St. George The Voice of - St. George Church
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The Voice of St. George March 2021 St. George Greek Orthodox Church Fresno, CA Rev. Fr. James C. Pappas, Presiding Priest Rev. Fr. Christian Burkhard, Associate Priest John Strzelecki Pastoral Assistant/ Youth Director 2219 N. Orchard Street; Fresno, CA 93703 Office: Phone (559) 233-0397 Fax: (559) 233-0564 Email:
Parish Priests, Staff & Clergy Ministries Through the Grapevine Rev. Fr. James C. Pappas Sunday Re-engagement Duty Schedule for March March 7th: Ramzy Khoury, Cristian Panoff, Cheryl Mehas, George Mehas & Rev. Fr. Christian Burkhard Dee White Staff March 14th: Dio Stefanopoulos, Daniel Booras, Jim Hawe, Marcus Estabrook Pastoral Assistant/ Youth Director & Kara Zografos John Strzelecki March 21st: Peter Vallis, Marc Archon, Alex Carter, Semhar Gebregziagher, Office Administrator Mina Lighthall & Vasili Sotiropulos Kristin Criado: March 28th: Ramzy Khoury, Cristian Panoff, Cheryl Mehas, George Mehas & Parish Council Dee White Peter Vallis- President Ashley Hyatt-Vice-President We Are Here For You Amanda Sopp – Secretary We are aware that there is a new normal when it comes to church attendance. Michael Osborn- Treasurer By going online, we have actually increased our viewership of services exponen- Dio Stefanopoulos- Past President Advisor tially. We have also enjoyed more people attending our chats and bible studies Mark Archon, Marean Bechara, Dan- virtually. Our priests and staff are always available to you when you have need. iel Booras, Alex Carter, Ramzy We sincerely hope that you will continue to remember your beloved parish Khoury, Cristian Panoff & Elena through your stewardship offerings. You can continue to mail in your steward- Stefanopoulos ship to the church office (2219 N. Orchard St.; Fresno, CA 93703), or make a donation on our church website via PayPal. Athena Philoptochos Society Elaine Sotiropulos Light a Candle Bookstore If you would like us to light a candle in the church for you, Cindi Boukidis &Madelyn Jones please contact the church office at, or (559) 233-0397. Choir Themis Michailides Chats, Bible Studies and More! St. George Church is offering a wide variety of online options. We invite you Men’s Group Fr. Jim Pappas & to join one of our chats or bible studies on Zoom. Check the calendar, and for Fr. Christian Burkhard dates and times. To join one of our chats or bible studies go to the following link and entering the meeting ID and password. Coffee Hour Coordinator Pam Sopp (209) 986-5273 pwd=ellhR3NZTkorN0tHTGRpcHRKLzgvdz09 Join by phone: (669)900-9128 Meeting ID: 261 968 467 Password: 646251 St. George Outreach Ministry Eve Taylor & Fr. Christian Burkhard Live Streaming Church Services St. George Dance Ministries St. George is live streaming all of our church services on Facebook Live. Bassel Khoury, Alexi Archon and Go to Melina Kazanjian to watch services live. DOP/Maids of Athena Condolences To: Evelyn T. Boosalis & Lia Forakis To the family of Theo Stratigos, who has fallen asleep in the Lord. AHEPA/Sons of Pericles May his memory be eternal. Nick Tousounis & Ioannis Kokkinidis Memorials in March AHEPA Church Guild March 21th: Theodore Stratigos, 40-days 2 S. Michael Makredes May his memory be eternal.
Celebrations Congratulations to Aris and Sabrina Tsikoudakis on the birth of their daughter, Maria Adelina who was born in November. Congratulations to Colter and Demetria Miller on the birth of their son, Harrison James who was born in November. Congratulations to Nick and Caitlan Mehas on the birth of their son, Deacon James who was born in December. Happy Birthday to Elaine Sotiropulos who celebrated her birthday in February. If you, or someone you know, is celebrating a birthday, anniversary, a new born baby, etc., please let Kristin in the church office know (559-233-0397, We would love to share your happy news in the newsletter. Yiayia’s* Food for the Soul The parish ministry team consisting of the Clergy and the Parish Council, invite the church members to share uplifting stories to show how God has blessed you, even during these times of uncertainty. As difficult as this past year has been, we have all experienced signs of hope and found ways to have fun and shared laughter. Thus, we invite you to send your short stories to the church office by email,, to be added to our new Newsletter column called, “Yiayia’s* Food for the Soul”. After all, a Yiayia knows best when it comes to sharing mirth, merriment and love. * Yiayia is Greek for Grandma. St. George Scholarships Applications for the 2021 Dr. Peter Scamagas Memorial Scholarship and the Athanasia Harris Memorial Scholar- ship will be available soon. Check upcoming Sunday bulletins and the parish website ( for more information. *St. George awards scholarships to deserving students who have chosen to further their education by attending a community college, university or trade school. Please contact the church office if you would like to support these members of our parish family by donating to the St. George scholarship fund. Daughter of Penelope Scholarship DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE 2021 Scholarship applications are now available. Application deadline is April 1. 2021. This year the scholarships include 6 undergraduates, 2 graduates, and 1 re-entry continuing educa- tion. All but 2 of these 9 scholarships are available to QUALIFIED FEMALE AND MALE STU- DENTS. The applicant must have a mother or grandmother who has been a member of the DOP Golden Gate District 21 in good standing for a minimum of two years before the application year (having attended at least 2 meetings during the fiscal year), OR is the daughter, granddaughter ,son or grandson of Golden Gate District 21 Ahepan in good standing for a minimum of 2 years and has attended at least 2 meetings during the fiscal year. Please contact Madelyn Jones for an application or if you have any questions. 3
Greek Fest TO-GO March 13th We've set bi-monthly dates for our hot meal series, and we're excited to kick off the season with our first hot meal on Saturday, March 13th. Go to: to place your order for the March 13th event. The menu will include: Roast Lamb Shank ($19) or Moussaka ($15), both include Rice Pilaf and Green beans. Also avail- able, Frozen Chicken Souvlaki, 10 marinated skewers in a cryovac pack - $25 and Baklava variety 4- pack (Walnut, Pistachio, Almond, Chocolate Chip) - $12. Greek Fest TO-Go Series Save The Date Save the date for our bi-monthly Saturday full meal series! - March 13 - May 22 - July 17 - September 18 - November 13 St. George Virtual Coffee Hour Join us this Sunday for St. George Virtual Coffee Hour at 11:15am. Virtual Coffee Hour is structured to allow participants to visit and enjoy the company of others. To join, click the following link and enter the meeting ID & password. The Virtual Coffee Hour will be open for 40 minutes. You can also join using your telephone. Dial the following phone number and enter the meeting ID and pass- word when prompted. Dial: (669)900-9128 Meeting ID: 822 8140 7940 Passcode: 867876 4
Time for a Check Up Now you have observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness. 2 Timothy 3: 10 (Epistle on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee) Depending on what kind of car you drive, every 3,000-5,000 miles you need to take it in for an oil change. I remember an OLD commercial where a car dealership advertised a 19-point inspection for $19. Yes, that had to have been a long time ago! I remember going to the car dealership and the mechanic looking at his checklist of the 19 points and telling me how my car checked out-a little low on brake fluid, tire pressure good, etc. The period of the Triodion, which began on February 21st, is a time for us to evaluate ourselves on a spiritual scale. Saint Paul, in his Epistle to Timothy, offers us a good "seven-point inspection" of our spiritual lives. So, as an exercise, take a few moments and evalu- ate yourself on these seven points. Perhaps even a scale of 1 to 10, rate how you are doing: My teaching - what kind of Christian example are you setting for others? Whether you actively are "teaching" about Christ verbally, we all "teach" by example. What kind of example of Christianity are you modeling for your "students" - your spouse, children, friends, and anyone else you encounter on a regular basis? My faith - I'm now a year older than I was last year when we celebrated Pascha. Has my faith grown in the past year? Am I excited about my faith? Or stagnant? My patience - this sin trips up most people on a daily basis. How is your patience on a daily basis? In control? Easily lost? My love - Every commandment that God ever gave us comes under the umbrella of "love." Fear, anger, lust, sadness, all of these things are the antithesis of love. Joy, chastity, confidence and gratitude are all manifestations of love. Which set of words describes your life vest at present: fear, anger, blessed, and sadness, or joy, chastity, confidence, and gratitude? My steadfastness - The journey of life, for most of us thankfully, is long. Along the way, we go through periods of joy and confi- dence. This is true for life in general and also for faith. There are times we feel we are getting ahead, other times when I feel like we are falling behind, and other times we are just standing still. IF YOU'RE READING THIS MESSAGE, give yourself at least a FIVE for steadfastness. Steadfastness is being in the game, showing up to play. It doesn't necessarily mean winning! Going back to the example of the 19-point car inspection, once the inspection is complete, a diagnosis is made. Then the work is done to correct the problem. Finally, the car owner leaves happy that his or her car is in good working condition. Triodion, this period of preparation for Lent, is a period of inspection of our relationship with Christ, with our spiritual life. Lent is the period where we correct the problem, so that on Pascha, we can reclaim our full sense of joy, knowing that our hearts and souls are in good working condition. Start evaluating, and the evaluation is not good, don't despair. That's why we have this period of time on our calendar each year, to repair and renew. The most important thing in any evaluation is honesty. So, make an honest evaluation of yourself. Look at the end result of the process: a fully repaired you. Then start to tackle the work in between. The Pharisee, who justified himself by boasting about his works, O Lord, You condemned; but You justified the Publican who was modest, and who with sighs prayed for expiation. For You do not accept boastful thoughts, but hearts that are contrite You do not despise. Therefore we, too, in humility fall down before You, who suffered for us. Grant us absolution and great mercy. Doxastikon from the Orthros of the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee, Trans by Fr. Seraphim Dedes Make an evaluation today! Written by: Father Stavros N. Akrotirianakis Publish online at: 5 © Photo source:
The Athena Philoptochos Society One year ago, we were planning our Kids ‘n Cancer Luncheon, which ended up being the first canceled event at Church due to the pandemic. I doubt that any of us expected we would still be on hold a year later! We are grateful that we can now attend Church inside and look forward to a safer time ahead. Membership! Last Call! If you want to be a 2020-2021 member, please submit your $40 membership to Cin- di Boukidis or Mia Papangellin before March 15th. Even if we cannot meet in person, we are still a united group, meeting virtually and crafting separately! We thank all who participated in our “Heart-Felt” craft. The completed hearts were given to Father Jim to pass out on his visitations. For a little welcome nostalgia, we are including a photo from 2020 when we gathered for our most recent pho- to. We look forward to taking another, soon! “Heart-Felt” 6
Saturday of the Souls 1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the Souls Please submit the names of your dearly departed to be March 6, 13, and 20, 2021 commemorated on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Saturday of the Souls on March 6, 13, and 20, 2021 The body of the Christian is the temple of the living God. For this reason, it is laid to rest in the grave as a candidate to resurrection. FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL Christian burial places are called in Greek “Koimeteria” (cemetery) which means ‘sleeping places.’ For NAMES: the Christian, death is but a sleep, and bodies laid to rest in a cemetery are merely sleeping, in the expectation of a resurrec- _____________________________________ tion in another life. Saint John Chrysostom tells us the dead are not so much to be _____________________________________ lamented as helped with prayer, supplications, alms and offer- ings. Such things were not designed in vain, nor is it without _____________________________________ reason that, in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, we men- tion the dead, interceding for them with Christ the Lamb who _____________________________________ is slain to take away the sins of the world. From all this, some consolation will go up to them. Neither is it in vain that the _____________________________________ priest, standing at the altar during the celebration of the Di- vine Liturgy, Prays: “We offer You this sacrifice for all who _____________________________________ are asleep in Christ and all who make commemorations in their honor…” “Let us then not grow weary of helping them _____________________________________ and praying for them.” Another purpose of prayers for the departed is to lead the liv- _____________________________________ ing to virtue and holiness by reminding us of death and pre- paring us for it. Most of the hymns of the Funeral Service _____________________________________ point out that earthly comforts, beauty, riches, health and power , are God-given favors that should help us get ready for _____________________________________ better and more permanent treasures still to come. _____________________________________ From the early days of Christianity these offerings were brought to the Church by the faithful for the celebration of _____________________________________ the Divine Liturgy. _____________________________________ Our Church uses the “kolyva” because it is an expression of the resurrection. As wheat is planted (buried) and grows (rises from the ground), so also our dead, who are buried, will _____________________________________ rise in glory. _____________________________________ It must be remembered that the position of the primary im- portance is not held by the “kolyva’, but by the “prosforo”, _____________________________________ the kolyva are secondary. The purpose of the mnemosyno is most closely associated with the Holy Eucharist, which is pre- _____________________________________ pared from the bread of oblation you bring to the Church. *You can drop your list off on Sunday or return it to the We also need a clean heart because the mnemosyno is primari- church office by mail (2219 N. Orchard St. Fresno, CA ly a prayer. If we who ask for the mnemosyno do not have a 93703), email (, or fax (559-233- good relationship with God, we should quickly correct our 0564) . Click HERE to submit electronically through an error through repentance and confession, and only then can 8 online form. we attempt to have “memorial prayers” for others.
Lenten Challenge 2021 Love @ Lent Each year we have invited our community to participate in a Lenten challenge. The challenges have always been designed to encourage faith and growth in Christ in unique, fun and extraordinary ways. This year’s challenge will be no different. It will instill in us ways to “Love at Lent”. This love can be shared regardless of age. We hope that this love can be extended not only within our natural families, but also our spiritual family of St. George. We will utilize the “Love at Lent” activities designed by Presvytera Michelle Bonanno Triant. Stay tuned for our weekly updates and challenges coming the first week of Lent, starting on Clean Monday, Kathara Theftera, March 15th. St. George Bookstore Now Available Lent and Holy Week Books Available in the Bookstore: Lent: Great Lent: Journey to Pascha by Alexander Schmemann. In this book, Schmemann draws on the Church's sacramental and liturgical tradition to suggest the meaning of Lent in our life. Please contact the church office at 559-233-0397 or, if you would like to purchase a copy for $16.18 (tax included). Contactless pickup available. Holy Week: Holy Week-Easter service book published by Patmos Press. This book contains all of the ser- vices from Palm Sunday to Pascha. Please contact the church office at 559-233-0397 or, if you would like to purchase a copy for $26.99 (tax included). Contactless pickup available. Also available in the Bookstore, the 2021 Icon Calendar. for $16.18 (tax included). Please contact the church office at 559-233-0397 or, if you would like to purchase a calendar for $16.18 (tax included). Contactless pickup available. Contact he church office for de- tails. Stock the Pantry The bookstore is providing a "no contact" way for parishioners to stock their pantries. Order forms are locat- ed on page 22. Once you have marked the items you would like to order, fill in your name, phone number and e-mail at the top of the page. Then, mail the order form with your check to the church office. Checks should be made out to: St. George Greek Orthodox Church. On the memo line write: Bookstore Mailing Address: "Stock the Pantry" C/O St. George Greek Orthodox Church 2219 N. Orchard Street Fresno, CA 93703 *No Contact Pickup: All orders are prepaid. Your order will be processed once we receive your order form & payment. Orders will be bagged, marked with your name and left on racks inside the reception area of the church office. We will contact you when your order is ready. Masks are required when you come to the 9 church office.
The Proper Ways to Fast During Great Lent If one really wants to FAST, he/she must avoid sin! The true spiritual fast is a fast from bad thoughts, words and deeds! All people have weaknesses and are “prone” to sin. Thus, if we practice a physical fast (from food), we train ourselves for spiritual fasting. Even the terminology we use to explain fasting is a mis- nomer, why? Because not eating certain foods is actually called abstention. To fast means not to eat or drink anything. Thus, we abstain from foods during certain periods and we fast be-fore we receive Holy Com- munion. May I offer to you these following guide-lines for fasting: 1. Try to do the best you can without condemning your fellow man. 2. Read the suggested “degrees of fasting” list below and select one which you believe you can accomplish. Then try to do a bit more than that. During each “fasting” period, try to “upgrade” your previous “degree of fasting” until you reach a level which inspires you to seek a higher spiritual degree of fasting. In addition, strict abstinence is not allowed on Saturday or Sunday. These two days are considered Church Feast Days. (Saturday is the 7th day of Creation the Day of Rest; Sunday is the Day of Resurrection). The only exception is Holy Saturday which an- ticipates the Resurrection and is a strict fast day. To properly abstain, use one of these suggested guidelines: THE MINIMUM DEGREE: The first week of Lent – abstain from meat. On all Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent – abstain from meat. Holy Week – abstain from meat, fish, dairy products (this includes milk, eggs, butter, etc.) oil and wine – including Holy Saturday. LIGHT DEGREE: The first week of Lent – abstain from meat, fish and dairy products On all Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent – abstain from meat. Holy Week – abstain from meat, fish, dairy products (this includes milk, eggs, butter, etc.) oil and wine – including ALL DAY Holy Saturday. MODERATE DEGREE: The first week of Lent – abstain from meat, fish, dairy products (this includes milk, eggs, butter etc.) oil and wine. On all Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent – abstain from meat, fish, and dairy products. Mid-Lent – abstain from meat all week Holy Week – abstain from meat, fish, dairy products (this includes milk, eggs, butter, etc.) oil and wine – including ALL DAY Holy Week. CONSERVATIVE DEGREE: The first week of Lent – abstain from meat, fish and dairy products. During Lent – abstain from meat, fish and dairy products. Holy Week – abstain from meat, fish and dairy products (this includes milk, eggs, butter, etc.) oil and wine – including ALL DAY Holy Saturday. STRICT DEGREE: The first week of Lent – abstain from meat, fish, oil, wine and dairy products. All during Lent – abstain from meat, fish, dairy products, oil and wine. Holy Week – abstain from meat, fish, dairy products (this includes milk, eggs, but- ter, etc.) oil and wine – including ALL DAY Holy Saturday. CANONICAL DEGREE: The first week of Lent – all during Lent and Holy Week, a glass of water and “morsel” of bread each day. (This is a strict degree normally done by some monastics or hermits). Fasting Note: Even the strictest fast should be broken on March 25th (Annunciation) and Palm Sunday – Fish is allowed. Please do your best, without judging either yourself or others. In all cases, spend more time in PRAYER, by at- tending the Lenten services and by giving more attention to private prayer. MEDITATE on God’s love for you – and how you can return that love to God through serving your fellow man. Partake often of the HOLY SACRA- MENTS. Read your BIBLE as well as some spiritually inspiring readings of our CHURCH FATHERS such as St. Basil, St. Athanasius, St. John Chrysostom, etc. GIVE to those less fortunate. OFFER more to your Church. Turn off the TV and share that time with your family. Use MOD-ERATION in food, drink, and social engagements. JUDGE not, rather HUMBLY seek to REPENT – CHANGE and to RE-TURN to the path of Righteousness which your soul continually seeks each day. NOTE: Persons who are ill, pregnant, nursing, on prescribed diets or have other valid reasons, are exempted from fasts which could harm their health. When fish is mentioned, it refers to blood fish only. Shellfish is 10 permitted at all times during a strict abstention because it is bloodless. May you have a blessed and spiritually in- spiring Lent.
Flowers for Lent and Pascha (Resurrection) It’s that time of year again. If you would like to show your appreciation and love to our Lord and Savior, here is a list of flowers needed for the Church. Miscellaneous Monetary donations are welcome. 3rd Sunday of Lent: Holy Wednesday: Mystical Supper Icon—$75 Flowers to be passed out for the Sunday of the Holy Cross- $75.00 Holy Thursday: To be used from the Crucifixion services through Holy Saturday (1st Resurrection) 5 Fridays Supplication to the Virgin Mary: 12 Candles for Holy Thursday- $75– Donated $50.00 for each Friday Holy Cross $75- Charcoal- $25 Wreath for Cross-$175-Donated Palms for Palm Sunday: Crucifixion Icon- $55 $80.00 Holy Friday: All Holy Friday flowers have been donated. Palm Sunday: To be used until Holy Thursday 2 Altar Cones- $45 ea. Holy Saturday: To be used for the Resurrection and Agape 2 Narthex- $45 ea. services. 2 Candelabras-$70 ea. 2 Candelabras $70 each - 4 Floral arrangements for Icon Screen - $70 ea. Icon of the Bridegroom: To be used from Sunday even- 2 Altar Cones $45 each ing until Holy Wed. 1 Resurrection Icon $55 Morning- $125 1 Resurrection Banner $55 3 Paschal Candles $100 2 Narthex $45 ea. 11
Our Archdiocese is once again holding the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. Named after St. John Chrysostom, a renowned 4th c. bishop and orator, this festival is a speech competition at the parish, metropolis and Archdiocesan level. This year’s theme is “SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE” (Eph. 4:15). Any St. George sixth through twelfth graders can participate by writing a speech on any one of the following topics. They must submit a video of themselves delivering the speech by March 26th and our parish judges will pass this on the Metropolis level. Don’t worry though! At St. George, we will have coaching sessions for both speech writing and public speaking. Stay tuned for more information. Picture: St. John For more information about the festival, go to Chrysostom (“the Please contact John at Golden Mouth”) if you are interested in participating. THE TOPICS Junior Division (Grades 7–9) Senior Division (Grades 10–12) (Minimum 3 minutes, Maximum 4 minutes) (Minimum 4 minutes, Maximum 5 minutes) 1. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of watching a 1. During the stay at home period of the pandemic, Orthodox church service that is live streamed. Christians had to find ways to practice their faith without attend- ing church in person or participating in parish activities. Discuss 2. Prayer is called a “conversation with God.” Discuss the what you learned during those days. meaning of prayer in your life. 2. In July 2020, a Turkish court gave permission for Hagia So- 3. During the pandemic, people noticed that our natural en- phia to be converted from a museum into a mosque. Discuss the vironment became cleaner. What can this teach us about our significance of Hagia Sophia in the history of Christianity and the care for the natural world? power of monuments like it to inspire religious identity. 4. Why is the Church still relevant, especially for young peo- 3. We live in a highly polarized society – left vs. right, personal ple, in our increasingly secular, post-COVID world? liberty vs. common good, and other issues where it seems every- thing is politicized. How are we as Orthodox Christians called to 5. Choose one parable from the Gospel of Luke chapters 15 navigate this environment? or 16 that is particularly meaningful to you and explain what we can learn from it. 4. St. Peter writes, “Live as free men, yet without using your free- dom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16). What is freedom and how does it become a basis for being a servant? 5. In the Psalms we read, “If you, Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with you.” (Psalm 130:3-4, NRSV). Discuss how an Orthodox Christian under- stands sin, forgiveness, mercy, and repentance. 12
Join us every Sunday following Divine Liturgy as we discuss the book by C.S. Lewis, Out of the Silent Planet. 13 March 3, 2021 14
Thursdays, March 25th and April 15th A Ministry of St. George Church Zoom Login Info: 15 Meeting ID: 261 968 467 Password: 646251
“A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven” Orthodox Christian Stewardship Program St. George Greek Orthodox Church 2219 N. Orchard Street; Fresno, CA 93703 559 233-0397 This past year has brought unforeseen challenges for everyone. In spite of these challenges, our Commu- nity is at a point of strong, positive growth. This time has also given us an opportunity for change. A change to allow us to work together to grow our community instead of simply sustaining it. It’s time to fully invest in ourselves today– for the future by become a Financial Steward of St. George Church in 2021. Become a Financial Steward of St. George Church: • Fill out a confidential 2021 Stewardship Commitment Form* and return it to the church of- fice. Fulfill your stewardship commitment in numerous ways: • Setup automatic monthly payments to be mailed from your bank to the church. (Mailing Ad- dress: 2219 N. Orchard St.; Fresno, CA 93703) • Make a one time Stewardship payment or setup automatic monthly payments with your credit card through the church website: • Mail monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual stewardship checks to the church office. (Mailing Address: 2219 N. Orchard St.; Fresno, CA 93703) • Place monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual stewardship checks in the Sunday offering tray. As highlighted in our 2021 annual budget, if the families that were Financial Stewards last year increased the average commitment to $2,330 per family, per year, we would fulfill the financial obligations of our church, freeing us from relying on the Food Festival to cover operating expenses. *Commitment forms are located in the monthly newsletter and on the parish website: **Copies of Vision 100 are available on our website at: plan. 16
“A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven” Orthodox Christian Stewardship Program St. George Greek Orthodox Church 2219 N. Orchard Street Fresno, CA 93703 559 233-0397 2021 Confidential Stewardship Commitment Form Please return your completed form to the church office (2219 N. Orchard St. Fresno, CA 93703). Did you know that out of the 400+ families to which our church ministers, only 220 families are stewards? Of those 220 families, 82 fam- ilies give less than $500 per year. If each of these 220 families gave at least $2,330 per year, we would be able to fulfill the financial obliga- tions of our church. This would free up income from fundraisers, like the Food Festival, to use on property improvements and future growth. We ask that if God has blessed you with the means, please consider giving at least $2,330 per year in stewardship. If you already give at least $2,330 per year, we ask that you consider increasing your stewardship by 10% for 2021. No matter what you are financially able to give, you are a valued parishioner of St. George Church. In gratitude and thanksgiving for God’s blessings, I/we offer Him through His Church the following Annual Tithe An annual amount of: _____$2,330 _____$2,700 _____$3,000 _____$3,600 _____$4,800 Other:_________ 1953 ($194/mo) ($225/mo) ($250/mo) ($300/mo) ($400/mo) Name: (first/last) ________________________________Cell Phone: _________________Home Phone: _____________ Spouse: (first/last) ____________________________Cell Phone: ______________ Email_________________________ Email ________________________ Address: _________________________________________________City/State: _________________ Zip: _________ Please fill out the information below if you would like to make your stewardship donation using your credit card., and would like our office to setup the donation(s). You can also go to our website to setup automatic stewardship donations. Name on card:__________________________________________________________ Card number: __________________________________ Expires: ________________ CSC#: __________ Billing address:_________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________ (Required for credit card donations) Monthly amount: _____________ Or One time donation amount:_____________ I hereby authorize St. George Greek Orthodox Church to debit the above amount, per instructions, from my credit/debit card. Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________ Office Use Only: Code 1953 See for options on how to give and, to make a one time pledge or setup monthly contributions via credit card or Pay Pal. 17
Thank you to the following who have donated to the Stewardship program in 2021. Steve & Fotini Alfieris Rick & Gina Kazajian Nathan & Alexis (Rau) Jones Mike & Kathy Angelos Christine Kelsey Pete J. & Dora Rokas Tony & Marie Antoniou Ramzi & Ellie Khachadourian Katina Scamagas Joan Arabatzis Raed & Karen Khoury Kay Schlotthauer Mark & Holly Archon Ramzy & Doris Khoury Robert & Helen Sexton Vi Archon Tony & Melissa Kokalis Jr. Patty Simonian Alex & Georgianne Aretakis Adolphe & Shahira Korkis Charles & Cathy Snow Christine Bagetakos Elaine Kourafas Amanda Sopp Fotis & Elisa Bilios Mina Lighthall Ernie & Pam Sopp Danny & Amalia Booras Nick & Jennifer Linneman Melissa Sopp Alexander T. Borgeas Nicki Livanis Kopi & Elaine Sotiropulos Kelly Bottcher Elaine Long Rhoda Sperling Jim & Cindi Boukidis Dionissios Magulas & Demetria Papoulias Bessie Stalis Georgia Brandon Christopher Makredes George & Rachel Stalis Steve & Penny Buck Dr. Constantine & Voula Makredes Yannis & Alicia Stavropoulos Michael & Lorraine Bukilica Mike & Tiffany Makredes Dio & Katie Stefanopoulos Shirley Bundros S. Michael & Phyllis Makredes Elena Stefanopoulos Rev. Fr. Christian & Sylvia Marks Spero & Lauren Stefanopoulos Pres. Maria Burkhard Gloria Mas Tom & Peggy Stefanopoulos Dave & Cheryl Burkhard Gregory & Dorie (Sexton) Mas John Strezelecki Tulla Chrisman Michael & Alice McClelland Dan & Eve Taylor Alina Contreras Michael & Carre McDonough Marcia Taylor Marie Papulias Cook Alexandra McGrady Saki & Angelica Terlikas Ed & Ann Crossman Demi Mehas Peter & Demetria Vallis John & Marina Crowe George & Cheryl Mehas Alexandra Valos & James Deal Ziad Dagher & Fairoz Moussa Paul Michaelides Rachila Vorobchevici Evangelos Demestihas Phillip Michaelides in m/o Carl Waddle Tom & Elaine Dorlis Faye Michaelides Ben & Clio Weber Andrew & Sara Duffek Cris & Amanda Moradian Brandon Weis & Ashley Hyatt Aaron & Elena Edwards Jim & Georgia Moran William & Georgeanne White Marcus Estabrook & Kara Zografos Christina Naswari Michael & Georgette Winton Bill & Rebecca Farray Allen & Karen Nassar Mark & Ellen Woldshorndl Nora George Peter & Arlin Nassar Stavroula Xenos George & Dorothea Gianopulos Sami & Tania Nassar James & Tracy Zografos Art & Christine Gonos Dr. Ted & Aida Nassar Nickie Zografos Jasen & Ashley Gorden Janet Natsues Duke Matthew & Julie Zoolakis Thomas & Darlene Goumas Nicholas E. Nomicos Anonymous Donors Alexander & Kristin Guirguis Christopher & Stacy Pacheco Harry G. Harris Penny Pacheco Jim Hawe Dean Paleologos Demtri & Melissa Henry Dennis Pantazatos & Eletheria Mavri Tom & Irma Hill Mary Jane Papadopoulos Tom & Angie Hyatt George & Mia Papangellin Bob & Madelyn Jones George & Barbara Pappas Zoe Kaffen Rev. Fr. James C. & Husam & Najwa Kaileh Pres. Donna Pappas Tom & Katie Kallos Patricia Papulias As of 2/23/21 Andione Karastathas Alice Ramirez 18
The Build 100 The Build 100 project is part of our vision for Saint George for the next century, offering a place for the communi- ty at large to congregate and share in our faith and fellowship. We undertake this mission with respect and rev- erence for the history of the Saint George community, and excitement for the opportunity to keep this communi- ty thriving into the next century of our parish. For more information we invite you to check out the New Social Hall Modernization webpage at: We hope you find it as a useful tool. Should you have questions, please email the church office, Join the Pledge The Saint George community calls on donors like you to support the New Community Center vision. No donation is too big or too small. Become a Centurion, Hoplite, or Legionary and make a pledge that lasts. These special donors pledge to support the New Community Center vision for 10 years to ensure this vision become a reality. Annual pledges (payable monthly, quarterly, or yearly): Centurion $5,000.00, Hoplite $2,500.00 and Legionary $1,000.00. Centurions, Hoplites or Legionaries receive exclusive benefits for their pledges. Contact for more information and to Join the Pledge. St. George Centurions, Hoplites and Legionaries We gratefully acknowledge the following people who have Joined the Pledge 9,000,000 by committing to one of the three following levels. Centurions Hoplites Alexi and Megan Antoniou Dee White Helen Piperis Kopi and Elaine Sotiropulos Legionaries Jim & Georgia Moran Anonymous Donor Anonymous Donor Anonymous Donor We invite you to continue to maintain your support not only through your ongoing gener- ous financial contributions, but also by encouraging your friends, colleagues, and others in $360,000 the community to help make this vision a reality. Pledged As we continue to receive pledges for The Build 100, we will update the Pledge Thermometer. The St. George community thanks you for your generosity. 19
March 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chat with the Chat with the Bible Study 1st Saturday of Lowerarchs at Lowerarchs at 9:30am the Souls– Or- 3:00pm 3:00pm thros 9:00am and Divine Lit- High School urgy at 9:45am Program at 6:30pm 7 Orthros at 8 Chat with the 9 Oratorical 10 11 Bible Study 12 13 2nd Sat. of 8:30am, DL at Lowerarchs at Coaching Chat with the 9:30am the Souls– Or- 9:30am 3:00pm 4:00pm- Lowerarchs at thros 9am, Di- PreK-2nd Activi- High School 6:00pm 3:00pm Married Couples vine Liturgy at ty 11:00am Program at Spring Series 9:45am Metropolis Len- 6:30pm Jr. High Part 1: “How ten Program Philoptochos Couples stay 12:30pm PreK- Zoom Mtg at Hangout Connected” 8th; 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 12pm-6pm 14 Orthros at 15 16 17 Confessions 18 19 20 8:30am, DL at Lent Begins by appointment Bible Study Presanctified at 3rd Sat. of the 9:30am only (3-4:30pm) 9:30am 9:00am Souls– Orthros Metropolis Len- Great Compline Chat with the 9am, Divine Lit- ten Program at 10:00am PC Meeting at Lowerarchs at Greek Fest urgy at 9:45am 12:30pm PreK- 6:30pm 3pm Meeting at Salutations at 8th Time Change Presanctified 6:30pm 6:30pm “Spring Forward” 6:00pm 21 Orthros at 22 23 24 Confessions 25 Annuncia- 26 27 8:30am, DL at Chat with the Oratorical by appointment tion of the The- Presanctified at 9:30am Lowerarchs at Coaching only (3-4:30pm) otokos– Orthros 9:00am PreK-2nd Activi- 3:00pm 4:00pm- Chat with the 9:00am and Di- ty 11:00am 6:00pm Lowerarchs at vine Liturgy Metropolis Len- High School 3pm 9:45am Salutations at ten Program 12:30pm PreK- Program at Presanctified 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:00pm Men’s Group 8th 7:00pm 28 Orthros at 29 30 31 Confessions 8:30am, DL at Chat with the by appointment Don’t forget 9:30am Lowerarchs at only (3-4:30pm) that Daylight 3:00pm Chat with the Savings ends on Metropolis Len- Lowerarchs at Sunday, March ten Program High School 3pm 14th. 12:30pm PreK- Turn your 8th Program at Presanctified 6:30pm 6:00pm clocks forward 1 hour. 20 St. George Greek Orthodox Church 559-233-0397
April 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Bible Study 2 3 9:30am Presanctified at 9:00am Salutations at 6:30pm 4 Orthros at 5 Chat with the 6 7 Confessions by 8 Bible Study 9 10 8:30am, DL at Lowerarchs at appointment 9:30am Presanctified at 9:30am 3:00pm only (3-4:30pm) 9:00am PreK-2nd Activity Chat with the Married Couples 11:00am High School Lowerarchs at Spring Series Part Metropolis Lenten 2: “One Fight, Program at 3pm Salutations at Program 12:30pm Two Winners” PreK-8th 6:30pm Presanctified 6:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 11 12 Chat with the 13 14 Confessions 15 16 17 Orthros at Lowerarchs at by appointment Presanctified at 8:30am, DL at 3:00pm only (3-4:30pm) Bible Study 9:00am 9:30am High School Jr. High Chat with the 9:30am Metropolis Clergy Laity (Zoom) Program at Hangout Lowerarchs at Metropolis Lenten 6:30pm 6:30pm 3pm Men’s Group Salutations at Program 12:30pm Philoptochos Presanctified 7:00pm 6:30pm PreK-8th Zoom Mtg at 6:00pm 6:30pm 18 Orthros at 19 Chat with the 20 21 Confessions 22 Bible Study 23 24 8:30am, DL at Lowerarchs at by appointment 9:30am Presanctified at 9:30am 3:00pm only (3-4:30pm) 9:00am PreK-2nd Activity Chat with the 11:00am High School Lowerarchs at Metropolis Lenten Program at 3pm Program 12:30pm PreK-8th 6:30pm Presanctified 6:00pm 25 Palm Sunday 26 Presanctified 27 Presanctified 28 Presanctified 29 Vesperal Lit- 30 Royal Hours Orthros at 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am urgy at St. Basil 9:00am 8:30am, DL at Confessions by Confessions by 9:00am Holy Friday Re- 9:30am appointment appointment Holy Unction treat TBA Metropolis Lenten only (3:00- only (3:00- 3:00pm Crucifixion Ser- Burial Service Program 12:30pm 5:00pm) 5:00pm) vice at 6:30pm 3:00pm PreK-8th Bridegroom Bridegroom Bridegroom Bridegroom Ser- 6:30pm Lamentations 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30p vice at 6:30pm Holy Week 21 St. George Greek Orthodox Church 559-233-0397
St. George– Stock the Pantry Order Form NAME: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: Items Price Quantity Total Cost Notes Canned Goods Beans Gigante (canned) $3.50 Dolmas $4.50 Coffee & Nescafe Coffee-Bravo lrge. $11.00 Coffee (grn) lrge. $11.00 Nescafe lrge. $11.50 Nescafe (decaf) lrge. $13.00 Olive Oil & Olives Mani Olive Oil-Extra Virgin 3 liter $25.00 Olives-2 kilo Organic Kalamata Olives $40.00 Olives-Deli Cup Kalamata Whole $4.00 Pasta Orzo $3.00 Macaroni No2 (for pastichio) $3.50 Macaroni No 5 (spaghetti) $3.50 Macarona-Hilopites $4.00 Seasoning & Herbs Greek Seasoning No MSG $6.00 Oregano $7.00 Sea Salt $4.00 Rusks & Toasts Rusks- Rye dark $7.00 Rusk-Barley w/olive oil $6.00 Rusks-Mini Wheat with Olive $5.00 Oil Rusks- Goldies $5.00 Something Sweet Square break apart bars. Circle flavor wanted. Milk/ Chocolate-Bar $3.00 Almond/Hazlenut Chocolate-Caprice $6.00 Cookies-Banana $3.00 Cookies-Cocoa $3.00 Cookies-Lemon $3.00 Cookies-Strawberry $3.00 Honey 1lb $15.00 Halva Cocoa $7.00 Miranda $3.00 Nougat-soft $2.00 Out of Stock Ouzo Candy in bags of 12ct $2.00 Quzo Candy 2.5 lb bag $22.00 Pre-Order Only Preserves-Cherry (sour) $8.00 Preserves-Orange $8.00 Sesame Snacks-Small $2.00 Wafer Bar-Chocolate $2.00 Wafer Bar-Hazelnut $2.00 New!! Kits Available Greek Salad Starter Kit $18.00 Cretan Rye Rusk, 7 oz Olives and Oregano 22 Soup Starter Kit $29.00 3 liter Olive oil and 1 package of Hilopites AMOUNT PAID TOTAL COST
Angels Cynthia Radoumis in m/o beloved mother, Daisy Addicott Joan Arabatzis Mary K. Jones Licouris–Wills families in m/o Robert Wills, Patricia, Tom, Pete & James Licouris Mina Lighthall in m/o beloved husband David R. Lighthall Andrew Mastoras Melinda Mastoras Cynthia and Jerry Stiavelli Dan and Eve Taylor Marcia Taylor in m/o Bud Taylor Archangels In m/o John, Bessie & George Antonaros Judie Moradian in m/o Marvin and Margie Koontz Cathy and Tom Armstrong in m/o Arthur and Muriel Irene Mabry in m/o Dennis Mabry Chimiklis of Stockton, CA Irene Mabry in m/o George and Vicky Kokalis Georgia Brandon in m/o Dave and brother George Sami & Tania Nassar in m/o Nassar, Magliola & Dirlik Fami- Bill and Joanne Dau in m/o Gus and Anne Kossaras lies George Efthemon & Elizabeth Wellington in m/o Sam & Hel- Angela Pappanastos In m/o Edna and Peter Petropulos– Stel- en Efthemon la Vlahiotis Nora George in m/o William George In m/o Alexander “Pappy” Papulias Wayne Gomes George Sarantos in m/o my parents, Louis and Mary Thomas Goumas & Denise Jordan in m/o Gust and Betty Kay Schlotthauer Goumas Alicia and Yannis Stavropoulos M.D. in m/o our parents Tom & Angie Hyatt Frank, Dena, Stephanie & Laura Siskey in m/o Bill & Anthie John and Demetria Kallas with prayers for our family both Kourafas with us and who have fallen asleep in the Lord John and Susan Stockton Jim and Toni Kalogrides in m/o Nick and Eleni Paleologos Athanasios & Connie Triantis and Family in m/o Triantis & Elaine Kourafas and family in m/o Nick Tom Kourafas Strusis Families Mina Lighthall in m/o beloved husband David R. Lighthall Vicky Xenos in m/o Spiro Xenos Charlie & Elaine Long in m/o Viola & Richard Abrahamian Paul and Nickie Zografos Communications Outreach Supporters: Our Angels and Archangels This past year has seen many changes, and the support of our Angels and Archangels has been a valued necessity to the St. George Monthly Newsletter. This ministry has allowed St. George to continue to keep our parishioners connected in a time when it is even more important to do so. If you would like to help offset the cost of the Communication Outreach Ministry, which includes the monthly newsletter, parish website, text messaging system and list serve, we ask that you consider contributing $30.00 a year to become an Angel Booster, or $60.00 a year to become a Archangel Booster. Your name or the name of a loved one who’s memory you wish to commemorate, will be printed in The Voice of St. George Newsletter for the calendar year of 2021. We thank you for your support which enables us to stay in touch with the parishioners of St. George. Archangel Supporter: $60.00 for 2021 Calendar Year (Per Family Name of Individual) Angel Supporter: $30.00 for 2021 Calendar Year (Per Family Name or Individual) All donations towards the Archangel/Angel Supporter are for the Calendar year 2021. All names will run through Jan. 2022 Please print clearly the name or names exactly as you wish them to appear in the Newsletter. Name or Names: ______________________________________________________________________________________ And / Or In Memory of: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 23
St. George Greek Community of Fresno 2219 N. Orchard St. Fresno, CA 93703 Return Service Requested Orthros at 10:30am and Divine Liturgy at 11:30am stgeorgegreekorthodoxchurch @412fouronetwo 559-233-0397 559-233-0564 24
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