2021 TRAINING PLAN Revive Your Career www.aambfs.org - THE ARAB ACADEMY - For Management ...

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2021 TRAINING PLAN Revive Your Career www.aambfs.org - THE ARAB ACADEMY - For Management ...
Revive Your Career

2021 TRAINING PLAN Revive Your Career www.aambfs.org - THE ARAB ACADEMY - For Management ...
Open Enrollment Programs

                                             International Certificates

General Directorate for Training


2021 TRAINING PLAN Revive Your Career www.aambfs.org - THE ARAB ACADEMY - For Management ...
The President’s Message
The Arab Academy for Management, Banking and Financial Sciences has undertaken a
mission of training and developing generations of aspiring calibers in a variety of industries
since its inception in 1988. Our training methodology is based on scientific theory and
subject-knowledge in accordance with the highest quality standards.

AAMBFS is a regional Arab institution, with a keen ambition to provide the best in technology
and innovation to all fields and levels. The Institute of Financial and Banking Training at
AAMBFS aims to deliver distinguished and high-quality services to all sectors operating in
the MENA region, to achieve a number of goals and objectives, including:

•   Providing training in all categories to enable individuals and institutions to reach sustainable
    development, meeting today’s demanding requirements by helping them acquire skills
    to achieve their goals, meet challenges, and support them in developing their careers,
    institutions and societies.

•   Developing training programs and linking the academic experience and knowledge to the
    corporate life, helping students utilize the expertise and knowledge gained to increase their
    productivity, and contribute to solving problems derived from real-life cases.

•   Conducting research and field surveys that contribute to identifying the training needs of
    institutions in various sectors, to provide them with the required and on-demand services
    for each field, bearing in mind the basic relationship between the requirements of the labor
    market and future needs in order to bridge the gaps in a variety of sectors.

•   Since its beginning, the Institute of Banking and Financial Training has emphasized the need
    to focus on the quality of training, strengthen the services available through local, regional and
    international strategic partnerships to implement high standard programs and specialized
    diplomas through five main types of training services:

    •   Open Enrollment Programs                   •   Private training
    •   Contractual (Customized) Programs          •   E-Learning
    •   On-the-job training (Coaching)

                                                                                   Dr.Mostafa Hodieb
                                                                                       The President

2021 TRAINING PLAN Revive Your Career www.aambfs.org - THE ARAB ACADEMY - For Management ...
Training Activity
    Training at the Academy is an organized systematic and continuous process. It aims to meet
    present and future needs in accordance with the competencies- based human resources
    approach. This process, in turn, will contribute to the advancement of individuals and
    institutions alike and will empower them to achieve sustainable development and excellence
    on the strategic level through offering updated Arab, regional as well as international banking
    and financial developments.
    The Academy offers its training programs in accordance with ISO 10015 to guarantee the
    highest quality levels in different forms and categories including open enrollment, contractual
    programs, on the job training, coaching and e-training (distance learning) and certified
    specialized professional certificates from renowned international institutions.
    Moreover, the Academy with all its staff, believes that realizing the work requirements and
    accomplishment, whether strategic or operational, at any organization necessitates the
    existence of a group of standardized corporate and organizational competencies. These
    competencies will become as the main standardized requirements by which the suitability
    of the human resources capabilities, whether present or perspective, and those concerned
    with human resources management and development, will be judged. at the same time, it will
    measure their efficiency and capabilities level in addition to defining the requirements of the
    needed development and training.
    As to the year 2020 the Academy has enriched its available services through expanding its
    network of strategic partners, locally, regionally and internationally.

    Types of available training:
    The Academy offers five types of training programs:
            Open - Enrollment Programs:                   Contractual Programs:
            programs which are included in the            These programs are designed and
            annual training plan and These are            implemented for the benefit of an individual
            held at different dates and venues            or institution in particular to meet the training
            in various Arab countries. These              needs of the Beneficiary (Contracting),
            programs      cover    administrative,        showing       all   arrangements       for    the
            financial, and banking fields. Perhaps        implementation of the program (components,
            the most important characteristic             scientific materials, number of participants,
            of this type of programs is their             venue and date of implementation, the
            being made available to individuals           coach, and administrative and financial
            and institutions from different Arab          obligations of both parties). These programs
            countries alike.                              may be either internal (i.e. private candidates
                                                          from a single institution) or local (i.e. private
                                                          candidates from more than one institution
                                                          within a single country).

            On the Job Training:                          Coaching:
            In such programs, employees are               Here, the trainee will be equipped with
            subjected to training while on the            specific skills in a specified area to meet his
            job. The employee receives training           professional needs.
            while performing her specific job.
            Thus, she is offered the proper               E-Learning and E-Training Programs:
            direction by the trainer till the latter      These programs become a necessity as it
            is convinced of the employee’s                became quite important to make available
            performance.                                  techniques and means that cope with
                                                          information technology and communication
                                                          in addition to realizing efficiency and
                                                          effectiveness in time, cost and returns.

Strategic Parteners
“Since 1998”

    International Board of Standards            American Academy of Project             American Academy of Financial
                                    (IBS)          Management (AAPM)                        Management (AAFM)

                                                           MENA                      The Academy of German Cooperatives
                                                                                               ADG – German

              GEMS, USA                            Global Banking Training              Florida International University

  European Banking & Financial Services       The Institute of Certified Bankers        American Bankers Association
          Training Association                            (ICB) – USA                           (ABA) – USA

      Business Continuity Institute         The William Davidson Institute (WDI) -               World Bank
                                                University of Michigan – USA

Stratigic Parteners
Training Programs Plan Countries

Program title                                       Date         Location       Deploma                              Hours

                                                                 Amman -        Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-
Fraud by electronic payment means                   3-7/1        Jordan         ey Laundering                        25

Analysis and conclusion of insurance contracts      3-7/1        Amman -        Insurance                            25

Excellence in procurement, tendering and negotia-   10-14/1      Aqaba -        Purchases, Stores and Warehouses     25
tion management                                                  Jordon         Management

Creativity and excellence in human resource man-    10-14/1      Istanbul -     Human Resources Management           25
agement                                                          Turkey

Outstanding service performance & Customer          17-21/1      Beirut -Leb-   Public Relations Management          25
Service                                                          anon

Business continuity plan                            15-17/1      virtual        Management                           9

The future of financial , banking , services and    17-19/1      virtual        Bank Branch Management               9
digital innovations
Certified Superviser (CS )                          24-27/1      virtual        Management                           12

Risk Management in the digital world                25-26/1      virtual         Risk Management & Basel Accord      6

Fraud in insurance companies                        24-28/1      Amman -        Insurance                            25

investment funds' Applications in Banks & Islamic   31/1-4/2     Tunisia -      Financial Markets & Investment       25
financial                                                        Tunisia        Portfolios

                                                                 Amman -        Financial Markets & Investment
Investment Risk Management                          31/1-4/2     Jordan         Portfolios                           25

remedial loans management & Processing method       31/1-4/2     Khartoum -     Bank Credit                          25

Small and medium enterprises risk management        7-9/2        virtual        SMEs Financing & Management          9
in crisis
"""Scrutiny of L/C Documents in Accordance with                                 Letters of Credit & International    9
International                                                                   Trade

Standard Practices UCP No. 745."                    9-11/2       virtual        Auditing                             9

 Professional Framework and Fundamentals of         14-16/2      virtual        Bank Credit                          9
Internal Auditing - IPPF
Bank credit in crises ( measurement - strategy)     16-18/2      virtual        Management                           9

The best international practices in strategic       21-23/2      virtual        Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-   6
planning                                                                        ey Laundering

Information security in financial institutions      24-25/2      virtual        Human Resources Management           25

Strategies for human resource management and        7-11/2       Amman -        Management                           25
human capital HCM                                                Jordan

Follow-up methods & Preparing reports for High      7-11/2       Amman -        Islamic Finance Operations &         25
management                                                       Jordan         Modes

Islamic banking finance (Tools and controls)        7-11/2       Amman -        Financial Management                 25

Methods of financial forecasting, methodologies for 14-18/2      Dubi - Emir-   Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-   25
preparing budgets and analyzing deviations                       ates           ey Laundering

The latest developments in Anti-Money Laundering    14-18/2      Kuwait -       Financial Management                 25
and Terror Financing                                             Kuwait

Preparation and evaluation Economic feasibility     14-18/2      Amman -        Bank Credit                          25
study for projects                                               Jordan

Compliance in banking                               21-25/2      Amman -        Auditing                             25

Preparing Internal Auditor Reports and Work Pa-     21-25/2      Amman -        Letters of Credit & International    5
pers According to IIA Standards                                  Jordan         Trade

Program title                                         Date          Location     Deploma                              Hours

    Incoterms 2020                                        1-2/3         virtual       Risk Management & Basel Accord      48

    Certified Manager in Risk Management (CMRM)           5/3           virtual      Management                           15

    Preparing financial strategic plans in contempo-      14-18/3       virtual      Bank Branch Management               6
    rary crises

    Fintech in financial sector                           16-17/3       virtual      Management                           15

                                                                                     Financial Markets & Investment
    Certified Professional Manager                        21-25/3       virtual      Portfolios                           25

    financial forecast forms design                       21-25/3       virtual      Bank Credit                          9

    Problem Loans collection strategy in crisis           28-30/3       virtual      Public Relations Management          6

    Digital transformation and customer experience        31/3-1/4      virtual      Accounting                           25

    latest Changes in International Accounting Stand-     28/2-4/3      Amman -      Bank Credit                          25
    ards                                                                Jordan

    Credit risk management - the standard method for      28/2-4/3      Amman -      Management                           15
    advanced measurement                                                Jordan

    Linguistic and Nerve Programming for Workers in       7-11/3        Amman -      Insurance                            25
    the Financial and Banking Sector (Workshop)                         Jordan

    General insurance (fire - engineering - general acci- 7-11/3        Amman -      Auditing                             25
    dents - allied risks)                                               Jordan

    Audit and analysis according to international         7-11/3        Amman -      Human Resources Management           25
    standards                                                           Jordan

    Career path planning And linking to the training      14-18/3       Tunisia -     Risk Management & Basel Accord      25
    path                                                                Tunisia

    Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (        14-18/3       Damascus -   Financial Management                 25
    ICAAP)                                                              Syria

    Reporting inappropriate practices in banks and        14-18/3       Baghdad -    Financial Management                 25
    financial institutions WBP                                          Iraq

    Analyzing, Evaluating of the Bank performance         21-25/3       Amman -      Financial Management                 25

    Fraud in the financial statements, its types, meth-   21-25/3       Amman -      Bank Credit                          25
    ods of detection and prevention                                     Jordan

    Developing the efficiency of Follow up and collect    21-25/3       Amman -      Management                           25
    Problem Loans                                                       Jordan

    Improving services and developing work policies,      28/3-1/4      Aqaba -      Auditing                             15
    methods and procedures                                              Jordon


    Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Part one             4-8/4         virtual      Marketing & Selling                  6

    Sales skills development (tools and techniques)       5-6/4         virtual      Management                           25

                                                                        Dead Sea -   Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-
    Leadership and team building (workshop)               4-8/4         Jordan       ey Laundering                        25

    Detecting credit card fraud and electronic payment 4-8/4            Amman -      Financial Management                 25

    Financial analysis to assess the performance of       4-8/4         Amman -       Risk Management & Basel Accord      25
    companies to grant credit and facilities                            Jordan

    Liquidity risk management in accordance with          11-15/4       Damascus -   Purchases, Stores and Warehouses     25
    Basel II and Basel III                                              Syria        Management

    Preparing and qualifying warehouse keepers and                      Amman -
    purchasing representatives to negotiate and con-      11-15/4       Jordan       Financial Management                 25
    clude contracts

    Fintech Modern Financial Technology and Applica-      11-15/4       Kuwait -     Insurance                            25
    tions                                                               Kuwait


    Actuarial Principles for Non-Actuaries in General     23-27/5       Amman -      Financial Markets & Investment       25
    Insurances                                                          Jordan       Portfolios

Program title                                       Date       Location        Deploma                            Hours

Investment portfolios, components and manage-       23-27/5    Amman -         Bank Credit                        150
ment principles                                                Jordan

Certificate of Modern Methods in Bank Credit &      23/5       Cairo - Egypt    Risk Management & Basel Accord    25
                                                               Amman -         Office Management & Executive
Credit risk - the internal rating method (IRB)      23-27/5    Jordan          Secretarial ship                   25


Modern strategies for electronic archiving          30/5-3/6   Istanbul -      Bank Credit                        25

Legal problems related to bank guarantees           30/5-3/6   Amman -         Management                         25

                                                               Amman -         Financial Markets & Investment
Crisis Management & Confronting work pressures      30/5-3/6   Jordan          Portfolios                         25

Foreign currencies - markets & mechanisms           30/5-3/6   Amman -         Public Relations Management        6

protocol and business etiquette                     6-7/6      virtual         Accounting                         25

Valuation of fixed assets according to Standard     6-10/6     Cairo - Egypt   Accounting                         25
No. 16
International Accounting Standards and Financial    6-10/6     Amman -         Bank Credit                        25
reporting & The latest modifications IAS & IFRS                Jordan

                                                               Amman -         Financial Markets & Investment
Credit control and follow-up                        6-10/6     Jordan          Portfolios                         25

Risk management in foreign currencies               13-17/6    Amman -         Public Relations Management        25

communication skills Effective                      13-17/6    Amman -         Auditing                           15

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Part two           13-17/6    virtual         Bank Credit                        25

Problem Loans collection strategy                   20-24/6    Cairo - Egypt   Management                         25

                                                               Kuala           Financial Markets & Investment
Management and strategic planning                   20-24/6    Lumpur -        Portfolios                         25

Treasury and investment operations management       20-24/6    Amman -         Marketing & Selling                9

Sales skills development (tools and techniques)     27-29/6    virtual         Public Relations Management        25


Communication & Effective negotiation skills        27/6-1/7   Amman -         Accounting                         25

                                                               Amman -         Financial Markets & Investment
Detecting accounting errors and corrected           27/6-1/7   Jordan          Portfolios                         25

Methods of investing in capital markets             4-8/7      Cairo - Egypt   Management                         25

Conflict management in the work environment         4-8/7      Amman -          Risk Management & Basel Accord    25

Operational risk management                         4-8/7      Amman -         Accounting                         25

Accounting controls for instruments and stocks in   4-8/7      Istanbul -      Insurance                          25
Islamic banks                                                  Turkey

                                                               Amman -         Purchases, Stores and Warehouses
Risk management in insurance companies              4-8/7      Jordan          Management                         25

Managing commodity stock and treating stagnant      11-15/7    Amman -         Management                         25
stock                                                          Jordan

Project management                                  11-15/7    Amman -         Bank Credit                        25

                                                               Amman -         Financial Markets & Investment
Asset /Liability management                         11-15/7    Jordan          Portfolios                         25

Managing the settlements of Dealing rooms oper-     11-15/7    Amman -         Auditing                           15
ations                                                         Jordan

Program title                                          Date        Location        Deploma                              Hours

     Preparing Internal Auditor Reports and Work Pa-        11-15/7     virtual          Risk Management & Basel Accord      25
     pers According to IIA Standards

     Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (         11-15/7     Cairo - Egypt   Public Relations Management          25

     Customer Relationship Management (concept,             25-29/7     Amman -          Risk Management & Basel Accord      25
     practice & application)                                            Jordan

     Reputation risk management                             25-29/7     Amman -          Risk Management & Basel Accord      25

     Market and liquidity risk management                   25-29/7     Amman -         Management                           25

                                                                        Amman -         Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-
     Management, leadership and business ethics             25-29/7     Jordan          ey Laundering                        25


     Combating cyber crime associated related to bank       1-5/8       Cairo - Egypt   Management                           25

     Innovation in solving working problems                 1-5/8       Amman -         Marketing & Selling                  25

     Excellence in Customer Service                         1-5/8       Amman -         Financial Management                 25

     Unconventional monetary policy tools                   8-12/8      Amman -         Management                           25

     KPI’s Modern Performance Measurement Methods           8-12/8      Amman -         Marketing & Selling                  9

     "Marketing strategies to achieve the highest profit-                               Bank Credit                          25

     in a competition"                                      15-17/8     virtual         SMEs Financing & Management          25

     Credit analysis and assessment                         15-19/8     Istanbul -      Auditing                             15

     SME's Credit Risk                                      15-19/8     Amman -         Human Resources Management           25

                                                                                        Letters of Credit & International
     Annual Forum for Internal Auditors                     18-19/8     Cairo - Egypt   Trade                                25

     Key Performance Indicators KPI's                       22-26/8     Cairo - Egypt   Financial Management                 25

     L/C According to international norms                   22-26/8     Amman -         Bank Credit                          25

     Analysis the efficiency of investment and financing    22-26/8     Dubi - Emir-    Letters of Credit & International    9
     decisions                                                          ates            Trade

     Security and confidentiality of information and        22-26/8     Damascus -      Letters of Credit & International    25
     documents & Computer saving methods                                Syria           Trade

     The most common discrepancies in shipping docu-        29-31/8     virtual         Management                           25
     ments presented under documentary credits

     Incoterms 2020                                         29/8-2/9    Istanbul -      Public Relations Management          25

     Innovation in conflict management & work disputes      29/8-2/9    Amman -         Human Resources Management           50

     Etiquette and workplace protocol                       29/8-2/9    Amman -         Accounting                           25

     Integrated approach to HR management                   29/8-9/9    Cairo - Egypt   Public Relations Management          25

     "The Preparation of Financial Statements in Ac-                                    Management                           25
     cordance with

     Accounting Standards and International Financial       5-9/9       Cairo - Egypt   Management                           25
     Reporting (IFRs, IASs)"

     Absolute conviction in customer service                5-9/9       Amman -         Bank Credit                          9

                                                                        Amman -         Islamic Finance Operations &
     Effective management supervision skills                5-9/9       Jordan          Modes                                25

     Superiors, subordinates & colleagues care skills       5-9/9       Amman -         Public Relations Management          25

Program title                                          Date        Location        Deploma                               Hours

Banking Syndicated loans                               12-14/9     virtual         Human Resources Management            25

Islamic Finance Operations & Modes                     12-16/9     Cairo - Egypt   Public Relations Management           25

Mass Communiocation & Interaction Skills               12-16/9     Amman -         Financial Management                  25

Preparing and qualifying HR & training specialist      12-16/9     Amman -         Insurance                             25

Emotional Intelligence Skills & Success in custom-     12-16/9     Amman -         Management                            25
er service                                                         Jordan

Institutional governance to combat financial and       19-23/9     Tunisia -       Auditing                              15
administrative corruption                                          Tunisia

                                                                   Amman -         Office Management & Executive
Accounting standards in insurance companies            19-23/9     Jordan          Secretarial ship                      15

Development of managerial & behavioral skills          19-23/9     Dubi -          Accounting                            25

The role of internal audit in evaluating the govern-   19-23/9     virtual         Marketing & Selling                   25
ance according to IIA
Excellence in secretary and office management          19-23/9     virtual          Risk Management & Basel Accord       25

Modern methods of discovering cheat and fraud in       26-30/9     Cairo - Egypt   Management                            9
financial statements

Preparing the marketing plan, implementation and       26-30/9     Amman -         Letters of Credit & International     25
follow-up                                                          Jordan          Trade

International Financial reporting standards IFRS9      26-30/9     Amman -         Management                            25
-Credit risk                                                       Jordan


Business Policies & Procedures                         3-5/10      virtual         Financial Management                  25

International Trade Finance by Credits & policy        3-7/10      Amman -          Risk Management & Basel Accord       130
collection                                                         Jordan

                                                                   Amman -         Letters of Credit & International
Strategic planning skills and preparing plans          3-7/10      Jordan          Trade                                 9

Feasibility study, project financing and investment    3-7/10      Amman -         Letters of Credit & International     25
analysis                                                           Jordan          Trade

Certified Manager in Risk Management (CMRM)            10/10       Cairo - Egypt   Financial Management                  25

Local and foreign letters of guarantee                 10-12/10    virtual         Public Relations Management           25

Internal and external banking operations               10-14 /10   Amman -         SMEs Financing & Management           25

Corporate governance and its practical applica-        10-14 /10   Aqaba -         Purchases, Stores and Warehouses      25
tions                                                              Jordon          Management

Skills and techniques for containing and handling      10-14 /10   Amman -         Bank Credit                           25
complaints                                                         Jordan

                                                                   Amman -         International Banking and Financial
Financial analysis for SME's                           17-21/10    Jordan          Operations                            15

Integrated skills in managing procurement, bids        17-21/10    Amman -          Risk Management & Basel Accord       15
and tenders                                                        Jordan

                                                                   Amman -         Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-
Loan guarantees in banks                               17-21/10    Jordan          ey Laundering                         25

Investment and Money Management strategies             19-21/10    Cairo - Egypt   Accounting                            25

Operational risk Management - Advanced                 24-26/10    Cairo - Egypt   Auditing                              25

Money laundering and terrorist financing opera-        24-28/10    Dubi - Emir-    Auditing                              25
tions through electronic payment                                   ates

Preparing financial statements in accordance with      24-28/10    Amman -         Insurance                             25
international accounting standards                                 Jordan

Risk based Sharia audit                                24-28/10    Tunisia -       Bank Credit                           12


Program title                                          Date         Location        Deploma                               Hours

     Sharia control and audit of the business of Islamic    31/10-4/11   Amman -         Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-    25
     financial institutions                                              Jordan          ey Laundering

     Governance of insurance companies and insurance        31/10-4/11   Amman -         Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-    25
     brokerage firms                                                     Jordan          ey Laundering

                                                                                         Office Management & Executive
     Analyze market and industry risk                       1-4/11       virtual         Secretarial ship                      25

     Detecting forgery and forgery in documentary           7-11/11      Amman -          Risk Management & Basel Accord       25
     credit transactions and reducing the resulting risks                Jordan

     Recent developments in combating money laun-           7-11/11      Istanbul -      Detection of Counterfeiting & Mon-    6
     dering and terrorist financing                                      Turkey          ey Laundering

     Integrated skills for secretarial workers              7-11/11      Istanbul -      Auditing                              15

     Corporate governance & risk management                 7-11/11      Muscat -        Public Relations Management           25

                                                                         Dubi -
     Corporate governance & risk management                 8-10/11      Emirates        Public Relations Management           15

     the latest of Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist      8-9/11       virtual         Letters of Credit & International     25
     Financing                                                                           Trade

     Practical procedures for implementing operational      14-18/11     virtual         Human Resources Management            25
     and financial audits

     Public relations, etiquette, protocol and dealing      14-18/11     Beirut -Leb-    Financial Management                  25
     with VIPs                                                           anon

     Correspondent banking operations                       14-18/11     Amman -         Marketing & Selling                   25

     Risk management in human resources                     14-18/11     Damascus -      Accounting                            25

     Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LLCR) and Liquidity Sta-     21-25/11     Amman -         Human Resources Management            50
     ble Ratio (NSFR)                                                    Jordan

     Advanced marketing skills and effective selling        21-25/11     Beirut -Leb-    Auditing                              25
     skills                                                              anon

      Financial statements Analysis ( indicators and        21-25/11     Cairo - Egypt   Management                            25


                                                                                         International Banking and Financial
     Certified International Trainer - CIT                  28/11-2/12   Cairo - Egypt   Operations                            25

     Developing behavioral skills and dealing with          28/11-2/12   Cairo - Egypt   Management                            40
     internal auditing
     Skills of developing capabilities and qualifying the   28/11-2/12   Aqaba -         Insurance                             25
     second generation of administrative leaders                         Jordon

     Bank deposit operations                                28/11-2/12   Amman -         Information Systems                   25

     Certified Professional Manager                         5-9/12       Cairo - Egypt   Auditing                              25

     Supervising and controlling the insurance sector       5-9/12       Amman -         Financial Management                  25

     Fraudulent methods for penetrating bank networks       5-9/12       Amman -         Accounting                            25
     and How to prevent it                                               Jordan

     Risk-based internal audit and control                  5-9/12       Amman -         Bank Credit                           25

     Rules for switching from the cash basis to the ac-     12-16/12     Amman -         Public Relations Management           25
     crual basis in the public sector                                    Jordan

     Tax Data Exchange (CRS) and General Personal           12-16/12     Dubi - Emir-    Accounting                            30
     Data Protection Rules (GDPR)                                        ates

                                                                         Amman -         International Banking and Financial
     Credit control& Problem Loans management               19-23/12     Jordan          Operations                            25

     Public relations and organizing major conferences      19-23/12     Amman -
     and celebrations                                                    Jordan

     Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Part Three            19-23/12     Cairo - Egypt

     Foreign banking operations in Islamic banks            26-30/12     Amman -


International Certificates
      International Certificates Offered by The Center of Certified Financiers & Bankers, Accredited by
      the American Academy of Financial Management, Global Academy of Finance & Management
                                      & International Board of Standards
                  ‫متخصص تمويل مصرفى معتمد‬
     CCBP        Certified Credit Banking Professional
                                                                           ‫متخصص معتمدفي مكافحة‬
                                                             CAMLP         ‫غسل األموال‬
                  ‫مدير فرع معتمد‬                                           Certified AML Professional
     CBM          Certified Branch Manager
                                                                           ‫متخصص معتمد في إدارة المشاريع‬
                                                             CSMES         ‫الصغيرة والمتوسطة‬
                  ‫شهادة إختصاصي التسويق‬
                                                                           Certified SME Specialist
     CMSS         Certified Marketing and Sales Specialist

                                                             CRBP          ‫متخصص تجزئة مصرفية‬
                                                                           Certified Retail Banking Professional
                  ‫مدير معتمد في إدارة المخاطر‬
     CMRM         Certified Manager in Risk
                                                              ACIA         ‫مدقق داخلي معتمد‬
                                                                           Arab Certified Internal Auditor
                  ‫شهادة أخصائي خطابات الضمان‬
     CSDG         Certificate for Specialists in Demand
                                                                           ‫متخصص تمويل تجارة دولية‬
                                                             CTFTS         Certified Trade Finance
                                                                           Tools Specialist
      CGB         ‫مصرفي شامل معتمد‬
                  Certified General Banker
                                                                           ‫شهادة أخصائي االعتمادات المستندية‬
                                                              CDCS         Certificate for Documentary
                  ‫مدير مشاريع مهني معتمد‬                                   Credit Specialists
     CPMP         Certified Project Management
                  Professional                                             ‫إختصاصي التدريب والتطوير‬
                                                              CLDS         Certified Learning &
                                                                           Development Specialist
                  ‫متخصص معتمد في الموارد البشرية‬
     CHRP         Certified Human Resources Professional

                                                                CS          ‫مشرف معتمد‬
                                                                            Certified Supervisor
                  ‫مدير امتثال معتمد‬
      CCM         Certified Compliance Manager

                                                              CPM          ‫المدير المعتمد‬
                                                                           Certified Professional Manager
                  ‫شهادة القيادة المستدامة‬
      CSL         Certified Sustainable Leadership

CBM                                 Certified Branch Manager

To be promoted form one level to a higher one in the job hierarchy is no longer dependent on spending a certain
number of years at the job being promoted from to the higher one. In fact, it requires continued professional education
and attaining a certification or professional diploma qualifying the person being promoted to the higher job. Out of this
requirement, came this certification not only for those to be promoted but also for the present branch managers to
measure their performance and assess their training needs. Moreover, this certification enjoys international recognition
as illustrated hereafter. Needless to say that this certification requires passing an exam covering all sides of banking
business. Thus, he who passes the exam will be equipped with a professional qualification enabling him to run his
branch skillfully and with utmost ability. The said exam includes the following topics: Basic Banking Operations,
Consumers Lending, Financing Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’S), Contemporary Procedures in Human
Resources Management, Distinguished Manager and Managerial Performance Development, Compliance in Banking,
Contemporary Trends in Letters of Credit According to UCP 600, Marketing of Financial and Banking Services, and
Financial Accounting.

CCBP                                Certified Credit Banking Professional

This certificate is considered a license to work in banking sector in Egypt as well as other Arab countries.
The comparative advantage of this certificate is the linkage between theoretical and practical aspects in credit in
addition to the qualified & experienced instructors.
The certificate has a great accreditation locally and internationally.
It contains all the practical techniques that relate to corporate credit such as:
(Accounting, financial statement analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, credit worthiness, trade finance, risk
management forecasting credit risk, operation risk, market risk, cash flow methods, non-performing loans, central
banks regulations, credit control &follow-up.
Finally, all the above contents make the certificate the most favorable choice inside and outside Egypt.

CMSS                                Certified Marketing and Sales Specialist

The main objective of Sales and Marketing Department plays a vital role to achieve and realize the organization’s
mission. Our program’s aim is to reintroduce the principles of sales and marketing processes in the Business to Business
(B2B) context to sales and marketing executives as well as senior managers and other organizational department
members in a carefully designed curriculum, stressing on the interdependency of both processes. Another objective
is understanding the steps of the buying and selling cycle in the B 2 B context. Tools like product levels analysis,
perceptual maps and critical success factors are introduced with hands on experience as marketing tools.

   CSL                                Certified Sustainable Leadership

The Leadership training and certification program is designed for individuals & employees who are interested in
pursuing a leading position through their career. This program will provides the essential information and leadership
skills required by professionals who have to lead a team and achieve specific organizational goals. Born a leader or not,
if you are planning to adopt a leader's approach, this is the course for you. The (CBL) Business leadership Certification
equips the business professional with the skills and characteristics required for effective leadership. Effective leadership
skills are in demand in every aspect of business and are recognized as an indispensable element for corporate success.
The (CBL) certification module covers all of the essentials of today's leaders. This is a hands-on and interactive module
that uses real life scenarios to develop practical leadership skills.

     CMRM                                     Certified Manager in Risk Management

     The CMRM Certificate is considered one of the most important certificates offered by the Academy concerning risk
     management in financial institutions in general and banks in particular since risk management is one of the most
     important skills in the banking industry. Risk management offers a clear vision of the targeted profit through accurate
     measurement of all types of risk and how to manage, follow-up, control and price them in order to arrive at a suitable
     return measurement.
     Moreover, this helps in creating banking human resources capable of dealing with banking risk management and
     define and measure such risks quantitatively, follow them up, and mitigate them by all possible means followed on the
     international level.
     Basel Accords II and III played an important role in how to define, measure, follow-up, control and mitigate banking risks.
     Moreover, these Accords provide a group of calculation procedures to determine the necessary capital requirements
     needed for meeting risks, and leaving the choice of the most suitable procedures to the banks and supervisory
     authorities. Thus, these Accords offer a wide spectrum of freedom of choice to the local supervisory bodies. They have
     to choose those procedures that are applicable in the circumstances of concerned country. This requires huge efforts
     on the part of the local authorities concerned to guarantee enough compromise between the applied procedure and
     the market conditions.

     CSDG                                     Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees

     Demand guarantees and standby letters of credit are a relatively new development as such flexible tools that mitigates
     the risks associated with both domestic and international trade and commerce. The Certificate for Specialists in Demand
     Guarantees (CSDG) is a professional qualification that is recognized worldwide as a benchmark of competence in
     guarantees and standbys, It enables guarantees and standbys practitioners to demonstrate practical knowledge and
     understanding of the complex issues associated with such trade undertakes.
     The CSDG is now managed by The London Institute of Banking & Finance in partnership with the International Chamber
     Of Commerce (ICC).

     CGB                                      Certified General Banker

     This certificate takes into consideration all types of information and stills needed by any banker in general. A speedy
     look on the topics covered by this certificate shows clearly what has been stated above. It includes the following
     subjects: Basic Banking Principles, Technical Aspects of Banking Industry such as Credit, Deposits, Risk management,
     Problem Loans, and Financial Analysis of the bank client in order to decide on granting him the loan or not, in addition
     to Forecasting, Planning and Budgeting showing the latter’s role in planning and control.

     CCM                                           Certified Compliance Manager

     This comprehensive certification is designed specially for all the staff levels of the Compliance Division at the Financial
     Institution and Regulatory bodies, starting with the beginners to the intermediary levels and finally the professionals.
     This course includes updated concepts and regulations related to the Financial Institutions supported by a lot of
     examples. at the end of the course, all participants will know well the details of Compliance, Governance, Know Your
     Customer, anti Money Laundering, Combating Terrorism Finance, Information Security, ATM Fraud, Nigerian Scam,
     Currency Counterfeit Software and the Code of Conduct. Moreover, it covers the latest worldwide subject “FATCA” and
     its applicable approaches in detail.

CS                                       Certified Supervisor

The supervisor’s certification prepares the new supervisors, prospective employees for their emerging responsibilities
by giving them fresh knowledge of the methods and methodologies of supervision that have been tried and reviewed.
This will provide participants with basic knowledge in supervisory management and provide them with the necessary
skills to become professional supervisors; capable of achieving objectives in the work environment.
The courses in this program explore ways in the art of supervision, staff assessment, team building, delegation, and
shift from management to leadership, while not neglecting humanitarian aspects.
This certificate is one of the strongest certificates not only because it is a certificate, but because it contains a set of
skills and practical and scientific training that qualifies the participant to be a distinguished supervisor who creates a
creative work environment through which to achieve the objectives required of him/her and the ability to build self-
managed teams, train employees and qualify them to be distinguished cadres in their work.

CAMLP                                         Certified AML Professional

This comprehensive diploma is designed specially for the trainees working in the field of combating Money Laundering,
Terrorism Finance and Proliferation in accordance with the new consolidated 40 recommendations recently published
by Financial Action Task Force. It is not covering the theoretical details only, but it extends to include the local and
international best practices. Trainees at all levels of experience, will be educated well, starting from the introductory
level to the professional level. It starts with Know Your Customer, typologies, stages, roles, local law and international
recommendations, red flages, proliferation and counter measures in direct or indirect approaches. Moreover, it includes
ways of enhancing your combating systems based on “Risk Based Approach” methodology. There are many real local
and international cases discussed in this workshop training. This is to ensure that all trainees are getting the required
experience to be able to apply in real life situations.

CHRP                                          Certified Human Resources Professional

This Certification aims to provide the participant with basic knowledge and skills in human resources management.
Thus the participant is qualified to function effectively and with utmost ability in all what he does in his job. This is
evident by taking a look at the subject of this certificate, namely: principles of human resources management, business
ethics, human behavior, practitioners, strategic role in managing human resources such as recruitment, employment,
planning, training and development, managing rumination and compensation, fringe benefits, job securities, industrial
safety health affairs and many others. Thus, the Participant will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills
to turn this job.

CPMP                                          Certified Project Management Professional

Professionals certify their competence in project management which would be especially helpful for project managers
who try to find jobs or project managers who work for themselves and sell their services to customers.

     CLDS                                           Certified Learning & Development Specialist

     Aligning Learning with Business Strategy, L&D practitioners often name their biggest challenge as clearly demonstrating
     the link between learning, the practical experience that supports it, and the necessary resources to the objectives
     of the organization. Facilitators of this “Aligning Learning with Business Strategy” training program will enable L&D
     professionals to motivate and build commitment to learning in their organization and offer an array of learning solutions
     that develop employees - all directly linked to improving the organization.

      CSMES                                        Certified SME Specialist

     This certificate was designed for all employees in the financial services sector specially in SME’S financing to improve
     their skills in dealing effectively with the business owners by identifying their characteristics, and activities and
     helping them achieve their goals. It offers topics (including organizational structures, business workflow and holistic
     development starting from market research, product design, service delivery, feedback and development). Within the
     framework of the certificate, participants will identify and evaluate the risks to achieve returns that match with those

      CDCS                                         Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists

     The Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists (CDCS) is a professional qualification that is recognized worldwide
     as a benchmark of competence in documentary credits, It enables documentary credit practitioners to demonstrate
     practical knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with documentary credit practice.
     The CDCS has been developed in consultation with industry experts to make sure that the qualification reflects best
     practice. It was created by the International Financial Services Association (IFSA) and The London Institute of Banking
     & Finance. CDCS is now managed by The London Institute of Banking & Finance in partnership with the International
     Chamber Of Commerce (ICC).

     CTFTS                                          Certified Trade Finance Tools Specialist

     This certification is designed to provide participants with all required knowledge under trade tools, specifically letters of
     credit, letters of guarantee and bills for collection. Through its contents, the concepts and mechanism of each tool will
     be discussed in detail. It is well-known for trade officers all over the world that the International Chamber of Commerce
     (ICC) publications related to trade tools are very important for any person dealing with trade tools (banks, traders, and
     other involved parties). Accordingly, for preparation of a well-qualified trade officer who can easily identify the risks
     under trade tools to protect his interests and fully understand the ICC rules correctly, all publications will be explained
     in detail word by word and through case studies when needed.

CPM                                           Certified Professional Manager
The objective of the program is to prepare professional managers who are able to achieve objectives in the work
environment while enabling the manager to recognize the basic elements of success in the administrative process.
In addition to dealing with staff in a professional manner. Increasing management and leadership skills, different
knowledge and positive impact on ethics of managers in the workplace. Developing the confidence of the managers
themselves and developing their performance in their work directly for advanced standards in quality and performance,
excellent experience and institutional commitment. This program is suitable for managers at all levels and in all fields
and industries. As the knowledge framework of this certificate covers a number of basic skills in administrative aspects.
At the end of the program, the participant is expected to be able to learn the basics components of the management
process. Understand the concepts of personal effectiveness of a successful manager. Effective strategic planning and
measurement methods. Learn how to communicate and interact with others with a high degree of effectiveness. Know
the skills needed to effectively organize and distribute work in their units. Knowledge of the skills that enable them to
manage conflict and turn it into opportunities to learn the ways and means of managing the human element.

CRBP                                          Certified Retail Banking Professional

 Recent studies have confirmed that there is an opportunity for Retail Banking to grow significantly over the coming
years as a result of the transformation of the traditional role of banks in the corporate sector need to shift attention and
focus on the access of customers by offering a variety of Retail banking products and services in order to achieve the
following goals:
• Increase the market share in the customers base
• Achieve higher profitability by offering a package of banking products and services for long-term
• Achieve balance and stability of the resources of the saving products
• Distribution of the risk of lending to a larger base of borrowers in accordance with the terms and conditions of lending.

ACIA                                        Arab Certified Internal Auditor

The rapid development in the work load of business enterprises, and its ever-increasing interest and concern in
activating its control functions had a great impact on the internal auditing departments.
It became imperative that these departments should develop their activities, and qualify their staff to cope with these
Along with these new developments, came the change in auditing procedures, techniques and international internal
auditing standards. New trends and techniques of internal auditing came into existence, Thus, it became necessary
to acquaint internal auditors with the new main concepts, and equip them with the needed skills to deliver their work
according to the best practice and the international standards.
This certification is the right tool to achieve the above-mentioned aspirations and goals.

International Professional
                                   Prep- Programs In Cooperation with
                                   Powers Resources Corporation (PRC)

                 CMA                                                    CIA
     Certified Management Accountant (CMA)                      Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)

     Certified   Management        Accountant
                                                            Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) has
                                                            been developed and accredited by the
                                                            Institute of Internal Auditors IIA/USA
     The Certified Management Accountant,
                                                            who are the world’s leader that enable
     CMA certificate was created and
                                                            professionals in the field of internal audit
     offered by the Institute of Management
                                                            to attain and develop excellence in
     Accountants IMA/USA, the leading
     authority in the world to enable
                                                            The profession of internal auditing
     professionals in managerial accounting
                                                            depends on measuring the financial
     and finance in developing and attaining
                                                            performance           effectiveness      of
     excellence of performance
                                                            companies and the verification of the
                                                            amount of the reliability of financial
     Managerial Accounting represents one
                                                            reports that are prepared in companies
     of the most important contemporary
                                                            and institutions and the following of
                                                            the implementation of laws and internal
     disciplines that form the intersection
                                                            policies that have different performance
     between the fields of Business
                                                            ranges of control guidelines and
     Administration and
                                                            are measure the internal auditor
     Accounting, which involve the exercise of
                                                            performance based on integrity and
     managerial accounting which comprises
                                                            objectivity in the evaluation, respect
     the experience and knowledge in the
                                                            intellectual property and assess the
     accounting and administrative work
                                                            privacy of information in addition to
     in the executive of any organization or
                                                            owning a great deal of knowledge that
                                                            enables auditor to perform his duties
     Obtaining this certificate in those areas
                                                            to the highest attainable standards of
     will bring professionals many benefits,
     which can be summarized as follows:
                                                            Obtaining this certificate by professionals
                                                            in this area will has many benefits, which
     1. Climb to top management positions in
                                                            can be summarized as follows:
     their company.
                                                            A)The labor market’s high demand for
     2. Increase their scientific knowledge in
                                                            holders of this certificate and which
     multiple areas (managerial and financial
                                                            rises the value of benefits and career
     accounting, cost accounting, economics,
     finance, etc ...)
                                                            B)This certificate will help in the
     3. Professional Accreditation for previous
                                                            preparation of a new generation of Arab
                                                            accountants professionals who will be
                                                            qualified globally, to meet the economic
     Scientific content includes the certificate
                                                            challenges that are facing the Arab
     of the following parts:
                                                            The contents of the certificate are three
     Part I: Financial Planning, Performance
                                                            parts as follows:
     and Control Reports
                                                            1-The Basics of Internal Audit
     Part II: Financial Decision Making
                                                            2- The Practice Internal Audit
                                                            3- Knowledge of Internal Audit Elements
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