Corona Catalyses Transformation 2021 - CHEMIE TECHNIK
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2021 INDUSTRIAL PARKS 2021 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN EUROPE Corona Catalyses Transformation
ENGINEERING SUMMIT 2021 Prospects and Challenges of Plant Construction December 1 and 2, 2021 / With German aneous English simult translation! More Details: COMPETENCE MATTERS. Large Industrial Plant Manufacturer’s Group Challenges and Chances in a Changing World Growing volatility and global competition in plant engineering still presents major challenges for European suppliers. At the 8th Engineering Summit, which will be held on December 1 and 2, 2021, executives will discuss key strategic competition factors and the need for change in project business. With around 300 participants Engineering Summit is the most important congress in our industry. Experts from medium-size and large industrial plant manufacturing companies as well as plant operators and suppliers exchange views in intense discussions and high-profile presentations. Become part of the network! More information and registration at Hüthig GmbH Tel.: +49 6221 489-207 Im Weiher 10 Fax: +49 6221 489-490 D-69121 Heidelberg
EDITORIAL Corona Catalyses Transformation The European chemical industry has held its own be an important factor for the industry. The chemical comparatively well in the corona crisis: While the econo- industry is already active here, as the current projects in my in most countries of the European Union has suf- the areas of energy supply for chemical sites, hydrogen fered a double-digit slump in some cases, the production strategy and sustainable chemicals show. Closing the of chemical companies has only fallen by 4.4 % between loops in plastics production is another topic that is cur- January and September 2020 compared to the previous rently gaining momentum and will lead to new projects year. Nevertheless, the absolute figures are a heavy blow and approaches. for European chemicals: between January and August 2020, the volume of exports to markets outside the EU This new issue of our “International Compendium of fell by 6.6 billion Euros, and with the second wave of Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Biotech Industrial Parks” corona in autumn, the economic recovery from the sum- concisely summarises current aspects of industrial parks mer has also slowed down significantly. and presents trends and services to a broad readership. As in previous years, this issue will once again provide For the chemical sites and chemical parks in Europe, in overviews – not only of the performance data of indust- addition to the current economic development, the me- rial parks in Europe, but also of current pipeline projects dium and long-term strategic changes are particularly in Europe. And our news section provides you with up- important. And these are clearly evident as a result of the to-date information about changes at European chemical corona crisis. These include securing the supply chains and pharmaceutical sites. And finally, numerous impor- in the chemical industry, but above all also in the phar- tant chemical sites introduce themselves again in adver- maceutical industry. In November, for example, the EU torials. I wish you profitable reading. Commission presented an ambitious strategy on how it intends to ensure the future supply of high-quality and safe medicines to Europeans. And this includes building a resilient European pharmaceutical industry that is less dependent on imports from Asia. The established phar- maceutical and fine chemicals sites and industrial parks are an important starting point in this respect. In addition, the transformation of the European chemi- cal industry with regard to the EU‘s climate targets will Armin Scheuermann, Editor-in-Chief Rest of Euope 129 180 Japan EU 556 China 530 127 North America 1,198 South Korea India 89 24 Rest of Asia Africa 367 118 Latin America 21 Rest of World Not only short-term developments determine In addition to growing attention for vaccines A study of ammonia production at sites in global chemical production and trade. This is and emergency drugs, politicians are current- the Antwerp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr area shown by the latest figures of the European ly calling for important production chains to will show ways to advance the decarbonisa- chemical association Cefic. page 08 be relocated back to Europe. page 14 tion of this industrial sector. page 20 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 3
CONTENT Rest of Euope 129 180 Japan EU 556 China 530 127 North America 1,198 South Korea 1 2 5 6 India 89 24 Rest of Asia Africa 367 7 8 118 9 Latin America 21 Rest of World 3 4 The Changing World of Chemicals Full Speed Ahead k1_st Not only short-term developments such as the currently Despite the corona crisis, a number of chemical compa- smouldering trade conflicts, epidemic fears and isolatio- nies have tackled new plant projects this year – many of nist tendencies determine global chemical production them in chemical parks. And the park operators them- and trade. In the long term, too, the chemical world has selves are also continuing to upgrade, especially with changed dramatically in recent years. Page 8 new and more modern power plants. Page 10 Market Hotspots Hydrogen Projects in Europe 22 News 6, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 50 A Win-Win-Win Situation – Process Water Treatment The Changing World of Chemicals – from Municipal Wastewater for Industry 24 Current Figures of Cefic 8 Insight Corona Turns the Energy World Upside Down 18 Market Overview Industrial Parks – European Sites at a Glance 28 Plant Engineering CT exclusive PCD Construction Price Index for Chemical Plants 12 Advertorials 2021 Pharmapark Siegfried 38 CT Interview INDUSTRIAL PARKS 2021 „There will be more Investment in Europe after the TÜV SÜD Chemie Service 40 Kink in the Curve“ – Wolfram Gstrein about Future Prospects in Pharmaceutical Plant Engineering 14 The Behringwerke in Marburg 42 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN EUROPE Corona Catalyses Gendorf Chemical Park 44 Transformation Cechemnet 46 4 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Projects Hotspots Industriepark Höchst 48 Corona catalyses transformation of Full Speed Ahead – New Plant Projects 10 the European chemi- cal industry. Key Role for Decarbonisation – Picture: peterschreiber. Cross-border Infrastructures 20 media – 4 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
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News Evonik Expands Capacities of the C4 Verbund Evonik is investing around €15 million in its called petrochemical spe- C4 production network in Marl. Targeted cialities. These comple- debottlenecking measures are expected to ment the well-known clas- increase the production capacity for so- sics such as MTBE, 1,3-bu- called isobutene derivatives there by well tadiene or DINP and make over 50% by the end of 2021. The isobutene a major contribution to part of the production network produces Evonik‘s goal of 100% ma- the products TBA, DiB and TMH. These pro- terial use of all raw materi- ducts are enjoying increasing demand and, al flows and thus to the Picture: Evonik according to Evonik‘s estimates, promise Group‘s sustainability ap- high growth potential in the future. In addi- proach. TBA is available tion to capacity measures, the project also from Evonik in two grades envisages further expansion of logistics to (“pure” and “azeotropic”) From left to right: Dr. Markus Winterberg (Vice President Produc- make deliveries more flexible: both in terms and is used, among other tion & Technology); Dr. Hinnerk Gordon Becker (Market Segment of the quantities requested and delivery things, for the production Head Specialties); Christian Bierhaus (Senior Vice President Mar- times. A further advantage of the invest- of organic peroxides for keting & Sales). ment: the purity for the product TMH will the plastics industry and increase from >88 % to >96 %. This means as a special solvent and for the production hyde with high isomeric purity, is an inter- that in future users will be able to use TMH of tablet coatings in the pharmaceutical mediate product for the manufacture of directly in their own production process industry. DiB is a highly branched C8 mole- high-performance lubricants (especially without additional purification. The back- cule. Due to its high purity it is used as an cooling lubricants) and lubricant additives, ground to the investment in the Perfor- intermediate product for the production of as well as a component and intermediate mance Intermediates Business Line is the UV stabilisers, high-performance lubricants product for special products in the cosmet- consistent further development of so- and special polymer resins. TMH, as an alde- ics and fragrance industries. Nouryon Expands MCA Capacities in the Netherlands Chemical Park Operator Infraleuna Expands Combined many crop protection, household and perso- Cycle Power Plant nal care products as well as in the food and pharmaceutical indus- tries. Nouryon is also studying ways to in- Picture: InfraLeuna crease capacity for chlo- rine, the key raw mate- rial for MCA. “MCA ser- Picture: Nouryon ves several high-growth sectors, including crop protection products in With a symbolic ground-breaking ceremo- the Americas and phar- ny, chemical park operator Infraleuna has maceutical production launched a project to expand the com- Specialty chemicals group Nouryon plans in India and other emerging markets,” said bined-cycle power plant at the Leuna site. to expand its production of monochlo- Rob Vancko, Head of MCA and Strategy, In- The modernisation of an existing gas and roacetic acid (MCA) in Delfzijl, The Nether- dustrial Chemicals at Nouryon, “The expan- steam turbine plant will increase output lands, by the end of 2020. This will increase sion project in Delfzijl, combined with the and improve efficiency and flexibility. Infra- the company‘s total capacity for this impor- opening of a new joint venture plant in In- leuna is investing around 145 million euros tant raw material by over 20 %. Nouryon is dia later this year, will increase our total in this project and intends to use the mea- investing in technology and efficiency im- MCA production capacity by more than 20 sure to lay the foundation for future provements to increase the current MCA percent and help us to cope with demand growth. Kraftanlagen München was award- production in Delfzijl. This will serve the growth,” Knut Schwalenberg, President In- ed the contract for planning, construction growing market and the group‘s own incre- dustrial Chemicals at Nouryon, added: and commissioning. With the modernisa- ased consumption of MCA for the produc- “These projects will allow us to fully benefit tion of the gas and steam turbine plant 2, tion of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). Fol- from our technology leadership in MCA and the park operator intends to improve and lowing the recent acquisition of the CMC the growth of Nouryon‘s CMC business. supplement its energy concept in order to business of J.M. Huber, the company has an They reflect our focus on targeted invest- supply the companies at the site with elect- increased need for MCA, which is an impor- ments in attractive end markets that sup- ricity and steam at competitive prices in an tant starting material for the production of port customer growth”. efficient and climate-friendly manner. 6 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
News Consortium Drives German LNG Terminal and RWE Examine Power-to-Methanol Project Forward Hydrogen Possibilities in Brunsbüttel Seven partners have formed a RWE and German LNG Terminal consortium for the environ- intend to jointly explore the mentally friendly production of possibilities for green hydro- methanol in the port of Ant- gen. The two companies have Picture: Inovyn Picture: RWE werp in Belgium. The power-to- concluded an agreement in the methanol project aims to re- form of a so-called Memoran- place the material otherwise dum of Understanding to pro- obtained from fossil sources mote the use of this climate- with sustainably produced me- road transport. Each tonne of friendly fuel from renewable larger scale and at lower cost thanol in the future. The carbon methanol produced could save sources. In September 2018, than in Germany. The existing dioxide required for production at least as much CO2 emissions. the companies had already sig- gas pipelines connected to the is separated from emissions by Methanol is an important and ned a long-term contract for a LNG terminal are well suited means of Carbon Capture and versatile raw material for the substantial part of the LNG im- for the local distribution of hy- Utilisation (CCU) and combined chemical industry, with nu- port capacity of the planned drogen. Javier Moret, respon- with hydrogen, which is gen- merous applications in other terminal. Domestic production sible for the global LNG busi- erated with electricity from re- industries. This key raw materi- in Germany is not expected to ness at RWE Supply & Trading, newable energies. In a first pha- al is indispensable for the daily be able to meet the expected explains: “We are in favour of se, the seven partners initially operation of the Port of Ant- future demand for hydrogen, so the use of LNG because it alrea- intend to complete another werp as Europe‘s largest inte- the climate-friendly fuel will dy represents a clean and affor- joint feasibility study in prepa- grated energy and chemical have to be imported. LNG im- dable energy for Germany. As ration for the demonstration cluster. The consortium that port terminals such as Bruns- an alternative fuel for shipping plant. The plant is to be built in was formally established is büttel can be combined with and heavy goods transport, it 2022 and put into operation in called Power to Methanol Ant- feed-in points for liquid hydro- helps to reduce emissions. In the same year - on the Inovyn werp. Other members besides gen produced in other regions future, hydrogen will play a key site in Lillo. The company, origi- Inovyn are the energy supplier of the world where wind and role in the energy mix as a nally a joint venture in which Engie, the long-distance pipe- solar energy is available on a climate-neutral fuel.” the chemical group Solvay also line operator Fluxys, the waste had a stake, is now an exclusive disposal group Indaver, the logi- subsidiary of Ineos. The produc- stics service provider Oiltan- tion capacity of the plant is ex- king, the port of Antwerp and pected to reach up to 8 kt sus- the investment company of the tainable methanol. In the fu- Flemish government PMV. Each ture, larger quantities could al- is expected to contribute its so be made available for wider specific expertise to the project, industrial use, including as a for example on the logistical sustainable fuel for marine and aspects of production. First WHG compliant anchor with general construction Siemens Builds Another technique permit (aBG). Combined Cycle Power Plant for Evonik in Marl Evonik is modernising the ener- Picture: Siemens Energy gy supply at the Marl Chemical Park: the company has ordered another combined cycle power plant from Siemens. Following the start of construction of the combined cycle power plant or- dered by Evonik from Siemens Energy in autumn 2019, the go on stream in 2022. It re- chemical company has now or- places a reserve gas power dered another gas-fired power plant in the chemical park. In plant. The new plant, consisting addition to the plant compo- of an SGT-800 gas turbine, an nents, Siemens Energy will also SST-400 steam turbine and two supply the SPPA-T3000 control generators, will have an electri- system. In addition, a long-term cal output of 90 megawatts service contract will ensure the and a thermal output of 220 availability of the power plant megawatts and is scheduled to and its components.
Market Current Figures of Cefic The Changing World of Chemicals Not only short-term developments such as the currently smouldering trade conflicts, epidemic fears and isolationist tendencies determine global chemical production and trade. In the long term, too, the chemi- cal world has changed dramatically in recent years. This is shown by the latest figures of the European chemical association Cefic. Europe in 2nd Place Sales of chemicals in billion euros Rest of Euope 129 180 Japan EU 556 China 530 127 North America 1,198 South Korea India 89 24 Rest of Asia Africa 367 118 Latin America 21 Rest of World Worldwide sales of chemicals in 2018 were around 3.35 trillion euros. This was about 2.5 % more than in the Picture: kazy – AdobeStock / CHEMIE TECHNIK, Data: Cefic previous year. China continues to account for by far the largest share. The EU, on the other hand, was able to just about maintain second place ahead of the USA - so the “traditional” chemical locations remain important. Overall, however, the emerging so-called BRIC coun- tries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) will soon account for about half of the global chemical business. Another quarter is attributable to other emerging markets, espe- cially in Asia. 8 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
Market 2018 China has Overtaken Everyone Shares of worldwide sales 2008 and 2018 The picture looked quite different in 2008: Twelve years ago, Europe was the world’s largest chemical site and 15.8 % responsible for over a quarter of global sales. Since then, China has shwon a breathtaking rise and almost doubled 35.8 % 16.9 % its share. The Chinese chemical business is now larger than those of Europe and North America combined. The rest of Asia, including India and South Korea, has also increased its share. 11.0 % 5.4 % 2008 3.8 % 2.7 % Pciture: picoStudio, Auguste Lange –; 18.2 % 21.8 % 9.5 % 26.5 % Data: Cefic 7.0 % 2.3 % 3.1 % Specialty chemicals dominate in the EU Shares of various divisions in chemicals sales In recent years and decades, specialty chemicals have and inorganics (14.6%). However, the most important also enjoyed a rise in Europe. Although basic chemicals single item in Europe is the Specialty Chemicals division still account for the lion’s share of the business (over with 27.2%. In contrast, the shares of intermediates (13.7 60%), they still account for the lion‘s share of the total, %) and consumer chemicals (12.4 %) have been rela- including petrochemicals (25.4%), polymers (21.3%) tively low. 21.3 % 14.6 % Pciture: RealVektor, dzm1try, tribalium81,, Miceking, 25.4 % 13.7 % nuengrutai –; Data: Cefic 27.2 % 12.4 % CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 9
Projects HOTSPOTS Full Speed Ahead Despite the corona crisis, a number of chemical companies have tackled new plant projects this year - many of them in chemical parks. And the park operators themselves are also continuing to upgrade, especially with new and more modern power plants. Our overview shows where there is currently a construction boom. 1 Marl Away with the Bottleneck Evonik is investing around €15 million in its C4 production net- work in Marl. Debottlenecking is to increase the capacity for isob- utene derivatives by more than 50%. Picture: Evonik 2 Marl 1 2 Next Power Station is on its Way The specialty chemicals group is also modernising the energy supply in the chemical park: Evonik has ordered a further gas and steam power plant from Siemens. Picture: Siemens 7 8 3 Muttenz Return of an “Old Friend” Getec Park Swiss has also an- 9 nounced two growth projects: The Syngenta Group is settling back into the industrial park ... Picture: Getec 4 Muttenz And another Pharmaceutical Company Invests in Switzerland ... while the pharmaceutical company Novartis is invest- 3 4 ing around 65 million euros in the expansion of its production facilities for manufacturing active pharma- ceutical ingredients at its Muttenz site. 10 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
Projects 5 Leuna Energy for New Growth With a symbolic ground-break- ing ceremony in early July, chemical park operator Infrale- una launched a project to ex- pand the power plant at the Le- una site. Picture: Infraleuna 6 Elsteraue/Zeitz Investment in Emulsions Pörner Grimma builds a new production plant for wax and polymer emulsions for the chemical company Münzing in the Zeitz Chemical and Indus- trial Park. Picture: Pörner 7 Frankfurt-Höchst New Gas Turbines for Greater Efficiency Chemical park operator In- 5 fraserv Höchst has also initiat- ed a power plant project: Con- 6 struction of a new gas turbine plant began in early July. Picture: Infraserv Höchst 8 Hanau Corona Triggers Investments Evonik intends to expand its healthcare site at Hanau. In the first phase of the project, the group is investing 25 million euros in the Dossenheim site. Picure: Evonik 9 Ludwigshafen Another Plant for MSA The chemical company BASF intends to expand its pro- Picture: Tanja Bagusat – duction of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) at Ludwigshafen. To this end, the company announced back in January 2020 that it would build another plant at this site. CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 11
Plant Engineering 12 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
Plant Engineering Picture: Suriyo – PCD construction price index for chemical plants Construction and control technology drive index sideways The dramatic fall in prices for automation systems continued in the third quarter of 2020. Moreover, a long-lasting upward trend in other sectors has recently also been halted. The current price trend for construction technology appears particularly exciting. Construction Technology Engineering Services 120 (Mat. & Erection) Machinery and Equipment Pipelines H, I PCD Indexbasis: 2015 = 100 Installation Services Process Control Technology 115 Insolation & Coating Electrical Power Supply 110 105 100 95 90 Price development of the chemical 85 plant construction 2020Q2 2020Q3 2016Q4 2019Q4 trades included in 2018Q4 2020Q1 2016Q2 2019Q2 2016Q3 2019Q3 2018Q2 2015Q4 2018Q3 2017Q4 2015Q2 2017Q2 2015Q3 2016Q1 2019Q1 2017Q3 2018Q1 2017Q1 the PCD index. Figure: CHEMIE TECHNIK Data: destatis T he German chemical plant index (PCD = now also reached the industrial construction sector. ProcessNet Chemieanlagenindex Deutschland) This result is flanked by an equal decline in momentum continues to move sideways with a slight down- in the “Insulation & Coating” sector – here, the upward ward trend. In a quarter-on-quarter comparison, the trend that has lasted for half a decade also slowed down PCD was down 0.2 % in Q3, whereas in the previous significantly in the last quarter; whereas quarterly com- quarter it rose by 0.4 % year-on-year. parisons regularly showed a plus of 1 to 2 % in recent The greatest declines in this quarter were again re- years, prices in Q3 2020 moved sideways by + 0.2 %. The corded for automation systems: Compared to Q2, they situation is similar for assembly services, where prices fell by 3.2 %. Year-on-year, automation systems lost a full are also moving sideways by + 0.2 %. The fact that the 12.2 % in value. In contrast, the decline in the price of overall index lost only 0.2 % against this background is piping material now seems to have come to a halt: Al- mainly due to the index heavyweight “engineering ser- though a year-on-year decline of 8.5 % is still being re- vices”. Since the figures there are only reported with a corded, a comparison of Q3 and Q2 in 2020 shows only delay of one quarter, it is still unclear here which direc- a marginal decline in prices. tion a possible change has taken in the last quarter. ● Author Construction technology: Significant decline after all-time high The price trend in construction technology is also excit- ing at present: at 115.3 index points, a new all-time high Facts for Decision Makers was reached in Q2 2020. In the meantime, the area ● The PCD index moved sideways in Q3 2020 Armin Scheuermann which includes the price development for pipe bridges, ● The greatest declines are seen for automation systems editor-in-chief earthworks, concrete and masonry work and the exten- and construction technology CHEMIE TECHNIK sion of buildings is 2.2 % lower than in early summer. ● The price decline appears to have stopped for piping This is an indication that the economic downturn has materials CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 13
INTERVIEW Bild: Parato – CT interview with Wolfram Gstrein about future prospects in pharmaceutical plant engineering „There Will be More Investment in Europe After the Kink in the Curve“ The corona pandemic has, of course, also presented pharmaceutical companies and plant manufacturers with unexpected challenges. In the medium and long term, how-ever, the Eu- ropean pharmaceutical industry could actually benefit from the crisis. In addition to growing attention for vaccines and emergency drugs, politicians are currently calling for important production chains to be relocated back to Europe. In this CT interview, Wolfram Gstrein, Managing Director of VTU Engineering Deutschland, outlines his view of the future of Euro- pean pharmaceutical plant construction. 14 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
Plant Engineering CT: What specific effects of the corona crisis have you phase, where we were responsible for construction man- felt in the company? agement or construction supervision, construction sup- Wolfram Gstrein: There are several dimensions to this port or on-site qualification. There were occasions when question. Initially, the focus was on the direct restrictions customers had to leave cons-truction sites idle from one resulting from risk considerations. On a Friday in the day to the next. Other interruptions occurred where middle of March, we as Managing Directors in the VTU customers’ business cases were adversely affected by the Group decided to switch the entire operation to home-of- crisis. For example, projects had to be cancelled or post- fice mode as far as possible. Although this was a jolt poned by several months. As a result, we lost income for weekend action , it nevertheless played out smoothly. A which we had already planned. I estimate that VTU major advantage was that our company had already in- suffered a loss of revenue of about 15 % in the lockdown. vested continuously in a modern and well-functioning IT The loss is spread evenly across all sectors – pharmaceu- infrastructure and was already geared up to making ticals, chemicals, oil and gas. To compensate for the drop home offices possible, albeit not to the same extent. We in sales, we adopted a short-time working plan for a brief had to install additional capacities at short notice, espe- period. cially for notebooks and headsets. The work processes had to be adapted appropriately. This applies to areas CT: On the other hand, have any new short-term orders such as recording working hours, digital signatures or been placed as a result of the Corona crisis? For exam- meetings via video conferencing.. ple, because of production switchovers? Wolfram Gstrein: There are winners and losers in every Author CT: And how has the pandemic affected your business ? crisis. Hard hit areas such as tourism suffered even more Wolfram Gstrein: In this situation, we benefit from the than our relatively stable industry. Nevertheless, we are fact that we serve primarily as plant designers. We main- also feeling the pinch in our industry. The winners of the ly produce paper, so to speak, and nowadays, of course, crisis are companies that produce disinfectants, for exam- in digital form, so we don‘t have to maintain any systems ple. Here, investment has been and is currently being The interview was or machines on site. Our core services have been rela- pushed very hard. We also have customers who manufac- conducted by tively unaffected by the corona crisis. One exception ture precursors or products for corona tests, which have Jona Göbelbecker of concerns projects that were already in the construction also attracted enormous attention. There has been no the editorial team Know-how and continuity supporting your plants A company of the Weber Group Industrial pipeline and plant construction | Maintenance service Engineering | EnergyService | Nuclear engineering | Scaffolding Weber Industrieller Rohrleitungsbau & Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG Dieselstraße 13 · D-50259 Pulheim / Köln · Tel. +49 2238 96501-0
Plant Engineering CT: Do you have any examples of areas in which this If politicians act responsibly, then appro- is particularly to be expected? priate incentives must be created in the Wolfram Gstrein: As I said, this is less dependent on entire industrial sectors than on the philosophies of in- future. dividual companies. But I do think that in the heavy Wolfram Gstrein, managing director of chemical industry, for example, the locational advan- VTU Engineering Germany tages of cheaper production countries will continue to outweigh the disadvantages. Considerations will also be made in certain sectors where there is a strong con- cen-tration on certain far-flung countries, so that if the supply chain fails, nobody will be left out in the cold. If you look at pharmaceutical production – a typical ex- decline in investment activities in these areas. Companies ample being the manufacture of antibiotics – you quick- conducting research into vaccines are also likely to invest ly rea-lise that almost all production takes place in Asia. heavily once a vaccine becomes available and ready for Profitable production of penicillins or cephalosporins, production. Developments of the individual vaccine pro- in particular, is virtually impossible in Europe. Novar- grammes can currently be followed in real time. This re- tis/Sandoz recently announced plans to build a penicil- veals very short-term movements in the market. Initial lin plant in Kundl/Schaftenau in Austria. This is unusu- enquiries from various companies about the production al in the whole of Europe, but perhaps it shows a small of the drug hydroxychloroquine collapsed just as fast as trend. the putative efficacy of the drug for treatment of Cov- If politicians act responsibly, then in future appropri- id-19. ate incentives will have to be created to bring production to Europe and make the continent more crisis-proof. It is CT: Can you also envisage any long-term shifts? For not acceptable that we should have to import masks example, do you expect increased relocation of produc- from China, for example, in an emergency. I can well tion back to Europe? imagine that the emergency plans of the governments As early as March we carried out the first risk assessments and also of the EU provide for appropriate measures. of the corona crisis for our business and developed vari- The need is evident in the current race for vaccines, ous scenarios. We saw more opportunities than risks for where countries are already securing supplies and trying our company, which is why we decided to make further to outbid others in terms of price, even though no investments. We believe that after the current kink in the vaccine is currently available. In the next emergency, curve there will be increased investment activity in Eu- Europe must be better placed to do so. rope – especially in the pharmaceutical sector, and per- haps in other areas as well. I have spoken to various in- CT: Your confidence in the plant engineering market is dustry experts about whether they plan to bring back also reflected in the recent acquisition of automation production from China, for example, after the pandemic. specialist Metior. What do you expect from this? The feedback has been mixed: Some of them have been Wolfram Gstrein: The medium-term strategy is for us to pursuing the philosophy “in the market for the market” act as a total provider for plant design – i.e. as an EPCM for some time anyway, i.e. they are producing locally in or EPCMv partner, where we also oversee validation. China for the Chinese market and in Europe for the Eu- This means that we have to integrate new services into ropean market. Others, on the other hand, who also our portfolio. VTU has been handling large investment produce in China for the European market, are certainly projects as a general planner for several years. Up to considering moving their production back to Europe. now, however, we have had to resort to subcontractors for certain trades. At least the core areas and the techni- cal know-how of these external services should be Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Gstrein, directly with us in future. Our goal is to be in a position Managing Director VTU Germany to manage and supervise our partners technically as well and not just to be active in organisational terms. Wolfram Gstrein has been working Ingelheim, Sanofi, Merck and Metior is a company that has competences that pre- for the VTU group of companies Evonik are among his customers. viously played only a secondary role in our activities, since 1994 and has held the posi- Gstrein studied process engineering namely in the fields of electrical engineering, measure- tion of Managing Director of VTU at Graz University of Technology ment and control technology and automation. We used Engineering Deutschland since and in 2003 gained an MBA from to have 20 to 30 colleagues working in this area, now we 2001. Under his leadership, the the Open University Milton Keynes have about 70. This gives us the expertise and man- company grew from seven to al- while working. Born in Tyrol, he is a power to handle the digitalisation of process plants most 200 employees in Germany member of the Association of completely in-house in smaller projects and to carry out with a current turnover of over German Engineers (VDI) and the technical quality control in larger projects. This means 30 million euros. Well-known Society for Chemical Engineering that VTU can easily implement projects with a total groups such as Roche, Boehringer and Biotechnology (Dechema). investment of 300 to 400 million euros as the solely re- sponsible general planner. ● 16 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
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OUTLOOK 18 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
CORONA turns the energy world upside down T he corona crisis has profound implications for for the first time in modern energy history, according energy use. This is the conclusion of the new to the IEA. In the STEPS scenario, the use of coal as an World Energy Outlook published by the Inter- energy source will be on average 8 % lower by 2030 national Energy Agency IEA. than before the crisis. This is due to a combination of According to the IEA analyses presented in the increased use of renewables, cheap natural gas and a World Energy Outlook 2020, energy demand will fall policy of phasing out coal production. by 5 % this year due to the corona pandemic. As re- newable energies will take priority over fossil fuels, Greenhouse gas emissions are slowing energy-related CO2 emissions will be reduced by 7 %. down significantly Oil consumption is expected to fall by 8 % and coal Global CO2 emissions will not exceed 2019 levels until consumption by 7 % by the end of 2020. The study 2027, although energy demand will return to 2019 also shows that the pandemic is having a major impact levels in early 2023. This reflects changes in the energy on investment in the energy sector, which is expected mix, with renewable energies proving resilient and to fall by 18 % in 2020 compared to the previous year. flourishing in the post-pandemic recovery, while coal This year the IEA has again analysed different sce- demand will fall sharply in 2020, rise only slightly and narios. The Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS) is based then fall steadily. In the STEPS, CO2 emissions in- on the current political framework and the assump- crease to 36 Gt by 2030, which is below the corre- tion that the pandemic will be brought under control sponding scenario of the World Energy Outlook of in 2021. 2019. However, a key to long-term development will be Corona pandemic will delay energy demand the sustainability efforts of policy makers. For exam- for two years ple, the IEA estimates that CO2 emissions could fall In this scenario, global GDP will also return to pre-cri- below 27 Gt by 2030 if the “Sustainable Development sis levels next year and global energy demand in early Scenario”, SDS, is implemented. 2023, although the situation will vary considerably However, the measures taken by governments un- depending on the energy source. Over the next two der the SDS put energy systems on a different path, decades, according to the IEA, renewable energies will with CO2 emissions falling below 27 Gt by 2030 – 9 Gt supply 90 % of the projected less than in the Stated Policies Scenario. However, this Author Picture: Stefan – strong growth in global electrici- would require a 40 % reduction in industrial emissions ty demand, led by continued over the next 10 years. Even more radical, however, is wide use of photovoltaics. the “Net Zero Emission 2050 Scenario” (NZE2050), According to the study, global which the IEA is running through for the first time, in coal consumption will never which various industrialised nations make a serious Armin Scheuermann again reach the previous level. By attempt to reduce their net greenhouse gas emissions editor-in-chief 2040, coal‘s share of global ener- to zero by 2050. More on this subject on the following CHEMIE TECHNIK gy demand will fall below 20 % pages. ● CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 19
Projects Picture: chanchai – Cross-border infrastructures Key Role for Decarbonisation Ammonia synthesis plays a central role in the chemical process industry and is also one of the most energy-intensive and emission-intensive processes due to the natural gas currently used as a raw material. A study of ammonia production at sites in the Ant- werp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr area will show ways to advance the decarbonisation of this industrial sector. T he European Commission’s Green Deal is an ing energy and raw materials to large chemical sites look ambitious path, aiming at a significant reduction like if they were based on renewable gases (hydrogen of CO2 emissions by 2030 and climate neutrality from electrolysis with or without a methanation step, by 2050. At the same time, the industrial sector is initi- biogas or synthesis gas from biomass) or novel and large- ating numerous process-specific or technology-specific scale processes (methane pyrolysis, CCS) instead of fos- projects, ranging from the capture and storage (CCS) / sil fuels and raw materials? What compromises need to use (CCU) of CO2 to the replacement of fossil fuels with be made in the transition period between fossil energy carbon-free molecules, for example regenerative hydro- supply and the steadily growing supply of renewable gen, as a raw material and energy carrier. energy in order to facilitate a fast and cost-effective Today, industrial clusters in geographical proximity transformation? are highly interconnected and thus benefit from com- mon infrastructures, such as ports, pipelines and elec- Four feasible paths to climate neutrality tricity grids – even across national borders. What are the In a joint project, the research institutes EnergyVille/ infrastructure requirements for the future of a car- Vito (Belgium), Dechema (Germany), DVGW (Germa- bon-neutral chemical industry? Will new infrastructures ny) and TNO (Netherlands) have investigated techno- be needed or can existing plants and pipelines continue logical options for the defossilisation of ammonia syn- to be used? The natural gas network could be partially thesis in the Antwerp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr region used for hydrogen or CO2 transport in the future, but and their impact on infrastructure requirements. Three will the capacities be sufficient to transport the required sites were considered, which are located within a radius quantities? What could defossilisation paths for supply- of 185 km and have a combined production capacity of 20 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
Projects almost 2 million t/a. The research consortium investigat- coastal locations such as Antwerp could offer opportuni- ed four technically feasible ways of achieving climate ties for the future import of climate-neutral energy neutrality in ammonia production at each of the selected sources. For example, ship terminals could be re- sites at Dormagen, Geleen and Antwerp. The use of designed or access to large offshore parks in the North natural gas with CCS (blue hydrogen), grid-bound elec- Sea could be exploited. These measures could ensure trolysis (grey hydrogen), supply of green hydrogen and future energy supplies to the industrial region Antwerp- the production of turquoise hydrogen were investigated Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr. in comparison with the conventional process. In addi- The decarbonisation of industrial processes will re- tion, the specific production costs and CO2 emission quire site-specific solutions, but these must be imple- reduction in relation to the expected development of mented regionally and, in this case, trilaterally. The effi- energy carrier and CO2 costs up to 2050 and beyond cient use of existing infrastructures in combination with were analysed for a production conversion along the new infrastructures can accompany the transformation technology options. in a beneficial way. For a successful industrial turna- As a result of the trilateral research collaboration, the round, it will be crucial to look beyond the spatial universal challenges for the sites were identified and a boundaries of a location and political boundaries. [ak] better understanding of the individual conditions was developed. The analyses show the respective demands Facts for Decision Makers on the local supply networks which arise in the course of ● Industrial decarbonisation requires site-specific and thus re- technological defossilisation options. The path of natural gional, but also cross-border solutions. gas steam reforming coupled with CCS application has ● Chemical sites are already strongly networked in their infra- proven to be a cost-effective option for all three sites. structure, but primarily for fossil fuels. Further expansion of However, it would require an infrastructure for trans- the infrastructure is therefore necessary for alternative ener- port and long-term CO2 storage of about 2.7 million gy sources. tonnes of CO2 per year. This potential path represents a ● Depending on the method of production, hydrogen can be a common transnational challenge in technical, regulatory suitable energy carrier for reducing CO2 emissions from en- and societal dimensions. On the other hand, port or ergy-intensive industries. Imprint Your Contacts Technical Journal Advertising Sales: Volume 50 E-Mail: ISSN 0340-9961 Phone: +49 (0) 62 21/ 489–777 Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemicals DISTRIBUTION – SUBSCRIPTION of errors. Readers are advised to keep in mind that and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2020 Manager: Hermann Weixler statements, data, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertently be inaccurate. All Service for subscibers and readers: EDITORIAL STAFF: rights reserved (including those of translation into Hüthig GmbH, Leserservice, 86894 Landsberg foreign languages). No part of this issue may be Dipl.-Ing. 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Projects HOTSPOTS Hydrogen Projects in Europe If European industry and energy are to be decarbonised by 2050, massive investment in a hydrogen economy is needed. Our “Hotspots” highlight current projects in Europe. 1 Major Project in EU NorthH2 to Produce 800 kt/a Hydrogen A consortium of Gasunie, Gro- ningen Seaports and Shell Ned- erland has launched a major green hydrogen project. Under the name NortH2, 800,000 tonnes of H2 will be produced annually from wind energy in Eemshaven in the province of Groningen in the Netherlands. Picture: bluedesign – 1 5 4 2 2 Production in Lingen BP Refineries 3 Evonik, BP and RWE Lingen Sketch of a Germany-wide 6 Plan Network for H2 infrastructure with the GET H2 Nucleus as first Green Hydrogen Electrolysis building block Production of RWE Power green H2 Station Lingen From the end of 2022, a public- ly accessible hydrogen network Chemiepark Marl, Evonik will supply industrial compa- nies in Lower Saxony and NRW Gas pipelines from OGE, Evonik, Nowe- with green hydrogen. The pro- ga - converted for H2 transport Ruhr Öl ject of the partners Evonik, BP, Refineries – BP Publicly accessible network enables Gelsenkirchen RWE, Nowega and OGE would fast connection of further H2 generators and consumers be the first of its kind in Germa- ny. The green hydrogen is to be produced from renewable ener- gies in a 100 MW electrolysis plant of RWE Generation at Lin- gen in Lower Saxony. Picture: Evonik 3 5 Million Euro Funding Electrolysis Project in Baden-Wuerttemberg The project “Electrolysis made in Baden-Wuerttemberg” was started under the leadership of ZSW. It aims to harness the po- – Picture: Thomas tential of the southwest to pro- mote the hydrogen economy. Picture: ZSW 22 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
FLUX 4 Large Plant Planned Hydrogen from Wind Power in Vlissingen, OPHO Netherlands One of the largest hydrogen plants in the world is to be built BICCO in South Holland at a cost of more than one billion euros. The plant, which is to be con- structed by 2030, will use elec- ATING tricity from offshore wind farms. A pilot plant is to be built by 2025 for 100 million euros. Picture: adobe stock We make complex matters very clear and offer a high degree of 5 Study dependability and exceptional Where Will Hydrogen editorial quality. This is why Hüthig’s Come from by 2050? specialist publications and websites The German Energy Agency are absolutely vital to experts and Dena has published a new management in many sectors of study in the Germanhy project, business and industry. which examines three different scenarios for the future supply of hydrogen as an energy carri- er in Germany up to 2050. The aim: a German hydrogen roadmap. The study is available at 6 CO2 Reduction KIT Researches on New Process At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a pilot plant is currently being built to remove climate-damaging carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in a new process. The plant will produce high-purity carbon powder and thus be superior to other technologies. Hüthig GmbH Picture: KIT Im Weiher 10 D-69121 Heidelberg Tel. +49 (0) 6221 489-300 Fax +49 (0) 6221 489-310 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 23
Projects Process water treatment from municipal wastewater for industry A Win-Win-Win Situation The reuse of wastewater can open up ecologically valuable and financially attractive solutions for all parties involved – local authorities, industry and water suppliers – as demonstrated by a project undertaken at DOW’s largest European location. W ater of high quality and purity is an indispen- cases, the readily available resources are exposed to the sable raw material in many production steps influence of the tides and therefore have high salt con- for the chemical company DOW. In addi- tents. To supply the population with drinking water, Author tion, large quantities of deionized water are required for Evides Industriewater (EIW) pumps large quantities of Dr. Sven Lübbecke, Business Develop- steam production in the on-site power plant. The availa- fresh water in its own pipelines from reservoirs near ment Manager bility of water is therefore a decisive location factor, not Rotterdam to the region around Terneuzen, 120 km DACH, Evides Indus- only for DOW at Terneuzen. away. Here the water is mainly treated to produce triewater Although surrounded by water, the supply of fresh drinking water. Such conditions make the settlement Deutschland water is very limited in southern Holland. In many and expansion of water-intensive industries more diffi- 24 CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021
Projects cult and make it necessary to use water effectively and sparingly. Access to the know-how of a water specialist Evides has taken over the water supply of DOW Terneu- zen under a DBFO (Design, Build, Finance, Operate) contract. According to this model, responsibility for all the processes listed in the contract description is in the hands of EIW. The chemical company pays fixed water prices and can concentrate on its core business. This type of operator model saves the customer investment in infrastructure and at the same time gives access to the latest technology and the know-how of a water specialist. In the case of in-house operation, the total costs of oper- ation and the possible risks associated with water treat- ment are often disregarded. Changing conditions due to new water quality requirements, stricter discharge con- ditions, new production processes or the renewal of old plants often present industrial companies with major challenges. MBR/UO process concept for the production of process water from wastewater. Just as important is the experience of the plant manag- ers with the corresponding technologies. In many plants, which have been taken over and modernised by a water Parameter Zulauf MBR Permeat MBR VE-Wasser supplier, the customers have benefitted from considerable Kommunales Zulauf UO Permeat UO savings. Especially the operation of a wide variety of Abwasser plants enables water specialists to learn about the advan- CSB (mg/l) 458 33 tages and disadvantages of the respective technologies and TKN (mg/l) 44 2,3 helps them make the right decisions for future applica- tions. Takeover of the water supply at the Terneuzen site Leitfähigkeit (μs/cm) 1,610 5 by EIW in 1999 intensified efforts to close water cycles NH4-N+NH3-N (mg/l) 0,5 0,08 and to explore alternative raw water sources, and thus led Fe (mg/l) 0,01 to considerable water and cost savings. Ca (mg/l) 0,01 Highly Pure Process and Demineralized Water Mg (mg/l) from Wastewater Cl (mg/l) 1,5 The plant taken over also included a seawater desalina- SiO2 (mg/l) 0,01 tion unit, which produced part of the deionized water for the site up until 2007. High treatment costs, susceptibility Table 1. Water parameters of the various process stages in the production of to fluctuating salt concentrations in the brackish water deionised water from municipal wastewater. zone, algal growth, progressive corrosion and fouling were reasons to look for alternative solutions. After re- ducing the chemical, water and energy consumption of pronounced tendency to fouling and, with increasing most other treatment processes by up to 80 %, the deci- age, there was an increasing number of system mal-func- sion was made to replace seawater desalination. tions and more frequent flushing was required. The Since seawater treatment combined microfiltration resulting need for renewal coincided with new demands (MF) and reverse osmosis (UO), the use of other raw placed on the regional water board as operator of the waters was also possible after thorough modification. As Terneuzen wastewater treatment plant. In order to be an alternative feedstock to saline surface waters, the able to meet future effluent quality demands as well as to effluent of the municipal sewage treatment plant of realise a necessary increase in capacity, larger invest- Terneuzen was a suitable option. The purified municipal ments would have been necessary. wastewater treatment plant effluent is characterized by a largely constant composition and above all by low salt Considerable Savings concentrations. In particular, the high osmotic pressures At the initiative of EIW, these challenges were bundled necessary in reverse osmosis plants for seawater desali- and included in the concept of a membrane bioreactor nation result in high operating costs of this technology. (MBR) for the treatment of 20 % of the municipal waste- Not only could the plant be operated at a lower pressure, water at the Terneuzen wastewater treatment plant. but the overall yield could also be significantly increased. Figure 2 shows the complete MBR/UO process concept After intensive preliminary tests, the modified plant for the production of process water from wastewater. went into operation in 2007. The MBR plant produces 400 to 620 m³/h feed water for During the course of operation, however, microfiltra- subsequent treatment to deionized water. For this tion proved to be a bottleneck and an obstacle to the purpose, the permeate of the MBR plant is pumped to attainment of a higher yield. Its hollow fibre modules, the DOW site where the reverse osmosis plant is located. originally designed for the filtration of seawater, had a The water parameters of the different process stages CHEMIE TECHNIK · Compendium Industrial Parks, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotech 2021 25
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