From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...

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From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
Journal of Botanic Gardens Conservation International

                                                  Volume 18 • Number 1 • February 2021

From genes
to genomes:
botanic gardens
embracing new
tools for conservation
and research
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
Volume 18 • Number 1

                                                                                                                               IN THIS ISSUE...

                                   Suzanne Sharrock               EDITORIAL:
                                   Director of Global
                                   Programmes                     FROM GENES TO GENOMES: BOTANIC GARDENS EMBRACING NEW TOOLS FOR
                                                                  CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH                                                   .... 03

                                   Morgan Gostel
                                   Research Botanist,               FEATURES
                                   Fort Worth Botanic Garden
                                   Botanical Research Institute
                                   of Texas and
                                   Director, GGI-Gardens
                                                                    NEWS FROM BGCI                                                            .... 06
                                   Jean Linksy                      FEATURED GARDEN: THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
                                   Magnolia Consortium
                                   Coordinator,                     ECOLOGICAL PARK & BOTANIC GARDENS                                         .... 09
                                   Atlanta Botanical Garden

                                                                    PLANT HUNTING TALES: GARDENS AND THEIR LESSONS:
                                                                    THE JOURNAL OF A BOTANY STUDENT
                                                                    Farahnoz Khojayori                                                        .... 13
  Cover Photo: Young and aspiring scientists assist career
  scientists in sampling plants at the U.S. Botanic Garden for      TALKING PLANTS: JONATHAN CODDINGTON,
  the Global Genome Initiative (U.S. Botanic Garden).
                                                                    DIRECTOR OF THE GLOBAL GENOME INITIATIVE                                  .... 16
  Design: Seascape

 BGjournal is published by Botanic Gardens Conservation
 International (BGCI). It is published twice a year.
 Membership is open to all interested individuals, institutions
 and organisations that support the aims of BGCI.
 Further details available from:                                    ARTICLES
 • Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Descanso
   House, 199 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3BW UK.
   Tel: +44 (0)20 8332 5953, Fax: +44 (0)20 8332 5956,
 • BGCI (US) Inc, The Huntington Library,                           BIODIVERSITY NETWORK (GGBN)
   Art Collections and Botanical Gardens,
   1151 Oxford Rd, San Marino, CA 91108, USA.
                                                                    Ole Seberg, Gabi Dröge, Jonathan Coddington and Katharine Barker          .... 19
   Tel: +1 626-405-2100, E-mail:
   Internet:                                       THE GLOBAL GENOME INITIATIVE FOR GARDENS:
   723 Xingke Rd. Guangzhou, 510650, Guangdong, China               AND BIODIVERSITY GENOMICS
   Tel: (86)20-85231992, Email:
                                                                    Jean Linsky and Morgan Gostel                                             .... 21
 • BGCI (Southeast Asia), c/o Singapore Botanic Gardens,
   1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569                                   RIO DE JANEIRO BOTANICAL GARDEN AND THE GLOBAL GENOME
 • BGCI (Africa), Kirsty Shaw, BGCI Africa Office, IUCN Eastern     INITIATIVE FOR GARDENS
   and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO),                     Luciana Ozório Franco, Juliana Ribeiro Mattos, Marcus Nadruz Coelho
   P.O. Box 68200 - 00200, Nairobi, Kenya,
   Tel. +254 (0)725295632 Skype: bgci_kirsty,
                                                                    and Rafaela Forzza                                                        .... 24
   Email:, Internet:
 • BGCI (Russia), c/o Main Botanical Gardens,                       LEARNING HOW TO SEQUENCE BIODIVERSITY BEFORE ITS GONE
   Botanicheskaya st., 4, Moscow 127276, Russia.                    Rachel Meyer                                                              .... 28
   Tel: +7 (095) 219 6160 / 5377, Fax: +7 (095) 218 0525,
                                                                    CRYOPRESERVATION FOR THE FUTURE
 BGCI is a worldwide membership organisation established
 in 1987. Its mission is to mobilise botanic gardens and            Fay-Wei Li, Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang and Chia-Wei Li                           .... 32
 engage partners in securing plant diversity for the well-
 being of people and the planet. BGCI is an independent
                                                                    GENETIC AND GENOMIC STUDIES OF NATIVE MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC
 organisation registered in the United Kingdom as a charity
 (Charity Reg No 1098834) and a company limited by                  PLANTS MAINTAINED IN BOTANICAL GARDEN AND LIVING COLLECTIONS
 guarantee, No 4673175. BGCI is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3)              IN GREECE: THE EXAMPLE OF ORIGANUM SPP.
 non-profit organisation in the USA and is a registered non-
 profit organisation in Russia.
                                                                    Eirini Sarrou, Ioannis Ganopoulos and Eleni Maloupa                       .... 34
 Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily
 reflect the views of the Boards or staff of BGCI or of its

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                                   02
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...

Young and aspiring scientists assist career scientists in sampling plants at the U.S. Botanic Garden for the Global Genome Initiative (U.S. Botanic Garden)

                         Welcome to the                    The GGBN was founded in 2011 in order                      5. Enable targeted, strategic collection
                         latest edition of                 to promote access to information about,                    to fill crucial biodiversity gaps.
                         BGJournal, which is               and legal exchange of, the biodiversity
                         produced in                       genomic samples maintained by its                          To date, 97 organizations have joined
                         partnership with the              members. It provides a platform to unite                   GGBN, mainly natural history collections
                         the Global Genome                 biobanks from across the world in order to:                and botanical gardens, but also seed
                         Initiative for Gardens                                                                       banks, culture collections as well zoos,
                         Programme, part of                1. Enable data-mining and analysis via one                 aquariums, veterinary and agricultural
the Global Genome Biodiversity Network                     consistent database of global genomic                      collections.
(GGBN). Our cover photograph is of the                     resources,
United States Botanic Garden in                                                                                       As Morgan Gostel and Jean Linsky
Washington DC, which has provided both                     2. Collaborate to ensure consistent quality                explain in their article on pages 21-24,
financial and technical support to the                     standards for DNA and tissue collections,                  in 2015, recognizing the vast plant
Smithsonian’s Global Genome Initiative –                                                                              diversity that is housed in the world’s
particularly GGI-Gardens that has engaged                  3. Improve best practices for the                          botanic gardens, the Smithsonian’s
productively with our community of                         preservation and use of such collections,                  Global Genome Initiative (GGI) founded
botanic gardens. BGCI is very grateful to                                                                             GGI-Gardens, an international
USBG for the support they have provided                    4. Harmonize exchange and use of genetic                   partnership dedicated to sampling
to this initiative, which is just the latest in a          materials in accordance with national and                  and preserving plant biodiversity
long standing and important partnership                    international legislation and conventions, in              from the world’s extraordinary
between our two organisations.                             particular the Nagoya Protocol, and                        living collections.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1) • 03-04                                                                                                                  03
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
GGI-Gardens coordinates with the GGBN
to ensure the samples are preserved in
well-managed biorepositories and that
genomic samples are made available for
the international research community.
Their article indicates how you can
contribute to this initiative and, aptly, our
interview this month is with Jonathan
Coddington, the Director of the Global
Genome Initiative (pages 16-17).

One collaborating institution is the Rio de
Janeiro Botanical Garden (JBRJ) (pages
24-27) which, gap analysis showed, has
541 unique species, that is species not
being found in any other botanical garden
in the world. As a contributing partner to
GGI-Gardens, JBRJ has made more than
6,500 DNA and tissue samples of the
Brazilian flora discoverable through the
GGBN data portal, adding approximately
1,200 species to GGBN.                          Young and aspiring scientists assist career scientists in sampling plants at the U.S. Botanic Garden for the
                                                Global Genome Initiative (U.S. Botanic Garden)
GGI-Gardens and the GGBN adhere
scrupulously to the spirit, laws and            plant material selection. For this reason,                 Last but not least, our featured garden in
regulations associated with the Nagoya          a wide variety of products with different                  this edition is the Northwestern University
Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing,         qualities of raw material and essential                    Ecological Park & Botanic Gardens
and on pages 28-31 Rachel Meyer at the          oils, are produced and therefore selection                 (NUEBG), a private university garden in
University of California Santa Cruz,            and breeding represent a key role of the                   the Philippines established as a living
describes the journeys her students take        quality assurance system. Understanding                    laboratory of the flora of Northwestern
in navigating the Nagoya Protocol, local        the genetic structure and variability of                   Luzon (pages 9-12). The NUEBG is an
permits, and finding synergies with fellow      different oregano species and ecotypes                     8-hectare haven for biodiversity in an
researchers.                                    improves not only their botanical                          otherwise degraded and transformed
                                                description and/or identification, but                     landscape, and the leadership role that
On pages 32-33 the Dr. Cecilia Koo              also the development of conservation                       the garden plays in preserving Luzon’s
Botanic Conservation Center (KBCC)              strategies for future breeding purposes.                   remaining biodiversity is an inspiration
describe their impressive programme             In addition, the development of ‘modern’                   to us all.
that aims to preserve and safeguard high-       -omics technologies and state-of-the-art
quality tropical plant materials for future     analytical tools provide great                             Happy reading, and please don’t hesitate
genomic and transcriptomic studies.             opportunities for the sustainable use                      to get in touch with your ideas for future
To this end they have established a             of, as yet ‘unimproved’, plant species.                    issues of BGjournal.
cryopreservation facility at KBCC
comprising 40 liquid nitrogen tanks, each       Our plant collection feature in this issue is
with a capacity to hold 6,000 samples. To       an inspiring piece by Farahnoz Khojayori,                  Paul Smith
date, a total of 8,489 accessions, relating     who describes her collecting trips in                      Secretary General, BGCI
to 4,392 taxa, have been cryopreserved.         Texas, in the summer of 2019 in the
                                                company of Morgan Gostel and Seth
The application of DNA sampling and             Hamby (pages 13-15). Like three
genomic studies to plant conservation           botanical musketeers, they travelled to
and use is described by another GGI             13 botanical sites, including botanical
Gardens partner, the Balkan Botanic             gardens, nature centres, wildlife refuges,
Garden of Kroussia (BBGK) on pages              and state parks and were inspired by the
34-39. Origanum vulgare L. is a typical         people they met and worked with.
species of Mediterranean ecosystems,            Amongst their achievements, they
growing in dry, sunny places from sea           collected herbarium vouchers and
level up to 1500 masl and, due to cross         genome quality tissues preserved in
pollination and plasticity, the species is      liquid nitrogen and silica gel for 250 taxa
extremely variable and polymorphic.             of plants. Amongst these were five new
However, oregano crops commonly use             taxa at the family level and 115 new
wild populations without the appropriate        species added to the GGBN database.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                                       04
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...

                                                                          NEWS FROM BGCI

                                                   FEATURED GARDEN:

                                                          PLANT HUNTING TALES:

                                     TALKING PLANTS: INTERVIEW WITH JONATHAN CODDINGTON,
                                              THE DIRECTOR OF THE GLOBAL GENOME INITIATIVE

 One of the four orchid houses at the Dr Cecilia
 Koo Botanic Conservation Centre (KBCC)

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                   05
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...

                                                                                                           The webinar, entitled Lipstick on a fig
                                                                                                           tree: Why planting trees avoids the real
                                                                                                           problems (and may make things worse)
                                                                                                           can be viewed on line here: BGCI shares
                                                                                                           expertise on tree planting at the World
                                                                                                           Biodiversity Forum | Botanic Gardens
                                                                                                           Conservation International

                                                                                                           One-third of the                                                               The Red List of

                                                                                                           world’s oaks at risk                              Oaks 2020
                                                                                                                                                   Christina Carrero, Diana Jerome, Emily Beckman, Amy Byrne, Allen J. Coombes,

                                                                                                           of extinction                       Min Deng, Antonio González Rodríguez, Hoang Van Sam, Eyen Khoo, Ngoc Nguyen,
                                                                                                                                              Iyan Robiansyah, Hernando Rodríguez Correa, Julia Sang, Yi-Gang Song, Joeri Strijk,
                                                                                                                                                        John Sugau, Weibang Sun, Susana Valencia-Ávalos and Murphy Westwood

                                                                                                           An estimated 31% of the
                                                                                                           world's oak species are
                                                                                                           threatened with extinction
                                                                                                           according to data compiled
                                                                                                           in a new report by BGCI,
                                                                                                           The Morton Arboretum and
                                                                                                           the International Union for
Local villagers helping with reinforcement planting of   Quercus brandegeei seedlings planted in Mexico.   Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Tree
Magnolia omeiensis.                                      (The Morton Arboretum)                            Specialist Group. The Red List of Oaks
                                                                                                           2020 details for the first time the
Here we present a selection of the most                  Ten Golden Rules for reforestation:               distributions, population trends and threats
recent news stories from BGCI. Please                    1. Work with local people;                        facing the world’s estimated 430 oak
browse our website to keep up-to-date                    2. Maximize biodiversity recovery to meet         species, and will serve as a roadmap for
with the latest news and events from                        multiple goals;                                conservation action.
BGCI and the botanic garden community.                   3. Select the right area for reforestation;                                             4. Use natural forest restoration wherever        According to the researchers, an estimated
                                                            possible;                                      41% of the world’s 430 oak species are of
Ten Golden Rules for                                     5. Select tree species that maximise              conservation concern. Nearly one-third
Reforestation (or planting the                              biodiversity;                                  (31%) are considered threatened with
right tree in the right place                            6. Use resilient tree species that can adapt      extinction. This proportion of threatened
                                                            to a changing climate;                         species is higher than threat levels for
BGCI, together with researchers from                     7. Plan ahead;                                    mammals (26%) and birds (14%). The
RBG Kew have set out ten golden rules                    8. Learn by doing;                                report indicates that the countries with the
for reforestation to ensure that restoring               9. Make it pay.                                   highest number of threatened oak species
forests benefits people and the planet.                                                                    are Mexico (32 species), China (36),
                                                         Find out more and read the full article           Vietnam (20), and the United States (16).
The 10 golden rules, set out in a paper                  here: Ten golden rules for reforestation
published in the journal Global Change                   to optimize carbon sequestration,                 Find out more here; One-third of the
Biology, focus on protecting existing                    biodiversity recovery and livelihood              world's oaks at risk of extinction, according
forests first, putting local people at the               benefits - Di Sacco - - Global Change             to new BGCI report | Botanic Gardens
heart of projects, and using natural                     Biology - Wiley Online Library                    Conservation International
regrowth of trees where possible.
The rules highlight that planting trees is               World Biodiversity Forum
complex and there is no universal, easy
solution to a successful reforestation.                  Planting the right tree in the right place
                                                         was also the key massage promoted by
A virtual conference on the topic is being               BGCI at the recent World Biodiversity
held from February 24-26, organised by                   Forum. BGCI joined experts from the
RBG Kew and BGCI. It will bring together                 University of British Colombia and the
a series of global perspectives to debate                University of Sāo Paolo in a virtual event
and challenge the myth that “all tree                    that also highlighted the importance of
planting is good” and to discuss best                    leveraging the expertise available in
practice for protecting and restoring the                botanic gardens worldwide for tree
                                                                                                            (The Morton Arboretum)
world's forests.                                         planting and restoration.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1) • 06-08                                                                                                                         06
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
Tree Conservation Fund                       GGI-Gardens Awards Program                   Global Botanic Garden Fund, is pleased to
                                                                                          announce 14 grants to botanic gardens
BGCI’s newly launched Tree                   The GGI-Gardens Awards Program aims to       and arboreta in nine countries. The
Conservation Fund is an initiative to        promote partnership activities to preserve   awardees will collect genome-quality plant
enable businesses, philanthropic             and understand the Earth’s genomic           tissue samples from their living collections
organisations and governments around         diversity of plants. The Awards Program      and preserve them in a network of publicly
the world to contribute to the essential     aims to support collection and               accessible bio-repositories.
effort to save the world’s threatened tree   preservation activities at botanic gardens
species. At least 3,500 tree species are     around the world. The Program, funded by
on the brink of extinction and urgent        GGI-Gardens and United States Botanic        botanic-gardens-awarded-grant-to-preser
action is required. Through this fund,       Garden, and administered through BGCI’s      ve-global-plant-biodiversity/
BGCI aims to develop partnerships with
local communities and land managers to
ensure that tree planting sustainably          Institution                                                          Country
supports biodiversity and will provide the
scientific and horticultural expertise to      Atlanta Botanical Garden                                             United States
bring the right tree to the right place.       Core Facility Botanical Garden, University of Vienna                 Austria
                                               Desert Botanical Garden                                              United States
Find out more: BGCI’s Tree Conservation        Inala Jurassic Garden                                                Australia
Fund – Saving the world’s threatened tree      Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro             Brazil
species                                        Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden
                                               and Research Institute
                                               Kunming Botanical Garden                                             China
                                               Montgomery Botanical Center                                          United States
                                               Northwestern University Ecological Park
                                               & Botanic Gardens (NUEBG)
                                               Royal Botanic Garden                                                 Jordan
                                               San Diego Botanic Garden                                             United States
                                               The Huntington                                                       United States
                                               Tooro Botanical Gardens                                              Uganda
                                               Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,
                                               Chinese Academy of Sciences
Desert Botanical Garden

Montgomery Botanical Center

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                              07
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
1st International Congress of
                                                                                               Historical Botanical Gardens

                                                                                               Over recent
                                                                                               years, there has
                                                                                               been a renewed
                                                                                               interest in the
                                                                                               care and value
                                                                                               of historic botanical gardens – those
                                                                                               with built heritage, historical collections,
                                                                                               or historical connections. Such gardens
                                                                                               have made a major contribution to our
                                                                                               understanding of the origin and
                                                                                               development of botanical science, and
                                                                                               to related disciplines such as herbal
                                                                                               medicine, ethnobotany and
                                                                                               ethnopharmacology. They have also
                                                                                               influenced many of the crops we grow,
Marsh awards                                   Anthropology and Conservation                   the food we eat and the trees, shrubs
                                               Virtual Conference: 25-29                       and herbs that adorn our streets, parks,
BGCI is pleased to announce Jeannie            October, 2021                                   and gardens. However, unless prompt
Raharimampionona from Missouri                                                                 action is taken, many of these unique
Botanical Garden’s Madagascar                  BGCI is delighted to be a co-organiser of       resources risk falling into neglect, decay
programme as the winner of the 2020            the upcoming Anthropology and                   or in some cases total loss. The 1st
Marsh Award for International Plant            Conservation Virtual Conference,                International Congress of Historic
Conservation and Tara Moreau from UBC          organised by the Royal Anthropological          Botanical Gardens will be held in
Botanical Garden as the winner of the          Institute. This major interdisciplinary         Lisbon, 11-12 October 2021.
2020 Marsh Award for Education in              conference aims to explore ways in which
Botanic Gardens.                               conservation and people go together,            Find out more: 1st International
                                               recognising that conservation can only be       Congress of Historic Botanical Gardens
Find out more here: BGCI Announces             properly achieved with the full participation   (
2020 Marsh Award Recipients | Botanic          of, and in full recognition of the rights of
Gardens Conservation International             Indigenous Peoples.                             BGCI accreditation

Global botanic garden fund                     The call for panel proposals is now open,       BGCI’s Accreditation Scheme
awards                                         with a deadline of 12 March. BGCI members       distinguishes botanic gardens from
                                               can propose panels, or join the conference      non-botanic gardens.
BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund aims         as a delegate, at the Fellows rate.
to support plant conservation and                                                    
sustainable development, especially in         Find out more: Anthropology and                 for-botanic-gardens/bgci-accreditation-
smaller gardens, by disbursing small           Conservation 2021 (               scheme/
grants every year. In 2020, BGCI received
151 applications from more than 50
countries and 60 institutions. Following         The following botanic gardens achieved BGCI Botanic Garden
review, 40 grants worth more than                Accreditation since the last issue of BGjournal:
$82,000 have been awarded.
Funding for the Global Botanic Garden            Universitetshagene, Norway
Fund was made possible in 2020 by                Botanic Garden, Lund University, Sweden
contributions from The Botanist                  Jardin Botanique de l'Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
Foundation, the Gibson Charitable Trust,
crowd-sourced funding through the
BigGive Christmas Challenge, and the
BGCI/PlantSnap Covid-19 appeal.                  The following botanic gardens achieved BGCI Advanced Conservation
                                                 Practitioner Accreditation since the last issue of BGjournal:
A full list of grant recipients can be found
here: BGCI Announces 2020 Global                 Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve, Bahamas
Botanic Garden Fund Recipients | Botanic
Gardens Conservation International

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                 08
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
                                                                                                         Author: Michael Agbayani Calaramo


The NUEBG expedition team (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)

Racing against time to conserve the critical flora of the Northwestern Luzon,                            However, with no government support and
Philippines - The challenging role of a private university garden working to                             dependent solely on the university’s annual
                                                                                                         budget, this is a challenging task.
secure local plant diversity in a typhoon prone region of the country.
                                                                                                         In preserving the natural heritage of the
                                                                                                         NW Luzon, the plant conservation

       he Northwestern University                       super typhoons is increasing, the fear           program is seen as the institution’s social
       Ecological Park & Botanic Gardens                of losing the very delicate floristic blanket    obligation. Its mission and vision is to
       (NUEBG) is a private university                  is a growing concern, especially as              conserve plant diversity for the future
garden in the Philippines established as                disturbances on critical landscapes              of the Filipino people, as a sustainable
a living laboratory of the flora of the                 constrict the natural provenance of              source of food, medicine, clothing and
Northwestern Luzon. The eight-hectare                   narrow endemic species to a critical level.      building materials as well as the source
garden is ultimately designed to carry out              A further threat for this archipelagic           of livelihood for many locals.
plant conservation in response to the                   country is its location in the Pacific ring of
alarming decline of forest cover. This loss             fire where earthquakes and volcanoes are         Botanical collections
of habitat is due to a number of factors,               active. This is the reality of what is
including: rapid rural infrastructure                   happening in the NW Luzon in the                 The garden has an extensive plant
development; changing climate that has                  Philippines - a megadiverse country yet          collection for research and education
triggered prolonged dry periods during the              among the hotspots of diversity loss.            purposes especially the Philippine
summer and intense monsoon rains during                                                                  gymnosperms, ferns and allies, aroids,
the wet season; and the over exploitation               As a result of the Northwestern University       orchids, Zingibers, Asclepiads, Aralias,
of natural resources that aggravates the                management review & forum in 2007, the           Myrtaleans, Legumes, Malvids, Euphorbs,
loss of local biodiversity. Annually there are          concept of saving plant diversity in the NW      and Philippine endemic trees. It also
an average of twenty typhoons that pass                 Luzon was envisaged, and this was the            houses numerous exotic species and
over the country. As the prevalence of                  reason for the establishment of NUEBG.           important flora of the different continents.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1) • 09-12                                                                                                    09
From genes to genomes: botanic gardens embracing new tools for conservation and research - Botanic Gardens Conservation ...
As a member of the worldwide botanic
community, it engages with a wide range
of visitors from the scientific community
who use botanical specimens for DNA
and phytochemistry work. Its living
collections are also arranged or grouped
systematically and provide a conducive
place for the study of plant systematics
or field botany, while special ecosystems
constructed to display specific flora are
used by ecology classes. Today the
botanic garden is immensely popular and
is becoming the central hub in the
northern Philippines for taxonomists and
plant researchers, especially since the
opening of the Herbarium of the
Northwestern Luzon Philippines (HNUL),
which houses more than twenty thousand
collections to date.

Rediscovering the vegetation of
the NW Luzon.                                  The NUEBG entrance rotunda (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)

Plant expeditions were launched from           coastal ecosystems up to the limestones              Extent of the biological research
2007-2017 where the research unit of the       and montane tropical rainforests. The
garden had a chance to explore the             NUEBG Biological Diversity Research Unit             The NUEBG team is comprised of
diversity of NW Luzon. The decade long         traces the collection sites of Elmer Drew            botanical staff, university academic
fieldwork enabled the team to document         Merrill from the early 1900’s and is trying to       personnel, researchers, volunteers, and
important plant species which were not         recollect the 400 species that are endemic           private enthusiasts. This team has been
yet included in the existing flora list.       to the region. While the vegetation has              carrying out a meticulous documentation
Some are so rare that very few individuals     changed over a century, some of the                  of the flora and fauna of the entire NW
thrive in the wild. Taken as a whole, the      species are already extirpated from their            Luzon from the west of Cagayan and the
flora of the region is hugely diverse and a    type locality. These species are Ixora               entire Ilocos region down to the Zambales
wholistic program is needed to save this       ilocana, Syzygium ilocanum and Psychotria            mountain range in the south. Aside from
unique assembly.                               palimlimensis. But because of far-reaching           floristic sampling the team is also engaged
                                               exploration, thanks to numerous research             in wildlife documentation. The Asian
The NUEBG continues to explore the             grants that the university has received, the         Raptor Research Conservation Network
remaining forest fragments of the region.      NUEBG team have found new extant                     has partnered with the team since 2015
It has been able to identify 11 major          populations of these species outside their           and has documented numerous migratory
vegetation types, from arid and mangrove       previous distribution range.                         birds which are vital indicators of the
                                                                                                    status of the vegetation where they stay.
                                                                                                    This work documented the first Philippine
                                                                                                    country record of the Black Stork in
                                                                                                    December 2018. Moreover, the NUEBG
                                                                                                    team is an active participant in the Asian
                                                                                                    Waterbird Census and numerous wildlife
                                                                                                    conservation and monitoring advocacy
                                                                                                    programs. It has also presented numerous
                                                                                                    papers in international symposia and fora.

                                                                                                    Working with local organisations

                                                                                                    The NUEBG biological diversity research
                                                                                                    unit also played an important role in the
                                                                                                    floristic inventory of 5 national parks in
                                                                                                    the region and the establishment of a
                                                                                                    new protected area in the province of
                                                                                                    Ilocos Norte. It works diligently with the
                                                                                                    Department of Environment & Natural
                                                                                                    Resources to conserve key species of the
                                                                                                    region and identify critical ecosystems
Taxonomy classes (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)                                                        that need protection.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                     10
ensure that there are backup specimens
                                                                                                    that can be relied upon whenever there is
                                                                                                    devastation - and the most efficient
                                                                                                    strategy is through seed conservation.

                                                                                                    In 2013 the NUEBG started to collect
                                                                                                    and save seeds in a freezer, as stocks
                                                                                                    to maintain its living collections. They
                                                                                                    are propagated every time a typhoon
                                                                                                    damages a collection, or to increase
                                                                                                    the species population at the gardens.
                                                                                                    However, this program was on a short-
                                                                                                    term basis due to lack of seed banking
                                                                                                    protocols and management expertise.
                                                                                                    Then, in 2018, the garden director
                                                                                                    attended a seed conservation training
                                                                                                    course at the Millennium Seedbank, and
View of the gardens (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)                                                     NUEBG became the first botanic garden
                                                                                                    in the country to uphold the MSB seed
This is instrumental to most local                      Plant conservation and                      conservation techniques and protocols.
government units with a key role in the                 international collaboration
protection of critical vegetation. These                                                            NUEBG has spread its arms to numerous
vegetation types can be vast mafic                      The garden’s living plant collections are   international collaborators in plant
ecosystems or coastal intertidal zones                  valued and provide hope for the flora of    conservation. In 2020, the Dr. Cecilia Koo
which harbor endemic species. Dense                     the NW Luzon. These botanical               Botanic Conservation Center (KBCC) in
tropical rainforests are endorsed to be                 collections contain considerable numbers    Taiwan, which also experiences severe
part of protected landscapes. This is very              of keystone species that will augment       tropical storms, partnered with NUEBG
timely work as the Local Government                     and arrest the decline of plant             to share expertise and conservation
Units (LGU) are updating their                          populations in the wild. However, the       techniques to save the plants in peril
Comprehensive Land Use Plans                            garden itself is equally affected by        along the Taiwan and Luzon island arc
(CLUP). This identification of important                devastation and natural calamities, and     flora. This partnership is one among
biodiversity spots is therefore included                the NUEBG cannot afford to lose even a      many possibilities to join forces in the
in their environmental protection and                   single species. As a long-term solution,    battle to combat plant extinction in this
conservation strategy.                                  the NUEBG must develop strategies to        typhoon struck region.

Seedlings for restoration work (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                     11
of important biodiversity restricted to the
                                                                                                           northwestern edge of the island of Luzon.
                                                                                                           It will continue to uphold its:

                                                                                                           Vision for Mother Earth:
                                                                                                           NUEBG will lead a group of academic
                                                                                                           plant scientists in Luzon to respond to
                                                                                                           the needs of Northwest Luzon’s
                                                                                                           diminishing ecosystems and respond
                                                                                                           to the environmental needs of its local
                                                                                                           communities as affected by natural
                                                                                                           calamities, human exploitation, and
                                                                                                           the changing climate.

                                                                                                           Mission for Humanity:
                                                                                                           A mission that would uplift the life of the
                                                                                                           local people by educating the younger
                                                                                                           populace to conserve the region’s natural
Screen House for newly acquired collections (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)                                    resources (including the ecological
                                                                                                           aspects used for ecotourism, the fertile
Ecological restoration projects                        iloconense, Robiquetia ilocosnortensis,             lands for agriculture, the marine
                                                       Robiquetia roycimatui, Thrixspermum                 ecosystem and forest reserves which are
NUEBG has several in situ field work                   nicolasiorum, Dendrobium elineae), a                the backbone of biodiversity) which are
sites. A 21 ha Anisoptera thurifera forest             carnivorous plant (Nepenthes enigma),               vital components of human survival.
located in Piddig Ilocos Norte is one of               a begonia (Begonia palemlemensis), and
the most unique sites due to a                         an endemic shrub (Psychotria triflora).             The NUEBG is seeking support from the
remarkable stand of a dipterocarp                      And more exciting discoveries are waiting           international community to conserve the
species thriving in very arid seasonal                 for submission.                                     island arc flora of Luzon, Taiwan and Japan
mafic vegetation. The NUEBG team,                                                                          as they are of utmost conservation priority.
in collaboration with the Far Eastern                  The future of NUEBG
University Herbarium researchers in                                                                        Michael Agbayani Calaramo,
Manila (FEUH), are conducting a                        While the Northwestern University                   Northwestern University Ecotourism
monitoring and conservation effort to                  operates as a private entity, its scope             Park and Botanic Gardens,
restore the natural stand of dipterocarps              and extent of biodiversity work marks               Laoag City,
and its coexisting flora. These                        an indelible achievement in the                     Ilocos Norte,
exceptional trees are becoming                         documentation and conservation                      2900 Philippines
endangered as they are affected by
climate change and habitat loss due to
annual forest fires.

Another 100 ha ecological restoration site
in Tadao Pasuquin, in the same province,
was launched in 2013 where a list of
carefully selected framework species
was used to augment the declining
vegetation. The site is a limestone forest
with patches of mafic vegetation.
This site is also a watershed and this
restoration combats the decline in forest
cover and degradation that could result
in low water supply for the surrounding

Discoveries and publications

Despite the few scientific staff at the
garden, the decade-long NUEBG
exploration has enabled the production of
scientific writings. Eight new species to
science have been published from 2015-
2018. These include orchids (Cleisostoma               Seed banking at NUEBG (Michael Agbayani Calaramo)

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                             12
                                                                                                                                Author: Farahnoz Khojayori

Dr. Morgan Gostel teaching a student how to identify and collect a plant tissue sample at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. (Farahnoz Khojayori)

“Take the question to nature”                             proliferated a vast repository of genomic                 generation of field scientists, with
                                                          data, but often times that data’s value is                specialized experience in identifying and
                                                                                                                    understanding the diversity of this Earth.

          any centuries ago, the                          undermined by the lack of precise
          philosopher Francis Bacon                       species information. Furthermore, the
          encouraged people to “take the                  existing data only encompasses a small                    Significance of gardens
question to nature” and explore the                       percentage of known and existing
morphological diversity of the world with                 species on earth, most of which still                     Botanical gardens are a vast living
their own eyes and hands. This was the                    remain undescribed. Thus, the Global                      collection of plants. Analogous to zoos or
method of the ancients such as Aristotle                  Genome Initiative (GGI) was created to                    aquaria, botanical gardens often host
and Theophrastus, the father of Botany,                   facilitate the identification and collection              plants from foreign and far-flung parts of
who through meticulous study of                           of non-human taxa across the Tree of                      the world to provide a tangible glance at
morphological features of the plants were                 Life, with a special focus on dark taxa                   diversity to the local people. Even Linnaeus
able to gather valuable information about                 that have no existing genomic                             himself attempted to recreate the biblical
their properties and share them with the                  information. Situated within the                          garden of Eden in the botanical gardens of
public. As time went on, botanists and                    Smithsonian Institution, GGI attempts to                  Uppsala University by sending his students
philosophers became entirely reliant on                   collect and preserve genome-quality                       to collect plants from remote parts of the
this previously collected information and                 tissues from all non-human species, and                   world. However, not many of those plants
often failed to interact with the world                   deposit them on the Global Genome                         survived the harsh winters of Sweden.
around them. Thus Bacon’s frustration                     Biodiversity Network repository so that                   Similarly, Islamic cultures fascinated with
encouraged people to seek answers to                      the collections may be accessible by                      heaven, attempted to recreate paradise
their questions within nature itself.                     researchers to enable new advances and                    gardens filled with glorious plants and
Recently, the acceleration of genomic                     discoveries. But a far more lasting impact                later memorialized those gardens
tools and reduction of their costs have                   of the initiative is to train a new                       through weaving onto carpets.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1) • 13-15                                                                                                              13
Fig. 2: Notable collections including
                                                                                           (A) Ansellia africana, (B) the rare Dalea hallii,
                                                                                           (C) explosive Caesalpinia gilliesii, and
                                                                                           (D) common Larrea tridentata. (Farahnoz Khojayori)

                                                                                           offered an unprecedented explosion of
                                                                                           botanical diversity. Over the course of
                                                                                           three days we made 97 collections from
                                                                                           the John Fairey Garden, nature areas
                                                                                           around the coast, and the Mercer Botanic
                                                                                           Gardens. When we started our trip in
                                                                                           Peckerwood, working with Adam Black,
                                                                                           we were not prepared for the diversity we
                                                                                           encountered. In a short afternoon of
                                                                                           surveying, we had managed to collect
                                                                                           more samples than an entire day in our
                                                                                           recent ventures in Fort Worth. Each plant
                                                                                           was different than the next, from tall
                                                                                           trees, to succulents and palms, to hidden
                                                                                           ferns, and boisterous flowers with their
                                                                                           showy personalities. The diversity before
                                                                                           us was simply awe-striking. At one point,
                                                                                           as we stood in the corner of the
                                                                                           greenhouse and Adam presented
                                                                                           specimen after specimen, we
                                                                                           synchronized to the point of not even
                                                                                           needing to talk. I would go and cut a
During the renaissance, botanical            tissues, and provides access to vast          specimen to press for a herbarium
gardens became a staple feature of           genomic resources for plants to               voucher, remove a couple leaves and
universities, where cultivation of plants,   researchers across the world.                 pass them to Seth, who neatly
encouraged by the medical department,                                                      catalogued and separated them into the
fostered learning and medicinal use of       A summer of botanical discovery               tissue collecting vesicles. In the
plants. And as colonial pursuits vastly                                                    meantime, Morgan recorded every
explored the unknown corners of the          During the summer of 2019, as part of the     possible characteristic of the plant onto
world, botanical gardens became a            GGI for Gardens, Dr. Morgan Gostel, Seth      our field journal in iNaturalist. And then,
display of the conquests of empires.         Hamby, and I travelled across seven of        we would restart the procedure with the
At the same time, desire to grow foreign     the ten ecoregions of Texas (Fig. 1). Our     next specimen. By the time, we raised
plants rapidly increased interest in         mission was to accurately determine           our heads to look up, it was well into late
horticulture and development of glass        species and collect genome quality            afternoon, and the sun was setting. All
houses to preserve and display unique        tissues of the local flora of Texas. In the   we could do was marvel at over 70
tropical plants. Today, gardens embrace      short span of three months, we travelled      specimens, wedged tightly between two
the history of their origins through         to 13 botanical sites, including botanical    pieces of wood.
magnificent displays of the Earth’s          gardens, nature centers, wildlife refuges,
wonders. But they also serve roles to        and state parks. As part of our efforts, we
preserve and protect valuable plants that    collected herbarium vouchers and
can no longer thrive in their rapidly        genome quality tissues preserved in
depleting natural habitats. Thus, gardens    liquid nitrogen and silica gel for 250 taxa
have become a refuge for plants, and         of plants. Amongst these were five new
today, some of the only living individuals   taxa at the family level and 115 new
of species can be found in gardens.          species added to the GGBN database.
                                             Some notable gems of the collection
Once GGI began to harvest tissues            include Dalea hallii, Aquilegia longissima,
across the world for the repository,         Ophioglossum engelmannii, and Larrea
Professor Vicki Funk dared the program       tridentata (Fig. 2).
director to start collection efforts in
gardens, knowing full well the vast          Anthropogenic angels
treasures stored in each one. Thus, the
GGI for Gardens partner was born, and        As we honed our collecting skills into a
quickly expedited the vast collection of     well-oiled three-person force, we traveled
plants across the world. At its core GGI-    to the infamous city of Houston.
Gardens fosters collection of genome         Positioned uniquely on the confluence of      Fig. 1: Map of the collecting sites for GGI Gardens
quality plants, preservation of botanical    four disparate ecoregions, Houston            during the summer of 2019. (Farahnoz Khojayori)

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                      14
It was at this point that I discovered the
anthropogenic angels hidden in each
garden. Botanists and naturalists like Bob
O’Kennon and Adam Black, spend their
entire lives dedicated to the understanding
and preservations of the world’s quickly
disappearing biodiversity. At Mercer
Botanical Gardens, I witnessed the stories
of the surviving city. Overwhelmed and
flooded by the disaster of Hurricane
Harvey, most of the garden was once
submerged underwater. Small potted
plants like Acanthostachys strobilacea,
were dislodged by the water and displaced
miles away by its turbulent waves. But as
the storm raged, rescuers joined the staff
from across the state and country to come
and recover the plants. Lost individuals
were found, returned, and continued to
thrive, showing the resilience of plants,
people, and gardens.

At Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute,
I witnessed the innovation of the human
spirit. Volunteers from the local area would
come together to cut down the dying
inflorescence of Yucca trees, trim the
leaves, and polish the wood to make
walking sticks for the hickers to enjoy the
desert terrain. Nearby, in the herbarium and
botanical gardens of Sul Ross University,         Dr. Morgan Gostel preparing a herbarium voucher (left), Seth Hamby entering data into the field journal (right),
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Shirley Powell,              and Farahnoz Khojayori collecting genome quality tissues (back-left). (Minette Marr)
dedicated decades to the classification,
description, and illustration of the vast flora   Impact and future directions:                              resilience in the face of devastating
of the Trans-Pecos, in a magnificent tome                                                                    circumstances. How a plant, a garden,
the Flora of the Trans-Pecos.                     Despite the exhaustion, heat, and even                     a community could survive, support each
                                                  danger posed by the elements and                           other, and thrive despite all odds. In
At our home base in the Botanical                 creatures before us, it was the single best                Austin, I saw how one person could plant
Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) and its        experience in my life. The lessons of                      a seed that set its roots throughout the
associated botanic gardens, I understood          gardens transcend the boundaries of                        land to inspire a culture of conservation
the true scope of gardens. Since their            botanical research. Each garden seemed                     and education. And in Fort Worth is
inception in 1934, the Fort Worth Botanic         to have its own mission whether it was                     where I learned how to live. I learned that
Gardens house 23 unique gardens, and              conservation, research, education,                         life is far more complex and richer than
are home to the largest collections of            tourism, or a combination of those                         one could imagine; that each venture
Begonias on the western hemisphere.               elements. Furthermore, unique programs                     posed an opportunity for an answer but
On the other hand, the recently adjoined          at gardens provided a solace for the                       far more doors for newer questions. I
research institute houses nearly three            larger community, bringing people                          witnessed the vast human compassion of
million herbarium vouchers and fosters            together through volunteering, or                          botanists, the kindness of strangers, and
research on the frontiers of science. But         education. But largely the gardens were                    the wisdom of those who have lived in
more importantly, they provide education,         a refuge for plants, housing species that                  service of others, whether its plants or
conservation, and protection of the local         could no longer be found in the wild and                   people. And so I walk a little wiser, but far
fauna. Their education ranges from typical        preserving diversity through careful study                 more curious than ever, ready for the next
classroom lessons and internships for             and nurture of each plant into their                       adventure. Today, I am pursuing my PhD
botanical students to advice and                  adulthood. At Big Bend Ranch State Park                    at the University of Cambridge. Seth
clarification in criminal botanical               and the Davis Mountains Preserve,                          Hamby is the head gardener of the
mysteries. More importantly, the BRIT             I witnessed the complexity of nature.                      Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute.
press publishes articles, books, and              They taught me how plants and animals                      And Dr. Morgan Gostel continues to be a
reviews of botanical literature, cultivating      survived and responded to the                              lifelong friend and mentor, inspiring new
botanical literacy across the world. And          convergence of drastically different                       students with his endless kindness and
thus, each member of BRIT pushes the              climates and geographies, and the burst                    passion for botany, leaving a profound
boundaries for the scope of gardens and           of diversity that was the ultimate result.                 impact on our understanding of the world
the possibilities of botanical discovery.         In Houston, I witnessed the lessons in                     and the scope of GGI Gardens.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                                        15


                                                    In my scientific career I have worked        biorepositories” involving 16 institutions
                                                    as a field botanist (e.g. publishing the     from nine countries. It turned out that
                                                    candidate list of rare and endangered        Germany had already solved many of the
                                                    plants of Massachusetts in 1978 for the      database/informatics issues in their DNA
                                                    USA Endangered Species Act), was             Bank Network. GGI built on that and
                                                    trained as an invertebrate zoologist, and    helped to fund the development of the
                                                    then hired as a Smithsonian entomologist     GGBN data standard, which is now
                                                    (spiders are not insects). I begin to        compatible with all major natural history
                                                    publish on biodiversity in general in the    collection database systems. This
                                                    1990’s, saw the necessity of genomics        contribution meant that any institution
                                                    for research and conservation in the early   had a data model for their genetic
                                                    2000’s, and co-authored the vision for the   resources, and those data could be
                                                    Global Genome Initiative, “to preserve       shared with the world via the GGBN data
                                                    and understand the genomic diversity         portal. Membership in GGBN stands at
                                                    of Life,” which I now direct.                97 members from 35 countries, and is
                                                                                                 growing rapidly. A number of these
For this issue of BGjournal, we were                The past year has been very challenging      institutions came in through GGI-
delighted to have the opportunity to talk to        in many ways. Has the COVID-19               Gardens. Botanical Gardens and
Jonathan Coddington, the Director of the            pandemic had a major impact on the           arboreta, among all collections-based
Global Genome Initiative.                           work of the GGI and how have these           institutions, have a uniquely important
                                                    impacts been overcome?                       opportunity and role in conserving their
You have been director of the Global                                                             discipline, plant diversity. GGN is a dues-
Genome Initiative (GGI) since 2015. Can             GGI simply switched to digital work.         paying organization, with its own rules
you tell us a bit about how your research           Genomic samples require a lot of             and by-laws. I think biological
on the systematics and behaviour of                 metadata, and can be difficult to            collections-based institutions are coming
spiders led you to become interested in             catalogue. It all happens on                 to realize that genomics is such an
global biodiversity genomics.                       spreadsheets. GGI has also been              effective research and conservation tool,
                                                    supporting the inclusion of legacy           that institutional survival and continued
                                                    genomic collections in the centralized       relevance depends on incorporating
                                                    NMNH biorepository; cleaning up and          some version of genomics collections.
                                                    importing those data is also time-           Through GGBN and GGI-Gardens, GGI
                                                    consuming. However, we usually fund          funds awards programs that are strongly
                                                    a lot of field and laboratory work, and      weighted towards institutions in
                                                    COVID-19 has prevented that.                 underserved and biodiverse countries.

                                                    The GGI hosts the secretariat of the         Apart from the pandemic, what do you
                                                    Global Genome Biodiversity Network.          see as the major challenges facing the
                                                    How important is collaboration and           GGI in the coming years?
                                                    networking to the success of the GGI
                                                    and how are such relationships               GGI was never intended to be, and is not,
                                                    supported?                                   a permanent program. We were
                                                                                                 successful in fund raising for about two-
                                                    Networking and collaboration are             thirds of our goal, but GGI will sunset at
                                                    fundamental to GGI. No single institution    the end of 2021, having expensed many
                                                    can address or ameliorate the effects of     millions of dollars. It was always our
                                                    environmental change, and the Global         intent to spend big, and as fast as
                                                    South, is, after all, where most of          prudence permitted. Genomic science
                                                    megadiversity occurs. Countries own          widely acknowledges that access to high
                                                    their own patrimony—partnership and          quality tissues is rate limiting, just as the
                                                    collaboration is the only way forward.       still spotty “library” of DNA signatures,
An open liquid nitrogen tank at the Smithsonian’s   Even before GGI had significant funding,     which permit industrial, scalable
Biorepository. (Donald E. Hurlbert)                 we hosted in 2011 a workshop on “virtual     taxonomic identifications, is crucial.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1) • 16-17                                                                                            16
Insofar as before GGI, no coherent              the very few organizations that thinks         This journal is produced by and for the
international framework or mechanism to         about it ALL. For example, it is to me         botanic garden community. Do you have
share computable biodiversity genomics          startling that only about 10,000 taxonomic     a favourite botanic garden and if so, why
data on samples existed, it seems               families exist, and generally only about a     is it your favourite?
possible that GGI has changed the world.        dozen new ones are discovered per year.
                                                (That doesn’t include lumping and splitting,   Botany was the first natural history
As well as leading the GGI, you also            or other rearrangements of known               discipline I could really access, because
continue to have research and curatorial        diversity.) I think we are pretty much done    of excellent local field guides. I was about
responsibilities. Which aspects of your         with the inventory of major lineages! GGBN     eleven. At about 15 I started working as a
job do you find most interesting and            has preserved, with its partners, about        cross-country ditch digger (don’t ask),
rewarding?                                      5,700. We call the ones that are still out     and I gobbled my lunch so I could spend
                                                there, “dark” taxa. GGI provides guidance      the rest of the time botanizing. Only
In spiders I still work on taxonomy,            to many projects via gap analyses that tells   about 25 miles away from my hometown
phylogeny, and evolution—the last major         you what is preserved and what is not.         (on rotted schist) was the Housatonic
effort was a review of the astonishing          I enjoy focusing our efforts on the darkest    River Valley—limestone! The difference
diversity of spider sexual biology. However,    taxa we can find. Just at the moment,          astonished me. My first and sentimental
it’s fair to say that I am thrilled to get as   I am mesmerized by an isolated parasite        favourite was Bartholomew’s Cobble in
many lineages as possible through the           lineage found only in octopus kidneys          Sheffield Massachusetts that specialized
current extinction bottleneck. GGI is one of    (Dicyemida).                                   in native limestone ferns. Maybe it is not
                                                                                               formally a garden, but it had a lot of
                                                                                               labels, and I’m pretty sure the staff kept
                                                                                               close track of their Lygodium palmatum
                                                                                               (Bernh.) Swartz. Living in the DC area, I
                                                                                               can easily get to the sumptuous gardens
                                                                                               in the Brandywine River Valley, but I do
                                                                                               like ones that showcase their local flora—
                                                                                               or have Welwitschia.

                                                                           (Barney Wilczak)

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                 17


                                                               THE GLOBAL GENOME INITIATIVE FOR GARDENS:
                                              CONSERVATION PRIORITIES AT THE INTERFACE OF BOTANIC GARDENS
                                                                                AND BIODIVERSITY GENOMICS


                                                  LEARNING HOW TO SEQUENCE BIODIVERSITY BEFORE ITS GONE

                                                                       CRYOPRESERVATION FOR THE FUTURE


 Fern house at the Dr Cecilia Koo Botanical
 Conservation Centre (KBCC)

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                 18
                                                            Authors: Ole Seberg, Gabi Dröge, Jonathan Coddington and Katharine Barker

                                                                                                    BANKING BOTANICAL
                                                                                                     BIODIVERSITY WITH
                                                                                                    THE GLOBAL GENOME
                                                                                                       NETWORK (GGBN)
Liquid nitrogen storage tanks at the National Museum of Natural History's biorepository in Washington DC (Donald E. Hurlbert)

       xcluding algae, mosses, liverworts                 from, e.g., herbaria, frequently becomes                  substantially to the Global Genome
       and hornworts it is estimated that                 a challenge: 1) the DNA in specimens is                   Biodiversity Network’s (GGBN:
       there are nearly 400,000 known                     often fragmented; 2) historical                  diversity of plant
plant species in the world, of which                      preservation techniques usually fail to                   samples. Together they have helped to
370,000 are flowering plants. Presently                   inhibit endo- and exonuclease activity;                   close important taxonomic sampling
around 2,000 new species are described                    or 3) the DNA can become almost                           gaps in conservation. However, there is
each year – though this number is                         inaccessible due to preservatives and                     no free lunch and any project, regardless
decreasing (Christenhusz and Byng,                        fixatives that cause widespread post-                     of its size needs to comply with the ABS
2016). Surprisingly approximately one                     mortem damage, interfering with                           (Access and Benefit) requirements on the
third of these known species may be                       sequencing (e.g. by cross-linking DNA                     use of genetic resources as a
found in botanic gardens, which also hold                 and proteins in formalin-preserved                        consequence of the Nagoya-Protocol.
41% of the known threatened species.                      tissues; see, Friedman and DeSalle,
Perhaps not surprisingly most of the                      2008; Zimmermann et al., 2008).                           Building capacity to preserve the
species composition in botanic gardens                    Even though advances in sequencing                        world's biodiversity
is biased toward the temperate zone as                    technology have significantly broadened
that is where a substantial part of the                   the quality range of material that may                    GGBN was founded in 2011 in order to join
world’s botanic gardens are situated and                  potentially be sequenced, it remains                      the efforts of promoting access to
it is estimated that 76% of the tropical                  easier and much more efficient to use                     information about, and legal exchange of,
species are absent from the collection                    either fresh material or material stored                  the biodiversity genomic samples
(Mounce et al., 2017). This goes to show                  under optimal conditions, e.g., in                        maintained by its members. It provides a
the enormous role botanic gardens play                    biodiversity biobanks.                                    platform to unite biodiversity biobanks
in achieving global conservation goals,                                                                             from across the world in order to: 1) Enable
such as ex situ conservation of living                    During the last decade, a series of                       data-mining and strategic analysis across
plants, seed banks, and increasingly                      genomics projects with huge taxonomic                     one consistent database of global genomic
conservation genomics.                                    scope have been launched, e.g., Earth                     resources, 2) Collaborate to ensure
                                                          BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for                    consistent quality standards for DNA and
Traditionally botanic garden collections                  the future of life (Lewin, 2018). Common                  tissue collections, 3) Improve best
were used for taxonomy and general                        to all larger genome projects is their                    practices for the preservation and use of
plant biology but the molecular revolution                heavy reliance on easy access to                          such collections, 4) Harmonize exchange
has changed this dramatically, and the                    appropriate samples and botanic gardens                   and use of genetic materials in accordance
need for quickly preserved, properly                      are one excellent source of such relevant                 with national and international legislation
vouchered and correctly identified plant                  material. This fact has been very                         and conventions, in particular the Nagoya
material has increased significantly. The                 successfully explored by GGI-gardens                      Protocol, and 5) Enable targeted, strategic
use of traditionally preserved materials                  and its members, who have added                           collection to fill crucial biodiversity gaps.

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1) • 19-20                                                                                                               19

                                                                                                                Biodiversity repository
                                                                                                                A publicly accessible curated collection
                                                                                                                of biological material. Examples include
                                                                                                                museum, herbaria, botanical gardens,
                                                                                                                seed banks and zoos.

                                                                                                                Biodiversity biobank
                                                                                                                A subset of biodiversity repositories
                                                                                                                and collections that store DNA, RNA
                                                                                                                or tissue samples of biodiversity, (in
                                                                                                                general excluding human material).

                                                                                                                Natural history collection
                                                                                                                Traditional (i.e. morphological and
-80C freezers at the National Museum of Natural History's biorepository in Washington DC (Donald E. Hurlbert)   other) museum and herbarium
To achieve its mission, one of GGBN’s                    able to share their collections through
principal activities is the management of                infrastructures such as GGBN in the near               Genome sequencing
                                                         future, for the benefit of everyone and                Genome, metagenome, transcriptome,
a globally distributed database of
                                                                                                                and marker sequencing.
genomic samples linked to voucher                        major step towards implementing the
specimens – the GGBN Data Portal.                        Nagoya Protocol.
                                                                                                                Genome quality
                                                                                                                High-molecular weight DNA or RNA.
Connecting researchers to                                Literature:
collections                                                                                                     Biodiversity genomics
                                                         , Christenhusz, M.J.M and Byng, J. W.                  DNA sequencing of biodiversity.
Historically, scientists seeking genomic                   2016. The number of known plants
samples for research had no central                        species in the world and its annual                  Genomic sample
access point to simplify their search.                     increase.‒ Phyototaxa 261: 201–217                   Any biological material preserved to
Thus, countless opportunities for                                                                               keep its molecular properties (in general
research, development and conservation                   , Friedman, M. and DeSalle, R. 2008.                   excluding human material). Examples
have been lost due to a lack of access to                  Mitochondrial DNA extraction and                     include DNA, RNA, and tissue.
available biological resources. The GGBN                   sequencing of formalin-fixed archival
Data Portal addresses this by providing                    snake tissue. Mitochondrial DNA
                                                                                                                Degradation of DNA or RNA in living
researchers with a one-stop entrance to                    19: 433–437.
                                                                                                                organisms requires enzymes called
high-quality, well-documented, legally-
                                                                                                                nucleases, viz, deoxyribonucleases
obtained DNA and tissue samples that                     , Lewin, H.A. et al. 2018. Earth
                                                                                                                (DNAases) and ribonucleases (RNAses).
are compliant with access- and benefit-                    BioGenome Project: Sequencing life                   These both fall in two categories
sharing agreements (not least the Nagoya                   for the future of life. ‒ PNAS 115:                  exonucleases and endonucleases.
Protocol). GGBN members contribute to                      4325-4333.                                           Endonucleases cut the DNA or RNA
the Data Portal, which is globally                                                                              molecules inside the molecule,
searchable, while samples remain the                     , Mounce, R., Smith, P. and                            exonucleases from either end.
property of, and properly attributed to,                   Brockington. S. 2017. Ex situ
the contributing member. Today 97                          conservation of plant diversity in the               DNA degradation
organizations have joined GGBN, mainly                     world’s botanic gardens. ‒ Nature                    Chemical breakdown of the DNA
natural history collections and botanical                  Plants 3: 795- 802.                                  molecule. The half-life of DNA is 521
gardens, but also seed banks, culture                                                                           years, hence fossils older than 5 or 6
collections as well as Zoos and Aquaria,                 , Zimmermann, J., Hajibabaei, M.,                      million years don’t contain any DNA
veterinary and agricultural collections.                   Blackburn, D.C., et al. 2008. DNA                    anymore. To stop degradation a stable
GGBN is working together with other                        damage in preserved specimens                        cold and dry environment is needed,
stakeholders such as GBIF (Global                          and tissue samples: a molecular                      today usually achieved by storing DNA
                                                                                                                samples in liquid nitrogen or -80C
Biodiversity Information Facility), INSDC                  assessment. Frontiers in Zoology
(International Nucleotide Sequence                         5: 18. doi:10.1186/1742–9994–5–18.
Database Collaboration), and ISBER
                                                                                                                Tissue preservation
(International Society for Biological and                Ole Seberg,                                            In botany, tissues are normally stored
Environmental Repositories) in order to                  Natural History Museum of Denmark                      in silica gel in a stable and dry
provide tools and infrastructures for                                                                           environment. For RNA analyses tissue
traceable and trackable molecular                        Gabi Dröge,                                            must be stored in liquid nitrogen or -
research. In this issue the importance and               Botanischer Garten                                     80C immediately after sampling.
role of botanical collections is highlighted             und Botanisches Museum,
and we hope more collections will be                     Berlin-Dahlem, Germany

BGCI • 2021 • BGjournal • Vol 18 (1)                                                                                                                  20
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