Clinical Report-Health Supervision for Children With Down Syndrome

Page created by Mitchell Cobb
                                                                                                                  Guidance for the Clinician in
                                                                                                                      Rendering Pediatric Care

Clinical Report—Health Supervision for Children With
Down Syndrome
Marilyn J. Bull, MD, and the COMMITTEE ON GENETICS
ABBREVIATIONS                                                      abstract
BAER—brainstem auditory evoked response
TSH—thyroid-stimulating hormone
                                                                   These guidelines are designed to assist the pediatrician in caring for
CRP—C-reactive protein                                             the child in whom a diagnosis of Down syndrome has been confirmed
This document is copyrighted and is property of the American       by chromosome analysis. Although a pediatrician’s initial contact with
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors      the child is usually during infancy, occasionally the pregnant woman
have filed conflict of interest statements with the American         who has been given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome will be
Academy of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through
a process approved by the Board of Directors. The American         referred for review of the condition and the genetic counseling pro-
Academy of Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any       vided. Therefore, this report offers guidance for this situation as well.
commercial involvement in the development of the content of        Pediatrics 2011;128:393–406
this publication.
The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive         INTRODUCTION
course of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care.
Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be   Children with Down syndrome have multiple malformations, medical
appropriate.                                                       conditions, and cognitive impairment because of the presence of extra
                                                                   genetic material from chromosome 21.1,2 Although the phenotype is
                                                                   variable, there typically are multiple features that enable the experi-
                                                                   enced clinician to suspect the diagnosis. Among the more common
                                                                   physical findings are hypotonia, small brachycephalic head, epicanthal
                                                                   folds, flat nasal bridge, upward-slanting palpebral fissures, Brushfield
                                                                   spots, small mouth, small ears, excessive skin at the nape of the neck,
                                                                   single transverse palmar crease, and short fifth finger with clinodac-
                                                                   tyly and wide spacing, often with a deep plantar groove between the
                                                                   first and second toes. The degree of cognitive impairment is variable                  and may be mild (IQ of 50 –70), moderate (IQ of 35–50), or occasionally
doi:10.1542/peds.2011-1605                                         severe (IQ of 20 –35). There is a significant risk of hearing loss (75%);
All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics       obstructive sleep apnea (50%–79%); otitis media (50%–70%); eye dis-
automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,   ease (60%), including cataracts (15%) and severe refractive errors
revised, or retired at or before that time.
                                                                   (50%); congenital heart defects (50%); neurologic dysfunction (1%–
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
                                                                   13%); gastrointestinal atresias (12%); hip dislocation (6%); thyroid
Copyright © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics             disease (4%–18%)3–6; and, less commonly, transient myeloproliferative
                                                                   disorder (4%–10%) and later leukemia (1%) and Hirschsprung disease
                                                                   (⬍1%) (Table 1). The social quotient may be improved with early-
                                                                   intervention techniques, although the level of function is exceedingly
                                                                   variable. Children with Down syndrome often function more effectively
                                                                   in social situations than would be predicted on the basis of cognitive
                                                                   assessment results.
                                                                   In approximately 95% of children with Down syndrome, the condition is
                                                                   sporadic because of nonfamilial trisomy 21, in which there are 47
                                                                   chromosomes with a free extra chromosome 21 being present. In ap-
                                                                   proximately 3% to 4% of persons with the Down syndrome phenotype,
                                                                   the extra chromosomal material is the result of an unbalanced trans-
                                                                   location between chromosome 21 and another acrocentric chromo-
                                                                   some, usually chromosome 14. Approximately three-quarters of these

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TABLE 1 Medical Problems Common in Down             syndrome and facilitate their transi-       incorporates maternal age risk with
                                                    tion to adulthood. The following outline    measurement of maternal serum hCG,
               Condition                    %
                                                    is designed to help the pediatrician        unconjugated estriol, ␣-fetoprotein
Hearing problems                             75
                                                    provide care for children with Down         (AFP), and inhibin levels. The detection
Vision problems                              60
Cataracts                                    15     syndrome and their families in the          rate of Down syndrome by first-
Refractive errors                            50     medical home. It is organized by the        trimester screening is 82% to 87%, by
Obstructive sleep apnea                    50–75    issues that need to be addressed in         second-trimester screening is 80%,
Otitis media                               50–70
Congenital heart disease                   40–50    various age groups (see Appendix 1).        and by combined first- and second-
Hypodontia and delayed dental eruption       23     Several areas require ongoing assess-       trimester screening (referred to as in-
Gastrointestinal atresias                    12                                                 tegrated screening) is approximately
Thyroid disease                             4–18
                                                    ment throughout childhood and
Seizures                                    1–13    should be reviewed at every physician       95%. These screening tests are re-
Hematologic problems                                visit and at least annually. These areas    ported to have a 5% false-positive
   Anemia                                    3
                                                    include:                                    rate.9–12
   Iron deficiency                           10
   Transient myeloproliferative disorder    10      ● personal support available to family;     Pediatricians may be asked to counsel
   Leukemia                                  1                                                  a family whose fetus has been identi-
Celiac disease                               5      ● participation in a family-centered
                                                                                                fied with or is at increased risk of
Atlantoaxial instability                   1–2         medical home;
Autism                                       1                                                  Down syndrome. In some settings, the
Hirschsprung disease                       ⬍1
                                                    ● age-specific Down syndrome–re-             pediatrician may be the primary re-
                                                       lated medical and developmental          source for counseling. At other times,
                                                       conditions;                              counseling may have been provided
                                                    ● financial and medical support pro-         for the family by a certified genetic
unbalanced translocations are de
                                                       grams for which the child and fam-       counselor, a clinical geneticist, obste-
novo, and the remainder result from
                                                       ily may be eligible;                     trician, or developmental-behavioral
familial translocations. If the child has
                                                    ● injury and abuse prevention with          pediatrician. In addition, parents may
a translocation, a balanced transloca-
                                                       special consideration of develop-        have received information from a
tion must be excluded in the parents.
                                                       mental skills; and                       Down syndrome program, a national
When there is a translocation in a par-
                                                                                                Down syndrome organization, or an In-
ent, additional familial studies and ge-            ● nutrition and activity to maintain ap-
                                                                                                ternet site. Because the pediatrician
netic counseling should be provided. In                propriate weight.
                                                                                                often has a previous relationship with
the remaining 1% to 2% of persons
                                                    THE PRENATAL VISIT                          the family, he or she should be pre-
with the Down syndrome phenotype, a
                                                                                                pared to review this information and
mix of 2 cell lines is present: one nor-            The American College of Obstetricians       assist in the decision-making process.
mal and the other with trisomy 21. This             and Gynecologists recommends that           When asked, the pediatrician should
condition is called mosaicism. Persons              all pregnant women, regardless of           discuss the following topics with the
with mosaicism may be more mildly                   age, be offered the option of diagnostic    family:
affected than persons with complete                 testing for Down syndrome and consider
trisomy 21 or translocation chromo-                                                             1. The prenatal laboratory studies
                                                    less invasive screening options.7,8
some 21, but this is not always the                                                                that lead to the diagnosis and any
                                                    Screening options have improved signif-
case, and their condition may include                                                              fetal imaging studies that have
                                                    icantly with the introduction of first-
any of the associated medical prob-                                                                been or will be performed.
                                                    trimester screening, which incorporates
lems and be indistinguishable from tri-             maternal age, nuchal translucency ul-       2. The mechanism for occurrence of the
somy 21. Recurrence risks for families              trasonography, and measurement of              disorder in the fetus and the potential
with an affected child depend on                    maternal serum human chorionic go-             recurrence rate for the family as pro-
many factors, and families benefit                   nadotropin (␤-hCG) and pregnancy-              vided by genetic counseling.
from counseling by a clinical genetic               associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A).       3. The prognosis and phenotypic man-
professional.                                       Second-trimester screening is available        ifestations, including the wide
Medical management, home environ-                   for patients who first seek medical             range of variability seen in infants
ment, early intervention, education,                care in the second trimester or in loca-       and children with Down syndrome.
and vocational training can signifi-                 tions where first-trimester screening is        Families benefit from hearing a fair
cantly affect the level of functioning of           not available. The second-trimester            and balanced perspective, includ-
children and adolescents with Down                  screening, often called the quad screen,       ing the many positive outcomes of

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   children with Down syndrome and              3. Offer referral to a clinical geneticist    positive FISH-test result should be con-
   their effect on the family.                     for a more extended discussion of          firmed by a complete chromosome
4. Any additional studies performed                clinical outcomes and variability,         analysis to identify translocations that
   that may refine the estimation of                recurrence rates, future reproduc-         may have implications for further re-
   the prognosis (eg, fetal echocardio-            tive options, and evaluation of the        productive counseling for the parents
   gram, ultrasonographic examina-                 risks for other family members.            and possibly other family members.
   tion for gastrointestinal tract mal-                                                       The mother should be allowed to re-
   formations). Consultation with an            HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM BIRTH                 cover from the immediate delivery of
   appropriate medical subspecialist,           TO 1 MONTH: NEWBORN INFANTS                   the infant and have her partner or sup-
   such as a pediatric cardiologist or a        Examination                                   port person present before the diagno-
   pediatric surgeon, should occur              The first step in evaluating a newborn         sis is given. The information should be
   prenatally if abnormal findings are           infant for trisomy 21 is a careful review     relayed in a private setting by the phy-
   detected.                                    of the family history and prenatal in-        sicians involved, optimally by the pri-
5. Currently available treatments and           formation, particularly if prenatal           mary care provider for the infant and
   interventions. This discussion               chromosome studies were performed.            the delivering physician.13 It is recom-
   needs to include the efficacy, poten-         Previous children born with trisomy 21        mended that hospitals coordinate the
   tial complications and adverse ef-           or developmental differences or preg-         delivery of the information and offer a
   fects, costs, and other burdens as-          nancies that ended in miscarriage may         private hospital room pending confir-
   sociated with treatments. Discuss            be significant clues that a family may         mation of the diagnosis.
   early-intervention resources, par-           carry a balanced translocation that           An important aspect of providing in-
   ent support programs, and any ap-            predisposes them to having children           formation about Down syndrome to
   propriate future treatments.                 with trisomy 21. For children who have        families includes first congratulat-
6. The options available to the family          had the diagnosis made prenatally, a          ing parents on the birth of their in-
   for management and rearing of                formal copy of the chromosome report          fant. Obstetricians and pediatricians
   the child should be discussed us-            should be obtained. This report allows        should coordinate their messaging
   ing a nondirective approach. In              the clinician to confirm the diagnosis,        and inform parents of their suspicion
   cases of early prenatal diagnosis,           review the results with the family, and       immediately, in a private setting and,
   this may include discussion of               add the formal diagnosis to the child’s       where appropriate, with both parents
   pregnancy continuation or termi-             medical record. If the results of prena-      together. Physicians should use their
   nation, raising the child in the             tal testing are not available, a blood        experience and expertise in providing
   family, foster care placement, and           sample should be obtained for postna-         support and guidance for families. Cli-
   adoption.                                    tal cytogenetic analysis to confirm the        nicians should ensure a balanced ap-
                                                diagnosis and rule out a chromosome           proach rather than their personal
7. Availability of genetic counseling
                                                translocation.                                opinions, give current printed materi-
   or meeting with a genetics
                                                A physical examination is the most sen-       als, and offer access to other families
                                                sitive test in the first 24 hours of life to   who have children with Down syn-
If the pregnancy is continued:                                                                drome and support organizations if lo-
                                                diagnose trisomy 21 in an infant. If the
1. Develop a plan for delivery and neo-         clinician feels that enough criteria are      cally available. It is important that cli-
   natal care with the obstetrician and         present on physical examination, then         nicians be cognizant of the realities
   the family. As the pregnancy pro-            a blood sample should be sent for             and possibilities for healthy, produc-
   gresses, additional studies should           chromosome evaluation. The clinician          tive lives of people with Down syn-
   be performed if available, if recom-         should alert the laboratory and re-           drome in society.13
   mended by subspecialty consul-               quest rapid results. A study that uses        Confirm the laboratory diagnosis of
   tants, and/or if desired by the fam-         fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)       Down syndrome and review the karyo-
   ily for modifying this management            technology should be available within         type with the parents when the final
   plan (eg, detection of a complex             24 to 48 hours to facilitate diagnosis        result is available. Discuss the specific
   heart defect by echocardiography).           and parent counseling. A FISH study           findings with both parents whenever
2. Offer parent-to-parent contact and           can only indicate that an extra copy of       possible, and talk about the potential
   information about local and na-              chromosome 21 is present; it cannot           clinical manifestations associated
   tional support organizations.                detect translocations. Therefore, a           with the syndrome. These topics

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should be reviewed again at a subse-              ence in managing the child with            TMD usually regresses spontaneously
quent meeting. Parents should be re-              Down syndrome.                             within the first 3 months of life, but
ferred for genetic counseling if it             ● Congenital hearing loss, with objec-       there is an increased risk of later on-
was not conducted prenatally.                     tive testing, such as brainstem audi-      set of leukemia for these patients
Newborn care is often provided in a               tory evoked response or otoacous-          (10%–30%).20 Polycythemia is also
hospital setting by a physician who will          tic emission, at birth, according to       common in infants with Down syn-
not be the primary care provider, and             the universal newborn hearing              drome (18%– 64%)21 and may require
extreme care is required to be certain            screening guidelines. Complete any         careful management. Infants with
that a smooth transition occurs for the           needed follow-up assessment by 3           TMD and polycythemia should be fol-
family.                                           months.16,17                               lowed according to subspecialty con-
                                                                                             sultation recommendations. Parents
                                                ● Duodenal atresia or anorectal atre-
Discuss and Review                                                                           of infants with TMD should be coun-
                                                  sia/stenosis by performing a his-
● Hypotonia.                                                                                 seled regarding the risk of leukemia
                                                  tory and clinical examination.
                                                                                             and made aware of the signs, includ-
● Facial appearance, and acknowl-               ● Apnea, bradycardia, or oxygen de-
                                                                                             ing easy bruising, petechiae, onset of
  edge the presence of familial                   saturation in a car safety seat for        lethargy, or change in feeding pat-
  characteristics.                                infants who are at increased risk          terns. Leukemia is more common in
● Feeding issues. Children with Down              because they have had cardiac sur-         children with Down syndrome than in
  syndrome can usually nurse, and                 gery or are hypotonic. A car safety        the general population but still rare
  many can breastfeed successfully.               seat evaluation should be con-
  Occasionally, some will need early              ducted for these infants before hos-
                                                  pital discharge.18                       ● Congenital hypothyroidism (1% risk).
  supplementation until a successful
                                                                                             Obtain thyroid-stimulating hormone
  nursing pattern is established.               ● Constipation. If constipation is pres-
                                                                                             (TSH) concentration if state newborn
  Some infants will also sleep for pro-           ent, evaluate for restricted diet or
                                                                                             screening only measures free thyrox-
  longed periods and need to be                   limited fluid intake, hypotonia, hypo-
                                                                                             ine (T4); congenital hypothyroidism
  awakened to feed to maintain ade-               thyroidism, or gastrointestinal tract
                                                                                             can be missed if only the T4 concen-
  quate calorie intake.                           malformation, including stenoses
                                                                                             tration is obtained in the newborn
                                                  or Hirschsprung disease, for which
                                                                                             screening. Many children with Down
Evaluate for                                      there is an increased risk.
                                                                                             syndrome have mildly elevated TSH
● Heart defects (⬃50% risk). Perform            ● Gastroesophageal reflux, which is           and normal free T4 levels. Manage-
  an echocardiogram, to be read by a              usually diagnosed and managed              ment of children with abnormal thyro-
  pediatric cardiologist, regardless of           clinically. If severe or contributing      tropin or T4 concentrations should be
  whether a fetal echocardiogram                  to cardiorespiratory problems or           discussed      with    a     pediatric
  was performed. Refer to a pediatric             failure to thrive, refer for subspe-       endocrinologist.
  cardiologist for evaluation any in-             cialty intervention.
  fant whose postnatal echocardio-              ● Stridor, wheezing, or noisy breath-      Anticipatory Guidance Given at
  gram results are abnormal.                      ing. If severe or contributing to car-   Least Once Between Birth and 1
● Feeding problems. Refer all infants             diorespiratory problems or feeding       Month of Age
  who have marked hypotonia as well               difficulty, refer to pediatric pul-       ● Discuss increased susceptibility to
  as infants with slow feeding, chok-             monologist to assess for airway            respiratory tract infection. Children
  ing with feeds, recurrent pneumo-               anomalies. Tracheal anomalies and          with signs and symptoms of lower
  nia, or other recurrent or persistent           small tracheal size may also make          respiratory tract infection should
  respiratory symptoms and unex-                  intubation more difficult.                  be evaluated acutely by a medical
  plained failure to thrive for a radio-        ● Hematologic abnormalities. Obtain a        provider, and in the presence of
  graphic swallowing assessment.14,15             complete blood cell count. Leukemoid       cardiac or chronic respiratory
● Cataracts at birth by looking for a             reactions, or transient myeloprolifer-     disease, aggressive treatment
  red reflex. Cataracts may prog-                  ative disorder (TMD). TMD is found al-     should be instituted.14 Children
  ress slowly and, if detected, need              most exclusively in newborn infants        with comorbid conditions who
  prompt evaluation and treatment                 with Down syndrome and is relatively       qualify should have respiratory
  by an ophthalmologist with experi-              common in this population (10%).19         syncytial virus prophylaxis.22

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● Discuss with parents the importance              suggested.29 Until studies confirm            awakening, daytime sleepiness,
   of cervical spine-positioning precau-           this finding and document that                apneic pauses, and behavior prob-
   tions to avoid excessive extension or           screening improves outcomes, rou-            lems that could be associated with
   flexion to protect the cervical spine            tine renal and urologic screening is         poor sleep. Refer to a physician
   during any anesthetic, surgical, or ra-         not recommended.                             with expertise in pediatric sleep
   diographic procedure.23,24                                                                   disorders for examination and fur-
● Discuss efficacy of early interven-
                                                HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM 1                       ther evaluation of a possible sleep
                                                MONTH TO 1 YEAR: INFANCY                        disorder if any of the above-
   tion and availability of early-
   intervention services and therapies          Physical Examination and                        mentioned symptoms occur.32,33
   in the community. Initiate referral          Laboratory Studies                           ● At each well-child visit, discuss with
   as appropriate.25                                                                            parents the importance of maintain-
                                                Review the risk of serous otitis media
                                                                                                ing the cervical spine in a neutral
● Inform the family of the availability of      (50%–70%). Review the previous hear-
                                                                                                position during any anesthetic, sur-
   support and advice from parents of           ing evaluation (brainstem auditory
                                                                                                gical, or radiographic procedure to
   other children with Down syndrome.           evoked response [BAER, ABR] or otoa-
                                                                                                minimize the risk of spinal cord in-
● Supply names of Down syndrome                 coustic emission). If the child passed
                                                                                                jury and review the signs and
   support groups and current books             the screening study, rescreen at 6
                                                                                                symptoms of myelopathy. Perform
   and pamphlets (see “Resources for            months of age for confirmation. If the
                                                                                                careful history and physical exami-
   Parents”).                                   infant failed to pass screening studies,
                                                                                                nation, and pay attention for myelo-
                                                refer to an otolaryngologist who is
● Discuss the strengths of the child                                                            pathic signs and symptoms.
                                                comfortable with examining infants
   and positive family experiences.                                                          ● Within the first 6 months of life, re-
                                                with stenotic external canals to deter-
● Discuss the individual resources for          mine if a middle-ear abnormality is             fer to a pediatric ophthalmologist
   support, such as family, clergy, and         present. Tympanometry may be neces-             or ophthalmologist with expertise
   friends.                                     sary if the tympanic membrane is                and experience with infants with
● Talk about how and what to tell sib-          poorly visualized. Middle-ear disease           disabilities to evaluate for strabis-
   lings, other family members, and             should be treated promptly. Once a              mus, cataracts, and nystagmus.34
   friends. Review methods of coping            clear ear is established, a diagnostic          Check the infant’s vision at each
   with long-term disabilities.                 BAER should be performed to accu-               visit and use developmentally ap-
                                                rately establish hearing status. In chil-       propriate subjective and objective
● Review the recurrence risk in sub-                                                            criteria. If lacrimal duct obstruction
                                                dren with stenotic canals, in which
   sequent pregnancies and the avail-                                                           is present, refer for evaluation for
                                                the tympanic membranes cannot be
   ability of prenatal diagnosis as pro-                                                        surgical repair of drainage system
                                                seen, refer to an otolaryngologist for
   vided in genetic counseling.                                                                 if not resolved by 9 to 12 months of
                                                examination under an office micro-
● Discuss treatments that are consid-           scope. Interval ear examinations                age.35
   ered complementary and alterna-              should be performed by the otolaryn-         ● Verify results of newborn thyroid-
   tive. Parents need an opportunity to         gologist every 3 to 6 months until the          function screen if not previously
   learn objectively which therapies            tympanic membrane can be visual-                performed. Because of increased
   are safe and which are potentially           ized by the pediatrician and tympa-             risk of acquired thyroid disease, re-
   dangerous (eg, cell therapy that             nometry can be performed reliably. A            peat measurement of TSH at 6 and
   may transmit slow viruses and fat-           behavioral audiogram may be at-                 12 months of age and then annually.
   soluble vitamins that can cause tox-         tempted at 1 year of age, but many chil-     ● Monitor infants with cardiac de-
   icity). Several articles and Internet        dren will not be able to complete the           fects, typically ventricular or atrio-
   sites evaluate the legitimacy of             study and may need additional testing           ventricular septal defects that
   claims that are made.26–28                   by BAER.30,31                                   cause intracardiac left-to-right
● Renal and urinary tract anomalies             ● At least once during the first 6               shunts, for symptoms and signs of
   have been reported to occur at in-              months of life, discuss with par-            congestive heart failure as pulmo-
   creased frequency among persons                 ents symptoms of obstructive                 nary vascular resistance decreases
   with Down syndrome, and screen-                 sleep apnea, including heavy                 and pulmonary blood flow in-
   ing for these anomalies for all chil-           breathing, snoring, uncommon                 creases. Tachypnea, feeding diffi-
   dren with Down syndrome has been                sleep positions, frequent night              culties, and poor weight gain may

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indicate heart failure. Medical man-            iron deficiency on the basis of a his-      prenatal diagnosis at least once in
  agement, including nutritional sup-             tory of decreased iron intake.38–42        the first year of life and more often if
  port, may be needed until the infant          ● Monitor for signs of neurologic dys-       judged necessary by the clinician.
  can undergo cardiac surgery to re-              function that may occur. Children          Refer for genetic counseling if not
  pair the defects. For patients with             with Down syndrome have an in-             already provided.
  large ventricular septal defects and            creased risk of seizures, including      ● Be prepared to discuss and answer
  without obstruction to pulmonary                infantile spasms (1%–13%)43,44 and         questions about treatments that are
  blood flow, repair should be per-                other conditions including Moya-           considered complementary and alter-
  formed before 4 months of age to                moya disease.45                            native at each well-child visit.
  limit the potential for development
                                                ● Administer immunizations, includ-
  of pulmonary hypertension and as-                                                        HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM 1 TO 5
                                                  ing influenza vaccine and other
  sociated complications. Infants and             vaccines recommended for all chil-       YEARS: EARLY CHILDHOOD
  children with Down syndrome are                 dren, unless there are specific           ● Obtain a history and perform a
  also at increased risk of pulmonary             contraindications.46                       physical examination, and give at-
  hypertension even in the absence of                                                        tention to growth and developmen-
  intracardiac structural defects.              Anticipatory Guidance                        tal status at every well-child visit.
● Obtain hemoglobin concentration               ● Monitor weight and follow weight-        ● Review the risk of hearing loss asso-
  beginning at 1 year of age and annu-            for-height trends at each health           ciated with serous otitis media. For
  ally thereafter. Children with Down             care visit. Review the infant’s            a child who passed diagnostic hear-
  syndrome have been shown to have                growth and plot it by using the stan-      ing testing, additional screening or
  significantly lower dietary intakes              dard growth charts of the National         behavioral audiogram and tympa-
  of iron than their typically develop-           Center for Health Statistics or the        nometry should be performed every
  ing peers.36 Increased erythrocyte              World Health Organization.47 The           6 months until normal hearing lev-
  mean corpuscular volume (MCV)                   previously used Down syndrome-             els are established bilaterally by
  has been reported in 45% of pa-                 specific growth charts no longer re-        ear-specific testing (usually after 4
  tients with Down syndrome with and              flect the current population styles         years of age). Subsequently, behav-
  without heart disease, and when                 and body proportion. Until new             ioral hearing tests should be per-
  MCV is decreased, it occurs at ap-              charts are developed, patterns of          formed annually. If normal hearing
  proximately the same time as ane-               growth and weight gain should be           is not established by behavioral
  mia.37 Therefore, MCV is not useful             followed on the available standard         testing, additional screening by
  in screening for the diagnoses of               growth charts and should include           otoacoustic emissions or diagnos-
  iron deficiency, lead toxicity, or               use of weight for height and BMI.48        tic BAER should be performed with
  thalassemia in children with Down                                                          sedation if necessary. Children
                                                ● Review availability of Down syn-
  syndrome. Serum ferritin concen-                                                           who demonstrate a hearing loss
                                                  drome support groups at least once
  tration is a sensitive parameter for                                                       should be referred to an otolaryn-
                                                  in the first year of life (see “Re-
  assessment of iron stores in healthy                                                       gologist who is comfortable with
                                                  sources for Parents”).
  subjects but is an acute-phase reac-                                                       the examination of children with
                                                ● Assess the emotional status of par-        stenotic ear canals. The risk of se-
  tant and may be increased in the
  presence of chronic inflammation                 ents and intrafamilial relationships       rous otitis media between 3 and 5
  or infection and should be evaluated            at each well-child visit. Educate and      years of age is approximately 50%
                                                  support siblings and discuss sibling       to 70%.
  together with C-reactive protein
  (CRP) concentration. An elevated                                                         ● Check the child’s vision, and use de-
  CRP level is an indication that a nor-        ● Review       connection to early-          velopmentally appropriate subjec-
  mal ferritin level may be falsely ele-          intervention services and their rela-      tive and objective criteria at each
  vated and is not a reliable indication          tionship to the strengths and needs        well-child visit. Refer the child
  of normal iron status. Serum ferri-             of the infant and family at each well-     annually to a pediatric ophthalmol-
  tin and CRP or reticulocyte hemoglo-            child visit.                               ogist or ophthalmologist with spe-
  bin (CHr) concentrations should be            ● Review the family’s understanding          cial expertise and experience with
  obtained at annual visits for pa-               of the risk of recurrence of Down          children with disabilities. Children
  tients who are at increased risk of             syndrome and the availability of           with Down syndrome have a 50%

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   risk of refractive errors that lead          ipation in some sports, including con-          multaneous quantitative IgA. The
   to amblyopia between 3 and 5                 tact sports such as football and soccer         quantitative IgA is important, be-
   years of age. Addressing refrac-             and gymnastics (usually at older                cause a low IgA level will result in a
   tive errors and strabismus at an             ages), places children at increased             false-negative tissue transglutami-
   early age can help prevent ambly-            risk of spinal cord injury65 and that           nase IgA result. Refer patients with
   opia and encourage normal visual             trampoline use should be avoided by             abnormal laboratory values for
   development.34,49–51                         all children with or without Down syn-          specialty assessment. There is no
                                                drome younger than 6 years and by               evidence showing routine screen-
Atlantoaxial Instability                        older children unless under direct              ing of asymptomatic individuals as
Discuss with parents, at least bienni-          professional supervision.66,67 Special          being beneficial. There are neither
ally, the importance of cervical spine-         Olympics has specific screening re-              data nor consensus that would in-
positioning precautions for protection          quirements for participation in some            dicate whether patients with per-
of the cervical spine during any anes-          sports.68                                       sistent symptoms who had normal
thetic, surgical, or radiographic proce-                                                        laboratory values on initial evalu-
dure. Perform careful history and               The Symptomatic Child                           ation should have further labora-
physical examination with attention to          Any child who has significant neck               tory tests.
myelopathic signs and symptoms at               pain, radicular pain, weakness, spas-         ● Discuss symptoms of obstructive
every well-child visit or when symp-            ticity or change in tone, gait difficul-         sleep apnea, including heavy
toms possibly attributable to spinal            ties, hyperreflexia, change in bowel or          breathing, snoring, restless sleep,
cord impingement are reported. Par-             bladder function, or other signs or             uncommon sleep positions, fre-
ents should also be instructed to con-          symptoms of myelopathy must un-                 quent night awakening, daytime
tact their physician for new onset of           dergo plain cervical spine radiography          sleepiness, apneic pauses, and be-
symptoms of change in gait or use of            in the neutral position.55,65 If significant     havior problems, that could be as-
arms or hands, change in bowel or               radiographic abnormalities are pres-            sociated with poor sleep at each
bladder function, neck pain, stiff neck,        ent in the neutral position, no further         well-child visit. There is poor corre-
head tilt, torticollis, how the child posi-     radiographs should be taken and the             lation between parent report and
tions his or her head, change in gen-           patient should be referred as quickly           polysomnogram results.33,72 There-
eral function, or weakness.                     as possible to a pediatric neurosur-            fore, referral to a pediatric sleep
                                                geon or pediatric orthopedic surgeon            laboratory for a sleep study or poly-
The Asymptomatic Child
                                                with expertise in evaluating and treat-         somnogram for all children with
Children with Down syndrome are at              ing atlantoaxial instability. If no signif-     Down syndrome by 4 years of age is
increased risk of atlantoaxial sublux-          icant radiographic abnormalities are            recommended. Refer to a physician
ation. However, the child must be 3                                                             with expertise in pediatric sleep any
                                                present, flexion and extension radio-
years of age to have adequate verte-                                                            child with signs or symptoms of ob-
                                                graphs may be obtained before the pa-
bral mineralization and epiphyseal de-                                                          structive sleep apnea or abnormal
                                                tient is promptly referred.23,62,63
velopment for accurate radiographic                                                             sleep-study results. Discuss obesity
evaluation of the cervical spine.52 Plain       ● Measure TSH annually or sooner if
                                                   child has symptoms that could be re-         as a risk factor for sleep apnea.34 It
radiographs do not predict well which                                                           is recognized that access to a pedi-
children are at increased risk of devel-           lated to thyroid dysfunction.
                                                                                                atric sleep laboratory or specialist
oping spine problems, and normal ra-            ● For children on a diet that contains
                                                                                                may be limited for some popula-
diographs do not provide assurance                 gluten, at each preventative care            tions and geographic areas.
that a child will not develop spine prob-          visit review for symptoms poten-
                                                                                              ● Maintain follow-up with a pediatric
lems later.53,54 For these reasons, rou-           tially related to celiac disease, in-
                                                                                                cardiologist for patients with car-
tine radiologic evaluation of the cervi-           cluding diarrhea or protracted con-
                                                                                                diac lesions even after complete re-
cal spine in asymptomatic children is              stipation, slow growth, unexplained
                                                                                                pair to monitor for recurrent/resid-
not recommended. Current evidence                  failure to thrive, anemia, abdominal
                                                                                                ual lesions as well as development
does not support performing routine                pain or bloating, or refractory devel-
                                                                                                of pulmonary hypertension.
screening radiographs for assess-                  opmental or behavioral prob-
ment of potential atlantoaxial instabil-           lems.69–71 For those with symptoms,        ● Monitor for neurologic dysfunction,
ity in asymptomatic children.55–64                 obtain a tissue transglutaminase             including seizures.
Parents should be advised that partic-             immunoglobulin A (IgA) level and si-       ● Obtain hemoglobin concentration

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 2, August 2011                                                                                      399
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annually. Also, obtain serum ferritin           ing into child’s personal space or         on the basis of history of cardiac
  and CRP concentrations for any                  performing a procedure. Remind             defects.
  child at risk of iron deficiency.                patient and family that the only rea-    ● Obtain hemoglobin concentration
                                                  son anyone should be looking at or         annually and serum ferritin and CRP
Anticipatory Guidance
                                                  touching private body parts is for         or reticulocyte hemoglobin concen-
● Review early intervention, including            health (doctor office visits) or hy-        trations at annual visits for any
  physical therapy, occupational ther-            giene (bathing or showering).79            child at risk of iron deficiency on the
  apy, and speech therapy, at all
                                                ● On at least 1 well-child visit educate     basis of history of decreased iron
  health maintenance visits.
                                                  parents about increased risk of sex-       intake.
● Discuss at the 30-month visit the               ual exploitation, and remind them
  transition from early intervention                                                       ● For children on a diet that contains
                                                  that likely perpetrators are people
  to preschool, which occurs at 36                                                           gluten, review for symptoms poten-
                                                  their child knows and trusts, not
  months of age. Help the family un-                                                         tially related to celiac disease at ev-
  derstand the change from the In-                                                           ery health maintenance visit and
                                                ● At least once between 1 and 5 years        evaluate if indicated.
  dividualized Family Service Plan
                                                  of age, as with discussion in the first
  (IFSP) in early intervention to the                                                      ● At each well-child visit, discuss with
                                                  year of life, discuss future preg-
  Individualized Education Plan (IEP)                                                        parents the importance of universal
                                                  nancy planning and review risk of
  through public education.                                                                  precautions for protection of the
                                                  recurrence of Down syndrome and
● Discuss with caregivers at every                                                           cervical spine during any anes-
                                                  availability of prenatal diagnosis.
  visit the child’s behavioral and so-                                                       thetic, surgical, or radiographic
                                                ● Assess the child’s behavior and talk       procedure. Perform careful history
  cial progress. Refer children who
  may have autism, attention-deficit/              about behavioral management, sib-          and physical examination with at-
  hyperactivity disorder, or other psy-           ling adjustments, socialization, and       tention to myelopathic signs and
  chiatric or behavioral problems for             recreational skills.                       symptoms. Parents should also be
  appropriate evaluation and inter-             ● Encourage families to establish op-        instructed to contact their physi-
  vention as soon as suspected. Au-               timal dietary and physical exercise        cian immediately for new onset of
  tism and other behavioral problems              patterns that will prevent obesity.        symptoms of myelopathy.
  occur with increased frequency in             ● Be prepared to discuss and an-           ● Counsel parents that some sports
  children with Down syndrome, and                swer questions about treatments            place children at increased risk of
  symptoms may manifest as early as               that are considered complemen-             spinal cord injury.65–67
  2 or 3 years of age.73–76                       tary and alternative.
                                                                                           ● Monitor for neurologic dysfunction,
● Provide influenza vaccine annually.
                                                HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM 5 TO                 including seizures.
  Children with chronic cardiac or
  pulmonary disease should be given             13 YEARS: LATE CHILDHOOD                   ● Very dry skin, which may be a sign of
  the 23-valent pneumococcal poly-              ● Obtain a history and perform a             hypothyroidism, and other skin
  saccharide vaccine (PPS23) at 2                 physical examination with attention        problems are particularly common
  years or older.22                               to growth and developmental status         in patients with Down syndrome.
● Reassure parents that delayed and               at each annual well-child visit.           Therefore, be attentive to these der-
  irregular dental eruption patterns                                                         matologic problems and discuss
                                                ● Monitor growth patterns, especially
  are common and that hypodontia                                                             them with the patient and family.
                                                  BMI, and emphasize healthy diet and
  occurs with increased frequency                 lifestyle for preventing obesity.        ● Discuss symptoms related to ob-
  (23%).77,78                                                                                structive sleep apnea at every well-
                                                ● Obtain annual ear-specific audio-
● Encourage and model use of accu-                                                           child visit, including snoring, rest-
                                                  logic evaluation.
  rate terms for genitalia and other                                                         less sleep, daytime sleepiness,
                                                ● Obtain ophthalmologic evaluation
  private body parts (penis, vulva) any                                                      nighttime awakening, behavior
                                                  every 2 years.                             problems, and abnormal sleep posi-
  time these body parts are discussed
  or examined. Model respect for body           ● Measure TSH annually; the risk of          tion. Refer to a physician with exper-
  rights by reminding patients that               hypothyroidism increases with              tise in pediatric sleep any child with
  their body is their own and explain to          age.                                       signs or symptoms of obstructive
  the child what you will do before mov-        ● Individualize cardiology follow-up         sleep apnea or abnormal sleep-

                                Downloaded from by guest on May 10, 2015

   study results. Discuss obesity as a             of psychotropic medications among            wish to discuss sterilization, and
   risk factor of sleep apnea.                     children with Down syndrome, an-             the pediatrician may review the
                                                   ecdotal reports indicate that such           topic in the American Academy of
Anticipatory Guidance at Every                     children may differ in their re-             Pediatrics policy statement “Ster-
Health Maintenance Visit                           sponse to medications.                       ilization of Minors With Develop-
● Review the child’s development and            ● Counsel families regarding the tran-          mental Disabilities.”86
   appropriateness of school placement             sition from elementary to middle          ● Be prepared to discuss and answer
   and developmental intervention.                 school, when major change often              questions regarding treatments
● Discuss socialization, family status,            occurs, from 1 to many teachers              that are considered complementary
   and relationships, including finan-              and from 1 class to changing                 and alternative.
   cial arrangements, health insur-                classes. Prepare them to facilitate
   ance, and guardianship.                         adjustment at a time when the ac-         HEALTH SUPERVISION FROM 13
                                                   ademic disparity becomes greater          TO 21 YEARS OR OLDER:
● Discuss the development of age-
                                                   and full inclusion becomes more           ADOLESCENCE TO EARLY
   appropriate social skills, self-help
                                                   difficult.                                 ADULTHOOD
   skills, and development of a sense
   of responsibility.                           ● Refer children who may have autism         Physical Examination and
● Monitor for behavior problems that               for appropriate evaluation and inter-     Laboratory Values
   interfere with function in the home,            vention as soon as suspected.             ● Measure hemoglobin concentra-
   community, or school. Attention              ● Continue to assess, monitor, and en-          tion annually.
   problems, attention-deficit/hyper-               courage independence with hygiene         ● Measure TSH concentration annually.
   activity disorder, obsessive compul-            and self-care. Encourage parents to       ● Obtain annual ear-specific audio-
   sive behaviors, noncompliant be-                teach, model, and respect privacy at         logic evaluation.
   havior, and wandering off are some              home and in the community. Discuss
                                                                                             ● For children on a diet that contains
   of the common behavior concerns                 appropriate management of sexual
   reported. Psychiatric disorders                                                              gluten, review for symptoms poten-
                                                   behaviors such as masturbation.
   seen in typically developing children                                                        tially related to celiac disease at ev-
                                                ● Discuss progression of physical               ery health maintenance visit, and
   may also occur. Evaluate for medi-
                                                   and psychosocial changes through             evaluate if indicated.
   cal problems that can be associated
                                                   puberty and issues of fertility and       ● Individualize cardiology follow-up
   with behavior changes, including
                                                   contraception.79,80 Remind parents           on the basis of history of cardiac
   thyroid abnormalities, celiac dis-
                                                   that physical development usually            defects. Discuss symptoms re-
   ease, sleep apnea, gastroesopha-
                                                   follows patterns similar to those            lated to obstructive sleep apnea,
   geal reflux, and constipation. Inter-
                                                   found in the general population,             including snoring, restless sleep,
   vention strategies depend on the
                                                   but the child with Down syndrome             daytime sleepiness, nighttime
   child’s age, the severity of the prob-
                                                   will likely need more preparation            awakening, behavior problems,
   lem, and the setting in which the
                                                   in understanding and managing                and sleep position at every health
   problem occurs. Referral to com-
                                                   them.81                                      maintenance visit. Refer to a phy-
   munity treatment programs, psy-
   chosocial services for consultative          ● Discuss the need for gynecologic              sician with expertise in pediatric
   care, or behavioral specialists expe-           care in the pubescent girl. Talk with        sleep any child with signs or symp-
   rienced in working with children                the patient and her family about the         toms of obstructive sleep apnea or
   with special needs may be neces-                recurrence risk of Down syndrome             an abnormal sleep-study result.
   sary. The use of medication for be-             (50%) were she to become preg-               Discuss the risk factor of obesity
   havior management should be dis-                nant.82,83 Although males with Down          for sleep apnea.
   cussed between the primary care                 syndrome are usually infertile,           ● Discuss with parents and the pa-
   physician and specialists involved in           there have been rare instances in            tient at every visit the importance of
   the child’s care, because children              which a male has reproduced.83–85            cervical spine-positioning precau-
   with Down syndrome may be more                  Birth control and prevention of              tions for protection of the cervical
   sensitive to certain medications. Al-           sexually transmitted diseases                spine during any anesthetic, surgi-
   though there has been little re-                should be discussed with patients            cal, or radiographic procedure. Per-
   search to directly address the use              and their families. Families may             form careful history and physical

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 2, August 2011                                                                                       401
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examination with attention to myo-            ● Discuss appropriateness of school        drome could be enhanced through
  pathic signs and symptoms. Parents              placement, and emphasize planning        population-based research. A rigorous
  and patients should also be in-                 for transition to adulthood and ade-     evidence-based review of screening
  structed to contact their physician             quate vocational training within the     and treatment for atlantoaxial instabil-
  immediately for new onset of symp-              school curriculum.90,91                  ity, for example, is needed,94 and con-
  toms of myopathy.                             ● Talk with the female patient and her     tinuing research is critical for direct-
● Counsel parents that some sports                family about the recurrence risk of      ing the care for optimal outcomes of
  place children at increased risk of             Down syndrome should she become          persons with Down syndrome.1,95,96
  spinal cord injury.65–67                        pregnant.                                ACKNOWLEDGMENT
● Monitor for signs of other neurologic         ● Continue to assess, monitor, and en-
                                                                                           The mentoring and contributions of Dr.
  dysfunction, including seizures.                courage independence with hygiene
                                                                                           William Cohen have been sincerely ap-
● Obtain ophthalmologic evaluation                and self-care. Provide guidance on
                                                                                           preciated and were integral to the de-
  every 3 years. Check for onset of               healthy, normal, and typical sexual
                                                                                           velopment of this clinical report. His
  cataracts, refractive errors, and               development and behaviors. Empha-
                                                                                           untimely death is a great loss to his
  keratoconus, which can cause                    size the need for understandable in-
                                                                                           patients and their families, his col-
  blurred vision, corneal thinning,               formation, and encourage opportu-
                                                                                           leagues, and the greater medical com-
  or corneal haze and is typically di-            nities for advancing comprehension
                                                                                           munity. This clinical report is dedi-
  agnosed after puberty.                          of sexuality. Discuss the need for
                                                                                           cated to his memory.
                                                  contraception and prevention of
● Examine annually for acquired mi-               sexually transmitted diseases and        LEAD AUTHOR
  tral and aortic valvular disease in             the degree of supervision required.      Marilyn J. Bull, MD
  older patients with Down syndrome.              Advocate for the least invasive and      COMMITTEE ON GENETICS, 2010 –2011
  An echocardiogram should be ob-                 least permanent method of birth          Howard M. Saal, MD, Chairperson
  tained if there is a history of in-             control and be familiar with local       Stephen R. Braddock, MD
  creasing fatigue, shortness of                                                           Gregory M. Enns, MB, ChB
                                                  law and resources to assist the fam-     Jeffrey R. Gruen, MD
  breath, or exertional dyspnea or ab-            ily in their decision-making regard-     James M. Perrin, MD
  normal physical examination find-                ing questions about sterilization.86     Robert A. Saul, MD
  ings, such as a new murmur or gallop.                                                    Beth Anne Tarini, MD
                                                ● Make recommendations and provide
  Discuss skin, hair, and scalp care at                                                    FORMER COMMITTEE ON GENETICS
                                                  or refer for routine gynecologic care
  each preventive health care visit.                                                       MEMBERS
                                                  if not already provided. Discuss pre-
                                                                                           Marilyn J. Bull, MD
                                                  menstrual behavioral problems and        Joseph H. Hersh, MD
Anticipatory Guidance at Every
                                                  management of menses.92                  Nancy J. Mendelsohn, MD
Health Maintenance Visit
                                                ● Discuss group homes and indepen-         LIAISONS
● Discuss issues related to transition                                                     James W. Hanson, MD – American College of
                                                  dent living opportunities, workshop
  into adulthood, including guardian-                                                        Medical Genetics
                                                  settings, and other community-           Michele Ann Lloyd-Puryear, MD, PhD – Health
  ship and long-term financial planning
                                                  supported employment.                      Resources and Services Administration
  from early adolescence. Potential                                                        Thomas J. Musci, MD – American College of
  adult morbidities including apparent          ● Discuss intrafamily relationships, fi-
                                                                                             Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  tendency toward premature aging                 nancial planning, and guardianship.      Sonja Ann Rasmussen, MD, MS – Centers for
                                                ● Facilitate transition to adult medical     Disease Control and Prevention
  and increased risk of Alzheimer dis-
  ease may also be discussed.87                   care.93                                  CONTRIBUTOR
                                                                                           Stephen M. Downs, MD—Partnership for
● Monitor growth patterns, especially           FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS                         Policy Implementation
  BMI, and counsel regarding healthy diet       Many issues related to the develop-        STAFF
  and a structured exercise program.            ment and health of people with Down        Paul Spire
● Discuss behavioral and social                 syndrome remain to be evaluated, and
                                                                                           RESOURCES FOR PARENTS
  states and refer patients who have            research agendas for addressing both
  chronic behavioral problems or                public health and basic science topics     National Down Syndrome Society:
  manifest acute deterioration in               have been developed. Knowledge in
  function for specialized evaluation           several topics of great importance to      National Down Syndrome Congress:
  and intervention.88,89                        the care of children with Down syn-

                                Downloaded from by guest on May 10, 2015

Canadian Down Syndrome Society:                       Skallerup SJ. Babies With Down Syn-                                                 drome: A New Parents Guide. 3rd ed.                 pueschel-4528/index.htm.
March of Dimes: www.marchofdimes.                     Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House; 2009                  Simmons J. The Down Syndrome Transi-
                                                      (English and Spanish editions available at          tion Handbook: Charting Your Child’s
                                                                         Course to Adulthood. Bethesda, MD:
Down Syndrome International Educa-
                                                      Pueschel SM, ed. A Parent’s Guide to                Woodbine House; 2010. Available at:
tion:                                Down Syndrome: Toward a Brighter          
Brighter Tomorrows-Supporting Fami-                   Future. Bethesda, MD: Brookes Pub-                  Q_product_id_E_978-1-890627-87-4_
lies:                      lishing; 2001. Available at: www.                   A_.asp.
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