Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...

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Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
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Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                 Children’s Books

The Publishing Company and its History
                                             Arena Verlag is one of the major publishing companies for
                                             children’s and young adult fiction in Germany. Founded in
                                             1949, its place of business has been Würzburg ever since.
                                             Since 1979, Arena Verlag has been a part of the Westermann
                                             Publishing Group situated in Braunschweig, Germany. Ever
                                             since the company’s establishment, the name Arena has
                                             been standing for knowledge and entertainment, for
                                             sophisticated, informative, and simultaneously thrilling
                                             children’s and young adult fiction. With about 2,000 available
                                             titles as hardcovers, paperbacks, board books, EVA books,
                                             brochures, audio books, mp3s and eBooks, Arena Verlag
                                             nowadays keeps a diverse range for infants, children, and
                                             young adults on hand. There’s something to discover for

                  We hope you enjoy browsing the next pages and we look forward to hearing from

                  With all best wishes

Table of Contents
3–5         Children’s Books Highlights 2020
6           Presentation of LÜK and Schubi
7 – 12      Focus: New Series
13 – 14     Focus: Stand-alone
15 – 20     Arena’s Bestselling Characters
21 – 29     Sequels
30 – 36     Story Books
37 – 42     Board Books
43 – 48     Christmas
49          Contacts

                              For further information please feel free to contact:                    2
               Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                 Children’s Books

Children’s Books Highlights 2020
                           STRAWBERRY FAIRY (SERIES)
                           written and illustrated by Stefanie Dahle

                            • New: Rights of 28 titles sold to PRC, rights of 4 titles sold to RU, rights of 1
                              title sold to SE
                            • Rights of the series sold to BG, CZ, DK, EE, English (world), ES, FI, GR, HU, IL,
                              LT, LV, NO, PRC, RO, RU, SE, ZA, UA and German audio book rights
                            • The series sold over 1,000,000 copies so far

                           Everyone loves the Strawberry Fairy! These stories are as lovely as dreams. The
                           books tell magical stories with enchanting pictures about the Strawberry Fairy
                           and her fairy and animal friends; they are stories for reading aloud in an
                           extraordinary design.

                           WOODWALKERS SERIES (6 VOLUMES)
                           written by Katja Brandis, illustrations by Claudia Carls

                            • SPIEGEL YA Bestseller List
                            • New: Rights sold to IL (1 title), sold to ES (1 title)
                            • Rights of the series sold to BE/NL, CZ, DK, ES, IR, LT, PL, RU, SE, TR, UA
                              German audio book rights and German movie rights sold
                            • The series sold over 725,000 copies so far
                            • Complete English translation of vol. 1 available

                           At first glance Carag looks like a normal boy. Yet his bright eyes conceal a secret:
                           Carag is a shapeshifter. Growing up as a puma in the woods, he has been living in
                           the world of humans for a short period of time. It is only when Carag learns
                           about Clearwater High, a boarding school that he starts to feel a sense of home.
                           SEAWALKERS (6 VOLUMES)
                           written by Katja Brandis, illustrations by Claudia Carls

                            •   SPIEGEL YA Bestseller List, sequel to WOODWALKERS
                            •   New: Rights of volumes 1-6 sold to BE/NL, volumes 1-2 sold to SE
                            •   Rights of the series sold to BE/NL, DK, RU, SE and German audio book rights
                            •   The series sold over 225,000 copies so far

                           Tiago is shocked to discover that he is a Seawalker – a shapeshifter. And not just
                           any sort: in his second form as a tiger shark, even his own kind are terrified of
                           him. He finds it difficult to make friends at Blue Reef High, a school for aquatic

                           THE MAGICAL PHARMACY SERIES (6 VOLUMES)
                           written by Anna Ruhe, illustrations by Claudia Carls

                           •    SPIEGEL YA Bestseller List
                           •    New: Rights of vol. 4-6 sold to BE/NL, vol. 3 sold to BG, vol. 4-5 sold to RU
                           •    Rights of the series sold to BE/NL, BG, CZ, DK, FI, GR, LT, RO, RU, SK, UA,
                                German audio book rights sold
                           •    The series sold 260,000 copies so far

                           There is a strange scent wafting through the old villa. It smells of a thousand
                           different things. Yet the smells lead nowhere, and the key Luzie finds under a
                           floorboard does not fit into any lock. Could the villa contain a hidden room?

                             For further information please feel free to contact:                                 3
              Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                 Children’s Books

                          THE CANDY GUILD SERIES (2 VOLUMES)
                          written by Tanja Voosen, illustrations by Viktoria Gavrilenko

                          • New: Rights sold to RU (2 vol.)
                          • Rights of the series sold to RU and German audio book rights
                          • The first volume sold over 11,000 copies so far

                          The most magical adventure since the discovery of chocolate!
                          Everyone in the little town of Belony takes magic and miracles for granted –
                          everyone except Elina, who thinks it’s all a load of nonsense. That is, until her
                          nervous neighbour Charlie happens to get hold of a bar of chocolate that has a
                          very strange effect on her…

                          LEVEL 4. KID CITY SERIES
                          written by Andreas Schlüter

                           • New: Rights of vol. 1-2 sold to RU
                           • Rights of the series sold to RU
                           • Over 200,000 copies of the author’s books sold

                          Kid City is the game of all games for 13-year old computer freak Ben. During one
                          of his countless attempts to reach the highest level an error in the program
                          causes all the adults to disappear – not only in the game but in reality as well…

                          THE CRISPBREAD QUARREL
                          written by Bob Konrad, illustrations by Daniela Kohl

                           • New: Rights sold to LT and RU
                           • Rights sold to LT, RU and German audio book rights sold
                           • Sold over 12,000 copies so far

                          This was supposed to be a really peaceful visit to the grandparents. But on their
                          first day in Birdchirp, Mayo and Super can tell it’s going to be anything but
                          peaceful. A huge argument has broken out between Grandma Elfie and Grandpa
                          Izzie. At first it’s just about crispbread, but then all of a sudden all the grown-up
                          inhabitants of the village are on the war path – with walking frames, smelly
                          socks and vegetable catapults. Will Mayo and Super be able to intervene and
                          restore peace?

                          LILO OF DARK CASTLE. NO MAGIC ALLOWED! (3 VOLUMES)
                          written by Anna Lott, illustrations by Sabine Sauter

                          •    New: Rights of volume 2 sold to NL
                          •    Rights of this series sold to NL and RU
                          •    The series sold over 20,000 copies so far

                          Lilo has a super-secret secret: her mum is a witch and her dad is a vampire. Crazy
                          or what? Unfortunately, her mum is not allowed to use her magic around people
                          – it’s against the rules! But when Miss Rüdiger – the cutest tom cat in the world
                          – disappears, surely a bit of magic is allowed?!

                            For further information please feel free to contact:                              4
             Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                Children’s Books

                              FRIDA THE LITTLE WOOD WITCH SERIES
                              by Jutta Langreuter, illustrations by Stefanie Dahle

                              •      New: Rights of vol. 1-4 sold RU, rights of vol. 1 sold to SE
                              •      Rights sold to BG, BE/NL, ES (LA), DK, EE, KR, PRC, RO, RU, SE, TR, UA
                              •      The series sold 33,000 copies

                              Frida, the little wood witch, is practicing for the witch contest, but every spell she
                              tries fails! The reason is probably her cold, as Frida’s animals agree. So it does not
                              matter how the witch contest judged by Barrak, the world-famous sorcerer, ends
                              – Frida will surely succeed in one thing: That all animals and all witches get along
                              better and that no one is jealous of others. And that really is the magic of a witch!

                              IGNATZ THE HEDGEHOG SERIES
                              written and illustrated by Dirk Henning

                              •      New: Rights sold to TR (vol. 1-2)
                              •      Rights sold to BE/NL, BG, DK, EE, PRC, RU, TR, UA
                              •      The series sold 20,000 copies

                              Bang! What was that? Ignatz the hedgehog finds a huge egg on his doorstep. And
                              then a strange creature hatches. It is a mooop – and it must be returned to its
                              family as quickly as possible! But where on earth is its home? The two of them go
                              on a search, making their way through a brambleberry bush, across a water lily
                              pond and through underground passages.

                                  written and illustrated by Dirk Henning

                              •      New: Rights sold to TR
                              •      Rights sold to BE/NL, BG, DK, EE, PRC, RU, TR, UA

                              Ignatz the hedgehog is busy with his Christmas preparations when suddenly a
                              strange creature falls from the sky with a PLOP and lands in front of his toes in
                              the snow. It’s a Christmas miracle, or rather: a Whop. Actually it “whops“ the
                              gifts through the chimney for Santa Claus. But while doing so, it accidentally fell
                              out of the sled and has to get back as quickly as possible.

                                  24 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS
                                  written by Jana Frey and illustrated by Stefanie Dahle

                              •      New: Rights sold to RU
                              •      Rights sold to RO, RU
                              •      This book sold 35,000 copies so far

                              Just 24 more days until Christmas - then wishes will come true, and the best time
                              of the year starts in the Christmas Forest. The angels Vanilla and Krismasi collect
                              the wish lists on Earth so that the toy-crafting angels can make the most beautiful
                              gifts for the children. It is the first time the little angels Coriander, Aniseed,
                              Tiffany and Smithy get to participate! No wonder they try everything in their
                              power to make even the most difficult Christmas wishes come true?

                               For further information please feel free to contact:                              5
                Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
LÜK stands for learning, practicing and checking.
                                        Three control devices and themed exercise books on a great variety of topics
                                        help children learn in kindergarten, preschool and right up to the secondary
                                        level worldwide – after all LÜK fascinates and motivates!

                                                                                                                                                                   miniLÜK control device
                                                                                                                                                                   with 12 tiles suitable for all
                                                                                                                                                                   miniLÜK booklets.
                                                                                                                                                                   Size: 26 × 13 cm

 978-3-8377-0135-7                        978-3-8377-0318-4                      978-3-8377-4543-6
 Pre-school training 1. Exercises for
 visual coordination and organisa-
                                          Concentration training 1. Training
                                          for concentration, stamina and
                                                                                 I’m learning to count. Learn to
                                                                                 count in the blink of an eye with
                                                                                                                                                                   How it works:
 tion skills. From the age of 5.          perseverance. From the age of 5.       finger puppets, ducks and lots of                                              Look at the exer
                                                                                 bananas. From the age of 4.                                                                     cises
                                                                                                                                                            in the accompa
                                                                                                                                                                            nying book,
                                                                                                                                                            place the tiles ac
                                                                                                                                                             and check your
                                                                                                                                                             based on the co
                                                                                                                                                                  pattern in the
                                                                                                                      bambinoLÜK control device with
                                                                                                                      6 tiles suitable for all bambinoLÜK
                                                                                                                      booklets. Size: 18,3 × 16 cm

 978-3-8377-7506-8                       978-3-89414-645-0
 Little school of thought 1. Percep-     I’m looking forward to pre-school
 tion training as a basis for the        1 Build sand castles, play dressing
 consistent linking of information.      up, place puzzle pieces. For children
 From the age of 3.                      3-6 years old.
                                                                                                                                                                Contact us:
                            SCHUBI is a traditional Swiss publishing house, which develops                                                                      Please contact
                            high-quality support and training material for primary schools                                                                      lizenzen@
                            and special education as well as for the kindergarten.                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                                Please contact
An exciting early maths game
on adding, subtracting and making number
                                                                                                                                                                Meet us:
bonds up to 10.
With game instructions in six languages.                                                                                                                        27.01. - 31.01.2021
                                                                                                                                                                Toy Fair Nuremberg,

                                                                                                                                                                20.10. - 24.10.2021
                                                                                                                                                                Book Fair Frankfurt,
                                                                                                                     (223 94 PluMinGo)
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                Children's Books

Stefanie Dahle/Stefanie Dahle

Hoggs and Bear Courage
The Enchanting Three (1)

Title German           Hoggs und der Bärenmut
Series German          Die zauberhaften Drei (1)
Genre                  Picture Book
Age                    3+
Pages                  32
Format                 21.5 x 28.0 cm
Edition                Hardcover
Design                 With UV finish on the cover
Sales price            € 14.00
Pub. Date              June 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-71459-2
Rights of the series   Available worldwide

Stefanie Dahle’s new picture book series

This is the start of a 3-book-series: one of the friends will always be at the centre, and each story will have a strong
theme such as jealousy, quarrelling, making up or sharing.

Hoggs the bear would love to be brave. But he is afraid of spiders and ghosts. And so Hoggs and his best friend Poki
the skunk decide to go on an adventure in order to practise being brave. They head for the abandoned witch’s house
behind the bee field. Ugh, it’s certainly ghostly! In fact there’s a kettle bubbling quite scarily…”Anybody there?” asks
Hoggs cautiously. Yes! Fips the rabbit urgently needs help. And – whoosh! – suddenly the friends find themselves
right in the middle of a stormy but magical adventure.

•   New setting and new illustration technique.
•   A lovable animal trio with lots of charm.
•   Beginning of a new series for girls and boys.
•   Stefanie Dahle’s books sold a total of 1,300,000 copies world wide!


                The Strawberry Fairy.
                Sunnyside Up
                Stefanie Dahle                              Three Bear Buddies and
                Stefanie Dahle                              the Mysterious Squeak-                     The Little Mermaid and
                Rights of the series: Sold to               Honk- Chuggedy-Chug.                       the Seahorse Adventure
                BG, CZ, DK, EE, English                     Stefanie Dahle                             Jana Frey
                (world), ES (LA), FI, GR,                   Stefanie Dahle                             Stefanie Dahle
                HU,IL, IT, LT, LV, NO, PRC,                 Rights: Sold to BE/NL, ES                  Rights: Sold to PRC, RO, UA
                RO, RU, SE. SI, UA, ZA and                  (LA), LV, PRC, UA, German                  and German audio book
                German audio book rights                    audio book rights                          rights

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                  7
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert/Philipp Ach

The Adventure Begins!
Explorer Team (1)

Title German           Das Abenteuer beginnt!
Series German          Explorer Team (1)
Genre                  Interactive Adventure
Age                    8+
Pages                  160
Format                 13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition                Softcover with flaps
Sales price            € 10.00
Pub. Date              October 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-60566-1
Rights of the series   Available worldwide

Fascinating games + two brilliant authors = Explorers

Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal.
Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU?

Join Lias, Mojo and Cookie on a mission to the Himalayas: together they must find out what has happened to Lias’s
father. He disappeared six months ago and the only thing he left behind was his expedition diary, which is full of
strange clues and puzzles. The reader will be able to move onto the next stage only if you can decipher them. A great
adventure awaits you! And you decide
In the end, you must decide: How should the adventure continue for you and the Explorer Team? Hunt with Lias
through the forgotten world. Go with Tashi to discover the eternal ice or follow Cookie and Mojo through fire and
lava. You will have to choose which of the Explorers you want to accompany on the next adventure.

•   4-book-series: volume 1 introduces the adventure, volumes 2 to 4 follow either Lias, Tashi or the duo Cookie and Mojo.
•   Innovative interactive concept: puzzles to solve, codes to crack, mysteries to unravel, together with an expedition diary,
    code discs, deciphering device, Morse puzzles, detachable map.
•   Puzzles that can be solved alone, with friends or with family!


                Woodwalkers (1). Carag’s
                Katja Brandis                                Seawalkers (1). Dangerous                   The Lighthouse Sharks (1).
                Claudia Carls                                Shapes                                      Granny Rosella and the
                Rights of the series: Sold to                Katja Brandis                               Secret Seal Mission
                BE/NL, CZ, DK, ES, IL, LT, PL,               Claudia Carls                               Gisa Pauly
                RU, SE, TR, UA, German                       Rights of the series: BE/NL,                Edda Skibbe
                audio book rights and                        DK, SE, RU, German audio                    Right: Sold to EE, German
                movie rights                                 book rights                                 audio book rights sold

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                   8
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert/Philipp Ach

Lost in the Forgotten World
Explorer Team (2)

Title German         Verschollen in der vergessenen
Series German        Explorer Team (2)
Genre                Interactive Adventure
Age                  8+
Pages                160
Format               13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Softcover with flaps
Sales price          € 10.00
Pub. Date            October 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60567-8
Rights of the series Available worldwide

Fascinating games + two brilliant authors = Explorers

Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal.
Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU?

Go hunting with Lias through the forgotten world. The clues that Lias’s missing father has left behind will take you to
an exotic jungle. There you will stumble upon an old plane wreck. Why is it important? Can you help Lias to interpret
the clues correctly? The puzzles in his father’s expedition diary will show you the way. Soon you will then find out
that you are coming ever closer to a great secret. But look out! There is a terrible beast that is determined to get

•   Volume 2 of the 4-book-series: Here you are able to follow Lias’s adventure.
•   Innovative interactive concept: Puzzles to solve, codes to crack, mysteries to unravel, together with an expedition diary,
    code discs, deciphering device, Morse puzzles, detachable map.
•   Puzzles that can be solved alone, with friends or with family!


                Really Super, Heroes (1).                    The Magical Pharmacy (1).
                Someone Has to Get the                       Mystery is in the Air                       The Candy Guild (1). The
                Job Done                                     Anna Ruhe                                   Magic Pact
                Rüdiger Bertram                              Claudia Carls                               Tanja Voosen
                Heribert Schulmeyer                          Rights: Sold to BE/NL, BG,                  Viktoria Gavrilenko
                Rights: Available                            CZ, DK, FI, GR, LT, RO, RU,                 Rights of the series: Sold to
                worldwide, German audio                      SK, UA and German audio                     RU and German audio book
                book rights sold                             book rights sold                            rights sold

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                                      9
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Foreign Rights Catalogue CHILDREN'S BOOKS - ARENA ...
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert/Philipp Ach

Hunting Through Eternal Ice
Explorer Team (3)

Title German           Jagd durchs ewige Eis
Series German          Explorer Team (3)
Genre                  Interactive Adventure
Age                    8+
Pages                  144
Format                 13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition                Softcover with flaps
Sales price            € 10.00
Pub. Date              October 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-60568-5
Rights of the series   Available worldwide

Fascinating games + two brilliant authors = Explorers

Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal.
Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU?

Explore the eternal ice with Tashi. In order to protect his people against a terrible threat, Tashi has been sent on a
rescue mission by his grandfather. And you must help him to accomplish it! But in the way is the huge ice labyrinth in
which you will get lost. Fortunately, Tashi has his ancestors’ ancient manuscript with him. The puzzles in it can show
you the way. But be on your guard! A yeti has seen your tracks, and now he’s hard on your heels.

•   Volume 3 of the 4-book-series: Here you are able to follow Tashi’s adventure.
•   Innovative interactive concept: Puzzles to solve, codes to crack, mysteries to unravel, together with an expedition diary,
    code discs, deciphering device, Morse puzzles, detachable map.
•   Puzzles that can be solved alone, with friends or with family!


                Silver Flood (1). The                        Super Heroes Always Fly in
                Mystery of Ray’s Rock                        Secret                                      Level 4. Kid City
                Alex Falkner                                 Alice Pantermüller                          Andreas Schlüter
                Torben Weit                                  Ulf K.                                      Rights of the series: Sold to
                Rights of the series:                        Rights of the series:                       RU and German audio book
                Available worldwide                          Available worldwide                         rights sold

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                                    10
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert/Philipp Ach

Caught Between Fire and Lava
Explorer Team (4)

Title German           Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava
Series German          Explorer Team (4)
Genre                  Interactive Adventure
Age                    8+
Pages                  144
Format                 13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition                Softcover with flaps
Sales price            € 10.00
Pub. Date              October 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-60569-2
Rights of the series   Available worldwide

Fascinating games + two brilliant authors = Explorers

Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal.
Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU?

Follow Cookie and Mojo through a world full of fire and lava. For years the twins have made their way alone in
Kathmandu. But now their grandmother’s mysterious legacy is passed on to them. It is a book full of puzzles. Can you
help them to solve these and to track down the secret of their past? The path to the truth is covered with obstacles,
many of which can only be overcome with a large quantity of dynamite.

•   Volume 4 of the 4-book-series: Here you are able to follow Cookie’s and Mojo’s adventure
•   Innovative interactive concept: Puzzles to solve, codes to crack, mysteries to unravel, together with an expedition diary,
    code discs, deciphering device, Morse puzzles, detachable map.
•   Puzzles that can be solved alone, with friends or with family!


                A Case for Kwiatkowski
                (27). Milk Carton Alarm!
                Jürgen Banscherus                                                                        Sherlock Holmes, the
                Ralf Butschkow                                                                           Master Detective (4). The
                Rights of the Series: Sold to                Wild Claws (1). In the Eye                  Invisible Seventh Man
                CZ, CH, DK, EE, ES (LA), FR,                 of the Python                               Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, re-
                GR, IL, IR, LV, NO, PRC, SI,                 Max Held                                    narrated by Oliver Pautsch
                ZA, TR, UA, US, ZA and                       Timo Grubing                                Dominik Rupp
                German audio book rights                     Rights of the series:                       Rights of the series: Sold to
                sold                                         Available worldwide                         TR

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                                     11
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                Children's Books

Ina Brandt/Irene Mohr

Athenaria’s Secret
Magic Owls in Featherland (1)

Title German         Das Geheimnis von Athenaria
Series German        Zaubereulen in Federland (1)
Genre                Fantastic Adventure
Age                  8+
Pages                136
Format               13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With gold foil embossed on the
                     cover and gilded edge
Sales price          € 9.00
Pub. Date            September 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60535-7
Rights of the series Available worldwide, German
                     audio book rights sold

For all OWL MAGIC readers who can never have enough magical adventures!

Athenaria needs help! Flora and Goldwing are summoned to Featherland by the Owl Rulers. In this secret place they
wait for Mrs Beak, who has been chosen to train a special owl team…which is to include Flora and Goldwing!

Flora is very excited: together with her magic owl Goldwing, she is to be part of a new team. The owl rulers of the
Magical Kingdom have summoned them to Featherland, a hidden place in a mysterious monastery. There they meet
the snowy owl Nordis, the spectacled owl Claro and, of course, Jona, who always tries to compete with Flora. How
will they ever manage to make a team? It’s not long before they are given their first job: during the night of the next
full moon they must help one another to awaken the magic of Featherland – and this proves to be more difficult than
expected. Because suddenly Claro disappears from the face of the earth. And without him, no magic can ever

•   New look, more owls, bigger adventures. Welcome to Featherland!
•   We are extending the owl world: Magic Owls in Featherland will be published once a year, just like Owl Magic.
•   Flora and Goldwing are part of a team of children and magic owls, and together they have great adventures.
•   Already 650,000 copies of Owl Magic have been sold!

                                                                                                       The Magic Tailor Shop (1).
                                                                                                       Leni and the Wonder
                Owl Magic (1). A Golden                     Owl Magic. Glittering                      Thread
                Secret                                      Christmas Wishes                           Ina Brandt
                Ina Brandt                                  Ina Brandt                                 Isabelle Metzen
                Irene Mohr                                  Irene Mohr                                 Rights of the series:
                Rights of the series: Sold to               Rights of the series: Sold to              Available worldwide,
                CZ, PL, RU and German                       CZ, PL, RU and German                      German audio book rights
                audio book rights                           audio book rights                          sold

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                12
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020              Children's Books

Kirsten John/Miryam Specht

The Detention Pros
Alone Amongst Snapping Turtles

Title German          Die Nachsitz-Profis
Subtitle German       Allein unter Schnappschildkröten
Genre                 School/ Humour
Age                   9+
Pages                 160
Format                14.8 x 21.0 cm
Edition               Hardcover
Design                With UV finish on the cover
Sales price           € 12.00
Pub. Date             July 2020
ISBN                  978-3-401-60538-8
Rights                Available worldwide

Four troublemakers save the school!

Clara, Julian, Felix and Fee must have done something bad, because they are waiting for a severe punishment:
detention. “Detention” is actually the wrong word. In fact their task is to get the school garden into shape, which
includes the fountain with non-stop snapping turtles. But oh, shock horror! First of all, Felix digs up a skull. Then
several suspicious looking men turn up, alleging that they are sports teachers. Could this be the cover-up of a
murder? And what is the grumpy housemaster Kratzek hiding? In order to find out just what is going on at the closed
school, the four detainees must stick together at all costs – and that is the biggest adventure of them all.

•   A school story full of comic situations, subtle humour and delicious irony.
•   Wonderfully uneducational: four loners who form a team.
•   Young readers learn: together they are invincible!
•   Kirsten John’s books sold a total of 100,000 copies.


                Nicks and Hibbel (2). A
                Truly AMOOsing Christmas                     Project Crumbs. A Dog on
                Kirsten John                                 a Mission to Happiness
                Nadine Reitz                                 Kirsten John                             Me, Shevi the Cat and the
                Rights of the series:                        Catharina Westphal                       World’s Youngest Grandpa
                Available worldwide,                         Rights: Available                        Kirsten John
                German audio book rights                     worldwide, German audio                  Kai Schüttler
                sold                                         book rights sold                         Rights: Sold to BG

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                              13
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                    Children's Books

Anna Lott/Anja Grote

Grandpa and the Flying Dog
A Story about Parting and Death

Title German           Opa und der fliegende Hund
Subtitle German        Eine Geschichte über Abschied und
Genre                  Picture Book
Age                    4/5+
Pages                  32
Format                 21.5 x 28.0 cm
Edition                Hardcover
Design                 With silver foil embossment on the
Sales price            € 13.00
Pub. Date              October 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-71591-9
Rights                 Available worldwide

A picture book about death, grief, parting – and about life

Carla had a best friend – a friend with whom she could spend the loveliest afternoons. These were perfect Grandpa-
Carla afternoons. But now Grandpa is gone. Still, Carla waits for him. One day she finds a big dog on the same bench
where her grandfather always waited for her. Suddenly she feels very close to him again. Carla can even go flying on
Grandpa’s back. But is it really Grandpa? Or just a big dog?

•   An important subject for any family, and children don’t have to be excluded – you just have to find the right approach.
•   With gentle humour and poetic illustrations.
•   How children experience death – a picture book that brings comfort.
•   Anna Lott’s books sold a total of 30,000 copies!

BACKLIST SAMPLES (AUTHOR)                                                                  BACKLIST SAMPLE (GENRE)

                                                            Lilo of Dark Castle (1). The
                                                            Totally Amazing
                A Granny for Fridolina                      Anna Lott
                Anna Lott                                   Sabine Sauter
                Nikolai Renger                              Rightsof the series: Sold to                   Granny and 99 Butterflies
                Rights: Sold to ES (Cast.,                  BE/NL, RU, German audio                        Anna Marshall
                Cat.)                                       book rights sold                               Rights: Available worldwide

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                    14
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Andreas H. Schmachtl/Andreas H. Schmachtl

Christmas in the Winter Forest
Tilda Appleseed

Title German         Weihnachtszeit im Winterwald
Series German        Tilda Apfelkern
Genre                Advent Calendar/ Christmas
Age                  2+
Pages                52
Format               24.5 x 19.5 cm
Edition              Calendar, wire-o-binding
Design               Luxuriously designed with foil and
Sales price          € 9.99
Pub. Date            September 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-71473-8
Rights of the series Sold to BG, DK, EE, FI, HU, KZ, LV,
                     PRC, RO, RU, TR, UA, ZA. German
                     audio book rights sold, TV
                     animation rights sold

The Tilda Advent calendar – full of new pictures and adventures

Every day is lovely in the little village, smugly tucked into the hills, where small and big adventures await its
inhabitants. Tilda, the small mouse who is as white as the flowers of the elder bush, lives in a small apartment in the
parish’s church. Whenever someone is in need of help, she is there – with advice, a nice cup of tea and delicious
cookies. She and her friends – Molly, Robin, Billy and Benny, Eda and Rupert– are inseparable.

There are 24 days to go until Christmas. In the mouse house there is a delicious smell of punch, and Tilda busily hunts
through her pantry: she wants to do some baking. The best of all flavours is still Aunt Emily’s frost-hip jelly. Christmas
can’t come without that. But what a shock! There are no frost hips left! And it’s so difficult to get fresh ones, because
they only grow in the north. Without further ado, Tilda sets off on an exciting journey through the winter forest, and
to the most wonderful Christmas adventures.

•   An exciting Christmas tale in 24 chapters.
•   Delicious recipe for biscuits.
•   An Advent calendar full of adventures and pictures about the enchanting Tilda Appleseed.
•   Already 1,000,000 copies of the series sold!

                                                                                               Please consult our
                                                                                               Arena’s Bestselling
                                                                                               Characters catalogue
                                                                                               for further

                                     For further information please feel free to contact:                             15
                      Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                Children's Books
Jürgen Banscherus/Ralf Butschkow

The Nose of the Goddess
A Case For Kwiatkowski (28)

Title German           Die Nase der Göttin
Series German          Ein Fall für Kwiatkowski (Band 28)
Genre                  Detective Stories
Age                    7+
Pages                  96
Format                 12.1 x 19.5 cm
Edition                Hardcover
Sales price            € 8.00
Pub. Date              June 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-71655-8
Rights of the series   Sold to: CZ, CH, DK, EE, ES (LA), ES,
                       FR, GR, IL, IR, LV, NO, PRC, SE, SI,
                       TR, UA, US, ZA and German audio
                       book rights sold

A nose on the scent: hunting for a crook in the Acropolis

A classic among detective stories for reading beginners that already sold more than 1 million copies worldwide!
Kwiatkowski, the hero of our series, is a 9-year-old boy whose hobby is to solve crime stories. He constantly chews
chewing gum (but only a certain brand to help him thinking) and never takes off his cap with a huge K (as for
Kwiatkowski). The cap only comes off when he takes a shower; it provides his brain with an adequate operating
temperature that is necessary to solve his many cases.

Private detective Kwiatkowski never fails to solve a case! A trip to Athens? Kwiatkowski can hardly believe his luck
when Olga, an old friend, sends him an invitation. But no sooner has he arrived in Greece than he finds himself
caught up in a very tricky case: a greenhorn detective named Hercules needs his help to expose the handiwork of two
unscrupulous fraudsters. It is a matter of honour that even during his holidays Kwiatkowski must use his superskills.
Soon the two detectives are on the move among the ancient temple walls in their search to solve the mystery of the
goddess Athene’s nose…

•   A new case for the most famous detective of all times.
•   Jürgen Banscherus brings pleasure to 12,000 children a year with his readings.
•   Short chapters and large print that is easy to read.
•   The series sold a total of 1,500,000 copies worldwide!

                                                                                                  Please consult our
                                                                                                  Arena’s Bestselling
                                                                                                  Characters catalogue
                                                                                                  for further

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                          16
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020              Children's Books

Ina Brandt/Irene Mohr

The Mystery of the White Horse
Owl Magic (13)

Title German         Das Geheimnis des weißen Pferdes
Series German        Eulenzauber (13)
Genre                Fantastic Adventure
Age                  8+
Pages                136
Format               13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With gold foil embossed on the
Sales price          € 9.00
Pub. Date            September 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60460-2
Rights of the series Sold to CZ, PL, RU, German audio
                     book rights sold

Flora and Goldwing rescue a horse in trouble

Flora has a magic secret: As soon as it gets dark, she will sneak off to the big clearing in the forest. That’s where
Goldwing waits for her – a little magic owl with golden wings! With the help of her winged friend Flora comes to the
aid of anyone in need. A richly illustrated fun book for all owl girls Age 8+.

It’s just like a fairy tale. In the forest Flora stumbles on a little house with a garden that’s overgrown with roses. But
the house is about to be sold. Not only that, but Flora learns from the owner’s daughter that a white horse has been
living for a long time in the stable…but now he’s disappeared! Together with her magic owl Goldwing, Flora tries to
find the terrified animal.

•   The popular and successful series with a lot of heart and a spark of magic.
•   Popular subjects: friendship, animals, magic and of course owls!
•   EULENZAUBER sold a total of 650,000 copies already!

                                                                                                         Please consult our
                                                                                                         Arena’s Bestselling
                                                                                                         Characters catalogue
                                                                                                         for further

                                     For further information please feel free to contact:                            17
                      Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020              Children's Books

Stefanie Taschinski/Nina Dulleck

The Little Lady in the Blue
The Little Lady (5)

Title German         Die kleine Dame in den Blauen
Series German        Die kleine Dame (5)
Genre                Fantastic Adventure
Age                  8+
Pages                200
Format               15.3 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Sales price          € 14.00
Pub. Date            July 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60537-1
Rights of the series Sold to PL and German audio rights

Long awaited and here at last: the fifth adventure with the Little Lady

A new magic adventure with the little lady, her 1000-year-old chameleon – and a real prince and princess ... narrated
with poetry, imagination and a sense of humour. For reading by yourself and reading together; featuring enchanting
illustrations by Nina Dulleck.

The Blue Mountains are calling! When Lilly’s grandma’s favourite cow falls ill, the Bear family immediately decides to
pay her a visit – but without the Little Lady. Mother and Father Bear are worried that her chameleon-like behaviour
might upset Grandma Annie. But Lilly, Charley and the Little Lady won’t accept such thinking. With a zip and a zoom
the Little Lady opens her umbrella and up and away they go on the greatest mountain “salafari” of all time! But then
something weird happens to the Little Lady: first her feet start to tickle, then her fine hiking boots start to pinch, and
her jacket seems to be shrinking! She is starting to grow! What can Lilly, Charley and she do to stop it?

•   In the fifth volume the Little Lady’s secret is revealed in a very personal manner.
•   An absolute favourite for children of all ages.
•   Already 250,000 copies sold of the series!

                                                                                                      Please consult our
                                                                                                      Arena’s Bestselling
                                                                                                      catalogue for
                                                                                                      further information

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                           18
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020               Children's Books

Alice Pantermüller/Daniela Kohl

My/ Your Lotta Best Friends
Forever book. For you and your
BFF Cheyenne.
My Life as Lotta

Title German         Mein/ Dein Lotta-Leben. Allerbeste
                     Freundinnenbuch. Für dich und
                     deine ABF Cheyenne
Series German        Mein Lotta-Leben
Genre                List Book
Age                  9+
Pages                96
Format               14.0 x 18.8 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               Thin cover and round edges
Sales price          € 9.00
Pub. Date            July 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60550-0
Rights of the series Sold to AL, BE/NL, BG, CZ, DK, EE,
                     English (world), ES (Cast., Cat.), FI,
                     GE, GR, HU, IL, IR, IS, IT, KZ, LT, LV,
                     MK, NO, PL, PRC, PT, RO, ROK, RS,
                     RU, SK, TR, UA, VN, ZA, German
                     audio book rights and movie rights

Lotta and Cheyenne know that best friends are simply unbeatable!

“Grandma Ingrid gives me a diary I can confide all my secrets in? Why – does she think I don’t have any close
friends?” With self-esteem, wit and lots of imagination, our heroine Lotta Petermann masters one adventure after
another – narrated with a great sense of tongue-in-cheek humour by Alice Pantermüller and uniquely illustrated by
Daniela Kohl. A one-of-a-kind diary series for reading, laughing and discovering that little and big readers will love!

Hooray! I’m really happy that I’ve got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne. I can simply tell her anything and
everything, and the two of us have wonderful adventures together. Best of all, though, is that we have no secrets
from one another. Have you also got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne? If you have, you can both write down or
draw all your secrets, adventures and even wishes or jokes here. This is a book that’s only for you!

•   For all Lotta friends: the great interactive book for all BFFs.
•   Encourages participation, drawing and getting to know one another.
•   With best-friend postcards and lots of ideas for adventures you can have together.
•   MY LIFE AS LOTTA sold 4,400,000 copies so far!
                                                                                                  Please consult our
                                                                                                  Arena’s Bestselling
                                                                                                  Characters catalogue
                                                                                                  for further

                                     For further information please feel free to contact:                           19
                      Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020            Children's Books

Alice Pantermüller/Daniela Kohl

My Life as Lotta (11-15) box set

Title German         Mein Lotta-Leben (11-15) Schuber
Genre                Diary
Age                  9+
Pages                800
Format               13.5 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Hardcover box set
Design               Illustrations in black-and-white,
                     thin cover
Sales price          € 50.00
Pub. Date            October 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60517-3
Rights of the series Sold to AL, BE/NL, BG, CZ, DK, EE,
                     English (world), ES (Cast., Cat.), FI,
                     GE, GR, HU, IL, IR, IS, IT, KZ, LT, LV,
                     MK, NO, PL, PRC, PT, RO, ROK, RS,
                     RU, SK, TR, UA, VN, ZA, German
                     audio book rights and movie rights

Christmas is saved with the new Lotta box set

“Grandma Ingrid gives me a diary I can confide all my secrets in? Why – does she think I don’t have any close
friends?” With self-esteem, wit and lots of imagination, our heroine Lotta Petermann masters one adventure after
another – narrated with a great sense of tongue-in-cheek humour by Alice Pantermüller and uniquely illustrated by
Daniela Kohl. A one-of-a-kind diary series for reading, laughing and discovering that little and big readers will love!

Nobody’s life is as full of day-to-day adventures as that of Lotta Petermann: whether she’s a clown at the school
party, among koalas on an Australian film set, scarily surrounded by a lot of black cats, or on a language trip to the
Isle of Sheepy – whatever she, her best friend Cheyenne and their bunch of buddies The Wild Rabbits get up to, it’s
simply bound to be fun. Also contributing to the entertainment are Lotta’s recorder, her birdbrain brothers, and most
recently a dog named Anton.

•   Volumes 11-15 of the best-selling series, for the first time in a box set.
•   With new covers in a brand new presentation.

                                                                                                    Please consult our
                                                                                                    Arena’s Bestselling
                                                                                                    Characters catalogue
                                                                                                    for further

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                          20
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020              Children's Books

Anna Ruhe/Claudia Carls

The City of Lost Time
The Magical Pharmacy (5)

Title German         Die Stadt der verlorenen Zeit
Series German        Die Duftapotheke (5)
Genre                Fantasy/ Adventure
Age                  10+
Pages                288
Format               14.8 x 21.0 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With holographic foil and UV finish
                     on the cover
Sales price          € 14.00
Pub. Date            November 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60523-4
Rights of the series Sold to BE/NL, BG, CZ, DK, FI, GR,
                     LT, RO, RU, SK, UA and German
                     audio book rights sold

The Magical Pharmacy in Venice: A breathtaking masked ball awaits Luzie Alvenstein!

The beginning of a new era for the Eternals. But nobody knows what Edgar means by this promise. Does he intend to
finally destroy the Eternals – or is he planning to become their new leader? One thing is clear to Luzie, Mats and
their friends: in order to foil Edgar’s plan, they must follow him to Venice, where the city is holding its breath in
readiness for a splendid masked ball. But hardly have Luzie and her friends plunged into the swirling festivities when
they realise that this is no ordinary ball. It’s a dangerous game in which the present collides with the past and there is
no way out…

•   The fans have been longing for this: volume 5 of the Spiegel bestselling series.
•   The breathtaking finale of the series will appear in autumn 2021.
•   Already 350,000 copies sold of the series!


                                                             The Puzzle of the Black                  The Contest of a Thousand
                Mystery is in the Air (1)                    Flower (2)                               Talents (4)
                Anna Ruhe                                    Anna Ruhe                                Anna Ruhe
                Claudia Carls                                Claudia Carls                            Claudia Carls
                Rights of the series: See                    Rights of the series: See                Rights of the series: See
                above                                        above                                    above

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                               21
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                  Children's Books

Katja Brandis/Claudia Carls

Wild Waves
Seawalkers (3)

Title German           Wilde Wellen
Series German          Seawalkers (3)
Genre                  Animorph Fantasy
Age                    10+
Pages                  328
Format                 14.8 x 21.0 cm
Edition                Hardcover
Design                 With UV finish on the cover
Sales price            € 14.00
Pub. Date              June 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-60527-2
Rights of the series   Sold to BE/NL, DK, SE, RU, German
                       audio book rights

The hordes of fans grow bigger with every volume

WOODWALKERS fans’ dreams have come true: the second season of the shapeshifter series is here: SEAWALKERS.
Katja Brandis sets new accents in animal fantasy. Enthralling and with a great sense of humour, the successful author
writes about the breath-taking adventures of being an animal as well as a human being. The success of the
WOODWALKERS series speaks for itself: over 700,000 copies of the series have already been sold and the series has
been on the Spiegel list of bestsellers since volume 2.

The students and teachers at Blue Reef High are worried sick. It’s not just because recently there’s been an influx of
reptile and python shapeshifters who are causing chaos. Now there’s a powerful hurricane building up off the coast
of Florida. Tiago, the shark shapeshifter, the dolphin girl Shari and all their friends decide to escape by swimming out
to the open sea. But will they really be safe there? Quite apart from the hurricane, Tiago has heard some unpleasant
rumours – that some unscrupulous business people are going to organize fights between divers and sharks. Is this
true, and if so, will the Seawalker friends be able to defend themselves?

•   Great cooperation with “Bracenet” for a good purpose.
•   Since care for the environment and reading WOODWALKERS and SEAWALKERS go together, the whole series is now being
    printed on recycled paper.
•   Already 250,000 copies sold of the series!

BACKLIST SAMPLE (SERIES)                                                               BACKLIST SAMPLE (AUTHOR)
                                                                                                       Woodwalkers (1). Carag’s
                                                                                                       Katja Brandis
                                                                                                       Claudia Carls
                Dangerous Shapes (1)                       Rescuing Shari (2)                          Rights of the series: Sold to
                Katja Brandis                              Katja Brandis                               BE/NL, CZ, DK, ES, IR, LT, PL,
                Claudia Carls                              Claudia Carls                               RU, SE, TR, UA, German
                Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: See                   audio book rights and
                above                                      above                                       movie rights

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                                    22
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                Children's Books

Katja Brandis/Claudia Carls

Fantastic Feline Friends
Woodwalkers & Friends

Title German           Katzige Gefährten
Series German          Woodwalkers & Friends
Genre                  Animorph Fantasy
Age                    10+
Pages                  328
Format                 14.8 x 21.0 cm
Edition                Hardcover
Sales price            € 14.00
Pub. Date              September 2020
ISBN                   978-3-401-60545-6
Rights of the series   Sold to BE/NL, CZ, DK, ES, IR, LT, PL,
                       RU, SE, TR, UA, German audio book
                       rights and movie rights

The Woodwalkers spin-off with a brand new story!

Trendy topic in a novel dress: Katja Brandis sets new accents in animal fantasy. Enthralling and with a great sense of
humour, the successful author writes about the breath-taking adventures of being an animal as well as a human
being. The stories about the young shape shifter Carag not only thrill the fans of this popular genre; they also invite
the reader into a spectacular world – the world of the Woodwalkers.

You have never seen the Woodwalkers like this before: find out about the lives of the puma boy Carag and his
shapeshifting friends outside the school walls. The young puma shapeshifter Carag is really looking forward to the
school holidays. He’s going to visit the family of his girlfriend Tikaani for the first time, so that they can celebrate her
birthday together. But before they can head for the far north, they are overtaken by events. First, two self-willed
companions join them, and then Carag receives a call for help from his own puma family. A hostile wolf pack has
taken over their old den close to Clearwater High. There is something not quite right about these wolves. As the
situation becomes increasingly fiery, Carag and Tikaani know they can rely on help from Holly the chipmunk. But will
the three of them be able to save the day?

•   A brand new treat for all Woodwalkers addicts.
•   Set in the time between the end of Woodwalkers and the beginning of Seawalkers. This series will be published once a
•   WOODWALKERS sold a total of 725,000 copies already!


                 Unknown Wilderness (4)                     Hostile Traces (5)                         Day of Vengeance (6)
                 Katja Brandis                              Katja Brandis                              Katja Brandis
                 Claudia Carls                              Claudia Carls                              Claudia Carls
                 Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: See
                 above                                      above                                      above

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                23
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                   Children's Books

Tanja Voosen/Viktoria Gavrilenko

The Lost Recipe
The Candy Guild (2)

Title German            Die verlorene Rezeptur
Series German           Die Zuckermeister (2)
Subtitle German
Genre                Fantasy
Age                  9+
Pages                272
Format               14.8 x 21.0 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               Silver foil, UV finish and high
                     embossing on the cover
Sales price          € 14.00
Pub. Date            September 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-60534-0
Rights of the series Sold to RU and German audio book
                     rights sold

The second sweet treat for adventurers

Magical sweets and real miracles? Elina has experienced them both in Belony, and now she can hardly wait to dip
deeper into the world of the candy crafters. But it’s not long before a new problem arises, because just before
Robin’s first candy crafting examination, his magic tool goes bust. Old Mr Snotty knows where they can get help, and
he takes Elina and her friends to Bittersweet Avenue. It quickly becomes clear, though, that not all candy crafters are
well disposed towards “ungifted” people. There are also rumours about the return of the mysterious Otherwise
Society, which has tried once before to bring down the mighty Candy Guild. When Mr Snotty suddenly disappears
without a trace, it’s up to Elina, Charlie and Robin to follow the clues he has left behind for them. They soon realize
that there is a reason for his disappearance, because the Otherwise Society is looking for something in particular –
and Elina, Charlie and Robin have the key to this something in their hands…

•   The world of the Candy Guild is now bigger and more epic.
•   Magical sweets, adventures and friendships – the perfect read-feed for children aged 9+.
•   The first volume of series sold a total of 15,000 copies so far!


                                                             The Magical Pharmacy (1).
                                                             Mystery is in the Air                     Owl Magic (1). A Golden
                                                             Anna Ruhe                                 Secret
                 The Magic Pact (1)                          Claudia Carls                             Ina Brandt
                 Tanja Voosen                                Sold to BE/NL, BG, CZ, DK,                Irene Mohr
                 Viktoria Gavrilenko                         FI, GR, LT, RO, RU, SK, UA                Rights of the series: CZ, PL,
                 Rights of the series: See                   and German audio book                     RU, German audio book
                 above                                       rights sold                               rights sold

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                 24
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                  Children's Books

Mila Berg/Marina Krämer

Stories from the Wishing Wood
Little Unicorn Finya Brightstar

Title German         Vorlesegeschichten aus dem
Series German        Kleines Einhorn Funkelstern
Genre                Picture Book
Age                  4+
Pages                96
Format               17.0 x 24.0 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With foil embossment on the cover
Sales price          € 12.00
Pub. Date            October 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-71581-0
Rights of the series Sold to: BG, DK, EE, LT, FI, RU, UA
                     (RU, UA)

After the successful picture books: 12 magical stories to read aloud

The unicorns live deep in the mysterious Wish Forest. They are as white as snow. Their fur shines, and so do their
manes. A magic horn shimmers on each unicorn’s forehead. They can do almost anything – and of course they can
also fly. Welcome to the world of Finya Brightstar!

In the secret Wishing Wood, a wonderful world of unicorns is just waiting to be discovered! Enjoy magical adventures
in the company of the little unicorn Finya Brightstar and her friends, Trixie the goblin girl and Kalle the bat.
When they leave their tent one night, the three brave friends find out the cause of some strange noises. They come
up with a clever plan to help the big unicorn Elara, who has been feeling horribly sad for several days. And when
Finya and Trixie have a nasty quarrel, Kalle succeeds in getting them to make up. Because after all, best friends are
always there for one another!
Twelve stories to read aloud, on a wide range of subjects, all sheer delight! With beautifully designed four-colour
illustrations by Marina Krämer on every page, and fine foil embossing on the cover. Ideal for bedtime reading.

•   Favourite subjects: magic and unicorns.
•   Richly designed, with dazzling pictures by Marina Krämer on each double page.
•   Already 50,000 copies sold of the series!

BACKLIST SAMPLES (SERIES)                                                               BACKLIST SAMPLE (ILLUSTRATOR)

                How Wonderful to Be                         Dreams Come True with
                Friends (1)                                 You (2)
                Mila Berg                                   Mila Berg                                   Christmas is Nearly There
                Marina Krämer                               Marina Krämer                               Jana Frey
                Rights of the Series: See                   Rights of the Series: See                   Marina Krämer
                above                                       above                                       Rights: Available worldwide

                                       For further information please feel free to contact:                                  25
                        Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Andreas H. Schmachtl/Andreas H. Schmachtl

The Floating Teapot and other
Weird Wonders
Missi Moppel. Detective for all Cases (2)

Title German         Die schwebende Teekanne und
                     andere Ungereimtheiten
Series German        Missi Moppel - Detektivin für alle
                     Fälle (2)
Genre                Detective Stories
Age                  4+
Pages                176
Format               16.5 x 23.0 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With UV finish on the cover, ribbon
                     page marker and cloth spine
Sales price          € 14.00
Pub. Date            September 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-71462-2
Rights of the series Sold to RU and German audio book

Watch out, all you fans of detective stories: Missi Moppel is back on the trail!

Watch out! This book may contain serious thrills!

The master detective is after a cunning thief who steals colourful, random objects like Leonardo da Vinci’s paintbrush
or antique sugar bowls. During a visit to Grandpa Pots, she uncovers the secret of Ghost Island and solves the puzzle
of the floating teapot in Mr Goldrand’s junk shop. Only the nasty blackmailing letters from the mysterious “Magpie”
present her with a seemingly insoluble mystery. Someone is testing the powers of the great investigator to their very
limit…Will she be able to crack even this case?

•   15 original detective stories told in masterly fashion by the Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.
•   A thriller in 15 episodes: Missi Moppel hunts for a very bad baddie.
•   MISSI MOPPEL already sold a total of 15,000 copies!

                                                                                                       Tilda Appleseed. An
                                                                                                       Enchanting Houseboat
                The Mystery in the Tower                   Juli Dandelion. A New                       Andreas H. Schmachtl
                Room and Other Enigmas                     Adventure Every Day                         Rights of the series: Sold to
                (1)                                        Andreas H. Schmachtl                        BG, DK, EE, FI, HU, IT, LT,
                Andreas H. Schmachtl                       Rights of the series: Sold to               LV, PRC, RO, RU, TR, UA,
                Rights of the series: See                  PRC, RU, RO, German audio                   ZA. German audio book
                above                                      book rights sold                            rights sold, TV rights sold

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                                     26
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                 Children's Books

Andreas H. Schmachtl

The Hectic Hunt for the River
Snöfrid from Meadow Valley (3)

Title German         Die wahrlich rasante Jagd nach der
Series German        Snöfrid aus dem Wiesental (3)
Genre                Fantastic Adventure
Age                  7+
Pages                128
Format               15.3 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With UV finish on the cover, ribbon
                     page marker and cloth spine
Sales price          € 10.00
Pub. Date            July 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-71585-8
Rights of the series Sold to FI, RO, RU, UA, VN and
                     German audio book rights sold

Truly heroic! A new Snöfrid book that children can read by themselves

A Snöfrid is a really seldom creature, actually they prefer peace and quiet and adventures are not their cup of tea.
But suddenly Snöfrid has this strange sensation: could it be wanderlust? Or even a thirst of adventures? A story book
series by the exceptionally talented writer Andreas H. Schmachtl: More thrilling, more adventurous, more magical
and more incredibly funny than any other story!

What a disaster! Snöfrid’s stream has disappeared during the night! Without water there can be no porridge, and
Snöfrid doesn’t have to think twice. This problem must be solved immediately! The hunt for water begins with a wet
meeting at the pond of the little nymph Flumina, but when it turns into a hunt for the mysterious river pearl,
involving a submersible boat, the story quickly becomes an underwater adventure, and who knows how it will end?

•   With large lettering and short chapters for children who read by themselves from the second reading year onwards.
•   Magical adventure, great fun for boys and girls, by Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.
•   The series sold a total of 250,000 copies so far!

BACKLIST SAMPLES (SERIES)                                                              BACKLIST SAMPLE (STORYBOOK)

                The Truly Huge Mystery of                  The Truly Incredible                       The Absolutely Incredible
                Appelgarden (1)                            Mystery of the Trolls (2)                  Rescue of Northland (1)
                Andreas H. Schmachtl                       Andreas H. Schmachtl                       Andreas H. Schmachtl
                Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: see
                above                                      above                                      above

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                               27
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
Autumn 2020                Children's Books

Oliver Pautsch/Timo Grubing

Captured by Pirates
Vico Dragonbrother (4)

Title German         In den Fängen der Piraten
Series German        Vico Drachenbruder (4)
Genre                Adventure/ Dragons
Age                  7+
Pages                72
Format               15.3 x 20.5 cm
Edition              Hardcover
Design               With UV finish and embossing on
                     the cover
Sales price          € 9.00
Pub. Date            June 2020
ISBN                 978-3-401-71646-6
Rights of the series Sold to RO and RU

The finale of a popular series

Wild dragons, big secrets and a whole lot of adventure! The new fantasy series (from experienced author Oliver
Pautsch) beguiles readers with an irresistible combination of exciting action, mythical creatures and surprising
friendships. Accompanied by humorous, lively illustrations by Timo Grubing, the story of the young Vico
Dragonbrother charms reluctant readers and dragon fans alike.

Vico and Mona are overjoyed to have found their mother. Now they set out in search of their missing father. They
find themselves in the midst of a violent thunderstorm and then fall into the dangerous clutches of pirates. The
courage of Vico, Mona and their dragon is severely tested, and they finish up on a mysterious island. Will they at last
find their father here?

•   Short chapters to ensure fast and successful reading.
•   VICO DRAGONBROTHER sold a total of 25,000 copies so far!


                The Secret of the Glittering               Attack of the Black Dragon                 The Treasure in Fire
                Amulet (1)                                 (2)                                        Mountain (3)
                Oliver Pautsch                             Oliver Pautsch                             Oliver Pautsch
                Timo Grubing                               Timo Grubing                               Timo Grubing
                Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: See                  Rights of the series: See
                above                                      above                                      above

                                      For further information please feel free to contact:                                 28
                       Rights Department, Arena Verlag,, Tel: +49-931-79644-81
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