Focus Shaping tomorrow's - MCI Group

Page created by Jared Webster
Focus Shaping tomorrow's - MCI Group
Featured organizations: 5GAA 4 | IACC 2 | MLA 6 | SILA 2 | SLA 1 | WLPGA 3

                                                                                                                            Shaping tomorrow’s
                                                                                                                          Issue 29 · January 2021


 Is your association ready
 for tomorrow?
    2020 was a year               According to a recent survey of 200 associations         a membership does not exclude them from your
      of disruption.              around the world conducted by ICCA, 66% believe          association community. You should adopt the mindset
                                  that COVID-19 has fundamentally impacted how             of building community and consider your association
        Now what?
                                  they operate. The global pandemic and digital revo-      as an open professional community rather than a
                                  lution have forced associations to rethink their value   closed membership organization. Every customer
                                  proposition, engagement strategies and ways              has a role to play and contributions to make, and
                                  of doing business.                                       should be considered a valued ‘member’ of
                                       And despite their reputation of being slow adopt-   the community.
                                  ers, associations, like every other organization, have       “Projections for 2021 are changing as our world is
                                  had no choice but to embrace the digital revolution      changing so quickly. We’ve taken a customer-focused
                                  and optimize the numerous advantages and oppor-          approach, looking at the community and how we
                                  tunities they offer to build sustainable engagement      can provide connection with our member, build
                                  models with their communities.                           relationships and share knowledge,” said Amy Burke,
                                                                                           MA, CAE, Executive Director of the Special
                                  The community-building mindset                           Libraries Association (SLA).
                                  How satisfied are your customers? Associations
                                  tend to overlook the large number of customers           Digital-first strategy
                                  interested in their offerings, products or programmes.   In a recent study of association members conducted
                                  Just because they are not interested in paying for       by Community Brands, (continued on page 2)

      Focus is published by MCI, a global engagement and marketing agency.
Focus Shaping tomorrow's - MCI Group
Welcome                                   50 percent of respondents said they value their membership more than they did before the
from Robin Lokerman                       pandemic. Members see their associations as increasingly vital, and with more online and
President, MCI Group                      virtual options, they are engaging. In another survey, 75 percent of nonprofits reported an
                                          increase in demand for their programmes, and a whopping 85 percent agreed that technology
                                          is the key to future success. Do associations have a choice? Not really. The traditional one-size-
                                          fits-all approach to membership is over. Today’s members and customers want customized and
                                          personalized experiences — and digital solutions offer endless opportunities.
                                               “It was a step into the unknown, but we were willing to explore another way of going about
                                          our processes that may lead to more efficiency, time and money savings in the long run. It was
                                          an opportunity to tap into digital technology to see how things can be done better,” Ronnie Tan,
                                          President of the Singapore Institute of Landscape Architecture (SILA), said regarding the
                                          organization’s move to a cloud-based digital platform.

                                          Building trust
                                          Like any other business, associations must listen to their members’ and customers’ needs,
Associations                              expectations and values. In our highly viral environment and interconnected world, perception
                                          matters, and Gen Z, the next generation of customers, craves trust and transparency. Building
influence                                 trust with stakeholders is key.

the world                                      “We had to be very maintained in our communication. We had to be careful not to
                                          over-promise, and always do what we say we are going to do. We knew we would build that
If associations don’t                     trust if we stick to our commitments,” said Mark Cooper, CEO of the International Associa-
transform, they will not                  tion of Conference Centres (IACC). “We provided interpretation and meaning behind every
                                          action throughout that journey. That’s key! It is almost like we were prepared with every decision
be around in five years.
                                          that we made and communicated about it to provoke excitement.”
One thing is very clear: Every aspect
of association engagement has been        Traditionalist, transitioner or future-oriented?
altered by COVID-19, and any orga-        There are different types of organizations. Depending on their size, maturity, sector or even
nization that has not embraced the        geographic location, associations will approach the ongoing volatility and increased digitiza-
virtual world with a robust e-learning    tion of the engagement experience differently.
platform, online community and other           Those associations that have a more traditional approach to member engagement most
digital tools is in dire straits.         likely will face difficulties in embracing their stakeholders’ changing needs. In this new normal,
   What strategies have you imple-        traditionalists will suffer from lack of agility and their financial status will suffer over the long
mented to ensure business continuity      term. Those in the transition phase have begun to address some of the critical components
and community engagement? Do you          related to member engagement, relevance, agility and financial management, but there is much
know how your association will oper-      more to do. Future-oriented organizations have already addressed some of the critical factors to
ate and grow in the new normal?           ensure relevance and value. However, the need for greater agility and digitization is challeng-
   Transformation is key, and now is      ing even the best of associations.
the time for associations to rethink
and transform. It is about designing a    Making tomorrow possible
completely new engagement model           What will help associations thrive in this new world? The first step is to understand what is
with virtual educational learning         and is not working. More than 80 percent of associations have been forced to cancel one of
experiences, new revenue strategies,      their flagship meetings due to the pandemic, according to a survey by Association Meetings
agile governance and relevance.           International. The financial result of these cancellations has placed a significant burden on as-
The digital experience must be            sociations — and also shows that they are relying too heavily on their event as the main source
convenient, valuable and relevant.        of revenue, above subscriptions.
In this issue of Focus, read about            Tradition isn’t good enough anymore. Today, associations need to have a real purpose.
associations that are in the process of   Association leaders need to rethink their fundamentals and provide more meaningful engage-
transforming their business models,       ment and value for their members, customers and stakeholders. They must ensure future-proof
including examples of new innovative      and sustainable revenue growth and at the same time maintain relevance for their community.
engagement strategies.
   Associations need to (re)act           Is your association ready for tomorrow? F.A.S.T.© is designed to guide associations through a
now and FAST! b                           tailored roadmap for resilience and growth. To learn more, visit b

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2     January 2021                                                                                            Shaping tomorrow’s associations
Focus Shaping tomorrow's - MCI Group

The world’s largest global LPG
event goes virtual
Gathering an entire industry for a new virtual event with a limited lead time.

The World LPG Association (WLPGA) is the au-               also developed a 360-degree marketing campaign               LPG week
thoritative voice of the global LPG (liquid petroleum      with an emphasis on social media.                            in numbers
gas) industry, representing the full LPG value chain.
WLPGA’s primary aim is to support the sector by driv-      Engaging the LPG community
ing premium demand for LPG while also promoting            Under the theme “Bringing Energy to Life,” e-LPG             128
compliance with good business and safety practices.        Week ran a series of high-end panel sessions that            speakers
    Organized by the WLPGA, LPG Week is the annu-          dove into different aspects of the LPG industry. Indus-
al global event for the LPG industry. The event travels    try leaders gathered during these interactive sessions
the globe and each year takes place on a different         and tackled topics from various global viewpoints            1,516
continent. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WLPGA             highlighting the future of LPG.                              participants
had to postpone LPG Week 2020 as an in-person                    One of the main features of e-LPG Week was
event in Dubai to 2021. But WLPGA also decided to          flexibility regarding access and scheduling. Attendees
maintain LPG Week 2020 as a virtual event to give in-      who missed any live or pre-recorded sessions could           15,000
dustry stakeholders an opportunity to meet, learn and      still catch the recordings for several weeks as part         programme clicks
do business, as well as generate revenue to finance        of the overall redesigned experience. Throughout
and sustain the association’s activities.                  the event, 1,500 participants exchanged more than
                                                           5,500 messages on the platform, and the programme            5,500
Renew, rethink, reinvent                                   received some 15,000 clicks.                                 messages exchanged
WLPGA had to completely rethink its event model and              “I attended a number of the sessions, and I was so
transform its annual programme into a virtual global ex-   impressed with the platform,” said Brian Richesson, Ed-
perience — called e-LPG Week — while managing the          itor in Chief of LP Gas magazine. “Hands down, it’s the      43
financial risks. Despite the short lead time, MCI France   best I’ve seen. Having the ability to go back and view       partner companies
was able to develop and manage a fully virtual expe-       the sessions afterwards is so helpful for our needs, too.”
rience that included conference sessions, networking             “This year, the MCI team who has been our event
and business opportunities, and a virtual exhibition.      partner for the past decade has revealed its capacity to
                                                           successfully adjust to the current and quickly evolving
Educate and communicate                                    event landscape,” said Esther Assous, Events Director
After sourcing technology platforms, MCI France            for WLPGA. “They have been a real ally in organizing
had to pilot a panel of stakeholders to evaluate every     the first virtual global event for WLPGA, which has
step of the development and adapt when needed.             received outstanding feedback from the LPG communi-
Webinars and tutorials were organized to inform and        ty. We look forward to continuing this partnership over
train the audience for the new format and to offer         the coming years.” b
guidance for developing content with shorter sessions
presented by world-renowned speakers. With the sup-        More from MCI: contact
port of a marketing agency and WLPGA, MCI France

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                                                              e-Voting platform supports first
                                                              virtual general assembly
                                                              The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global, cross-industry organi-
                                                              zation of 130 companies from the automotive, technology and telecommuni-
                                                              cations industries, working together to develop end-to-end solutions for future
                                                              mobility and transportation services. Because of travel bans, MCI Germany and
                                                              Logos, MCI’s public affairs coalition and stakeholder management company,
                                                              were asked to organize the 5GAA’s mandatory General Assembly as a virtual
                                                              programme for members to vote on the latest board decisions.
                                                                   After reviewing various voting platforms, MCI experts decided to develop
                                                              their own bespoke platform to meet all the legal and confidentiality require-
                                                              ments of the voting process. With 140 voting delegates spread over four
                                                              continents, MCI had to map the different steps and service providers required,
                                                              and evaluate the potential traps and obstacles and how to avoid them.
                                                                   Confidentiality of the vote had to be ensured due to the sensitivity of the
                                                              topics addressed, such as elections of board members. Back-office allowed
                                                              staff to monitor who voted, providing transparency to members on the number
                                                              of for, against and abstentions. b

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Tips for sponsorship revenues & engagement in virtual
How to make sure sponsors receive the right ROI with online platforms? How to maintain their long-term engagement in the virtual space?
Virtual event solutions bring new and innovative sponsorship opportunities. The audience’s virtual experience starts well before the event
itself and continues long after it ends. This leaves plenty of opportunities for sponsors to showcase their brand. By adopting a blended ap-
proach that is at the same time agile, strategic and human-centered, virtual sponsorships can be as effective as those for in-person events.
Here are five tried and tested value propositions to offer virtual sponsors maximum engagement and ROI:

           1                           2                           3                              4                            5
      Adaptable                 High-converting             Extended brand                   Flexible and                   Hidden
     and scalable                    leads                      visibility                   customized                   opportunities
      packages                     Sponsors extend             Exhibitors brand                 options                     Revenue may
        Packages are                their reach for a        and product videos            Sponsors strengthen            hide in areas you
      designed based            longer timeframe and         are accessible year-              their brand                didn’t think about,
    on sponsors’ needs          with access to unique       round, with access to            awareness and               and opportunities to
       and goals, not             individual informa-         measurable data.              engagement with               impress sponsors
     the organization’s             tion and habits.                                         impactful data.                 are endless.
    revenue objectives.

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4      January 2021                                                                                             Shaping tomorrow’s associations
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Digital marketing generates 24.5K leads for first
virtual congress
A leading international congress expecting        website layout and branding, and new              Phase 3 — to promote extended learning
10,000 participants was scheduled to take         marketing collateral for emails, digital adver-   and engagement via the online AI-fueled
place in Cape Town, South Africa, in June         tisements and social posts. The campaign          platform.
2020. However, in April 2020 it became            strategy consisted of three unique phases             During the six-week campaign peri-
clear that the event could not move ahead as      addressing multiple aspects:                      od, digital advertisements for the virtual
a physical meeting due to the pandemic.                                                             congress experience were seen 14 million
     The association, which serves the health-    Phase 1 — prior to the event focused              times, generated 24,500 leads, and 19,000
care field, quickly transformed its strategy      on launching the virtual experience of the        website visits, which was double the traffic
to virtual with the support of MCI. This trans-   transformed congress and associated online        for the previous physical congress over sev-
formation enabled the association to meet         learning platform through awareness               eral months. The email campaign generated
its commitment to delivering educational          and education.                                    more than 46% of total website traffic, with
content and bring the world congress into                                                           the email announcing the launch of the virtu-
the homes of attendees. This process meant        Phase 2 — during the virtual congress             al event website generating an impressive
an entirely new digital marketing strategy        experience to maximize engagement and             60% open rate. b
had to be developed and implemented               interaction through daily emails, push
almost overnight, and involved creating an        notifications and social media activities.        More from MCI: contact
enhanced target audience strategy, new                                                    


    How to build a powerful
    online community
    According to research by Inversoft, 77% of organizations believe that an online
    community significantly improves brand exposure, awareness and credibility. But
    building an online community can be hard work. The challenge is to keep people
    engaged and coming back while stimulating and monitoring conversations in
    a natural and personal way, feeding content through champions and offering
    features that will make your digital community platform a powerful tool. Here are
    some key features to consider:

                  Resource Library                         Discussion Forum
                  Body of knowledge                        The place to collaborate
                  to learn and inspire                     and exchange

                  Directory                                Widget Builder                           Mobile Friendly
                  Private social network                   Customized content                       Useful, relevant and
                  to connect                               with easy configuration                  smooth experience

    Additional features may include mentor match, learning management system (LMS),
    expert directory, reviews and much more.

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Connect with MCI:                                                                                             January 2021   5
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Interview: Kevin Baliozian, Executive Director, Medical Library Association (MLA)

The power of trust in the
transformation process
The Medical Library Association (MLA) is a professional association with a membership of more than
400 institutions and 3,000 professionals in the health information field. Together with its management part-
ner, MCI, the association was already in the process of redesigning and transforming its organization when
the COVID-19 crisis began, so it was just an opportunity to go faster. Kevin Baliozian, MBA, CAE, Executive
Director of MLA, shares key steps in the organization’s transformation journey.

                          What initiatives has MLA taken during the                   on Webex with Slack discussion channels.
                          COVID pandemic?                                                  We then looked at our governance and opera-
                          MLA has been redesigning and transforming for the           tions. We organized a five-day pivot together with
                          last five years, so we were ready for what is happen-       the executive committee and the executive director
                          ing now. In fact, when the crisis started, it was an        to review the association’s policies on committee
                          opportunity to go faster.                                   appointments and content strategy, which was finally
                               For example, we were already thinking of trans-        moved aside. Small working groups were assembled,
                          forming our annual meeting, which represents half           including three members and two staff members for
Kevin Baliozian           of our revenues. Then COVID happens and we are              vetting and coordination; and, finally, new roles were
Executive Director        going straight to digital for meetings and exhibit. By      created and staff reassigned to new roles. The budget
Medical Library           going virtual, by lowering pricing, offering financial      was reallocated with the support of the board and
Association (MLA)         aid, and avoiding the issue of travel, suddenly we          finance committee. As a result of these operational
                          are dramatically increasing the ability of people to        changes, member engagement has increased sig-
                          participate and engage.                                     nificantly with the involvement of new individuals not
MLA’s                          As a matter of fact, the organization has figured      previously engaged. MLA’s relevance and perceived
transformation            out a long list of projects that are way better to do       value have also increased.
                          virtually than face-to-face. MLA is now looking at               The third step was to rethink and redesign our
in numbers                going hybrid for our event next year, with the physical     event to move to a virtual experience. Our annual con-
                          conference as an add-on to the virtual event experi-        ference and exhibits represent 50% of MLA’s revenues
6                         ence when it was previously the opposite. The reverse       and is our largest contributor of funding. Our May
new weekly online         strategy is forcing us to think how we are going to         physical event was cancelled and replaced by a virtual
“open forums”             promote the physical conference over the virtual one.       conference and exhibit in August. We initially decided
                                                                                      to take our content and exhibition and make it virtual,
                          What where the key steps in MLA’s transformation            but we finally scraped away that approach and thought,
95%                       journey?                                                    if we were to start from scratch virtually, what would the
of exhibitors             We focused on four key elements, including our              conference experience be like? A conference crisis
confirmed interest        communities, our governance and structure, our event        team was assembled, including executive committee
                          and finally our financial model.                            members, conference co-chairs and key staff leaders.
                              Our first initial step was to unleash the power of      They were empowered to make quick and high-level
4.0                       our 45 member communities. These communities are            decisions. At the same time, the staff was empowered
average conference        organized by areas of practice of health information or     to design a dramatically different experience.
satisfaction rating on    special interest and affinity. The health information el-        The launch of our first virtual conference was also
5.0 scale                 ement makes our members very connected to COVID.            the occasion to launch six new weekly online “open
                          They have been reliable in providing trustworthy infor-     forum” gatherings on MLA’s topics, instead of two
                          mation such as search strings and trusted websites to       at the conference. The redesign of the conference
                          the health professionals and making them available to       experience now includes a live launch, an exploration
                          the public. We also launched weekly topical 30-minute       week with asynchronous viewing and discussions,
                          discussion sessions combining a presenter/facilitator       as well as live social events and a live action week a

6     January 2021                                                                                            Shaping tomorrow’s associations
Focus Shaping tomorrow's - MCI Group
month later with interactive sessions, meet-ups with      MCI in the news
panelists and exhibitors, and social events. We are
proud to say that 98% of our presenters maintained
their presence and 95% of exhibitors expressed inter-
est in maintaining their presence and sponsorships.
And with this we were also offering a new experience
to our members.
     The fourth and very important step was to rethink
financial forecasting and communication. The 2020
budget was no longer relevant, so we set up a series
of scenarios based on actual metrics or events with
daily cash management and safe strategies to ensure                                         The MCI Middle East team receives the MALT Excellence Award

short-, medium- and long-term cash scenarios. By
doing this, we demonstrated trustworthiness that the      Awards & recognitions
MLA leadership is fast and financially savvy to make      Amy Lestition Burke, MA, CAE, Senior VP of Engagement at MCI USA, has
the right decisions.                                      been recognized with the Leader of Distinction Class of 2020 Award by the
                                                          digitalNow conference.
How has your board responded and supported you
in this process?                                          Karen Bhavnani, MCI Geneva, has been nominated as one of the Top 100
As I was starting to think how the organization would     Digital Shapers in Switzerland by the publications HandelsZeitung, Bilanz,
go through this crisis, my president told me, “You’re     and Le Temps.
not alone.” What I have found amazing is the team
and collaboration and spirit of our board and             MCI Singapore won three awards from Marketing Interactive’s Marketing
executive committee.                                      Events Awards, including Gold in the category Best Virtual Event (B2B) for
    During that process, the decision was made to         Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) Annual Meeting Virtual Event 2020. MCI
increase the number of communications in a massive        Singapore also received the Pioneer Member Awards from the Singapore As-
way, including monthly informational board meet-          sociation of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (SACEOS) in
ings, status reports of what is going on, and weekly      recognition of the role MCI has played in shaping Singapore’s MICE industry.
open forums with members that are run by volunteers
around various topics, so it all goes around building     MCI USA and the National Cannabis Industry Association’s (NCIA) Cannabis
trust. The trust is essential, and building trust comes   Business Summit & Expo were named to Trade Show Executive’s Fastest 50 in
through a lot of great communications with the differ-    recognition of the event’s robust growth.
ent groups. At the end of the day, whether members
agree or not with the decisions the board is making,      MCI Middle East took home the prestigious Exceptional Association Event of the
they know the board knows what it is doing.               Year Award from the MALT Excellence Awards, which recognize exemplary
                                                          initiatives in the field of meetings, incentives, conferences, events, business and
Can you describe how the AMC model supported              luxury travel from the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council).
MLA in its transformation?
Our transformation journey required a lean, agile and                                                  New leadership positions
quick decision-making process while working with the                                                   Per Anker, Director of Sales, MCI
leadership. Building trust with the various stakehold-                                                 Copenhagen, has joined the Meet-
ers was key in that process. The decision was made to                                                  ing Professionals International
transform the annual event, which consequently has                                                     (MPI) European Advisory Council
allowed us to transform the entire organization.                                                       2020/2021, and Igor Tobias Director
    By transitioning to an association management          Per Anker
                                                                                                       has been nominated President of
model, MLA benefits from constant pivot and quality                                                    MPI Brazil.
experimentation. We have earned a license to exper-
iment with experienced professionals, shared knowl-                                                    Barbara Calderwood, Director, Asso-
edge and quality systems. This model has allowed                                                       ciation Relations, MCI UK, has been
us to solve engagement issues and address diversity                                                    named co-chair of the Association
to become truly inclusive. I can focus on association                                                  of British Professional Conference
needs and strategy while operations are looked after                                                   Organisers (ABPCO). b
by MCI’s staff. We have a better spread of activities
during the year and we are now operating in a more
                                                           Barbara Calderwood
agile, flexible and creative way. b

Connect with MCI:                                                                                              January 2021            7
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8 association trends in 2021
While COVID-19 has been an accelerator for change
and a catalyst for associations and other not-for-profit
organizations to rethink their relevance, way of work-
                                                                1          4. Social distancing
                                                                           Social distancing due to COVID-19 is changing the
                                                                           way organizations and individuals behave, requiring
ing and business model, the pandemic is not the only         Embrace       new ways of working and offering new opportunities
reason for associations to consider their future-proof       a digital     for digitization. Virtual communications, events, and
strategy. Associations have no choice but to embrace         and user      learning experiences are here to stay, and hybrid
the digital revolution and adapt to thrive in the new       experience     events are the New Normal.
normal. At MCI, we have identified a number of               mindset
drivers affecting associations as they grapple with this                   5. Sustainability and environmental development
new era, including eight main trends:

1. Technology
                                                                2          Addressing global challenges such as poverty,
                                                                           inequality, and climate change, the UN Sustainable
                                                                           Development Goals provide a clear pathway toward a
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud            Make        better and more sustainable future by 2030. Associa-
computing, robotics, 3D printing and the Internet of         innovation    tions are ideally placed to help advance the goals.
Things are transforming every aspect of how we live             and
and work. Associations must embrace these technol-          investment     6. Ethics and values
ogies to offer their stakeholders a more personal,          top priority   Gen Z, the next generation of members and custom-
intuitive and engaging experience.                                         ers, demands ethical and value-driven behaviors and

2. Financial impact                                             3          will choose to engage with those associations that are
                                                                           behaving ethically and doing good for the community.
As associations review their financial status due to
the pandemic, they need to anticipate the potential        Reach beyond    7. Online reputation management
knock-on effect, as members and sponsors are forced        the converted   Shaping public perception of an organization by
to protect their own interests. New products and                           influencing online information can be quite complex
programmes are critical to continuing to engage your                       in our universally connected world. Understand that
community and ensure value and relevance.                                  while associations need to be hyper-transparent about
                                                                           their actions, they do not fully control their reputation.
3. Privacy and data protection
While the monetization of data is the lifeblood of                         8. Equality and diversity
many associations, the EU’s General Data Protection                        Organizations increasingly will be judged by their
Regulation (GDPR) has placed limits on certain activ-                      ability and actions to reduce discrepancies between
ities. Technological advances will continue to produce                     groups based on race, gender, sexuality, religion and
workarounds even as greater vigilance and demands                          other factors and to foster diversity, equity, and inclu-
for transparency grow.                                                     sion. In that, associations can play a key role. b

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8     January 2021                                                                                 Shaping tomorrow’s associations
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