WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School

Page created by Harvey Hunter
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
The Fulham Boys School

WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
   Who is Who?
   The Houses
   Communication at FBS

   Christian Ethos
   Attendance System
   Behaviour System
   Term Dates
   Friends of FBS

   Own Work
   Additional Learning Needs
   Peripatetic – Music and Lamda

   Payments to school
   Breakfast club, Tuck shop and lunches
   School uniform list
   Sports Kit
   Equipment list
   Pupil Details Form
   Photo Permission
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
We are very excited that you and your son will be joining the FBS community and hope that
you will find the information contained in this Welcome Pack useful before your son’s start
date. The pack is designed to give you further insight and understanding into the way the
school works on a daily basis to ensure your son’s transition to this school is a smooth and
positive one.

Three vital ingredients make up the school’s ethos. We aim to build a school that is geared
towards Boys, built upon Christian principles and which nurtures Enterprise. FBS is focused
on instilling a ‘can do’ culture: raising expectations of achievement and providing opportunity
for boys from the local community to achieve success regardless of background, ethnicity and

FBS will deliver this through:

       ●   smaller class sizes
       ●   an extended school day
       ●   teaching strategies aimed at raising achievement for boys
       ●   high standards of pastoral care
       ●   an academic curriculum that will equip FBS boys to apply for Russell Group
       ●   a commitment to developing entrepreneurial flair, skills and habits in FBS boys,
           to serve the community as well as their later economic well-being
       ●   making sport central to school life
       ●   a wide range of co-curricular and vocational activities
       ●   a powerful partnership between school, parents and community
       ●   firm discipline and clear boundaries with high standards of uniform, behaviour,
           attendance and punctuality.
       ●   the recruitment and retention of extraordinary staff

To achieve these aims parental engagement is essential. It is important to us that two way
communication with parents / guardians is established and maintained throughout the year.

Our vision for FBS as an outstanding school can only be delivered with additional financial
support since much of what it offers is simply not covered by funds from the Department for
Education. The FBS Foundation is a registered charity set up to manage funds donated to the
school to support the core deliverable outlined above.

Monthly voluntary donations from parents, grandparents and other donors are vital in
helping us deliver our core aims. The extra cost of delivering our ‘whole education’ is
approximately 10% above the core elements funded by the Department for Education.
Therefore, we request households look to donate between £50-£100 each month, but
whatever you give will be gratefully received, and appreciated.
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
You can set up your parent voluntary donation to the FBS Foundation via this Charities Aid
Foundation link HERE where you will also find out more about the work of The FBS
Foundation. Alternatively, please visit The Fulham Boys School website and click on SUPPORT
US from the main menu.

As the school prepares to move to its new home in the heart of Fulham, we also have a range
of sponsorship and support opportunities to raise further funds and ensure that the facilities
are the best on offer locally. If you would like more information on sponsorship
opportunities, please contact Brendan Gilmore, Chair of The FBS Foundation,

Hopefully this pack will ensure you know who is the right person to contact for different
situations but, whatever happens, please rest assured that your feedback, suggestions and
ideas are always welcome as we strive to become one of the very best schools in this country
- state or private.

Our school website also contains all the vital information you may require including all of our
school policies and an up-to-date calendar of school events.

If you have any questions or queries or you are struggling to find the information you require
please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Admissions Officer, Samantha Barton, using
the contact details below:

Tel: 020 7381 7100 Ex 251

We look forward to welcoming your son to The Fulham Boys School and, if we have not yet
had the opportunity to meet you in person, we look forward to doing so at a future event.

Best wishes

Alun Ebenezer
Executive Headmaster

Alexander Wade
Chairman of Governors
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
Who’s Who at FBS 2020/2021

Senior Leadership Team
Mr Alun Ebenezer                         -   FBS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive
Mr David Smith                           -   Head of School
Ms Sam Johnson                           -   Deputy Head
Mr Simon Kellie                          -   Deputy Head
Mr Morgan Browne                         -   Assistant Head
Ms Nicola Clegg                          -   Assistant Head
Ms Elly Plant                            -   Assistant Head
Mr Mark Harris                           -   Head of Finance and Operations

Sixth Form
Elisabeth Igbokwe                            Head of Sixth Form

Heads of House
Ms Rebecca Gold                          -   Head of Brunel
Mr Jonathan Brophy                       -   Head of Dickens
Mr Darren Boswarva                       -   Head of Liddell
Mr Aaron Long                            -   Head of Wilberforce

Heads of Department and Middle Leaders
Mr Martin Jeeps                          -   Head of English
Ms Alison Farrell                        -   Head of Humanities
Ms Yasmin Kenssous                       -   Head of History
Mr Sam Burns                             -   Head of Performing Arts
Mr Joseph Brasse                         -   Head of Art and Product Design
Ms Jenny Day                             -   Head of Religious Education
Mr Jordan Angol                          -   Head of Computing
Mr Dan Lane                              -   Head of Sport
Mr Sam Brown                             -   School Chaplain and RE Teacher
Ms Elisabeth Igbokwe                     -   Head of Sixth Form
Miss Ruth Adams                          -   SENCO
Mr Chris McCormack                       -   Head of Maths
Mr George McEvans                        -   Head of Science
Mr Sean Goorah                           -   Head of Business Studies and Economics
Ms Emilie Sinot                          -   Head of MFL

Ms Alex Grossman                         -   Assistant Head of English
Mrs Mella Monti                          -   Assistant Head of English
Ms Rebecca Gold                          -   English Teacher
Ms Victoria Matthews                     -   English Teacher
Ms Helen Watkinson                       -   English Teacher
Mr Ryan Whatley                          -   English Teacher
Mr Jonathan Brophy                       -   Maths Teacher
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
Ms Julia Fitzgerald                  -   Maths Teacher
Mr Jamal Johns                       -   Maths Teacher
Ms Aimi Plant                        -   Maths Teacher
Ms Sarah Delas                       -   Maths Teacher
Ms Kate McClintok                    -   Science Teacher
Ms Catherine Singh                   -   Science Teacher
Mr Matthew Steele                    -   Science Teacher
Ms Sophie Jones                      -   Science Teacher
Mr Mike Williams                     -   Science Teacher
Mr Paddy O’Donnell                   -   RE Teacher and Pupil Engagement and Pastoral
                                         Support Officer
Ms Shannon Gorman                    -   RE Teacher
Mr Dan Jarvis                        -   RE Teacher
Ms Alexandra Gaudé                   -   Deputy Head of MFL
Mr Kevin Scalia                      -   MFL Teacher
Ms Annie Embiricos                   -   MFL Teacher
Ms Eleanor Northway                  -   Art Teacher
Mr Freddie Bader                     -   Music Teacher
Ms Holly Mazur                       -   Teacher in Charge of Drama
Ms Rosie Thomas                      -   Drama Teacher
Mr James Freeman                     -   History Teacher
Ms Angharad Davies                   -   History and Politics Teacher
Mr Duncan Craig                      -   Geography Teacher
Ms Fatimah Akhtar                    -   Geography Teacher
Mr Josh Missen                       -   Teacher in Charge of Non-Core Sports
Mr James Sanderson                   -   Teacher in Charge of PE
Mr Aaron Long                        -   PE Teacher
Mr Jack Carte-Goldberg               -   PE Teacher and HAP Co-ordinator
Mr Darren Boswarva                   -   PE Teacher
Mr Ben Hand                          -   PE Teacher
Ms Karima Sahel                      -   Computing and Business Studies Teacher

Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)
Mrs Tara Johns                       -   LSA and Assistant to SENCO
Mr Will Campbell                     -   LSA
Mr Martin Hartigan                   -   LSA and Latin Teacher
Ms Rukiya Edmonds                    -   LSA
Ms Georgina Peters                   -   LSA
Ms Catherine Brooks                  -   LSA
Mr Ali Zabihollah                    -   LSA and Latin Teacher

Support Staff
Mr Emmanuel Boadi                    -   Finance Officer
Ms Jane Proudfoot                    -   HR Advisor and Clerk to the Governing Body
Mrs Samantha Barton                  -   Admissions and Pastoral Support Officer
Mrs Maggie Olszewska                 -   Attendance, Co-Curricular and Cover Officer
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
Support Staff
Ms Justine Fialka        -   PA to Headmaster
Miss Emily Fryer         -   6th Form Admin, Enterprise and Careers Officer
Mrs Samantha Spring      -   Receptionist, Reprographics and Admin Officer
Ms Nina Gai              -   Examinations Co-Ordinator
Ms Liz Low               -   School Counsellor
Mr Sylvain Eko-Ebongue   -   Science Technician
Mr Mohammed Kuddus       -   IT Technician
Mrs Pascale Mitchell     -   Librarian
Mr Ross Dimitrov         -   Facilities Manager
Mr Scott Haley           -   Caretaker
Mr William Tovar         -   Caretaker
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
The Houses
        Heads of House, House Captains and Vice-Captains
Boys meet in their houses at the start of each day unless in an assembly

                                    Head of House
                                    Rebecca Gold
                                    House Captain
                                    Tristan Mckoy-Ford
                                    Oscar Stirling
                                    John Guy

                                    Head of House
                                    Jonathan Brophy
                                    House Captain
                                    Arne Twort
                                    Arthur Sugonajev
                                    Luke Hallawell

                                    Head of House
                                    Darren Boswarva
                                    House Captain
                                    Amari Barnes
                                    Nour Alaas
                                    Ned Watson

                                    Head of House
                                    Aaron Long
                                    House Captain
                                    Jermaine Johnson
                                    Vice-Captain Jozef
                                    Armand De
WELCOME PACK - The Fulham Boys School
Communication at FBS
Communication is very important to us at FBS. Our main way of communicating with home is
via email and your son’s Conduct Card. We also email out a weekly bulletin to keep you
informed of what is happening at FBS. This is sent every Thursday about the week ahead and
Mr Ebenezer writes a weekly blog on the school website
http://www.fulhamboysschool.org/news-category/headmasters-blog/ and tweets

In case of an emergency, we will call parents on their mobile, home or work numbers. It is
therefore imperative that we have your up to date contact details at all times. We ask parents
to advise the school of any changes to their contact information.

Your son will be issued with a Conduct Card which he has to have on his person at all times
(Apart from in PE).

On this card teachers will record any behaviour infringements on one side and House Points
on the other. You will also be able to track your son’s progress by accessing the Parent Portal
on the school’s Management Information System. Login details and instructions for using
Parent Portal will be sent out in July.
Whole school letters, sports fixtures, upcoming events are all posted on our website

       Parents wishing to report their child’s absence should call the general number (020 7381
       7100) before 8am if possible and select the absence line.

       If you wish to discuss an issue, please ask to speak to your son’s Head of House in the first
       instance. Please note that Heads of House are also teaching and may not always be available
       when required. We therefore advise to also email Heads of House. For any other issues, please
       contact the school office. Unfortunately it is not possible to pass on messages to your children
       during school hours.

To get in touch with your son’s Tutor

Please contact them directly via email (see below) or by leaving a message with our receptionist;

 Form                 Form tutor             Email address

 Brunel 1             Mr R. Whatley          r.whatley@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Brunel 2             Mr M. Williams         m.williams@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Brunel 3             Miss A.                a.embiricos@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Brunel 4             Miss K. Sahel          k.sahel@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Brunel 5             Mr B. Hand             b.hand@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Dickens 1            Miss S. Jones          s.jones@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Dickens 2            Miss E.                e.northway@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Dickens 3            Ms A. Gaude            a.gaude@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Dickens 4            Mr J.                  j.sanderson@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Dickens 5            Miss S. Gorman         s.gorman@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Liddell 1            Miss H.                h.watkinson@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Liddell 2            Miss F. Akhtar         f.akhtar@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Liddell 3            Mrs T. Johns           t.johns@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Liddell 4            Miss K.                k.mcclintock@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
Liddell 5           Mr D. Craig          d.craig@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Wilberforce 1       Mr J. Goldberg       j.carter-goldberg@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Wilberforce 2       Ms R.                r.edmonds@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Wilberforce 3       Mr K. Scalia         k.scalia@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Wilberforce 4       Mr J. Johns          j.johns@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Wilberforce 5       Ms j. Fitzgerald     j.fitzgerald @fulhamboysschool.org.uk

To make an appointment or speak to your son’s Head of House, contact them directly using the emails below:

 Brunel                Miss R. Gold         r.gold@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
 Head of House

 Dickens               Mr J. Brophy         j.brophy@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
 Head of House

 Liddell               Mr D.                d.boswarva@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
 Head of House         Boswarva

 Wilberforce           Mr A. Long           a.long@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
 Acting Head of

Sixth Form:

Head of Sixth Form: Lis Igbokwe – l.igbokwe@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Form                Form tutor            Email address

 Brunel 6            Mrs A. Davies         a.davies@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Dickens 6           Ms A. Grossman        a.grossman@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Liddell 6           Miss V.               v.matthews@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

 Wilberforce 6       Mr J. Freeman         j.freeman@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

The above are the contact details from September 2020. We also have an up-to-date Google Calendar on our
website which contains information on all school events https://www.fulhamboysschool.org/calendar/school-
The School
The Christian Ethos at FBS

The Christian ethos is at the heart of The Fulham Boys School. It is one of the three ‘pillars’ of the
school (faith, boys, enterprise) and is one of the underpinning factors in everything we do.

The role and vision of the Christian ethos can be summarised in four basic points:

    1) Everyone will learn about Christian values, as described in the Bible and demonstrated
         perfectly by Jesus Christ. We will try to follow them as a community in everything we do.
    2) Everyone will have regular and varied opportunities to learn about the main beliefs of
         Christianity and the claims of Jesus Christ.
    3) Everyone will have the opportunity and will be encouraged to think and ask questions about
         these beliefs and claims. Everyone will be able to give their own view in response, whatever
         that may be.
    4) The Christian ethos will have an impact on every area of school life, be that assemblies, form
         times, lessons, break and lunchtimes, sports afternoons or any other time. It will have an
         impact on learning, behaviour, pastoral care and pupil and staff welfare.
When an individual or group visits the school we would expect them to clearly see these four points
in action.

The Chaplain leads on the Christian ethos in the school, although it is supported by all staff.

Christian values and beliefs around the school
FBS is a community shaped by Christian values and characteristics. We therefore use a list of Christian
values as a foundation for teaching the boys about Christian character and development.

    ●   Every half term has a dedicated Christian value (e.g. Compassion). There are assemblies and
        reflection times that link to this Christian value.
    ●   More detailed Christian value posters are displayed in specific areas around the school. These
        will explain the Christian values, how they point to Jesus and how they could be seen in action
        in FBS.
    ●   Teachers regularly draw attention to the Christian values in lessons (e.g. discussing serving
        others or community when boys mark each other’s work).
    ●   Staff regularly refer to the Christian values when doing follow-up to an incident of poor
        behaviour or mentoring a boy.

Boys should be aware of what Christianity and the Bible has to say about the subject they are studying
and so teachers will make links with Christian viewpoints whenever possible. This will not happen in
every lesson but will happen when good opportunities arise.

Regular events
Chaplain’s assemblies – once a week boys will go to the hall in their house groups where they will sing
a Christian hymn (with passion!), hear a talk from the Bible on Christian things and there will be a
prayer. The Chaplain is responsible for these assemblies and will either give the talk (normally involving
interaction with the boys) or ‘host’ the assembly while a visiting church leader gives the talk.
The talks in assembly are normally focused on one of three ‘strands’:

    -   A theme (e.g. ‘people who encountered Jesus’) or a book from the Bible (e.g. Exodus).
    -   The Christian value of the half term
    -   Christians who have had an impact on the world

Other talks focus on events in the news or in the Christian calendar.

Form times – During form times boys will spend time either in a short time of silence reflecting on a
Bible verse, quote or prayer or doing an extended reflection where they discuss, with their form tutor,
the Christian value of the half term using resources provided by the Chaplain.

Christian Unions (CUs) – There are a number of CUs that happen during the week. These are at
lunchtime and entirely optional but are very popular. Boys get to discuss issues or parts of the Bible in
a fun and informal way. Some CUs are for particular year groups and some are bigger, joint events
(e.g. Big Question or Dig Deeper into Theology).

Chaplaincy prefects

Chaplaincy prefects apply for the role at the start of the year and are used to:

    -   Support the running of the year-group CUs
    -   Act as a pupil ‘sounding board’ for the Chaplain.
    -   Take part in school assemblies and church services
    -   Act as role models around the school.
    -   Look out for boys who might be lonely or upset.

School prayer meetings

Every term after school there is a school community prayer meeting that staff, parents and governors
are invited to. The Chaplain gives a brief thought from the Bible and the needs of the school
community are then prayed for. Everyone is welcome.

There is also a parents’ prayer meeting that meets fortnightly during the school day.

Links with local churches
FBS has good links with a number of local churches. Their church leaders often come in to take
assemblies. These churches currently include both Anglican churches and churches from other

    ●   St Andrew’s
    ●   St Peter’s
    ●   All Saints’
    ●   St Dionis’
    ●   St Matthew’s
    ●   Twynholm Baptist
    ●   St Alban’s
    ●   Hungarian Reformed Church
    ●   Trinity West
    ●   St Simon’s
    ●   The Globe Church
    ●   All Souls, Langham Place
    ●   Holy Trinity Brompton
Formal Services

There are five formal services during the academic year when the whole school body meets for a
service that is longer and with more content than weekly assemblies. The five services are:

    ●   Start of Year Service (September)
    ●   Remembrance Day (November)
    ●   Carol Service (December)
    ●   Easter Service (March/April)
    ●   End of Year Service (July)

The school prayer

Almighty God,
We thank you for creating this wonderful world,
For the gifts and abilities you’ve given each of us,
And the opportunity we have to learn and to grow.
Please work through the power of your Spirit,
Developing in us the Christian values shown perfectly in your Son, Jesus Christ.
Make us enterprising in all we do,
Moulding us into people of character who will make a positive contribution to society.
Give us attentive ears to listen, willing hearts to learn, and ready wills to obey.
And show us more of the truth about your glorious Son: his life, death, resurrection, reign and
In his name we pray,

Some of the Christian values we promote at this school
One of our Christian values posters displayed around the school

Some of our Christianity and subjects posters displayed around the school
Attendance and Punctuality
At the Fulham Boys School we believe that regular attendance is essential to ensure every boy makes progress
in all subjects and is able to reach their full potential. The attendance of all boys is monitored weekly and we are
keen for the school to work actively with parents and carers to ensure a regular pattern of attendance is

There is irrefutable evidence to show the link between a student’s attendance at school and their attainment.
This evidence shows that there will be an impact on your child’s education if attendance is not consistently above
95% throughout a pupil’s schooling. It might also include depression, anxiety, social isolation and other mental
health problems. At FBS we are aiming for outstanding attendance of 97% or higher. Pupils with attendance
falling below 91% will not be allowed to represent the school in sporting events.

The table below provided by the Department for Education shows that KS4 students who miss between 10% and
15% of school sessions have only about one in three chances of achieving grades 9 - 4 in 5 or more GCSEs
including English and Maths. A high price to pay for taking one day off every fortnight!

                                                   5+ GCSEs 9 – 4 or equivalent including English and maths                       Ebacc

 Percentage of pupils achieving

                                  60                       52.8
                                  50      43.8
                                  40                                 35.6
                                  30                                          25.2
                                                              18.9                      18.8
                                  20                                                             14.9     12.8
                                                                        9.3                                      10.2      8.8         7.5
                                  10                                             5.0       3.3                                                     6.0       3.6
                                                                                                    2.3      1.5     0.9         0.6         0.4         x         x
                                         0       0> -
Punctuality also plays a vital role at FBS. We want our boys to learn the importance of being on time and ready
to learn every day. The school gates open at 7:45am each day for the breakfast club and the boys are expected
on site no later than 8:20am when we ring the bell and the Forms line up for registration.

Boys who are late to school due to controllable circumstances (traffic, poor organization, etc.) will be issued a
conduct signature.

All our procedures aim to equip your son with skills he will utilise in the future. Being on time is one of such

With your son's academic progress being our upmost priority and your support, we are confident that your son
will reach his most ambitious academic targets.
FBS Behaviour System
Exceptional behaviour is at the heart of a brilliant education

At FBS we are determined to set and maintain the highest standards of discipline and instil
in our boys the most important discipline of all, self-discipline. We aim to do this in five

   1. Firmly. We insist upon the highest standards of uniform, attendance, punctuality,
      manners and conduct and take a no nonsense approach to bullying, drug misuse,
      violence and other dangerous and anti-social behaviour. We have put in place the
      most serious consequences for such offences.
   2. Consistently. We uphold these standards lesson in lesson out, day in day out, week
      in week out; ensuring that nothing gets missed or is allowed to slip.
   3. Proactively. We have a team of staff who are committed to the safety and happiness
      of our boys and show this commitment by being there for them at break and
      lunchtimes; as they arrive at school in the mornings and by ensuring they go home
      safely at the end of the school day.
   4. Pastorally. We understand that growing up in today’s world isn’t always easy and
      our boys, some in particular, face real pressures and difficulties. Over the coming
      months and years we genuinely look forward to getting to know them - over lunch
      every day, in clubs, in lessons, on school trips; building their confidence and creating
      an environment where they feel able to share their worries and concerns and trust
      us to help them sort them out. Furthermore, we hope that by getting to know the
      boys we will pick up on issues and sense when things just aren’t right.
   5. Positively. The school is built upon Christian principles which will run through
      everything we do. Boys observe and are taught Christian values – kindness, fairness,
      honesty, unselfishness, self-control and being a good neighbour. Our hope is that the
      boys will adopt these values and model them in their own lives.

Recording and celebrating positive behaviour

All Fulham Boys receive a new conduct card each half term. This is a vital piece of equipment
and should be carried by them at all times. On one side they can copy their lesson timetable
and teachers are able to record House Points for positive
contributions. House Points are awarded for things such as:
     ✓ Exceptional work
     ✓ Consistently exceptional effort
     ✓ Service to school
     ✓ Outstanding own work
     ✓ Demonstrating enterprise skills
     ✓ Social enterprise
     ✓ Demonstrating Christian values
     ✓ Representing the school
     ✓ 100% attendance
     ✓ Excellent participation in co-curricular activities
     ✓ 3 merit stamps (awarded by class teachers for very good work)
Awards for gaining house points as well as other examples of exceptional effort, behaviour or
achievement are given in the following ways:
   ✓ Weekly Boys of the Week in each House
   ✓ Headmaster’s commendation
   ✓ Postcards home
   ✓ Phone calls home
   ✓ Recognition in House or Whole School assembly
   ✓ Form Boy of the Week
   ✓ Termly Boy of the House
   ✓ House Captain Boy of the Term

There is a celebration assembly to recognise achievement and progress at the end of each
term and an annual awards evening held towards the end of the summer
term each year.

Recording and sanctioning negative behaviour

The reverse of the conduct card is used to record conduct signatures for
negative behaviour. These could be awarded for:
   ➢ Failing to bring the correct equipment
   ➢ Failing to hand in ownwork
   ➢ Lateness
   ➢ Low-level disruption in school
   ➢ Poor attitude
   ➢ Misbehaviour at break or lunchtime
   ➢ Incorrect uniform
   ➢ Failing to bring the correct sports kit
   ➢ Misuse of ICT

Both House Points and Conduct Signatures are also recorded electronically and are reported
each term to parents on the parent portal as part of the school report.

Conduct signatures result in detentions cumulatively in the following way:

2 signatures    10 minute detention
4 signatures    15 minute detention
6 signatures    20 minute detention
8 signatures    30 minute detention
10 signatures   45 minute detention
12 signatures   1hr 15 minute detention with Headmaster
                on Friday afternoon
16 signatures   1hr 15 minute detention with Headmaster
                on Friday afternoon
20 signatures   2.5 hour Saturday detention 10-12.30

Detentions up to and including 45 minutes are served on the same day and parents are
automatically notified by 2.30pm by text if their son has a detention in these circumstances.
If a boy is placed in Headmaster’s or Saturday detention parents receive 24 hour notice via
Sanctions that result in missing lessons
As we strive to set and maintain the highest standards of discipline and instil self-discipline
in all FBS boys there are a number of schools rules that if broken could result in the boys
being placed in the Pupil Support Class and in some cases issued with external exclusions.

   ➔ Haircut infringements: at FBS we have a strict uniform and appearance policy. If
     boys fail to adhere to the policy and get inappropriate haircuts they will be taught in
     the Pupil Support Class separately from the rest if the school. If boys repeatedly fail
     to conform to the haircut policy they may face a fixed term exclusion.

   ➔ Uniform infringements: at FBS we have a strict uniform and appearance policy and
     expect all boys to wear their school uniform properly and with pride every day. If
     boys fail to wear the correct uniform they will be taught separately in the Pupil
     Support Class. In the case of school ties and school shoes we do offer a one day’s
     leniency where we will loan the correct uniform for the day which boys then serve
     an hour’s detention for.

   ➔ Bringing the school into disrepute: if boys fail to follow the behaviour code on the
     way to and from school, such as being disruptive on the bus or going to take-away
     shops on the North End Road. We strongly believe that boys should go straight home
     from school and not be hanging around in shops near school.

   ➔ Defiance: boys who fail to follow instructions from any member of staff may be
     picked up through an SLT call-out. Being polite and respectful to all members of the
     school community is extremely important and we believe that firm sanctions for
     rudeness and defiance are non-negotiable.

   ➔ Violence: boys who display any physical aggression will receive a serious sanction. In
     some cases this will result in an external fixed term exclusion but in less serious cases
     a day in the Pupil Support Class where the boys can reflect on their actions and take
     part in restorative conversations to ensure a positive move forward.

At the start of year 7 we allow the boys a 2 week period of grace that allows them to get
used to our exceptionally high expectations. We know that during this time boys may
struggle with their organisation, punctuality and understanding exactly what is expected.
Form Tutors and Heads of House will reiterate the expectations daily during this time
ensuring the boys are dealt with in a nurturing way that supports their transition to
becoming a Fulham Boy.

If the decision is made to place a boy in the Pupil Support Class parents will be informed via
email which clearly states the reasons and the time boys will be dismissed from school.

It is vitally important that we have parental support in maintaining these high standards
to give FBS boys the best possible chances of succeeding in their future lives.
Reporting at FBS
Frequency of reports:

At FBS we will report your son’s progress levels twice per year, these reports will follow a formal
examination week. One report will follow the autumn term exams, the second will follow the end
of year exams. The exams take place at the following times:

Examinations Round 1
Year group Exam week

Year 7&8    7th December

Year 9&10   30th November

Year 11     4th January(mocks)

Year 12&13 18th January

Examinations Round 2
Year group Exam week

Year 7,8&9 21st June

Year 10     19th April

Year 12&13 26th April

What is reported?

The report includes a grade for his most recent examination in each subject. This grade is levelled
from 1 to 9 in line with the GCSE grading system. Boys are expected to make one grade of progress
each year (although this can be exceeded) which means if he achieves a grade 2 at the end of year
7 he will be on track to achieve at grade 6 in his GCSE.

Boys are also given a score from 1 to 5 in three key areas: Effort, Behaviour and Ownwork in each
1 = Unacceptable
2 = Coasting
3 = Good
4 = Excellent
5 = Outstanding

As one of our three pillars we also report on how enterprising your son has been in every subject
he studies. This is rated Bronze, Silver and Gold which relates directly to his enterprise log. In each
subject he is required to contribute enterprise evidence towards his enterprise log and as
part of the report each teacher will judge how well he is achieving towards this in their subject
Parent Consultations:

At FBS we believe that meeting with parents regularly to discuss the progress of the boys is
essential. This is why as well as reporting progress grades we will invite you to school twice in the
year for a full parent consultation where you will have the chance to meet with all of your son’s
teachers. This is the opportunity to discuss his behaviour, attitude and learning as well as agree
how you can work with us by supporting him at home to meet his potential.

These meetings are booked through a system called CHQ which allows you to pick your preferred
time slots with each teacher. This booking system is opened well in advance of the days and you
will be notified via the weekly Headmasters bulletin.

It is vitally important that someone attends Parents Consultation for every boy at school. Please
ensure you have noted down the following dates and are able to arrange time off work or childcare
arrangements in order to attend.

Parent Consultation round 1
Year group Date

Year 7      Monday 16th November

Year 8      Thursday 26th November

Year 9      Tuesday 10th November

Year 10     Thursday 15th October

Year 11     Wednesday 4th November

Year 12&13 Thursday 3rd December

Parent Consultation round 2
Year group Date

Year 7      Tuesday 18th May

Year 8      Monday 10th May

Year 9      Thursday 6th May

Year 10     Monday 1st March

Year 11     Wednesday 3rd February 7 Thursday 22nd April

Year 12&13 Tuesday 9th March
FBS Term Dates 2020/21

                  First Day in School         Half Term              Last day in School
 Autumn Term      Wednesday 2nd September     19th October – 30th    Friday
 2020             - all years                 October inclusive      11th December
 Spring Term      Monday 4th January          12th February – 22nd   Wednesday 31st
 2021                                         February inclusive     March
 Summer Term      Monday 19th April           31st May – 4th June    Friday 16th July
 2021                                         inclusive

Inset Days (Staff only)
Monday 31st and 1st September
Monday 28th September
Friday 15th January 2021

Bank Holidays (Whole school)
Monday 3rd May 2021

NB. Please note that the above dates are subject to changes
Friends of FBS exists to bring together everyone with an interest in FBS: parents, pupils, staff and
the school’s wider community. It’s the school’s ‘social network’ - lead by parents, relying on parent
volunteers to organise events and always eager to hear from anyone with ideas, expertise or
encouragement to help the Friends - and FBS - on its way.

The transition from primary to secondary school can be pretty daunting for parents. There’s
considerably less opportunity for day-to-day contact with other parents and for the informal
conversations that help smooth the way. So, Friends organise activities such as a new parents’
welcome drinks and ad-hoc coffee mornings, alongside a roster of events including a quiz night, a
staff celebration (an annual feast fast becoming a highlight of the staff calendar), a fair or two,
film nights, occasional talks and as a grand finale to the school year, the FBS-tival.

This year Friends have introduced the use of Classlist to FBS parents/carers. Classlist is an app that
makes it easier for parents to find each other and to engage with the FBS community.
Using an email address already known to the school, please sign up here:

Friends isn’t a typical PTA. Think of it more as a community of friends – with a network of
supportive contacts, advice and skills that other parents and the school can draw on, that’s totally
reliant on parents helping the school onward on its ambitious journey.

Visit the Friends’ website for information about what’s going on http://www.friendsoffbs.org/ and
if you’d like to volunteer time, be a class rep, share ideas with Friends or if you just want to find
out a bit more about Friends - please email friends@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
FBS Own Work
At The Fulham Boys School we have adopted the phrase “own work” instead of homework. This is
for two main reasons: To develop in boys a sense of ownership and pride in the work they produce
and to embed the idea that work outside of lessons does not have to be done at home, it can also
be completed in school during self-study time, prep or lunchtime.

The purpose of own work is:

       To reinforce a sense of discovery and excitement in learning.
       To encourage boys to develop an independent approach to learning.
       To develop self-discipline and good learning habits.
       To enable boys to complete and consolidate school work.
       To offer opportunities for pursuing topics in detail, reinforcing personal interests and ideas.
       To use materials and other sources of information not always available in the classroom.
       To allow practice of skills learned in the classroom.
       To involve parents in their son’s work.

Own work is set using Google Classroom so that boys can use their Chromebooks to complete
work, access necessary resources, contact their teachers and peers for support and submit work
when it is completed.

Google Classroom also enables boys to monitor their own work deadlines using the classroom
calendar. All parents and guardians will have access to Google Classroom as a “Guardian” so that
you can also see the work set and all relevant deadlines.

Parents can help with own work by:

          Helping their son organise his time to best advantage so that things are not left to the
          last minute or forgotten.

          Try to make sure that there are suitable working conditions at home – a place that is
          relatively quiet, undisturbed and well lit, away from the television.

          Take a positive and active interest in their son's work at home rather than just insisting
          that it is done.

          Let the school know if there are problems with own work that you cannot resolve.
          Perhaps there seems to be too much set, or maybe not enough, or is finding it too
          easy or too difficult. Contact the boys form teacher or Head of House in the first

There will be evening sessions for parents offered in Autumn term to give you advice and
guidance on using Google Classroom and how best to support your son’s ownwork.
Literacy at FBS
At FBS we recognise that good literacy skills are essential both to achievement at school and
to a successful life in general. As well as teaching you specific subject content, your teachers
will ensure that you develop the communication, reading and writing skills needed for life
beyond FBS. We believe that ‘real men read’ and you will notice that this is a school that
values reading achievement as highly as success on the rugby field or a musical
accomplishment. RealMenRead is used throughout the school to foster a love of reading in all
FBS boys.
In Lessons

Literacy is not just something you can expect to find in your English lessons. In all of your
subjects, the ability to read and write will be key to your success. Even in practical subjects
such as PE, the GCSE exam is 60% written so it is vital that these skills are mastered. Every
term each subject will set you an extended writing task to consolidate your learning and help
improve your literacy skills. These tasks will teach you how to write to persuade, discuss,
instruct, inform, explain and recount.
In the Library
Our Library is ‘built for boys’ with each of the texts hand-picked to appeal to boys of your age.
We pride ourselves of stocking the latest popular series such as ‘The Maze Runner’, ‘The
Recruit’ and ‘The Young Samurai’. As well as these series we have classic books to stretch the
most able readers and shorter reads to build the confidence of boys who find reading more
of a struggle. There is something for everyone and our librarian is available every break and
lunchtime to help you find a book to inspire you. You are allowed to borrow one book at a
time for up to two weeks, but we will let you renew the book if you bring it in and ask. Having
a reading book is a compulsory part of your equipment so make sure you visit the Library as
soon as you can.

Accelerated Reader
You will be enrolled on the ‘Accelerated Reader’ programme to ensure that you are reading
books appropriate for your reading age. Once you sit an initial test, you will be given your
‘ZPD’ which is a number that corresponds to a code on the spine of our library books. When
you finish a book, there is a short quiz to test your understanding. Boys who have passed an
impressive amount of quizzes, such as our ‘reading millionaires’, are rewarded with
certificates at celebration assemblies. Accelerated Reader will make sure that you are making
the most of your reading.

Part of the Culture
You will notice that reading is a real part of the culture at FBS. Each member of staff displays
on their classroom door the book they are currently reading so make sure you ask them about
it. We will organise author visits during the year and we had Chris Bradford, author of the
‘Young Samurai’ series in school recently. On World Book Day normal lessons are taken over
by lessons relating to books and staff run competitions and activities to promote reading. You
will also be invited to Lads and Dads three times a year to celebrate a love of reading at home
as well as in school.
Additional Learning Needs
How does The Fulham Boys School meet the individual needs of pupils with Special Educational
This really depends upon the nature of your child’s needs and difficulties with learning. However, in line
with the SEN Code of Practice 2015, initial support is focused within the classroom with the emphasis on
the teacher, using strategies suggested by SEN team, ensuring progress of the pupil alongside their peer
group. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils
who have or may have SEN and an appropriately differentiated curriculum, led by the teacher, will meet
the needs of most pupils.

Some pupils, however, will require provision that is additional to or different from their peers, to meet
their needs at a particular time. This provision is often referred to as ‘intervention’ and is frequently
delivered away from the classroom by Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) or professionals from outside

At The Fulham Boys School we offer a range of interventions to develop pupils’ academic and social skills.
At FBS, we believe that the boys need to be in lessons as much as possible with the expert teacher.
Therefore we try to limit the interventions that happen during lesson time and use other times of the
day. Some interventions happen in the morning between 8.20-8.40, although most of our interventions
happen during the co-curricular time.

If a student is placed in an intervention/support group, it will usually take place over two half terms as
research shows it takes around 8-10 weeks to fully embed an intervention.

How can I let the school know I am concerned about my child’s progress in school?
      If you have concerns about your child’s progress speak to the subject teacher or form tutor in
      the first instance.
       If you are not happy with this then the next step would be to speak to the SENCO, Miss Adams
       by either emailing r.adams@fulhamboysschool.org.uk or ringing the school.

How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child’s learning in school?
  ● When a teacher has raised concerns about a child’s progress and targeted quality teaching has
      not met the child’s needs, the teacher must raise this with the SENCO.
  ● The school will then contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss the issues and the possible next
How are the teachers in school helped to work with children with SEN and what training do they have?
The SENCO’s job is to support the class teacher in planning for children with SEN.
   ● All staff have access to strategies for particular types of learning needs and how best to support
       and differentiate for within the classroom.
   ● Each child on the SEN register will have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) which gives more
       individual detailed strategies on the best way to ensure learning takes place for that child.
   ● In addition, the school provides short weekly training slots, as well as INSET day sessions for staff
       to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEN. This includes whole
       school training on SEN issues such as ASD (Autism), SLCN (Speech and Language and
       Communication Needs) and SpLD (Specific Learning Needs, such as dyslexia and dyspraxia).
Enterprise at FBS

                             Along with ‘Faith’ and ‘Boys’, ‘Enterprise’
                             is one of our three core pillars that
                             underpin all that we are at FBS. As a
                             school we aim to develop ‘the whole
                             child’ and we see becoming more
                             enterprising as an excellent way of
                             joining up all areas of learning.

                             What is Enterprise?

                             Enterprise is not something we do, it is
                             something we are. By training our
                             students to be proficient in displaying
                             our 6 Enterprise behaviours, we aim
                             make them: more so

                             Personal Enterprise

                             At Fulham boys Our ‘Enterprise Value of
                             the Half-Term encourages the boys to
                             think about how they are living and
                             developing these attitudes in their
                             everyday life, in and out of lessons.

Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise

At FBS we believe schools, and the students within them, should be the driving force behind
local, national and global change. We encourage our boys to organise fundraising events
for our school charity the MAYOO trust, create change within the school with
environmental initiatives and give back to our community by running clubs in primary
schools, visiting care homes and helping the homeless.

Business Enterprise

Part of our responsibility to our students is to ensure that they are prepared for
life after education. We want to produce 21st century citizens who are secure socially but
also financially. A key part of this provision comes through the ‘Business Enterprise’ aspect
of the Enterprise award. Each year, students take part in the ‘Tenner Challenge’, where
they receive a small start-up loan and aim to make profit from this. We also work with
RedSTART and MyBNK to give pupils an insight into personal and business finance. From
this they begin to learn about teamwork, managing expectations and improving their
business acumen. Throughout the year, students work with and learn from a range of
career opportunities involving people from a variety of backgrounds. Students attend
career speed-networking events and work closely with a huge range of partners such as
Chelsea F.C. to develop business enterprise skills and develop knowledge of a range of
possible careers and industries.

The Enterprise Award

Once students have logged evidence of meeting our 6 enterprise skills and logged hours
engaging with social and business enterprise they are entitled to apply for the FBS
Enterprise award. The process consists of a presentation of their enterprise log and a viva
with the Enterprise team. As well as a very sharp looking tie pin (bronze, silver, gold) the
award can be included in their CV and personal statements for university. Furthermore,
successful candidates will be eligible for the Enterprise grant (up to £200 for gold award)
to use as seed money for their small business/ social enterprise venture.
Student Leadership

The Fulham Boys School is a cooperative. That means teachers, parents, governors and
students all play a role in leading change. Our vertical form system means there are lots of
opportunities for student pastoral care through our guardians system. Each subject has its
own student subject council that play a part in review and development and hiring new staff.
Students can also apply to be prefects with specific roles in: chaplaincy, enterprise, digital,
library and sport. Finally each house is led by a house captain who in turn are led by the head
boy and his deputies. In short, opportunities are everywhere to develop the future leaders of
this country.

Enterprise Week

At the end of the summer term the school runs an Enterprise Week. In place of the normal
school time- table, a range of activities gets boys venturing across London, participating in
adventure training, immersed in business challenges and trying new things.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The DofE bronze award scheme starts in Year 9, with boys completing their overnight
expeditions during the summer term, and organising and planning their volunteering, skills
and sports options in the co-curricular and their own time.
The Extended Project (EPQ)

The EPQ provides an opportunity for Sixth Form students at FBS to extend their abilities beyond the
A-level syllabus, stand out and prepare for university or their future career. It can also be used to
earn extra UCAS points. The project takes the form of a minimum 5000 words formal essay on a
subject of a student’s choice. An EPQ must pose and answers a question e.g. will man one day
colonise space? Is stem cell research ethical? Can we prove that God exists? The EPQ allows
students to know one topic in detail for university applications/interviews, in addition to
developing and applying employability skills, such as decision making, problem-solving skills,
initiative and enterprise, extend planning, research, critical thinking, analytical, synthesis,
evaluation and presentation skills.
Sports at FBS

There are three strands to the high quality sports programme at Fulham Boys School; Competitive Sports,
Physical Education and Co-Curricular Sports. These enable sport to be freely available to all boys and push
the talented whilst encouraging those who are less able to find sports they love.

Competitive Sports
The Fulham Boys School is determined to succeed in four core sports: Cricket, Football, Rowing and Rugby.
Competition in these sports will run on an Inter and Intra school competition format. There will be twelve
weeks allocated for each of the sports apart from rowing.

Autumn Term – Rugby
Spring Term – Football
Summer Term – Cricket
All year round - Rowing

Each pupil will receive two hours of specialist coaching every week during their year group sports afternoon.
For Football and Rugby, there will be ten fixtures for each of the sports and they will take place on Saturday
mornings. Where possible there will be A, B and C team fixtures. Throughout the twelve weeks that have
been allocated to each of the sports there will be two house competitions, where every pupil has the
opportunity to represent their house.

Rowing will also be part of the competitive calendar; FBS will be attending local indoor rowing competitions
and we have worked with Fulham Reach Boat Club to set up an elite programme for
boys who have shown prowess in rowing. From Year 9 onwards, 16 boys from each year will have the
opportunity to join the Elite Squad and opt into rowing throughout the year instead of going to Barn Elms
for the other core sports. All boys from year 9 will also have the opportunity to complete the ‘Learn to Row’
course which will take place at Fulham Reach Boat Club during their PE lessons on Monday or Thursday
PE and Games (Curriculum Lessons)
PE lessons will run for 6 weeks each (half term) and the activities covered will be:
Induction Fitness Testing
Fitness Training

These are taught alongside the core sports (see competitive sports section). A foundation of the GCSE
curriculum will be covered throughout these lessons, where boys will learn specific anatomical, historical,
motor learning, physiological and psychological aspects that the pupils will have to relate to the sport/activity
that they are participating in.

Co-curricular sports
These activities run throughout the year and they range from:
Indoor Rowing
Mixed Martial Arts
Table Tennis
Running Club
Indoor Cycling

Sports Afternoons
Sports afternoons take place at Barn Elms Sports Centre, Marathon Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth Walk, Barnes
SW13 9SA. Boys will leave school at 13:30pm and will be taken by coach to the pitches. Coaching will occur
from 2-4pm. All boys will be dismissed from the pitches/changing rooms and they will make their own way
home from there.

Monday – Year 8
Tuesday – Year 7
Wednesday – Year 11 and 6th Form
Thursday – Year 10
Friday morning – Year 9
Learn an Instrument at FBS

In addition to timetabled Music lessons we offer private tuition for boys wanting to learn a musical
instrument. These sessions will happen during the normal school day, with students taken out of
lessons or clubs for 30 minutes each week to study with their music tutor. Where possible the lesson
times will be on a rotation so that students do not miss the same lesson/club each week.

Parents will be expected to pay for at least 5 lessons in advance and your son’s tutor will issue an
invoice on the 4th lesson of the block of 5 requesting payment for the subsequent block. If the cost of
lessons would be a major barrier to your son accessing instrumental/vocal tuition please note that we
have a small number of places available on a scholarship basis. It is very important that these invoices
are paid promptly as it is unfair to expect our tutors to have to chase payment for their services.

Personal practice is an essential part of learning a musical instrument but we recognise that purchasing
your own instrument is not always possible. We have a small number of instruments available for
students to borrow and these are issued on a first come first served basis and are subject to the terms
set out in the Instrument Loan Contract.

Instruments being offered for tuition are:

Violin                      Piano                        Trumpet                     Alto Saxophone
Cello                       Bass guitar                  Trombone                    Tenor Saxophone
Double Bass                 Guitar/Electric Guitar       Euphonium                   Clarinet
Voice                       Drums                        French Horn                 Flute

To help with planning timetables and booking tutors it would be really useful to have a good idea in
advance of September how many students would be interested in learning instruments. The exact cost
will vary depending on the instrument/tutor but you can use the following approximate costs as a

£18 per half hour lesson for a one-to-one lesson

- OR -

£11 per half hour for a small group lesson (there will be no more than three students in a group but
we must have at least two students learning together to make group lessons possible)
This will be paid in blocks of 5 lessons, so £90 for one to one or £55 for group lessons per block.

The Fulham Boys School Music Scholarship is an award for students who show aptitude for music and
who are willing to learn one of our FBS priority instruments for that year but for whom the cost is a
barrier. Scholarship recipients will receive fully funded or subsidised instrumental/vocal lessons until
the end of the academic year in which the scholarship was awarded. Recipients are expected to take
an active role in the co-curricular ensemble throughout the year. Places are limited, therefore families
who can afford the cost of music lessons without the need of the Scholarship are discouraged from
applying. Please let me know as soon as possible by email if you are likely to apply for this support
next year so I can plan accordingly. Priority instruments for academic year 2019-20 are lower brass
(trombone/tuba/French horn), strings (cello/double bass/violin) and vocals.

If you would like your son to receive instrumental/vocal lessons or if you have any further questions
about the above, please contact Mr Burns via email at s.burns@fulhamboysschool.org.uk.


We also offer private tuition for boys wanting to take exams with the London Academy of
Music & Dramatic Art, or LAMDA. If you wish to find out more about the LAMDA exams please
visit their website at http://www.lamda.org.uk/examinations .
These sessions will happen during the normal school day, with students taken out of lessons
for 30 minutes each week to study with their LAMDA tutor. Where possible the lesson times
will be on a rotation so that students do not miss the same lesson/club each week.

Parents will be expected to pay the tutor directly for 5 lessons in advance. Your son’s tutor
will issue an invoice on the 4th lesson of the block of 5 requesting payment for the subsequent

Please contact Mr Burns (details below) if you have any further questions or queries regarding
LAMDA tuition. We look forward to supporting your son’s development and hope he will be
inspired to participate in this rich and vibrant part of Fulham Boys School life.

Sam Burns
Head of Performing Arts
Co-Curricular provision at FBS

At the Fulham Boys School we aim to produce young men who are open to new
experiences and are prepared to put maximum effort into all that they do. Involvement
in Co-Curricular clubs is compulsory and integral to that aim. The Co-Curricular
programme at FBS is designed to provide opportunities and experiences that expand
horizons as well as supporting and stretching students physically, academically,
personally and socially. Our teachers run the majority of our Co-Curricular clubs, and they
allow students to develop and improve new and collaborative relationships outside of the
classroom environment, which is why we call them Co-Curricular clubs rather than
The system we use to sort, organise and allocate the clubs we have to offer is called CHQ.
At the beginning of the year, students (and parents) are issued with a username and
password. Within the first few weeks of each term (or half term depending on your year
group), boys are asked to rank the clubs available to them. The clubs allocation is done
automatically by the system.

We seek to strike a balance between different types of club (sporting, academic or
enterprise). In Year 7, boys will have 6 rotations during the year to give them everyone a
chance to try a lot of different things. Some clubs are a response to students’ needs -
some subjects offer a Stretch and/or Booster clubs in order to get the best from students.
We also have clubs that are non-academic that may request your son’s attendance, for
example Running Club. Requests may also be for co-curricular clubs that require ongoing
commitment e.g. Debating or Police Cadets. We recognise that we have long days at the
Fulham Boys School, so in addition to the variety of activities we have on offer we allow
the boys time to complete homework/assignments/revision etc. during one of their Co-
Curricular slots.

We want boys to try out a real range of activities, please see below for a (non-exhaustive)
list of activities we ran this academic year:
   ●   Sports based clubs - Cricket, Judo, Boxing, Indoor Rowing, Swimming
   ●   Enterprise - Setting up an FBS Business, Social Enterprise Wings of Hope
   ●   Interest - Communications Workshops, Cooking, Debating, Photography
   ●   Academic - Spanish Booster, French Chat
   ●   ‘Request’ clubs: School Show, Shoebox Actors Company

In some cases, boys may have been requested for 2 or more clubs, resulting in their choice
of clubs being overridden. It is important to us that students enjoy what clubs they are
doing so we try our best to accommodate your son’s wishes.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am delighted to be able to contact you with details of our latest Chromebook offer for all boys joining The
Fulham Boys School in Year 7 in September.

The Chromebook is a slim laptop which runs the Google Chrome operating system, including Google Drive
and Google Documents. More details can be found here: www.google.com/chromebooks. All classroom
resources use the google operating platform and so are designed for use with the Chromebook.

We will expect boys to bring their devices to school every day for use in lessons and to complete ‘ownwork’
during Prep study periods or at home.

Students and parents need to make a selection from one of the payment options explained within this
booklet by the 3rd of August. Please could we also ask that parents read through the Chromebook
acceptable usage policy which can be found here. Students are expected to follow this policy at all times.

This booklet sets out the choices available regarding the devices and some common questions. In addition,
you can contact the people listed below if you have any further queries:

Deputy Head Teacher - Mr Kellie at s.kellie@fulhamboysschool.org.uk
IT Technician - Mr Kuddus at m.kuddus@fulhamboysschool.org.uk

I would appreciate it if all parents make their choice from the options outlined in this document and make
payment by Monday 3rd August.

Yours faithfully

Mr S. Kellie
Deputy Head Teacher
You can also read