CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group

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CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group

          Vol. 21 | Issue 1 | Spring 2019
CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group

                                                                                Chairman’s Foreword
                                                                              Welcome to the first issue of Capital    sponsors for 2019, and we                    those – and we also encourage
                                                                              Letter in 2019. This being the Year      welcome our new Gold sponsor,                all our members to take full
                                                                              of Tolerance we are already looking      Kingsbury Gulf, and Silver sponsor,          advantage of the benefits of their
                                                                              at some historic events that have        The Fry Group.                               membership card, because we
                                                                              and will be taking place in Abu            I would also like to welcome our           have a lot of really good offers from
                                                                              Dhabi. The beginning of February         new Committee Members, and                   some excellent brands for the year
                                                                              saw a visit to the UAE by Pope           congratulate Nancy Power who has             ahead.
                                                                              Francis, which is being hailed as        been appointed Deputy Chair. Look              Happy reading!
                                                                              a landmark moment for interfaith         out for the article introducing the
                                                                              relations in the Gulf. Pope Francis      new faces, and we encourage BBG
                                                                              held a five-hour mass at Zayed           members to make a point to say
                                                                              Sports City. March will finally see      hello to the Committee Members               Nick Cochrane-Dyet MBE
                                                                              the momentous Special Olympics           when you spot them at events (look           Chairman
                                                                              taking place in Abu Dhabi. The           out for their Committee badges).
                                                                              event has been eagerly awaited             As you know, one of the main
                                                                              across the Emirates and we profile       aims of the BBG is to support
                                                                              two of the athletes representing         British institutions in the UAE – such
                                                    Photo: © Matt Green       Great Britain. In related news we        as the Energy Industries Council
                                                                              have an interesting article from         and the Chartered Institute of
                                                                              Direct Access with some important        Marketing, both of which happen
                                                                              information about making your            to be profiled in this issue of Capital
                                                                              business more accessible to              Letter.
                                                                              People of Determination.                   Lots of great member events
                                                                                I would like to take a moment          are being planned for this year, so
                                                                              to express our gratitude to our          make sure to keep an eye out for

                                                                               BBG and Embassy Update                                         Special Features
                                                                              Chairman’s Foreword                                     1      Special Olympians                                               18
                                                                                                                                             Lord Mayor in the UAE                                           20
                                                                              Meet the New BBG Committee Members                      2      Great British People in Business                                21
                                                                              Richard Oliver Awarded OBE                              4      Introducing Institutes                                          22
                                                                              Edward Oakden CMG Visits UAE                            5
                                                                              DIT Update                                              5       News, Events & Updates
                                                                              Notes from the BBG Office                               7      Introducing Kingsbury Gulf                                      24
                                                                                                                                             Jersey and the UAE, Building Stronger Ties                      25
                                                                               Insight                                                       Pope Francis Visits UAE                                         26
                                                                                                                                             Heriot-Watt University Hosts Trade Delegations                  27
                                                                              Who is Paying the Insurance Bill?                       7      News in Brief                                                   28
                                                                              PWC ME Survey Findings                                  8       About the BBG
                                                                              The Electrification of Flight                          10
                                                                              Top Five Risks for Businesses                          12      Events Gallery                                                  30
                                                                                                                                             Committee Members                                               35
                                                                              Gulf Renewable Energy Market Report                    13
                                                                                                                                             Corporate Sponsors                                              36
                                                                              Demystifying Private Banking                           14      Why Join the BBG?                                               37
               HONORING THE PAST, MAKING THE FUTURE                           Six Tips for a Successful Construction Project         15      New Members                                                     38
                                                                              Equal Employment Opportunities                         16      Membership Listings                                             40

                                                                              Cover Picture: Special Olympics athletes from Team Great Britain pictured.
                                                                              Editorial Submissions or Advertising Enquiries:                Editorial Panel: Anna Ali Adib, Steve Martin, Sinéad Whelan,
                                                                    , British Business Group (BBG) Abu Dhabi   Robert Schwarz, David Good, David Spearing and Amy Gilbert
                                                                              PO Box 43635, Abu Dhabi, UAE, ☎   : +971 2 445 7234            Published by: Dar Al Fajr Printing, Publishing & Advertising,
                                                                              BBG Office Mobile: 056 6650582
                                                                                                                                             P.O. Box 505, Abu Dhabi, UAE,
                                                                                                                                                                             ☎  : +971 2 4488300

                                                                              Website:                               This magazine is distributed among the members of
                                                                              Office Manager: Sinéad Whelan                                  British Business Group and has no commercial value.

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CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                             BBG AND EMBASSY UPDATE

                                                                                                                              Stewart Highett                           Cris Partridge                             regional shipping and associated
                                                                                                                              – Group Membership and                    – Committee Member                         service sectors.”

Meet the New BBG Committee Members                                                                                            Sponsorship Secretary
                                                                                                                              Stewart Highett is the Senior Vice
                                                                                                                                                                        Cris is a Regional Director for
                                                                                                                                                                        London Offshore Consultants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Amy Gilbert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   – BBG Communications
                                                                                                                              President for the Aker Solutions.         Middle East (LOCME), looking               Secretary/Healthcare Focus
                                                                                                                              He is based out of Abu Dhabi and          after the Middle East, India and           Chair
Some new members have joined            the start of several international       ventures that have been formed               is the UAE Country Manager. He            Caspian. During a sea-going
                                        service businesses, winning large        between Shell and Abu Dhabi                  also has responsibility for Customer      career that started in 1982, he            Amy founded Perfect Balance in
the BBG Committee this year. Meet
                                        capital infrastructure projects in       partners. Ali also represents the            Management in the Middle East             served on a variety of vessel types,       September 2017 to fulfil a lifetime
them here:
                                        the UK, Hong Kong and China. He          Royal Dutch Shell Group with the             region. Stewart has over 30 years         eventually attaining command of            dream of providing the community
Kristina Williams                       joined the UK Defence Research           government of Abu Dhabi. His                 of experience in the on/offshore Oil      ocean-going cargo vessels. Cris            with a high quality and specialised
– Group Treasurer                       Agency in 2003 as it was formed          experience in Shell includes project         and Gas industry. Originating from        subsequently attained an MSc in            healthcare centre. Amy has a BSc
Kristina Williams is Co-Founder of      into QinetiQ, to lead its change         development of LNG Plants and                an execution role within Electrical       Marine Operations, was made a              (Hons) Degree in Physiotherapy
eco rascals, a children’s ethical       from a public sector body to a           Regas Terminals, New Market Entry,           and Instrumentation engineering           Freeman of the City of London, a           from the University of Southampton
tableware company. Her last role        competitive commercial organisation      GTL, Pipelines, Country Master-              in UK refineries and engaged at           Fellow of the Institute of Chartered       in the UK. Following graduation she
was at Gulf Finance Corporation as      resulting in significant growth and      plans and Integrated upstream                Offshore North Sea installations,         Shipbrokers and a Liveryman of the         spent two and a half years working
Head of Finance, where she raised       a competitive business winning           and Petrochemicals projects. His             Stewart developed his career              Honourable Company of Master               for the National Health Service in
an AED500 million syndicated            culture. Graham joined Rolls-Royce       experience also includes mergers             in International Marketing and            Mariners. He has been an OVID              South London and worked for a
loan from local and international       in 2016 from Atkins Global in            and acquisitions, LNG supply and             Business Development focused on           accredited surveyor since 2010.            London South East Rugby club. Her
banks and ran several business          Dubai where he was the Managing          trading, investment banking as               projects mainly in the Middle East,       Cris arrived in the UAE in early 2009      specialties are Women’s Health and

transformation projects. With more      Director of the Defence, Security        well as project construction and             Europe, Africa and the Americas,          employed as a Senior Surveyor              Sports injury rehabilitation. Amy is
than ten years of experience within     & Communications business. Of            engineering. Ali started his career          with his first visit to the Middle East   at LOCME. Since joining LOCME              a well-experienced Rehabilitation
the financial services sector over      his joining the Committee Graham         with Taylor Wood and worked for              in 1999. Throughout this tenure he        he has been appointed as lead              Pilates instructor and utilises the
this time she has led Finance           said: “Rolls-Royce is privileged to      Halliburton, Goldman Sachs and,              has conducted many successful             investigator on a number of high-          foundations of Pilates to drive safe
Control, Financial Planning &           be one of the largest UK companies       now, Shell. He is a graduate of              contractual and commercial                profile major accident investigations/     and effective exercise. Corporate
Analysis and Treasury teams in the      in the region, operating across both     Imperial College London where he             negotiations with IOCs and NOCs in        litigations for P&I Clubs, international   Wellness and injury prevention are
UK and UAE. Kristina said: “I joined    Abu Dhabi and Dubai, with strong         obtained a Master’s of Engineering           the region. Stewart has a Master’s        law firms and Flag State Authorities.      a key focus of Perfect Balance.
the BBG upon moving to Abu Dhabi        educational and business links           degree in Civil and Environmental            Degree in International Marketing         Cris has produced a number of              Amy and her team work closely with
as I am an entrepreneur who wanted      in each. With the UAE placing an         Engineering in 1996, and in 2000             Management supplemented with a            publications and regularly presents        companies to input correct working
to actively engage in the Abu Dhabi     increasing emphasis on education,        he earned a Master’s degree in               paper on Strategic planning from the      at international conferences on            postures, positions, exercise
professional community to widen my      youth and employability issues, I        Strategy and Finance from Kingston           University of Central England, UK.        the subject of MOUs and warranty           regimes and more to help minimise
network. This is one of the main aims   have joined the British Business         Business School. Ali also holds              Upon joining the BBG Committee,           issues. He firmly believes in the          work-related injuries and improve
of the BBG and their events have        Group to assist UK companies             a Financial Services Authority               Stewart said: “I am very proud to         aims and principles of the BBG             performance. On joining the BBG
allowed me to do so. I am also a        who are trying to get closer to the                                                   be working in the Middle East Oil         and applied to join the committee          Committee, Amy said: “I have known
                                                                                 Qualification in Financial Regulation
Fellow of the Chartered Accountants     local economy, to find ways to build                                                  & Gas sector. I have been visiting        in order to contribute positively to       about the BBG for years, because
                                                                                 & Derivatives. Upon joining the
in England and Wales and believe        bridges beyond the business level                                                     the region since 1999 with the last       the organisation whilst increasing         my dad has been a member and
                                                                                 Committee, Ali said: “I am very
my experience as an FCA in              and into the other areas that are a                                                   ten years spent in Abu Dhabi more         the awareness of regional shipping         was on the committee. I was asked
                                                                                 passionate about supporting British
Financial Services, professional        high priority to the leadership of the                                                than any other geographic location.       and associated service sectors. Cris       to step into his shoes, which is a bit
                                                                                 Businesses to succeed in the UAE.
services and not-for-profit across      UAE.”                                                                                 I am responsible for Aker Solutions       said: “I joined the BBG Committee          daunting. However, I had my own
                                                                                 Being the most Senior Corporate
the UAE and UK will ensure the                                                                                                Ltd in the region and have actively       because I believe in the aims and          reasons to be excited. First of all,
good work of previous treasurers        Ali Al Janabi                            Representative of Shell, an Anglo-           been engaged with ADNOC and               objectives of the British Business
                                        – Energy Focus Chair                     Dutch company with a long history                                                                                                 to help guide the healthcare sector
continues while keeping us up to                                                                                              other NOCs in the Gulf. I believe I       Group and the benefit it could bring       and create events to serve this
                                        Ali Al Janabi is the Chairman of         and a wide footprint across the UAE          can bring my industry knowledge,          to both individual and corporate
date on all financial issues.”                                                                                                                                                                                     topic. Secondly to help build more
                                        Shell Abu Dhabi and is also Vice         and the MENA region, I believe I can         passion, energy and enthusiasm            supporters. As well as intending to
Graham Outterside                       President for Shell’s Upstream           also contribute to the wider British         to the BBG, engaging my wider             be proactive in my main and sub-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   bridges between the BBG and other
– Group Community Liaison                                                        business community beyond Abu                                                                                                     networking groups in Abu Dhabi.
                                        business in Abu Dhabi. In this role,                                                  network that could further support        committee roles I wish to use the
Graham Outterside’s career started                                               Dhabi by leveraging Shell’s regional                                                                                              Thirdly to create more exposure for
                                        he is accountable for providing                                                       the membership and sponsorship            opportunity to increase awareness,
in GEC and Marconi where he led                                                  network.”                                                                                                                         my company Perfect Balance.”
                                        governance and support for joint                                                      section of the BBG.”                      and the economic benefits of
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BBG AND EMBASSY UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                                     BBG AND EMBASSY UPDATE

Richard Oliver Awarded OBE                                                                                                             Edward Oakden CMG Visits UAE
                                                                                                                                      In January, Her Majesty’s
A previous Chairman of the British       continued to support us in many                                                              Ambassador to Jordan, Edward
Business Group, Richard Oliver, was      ways and we owe a lot to them.                                                               Oakden CMG, visited the UAE for a
awarded the OBE by Her Majesty           We have also seen some terrific                                                              series of meetings and events with
Queen Elizabeth II, becoming an          support from our Emirati friends and                                                         the UAE government and private
Officer of the Order of the British      colleagues at key times.                                                                     sector focused on generating
Empire, in the 2019 New Year’s             Lastly, I was professionally                                                               awareness and interest about the
Honours List. The OBE is considered      involved a lot in some very                                                                  economic opportunities in Jordan,
a major award in the British honours     significant transactions and dealings                                                        and specifically the London Initiative.
system. Richard’s was in recognition     between the two countries both                                                                 Jordan’s Growth and Opportunity:
of his services to British Business      during my time at HSBC and                                                                   The 2019 London Initiative is an
and to the British Community in the      subsequently at NBAD. Now I                                                                  exciting international conference due
United Arab Emirates. We spoke to        continue to work with Emirati friends                                                        to take place on 28th February, 2019,
him about what this means for him:       in a number of countries, but of                                                             in Central London. The Conference
How old is the OBE system,               course the UK and the UAE are the                                                            will showcase Jordan’s 2025 vision for
and are many awarded?                    places I get most involved. I think it                                                       economic growth and reform, and will
                                         all helped!                                     realistic. Head Offices in the UK do         launch the Government’s strategy to       Trade Commissioner to the Middle
It dates back to 1917 and was                                                                                                                                                                                            Jordan’s geostrategic entry-point to
                                         How does the BBG stay                           not always understand that. The              boost investment. The conference will     East, Afghanistan and Pakistan,
established by King George V to                                                                                                                                                                                          markets in the Middle East, Europe
                                         relevant?                                       BBG does.                                    be hosted at the most senior levels of    Simon Penney, and HMA Patrick
recognise public service outside the                                                                                                                                                                                     and beyond. He also took time to
Civil Service. There are around 200      I think that the role of the BBG has            How does the Award Ceremony                  the UK and Jordanian governments,         Moody. Mr Oakden outlined the
                                                                                                                                      with the participation of international                                            reflect on his time as Ambassador to
awarded in each list, so                                           changed a great       Work?                                                                                  future focus of Jordan on the services
                                                                                                                                      private sector leaders, investors,                                                 the UAE some ten years ago and was
I do feel tremendously                                               deal, even          The actual decoration is awarded                                                       sector, as well as the importance of
                                                                                                                                      partner governments and IFIs. The                                                  glad to reconnect with several familiar
fortunate to have got                                                 during my          at an investiture ceremony, which                                                      targeting professional areas such
                                                                                                                                      objective is for Jordan to be able to                                              British faces still in Abu Dhabi.
one.                                                                    time here.       is conducted by a member of the                                                        as technology and healthcare. Not
                                                                                                                                      achieve medium-term economic self-        only was Mr Oakden able to assess          As previous Ambassador to UAE,
                                                                         There is no     senior Royal Family members.
Why do you                                                                                                                            sufficiency, with an economy centred      Emirati appetite to invest in Jordan,    Mr Oakden was warmly received by
                                                                          doubt that     I have been told that mine will
think you were                                                                                                                        on the private sector.                    he was also able to consider the         Emirati officials – including Foreign
                                                                          the longer     happen in March at Windsor
recognised in that                                                        you are here                                                  At a BBG Abu Dhabi Breakfast            potential for British companies in       Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al
                                                                                         Castle. Most of the males wear
way?                                                                      as a Brit,                                                  Briefing, Mr Oakden was                   the UAE to expand into Jordan,           Nahyan and Minister of International
                                                                                         morning dress and all of the
I would like to think                                                     the more       ladies wear hats. Our family is              accompanied by Her Majesty’s              highlighting to BBG members              Cooperation HE Reem Al Hashimy.
it relates to a few                                                       you get to     researching these matters as I
different areas. First,                                                   understand     speak.
I was Chairman of
the Abu Dhabi British Business                     business can be done
                                                                         how             What were your thoughts                       DIT Update
Group for a good few years
                                                                                         when you heard that you were
                                                   successfully. It’s not all            receiving the honour?
and got very involved in things                     about price and negotiation,                                                                                                Exports visited to support the UAE-      a technology roundtable. In the
like the British Centres for                           it is also about trust and        Honestly, it gives a great feeling           By Wendy De Luca                          UK Business Council meeting and          UK we attended the Education
Business in Dubai, the                                       understanding.              of patriotic pride and satisfaction,                                                   meet companies to understand the         World Forum alongside the UAE
                                                                                         and it’s super to think you have             I thought it may be useful for you to
UAE-UK Business Council                                       The BBG acts as                                                                                                   UAE landscape. Two trade missions        Minister of Education and arranged
                                                                                         made a difference and that                   hear about some of the work that
and various other related                                       a great melting                                                                                                 visited the Big 5 Construction Show      meetings for Abu Dhabi Department
                                                                                         this has been recognised. I am               the Department for International
entities. These were                                                pot of ideas,                                                                                               and we organised meet-the-buyer          of Education and Knowledge during
                                                                                         enormously grateful to those who             Trade Team has been engaged in
great years for                                                        relationships                                                                                            sessions for over 90 suppliers,          the week. A small number of British
                                                                                         have supported me, from the                  over recent months. We’ve been
business, trade and                                                     and                                                                                                     meeting 12 buyers.                       companies exhibited at the World
                                                                                         Government and from the local                busy nurturing key relationships,
investment between                                                    experience.                                                                                                 In the UK we supported Dubai           Future Energy Summit.
                                                                                         British and Emirati communities.             promoting the UK, supporting our
our countries and I am                                            I am told by                                                                                                  Municipality’s Food Control Unit’s         We hosted HMA Amman to
                                                                                                                                      companies while they win major
sure that this helped a lot.                                    those who have           Comments from Her Majesty’s                                                            visit to the UK where they had           promote Jordan to the UK regional
                                                                                                                                      export deals and listening to
   Secondly I have been                                      seen many Business          Government:                                                                            a roundtable with UK food and            companies here. As I write this in
                                                                                                                                      business to see what more we can
heavily involved in the British                            Groups across the             Recipients of awards have shown                                                        drink exporters and we hosted a          early February our Secretary of
                                                                                                                                      do to help, in line with our new Export
School Al Khubairat, as a                             World that ours is a               “exceptional service to the UK                                                         Creative Supplier Forum for 100 UK       State Dr Liam Fox and Nadhim
Governor for more than 12 years and              strong one, indeed one of               economy and British prosperity,                                                        companies to meet 13 buyers for          Zahawi, Minister at the Department
                                                                                                                                         In November our Minister Baroness
as Treasurer for ten, with our oldest          the best. Many ventures fail              through UK export promotion                                                            Expo2020.                                for Education have just visited for
                                                                                                                                      Fairhead visited to support the 150
children starting there in 2002. This    here for totally avoidable reasons              across sectors from space and                                                            The Expo HQ team visited               the World Government Summit and
                                                                                                                                      UK companies and meet Ministers
is a wonderful school and objectively    and the size of an organisation is              technology to fashion, and food                                                        Dubai and the Expo Organising            enjoyed this opportunity to meet
                                                                                                                                      and officials at ADIPEC, the world’s
is seen as one of the very best in the   not necessarily a protection and                and drink,” the UK Department for                                                      Committee launched the new Online        many key officials and Ministers
                                                                                                                                      largest oil and gas show. I’m pleased
region. It is not for profit and has a   certainly not a trump card. Getting             International Trade said.                                                              Marketplace where any company            from here and around the world.
                                                                                                                                      to hear that 80% of the UK pavilion
really strong governance model, with     involved with the wrong partners,                  Liam Fox, the UK International                                                      wishing to bid for contracts needs         I hope that you have also had
                                                                                                                                      for 2019 was sold within one hour of
a mix of parent and Ambassador           misinterpreting a sociable meeting              Trade Secretary, said: “I am                                                           to register. Live opportunities are      a productive few months. I want
                                                                                                                                      registration opening.
elected Governors. The School was        as a good meeting, construing a                 delighted that leading business                                                        posted on the website on a daily         to finish off by alerting you to our
                                                                                                                                         Baronness Fairhead, who is also
founded 50 years ago, before the         cup of coffee as a contract in the              people are being recognised for                                                        basis and you can register at https://   website which has
                                                                                                                                      the UK’s Minister for Expo2020, also
birth of the UAE itself. The Ruler,      bag – the best organisations in the             their exceptional contribution and                                                              the latest information and advice for
                                                                                                                                      paid her first official visit to Dubai
HH Sheikh Zayed donated land to          world have come unstuck in the UAE              service to international trade. I                                                        Our Head of Defence and Security       businesses and citizens to prepare
                                                                                                                                      to meet the organisers and see the
us and HH Sheikh Khalifa became          and elsewhere in the region. To win             congratulate everyone receiving an                                                     Overseas visited Intersec and            for Brexit.
                                                                                                                                      UK Pavilion site. The same week
our Sponsor. The Ruling Family has       you have to be patient, strategic and           honour.”                                                                               we hosted a cyber-security and           Wendy De Luca is Head of DIT Abu Dhabi.
                                                                                                                                      John Mahon our Director General for

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BBG AND EMBASSY UPDATE                                                                                                                                     BBG AND EMBASSY UPDATE

The world’s safety                                                                 Notes from the BBG Office
experts put their trust
in British hands.                                                                          • Sponsors 2019: BBG Abu Dhabi is very grateful for the support of the following companies sponsoring
                                                                                             the Group for the year ahead – Gold: Barclays, BP, Intertek, Kingsbury, King’s College Hospital London,
                                                                                             PwC, Rolls-Royce and Shell. Silver: Al Emarat Society, The Fry Group. Bronze: Delma Exchange, Fast Rent
                                                                                             A Car, Gemaco Interiors, InterContinental Abu Dhabi, Mediclinic, Readymix.
                                                                                           • Departing Committee Members: We would like to offer thanks to those Committee Members who
                                                                                             departed at the end of 2018 – Chris Gilbert, Richard Oliver, Jenny Hunt, Richard Draycott, Douglas Barrett
                                                                                             and Lubna Qassim. We appreciate all of the time and effort they gave to BBG Abu Dhabi.
                                                                                           • BBG Membership Benefits: Did you know that using your BBG membership card you can receive of a
                                                                                             whole host of discounts at various outlets across Abu Dhabi? A full list of the 2019 offers is now available
                                                                                             on our website at including offers from InterContinental
                                                                                             Abu Dhabi, British Airways, Spinneys, Careem, Pizza Express, Emirates Palace and more.
                                                                                           • Membership Renewals: The office team has been reaching out to members to confirm your membership
                                                                                             renewal for the year ahead. If you are yet to confirm your membership for 2019, please contact us at
                                                                                    at the earliest opportunity to remain in receipt of the various benefits of being part of
                                                                                             the Group.
                                                                                           • BBG Baby News: We are delighted to announce that BBG Events & Operations Coordinator Lorna Wright
                                                                                             and her husband Alistair have welcomed a beautiful baby boy and named him Hamish. All at BBG Abu
                                                                                             Dhabi wish Lorna, Ali and Hamish all the very best.

                                                                                   Who is Paying the Insurance Bill?
                                                                                                                             people are adding extra pressure by         on effect on the size of their health
                                                                                 By Mostafa Nab                              attending hospitals for issues that         benefits, pay raises and bonuses.
                                                                                 Medical inflation in the Middle East        could easily be resolved with a trip to        Work being carried out between
                                                                                                                             the local clinic.                           governing bodies in the region is
                                                                                 and North Africa is increasing and
                                                                                                                                An additional problem surrounds          helping to create some commonality
                                                                                 is predicted to be at approximately
                                                                                                                             patients’ preference for branded            around tariffs and coding and
                                                                                 12% in 2018 in many countries in the
                                                                                                                             types of medication over generic            therefore a more balanced approach
                                                                                 region for several years. This figure
                                                                                                                             ones, in the belief they are better. In     in terms of negotiating and offering
                                                                                 is extremely high when compared to          fact, in the vast majority of cases the     concurrent rates across providers.
                                                                                 overall inflation in the region.            ingredients are the same – it’s just the    In addition, some providers are
                                                                                    Much of the problem comes from           price that differs substantially.           developing technology systems that
                                                                                 a lack of education and awareness              Insurers are increasingly finding        can electronically monitor claims
                                                                                 among some employees and                    it difficult to negotiate discounts         and the dispensing of medication to
OC Robotics’ Spatial Snake-Arm Robot monitors                                    dependents, who are claiming for            and best practice rates with                identify trends and the potential for
and repairs critical aerospace, construction and                                 expensive and/or unnecessary                providers, because each hospital            cost savings.
                                                                                 treatment. Under most plans,                and associated clinic have their own           However, much of the issue revolves
nuclear equipment in hazardous and confined                                      individuals can chose which doctors         rules about tariffs for the treatments      around educating and creating
spaces. It’s just one example of the expertise                                   and hospitals to use; however,              offered, and so have their own pricing      awareness among colleagues through
offered by the UK’s 5.5 million companies.                                       they are generally unaware that             structure.                                  wellness-associated campaigns so
                                                                                 one service provider’s costs, for              In order for an insurer to absorb        they better understand when they
Find your ideal business partner at                                 example, maybe as much as 70%               the additional cost, they then have         are in need of medical attention, how
                                                                                 more expensive than the exact same          to pass that on to employers by way         to utilise their medical insurance
                                                                                 service with another.                       of increased premiums, particularly         and what is the most appropriate
OC Robotics                                                   To make matters worse, few people        to those employers that want the            course of treatment for them. Only
Bristol, UK                                                                      have access to independent medical          best service and the best hospitals         then will costs begin to be contained
                                                                                 advice on which provider to use             included in their network.                  and employer-provided healthcare
                                                                                 or even whether a visit to a doctor            However, what many employees             insurance be used in such a way that
                                                                                 or hospital is required. As a result,       do not realise is that they themselves      benefits employers and employees
                                                                                 instead of using healthcare insurance       are also losing out, as the increased       alike.
                                                                                 for high-end in-patient claims or           spending on employee healthcare             Mostafa Nab is UAE Corporate Leader at
                                                                                 major ailments, a large number of           is consequently having a knock-             Mercer Marsh Benefits.

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INSIGHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                              INSIGHT

PWC ME Survey Findings

Now in it’s 22nd year, the annual          and 2017. Yet despite the current          know that to be successful in the            Digital disruption hits our                        behind: that includes 43% confirming
PwC Global CEO Survey aims to              uncertainty, our CEOs remain slightly      region, you have to be successful in         region, at speed                                   they have a plan to roll out AI
inform and stimulate the debate on         more upbeat about their companies’         the Kingdom.                                 Regional CEOs are grappling                        initiatives, with only 23% of regional
how businesses are facing today’s          medium-term prospects compared to                                                       with rapidly changing consumer                     CEOs already having introduced
challenges. This year, 1,378 CEOs          global peers.                              Streamlining for growth                                                                         them into their business, barely half
                                                                                      This was the first year that                 behaviour as the digital revolution,
from 35 industries in more than 90           There is a consensus among                                                                                                               the proportion globally.
                                                                                      operational efficiency was included          initially slower to have an impact in
territories responded. The findings        Middle East CEOs that new market                                                                                                              Middle East companies can count
                                                                                      as a choice in the survey and it             the Middle East, takes hold at speed.
of the Middle East Survey are              opportunities still exist: Egypt has                                                                                                       on the support of the region’s
                                                                                      clearly made an impact. More than            Middle East CEOs see changing
summarised below.                          emerged as a major territory where                                                                                                         governments, which in recent years
                                                                                      two-thirds of regional CEOs put              consumer behaviours and the
                                           an increasing number of regional                                                                                                           have ramped up investment in AI
Reality check for our CEOs                                                            “operational efficiencies” at the            speed of technological change as
                                           CEOs are hoping to grow their                                                                                                              development and education. An
Following a significant uptick in                                                     top of their list of planned activities      the most significant threats to their
                                           business. Our survey also indicates                                                                                                        outstanding example is the UAE,
optimism last year, Middle East CEOs                                                  to drive profitability in the next           organisations.                                     whose ambitious AI 2031 strategy is
                                           that Middle East CEOs are aligned                                                         The overwhelming majority of
are more cautious about growth in the      with their peers worldwide in              12 months, just ahead of organic                                                                led by the country’s first Minister of
region. Only 28% of our CEOs were                                                     growth. Both figures are slightly            our regional CEOs believe artificial               State for AI.
                                           prioritising operational efficiencies to                                                intelligence (AI) will significantly
‘very confident’, on revenue growth        remain fit for growth.                     lower but broadly in line with the                                                                 The region’s CEOs seem to
over the next 12 months compared to                                                   global results.                              change how they do business in                     welcome this government backing,
                                             Lastly, our CEOs share their global                                                   the next five years, in line with the
33% last year.                             counterparts’ keen awareness                 There is one marked regional                                                                  but there is anxiety about the
  Globally, we see a 9% drop in the                                                   difference regarding how Middle              global results. However, only 23%                  progress of technology. Cyber-
                                           that new technology – in particular                                                     of Middle East CEOs say they have
percentage of CEOs who are ‘very           artificial intelligence (AI) – could       East CEOs plan to tackle the                                                                    security threats remain a substantial
confident’ about their revenue growth                                                 challenge of streamlining their              already introduced AI initiatives,                 concern for Middle East business
                                           dramatically strengthen their                                                           barely half the global figure.
prospects over the next three years,       companies’ competitiveness.                companies. More than double the                                                                 leaders, as they do for most CEOs
with many regions experiencing low                                                    proportion of Middle East CEOs said            In the Middle East, 91% of our                   globally.
                                             Overall, the region’s CEOs see 2019                                                   CEOs agreed that AI would
levels of confidence.                      as a year to keep one eye fixed on         they expected their headcount to                                                                   Companies in the region also have
  Middle East CEOs are also more                                                      decrease over the next 12 months,            significantly change the way they did              work to do to get the best results
                                           short-term hazards and risks, without                                                   business in the next five years, similar
pessimistic about the short-term           losing sight of future opportunities.      compared with the global survey.                                                                from data capture and analytics,
global economic outlook for 2019.                                                       Middle East CEOs are markedly              to the results we see globally.                    with less than half reporting that
Only 28% of Middle East respondents        Focus on efficiency and                    less pessimistic than their global             Some 66% of the region’s CEOs                    their data is ‘comprehensive’ for
thought global growth would improve        growth closer to home                      counterparts about the potential             said they had either introduced AI to              financial forecasts, compared with
in the next 12 months, compared to         Greater stability has put Egypt back       impact of government red tape on             their business or plan to start in the             41% globally, and only 13% saying
42% in our global survey.                  on the radar for CEOs in the region.       performance. Around two-thirds               next three years. However companies                they have ‘comprehensive’ data on
  Taken as a whole, the CEO                Its rise this year also highlights the     of Middle East CEOs said “over-              must accelerate the process of                     customers’ and clients’ preferences
confidence story in our region is a        country’s economic weight, with a          regulation” posed a threat to their          realising their plans or risk being left           and needs.
sobering one.                              population of more than 100 million,       organisation’s growth prospects,
  The overall message from Middle          and offers persuasive evidence that                                                            Do you believe global                                              Do you epect headcount at
                                                                                      compared with 73% globally.                         economic growth will improve,                                      your organization to increase,
East CEOs who took part in this            the government’s market reform               In one area – taxation – the                      stay the same, or decline                                          decrease or stay the same
year’s CEO Survey is clear. Whilst         programme is starting to register with     anxieties of Middle East CEOs seem                  over the next 12 months?                                           over the next 12 months?
last year we saw a dramatic jump           regional investors. Egypt’s inflation      to have been partially eased. Last
in optimism, our CEOs have curbed          rate remains high at more than 20%,        year, 85% of our CEOs expressed                                                                                               54%
their enthusiasm both at a global and      yet the message from our survey is         concern about an increasing tax
regional level.                            clear: CEOs are cautiously optimistic      burden over the coming 12 months,
  Their caution is to be expected,         about the country’s potential.             with the focus on the introduction of                                                                                   43%            43%
given that oil prices started to fall         Saudi Arabia is firmly                  VAT in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.                                         42%
again in late 2018, growth in the          on the minds of CEOs based in other        This year the proportion has dropped
private sector has stalled in the region   parts of our region. Our CEOs can          to 55%, suggesting that companies
and consumer spending is still feeling     see the transformation that Vision         may have managed the transition
the impact of job cuts between 2015        2030 is having on the country and          better than they anticipated.



                                                                                                                                          2018              2019                                               Increase      Descrease

                                                                                                                                              Middle East          Global                                      Middle East      Global

                                                                                                                                                                      Source: PwC, 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey

 8   CAPITAL LETTER                                                                                  Vol. 21 Issue 1 Spring 2019   Vol. 21 Issue 1 Spring 2019                                                                                  CAPITAL LETTER   9
CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group
INSIGHT                                                                                                                                                                                                              INSIGHT

The Electrification of Flight
We are on the brink of a radical           power the aircraft at certain times         a range of over 200 miles.
change in air travel. A new generation     during flight. Parallel hybrid systems        It has the most powerful battery
of cleaner, quieter aircraft is about      feature propulsion through a mix of         ever flown, generating 750kW,
to change the way people and               conventional gas turbine-driven fans        enough power to fuel 250 homes, and
goods are moved. A combination             and electric-driven fans with active        the e-motors deliver more than 1,000
of new electrical and autonomous           energy storage.                             horsepower, just like an F1 racing car.
technologies, rapid urbanisation and         In the future, we foresee fully             Rolls-Royce will make history when
increased commuting is creating            electric VTOLs for short-range              this first fully electric aircraft with a
an exciting new market for electric        journeys and hybrids retained for           24-foot wingspan flies in 2020. It’s
vertical take-off and landing vehicles,    longer range roles. The first EVTOLs        part of a Rolls-Royce initiative called
or EVTOLs.                                 are as versatile as helicopters,            ACCEL – short for Accelerating the
   In 2018 Rolls-Royce unveiled            soaring over traffic. The projected         Electrification of Flight – to pioneer a
a concept hybrid EVTOL vehicle             annual market size is roughly £1            third wave of aviation: propeller to jet
design that could be adapted for
personal transport, public transport,
logistics and military applications.
                                             As battery technology improves,
                                           VTOLs will become more electric
                                                                                       engine to electrification.
                                                                                         ACCEL is partly funded by the UK
                                                                                            government and involves a host
                                                                                                                                         meeting our
The Rolls-Royce EVTOL concept
builds upon experience gained
                                            and fly faster and farther to                   of partners including electric
                                                                                            motor and controller manufacturer            customer’s needs for
                                                                                                                                         totAL QuALitY AssurAnce
providing hybrid electric propulsion                                                       YASA and the aviation start-up
for trains, naval vessels and other                                                       Electroflight. The team brings
applications, and expertise in gas                                                            together some of the top minds
turbines, VTOL technology, systems                                                               from the world of Formula E
analytics and aerospace regulation                                                                racing.
and certification. Rolls-Royce also has                                                            “ACCEL is nothing less than
                                                                                                                                         Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide.
the industry relationships, expertise                                                          a revolutionary step change
at certifying aircraft and collaborative                        transform                   in aviation,” says Matheu Parr,              WIth a network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and over 43,000
successes with industry partners.                       the regional, or inter-city,   manager of the ACCEL project for
   EVTOL today are powered                        aviation market. The additional      Rolls-Royce.                                      people in more than 100 countries, we deliver innovative and bespoke Assurance,
by a spectrum of                           range of hybrid VTOLs, compared               To ink their names in the record                Testing, Inspection and Certification solutions for our customers’ operations and
systems from full electric                 with pure electric vehicles, will           books, Parr and his team will need to             supply chains.
to hybrid systems using gas turbines       allow them to fly over less densely         develop a battery powerful enough to
to generate electricity. Many early        populated areas, enabling these             set speed and performance records,
concepts proposed relied solely upon       platforms to become testbeds for            yet light enough to fly, and stable               Our Total Quality Assurance expertise is delivered consistently to a wide range
battery power, which demands an            the new emerging autonomous                 enough not to overheat.                           of industries from Energy, Petroleum and Petrochemicals, to Construction, Power,
extensive charging infrastructure and      technologies.                                 “We’re monitoring more than 20,000
will struggle to extend speeds and           Rob Watson, who heads up                  data points per second, measuring                 Food and Textiles, with precision, pace and passion, enabling our customers to
distances. Hybrid systems are more         Rolls-Royce’s Electrical team, said:        battery voltage, temperature, and                 power ahead safely.
likely to deliver both longer distances    “Electrification is an exciting and         overall health of the powertrain,
and higher speeds.                         inescapable trend across industrial         which is responsible for powering
   One possibility is the use of           technology markets.”                        the propellers and generating thrust.
turbo-electric systems with electric         In a taste of things to come, Rolls-      We’ve already drawn a series of                       for more informAtion
propulsion powered by a gas                Royce is leading a highly specialised       insights from the unique design and
turbine but without energy storage.        challenge to build the world’s fastest      integration challenges,” says Parr.                     +971 2 613 1000
Meanwhile, series hybrid solutions         all-electric aircraft. They have their      “And we’re gaining the knowhow to
feature electric propulsion and            eyes set on the record books with the       not only pioneer the field of electric-       
active and energy storage, with            zero-emissions plane to hit a target        powered, zero-emissions aviation –
batteries that can be relied upon to       speed of 300+ mph (480+ km/h), with         but to lead it.”

10 CAPITAL LETTER                                                                                      Vol. 21 Issue 1 Spring 2019
                                                                                                                                     Vol. 21 Issue 1 Spring 2019                                                               CAPITAL LETTER 11
CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group
INSIGHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                       INSIGHT

                                          continuing efforts to attract inward      However, if data is something to
By Allison Wood                           investment from both China and
                                          the US. As Gulf Arab states push
                                                                                    be controlled in China, protected
                                                                                    for the EU and commercialised
                                                                                                                                   Gulf Renewable Energy Market Report
  Each year, Control Risks decides        to diversify their economies away         in the US – for the states in the
the Top 5 Risks for Businesses in the     from oil, they will actively cultivate    region it is increasingly something
coming year. While these are global       new economic and diplomatic               to be monitored. Government will               Development of renewable energy          policy frameworks for climate change      to increase recycling and energy
in scope, here we discuss how             relationships, regardless of whether      have little sympathy for companies
                                                                                                                                   within the GCC is a relatively new       mitigation; the Green Growth Strategy     recovery. There is therefore now
they will drive developments in the                                                                                                and uptake variable. However, a          and the Federal Energy Policy –           a focus on alternative waste
                                          these are aligned with Washington’s       that push back on these new                    number of common pressures points        the latter being the key driver for       management options.
business environment in the Middle        objectives.                               regulations.
East and North Africa in 2019.                                                                                                     (such as population growth, oil and      renewable energy. This seeks to co-          Most WtE plant use mass burn
                                          3. Stuck in the middle – with             5. Storms brewing                              gas reserves, oil prices and climate     ordinate emirate-level planning and       technologies, but the waste stream
1. Blue muddies Gulf waters                                                                                                        change) arise across the region          investment on the future energy mix to    contains some 60% organics, so other
                                          who?                                      Security issues have been a
                                                                                                                                   that indicate an increased focus on      achieve UAE objectives.
As the blue wave of Democrats                                                       persistent concern for businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      options exist including gasification
elected to Congress settles into          Tender awards by major state-                                                            renewables.                                Under the Federal Renewable             or anaerobic digestions (AD). AD
                                          owned entities throughout the region      operating in MENA, particularly                   Whilst the future energy mix will     Energy Strategy 2050, targets for
position, it will further complicate                                                                                                                                                                                  may also be adopted within the
                                          are increasingly going to a more          in conflict zones, but in 2019                 rely heavily on oil and gas, and some    generation by clean energy have been      waste-water industry for treatment
US policy toward the Middle East.                                                   extreme weather will continue its
US President Donald Trump                                        diverse range                                                     nuclear, development of renewable        set as 50% by 2050. This is coupled       of sludges, a process not currently
                                                                 of players,        rise as one of the most significant            resources are planned by all states;     with a target of improving energy         employed in the UAE.
and his administration will                                                         factors in security and operational
aim to ramp up pressure                                          mirroring an                                                      with solar making up the highest         efficiency by 40% and cutting carbon         One of the key players in this market
                                                                 effort by many     risks in the region. The latest UN             portion, followed by onshore wind and    emissions by 70% in the same period.      is Bee’ah who have partnered with
on Iran, push for Arab                                                              Panel on Climate Change projects
states to play a greater                                        states in the                                                      waste-to-energy.                                                                   Masdar Clean Energy with the aim to
                                                                region to grow      that temperatures will rise and                   These factors indicate that the       Waste management                          develop waste to energy plant across
role in regional                                                                    precipitation will fall, increasing                                                     The UAE has set an overall target of
security and pursue                                             relationships                                                      renewable energy market in the region                                              the region.
                                                               with a more          incidents of droughts. A forecast              is developing from a solid demand        75% diversion of waste from landfill by
peace deals in the                                                                  by the Max Planck Institute                                                             2021. In Abu Dhabi the Environment        Doing business in the region
                                                              diverse range of                                                     base, is potentially a large long-
region – all while                                                                  expects summer temperatures                                                             Agency (EAD) is the responsible           The UK government provides support
                                                               diplomatic and                                                      term sector built on genuine national
keeping an eye out                                                                                                                 requirements, many enshrined             authority for strategy and targets        to companies who are looking to
                                                                                                                                   in the national vision statements.       on waste and for regulation of the        set up within the region via web
                                                                                                                                   These drivers are unlikely to change     industry. The implementing body is        resources (
                                                                                                                                   significantly in the near term and       Tadweer, which supports on policy         publications), and/or via the trade
                                                                                                                                   continued technological development      and strategy and undertakes all           advisers. Links to these advisers are
                                                                                                                                   is further lowering the cost of energy   contractual arrangement for waste         on the web pages below or by contact
                                                                                                                                   from renewables. This is therefore       management across the emirate. Abu        with the DIT energy team in London.
for opportunities                                                      economic     in MENA to rise more than twice                seen as a good long-term market.         Dhabi has set their targets at 60%
for American                                                          partners.     as fast as the global average. The                The UAE has a more diversified        diversion of municipal solid waste
                                                                                    World Resources Institute estimates            economy than other GCC states            (MSW) by 2020 and 75% by 2021.
business. However,                                                      The trend                                                                                                                                         international-trade/about-our-
emboldened                                                           toward         that all MENA countries except                 with active financial, tourism, trade,   Solar                                         services#getting-local-market-help-
Democratic                                                         more active      Egypt and Mauritania will suffer               education and healthcare sectors.                                                      to-sell-overseas
                                                                                    from extremely high water stress by            With an increasing industrial base and   The UAE operates an IPP model for
congressional                                                     foreign and                                                                                               new large-scale renewable energy          •
                                                                                    2040.                                          growing population, it is predicted
members will be                                                domestic                                                                                                     plant with PPA contracts let under        These advisers can provide links to
                                                                                       This is a very real problem for             that energy demand will continue to
increasingly vocal in                                        policy changes in                                                     grow. The renewable energy sector        competitive tender. This is therefore a   companies within region who support
questioning US policy and                                 many of these states      governments in the region. The
                                                                                                                                   is seen as a key part of meeting this    private sector development market.        investors looking to develop business
activities in the region. This will not          mean businesses will need          poorest citizens will be those most                                                       Dubai and Abu Dhabi also have
                                                                                    affected by climate change, which,             demand, supporting diversification                                                 in the region.
fundamentally change the region’s         to remain agile and assess how                                                           and minimising gas imports.              net metering schemes to facilitate
strategic importance to the US in         political developments, whether they      without significant policy changes,                                                     development of roof-top solar, creating   Key industry organisations
                                                                                    will cause reduced sanitation,                    In addition, the UAE recognises
terms of security, counter-terrorism      manifest in formal or informal ways,                                                     that climate change risks coastal        a market for smaller scale generation     The region has a number of trade
and trade. However, the newfound          may present new complications to          increased food prices and                                                               in the residential, commercial and
                                                                                                                                   inundation, water supply shortages                                                 organisations (e.g. Middle East Solar
debate will attempt to force a closer     their operations. Meanwhile, the          competition for resources. Three                                                        industrial sector.                        Industries Association) that also
                                                                                    months of demonstrations in Basra              and biodiversity reduction. The drive
consideration of US relationships         choices that businesses make will                                                        to diversify the energy mix not only     Waste to energy (WtE)                     support companies. These provide
and activities in the region.             be more closely scrutinised by third      (Iraq) protesting the life-threatening                                                                                            market intelligence, business support,
                                                                                                                                   helps reduce carbon emission, so
Infighting and increasingly mixed         parties.                                  quality of drinking water was a                                                         Waste management is an increasingly       supply chain contacts and support
                                                                                                                                   satisfying climate change obligations,   important issue, with the UAE
messages will reduce the ability                                                    harbinger of the combined effect                                                                                                  exhibitions and events.
                                                                                                                                   but has economic benefits. The State     recognising that landfill is not a
of the US to use its economic and
                                          4. Clouds gathering                       of climate change and insufficient             of Energy Report 2017 estimates the                                                  In addition, the International
                                          Data regulation is one area               public infrastructure. Governments                                                      satisfactory method of management         Renewables Energy Association
diplomatic heft to have a decisive                                                                                                 sector will create savings of USD190     of all wastes and there is a desire
say in key conflicts and issues in        businesses will need to watch             are increasingly coming to terms               billion by 2050.                                                                   (IRENA) which covers the world is
the region. While the US will remain      over the next year. Countries in the      with the reality of climate change                The UAE has been the most                                                       based in Abu Dhabi, and has a 2019
an important player in regional           Middle East are actively attempting       and the political and security                 active of the GCC states regarding                                                 GCC market report.
conversations, particularly around        to grow their tech sectors, with          implications it will have over the             delivery of renewable energy with
                                          companies seeking to capitalise on        next decade. Pressure will increase            approximately 3GW either operational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sector events
security, these debates will give
                                          a young, tech-savvy demographic.          for insufficient public utilities to be        or in development as at the end of                                                 To gain up to date information on the
other players increased confidence
                                          However, governments in MENA              replaced with newer, more efficient            2017. Additionally, a 27MW waste-to-                                               market a series of conferences and
to hold out for their terms.                                                                                                                                                                                          events are held across the region.
                                          are also increasingly seeking to          infrastructure, and international              energy plant is planned in Sharjah,
2. Looking the other way                  regulate the storage and usage            agencies and other investors may               Dubai announced plans for the                                                      These are often supported by the
While US foreign policy will remain       of data. Many countries view this         be more willing to offer support               world largest waste-to-energy plant                                                industry organisation and membership
mercurial, we expect the US–China         fundamentally as a security issue:        for these projects in an effort to             reported at 180MW, and Masdar and                                                  of these provides support in attending
                                                                                    address the global issue of climate            Environment Agency are piloting solar-                                             and networking.
trade war to be the defining political    hacking of infrastructure and attacks
                                                                                    change.                                        powered desalination.                                                                Some of the regular events include
dynamic of 2019. Some MENA                on state-owned enterprises have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the World Future Energy Summit in
states have felt the effects of these     created the perception that sensitive     Allison Wood is Senior Consultant,             Energy policy and national                                                         Abu Dhabi while Dubai has Mena
tariffs more than others but all          data should be hosted on home             Middle East and North Africa, at               targets                                                                            New Energy, Middle East Waste and
will generally avoid taking sides,        territory rather than in the Cloud.       Control Risks.                                 The UAE is developing two key                                                      Recycling and Wetex.

12 CAPITAL LETTER                                                                                   Vol. 21 Issue 1 Spring 2019   Vol. 21 Issue 1 Spring 2019                                                                            CAPITAL LETTER 13
CAPITAL LETTER - British Business Group
INSIGHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                           INSIGHT

                                                                                                                                   Six Tips for a Successful Construction Project
 Demystifying Private Banking                                                                                                                                                         of contracting and an appropriate form of
                                                                                                                                  By Andy Hewitt                                      construction contract. Proper selection will dictate
                                                                                                                                                                                      final price and construction time. It will allocate risk
                                                                                                                                  Construction in the UAE has progressed at           for when things change and avoid disputes. If you
Time is the most precious               structure; once you’re confident           varies so it’s important to find out           an unmatched pace for the last couple of            have chosen good consultants, they will advise
                                                                                                                                  decades. However, many projects end up              you properly. If your consultants are not so good,
commodity we have.                      what’s covered, you can compare            if there is a minimum deposit/
                                                                                                                                  way over the original budget, late and often        they may steer you to a form of contract that makes
  It’ll come as no surprise that        different offers with more clarity.        investment to qualify so that the
                                                                                                                                  construction quality is not good. Cost, time        life easier for them or allocates them with less
according to a recent study,                                                       relationship is mutually beneficial.           and quality are the essence of construction
presented at PNAS, “working
                                        What is the bank known for?                Some Private Banks have a strict                                                                   responsibility.
                                        Are you more comfortable with                                                             projects. An oft-cited industry principle states
adults report greater happiness                                                    criteria, while others take a more             that you can only ever have two of these three      4. Selecting the contractor
after spending money on a time-         heritage brands or do you prefer           relaxed view.                                  cornerstones. And therein lies the rub. The         There are many contractors in the UAE hungry for
saving purchase than on a material      new-to-market disrupters?
                                                                                   Who are your key                               UAE has been kidding itself for years that it can   your business, so how do you select who is going
purchase.” So whether that’s            Whichever suits you, it’s important                                                       have all three. But can it?                         to execute your project? Many experienced clients
swapping the ironing for the golf       to do some due diligence to                contacts?
                                                                                                                                    So, you have a plot of land or a space and        pay lip-service to good procurement practices
club or outsourcing the gardening       understand the company’s ethos             Developing an on-going                         want to build or create something wonderful.        but ultimately award projects solely on the basis
to spend time on the playground,                                                   relationship with a Private Banker             How can you avoid the pitfalls we come across       of the lowest bid. It should not then be a surprise
reclaiming time offers far more than                                               can be hugely beneficial as they               almost every day?                                   that this results in problems and often in expensive
retail therapy.                                                                    will get to know you, your family                                                                  disputes. An attractive initial price does not equate
  But what about your finances?                                                    and your personal and financial                1. Consultants                                      to ultimate good value.
Many people value the support,                                                     circumstances, so be sure you                  Unless you have suitable in-house expertise,          Contractors should not be invited to bid unless
guidance and advice a private                                                       know who you’ll be dealing with               you will need consultants. They will provide        they have a good track record, have completed
bank can offer, but often don’t                                                     on a regular basis and how                    design, manage contractual matters, control         similar projects to time, budget and quality. All this
                                                                                    you’ll interact with them. Will you           costs and coordinate the project.                   should be verified through a consultant-led pre-
know where to start. Paul Millar,
                                                                                    have direct access or via a call                 Did you ever buy something based on              qualification exercise. Once a level playing field
Managing Director of International
                                                                                      centre or support team? What                cost and then regret doing so and wished            has been established, then a proper competitive
Private Banking at Arbuthnot                                                                                                      you had paid more for better quality? It’s
Latham shares his top five                                                              qualifications do they hold                                                                   tender process can be undertaken. You should
                                                                                         and what experience do they              almost guaranteed this will be the case if you      have the comfort that the lowest bidder will be
considerations when thinking                                                                                                      select consultants based on cost. Generally,
                                                                                          have? Within the wider team,                                                                qualified and experienced and will provide what
about choosing a Private Bank.                                                                                                    consultancy fees will be around 10% of the
                                                                                           will you have direct access                                                                you require with minimum problems.
What do you need from                                                                                                             project cost. If the difference between the cost
                                                                                           to a Financial Adviser                 of the best consultants and the worst is 20%,       5. Avoid changes
a Private Bank?                                                                             (sometimes called a Wealth            it may be tempting to go with a cheap option.       Construction projects are complex. Each
Most Private Banks offer an                                                                 Planner or Wealth Manager)            Bad consultants will produce a bad design and       one is bespoke. This means that changes
enhanced client experience                                                                 and/or Investment Manager,             select an inappropriate form of contract, your      during both the design and construction
compared to retail equivalents,                                                            or is everything delivered             budget and finances will be poorly managed          phases are inevitable. Some changes,
but it’s important to understand                                                          through a central point?                and management and contract administration          because of design errors for example, are
just what this means and who                                                                                                      will be a disaster. Quality of construction will    unavoidable, but many are made on the
you’ll have access to in the bank.
                                                                                       How does it make you
                                                                                      feel?                                       more than likely be poor and your project will      basis of nice-to-have. If your design is as
  Ask about the products and                                                                                                      be delivered late.                                  good as possible, then the first will not be a
services available. This ranges                                                       At the end of the day, you are                 In short, the 20% saving that you thought was    problem. However, once design is complete,
wildly depending on the private                                                     looking to find someone you can               a good deal will cost much more than the cost       changes can lead to additional cost,
bank with some offering a full suite                                                 trust to understand and respond              of employing good people to design, control         disruption and delays – maybe all three.
of banking, lending, wealth planning                                                  to your needs. Whether you’re               and manage your project from the outset.            Avoid change unless it’s necessary.
and investment management,                                                            looking to generate an income,
                                                                                   or preserve your wealth to help                2. Have reasonable expectations                     6. Dealing with your contractor
while others will offer a more niche
                                                                                   the next generation, you want                  Many UAE clients demand the impossible.             Many clients in the UAE and their
range of services. Does your
                                                                                   expert advice and guidance to                  Unfortunately, some consultants and                 consultants think that the way to make the
private bank offer independent          and get an understanding of where
                                                                                   help you make the most of your                 contractors, keen to be awarded work, agree to      contractor perform well is to treat them
or restricted advice? Do your           it’s going. Is it expanding into new                                                      these demands. This is on the basis that when       badly. If you have taken into account the
Investment Managers have whole                                                     money. Finding a private bank
                                        locations/markets or is it shrinking its                                                  the impossibility becomes apparent, everyone        advice given previously in this article,
of market access, or are they                                                      that connects with you is key to
                                        global footprint?                                                                         is locked into contracts. The client will then      then you will be working with a competent
more limited? What about lending                                                   developing a long-lasting, valuable
                                           What’s available beyond the                                                            have to accept higher cost, poor quality, late      contractor. Dealing with contractors in a
facilities? For example can you                                                    relationship.
                                        financial? Many Private Banks                                                             completion or all three.                            negative way will likely lead to expensive
borrow against your investment                                                        This is not an exhaustive list,                Good consultants should manage                   and time-consuming disputes. If you work
                                        arrange a series of events,
portfolio? These considerations                                                    rather a starting point, so spend              expectations. For example: you may have to          well with your contractor and ensure your
                                        associations and thought
are important if you’re looking for a                                              time considering what you’re                   complete a project by a certain date, which is      consultants do the same, you should find the
                                        leadership. Are they proactive in
bank who can grow with you as your                                                 looking for. Having a financial plan           difficult to achieve. In such a case, you should    contractor will do their best for you. They will
                                        communicating regular updates
circumstances change and your                                                      designed to flex to your changing              know that you will have to either pay extra for a   identify and manage possible risks, solve
                                        on investments and currency
needs become more complex.                                                         needs can give you the confidence              fast-track programme or live with less than best    problems and go out of their way to provide
                                        movements? How frequently and
  Understand the fee structure.                                                    that your money is working hard,               quality.                                            you with the best project possible.
                                        through which channels do they
There’s no escaping fees, so it’s                                                  leaving you more time to spend on                 The choice is yours, but you need good             I hope this helps and if you are
important that you understand what                                                 what – and who – matters most to               advice to make an informed decision.                undertaking a construction project, I wish
you’re paying for. The key thing is     What is the entry criteria?                you.                                                                                               you every success.
                                                                                                                                  3. Contracts                                        Andy Hewitt is Managing Director at Hewitt
to look for transparency in any fee     The entry criteria for Private Banks          It’s your time. Spend it well.
                                                                                                                                  It is important to select the right method          Decipher Partnership.

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