(FFF) Liberia Forest and Farm Facility

Page created by Clifford Jensen
(FFF) Liberia Forest and Farm Facility
Forest and Farm Facility
(FFF) Liberia Forest and Farm Facility
Over View & Achievement
Liberia Forest Background
        Liberia is situated within the tropical            Agriculture    and     forestry
    rainforest belt on the West Coast of Africa. The
    total land area is 9.58 million hectares, of which
                                                            contribute 42.8% and 14.7% to
    forests cover about 4.30 million hectares or 45         Liberia’s GDP
    percent of the land area.
                                                               Liberia’s  National   Forest
         Despite Liberia’s small size, it contains a
    significant amount of biodiversity, including: over
                                                            Reform Law of 2006 opens space
    2,900 different vascular plants (including 225          for Commercial, Conservation &
    tree species); 600 bird species; 150 mammal             Community
    species; and 75 reptile species.
   Liberia accounts for the largest remaining
    remnant (42 percent) of the Upper Guinea forest
    of West Africa.
    Liberia’s forests also produce a wide range of
    other environmental goods and services that
    benefit Liberia and the rest of the World.
   About 60 tree species have been harvested and
    exported from Liberia in the past, but only a few
    of these species account for the majority of
(FFF) Liberia Forest and Farm Facility
Pillar 1 Activities Under Taken with FUN & NACUL

                  Activities Plan                                            Achievement
Organizing producer groups for policy Dialogue                           Proposals submitted
•    Explore the possibilities of implementing listening Clubs in        LoA’s Submitted
     selected pilots and support its implementation once agreed
     upon                                                                Need Assessment done
•    Support FUN, the integration of Farmers’ Organizations
     structure at national level such as representation in the           FFF Coordination meeting done
     National Forest and Landscape Forum (NFLF) ensuring the              at national and local levels
     participation of the County Forest Forum (CFFs) integrated
     with the Community Forest Development Committee                     Engagement       meeting     with
                                                                          Ministers and Directors of
Organizing producers groups for business Development
     purposes                                                             Ministries & Agencies on going
•    Support FUN with further organization of Farmers and                Policy Review done to identify
     producers for businesses development purposes.
•    Facilitate, together with FUN, the implementation of                 gaps and inform Advocacy
     enterprise development activities in the 3 selected counties
     (Nimba, Lofa and Grand Cape Mount), ensuring the
                                                                         Networking and Coordination
     participation of the County Forest Forum (CFFs).                     effective
•    Facilitate the identification of good proposals from forest
     and farm organizations in pilot Counties for FFF’s small grant      Ebola ToT for Farmers and forest
     programme and support the preparation of the respective              Users done
     Letters of Agreements.
•    Organize in Liberia all the activities related to the exchange      Distribution of Ebola Preventive
     visit with the Gambia,                                               materials to Farmers and Forest
                                                                          users by FAO done
Pillar Two          .
               Activities Plan                        Cross - Sectoral Policy Dialogue between
•       promote and support the activities of the        Government lines Ministries, Agencies FUN,
        National Forest and Landscape Forum              Charcoal Union , INGO done , with different
        FDA /NFLF Forum                                  ministries and Agencies presenting and on
                                                         different Topics. Such as climate change, Land
•       Landscape management, Land Rights                Rights, Forest and Land are important to Natural
        Policy, Climate change and Governance            Resources.
        of Tenure.                                      Tropical Forest Alliance Group is interested to
              Meeting outcome                            work in Liberia in the area of sustainable Agro –
                                                         forestry Development, Proper Land Use planning,
    •    Liberia need to under take climate              Private sector Development and smallholders’
         change mitigation measure if we are to          inclusion.
         ensure sustainable forest management           An Act to established the Land Agency is before the
         and natural resource management.                Member of parliament pass into Law.
    •    Development partnership and engage in          Ministers & Director of agencies pledge the
         action research.                                support to work together and Coordinate efforts
                                                        FFF Coordination meeting is effective after the
    •    The major root causes is of                     Ebola outbreak at National and Community levels.
         deforestation/degradation is the lack of
                                                        Engagement meeting with Ministers and Directors
         alternative livelihood for farmers if the       of Ministries & Agencies on going.
         shifting cultivation must be discourage.        Policy Review on going to identify gaps and inform
    •    Need for properly build capacity for            Advocacy.
         project Community.                             Networking and Coordination .
Pillar Three
                      Activities Plan
•    Facilitate the implementation of the FFF’s
     Communication Strategy in Liberia                             Set to select FUN
•    Document – through write ups, photos video – short
     cases and success stories related to the Forest and Farm       member for
     Facility activities in Liberia and disseminate them widely
     in the country and to FFF management team for sharing          communication
     at the global arena.                                           Strategy
    General FFF in country Support:
•    Follow up the elaboration of detailed work plans and          Quarterly News Letter
     budget, including the preparation of Letter of
     Agreement, for 2014 with FFF partners, contributing to         drafted
     the overall FFF work plan at global level.
•    Prepared, in November and December 2014 a detailed            Brochure drafted
     work plan and budget for the year 2015, which
     contributes with the overall FFF work plan at global          Interviews Conducted
•    Implement FFF’s Monitoring and Learning Framework
     with all stakeholders; the baseline assessment would
     need to be done just before the main activities of 2014
     will start; At the end of each year a stakeholder meeting
     has to assess progress and learning of the activities.
•    Eventual travel outside the country to attend FFF
     organized or recommended meetings
Key Activities Plan for Next Year
   New Opportunity We could take part in.
 Exchange Visit for innovation
 MA&D Training for farmers and forest users
 Capacity building Training
 Advocacy on Land Tenure (VGGT)
 Monitoring & Learning Training
 Monitoring and Evaluation Training using Epic collect +
  data analysis & tools.
 Radio Program/Talk show
 Attend international meeting & Program of FFF
 News paper publication, Press releases and Articles on FFF
Implementation of Communication Strategy
     What we plan to do.?
                                            Status for Strategy is Pending
   FFF Liberia News Letter                  upon selection
   Brochure                                The selection will be finalize
   Press Releases                           soon.
   News Paper publication on FFF
   Interviews and success Stories
   Opening of FFF Face book page
   Radio Talk Show
   Radio Jingoes
   Organizing Journalist (Media
    Network) to report of FFF Activities
   FFF Out reach activities for other
    parts of Liberia
Implementation of Small grant

• Status               Waiting for LoA’s to
• Challenges            be sign
                       challenges so far
• can you and FAO       except the outbreak
  prepare LoA in        that halt the FFF
  your Country          Activities
                       The Facilitator along
                        with FAO can
                        prepare LoA in Liberia
                        Signing of Contract
Regional & Global Activities
FFF Liberia will like to be apart of the Global and Regional
FFF Facilitator – Liberia

Kolly Soko Allison, Jr.
E-mail: Kolly.Allison@fao.org or sokoallison@yahoo.com
Skype: kolly.allison4
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