A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021

Page created by Warren Page
A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
A report of the ministries of
    Joy Lutheran Church in 2020

Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
Joy Lutheran Church
                                49th Annual Meeting
                                    Feb. 7, 2021

Review/Amend/Approve February 9, 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

Pastor’s Report
Director of Education and Youth Video
Treasurer’s Report
Auditor’s Report
Introduction of Current Council Members
Team Reports
2020 Council Goals Review

2021 Budget Presentation and Approval
Election of New 2021 Council Members
Election of 2022 Nominating Committee
Election of Luther Park Delegates
Election of Joy Lutheran Delegates for Annual Northwest Wisconsin Synod Assembly
Adjournment and Closing with Lord’s Prayer

A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
Table of Contents
Mission Statement and Core Values.............................................................................................…..5
Average Attendance and Membership Information……………………………………………………….6
Joy Lutheran Flow Chart……………………………………………………………………………………..7
Minutes from February 9, 2020 Joy Lutheran Church Annual Meeting..……………………………... .8
President’s Report…………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Council Goals………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Pastor's Report………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Director of Education and Youth Ministry Report…………………………………………………….…. 15
Auditor's Report.................................................................................................................................16
Treasurer's Report………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
2020 Income Comparison…………………………………………………………………………………..18
2020 Actuals vs. Budget…………………………………………………………………………………….19
2020 Spending by Category Pie Chart.........................................................................................….20
Statement of Financial Position.…………………………………………………………………………...20
Dedicated and Restricted Fund Balances………………………………………………........................21
Mortgage Statement…..…………………………………………………………...………………………..22
2021 Spending Budget…………………………………………………………………………………… 23
Giving Team Report………………………………………………………………………………………....25
Service Team Report………………………………………………………………………………………..26
Worship & Music Team Report…………………………………………………………………………….27
JWELCA Report……………………………………………………………………………………………. 28
JWELCA Treasurer's Report……………………………………………………………………………….29
Endowment Report............................................................................................................................29
Northwest Synod of WI – Bishop’s Annual Report……………………………………………………….30

2020 Church Council Members:

Steve Meyer, Pastor
Christy Canfield, Youth & Ed*
Pete Gray, President
Marv Lindseth, Vice President
Rotating Position, Secretary
Kristin Tibayan, Treasurer*
Renee Braun, Faith Education
Phil Warwa, Fellowship
Sandy Satchell, Lana Craft, Giving
Stephanie Brantner, Outreach
Connie Booth, Service
Bobbie Flatz, Worship
Hope Olson, JWELCA

The 2020 Nominating Committee:
Mandy Bernick, Dick Horken, Kristen
Gray, Joan Northouse and Phyllis Hoff-

A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
Our Vision
       A growing, generous, and hopeful Christian community,
       working together to connect in a spiritually relevant way
       with God and our neighbor.

Our Mission
       We gather to be renewed in the joy and love of God
            through inspiring worship and caring community.
       We seek to understand and live by God’s Word.
       We serve those in need of God’s healing through Christ,
            reaching out to our community and world.

Our Core Values
GENEROUS   We believe in God’s abundance, not scarcity.
             Therefore, we week to grow our generosity in all aspects of our lives
              to further God’s goodness and impact in life.
HOPEFUL    We are grounded in in the gifts of mercy, love and grace.
            Therefore, we seek to be uplifting and compassionate,
             seeking to share the healing gift of Christ with others.
SUPPORTING We build, connect and help all to experience and live
              in God’s mercy and grace.
OPEN & SAFE We are a welcoming, inclusive and caring place of sanctuary,
               providing freedom, openness and a non-judging environment.
               We seek to be genuine and transparent in who we are and what we do.
CONNECTED         We see the relevance of Christ to our daily lives,
                    and we seek to equip and involve one another in connecting God’s Word
                    to our relationships and our acts of service to other.
LIFE-LONG LEARNING We are committed to continual Biblical learning
               about Christ in our lives -from the young to the experienced.
Adopted by Church Council May 2013   created from research from Kairos Vision Project/Member Survey

           Visit our web page www.joy-church.org

A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
Average Attendance and Membership Information
                                                             2016     2017    2018   2019   2020
Average Weekly Worship Attendance                             152      154     142   146
  (Includes Holidays)
Average Weekly Worship Attendance                             135      136     123   127
 (excluding holidays per ELCA Congregational Report)
Average Yearly Sunday School                                   38      33      24    30     23**
Average Fall Sunday School                                     51      39      29    38      -
End of Year Baptized Membership                               627      647     659   681    687
End of Year Confirmed Membership                              474      494     505   520    521

*Up until March 15 we had comparable attendance numbers. But when we switched to online
worship when the pandemic struck it was a little harder to track. The raw number of views are
quite high (average of 264), but by digging into the advance analytics we determine how many of
those views (58%) actually watched the whole service. Those numbers are household views, so
we multiplied the number of households views by 2.5 people to give us the attendance number.
This is not an exact count but it is as close as we can estimate at this time. About 25% of the full
views are on Facebook and 75% of the views are on YouTube.

**We only had in person Sunday School for 10 weeks in the spring due to the pandemic and
don’t have a good way to measure how faith formation at home is going.

 Baptisms                                                  New Members
 Mason Allen Parkos                                        Kaycee Charette
 Morgan Marie Parkos                                       Kevin Haglund
 Lilly Victoria Holum                                      Jake Charette
 Lane Joseph Marek                                         Melanie Charette
 Bentley John Matteson
 Confirmation                                              Eugene A. Meier
 Avery Amidon                                              John Andrew Flatz
 Abigail Banitt                                            James “Jamie” Rohl
 Izaiah Dosdall                                            Paul Matthias Seifert
 Danielle Francis
 Riley Frappier
 Kelcey Hanson
 Rebecca Heinze
 Kadyn Hudak
 Campbell Hundt
 Erica Jennings
 Ella Johnson
 Carter Lubich
 Benny Olson
 Brandon Pender
 Kinsey Peterson
 Madasyn Rundquist
 Brandon Stuart

A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
48th Annual Congregational Meeting of Joy Lutheran Church
                            Feb. 9th, 2020
Meeting called to order by President Peter Gray.
Peter offered a prayer to start the meeting.
President’s Remarks – see Annual Report.
Peter shared his thoughts – “We see God’s love showing in everything Joy does. My hope is that we
take opportunities to grow together”.
A call for last year’s minutes to be approved was made by Tom Peterson and seconded by Kristen
Peter thanked Pastor Steve and Diane for their leadership at Joy

Celebrating the 2019 Ministry of Joy
Pastors Report:
• A video was created by Christy Canfield :”2019 In Review”.
• See Pastor Steve’s written report in the Annual Report.
• Pastor Steve thanked Peter for his leadership and for the putting together the Constitutional
• We have an updated color directory available for “smart phones”.
• “Give Plus” app is available.

Director of Education and Youth – Christy Canfield:
• See written report in the Annual Report.
• Christy thanked the congregation of Joy for the ……. With the community youth.

Audit Report:
• Thanks to Ernie Schultz, Alan Klein, Mark Poff and Kristin Tibayan.
• Marv Lindseth moved to accept the report and Ed Glaubitz seconded – the motion carried.

2020 Budget – presented by Kristin Tibayan:
• See written report in the Annual Report.
• Kristin compared the 2019 actuals with the 2020 budget.
• The salary increased were presented.
• Kristin explained the Employee Benefit Changes.
• Joy will increase Benevolence to 5%.
• Stephanie Brantner moved to accept the 2020 Budget, Tom Peterson seconded. The motion

Peter presented the Council Goals:
• Establish a team to preserve the history of Joy and begin preparations for celebrating our
   50th anniversary in 2022
• Continue to offer high quality, creative and imaginative worship and education
      -Explore streaming or creating higher quality production for sharing our worship.
• Be more present in the community
      -Continue to evaluate and develop plans for kitchen upgrades to keep us in compliance for
      public meals
      -Create a long range plan for developing our outdoor space to be a good public space
• Be more intentional about our hospitality, follow up and integration of new members
• Develop a longer range plan to help prioritize projects to prepare us for our future
      -Including debt reduction
• Continue to build financial stability and a spirit of generosity
      -Increase benevolence, electronic giving and deferred gifts

A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
Peter asked for a show of hands for 2 choices
• Wanting a larger scale debt reduction – 10 votes
• Continue servicing our mortgage for the length of the loan so that additional smaller projects can
   be undertaken. – 23 votes (some didn’t vote).

Election of 2020 Council
• Nominating Committee : Mandy Bernick, Dick Horken Kristen Gray, Joan Northouse and Phyllis
• Sandy Satchell and Marv Lindseth were nominated.
• Move to accept both made by Marcia Lindseth and seconded by Tom Peterson.
• Motion carried.

Treasurers Report – Kristin Tibayan
• Thanks to Jim Flatz and Ed Glaubitz for their work as Financial Secretaries.
• Thanks to Shannon Clarke for her work.
• See the summary of her report in the Annual Report.
• Kristin reports that we had a good not a great year financially.
• Jim Flatz shared information regarding special fundraising donations for Mortgage Reduction and
   The Memorial Garden that were offered with matching funds. The concern was “were these extra
   gifts simply an exchange of money that would have been used for the General Fund? The data
   shows the members who contributed to these special funds had actually increased their dona-
   tions to both “General Funds” and “Total Giving” for the year. The Mortgage re-amortization is
   saving us $3,146/yr.
• Another point of clarification made by Jim as to why we had fewer $ of electronic giving during
   the year. It’s because several members who have been giving electronically are now directing
   RMDs from their retirement accounts and NPOs to be given directly to Joy by check ($30,000 in
• A video showed what our Benefit gifts go toward in “Mission Support” for our Wisconsin Synod.

2019 Council was recognized.

Team Reports – see Annual Report

New Business
• A motion was made to accept our Constitution with the changes that have been made. (The con-
  stitution is exactly as the ELCA Constitution with the exception that we have a representative
  from JWELCA who is a voting member of the council.)
• Phil Warwa moved to accept, Marcia Lindseth seconded – motion carried.
• The Constitution with the changes being highlighted are available on line and in hard copy in the

The nominating committee for 2020 is:
• Kristen Gray, Mandy Bernick, Stephanie Brantner and Tom Peterson.
• Moved by Kristin Tibayan and seconded by Diane Meyers.
• Motion carried.

Luther Park
• Stephanie Brantner was nominated to represent Joy.
• Tom Peterson moved and Georgia Freidel seconded.
• Motion carried.

A report of the ministries of Joy Lutheran Church in 2020 - Congregational Meeting/Party Feb. 7th, 2021
Luther Park Report – Georgia Freidel
• There is a new Worship and Multi-Purpose Building that will be finished in May and open in
• Camper numbers are up.
• There is a need for new building funds.
• Joy Lenten offering will go toward the Luther Park Building Project.

Delegate to the annual NW Synod meeting
• May 16 2020 in Eau Claire.
• Joan Northouse and Tom Peterson volunteered.
• Stephanie Brantner and Jim Flatz moved to accept.
• Motion carried.

Peter offered an official thank you to Hope Olson for everything she does for Joy.

The 2020 Annual Party was concluded with the congregation holding hands to pray the Lord’s

Respectfully Submitted,
Bobbie Flatz, Sec.

Vision Council President
Peter Gray

                     2020, the Year of Challenges and Change
The year of 2020 has been like no other in the history of Joy Lutheran. What started out as a
very typical January and February soon turned into one of our largest challenges triggered by
the spread of COVID-19 and the shutting down of all in-person worship. For the past few
years, your Vision Council has been keenly aware of the change in typical life schedules as
family life has become more and more complex and time constrained. We periodically dis-
cussed the question of how Joy Lutheran could improve our on-line worship to give members
and non-members improved and increased access to worship and when this might begin? Lit-
tle did we know that the when would be decided for us so soon and so quickly.
As Covid-19 began to spread, February discussions on cleaning and sanitizing turned into dis-
cussions the first week of March over what would trigger a church closure. On March 14 Sun-
day School and all Wednesday night activities were cancelled. March 15 Sunday Worship
Service was limited and the first fully on-line Worship Service was to begin March 22. What
would we do?
Up steps our very tech savvy, creative and eloquent Pastor Steve with the support of a strong
worship and music team and an equally tech
savvy and creative Youth Director, Christi.
This team created an at home worship experi-
ence that I believe is second to none. They
have created a wonderfully intimate environ-
ment that offers the quality and flexibility we
could only talk about until they did it. Wonder-
ful! At this same time, Christi launched on-line
“Family Sunday School for All Ages” and
moved all other youth education on-line. Their
immediate action, quality offerings and leader-
ship were great. A huge debt of gratitude
goes to everyone involved with our on-line
worship: leaders, musicians and singers of all
ages, office staff, property and grounds and
our cleaning crew. On behalf of the entire
congregation, I say “Thank you”!
Special thanks to all those who helped to keep our building open and safe. Thank you to our
office personnel: office administrator, Shannon Clarke, for her hard work and willingness to
continue entering the church building in such uncertain times. Hope Olson, for her tireless
dedication and continued service. We love you Hope. Thank-you to the Property and
Grounds cleaning crew for helping to keep us safe. Special thanks to Dick Horken for braving
the unknown with sanitizing gear and who looks like something out of a Sci-fi movie rather that
a mild mannered, retired businessman. Thank you to the entire finance group that continued
to complete their weekly duties and Kristin Tibayan for her hard work as Treasurer. Thank you
to everyone who offered even the smallest amount of their time and talent.

I would be remiss if I did not offer a huge thank you to all our members and non-members
who have continued to support Joy Lutheran financially during these challenging times.
Your continued generosity has put us in a good financial position to move forward into
2021. There will still be challenges ahead. When and how do we move back to in-person
Worship? When and how do we return to Sunday School, Wednesday night supper and
Wednesday night education? How do we maintain the high quality, on-line worship expe-
rience to which we have now come so accustomed? And, when and how do we get back
to a new normal? What I do know is this, I have great confidence that your new 2021
Vision Council along with many talented volunteers are up to the task.
I would like to leave everyone with one last thought. Many people will look back at the
year 2020 and think of it as the year of hope. I hoped the coronavirus did not come to the
U.S. I hoped no one that I knew would catch the virus. I hoped I would not catch the vi-
rus. I hoped we would continue worship service. I hoped we would start worship service
soon. I hoped the riots would not come to Prescott. I hoped the schools would open
again. I hoped the riots would stop in D.C. I hoped the new Coronavirus strain would not
come here. This much hope in one year can lead to a great deal of dismay and depres-
But, as Christians, our hope is not a hope defined as wishful thought. Our hope is de-
fined as glad assurance. It is confident, expected, joyful knowledge in the, ”hope of glory,
which is Christ in you” (Col 1:28) and that “blessed hope” (Titus 2:12) that God will bless
us beyond measure when we see Christ face to face. The Holy Spirit seals us for that
day of redemption and all of eternity. We recognize that we live in a fallen and broken
world. It is with this hope that we move forward in time, not with reckless abandon or fear
and trembling but with the assurance that we are his that God is sovereign and all things
are done according to his will. Thank you all for your prayers and the blessings on my
service these past 3 years.
Yours in Christ,

Peter Gray
Vision Council President

2020 Council Goals- Results & Direction

    Explore streaming and higher quality, creative and imaginative worship
•   Fully on-line Sunday Services Facebook and You-Tube
•   Continuous improvement in 2021

    Build financial stability and generosity
•   Financial position in the black
•   Increased benevolence in 2021

    More present in Community
•   Health kits for school children, Prescott Daze, community garden
•   Outreach to investigate more opportunities in 2021 especially with new housing development

    More Intentional Hospitality
•   Continue to find ways to welcome new families in 2021

    History of Joy Team
•   Gather history and prepare content for 50th Anniversary
•   Fellowship will spearhead in 2021

    Longer range plan to help prioritize projects
•   Vision Council to undertake in 2021

Pastor’s Report

It has been a year. I certainly didn’t see this all coming, but through it all, I have felt God’s pres-
ence in powerful ways. There have been challenges certainly, but also surprising moments of
Because meeting indoors was problematic for crowds, we celebrated baptisms and funerals out in
the beauty of creation. Our confirmation celebrations were done individually, making the special
day even more special for our young people and their families. Using our labyrinth area for baptism
and for the luminary walk at Christmas reinforced for me the need for having outdoor space for
ministry. Shifting to online worship required some retooling, but fortunately I have been playing
with video and audio production since the 90’s, so was able to adapt fairly quickly, and actually en-
joy the creative outlet the new medium provides.
It is would be a shame to waste a crisis. So it is good to pause and reflect what we have learned.
I have always said the “church is not a building”, but we really got to put that to the test. I have
learned not to take the opportunity to gather for granted. Like many things, we don’t learn the value
of something until we lose it. I learned to be careful what you wish for, as one of my goals for 2020
was to start streaming our worship service. I have learned that not all meetings have to be done in
person; that electronic giving is a life-saver, that people are incredibly generous and that the home
really is the foundation for faith formation.
I also have been reminded what a wonderful staff and group of volunteers we have here at Joy and
what a privilege it is to serve as your pastor. Looking ahead the future is still a little fuzzy in terms
of when thing will return to “normal”. We will follow the science and not our emotions, when it
comes to “when” we gather in person. Once the infection rate is down and the vaccination rate is
up, we will begin the process of gathering in person again. It will not be like turning on a switch,
there will likely be a hybrid approach toward our worship and education, making use of outdoor
space, virtual and in-person settings.
Keeping in good communication with everyone has been a challenge, so look out for your neigh-
bor. If you questions, cares, or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Pastor Steve
Check out the videos on our
YouTube channel
If you missed it last spring, here
is the Making the Easter Mural
Visit our Facebook page

Well this is defiantly a different re-
port… due to the impact of the Glob-
al Pandemic on our world. I am in-
cluding some photos of our time to-
gether pre-pandemic. These pic-
                                               THE YEAR OF COVID-19

tures make me sad because I miss
the closeness of our church commu-
nity , but they also make me HOPE-
I know the people of Joy to be a re-
silient bunch that will be stronger to-
gether when we get through this.


2020 Auditors Report

With this report, the Auditor(s)/Audit Committee present its audit of the financial books and records
of the church and all its related organizations to the Congregation Council.
Church: Joy Lutheran Church, ELCA
Synod: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA

For the period beginning January 2020 and ending December 2020
Audit Objectives:
•   The audit objectives relate to the internal audit of Joy Lutheran Church financial books, records
    and operation include determination that:
•   Appropriate procedures are in place governing key financial transactions and are not being cir-
•   Controls governing the congregation’s investments and bank accounts are in place and operat-
    ing as intended;
•   All assets and liabilities recorded in the congregation’s books and records are supported by in-
    dependent documentation (i.e.: bank statements and vendor invoices);
•   All general ledgers balances are appropriately reconciled to their underlying assets (i.e.: bank
    statements) and liabilities (i.e.: accounts payable) in a timely manner;
•   All assets are properly classified in line with the donor’s intent;
•   The Sunday (or special) offering is handled and counted in dual custody with two separate
•   Expenses are appropriately approved and supported by the appropriate documentation;
Based on audit work performed to achieve the objectives listed above, the books and records of
Joy Lutheran Church appear to be materially accurate in all respect. Testing performed also found,
with any exceptions as noted in this report, that controls governing the financial operations process
appear to be in place and operating as intended. Although control over financial operations appear
to be adequate, additional work is needed in the following areas:
    No findings, exceptions or need for additional work found in 2020.
The auditors have performed the procedures and testing called for in the audit program adopted by
the church. In doing so, the auditors have reviewed the procedures governing the financial report-
ing and operations process and have found the balances presented to be correct, procedures prop-
er, and records properly kept, except as noted above.
The Congregational Council will review this report and has discussed the recommendation (s)
presented by the auditors and accompanying responses with the Pastor and Church Management.
The council will review progress being made to address any weakness identified in this report at
subsequent council meetings. The reports will be made available to the congregation when com-

2020 Treasurer’s Report

Extraordinary is defined as “very unusual or remarkable” and is a very apt description of the year
2020 (unusual) and Joy’s financial position (remarkable). Due to your continued generosity and
actions taken by Council, Joy finished the year with a very healthy balance sheet and cash bal-
ance. Consistent with last year, we continue to see a shift from regular monthly giving to lump
sum giving.
A few things specific to how Joy prepares its financial statements: The church prepares its finan-
cial statements on a cash basis. The cash basis is a method of recording accounting transac-
tions where income and expense are only recorded when the corresponding cash is received or
payments are made. Dedicated funds are for monies given to the church for a specific purpose,
but may be re-appropriated by Joy’s council based on the Church’s needs. Restricted funds are
funds established for monies given to Joy with the specific intent of being passed through to the
designated organization; restricted funds may not be re-appropriated by Council.
Two notable financial actions were taken by Council this year which helped us manage the finan-
cial uncertainty related to Covid-19. First, Thrivent offered Joy the option to make interest-only
mortgage payments for the months of May, June and July. This reduced our mortgage expense
by $8.3k. Second, Joy applied for the Paycheck Protection Program Loan (PPP) and received
$32.3k in May. Since giving has exceeded our expenditures, Council elected to move the PPP
monies to the Covid-19 PPP restricted fund. Joy is currently in the process of applying for PPP
loan forgiveness, and if forgiven these monies will no longer be considered restricted funds.
Joy’s accounting and reporting processes continue to evolve and improve. All financial reporting
is generated from Quickbooks and all balance sheet accounts are reconciled on a monthly ba-
sis. We continue to focus on improving internal controls, monthly checklists, and work instruc-
We closed out 2020 with a decrease in total giving of $15,596 compared to 2019 which is attribut-
able to plate income and Wednesday Night dinner income. Total expenses came in lower than
budget and last year. Giving exceeded total expenditures this year by $11,748, and we ended
the year with a general fund cash balance of $8,760.
As we look forward to 2021, we are optimistic that our financial position will continue to strength-
en. We will continue to provide transparency through quarterly updates and monthly financial
summaries. I am excited for 2021 as we continue to improve Joy’s financial discipline and we
realize what is possible in the spirit of generosity.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristin Tibayan, Treasurer


                                                      2017 Actual       2018 Actual     2019 Actual   2020 Actual     2021 Projected
January 1st Mortgage Balance                              $878,550         $840,777       $800,847      $749,716            $720,767

      Loan Interest                             $35,513                     $33,900        $32,239        $30,851           $29,732
      Loan Payments Made                        $67,056                     $67,220        $67,056        $55,575           $63,624
      Principal Payments Made - Restricted Funds $6,500                      $6,610        $16,314         $4,225

December 31st Mortgage Balance                            $840,777         $800,847       $749,716      $720,767           $686,875

      Reduction in Loan Balance by Year               $    (37,773) $       (39,930) $ (51,131) $        (28,949) $         (33,892)

Note 1: Loan was refinanced in 2016 with a 10 year adjustable interest rate of 4.13%.
          Refinancing fee of $9,031 was added to the principal in February 2016.
Note 2: On 1/13/20 the monthly mortgage payment was reamortized resulting in a decrease in the monthly payment from
         $5,588 to $5,302. This is an annual option available to Joy.
Note 3: Joy elected to make interest only payments in 2020 for the months of May-July.

Joy Lutheran Church
                                             2021 Spending Budget
                                                                                   2020 Actual vs. 2021 Budget vs.
                                             2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget   2020 Budget      2020 Actual
6025        Facilities - Building Mortgage       63,910       55,575        63,624          (8,335)          8,049
Total Facilities - Building Mortgage             63,910      55,575        63,624          (8,335)          8,049 a
6051        Electric                              7,329       4,626        5,574           2,703             948
6052        Gas                                   3,011       2,805        3,036             206             231
6053        Waste Removal                         1,356       1,265        1,248              91              (17)
6054        Water & Sewer                         1,100       1,328        1,389            (228)              61
Total Facilities - Utilities                     12,796      10,023       11,247           2,773           1,224 b
6100      Facilities - Other                        -             -          -               -               -
6111      Building Repair & Maintenance           3,938         1,078      1,200           2,860             122
6112      Capital Improvements                   10,500           -       13,500          10,500          13,500
Total 6110 Building Repair & Maintenance         14,438         1,078     14,700          13,360          13,622 c

6120      Grounds Maintenance                       -             -          -               -               -
6121      Landscape Maintenance                     400           324        324              76               (0)
6123      Snow Removal                            5,000         1,307      2,400           3,694           1,094
Total 6120 Grounds Maintenance                    5,400         1,631      2,724           3,769           1,093

6130      Custodial Supplies                        500         515          -                (15)          (515)
6140      Insurance                               3,100       3,164        3,324              (64)           160
6150      Building Security                         875         457          457             419               0
6160      Equipment Rental                          390         396          402               (6)           -
6190      Misc. Facilities                          -           318          -              (318)            -
Total 6100 Facilities - Other                     4,865       4,531        4,183             334            (348)
Total 6000 Facilities                           101,409      73,156       96,478          28,253          23,322

6200      Travel Expenses                         3,000         759        1,664           2,241             905
6300      Administrative Expenses                   -           -            -               -               -
6310      Office Supplies                           960         646          960             314             314
6320      Postage & Delivery                        559         413          564             146             151
6330      Telephone & Internet Expense            4,500       4,582        4,839              (82)           257
6340      Printing Expense                        2,650       2,094        2,652             556             558
6350      Software & Technology                   2,600       2,347        2,604             253             257
6370      Conventions & Conferences                 880         175          450             705             275
6372      Dues & Subscriptions                      149         160          160              (11)           -
6374      Continuing Education                    1,200         532          800             668             268
6390      Miscellaneous Administrative              375          (28)        250             403             278
Total 6300 Administrative Expenses               16,873      11,679       14,943           5,194           3,265

6381      Bank Service Charges                      -              35        -               (35)             (35)
6683      Service Fees                            1,946         1,992      1,704             (46)           (288)
Total 6380 Financial Fees                         1,946         2,027      1,704             (81)           (323)

6400      Payroll Expenses                          -           -            -               -               -
6410      Wages                                 173,591     162,788      180,679          10,803          17,891 d
6420      Taxes                                   5,690       5,442        5,899             249             458
Total 6400 Payroll Expenses                     179,281     168,229      186,578          11,052          18,349

Joy Lutheran Church
                                                2021 Spending Budget

                                                                                                   2020 Actual vs. 2021 Budget vs.
                                             2020 Budget      2020 Actuals      2021 Budget         2020 Budget      2020 Actual
6500      Employee Benefits                            -                -                 -                    -              -
6510      Health                                    12,834           11,760            12,084                1,074            324
6520      Retirement                                 6,905            9,364             9,489               (2,459)           125
6530      Disability / Group Life                    1,788            1,895             1,923                 (107)             27
6560      Other Payroll Tax Expense                    -                368               -                   (368)          (368)
6570      Worker's Comp Insurance                    1,480            1,227             1,480                  253            253
Total 6500 Employee Benefits                       21,527            24,615           24,976               (3,088)            361

6611      Music Expense                                -                   8              150                   (8)           142
6612      Equipment Maintenance                        -               3,016            4,850               (3,016)         1,834
6613      Copyright License                            900               848              900                   52              52
6614      Congregational Resources                   1,344               516              800                  828            284
6615      Special Occasion Supplies                  1,202               180              100                1,022             (80)
Total 6610 Worship Program Expense                   3,446             4,569            6,800              (1,123)          2,231 e

6620      Youth Program Expenses                       -                 -                -                   -               -
6621      Sunday School Supplies                       996                 93             500                 903             407
6622      Vacation Bible School                      3,642               793            3,600               2,849           2,807
6623      Confirmation                                 750               -                350                 750             350
6624      Middle School                                996               134              996                 862             862
6625      High School                                2,004               554            2,004               1,450           1,450
Total 6620 Youth Program Expenses                    8,388             1,574            7,450               6,814           5,876 f

6630      Adult Education                              252              775              252                 (523)           (523)
6640      Benevolence Program Expense               15,717           15,310           18,372                  407           3,062 g
6650      Wednesday Night Supper Program             7,500              269            5,000                7,231           4,731 f
6660      Outreach Program Expense                   1,500              -              1,500                1,500           1,500 h
6670      Stewardship Program Expense                  600              -                600                  600             600
6690      Other Program Expense                        180              -                -                    180             -
6691      Supply Pastor                                750              125              750                  625             625
Total 6690 Other Program Expense                    26,247           16,479           26,474                9,768           9,995

6800      Donated Goods & Services                     -                 -               -                   -                -
6900      Reimbursable Expenses                        -                 -               -                   -                -
7100      Payments of Donations to Others              -                 70              -                    (70)             (70)
7600      Interest Expense                             -                 21              -                    (21)             (21)
Total Other Expenditures                               -                 91              -                   (91)             (91)
Total Expenditures                                 360,849          302,419          365,403              58,430           62,984

        Budget based on assumption of 6 months online & 6 months back to church
     a 12 months of principle + interest vs. 9 months in 2020
     b Estimated 3% increase over prior year
     c Estimated cost to install ADA compliant door openers, and replace sanctuary lights
     d 2% increase for pastor and youth director; $0.50/hr increase for office admin/bookkeeper,
        and $9k increase for music leaders & directors
     e Increase for new camera systems
      f Consisent with last year's budget, but adjusted for 6 mos. online
     g Increase benevolence giving from 5% to 6% based on estimated Total Offerings of $306k
     h Estimated cost to replace church roadside signage

Giving Team
2020 has been a very crazy year! Again, Thank You to the congregation for continuing your gen-
erous gifts that make the ministry of Joy Lutheran possible. Stewardship is more than just finan-
cial gifts; it is also the countless ways you as a congregation have given of your time and talent
here at Joy. This last year we have not been able to gather together here at Joy, but we can still
continue our ministry with your contributions both electronic and by mail.
Electronic giving continues to be popular. This year again over 50% of the giving to Joy was elec-
tronic. There are a number of options for ways to give electronically, whether you are making
your regular gift, a memorial, buying an apple pie or making a donation. Some people have used
the kiosk and swipe a credit card to make their gift, (but like any business will tell you, there are
service fees involved in processing the transactions).To avoid these fees, it is easy to set up
electronic transfer from your bank, which you can set up on our webpage (click on giving) or with
a free app called Give+.

   Visit our Joy Lutheran webpage (www.joy-church.org)
   and click on the button for Give Online (www.joy-church.org/wp/donate-online/)
   to set up or modify your electronic giving.
    To install the free Give+ app, download it wherever you get your apps (search for
   “Give Plus Church”) . Once you enter your bank information you will be about give easi-
   ly anytime, anyplace from your phone.

   The church office would be glad to help you with any questions you have

Service Team – 2020 Annual Report
Many acts of kindness and service may go unnoticed but they touch hearts and lives
nonetheless. Pastor Steve and Christy, as well as volunteer members too numerous to count,
serve in many ways, both within the walls of Joy, and in the greater community.
The following are some of the more visible ways Joy has served others. Until the middle of
March Joy was active in all of the following, when we could no longer safely gather in person
service creatively continued.

• Bible Study Leaders: Men’s group continued after March via Zoom
• Sunday School Teachers: Online Sunday School, Shift and Confirmation and virtual
VBS during covid restrictions
• Mom’s study and support group leaders
• Nursery support
• Wednesday Night Suppers- cooks and crews for set up and clean up
• Sunday Muffin Ministry- bakers, coffee makers and cup washers
• Building and grounds maintenance
• Clean up crews
• Youth and adults involved in TEC (Teens Encounter Christ)
• Meals for families during times of illness or loss
• Thrivent Action Teams
• Christmas gift support for families in need.
• Prayer ministry
• Prayer Shawls (scarves, shawls, wraps, blankets, prayer
bears, pocket crosses prayer squares) for those sick, hospital-
ized or hurting in any way.
• Quilt and Card Ministries
• Feed My Starving Children volunteers
• Sharing Caring Hands, meal planning, preparation and serv-
• Prescott Area Food Pantry volunteers and donations
• Worship, parties and visits at the Prescott Nursing Home
• Support for our sister church in Malawi
• Community Garden
• Building, staff and volunteers for funerals and weddings
• ELCA Good Gifts
• Support of Distance Learning: Joy offered quiet spaces with WIFI at Joy where students might
better succeed at virtual learning.
• Calling Tree: volunteers called tried to call every family at Joy to check in during these difficult
time and respond appropriately to need
• Face Masks: Hand made facemasks were sewn and provided to anyone in need of one.
“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the
        darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:10

Respectfully Submitted Your Service Team Member,                   Connie Booth
Worship & Music Team

               2020 Worship & Music Committee Report
Psalm 66: 1-4
Everything on earth, shout with joy to God! Sing about his glory! Make his praise glorious!
Say to God, “Your works are amazing! Because your power is great, your enemies fall before you.
All the earth worships you and sings praises to you. They sing praises to your name.”

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected many aspects of worship this year. Starting in March, we
no longer gathered for in-person worship in the sanctuary. The Easter paint-by-number mural could
not be completed by the congregation and had to be finished by Pastor Steve. Wednesday Lenten,
Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter worship services were all done virtually. It was a very differ-
ent feeling.

Pastor Steve has been very creative in producing weekly online worship services. These are shared
on Facebook and YouTube with links being supplied in the weekly newsletter. He continues to rec-
ord himself in various settings (a classroom, outside, at home, in the sanctuary, and in the down-
stairs worship area) to provide variety to the worship experience. He has used video clips from
“vintage” services to include handbell, choir, and praise band music. He has also skillfully recorded
and combine musicians from the congregation performing songs virtually and even some youth sing-
ing VBS songs. It is truly a blessing to have such a talented pastor at Joy.

Coffee hour between services has been replaced by a “Social Zoom” time on Sunday mornings fol-
lowing the premier release of the worship service on Facebook. It’s not the same but it does help us
stay connected with other members of the congregation.

Summer Wednesday evening worship was done via a “Drive-In” format. Using an FM broadcast
system, we were all able to remain in our cars while watching and listening to Pastor Steve’s mes-
sage. Individual Communion packets with a wafer and juice were delivered to the vehicles.
Attendees were encouraged to honk their “Amen”s.

This fall we opened the sanctuary on Sunday mornings to
those without access to internet and replayed the worship vid-
eo on the TVs in the church.

I would like to thank all who participated in enhancing the wor-
ship services at Joy. It is a blessing to have you share your
talents with the congregation. A special “Thank You” to Pastor
Steve, Pastor Carol Peterson, Pastor Tim Booth, along with all
the members of Spirit of Joy, pianists Joan Schaack and Karen
Lundgaard, director Deanna Roen (choir and bells) and many
other musicians for their dedication to worship and music at

Worship & Music Team Members:
Pastor Steve Meyer, Phyllis Hoffmann, Marcia Lindseth, Joan
Northouse, Lee Northouse, Carol Peterson, Deanna Roen, and
Joan Schaack. Council Liaison - Bobbie Flatz

Respectfully submitted,
Lee Northouse
JWELCA Annual Report
As a community of women, created in the image of God
called to discipleship in Jesus Christ
and empowered by the Holy Spirit
we commit ourselves to grow in faith,
affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings
engage in ministry and action, and
promote healing and wholeness in the church,
the society, and the world.
The words above are the Purpose Statement for the Women of the ELCA, an organization to which all the
women of Joy Lutheran Church belong. This is the purpose of the Joy Women of the ELCA and this is what
guides all our actions and activities. In past years we were involved in many activities that helped us grow in
faith, engage in ministry and action, affirm our gifts as women, and promote healing and wholeness in our
church, the society, and the world. But in 2020, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, our activities were very lim-
ited due to our inability to get together in person. We missed our monthly Bible studies, our weekly Quilting
sessions, our mission projects, our annual Treats and Treasures sale which helped us raise monies for mission
projects and church projects, and our special programs, retreats, and conventions with the women of our St.
Croix Conference and our Northwest Wisconsin Synod.

Before we had to suspend the majority of our activities in 2020, we were able to have our annual Bold Women’s
Sunday at church on February 23, 2020. We celebrated the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women by in-
viting Pastor Annie Ladnier, Pastor at Hope Lutheran Church in River Falls, to be our guest preacher. Thank
you to all the women who participated in this special service.

We also were able to have our monthly Bible Study from January – March when we explored the topic of “We
Are Called.” We looked at stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament to reflect on how our bibli-
cal forebears heard and responded to God’s call, how God is calling us, and how God may be calling others
through us.

Our churchwomen also hosted the annual community ecumenical World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 6.
The service was written by the women of Zimbabwe. People from St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, the United
Church of Christ, and St. John’s United Church of Christ joined people from Joy Lutheran Church to celebrate
this world-wide Day of Prayer. Special thanks to Kelly Poff for providing the African lunch following the service
and for the women of Joy who participated in the service.

Although many activities were suspended, the women of the JWELCA Card Ministry have continued to provide
cards to people who would like to send them to people who are ill, in grief, or who are celebrating a special holi-
day or occasion. The cards are available in the hallway near the church office.

JWELCA has also continued to sponsor a child in Kenya through the “His Arms” orphan ministry. A total of
$360 was sent in 2020 for the support of our child, Sara. This ministry was established by Nancy Rowe, a for-
mer member of Joy.

JWELCA also made the following additional contributions in 2020: $100 to the Prescott Food Pantry, $500 to
Luther Park Camping Program, $280 to the Women of the ELCA, and $135 to Lutheran World Relief for the
shipping of quilts made by our Joyful Quilters.

The Women of Joy Lutheran Church are busy, dedicated, and committed to living out our purpose. We
are blessed to be a community of women growing in faith, affirming our gifts, and supporting one an-
other in our callings as we engage in ministry and action and promote healing and wholeness. We in-
vite ALL women of our church to join us in fulfilling our purpose!

Submitted by JWELCA Steering Committee: Emilie Horken, Marcia Lindseth, Deanna Roen, Kathy Sommer,
Phyllis Hoffmann, Sue Hood, Hope Olson, Cathy Martin, Wilma Timm, Diane Meyer, Chris Stanke, and Mandy

Joy Lutheran Endowment Report
The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to enhance the work of the church by meeting the special
needs or projects of Joy Lutheran Church or the Church at large apart from the general operation of
the congregations.
Our first investment, about 2005, was a total of $16,846.42.
Our goal is to reach $50,000.00 before gifting up to $500.00 each year to a benevolent purpose.
Endowment Balance as of December 31st, 2019
Thrivent                   $ 26,114.75
Edward Jones               $ 7,640.54
Savings                    $     925.98____
TOTAL                      $ 34,681.27
Endowment Balance as of December 31st, 2020
Thrivent                   $ 26,452.99
Edward Jones               $ 7,870.40
Savings                    $ 1,246.29____
TOTAL                      $ 38,569.38
How can YOU give to the Endowment Fund??? Life Insurance, Estate Distribution, Gifts of Real
Estate, Annuities/Securities, Charitable Gifts, Your Bequest in Wills/Trusts= LEGACY

January 2021
     Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson’s
Report to the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

Dear Pastors, Deacons, SAMs, Council Presi-
dents and Lay Leaders of the Northwest Synod
of Wisconsin,
On behalf of the synod council and the synod
ministers, I want to express to you all my deep-
est appreciation and thanks for the hard work
you’ve all done in the last nine months to keep
your congregational members and neighbors
safe during this unprecedented time in history.
You made difficult decisions, adapted your min-           This winter I’ve meet with about 25 church
istry, improvised, experimented, and learned as           councils across our synod for prayer, devo-
fast as you could ways to connect with your               tions and a brief conversation before their
people safely! Thank you for your faithful minis-         regular meeting. During the conversation we
try! You have been done extraordinary creative            talk about the real struggles they have had
ministry even as you have been grieving all the           with the pandemic but we’ve also discussed
losses we’ve experienced this past year. Some             the opportunities that the pandemic has pre-
have lost loved ones who have died from the               sented them. At one of those meetings the
coronavirus. Some are grieving the loss of                congregation’s treasurer talked about how
weekly in-person worship and especially missed            surprised he was that the offering had contin-
celebrating Easter and Christmas together, and            ued to be so strong even though the church
others are grieving the loss of small group Bible         building was essentially closed. He said that
Study, quilting, choirs or Sunday school. The             for him, the opportunity was to learn that the
stress, the fear, the grief, and the pressure to          church wasn’t about the building really at all
return to in-person worship has been exhaust-             it was about so much more, the people and
ing. I know I’m tired of all of this and I’m sure         the people engaged in ministry outside the
you are too. There is hope. There is a vaccine.           walls of the building. Your annual meeting is
                                                          an opportunity to discuss your church’s min-
Soon, friends, we can return to a more normal             istry beyond your building. Everyone is wait-
way of gathering. We must be patient a little             ing for life after the pandemic. What will your
longer and wait for the infection rate to drop and        church’s ministry look like on the other side
for more to receive the vaccine. I’m hosting a            of COVID 19?
synod wide Zoom meeting with Rev. Kerri
Parker, Executive Director of the Wisconsin               A few years ago when I was Director for
Council of Churches on Tuesday, February 2                Evangelical Mission in our synod, I met with
at 10 am to talk about safely returning to in-            church leaders and asked them, “If your
person worship. Please join by clicking this              church building were to burn down tonight
link: https://zoom.us/j/93774999116?                      (God forbid) what would the community, (not
pwd=MEtnWklMcy93OU8zRUMwc25uaFJBZz09                      your church members) miss the most?
Passcode: 970600                                          That question helped start the conversation
                                                          about ministry beyond the walls of the build-
                                                          ing. This pandemic has shown us that we
                                                          can reach out beyond our buildings with
 Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director of the Wis-        online worship services, classes, caring min-
 consin Council of Churches on Tuesday, February          istries, and new ways of meeting the needs
                2 at 10 am ZOOM                           of the hungry and poor. What has your con-
   SAFELY RETURNING TO IN-PERSON                          gregation done beyond the walls of its build-
                   WORSHIP.                               ing for the sake of God’s mission in the world
                                                          before COVID? What might it do now and
                                                          after COVID is a thing of the past? For
                                                          more ideas on how to have this conversation
with your congregation, check out this presenta-
tion I gave to the Lay School in December titled
Blizzard, Winter, Ice Age: Church Leadership              Synod Calendar Dates 2021
during a Pandemic. http://nwswi.org/lay-school-
of-ministry                                               Jan 31 EPIC virtual resources
                                                                 for council training
This year our Synod Assembly will be held on
Zoom on April 17, 2021. The theme is Justice
                                                          Feb 2, 9, 16 Tues Together 10
and Joy: When Justice is done, it is Joy
tothe righteous. Proverbs 21:15 We will have
                                                          Feb. 11 or Feb 13 Leaving a Legacy, Virtual
full day of important work to do together. To
                                                           Workshop with Cynthia Halverson
make good use of our time on April 17 there will
be four hearings to discuss and review the reso-
                                                          Feb 20 Walking Together-Justice League
lutions and other business before the assembly.
These meetings will also be on Zoom on April,
                                                          Feb 27 Synod Council
8. 10, 13, and 15. The resolutions are on Hun-
ger, Racial, Gender, and Environmental Justice.
                                                          April 8, 10, 13, 15 Resolution Hearings
In 2021 the synod’s ministry will intentional-
ly focus on Justice. Beginning January 11 the             April 17 Synod Assembly-Justice and Joy
first group leaders in our synod will engage in a
learning process called Transforming White                To register or for more information about
Privilege (TWP). You are invited to join this             any of these events, please go to
course or the ones that follow to move toward             www.nwswi.org/calendar
greater understanding of racial justice. Registra-
tion information at www.nwswi.org/calendar.

 Thank you for your faithful, prayerful, and financial support of the work that we do together as the
 Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. Thank you for your partnership in ministry, so that the next genera-
 tion will come to know and love Jesus.
 Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson

                 When Justice is done, it is Joy to the righteous. Proverbs 21:15

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