FLOOD RISK: A Growing Concern and Yet, No Clear Solution - RIMS Canada

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FLOOD RISK: A Growing Concern and Yet, No Clear Solution - RIMS Canada
FALL 2020

                                 FLOOD RISK: A Growing Concern
                                 and Yet, No Clear Solution
                                 by Jocelyn Aucoin, senior associate, Clyde & Co

                                         torms, power outages,                         How can we protect our-
                                         landslides, and road                     selves against such risk? First, it
                                         closures; as a result,                   should be noted that most basic
                                 last year’s floods were identi-                  residential insurance policies do
                                 fied as the weather event of                     not cover damage resulting from
                                 2019 in Quebec. Indeed, tens                     floods caused by the overflow of
                                 of thousands of residences                       a body of water. Such absence
                                 and businesses were flooded,                     of coverage is explained by the
                                 and an even greater number of                    fact that flood zones are clearly
                                 citizens were affected.                          identified and that rising water is a
                                    Floods of varying intensity                   foreseeable natural phenomenon,
                                 occur every year in Canada.                      whereas the fundamental princi-
                                 Historically, the country has been               ple of insurance is that it covers
                                 susceptible to flooding across                   “unforeseeable” situations.
                                 various provinces. Manitoba's Red                     For several years, however,
                                 River Valley is famous for being                 certain land development has
                                 particularly subject to situational              created vulnerable areas leading
                                 vulnerability—its most severe flood              to inadequate drainage infrastruc-          insurers have developed products      president of federal affairs of the
                                 being recorded in 1997, which                    ture. In Ontario, for example,              to respond to consumer demand         Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC)
                                 damaged an estimated 1,000                       changing levels in the severity of          for insurance coverage specific to    has addressed the limited evi-
                                 homes. Similarly, Alberta's flood                precipitation from one extreme              floods. Such coverage is neverthe-    dence for these claims, suggest-
                                 in 2013 resulted in an approxi-                  to the other have raised concern            less quite rare, and, when offered,   ing the lack of correlation between
                                 mate $6 billion in property damage               for volatility and the increased            generally carries high deductibles    high-risk activity and income. A
                                 and financial losses, and the                    likelihood of flooding. With the            combined with low coverage            flood model developed by the IBC
                                 evacuation of an estimated 80,000                impact of climate change, the               limits. While coverage may be         determined that approximately

                                 residents. These major floods                    damage caused by water will likely          available for certain properties,     1.8 million households in Canada
                                 and many others that cause the                   continue to increase in frequency           those located in high flood-risk      are regarded as being at very high
                                 forced evacuation of residents,                  and significance.                           zones are almost never covered. A     risk for flooding.
                                 represent the heavy economic                                                                 common misconception has been            Typically, flood policies that
                                 burden that threatens the financial              INSURERS' RESPONSE                          that residents of high-risk zones     are available for purchase are
                                 situation of the businesses and                  Considering the proliferation               can afford higher insurance premi-    subject to a limit; however, several
                                 citizens affected.                               of claims in this regard, some              ums. However, Craig Stewart, vice                          continued on page 2

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FLOOD RISK: A Growing Concern and Yet, No Clear Solution - RIMS Canada

Flood Risk: A Growing Concern and Yet, No Clear Solution
continued from page 2

insurers have implemented             caused by a “flood” as defined in            or a drainage ditch constituted a           to compensate for the additional
additional flood endorsements to      the flood endorsement. Therefore,            “body of water” even though they            costs of accommodation and
extend coverage for policyholders.    the Ontario Superior Court of                may have been dry for several               food during evacuation, for repair-
While a benefit to these add-ons is   Justice held that the insured was            hours before an overflow. Finally,          ing or replacing essential personal
they help to streamline the claims    not entitled to coverage under the           the Court of Appeal reiterated that         property that was damaged,
process, the language used to         Flood Endorsement.                           the provisions granting coverage,           and for repairing damage to the
define “flood” has contributed to        The Court of Appeal reviewed              such as the flood endorsement,              main residence.
disputes over application.            in great detail the wording of               must be construed broadly.                      Even so, the program is now
                                      the policy in order to determine             Construing the flood endorsement            more restrictive than it was
THE COURTS'                           whether the event constituted                otherwise would nullify coverage            previously and includes several
INTERPRETATION                        a “flood” within the meaning of              for the “obvious risks” identified          limits to the amounts that may
A recent Ontario decision, Le         the policy.                                  in the endorsement and defeat               be granted.
Treport Wedding & Convention             The Court of Appeal con-                  the legitimate expectations of                  Nevertheless, when floods
Centre Ltd. v. Co-operators           cluded that the trial judge erred            the insured as to the coverage              of the magnitude that affected
General Insurance Company,            in importing the exclusion of                purchased. Accordingly, the                 Quebec in the spring of 2019
2020 ONCA 487, addressed              "surface water" flooding into                flood endorsement applied to the            occur, thousands of citizens
this topic. Following a historic      the Flood Endorsement for two                loss suffered by the Insured and            seek support from their govern-
rainstorm event in the Greater        reasons. First, the Court of Appeal          caused by the flood.                        ment, which is then faced with a
Toronto Area on July 8, 2013, the     ruled that an endorsement does                  However, coverage has not                significant economic burden. Aid
premises owned by Le Treport          not operate independently from               always been granted in favour of            is therefore also available through
Wedding & Convention Centre Ltd.      the policy, as it does not have "a           the insureds. In an earlier deci-           the federal Disaster Financial
was flooded. Water entered the        standalone existence" from the               sion, Parker Pad & Printing Ltd. v.         Assistance Arrangements (DFAA),
building through the doors, floor     policy; they must be read together.          Gore Mutual Insurance Company,              administered by Public Safety
drains and ceilings, and caused       Second, giving effect to the                 2017 ONSC 3894, the Court                   Canada, to compensate those who
extensive damage to the premises.     definition of “surface water” when           dismissed the plaintiff's claim for         have experienced losses and to
A claim was made to Co-operators      interpreting the flood endorsement           coverage under its flood endorse-           finance recovery.
General Insurance under its “all-     would effectively nullify or render          ment, citing lack of evidence that              Flood-related issues con-
risks” insurance policy. There was    nugatory the intended coverage.              the damaged premises surrounded             tinue to be an ongoing concern
a dispute as to whether the flood     Indeed, flood coverage would be              a “body of water.”                          across the country. The federal
endorsement of the policy applied     nullified in almost all cases as                                                         government recently considered
to the claim.                         most buildings are located some              ALTERNATIVES TO                             creating a low-cost national flood
    The Ontario Superior Court        distance from water. Accordingly,            TRADITIONAL INSURANCE                       insurance program to protect
of Justice held that the flood        the flood endorsement must be                In addition to insurance, alternate         homeowners at high risk of
endorsement did not apply for         read without giving effect to the            opportunities may exist to receive          flooding who are without adequate
two reasons. First, the trial judge   surface water exclusion.                     compensation for losses sustained           insurance protection. When asked
concluded that the damage to the         The Court of Appeal further               due to flooding. However, it is             about developments for the pro-
insured's property was caused         concluded that the event was a               important to note these alterna-            gram, Public Safety Canada did
by “surface water,” which was         “flood” within the meaning of the            tives are also subject to limita-           not offer a direct response, simply
defined in the Policy as “water or    flood endorsement. The ordinary              tions. In Quebec, for example,              expressing “full consideration”
natural precipitation temporarily     meaning of the word “flood”                  citizens may be eligible for the            for recommendations proposed
diffused over the surface of the      included “the massive, forceful,             province’s public safety depart-            by IBC in its June 2019 report,
ground.” Consequently, the “sur-      and fast-moving flow of water”               ment’s general indemnity and                titled Options for Managing Flood
face water” exclusion contained       into the property. Further, the flood        financial assistance program. The           Costs of Canada's Highest Risk
in the policy operated to exclude     endorsement did not require a                program was enacted by Order in             Residential Properties.
coverage. Second, the trial judge     body of water to have a permanent            Council on April 10, 2019, and                  After reviewing international
found that the event was not          existence. In other words, a creek           aid may be granted, in particular,          experience, IBC analyzed three

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FLOOD RISK: A Growing Concern and Yet, No Clear Solution - RIMS Canada

potential schemes that could be                       would be provided in cases                similar measures to address the        example), creates the possibility
implemented:                                          where premiums are too                    issue of the insurability of flood     that the premium rate paid
                                                      high. The government’s                    risk. The United Kingdom has           will not reflect the full risk of
●    Option I: A pure market solu-                    exposure could also be                    launched Flood Re, a reinsurer         loss and that the funds available
     tion pursuant to which private                   reduced by transferring some              subsidized by a levy imposed on        in the event of a loss will
     properties would no longer                       of the risk to the global                 all insurers that offer home           prove insufficient.
     be eligible for government                       reinsurance market.                       insurance. The United States              In short, regardless of the
     financial assistance and                    ●    Option III: Create a high-risk            created the National Flood             perspective from which the
     the risk would be borne by                       flood insurance pool. A high-             Insurance Program (NFIP) in            issue is addressed, the allocation
     homeowners. Homeowners                           risk flood pool of properties             1968. To benefit from NFIP             of costs among citizens, their
     would therefore have to move,                    would be separated from                   flood insurance, the property          insurers, and both levels of
     self-insure, or transfer their                   what is considered normally               must be located in a community         government after a flood is a
     flood contingent liability to                    insurable risk. The group would           that participates in the program       significant challenge. For that
     the private insurance market.                    be managed by a public-private            and that agrees to apply               reason, all participants must
     Since premiums are risk-                         partnership, administered by              sound floodplain management            increase their efforts to implement
     based, a portion of high-risk                    the insurance industry but gov-           ­standards. In some cases, NFIP        measures that are preventive,
     homeowners would opt out of                      erned and guaranteed by the               premiums may be subsidized.            rather than corrective. Whether
     the insurance market, and the                    government/global reinsurance                The complete withdrawal of          that consists of elevating critical
     government could invest in                       market. The pool would need               government aid would allow the         equipment (heating, ventilation,
     adaptive infrastructure.                         pre-capitalization to get up              government to focus on mitiga-         electrical transformers, communi-
●    Option II: An evolved status                     and running as well as ongoing            tion rather than disaster manage-      cation systems, etc.) in commer-
     quo in which the risk would                      capitalization that would                 ment, an area in which insurers        cial buildings above expected
     be borne by a combination                        be supported by premiums                  are generally more efficient, but      flood levels or even using
     of homeowners and govern-                        paid into the pool and levies             could also lead to avoidance by        technology that allows buildings
     ments. As this option is the                     assessed on all homeowners                homeowners, who may simply             to float above water during a
     closest to the current state of                  or municipal ratepayers and               choose not to purchase insurance       flood, there is no doubt that
     affairs, the private insurance                   financed by levies or through             and risk financial ruin in the event   improving infrastructure and
     market would continue to                         government contributions.                 of a loss. Conversely, placing         implementing preventive mea-
     provide insurance coverage                                                                 too much emphasis on the               sures will contribute to reducing
     in accordance with its risk                     The governments of other coun-             ­availability of insurance (by         the risk and, in so doing, make it
     appetite, and government aid                tries have already implemented                 ­subsidizing ­premiums, for            somewhat more insurable. n

par Jocelyn Beaudoin, avocat sénior, Clyde & Co

TEMPÊTES, PANNES DE COURANT,                     été inondés et un nombre encore                la rivière Rouge au Manitoba est       financières d’environ 6 milliards
glissements de terrain, fermetures               plus important de citoyens en ont              réputée pour être particulière-        de dollars, ainsi que l’évacuation
de routes : c’est en raison de ce                été touchés.                                   ment sujette à la vulnérabilité        de près de 80 000 personnes.
bilan que les inondations de l’an-                   Des inondations d’inten-                   situationnelle. Enregistrée en         Lorsqu’elles sont majeures et
née dernière au Québec ont été                   sités variables se produisent                  1997, sa plus grave inondation         causent l’évacuation forcée de
désignées comme étant « l’événe-                 chaque année au Canada.                        a endommagé environ 1 000              résidents, le fardeau économique
ment climatique de 2019 ». En                    Historiquement, le pays a été                  propriétés. De même, l’inondation      qu’elles représentent peut mettre
effet, des dizaines de milliers de               vulnérable aux inondations dans                de 2013 en Alberta a entraîné des      en péril la situation financière
résidences et de commerces ont                   diverses provinces. La vallée de               dommages matériels et des pertes                             continued on page 4

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RISQUE D’INONDATION                   généralement de franchises                  juillet 2013, les locaux apparte-             la couverture. Deuxièmement, le
continued from page 3                 élevées jumelées à des limites de           nant au Treport Wedding &                     juge a conclu que l’incident n’avait
                                      couverture peu élevées. Même                Convention Centre Ltd. ont été                pas été causé par une « inonda-
des entreprises et des citoyens       si une offre de couverture existe           inondés. L’eau s’est infiltrée dans           tion » au sens de l’avenant. Par
affectés.                             pour certaines propriétés, celles           le bâtiment par les portes, les               conséquent, la Cour supérieure de
    Comment peut-on se prémunir       qui sont situées dans les zones à           drains de sol et les plafonds, et             justice de l’Ontario a statué que
contre de tels risques? D’abord,      haut risque d’inondations ne sont           a causé d’importants dommages                 l’assuré n’avait pas droit à une
il faut savoir que la plupart des     presque jamais couvertes.                   aux locaux. Une réclamation a été             couverture en vertu de l’avenant
polices d’assurance résidentielle        Une idée fausse courante est             présentée à Co-operators, une                 relatif aux inondations.
de base ne couvrent pas les dom-      que les résidents des zones à               société d’assurances générales                   La Cour d’appel a revu en
mages résultant des inondations       haut risque ont les moyens de               en vertu de la police d’assurance             détail le libellé de la police afin
provoquées par le débordement         payer des primes d’assurance                « tous risques » (la « police »).             de déterminer si l’incident
d’un cours d’eau. Cette absence       plus élevées. Cependant, Craig              Il y a eu un litige pour savoir si            constituait une « inondation »
de couverture s’explique du fait      Stewart, vice-président des                 l’avenant de la police portant sur            au sens de la police.
que les zones inondables sont         affaires fédérales du Bureau                les inondations s’appliquait à la                La Cour d’appel a conclu que
clairement identifiées et que         d’assurance du Canada (BAC), a              réclamation.                                  le juge de première instance avait
la crue des eaux y constitue un       abordé les preuves limitées de ces
phénomène naturel prévisible          réclamations, suggérant l’absence
alors que le principe de base en      de corrélation entre les activités
assurance est de couvrir les situa-   à haut risque et le revenu. Un
tions « imprévisibles ».              modèle d’inondation mis au point
    Pourtant, depuis plusieurs        par le BAC a déterminé qu’environ
années, certains aménagements         1,8 million de ménages canadiens
du territoire créent des zones        sont considérés comme étant à
vulnérables et engendrent l’insuff-   très haut risque d’inondation.
isance des infrastructures d’évac-       En règle générale, les polices
uation. En Ontario, par exemple,      relatives aux inondations sont
l’évolution de la gravité des         soumises à une limite. Cependant,
précipitations allant d’un extrême    plusieurs assureurs ont mis en
à l’autre a soulevé des inquiétudes   place des avenants supplémen-
quant à l’instabilité climatique et   taires contre les inondations pour
à la probabilité accrue d’inonda-     étendre la couverture des assurés.
tions. Avec l’impact des change-      Bien que ces avenants aident à
ments climatiques, les dommages       rationaliser le processus de récla-
causés par l’eau continueront         mation, le langage utilisé pour                La Cour supérieure de                      commis une erreur en important
vraisemblablement d’augmenter         définir le terme « inondation » a           justice de l’Ontario a statué que             l’exclusion sur les inondations
en fréquence et en importance.        contribué à des litiges concernant          l’avenant sur les inondations                 causées par des « eaux de surface
                                      l’application.                              ne s’appliquait pas pour deux                 » dans l’avenant pour deux
RÉPONSE DES ASSUREURS                                                             raisons. Premièrement, le juge                raisons. Premièrement, la Cour
Considérant la multiplication         L’INTERPRÉTATION                            de première instance a conclu                 d’appel a statué qu’un avenant
des réclamations à ce titre,          DES TRIBUNAUX                               que les dommages aux biens de                 ne fonctionne pas indépendam-
certains assureurs ont développé      Un récent jugement en Ontario,              l’assuré étaient causés par « l’eau           ment de la police, car il n’existe
                                                                                                                                                                              SHUTTERSTOCK/ EPPIC ADVENTURES

des produits pour répondre aux        Treport Wedding & Convention                de surface », qui était définie               pas sans elle; ils doivent être lus
demandes des consommateurs            Centre Ltd. c. Co-operators                 dans la police comme « de l’eau               ensemble. Deuxièmement, donner
cherchant une couverture d’assur-     General Insurance Company,                  ou des précipitations naturelles              effet à la définition d’« eaux de
ance particulière aux inondations.    2020 ONCA 487, traitait de                  ruisselant temporairement sur la              surface » lors de l’interprétation
Ces couvertures se font néan-         ce sujet. À la suite d’un orage             surface du sol ». Par conséquent,             de l’avenant relatif aux inon-
moins plutôt rares et, si elles       historique s’étant déversé sur              l’exclusion « eaux de surface » de            dations annulerait ou rendrait
sont offertes, s’accompagnent         la région du Grand Toronto le 8             la police avait pour effet d’exclure          effectivement inopérante la

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couverture prévue. En effet, la                  locaux endommagés entouraient              continuent d’être une préoccupa-             par une combinaison des
couverture contre les inondations                un « plan d’eau. »                         tion partout au pays. Le gouver-             propriétaires-occupants et
serait annulée dans presque tous                                                            nement fédéral s’est récemment               des gouvernements. Cette
les cas, car la plupart des bâti-                SOLUTIONS DE RECHANGE                      penché sur la création d’un                  option étant plus près de
ments sont situés à une certaine                 À L’ASSURANCE                              programme national d’assurance               l’état actuel des choses,
distance de l’eau. Par conséquent,               TRADITIONNELLE                             inondation à faible coût afin de             le marché privé continuer-
l’avenant relatif aux inondations                En plus de l’assurance, il existe          protéger les propriétaires de                ait d’offrir une couverture
doit être lu sans donner effet à                 d’autres possibilités pour recevoir        maisons à haut risque d’inonda-              d’assurance en fonction de
l’exclusion des eaux de surface.                 une indemnisation pour les pertes          tion qui ne bénéficient pas d’une            sa tolérance au risque et une
   En outre, la Cour d’appel a                   subies en raison d’une inondation.         protection d’assurance adéquate.             aide gouvernementale serait
conclu que l’incident était une «                Cependant, il est important de             Interrogée sur les développements            offerte dans les cas où les
inondation » au sens de l’avenant                noter que ces options de rechange          du programme, Sécurité publique              primes seraient trop élevées.
relatif aux inondations. Le sens                 sont également soumises à des              Canada n’a pas offert de réponse             L’exposition du gouvernement
ordinaire du mot « inondation »                  limitations. Au Québec, par                directe, exprimant simplement «              pourrait aussi être diminuée
comprenait « l’écoulement massif,                exemple, les citoyens peuvent              une pleine considération » pour              en transférant une partie du
puissant et rapide de l’eau » dans               avoir accès au Programme général           les recommandations proposées                risque au marché mondial de
la propriété. De plus, cet avenant               d’indemnisation et d’aide                  par le BAC dans son rapport pub-             la réassurance.
n’exigeait pas que le plan d’eau                 financière du ministère de la              lié en juin 2019, intitulé Options      ●    Option III: Créer un pool d’as-
soit présent en permanence. En                   Sécurité publique. Adopté par              de gestion des coûts de propriétés           surance en fonction des ris-
d’autres termes, un ruisseau ou un               décret le 10 avril 2019, ce                résidentielles les plus à risque             ques élevés d’inondations. Un
fossé de drainage constituent un                 programme vise notamment à                 d’inondation au Canada.                      groupe de propriétés à risque
« plan d’eau » même s’ils peuvent                compenser les frais supplémen-                 Au terme d’un examen d’initia-           élevé d’inondation serait dis-
avoir été secs pendant plusieurs                 taires pour se loger et se nourrir         tives prises à l’échelle interna-            tingué de ce qui est considéré
heures avant un débordement.                     pendant l’évacuation, à réparer            tionale, la BAC a étudié trois               comme un risque normale-
Enfin, la Cour d’appel a réitéré                 ou remplacer les biens meubles             schémas potentiels qui pourraient            ment assurable. Le groupe
que les dispositions accordant une               essentiels qui ont été endom-              être mis en place:                           serait géré par un partenariat
couverture, comme l’avenant relatif              magés et à réparer les dommages                                                         public-privé, administré par
aux inondations, doivent être inter-             à la résidence principale.                 ●    Option I: Une solution de               l’industrie de l’assurance,
prétées au sens large. Sinon, son                    Maintenant plus restrictif                  marché à l’état pur où les              mais régi et garanti par le
interprétation annulerait la couver-             qu’auparavant, le programme                     propriétés privées ne seraient          marché de la réassurance
ture des « risques évidents » qui y              comporte plusieurs limites                      plus admissibles à l’aide               gouvernemental/mondial.
sont identifiés et irait à l’encontre            aux montants qui peuvent                        financière gouvernementale              La formation de ce pool
des attentes légitimes de l’assuré               être octroyés.                                  et où le risque serait assumé           nécessiterait une précapital-
quant à la couverture achetée. En                    Malgré tout, lorsque se produis-            par les propriétaires-occu-             isation pour sa mise en place
conséquence, l’avenant relatif aux               ent des inondations de l’ampleur                pants. Ceux-ci devraient                ainsi qu’une capitalisation
inondations s’appliquait à la perte              de celles qui ont frappé le Québec              par conséquent déménager,               permanente qui serait d’une
subie par l’assuré et causée                     au printemps 2019, ce sont par                  s’autoassurer ou transférer             part assurée par des primes
par l’inondation.                                milliers que les citoyens se tour-              leur responsabilité civile éven-        versées et des redevances
   Cependant, la couverture                      nent vers leur gouvernement pour                tuelle en cas d’inondation au           prélevées auprès de tous les
n’a pas toujours été accordée                    obtenir du soutien, lequel fait alors           marché privé de l’assurance.            propriétaires-occupants ou de
en faveur des assurés. Dans un                   face à un fardeau économique                    Les primes étant fondées                contribuables municipaux et
jugement antérieur, Parker Pad                   très important. Il existe donc                  sur le risque, une partie des           d’autre part financée à l’aide
& Printing Ltd. v. Gore Mutual                   également des Accords d’aide                    propriétaires à risques élevés          de redevances ou de cotisa-
Insurance Company, 2017 ONSC                     financière en cas de catastrophes               se retireraient du marché et            tions du gouvernement.
3894, la Cour a rejeté la demande                (AAFCC) du fédéral, gérés par                   le gouvernement pourrait
de couverture du demandeur                       Sécurité publique Canada, pour                  investir davantage dans des            Les gouvernements d’autres
en vertu de son avenant relatif                  indemniser les sinistrés et financer            infrastructures de protection.     pays ont déjà mis en place des
aux inondations, invoquant le                    le rétablissement.                         ●    Option II: Un statu quo adapté     mesures similaires pour faire face
manque de preuve que les                             Les enjeux liés aux inondations             où le risque serait assumé                             continued on page 6

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RISQUE D’INONDATION                 de gestion saine des plaines               l’assurance (en subventionnant              plutôt que correctives. Qu’il
continued from page 5               inondables. Dans certains cas,             les primes, par exemple), il y a            s’agisse d’élever des équipements
                                    les primes du NFIP peuvent être            une possibilité que le taux de              critiques (chauffage, ventilation,
au problème d’assurabilité des      subventionnées.                            prime payé ne reflète pas le risque         transformateurs électriques,
risques liés aux inondations. Au       Un retrait complet de l’aide            réel de perte et que les fonds              systèmes de communication,
Royaume-Uni, on a lancé Flood       gouvernementale permettrait d’un           disponibles en cas de sinistres             etc.) au-dessus des niveaux
Re, un réassureur subventionné      côté au gouvernement de mettre             s’avèrent insuffisants.                     d’inondation prévus dans les
par une taxe imposée à tous les     l’accent sur l’atténuation plutôt              En bref, quel que soit l’angle          immeubles commerciaux ou
transporteurs qui souscrivent des   que la gestion de catastrophes,            par lequel on aborde le problème,           même d’utiliser une technologie
assurances habitation. Aux États-   domaine dans lequel les assureurs          l’attribution des coûts entre le            permettant à un bâtiment de
Unis, le National Flood Insurance   sont généralement plus efficaces,          citoyen, son assureur et les deux           rester au-dessus du niveau de
Program (NFIP) a été créé en        mais pourrait d’un autre côté              paliers de gouvernements après              l’eau pendant une inondation,
1968. Pour bénéficier d’une         mener à de l’évitement de la part          une inondation représente un véri-          il ne fait pas de doute qu’en
assurance inondation dans le        des propriétaires, ne souscrivant          table casse-tête. C’est d’ailleurs          améliorant les infrastructures et
cadre du NFIP, une propriété doit   tout simplement plus à une assur-          l’une des raisons pour lesquelles           qu’en employant des mesures
se trouver dans une communauté      ance et risquant la ruine financière       chacun de ces acteurs doit investir         préventives, on contribue à réduire
qui a adhéré au programme et qui    en cas de sinistre. À l’inverse, en        plus d’efforts dans la mise en              le risque et à le rendre du même
accepte d’appliquer des normes      insistant trop sur l’accessibilité de      place de mesures préventives,               fait un peu plus ­assurable. n

RIMSFest, the Welcome Reception for the
2019 RIMS Canada Conference, has been
nominated as a finalist for an International
Live Event Association Espirit Award. The
globally recognized awards honour the
best, most creative and innovative contri-
butions to the event planning industry.
    Inspired by the conference theme
TRANSFORM and Edmonton’s reputation
for being Canada's festival city, RIMSFest
kicked off the 2019 RIMS Canada
Conference and brought together nearly 1,000 risk management innovators and practitioners to cele-
brate and connect in a digital arts and entertainment environment for a transformative event experience.
RIMSFest is one of nine nominees in the non-profit organization category along with events hosted in
Seattle, Los Angeles, Columbus, Charleston, Houston, Cleveland, Toronto and Fort McMurray. The event
planner, Site6 Entertainment, nominated RIMSFest for the honor.

6 / FA L L 2 0 2 0                                                                                         Con f e r e nc e • E du c a t ion • R e pr e s e nt a t io n
FLOOD RISK: A Growing Concern and Yet, No Clear Solution - RIMS Canada

by Janet C. Kwong, associate, Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP

   n McCormick v. Plambeck, 2020                               Mr. McCormick and Mr. Plambeck both                    leave the party on foot, steal a car and drive it
   BCSC 881, the British Columbia                              sustained serious injuries; Mr. Plambeck’s             unsafely. The court held that no duty arose on
   Supreme Court examined the issue of                         injuries proved fatal.                                 the facts of this case.
whether adults who host minors at their                           Mr. McCormick sued various parties seeking             The court was not persuaded that the
home, knowing they will be consuming                           damages for personal injury. In his claim              plaintiff was intoxicated when he left the party.
alcohol and/or drugs, owe a duty of care                       against the Pearsons, he alleged that as adult         Nevertheless, the risk of injury to Mr. McCormick
as a social host to those underage guests.                     social hosts, the Pearsons owed him, a minor,          was possible, but not foreseeable. The Pearsons
   Mr. McCormick was a 17-year-old guest at a                  a duty of care and that they breached that             reasonably assumed he was walking home
party hosted by the teenage daughter of Stephen                duty by allowing him to become intoxicated on          from the party, which was a historical custom
and Lidia Pearson at their Salt Spring Island                  their property and then failing to stop him from       for many underage guests at these types of
home. It was a general custom for parents on                   leaving in that state. The Pearsons denied that        parties on Salt Spring Island. The stolen vehicle
Salt Spring Island to host teenagers and allow                 they owed Mr. McCormick a duty of care, in             had been unlocked with the keys inside. The
them to drink alcohol and use marijuana, as                    the circumstances, and further that the motor          evidence was this was common practice on Salt
this reasonably controlled environment was                     vehicle accident, and the Plaintiff’s subse-           Spring Island. This practice, the court found,
preferable to the teens holding an unsupervised                quent injuries, were caused by Mr. Plambeck’s          indicated that vehicle theft was highly unlikely,
gathering in the woods.                                        negligent operation of the vehicle and not by          and thus the risk of theft too remote to create a
   The Pearsons agreed to host the party                       anything they did or failed to do.                     duty on the Pearsons to anticipate that a guest
on certain conditions: There was to be no                         This case required the court to revisit tort        would steal a vehicle upon leaving their home.
drinking and driving; car keys would be                        principles as they pertain to social host liability,      The court went on to find the Pearsons
collected from guests who drove to the party;                  including Childs v. Desormeaux, 2006 SCC 18,           took all reasonable steps to minimize the risk
Mr. and Ms. Pearson would circulate through-                   wherein the Supreme Court of Canada rejected           of harm to their guests. The evidence was that
out the party; and the party would end at 1:00                 the argument that a social host owes a general         the Pearsons followed through on the rules they
a.m. Guests were expected to walk home, call                   duty to users of public highways injured by adult      had established: car keys were collected;
their parents for rides, or get a ride from either             party guests. In Childs, The Supreme Court             Mr. and Ms. Pearson were present over the
Mr. or Ms. Pearson.                                            determined injury to a plaintiff by a defendant        course of the night; and at around 1:00 a.m.,
   Mr. McCormick had been invited to the                       driver who was coming from a party where he            the music was turned off and the lights were
party through a Facebook event in which the                    had consumed alcohol was not reasonably                turned on. Some guests were picked up, some
Pearson’s daughter linked a video produced                     foreseeable by the hosts of said party.                left on foot, and Ms. Pearson drove some guests
by an anti-drinking and driving campaign and                      Foreseeability was also determinative in this       home. There was no evidence that other guests
asked those invited not to drive under the                     case. Mr. McCormick contended that:                    drove while impaired or rode with a driver who
influence. He and a few friends walked to the                                                                         had been drinking.
party at approximately 10 p.m. and drank                             the proper question to be asked here is             While hosting a party where alcohol is
beer and smoked marijuana on the way. They                        whether the type of harm suffered; personal         consumed by minors is a breach of the Liquor
brought their own alcohol to the house, and Mr.                   injury, was reasonably foreseeable to someone       Control and Licensing Act, R.S.B.C. 1996 c.
McCormick’s evidence was that he drank fewer                      in the position of the Pearsons when consider-      267, that fact alone did not demand a higher
than six beers at the party.                                      ing the safety of minors who have consumed          standard of care. The court took judicial notice
   Mr. McCormick left the party on foot with                      alcohol and/or smoked marijuana, leaving            of the fact that graduation parties are an
his friend Ryan Plambeck. But soon after, he                      their home at approximately 1:00 a.m. into          established custom in British Columbia, not-
found himself in the back seat of a vehicle                       the unlit, rural roads of Salt Spring Island.       withstanding that they constitute, when minors
Mr. Plambeck had stolen from the Pearsons’                                                                            are involved, a breach of the law. The standard
neighbour. Mr. Plambeck, who did not have                         However, the Chief Justice determined that          remains one of reasonableness; not perfection.
a driver’s license, caused the car to leave the                the real question was whether a duty extends to           The court therefore dismissed the plaintiff’s
paved roadway travelling in excess of 70 km/hr.                foreseeing that one or more party guests would                                            continued on page 9

Con f e r e nc e • E du c a t ion • R e pr e s e nt a t io n                                                                                                 FA L L 2 0 2 0 / 7

The Ontario chapter of RIMS (ORIMS) hosted a
virtual country-wide p
                     ­ rofessional development
seminar jointly with Sedgwick and with the                                                 Betty Clarke Honored with
­support of RIMS Canada on October 6, 2020.                                                2020 Donald M. Stuart Award
It consisted of three i­nformative segments:                                               The RIMS Ontario Chapter (ORIMS)
• HOW ARE THEY DOING? A peak into the insurance                                            announced that Elizabeth “Betty” Clarke,
    market in 2021 and beyond;                                                             manager of corporate risk and recovery
• HOW ARE WE DOING? What service providers are doing                                       for the City of St., John’s, Newfoundland,
    to meet the challenges under COVID-19 restrictions                                     was chosen as 2020 the Donald M. Stuart
• HOW ARE YOU DOING? Well-being and coping strategies during                               Award winner. The Donald M. Stuart Award
    the COVID-19 pandemic                                                                  is widely recognized as Canada’s highest
    The date was specifically selected in recognition of the annual RIMS                   honour within the risk management field.
Canada Conference, Vision Ottawa which was postponed this year due to the                  Since 1979, the annual award has celebrated Canadians who have
pandemic and is now set to take place on October 4-7, 2021. The sessions                   made outstanding contributions to the risk management profession.
featured speakers from the insurance industry and a variety of service                        Please join us in congratulating Betty for her leadership, involve-
partners, along with the help of senior risk managers acting as moderators.                ment and support of the RIMS community in both Newfoundland and
ORIMS is tremendously grateful for the spectacular talent, knowledge and                   throughout Canada. We look foreward to celebrating with her in person at
support provided by all the event participants.                                            the 2021 RIMS Canada Conference in Ottawa.
    The first session made clear that the market factors challenging us today
are expected to continue into 2021 and perhaps beyond. Extended periods
of under-pricing risks, low interest rates, catastrophic losses, and the impact
of uncertainty on risk appetite and corporate liquidity will continue to affect
both the insurance and reinsurance markets and their subsequent risk
pricing. It was also noted that the World Economic Forum’s risk register was
dominated by risks relating to sustainability and climate change.
    Session two centered around the measures service providers are
implementing in order to continue to support their clients in the face of
the pandemic, including work-from-home capabilities and new technology
                                                                                           RCC Welcomes                    The RIMS Canada Council is pleased to
employed to manage remote inspections. We were told how COVID-19 has
changed litigation and impacted indemnity payments and claims expenses.
                                                                                           New Members                     welcome two new board members:
We learned about the new demand for disinfecting services and help in                      Sarah Morris is the manager of commercial underwriting at Insurance
adapting workplace design, while applying stringent procedures to protect                  Corporation of British Columbia and actively participates in
employees who are executing these services.                                                RIMS as the B.C. Chapter Vice President. Originally from Halifax,
    Our third and final session of the day allowed us to consider the many                 Nova Scotia, Sarah is a maritimer at heart and has called Vancouver, B.C.
stories of resilience that have emerged throughout the pandemic. Positivity,               home for the last 12 years. She has held a variety of positions in
empathy and staying connected were consistent themes and messages.                         the insurance and risk management sectors, including municipal
There were, however, some distressing statistics around mental illness                     risk management and property casualty underwriting management.
and addiction; isolation, relationship challenges; balancing home and work                 As an active member of the B.C. Chapter for the last 10 years,
responsibilities, and the financial stresses that are taking their toll on many            Sarah is looking forward to participating on RIMS Canada Council
families. Going forward, we will need an organized plan that contemplates                  this term.
human behavioural factors at the centre of any cohesive and coordinated
response. Empathy and collaborative support are important in understand-                   Suzann Lewis is the manager of insurance at Pembina Pipeline
ing that everyone’s solution will be different.                                            Corporation where she is responsible for the placement of the
    Overall, the day was a tremendous success thanks to the pooling of                     corporate insurance program and claims management. She started
efforts from our guest speakers, moderators and volunteers who gave the                    her insurance career in Manitoba in 2001 before moving to Calgary,
attendees much to consider. If you missed it and would like to catch the                   Alberta in 2005 and enjoyed the opportunity to work as a broker
replay, you can find the recorded link on the ORIMS website at                             before moving into the area of risk management in 2013. Suzann is the
https://www.ontariorims.org/2020-orims-virtual-conference/.                                current president of the RIMS Southern Alberta Chapter (SARIMS) and
                                                                                           has been a member of the chapter since 2017.

8 / FA L L 2 0 2 0                                                                                               Con f e r e nc e • E du c a t ion • R e pr e s e nt a t io n


Ç     a y’est, j'ai finalement
      atteint ma limite avec
      la pandémie COVID-19!
                                                 travail consiste non seulement à
                                                 contribuer à l'identification et au
                                                 traitement des risques, mais aussi
                                                                                             mini-conférence à laquelle
                                                                                             ont participé plus de 200
                                                                                             personnes et NARIMS
La dernière fois où je vous                      à faire en sorte que l'organisation         offrira une session éduca-
écrivais, des confinements                       pour laquelle nous travaillons              tive en octobre à tous nos
commençaient à être imposés                      puisse se remettre rapidement et            collègues canadiens.
et maintenant, nous reculons.                    avec succès des perturbations.              Pour moi, c'est aussi ça
Rien n'a été normal depuis 7                         J’imagine que vous vous                 RIMS Canada: soutenir des                    Ce sont deux personnes
mois et nous nous demandons                      demandez où je m’en vais                    occasions d'échanges et offrir            formidables et nous leur sommes
maintenant quelle sera la                        avec ça…                                    des avenues pour c­ oordonner             reconnaissants pour leur dévoue-
nouvelle normalité et quand                          Eh bien voici. Comme le RIMS            des activités.                            ment; leur personnalité et leur
un retour sera possible.                         Canada Council est un comité                    Sur une note différente,              sagesse nous manqueront.
   Plus que jamais, nous                         regroupant des gestionnaires                permettez-moi de souhaiter la             Le comité de nomination et de
devons être résilients—et je                     de risques de chacun de nos                 bienvenue à 2 nouvelles représen-         gouvernance de RIMS a mainte-
sais que je devrai l’être avec les               chapitres canadiens, nous nous              tantes au sein de notre équipe:           nant la chance de pouvoir compter
jours plus froids qui approchent                 efforçons de supporter tous                                                           Curtis comme membre.
à grands pas.                                    les chapitres afin qu’ils résistent         ●   Sarah Morris, directrice de              Une dernière chose avant
   La gestion des risques                        aux perturbations et continuent                 la souscription commerciale           de vous laisser; au moment où
n’est-elle pas aussi une question                de vous offrir les services que                 à Insurance Corporation of            j'écris ces quelques lignes, nous
de résilience? Fait intéressant,                 vous recherchez localement pour                 British Columbia et représen-         «célébrons» notre Action de Grâce
l'Université du Québec à Montréal                poursuivre votre développement                  tante de BCRIMA                       et certains peuvent se demander
offre un nouveau diplôme d'études                ou maintenir vos acquis en tant             ●   Suzann Lewis, superviseur             à quoi rendre grâce en 2020?
supérieures en Résilience,                       que professionnels de la gestion                des assurances chez Pembina           Eh bien moi, je suis reconnaissante
Risques et Catastrophes—si                       des risques. La résilience est                  Pipeline Corporation et actu-         pour une bonne santé, des liens
seulement j'avais le temps!                      un concept bien intégré par nos                 elle présidente du chapitre           familiaux solides, mes amitiés
   La gestion des risques consiste               chapitres qui demeurent résil-                  SARIMS.                               (et un animal aimant), mon travail,
à gérer ce qui pourrait interférer               ients à travers cette pandémie                                                        un endroit où vivre, et enfin, pour
avec les objectifs et la mission                 et continuent de vous proposer                  Malheureusement, leur arrivée         mon rôle de présidente du RCC qui
d'une organisation, tandis que                   des activités éducatives, quoique           signifie également qu'il faut dire        me permet d’échanger avec vous.
la résilience est la capacité d'une              virtuellement pour le moment.               au revoir à leurs prédécesseurs:             J'espère que vous avez de
organisation à résister aux                      Et la beauté de cette «virtualité»                                                    nombreuses raisons d'être recon-
perturbations et à rester fonction-              est que nous pouvons béné-                  ●   Jennifer Clarke qui représentait      naissants. Profitez de l'automne,
nelle. C'est assez évident que l'un              ficier des événements offerts                   BCRIMA depuis 2017                    restez en bonne santé, prenez
ne va pas sans l'autre. En tant que              par nos collègues. Tout réce-               ●   Curtis Desiatnyk qui représentait     soin de vos proches et demeurez
gestionnaires de risques, notre                  mment, ORIMS a organisé une                     SARIMS depuis 2015                    résilients! n

ARE ADULT HOSTS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE                            automatically exposing themselves to legal                 enhancement of risk. The finding made by the
SAFETY OF UNDERAGE PARTY GUESTS?                               liability because the guests have had alcohol              courts in Childs and in McCormick was that
continued from page 7
                                                               or marijuana at the premises. However, as                  the injury was not reasonably foreseeable on
claim finding that he had failed to establish the              always, this decision turns on its facts. It may           the facts established in those cases. It remains
existence of a duty of care between the Pearsons               be recalled that in Childs, the Supreme Court              to be seen how the court will apply the law to
and himself and that, even if a duty of care had               of Canada left open at least the possibility of            younger teenagers, rather than the 17- year-
existed, the Pearsons met the standard of care.                a different verdict had there been evidence                old Mr. McCormick, where a young person
   Parents may take some comfort in knowing                    that the host knew of the guest’s intoxication,            ­consumes drugs or alcohol supplied at the
that if they take reasonable steps to protect                  was aware that he or she will be driving home              adult host’s premises or where a young guest
underage guests from harm, they are not                        or was otherwise implicated in the creation or             leaves a party visibly intoxicated or high. n

Con f e r e nc e • E du c a t ion • R e pr e s e nt a t io n                                                                                                   FA L L 2 0 2 0 / 9

                                                                                                                                     EDITORIAL POLICY
A Message from RCC Chair Ginette Demers                                                                                              The RIMS Canada Newsletter is a publication
                                                                                                                                     of the RIMS Canada Council and is published
                                                                                                                                     periodically throughout the calendar year. The

                                                                                                                                     opinions expressed are those of the writers
        hat is it, I have finally     each of our Canadian chapters, we                                                              and volunteer members of the RIMS Canada
                                                                                                                                     Newsletter Editorial Committee. Articles
        reached my COVID-19           strive to support all chapters so they
                                                                                                                                     submitted to the RIMS Canada Newsletter for
        pandemic limit! Last          resist disruptions and can continue                                                            publication are subject to the approval of the
I wrote you, lockdowns were           to provide you with the services                                                               RIMS Canada Newsletter Editorial Committee.
                                                                                                                                     Approval of such articles is based on
starting to be imposed and now,       you are locally seeking to keep                                                                newsworthiness and perceived benefit to the
we are heading backwards.             developing as risk management pro-                                                             readership. All decisions of the RIMS Canada
                                                                                                                                     Newsletter Editorial Committee are final and
Nothing has been normal for           fessionals. Resilience is a concept                                                            not subject to appeal. Individuals submitting
the last seven months and we          well integrated by our chapters who                                                            articles to the RIMS Canada Newsletter hereby
                                                                                                                                     acknowledge their acceptance of the RIMS
now find ourselves questioning        are remaining resilient through this
                                                                                                                                     Canada Newsletter Editorial Policy.
what will be the new normal           pandemic and continue to offer you
and when will going back to it        educational activities, albeit virtu-                                                          Pascale Samson
                                                                                                                                     PSP Investments
be possible.                          ally for now. And the beauty of this         ●   Jennifer Clarke who has
                                                                                                                                     Email: Pascale.Samson@investpsp.ca
    More than ever, we need to        “virtuality” is that we can actually             represented BCRIMA on the                     Tel: (514) 379-5105
be resilient—and I know I will        benefit from our fellow chapter’s                RCC since 2017                                Thank you to all of our newsletter contribu-
have to with the colder days fast     events. Just recently, ORIMS                 ●   Curtis Desiatnyk who                          tors! If you are interested in writing an article
                                                                                                                                     for the RIMS Canada Newsletter, please
approaching.                          organized a mini-conference                      represented SARIMS                            submit the article to a member of the Editorial
    Isn’t risk management all about   attended by over 200 participants                since 2015                                    Committee for review. Any questions about the
                                                                                                                                     production or distribution of this newsletter
resilience too? Interestingly, the    and NARIMS is offering an educa-
                                                                                                                                     should be directed to the Editorial Committee.
Université du Québec à Montréal       tional session in October to all our             They are both great people
                                                                                                                                     The RIMS Canada Newsletter is produced
is offering a new graduate            Canadian colleagues. To me, this is          and we are thankful for their                     on behalf of the RCC by RIMS.

degree in Resilience, Risks and       what RIMS Canada is also about:              dedication; we will surely miss
Disasters—if only I had time!         supporting those opportunities to            them and their wisdom and the
    Risk management is about          exchange and provide avenues to              RIMS Nominating and Governance                    LIKE, FOLLOW
managing what could interfere         coordinate activities.                       Committee is lucky to count Curtis                & SUBSCRIBE!
                                                                                                                                     The RIMS Canada Council is here to serve
with the objectives and mission           On a different note, allow me to         as a member.                                      our Canadian RIMS chapters and members,
of an organization while resilience   welcome two new representatives                  One last thing before I let you               and we invite you to reach out to us as we
                                                                                                                                     are here to assist you.
is the capacity of an organization    on our team:                                 go; as I am writing these words,
                                                                                                                                     Visit the RIMS
to resist disruption and remain                                                    we are “celebrating ” our Canadian                Canada website at
functional. Pretty obvious that one   ●   Sarah Morris, commercial                 Thanksgiving and some may won-                    rimscanada.ca or simply
                                                                                                                                     scan the QR code below
does not go without the other. As         underwriting manager at                  der what should we be thankful for
                                                                                                                                     on your smartphone for
risk managers, our job is to con-         Insurance Corporation of                 in 2020? Well, I am thankful for                  access to RIMS Canada risk management
                                                                                                                                     resources, including conference and educa-
tribute to not only identifying and       British Columbia and                     good health, strong family bounds,
                                                                                                                                     tion information.
treating exposures, but to ensure         representing BCRIMA                      friendships (and a loving dog), my
                                                                                                                                     Did you know that the RIMS Canada
that the organization we work         ●   Suzann Lewis, supervisor                 work, a place to call home, and                   Newsletter is available on-line? Now you can
for can quickly and successfully          insurance at Pembina Pipeline            finally, for my role as RCC Chair                 read your favourite newsletter on the go at:
recover from disruptions.                 Corporation and current Chair            allowing me to write to you.
                                                                                                                                     As the world evolves and technology plays
    Where am I going with this            of the SARIMS Chapter.                       I hope you have many reasons                  a more pivotal role in our daily lives, it is
must you think…                                                                    to be thankful for. Enjoy the fall,               important keep informed about topics relating
                                                                                                                                     to risk management and the insurance
    Here you go. As the RIMS              Sadly, their arrival also                remain in good health, take care
                                                                                                                                     industry. Use #RIMSCanada and stay
Canada Council is a committee         means we must say goodbye                    of your loved ones, and above all,                connected by following us on social media:

regrouping risk managers from         to their predecessors:                       stay resilient! n




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