FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times

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FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
EST. 1981

 Chloë Clover - Wander Films
FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
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FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
North East Times Magazine                                          North East Times Magazine
The case for print advertising_                                    The case for print advertising_

                          No 443
                                  The case for print advertising

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FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
North East Times Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                        North East Times Magazine
The case for print advertising_                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The case for print advertising_

The B2B media landscape has experienced a period of
accelerated change in response to changing consumer
habits over the past few years. So, what is the future of
print advertising? John Duns explores

                                  4An increasingly ever-changing media           localised audience.                              are limitless.                                 communicate your journey, and how you            is doubt about the power of marketing, and
                                  landscape has evolved with incredible pace        Earlier this year, Explain Market Research       And it may be argued that in some cases,    are delivering on your promises.                 traditionally there has been a reliance on
                                  in response to the demand for digital media    conducted independent interviews with a          both digital and print are competing for the       At North East Times, we work closely         the proficiency of referral and networking.
                                  consumption over recent years.                 cross-section of the North East business         same budget.                                   with clients to understand their business           Yet, the power of brand in the B2B
                                     I joined the regional press in the 1980s,   community on our behalf, to gain a better           However, both have the ability to           objectives, short and long-term plans, and       marketplace is just as significant.
                                  earning my stripes in the fast-paced           understanding of the perception of North         work together effectively to target your       who they want to reach.                             Take Sage, whose 40th anniversary was
                                  environment of a newsroom.                     East Times Magazine in the marketplace.          market and serve different functions in the        We’re not afraid to push back if we          recognised in a recent issue of North East
                                     During this time, I developed an               The overarching view that we garnered         decision-making process.                       think we can work with you to refine             Times.
                                  understanding of just how essential            is that, above all, print stands for trust,         So, why is print synonymous with trust –    your messaging, and we are comfortable              Sage’s accounting software has become
                                  strategic advertising is for a business        integrity and quality.                           a rubberstamp of approval?                     working with your PR or advertising agency       so well-known as a result of strategic year-
                                  looking to map a trajectory of growth.            And this is reflected by industry experts        Perhaps it’s the tangible ink on paper      if you retain one.                               on-year marketing to establish a global
                                     And throughout the 30-or-so years that      that have explored the value of print, with      that makes it feel more considered and             We know two growing needs of                 name.
                                  have followed, advertising has played a        many reflecting on the renaissance of the        resolute.                                      our advertisers are flexibility and                 I would urge any firm looking to
                                  constant role in the growth strategy of any    medium.                                             The slower pace of consumption              customisation, as businesses continue to         establish increased credibility, recognition
                                  business I have worked with.                      It is apparent that the consumer still        allows for focused attention, deeper           adapt to the changing market conditions,         and visibility in the marketplace to consider
                                     In a marketplace with more ‘noise’ than     holds an affection for print as a high-quality   comprehension and memorisation of the          with challenges of economic and                  the power of print.
                                  ever before, a strong brand, impactful         channel with big impact.                         message.                                       operational uncertainty.
                                  advertising and effective media relations         Of course, with digital media, the               This is where long-form storytelling can        Many of our clients are in the B2B sector    John Duns
                                  are integral to establishing visibility in a   personalisation and targeting possibilities      really shine, and you have the ability to      and this is an area where, historically, there   Director

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FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
Credits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Editor’s word

                                                                                                                                               Editor’s word
                                                                                                                                               With the main holiday season coming to an end, Steven Hugill is reminded of the
                                                                                                                                               important influence travel plays on the North East’s business landscape…
    Editor                              Head office                                        Advertising charges:
    Steven Hugill                       South Northumberland Cricket Club, Roseworth       There is a £25 charge for every set of        Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne,            amendments, following the first initial set of
                                        NE3 1LU T: 0191 246 0212                           amendments, which is free of charge for adverts
                                                                                           designed by North East Times Magazine Ltd.
    Business journalist
                                        All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or
    Colin Young
    T: 07808 974 533
                                        in part without written permission, is strictly    Cancellations:
                                        prohibited.                                        If an advert is cancelled by the booker within a
                                                                                           seven day period prior to our print deadline, the
                                        Circulation:                                       advert will be charged in full, plus VAT.
    Head of creative                    To confirm our circulation please contact
    Ryan Errington                      Andrew Dunn, Stephens and George                   Editorial:          Print Group, email: andrew.dunn@                   Editorial must be received by the 9th of the
                                                          month or no responsibility is accepted for
    Lead photographer                                                                      errors. The opinions expressed in this issue are
                                        To amend your mailing address or remove            not necessarily the views held by North East
    Christopher Owens
                                        yourself from our mailing list contact             Times Magazine Ltd.
    T: 07814 028 714
                                        Contact:                                           Although every care is taken to ensure accuracy,
    Director                            @NETimesmagazine                                   the publishers regret that they cannot accept                                                    them back again, with work for tourist      helped – and continue to shape – the
    John Duns                 
                                                                                                                                               4That will be the summer holidays
                                                                                           responsibility for loss or damage caused by
    T: 07920 152 523                                    an error in the printing or damage to, loss of      gone, then.                                  businesses and attractions they’d           look and feel of Nigel’s 2023 spring                                                             artwork, transparencies or photos.                     As August gives way to September,         encountered on their travels catalysing     collection.
                                                                                                                                               and the nights begin to shorten and          the creation of Middlesbrough-based            And foreign influence is also at the
    Managing director                   All photos taken by North East Times staff are     Complaints:
    Peter Mallon
                                        copyright North East Times Magazine Ltd, and       Regarding advertisements will only be               warmer weather fades, so the end of          video marketing company Wander              heart of our feature with Sir Brendan
                                        are taken solely for use in North East Times       considered for up to a week after publication.                                                   Films.                                      Foster, who celebrates this year’s 40th
    T: 07590 064 800
                                        magazine or products published by North East
                                                                                                                                               another year creeps closer.                                                             Advertising must be received by the 12th of the
                                        Times Magazine Ltd.                                month. No responsibility is accepted for errors.       I’ll stop there, though, before this         Today, the firm counts Hampton By        anniversary of the Great North Run by
                                                                                                                                               column descends any further into what        Hilton among its clients, and Chloë was     going back to where it all began – New
    Partnership & marketing manager     If you wish to use or publish a photograph taken   © 2021 Published by North East Times
    Chloe Holmes                        for North East Times, please contact the sales     Magazine Ltd.                                       might sound like a Philip Larkin poem        earlier this year flagged on the Forbes     Zealand.
    T: 07493 555 509                    department on 0191 246 0212.                                                                           and get to the point.                        30 Under 30 list as a talent to watch          While training for the 1980 Moscow
                                                                                                                                                  I mention holidays because an             across future years.                        Olympics, Sir Brendan, alongside Dave
    Accounts                                                                                                                                   inherent element of any vacation –              Travel also plays a crucial role in      Moorcroft, signed up for the Round The
    Jill Brown                                                                                                                                 travelling to different climes – forms the   the life of Nigel Cabourn, the clothing     Bays race, in Auckland.
                                        Strategic partners                                                                                     nucleus of three of our main features in     designer whose eponymous brand                 Surrounded by 10,000 other runners,
                                                                                                                                               this edition.                                extends around the world.                   from professional athletes to club
    Andrew Lowe                                                                                                                                   Holidays are all about going to new          However, when the COVID-19               enthusiasts and those taking part in                                                                                                               countries, touring their sights and          pandemic struck last year, Nigel – who      the name of charity, it was a lightbulb
                                                                                                                                               exploring their cultures, customs and        regularly flies to Europe and East          moment.
    Andrew Clark                                                                                                                               cuisines.                                    Asia to visit his stores, stockists and        Recognising the opportunity to
    Marie Nixon                                                                                                                                   Often, these experiences stimulate        source the vintage items and fabrics so     replicate the event’s premise on the city
    Sarah Glendinning                   Partners
                                                                                                                                               new learning, reflections and ultimately     inspirational to his future collections –   streets of Newcastle and the coastal
                                                                                                                                               philosophies, which can lead to fresh        had to make alternative arrangements.       thoroughfares of South Tyneside, Sir
                                                                                                                                               journeys that build businesses and turn         What he did was look closer to home      Brendan did just that.
                                                                                                                                               organisations into household names.          – to Tynemouth Station, in fact – and          And, 40 years later, the Great North
                                                                                                                                                  Chloë Clover and Lou Tonner know          David Uddgren-Young, the man behind         Run remains a landmark event, not just
                                                                                                                                               all about such adventures.                   curated menswear and goods supplier         in the North East’s sporting calendar,
                                                                                                                                                  Their present journey actually began      COMMON ILKE VINTAGE.                        but the global schedule too.
                                                                                                                                               with an ending; the pair left the North         Their alliance was an instant success,
                                                                                                                                               East on one-way tickets to Australia,        with David sourcing garments, such          I hope you enjoy this issue.
                                                                                                                                               later moving on to Far East Asia.            as 1950s Korean War era clothing
                                                                                                                                                  However, their trip ultimately brought    and vintage varsity jackets, that have      Steven

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FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times

     ‘Transformational’        With new reports throwing fresh doubt over the delivery of
     HS2 remains vital for     the eastern leg of the multi-billion-pound HS2 development,

                                                                                                  p. 016
     North East levelling-up   Sarah Glendinning, CBI’s North East director, says it is
     ambitions                 imperative the major transport project is completed in full.

                               Words by Sarah Glendinning

     A new style               Internationally renowned clothing designer Nigel Cabourn
     of working                is used to travelling the globe in search of inspiration for
                               his unique collections.
                                                                                                  p. 024-031

                               Words by Steven Hugill

     A fresh start             The Entrepreneurs’ Forum predicted 2021 would be the
                               ‘Year of the Entrepreneur’. So, were they right? Research
                               certainly backs it up.
                                                                                                  p. 042-045

                               Words by Colin Young

     Wander women              Chloë Clover made the Forbes 30 Under 30 list earlier this
                               year. It was another significant achievement for the co-founder
                               and creative director of Wander Films, the Middlesbrough-
                               based start-up that has redefined social media marketing for
                                                                                                  p. 046-053

                               companies across the region, if not the globe.

                               Words by Colin Young

     Living for the weekends   The Great North Run, Sunderland Airshow, The Magic
                               Weekend, Lumiere. Annual staples of the North East day out
                               diet in Newcastle, South Shields, Sunderland and Durham,
                               generating millions for the hosts, and the region, and providing
                                                                                                  p. 066-069

                               great leaps in a cross-section of businesses’ revenue streams
                               for a precious few days.

                               Words by Colin Young

     The race of life          The Great North Run finally celebrates its 40th anniversary
                               this month. And so does North East Times. But enough
                               about us. This is a piece about the Great North Run.
                                                                                                  p. 070-077

                               Words by Colin Young

FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Business
      Briefing_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Briefing_

                                                                                                                                 Just Eat reveals 1500-job
Business briefing                                                                                                                North East plans
Your curated guide to the latest news, views, trends
and technologies shaping the economic and business                                                                               An online food delivery firm has
landscape of the North East.                                                                                                     revealed plans to create 1500
                                                                                                                                 jobs in a £100 million North East
                                                                                                                                    Just Eat wants staff to bolster     Thoughtworks in 100-job                         Elmtronics drives on with Keltruck
                                                                                                                                 its customer care division.            Newcastle move                                  partnership
New Chamber boss John McCabe keen to build “stronger North East”                                                                    The company, which works            Technology                                      Transport
Business                                                                                                                         with fast food chains including
                                                                                                                                                                        A global technology consultancy has             A County Durham-headquartered electric
                                                                                           Town set for further                  Newcastle-founded baker
                                                                                                                                                                        pledged to create 100 North East jobs.          vehicle charging firm has accelerated its
                                                                                           Government jobs boost                 Greggs, says workers will be
The new boss of the region’s largest           stood in the North of Tyne mayoral                                                based at a site in Houghton-le-           Thoughtworks is opening an office in         market progress with a fresh deal.
business membership organisation has           election.                                                                         Spring.                                Newcastle. Bosses expect to deliver their          Consett’s Elmtronics is working with
vowed to do everything he can to help             Reflecting on the changes, Chamber                                                Officials say about 300 jobs        job target by 2024.                             Keltruck Limited.
                                                                                           A North East town is primed
the area’s “incredible” organisations          president Lesley Moody said she is                                                have already been filled, with            The firm, which works with clients              Bosses say Elmtronics will install
                                                                                           for another Government jobs
“flourish and achieve their full potential”.   excited about the organisation’s new era.                                         positions outstanding across           on strategy, design and software                41 charging points across 15 sites for
   John McCabe says he will be firms’             She added: “James has worked                                                   customer service advisory              engineering, says its Newcastle hub             Midlands and South Wales-based
                                                                                              The Office for National
“advocate and champion at home and             tirelessly, helping ensure our Chamber                                            roles and team leader and              will serve national and international           Keltruck, which is Europe’s largest
                                                                                           Statistics is hiring for roles at a
internationally” after being named chief       has gone from strength-to-strength                                                management posts.                      customers.                                      independent distributor of Scania heavy-
                                                                                           new Darlington base.
executive of the North East England            by representing members regionally,                                                   Just Eat’s UK customer care           It was helped by Invest Newcastle –          goods vehicles.
                                                                                              North East Times Magazine
Chamber of Commerce.                           nationally and internationally.                                                   team supports more than 58,000         part of NewcastleGateshead Initiative              The work represents another boost for
                                                                                           understands around 90 posts
   The former Chamber president will              “John comes with a great knowledge                                             restaurant partners and millions       – which introduced Thoughtworks to              Elmtronics, which recently fitted charging
                                                                                           could be created.
officially take over in early October,         and understanding of the North East                                               of consumers, helping the former       cash support such as the North of Tyne’s        points at the MetroCentre and secured a
                                                                                              Roles include lead economists
replacing the departing James                  business landscape, along with a track                                            with menus and the latter with         Inward Investment Grant Fund, which             deal with vehicle leasing firm Vanarama.
                                                                                           and assistant deputy directors.
Ramsbotham, who is leaving after 15            record of working with large and smaller                                          order enquiries.                       awarded the company nearly £700,000.               Dan Martin, chief executive, said: “We
                                                                                              The organisation also
years in post.                                 businesses.                                                                           Councillor Graeme Miller,             Jen Hartley, director at Invest              have a number of future partnerships,
                                                                                           wants an individual to fill a
   “Our members will always be at the             “He also has first-hand experience of                                          leader of Sunderland City              Newcastle, said: “This further cements          which will continue to solidify us as a
                                                                                           £120,000-a-year position as
heart of everything the Chamber does,          what is involved in starting and growing                                          Council, said: “It is vindication of   our position as a leading tech hub and our      trusted enabler of the electric vehicle
                                                                                           deputy national statistician
and together we can build a stronger           your own business, which I’m sure will                                            our offer when brands like Just        ability to compete on a world stage.”           revolution.”
                                                                                           and director general for health,
North East on the foundations of a fairer,     resonate with many members.”                population and methods role.          Eat are drawn to the city thanks
more sustainable and inclusive economy,”                                                      The posts would add to a           to the work of our team and
said John.                                                                                 recently announced 1300-job           colleagues from Invest North East
   “The North East has been hard hit by                                                    multi-department Government           England and the North East Local       GBB receives £28 million
the pandemic and many of our members                                                       hub in Darlington.                    Enterprise Partnership.”               investment
are continuing to experience great                                                            Earlier this year, bosses                                                 Finance
difficulty as a consequence of exiting the                                                 confirmed positions across
European Union.                                                                            Treasury and international                                                   A challenger bank has secured a £28 million
   “I also hope we can work with the                                                       trade operations, as well as the                                             investment agreement it says will catalyse
Government to deliver a levelling-up                                                       Department for Business, Energy                                              its journey to gaining an operating licence.
agenda that has a focus on people                                                          and Industrial Strategy, will                                                    Middlesbrough-headquartered GBB is
and opportunity, as well as on critical                                                    switch from London to the town                                               being supported by the Teesside Pension
investment in infrastructure,” added                                                       over the coming years.                                                       Fund. The commitment follows a previous
John, who previously founded Blyth-                                                           Speaking previously about                                                 £20 million outlay by the fund into the bank.
based Fusion PR Creative.                                                                  the Treasury move, Tees Valley                                                   Sue Hayes, GBB chief executive, said:
   He also praised the influence of James,                                                 Mayor Ben Houchen said: “This                                                “We’re delighted Teesside Pension Fund
saying his “immense contribution to the                                                    will put local priorities and                                                shares our vision.”
North East” will not be forgotten.                                                         local people at the heart of the                                                 GBB, which hopes to gain a provisional
   “It’s a privilege to succeed James; I                                                   Government.”                                                                 licence to launch later this year, aims to be
have the highest admiration for him,”                                                                                                                                   an “engine of economic growth for regional
added John, who counts communications                                                                                                                                   SME developers” by providing tailored
roles with Transco and Newcastle                                                                                                                                        lending to residential and commercial
Building Society on his CV, and previously                                                                                                                              property operators.

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Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Business
      Briefing_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Briefing_

Britishvolt strikes Glencore                    Plans unveiled for multi-                                                               New additions help auction firm build for future
agreement                                       million-pound community                                                                 Property
Manufacturing                                   scheme                                                                                                                                                                                News you may have missed
                                                Built Environment                                                                       A property auction company has hailed its flexibility after a rapid increase in staff
A firm behind plans for an 8000-job                                                                                                     numbers was supplemented by market growth.                                                    Retail
vehicle battery making factory has                                                                                                         Newcastle-based iamproperty has taken on 70 people during the pandemic – boosting          4Greggs plots major job and
agreed a supply deal with a mining                                                                                                      its team to 250 – with bosses hailing its hybrid working model.                                 store growth
giant.                                                                                                                                     They say the system has accelerated growth across the UK, as well as in its North East
   Britishvolt is working with Glencore                                                                                                 head office, with recent appointments including iamproperty’s new head of operations          A national high street baker founded
on a “long-term strategic partnership”.                                                                                                 Kelly Stillman, who is from Dorset.                                                           on Tyneside’s streets has unveiled
   Bosses say the alliance will see                                                                                                        They also say the business has benefited from a rapid expansion in online property         plans to create 500 jobs.
Glencore provide cobalt for use in                                                                                                      auction popularity and the launch of movebutler, which helps agents and consumers                Greggs wants new workers to
                                                Plans have been submitted for a
Britishvolt’s lithium-ion batteries.
                                                multi-million-pound community             Sales and marketing firm plots                navigate pinch points in the moving process.                                                  help it rebound from the COVID-19
   Glencore has also made an
                                                development on the outskirts of           expansion with new boss                          Ben Ridgway, iamproperty’s group managing director, said: “Working right across the        pandemic after enjoying a “stronger-
undisclosed investment into its new                                                       Recruitment                                   UK allows us to attract top talent, which means our agents and consumers get the best         than-expected level of sustained
partner’s venture.                                                                                                                      solutions and the best service.”                                                              sales recovery in recent months”.
                                                    The proposals feature a
   Britishvolt plans to build what it                                                     A sales and marketing outsourcing                                                                                                              The Newcastle-headquartered
                                                419sq metre Co-op anchor store
describes as the UK’s first gigaplant                                                     firm has laid out growth plans after                                                                                                        pasty and sausage roll maker says
                                                alongside a Cooplands bakery and
on a former coal yard at the old                                                          appointing a new chief executive.                                                                                                           the jobs will be created across 100
                                                veterinary centre on a site near
Blyth power station site, in Cambois,                                                        Wallsend-based durhamlane says it                                                                                                        new stores, with further plans in
Northumberland.                                                                           is preparing to “more than double in                                                                                                        place to increase its existing 2115
                                                   Bosses say the vision – led
   It says the development could                                                          size and reach eight figure revenues                                                                                                        shop estate to more than 3000.
                                                by Sansec Developments,
create 3000 direct jobs and 5000                                                          over the next three years” following the                                                                                                       Bosses revealed their blueprint
                                                with support from planning
supply chain posts.                                                                       arrival of Katy Sayburn.                                                                                                                    in a half-year trading update, which
                                                and development consultancy
                                                                                             Formerly working in the                                                                                                                  showed sales had returned to pre-
                                                Lichfields – promises to create 25
                                                                                          international tourism industry, Katy                                                                                                        pandemic levels.
                                                full-time roles and support around
                                                                                          was the first woman appointed to
                                                100 construction posts.
                                                                                          Monarch Travel Group’s board and was
                                                   If approved, the site could open
                                                                                          latterly managing director of Hotel BH
                                                next year.
                                                    As well as its retail and                                                                                                                                                         Construction
Consultancy powers on                                                                        Hexham-born Katy said: “I’m looking
                                                veterinary offer, officials say the                                                                                                                                                   4Renewed demand fuels
with 100-job plans                                                                        forward to working with the team to
                                                scheme will feature a community
Energy                                                                                    develop the business.”                                                                                                                        Bellway’s progress
                                                seasonal garden, a new access
                                                road and car parking.
An energy consultancy aims to “reach                                                                                                                                                                                                  A North East-headquartered
its next level of growth” after revealing                                                                                                                                                                                             homebuilder says it is in an “excellent
plans to create 100 jobs.                                                                                                                                                                                                             position” to continue growing as
   Global Procurement Group – which                                                                                                                                                                                                   record demand complements a
trades as Northern Gas and Power –                                                                                                                                                                                                    return to pre-pandemic levels of
wants workers to boost operations at                                                                                                                                                                                                  income and sales.
its new £2 million Gateshead-based                                                                                                      Work begins to tear down famous blast furnace                                                    Seaton Burn-based Bellway
Riga headquarters.                          Banks Renewables kickstarts “landmark” Scottish wind farm project                           Redevelopment                                                                                 chalked up housing revenues of more
   Roles include energy consultants         Development                                                                                                                                                                               than £3.1 billion in the year to July 31,
and training and technical posts, with                                                                                                  Demolition has started on an iconic monument of Teesside steelmaking.                         with sales rising nearly 35 per cent
bosses saying the arrivals will help        A family-run energy scheme developer has begun work on a “landmark” project.                   Redcar’s famous blast furnace is being torn down to make way for the Teesworks             to 10,138.
push the firm’s international customer         County Durham-headquartered Banks Renewables is pressing ahead with                      development.                                                                                     The numbers sit just below its
base higher.                                construction on what it says is the UK’s first onshore wind farm with 200-metre turbines.      The flattening complements work on other notable buildings on the former SSI UK            performance in 2019 but are well
   Brendan Garvey, chief people                Described as a 15-turbine extension to the existing 26-turbine Kype Muir wind farm,      site, such as the Redcar Coke Ovens, with bosses saying the entire base will be cleared       above the £2.2 billion and 7522
officer, said: “This marks yet another      in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, bosses say the combined development will have enough        in a year.                                                                                    recorded in 2020 as the COVID-19
new chapter in the business’                capacity to annually power 112,000 homes.                                                      When finished, they say the work will open up 600 acres of land for fresh investment.      pandemic hit operations.
evolution.”                                    Work got underway after Banks secured funding agreements with Greencoat UK Wind             Recently confirmed by ministers as the site of England’s largest freeport, Teesworks
   He added the new jobs will be based      and turbine erection is expected to begin by next summer, with the scheme scheduled to      is earmarked to house a GE Renewable Energy wind turbine blade-making factory and a
at the company’s Gateshead site,            go live by the end of 2022.                                                                 Net Zero Teesside Power carbon capture, utilisation and storage power plant.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      For more news and views across the
as well as its French, US, Indian and          Richard Dunkley, managing director at Banks Renewables, said: “This is a landmark           The blast furnace fell silent – along with Redcar’s entire steelworks site – when SSI UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      North East, visit our website @
Maltese offices.                            project for ourselves and the wider Scottish renewable energy sector.”                      entered liquidation in 2015.

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Guest contributor                                                                                                     Sarah Glendinning_      Guest contributor                                                                                                             Andrew Clark_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                wind, electric vehicles and battery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                production, low carbon heat and heat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                networks in the North East is creating
     Don’t let project hit                                               Words by Sarah Glendinning
                                                                                                                                                   A blueprint for concerted change                                                             thousands of new green jobs, and we must
     the buffers                                                                 CBI North East director
                                                                                                                                                   Environment                                                                                  ensure our existing workforce, and the
     Investment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 workforce of the future, are equipped with
                                                                                                                                                   We’re all familiar with the seismic         warming by 2050.
                                             ‘Transformational’ HS2 remains vital for North East                                                   impact brought by the Industrial              Work has already started on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the skills businesses need.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Working alongside partners in industry
     Will it, won’t it?                                    levelling-up ambitions                                                                  Revolution.                                 planning for a net zero future,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and academia, we’re mapping the current
         From the very day plans were                                                                                                                 But with the world grappling the         with the independent Green Jobs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and future skills needs in the green
     rubberstamped, doubts have hung         With new reports throwing fresh doubt over the delivery of the eastern leg of the multi-              ever-increasing effects of climate          Taskforce – which includes Newcastle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                economy to ensure sectors in the North
     heavy over the HS2 development.        billion-pound HS2 development, Sarah Glendinning, CBI’s North East director, says it                   change, similarly vast transformation       College’s head of Energy Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                East – particularly those with the biggest
         Lauded by ministers as a crucial                                                                                                          will be required to change our carbon       Alan Goundry, and Tees Components
                                                          is imperative the major transport project is completed in full.                                                                                                                       potential for growth – have access to the
     remedy to the country’s ageing rail                                                                                                           output.                                     managing director Sharon Lane –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                talent and expertise they need to scale up.
     system, the spiralling cost of the                                                                                                               A fundamental element in the UK          having recently handed its climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The North East Local Enterprise
     project, allied to environmental       4Speculation over the future of HS2                  Darlington’s planned HS2 Growth Hub               addressing its environmental footprint      recommendations to Downing Street.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Partnership is working with Energi Coast
     protests, has meant it has become      refuses to go away.                               would kickstart £100 million of investment           will be the Government’s own Green            Ministers are now assessing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – the North East’s offshore wind cluster –
     a millstone for the Government,            Let us be clear, however; the business        in the heart of the town, involving a                Industrial Revolution, which aims           group’s findings, with a strategy on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and the education sector to ensure green
     rather than a medicine soothing an     case remains as powerful as ever.                 redeveloped station, new business space              to put in place measures to end             UK’s environmental future expected to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                careers advice is available to people in all
     element of the UK’s travel industry        For the economy, for the environment,         and 1500 new homes.                                  the country’s contribution to global        be laid out later this year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                industries, and at every stage of the career
     ills.                                  for the fruition of levelling-up aspirations –       And in Newcastle, HS2 will cement the                                                                                                          journey.
         And now fresh question marks       a cornerstone of this Government’s stated         status of Central Station as an international                                                                                                        Reskilling and retraining will be vital in
     have emerged, after a recent           policy ambitions – the project simply must        gateway, connecting Newcastle                                                                                                                     helping people move into new green jobs.
     Whitehall leak to the press claimed    proceed, as scheduled and in its entirety.        International Airport, Sunderland and South                                                                                                          We’ve also recently completed a piece
     halting HS2’s eastern leg to               Ministers must honour their development       Tyneside, East Durham, Northumberland                                                                                                             of work identifying the opportunities
     Leeds – so crucial to improving        pledges – and local leaders must use their        and Cumbria, all integrated with Northern                                                                                                         that exist both now, and in the future, for
     the North’s East’s travel links        influence to ensure they do.                      Powerhouse Rail and synchronised with                                                                                                             businesses in the low carbon heat supply
     nationally – would save £40 billion,       The speculation must end.                     local metro, rail and bus services.                                                                                                               chain, and what this will mean for skills
     adding “there’s no way we’re going                                                          Upgrades to rail lines and freight
                                                                                                                                                                            Words by Andrew Clark
                                                For the North East, it is hard to overstate                                                                                                                                                     demands.
     to see this built in our lifetimes”.                                                     provisions, unlocking further new                            Energy programme lead at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership
                                            the transformational impact.                                                                                                                                                                           The region’s education sector has a
         Downing Street moved quickly           The scheme will link eight of the nation’s    development potential, are recurring                                                                                                              significant role to play in the transition to
     to play down the situation, saying     ten biggest cities, easing road congestion        themes across the region.
     a much-delayed decision in its rail    and emissions and slashing journey times.            The numbers are stark. Nationally, more
                                                                                                                                                          How the North East can lead the UK’s                                                  supporting and creating more green jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Newcastle University is leading a national
     plan will be made “soon”.                  High-capacity services from Newcastle         than 30,000 jobs will be created in the                            green jobs revolution                                                          network of four cutting-edge centres
         However, if the eastern leg does   to Birmingham in under two hours                  construction phase alone, and nearly 2000                                                                                                         to enable faster collaborative research
     hit the buffers, then it would be      represents a significant improvement.             firms have already played a part – including     The independent Green Jobs Taskforce recently unveiled a report to the Government                and development of electric machines –
     difficult for the Government’s PR          And for a region where unemployment           18 in the North East.                             on measures it believes should be taken to help the country transition to net zero by           including cars, planes and ships.
     department – so adept at spin and      is the highest in England, and incomes the           The 62,000 people in the region’s                                                                                                                 The North East Local Enterprise
                                                                                                                                              2050. Here, Andrew Clark, energy programme lead at the North East Local Enterprise
     whitewash – to deny the levelling-     lowest, closer alignment with other parts of      renowned advanced manufacturing sector                                                                                                            Partnership’s skills team is working with
                                                                                                                                              Partnership, looks at the study’s aims and what the switch to a low carbon future could
     up agenda is close to derailing.       the country can unlock new opportunities.         will have new opportunities to thrive too.                                                                                                        education providers to ensure courses –
                                                                                                                                                                        mean for the region’s jobs landscape.
                                                But while it’s easy to talk about HS2            HS2 will bring more than trains to the                                                                                                         and particularly vocational qualifications
                                            delivering broad regional gains, a better         North East. Public and private investment,                                                                                                        – meet the needs of employers and help
                                            illustration arguably comes from analysing        impetus and opportunity will come too,          4The Government’s ambition to reach net          first report to ministers, industry and the      deliver the skills needed.
                                            its potential to deliver positive change for      making it easier for people to live and         zero by 2050 has seen a huge increase in         skills sector, outlining the importance of          The North East is already a leading
                                            individual communities.                           work where they want, and for businesses        investment across new forms of sustainable       investing in the UK workforce to ensure          destination for advancements in green
                                                In Durham, HS2’s arrival would drive          to grow and create jobs. It can be a vital      and clean energy, including offshore wind        people develop the right skills to deliver the   energy, and that creates a significant
                                            the creation of the planned Aykley Heads          foundation for a sustainable economic           and electrification.                             country’s net zero transition.                   opportunity for the region to become a
                                            business quarter – 70,000sq metres of             future, which enables the region to prosper        This has brought with it a rise in green         The report is of particular relevance         major destination for skills in green jobs
                                            office space designed to attract new high-        on both the national and international          jobs, creating new skills demands across         to the North East, where green jobs are          too; helping attract more businesses to
                                            growth enterprise and 6000 new jobs,              stage.                                          the expanding sectors.                           poised to transform our economy – and our        invest in our people and our places, and
                                            while also supporting local ambitions to             Ambitions must not be allowed to falter         In response, the Government’s Green           workforce.                                       ensuring the area is at the forefront of the
                                            double employment in the tourism sector.          now.                                            Jobs Taskforce recently published its               The expansion of sectors like offshore        UK’s green industrial revolution.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         17
FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Chloë Clover - Wander Films - EST. 1981 - North East Times
Opinion                                                                                                                           Travel   Travel                                                                                                                              Opinion

                                                                                                                                           to Belfast – leaving through the vapour         for us, and its commitment is a sign of             “Point-to-point travel benefits
                                                                                                                                           trails of its replacement, complete with        confidence in what we are doing here.”           smaller businesses that are conscious
                                                                                                                                           welter of promised European flights, was           The sureness to which Graeme refers           of costs and who really value personal
                                                                                                                                           incredibly symbolic.                            comes after bosses secured a number of           relationships to build their respective
                                                                                                                                              Strip away the romanticism and               other agreements with carriers, which            brands.”
                                                                                                                                           the significance becomes even more              include Lufthansa’s launch of a new                 And in a world where longer haul travel
                                                                                                                                           magnified.                                      route to Frankfurt, Vueling’s introduction       remains precarious, he says Ryanair’s
                                                                                                                                              Whether you like Ryanair’s business          of flights to Barcelona, and TUI UK’s            extended relationship with the airport will
                                                                                                                                           model or you don’t – and there are many         expansion of its summer 2022 catalogue.          provide a mutual sweet spot.
                                                                                                                                           that freely admit to sitting in the latter         All of which, says Graeme, will help the         “You’ve got airlines in Europe that have
                                                                                                                                           camp – its £140 million-plus commitment         airport rebound from COVID-19, as will a         gone bust, reduced in size or are now
                                                                                                                                           to Newcastle represents a significant           commitment to becoming carbon net zero           saddled with state aid payments – but we
                                                                                                                                           juncture in the airport’s journey out of the    by 2035, with plans for a solar farm now         are the exception,” he says.
                                                                                                                                           COVID-19 pandemic.                              drawn up for public consultation.                   “Pre-pandemic, we flew 150 million
                                                                                                                                              For it provides something we’ve all             “We’ve maintained very close                  passengers a year and we aim to get back
                                                                                                                                           been searching for across the last 18           relationships with all of our airlines during    to that figure next year, and to 200 million
                                                                          Taking flight again                                              months – an element of certainty.               the pandemic and that has helped us get          by 2026.
     Taxiing for fresh                                                                                                                        Of course, it must be said that Ryanair’s    back to full strength again,” he adds.              “Our partnership with Newcastle will
     take-off                                 Grounded. Stationary. Unmoved. For so long last year, and a good part of early 2021,
                                                                                                                                           plugging of the Easyjet gap is no panacea          From Ryanair’s perspective, its               help that; what we are doing with the
                                                                                                                                           for the turbulence of the last year-and-        partnership with Newcastle makes                 airport is visionary.
                                                   a look at any airline’s fleet was enough to conjure such adjectives as COVID-19
     Empty planes aren’t usually good                                                                                                      a-half.                                         perfect business sense too.                         “The advantage of having planes based
                                                 turbulence forced service cancellations and stifled demand. However, as the vaccine
     news for airports.                                                                                                                       For a start, its two-plane base is one          Already familiar with the airport, thanks     at an airport is that they sleep there,”
                                                 rollout continues, the aviation industry’s wheels are beginning to turn more quickly.     less than what its low-cost adversary           to existing flights to holiday hotspots          adds Eddie, who has now swapped his
        Yet when Ryanair plane EI-ENC –
                                                 And the building momentum is no better reflected than at Newcastle International          operated from Newcastle, and its pledge         Alicante, Faro and Palma, creating a             Magpies’ top for a dark blazer.
     vacant but for a handful of bosses
                                             Airport, where low-cost carrier Ryanair is setting up a new base, complete with fresh jobs    to deliver 60-plus direct jobs falls short of   permanent base seems an obvious                     “They go out and come back again on
     – touched down in the region last
     month from Shannon, it was cause        and destinations. Final take-off from the unprecedented flux of the last 18 months might      the number Easyjet was employing when           commercial move.                                 a cycle every day, which means you’re in
     for much celebration.                    still be some distance away, but the investment nevertheless provides a valuable element     it pulled the shutters down.                       There remain obstacles to overcome,           control of your own destiny.
        For the service brought with it a                                              of certainty                                           But it is a foundation stone, and bosses     though.                                             “No pun intended, but long-haul is
     £140 million-plus investment from                                                                                                     from both sides say they are confident             Like any such venture, bums on seats          going to take a long time to get back;
     the Dublin-headquartered carrier                                                                                                      the figures, certainly on the employment        will always be the ultimate barometer.           China is still closed, South America,
                                                                              Words by Steven Hugill
     that promises a two-aircraft base                                                                                                     front, can rise as the carrier settles in and      And in a constantly shifting travel           with its slow vaccine rollout, is going to
     at Newcastle International Airport                                                                                                    flyers choose its services.                     landscape, where many holidaymakers              be closed for some time, and the US is
     from next summer.                                                                                                                        “This is very significant for the airport    still remain reticent about jetting away         prioritising its own.
                                             4It was all rather poetic.                        Under sunny skies, a Ryanair plane
        Planned to create more than                                                                                                        and the region,” Graeme Mason, the site’s       – be it this year or next – achieving the           “All of that means short-haul traffic is
                                                Indeed, were it not for a quirk of the      taxied to a stop just as another, this time
     60 direct jobs across pilot, cabin                                                                                                    planning and corporate affairs director,        necessary numbers might not be as easy           where things are happening.
                                             itinerary, you could have been forgiven for    sporting Easyjet’s trademark orange
     crew and engineering and support                                                                                                      says as we chat close to an apron-side          as it once was.                                     “There is pent-up demand and,
                                             thinking it had all been scripted from the     colourway, shifted backwards across the
     service roles, bosses say it will aid                                                                                                 office overlooking Ryanair’s plane.                But Eddie Wilson, Ryanair’s jovial chief      therefore, a real opportunity to grab
                                             pen of writer Paulo Coelho.                    apron in preparation for take-off.
     the delivery of at least 400 indirect                                                                                                    “It will mean jobs for pilots, cabin crew    executive, remains upbeat, and says              market share.”
                                                ‘When someone leaves, it’s because             To the casual eye, it was a scene of
     supply chain posts.                                                                                                                   and support services.                           the carrier has a plan, which, in a way,            In The Zahir, Coelho’s character directly
                                             someone else is about to arrive’,              everyday routine. Except it wasn’t.
        Furthermore, they say the                                                                                                             “But the impact will reach wider across      involves going back to the future.               follows his musing about loss and arrival
                                             philosophises the Brazilian novelist’s main       A year earlier, Easyjet, beset by
     new hub will build on Ryanair’s                                                                                                       the region and mean hundreds of jobs in            “Dublin became popular because it was         by convincing himself he will “find love
                                             character in The Zahir, after seeing his       COVID-19 struggles, closed a 150-
     existing schedule at Newcastle,                                                                                                       the supply chain – the extra passengers         easy to get there,” says the experienced         again.”
                                             long-term partner suddenly disappear.          plus crew and three-aircraft base at
     with 12 routes to be launched to                                                                                                      attracted by Ryanair’s flights are going        aviation boss, who arrived in the region            The airport’s new relationship with
                                                What the Rio-born author knows              Newcastle, which had helped fly more
     destinations including Milan, Riga,                                                                                                   to generate more jobs in and around the         wearing a Newcastle United shirt.                Ryanair is no guaranteed fairytale ending
                                             about the North East, and specifically         than 20 million passengers to foreign
     Chania and Zadar, in Croatia.                                                                                                         airport as well.”                                  “And low-cost access is still what it’s all   – market sentiment will ultimately go a
                                             Newcastle International Airport, arguably      shores since its 2003 founding.
                                                                                                                                              He continues: “It is a major milestone;      about.                                           long way to dictating that.
                                             wouldn’t stretch to a manuscript footnote.        The carrier still operates flights
                                                                                                                                           Ryanair could have put these aircraft              “People want that for short holiday              But it does mean a fresh start following
                                                Nevertheless, as events unfolded at         from the site, but its presence has
                                                                                                                                           anywhere in Europe.                             breaks, or to go and meet family or              18 months of instability.
                                             the travel hub last month, his spirit was      undoubtedly diminished, and to see one
                                                                                                                                              “For it to have chosen this airport,         friends, and it is very important for               And that’s not a bad script to work
                                             certainly brought to mind.                     of its remaining services – a departure
                                                                                                                                           though, is a real step in the right direction   businesses too.                                  from.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19
Education_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Education_
       Advertising feature_Education Partnership North East                                                                                                                                                                         Advertising feature_Education Partnership North East

                     Envision AESC and Sunderland College
                     partner to create new maintenance technician
                     World-leading green tech company Envision Group and Sunderland College will create
                     dozens of manufacturing apprenticeship opportunities as part of a billion-pound boost to
                     the UK’s automotive industry.


Education            PLANS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED BY ENVISION’S                    with Nissan and Sunderland City Council to build an
Partnership          battery technology division Envision AESC for a            electrical vehicle hub to support next-generation EV
North East
                     £450 million battery manufacturing plant at the            production and accelerate the transition to net zero
Education            International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP), in       carbon mobility.
Partnership North    Washington.                                                   Expected to be the UK’s first at-scale battery
East is a dynamic
partnership             If approved, they will create more than 750 green       manufacturing plant, with state-of-the-art technology
between              jobs and safeguard 300 more at the company’s               and powered by 100 per cent renewable energy, the
                     Sunderland base.                                           gigafactory will pave the way for potential future
Hartlepool              Construction of the gigafactory – which will be the     investment of £1.8 billion, generating 4500 new jobs
Sixth Form and
                     largest facility on IAMP – is scheduled to begin in 2022   through the supply chain.
College.             to support the production of batteries to power up to         Chris Caygill, Envision AESC UK managing director,
                     100,000 electric vehicles a year from 2024.                added: “One of the main positive outcomes from the
It is one of the
largest college         Strengthening an already successful collaboration,      gigafactory investment is the creation of 750 new high-
groups in the        Sunderland College is working with Envision AESC to        value jobs in this growing technology sector.
country, with
campuses across
                     recruit maintenance technician apprentices to boost           “Hiring and developing apprentices is a key part of
                                                                                                                                          Pictured, from left to right, are Envision AESC managing director Chris Caygill; apprentice Dalton Cummings; Iain Nixon, Education Partnership North
the North East       its highly skilled maintenance teams and help produce      our strategy to ensure our future workforce is ready to   East vice principal for partnerships and commercial; apprentice Molly Craggs; and Derek Enfield, vice president manufacturing SCM
from Berwick-
                     current and future generation l-ion batteries into the     support the significant scale up in our operations.
upon-Tweed to
the Tees Valley.     expanding electric vehicle (EV) market.                      “We are delighted to continue our partnership with
                       So far, more than 150 applications have been             Sunderland College, which will deliver the training
If you would
like to learn        received for the positions, with 20 apprentices            programme for our apprentices, including the first
more about how       appointed to start in the coming weeks.                    cohort of 20 who will join this September.”               and will continue to play a pivotal, proactive role in                                      The Local Growth Fund resource is supporting major
your business
or organisation
                       Iain Nixon, vice principal for partnerships and            Ahead of submitting the planning application,           supporting job creation in the area.”                                                    capital investments to promote innovation, economic
could benefit        commercial at Education Partnership North East –           a public consultation was carried out with local            George Mansbridge, corporate director for                                              and skills infrastructure and sustainable transport as
from Education
                     which includes Sunderland College – said: “We are          stakeholders and residents, with 80 per cent of those     regeneration and environment at South Tyneside                                           part of the North East Growth Deal.
North East’s         delighted Envision AESC is investing to expand their       consulted on the plans offering positive support for      Council, added: “It’s a huge step forward and we’re                                         Helen Golightly, North East Local Enterprise
apprenticeship       production of lithium-ion batteries here in Sunderland     the project. The 150-hectare IAMP was created by          thrilled that – so soon from the announcement – that                                     Partnership chief executive, said: “The North East is
visit www.           and look forward to strengthening our established and      South Tyneside Council and Sunderland City Council in     the project is moving forward with this planning                                         set to play a leading role in the UK’s transition to a
educationpartner     successful partnership.                                    2014 to attract business investment to the region, with   application, which will pave the way to create a facility                                greener economy, as we work towards achieving the, call
0300 770 1000 or
                       “The expanded apprenticeship programme will              enabling works carried out in 2018.                       that will initially create hundreds and then thousands of                                Government’s net zero target.
email employers      support the creation of new green economy jobs,              Councillor Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City     new jobs for our residents.”                                                                “With our existing skills base, supply chain and
                     which will enable young people and adults across the       Council, said: “Envision AESC will create high-quality      IAMP has been backed by the Government, via                                            infrastructure, the addition of Envision AESC’s
                     North East to build and secure a sustainable career        jobs for local people – green jobs, producing green       the Local Growth Fund through the North East Local                                       gigafactory will further cement the North East as a
                     with a forward looking and growing business like           products, supported by green energy to power green        Enterprise Partnership, to develop infrastructure,                                       leading light in renewable energy, and we are looking
                     Envision AESC.”                                            cars.                                                     including new roads, bridges and environmental                                           forward to seeing it take shape and bring more and
                       In July, Envision AESC announced a partnership             “We’re delighted this project is moving forward         enhancements, that will support the development.                                         better jobs to our region.”

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
Recruitment_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Recruitment_
     Advertising feature_Jackson Hogg                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Advertising feature_Jackson Hogg

                   Making the right connections for success
                   Collaboration has long been a cornerstone of business achievement. And its importance
                   is perhaps nowhere better evidenced than in the recruitment sector, where strong
                   partnerships connect talent to companies’ ambitions. One such example is Jackson Hogg’s
                   relationship with LightOx chief executive Dr Sam Whitehouse. Having supported the life
                   science company boss with his QuantuMDx Group and High Force Research ventures, the
                   Newcastle-based recruitment and outsourced talent services firm is also finding the right
                   people to catalyse LightOx’s work on oral cancer treatment. Here, Jackson Hogg founder
                   and chief executive Richard Hogg speaks to Dr Whitehouse about their relationship and why
                   the latter so values their affiliation.

                   @JacksonHoggRec                                              @Lightox5

                   RH: TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT LIGHTOX AND YOUR                     I came up here with QuantuMDx Group in Newcastle            and Haffiz Iskandar.                                              SW: We moved into The Biosphere on September 1,              Jackson Hogg
                   pioneering work to find a treatment for early-stage          and got to know the team right from the beginning.                                                                                                                                            -
                                                                                                                                                  The life science sector is fairly unique, and there are a   with financial support from Northstar Ventures helping          For more
                   mouth cancers.                                                  Jackson Hogg provided great support when we began           lot of nuances when it comes to recruitment.                   us do so. It represents a good fit; we have technologies        information about
                      SW: Our lead drug candidate, which will go into           expanding – we went from three people to 110 – and it                                                                                                                                         how Jackson
                                                                                                                                                  The needs of a pharmaceutical company are very              that complement other companies in The Biosphere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hogg’s specialist
                   clinical trials next year, is a topical treatment, and the   was very good at finding and attracting people to the          different from a diagnostics firm, which are very              that have drug development capabilities and work on             support can
                   easiest way to describe it is to imagine a fluorescent       company.                                                       different again from a business working on medical             fluorescent imaging probes and antibody coupling, for           help you with
                   Bonjela gel placed on a cancerous area of a person’s            It has subsequently been similarly helpful with             devices. So, when it comes to recruitment, it is most          example.                                                        across the life
                   mouth.                                                       LightOx – we have gone from three people to 13 – and           definitely a specialist industry.                                 There are a lot of epithelial-based (skin) technology        science sector,
                      When you shine a light on the gel, it becomes toxic       with High Force Research too, a recent example being                                                                                                                                          visit www.
                                                                                                                                                  For example, if I was to say, with my LightOx hat on,       operators there as well, and a number of companies              jacksonhogg.
                   and kills the cancerous cells.                               our recruitment of a HR manager.                               that I want a regulatory person, I would be talking about      that I’ve dealt with in the past, such as identity testing      com, call 0191
                      We chose oral cancer because there is presently no           The team really understands a company and the                                                                                                                                              580 0495 or
                                                                                                                                               pharmaceuticals.                                               specialist NorthGene, which I used to run as part of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              email head of
                   treatment in that space; in fact, the patient journey can    people it requires.                                               However, with High Force Research, I would mean             QuantuMDx Group.                                                life science
                   be brutal.                                                      You must think a good way into the future if you want       chemicals and drug manufacture, and with QuantuMDx                There has always been a cluster doing this kind of           Kimberley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Warren at
                      The cost of surgery is relatively low, but the impact     to recruit the right person, particularly if you are looking   Group, it would be different again.                            work in the North East – we’ve long had technologies            kimberley.
                   on the patient is huge, to the extent that if someone is     for senior level staff, owing to the associated notice            You therefore need a specialist and knowledgeable           and companies spinning out of universities – and The            warren@
                   operated on, they may have to learn to speak or swallow      periods, and Jackson Hogg is great when it comes to                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                               recruitment partner to ensure the right individuals are        Biosphere is now a recognisable hub for that work.
                   again.                                                       that.                                                          put in front of the right companies – and that’s what
                     As a business, we spun out of Durham University               I tell the firm of my plans, and where I want the           Jackson Hogg does.                                             RH: How do you see the landscape moving forwards in
                   and was originally backed by High Force Research – a         business to be in a certain timeframe, and Jackson                It has a very strong life science team and backs it up      the region’s life science sector?
                   Durham-based company that makes clinical grade drugs         Hogg’s team works to ensure I have the right individuals       with people who know all about marketing, others that             SW: The strength of research in the North East has
                   and which I now run – that gave us initial seed finding to   at the right time.                                             know all about HR, and others that are very strong on          been good for a long while, but what we are getting
                   develop our work.                                                                                                           finance.                                                       better at is translating that towards clinical trials.
                     We then received support from a Dutch funder               RH: How reassuring for you is our partnership, in terms           The partnership I’ve had with Jackson Hogg has                 We are giving people the opportunities to develop
                   before High Force came in again, and latterly Northstar      of Jackson Hogg making sure the recruitment process            worked very well over a number of years, and I’m sure          their companies and management skills, while bringing
                   Ventures.                                                    is sound, so you can continue focusing on other areas of       it will continue as we seek to adds to LightOx’s growth        new technologies forward.
                                                                                your business’ growth?                                         profile.                                                          We’ve also got two of the best hospitals in the country
                   RH: You have worked with us here at Jackson Hogg for            SW: If you know you get good candidates from a                                                                             in Newcastle, and the region has a strong clinical ethos
                   several years to fulfil your recruitment needs. What is      recruitment firm, then you continue to use them.               RH: You mention our first-hand experience of the life          too; people are willing to test your devices.
                   it about our service that you appreciate, and how have          Jackson Hogg has a very good – and growing – life           science industry’s continued growth, especially in the            Furthermore, because it is a small community, people
                   we helped you meet your goals?                               science provision, with Kimberley Warren, who leads the        North-East. With that in mind, you recently moved to           will refer you to the right clinician or the right group that
                      SW: My journey with Jackson Hogg rolls out through        team, working alongside senior consultants Kristi Porter       The Biosphere, at Newcastle Helix. How will that help          has done similar trials in the past.
                   my entire time in the North East.                            and Georgia Bernard, and consultants Olivia Robinson           your future work?                                                 All these things work to give us a real advantage.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          23
Feature_Nigel Cabourn and David Uddgren-Young

                                A new style of


     Internationally renowned clothing designer Nigel Cabourn is used to travelling
     the globe in search of inspiration for his unique collections. But when the
     COVID-19 pandemic struck, his world was literally turned upside down. With
     his accustomed ability to source vintage garments and fabrics from all corners
     of the earth impeded, he instead turned to David Uddgren-Young and the
     riches of his COMMON ILKE VINTAGE store to maintain momentum across
     future ranges. Here, Steven Hugill learns how, while preserving the crucial
     fabric of human connection during detached times, their work is tacking out a
                           framework for long-term success.

     Words by Steven Hugill		              				                                   Photography by Christopher Owens

24                                                                                                             25
@NigelCabourn                                                                @common_Ilke                                                          

                                                    Hillary and Captain Robert Falcon Scott.”                        football club on an exciting new range,
                                                       His adoration is obvious, but it extends                      which will join a partnership with English
                                                    well beyond simple fandom; for Nigel, they                       sports brand Umbro on a line of classic
                                                    are not men of black and white yesteryear                        sports tops and pants, and another with
                                                    but heroes of the present day, their feats                       skateboard label Vans on a unique range
                                                    and accomplishments, their daring exploits                       of trainers and clothing in the Cabourn
                                                    and free spirit informing his thinking and                       portfolio.
                                                    catalysing his creativity.                                          With decades in the design industry,
                                                       His surroundings tell as much.                                such partnerships are now de rigueur
                                                       To his right, an unzipped coat hangs off the                  for the keen tennis player, whose back
                                                    shelf of a heavily populated bookcase.                           catalogue also includes a collaboration
                                                       Known as the Everest parka, it is one of                      with British marque Fred Perry.
                                                    Nigel’s most recognisable pieces, and exudes                        So too are regular trips abroad, a well-
                                                    vintage sport and adventure.                                     thumbed passport evidence of time spent
                                                       Inspired by a down jacket worn by Sir                         in Asia and Europe sourcing vintage items
                                                    Edmund during his 1953 expedition to the                         and fabrics for inspiration across future
                                                    world’s highest mountain, this version of the                    works.
                                                    revered garment keeps up the exploration                            Or at least they were until coronavirus
                                                    theme, having been used by TV presenter                          struck.
                                                    Ben Fogle on his own small screen Everest                           When the UK entered its first lockdown
                                                    challenge.                                                       in March last year, Nigel – who studied
                                                       On shelves nearby, thick, hardback tomes                      fashion at college in Newcastle during the
                                                    celebrate the life of Scott, prompting Nigel,                    1960s and founded his first business while
                                                    when his eyes catch their titles, to recall out                  on his course – was grounded.
                                                    loud the Antarctic adventurer’s stimulation of                      His solution was to look – and shop

4Nigel Cabourn rises from a leather chair,                                                                                                                         – local, specifically in the direction of
spins on his heels and walks with purpose to a                                                                                                                     David Uddgren-Young, the man behind
cabinet at the far end of his office.                                                                                                                              Tynemouth Station-based curated
   Opening one of its doors, he finds what he’s                                                                                                                    menswear and goods supplier COMMON
looking for with ease.                                                                                                                                             ILKE VINTAGE.
   “There they are,” he says, his voice full of                                                                                                                       Their alliance was an instant success,
pride as he unfurls a glossy print of footballers                                                                                                                  with David sourcing garments, such
Jimmy Greaves and Lev Yashin.                                                                                                                                      as 1950s Korean War era clothing and
   The image, now flat on Nigel’s desk,                                                                                                                            vintage varsity jackets, that have helped –
captures Greaves, eyes fixed and thigh                                                                                                                             and continue to shape – the look and feel
muscles bulging, looming over Yashin as the                                                                                                                        of Nigel’s 2023 spring collection.
Soviet Union goalkeeper smothers the ball                                                                                                                             Walk the wooden floor of Nigel’s
with his gloved hands.                                                                                                                                             North East base and their work together
   “This is one of my favourite pictures,” says                                                                                                                    becomes even more striking.
Nigel of the shot, which carries Greaves’                                                                                                                             In the shadows of First and Second
signature and was taken during a match at                                                                                                                          World War pilot jackets, which hang
Wembley in 1963 between England and a Rest          a previous collection.                                                                                         high on the building’s far wall, rails of
of the World XI.                                      Now looking over his shoulder, Nigel –                                                                       vintage military clothing stand ready
   “He was a big giant was Lev,” continues          whose interest in vintage was sparked when a                                                                   for inspection. Where their camouflage
Nigel; “I’ve loved the guy for 60 years.            young Paul Smith showed him a British Royal                                                                    markings once served as a shielding
   “He looked so dramatic because he always         Air Force jacket, bought from a Paris flea                                                                     mechanism, today they expose stories of
wore black – Lev was different, and it was          market in the late 1970s – nods to a poster of                                                                 conflict, of notable junctures in decades
because of him that I wanted a ‘keeper’s top        maverick driver Hawthorn, whose flair and                                                                      past, of lives lived and lost across the
when I was a kid.                                   style helped motivate the look of a recent                                                                     globe. A good number have been sourced
   “I love icons like Jimmy and Lev, Mike           summer range.                                                                                                  by David, and the theme continues when
Hawthorn (Britain’s first world driving               And then, with a smile, he returns to Lev,                                                                   you enter Nigel’s office.
champion) and the explorers Sir Edmund              revealing he’s working with an unnamed                                                                            Referred to by its owner as his “library”,

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