Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Page created by Cody Henderson
Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
F R A N C I S C A N   S I S T E R S   O F   O U R   L A D Y   O F   P E R P E T U A L   H E L P

Franciscan Spirit                                                                       Summer
                                                                                          VOL 32

                                                                  Meet the heart of our
                                                                         prayer ministry
                                                               Farewell Franciscan Farm
                                                                   Events now available
                                                                               via Zoom
                                                                      Racism responses
                                                                   New membership of
                                                                            prayer cards

                                                          “God's love constantly
                                                               impels us to find
                                                            new ways forward.”
                                                                       Pope Francis, Laudato Si'

 w w w . f s o l p h . o r g                                          3 1 4 - 9 6 5 - 3 7 0 0
Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
                             FROM                     News from Tau Center                                                                                Sister Stories:                                                                                         Sister Barbara Mary,

                             Renita                                                                                                                       The Heart of Our Prayer Ministry                                                                         61 yrs vowed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   St Philip Neri Parish,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Compton, CA
                             Sister Renita
                             Brummer, OSF, is
                             Minister General                                                                                                             Franciscan Sisters don't retire. In this         a prayer request on our website, those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sister Clarice,
                             of the Franciscan                                                                                                            society, a good percentage of the                posted on our Facebook page, and the             65 yrs vowed
                             Sisters of Our Lady                                                                                                          women in our Community would be                  many scrawled on donation envelopes —
                             of Perpetual Help                                                                                                                                                                                                              St Joseph's Church,
                                                                                                                                                          labeled 'senior citizens,' yet most are          all are passed along to every one of our         East St Louis, IL
                                                                                                                                                          still very active in the workforce, serving      Sisters. The working sisters trust that when
    Dear Friends — I remember so very well                                                                                                                in paid and unpaid ministries as long            their busy schedules permit only a glance
    the winter evening when I was 8 and                                                                                                                   as health allows. But for everyone,              at the list, our Senior Sisters are giving it          Sister Consilia,
    doing homework and my father advised,                                                                                                                 eventually time can take its toll and            their all.                                             70 yrs vowed
    “Always sit with the light in front of you, so                                                                                                        require we move on from the skill sets                                                                  St Francis of Assisi,
    you can see what you are doing.” I’m not                                                                                                                                                               Before the pandemic, the community                     Sioux City, IA
                                                                                                                                                          honed for decades, leaving dedicated             joined together to celebrate Jubilees,
    sure he realized the profound life truth of                                                                                                           careers after years of service. Many of
    that statement in 1956. Or maybe he did                                                             We have been using                                                                                 holidays, and Feast Days with gatherings
                                                                                                                                                          our Sisters come back to the home of the         at CRSS, and funeral services were held
    because my father was a very wise man.                                                         street and building signs at                                                                                                                             Sister Elaine,
                                                                                                 Tau Center in Kirkwood, MO, to                           Community, St Louis, Missouri, to find           there so that the retired Sisters could          76 yrs vowed
    During these times of a pandemic, deep                                                                                                                new ways to serve or to volunteer. Those
                                                                                                communicate our social concerns                                                                            take part. Also before the days of social        Sts Cyril & Methodius,
    political division, uncertainty, broken social                                             with passersby. Here, the Sisters of                       in need of nursing care move to one of                                                            East St Louis, IL
                                                                                                                                                                                                           distancing, the Leadership Team of Sisters
    bonds I have been thinking a lot about                                                      Tau Center remove their masks to                          the residences at Cardinal Ritter Senior         Renita, Rosalie, and Cheryl, held a monthly
    those words of my father, about sitting                                                   social distance and stand in solidarity                     Services (CRSS) in St Louis.                     meeting with these Senior Sisters. After
    with the light in front of us. What does                                                   with all who mourn during a special                                                                                                                                Sister Francine,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           attending Mass together, Community news
    that mean in this time of unknowing and                                                      week of prayer when the United                           The eleven Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady                                                               71 yrs vowed
                                                                                                   States hit the 100,000 death                                                                            was shared, questions were answered,                   St Matthew Parish,
    vulnerability? It’s not always easy to tell                                                                                                           of Perpetual Help currently living in the
                                                                                                        toll due to Covid-19.                                                                              opinions are discussed, and bread was                  Monroe, LA
    light from dark unless of course you’re                                                                                                               assisted living and skilled care facilities at
                                                      Tau Center Staff Changes                                                                                                                             broken again.
    sorting the laundry.                                                                                                                                  Cardinal Ritter Senior Services are: Sisters
                                                                                                                                                          Barbara Mary, Sister Clarice, Sister Consilia,   Like the rest of the world, Covid-19 has
    We Sisters believe God’s love and light is in     Life continually invites us to change and          to continue writing and sharing. We are
                                                                                                                                                          Sister Elaine, Sister Francine, Sister Grace,    very much changed these regular routines.        Sister Grace,
    front of us impelling us to find new ways         newness... to say goodbye and to say hello.        grateful that Jack has taken on the role of                                                                                                        71 yrs vowed
                                                                                                                                                          Sister Kathryn Ann, Sister Lucia, Sister         None of the Sisters' lives have been
    forward. We also know that we have to let                            Jack Zimmerman brought          our monthly Franciscan Blog writer. Check                                                                                                          St Casimir Parish,
                                                                                                                                                          Margaret Ann, Sister Therese and Sister          impacted more than our retirees. Like those
    go of control and our own ways before the                               his passion and spirit to    out the home page of our website (fsolph.                                                                                                          St Louis, MO
                                                                                                                                                          Victoria. Even under quarantine, these           in care facilities around the world, they are
    light can reveal the new ways ahead.                                     us for one year before      org) for his beautiful and timely reflections.
                                                                                                                                                          Sisters remain very much an active part of       often required to remain in their rooms for
    We canceled our annual fundraiser. We                                    being called to move        Pamela Allen, a highly                                                                            their own safety for extended periods. We
                                                                                                                                                          the Community.                                                                                          Sister Kathryn Ann,
    sold our farm in De Soto. We changed our                                 on in order to provide      experienced RN, joined                                                                            so appreciate their difficult situation, their         59 yrs vowed
    annual summer gathering of the Sisters                                   care for his mother.        us as Health and                                 For lack of a better term, these "Senior
                                                                                                                                                                                                           cooperation, and their sweet devotion to               St Francis of Assisi,
    and election of Leadership to June of 2021.                            In the short time Jack        Wellness Coordinator                             Sisters" at CRSS are at the heart of our                                                                Oakville, MO
                                                                                                                                                                                                           our ministry of prayer.
    Our dear Sister Jubilarians postponed their                         served as our Franciscan         last Fall. We welcome                            Prayer Ministry. As distractions of career
                                                      Farm Coordinator he extended Franciscan            Pam as she conducts                              have given way, these Sisters are permitted      If you would like to reach out to one of
    celebration for a year. Our Sisters in assisted
                                                      hospitality and service to Farmer’s markets        health assessments for                           to focus energies more fully on their            these Sisters with a note or a card, please
    and skilled care had to adapt to no visitors,                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sister Lucia,
                                                      and food pantries, to retreatants and              each of us, creates electronic                   conversations with God. Our Perpetual and        mail it to:
    no Mass, no outside activity trips. Mass is                                                                                                                                                                                                             63 yrs vowed
    online, meetings are via Zoom, masks are          organizations, to four-legged and two-             health records, provides medical advocacy        Annual Memberships of Prayer enrollee            FSOLPH Sister _________                          St Martin of Tours Parish,
    worn and activities limited. We have been         legged neighbors. A deep respect and               for our Sisters in assisted and skilled          lists (those acknowledged by our greeting        c/o Tau Center                                   East St Louis, IL
    appalled by police brutality and the depth        sense of beauty surrounded all that Jack           care, advises us on insurance issues and         cards) are distributed Community-wide, as        335 S Kirkwood Rd
    of racism, and our complicity in it. We have      did. We are grateful to Jack for connecting        medical services, and assists with long term     are all the intentions submitted through         St Louis, MO 63122
                                                      us more deeply to our Franciscans for Earth        planning for our retirement and health                                                                                                                   Sr Margaret Ann,
    stood with our brothers and sisters in silent                                                                                                                                                                                                                 70 yrs vowed
                                                      commitment.                                        needs. Pam brings a personable spirit,
    and vocal witness, attempting to be in                                                                                                                                                                                                                        St Francis of Assisi,
                                                      Readers of Franciscan Spirit experienced           deep faith, diverse knowledge and a real
    communion while social distancing. We                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Omaha, NE
                                                      his generous and deep spirit through his           commitment to wellness. We are grateful          The Franciscan Spirit is a free, monthly, digital newsletter with print editions twice a year
    have grieved and we have rejoiced.
                                                      articles, so much so that we invited him           she is part of our Tau Center staff.             published in Kirkwood, MO, by the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. To be
    In this issue of Franciscan Spirit we share                                                                                                           added to the distribution list, email or call (314) 965-3700 with your choice
    how we are trying to sit with the light in                                                                                                            of email and/or print mail. Back issues of the printed magazine can be viewed on our              Sister Therese,
    front of us, how we are trying to live in                                                                                                                                                                                                               59 yrs vowed
                                                                                                                                                          website at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            St Ferdinand Parish,
    the Spirit of Jesus so that our words and              The cover features the garden that was sustainably tended for years at Franciscan              OUR CHARISM: The Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help strive to be prayerful          Florissant, MO
    actions bring healing and greater freedom              Farm in DeSoto, Missouri, by Maurice, then Keith, and most recently Jack. We thank             women of faith, prophetic vision and courage. Discerning God's will within the Church,
    to others. We are with you in prayer and               them for their tender loving care. This Spring the Sisters sold the property and the           we dedicate our lives to witnessing the Gospel compassionately and joyfully.
    spirit as we trust that God’s love and light           beautiful mid-century modern home to a family from St Louis to enjoy. Proceeds                                                                                                                         Sister Victoria,
                                                           will be used to further the Sisters' ministries including Franciscans For Earth. Check         OUR FRANCISCAN MISSION: To be a transforming presence in society through
    is leading us forward into new spaces. We                                                                                                             witnessing Gospel values. Faithful to our charism in the mission of the Church, we                      54 yrs vowed
    trust we will all have enough light for the            out the center spread for some great memories of the Farm that keeps on giving.                                                                                                                        St Anthony Parish,
                                                                                                                                                          prophetically respond to the needs of contemporary society. As compassionate women
    next steps.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Anthony, NM
                                                                                                                                                          alive in the spirit, we enable and empower others to live the Gospel with hope and joy.
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Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

    The little farm that keeps on giving                                                                                                              tools, pots, minerals, benches, and other
                                                                                                                                                      supplies were donated to the Sunrise
                                                                                                                                                      Elementary School District in DeSoto,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Road to Emmaus
                                                                                                                                                                                                     About thirty years ago, we Sisters were       Jesus — “Stay with us.”
    After much discernment, the Franciscan         Or maybe you just dropped in for a friendly        Sisters' mission of empowering others to        MO. There, an outdoor garden "providing        engaged in a process calling us to            Actually, the road all of us walk each and
    Sisters decided this past winter to part       visit to walk the grounds, work the soil, or       live the Gospel with hope and joy.              students with hands on learning along          articulate just what was unique about our     every day is the Road to Emmaus. Like
    with their beloved property in DeSoto,         sit by the lake.                                                                                   with an array of opportunities for them to     congregation, what gifts we inherited from    the two followers of Jesus in the story
                                                                                                      The additional funds have also enabled the
    MO. Originally purchased in 1985 as a                                                                                                             interact with a natural environment" has       our courageous foundresses, and how we        who were confused and grieving, we
                                                   Our Franciscan Farm has been a lot of              Sisters to create a new relationship with a                                                    had been blessed by the graces showered
    retreat and recreation facility for the        things to a lot of people. Sisters from across     congregation of Sisters native to Haiti. The    been established. This outdoor classroom                                                     sometimes have days of difficulty and
                                                                                                                                                      is a 22-acre "Certified National Wildlife      upon us since our founding in 1901.           confusion, struggling to make sense of
    Sisters and their families, the large house    the country have gathered for meals under          Franciscan Sisters of St Antoine in Fondwa
    and ample acreage transformed over the         the huge porch. Schools have bussed                celebrated their 23rd Anniversary last fall.    Habitat" teaching sustainability and           Over a three year period, we systematically   some occurrence in our lives.
    past decade into an educational facility       students to our "outdoor classroom"                They live and provide services in a very        allowing for learning in several ecosystems.   reflected on such questions individually      "A third man came along and joined them
    dubbed Franciscan Farm. Maybe you                                                                                                                 The students maintain bee hives, extract       and then gathered in our local groups to      entering into their conversation, but they
                                                   for field trips. DeSoto Farmers' Market            poor area that was severely impacted by
    visited the beautiful grounds to experience                                                                                                       honey, and sell it locally. An after-school    discuss. The time given to this process       failed to recognize the companion as Jesus."
                                                   customers have enjoyed locally grown,              the earthquake in 2010. While staying in
    God's Creation through one of our Come                                                                                                            Garden Club meets weekly and the young         was blessed, and as a result of our
                                                   sustainably raised, produce including              shantys and working to rebuild the modest                                                                                                    We’ve all had experiences where we chose
    & Be mini-retreats. Or you joined us in                                                                                                           members learn the value of growing             efforts we drafted the Mission, Charism
                                                   tenderly nurtured heirloom varieties.              motherhouse that was demolished by                                                                                                           to be hospitable and welcomed someone
                                                                                                                                                      fruits and vegetables, create compost          and Spirituality statements we proudly
                                                   As of this Spring, Franciscan Farm was             the 7.0 magnitude quake, these women                                                           proclaim today (see pg 3 for a summary).      into our lives on a given day, and later
                                                                                                      religious direct catechetical centers,          from school lunches, and sell produce at
                                                          officially purchased by a young                                                                                                                                                          appreciated them for their gift of sharing
                                                                                                      vocational training schools, a vegetable        a farmers market. The land also provides       We were also asked to discern "our story"
                                                               family from St Louis. Within                                                                                                                                                        and presence. We then recognize and
                                                                                                      farm, and health clinics. In addition to        a wooded walking trail in which the tree       through Scripture. Overwhelmingly, the        thank God for inserting that person into
                                                                    the incredible mid-century                                                        species have been labeled, birdhouses          Sisters identified “The Road to Emmaus”
                                                                       modern home, lasting           committing to a large annual donation, our                                                                                                   our lives at just the right time and place —
                                                                                                                                                      hung, and a new bat area is being installed    from Luke 24 as key to their vocations and    That is Emmaus!
                                                                          memories are being          Sisters are praying for and corresponding
                                                                                                                                                      near a pond to increase interest and           life journeys.
                                                                             made anew. The           with their newfound friends.                                                                                                                 The travelers then offer hospitality to Jesus
                                                                                                                                                      awareness.                                     Since that time, we have all embraced
                                                                              timber can again        Although additional funds from the sale                                                                                                      saying, "'Stay with us; the day is almost over,
                                                                                                                                                      All of this "Good" would not have been         the Emmaus journey in our lives. Prints
                                                                                foster wild           were expected, what was a surprise were                                                                                                      and it is getting dark.' Then their eyes were
                                                                                                                                                      possible without the many wonderful            of Robert Zund's painting, (below), hang      opened, and they recognized him, but he
                                                                                  imaginations,       the many ways Franciscan Farm continued
                                                                                                                                                      individuals and organizations who helped       in many of our homes and offices. Little      vanished from their sight."
                                                                                   and the            to provide. Former Farm Coordinator Jack
                                                                                                                                                      to create Franciscan Farm, tend the land,      did we know then how many roads the
                                                                                    meadows           Zimmermann used his many connections                                                                                                         We also know the joy of chatting with
                                                                                                                                                      and support the programs through the           Congregation would travel — divesting of
                                                                                     will provide     to disperse the 'belongings' of the property                                                   our Motherhouse, building our Tau Center,     friends over a meal, providing satisfaction
                                                                                     an epic          to deserving organizations where they           years... too many to name without surely
                                                                                                                                                                                                     moving Sisters to Cardinal Ritter Senior      to our hearts, our minds and our spirits.
                                                                                      place to        can continue to do good. The trusty truck       missing someone. We hope that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Services, selling our Franciscan Farm, and    That is Emmaus!
                                                                                       run and        was donated to Saint Isidore Catholic           know how appreciative the Sisters are,
                                                                                                                                                      as a Community, for the good will, for         on and on. Walking down each of these         Emmaus is every Christian's story. “If
                                                                                       play.          Worker Farm in Wisconsin to serve their                                                        roads has us saying the same words that       Emmaus is correct, then Christ surrounds
                                                                                                      organic gardens, cows, chickens and bees.       the hard work, blisters and sweat, for the
                                                                                        The                                                                                                          the two disciples on the road said to the     us. Yes, he stays with us through the entire
                                                                                                      According to their website, "the Catholic       guidance, creativity and problem-solving,
                                                                                        Sisters are                                                                                                  stranger, whom they later recognized as       journey of our life.” — R.J. Farley
                                                                                                      Worker Movement began in 1933, when             for the financial and moral support, for
                                                                                       using the
                                                                                                      journalist Dorothy Day and philosopher          the promotion and the cheer-leading, and
                                                                                                      Peter Maurin teamed up to publish and           most of all, for the prayers that have so
                                                                                      from the
                                                                                                      distribute a newspaper called The Catholic      generously been shared.
                                                                                     sale to
                                                                                    create new        Worker. This paper promoted the biblical
                                                                                  programs            promise of justice and mercy. Grounded
                                                                                teaching              in a firm belief in the God-given dignity
                                                                               Care for Our           of every human person, their movement
                                                                             Common Home.             was committed to nonviolence, voluntary
                                                                          In addition, they will      poverty, and the Works of Mercy as a way
                                                                      be able to continue             of life. It wasn't long before Dorothy and
                                                                   their support of national          Peter were putting their beliefs into action,
                                                              and regional organizations that         opening a "house of hospitality" where the
                                                          do advocacy for immigrants and              homeless, the hungry, and the forsaken
                                                   the poor, as well as local nonprofits that         would always be welcome. Over many
                                                   provide direct services. Last year, funds          decades the movement has protested
    planting or harvesting something from the
                                                   were distributed to 36 entities on top of          injustice, war, and violence of all forms.
    demonstration garden during one of our
                                                   the ongoing commitment the Sisters have            Today there are some 228 Catholic Worker
    children's potato digs, through a University
                                                   made to Marian Middle School and the               communities in the United States and in
    of Missouri Extension program, or as part of
                                                   English Tutoring Project, both in St Louis.        countries around the world.
    one of the many special events we hosted.
                                                   This funding is an important way to live the       In another example, the Farm's gardening
                                                                                                                                                                                                      A section of Robert Zund's 1877 painting "The Road to Emmaus." (public domain)

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Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Pictures worth...

A look back through the years at Franciscan Farm, the beautiful property in DeSoto which was sold this Spring. The Sisters will miss the
many educational, recreational (and nutritional) opportunities it provided, and the wonderful people who joined in on the work and fun!

                                                                                                                                           a 1,000 words   7
Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
OPPORTUNITIES                                       and examines the underlying man-made
                                                    disaster of structural racism. (Grade Level:
                                                                                                         this newly emerging consciousness? What
                                                                                                         does it teach us about who we are, how
                                                                                                         we are related to the whole, and how we
                                                                                                                                                             I Pray Because I Can't Help It ...                                              A Franciscans for Earth Reflection by Jack Zimmerman
& EVENTS (NEW!)                                     10-12th Grade, College & Adults.)
                                                                                                         image Holy Mystery? Join this Masters-level         There are countless good reasons and
                                                                                                                                                             seemingly endless ways to pray. The saints,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            my ‘monkey mind’ (as Father Richard Rohr
                                                                                                                                                                                                            so aptly calls it) to utter a brief word of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             eventually leading me to baptism and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             confirmation in the Catholic Church.
                                                    PAVING PATHS FOR PEACE & ALL                         Earth Literacy writer and lecturer as she
We've gotten creative. Everyone can                                                                                                                          scripture, our families (hopefully), our own   thanks or supplication is a step in the right
                                                    GOOD - Finding Joy in Chaos;                         examines The Cosmic Story as context to                                                                                                             I pray because I can’t help it! I will never
join us now, no matter your locale!                                                                      find inspiration and hope, to explore and           hearts, the glory of the created world and     direction.                                       forget one late afternoon this past May.
                                                    Lessons for the 21st Century from
*Registration IS necessary via our                                                                       reflect upon its deeper meaning.                    our Lord all speak to us, if we are open to    I pray because I never know what good it         It was a perfect day — warm, sunny and
                                                    St Francis of Assisi                                                                                     hearing it, about the value and importance
website,, or leave                                                                                                                                                                    might do. I was not raised Christian, but in     peaceful. The breeze carried the scent of
a message with your event choices and               *Join us via Zoom for one of four                    NOV ECO-SPEAKER - Juli Nieman,                      of prayer in its myriad forms. St Francis      an unexpected way, the prayer of others          freshly turned soil, the territorial calls of
contact info at (314) 965-3700, x104.               programs: 9-10am Thu 10/1; 2-3pm Wed                 Smith, Moore & Co analyst                           offered praise for the natural world in the    inexplicably drew me into the heart of           cardinals and the distinctive “chicka-dee-
                                                    10/7; or 7-8pm Tue 10/6 or Thu 10/8                  Register at to join           beautiful Canticle ascribed to him. In a       God. When I was in my thirties, I worked         dee-dee” of their black-capped cousins. I
SEPT ECO-FILM - Cooked                              The past several years, we have delivered            us Tues, 11/10 at 7pm via Zoom!                     more personal and vulnerable prayer, he        on ships. There was a captain I knew who         had spent the day building garden beds
                                                    various lessons from St Francis of Assisi                                                                seeks understanding, repeatedly asking         was always patient, consistently cheerful        with the help of a volunteer, and tending to
Watch the film for free "on demand" from                                                                 You may remember Chartered Financial
                                                    in cities throughout mid-America. The                                                                    “Who are you God, and who am I?” St Paul       and calm under pressure. The crew trusted        seedlings in the greenhouse. But now I was
your device, anytime 9/8-15 via a link,*                                                                 Analyst Julie Nieman from her years
                                                    pandemic has given us the opportunity                                                                    famously challenges us to “Pray without        his leadership and followed him happily          alone, sowing corn seeds in the 20 mounds
then join a Zoom discussion 9/15 at 7pm                                                                  reporting on KMOV radio. This dynamic
                                                    to extend our spirit-filled storytelling and                                                             ceasing.” The psalms are full to bursting      because he was fair, decisive and wise, and      we had constructed that morning. Squash
The first 50 to register are invited to screen                                                           speaker will discuss how climate change             with prayerful people who sing, dance and
                                                    thought-provoking activities to anyone                                                                                                                  he wouldn’t ask anyone to do something           and beans would later be added, following
this searing investigation into the politics                                                             affects the economy and all of our finances         burn incense in thankfulness for love and
                                                    with a computer and internet! Sign up                                                                                                                   he wouldn’t take on himself. One of the          the “Three Sisters” pattern of companion
of "disaster" by way of the deadly 1995                                                                  in surprising ways and at every level.              forgiveness, milk and honey, flocks and
                                                    today to learn something so necessary in                                                                                                                first things I remember seeing him do was        planting used by the Wampanoag people.
Chicago heat wave, in which 739 residents                                                                JAN ECO-FILM - Biggest Little Farm                  fields. Jesus teaches us the Lord’s Prayer     get down on his hands and knees to help          Kneeling in the garden, corn seeds in hand,
                                                    these trying to find "perfect
— mostly elderly and black — died over                                                                                                                       and He regularly goes off to a quiet place     a steward clean up glass that had broken         I was suddenly flooded with a sense of
                                                    joy" amidst the current chaos.                       *Join us Tues, 1/12 at 7pm via Zoom!
the course of a week. Watch the 82-minute                                                                                                                    by Himself to be alone with God. He raises     when she had dropped a tray of dishes            well-being and contentment — a feeling
film at your convenience through the                OCT ECO-SPEAKER - "The Cosmic                        Follow the true story of John & Molly as            his eyes to heaven and lies prostrate in       on the deck. On this particular vessel, the      of connectedness — that was joyful and
emailed link, then on Tues 9/15, simply                                                                  they trade city living for 200 acres of barren      the company of His disciples to model the      crew ate lunch together. I noticed early on      overwhelming. I could not stay silent but
log in through an email invitation to join
                                                    Story" by Sister Sharon Zayac, OP
                                                                                                         farmland and a dream to harvest in harmony          posture of humility in prayer.                 that the captain would rest his forearms         prayed out loud with words of gratitude. I
our discussion via Zoom. This searing,              *Join us Tues, 10/13 at 7pm via Zoom                 with nature. Breathtaking cinematography                                                           on the edge of the table before each meal        also prayed inwardly, asking God’s blessing
                                                                                                                                                             One of the best reasons to pray I’ve ever
smart, and insightful Judith Helfand film,          We are in the midst of a cosmic shift in             and captivating animals, bring an urgent            heard is because we become like those          and close his eyes in silent prayer. There       for this crop and for all farmers and
recently released in the US, asks important         understanding who we are as persons, as              message to heed Mother Nature’s call for            with whom we spend time. I remember my         was no fanfare or awkwardness. It may            gardeners, for the hungry and the well fed.
questions with humility and humanity,               people of faith, as a human species. What is         better living and a healthier planet.               parents warning me not to ‘hang out’ with      not seem significant, but as someone who         The planting itself became a prayerful act,
                                                                                                                                                             kids that would be a bad influence. It was     didn’t grow up with that kind of regular         trusting in God to “give the growth” and
                                                                                                                                                             good advice and the same logic applies         acknowledgment of God’s provision, it            to send the rain and sun in right measure.
                                                                                                                                                             here. If you want to be more like Jesus,       impressed me. I came to see it as integral to    By August the mature corn graced tables
                                                                                                                                                             Mary and the saints, hanging out with          everything else I admired about him. I                   in many homes, occasioning even
                                                                                                                                                             them in prayer is a good place to start.       wanted what he had. His                                            more expressions of
                                                                                                                                                             Another compelling reason is because           quiet expression of                                                       appreciation.
                                                                                                                                                             God desires to be in relationship with         faith inspired                                                                  Thanks be to
                                                                                                                                                             us. No matter how feeble, stumbling or         me to find                                                                          God!
                                                                                                                                                             incomprehensible my prayer may be, just        out more,
                                                                                                                                                             breaking out of the constant chattering of

                      .                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Laudato Si' Circle
                          Most years we would be sharing images from our Spring and Summer events. Since everything at Tau Center was canceled               Season of Creation 9/1–10/4                                          A Laudato Si’ Circle is a group committed to the
                          due to Covid-19 precautions, we hope you enjoy these memories from the end of 2019: (clockwise from above left)                    Join the Franciscans For Earth Facebook                               process of ecological conversion, a deepening
                          On Nov 12, former KSDK Meteorologist Mike Roberts, who was to be our guest host at the canceled 2020 Sisters Sunshine              group for a new reflection each morning                          relationship with God as Creator, and with all members
                          Gala, spoke on the realities of climate change to a packed house at Tau Center as part of our FFE Film & Speaker Series |                                                                            of Creation. We currently gather via Zoom the second
                                                                                                                                                             Join in Prayer: praise for God’s provision,
                          Guests gather around an illumination from the Saint John's Bible during our fall Visio Divina event at the St Louis Cathedral                                                                         Monday of the month at 7pm for prayer, reflection,
                                                                                                                                                             repentance for our greed and complicity in
                          Basilica on Aug 28. | Our final Paving Paths for Peace & All Good outreach events for 2019 were held in Aviston, IL, Oct 7, and                                                                         discussion and action in compassionate love and
                                                                                                                                                             the suffering of earth and our neighbors,
                          at our Tau Center (below) on Sep 9. We plan to resume all of these activities in some form in the future. Don't miss out! Like                                                                       concern for our common home. For info, or to receive
                                                                                                                                                             intercession for those vulnerable to climate
                          our Facebook page and mark it to 'see first,' or email with your full name to be added to our e-mail alert list.                                                                     an invitation link to join us, leave a voicemail for Sister
                                                                                                                                                             chaos, and releasing all we have back to God
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cheryl with your contact information
                                                                                                                                                             Join in Practice: audit your own                                           at (314) 965-3700 x104, or email her at
                                                                                                                                                             mistreatment of the Earth, and commit to new                                   
                                                                                                                                                             practices individually and communally
                                                                                                                                                             Join in Advocacy: encourage local
                                                                                                                                                             governments to include climate justice and
                                                                                                                                                             steps to a green economy in recovery plans
                                                                                                                                                             Join in Action: participate in civil action
                                                                                                                                                             to put pressure on governments to produce
                                                                                                                                                             ambitious national targets for 2021

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9
Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Racism Responses:                                                                                                              Help us further                           Until we meet again . . .
 It would be very difficult to deny that
                                                                                                                                our Gospel Mission:                       Sister Xavier Fik, OSF 1918–2020
                                                                                                                                                                          Sister Xavier Fik entered eternal life on Sunday, March 1, 2020
 racism exists in the United States. It                                                                                         1. The CARES Act made tax deduct-         at 102 years of age. After a visitation and Mass of Resurrection,
 shouldn't take a video of George Floyd's                                                                                       ible gifts possible for 2020. Under       Sister Xavier was laid to rest at Resurrection Cemetery in
 tortured death at the hands of a police                                                                                        the coronavirus stimulus package,         St Louis, MO, on March 10. She was the 6th out of ten children
 officer to bring about change. But we are                                                                                      filers may be able to deduct up to        and born in Chicago Heights, IL.
 all human and tend to push the ugly, the                                                                                       $300 for charitable giving, on top of
 painful, and the embarrassing aside until                                                                                      the standard deduction! There are also    In her joyful years of service as a Franciscan Sister she minis-
 we are forced to acknowledge it. We have                                                                                       new business incentives to donate.        tered as a teacher, principal, organist and seamstress. Sister
 been pushing aside the sin of racism, in all                                                                                                                             was known for her zest for life, her Polish heritage, music,
                                                                                                                                2. Leave a Legacy — remember the          and jokes. There were many times Sister went above and beyond for those she served.
 forms, since before this country existed. We
                                                                                                                                Sisters in your will                      During the '50s she was teaching at a black school in a Southern city. We had other
 have generations who have been raised to
                                                                                                                                Directly name the Franciscan Sisters of   Sisters teaching in the town's white school. Graduation was approaching and the Sisters
 believe that prejudice, the injustice it brings,   June 2, 2020                                                                Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kirkwood,     decided to order gowns and mortarboards for the students. The orders for those going
 and the fear it leaves are acceptable parts of
                                                                                                                                MO, in your will, and let us know! You    to the white school went through, but the company refused to sell to the black school.
 life. Too often, violence is the tragic result.      Racism is the original and persistent sin of the United States. Unarmed   will automatically be added to our        Sister would not allow her students this indignity. She ordered fabric and used her skills
 Changing others is difficult, sometimes            black people are killed by police authorities and armed members of the      perpetual prayer list.                    to sew day and night to give every one of the students from her school the pleasure
 impossible. Changing society's policies,           public. Say their names: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery,
                                                                                                                                3. Donate Stock for a possible tax        and satisfaction they had earned by working hard to graduate. Pictures illustrate that
 systems, and laws is absolutely necessary,         Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Tony Robinson, Trayvon
                                                                                                                                break                                     there was nothing lacking in her beautiful, hand-made, graduation gowns and caps.
 but slow. We do have total and immediate           Martin. So many others. We know this. We see this. We grieve. We are
 control over one thing — ourselves. We                                                                                         Gifting securities or annuities to the    Sister Mary Philip Patin, OSF 1927–2020
                                                    angry. We move on. It happens again.                                        Franciscan Sisters may provide tax
 can change. We can open our hearts, and
 really educate ourselves to overcome                 Our racist system targets people of color for poverty, imprisonment,      advantages over donating cash. Ask        Sister Mary Philip Patin died on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at the
 learned notions and biases. We can work            violence, and death. Primarily white institutions police black              your financial planner.                   age of 93. A private burial took place in Resurrection Cemetery
 for not only equality, but for equity, in our      communities and communities of color. Primarily white institutions                                                    on May 1. There will be a memorial Mass and celebration of
                                                                                                                                4. Change to Amazon Smile                 Sister’s life at a later date.
 everyday decisions and interactions. We can        hold power in a criminal justice system that utterly fails to impose
                                                                                                                                Replace Amazon with Amazon Smile
 choose for whom we vote, where we shop,            accountability on police officials and armed white citizens who kill                                                  Born in Sand Lake, Michigan, Sister Patin entered the
                                                                                                                                and designate the Franciscan Sisters
 and with whom we share. We can show                unarmed black people. There is no justice. How, then, can there be peace?                                             Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1948 and
                                                                                                                                of Our Lady of Perpetual Help as your
 respect for the dignity of others, no matter        We, the elected leadership of religious congregations of women in                                                    made final vows in 1953. She ministered as a teacher, principal,
                                                                                                                                beneficiary. Each time you shop,
 how they look, where they were born, or            and around the St. Louis area, stand in unity with those who feel the                                                 teacher aide, and organist. In the Archdiocese of St. Louis,
                                                                                                                                Amazon will donate 0.5% of your
 how they pray. Let us seek to find Christ in       rage and despair of this moment. As majority white communities                                                        Sr. Mary Philip served at Immaculate Conception School in
                                                                                                                                purchase to the Sisters.
 everyone we meet, so we can set a better                                                                                                                                 Augusta, Holy Family School in Port Hudson, Holy Ghost
                                                    in the United States, we recommit to prayer, self-examination, and
 example for the next generation.                                                                                               5. Give "In Honor," or "In Memory"        School in Berkeley, St. Pius X School in Glasgow Village and St
                                                    advocacy. Specifically, we join with the U.N. High Commissioner for                                                   Blaise/Holy Spirit School in Maryland Heights. She also served in Louisiana, Illinois, New
 In our call to tend to the heart of the world,                                                                                 of a loved one or "In Celebration" of
                                                    Human Rights in calling for fundamental reform in the way policing is       a special event                           Mexico, Ohio and West Virginia. Sister Mary Philip was known as an excellent seamstress
 many of our Sisters have been attending
 socially distanced, peaceful protests. Below
                                                    done in the United States. We call for fundamental law reform to strip      Need a gift for someone who has           having made many beautiful chasubles for the priests at parishes where she ministered.
 is a photo from the steps of St Francis Xavier     away protections for those who bring violence and death to unarmed          everything? Celebrate their birthday or   She was also known for sharing her Franciscan joy and sweet sense of humor, whether
 College Church at Saint Louis University           black people. We call for and commit to REAL change to bring REAL           anniversary, promotion or retirement,     it be with her students on the playground, with those in her prison retreat ministry, or in
 where each Tuesday evening at least a              peace, the peace that comes when all have enough, when all are treated      by donating to the Sisters in their       her later years with those giving and receiving care at Cardinal Ritter Senior Services.
 half-dozen of our Sisters participate in a         with respect.                                                               name. Want to memorialize a loved
 "Silent Witness Protest" sponsored by the                                                                                      one in a special way? Let us know and     Sister Erlinda Gurule, OSF 1939 –2020
                                                     We deplore all random acts of vandalism and other acts of violence and
 Jesuit Men in Formation. We also joined            terror. These acts do not promote peace, justice, or respect.               we can send the acknowledgment            Our dear, sweet Sister Erlinda Gurule went home to the Lord
 with other communities of women religious            Every person is a precious child of God. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor,    to family members and include them        on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. Sister was from a large, very close
 in supporting the billboard and calling for                                                                                    in prayer. You may even be able to        family in Cebolla, New Mexico. She received her call to be a
                                                    Ahmaud Arbery, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Tony
 prayer with the press release shown on the                                                                                     deduct the gift from your taxes.          Franciscan Sister at a young age, and loved being a Franciscan
                                                    Robinson, Trayvon Martin ... precious children of God.                      (Consult your financial advisor.)         Sister of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This year marked her 60th
 right. Won't you join us?
                                                     We call for a citywide day of prayer, mourning and self-examination to                                               Jubilee.
                                                    be held on June 6, 2020, on racism and how we are called as individuals     6. Perpetual Membership of Prayer
                                                                                                                                Each member shares in the graces          Sister Erlinda was a gifted teacher, shown by the “Teacher of
                                                    and a civic community to act now.
                                                                                                                                of the Eucharist Celebration offered      the Year” and “Outstanding Educator” awards she received as
                                                    Signed, the elected leadership of the following religious congregations:    twice a month, and in the daily           she worked with primary students throughout the country.
                                                                                                                                                                          Her classrooms were in St. Louis, Chicago, Ohio, Texas, New
                                                     Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise                               prayers and good works of each of
                                                                                                                                our Sisters. For this $25 donation, a     Mexico, Colorado and Louisiana. In addition to her special
                                                     Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help                                                                     talent for teaching children to read, hundreds will remember her for helping them
                                                                                                                                family member will receive a beautiful
                                                     Sisters of Loretto/Loretto Community                                                                                 learn the Sign of the Cross and preparing them for First Communion, while seldom
                                                                                                                                gold presentation booklet with a
                                                     Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, South Central Leadership Team            personalized certificate inside.          raising her voice. Sister Erlinda was admired for her saintly spirit — strong, yet gentle
                                                     Sisters of the Good Shepherd Province of Mid-North America                                                           — and for never uttering an unkind or judgmental word. Her later years were claimed
                                                                                                                                For more information, contact
                                                     Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of O’Fallon, MO                                                                   by Parkinson’s Disease, but she never complained and offered all to Jesus. One of her
                                                                                                                                Sister Connie at (314) 965-3700,
                                                     Ursuline Sisters of the Central Province                                   x109, or
                                                                                                                                                                          most endearing characteristics was her wit and her quiet chuckle. She was buried at
                                                                                                                                                                          Resurrection Cemetery in St Louis with plans for a Mass and celebration of Life to follow.

Franciscan Spirit Summer - Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
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