INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...

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INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...
#84 | OCTOBER 2016


                      We are all about the accommodation sector
       MANAGEMENT                  BREAKTHROUGH              BRAND INSPIRED
      RIGHTS GROWTH                   SOLUTION                 BY LUXURY
     MLRs gain ground in our        Short-term motel      We profile rising Melbourne
    accommodation landscape        valuations revisited    - based developer, BPM

INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...
INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...
                             4                                                              40
                             WE SAY, YOU SAY,
                             THEY SAY
                             A regular forum for the
                                                            24                              SOCIAL PAGES
                                                                                            Resort Brokers' mid-year
                                                                                            conference saw the launch of
                             exchange of views, news        BREAKTHROUGH ON                 our smart new Brisbane HQ
                             & ideas
                                                            MOTEL VALUATIONS
                                                            We revisit the formula

                                                            making short-term leases
                                                            viable and valuable
                             MANAGEMENT                                                     DOWNSIZING &
                             RIGHTS GROWTH                                                  UPGRADING
                                                                                            Mike O'Connor presents
                             Hotel group demand is                                          another witty take on
                             increasingly underpinning      MANY FACES:                     accommodation matters
                             growth in the sector
                                                            PETER BARGE

                                                            An accidental career start

                                                            for one of the tourism
                                                            property sectors most
                                                            dynamic leaders
                                                                                            STAMP DUTY
                             INSPIRED BY LUXURY                                             CHARGES
                             Creative BPM is building a                                     Must know facts for NSW
                             brand steeped in quality,                                      business buyers
                             beauty and the exotic

                             Regular Features
                             70                             72                              76
                             AGENT PROFILE                  INDUSTRY                        EXCLUSIVE
                                                            SPECIALISTS                     LISTINGS
                             Get to know one of our         Our directory for some of       You won’t read about these
                             Brisbane brokers               the best services and/or        listings anywhere else!
                             Jessica Wilkie                 products in the industry
"Sit back, relax and enjoy
 October's edition of the
Resort Brokers Informer"     71                             73                              78
                             SOLD                           RELIEF MANAGERS                 MEET OUR TEAM
                             See some of the properties     Going on holiday? Need a        Our company directory
                             Resort Brokers Australia has   manager? Visit our directory
                             sold recently

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INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...


    WE SAY growth                                MANAGING

                                    SINCE our last edition, the         lately. When economic growth data
                               Federal election returned the Turnbull   was released in September, headlines
                               Coalition government, albeit with the    highlighted strong 3.3% GDP growth.
                               slimmest majority. Naturally, there          Actually, Australia’s GDP
                               was some nervousness about how           growth has gone up pretty much
                               that would work, and a few hiccups       uninterrupted for 25 years. But it
                               early on.                                doesn’t always feel like that, does it?
                                    But the passing in the first            That’s because the measure that
                               sitting of two major bills, the $6.3     really matters to us is ‘real national
                               billion savings bill and an amended      net disposable income’. That is
                               superannuation reforms package,          our per capita income, adjusted
                               shows our parliamentarians can work      for inflation, excluding earnings by
                               together to keep us on track. That is,   foreigners – or, as one commentator
                               at least, good news for our economy.     explained it, “actual money in
           Ian Crooks               Speaking of our economy, there      Australian pockets.”
                               have been some encouraging figures           The good news is, it’s back ahead

INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...
They Say
                                                                                           GOLDEN AGE
           “To my mind, the greatest reward and                                             OF TRAVEL
                                                                                            Cost to travel from
       luxury of travel is to be able to experience                                        Australia to London

         everyday things as if for the first time, to                                            1947
                                                                                            85 WEEKS PAY
         be in a position in which almost nothing                                                    to

             is so familiar it is taken for granted.”                                            2015
                                                                                            1.3 WEEKS PAY
                                                    BILL BRYSON - AUTHOR
                                                                                        Flight Centre, The Golden Age
                                                                                           of Travel, 21 April, 2015

                                                                                         Travel tops
of where it was in 2008. Many                   But, it’s not all about management         online
industries are doing well now,             rights. Asset owners nationwide
                                                                                            TOP 3 ITEMS
agriculture, retail and tourism among      are taking advantage of the surge in           BOUGHT ONLINE
them. Even a recent lift in coal prices,   tourist numbers and rising investment          BY AUSTRALIANS:
some economists say, could add 2%          demand to dispose of quality
                                                                                             1. Airline tickets
to national income this year, boosting     properties.
                                                                                            á from 51% to 62%
the budget by close to $7 billion and           Resort Brokers has been
                                                                                               2. Clothing
kick-starting wages growth.                appointed to diverse, large-scale
                                                                                            á from 51% to 57%
    Harvey Norman posted a 30% full        listings including magnificent Fitzroy
                                                                                           3. Accommodation
year profit increase on the back of        Island Resort on the Great Barrier             á up from 48% to 53%
robust housing and lifestyle markets,      Reef and the 479-berth Mackay
and Coles and Bunnings recorded            Marina, village and shipyard, both
strong results. Macquarie Group            with high profile EOI campaigns.
reaffirmed forecasts in line with its           And sometimes, really exciting
record $2 billion 2016 profit.             opportunities are offered more
    Actually, we are especially            discreetly. For example, we’re
pleased to see the giant investment        working off-market to sell a rare
bank is now a great supporter of           portfolio of seven motor inns, mostly
management rights. It’s no surprise,       in prime regional NSW locations, that
on the back of the surge in new            promises very lucrative investment
apartment development, national off-       rewards for a $20m-plus buyer.
the-plan management rights sales are            We are also expanding into the
going gang-busters.                        South Australian market, appointing
    Thanks in no small way to Tim          a very experienced sales team there.         Tourism Research Australia,
Crooks’ efforts in establishing and        They’ll be working closely with our                 IVS YEJun16
growing our off-the-plan division,         successful Victorian team, and we’ll
Resort Brokers is at the forefront.        introduce the new SA brokers in the
We’re seeing huge growth, not just         next Informer edition.
in traditional Queensland markets, as           Finally, Resort Brokers’ mid-year
we work closely with major Sydney          conference at our newly renovated
and Melbourne-based developers,            Brisbane HQ was a tremendous
including BPM for whom we’ve               success (see P.40). Our two keynote
handled a number of sales (profiled on     speakers, global industry doyen Peter      LETTER TO
P.22) and GURNERTM.                        Barge and dynamic Mantra CEO Bob           THE EDITOR
    Growth in the management rights        East, are also featured in this issue.
market, driven to a large extent by             And, as always, we bring you some     WE’D LOVE TO HEAR
                                                                                      FROM YOU:
rising demand from hotel operators         very informative contributions from        CARLACOOK@
like Mantra, is examined in depth in       our valued associates, all consummate      RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU
this issue’s cover story.                  professionals in their fields. ENJOY.

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INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...

                                                                                                  Yet he said the outlook for hotel
                                                                                             room supply growth was forecast
                                                                                             at a modest 1 – 3% p.a. through
                                                                                             to 2022, pointing to a very stable
                                                                                             market in the years ahead.
                                                                                                  “I cannot stress enough just how
                                                                                             important Asia will be to our visitor
                                                                                             economy. The world’s economic
                                                                                             centre of gravity is shifting. You
                                                                                             only have to watch the urbanisation
                                                                                             of Asian countries to see what is
                                                                                             fuelling people movement, that is,
                                                                                             how many more people now live
                                                                                             within an hour of an international
                                                                                                  “In the next five years, a

    YOU SAY...
                                                                                             staggering 20% of the travelling
                                                                                             population will be Chinese. The
                                                                                             growth of the upper middle class
                                                                                             there is staggering. From 2011 to
                                                                                             2015, Australia has seen 19% growth
                                                                                             per annum in visitors from China.”
                                                                                                  At that point, East stressed
    Mantra CEO Bob East was a keynote speaker at Resort Brokers
                                                                                             how important it is that Australia
    Australia’s recent mid-year conference. Founded 10 years ago, the
                                                                                             frees up our tourist visa application
    group (Peppers, Mantra, Breakfree) has gone from a loss-making start
                                                                                             process and fees. Australia
    to its latest annual profit of $53.2 million.
                                                                                             competes with other countries for
                                                                                             the lucrative Chinese market and
    Mantra today has 127 hotels across Australia, Asia and the Pacific, with                 our more onerous visa process will
    20,500 rooms under management and more than 5,000 employees.                             make us less competitive.
    His presentation provided a fascinating insight into how such a big                           On current estimates, we could
    accommodation operation is thinking in the current tourism market                        be welcoming 2 million visitors
    environment. Here is some of what Bob East had to say:                                   from China annually by 2025, for a
                                                                                             potential economic impact of $140
         "THERE has never been a better         ‘boom’. It is Australia’s new reality,       billion.
    time to be in tourism. I have never         given the vast emerging markets in                But it is the growth in aviation
    seen us receive so much attention –         our region. 60 per cent of growth will       seat capacity that East says is most
    politicians, the industry and the general   come from China alone, and then you          critical to Australia’s tourism future.
    public are all now acknowledging the        have all the other growth markets            Forecast growth in direct aviation
    huge visitor economy contribution to        making up the rest.”                         capacity to Australia underlined his
    GDP and jobs growth.                            East pointed to the latest statistics,   upbeat outlook.
         “Demand is strong and the outlook      Tourism Forecasts 2016, from Tourism              According to Tourism Research
    is for sustained growth. This not a         Research Australia, which showed:            Australia’s latest analysis, we are
                                                                                             on track to grow capacity from 22.9
                                                                                             million (YE March 2016) to 36.5
                               INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALS                                        million by 2024-25. The primary
                                                                                             focus of growth is already evident in
           2015-16              2016-17              2017-18              2024-25            current figures.
         7.8 MILLION          8.3 MILLION         8.8 MILLION          12.3 MILLION               In 2015-16, capacity from China
           á 9.3%               á 6.7%              á 5.9%                 á 5.6%            to Australia grew 31%, followed by
                                                                                             Japan at 24.5%. While growth from
                                                                                             Japan is set to reduce, capacity
                                                                                             from China is forecast to continue
                                                                                             to increase by 20.6% in 2016-17 and
                                                                                             10% in 2017-18. Impressive growth
                               DOMESTIC VISITOR NIGHTS                                       is also forecast in flights from India
                                                                                             and the Middle East. END
           2015-16              2016-17             2017-18               2024-25
                                                                                             Note: Bob East is Chairman of Tourism
        328 MILLION          340 MILLION         351 MILLION           423 MILLION
                                                                                             and Events Queensland (TEQ) and a
           á 4.5%                á 3.8%              á 3.2%                á 3.1%            Board Member of Tourism Australia and
                                                                                             Tourism and Transport Forum (TTF)

INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...

        ted FY


  Offered for sale for the first time since opening in 2011, Fitzroy Island Resort is a
  rare and valuable tourism asset – a fully-operational tropical island resort in one of
  the most desirable destinations on the planet.

  •   102-room 4.5-star resort hotel                Offered with vacant possession, a trophy
  •   4.312ha perpetual lease                       income-producing asset with brand
  •   30km from Cairns (45min by Fast Cat)          building opportunity. DAs and plans in
  •   multiple food & beverage venues               place for future stages.
  •   190-seat Fast Cat ferry operation
  •   wide range of tourist & leisure facilities   All the work is done. Constraints
  •    extensive supporting infrastructure          are overcome. All that lies ahead is
  •    robust income + growth opportunities        opportunity-laden ‘blue sky’.
                                                    NETT PROFIT: $2,700,000 (proj. FY17)


                   TRUDY CROOKS                                     SHA N E M U LLIN S
                   NATIONAL SALES MANAGER                           BROKER
                   M. +61 477 882 210                               M. +61 447 185 001

INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...

                           RIGHTS GROWTH
                           … IN AN EVER-CHANGING
                           ACCOMMODATION LANDSCAPE

                               IF you required any convincing of      plan Management Rights sales
                           just how far the management rights         specialist, Tim Crooks from Resort
                           industry has come, you only needed         Brokers Australia, and Mantra
                           to scan the programme for this year’s      Group’s Executive Director of Asset
                           5-day peak hotel industry conference       Management, Michelle Lalli.
                           held in Sydney in July.
                               Reflecting the rise and rise of        EVOLUTION
                           management rights and franchising
                           in the development of guest                    One of the most significant
                           accommodation in Australia,                developments in the management and
                           HotelsWorld 2016 included for the          letting rights (MLR) sector has been
                           first time a special event focused         the model’s growing acceptance by
                           entirely on these important industry       what might be termed ‘traditional’
                           segments.                                  hotel operators.
                               A panel of experts was                     “We are seeing branded hotel and
                           convened to discuss the growth of          serviced apartment operators such
                           management rights, its impact on the       as Mantra, Accor and Minor Hotels
                           accommodation industry in general,         begin to dominate the market for
                           and on the hotel industry in particular.   large-scale, high-netting short-term
                               They included Mantra Group             management rights opportunities,”
                           Development Manager, Richard               Crooks said.
                           Crawford, National Off-the-                    Mantra Group now has more than

INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...
20,500 rooms under management,                      security the model offers, Crooks said.             Woolloongabba, bought off-the-plan.
including approximately 14,000 via                      “Because critical operational areas                 “In buying off the plan, we can
MLR ownership.                                      in the building, like reception, back               work with developers from the
    As Michelle Lalli explained, the                of house, storage and maintenance                   earliest stage,” Hoswell says. “The
management rights model allows the                  areas, are usually purchased as                     Beach Apartments Broadbeach is a
hotel industry to expand and brand-                 freehold real estate associated with                perfect example. This new build will
build with capital-light ownership                  the management rights business,                     be the launch of Avani Residences in
structures where supply is needed,                  the accommodation operator has                      Australia by Minor Hotels, being one
but could not otherwise be achieved                 complete control.”                                  of our premium hotel brands.
through the cost structure of a                         And, he said, more and more                         “Avani Broadbeach Residences
traditional hotel.                                  developers are realising that selecting             will open at the end of next year in
    Her colleague described it as a                 the right operator for their projects               time for the Commonwealth Games
“natural evolution” that would take                 from the outset benefits them by                    on the Gold Coast. It has been
place wherever there is fractional                  driving higher returns for their                    purpose-built to meet the needs of
ownership and a common intent to                    investors (equals happy customers)                  both short-term guests and owner
earn a return from investment in                    and building their development brand                occupiers.
apartments.                                         reputation and value.                                   “By working closely with the
    Tim Crooks sees first hand the                      Oaks Hotels & Resorts, a brand                  developer during construction, we
developer’s role as a catalyst for that             of Minor Hotels, was among the first                can ensure our operational needs
evolution. He says the scarcity and                 branded hotel-style operators to                    are catered for so that we can
cost of suitable hotel sites, plus rising           pursue growth via the MLR model.                    deliver high level short-term guest
development costs are making it                         “Management rights in Australia                 experiences as well as cater for
increasingly difficult for developers to            are the roots of Oaks Hotels &                      the needs of the owner-occupiers
get a freehold hotel to stack up.                   Resorts,” explains Minor Hotels                     fortunate enough to reside in this
                                                    Australia General Counsel and                       building.”
EVERYONE WINS                                       Commercial Officer, Lachlan Hoswell.                    Projects need not be solely short-
                                                    “Oaks Hotels & Resorts was founded                  term accommodation properties
    “The management rights model is                 on management rights, it is how                     either, Tim Crooks says.

                                                            OUR EXPERT PANEL

From left to right: Mantra Group Executive Director of Asset Management, Michelle Lalli, Mantra Group Development Manager, Richard Crawford,
Minor Hotels Australia General Counsel and Commercial Officer, Lachlan Hoswell, AccorHotels Vice President Development Pacific, Lindsay Leeser, Resort
Brokers Australia National Off-The-Plan Specialist, Tim Crooks, and Resort Brokers Australia Senior Gold Coast Broker, Alex Cook.

mutually beneficial to all stakeholders             we evolved, and we are continuing                       “The mixed use model allows
– the developer, the unit investors and             on that path. We’ve been very                       developers to make projects viable
the hotel operator,” he says.                       successful in this space and, though                in key inner city locations, introduce
     “Developers are able to build and              we do look at other operation                       a range of unit styles, and include
sell the units at residential property              models, management rights is still                  commercial components that add
prices. Operators are able to control a             our preferred model for growth in                   appeal for the hotel, such as shops
large number of keys in prime locations             Australia.”                                         and restaurants.
for a fraction of the price of freehold                                                                     “Operators who secure the
purchase. And lot owners benefit from               EARLY INVOLVEMENT                                   management rights over both
quality management driving strong                                                                       residential and short-term
returns.”                                                Under the Oaks Hotels & Resorts                apartments have the flexibility to
     Hotel operators interested in                  brand, Minor Hotels has 50 properties               adjust inventory to suit fluctuations
management rights as a means of                     across Australia and New Zealand and                in demand and occupancy rates.
expanding their portfolio are also                  all but three are management rights.                Furthermore, they get a guaranteed
gaining a greater understanding of                  The latest include Oaks Southbank                   income from the levies to look after
the high level of control and long-term             Melbourne, and Brisbane’s Oaks                      the common areas and shared

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INFORMER We are all about the accommodation sector - Resort Brokers ...

     facilities like the pool and gym.”        access to the benefits from our                    their increasing market share.
         Though management rights is a         comprehensive loyalty programme,”                      “If you look at two of the most
     tried and true operational model in       he said.                                           noteworthy sales of recent times, it
     Queensland, some commentators                 “We are focusing on opportunities              would certainly seem hotel groups
     interstate have expressed                 in Australia where we can improve                  are becoming increasingly dominant,”
     uncertainty about its place in the        room revenue through our                           Cook says, pointing to his sales of
     industry, labeling it as a potential      branding, distribution and revenue                 Soul Surfers Paradise to Mantra
     ‘disruptor’.                              management, increase the number of                 and The Beach (Avani Broadbeach
                                               keys under management, and benefit                 Residences) to Minor Hotels.
     ESTABLISHED ADVANTAGES                    from operating synergies with our                      “The hotly contested bidding war
                                               existing portfolio.”                               between the two resulted in a record
          But the HotelsWorld panelists                                                           price for the sale of an existing
     disputed that, saying that far from       LOCATION STILL KING                                management rights in case of Soul,
     a disruptor, it was already well                                                             and a strong per-key price for Avani
     established and largely recognised as         But, irrespective of the emerging,             Broadbeach Residences.
     being part of the hotel industry. The     digitalised sharing-economy, the
     model has spread from Queensland          major imperatives will remain service              OTHER PLAYERS
     to other states, and from emerging        and location.
     markets to more mature ones, filling          “If your product is superior                       “That said, though, large, non-
     niches to compete head on with            to that of the competition, the                    branded private MLR operators such
     traditional models.                       consumers will find you and you                    as the Picone Family and Dreamtime,
          “With the proliferation of           will be rewarded,” Mantra Group’s                  as well as smaller branded operations
     corporatised management rights            Richard Crawford said simply. “Any                 like Ultiqa and Balmoral Group
     over the last 15 years, there is little   successful strategy has the basic                  (Oatley family) are still competing
     difference to the consumer between        guest centric delivery at its heart.”              strongly for prime offerings.
     the service offering provided by              “And, if you are in the right                      Cook said the Picone's, who sold
     traditional hotels or strata-titled       location, whether the ownership                    Chevron Renaissance to Mantra in
     hotel-styled offerings,” Lalli said.      structure is fractional or a hotel held            an off-market deal believed to have
          But the panel did warn operators     in one line, the consumer will choose              broken the Soul price record, had
     that strong resourcing in the             you regardless of the online channel               recently bought two holiday letting
     areas of online distribution and
     digital marketing will be vital for
     all operators wanting to remain
          And branding was also seen as
     increasingly important in an age
     where the consumer is bombarded
     by ever more choice and “needs some
     guiding principles to navigate by”.
          “We believe stand-alone products
     will increasingly struggle to compete
     in this highly competitive digitalised
     space where brand recognition
     and loyalty programmes are so
     important,” she said.
          AccorHotels now owns 15
     management rights across Australia
     with more than 1,300 apartments
     and villas operated under the
     Pullman, Sebel or Quay West brands.       The Beach Apartments (Avani Broadbeach Residences), on the Gold Coast was sold off-the-plan by
          Lindsay Leeser, Vice President       Resort Brokers Australia to Thailand-based Minor Hotels for a very strong per-key price.
     Development Pacific, said the
     group is actively looking for more        they search and book through,” Lalli               MLRs off-the-plan on the Gold Coast.
     management rights as they are             added.                                                 “They picked up the Qube
     a scalable business that offers               So, will branded hotel-style                   and Synergy developments in
     attractive returns and long-term          operators entirely corner the market               Broadbeach, and are reported to
     operating tenure.                         for larger management rights                       have secured two more prime large-
          “Strata owners can benefit from      offerings in prime CBD and resort                  scale businesses on the Gold Coast.
     AccorHotels’ sophisticated revenue        locations?                                             “Dreamtime holds some of
     management system, unparalleled               Alex Cook, who heads up Resort                 largest holiday management rights
     distribution channels, purchasing         Brokers’ Gold Coast management                     on the coast, including Turtle Beach
     power and branding as well as             rights team, has direct experience of              at Mermaid, Wave Broadbeach and

The sale of Soul Surfers Paradise to Mantra Group
                                                       UP COMING EVENT
                                                         5.30-8.30PM ON WEDNESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2016
in 2015 signalled a growing appetite for large-scale
management rights among hotel operators.
                                                       INDUSTRY INSIGHTS
Reflections Coolangatta, while Ultiqa,                 AND INTERACTION
who own Air and Freshwater Point
in Broadbeach, recently secured                        Management rights operators in Brisbane are invited to mix business
Beach Haven through Resort Brokers,                    with pleasure and join Resort Brokers Australia for an evening of
another large offering with over 100                   industry insights and interaction
units in the letting pool.”
    Tim Crooks says private equity                         LAUNCHING a new programme               “They’ll have some valuable
groups and high net worth private                      of regular information and             insights into issues like how
investors are also strong market                       networking events, Resort Brokers      the influx of new apartments
players.                                               Australia will host a get-together     is affecting the rental market,
    “Resort Brokers is currently                       for Brisbane building operators at     vacancy rates, how demand and
dealing with two major groups who                      our new West End head office on        supply pressures are playing
are forming management rights funds                    Wednesday 16th November 2016 at        out, and what the trends are in
– one out of Singapore and the other                   5.30pm.                                Brisbane for the medium to longer
Australian-based.                                          Headlining the evening will be     term.”
    “Plus we’ve seen JLL Capital form                  special presentations by property           Bambrick Media specialises in
a $30 million fund and successfully                    advisors Urbis and digital marketing   website development, branding,
secure two management rights of                        agency Bambrick Media.                 internet marketing and search
scale in Brisbane, so it is clear large                    “We are very pleased to offer      engine optimisation. They’ll explain
investment syndicates view MLRs as a                   operators a unique opportunity         how operators can utilise effective
strongly-performing asset class.”                      to hear directly from Urbis about      alternative advertising and
    These passive investors will, of                   the current apartment market           marketing strategies to improve
course, in turn appoint branded hotel                  in Brisbane,” said organiser Tim       online presence and reach.
groups and experienced operators to                    Crooks, the agency’s off-the-plan           “Then, importantly, guests
run the properties on their behalf.                    management rights specialist.          will enjoy the chance to meet
    Thanks to the growing appetite                         “Urbis are highly respected        and socialise with fellow industry
among hotel groups, investment                         independent urban planners and         colleagues over a few drinks,”
funds and private operators for                        advisors, and their extensive          Tim said. “It will be a relaxed
management rights, and the                             research and analysis is relied upon   and informative evening, with no
consequent interest by developers in                   by developers, property owners,        sales agenda, just an opportunity
the way MLRs benefit their projects,                   investors and governments at all       to exchange ideas and build
the model is finally shaking off its                   levels.                                relationships.” END
‘Queensland only’ reputation.
    “Resort Brokers is currently                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT KAITLYN:
assisting a number of developers in                         07 3878 3999 or KAITLYNLOOSE@RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU
New South Wales, including working
on two properties for Abacus Property
Group, and in Victoria where Gurner
and BPM are among our high profile
developer clients,” Crooks said. END

                                                                                                    RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU             11

     Freehold motel on the Shoalhaven holiday
     This profitable motel is set in the heartland of the beautiful     The property has two residences on site for staff or
     and thriving Shoalhaven holiday coast, enjoying high year          owners - a four bedroom, one bathroom main residence
     round bookings from tourists, golfing and sporting groups,         and a three bedroom, one bathroom fully self-contained
     and strong trade generated by the region’s many attractions,       manager’s residence.
     venues and events.
                                                                        Tabourie Lake Motor Inn has much to offer the investor
                                                                        who is looking for high returns, easy coastal living and
     Tabourie sits just three hours drive from Sydney and two           room to grow business and put your stamp on an already
     hours drive from Canberra and between two major regional           popular motel, restaurant and function venue.
     centres. Batemans Bay is just 30 minutes drive to the south,
     and the main centre of Ulladulla, with its working fishing fleet   > Large 3.5 acres of landscaped grounds on 2 separate
     harbour and busy shopping centre, lies just 13km north of            titles
     Tabourie on the Princes Highway.                                   > Central to Tabourie waterways, Wairo Beach and Meroo
                                                                          National Park
     The 3.5 star self-rated resort has 20 spacious units with          > Close to main centres of Batemans Bay and Ulladulla
                                                                        > Established regular coach trade
     easy parking and excellent coach access. It sits on 3.5 acres
                                                                        > Function and conference centre catering for 90
     of landscaped gardens with leisure facilities including solar
     heated pool, sauna and spa, BBQ, playground area, volleyball
     court and games room. The licensed Masquerades Bar and              FINANCIALS
     Restaurant and Lakeview Conference and Function Centre             NET PROFIT: $142,509
     has positioned the property to cater for group and corporate       PRICE: $1,650,000
     travel, and currently services up to 12 coach tours annually.

                       Russell Rogers
                                                                                                              REF: FH004383
                       M. +61 416 166 909                                NEW SOUTH WALES
                       E.             P. +61 2 9904 8224


Large 35 room motel leasehold in Brisbane’s
northern city precinct
The opportunity to purchase the leasehold interest of this             > Centre of town and 5 minutes to the train station
tidy, AAA rated high 3.5 star, 35 room motel. Conveniently             > Room to increase tariffs
located within walking distance of Caboolture CBD, train               > Turnover increased last 3 years
station, RSL and shopping centre and just a 30 minute drive            > Consistent occupancy and sound repeat business
to Brisbane CBD, Brisbane Airport and Sunshine Coast.                  > Strong bottom line
                                                                       > Minimal maintenance as all the hard work has been
                                                                          completed by the current leaseholder
All 35 rooms have been repainted and recarpeted and 15 of              > Expenses = 39% of turnover and profit = 61% of turnover
the rooms have been fully renovated to premium standard                   (first 6 months in line with industry benchmark)
(full list of extensive renovations available). All car parking is
undercover, with truck and trailer parking available at the rear
it is the only motel in the city precinct to offer this facility. To    FINANCIALS
help offset power usage a 10KW solar power plant has been
installed on the roof of the motel.                                    NET PROFIT: $292,970
                                                                       PRICE: $975,000
This business can be easily run by an owner operator or
managed by couple who would enjoy the recently renovated
managers residence comprising two bedrooms and two
bathroom plus additional third relief managers dwelling fully
fitted out with its own facilities.
                                                                                 REF: LH004076


                   Lindsay Cooper

                   M. +61 418 711 047                                                                     QUEENSLAND
                   E.                                                  P. +61 7 3878 3999

                                                                                                 RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU               13

                                                                                        Google algorithm is website mobile
                                                                                        friendliness. The more mobile friendly
                                                                                        your website, the more favoured it will
                                                                                        be in Google search results.
                                                                                            Promote your reviews – According
                                                                                        to a recent study approximately 83% of
                                                                                        travelers will NOT book their stay at a
                                                                                        property without first reading reviews
                                                                                        from other travelers. Given this, it
                                                                                        is extremely important to include
                                                                                        positive testimonials on your website.
                                                                                        With a hotels own website ranked
                                                                                        number one as the most believable
                                                                                        source of a review, this point cannot be
                                                                                            Keep up with technology – There
                                                                                        is nothing worse for a user than going
                                                                                        to a website where the information
                                                                                        is outdated; whether it be pictures
                                                                                        of the property, invalid specials, old
HOW TO INCREASE YOUR                                                                    testimonials or incorrect contact

                                                                                        information. To ensure your website is
                                                                                        up to date you should undertake a web
                                                                                        assessment at least every 12 months,
                                                                                        in addition to keeping your information
                                                                                        current on a quarterly basis.
REDUCING YOUR RELIANCE ON OTAS                                                              Keep page load times to a minimum
                                                                                        - Don’t bore your customers, people
Many people don’t realise their website is the most influential marketing               don’t like to wait for web pages to
tool they have. When people book online, even when through an OTA, it is                load. Most people have an approximate
most often the property’s website they visit for information on the facilities,         3 second tolerance. Websites with a
to view photos and to read past guest reviews.                                          faster page speed will often also rank
                                                                                        higher in internet search results.
                                                                                            Create engagement on your
     GIVEN this new consumer reality,       your potential guests to view your          site – Customers love to interact
it is imperative that a property’s          availability, rates and promotions all in   with websites that have active
website is optimised to convert these       the one place, enabling them to book        content providing the latest specials,
visitors into paying guests, increasing     there and then.                             competitions and relevant information
their direct bookings.                           Don’t send your guests packing         about activities they can get involved
                                            – It is important to keep your guests       in both at your venue or in surrounding
SO HOW CAN YOU OPTIMISE                     on your website. Linking to external        areas. Links to your property’s social
YOUR WEBSITE TO INCREASE                    websites may send them on a journey         media profiles may also help generate
DIRECT BOOKINGS?                            of no return. They may get caught up        engagement.
                                            in a new search and forget to come              Whatever you do, the aim is to
     Make booking at your property          back, or they may get distracted by         keep customers engaged on your site.
easy - Make sure your booking               another property that may pop up            The longer you keep them there, the
mechanism is simple, visible, and most      when directed off your site.                more likely they are to make a booking
importantly the booking is able to drop          Ensure your site is ‘mobile’           and to come back to your site.
directly into your PMS, to ensure no        friendly - Responsive websites adjust
overbookings are made and revenue           the layout of your website using fluid
                                                                                         “So you need a new
opportunities are optimised.                templates, ensuring your website is
     Throw away your enquiry forms -        optimised for viewing on all devices i.e.
                                                                                         website, but what should
Most people expect to book whenever         desktop, any form of mobile or tablet.       you look for/avoid when
they choose, so making them enquire         By creating a responsive website, you        choosing a website
first will drastically reduce conversions   will ensure the best user experience         design company?”
on your website. Some website               regardless of the device.
providers build in enquiry forms by              Expedia’s website traffic is now
default, so make sure you ask why this      over 40% via mobile and 1 in 4                 Choose a provider that
is being done? Not only does it result      transactions are completed by people        understands the accommodation
in fewer direct bookings, but they          on the go. With over 50% of all internet    industry.
may be syphoning YOUR data! Linking         viewing done on a mobile device/               The accommodation industry is
directly to your booking form will allow    tablet, a key ranking criteria in the       complex when it comes to bookings, so

                                                                                               RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU                15

                                                                                                                           commission model (% of bookings)
                         “One of the most important considerations when                                                    where you are locked into an on-going
                                                                                                                           cost beyond a reasonable payback
                       sourcing a website provider in the accommodation                                                    period.
                             space is to make sure they can integrate your                                                      Do not use travel agents to
                      booking form with your PMS and Channel Manager,                                                      produce your website
                                                                                                                                If using a travel agent to produce
                    ensuring your stock is always kept current eliminating                                                 your website be mindful as to how
                     overbookings, and optimising revenue opportunities”                                                   they capture data from your site.
                                                                                                                           Travel agents tend to host the booking
                                                   SYLVIA JOHNSTON, SENIOR EXECUTIVE                                       form on their servers, enabling them
                                                         - HIRUM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS                                        to syphon the contact data to use in
                                                                                                                           their own marketing activities. One
                                                                                                                           way to check this is to click on your
                                                                                                                           booking form and other pages where
                                                                                                                           data is captured, and to see where the
                                                                                                                           url links to. If this links off your site,
                                                                                                                           the travel agent may be hosting this
               Make sure the provider uses an ‘open                 into a proprietary platform - after all                data and can hold the details of all
           platform’ so you can make changes to                     it’s yours.                                            people that have either contacted you
           your website whenever you choose.                             Use a provider that will allow you                or booked with you.
               It is critical to ensure your website                to own your website outright                                As outlined above, a property's
           provider builds your website using an                         Some providers offer to provide                   website is critical to the number of
           open platform like WordPress, which                      you with a relatively cheap or free                    direct bookings they receive. Whilst
           allows you to edit content with ease,                    website in exchange for a percentage                   there are many pitfalls to avoid, if
           without relying on a third-party to                      of booking revenue. This may at first                  you do your research and are fully
           make changes.                                            seem attractive, however what many                     aware of potential downfalls, there
               Using an open platform also means                    accommodation providers don’t                          is no reason why you cannot build an
           should you need to change provider at                    realise is that is much cheaper to pay                 effective website for your property
           some point in time you are not locked                    an upfront fee rather than paying a                    with minimum cost. END

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     W H I T S U N DAY C OA S T - Q U E E N S L A N D

            Award-winning great barrier reef full-service destination marina
              + Waterfront commercial village + shipyard and hardstand

Mackay Marina and its associated real estate         The precinct includes a 479-berth marina for
represent a major tourism, leisure and maritime      vessels up to 50m, fuel dock, waterfront village
asset on Australia’s east coast.                     of bars, restaurants and shops, ample parking and
                                                     amenities, shipyard, hardstand, and is home to the
• 20.8ha marina basin, fuel dock & travel lift -   award-winning 4.5-star Clarion Hotel*.
  99-year lease (to 2098)
• 4.1ha of commercial land & buildings - Freehold    • MIA Marina of the Year 2014 and 2006
Strategically positioned midway between Brisbane     • Proven performance – $3.2M average nett profit
and Cairns, at the edge of the Great Barrier Reef,      last 3 years
Mackay Marina and waterfront Marina Village sit      • Official international Port of Entry with onsite
at the southern gateway to the famed Whitsunday         Customs & Quarantine
Passage and Islands.                                 • Expansion & growth potential
                                                     * not included in the sale

                                                     NETT PROFIT: $3,200,000


                 TRUDY CROOKS                                                     GLENN MILLAR
                 NATIONAL SALES MANAGER                                           SENIOR BROKER
                 M. 0477 882 210                                                  M. 0412 277 804

                                                                                      RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU   17

     Island living at its best – The ultimate lifestyle
     business on Moreton Island, Queensland
     If you’ve ever dreamt about living and working for yourself on         > Consistent year on year growth
     an island paradise but didn’t know how, then stop dreaming.            > Huge upside via scope for additional letting `
     You’ve found it! You can have your very own island business               appointments
     75 minutes from Brisbane.                                              > Option to buy or rent beachfront accommodation
                                                                            > Additional real estate sales income of up to $50k p.a
                                                                            > Real Estate License required – operators happy to stay
     This is an incredibly rare opportunity to live and work
                                                                               on to show you the ropes
     on beautiful Moreton Island and own an established
     accommodation and sales business. After 18 years the
     current operators have decided to put their lucrative holiday
     letting business on the market and settle into retirement.             NET PROFIT: $111,133
                                                                            PRICE: $295,000
     The business consists of 23 luxury holiday rentals including
     houses, units and villas across the island. Included in this package
     is the exclusive use of a sales office located on Tangalooma
     Resort. A management couple could capably operate this                                                 BRISBANE
     business. However, if the island lifestyle of fishing, surfing,                                        QUEENSLAND
     boating, snorkelling, 4WD driving is too much then you can opt                   REF: MRB004402        P. +61 7 3878 3999
     to employ additional staff for cleaning and maintenance.


                        Shane Wynhoven                                                     Steve Campbell
                        BROKER                                                             BROKER

                        M. +61 424 174 592                                                 M. +61 407 220 668
                        E.                              E.


Rare 60 room freehold motel in Albany,
Western Australia
A landmark in the area and referred to by West Australians as   > $560,000 net profit based on industry averages
the 'whale motel' which originated back in the early whaling    > Investment underpinned by freehold real estate
days. The highway location captures drive by business and       > The current owner of 40 years has left room for growth
allows guests close proximity to town. Albany has a strong      > Just over 1.5 hectares of main road freehold with high
corporate and leisure market and is seen as a safe haven.         volume of drive-by traffic
                                                                > 2kms to the city centre
                                                                > Excellent mix of corporate and leisure guests
The exceptional purchase price works out at under $42,000
per room and is underpinned with just over 1.5 hectares of
prime freehold land.
                                                                TURNOVER: $1,446,040
We have costed a significant refurbishment at around $1m        PRICE: $2,500,000
which includes a new roof, all 60 rooms refurbished and
some appearance entry work. As such, the refurbished
$3.5m investment offers the buyer $58,300 per key and the
opportunity for significant ROI growth, as current occupancy                                     PERTH
is only 39.5% and nearly half of what refurbished motels run                                     WESTERN AUSTRALIA
at in this area.                                                           REF: FH004469         P. 1300 665 966


                 Steve Dawson                                                      Ian Crooks

                 M. +61 408 550 441                                                M. +61 411 171 648
                 E.                                          E.

                                                                                           RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU               19

     Newly renovated rooms and relisted to sell!
     Location, location, location! Amazing opportunity to secure    > Good corporate trade such as QLD Cricket & SRS
     a 14 room motel in Hamilton, Brisbane. Guests can do           > Good quality and great location
     everything on foot or via easy access to the City Cat, bus     > Newly decorated rooms and minor bathroom upgrades
     and train. The business has strong repeat clientele, with an   > TripAdvisor awards
     increasing Facebook presence. All rooms have been recently     > Strong occupancy
     re-decorated and the yards are low maintenance. For the best
     return, this property is ideal for an owner operator.

      EXCLUSIVE                                                          FINANCIALS

                      Nathan Eades                                      NET PROFIT: $149,032
                                                                        PRICE: $573,200

                      M. +61 448 339 920                                                             QUEENSLAND
                      E.                         REF: LH004364      P. +61 7 3878 3999


     Competitively priced business with great returns
     Beachside Resort is a well-established holiday resort          > Very little competition in surrounding suburbs
     overlooking Buddina Beach on the Sunshine Coast. It is         > Good repeat business and forward bookings
     located in the largest development area on the Sunshine        > Long agreements in place
     Coast. Local development either planned or under               > Consistent year on year growth with opportunity for
     construction includes the Sunshine Coast University Private       further growth in the corporate market
                                                                    > Additional income available from the one bed unit next
     Hospital, a Ramsay Health Care project and the massive 738
                                                                       to reception (not included in profit for sale)
     bed Sunshine Coast University Hospital. The demand for short
     term accommodation is going to increase dramatically!


                      Caroline Harrison                                 NET PROFIT: $340,600
                                                                        PRICE: $2,380,000

                      M. +61 403 372 134                                                        QUEENSLAND
                      E.                    REF: MR004328 P. +61 7 3878 3999


The gateway to the Riverina, New South Wales
The leasehold offering of a 23 room AAA rated 3.5 star motel       > Consistent year on year growth and opportunity for
with licenced in-house restaurant boasting a full stainless          further growth
steel commercial kitchen. The motel is on a large block with       > Owners committed elsewhere - experienced staff to
dual street access making it easy to cater for coaches and           assist with transition
heavy vehicles requiring off street parking. The family friendly   > Spacious/modern living accommodation
                                                                   > Less than 2 hours from Canberra
motel units open onto a private courtyard area complete with
                                                                   > A great turnkey operation
salt water pool, heated spa and BBQ area.                          > Brand new 30 year lease on offer


                  Andrew Rendall                                       NET PROFIT: $123,825
                  BROKER                                               PRICE: $470,000

                  M. +61 412 635 344                                                               NEW SOUTH WALES
                  E.                         REF: LH004395      P. +61 2 9904 8224


Long lease, large full service motel in Melbourne’s CBD
A sensational opportunity to secure a rare large 39 room motel     > Accommodation only business
located on Swanston Street in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD.        > Low rent to accommodation turnover
The rent to turnover ratio is very good and it is a very easy      > Fantastic three bedroom managers residence with large
business to operate. This business sits nicely in the Melbourne       roof top terrace overlooking the city
market with its key strength being its location; within walking    > Opportunity to renovate/develop top floor
                                                                   > Perfect to run under management
distance to Fed Square, Myer, David Jones, Regents Theatre etc.
                                                                   > Extremely easy business to operate
Don’t hesitate, or you may wait years for another to come up.

 EXCLUSIVE                                                              FINANCIALS

                  Stuart Charles                                      NET PROFIT: $366,279
                                                                      PRICE: Offers over $1.28M

                  M. +61 458 588 472                                                               VICTORIA
                  E.                          REF: LH004369     P. +61 3 9347 3100

                                                                                              RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU            21

                                       BY LUXURY
                                       - building brand BPM

         SINCE establishing BPM in 1995,     partners at the forefront of global        with their buildings."
     founder and managing director           design, culture and art," he says,             Hallinan purchased his first
     Jonathan Hallinan has been constantly   "every BPM project responds to more        property in the Melbourne
     inspired by luxury, whether it is       than the constraints of its location and   suburb of Bentleigh aged just 19,
     found in the detail of fashion, the     environment. The goal is always to         after completing his carpentry
     permanence of architecture, or the      go further, to create a highly sensory,    apprenticeship. Through diligent
     experience of an artefact.              engaging and memorable experience          management of the renovation and
         "Through collaboration with         for everyone who uses and interacts        subdivision process, including his own

involvement on site, he doubled his              In Brisbane, the company is
investment in just 18 months.                active in the inner suburbs of West
     The result solidified his passion for   End (Escent, 142, Highline, 140, and
development and Hallinan has worked          Black Fold, 40 apartments), Fortitude
towards increasingly larger projects         Valley and Toowong (White Dawn, 48
ever since. BPM now has more than            apartments). Upcoming developments
2,500 apartments under development           are slated for Melbourne CBD and
for a combined value in excess of $1.4       Collingwood in Victoria and another
billion.                                     large-scale project for Brisbane.
     The latest and largest is the $300          “I constantly seek sites in locations
million Shadow Play at Melbourne’s           with a strong coffee and food culture,”
Southbank, a landmark mixed-use              Hallinan says of his approach to
development incorporating 470                location scouting.
apartments, retail and a hotel. But that         “This is because, where there is
does not signal an abandonment of the        a passion for coffee and food, there
smaller, boutique projects that earned       are passionate people who have a
BPM its early success.                       deeper understanding and appreciation
     Also in various stages of delivery      for the things they love. Identifying
are a range of projects in Melbourne         locations that appeal to successful,
and Brisbane, ranging in size from 40 to     passionate people and producing
142 apartments.                              developments that encourage their
     “We see it as an opportunity to         sense of community will result in
apply the same luxury approach and           property growth that is far beyond any
design aesthetic typically associated        traditional market forces.”
with our boutique properties to larger           Beyond the bricks and mortar,
scale projects” Hallinan says. “Moving       Hallinan’s vision is to form and nurture
forward, our higher density projects         a brand that stands for more than
will appeal to residents looking for an      purely their exceptional properties.
holistic approach to living rather than          “I believe that we need to deliver a
just an apartment.”                          far more intelligent form of social and
     BPM’s current pipeline highlights       cultural engagement, which is what the
Hallinan’s instincts for prime and           ‘BPM World’ is all about,” he said.
emerging locations. In Melbourne,                Venture to BPM’s website, and you
projects are underway in Richmond            will discover a luxe and sensuous online
(Light Edge, 44 apartments), South           environment where every element is
Melbourne (Night Fall, 45 apartments         deftly designed to communicate the
and retail) and Southbank (Shadow            BPM values and essence. It extends to
Play, 494 apartments).                       a signature fragrance and a biannual

                                                     RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU                23

     broadsheet and blog that provide            developers to create a more                 to strive to create and deliver “the
     forums for dialogue exploring               compelling value proposition for            extraordinary, through courage,
     and celebrating luxury in all its           purchasers.”                                attention to detail and an unwavering
     incarnations.                                  To that end, BPM will continue           commitment to excellence.” END
          “It provides signature experiences
     and platforms that allow people
     access to our world, engaging and
     inspiring people at an emotional and
     intellectual level,” Hallinan explains.
          Another example of extending the
     BPM brand by forging relationships
     with future patrons, clients and
     audiences is a three-year commitment
     as a major partner for the National
     Gallery of Victoria’s (NGV) Summer
     Architecture Commission.
          Hallinan’s vision for the BPM
     World is gaining momentum, with
     plans for further vertical integration
     to be announced later this year,
     including the inception of BPM Cafes,
     BPM Hotels, BPM Champagne Bars
     and BPM Health & Fitness, all of which
     will be owned and operated by BPM.
          The BPM Café concept is about to
     debut in Brisbane at the base of the
     sleek new Escent apartments in West
          In spite of recent industry
     reports that the property market
     is oversaturated in some inner city
     locations, Hallinan insists that staying
     in the market is essential. “I have
     always maintained that the risk of
     being out of the market is far greater
     than the risk of being in it,” he says.
          “While the current environment
     (in some capital city locations) is
     referred to as a challenging market,
     I believe we are going through a
     healthy transition that is encouraging

                           “Traveling – it leaves you speechless,
                               then turns you into a storyteller.”

                                                                                                          They Say
                                                                                  IBN BATTUTA
                                              Medieval Moroccan Muslim traveler and scholar,
                                  widely recognised as one of the greatest travelers of all time.

                               “We travel not to escape life, but for
                                              life not to escape us.”

will strengthen the position of both
                                                                               leaseholders and landlords, while
                                                                               creating a sound, uniform approach
                                                                               easily understood by everyone from
                                                                               professional advisors, financiers and
                                                                               brokers to vendors and buyers.”
                                                                                    Solicitor David Burrough was
                                                                               instrumental in the breakthrough
                                                                               initiative. As partner in charge of
                                                                               the Tourism and Hospitality Division
                                                                               of Brisbane firm Hillhouse Burrough
                                                                               McKeown, he has been advising on
                                                                               all legal issues affecting motels since
                                                                                    Burrough said the issue of
                                                                               diminishing lease terms had come
                                                                               to the fore in the last five years, as
                                                                               many of his motel clients found the
                                                                               years on older leases counting down.
                                                                                    “We need to recognise the
                                                                               industry is maturing, the number of
                                                                               years left on a great many leases is
                                                                               coming down, and it is something
                                                                               everyone must be thinking about,”

                                                                               he said.
                                                                                    “I spoke with Ian Crooks at Resort

                                                                               Brokers about the fact there was
                                                                               no science behind determining a
                                                                               fair price in negotiations between
                                                                               landlord and motel operator for
                                                                               the granting of a lease extension.

                                                                               Disputes were increasingly
                                                                                    Crooks was already considering
                                                                               the emerging issue. Afterall, he had
                                                                               years before pioneered the now
                                                                               common system of motel leases,
Back by popular demand….                                                       introducing the concept of splitting
                                                                               motels into separate freehold
                                                                               investment and leasehold business
BREAKTHROUGH IN SHORT-TERM MOTEL LEASE VALUATION, DEVELOPED BY                      Into the expert mix then came
ASSOCIATES (INFORMER, ISSUE #73, DEC 2013).                                    and specialist in accounting,
                                                                               taxation and financial planning for
SINCE THEN, THIS NEW APPROACH HAS BEEN VERY SUCCESSFULLY                       accommodation industry clients.
IMPLEMENTED, MAKING SHORT-TERM LEASES VIABLE AND VALUABLE,                          “Knowing how critical the issue
AND PROVIDING BENEFITS FOR BOTH OPERATORS AND LANDLORDS. SO, IN                was, we set about collaborating
RESPONSE TO REPEATED REQUESTS, WE ARE PLEASED TO RE-PUBLISH THIS               over probably an 18-month period
COMPREHENSIVE FEATURE.                                                         to consider the matter and come up
                                                                               with solutions,” Burrough said.
    NEW motel valuation formulas      determine a fair price for motel lease        “Now we have the solutions,
developed by an expert panel          extensions, and to value short-term      we need to educate and convince
of industry professionals have        motel leases.                            everyone – lessees, landlords, banks,
the power to boost investment             “We have come up with logical        and other professional advisors – of
confidence for all stakeholders and   models that finally put some science     the wisdom of these formulas and
provide a secure footing for growth   and certainty behind these grey          their potential to be a great boon to
in the motel sector.                  areas of motel valuation,” said Resort   the whole industry.
    Presented for the first time at   Brokers Australia managing director           “Not only will they be valuable
a conference convened by Resort       Ian Crooks. “Now it is vital they are    benchmark tools to underpin
Brokers Australia, the new methods    embraced by the whole industry.          investment certainty, they will
provide systematic calculations to        “As the accepted standard, they      reduce the need for protracted

                                                                                      RESORTBROKERS.COM.AU               25

          negotiations and lessen the                        According to Rossiter, the lack                   have one purpose – operation of a
     likelihood of disputes.”                            of a generally accepted method for                    motel,” Rossiter said.
          Resort Brokers’ conference was                 calculating extension values has caused                   “The goodwill of the business is
     attended by a cross-section of motel                uncertainty for all parties, with the                 location-specific, the tenant has goods
     industry identities, including many                 potential to destabilise the industry.                and chattels tied up in the premises
     valuers active in the sector. Burrough                  “With no consistent methodology                   and, at expiry, they can’t simply move
     said the response was very positive.                applied, premiums paid for additional                 and start up elsewhere. So it is vital
          “A great many questions were                   years have varied widely, with                        leaseholders have a sound basis for
     asked, and there was broad acceptance               landlords taking differing approaches,                negotiating with landlords for an
     that we have made very important                    or just setting a price they’ve heard was             extension.
     progress in the right direction.”                   paid elsewhere, even though it bears no                   “An extension has value to the
                                                         relation to their property,” he said.                 operator because it provides them
     CONSISTENT APPROACH VITAL TO                            “In picking figures, there seems to               with the opportunity to generate
     PRICE LEASE EXTENSIONS                              have been little regard for the motel                 additional profits over the period of
                                                         size or indeed the profitability of                   the extension.
        A valid system for pricing motel                 the business. I’ve seen prices range                      “So the amount they pay must
     lease extensions has finally been                   anywhere from nil to $70,000 per year.                be a direct function of the value
     developed to provide business                           “Such inconsistency is detrimental                the extension creates in terms of
     certainty for operators and fair                    to everyone – landlord, lessee and the                future profits and current capital
     reward for property landlords.                      wider industry.”                                      appreciation, not simply a random
                                                             Holmans’ new model recognises                     amount nominated by the landlord,”
         The much-needed price calculation               the unique nature of a motel lease,                   he explained.
     model, developed by Holmans partner                 compared to other commercial                              “The price must fairly recompense
     Tony Rossiter, in consultation with                 property leases. A formula to facilitate              the landlord, recognising there is an
     Resort Brokers Australia and Hillhouse              motel lease extensions is vital because               opportunity cost to them for granting
     Burrough McKeown, directly relates the              the motelier’s business is inextricably               the extension, while providing sufficient
     value of the proposed extension to the              linked to the premises.                               financial incentive for the tenant to
     profitability of the leasehold business.                “A motel freehold can really only                 proceed with the lease extension.”

                                                     BENCHMARK CALCULATION METHOD

          Step 1: Calculate the Adjusted Net Profit of the                          Step 3: Calculate the value per unit of chattels owned
          leasehold motel business. This should be done on a                        by the lessee, and multiply by the number of units.
          consistent basis, applying accepted industry standards                    Reduce the value of the motel lease by the value of
          for calculating profit on a ‘for sale’ business.                          chattels to determine the Goodwill Value of the lease.

          Step 2: Determine the capitalisation rate appropriate                     Step 4: Calculate 45%* of this amount as the value of
          for the business (ideally done by a valuer). Divide
                                                                                    the premium for the lease extension.
          the Adjusted Net Profit by the capitalisation rate to
          determine the value of the motel lease.
          (* In the case of a ‘Freehold Going Concern’, the owner-operator retains 100% of profit. There is widespread industry acceptance that, when a
          motel is split, the freehold investor (landlord) is paid 45% of the gross profit in rent, while the lessee retains 55% for operating the motel.)

                                                                   ADJUSTED NET PROFIT				$200,000.00
                                                                   DIVIDED BY CAP RATE OF				 30%

                                                                   = VALUE OF LEASE				                                                   $666,667.00
                                                                   LESS VALUE OF CHATTELS			                                              $50,000.00

                                                                   (25 UNITS X $2,000)
                                                                   = GOODWILL VALUE OF LEASE			                                           $616,667.00
          Let’s look at an actual example. This
     calculation applies to a 25-unit motel where                  DIVIDE BY ORIGINAL LEASE TERM (25) 		                                  $24,666.70
     15 years remain on the original 25-year                       MULTIPLY BY LEASE EXTENSION PERIOD (10) =                              $246,667.00
     lease. The maintainable Adjusted Net Profit
     of the leasehold business is $200,000, and                    X 45% = VALUE OF LEASE PREMIUM		                                       $110,000.00
     the capitalisation rate is 30%. Chattels are
                                                                                  THEREFORE, THE VALUE PER YEAR OF THE
     valued at $2,000 per unit. The lessee is
                                                                                     LEASE EXTENSION EQUALS $11,000
     seeking a 10-year extension.

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