Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours

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Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
Focus Features

Mauritius        Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful
Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
  The leading hotel brand for the discerning holidaymaker in Mauritius

Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels' desire for each and every guest is to transport them into a carefree state of mind, suspended in bliss, giving them time to
refresh, rejuvenate, and discover the riches of the sea and some of the most magical spots on its shoreline.
Some 69 years ago, the hotel group took the first steps on its distinguished journey as a pioneer of tourism and hospitality in Mauritius.
It has since created eight spectacular holiday resorts on the island. With welcoming arms, it invites visitors to share in this bounty and experience exceptional
holiday moments.
With exclusive representation in the local market, Beachcomber Tours South Africa brings this resplendent family of Beachcomber resorts to the
South African public, placing island paradises within easy reach.

                                        Why our guests love Beachcomber
        The Art                         Our promise is to cultivate the art of beauty in all its dimensions

      of Beautiful                      Ta s t e t h e A r t o f B e a u t i f u l
                                        Our cuisine is inspired by a blend of local influences, elevated to new heights by a superb team of creative chefs.
 The hallmark of Beachcomber            Guests can taste the Art of Beautiful at our eight resorts' 34 restaurants, each in a unique location and offering
 Resorts & Hotels' hospitality is       various menus and cuisine. With different restaurant atmospheres and settings, this 'dine around' culinary experience
       personal, genuine and            is an enticing option. Guests at Dinarobin Beachcomber, Paradis Beachcomber and Trou aux Biches Beachcomber

                                                                                                                                                                       Good to know!
   attentive service. Guests are        may dine at all four of the Beachcomber 4-star properties at no supplement (dining at Royal Palm Beachcomber is at
     cocooned in beauty and             a supplement). Our 4-star resort guests may also dine at any of our 5-star resorts, at a supplement.
    comfort, enveloped in care          Royal Palm Beachcomber guests may dine on a complimentary basis at any of the Beachcomber resorts.
                                        Reservations are to be made whilst in the resort, subject to availability.                                                       We h a v e o v e r
    and kindness, and made to
                                                                                                                                                                         2,000 rooms
  feel they belong by teams of          Be active, in beautiful locations
                                                                                                                                                                       on the island of
   skilled experts who are true         Our multiple sports facilities, on water and land, suit all ages and levels of fitness. The idyllic settings of our resorts,
 artisans of their crafts. Beauty       along the shores of a sparkling ocean, are an irresistible invitation to partake in these activities. Our recreation centres
                                                                                                                                                                       and more rooms
   of a place, we firmly believe,       are staffed by highly-qualified artisans.
                                                                                                                                                                        = more choice.
 inspires beauty of the heart. It
                                        Discover the art of wellness and beauty
  is the Beachcomber vocation
                                        Our spa facilities take a holistic approach to mind and body well-being, offering personalised treatment programmes
  to cultivate the art of beauty
                                        to achieve both inner and outer beauty and calm. We have perfected our own product range, B(e) Beautiful, with
        in all its dimensions.
                                        ingredients drawn from nature.
 At Beachcomber, we consider
    our guests to be the final          Experience the art of living beautifully
 recipients of our beautiful and        We create the perfect stay; one where beautiful surroundings are enhanced by the care and attention of our artisans.
   artful approach, drenching           Our 5,000 employees demonstrate their passion for people daily. Many of them are second-generation staff members,
    their senses in splendour.          whose values of hospitality have been passed down from generation to generation.

    We inspire a yearning to            Be beautifully responsible
    return, again and again.            Our responsibility for the gift that nature has given us is to protect this heritage and pass it on to future generations.
                                        We practise sustainable development that encompasses both environmental and social issues.

Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
Mauritius                                                                                                                    Our pledge
                                                                                                                                To offer quality products backed by
   Perfecting Mauritius holidays for 69 years
                                                                                                                                service excellence and care. This is
                                                                                                                                achieved through the dedicated
Beachcomber was founded in 1952, a year forever captured in the 52 spiral
                                                                                                                                efforts of an enthusiastic team of
waves of our B-Nautilus logo. The logo itself takes inspiration from the
                                                                                                                                highly-skilled, committed people who
beautiful spiral shells of marine nautili – and other treasures the sea has left
                                                                                                                                take pride in doing things the right
on the shore for beachcombers to discover.

Why Beachcomber
 The Beachcomber SAFE PLACE label is our promise that we have the
                                                                                               Award-winning                    For your interest
  strictest health, safety and hygiene standards in place.
 Focused on social responsibility and environmental protection.
                                                                                              products & services               We want the best for you. Planning a
                                                                                                                                holiday can be both exciting and
                                                                                               Travel agents consistently       daunting. This is where Beachcomber
 Eight exquisite resorts on premier beachfront sites.
                                                                                            recognise Beachcomber Tours         Tours' extensive experience proves a
 Best locations on the island for weather and sunsets.
                                                                                             as a leading tour operator to      significant asset. To avoid
 Award-winning service and products.
 With over 2,000 rooms, guests have more choice.                                             Mauritius. Our products and       disappointment, we recommend that          Why Mauritius
 Strong family focus, with special inclusions for kids of all ages.                       service to the retail travel trade   you ensure the resort's inclusions,         With regular flights from
                                                                                              and to the travelling public      facilities, food and beverage options,       South Africa (approximately
 Additional value adds, special touches and quality all-inclusive options.
                                                                                           have earned us a reputation for      as well as the location, meet your           four hours' flight time from
 Unrivalled experts in incentive travel and weddings.
                                                                                                efficiency and reliability.     expectations. Mauritius does not have        Johannesburg) and no visas
 The top-of-mind brand in South Africa, a Beachcomber holiday has been
                                                                                           Among many airline and travel        an official resort grading system and        required for SA citizens, this
  the preferred Mauritius holiday for South Africans for nearly 70 years!
                                                                                            industry awards, we are proud       while some hotels may grade                  island paradise is within easy

                            Guess what?                                                           to have been named            themselves in a particular category,         reach.
                                                                                            Air Mauritius' top supporter in     their facilities may not match              Mauritius enjoys temperate
      At Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels you can wakeboard and                                the South African travel market      universally-accepted standards.              weather conditions most of
waterski for free & enjoy a list of other water sports as long as your arm!                                                     Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels is              the year.
                                                                                                for 12 consecutive years.
                                                                                                                                committed to meeting international          The coast is protected by a
                                                      QUICK FACTS                                                               criteria in terms of facilities, quality     coral reef ensuring calm sea
                                                         Warm season ±28˚C                                                      and service when it comes to grading         conditions.
                                                         (from November to April)
                                                         Cool seasons ±24˚C                                                     each of our 4- and 5-star resorts.          Holiday packages at 4- and
                                                         (from May to October)
                                                                                                                                                                             5-star resorts offer excellent
                                                                                                                                                                             value for money, particularly
                                                         Mauritian rupee (MUR)
                                                                                                                                We s t i s b e s t
                                                         English (official language used
                                                                                                                                                                             during the off-peak season
                                                                                                                                The most equable climate, the most
                                                         in public administration).                                                                                          from May to September.
                                                         French, Mauritian Creole
                                                                                                                                protected beaches and picture-
                                                                                                                                                                            There are fantastic early
                                                         Capital Port Louis                                                     perfect sunsets characterise the west
                                                                                                                                                                             booking, honeymoon,
                                                                                                                                coast of Mauritius. Seven of
                                                         GMT +4                                                                                                              familymoon, repeat guest and
                                                                                                                                Beachcomber's eight properties are
                                                         Indian Ocean
                                                                                                                                                                             long stay discounts, and
                                                                                                                                located along this coast, with the
                                                                                                                                eighth resort occupying a prime
                                                                                                                                location near the airport.

Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
Beautiful rituals                                                                                   Happy clients are repeat clients! Generations
   B e a c h c o m b e r, w h e r e e v e r y m o m e n t
   matters and every detail counts…
                                                                                                           of families have holidayed with us.
The beautiful cocktail
Each year, Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels holds a unique cocktail making
competition for bar staff. The winning cocktail then becomes the welcome
drink our guests enjoy upon arrival.
The beautiful neighbours
Take tea with the locals. Beachcomber offers a unique opportunity to get
acquainted with locals living in nearby villages – an experience particularly
enjoyed by families as children cross the boundaries of friendship with
The beautiful concert
After a full day of activity, slow the tempo down at a sunset concert of
classical music.
The beautiful lights                                                              Beautiful experiences
Staff and guests gather to hear messages of goodwill read by children in          Sharing the love with gifts
English and French. Participate in this poignant ritual by floating candles
in the water, each flame representing a wish for peace.                         For those celebrating a honeymoon, familymoon, wedding or anniversary (for the 5th anniversary, or every 5th
The beautiful table                                                             thereafter), Beachcomber will make your stay extra special! In addition to complimentary lunch daily and a bottle
A twist on the Captain's Table at sea. Guests are invited to experience a       of bubbles, a magical Beautiful Experience awaits. Applicable to stays of four nights or longer, happy couples or
tempting three-course meal of Mauritian signature dishes. The chef will         families can select one unique experience at their resort. It's just another way of us saying congratulations and
even pass on the recipes to take home.                                          further enriching your stay. Valued at up to R5,300 per couple.
The beautiful wedding
                                                                                Honeymoon experiences by Beachcomber
The bride and groom mix sea sand from two jars to symbolise their union.
The sand is then trickled back into the ocean so that the waves may             Celebrate new adventures together by exploring the island in a convertible fun car, complete with a 'Just Married'
spread their love around the world.                                             sign. Or opt for a couples' spa treatment, sunset boat cruise, bike tour, scuba diving lesson or more!
                                                                                Beautiful Experiences are selected from a catalogue at the resort and differ from resort to resort.
The beautiful story
Seated on comfortable cushions or in the shade of a tree, a masterful           Familymoon experiences by Beachcomber
Mauritian storyteller shares intriguing tales of the country and its
                                                                                Capture magical Mauritian memories on a family photo shoot or head off on an island adventure including a visit
                                                                                to the Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens or L'Aventure du Sucre; art, golf or tennis lessons for the family;
The beautiful farewell                                                          cooking classes; a dolphin encounter or dinner on the beach! Again, experiences differ from resort to resort and
It's time to say goodbye. A personalised farewell message from the              may be subject to weather conditions and availability.
Artisan of the Month thanks you warmly for your stay and bids you a
fond farewell.

                                                                                         Straight up! Sustainable and responsible tourism means that the
                                                                                               environment remains at the heart of everything we do.
Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
   Tennis/floodlit courts
  Mauricia Beachcomber                                                                                                                                            

  R e s o r t & S p a                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                                      Table tennis
Located in the heart of Grand Bay, MAURICIA BEACHCOMBER is the trendiest spot for the young, and young at                                                            Power Plates
heart. Mauricia Beachcomber's smart casual, hospitable character blends high-quality accommodation with
                                                                                                                                                                     Golf at Paradis Beachcomber
superb service at a most affordable price. Sports and entertainment are the buzz words at Mauricia Beachcomber,
                                                                                                                                                                      and Mont Choisy Le Golf
a heaven for foodies with a wide variety of cuisines available at two on-site restaurants.                                                                           Power walk
                                                                                                                                                                     Pedalo boats
Focus features                                                                                                                                                       Sailing
 Legendary hospitality, character, comfort and vibe best                                                                                                            Kayaks
                                                                                                                                                                     Aqua gym
  define the resort.
 Tropical island setting in the heart of Grand Bay.
 Two-Bedroom Garden-Facing Apartments, ideal for families.
                                                                                                                                                                     Glass-bottom boat
 Spacious grounds with two swimming pools right on the beach.                                                                                                       Scuba diving/lessons
 Choose to upgrade to the Beachcomber All-Inclusive Package.                                                                                                        Snorkelling
 The main restaurant features live cooking.                                                                                                                         Stand-up paddling
 Seafood specialities served at an à la carte restaurant.                                                                                                           Deep-sea fishing
 Recently-refurbished interior décor in the rooms.                                                                                                                  Gym
 Moroccan-style spa staffed by professional therapists.                                                                                                             Sauna/hammam
 Subterranean nightclub called La Rhumerie.
                                                                                                                                                                     Room service
 Complimentary Kids Club and a well-equipped baby care room.
 The four Beachcomber 4-star resorts are fully interchangeable.
                                                                                                                                                                     Tea and coffee in room

                                                                     Good to know             You can live like a local at this vibey resort – the bustling
                                                                                              village of Grand Bay is just steps away.
                                                                                                                                                                      Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                                                                                                                      Baby care room
                                                                                                                                                                     Nightclub on certain evenings
                                                                     Rooms                           238 Restaurants                                          2      Conference facilities
                                                                                                                                                                     Wi-Fi hotspots
                                                                     Standard Rooms:                    105       Les Quais: The main restaurant, serving            Dartboard
                                                                     Standard Beachfront Rooms:          42       buffet-style breakfast, lunch and dinner.          Hairdresser
                                                                                                                  Le Nautic: An à la carte seafood restaurant        Beauty care
                                                                     Superior Rooms:                     33
                                                                                                                  located close to the beach. Open for lunch         Infirmary
                                                                     Superior Beachfront Rooms:          24                                                          Boutique
                                                                                                                  and dinner six days a week.
                                                                     Two-Bedroom Garden-Facing
                                                                     Apartments:                         29
                                                                                                                                                                  All facilities interchangeable with
                                                                     Loft:                                 1
                                                                                                                                                                  other 4-star resorts.
                                                                     Suites:                              3
                                                                     Villa:                                1                                                      Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                                                                                                                  all resorts.

Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
   Tennis/floodlit courts
    Canonnier Beachcomber                                                                                                                                       

    G o l f R e s o r t & S p a                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                    Table tennis
CANONNIER BEACHCOMBER stands proudly on a prime beachfront property at the tip of Grand Bay with                                                                   Yoga
lush tropical gardens and breathtaking views. A blend of history and hospitality, tropical charm and trendy                                                        Archery
                                                                                                                                                                   Golf at Paradis Beachcomber
appeal takes centre stage. Two beaches, proximity to a vibrant village and a spectacular golf course nearby,
                                                                                                                                                                    and Mont Choisy Le Golf
gives it an edge that is hard to beat. An age-old lighthouse, cannons and remnants of a fortress are found on
the site.
                                                                                                                                                                   Pedalo boats
Focus features                                                                                                                                                     Aqua gym
   Prime location with two separate scenic beaches.                                                                                                               Waterskiing
   Two-Bedroom Garden-Facing Apartments are ideal for families.                                                                                                   Wakeboarding
   Three restaurants offer a variety of cuisines.                                                                                                                 Glass-bottom boat
                                                                                                                                                                   Scuba diving/lessons
   Choose to upgrade to the Beachcomber All-Inclusive Package.
   Ten minutes from lively Grand Bay.
                                                                                                                                                                   Stand-up paddling
   Seven hectares of tropical garden with a large swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                   Deep-sea fishing
    and a smaller one for kids.                                                                                                                                    Gym
   Unique spa nestled within the branches of a banyan tree.                                                                                                       Sauna/hammam
   Beautiful setting for weddings and honeymoons.                                                                                                                 Spa
   Authentic Mauritian atmosphere with a panoramic seascape view.                                                                                                 Room service
   Complimentary Kids Club, Teens Club and a well-equipped baby                                                                                                   Laundry
    care room.                                                                                                                                                     Tea & coffee in room

                                                                     Good to know
   The four Beachcomber 4-star resorts are fully interchangeable.                                                                                                 Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                                              Watch the sunrise and sunset at this extraordinary
                                                                                                                                                                   Teens Club Beachcomber
                                                                                              location, which also has the island's only treehouse spa!
                                                                                                                                                                   Baby care room
                                                                                                                                                                   Disco bar
                                                                     Rooms                           283         Restaurants                                3      Conference facilities
                                                                                                                                                                   Wi-Fi hot spots
                                                                     Standard Garden Facing:            55       Le Frangipanier: The main restaurant
                                                                     Standard Sea Facing:               48       open for buffet-style breakfast, lunch and
                                                                                                                                                                   Beauty care
                                                                                                                 dinner, with a dedicated area for children
                                                                     Superior Garden Facing:            50                                                         Infirmary
                                                                                                                 complete with child-size furniture and
                                                                     Superior Sea Facing:               46                                                         Boutiques
                                                                                                                 dishes appealing to little ones.
                                                                     Deluxe Sea Facing:                 16       Le Navigator: A romantic à la carte            All facilities interchangeable with
                                                                     Garden-Facing Family Duplexes: 20           restaurant serving lunch daily and dinner      other 4-star resorts.
                                                                     Sea-Facing Family Duplexes:        26       six nights a week.

                                                                     Two-Bedroom Garden-Facing                   La Serenata: A cosy restaurant serving         Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                     Apartments:                        20       Italian cuisine, open six nights a week.       all resorts.

                                                                     Suites:                             2

Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
   Tennis/floodlit courts
   Victoria Beachcomber                                                                                                                                             

   R e s o r t & S p a                                     SUPERIOR                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                        Table tennis
VICTORIA BEACHCOMBER offers a laid-back lifestyle for all ages. Big attractions are its hospitality, spacious                                                          Power Plates
rooms, long white beach, snorkelling in the marine park and magnificent sunsets. A winner for families, it also                                                        Fitness classes
includes a wing for adults travelling child-free. The impressively large infinity swimming pool appears to touch
the sea and sky, and there's a tantalising array of food to choose from at five separate restaurants, including
                                                                                                                                                                       Golf at Paradis Beachcomber
two adults-only restaurants.
                                                                                                                                                                        and Mont Choisy Le Golf
                                                                                                                                                                       Pedalo boats
Focus features                                                                                                                                                         Sailing
 Situated on the sun-kissed north-west coast.                                                                                                                         Kayaks
 Spacious accommodation and Two-Bedroom Family                                                                                                                        Aqua gym
  Apartments.                                                                                                                                                          Waterskiing
 An attractive optional all-inclusive package, including
                                                                                                                                                                       Glass-bottom boat
  imported wines and spirits.
                                                                                                                                                                       Scuba diving/lessons
 Complimentary Kids Club, Teens Club and a well-equipped
  baby care room.                                                                                                                                                      Stand-up paddling
 Long stretch of beach with excellent snorkelling in a                                                                                                                Deep-sea fishing
  marine park.                                                                                                                                                         Gym
 Five restaurants open onto the beach for outdoor living.                                                                                                             Sauna/hammam
 Great choice of land and water sports plus a chic spa.                                                                                                               Spa
 Award-winning dive centre (PADI Green Star for environmental                                                                                                         Room service
                                                                                                 An amazing stretch of beach bordering the Balaclava

                                                                        Good to know
  excellence) located right on the beach and close to beautiful                                                                                                        Laundry
                                                                                                 Marine Park, means Victoria Beachcomber's outdoor                     Tea and coffee in room
  sites, including wrecks, drops-offs and magnificent coral reefs.
                                                                                                 wining and dining options (and beach bars!) make it a                 Kids Club Beachcomber
 Victoria for 2, a wing exclusively for adults complete with
                                                                                                 favourite among South African holidaymakers.                          Teens Club Beachcomber
  Swim-Up Rooms!
 The four Beachcomber 4-star resorts are fully interchangeable.       Rooms                        295 Restaurants                                       5            Baby care room
                                                                       Superior (first floor):          76                                                             Conference facilities
                                                                                                              Le Superbe: The main restaurant serving
                                                                       Deluxe (second floor):           76                                                             Wi-Fi hotspots
                                                                                                              buffet-style breakfast, lunch and dinner.
                                                                       Deluxe (ground floor):           79                                                             Hairdresser on call
                                                                                                              La Casa: An Italian à la carte restaurant serving        Beauty care
                                                                       Two-Bedroom Family
                                                                                                              lunch daily and dinner six nights a week.                Infirmary
                                                                       Apartments:                      15
                                                                       Junior Suites:                    6    L'Horizon: A beach-style dinner restaurant where         Boutique
                                                                                                              fresh seafood is the speciality, open six nights a
                                                                       Senior Suites:                    2
                                                                                                              week.                                                 All facilities interchangeable with
                                                                       Executive Suite:                  1
                                                                                                              La Terrasse: A new adults-only gourmet                other 4-star resorts.
                                                                       Ocean-Facing Rooms
                                                                                                              restaurant, open five evenings a week.
                                                                       (adults-only wing):              23                                                          Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                       Swim-Up Rooms                          Morris Beef: Located in the Victoria for 2 wing,
                                                                                                                                                                    all resorts.
                                                                       (adults-only wing):              17    open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a casual
                                                                                                              dress code described as 'elegant barefoot'.
Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
   Tennis/floodlit courts
    Shandrani Beachcomber                                                                                                                                           

    R e s o r t & S p a                                    SUPERIOR                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                        Table tennis
SHANDRANI BEACHCOMBER strikes the perfect balance between an active and relaxing holiday. One of the                                                                   Meditation
largest resorts in the Beachcomber portfolio, it offers a choice of six restaurants, two pools, three beaches and                                                      Aerobics
                                                                                                                                                                       Golf at Paradis Beachcomber,
a magnificent al fresco spa. Set within lush tropical gardens in Blue Bay, this resort is the first choice for a
                                                                                                                                                                        Avalon Golf Estate and Mont
quality getaway for couples and honeymooners, families, groups and nature lovers.
                                                                                                                                                                        Choisy Le Golf
                                                                                                                                                                       Mashie golf (9 holes)
                                                                                                                                                                       Sports & nature programme
Focus features                                                                                                                                                         Windsurfing
   A 10-minute drive from the airport for quick transfers.                                                                                                            Pedalo boats
   The Blue Bay Marine Park is home to a wealth of sea life.                                                                                                          Sailing
   Spoilt for choice with two optional all-inclusive packages.                                                                                                        Kayaks
   Two separate swimming pools, each with its own bar.                                                                                                                Aqua gym
   Three separate beaches, each with a distinct ambience.
                                                                                                                                                                       Waterski Academy
   Six restaurants for a variety of dining.
   Superb accommodation, including Two-Bedroom Family
                                                                                                                                                                       Glass-bottom boat
    Apartments.                                                                                                                                                        Scuba diving on request
   Ideal for weddings and anniversary celebrations.                                                                                                                   Snorkelling
   A magnificent spa offering open-air treatment rooms.                                                                                                               Speedboat
                                                                                                Established in 1952, Shandrani Beachcomber is our oldest

                                                                       Good to know
   New 'Club' concept, promising an enhanced entertainment                                     and one of our most beloved sites. This resort has two                 Hobie Cats
    programme where holidaymakers can participate in sports,                                    pools, three beaches and four styles of family                         Gym
    meals and shows organised by the artisans.                                                  accommodation! You'll love the Wild Beach and                          Sauna/hammam
   Waterski Academy, Petit Club Beachcomber for 2-3 year olds,                                 snorkelling in the Blue Bay Marine Park.                               Spa
                                                                                                                                                                       Room service
    baby care corner and sport & nature programme.                     Rooms                          327 Restaurants                                         6        Laundry
                                                                                                                                                                       Tea & coffee in room
                                                                       Superior Rooms:                   179        Le Grand Port: The main buffet-style
                                                                                                                                                                       Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                       Deluxe Rooms:                      72        restaurant, serving all meals.
                                                                       Deluxe Rooms (ground floor):       36        Le Sirius: A seasonal restaurant, open for         Baby care facilities
                                                                                                                    breakfast, lunch and dinner.                       Petit Club
                                                                       Two-Bedroom Family
                                                                       Apartments:                        36        Teak Elephant: A dinner venue                      Conference facilities
                                                                                                                    specialising in Thai cuisine, for guests from      Wi-Fi hotspots
                                                                       Two-Bedroom Deluxe Family
                                                                                                                    12 years of age.                                   Hairdresser
                                                                       Apartments (on request)
                                                                                                                    Ponte Vecchio: Italian trattoria-style             Beauty salon
                                                                       Senior Suites:                      2                                                           Infirmary
                                                                                                                    restaurant serving dinner, and lunch
                                                                       Two-Bedroom Family Suites:          2        seasonally.                                        Boutiques
                                                                                                                    Natura: A trendy, natural and healthy
                                                                                                                                                                    All facilities interchangeable with
                                                                                                                    dining experience including vegetarian
                                                                                                                                                                    other 4-star resorts.
                                                                                                                    dishes, open for dinner.
                                                                                                                    Le Boucanier: A seafood restaurant open         Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                                                                    for dinner six evenings a week.                 all resorts.
Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
   Tennis/floodlit courts
  Tr o u a u x B i c h e s B e a c h c o m b e r                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                          Beach volleyball

  G o l f R e s o r t & S p a                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                          Table tennis
Charm, authenticity and an excellent location have contributed to TROU AUX BICHES BEACHCOMBER'S                                                                          Meditation
popularity among generations of South African holidaymakers. Located on one of the island's finest beaches,                                                              Yoga
                                                                                                                                                                         Fitness classes
this eco-friendly all-suite, all-villa resort offers exceptional accommodation, six restaurants, convenient access
to a golf course and a luxury spa. With its truly dreamy setting, an abundance of activities and dramatic
                                                                                                                                                                         Golf at Paradis Beachcomber
sunsets, the resort is a sought-after destination for family holidays, weddings and honeymoons.
                                                                                                                                                                          and Mont Choisy Le Golf
                                                                                                                                                                         Pedalo boats
Focus features                                                                                                                                                           Sailing
 A leading eco-conscious resort on a legendary stretch of beach.                                                                                                        Kayaks
 Villas and beachfront suites, both with swimming pools.                                                                                                                Aqua gym
 All other suites are set in crescents, each surrounding a central                                                                                                      Waterskiing
                                                                                                                                                                         Glass-bottom boat
 Most suites and all villas have an outdoor shower.
                                                                                                                                                                         Scuba diving/lessons
 Restaurants have varying atmospheres and menus.
                                                                                                                                                                         Kitesurfing on request
 Serene spa built in a private tropical setting.                                                                                                                        Snorkelling
 Soft white sandy beach with breathtaking sunsets.                                                                                                                      Stand-up paddling
 Choose to upgrade to the Escape Package, which includes                                                                                                                Speedboat
  lunch and drinks daily.                                                                                                                                                Hobie Cats
 Privileged access to Mont Choisy Le Golf.                                                                                                                              Deep-sea fishing
 Complimentary Kids Club, Teens Club and babysitting for                                                                                                                Gym
                                                                                                   Trou aux Biches Beachcomber has over 100 pools! Free

                                                                         Good to know
  1-3 year olds on weekday afternoons.                                                                                                                                   Hammam/sauna
                                                                                                   babysitting on weekday afternoons means parents can
                                                                                                   enjoy a blissful swim (or spa treatment) at this eco-friendly         Spa
                                                                                                   tropical paradise, safe in the knowledge that their children          Room service
                                                                                                   are being well looked after.                                          Laundry
                                                                                                                                                                         Tea & coffee in room
                                                                         Rooms                          333 Restaurants                                         6        Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                                                                                                                         Teens Club Beachcomber
                                                                         Junior Suites:                    90    L'Oasis: Serves buffet-style breakfast, lunch and
                                                                         Tropical Junior Suites:          110    dinner around a stunning pool with sea views.
                                                                                                                                                                         Baby care facilities
                                                                         Two-Bedroom Family Suites:        40    La Caravelle: Serves International cuisine for          Conference facilities
                                                                                                                 breakfast and lunch daily and dinner six nights a       Wi-Fi hotspots
                                                                         Beachfront Suites with pool:      44
                                                                                                                 week.                                                   Hairdresser
                                                                         Beachfront Senior Suites
                                                                                                                 Le Deck: Located adjacent to the beach, open for        Beauty salon
                                                                         with pool:                        22
                                                                                                                 lunch every day and dinner six nights a week.           Infirmary
                                                                         Two-Bedroom Pool Villas:          10                                                            Concierge
                                                                                                                 Blue Ginger: Serving the finest Thai dinner
                                                                         Three-Bedroom Pool Villas:        17    cuisine, open six nights a week.                        Boutiques

                                                                                                                 Mahiya: Serving Indian dinner specialities, open
                                                                                                                                                                      Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                                                                 six nights a week.
                                                                                                                                                                      all resorts.
                                                                                                                 Il Corallo: Italian cuisine headlines the menu and
                                                                                                                 delights guests at dinner six nights a week.                                         09
Focus Features - Your invitation to experience The Art of Beautiful - Beachcomber Tours
   Tennis/floodlit courts
    Paradis Beachcomber                                                                                                                                          
    G o l f R e s o r t & S p a                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                     Table tennis
Built on Le Morne Peninsula, PARADIS BEACHCOMBER is one of the island's most sought-after resorts, with                                                             Football
generations of families having holidayed in this paradise. Rooms and suites are set along a beach that rings the                                                    Spinning
peninsula with beautiful views that stretch across the ocean in all directions. Four restaurants, with four more                                                    Aerobics
                                                                                                                                                                    Pilates (mat & ball)
at neighbouring Dinarobin Beachcomber, a picturesque 18-hole golf course and an endless list of sporting
                                                                                                                                                                    Jogging track
activities complete this idyllic resort.                                                                                                                            Fitness classes
                                                                                                                                                                    18-hole golf course and
                                                                                                                                                                     Mont Choisy Le Golf
Focus features                                                                                                                                                      Golf Academy
   The ultimate five-star resort suited to all ages and stages.
                                                                                                                                                                    Pedalo boats
   Le Morne Mountain serves as a magnificent backdrop.                                                                                                             Sailing
   Several kilometres of pristine beach.                                                                                                                           Kayaks
   18-hole championship golf course with a recently-refurbished                                                                                                    Aqua gym
    luxury clubhouse.                                                                                                                                               Waterskiing
   Four restaurants, with four more at neighbouring                                                                                                                Wakeboarding
    Dinarobin Beachcomber.                                                                                                                                          Glass-bottom boat
   Nine categories of rooms, plus 13 recently-refurbished                                                                                                          Scuba diving/lessons
    luxury villas.                                                                                                                                                  Kitesurfing on request
   Top choice for families with state-of-the-art Kids Club.
                                                                                                                                                                    Stand-up paddling
   A luxurious spa and access to all the facilities at
    Dinarobin Beachcomber.                                                                                                                                          Hobie Cats
   The Paradis Beachcomber Golf Academy and a trendy,                                                                                                              Deep-sea fishing

                                                                      Good to know
    well-equipped sports centre.
                                                                                              Paradis Beachcomber sits on the most expensive and                    Gym
   Choose to upgrade to the Escape Package, which includes                                                                                                         Hammam/sauna
                                                                                              breathtaking real estate on the island, and with a 45%
    lunch and drinks daily.                                                                                                                                         Spa
                                                                                              repeat guest rate it's easy to understand why!
   A paradise for pleasure seekers and sports enthusiasts alike,                                                                                                   Room service
    Paradis Beachcomber boasts the best (and biggest) lagoon                                                                                                        Laundry
    in Mauritius.
                                                                      Rooms                           293 Restaurants                                       4       Tea & coffee in room
                                                                                                                                                                    Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                      Tropical Rooms:              120             Brabant: The main restaurant serving a           Babysitting
                                                                      Beachfront Tropical Rooms:    54             buffet-style breakfast and dinner. An à la       Baby care facilities
                                                                      Ocean Rooms:                  39             carte lunch menu is available seasonally.        Nightclub on selected evenings
                                                                      Beachfront Ocean Rooms:       50                                                              Conference facilities
                                                                      Beachfront Senior Suites:       8            Blue Marlin: An à la carte restaurant,
                                                                                                                                                                    Wi-Fi hotspots
                                                                      Beachfront Ocean Suites:        4            serving breakfast, lunch and dinner.
                                                                      Two-Bedroom Tropical Family                  La Palma: An Italian à la carte restaurant       Beauty salon
                                                                      Suites (on request)                          serving dinner, with its La Palma Beach          Infirmary
                                                                      Two-Bedroom Beachfront Ocean                                                                  Helicopter transfers
                                                                                                                   section open for lunch.
                                                                      Family Suites:                  5                                                             Concierge
                                                                      Two-Bedroom Beachfront Luxury                La Ravanne: The quintessential Mauritian
                                                                      Family Suites (on request)                   beach restaurant, serving dinner six nights
                                                                      Paradis Villas:                12            a week.                                       Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                      Presidential Villa:             1                                                          all resorts.
   Tennis/floodlit courts
    Dinarobin Beachcomber                                                                                                                                                 
    G o l f R e s o r t & S p a                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                              Table tennis
Nestled between the sea and Le Morne Mountain, DINAROBIN BEACHCOMBER evokes a sense of peaceful                                                                              Yoga
contentment and tropical elegance. Suites are built in six crescents, with five surrounding their own swimming                                                               Football
pool. Adults can relish their privacy in the Zen Suites, a dedicated crescent for those holidaying child-free. Four                                                          Spinning•
restaurants, with four more at neighbouring Paradis Beachcomber, provide a choice of cuisine.
                                                                                                                                                                             18-hole golf course and
                                                                                                                                                                              Mont Choisy Le Golf
                                                                                                                                                                             Jogging track
Focus features                                                                                                                                                               Windsurfing•
                                                                                                                                                                             Pedalo boats•
   A haven of harmony and well-being.
   Exclusive accommodation in elegantly furnished suites and villas.                                                                                                        Kayaks•
   Five crescents with their own pools.                                                                                                                                     Aqua gym
   Crescent six offers quiet seclusion for guests travelling child-free.                                                                                                    Waterskiing•
   A superb mix of international and local cuisine in eight eateries.                                                                                                       Wakeboarding•
                                                                                                                                                                             Glass-bottom boat•
   Access to Paradis Beachcomber's 18-hole par-72 international golf
                                                                                                                                                                             Scuba diving/lessons•
    course.                                                                                                                                                                  Kitesurf School
   Complimentary Kids Club in a beachside setting.                                                                                                                          Snorkelling•
   Kitesurf School affiliated with the International Kiteboarding                                                                                                           Stand-up paddling•
    Organization (IKO) and the French Kite Association (AFK).                                                                                                                Speedboat
                                                                                                                                                                             Hobie Cats•
   Choose to upgrade to the Escape Package, which includes lunch
                                                                                                                                                                             Deep-sea fishing
    and drinks daily.                                                                                                                                                        Gym
                                                                                                  Mauritius was called Dina Arobi (deserted island) by the Arab
    One of the largest and most luxurious spas on the island.                                                                                                             

                                                                            Good to know
                                                                                                   sailors who first discovered her. Dinarobin Beachcomber                   Spa
                                                                                                   perfectly captures the peace and tranquillity of that first glimpse       Room service
                                                                                                   of the island. It is also home to one of our finest spas, nestled in      Laundry
                                                                                                   lush vegetation at the foot of Le Morne Mountain.                         Tea & coffee in room
                                                                                                                                                                             Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                            Rooms                            175        Restaurants                                  4       Babysitting
                                                                                                                                                                             Baby care amenities on request
                                                                            Junior Suites:                    106       L'Harmonie: The main restaurant, serving             Conference facilities•
                                                                            Beachfront Junior Suites:          14       breakfast and dinner.                                Wi-Fi hotspots
                                                                            Two-Bedroom Family Suites                   Dina's: Concept dining at its best. A                Hairdresser
                                                                            (on request)                                                                                     Beauty salon
                                                                                                                        bistronomy-style eatery open for dinner six
                                                                            Beachfront Senior Suites:           18                                                           Infirmary•
                                                                                                                        nights a week.
                                                                            Two-Bedroom Luxury Family                                                                        Helicopter transfers
                                                                                                                        Umami: Asian-fusion restaurant open for              Concierge
                                                                            Suites (on request)
                                                                                                                        dinner six nights a week.                            Art gallery
                                                                            Zen Suites (adults' crescent):     24
                                                                                                                        La Plage: Beach restaurant, open for lunch           Boutique
                                                                            Zen Beachfront Suites
                                                                            (adults' crescent):                 4       and snacks daily, and dinner seasonally
                                                                                                                                                                          • Available at neighbouring
                                                                            Zen Senior Beachfront Suites                twice a week.
                                                                                                                                                                            Paradis Beachcomber.
                                                                            (adults' crescent):                 6
                                                                            Dinarobin Villas:                   3                                                         Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                                                                                                                          all resorts.
   Tennis/floodlit courts
    Royal Palm                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                      Squash court

    B e a c h c o m b e r L u x u r y                                                    L U X U RY                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                      Table tennis
The most prestigious address in the Indian Ocean, ROYAL PALM BEACHCOMBER is a world apart with
                                                                                                                                                                     Power Plates
innovative touches that have enhanced its luxury and appeal to discerning guests – royalty and celebrities                                                           Yoga
among them – for over 30 years. Royal Palm Beachcomber's restaurants are presided over by an                                                                         Meditation
internationally renowned award-winning chef, who creates culinary masterpieces served in idyllic surroundings.                                                       Pilates (mat & ball)
It's perfection from start to finish.                                                                                                                                Golf at Paradis Beachcomber
                                                                                                                                                                      and Mont Choisy Le Golf
                                                                                                                                                                     Pedalo boats
Focus features                                                                                                                                                       Sailing
   A member of the Leading Hotels of the World portfolio.                                                                                                           Kayaks
   A high staff-to-guest ratio guarantees superb, discreet service.                                                                                                 Aqua gym
   Well situated on Mauritius’ sun-drenched, north-west coast.                                                                                                      Waterskiing
   Crystal-blue sea fringed by a pure white sandy beach.                                                                                                            Wakeboarding
                                                                                                                                                                     Glass-bottom boat
   Chic sea-facing suites and Royal Suite with private pool.
                                                                                                                                                                     Scuba diving/lessons
   Four restaurants serve memorable dishes for discerning palates.
                                                                                                                                                                     Kitesurfing on request
   In-suite dining included in half-board rate.                                                                                                                     Snorkelling
   Three swimming pools, each with its own atmosphere.                                                                                                              Stand-up paddling
   A spa recognised by Leading Spas of the World.                                                                                                                   Private boat excursions
   A five-star Kids Club for young VIPs.                                                                                                                            Hobie Cats
   Luxury SUV transfers and helicopter services.                                                                                                                    Deep-sea fishing
                                                                                              Follow the leader! A member of the prestigious Leading                 Gym
                                                                                              Hotels of the World portfolio, Royal Palm Beachcomber has a            Sauna/hammam

                                                                       Good to know           staff ratio of four staff members to one suite. It is the epitome
                                                                                              of the art of living – and has received several 'Mauritius
                                                                                              Leading Hotel Suite' awards at the World Travel Awards over
                                                                                                                                                                      24-hour room service
                                                                                              the years. In 2020, Royal Palm Beachcomber received a
                                                                                              Country Win for the best 'Luxury Beach Resort in Mauritius'.           Nespresso machine per suite
                                                                                                                                                                     Kids Club Beachcomber
                                                                       Rooms                               69     Restaurants                               4        Babysitting
                                                                                                                                                                     Baby care amenities on request
                                                                       Junior Suites:                      27     La Goélette: Gastronomic restaurant, open          Wi-Fi
                                                                       Ocean Suites:                       15     for breakfast and dinner.                          Dartboard
                                                                                                                  La Brezza: Italian trattoria facing the            Hairdresser
                                                                       Tropical Suites:                     4                                                        Beauty salon
                                                                                                                  ocean, serving dinner.
                                                                       Palm Suites:                         7                                                        Doctor on call
                                                                                                                  Le Bar Plage: Beachside lunch venue                Helicopter transfers
                                                                       Garden Suites:                       3
                                                                                                                  serving light meals and snacks.                    Concierge
                                                                       Senior Suites:                       8
                                                                                                                  Royal Grill: A pop-up restaurant on one of         Art gallery
                                                                       Penthouse:                           1     the best beaches in Mauritius. Enjoy a             Boutiques
                                                                       Presidential Suites:                 3     gastronomic-style barbecue beneath the
                                                                                                                  stars every Thursday evening.                   Inter-hotel dining reciprocity at
                                                                       Royal Suite:                         1
                                                                                                                                                                  all resorts.

The perfect place                                                                                      Come in, the water' s warm! Victoria for 2 boasts
                                                                                                            the first Swim-Up Rooms in Mauritius.
    t o s a y, ' I d o '

Whether an intimate ceremony with close friends and family, or a lavish
celebration on a grand scale, Beachcomber is the obvious choice to say,
'I do'. Our expertise and 'one wedding per day' policy guarantees that
each wedding receives the full attention it deserves. Choose between
three wedding packages – The Beachcomber Bliss Wedding Package, the
Beachcomber Barefoot Wedding Package and the Beachcomber
Experience Wedding Package – to suit your desires, needs and budget.
Honeymooners can look forward to an array of privileges such as a bottle
of sparkling wine on arrival, complimentary lunch daily when on the
half-board rate, as well as a magical experience per couple selected from
the Beautiful Experiences catalogue at the resort. Experiences can include
a boat trip, a romantic couple's massage, a full-day's convertible fun car
hire, and more (subject to weather conditions and availability).
Did you know?
You'll have our undivided attention with only one wedding per day
scheduled at each resort, and we'll gift each couple with one magical              C h o o s e a n a l l - i n c l u s i ve p a c k a g e
Beautiful Experience!
                                                                                    for a truly carefree holiday

                                                                                Choose to upgrade your half-board stay at any of the Beachcomber 4-star resorts by purchasing an all-inclusive

  Kids are king                                                                 package that covers meals and selected drinks for the duration of your stay. The packages are interchangeable
                                                                                between all four resorts. At Shandrani Beachcomber you can choose the Serenity Plus Package or upgrade to the
  with Beachcomber                                                              Serenity Plus Premium All-Inclusive Package, which comprises a selection of meals, snacks and imported
                                                                                premium-branded drinks. The Escape Package is available at Trou aux Biches Beachcomber, Paradis Beachcomber
                                                                                and Dinarobin Beachcomber year-round.
Family holidays are a strong focus for Beachcomber. Its portfolio of
properties offers the best facilities, along with exciting and educational      Did you know?
activities for children of all ages. Each resort offers its own Kids Club for   Four of our 4-star resorts and three of our 5-star resorts offer the option to top up your half-board stay,
children from 3 to 11 years, while activities for teenagers are included at     with lunch and drinks included daily. You may as well leave your wallet at home!
several of the resorts during school holidays. Accommodation is geared
for families, with several room categories allowing one or two children to
share with parents. Most resorts offer interleading rooms or two-bedroom

                                                                                                     Feeling peckish? 34 different restaurants to try with
family apartments. The children's rooms are appropriately furnished in the
two-bedroom family suites of the five-star resorts; separate TVs are
available in all family units.
Did you know?
                                                                                                           Beachcomber' s inter-hotel dining concept.
Everyone is taken care of at Beachcomber! From a Kids Club at all
resorts, to Teens Clubs at selected resorts and a Petit Club at
Shandrani Beachcomber, as well as babysitting services, kids are our
mini VIPs.
Te e o f f i n p a r a d i s e
    with Beachcomber
                                                                                                                  Fact or fiction? West is best
The 18-hole par-72 international golf course at Paradis Beachcomber is
one of the most picturesque and exciting courses to play in Mauritius.                                           for sunsets and beaches – fact!
Set at the base of Le Morne Mountain, its fairways and greens curl along
the spectacular coastline. Complementing this beautiful course is a
relaxing clubhouse, elegant bar and a golf academy. Guests at
Shandrani Beachcomber have access to a par-29 pitch and putt golf
course, the perfect option to polish a short game, and privileged access
to the nearby 18-hole Avalon Golf Estate. In the north, and available to all
Beachcomber guests, however at preferential rates and with free transfers
for guests staying at Canonnier Beachcomber and Trou aux Biches
Beachcomber, is the island’s 18-hole Mont Choisy Le Golf.
Did you know?
The golf course at Paradis Beachcomber is the only golf course situated
entirely within a resort on the island of Mauritius!

   Be active                                                                     E x p e r i e n ce t h e a r t o f we l l n e s s
   in paradise
                                                                                 with Beachcomber
A coral reef encircles much of the island of Mauritius. Clear, calm waters
off the coast make conditions ideal for all kinds of water sports. Most of     Beachcomber spas take a holistic approach to mind and body pampering, offered in serene areas of each
the facilities are entirely free of charge, and we guarantee that if you're    resort, where guests can enjoy total rejuvenation. The beauty of the spa settings converges with personalised
willing to tear yourself away from the beach for a day, we have a sporting     treatments in the hands of highly-skilled artisans, utilising superb product ranges, including our own 100%
activity that will make you grateful you did. The natural terrain also makes   natural B(e) Beautiful collection. B(e) Beautiful, formulated for face and body, represents a radical break from
it perfect for land sports, like abseiling, mountain biking and hiking, with   mainstream chemical-based cosmetics. The product line imparts nutrients to the body to repair and rebalance.
scenery that will take your breath away as you explore the island. Each        Our aim is to provide our guests with a sense of harmony and renewed vitality. Treatments combine
resort in the Beachcomber group has a comprehensive sports and                 up-to-the-minute wellness knowledge with the natural power of authentic island recipes and the secrets of
entertainment programme, professionally managed by a highly qualified          age-old rituals.
team.                                                                          Did you know?
Did you know?                                                                  Beachcomber's all-natural spa range, B(e) Beautiful, combines tropical notes like coconut and vanilla with
Beachcomber lays claim to the largest sports academy in the                    natural, aromatic oils for the ultimate in blissful treatments.
Indian Ocean in terms of space, training equipment and staff. Master a
new sport during your stay! The calm Indian Ocean is the ideal place to
                                                                                                 Walking the talk. Beachcomber is beautifully responsible
                                                                                                  with Silver Earth Check accreditation in place. Tick!
try all types of water sports, some for the very first time.

Heavenly hideaways
   for two

In keeping with Beachcomber's continuous investment in enhancing guests'           Ooh la la! Exclusive settings and inclusions for dreamy,
experiences, Dinarobin Beachcomber and Victoria Beachcomber offer
special services for adult guests travelling child-free. Both resorts have
                                                                                        adults-only escapes at two Beachcomber resorts.
dedicated wings for adult guests, ensuring privacy and tranquillity.
A crescent of Zen Suites makes up the adults-only option at
Dinarobin Beachcomber and it includes a private crescent with its own pool
and a dedicated beach area. Victoria for 2 comprises a wing of sea-facing
rooms that look out onto a secluded beach and marine park. It has its own
swimming pool, and guests can book Swim-Up Rooms, a first in Mauritius.
Did you know?
You can choose the best of both worlds! Enjoy the varied activities and
facilities at Victoria Beachcomber and Dinarobin Beachcomber or remain
cocooned in your exclusive and peaceful adults-only setting.

   Groups & incentives
   with Beachcomber

Beachcomber is the market leader for group and incentive travel in Mauritius.
Each Beachcomber resort has a Groups Coordinator who will take care of all
the arrangements prior to the arrival of your group and during their stay.
Magical evening events are created in the grounds and on the beaches at the
various resorts, where special themes may include an Indian evening, an
authentic Mauritian evening, a taste of Morocco and many other awe-inspiring
and exciting events. Daytime events can include a motorcar rally, a biking tour,
hiking and even canoeing and abseiling. Modern, world-class conference
facilities are available at most resorts, while all-inclusive package options
(Royal Palm Beachcomber excluded) are available to allow companies to
budget accurately for their incentive groups programme, professionally
managed by a highly qualified team.
Did you know?
Among many travel industry awards, Beachcomber Tours is proud to have
been named Air Mauritius’ Top Groups Partner for eight consecutive years,
since the inception of the award.

Love list                                                                The scent of paradise
                                                                            Wander through the lush tropical gardens at Trou aux Biches Beachcomber. Get lost
   by Beachcomber                                                           in the sensory overload of the sights and scents of nature. We've infused one of our
                                                                            favourite scents, the royal orchid, into the fresh hand towels that welcome our
                                                                            guests on arrival.

Whether it' s ice cream on the beach or cocktails                           Te s t y o u r b a l a n c e
                                                                            It's a true test of balance, but you reap the rewards when you grab a SUP board at

at sunset, Beachcomber' s love list is hard to beat!                        Trou aux Biches Beachcomber. Walk from the soft white sand and head out onto the
                                                                            gorgeous aquamarine waters of the lagoon, soaking up the views that surround you.
                                                                            Fresh out of the oven
Beach bonfires at sunset                                                    Start the day with the freshest, still-warm-from-the-oven bread at
The Beautiful Concert at Mauricia Beachcomber. Imagine a bonfire on         Mauricia Beachcomber's Les Quais restaurant. Come lunch time, the views of the
the beach at sunset, live music and homemade rum punch. With sega           boats entering the bay is a fabulous side dish, while 'bottomless' lobster night at
dancers 'bringing the vibe' and the delicious flavours of Creole cuisine    Le Nautic is every seafood lover's dream come true.
lingering on the taste buds, this is an unforgettable evening!              Crescent pools
One scoop is never enough                                                   Nothing beats floating in one of Dinarobin Beachcomber's crescent pools, listening to
A scoop of homemade, burnt caramel ice cream on the beach at                the birds chirp as the dipping sun casts a glow across Le Morne Mountain.
Dinarobin Beachcomber's Cabane a Glace. Yum! Come sundown, wiggle           Afterwards, treat yourself to a heavenly full body massage at the most exquisite spa
your toes in the sand and settle back, cocktail in hand at Butik Bar, to    on the island.
take in the sunset.                                                         Piña coladas
Snorkel in a natural aquarium                                               If you like piña coladas, there's certainly no getting caught in the rain at
Snorkelling at Shandrani Beachcomber in the Blue Bay Marine Park. Step      Shandrani Beachcomber's poolside bar. And if you're Le Sirius about burgers, arrive
off the beach and into your own personal aquarium.                          hungry at Le Sirius restaurant! The spectacular view over Blue Bay comes complimentary!
Navigate to the lunch table                                                 The best snorkelling up north
Set among century old cannons and sweeping views, Navigator at              Snorkel out to the little islands from Canonnier Beachcomber’s boathouse for some
Canonnier Beachcomber is the perfect spot for lunch – and a touch of        of the best snorkelling up north. Marvel at the diverse marine life as you get some
history and mystery. The only thing you need to worry about? Which of       gentle exercise in the bay's warm water.
the delectable specialities on the menu you're going to try first.          Island feasts
Dance the day (and night) away                                              Foodies, get ready. From L'Horizon's decadent doughnuts to La Casa's creamy
Morning aqua gym at Victoria Beachcomber, fun in the sun and the            chocolate fondant, eating at Victoria Beachcomber is eating very well indeed.
perfect start to your day! Start the day moving and end the day moving.     Carnivores, you're not left out either. The BBQ plate at Morris Beef at Victoria for 2 is
Dance the night away under the stars thanks to an incredible                just the meal for date night.
entertainment team, to keep the party going all night long.                 Sail into the sunset
Paradis Beachcomber pancakes                                                Sail a Hobie Cat over Paradis Beachcomber's endless lagoon before settling into one
There is no pancake like a Paradis pancake! Get your fill at our yummy      of the gorgeous couches at Paradis Beachcomber's bar for sundowners. Oh, for a
pancake station, with tons of toppings to choose from!                      glass of crisp, cool (Takamaka) rosé litchi wine… delightful, refreshing and
The royal treatment                                                         authentically Mauritian.
Enjoy a leisurely start to the day thanks to Royal Palm Beachcomber's       Sleep like royalty
overwhelming in-suite breakfast. Come sundown, pizza and pasta at           Have the sweetest dreams and best sleep of your life in Royal Palm Beachcomber's
La Brezza, with the sound of the waves rolling in and the stars above, is   luxurious beds. Stretch out to your heart's content and enjoy the opulence of the
a fairy-tale end to the day.                                                hotel's dreamy and expansive beds, fit for a princess – or the whole family!

Reservations and Sales & Marketing

Beachcomber House, No. 1 Tre Mondi, Niblick Way, Somerset West, 7130

           P O Box 745, Somerset West, 7129, South Africa

Free Call: 0800 500 800 T: +27 21 850 5300 E:

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