Parent/Student Handbook 2020-2021 - Franciscan Montessori ...

Page created by Bradley Salinas
Parent/Student Handbook 2020-2021 - Franciscan Montessori ...
Founded 1977

Parent/Student Handbook

        (Revised August 28, 2019)

          14750 SE Clinton St.
        Portland, OR 97236-2316
          Phone: 503-760-8220
           Fax: 503-760-8333


Mission Statement
The Franciscan Montessori Earth School provides students from early childhood through young adolescence
the skills to acquire individual fulfillment, academic excellence, moral and spiritual development, confidence
and independence for lifelong learning. Through the academic and experiential learning process developed by
Maria Montessori, and influenced by the spirituality of St. Francis, students are guided to respect themselves
and others, and to be stewards of the earth.

Dear Parents:
This handbook has been prepared by the staff of the Franciscan Montessori Earth School.
We have found the policies developed in this handbook an aid in fostering harmony and cooperation
among the staff, parents and students.
We realize that our role as a school is as a secondary partner and collaborator with your child.
Please read this information and use it as a reference throughout the year. We hope by working together
we can “Follow the Child” into new levels of growth and challenge for all of us.
In the words of St. Francis of Assisi we bless you and your family. May the Lord bless you, may He show
His face to you and grant you peace.


Sister Therese Gutting, F.S.E.
Head of School

Mission Statement .....................................................0               Birthdays and Holidays at School ..............................9
Abbreviations & Definitions………………………..ii                                               Noon Nutrition/(N2) Program ................................. 10
School History ...........................................................1            FMES Food Mission ................................................ 10
Vision Statement........................................................1              Grace and Courtesy ................................................. 11
FMES Affirmative Action Policy ..............................1                         Hydration ................................................................. 11
School Affiliations Internationale, Amsterdam,                                         Classroom Snacks .................................................... 11
Netherlands ................................................................1
                                                                                       Gardening at FMES ................................................. 11
School Goals and Objectives .....................................2
                                                                                       Carpools................................................................... 11
Learning Differences .................................................3
                                                                                       Financial Policy ....................................................... 12
Atrium Program (Religious Education) .....................3
                                                                                       Tuition Assistance ................................................... 12
Middle School Adolescent Program ..........................3
                                                                                       Early Withdrawal Policy ......................................... 13
FMES Before & After Care: Montessori Aspect .......4
                                                                                       Charitable Giving .................................................... 13
Daily Schedule ...........................................................4
                                                                                       Annual Fund ............................................................ 13
Daily Routine......................................................... …4
                                                                                       Social Misconduct Policy ........................................ 13
Morning Drop-off Procedure .....................................5
                                                                                       Harassment Policy ................................................... 14
Afternoon Pickup .......................................................5
                                                                                       Anti-Bullying Policy................................................ 15
Inclement Weather .....................................................5
                                                                                       School Commitment ................................................ 15
Parent Alert ................................................................5
                                                                                       Freedom ................................................................... 16
Illness at School .........................................................6
                                                                                       FMES Fair Share Volunteer Program ...................... 16
Attendance Policy ......................................................6
                                                                                       Parent Participation.................................................. 16
                                                                                       Telephone, Cell Phone and Electronic Equipment .. 16
Absences ....................................................................6
                                                                                       Internet Usage/Cell Phone Policy ............................ 16
Medication at School .................................................6
                                                                                       Cell Phone Guide Lines: .......................................... 16
Allergies ....................................................................6
                                                                                       School Photographs ................................................. 17
Health ........................................................................6
                                                                                       Fire/Earthquake/Disaster and Dangerous Person
Immunizations ...........................................................6             Drills ........................................................................ 17
Clothing .....................................................................7        Safety Committee .................................................... 17
Pets in School ............................................................8           Philosophy of the FMES Extra Curriculum Sports
                                                                                       Program ................................................................... 17
Outside Play...............................................................8
                                                                                       Notification of Outings ............................................ 19
Authorized Pick Up List ............................................8
School Safety .............................................................8
Family/Visitor/Volunteer ID .....................................9
Observations/Conferences .........................................9
Observing in Children’s House .................................9
Observing Elementary and Middle School ................9

Franciscan Montessori Earth School                            14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

                                                     UE      Upper Elementary
                                                     MA      Montessori Aspect (Before & After Care)
FMES Franciscan Montessori Earth School
                                                     N2      Noon Nutrition
AP      Adolescent Program (Middle School)
                                                     E2      Earth Experience
FSE     Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
                                                     RA      Responsible Adult
NWAIS Northwest Association of Independent
                                                     FACTs           School Administration Software
                                                     ParentsWeb      The FACTs Portal for Parents
WCEA Western Catholic Educational Association
CH      Children’s House
LE      Lower Elementary

 Edited 8/28/2019                               ii                    503/760-8220, Fax 503/760-8333
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Franciscan Montessori Earth School                                      14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

                                                             By providing protected environments, based on the
School History                                               respect for human work and the integrity of social
The Franciscan Montessori Earth School was
established in 1977 for children six years of age to 12      Recognizing the need for balanced relationships, all
years of age, as a direct response to many parents           FSE programs offer guidance as a means to realizing
wishing a continuation of the exceptionally positive         and accepting one’s own personal dignity and
Montessori Pre-School experience for their children.         uniqueness as a way of entering Transcendence.
Under the stewardship and administration of the
                                                             We further believe “the family is the nucleus in
Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, the first
                                                             which every living culture is rooted and grows . . .
classroom opened in a rented facility in Northeast
                                                             the family must be considered the privileged
Portland with 17 students. In September 1981, the
                                                             foundation for the transmission and enrichment of a
first Children’s House was opened to accommodate
                                                             people’s wisdom, the soil in which are cultivated the
children ages two and a half to six years. The
                                                             ethical and spiritual values that give a living culture
Transition-Erdkinder (Adolescent Program) was
                                                             its fullest dignity.” (Gospel Message and Human
begun with 17 students in 1985. With the Children’s
                                                             Cultures. From Leo XIII to John Paul II, Herve
House Environment and the Adolescent Program, the
                                                             Carrier, S.J., Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press,
Franciscan Montessori Earth School developed a
                                                             1987, page 65.)
Montessori program for children ages two and a half
to 15 years, the first in the Pacific Northwest.             Therefore we believe and uphold the sacredness of
                                                             marriage. Strong, supportive relationships between
The Franciscan Montessori Earth School of Portland,
                                                             husband and wife, parent and child, family and
Oregon is an integral part of the Franciscan Life
                                                             school, and family and Church, provide the
Center Network, the apostolate of the Franciscan
                                                             environment in which students can know a security
Sisters of the Eucharist, which identifies with the life
                                                             permitting them to face the challenges of growth and
and doctrine of the Catholic Church and knows
                                                             development (recognizing that this family
continuity through the pattern of community life
                                                             configuration is not always operative).
lived within the Life Centers of the Franciscan Sisters
of the Eucharist. The Franciscan Life Center Network         Respect for family life is a prime family value. An
consists of four major centers.                              integral part of family life, education requires a
                                                             balance of prayer, work and recreation.
Vision Statement                                             Roman Catholic religious doctrine is inherent in all
                                                             our programs, with the invitation for those not of the
The Educational Programs of the Franciscan Sisters           Roman Catholic faith to participate according to their
of the Eucharist maintain that all life is sacred, and       ability, while simultaneously respecting their own
therefore this religious community is dedicated to           religious beliefs.
protect and promote the inherent value of each
individual human life:
                                                             FMES Affirmative Action Policy
By teaching the respect for human life in all its
phases of development;                                       The Franciscan Montessori Earth School admits
                                                             students of any race, color, religion, national or
By maintaining that individual uniqueness is an
                                                             ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and
entrance into the dynamic of becoming;
                                                             activities generally accorded or made available to all
By recognizing that autonomy (the unfolding of               schools. It does not discriminate on the basis of race,
personhood) is achieved in following harmoniously            color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its
the natural rhythms in nature, through mutual human          educational policies, tuition assistance and loan
interdependence, and reverence for all life forms;           programs, and other school-administered programs.
By establishing prepared environments, that provide
elements and experiences of created matter of the            School Affiliations Internationale,
natural and human environment, valued in                     Amsterdam, Netherlands
themselves for their inherent integrity, order and
beauty, and as media of personal growth;                     The Franciscan Montessori Earth School has been
                                                             recognized by the Association Montessori
                                                             International, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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Email:                                                                         Web page:
Franciscan Montessori Earth School                                     14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

As a private Catholic pre K-8 School, the Franciscan             home, school and community; attitudes of
Montessori Earth School is an accredited member of               cooperation, balanced emotional integration; and
the Northwest Association of Independent Schools                 an aesthetic sensibility.
(NWAIS and WCEA), is registered with the State of
                                                            3.   Students can develop a complementary social
Oregon, Department of Education, and is recognized
                                                                 structure, which will balance the contrasting
by this state as a legitimate private school, qualifying
                                                                 needs of the individual and the needs of the
for Block Grants, Title I funds and any other such
                                                                 group. Guidance that follows the natural human
services available through the State of Oregon
                                                                 tendencies, the prepared environment, and
Department of Education for private schools. The
                                                                 lessons in “grace and courtesy” are catalysts to
Before and After School Care Program (Montessori
                                                                 this end.
Aspect) is licensed with the State of Oregon’s
Children’s Services Division. All salaries and              4.   Students should experience consistent
operating costs come principally from tuition.                   expectations throughout the school environment.
Outside of salaries for staff, administration, and               The Before & After Care environments, known
services rendered, no profit accrues to any individual.          as Montessori Aspect, should act in concert with
All monies received are used to provide a highly                 the expected Montessori pedagogy in the
qualified staff, a well-equipped and maintained                  classroom. Objectives for achieving this goal
learning environment, and an effective program of                focus on the reality that Montessori is not merely
learning. An Annual Fund is active and necessary to              a method of education but a philosophy for life.
continue to provide this excellent Montessori
                                                            Specific processes for experiencing learning in this
                                                            context include:

School Goals and Objectives                                 1.   Providing a carefully prepared environment with
                                                                 specific materials, activities, and opportunities
The major goals are:                                             that are developmentally appropriate to a
                                                                 particular plane of development;
1.   Students have an inner guide, a natural force,
     which drives them to “construct” themselves            2.   Connecting the child to the environment by
     toward their unique potential. With this process            providing carefully prepared presentations or
     “a new beginning for humanity takes place.”                 lessons, using a specific material that relates a
                                                                 specific concept;
     Our educational aim with children must be to aid
     the spontaneous development of the mental,             3.   Affirming that students have natural human
     spiritual and physical personality, and not to              tendencies in their own development that are
     make of the child a cultured individual in the              evidenced by their spontaneous activities;
     commonly accepted sense of the term . . . “after       4.   Incorporating consciously these natural human
     we have offered to the child such didactic                  tendencies within the learning process;
     material as we adapted to provoke the
     development of his senses, we must wait until the      5.   Providing opportunities for students’ relentless
     activity known as observation develops. And                 exploration through their natural senses and
     herein lies the art of the educator; in knowing             freedom of movement, cooperative work and
     how to measure the action by which we help the              observation;
     child’s personality to develop.”                       6.   Maintaining a program that will free students to
                                   --Maria Montessori            explore their inner spiritual resources through
                                                                 exposure to religious paths and moral
2.   Students develop and educate themselves in a                development.
     way that is natural. The goal developmentally is
     that the child may remain in touch with his/her        Montessori education is based also on the observation
     own nature and develop a reverence for the             that children learn according to their physical,
     organic order of the universe, resulting in a          psychological, and spiritual stages of growth. In the
     whole, integrated human being vitally involved         first three years of each stage, new development
     in his/her own development and sensitive to the        occurs; it is crystallized in the second three years of
     needs of others. Such development includes a           each plane of development. Children exhibit a great
     healthy, well-coordinated body, active and             deal of insecurity, disorder, and signs of non-
     creative imagination, and resourcefulness with a       conformity at the beginning of each new plane. They
     sense of interdependence; sound attitudes toward
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Email:                                                                        Web page:
Franciscan Montessori Earth School                                        14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

need the recognition of their peers, in addition to that       Baptist and Paul--beginning to identify our unique
of their family.                                               call and response in our culture and the world today.
                                                               We begin the study of two other great monotheistic
The policy of the school is to accept all eligible
                                                               religions--Judaism and Islam. Each session begins
students regardless of racial, cultural, religious or
                                                               with a silent work time offering the skill of centering,
socio-economic background.
                                                               meditation, prior to their work with UE materials.

Learning Differences                                           Middle School: In the seventh and eighth grades the
                                                               students explore the origins of religious belief. The
FMES recognizes and values the academic potential              idea of the “sacred,” myth and ritual, creation
of students of diverse learning abilities. Although            accounts, origins of natural law, the Mosaic Law, and
our program is not geared specifically to students             the foundations of Christianity. They then investigate
with learning disabilities or attention problems,              the other great religions of the world besides Judaism
students can experience success at FMES when                   and Christianity--Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism,
supported by an honest and cooperative teacher-                viewing them in relationship to the Judeo-Christian
student-parent relationship. Parents are expected to           Tradition.
inform the School if their child has a previously
diagnosed learning or attention difference. If a               The following is a breakdown of the additional
student is having serious academic or behavior                 information provided for Catholic students as an
difficulty, the Guide and/or Administrator may                 introduction to the sacraments:
request that he or she be evaluated by an independent
                                                               Primary: Eucharist and Baptism
professional diagnostician who can hopefully clarify
the nature and source of the difference. Such an               Lower Elementary: Eucharist, Baptism and Penance
evaluation may be a prerequisite for the student’s
continued enrollment at FMES. The results of such              Upper Elementary: Eucharist, Baptism, Penance and
an evaluation will be used to develop strategies to            Confirmation
help the student. The School may also decide that the
                                                               Middle School: An understanding of the Catholic
student’s interests will be served better in a learning
                                                               church and an exploration of world religions.
environment different from the one the School can
                                                               Middle School Adolescent Program
Atrium Program (Religious                                      The Adolescent Program is the middle school,
Education)                                                     encompassing seventh and eighth grade, of the
                                                               Franciscan Montessori Earth School.
All children are welcome to take part in the
spirituality component of the school. The Catechesis           Preparation for the middle school began in 1982, as
of the Good Shepherd is a Christian process serving            the oldest group of students approached the end of
CH, LE and UE.                                                 their elementary work. Several of them, with the
                                                               support of their parents, wanted to continue their
The following is a breakdown of the information                Montessori education. Coupled with this interest was
shared in the Christian Orientation Program.                   the enthusiasm generated by a number of experiments
Primary: We focus on the life and teachings of Christ          in Montessori secondary education, which were
with emphasis on Messianic prophecies, Infancy                 springing up across the United States. After
Narratives, parables of love and protection, parables          thoroughly researching the possibilities, the school
of the Kingdom of God, and the geography of Israel.            community decided to open a Junior High program.
                                                               Like most other experiments then underway, this one
Lower Elementary: We continue to develop the                   was to be an “urban compromise”--that is, a
above concepts and move more deeply into the                   secondary program guided as much as possible by
teachings of Christ, such as the parables dealing with         Dr. Montessori’s insights into adolescence, but not a
values and mercy.                                              true rural, residential Erdkinder. In a research report
                                                               developed at that time, the school declared: “While it
Upper Elementary: We move further into the                     is our hope that the Junior High (Middle School)
development of values and talents; we study Creation           program evolve into the Erdkinder we realize the
and Redemption, the call and response of Abraham,              wisdom of beginning with a program which is not
Moses and other Old Testament prophets, John the               only consistent with Montessori principles, but also
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Email:                                                                          Web page:
Franciscan Montessori Earth School                                      14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

more easily accomplished and more traditional.” The           The variety of ages, activities and materials, as well
program opened in September 1985 with 17 seventh              as the personnel, offer a rich and captivating
and eighth year students. From the beginning it has           environment for your child. It promises to help your
offered a broad spectrum of activities--all developed         child gain social skills and insight into new and
as a response to the skills internalized by these young       varied learning approaches while having fun.
people in the course of their Montessori education.
                                                              Montessori Aspect consists of two segments:
                                                              Montessori Aspect Before Care (AM) and
FMES Before & After Care:                                     Montessori Aspect After Care (PM). Montessori
Montessori Aspect                                             Aspect AM/PM is available on most days during
As is apparent from the school's philosophy
statement, Before & After Care, (Montessori Aspect)           Children arriving at school before 8:30am and those
is an integral part of the total program at the FMES.         leaving after 2:30pm (for CH), or 3:30pm (for
                                                              Elementary), must be supervised; all will be charged
Our Before & After Care Program, Montessori                   for participation in the Montessori Aspect Program.
Aspect (MA), is an environment prepared and                   Montessori Aspect is not offered for the half day
developed upon the principle of respect for the               Children’s House students.
student's capacities and developing self-direction.
                                                              MA hourly fee is $7.25 and is prorated based on time
Appropriate materials are available for students based        of participation. MA fees are billed monthly.
on their interest and developmental levels.
                                                              Care provided after 6:00pm closing time will be
Consideration for the culture of the students, their          charged at $3.00 per minute.
home and backgrounds is apparent through the
activities available and the materials used.
                                                              Daily Schedule
Students of different ages share experiences in a
setting reflecting a familial environment.                    7:00am               Montessori Aspect available

We are proud of the many activities that Montessori           8:15-8:30am          Students move from Montessori
Aspect has to offer: games, building materials,                                    Aspect to classroom
puzzles and books. These, in addition to the variety          8:30am-12:00pm       Children's House Half Day
of options the school offers, such as the library, gym,                            Program
and play structures, makes Montessori Aspect an
integrated before and after school program. Working           8:30am-2:30pm        Children's House Extended Day
and playing in the Montessori Aspect environment                                   Program
helps us realize that the Montessori philosophy is a          8:30am-3:30pm        Elementary (LE and UE)
way of life.
                                                              8:30am-3:30pm        St. Francis Academy (SFA)
    Because we want the students to take pride in
                                                              2:45pm               Early Dismissal every
    this program with us, we ask that parents wait
                                                                                   Wednesday for Elementary (LE
    patiently while the students get themselves ready
                                                                                   and UE) & AP. Supervision until
    to leave for the day. It is important for them to
                                                                                   3:30pm is included in tuition.
    finish the process of their work by themselves.
    First they choose it, then they work/play with it,        2:30-6:00pm          Montessori Aspect available
    then they put it away properly. Sometimes
    parents find it hard to wait, but to continue the         Daily Routine
    Montessori approach for your child, it is
    necessary to follow the same process as in the            Consistency in your child's daily routine and your
    classroom. Your awareness of this process will            attitude toward this routine are vital to his/her
    help you understand why at times you wait for             feelings of security.
    your child.                                                   We would like to emphasize the importance of
If you need your child immediately upon your arrival,             the student’s timely arrival in the classroom.
call the office ahead of time. We can alert your child            Children’s House, Elementary and AP students
and give them a "head start" with departure                       should be in their classrooms no later than
preparation.                                                      8:30am.
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Email:                                                                         Web page:
Franciscan Montessori Earth School                                       14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

Dr. Montessori stated that work has a beginning,               Be sure each morning your child's belongings are
middle and end. It is not an exaggeration to say that a        together and that last minute business is taken care of
child deprived of the proper beginning in the                  before you enter the school yard.
classroom is psychologically and objectively
deprived of the most important part of his/her day.            Make good-byes cheerful and brief.
Too late an arrival tends to make a child feel like an         If complications develop while you are in the car,
“outsider” because the work has started before he/she          pull into the parking lot so you can take the time you
arrived.                                                       need to get things taken care of without impeding the
Give your child plenty of time to get ready for                flow of traffic.
school, the same amount every day. Travel the same             Never park in driveway and leave your car.
route. Attempt not to rush, because we don't want to
associate rushing and an accompanying sense of guilt
with the school experience. Essentially, if you                Afternoon Pickup
establish a happy pattern of beginning each day with
regular and predictable events preceding your child's          Please arrange to have your students picked up at
arrival at the school, he/she will be eager and able to        their dismissal time (12:00pm, 2:30pm or 3:30pm).
get the most out of his/her day, while at the same             Children's House, Lower Elementary, and Upper
time establishing a positive attitude.                         Elementary students leave through the Lobby door.
                                                               Students who are not picked up at dismissal will go
After the initial orientation period, please leave your        to Montessori Aspect until their ride arrives. (MA is
child at the reception area or front door of the               not available for the half day CH program.) After
classroom. An apprehensive child is usually quickly            dismissal at 3:30pm parents picking up students from
involved in an interesting activity.                           Montessori Aspect are to follow the phone procedure
                                                               in the lobby.
Students are met for the 2:30pm and 3:30pm
                                                               Inclement Weather
Children’s House: Children are brought from the
classroom to the Main Hallway.*                                At times of inclement weather, the policy regarding
                                                               school closure for the Franciscan Montessori Earth
Lower Elementary: Children are to be collected at              School will be the same as for the CENTENNIAL
the classroom door.*                                           school district and/or PORTLAND PUBLIC
                                                               SCHOOLS, whichever has the latest start time or
Upper Elementary: Children are brought from the
                                                               closure. Listen to the radio (KINK 102 FM, KEX
classroom to the Main Hallway and Lobby.*
                                                               1190AM, OPB 91.5FM or watch television (KOIN
Middle School: Children are met in the courtyard               Channel 6, KPTV Channel 12) or check our web
outside of Clare Hall.                                         page. It is not necessary to verify the report with a
                                                               phone call to the school. You will also receive a text
*Unless otherwise instructed by Guide.                         message and email through Parent Alert. There is no
                                                               Montessori Aspect available when the school closes,
                                                               or in the morning if we have a late start time due to
Morning Drop-off Procedure                                     inclement weather. If we start late, Montessori
The first priority is the safety of the students and the       Aspect will be available (on its usual schedule) in the
second is smooth, efficient, flow of traffic. Drivers          afternoon. After 6:30am our school, whenever
MUST remain in their cars, pulling out as soon as the          possible, will be mentioned by name regarding
students are safely clear. This procedure applies to           closure or late opening.
children who are able to disembark and get inside
independently, or a sibling who is able to help them.          Parent Alert
If your child needs help, or you have business inside
the school (no matter how brief), please park in the           Parent Alert is a mass notification system comprised
parking lot or on the street and walk in.                      of SMS text messaging to cell phones to
                                                               communicate school closures due to weather,
Hints that will help this procedure be smooth and              emergency situations, etc. Alerts will be sent to the
comfortable for children and drivers alike:                    cell phone numbers of your family marked as
                                                               “custody” in FACTs. We may send to additional
Edited 08/28/2019
ParentStudentHndbk2020-2021-2019                           5                             503-760-8220, Fax 503-760-8333
Email:                                                                          Web page:
Franciscan Montessori Earth School                                      14750 SE Clinton St., Portland OR 97236-2316

contacts within your FACTs account in emergency              Absences
situations. If you do not receive a SMS text, please
contact the school to add your cell phone number to          If your child shows signs of fever, unusual rash, etc.,
our system                                                   we ask that you keep them home. If a child is
                                                             uncomfortable at school, we may call and ask that
Illness at School                                            your child be picked up. If your child will be absent
                                                             the school must be notified. If the child or a sibling
If a student becomes ill during school hours, the            has contracted a contagious disease, the school must
parent will be contacted immediately. When                   be informed.
appropriate, the student may need to go home; your
                                                             It is inevitable when students are together that they
child should have the security of knowing the place
                                                             will come in contact with other students’ germs.
where he/she is to go in case of illness and you are
not at home. If the student cannot go home, or the           Unfortunately, symptoms often do not appear until
parent cannot be reached, the student will remain at         after the class has been exposed. We have found that
                                                             by the third year, most students have built up
school until the parent is contacted.
                                                             immunity to colds, etc., and our children rarely miss
In cases of extreme medical emergency, when the              a day of their third year in Children’s House.
parent cannot be reached, the student will be taken to
Portland Adventist Hospital (503-257-2500). All              Medication at School
efforts will be made to reach the parents and inform
them of the nature of the emergency and the action           If a student is to take medication during school hours,
taken. Parents are required to sign the medical              the Medication Form must be completed and left
permission in the online enrollment packet.                  with the office staff who will lock it in the medicine
                                                             cabinet. Medication Forms are found in the wall file
This form is found in ParentsWeb and must be signed          in the Lobby. Leave the form and the medication at
before classes begin in September. Please update this        the front desk in the lobby.
form immediately if phone or address changes.
                                                             All medication is kept in the office. The medication
                                                             will be administered during the day per your
Attendance Policy                                            instructions. Please indicate whether the medication
                                                             is to be refrigerated and if it will be picked up each
The normal school day begins at 8:30am and ends at
noon and 2:30pm for Children’s House and 3:30pm
for all other levels. Wednesday is early dismissal.          Nonprescription drugs such as cough drops, vitamins,
Where Children’s House ends at noon and 2:30pm               aspirin, etc., are also left at the office. Do not put
and all other levels end at 2:45pm Prompt and regular        them in your child’s lunch box or allow your child to
attendance is required at all classes. Daily records of      keep nonprescription drugs on their person.
attendance are kept for each student by the Guides. If
a student is absent the school is to be informed. If a
student is absent without such notification, school
staff will notify the parent or guardian by telephone.       If your child has food and/or medicine allergies,
Besides being a state law and a school requirement,          please be sure to notify the school, and to fill out the
attending regularly is in a student’s best interest. It      medical portion of the enrollment form on FACTs.
ensures the maximum opportunity for learning and
for completing course requirements.
Tardiness                                                    Students entering FMES must have a complete
                                                             physical checkup before entering school. The
Students are expected to be ready to work when class         Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status is
begins. If they are not ready to work, they are tardy.       required when your child enters school.
(Readiness to work means having all necessary
books, papers, writing tools, or other required              Immunizations
materials prepared for immediate use).
                                                             An Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status
                                                             (CIS) form showing all pertinent vaccination
                                                             information or applicable exemptions is required to
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be on file for each child by the first day of school, or      understand that the school expects its students and
an official record of vaccinations given by your              staff to conform to its dress code.
                                                              Modesty is an attitude. It begins by being
Ensuring that the school has a signed and dated,              comfortable with oneself. Modesty is taught and
current and accurate Certificate (CIS), or a current          practiced when one learns to keep others from being
Doctor’s record for each student is the Parent’s              exploited. When we teach modesty we teach that one
responsibility. If you have any doubts, check with the        does not try to attract too much attention to oneself.
office to ensure accurate and complete records are on         We encourage the students to dress in a moderate and
file. If needed, blank forms are available here at the        comfortable way, discreetly covering their body with
school.                                                       reverence and respect. Consequently we teach the
                                                              students to avoid fad styles and immodest dress.
If your child’s records are incomplete or not on file
with the school:                                              Each Guide, Assistant and Staff person is responsible
                                                              for the application of the code.
1.   Get a Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS)
                                                              The Dress Code on campus is considered “school
     form from the school, or from the State Health
     Department and fill out the month and year for
     each dose of vaccine your child has received.            Appropriate school attire includes:
2.   Submit a complete and accurate record clearly            All clothing should be in good condition without
     indicating it was issued by your Doctor.                 holes or tattered hems.
3.   On the CIS form indicate that your child is                      All clothing should be without branding
     exempt from being immunized for the following                     and/or graphics that could be deemed
     reasons:                                                          offensive (i.e. profanity or suggestive
                                                                       language; promotion of alcohol, tobacco,
     a) Medical (please submit a letter signed by a
                                                                       cannabis or illegal substances)
        licensed physician with CIS form)
     b) Nonmedical (parent’s signature required on                    All clothing should be without political
        page one, page two and in the Nonmedical                       branding
        Exemption box)                                                All clothing should be neutral in theme (i.e.
                                                                       no princess dresses, military fatigues, goth-
Again, your child’s Doctor is the best resource for all                look)
immunization questions. You may also call the
                                                                      All shirts should cover the midriff, be
school if you have general questions about current
requirements.                                                          modestly cut and not sheer
                                                                      Sleeveless shirts should have a two-inch
                                                                       strap width.
Clothing                                                              Leggings should be worn with shirts that
Our Mission Statement says “The Franciscan                             fall at the lower hip
Montessori Earth School provides students                             Shorts/Skirts/Dresses should fall to a
from early childhood through young                                     length of two inches above the knee
adolescence the skills to acquire individual                          Skirts/Dresses should not have slits that
fulfillment, academic excellence, moral and                            extend past two inches above the knee
spiritual development, confidence and                                 Hats/Caps should not be worn in class
independence for lifelong learning. Through
                                                                      Shoes should allow the student to kick
the academic and experiential learning process
                                                                       without loss of a shoe (i.e. no flip flops) and
developed by Maria Montessori, and
influenced by the spirituality of St. Francis,                         be lower than 2 inches in heel height
students are guided to respect themselves and                         Hair should be of natural color (no dye) and
others, and to be stewards of the earth.”                              styled modestly (i.e. no mohawks or spiked
It is within this context that we expect students to
                                                                      Makeup is not appropriate at the Children’s
dress in a manner appropriate for a Catholic
Montessori educational program. It is the                              House and Elementary levels. At Middle
responsibility of both the student and parent to                       School, it should be modestly applied
                                                                      Piercings of the ears only
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        Tattoos should not be visible (this includes        Pets in School
         temporary and henna tattoos)
                                                             Children love to share their pets at the Earth School.
                                                             We have such a diverse school population we must
    Unacceptable school attire                               remember to be respectful of all families when pets
    includes:                                                are visiting. Cats need to be in arms or carrier, dogs
                                                             in arms or on a short leash. Rodents and birds are in
     Clothing with holes or tattered hems                    cages. Owners are responsible for their animals at all
     Clothing with branding and/or graphics that            times.
        could be deemed offensive (i.e. profanity or
        suggestive language; promotion of alcohol,           Outside Play
        tobacco, cannabis or illegal substances)
                                                             Students will be expected to participate in outside
     Clothing with political branding
                                                             play at school, except on rare occasions when a
     Themed clothing (i.e. princess dresses,                written request explains to the teacher reasons for
        military fatigues, goth-look)                        remaining indoors. Most days students will spend
     Clothing that is sheer, immodestly cut or              some time out of doors.
        bares the midriff
     Sleeveless shirts with less than a two inch
                                                             Authorized Pick Up List
        strap width (i.e. camisoles, tops with
        spaghetti straps, strapless tops)                    If your child is to be taken out of school by someone
     Leggings worn with shirts that fall above the          other than the authorized person(s) on the school’s
        lower hip                                            records, that person must have permission IN
     Shorts/Skirts/Dresses that fall more than two          WRITING to remove your child from the school
        inches above the knee or have slits that             premises. For reasons of personal safety for your
                                                             child, a phone call will not suffice to release your
        extend beyond two inches above the knee
     Shoes that come off when kicking such as
        flip-flops and shoes with a heel height
        greater than two inches                              School Safety
     Dyed hair and extreme hair styles such as              Great effort is expended to secure the safety of the
        mohawks or spiked styles                             children during their time at school. For all Parents
     Makeup for Children’s House and                        and staff who work and or volunteer to be with the
        Elementary students; heavy makeup for                students, three steps are required:
        Middle School students
                                                             1.   Once during the time your child is in our school
     Body piercings beyond ear piercing                          attendance at a Code of Ethics presentation, must
     Visible tattoos, including temporary and                    be attended by the persons volunteering. The
        henna tattoos                                             Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist require this
                                                                  code be presented to all staff and volunteers
For the Children’s House. Students should be                      working with our children.
provided with clothing they can manipulate by
themselves. For example, students should wear                2.   Meet all Children Services Division state
                                                                  requirements for volunteers and staff who work
pants without large belts so the pants can be removed
                                                                  with children. This includes a Criminal
easily when using the bathroom. For the younger                   Background Check.
students we suggest elastic-wasted pants that can be
pulled up and down easily.                                   3.   Driver must be at least 21 years of age and
                                                                  provide a copy of valid driver’s license, driving
This is not meant to be a complete list of                        record, proof of adequate insurance coverage and
unacceptable items. If the staff finds something to be            initialed agreement from the school.
inappropriate, the student will be asked to remedy
(the next day) his or her attire when they return to
school. A second inappropriate incident concerning
dress will require the parent to be contacted.

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Family/Visitor/Volunteer ID                                    prevents fatigue. So you will see students on the move:
                                                               carrying, kneeling, sweeping, polishing, etc.
When you visit the school or volunteer, it is
necessary to wear your Family/Visitor ID while you
are in the building, alerting all students and staff of        Observing Elementary and Middle
your purpose. These are available at the Lobby desk.           School
                                                               In order to release the creative power present in every
Observations/Conferences                                       healthy student, all exercises are geared for success and
                                                               accomplishment and to reduce chances of failure. Outside
Contact between parents and teacher is very                    pressure is eliminated. This covers competition,
important. You will notice on the school calendar              comparison, external rewards and punishments. The guide
specific conference times have been set aside. The             tries to “reveal the child rather than mold him.”
staff expects the same professional courtesy of other
professionals when appointments need to be made or             During your visit, then, notice the variety of purposeful
canceled. These meetings serve to keep you abreast             activities (including group work) which are self-chosen
of your child's progress in school.                            and self-directed, the amount of movement, the lively and
                                                               natural (rather than directed) social interaction of the
When you wish to discuss a problem regarding your              student, the relaxed, unhurried atmosphere, the
child, please speak with his/her guide. Call the office,       spontaneous interest in work. Watch the adults moving
write a note or send an email to the guide and an              within the flow of activities, assisting, but not interfering,
appointment will be arranged.                                  remaining calm, patient, respectful. To be noted, too, is
It is most important that you keep the guides                  the student's freedom to respond in his own particular way
informed of any changes in the home situation that             (provided he does not disturb) so that his individual needs
might affect your child, or anything that comes up in          and inclinations can be met.
conversation with him/her that you think the school            Please keep in mind that your observation is only for a
should know.                                                   short period of time, and that each hour of every day
Observation appointments for parents, friends and              within a Montessori classroom varies. There is no set
potential students begin in November. When you or              schedule or routine. Student's moods and requirements are
your friends come to observe, please report to the             different, and we try to interpret their particular needs and
Reception desk before going to the classroom.                  satisfy them.

Sign ups can be made in the binder in the lobby.                 "Who touches the child touches the most sensitive point
Special appointments can be made directly with your              of a whole child which has roots in the most distant
child’s Guide.                                                   past and climbs toward the infinite future. Who touches
                                                                 the child touches the delicate and vital point where all
                                                                 can yet be decided, where all can be renewed, where all
Observing in Children’s House                                    is pulsating with life, where the secrets of the soul lie
One frequently hears the Montessori environment                                             --Maria Montessori
referred to as an "ocean of activity." Activity is truly
the keynote of Montessori: mind and muscles must
function freely and together and with a purpose. To            Birthdays and Holidays at School
help our visitors recognize the various types of work
the children are involved in, we are listing some of           The moment of birth, which is the beginning of
the very important principles to keep in mind.                 children’s own personal time line, is of great
                                                               importance to them.
The student is helped to become independent, confident
and self-controlled. This is why the structured materials      The time line in Children’s House. If you can loan
are designed for individual use. These materials are also      us a few snapshots of your child as he/she has grown,
self-controlling and self-correcting. They create patterns     the children always enjoy sharing these in the
of success and progress and encourage precision requiring      birthday celebration. They like to see each other as
small muscle manipulation. Free movement of the body is        babies and toddlers!
involved in nearly every exercise. This freedom helps to       In an effort to make birthday celebrations more
fix interest and attention, leads to concentration and         meaningful, we have compiled a list of suggestions
                                                               for you to consider when you are preparing a snack
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for school. One possible snack would be a plate of             A milk only option is available for those that bring
sliced cheese and a plate of crackers that the children        lunch from home. Milk tickets are $0.50 and can be
would serve themselves, family style. Another                  purchased at the lobby desk.
possibility would be containers of vegetable dip and
                                                               FMES strives to have a N2 known for its healthy
carrots and celery or containers of yogurt and bowls
                                                               menus and commitment to socially responsible
of granola and fruit pieces. When the children
                                                               practices. Research shows that good nutrition directly
prepare their own snacks the experience is much
                                                               affects our children’s health, concentration and
more significant to them. They decide what fruit
                                                               behavior. Noon Nutrition Principles
they want in their yogurt and they pass each of the
things around. They decide how many pieces each                   Menus are seasonal and include ingredients that
person can get. They find a way to share the food so               are local and sustainable.
that everyone is satisfied. Suddenly a birthday party
                                                                  Vegetarian options are available daily.
turns into an excellent opportunity for community
building! We ask that you please think carefully                  Trans fats are not used in our kitchen.
about what you send for birthday treats or snacks. A
                                                                  Daily lunch menu to include proteins, whole
snack that involves some simple preparation on the
part of the children. Send sufficient snack so that it             grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk free from
can be divided between all the children with a few to              bovine growth hormone (rBST).
spare.                                                         When purchasing food for our school lunch program
                                                               we will buy from local farmers and local sources as
The previous food suggestions are only the tip of the
                                                               much as possible. We will strive to supplement our
iceberg and should by no means be considered the
                                                               lunches by growing vegetables and fruit in our school
only choices. If you are interested in preparing this
                                                               gardens. We will strive to make from scratch our
kind of snack with your child, feel free to call your
                                                               soups, sauces and other hot dishes. Our bread
guide for other ideas or clarification. Birthdays only         products will be made from whole grains.
come once a year.
                                                               Part of our “grace and courtesy” exercises includes
                                                               practicing our table manners at lunchtime. This
Noon Nutrition/(N2) Program                                    includes carefully setting the table, laying out the
The Noon Nutrition/N2 program is our hot lunch                 food, and after an enjoyable meal together, clearing
program and will begin the first day of school in              the dishes and tables.
                                                               FMES Food Mission
All meals are served family style and include entrée,
fruit and/or vegetable, and milk. Gluten free bread,           As a grower, and server of food, FMES embraces and
pasta and tortillas are available by request for an            celebrates its responsibility toward our children’s
additional charge.                                             healthy minds, bodies, soul and the world. In this
                                                               capacity we strive to:
Families receive the monthly hot lunch menu on the
15th of the month before via email. Please return the             Teach children how to cultivate a garden, and we
completed menu with payment by the 25th. Payment                   incorporate school-grown fruit and vegetables in
may be made by cash or check made out to FMES.                     our school lunches and snacks.
If your child will not be at school and you have                  Involve our children in preparing food, a practice
ordered lunch for that day, please contact the front               that contributes to offering healthy, fresh, from-
office by 10:00am to cancel your order and receive a               scratch snacks and meals and that teaches
lunch credit. If school is canceled, credits will be               students the arts of the kitchen, emphasizing
given automatically. Credits should be used the                    Maria Montessori’s educational focus on
following month and they must be used by the end of                personal independence.
the academic year.
                                                                  Eat our daily meal in a relaxed manner while
While there are circumstances where we accept daily                emphasizing the art and grace of communal
orders, we ask that it be an occasional exception.                 eating.
Lunch costs $5.00/meal (milk is included); $1.00 for              Integrate food into our curriculum, as it provides
an extra portion; gluten-free options incur an                     a rich platform for learning about history and
additional charge.                                                 other cultures.

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   Partner with local farms and markets to obtain as     Gardening at FMES
    much of our food as possible from nearby
    growers who care about the quality of their           As part of our school’s mission to assist children in
    product and who attend to healthy growing             caring for the Earth, we maintain various gardens on
    practices.                                            the grounds. These form the outdoor classroom for a
                                                          sequence of garden-related lessons taught by the
                                                          garden specialist over a child’s six years in Lower
Grace and Courtesy                                        and Upper Elementary. Though they do contain some
Lunch and snacks are a very important part of the         flowers, natives, and other ornamentals, their primary
Montessori day. At FMES we strive to encourage            focus is vegetables, and the vegetables are meant to
“Grace and Courtesy” at all times. As part of this        supplement our children’s nutrition through snacking
education our children take part in exercises that        and as part of the lunch program. Children are
include practicing our table manners at lunchtime,        allowed to wander in the garden during their recess
carefully setting the table, laying out the food, and     and after school and can eat the following crops,
after an enjoyable meal together, clearing the dishes     intentionally planted for snacking, at will: peas,
and tables. Meals begin with a moment of                  carrots, cherry tomatoes, golden raspberries, kale,
“Thanksgiving and Gratitude”. Parents may join their      beans, and various herbs. In addition children
child for lunch at school if they wish. Please let us     participate in harvesting, preparing, and eating other
know before 9:00am on the day you plan to stay.           crops from the garden, both as part of their lunch and
                                                          at special cooking classes. These crops might
                                                          include: potatoes, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts,
Hydration                                                 leeks, parsnips, radishes, squash, herbs, turnips. We
While most of us know the health benefits of              have observed that a child’s participation in
drinking plenty of water each day, sometimes we           gardening radically increases his or her chances of
forget the importance of water for our children.          trying a new vegetable, and as a result of the school’s
Water makes up almost 90% of your child’s brain           garden program, many children have asked their
and 75% of their muscles. To stay properly hydrated,      parents to buy and prepare nutritious vegetables, such
children need to consume as much fluid as they lose,      as kale, at home.
and kids tend to lose a large percentage of their body
fluid during the day, simply because they are growing     Carpools
and so active.
                                                          Carpooling is encouraged by FMES as a way to more
                                                          efficiently transport students to the school, benefiting
Classroom Snacks                                          the environment and the families involved. When
Classroom snacks provide students an important            FMES families choose to form carpools it should be
nutritional bridge between meals. Food choices affect     acknowledged by all students and adults involved in
classroom behavior and student learning. When             the carpool that safe transport is the first priority and
providing snacks for your child or for the whole          that driving an automobile safely requires the driver's
class, we ask that you make choices with optimal          full attention. Seat belts must be worn by all
nutrition in mind with a focus on simple, healthy         passengers at all times and additional restraint
foods. We ask that you include the following:             devices (car seats for small children) need to be
                                                          provided to all drivers by the parents of the children
   Vegetables (example: carrot sticks, celery,           needing them.
    zucchini sticks with dip etc.)
   Fresh fruits                                          Considering the above, families involved in the
   Whole grains (example: crackers, pita bread, rice     carpool are strongly encouraged to set ground rules
    cakes)                                                for behavior in the vehicle so that drivers and
   Rich protein source (example: yogurt, cheese,         children are fully aware of the expected behavior and
    hummus, tofu salad, nuts)                             the consequences of failure to comply. For example,
                                                          unruly behavior that is distracting to the driver could
   When providing dairy products, please ensure
                                                          be handled by a plan such as the following:
    they are free from Bovine Growth Hormone
    (rBST)                                                When the driver feels that they are distracted by the
                                                          behavior of one or more children in the car the driver
                                                          can respond with:

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 reminders by the driver and discussion of the rules                   day, a pro-rated tuition is assessed based on
  of the road,                                                          the number of instructional days remaining
                                                                        in the school year.
 if behavior persists, safely pulling off the road and
  waiting until everyone is in control,                        Tuition contract: Contracts are sent in early June via
                                                               U.S. Post to families choosing to pay tuition in
 if behavior persists, discussion with the parents            annual or semi-annual installments. Please sign and
  and children involved,                                       return the contract with the first tuition payment. For
 if behavior persists, exclusion from the carpool.            those paying monthly, Smart Tuition registration is
                                                               considered acceptance of the tuition contract.
Families involved could also discuss rules for making
up days when scheduled drivers are unable to drive,            Montessori Aspect (Before/After Care):
what to do when drivers/students wish to stop for              Hours of operation: 7:00 to 8:15am and 2:30-
errands in route, payment terms for inequities in              6:00pm
driving share, etc.
                                                               Rate: $7.25 per hour, per child ($3.00 per minute, per
Arrangement of carpools is left up to the families,            child after 6:00pm) billed monthly.
FMES cannot be held responsible for carpool
organization, implementation or problems. A list is            Pre-registered time cancellation policy: During
made available of families interested in carpooling.           school breaks parents must pre-register for
                                                               Montessori Aspect. If illness or family emergency
                                                               requires absence, a 24-hour notice of cancellation is
Financial Policy                                               required for fees to be waived. Without advance
The school operates solely on revenues from tuition            notification, fees associated with the pre-registered
and fees, or those generated by its own internal               time will be billed.
fundraising activities (we receive no outside                  Possible Tax Benefits
                                                               Costs associated with the Children’s House program
Tuition Payment Options                                        (pre-kindergarten) and Montessori Aspect program
Annual (2% discount): One payment in full, due July            (before and after school care) may be considered
15, 2019 by cash/check. Visa/Mastercard payments               child care expenses and quality for the federal Child
are accepted, but do not qualify for discount. There is        Care Tax Credit or be eligible for Flexible Spending
a $30 fee for failed transactions.                             Account spending (an account using pre-tax dollars
                                                               to pay for qualifying expenditures). For more
Semi-annual (1% discount): Two payments of one-                information on the Child Care Tax Credit, visit the
half tuition, due July 15, 2019 and January 15, 2020           IRS website and/or consult a qualified tax advisor.
by cash/check. There is a $30 fee for failed                   For Flexible Spending Accounts, contact your
transactions.                                                  employer’s Human Resources Department.
Monthly: 12 monthly payments; July 15, 2019
through June 15, 2020 online via Smart Tuition.                Tuition Assistance
There is a $25 account set-up fee.
                                                               Tuition assistance is the Administration’s attempt to
        Monthly payments are invoiced 20 days                 be fiscally responsible yet sensitive to the needs of
         before the due date.                                  parents who have long supported the school through
                                                               their tuitions. Assistance is particularly intended
        Payments accepted via checking account,               to help families over a one year period during
         Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American               unexpected, temporary financial difficulties that
         Express (credit/debit transactions incur              can arise. It is intended that such funds will,
         2.85% convenience fee).                               thereby, be available for use by other families facing
                                                               financial difficulties in the following school year (i.e.
        For failed transactions, Smart Tuition bills a        preference is typically given to families in difficulty
         $30 fee.                                              who did not request tuition assistance during the
        For students moving to a new level or                 preceding year). Parents are free to consult with the
         starting school after the first instructional         administration for help in completing the request.

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