Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services - Release 19.0 Issue 2 May 2020

Page created by Tyler Cox
Deploying Avaya Call Management
System on Amazon Web Services

                                  Release 19.0
                                       Issue 2
                                     May 2020
© 2019-2020, Avaya Inc.                                                    USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED
All Rights Reserved.                                                       FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AVAYA
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Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited        machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or
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                                                                           License type(s)
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Licenses                                                                   software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located
                                                                           at under the link “Heritage
THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA                          Nortel Products” or such successor site as designated by Avaya. For
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Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of            PARTNER IS HOSTING ANY PRODUCTS THAT USE OR EMBED
activation or use authorized as specified in an order or invoice.         THE H.264 CODEC OR H.265 CODEC, THE AVAYA CHANNEL
                                                                          PARTNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THE AVAYA
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Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of         RELATED FEES AND/OR ROYALTIES. THE H.264 (AVC) CODEC
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documentation, Hosted Service, and the product provided by Avaya          IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO: (I)
including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is         ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD
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written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense    WWW.MPEGLA.COM.
under the applicable law.
                                                                          Compliance with Laws
                                                                          You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility for
The following applies if the product is deployed on a virtual machine.    complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including, but not
Each product has its own ordering code and license types. Unless          limited to laws and regulations related to call recording, data privacy,
otherwise stated, each Instance of a product must be separately           intellectual property, trade secret, fraud, and music performance
licensed and ordered. For example, if the end user customer or            rights, in the country or territory where the Avaya product is used.
Avaya Channel Partner would like to install two Instances of the
                                                                          Preventing Toll Fraud
same type of products, then two products of that type must be
ordered.                                                                  “Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications
                                                                          system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a
Third Party Components
                                                                          corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your
“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or                company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud
portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may           associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can
contain software (including open source software) distributed under       result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications
third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain          services.
terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software
                                                                          Avaya Toll Fraud intervention
(“Third Party Terms”). As required, information regarding distributed
Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux      If You suspect that You are being victimized by Toll Fraud and You
OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third        need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center
Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available        Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United
in the products, Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: https://         States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see or such successor site as designated          the Avaya Support website: or such
by Avaya. The open source software license terms provided as Third        successor site as designated by Avaya.
Party Terms are consistent with the license rights granted in these
                                                                          Security Vulnerabilities
Software License Terms, and may contain additional rights benefiting
You, such as modification and distribution of the open source             Information about Avaya’s security support policies can be found in
software. The Third Party Terms shall take precedence over these          the Security Policies and Support section of https://
Software License Terms, solely with respect to the applicable Third
Party Components to the extent that these Software License Terms
impose greater restrictions on You than the applicable Third Party        Suspected Avaya product security vulnerabilities are handled per the
Terms.                                                                    Avaya Product Security Support Flow (https://
The following applies only if the H.264 (AVC) codec is distributed with
the product. THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC                       Downloading Documentation
PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A                        For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya
CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE                       Support website:, or such successor site
REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH                       as designated by Avaya.
VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A                         Contact Avaya Support
PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO                        See the Avaya Support website: for
PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS                     product or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem
GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE.                            with your Avaya product or Hosted Service. For a list of support
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA,                      telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support
L.L.C. SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM.                                         website: (or such successor site as
Service Provider                                                          designated by Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select
                                                                          Contact Avaya Support.
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HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN                           not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from
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THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS REQUIRED TO                                  or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the
INDEPENDENTLY OBTAIN ANY APPLICABLE LICENSE                               express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party.
DIRECTLY FROM THE APPLICABLE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER.                        Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc.
All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and
other countries.

Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................ 7
   Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 7
   Change history........................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 2: Avaya Call Management System on AWS overview........................................... 8
   Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 8
   Software delivery..................................................................................................................... 9
   Networking considerations for Avaya Call Management System deployment in AWS.................... 9
   Types of network connection.................................................................................................... 9
       Location of CMS in the VPC............................................................................................. 10
       Number of direct connections........................................................................................... 10
   Unsupported features for Avaya Call Management System AWS instances................................ 10
   Functional differences when installing CMS in AWS................................................................. 11
Chapter 3: Planning................................................................................................................ 12
   Planning checklist.................................................................................................................. 12
   Release details of CMS application OVAs............................................................................... 12
   Instance Types and capacities for an AWS deployment............................................................ 13
   High Availability..................................................................................................................... 14
       HA CMS and Survivable CMS.......................................................................................... 14
Chapter 4: Converting OVA to AMI........................................................................................ 16
     Checklist for converting Avaya Call Management System application OVA to an Amazon
     Machine Image..................................................................................................................... 16
     Creating a bucket for uploading the OVAs for AMI conversion................................................... 16
     Uploading Avaya Call Management System OVAs to the Amazon Web Services console........... 17
     Creating a Linux Amazon EC2 virtual server instance............................................................... 17
     Obtaining the virtual server instance user ID............................................................................ 19
     Importing the OVA for AMI conversion..................................................................................... 19
     Creating a key pair................................................................................................................ 22
     Launching an Amazon EC2 instance....................................................................................... 22
     Creating a user access key.................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5: Deployment process............................................................................................ 24
   Deployment checklist............................................................................................................. 24
   Deploying the Avaya Call Management System application AMI................................................ 24
   Configuring the CMS software................................................................................................ 26
   Verifying Avaya Call Management System on AWS instance.................................................... 27
Chapter 6: Maintenance operations...................................................................................... 28
   Restoring CMS on a virtual machine....................................................................................... 28
   Starting an Amazon Web Services instance............................................................................. 31
   Stopping an Amazon Web Services instance........................................................................... 31
   Rebooting an Amazon Web Services instance......................................................................... 31

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Chapter 7: Resources............................................................................................................. 33
   Documentation...................................................................................................................... 33
   Amazon Web Services documentation.................................................................................... 37
   Finding documents on the Avaya Support website................................................................... 37
   Viewing Avaya Mentor videos................................................................................................. 37
   Support................................................................................................................................ 38
       Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base........................................................................... 38

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Chapter 1: Introduction

    This document provides the following information:
         • Deployment of Avaya Call Management System (CMS) in the Amazon Web Services (AWS)
         • Virtualization architecture
         • Deployment planning
         • Verification of CMS installation
         • Configuration of CMS
         • Maintenance related to the deployment in AWS
    This document refers to standard CMS documents for configuring and maintaining the CMS
    This document is intended for people who need to install, configure, and deploy CMS on AWS.

Change history

     Issue        Date                     Summary of changes
     2            May 2020                 Updated the supported AWS Instance types in Instance Types and
                                           capacities for an AWS deployment on page 13.

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Chapter 2: Avaya Call Management System
           on AWS overview

  Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud services platform that enables enterprises to securely run
  applications on the virtual cloud. The key components of AWS are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
  (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Supporting the Avaya applications on the AWS
  Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform provides the following benefits:
     • Minimizes the capital expenditure (CAPEX) on infrastructure. Customers can move from
       CAPEX to operational expense (OPEX).
     • Reduces the maintenance cost of running the data centers.
     • Provides a common platform for deploying the applications.
     • Provides a flexible environment to accommodate the changing business requirements of
  You can connect the following applications to the Avaya Call Management System (CMS) AWS
  instances from the customer premises:
     • Avaya Aura Communication Manager
     • Various Avaya Professional Services offers
  Customer responsibility
  Before deploying an Avaya application on AWS, you must know your responsibilities as a customer.
  For information about customer responsibilities, see Deploying Contact Center Applications on
  Amazon Web Services.
Related links
    Prerequisites on page 8
    Software delivery on page 9
    Networking considerations for Avaya Call Management System deployment in AWS on page 9
    Types of network connection on page 9
    Unsupported features for Avaya Call Management System AWS instances on page 10
    Functional differences when installing CMS in AWS on page 11

    Before deploying the product, ensure that you have the following knowledge and skills:

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Software delivery

       • Amazon Web Services setup
       • Linux® Operating System
       • Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
    To administer the AWS Management console and CMS applications.

Software delivery
    The software is delivered as one pre-packaged Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) file that is
    posted on the Avaya Product Licensing and Download System (PLDS). The Avaya Call
    Management System (CMS) OVA for Amazon Web Services (AWS) has aws-001 or aws-‘xxx’ in
    the version string and only these OVAs must be converted and deployed on AWS. You cannot
    correctly convert or deploy the standard application OVAs on AWS.
    The OVA contains the application software and operating system.

Networking considerations for Avaya Call Management
System deployment in AWS
    When you deploy an Avaya application at the main location or at a branch location on Amazon
    Web Services (AWS), ensure that you follow the networking requirements, such as, the WAN
    network topology, bandwidth, and latency of the Avaya applications. You must adhere to the
    Avaya network recommendations and AWS networking rules.
    AWS has some limitations for establishing VPNs and direct connections into AWS. For more
    information about Amazon VPC Limits, see the AWS documentation at http://
           Avaya recommends the use of direct connection in combination of a private WAN connection
           with Service Level Agreement (SLA) measures to ensure that the network quality is
           appropriate for signaling and voice traffic.
           Avaya is not responsible for network connections between AWS and customer premises.

Types of network connection
    You can connect applications in a hybrid network on a Virtual Private cloud (VPC) in the following

May 2020                  Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                  9
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Avaya Call Management System on AWS overview

             Connection type                                        Resource
     VPN Connection                For information about VPN Connections, see http://
     Direct Connection             For information about AWS Direct Connections, see https://

Location of CMS in the VPC
    The primary function of Avaya Call Management System (CMS) is to provide reporting for CC Elite
    functionality on the Avaya Aura Communication Manager. Therefore, it is important to locate the
    CMS Amazon Web Services (AWS) deployment in a region that is the same as, or as close to the
    Communication Manager as possible. Co-location of CMS and Communication Manager in the
    same AWS VPC is ideal.
    The CMS and Communication Manager are not required to both be deployed in AWS. CMS can
    reside in AWS with Communication Manager on the customer premise, and vice versa.
    Supervisor users access CMS through the CMS Web client and the CMS PC Supervisor client. All
    Supervisor users require network connection to the CMS deployment in AWS. If a VPN connection
    is used to connect to the CMS in AWS, network latency may impact the performance for
    Supervisor users.
           Avaya recommends the use of direct connection in combination of a private WAN connection
           with Service Level Agreement (SLA) measures to ensure that the network quality is
           appropriate for signaling and voice traffic.
           Avaya is not responsible for network connections between AWS and customer premises.

Number of direct connections
    You must separate the traffic between the Supervisor users and the Avaya Call Management
    System(CMS) installation from Communication Manager and CMS traffic.

Unsupported features for Avaya Call Management System
AWS instances
       • LAN backup.
           Only NFS-mounted file systems are supported for backups.
       • Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure management tools such as CHEF, Ansible, and

May 2020                  Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services           10
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Functional differences when installing CMS in AWS

Functional differences when installing CMS in AWS
    When deploying Avaya Call Management System (CMS) in a virtualized environment, it operates
    almost identically as a CMS deployed on a traditional hardware server provided by Avaya using
    the Linux operating system.
    After the CMS OVA file is converted to AMI and deployed within Amazon Web Services (AWS),
    use the standard CMS installation and administration documents to complete the installation.
    This section describes a few of the functional areas that are different when deploying CMS in
    Software media
    You must download an OVA file to deploy CMS in AWS. The OVA file contains the operating
    system and a specific CMS load. You must make a backup copy of the OVA file in the event you
    must restore the system. Store the backup copy of the OVA file in a safe location so that you can
    get the backup quickly if you want to restore your system.
    Base Load upgrade media
    CMS in AWS uses an ISO image to accomplish the CMS software upgrades. You must make a
    backup copy of the ISO image. Store the backup copy of the ISO image in a safe location to
    perform a Base Load upgrade.
    Backup options
    Avaya supports backups to a network mount NFS point for CMS in AWS. Avaya does not support
    LAN Backup for CMS in AWS. Do not use the LANBackup procedures when backing up CMS in
    For more information about backup options, see Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Call
    Management System.

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Chapter 3: Planning

Planning checklist
    Ensure that you complete the following before deploying the virtual applications on the Amazon
    Web Services (AWS) Management console:
     No.   Task                            References                Notes

     1     Download the appropriate        See Deploying Contact
           Avaya Call Management           Center Applications on
           System (CMS) OVA file.          Amazon Web Services.
     2     Upload the OVA file to AWS      See Deploying Contact
           and convert the OVA to the      Center Applications on
           AMI format.                     Amazon Web Services.
     3     Deploy the CMS AMI file into                              You must separately
           the required AWS                                          license each CMS
           configuration.                                            instance, that is, each
                                                                     installation of an OVA.
                                                                     To install multiple
                                                                     instances of CMS,
                                                                     customers or business
                                                                     partners must order a
                                                                     separate CMS license
                                                                     for each instance.
     4     Complete the installation and   See Avaya Call
           administration as normal if a   Management System
           hardware server was             Administration and
           received, racked, and ready     Maintaining and
           for use.                        Troubleshooting Avaya
                                           Call Management

Release details of CMS application OVAs
    You can download CMS OVAs from the Avaya PLDS website at Avaya
    packages the CMS software as an OVA file ready for conversion and deployment on AWS.

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Instance Types and capacities for an AWS deployment

Instance Types and capacities for an AWS deployment
      Instance Types
      The following table provides the minimum resources consumed by CMS for each size of
      deployment. These resources do not exactly match the Instance Types provided by Amazon, but It
      is expected that CMS on AWS will be deployed in an Instance Type that has the minimum
      resource requirements or better.
      When selecting the Instance Type for a CMS deployment, care should be taken to allocate at least
      the minimum resources. The resources listed in the table are necessary to support the capacities
      listed in the table following the Instance Types.
           Downsizing the resource reservation can put the performance of CMS at risk. CMS is a read/
           write intensive application. Avaya recommends the use of the EBS Optimized storage from
       Server type           AWS Instance          AWS vCPU            AWS RAM          Hard Disk Drive       NICs
                             Type                                      (GB)             (GB)
       Small                 m4.large              2                   8                800                   3
       Medium                m4.2xlarge            8                   32               1,200                 4
       Large                 m4.4xlarge            16                  64               1,800                 4

      The m4.large and m5.large Instance Types have only ‘moderate’ network performance. Choosing
      the m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge Instance Type is mandatory for high network performance. Reliable
      network performance is necessary to ensure fast refresh rates for reporting. The m4.2xlarge,
      m5.2xlarge, m4.4xlarge, and m5.4xlarge Instance Types have more CPU and memory allocated
      than is necessary for a small configuration. Customers will have to make the decisions on trade-
      offs of between network performance and cost of the instance.
      The AWS Instance Types listed above will support the capacities detailed in the following table:
Parameter                       Small                          Medium                         Large
Peak busy-hour call             30,000                         200,000                        400,000
Concurrent Supervisor           50                             200                            1,6002
Concurrent agents               500                            5,000                          10,000
                                                                                                        Table continues…

  1   This value is the total number of active CMS Supervisor PC client and CMS Supervisor Web client sessions.
  2   Of the 1600 sessions supported, only 800 can be CMS Supervisor Web client sessions

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Parameter                        Small                          Medium                          Large
Third-party software             3                              5                               7
Agent skill pairs                100,000                        200,000                         800,0003
Reports per Supervisor           3                              5                               10
Report elements                  5                              5                               12
Percentage of supervisors 10%                                   50%                             100%
that can run reports with a
three-second refresh rate
Active agent traces              250                            1,000                           5,000
Internal Call History (ICH)      4,000 per 20 minutes           4,000 per 20 minutes            4,000 per 20 minutes
External Call History            10,000 per 20 minutes          60,000 per 20 minutes           300,000 per 20 minutes
(ECH) records

High Availability
      High Availability (HA) Avaya Call Management System (CMS) and Survivable CMS are Avaya
      product offers that are different from Amazon Web Services (AWS) duplication or redundancy
      features. Contact your account team to discuss deployment options for HA CMS and Survivable

HA CMS and Survivable CMS
      Avaya offers a High Availability (HA) Avaya Call Management System (CMS) package and a
      Survivable CMS package. With HA CMS, you deploy two CMS systems and provision the systems
      to both receive the same call data from the same Communication Manager system. The
      deployment of two CMS systems provides reliability and duplication of ACD call data across both
      CMS systems for better reliability if the network fails or a server fails.
      The Survivable CMS option expands reliability by providing data collection from the
      Communication Manager Survivable Core and Survivable Remote technology. Survivable CMS
      has a Dual Role CMS option where the HA CMS supports a connection from the Communication
      Manager system and the Survivable Core or Survivable Remote, and a separate Survivable CMS
      where only the Survivable Core or Survivable Remote connects to a Survivable CMS. The
      deployment of a Survivable CMS allows users to continue working if the main site is not
      operational because of network failures or server failures.
      To have multiple CMS systems in an HA CMS, Survivable CMS, or an HA CMS and Survivable
      CMS combination deployment when Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must deploy separate

  3   Supporting 800,000 agent skill pairs requires greatly increased disk space for interval data. Customers should create up
      to 8 additional disk volumes.

May 2020                       Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                                14
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High Availability

    CMS OVA files for each CMS. The reason you need separate OVA files is because all CMS virtual
    machines must be provisioned as active, licensed systems.
    In addition to redundancy of ACD data provided by HA CMS or the resiliency of data provided by
    Survivable CMS, Avaya requires a feature that synchronizes the administrative data from a
    primary CMS to the HA CMS or Survivable CMS deployment. This feature allows all systems to
    remain synchronized with up-to-date administrative data.
    Contact your account team for more information about HA CMS and Survivable CMS.

May 2020               Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services               15
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Chapter 4: Converting OVA to AMI

Checklist for converting Avaya Call Management System
application OVA to an Amazon Machine Image
     No.      Task                                   Link/Notes

     1.       Create a bucket for uploading the      Creating a bucket for uploading the OVAs for AMI
              OVAs.                                  conversion on page 16
     2.       Upload the Avaya Call Management       Uploading Avaya Call Management System OVAs
              System(CMS) application OVA.           to the Amazon Web Services console on
                                                     page 17
     3.       Create an Amazon EC2 virtual server Creating a Linux Amazon EC2 virtual server
              instance.                           instance on page 17
     4.       Create an access key.                  Creating a user access key on page 23
     5.       Obtain the virtual server instance     Obtaining the virtual server instance user ID on
              user ID.                               page 19
     6.       Import the OVA for AMI conversion.     Importing the OVA for AMI conversion on
                                                     page 19

Creating a bucket for uploading the OVAs for AMI
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Storage, and click S3.
             The system displays the S3 Management Console page.
           3. Click Create bucket.
             The system displays the Create bucket dialog box.
           4. In Bucket name, type a unique bucket name.
             Only use lowercase letters for the name.

May 2020                   Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                16
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Uploading Avaya Call Management System OVAs to the Amazon Web Services console

           5. In the Region field, click a region for your bucket.
              For more information about creating a bucket and selecting a region, see Amazon S3
           6. Click Create.

Uploading Avaya Call Management System OVAs to the
Amazon Web Services console
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Storage, and click S3.
              The system displays the S3 Management Console page.
           3. In the All Buckets, click a bucket name.
           4. Click Upload.
              The system displays the Upload - Select Files and Folders dialog box.
           5. Click Add Files.
           6. In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, select one or more OVA files from your local
              system, and click Open.
           7. Click Upload.

Creating a Linux Amazon EC2 virtual server instance
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Compute, and click EC2.
              The system displays the EC2 Management Console page.
           3. Click Launch Instance.
           4. On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, search for a Linux AMI, and click
              You must select an image that includes the AWS command line tools.
           5. On the Choose an Instance Type page, select an instance type, and click Next: Configure
              Instance Details.

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Converting OVA to AMI

           6. On the Configure Instance Details page, do the following:
               a. In the Network field, click a VPC network.
               b. In the Network interfaces section, assign an IP address.
           7. Click Next: Add Storage.
           8. On the Add Storage page, leave the default settings, and click Next: Add Tags.
           9. On the Add Tags page, add a tag, and click Next: Configure Security Group.
        10. On the Configure Security Group page, create a new security group or select an existing
            security group, and click Review and Launch.
        11. On the Review Instance Launch page, review the details of each configuration, and then
            click Launch.
        12. On the Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair dialog box, select one of the
            following options:
              • Choose an existing key pair: If you select this option, perform the following:
                  a. From the Select a key pair drop-down list, select a key pair.
                  b. Select the I acknowledge that I have access to the selected private key file
                     (), and that without this file, I won't be able to log into my
                     instance check box.
              • Create a new key pair: If you select this option, perform the following:
                  a. In the Key pair name field, type a name for the private key file. The extension of
                     the private key file is .pem.
                  b. Click Download Key Pair.
                  c. Save the file in a secure and accessible location.
                         You will not be able to download the file again.
              • Proceed without a key pair: If you select this option, select the I acknowledge that I
                will not be able to connect to this instance unless I already know the password
                built into this AMI check box.
        13. Click Launch Instances.
              The system creates the virtual server instance.
        14. Click Launch Status, and click View instance.
              When the system creates an instance, the Status Checks column displays the message:
              2/2 checks passed.
     Next steps
     Import the OVA for AMI conversion.

May 2020                   Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                  18
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Obtaining the virtual server instance user ID

Obtaining the virtual server instance user ID
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Compute, and click EC2.
              The system displays the EC2 Management Console page.
           3. In the left navigation pane, click Instances.
           4. Select a server instance, and click Connect.
           5. On the Connect To your Instance page, view the user ID.
              ssh -i "example.pem" ec2-user@
              The user name is ec2-user. Use this user ID to connect to the Linux server.

Importing the OVA for AMI conversion
    Before you begin
       • Create an access key. For more information, see “Creating an access key”.
       • Obtain the user id. For more information, see “Obtaining the virtual server instance user id”.
       • Converting the *.pem file to the *.ppk format and configure PuTTY for establishing an SSH
         connection. For more information, see “Configuring PuTTY”.
           1. Open an SSH session.
           2. In Host Name (or IP address), type the IP Address of the virtual server instance, and click
           3. Log in to the Linux server, and run the command: aws.
           4. To configure the AWS details, run the command: aws configure, and do the following:
                a. In AWS Access Key ID, type the AWS access key ID.
                b. In AWS Secret Access Key, type the AWS secret access key ID.
                c. In Default region name, type the region name.
                   For example: us-west-2.
                d. In Default output format, type text or json.
           5. To check whether the EC2 instance is ready to use, run the command: aws s3 ls.
              The system displays the S3 bucket that you created.

May 2020                   Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                       19
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Converting OVA to AMI

           6. To view the content of the S3 bucket, run the command: aws s3 ls s3://

                  If DNS resolution for the VPC is disabled, the execution of the aws s3 ls s3://
                   command fails.
           7. To allow importing files into the EC2 instance, create a vmimport role, and attach policies
              as mentioned in the following sub-steps:
                a. Create a file named trust-policy.json with the following policy:
                   { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"", "Effect":"Allow",
                   "Principal":{ "Service":"" }, "Action":"sts:AssumeRole",
                   "Condition":{ "StringEquals":{ "sts:ExternalId":"vmimport" } } } ] }

                b. Use the create-role command to create a role named vmimport and give VM
                   Import/Export access to it.
                   Ensure that you specify the full path to the location of the trust-policy.json file,
                   and prefix file:// to it:
                   aws iam create-role --role-name vmimport --assume-role-policy-document

                c. Create a file named role-policy.json with the following policy:
                   Where  is the bucket where the OVA is stored:

May 2020                   Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                    20
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Importing the OVA for AMI conversion


               d. Use the following put-role-policy command to attach the policy to the role
                  created above.
                  Ensure that you specify the full path to the location of the role-policy.json file.
                  aws iam put-role-policy --role-name vmimport --policy-name vmimport --policy-
                  document file://role-policy.json

           8. To import the ova for conversion, type the following command:
             aws ec2 import-image --cli-input-json "{ \"Description\": \"\",
             \"DiskContainers\": [ { \"Description\": \"\",
             \"UserBucket\": { \"S3Bucket\": \"\", \"S3Key\" : \"
             \" } } ]}"

             Ensure to replace appropriate values wherever brackets  are present in above
             The system displays the Status and the ImportTaskId parameters.
           9. To check the status of the import image, run the command: aws ec2 describe-
              import-image-tasks --cli-input-json "{ \"ImportTaskIds\":
              [\"\"], \"NextToken\": \"abc\", \"MaxResults\":
              10 } "
             Where, ImportTaskId is the one from the output of the Step 8. For example: import-
             The conversion process takes up to 30 minutes. You can run the above command
             repeatedly. When the AMI conversion is successful, the system displays the Status as
             completed and also displays ImageId.
             In the following example, the process is at the update stage and is 30% complete.
             [ec2-user@ip-10-143-10-81 ~]$ aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --cli-input-
             json "{ \"ImportTaskIds\": [\"import-ami-ffgji45r\"], \"NextToken\": \"abc\",
             \"MaxResults\": 10 } " IMPORTIMAGETASKS
             aws-001.ova import-ami-ffgji45r 30 active updating

             In the following example, the process is preparing the AMI and is 76% complete.
              IMPORTIMAGETASKS x86_64 import-ami-
             ffgji45r BYOL Linux 76 active preparing ami

             The output format varies depending on the selection of the text or JSON format on the aws
             CLI configuration.
             For more details, see “AWS Import your VM as an image” on the AWS website at http://
       10. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
       11. Go to Services > Compute, and click EC2.
             The system displays the EC2 Management Console page.
       12. In the left navigation pane, click IMAGES > AMIs.

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Converting OVA to AMI

              You can search the converted AMI with ImageId. The system displays the newly converted
              AMI ImageId in the AMI ID column.
              You can give an appropriate name for the AMI ImageId.

Creating a key pair
     About this task
     A key pair is a set of public and private keys. The public key is used to encrypt data, such as the
     login password. The private key is used to decrypt the encrypted data. You provide this key pair
     when you create a CloudFormation stack, and use it for SSH access to the Amazon Machine
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. In the left navigation pane, go to NETWORK & SECURITY, and click Key Pairs.
           3. Click Create Key Pair.
           4. In the Create Key Pair dialog box, in the Key pair name field, type a name for the key pair.
           5. Click Create.
              The system generates a *.pem file and prompts you to save the file on your computer. You
              can also view the created key pair name in the Key pair name column.
           6. Save the *.pem file.

                  When you create a key pair, save it. If you lose the key, you cannot retrieve it and you
                  will not be able to access the instance.

Launching an Amazon EC2 instance
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Compute, and click EC2.
              The system displays the EC2 Management Console page.
           3. In the navigation pane, click IMAGES > AMIs.
           4. Select the Avaya Call Management System(CMS) AMI, and click Launch.

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Creating a user access key

Creating a user access key
           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Security, Identity & Compliance, and click IAM.
              The system displays the Welcome to Identity and Access Management page.
           3. In the left navigation pane, click Users.
           4. Click on a user name.
           5. On the Summary page, click the Security Credentials tab.
           6. In the Access Keys section, click Create Access Key.
              The system displays the message: Your access key has been created

                  When you create a security access key, you must save it. If you lose the security
                  access key, you cannot retrieve it.

May 2020                   Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                      23
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Chapter 5: Deployment process

Deployment checklist
     No.      Task                                    Notes

     1        Complete all the planning and           For information about planning and configuring, see
              configuration requirements.             Chapter on Planning.
     2        Deploy the OVA.                         For information about uploading OVA files,
                                                      conversion of OVA to AMI, creating Amazon Web
                                                      Services (AWS) virtual instances and virtual
                                                      servers, and launching applications, see Deploying
                                                      Contact Center Applications on Amazon Web
     3        Configure the AWS deployment for a      For information about supported capacities, see
              small, medium, or large                 Instance Types and capacities for an AWS
              configuration.                          deployment on page 13.
     4        Complete the deployment by              For information about installation and
              following the standard installation     administration, see Avaya Call Management
              and administration guide.               System Administration and Maintaining and
                                                      Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System.

           You must license each Avaya Call Management System (CMS) instance, that is, each
           installation of an AMI. To install multiple instances of the CMS AMI, customers or business
           partners must order a separate CMS license for each AMI installation.

Deploying the Avaya Call Management System application
    Before you begin
    Convert the Avaya Call Management System application Amazon Web Services (AWS) OVA to
    AMI. For more information, see Checklist for converting Avaya Call Management System
    application OVA to an Amazon Machine Image on page 16.

May 2020                    Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                   24
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Deploying the Avaya Call Management System application AMI

           1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management console.
           2. Go to Services > Compute, and click EC2.
              The system displays the EC2 Management Console page.
           3. In the navigation pane, click IMAGES > AMIs.
              The system displays the list of AMIs.
           4. Select the Contact Center application AMI, and click Launch.
           5. On the Choose an Instance Type page, select an instance type, and click Next: Configure
              Instance Details.
              You must select the correct instance type for deploying the AMI. Selecting an incorrect
              instance type might affect the usability of the system . For information about the instance
              type, see chapter Supported footprints for the Contact Center applications on AWS in
              Deploying Contact Center Applications on Amazon Web Services.
           6. On the Configure Instance Details page, do the following:
               a. In the Network field, click a VPC network.
               b. In the Network interfaces section, assign an IP address.
              On the Configure Instance page, configuration is different for different products. For
              information about application specific configuration, see the product-specific AWS
              deployment guide on the Avaya Support website at
           7. Click Next: Add Storage.
           8. On the Add Storage page, leave the default settings, and click Next: Add Tags.
           9. On the Add Tags page, add a tag, and click Next: Configure Security Group.
       10. On the Configure Security Group page, create a new security group or select an existing
           security group, and click Review and Launch.
              You must select the security group that has the required ports enabled. For information
              about ports, see port matrix on the Avaya Support website at
       11. On the Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair dialog box, select one of the
           following options:
              • Choose an existing key pair: If you select this option, perform the following:
                  a. From the Select a key pair drop-down list, select a key pair.
                  b. Select the I acknowledge that I have access to the selected private key file
                     (), and that without this file, I won't be able to log into my
                     instance check box.
              • Create a new key pair: If you select this option, perform the following:
                  a. In the Key pair name field, type a name for the private key file. The extension of
                     the private key file is .pem.

May 2020                   Deploying Avaya Call Management System on Amazon Web Services                    25
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Deployment process

                  b. Click Download Key Pair.
                  c. Save the file in a secure and accessible location.
                         You will not be able to download the file again.
              • Proceed without a key pair: If you select this option, select the I acknowledge that I
                will not be able to connect to this instance unless I already know the password
                built into this AMI check box.
       12. Click Launch Instances.
             The system creates the instance and displays it on the Instances page.
             When the system creates an instance, the Status Checks column displays the message:
             2/2 checks passed.

Configuring the CMS software
    Before you begin
    For information about configuring the Avaya Call Management System (CMS) software, see
    Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System.
    The OVA used for Amazon Web Services (AWS) deployment contains the Operating System and
    CMS software. After deployment of the converted OVA file in AWS, see Maintaining and
    Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System to authorize the system and install feature
           1. Install any CMS patches that apply to this release of CMS as shown in Maintaining and
              Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System and the release notes.
           2. Set up networking as shown in of Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Call
              Management System.
           3. Install and set up the CMS software and supporting software as shown in Maintaining and
              Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System.
             Installing CMS and supporting software contains the procedure to authorize the number of
             agents, ACDs, or CMS Supervisor logins. The authorization procedure is equivalent to
             installing a license on the CMS.
           4. Change the CMS Supervisor Web client certificate as shown in Maintaining and
              Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System.
           5. Set the correct time and date on the system as shown in Maintaining and Troubleshooting
              Avaya Call Management System

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Verifying Avaya Call Management System on AWS instance

Verifying Avaya Call Management System on AWS
           1. Log on to the Amazon Web Services console.
           2. Click EC2.
           3. On the left pane, click Instances.
           4. From the drop-down list, click Instances.
           5. Click on the instance you have created.
           6. Click Actions.
           7. From the drop-down list, click Instance State and click Start.
              The system creates the instance and displays it on the Instances page.
              When the system creates an instance, the Status Checks column displays the message:
              2/2 .
           8. SSH to CMS server ip address.
           9. Log on as root. Initially, no password exists. To log on, click your cursor in the console
              window and press Enter.
              The system displays a console terminal window.
              To change the System Name, you can use the netconfig. command.
              For information on the instructions to run the netconfig. command, see Maintaining and
              Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System.

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