, or seeking       Commercialise your                                         research into businesses and new products.
                                                                                                                  • Four Return on Science investment
                                                                                                                                                                                   360 International creates opportunities for you
                                                                                                                                                                                   to complete part of your University of Auckland     Universitas 21 (U21)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            China Scholarship Council (CSC). Students who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            receive a scholarship are given a living allowance
      a career, in commercialisation.
                                                          research                                                   committees, and the student-led Momentum
                                                                                                                     programme, provide support to founders and
                                                                                                                                                                                   degree overseas. Taught postgraduate study
                                                                                                                                                                                   may be done on exchange for one semester of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Universitas 21 (U21) empowers students and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       staff from 27 world-class universities to share
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            by the Chinese Government for the term of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the scholarship, return airfare to New Zealand,

    Velocity                                              The University offers a range of opportunities for
                                                          postgraduate students to explore the potential to
                                                                                                                                                                                   a one-year programme, with host universities
                                                                                                                                                                                   located in more than 30 countries. You must
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       excellence, collaborate across borders and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       nurture international knowledge exchange.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            student visa fees and the cost of overseas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            student health cover.

                                                          commercialise their research.                                                                                            discuss feasibility and timing with your faculty,   U21 values cultural difference, connecting 
    Velocity is the University of Auckland’s globally
                                                                                                                                                                                   and plan to apply for exchange concurrently         together perspectives from around the world,
    renowned entrepreneurship programme. It
    is student-led, supported by the Centre for
                                                          UniServices offer commericialisation workshops
                                                                                                                  Innovation                                                       when applying for your postgraduate                 and harnesses the collective expertise of its        New Zealand to China
                                                                                                                                                                                   programme of study.                                 exceptional institutions to benefit all of its
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and runs year-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Confucius Institute in Auckland administers
                                                          • Introduce you to the concepts of                                                                                       360 International also offers a range of fully-     members.                                             the NZ-China Scholarship to put forward
    round seminars, workshops and challenges.
                                                            entrepreneurship, intellectual property and                                                                            funded virtual opportunities to University of                                                            recommendations to China’s Ministry of
    Velocity’s 100k challenge encourages those                                                                                                                                                                                         The U21 Graduate Collaborative Research
                                                            commercialisation                                     The Business School offers a Master of Business                                                                                                                           Education’s China Scholarship Council, for up
                                                                                                                                                                                   Auckland students to expand your international      Awards provide students with the opportunity
    with a business or social enterprise idea to test     • Equip you with the tools and skills needed to         Development and a Postgraduate Certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                   horizons. These opportunities are a great way       to develop international research projects with      to 10 scholarships for students to study in a
    its potential. Shortlisted entrants win a place         attract investment                                    in Business Development, both focused on
                                                                                                                                                                                   for you to gain new global connections and          partners across the U21 network.                     Chinese university for an academic year (border
    in the Velocity Launch Pad Programme, where           • Help you develop networks and prepare for a           innovation and product management. This
                                                                                                                                                                                   quickly advance your academic, professional,                                                             restrictions permitting). These scholarships
    they receive mentoring and workshops. Finalists         career in R&D                                         unique programme is designed for innovators,                                                                         Professional development opportunities are
                                                                                                                                                                                   and personal development. The types of virtual                                                           provide a monthly allowance and also cover
    compete in the $100k Velocity Grand Final             • Offer potential investment into new start-ups         researchers and working professionals.                                                                               provided through the U21 PwC Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                   programmes we offer include leadership, skills                                                           tuition fees, teaching materials, accommodation
    for seed-capital and support in growing their           via the University of Auckland Inventors' Fund                                                                                                                             Challenge requiring students to consider
                                                                                                                                            development, cultural programmes, internships                                                            and on-campus medical care.
    venture.                                              • Provide access to expert advisors through                                                                                                                                  and respond to real workplace challenges,
                                                                                                                                                                                   and short courses.                                  developing critical thinking, presentation and
    Velocity has launched more than 130 ventures            Return on Science
                                                                                                                  1. Awarded Entrepreneurial University of the Year at                                     communication skills.                                nzchinascholarship
    and has attracted more than $288 million in                                                                   the 2020 Asia-Pacific Triple E Entrepreneurship and
    investment.                                           IP Protection and commercial                            Engagement Excellence Awards in Higher Education.
                                                          development                                             2. Reuters Top 75: Asia Pacific’s Most Innovative Universities
                                                          UniServices champions research and ideas                2019.
                                                          with the power to change the world. From

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Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
Get a taste of                                                                                                                                          “I’m the best teacher I have

     postgraduate study
                                                                                                                                                             ever been since attaining
                                                                                                                                                             my Master of Education

     Meet our academics, explore your study options and see what postgraduate life could be like for you.
                                                                                                                                                             “My Māori culture has been my backbone in
                                                                                                                                                             life. I grew up in a mainstream school, lost in
     Postgraduate Week                                   Three Minute Thesis                              Research Showcase                                  a system that didn’t support my learning style
                                                                                                                                                             – but I was surrounded by many incredible
     17-21 May 2021                                      Could you explain your entire thesis in          Discover the breadth of postgraduate research      teachers in my whānau and iwi. I became a
     Don’t miss out on the chance to attend a range      under three minutes? This fast-paced global      at the School of Graduate Studies Research         teacher to make a difference for our Māori
     of postgraduate events in 2021, including panel     competition is an unmissable highlight in the    Showcase. This annual event is a key opportunity   tamariki in mainstream school settings – I want
     discussions and one-on-one advice sessions.         postgraduate calendar, offering participants a   for postgraduates to gain public recognition       them to succeed and reach their potential in all
     Webinars will also give you detailed insight into   unique platform to drive research impact and     for their research and to network with peers,      areas of school.
     some of our postgraduate programmes and the         refine their research communications skills.     academics and industry representatives.
                                                                                                                                                             “I enrolled in the Master of Education Practice
     opportunity to ask our academic supervisors any                     
                                                                                                                                                             to enhance my skills and be an example to
     questions. Registrations are essential.
                                                                                                                                                             my students; I wanted to demonstrate that                                                                                                                                      Māori success is not limited to anything. The
                                                                                                                                                             University of Auckland has an outstanding
                                                                                                                                                             School of Māori and Indigenous Education, Te

     Study 100% online
                                                                                                                                                             Puna Wānanga, and all of my peers have been
                                                                                                                                                             really supportive.
                                                                                                                                                             “I focused my studies on cultural
                                                                                                                                                             responsiveness, an area that I think is lacking in
                                                                                                                                                             Aotearoa New Zealand schools. We live in such
                                                                                                                                                             a diverse world and, as educators, we need to
     Explore our online masters                          Now you can take the next step in your career    programme or degree from the University of         understand our learners and their whānau to
                                                         without ever stepping foot on campus.            Auckland.
     programmes and take the next                                                                                                                            maximise engagement and utilise potential.
                                                         Auckland Online brings career advancement        With 100% online course delivery and no            Thanks to the flexible programme structure, I
     step in driving your career                         and professional development within reach        on-campus requirements or on-campus block          was able to dedicate myself to both work and
     forward.                                            of busy people everywhere. The fully online      courses, you can study in a way that fully fits    study at the same time, and do justice to both.
                                                         programmes combine the freedom of digital        your life and location.
                                                                                                                                                             “The course content was extremely relevant,
                                                         delivery with the exceptional quality of a                              and I use the skills that I developed during
                                                                                                                                                             the programme on a daily basis. I now reflect
                                                                                                                                                             more deeply on my pedagogy and can identify
                                                                                                                                                             key factors of education that I can change for
                                                                                                                                                             the betterment of all students. My classroom
                                                                                                                                                             practice has become more articulate and
                                                                                                                                                             successful, and I am even more inspired to go
                                                                                                                                                             further with my studies now.
                                                                                                                                                             “Education is a forever-evolving part of
                                                                                                                                                             society. This study journey allowed me to
                                                                                                                                                             dive into the past and analyse the present, in
                                                                                                                                                             order to prepare for the future in a way that
                                                                                                                                                             is meaningful for myself, my students, their
                                                                                                                                                             whānau and communities.”

                                                                                                                                                             Waratah is a Master of Education Practice
                                                                                                                                                             graduate. She works as the Cultural
                                                                                                                                                             Director at Helensville Primary School.

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Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
Postgraduate programmes
                                                                                                                                                                    Conversion masters enable you to study a             For the PhD, you will prepare a substantial thesis
                                                                                                                                                                    masters in a different subject to your bachelors     of original research that contributes significantly
                                                                                                                                                                    degree. To find out if a conversion masters is       to knowledge and understanding in your                          Calculating your GPA/GPE
                                                                                                                                                                    available in your area of interest, contact the      discipline. Your thesis may include publications                Grades or marks achieved at the
                                                                                                                                                                    postgraduate adviser for that discipline:            you have written under supervision for this                     University of Auckland are given a
                                                                                                                                                                                       degree or, for those in a creative arts or design               grade point average (GPA).
                                                                                                                                                                    120, 180 and 240-point masters programmes            discipline, you may present a body of creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Grades or marks achieved at other
     Postgraduate study enables you to deepen your understanding, develop specialist skills and knowledge,                                                                                                               work for assessment with your thesis. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         institutions are given a grade point
                                                                                                                                                                    Some of our masters are available as 120-point
     follow your passion for research, stand out in a competitive job market or change careers. We offer a wide                                                     (1 year full-time), 180-point (18 months
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         doctoral candidates work closely with at least
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         equivalent (GPE). Use our GPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         one appointed supervisor and many work in a
     range of postgraduate programmes to help you reach your goals.                                                                                                 full-time) or 240-point (2 years full-time)                                                                          calculator for an indication of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         team of researchers.
                                                                                                                                                                    programmes, offering options for direct                                                                              GPE:
                                                                                                                                                                    entry with a bachelors degree (to some 180           We offer a wealth of English-language
                                                                                                                                                                    and 240-point programmes) or a bachelors             enrichment opportunities to support your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         English-language requirements
                                            Pathways to our postgraduate programmes                                                                                 (honours) or postgraduate diploma (to                studies. All new doctoral candidates take a
                                                                                                                                                                    120-point programmes).                               Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment                    The minimum requirement is an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (DELNA) as part of their provisional goals. This                overall IELTS academic score of
                                                                      Bachelors degree                                                                                                                                   helps us allocate you any English-language                      6.5 with no band less than 6.0,
                                                                                                                                                                    Further study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         support you might need to ensure your                           or an approved equivalent. Some
                                                                                                                                                                    A research masters degree can lead to entry to a                                                                     programmes require higher levels of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         academic success (see page 56 for more
                                                                                                                                                                    doctoral programme.                                                                                                  English proficiency, see:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         information on English-language support).
                                                             Entry to some 180 and 240-point masters
              Postgraduate diploma                           may be possible with a bachelors degree                Bachelors (honours) degree                      Programme entry                                      Programme entry
                                                                                                                                                                    120-point masters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Acceptance to our doctoral programmes is
                                                                                                                                                                    You must have completed one year of                  based on academic merit.
                                                                                                                                                                    postgraduate study, following an undergraduate
                                                                       Masters degree                                                                               degree, at a recognised university (or similar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         You must be able to demonstrate an ability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to carry out independent research and have
                                                                                                                                                                    institution) in a field relevant to your chosen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         already completed a significant research project,
                                                                                                                                                                    specialisation. Four-year bachelors degrees will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dissertation or thesis, at university.                         Academic integrity
                                                                                                                                                                    be considered where the final year consists of
                                                                PhD and other doctorates                                                                            postgraduate-level study.                            If you have New Zealand postgraduate                           requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         qualifications, you need to have completed a
                                                                                                                                                                    You will typically require a GPA or GPE of 5.0. If                                                                  The University of Auckland requires all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         postgraduate bachelors (honours) degree with
                                                                                                                                                                    you are applying for the Master of Engineering                                                                      students admitted into a programme to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         first class or second class (division 1) honours,
                                                                                                                                                                    Studies, a GPA or GPE of 4.0 or higher is                                                                           complete the Academic Integrity Course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         or a masters degree with first class or second
                                                                                                                                                                    required. Some programmes may require higher                                                                        in their first semester.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         class (division 1) honours, in a field related to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         your doctoral studies.
                                                                                                               Further study                                        180 and 240-point masters                            If you have overseas qualifications, you will need

                                  Over 150
                                                                                                               Postgraduate diplomas can provide an                 You must have completed an undergraduate             to have completed a masters-level qualification
                                                                                                               alternative pathway to masters programmes            degree at a recognised university (or                in a field related to your doctoral studies. You
                                                                                                               and, in some disciplines, can be used as the         similar institution) in a field relevant to your     must have a GPE of at least 5.5.
                                                                                                               first year of enrolment for a two-year masters       specialisation (with the exception of conversion     Your acceptance into a doctoral programme
                                   postgraduate programmes are on offer across over 200 subjects,              programme.                                           masters), typically with a GPA or GPE of 5.0.        is dependent on the availability of appropriate
                                   including over 100 subjects available for the PhD. Options range from                                                            Some programmes may require higher scores.           supervision and study facilities.
                                   traditional disciplines to emerging cross-disciplinary subjects.            Programme entry
                                                                                                                                                                    Conversion masters
                                                                                                               You must have completed an undergraduate
                                                                                                               degree at a recognised university (or                You will need an undergraduate degree with
                                                                                                               similar institution) in a field relevant to your     good passing grades. Requirements vary, so
                                                                                                                                                                    please check the relevant programme details:
     Bachelors (honours)                                 Programme entry                                       specialisation, typically with a GPA or GPE of 3.0
                                                                                                               or 4.0. Some programmes may require higher 
                                                         You must have completed an undergraduate
     Extend the knowledge you gained in your             degree at a recognised university (or
     undergraduate degree with a bachelors               similar institution) in a field relevant to your                                                           Doctoral degrees
     (honours) degree. Our honours programmes            specialisation, typically with a GPA or GPE of 5.0.
     are a great way to explore an area of interest
     from your undergraduate study in greater depth,
                                                         Some programmes may require higher scores.
                                                                                                               We offer an extensive range of masters degrees
                                                                                                                                                                    A doctorate is the highest level of degree
                                                                                                                                                                    you can achieve. It gives you the freedom to                New Zealand’s
     develop research skills and give yourself an edge
     in the job market. Honours degrees are also         Postgraduate                                          to allow you to increase your knowledge in
                                                                                                               your subject, gain a professionally-accredited
                                                                                                                                                                    follow your passion and undertake advanced
                                                                                                                                                                    research in your area of interest. You can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                most innovative
     seen as a pathway to further study.
                                                         diploma                                               qualification, follow your passion for research      develop essential transferrable skills as well as
                                                                                                                                                                    specialised research skills, both of which are
     Bachelors (honours) programmes usually                                                                    or change career whilst gaining an advanced
                                                                                                               qualification.                                       relevant to a range of careers.
     combine taught courses with a research project.     Postgraduate diplomas offer the opportunity to
     Some honours can be completed as a                                                                        Taught masters provide advanced specialist           The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is available
                                                         build on your major undergraduate subject and
     research-only programme.                                                                                  training in your field and are usually completed     in 100 different subjects and is offered in all
                                                         can be an alternative to a bachelors (honours)
                                                                                                               by taught courses only, although some can            faculties and large-scale research institutes.
                                                         degree. Some postgraduate diplomas provide
     Further study
     A bachelors (honours) degree can lead onto
                                                         specialised training and the opportunity for
                                                         advancement in your profession.
                                                                                                               include a dissertation or research project.
                                                                                                               Research masters are completed by thesis.
                                                                                                                                                                    The University also offers six named doctorates:
                                                                                                                                                                    Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Doctor of                       Find out more
     a masters or, if you perform well in your           Postgraduate diplomas are normally completed          They offer the opportunity to follow your            Education, Doctor of Fine Arts, Doctor of                 
     dissertation, some subject areas may allow                                                                research passion whilst developing advanced          Medicine, Doctor of Music and Doctor of Musical
                                                         by taught courses, but may include practical                                                                                                                      * Reuters Top 75: Asia’s Most Innovative Universities 2019
     direct entry to a doctoral programme.                                                                     research skills.                                     Arts.
                                                         training, formal study or a research project.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
                                                                                                                                                                            “An Arts degree will prepare
            Whether you’re exploring an academic interest, taking a new direction or focusing on a career goal, postgraduate                                                you for a fast-paced world
            study will help you to enrich your skills and your future. Be part of an inspiring community of diverse students
                                                                                                                                                                            with fast-changing trends,
            and internationally respected academic staff, and take your learning further.
                                                                                                                                                                            while future-proofing your


            Go deeper                                             Research strengths                                   These skills can help distinguish you from
                                                                                                                       others in a crowded job market, equip you for
                                                                                                                                                                            Eddie is a Master of Public Policy (MPP)
                                                                                                                       more senior roles, position you for leadership
            Postgraduate study is a unique opportunity to         Staff in the Faculty of Arts contribute to more                                                           graduate and now works as Senior Advisor Voter
                                                                                                                       opportunities and help propel you into emerging
            delve more deeply into the academic interests         informed, imaginative, compassionate and                                                                  Participation at Auckland Council.
            you enjoyed during your undergraduate degree. It      equitable worlds through our research and
                                                                                                                       Our graduates work in fields as diverse as           “I lead the development and implementation of
            can offer a rich and meaningful source of personal    creative practice in the humanities, social
                                                                                                                       archaeology, the creative sector, international      the Voter Participation Initiative, which aims to
            fulfilment with life-long benefits. Advanced          sciences, languages and cultures, and Indigenous
                                                                                                                       relations and development, business and              increase voter participation in local elections.
            thinking, writing and researching in a subject you    studies. We speak truth to power, give voice to
                                                                                                                       marketing, education, government, museums            The role addresses the long-term issues that
            are passionate about opens the door to new ways       the silenced, make art, disrupt myths, guide
                                                                                                                       and cultural heritage and policy-making.             impact the ability of voters and candidates to
            of understanding the world and yourself.              policy, challenge hypocrisy and stoke curiosity.                                                          participate in local elections.
            Choose a programme that suits you
            You can choose from a wide range of
                                                                  Leading researchers
                                                                  Collaborate with academic staff who are
                                                                                                                       Study 100% online                                    “Both my role and the Voter Participation
                                                                                                                                                                            Initiative are a first of their kind in local
            postgraduate taught and research degrees and                                                                                                                    government. They involve a broad, complex and
                                                                  international leaders in their fields, passionate
            diplomas. Most of our programmes can be taken         about making a difference. Our community             Master of Public Policy                              strategic programme of work, which includes
            part-time, and most can be started in either                                                                                                                    analysis, research, advocacy and engagement
                                                                  of researchers have interests ranging from           MPP
            Semester One or Semester Two. A postgraduate                                                                                                                    with a wide range of stakeholders.
                                                                  cybercrime and political marketing to legal ethics   This programme will provide you with a
            taught programme enables you to acquire further       and race relations history. The 2021 QS World                                                             “No two days are ever the same, which provides
                                                                                                                       foundation of the core principles, concepts and
            specialist knowledge and theory, and explore          University Rankings placed us in the world’s                                                              excitement and positive contrast. I enjoy the
                                                                                                                       methods of public policy research and analysis,
            new and emerging fields of study. A postgraduate      top 50 for English language and literature,                                                               numerous opportunities I am presented with
                                                                                                                       and teach you how to develop the skills to
            research programme is an opportunity to               Anthropology and Archaeology.                                                                             to provide expert advice on programming,
                                                                                                                       solve real-world policy problems. The courses
            demonstrate your mastery of a topic, undertake                                                                                                                  partnerships and innovative initiatives both
                                                                  We are also home to a range of specialist and        cover Politics, Economics, Sociology and the
            original research and practice, and define and                                                                                                                  within the organisation and in the community.
                                                                  cross-disciplinary research centres.                 Quantitative Social Sciences.
            manage a research project.
                                                                  Explore our wide range of research areas and         You will learn how to connect theory with practice   “The MPP programme gave me a firm foundation
            Change direction                                      search for a potential supervisor at                 by studying the nature of policy, policy design      in the core principles, concepts and methods
                                                                                 and policy process through a set of courses which    of public policy research and analysis and
            Your undergraduate major/s may provide a
                                                                                                                       includes an externship designed to facilitate        developed my potential for leadership in local
            foundation for you to study a different but related
                                                                  Research institutes, centres and                     work-integrated learning, as well as independent     and national government. The ability to think
            area at postgraduate level. For example, a BA in
                                                                  groups                                               research.                                            critically and solve public policy issues is
            Māori Studies and Sociology would give you a
                                                                                                                                         fundamental to my job – something the MPP
            good foundation for a BA(Hons) in Development         Our diverse research communities include:
                                                                                                                                                                            adequately equips all of its scholars to do.
            Studies.                                              • Academy of New Zealand Literature
                                                                  • Auckland History Initiative                                                                             “The MPP also provided a lot of great
            Pursue a professional goal                            • Centre of Methods and Policy Application in                                                             opportunities for collaboration on research
            In addition to the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and       the Social Sciences (COMPASS)                                                                           projects and exposure to workplace settings
            Master of Arts, we also offer profession-specific     • Conflict, Terrorism and Peace group                                                                     through external internships. It also offered
            programmes in the following areas:                    • Europe Institute                                                                                        leadership development through interaction with
                                                                  • James Henare Māori Research Centre                                                                      politicians, leaders and international networks.”
            •   Conflict and terrorism
                Creative writing
                Heritage conservation
                                                                  • Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures
                                                                  • New Zealand Centre for Latin American Studies              Advance your
            •   Indigenous studies                                • Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga                                  skills and enrich
                                                                                                                                                                            Eddie Tuiavii
                                                                  • Public Policy Institute
                Language teaching
                Public policy                                                                                                 your future with
            •   Translation
                                                                  Career opportunities                                         postgraduate
                                                                                                                               study in Arts.                               Eddie completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in
                                                                                                                                                                            Politics and International Relations and a Master of
                                                                  Postgraduate study in Arts encourages you to be
                                                                  a self-directed learner who pushes intellectual                                                           Public Policy.
                                                                  boundaries. You’ll be researching and analysing
                                                                  complex information, formulating rigorous
                                                                  arguments, finding and communicating new
                                                                  solutions, cultivating creative thought leadership
                                                                                                                                Find out more
                                                                  and developing high-value insight.         

       14                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1

             Postgraduate programmes                                                                Taught           Research          Online              Time to complete                 Part-time                International            Points            Start                                              2021 estimated annual                          More information
                                                                                                                                                           (full-time study)                study1                   students1                required          Semester           Semester            1 December2 tuition fee for domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   students (NZ$)3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One                Two
             Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BA(Hons))                                                       ✓                   ✗                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓4              ✗           $8,661.60–$9,628.80             

             Postgraduate Certificate in Translation (PGCertTrans)                                       ✓                   ✗                ✗                     1 semester                      ✓                         ✓                     60                 ✓                    ✓               ✗           $4,330.80                       

             Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (PGDipArts)                                                    ✓                   ✗                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ✗           $8,661.60–$9,565.20             

             Postgraduate Diploma in Language Teaching (PGDipLT)                                         ✓                   ✗                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓               ✗           $8,661.60                       

             Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Studies (PGDipTranslationStud)                          ✓                   ✗                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ✗           $8,661.60                       

             Master of Arts (MA)                                                                         ✓                   ✓                ✗                     1 or 2 years                    ✓                         ✓                120 or 240   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ✓                    ✓4             ✓2           $7,782.00–$9,628.80             

             Master of Conflict and Terrorism Studies (MCTS)                                             ✓                   ✓                ✗                1 year or 18 months                  ✓                         ✓                 120 or 180             ✓                    ✓               ✗           $7,782.00–$8,661.60             

             Master of Creative Writing (MCW)                                                             ✗                  ✓                ✗                        1 year                        ✗                        ✓                     120                ✗                    ✓               ✗           $7,782.00                       

             Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndigSt)                                                     ✓                   ✗                ✗                1 year or 18 months                  ✓                         ✓                 120 or 180             ✓                    ✓               ✗           $7,782.00–$10,420.80            

             Master of Literature (MLitt)                                                                 ✗                  ✓                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓              ✓2           $7,782.00–$8,661.60             

             Master of Public Policy (MPP)                                                               ✓                   ✓                ✓                1 year or 18 months                  ✓                         ✓                 120 or 180             ✓                    ✓               ✗           $7,782.00–$9,628.80             

             Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MTESOL)                          ✓                   ✗                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓               ✗           $8,661.60                       

             Master of Theology (MTheol)                                                                  ✗                  ✓                ✗                        1 year                       ✓                         ✓                     120                ✓                    ✓               ✗           $7,782.00                       

             Master of Translation (MTrans)                                                              ✓                   ✗                ✗                     18 months                       ✓                         ✓                     180                ✓                    ✓               ✗           $8,661.60                       

             Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                                                                   ✗                  ✓                ✗                     3–4 years                       ✓                         ✓                   Thesis5                          Begin at any time                    $7,329.60                       

             Interfaculty degrees and diplomas
             Master of Global Studies (MGlobalSt)8                                                       ✓                   ✗                ✗                     18 months                       ✓                         ✓                     180                ✓                    ✗               ✗           TBC                             

             Master of Heritage Conservation (MHerCons)                                                  ✓                   ✗                ✗                1 year or 18 months                  ✓                         ✓                 120 or 180             ✓                    ✗               ✗           $8,661.60–$9,565.20             

            International student fees
            Postgraduate programmes (per subject area)                                                                   2022 estimated annual tuition fee for international students (NZ$)3
            Arts (except science and performance-based courses)                                                          $37,891.20
            Arts (science and performance-based courses)                                                                 $44,552.40
            Theology                                                                                                     $37,891.20
            Interfaculty programmes                                                                                      *
            Doctoral programmes                                                                                          2021 estimated annual tuition fee for international students (NZ$)3
            Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                                                                                   $7,329.606

            1.    Part-time study options are generally not available to international students on student visas. International students must be enrolled full-time to meet the requirements of their               5.     Upon the recommendation of the Academic Head and approval from the Board of Graduate Studies, a candidate may present a corpus of creative work for assessment with a written
                  student visa.                                                                                                                                                                                            thesis, comprising an integrated whole.
            2.    1 December start available for 120-point research masters only, subject to supervisor availability.                                                                                               6.     New international PhD students will be accorded domestic status for the purposes of tuition fees, subject to supervisory and residency requirements. A new international PhD student
            3.    Based on annual tuition fees for full-time study of 120 points except: programmes that require 60 points to complete (the annual tuition fee for 60 points is shown); Tuition fees are                   is defined as a foreign student enrolled for the first time in a Doctor of Philosophy programme at a New Zealand university. Note that to be eligible for the domestic fee, you must reside
                  indicative only and the fees for 2022 will be set at the end of 2021. All students will also pay a student services fee. As an indication, this fee is $962.40 for students undertaking a full-          in New Zealand for the duration of your doctoral programme. However, you may undertake research activities overseas during your doctoral programme (for a cumulative total of no
                  time load of 120 points in 2021. Students taking fewer than 120 points pay proportionately lower fees.                                                                                                   more than 12 months).

            4.    Semester Two start may not be possible for all subjects/majors/specialisations and only if places are available.                                                                                  7.     The Master of Arts will be changing to a 180 point programme (three full time semesters) from 2022, subject to regulatory approval.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8.     Available in 2022, subject to regulatory approval.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *Tuition fees will be charged at the respective rate for the subject.

       16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 - Top 10 No.1
Business School
Business School

                       Would you like to launch a career in business, advance your business knowledge and skills, move up in your
                                                                                                                                                                                        “The support from my
                       current field or change professional direction? Are you passionate about research and innovation that addresses
                       some of the world’s biggest challenges? The Business School offers a range of flexible postgraduate study
                                                                                                                                                                                        supervisor for my thesis
                       options and pathways to suit your interests, level of experience and career goals.                                                                               has been exceptional.”

                       Our postgraduate taught, research and
                       professional programmes are designed to equip         Research strengths                                    specialisation, or primed for career progression
                                                                                                                                   in leadership or management roles. Our Business
                       you with industry and practitioner-focused                                                                  Masters programmes prepare graduates for a new
                       learning, build your professional network and         At the Business School, we have an unconditional      career in Business in just 15 to 18 months. Our
                       enhance your prospects for career advancement         commitment to quality teaching and research           research masters, honours and PhD programmes
                       or further study. You will have access to the         in topics that shape the futures of people and        lead to changemaking careers in innovation,          Benjamin is a Master of Commerce
                       modern learning and research facilities at the        organisations for the benefit of New Zealand and      research and academia.                               graduate, with a major in Global
                       iconic Sir Owen G Glenn Building and an option to     the world.                                                                                                 Management and Innovation. He is
                                                                                                                                                                                        currently working as a Research Assistant
                       take courses at our South Auckland Campus.
                       We understand how important it is for
                                                                             Our academics are engaged in research that
                                                                             enables people to develop ideas, knowledge and        Study 100% online                                    and completing his dissertation.

                       postgraduate students to balance study with           skills that shape their own development, advance                                                           “The Global Management and Innovation
                                                                                                                                   Master of Business Development
                       work and personal commitments, so we have             New Zealand business, influence the global                                                                 major allowed me to further my interest in
                                                                             economy and enhance society. Their projects           MBusDev                                              International Business and positions me to
                       designed our programmes to work around you.
                                                                             frequently involve our postgraduate students and      Leverage your professional knowledge, together       research modern slavery, which is something I
                       We offer:
                                                                             collaborations with international colleagues.         with our business expertise, to help you grow your   am passionate about.
                       • A broad range of Business specialisations at                                                              organisation’s business.
                                                                             The Business School focuses on four strategic                                                              “I would really like to work more in the area
                         masters, honours or PhD level, so you can
                                                                             research and education themes that align closely                        of modern slavery, helping firms understand
                         pursue your passion.
                                                                             with the University’s commitment to research on                                                            the role they play in addressing such an issue.
                       • Flexible pathways for you to complete an
                         internationally recognised masters degree that
                                                                             issues of national and international significance:    Master of Property Practice                          Long-term, I would like to work as a private
                         builds on your professional experience, if you      •   Innovation and value creation                     MPropPrac                                            consultant.
                         do not have a first degree.                         •   Succeeding in international markets               This multidisciplinary, practitioner-focused
                                                                             •   Productivity and sustainable business                                                                  “It’s easy to think of your time at university
                       • Professional courses within quarter-based                                                                 programme will prepare you to enter or progress
                                                                             •   Leadership and governance                                                                              as preparation years for when the ‘real work’
                         teaching terms, in the evenings or weekend                                                                careers in property.                                 begins, but I encourage everyone to get
                         blocks to suit working professionals.               Our researchers work in a number of disciplinary                         involved, ask lots of questions, stop caring so
                       • Part-time options for most programmes with          areas:                                                                                                     much about what others think of you, and take
                         multiple entry points.                              •   Accounting                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Information                  responsibility and initiative in your studies.
                       • A number of fully online qualifications through     •   Commercial Law                                    Governance                                           Also, remember why you are studying!
                         Auckland Online.                                    •   Economics
                       • Flexible delivery using online components to                                                              PGDipInfoGov                                         “My advice is to make the most of the expertise
                                                                             •   Finance
                         support in-class workshops.                                                                               Develop the knowledge and skills for effectively     of your lecturers. The classes are smaller
                                                                             •   Information Systems
                       • Shorter Postgraduate Certificate qualifications                                                           managing information privacy, security and           and often have more space for discussion, so
                                                                             •   International Business
                         if you’re not ready to commit to a masters                                                                compliance within organisations.                     lecturers have time to answer your questions.
                                                                             •   Management
                         degree.                                             •   Marketing                                                  Ask away!
                       Our professional programmes are designed              •   Operations and Supply Chain Management            Shorter postgraduate certificate programmes are      “I loved the opportunities to engage with
                       for working professionals, from new and recent        •   Property                                          also available for these subjects.                   the cohort and build a network of not only
                       graduates to the highly experienced, who are          We also host research institutes and centres                                                               colleagues but friends. Despite the restrictions
                       seeking to accelerate or pivot their career. You      that focus on long-term programmes of high                                                                 brought on by Covid-19, I believe the online
                       will be equipped with cutting-edge skills and an      relevance, such as building New Zealand’s                                                                  learning experience and its challenges brought
                       advanced understanding of your chosen field           business connections with Asia, digital enterprise,                                                        us together and helped us build resilience.”
                       within a global context.                              modern slavery, retirement policy, supply
                       For Business graduates, our coursework/               chain management, Māori and Pacific business
                       taught programmes embed applied learning              development, applied economics, and energy
                       opportunities to build on your qualification and      and resource use.                                              Real-world
                                                                                                                                           learning that                                Benjamin
                       help you launch a business career in your chosen
                       specialisation or apply your skills to a new field.
                                                                             Career opportunities                                        transforms lives
                       Through our specialist masters, honours and
                       PhD programmes (research programmes),
                       you will develop advanced knowledge, skills and       Business School graduates occupy leading
                                                                             positions in business and professions within
                                                                                                                                         and businesses.
                       perspectives as well as have the opportunity to
                       conduct independent research with real-world          New Zealand and around the world. Our                                                                      Benjamin is a recipient of the Kupe
                       impact alongside internationally renowned             taught masters degrees in Commerce (with                                                                   Leadership Scholarship.
                       academics.                                            specialisations in eight subject areas) and
                                         Property open up opportunities for specialist
                                                                             careers, which are highly valued in industry and
                                                                             the public sector. Our professional programmes
                                                                                                                                            Find out more                                       Watch Benjamin speak about his postgraduate
                                                                                                                                                                                                experience at
                                                                             equip graduates to be work-ready in their chosen
                  18                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19
Business School                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Business School

                        Postgraduate programmes (offered in semesters)                                             Taught /   Research                      PhD               Time to complete               Part-time             International             Points             Start                                                    2021 estimated annual                 More information
                                                                                                                   Coursework                               pathway           (full-time study)              study1                students1                 required           Semester           Semester           1 December    2    tuition fee for domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One                Two                                   students (NZ$)3
                        Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) (BCom(Hons))                                                         ✓                  ✓                 ✓                    12 months                      ✓                       ✓                     120                 ✓                 ✓                     ✗         $8,864.40–$10,420.80        

                        Bachelor of Property (Honours) (BProp(Hons))                                                        ✓                  ✓                 ✓                     12months                      ✓                       ✓                     120                 ✓                 ✓                     ✗         $9,628.80                   

                        Master of Commerce (MCom)                                                                           ✓                  ✓                 ✓                 12 or 15 months                   ✓                       ✓                  120 or 180             ✓                 ✓                     ✓2        $8,864.40–$18,820.80        

                        Master of Property (MProp)                                                                          ✓                  ✓                 ✓                 12 or 15 months                   ✓                       ✓                  120 or 180             ✓                 ✓                     ✓2        $8,864.40–$9,628.80         

                        Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                                                                          ✗                  ✓                 ✓                     3–4 years                     ✓                       ✓                    Thesis                          Begin at any time                      $7,329.60                   

                        Interfaculty degrees and diplomas
                        Postgraduate Diploma in Bioscience Enterprise (PGDipBioEnt)                                         ✓                   ✗                 ✗                   12 months                      ✓                       ✓                     120                 ✓                 ✓                     ✗         $9,565.20                   

                        Postgraduate Diploma in Operations Research and Analytics (PGDipORAn)                               ✓                   ✗                 ✗                   12 months                      ✓                       ✓                     120                 ✓                 ✓                     ✗         $9,565.20 – $10,650.00      

                        Master of Bioscience Enterprise (MBioEnt)                                                           ✗                  ✓                  ✗                   12 months                      ✓                       ✓                     120                 ✓                  ✗                    ✓2        $8,797.20–$9,565.20         

                        Master of Taxation Studies (MTaxS)                                                                  ✓                  ✓                 ✓                 12 or 18 months                   ✓                       ✓                  120 or 180             ✗                 ✓                     ✓         $10,420.80–$18,820.80       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               120, 180 or
                        Master of Information Technology (MInfoTech)                                                        ✓                   ✗                 ✗              12, 18 or 24 months                 ✓                       ✓                    240                  ✗                 ✓                     ✓4        $9,060.00–$10,650.00        

                        Master of Operations Research and Analytics (MORAn)                                                 ✓                  ✓                 ✓                 12 or 18 months                   ✓                       ✓                  120 or 180             ✓                 ✓                     ✗         $9,565.20–$10,650.00        

                        Master of Organisational Psychology (MOrgPsych)                                                     ✓                  ✓                 ✓                    18 months                      ✗                       ✓                     180                 ✓                  ✗                    ✗         $9,565.20–$9,628.80         

                        Professional programmes (offered in quarters)                                              On-campus                   Online                 Time to complete               Part-time study1              International          Points             Start                                                              2021 estimated total                   More information
                                                                                                                                                                      (full-time study)                                            students1              required                Q1              Q2                Q3              Q4          tuition fee for domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                students (NZ$)3
                        Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Governance (PGCertLdGov) 10                              ✓                           ✗                     12 months5                        ✓                           ✗                   60                 ✗               ✓                ✗               ✗           TBC                          

                        Postgraduate Diploma in Business (PGDipBus)                                                         ✓                           ✗                     12 months                         ✓                           ✗                   120                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✗           $18,820.80                   

                        Master of Business Administration (MBA)                                                             ✓                           ✗                     18 months                         ✓                           ✗                   180                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           $42,996.60                   

                        Master of Business Analytics (MBusAn)                                                               ✓                           ✗                    15 months⁶                         ✓                           ✓                   180                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✗           $20,360.70                   

                        Master of Business Development (MBusDev)                                                            ✗                          ✓                   12 or 18 months⁶                     ✓                           ✗               120 or 180             ✗               ✓                ✓               ✓           $18,098.40                   

                        Master of Business Management (MBM)                                                                 ✓                           ✗                  12 or 18 months⁶                     ✓                           ✗               120 or 180             ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           $18,098.40                   

                        Master of Information Governance (MInfoGov)                                                         ✗                          ✓                      18 months                         ✓                           ✗                   180                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           TBC                          

                        Master of International Business (MIntBus)                                                          ✓                           ✗                     18 months                         ✗                           ✓                   240                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           $36,196.80                   

                        Master of Management (MMgt)                                                                         ✓                           ✗                     15 months                         ✗                           ✓                   180                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           $27,147.60                   

                        Master of Marketing (MMktg)                                                                         ✓                           ✗                     18 months                         ✗                           ✓                   240                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           $36,196.80                   

                        Master of Professional Accounting (MProfAcctg)                                                      ✓                           ✗                     18 months                         ✗                           ✓                   240                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           $36,196.80                   

                        Master of Property Practice (MPropPrac)        10
                                                                                                                            ✗                          ✓                      18 months                         ✓                           ✗                   180                ✗               ✓                ✗               ✓           TBC                          

                        International student fees
                        Postgraduate programmes (per subject area)                                                                         2022 estimated annual tuition fee for international students (NZ$)3
                        Business and Economics (excluding MBusAn and Business Masters)                                                     $38,258.00
                        Business coursework masters                                                                                        See
                        Master of Business Analytics                                                                                       $20,360.70
                        Interfaculty programmes                                                                                            *
                        Doctoral programmes                                                                                                2021 estimated annual tuition fee for international students (NZ$)3
                        Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                                                                                         NZ$7,330.00

                       1. Part-time study options are generally not available to international students on student visas.       time load of 120 points in 2021. Students taking fewer than 120 points pay proportionately        7. MBA is delivered in weekend block format—Friday afternoon and all day Saturday.                Zealand for the duration of your doctoral programme. However, you may undertake research
                       International students must be enrolled full-time to meet the requirements of their student visa.        lower fees. For Business Masters (MIntBus, MMgt, MMktg and MProfAcctg) and the MBA, the full      8. There is an additional cost of approximately $5,000 for an international business trip.        activities overseas during your doctoral programme (for a cumulative total of no more than 12
                       2. 1 December start available for 120-point research masters only subject to supervisor                  programme fees, including the student services fee, are shown. The fees for 2022 will be set at                                                                                                     months).
                                                                                                                                the end of 2022.                                                                                  9. New international PhD students will be accorded domestic status for the purposes of tuition
                       availability.                                                                                                                                                                                              fees, subject to supervisory and residency requirements. A new international PhD student is       10. Available in 2022, subject to regulatory approval.
                       3. Fees are based on annual tuition fees for full-time study of 120 points. All students will also       4. Late Year Term entry in November is only available for the 240 point programme.                defined as a foreign student enrolled for the first time in a Doctor of Philosophy programme at   *Tuition fees will be charged at the respective rate for the subject.
                       pay a student services fee. As an indication, this fee is $962.40 for students undertaking full-         5. Part-time only.                                                                                a New Zealand university. Note that to be eligible for the domestic fee, you must reside in New
                                                                                                                                6. Evening delivery.
                  20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                21
Creative Arts and Industries
                                                     Creative Arts and Industries
                                                     The Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries is the University’s centre of creative research, teaching and practice
 “Dance has been a huge                              within the fields of Architecture, Dance, Design, Fine Arts, Heritage Conservation, Music, Urban Design and
 part of my life since a                             Urban Planning.
 very young age. I was
 determined to keep it in
 my life and make a career
 from doing what I love.”
                                                     The faculty’s academic, creative and
                                                     professional activities are underpinned by
                                                                                                         Creative careers
                                                     an understanding of, and commitment to
                                                                                                         As a faculty, we promote creative rebellion
 “I was tossing up between the University of
                                                     innovation, exploration and excellence.
                                                     The faculty recognises the need to balance
                                                                                                         - pushing existing boundaries and problem              Advance your
 Auckland and another institution, but what          practice with theory, ingenuity with research,
                                                                                                         solving to overcome creative challenges.
                                                                                                         Students in our programmes advance their skills
                                                                                                                                                                 creative and
 helped me make my final choice was the
 audition process. The space and the vibe were
                                                     entrepreneurship with collaboration.
                                                                                                         under the guidance of leading practitioners,       professional passions
                                                     Our students have the opportunity to engage
 so welcoming and relaxed, and it gave me a
                                                     with leading scholars, as well as professional
                                                                                                         academics and researchers, with a strong focus
                                                                                                         on creative thinking.
                                                                                                                                                            through collaboration
 sense of whānau. This became very important
 for me as I was moving from my hometown in
                                                     and creative practitioners in New Zealand, the
                                                                                                         Students also develop important supporting
                                                                                                                                                            and creative research.
                                                     wider Pacific and around the world.
 Whangārei and I didn’t know anyone from my                                                              skills: effective communication, curiosity,
 faculty.                                                                                                leadership, resilience and perseverance,
 “The highlights from studying here are the
 people and the relationships I have made.
                                                     Research strengths                                  important assets for working in any field
                                                                                                         including academia.
 Being in a small department has meant that
 the lecturers know you by name and are able
                                                     • Architecture, heritage conservation,
                                                                                                         Combined with becoming proficient in the latest
                                                                                                         digital and technical resources in these fields,
                                                                                                                                                              Find out more
                                                       urban planning, urban design: urban and
 to watch you grow and evolve throughout your          architectural resilience and sustainability,
                                                                                                         students graduate with a well-rounded creative
 degree. These relationships are something that                                                          education, enabling them to be more adaptable
                                                       urban and spatial planning and placemaking,
 I value and maintain as I continue on through                                                           to changes in the job market.
                                                       design research, the history, theory and
 my masters and into my career as a dance              pedagogy of the built environment, including      Some of the careers that our graduates go into
 practitioner.                                         Māori and Pacific-focused research.               include:
 “I am currently working as the Tuākana              • Dance Studies: choreography, performance,         • Architecture, heritage conservation,
 Coordinator for the Faculty of Creative Arts          community dance, dance education,                   urban planning, urban design: architect,
 and Industries. This involves working with and        ethnography, history and technology.                building industry consultant, digital design
 providing support and opportunities for our         • Design: advanced technologies, global               professional, heritage consultant, urban
 Māori and Pacific students as they complete           challenges, community engagement, natural           planner, urban designer, resource consent
 their study with us.                                  environment, enterprise, theory and practice        planner, transportation planner.
                                                       methodologies, impact and leadership.             • Dance Studies: professional choreographer,
 “Long-term, I would like to continue to work        • Fine Arts: curatorial, critical and theoretical     professional dancer, arts administrator/
 with Māori and Pacific youth, but focusing            research contributing to local and                  manager/director, educator.
 more on secondary schools. My goal is to run          international contemporary arts discourse.        • Design: design strategist, digital/experience/
 choreographic workshops with Māori and              • Music: performance, composition,                    interaction/product/service designer.
 Pacific dance practitioners and visit high            improvisation, music in historical and social     • Fine Arts: artist, educator, art curator,
 schools in smaller towns in Aotearoa where            contexts, music education and pedagogy,             creative director, art writer.
 the opportunity for dance is less available.”         music production, musicians' health.              • Music: educator, performer, music producer,
                                                                                                           music journalist, instrumental teacher,
                                                                                                           arranger, composer.

 Muriwai-Te Rore
 Alaina (Ngāpuhi, Te Roroa) is a Master
 of Dance Studies student and Bachelor
 of Dance Studies (Honours) graduate.
 She's a recipient of the Summer Research

         Watch Alaina speak about her postgraduate
         experience at

22                                                                                                                                                                                     23
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