FIRST PRINTED 1929HoniSoit - WEEK 8, SEM. 2, 2019
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L E T T E R S Annual Elections Acknowledgement of Country LETTERS Students’ Representative Council, University of Sydney I acknowledge that Honi Soit is published and distributed on the land of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation. They are this land’s original and ongoing custodians. I pay my respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. In Edition 3 of the 2017 Sydney University Law Society Biannual, an author penned a piece which said Australia’s First “You’re Peoples were and remain alien to the law that continues to be imposed. That much is evident from the Bowraville campaign. The families of Evelyn, Colleen and Clinton have plantings that showed signs of being been fighting thirty years for a retrial. They have listened to the law from the beginning. From the first trial to the coronial inquest, the opinions of three Attorneys-General, to the trampled on. Stickers were also welcome” Court of Appeal and the High Court, the law has failed these families and now they seek to change it. That the law is the preeminent tool of justice is recited and taught in law plastered on to the nearby native trees. schools nationwide, reproduced and legitimised by the media, sanctioned by lawmakers and drilled into law enforcement. And then it enables the disproportionate imprisonment You probably know that the trees are of First Nations Peoples and their deaths at the hands of police. Somewhere along the way, the purpose of the law has been lost. The law is a repository of all the rights and important to the Gadigal. The Gadi remedies available to a person. It is — in effect — a normative toolkit which is capable of damage and repair, but reality is more racist, more malicious and more incompetent. Good day! trees deserve respect and we must care The law is a blunt knife which can be sharpened to do justice. If unsharpened, it can do a lot of damage. If sharpened, it is still only one tool. Disband your idealistic views of for them – as our ancestors have done justice. Stand with the families and communities in their ongoing fights for justice. This always was, always will be, Aboriginal land. I just wanted to say “thanks” for before us. It’s time to mentioning Canva in your article: Please continue to express yourselves Contents Editorial about the issues that you’re passionate VOTE! 2019-honi-does-fact-checking/ HALF We really, really appreciate it. about – but please also respect our public art and consider what meaning it 4 NEWS Editors A new life form came to Eastern I have imagined a fever dream of I’m reaching out today to ask if you might have to others in our community Baopu He, Pranay Jha, Amelia Mertha, Avenue. They turned up in the middle pipes and speakers, surveillance and eyes could add a link back to our site (https:// as you do so. 7 CARTOON Liam Thorne, Jessica Syed, Nell O’Grady, of the night. Large and grey, they were peeking out from darkened interiors. That way, people can Carrie Wen, Joe Verity, Annie Zhang & heavy-footed things, filled to the brim Editing Honi Soit is a little like easily find us when reading your article. — Professor Lisa Jackson-Pulver 8 OPINION in the SRC elections PAGE Alan Zheng with clay, silt and soil. In each, a small imagining these subterranean tree took root. Now, those charcoal tree possibilities: formulating questions, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous 10 PERSPECTIVE Either way, thanks for the shout out Writers pots or ‘planter boxes’ are fixtures of finding answers, stumbling in the and keep up the great work! Strategy and Services) 12 ANALYSIS Garnet Chan, Rebecca Chu, Vivienne Eastern Avenue. They simulate a bizarre dark and reimagining the scope Davies, Samuel Garrett, Joseph Guo, game of Cube Runner as student feet of possibility against reality, all in Thanks, 16 HISTORY Emma Goldrick, Coco Huang, Patrick press to libraries, ducking and weaving the name of pursuing that which VOTE AD McKenzie, Hazel Mackenzie Peterson, amidst arbor and SRC campaigners is often romanticised as truth. — Kate Teng 17 FEATURE Peter Prentice, Antoinette Radford, in this caffeinated time of the year. But, no lead ever takes you to precisely Photoshop 20 PHOTO ESSAY Angad Roy, Lindsay Rui, Anthony With mid-sems and exams drawing what you expect. Most times, the end of Segaert, Max Shanahan & Rhea Thomas near, it feels instinctive to walk with the road is far more banal than mystical. for dummies 22 CREATIVE pace and minimise distraction. The At the beginning of this year, I Artists days feel short, and the exams, heavily balanced a thesis with this role. After a 23 MULTILINGUAL HERE Browntown, Matthew Fisher, Lauren weighted. But spare a moment, stress-induced breakdown, I turned to Moore, Ludmilla Nunell & Mei Zheng temporarily reduce your sensitivity to the honours coordinator. He told me that Dear Honi Soit, 24 SRC public embarrassment and examine three people would read my thesis in 26 PUZZLES Cover those pots for yourself. Gently press total. Each would be a faculty academic, Shame. Shame, shame, shame. In an 27 COMEDY Angela Zha your cheek against the uneven cobbles of Eastern Avenue. Look underneath. and each would do so because they were required to mark it, rather than article on SRC online campaigns, you (quite fairly) described my forward- We can’t hear My theory is that those pots are planted much deeper than they appear. natural interest. The thesis would then go into the University’s thesis library, rolling as ‘awkward’, shaming me in front of your millions of rabid readers. you over our 2019 Polling Booth bias You might assume that’s because the where few, if any, would subsequently But to describe PUMP’s graphic design Times and Places Disclaimer: Honi Soit is published by the Directors of Student Publications (DSPs), who are elected pots serve obvious practical functions. gaze upon it. Honi, on the other hand, as ‘Canva-produced’ is where I draw by the Students’ Representative Council (SRC). The SRC provides space and administrative support They must, after all, amount to much will live on, digitised online, archived the line. C*nva is a graphic design tool only, which is financed by the University of Sydney. The current DSPs - Laura Glase, Brandon Hale, more than cosmetic additions to one of by Fisher’s Rare Books Collection, and analogous to Snapchat in terms of Honi was incredibly biased against Josie Jinwei Luan, Kedar Maddali, Sean Perry and Jiaqi Shi - are the publisher of the print editions and the busiest thoroughfares on campus. in the memory of this year’s readers. editing prowess, you may as well have in the SRC debate. Some questions, online materials of Honi Soit. All expressions on Honi Soit are not to be regarded of the SRC, unless You may say the pots are defensive The banal can be mystical, and said that I designed our campaign on some answers, mostly heckling. As POLLING WED 25TH THURS 26TH specifically stated. The SRC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or bollards and that they are fixed to at Honi, it often has been. Spring MS Paint. I used Adobe Photoshop™, someone who had no real opinion on information contained in Honi Soit, nor does it endorse any of the advertisements and insertions. LOCATION SEPT 2019 SEPT 2019 the underbelly of Eastern Avenue by is here now. Happy reading. thank you very much. I’m deeply hurt the candidates before this debate, I’m some 20-metre metal strut. I wouldn’t and offended, and seek an immediate incredibly disappointed at the absolute Please direct all advertising inquiries to dismiss that possibility. But underneath, Alan Zheng retraction from your esteemed shitshow I just watched. publication. Fisher 8:45 – 5.15 8:45 – 5.15 Not once did you bring up any past — PUMP’s Graphic Designer social media posts, and glossed over his tantrum with Jacky. You did not let Jane Foss Russell 8:45 – 5.15 8:45 – 5.15 Indigenous surprise to me when, in the first week find a place in the derelict halls of the Alongside your opponents. Jakovac her speak or reply to what Liam was SRC offices then there will always be decried “Doon” and “Grass Roots” saying NEARLY as much as you let of physical campaigning, these veritable Manning 10:45 – 3.15 10:45 – 3.15 art chalked mavericks sprung the middle finger a place at the nuclear plant for them! for running a smear campaign… But Liam respond to what Josie was saying. once again to so-called “expectations”! Smithers, send them an invitation! ahoy-hoy! Boost screenshotted young In their write ups and interviews, you Having done their duty as diligent, lad Swapnik Sanagavarupu’s election did not criticise Liam in the same way PNR Building 11:45 – 2.15 No polling ruthless campaigners and engaged in Boost, eh? profile picture caption and posted a Dear Sydney University community, you did Josie- and this carried over into a bit of harmless cross-campaigning, “meme” of it in order to make fun of the debate questions. Taking stock of Cumberland 9:45 – 2.15 9:45 – 2.15 CREAM bravely defied the instructions Ironic, isn’t it Smithers? In my Friday what he was saying. If this isn’t a smear I share a deep commitment to freedom the questions (in my opinion), Liam’s of the Electoral Officer and refused to the 13th article, SRC 2019: Fact checking campaign, Smithers, then I don’t know of speech on our campus, and strongly questions were actually centred on his policy whereas Josie’s attacked her Conservatorium 9:45 – 2.15 No polling Mr take down comments on posts made the first 48 hours, we noted diligently what is! Ooh, the Liberals are mad at support the many places where students by BOOST. This innocent act of self- to the BOOST campaign that their me. I’m so scared! Oooh, the Liberals! and others can chalk messages and put character and past. Editors, this isn’t Burns’ promotion (the lifeblood of our society) primary policy video had a duration Look at them, Smithers. Goldbrickers…. Layabouts…. Slug-a-beds! Little do they up posters expressing their views on a range of topics that are important to quality or fair reporting. I’ve believed for a while now that Honi should not be SCA No polling 9:45 – 2.15 Book resulted in a gravely injust 48 hour ban! of “a whopping four minutes.” BOOST As if they hadn’t suffered enough after have since made bite-size 30 second-or- realise their days of suckling at my teat them – including climate change. in charge of moderating these debates- tagging the wrong Andrew Moore in so videos for separate policies, and each are numbered. it just doesn’t make sense to me when Cream? Excellent. their campaign video. of them bear the caption “Not willing If you can take advantage of a But I was disappointed to see a message your political leanings are made so Pre-polling will also be held outside the If it’s a crime to run without to watch our main video that goes for situation in some way, it’s your duty chalked on one of our public art works incredibly clear by the tone and detail If there’s one thing I admire about a “whopping four minutes” (Honi Soit as an American to do it. Why should on Eastern Avenue yesterday morning. of the content you publish. I don’t Jane Foss Russell Building, on Tuesday having written for Honi, then I guess CREAM for Honi, it’s their audacity. CREAM are guilty. And if it’s a crime 2019)? You fools! They have, somehow the race always be to the swift, or the have a solution as to who SHOULD be 24th September from 10am–3pm. You thought at least a few months to break the electoral regulations, then I at once taken my advice and shortened jumble to the quick-witted? Along I hope the person responsible was moderating at this point, but all I know experience writing for Honi was a basic suppose they’re guilty too. These pesky their videos, and tried to mock me! this vein, BOOST have produced a unaware that the sculpture was created is I’m doubtful the privilege should be prerequisite for running? “To hell with regulations might well cost them the Release the hounds! commendable policy of SRC funded by Aboriginal artist Dale Harding, as given to you. Authorised by C.Lu, Electoral Officer 2019, Students’ Representative Council, University of Sydney your preconceptions!” they say. At least election. I suppose that’s the kind of Family, religion, friendship. These LinkedIn Pictures. Indeed, I do highly a homage to our environment and our p: 02 9660 5222 | w: some level of editing experience? “Pish bias you can expect from a communist are the three demons you must slay commend this overt careerism. Why role in it. Sincerely, posh!” is the response. So it came as no student union! If these go-getters can’t if you wish to succeed in business. conceal it, Smithers? The artwork is surrounded by native — A third year science student 2 3
N E W S N E W S USyd contingent, at least 2,000 strong, joins more Crim essay opt-outs Staff survey sees drop in than 80,000 others in Climate Strike permitted workplace satisfaction The University of Sydney The only campaigners spotted Reporting by Joseph Verity and Amelia Mertha || Photography by Liam Thorne Jessica Syed Samuel Garrett contingent, which amassed on Eastern Avenue immediately numbers of at least 2,000, after the strike were from the The Sydney Law School has al- psychological discomfort in ally higher. By contrast, metrics organisational commitment joined more than 80,000 others Panda faction. lowed students studying Crim- order to be able to undertake Key points including processes, technol- (82%) and the performance in the Domain last week as part Liam Donohoe, Grassroots inal Law to opt-out of essay an alternative essay question. ogy and student satisfaction of colleagues (81%). However, of the global climate strike. presidential candidate, questions concerning sexual Students taking the unit told - This is the first staff engage- sat 16%, 18% and 21% below even these positive results re- Students, academics, and confirmed that Grassroots offences and female genital Honi that they were not explic- ment survey since 2016. the Go8 average, respectively. main below the Go8 average. staff convened outside Fisher suspended campaigning for the mutilation. Students taking the itly told that the option existed, The results stand out in Concerningly, despite broader Library at 10am before day to attend the climate strike. subject in semester two were should they become distressed - The University of Sydney the context of the sweep- satisfaction with gender equi- marching down City Road and “I think the issue of climate given the choice between these – either in tutorials or in the ranked below the Group of Eight ing changes currently be- ty and respect, female staff re- through Broadway. Students change is generally the most two topics for the mid-semester Unit of Study (UOS) outline. (Go8) average. ing implemented under the ported lower satisfaction with and staff from Notre Dame important political issue for assessment for the subject. Course content to be ex- Sydney Operating Model. both, while non-binary and University and the University a great deal of young people Course convenors Dr Tanya amined in the unit’s final exam -Satisfaction with the over- In a recent email to staff, long-term staff reported lower of Technology Sydney joined and I think if campaigners Mitchell and Andrew Dyer told is yet to be released. On this, all progress of the University Vice-Chancellor Michael Spen- satisfaction across all metrics. the march, before contingents successfully link their team to Honi that, “Where a student in- Mitchell and Dyer told Honi that remains low, at 46% ce wrote that low satisfaction Satisfaction with the large ma- from all over the city converged environmental improvement dicated that, for psychological they “have made a determina- with processes was “perhaps jority of workplace practices in and around Hyde Park and then they will see more success reasons, [they] was uncomfort- tion that it is not appropriate to unsurprising given that we are remains below 70%, the low- the Domain. than they would otherwise,” able answering the questions discuss the substantive content The results of the triennial in the midst of a major organisa- est being processes (25%) and The march was only one of Donohoe said. that we had set, we immedi- of the exam … before students University Staff Engagement tional improvement program.” change & innovation (26%). thousands happening across Donohoe’s opponent, Boost’s ately provided [them] with an have completed their interim Survey saw staff report low- The survey’s results suggest 38% of staff reported being the globe throughout the day. Josie Jakovac, verified that alternative question about the assessment” and that details er satisfaction with the ma- a failure of the University to en- satisfied with the consultation Similar marches took place in members of the Boost campaign law of criminal complicity.” It is will be released later in the jority of workplace practices sure that its organisational im- they received on changes that every major city in the country, attended the rally, but would unclear whether such an indi- semester, as per the UOS out- assessed since the last survey provement program is effective, have affected them. Satisfaction as well as a large number of not comment on whether she cation required something like line. Though this is common- in 2016, raising concerns over provides better clarity and is with the overall progress of the smaller cities and towns. personally attended. a medical certificate to be pre- place within the Law School, the efficacy and impact of consultative in a time of change. University remains low at 46%. The strike, initially inspired “The issue of the climate and sented. It is also unclear wheth- the apprehension of potentially changes under the new Syd- The greatest improve- For a world-leading uni- by Swedish high school student the environment is of critical er the option of alternative as- triggering content in their final ney Operating Model on staff. ment since 2016 was seen in versity, the results paint a and activist Greta Thunberg, is importance to many USyd sessment was made abundantly exam for the unit may in itself The survey, which received areas relating to the Univer- concerning picture of dis- the second to have taken place students,” Jakovac told Honi. clear to students. Honi under- induce psychological distress. a 63% response rate, mea- sity’s support of career devel- satisfaction, particularly this year. Protesters took to 190 classes from the stands that, even after the as- Dyer and Mitchell told Honi sured staff satisfaction across opment, however this was when measured against com- Sydney streets in March 2019, University voted to join the sessment was due, several stu- that “Sexual assault is dealt a range of measures, including overshadowed by larger falls parable Go8 universities. however, the turnout to today’s strike in the lead up to the event. dents perceived the questions with in Criminal Law courses work and life balance, change regarding staff access to infor- Spence has directed that rally was at least five times The week before the event, the provided to be unconditionally because of the efforts of femi- processes and leadership. mation, the ability to manage survey results be used to in- larger by most estimates. University announced that compulsory. nists decades ago to ensure that The results in every catego- job stress, perceptions of eth- form future actions across Evelyn Araluen, a USyd PhD neither students nor staff would This may have been prompt- such matters were not trivi- ry ranked below the Group of ics and efficiency of processes. the University, but the lack of candidate and a descendent be penalised for attending the ed by what appears to be an alised or ignored by criminal Eight (Go8) university average, Staff remained most posi- progress in the past three years of the Bundjalung nation, event. onus on students to indicate law scholars and students.” bar three which ranked margin- tive regarding role clarity (85%), does not bode well for success. reminded the crowd outside Lily Campbell, speaking on Fisher Library that First Nations struggles for justice behalf of the USyd’s Socialist Alternative, told Honi, “We Campus Security under fire for homophobic conduct, documents reveal and sovereignty and the climate hope this strike builds the movement cannot be separated. enthusiasm and confidence of “Do not leave Aboriginal ordinary people to fight against people behind in this movement the climate crisis, and every Alan Zheng Content warning: heterosexism and homophobia […] acknowledge your injustice that confronts us. To accountability,” said Araluen. those who condemn and mock Honi Soit has obtained was swiftly dismissed by the personnel were disciplined as a after he said four homosexual University has replaced SNP The protest coincided with the protesters as time-wasters, documents under Freedom of Head of Campus Security result of the allegations. officers had “an anecdotal with Australian Concert and the last day of the first week counterproductive or any Information legislation which Simon Hardman. The complaint “is now reputation for loose morals and Entertainment Security (ACES) of on-the-ground campaigning which slander, we say: look at indicate Campus Security “Effectively, you’ve created a very difficult to resolve, due reckless behaviour,” according in a contract worth $19 million for next week’s Student’s history!” received a complaint alleging ‘no go’ zone for security guards to subsequent internal staff to a report by the Sydney and expected to last until 2022. Representative Council elections. homophobic treatment late last and that’s not on.” changes and our transition to a Morning Herald in May. “We do not tolerate Field notes from a scientist on strike year, but failed to investigate it. “We must provide security new security service provider,” Hardman subjected the harassment or intimidation The complainant, who is not patrols to all areas of campus the spokesperson said. officers to drug testing and an and any official complaint of known to Honi, sent a message – including Carslaw toilets; Hardman, a former NSW internal investigation which improper action by staff would Coco Huang to the University of Sydney particularly so when there’s a Police commander, became made no findings of drug use or be investigated by the University Facebook page alleging that 24/7 student hub upstairs.” Head of Campus Security and other misconduct. and dealt with appropriately,” I heard their voices first, a In her field of fungal biology, Professor Carter said. “We are below internationally- personal sacrifice required Campus Security confronted “Of course, we can’t have Emergency Management in The officers have since the spokesperson said. murmur predicating a crowd fungi are learning to adapt to running out of existing drugs recommended levels. could send people into denial two men in the Carslaw the patrol officers behaving 2017 after he was discharged sued the NSW Government, whose footsteps and chants warmer temperatures, such that and options.” “This global, uniform 50% and “shut down.” Building’s disabled toilets, in the manner that is alleged, from the force. alleging discrimination, intensified as they sprawled our body temperatures could With her words in mind, reduction target actually While the scale of and addressed them by saying however, we should always “Normal recruitment maladministration and misuse over Eastern Avenue. become insufficient to inhibit I joined the diverse crowd, translates in Australia and [other the problem may be “you’re going to be charged interrupt public sex acts – no processes were followed,” of public funds. Spearheaded by a banner their growth. Combined with weaving between chant leaders, high-emission countries] not to incomprehensible, perhaps faggots.” exception,” said Hardman. according to the spokesperson. At the time of the complaint, held between six students, I the challenge of developing new bearers of irreverent placards, reduce by 50%, but by 80%.” we should direct our attention “The behaviour of the An official University As Newtown Police Campus Security was watched USyd’s 2000-strong drugs to bolster the few available and even the elusive yeti. Upon But what would an 80% to what we can comprehend; security guards was aggressive, spokesperson told Honi that Superintendent, Hardman contracted out to the embattled contingent of protesters turn for treating fungal infections, arrival at The Domain, I was reduction look like? “Energy to more urgently reduce our homophobic and a poor Campus Security personnel do had a close relationship with Sydney Night Patrol and Inquiry onto City Road. this could precipitate higher again shocked by the number consumption went down by greenhouse gas emissions, reflection of Sydney University,” not receive specific training on University management.. Back (SNP) which is currently under Earlier, I met with rates of infection and mortality. of protesters; the area looked 50% in Japan and Germany at pursue new technological the complaint alleged. interrupting sexual activity in in 2013, then Campus Security investigation by the NSW Professor Dee Carter, the Already, a case of the multi- like a fishbowl brimming with the end of WWII . . . [an] 80% means of removing them, and Honi has also seen emails public places, including public Manager Morgan Andrews anti-corruption watchdog for Head of Microbiology, to drug-resistant fungus Candida people, and the student activists’ reduction [would result in] such prepare for natural disasters between senior Campus toilets. wrote to Hardman, adding allegedly falsifying more than discuss the climate crisis’s auris has emerged in Victoria, speeches galvanised the crowd. fundamental changes to [our] and their associated health Security personnel. In one However, “Sexual acts “Let me know when you want $120,000 in fake timesheets. impact on human health. She with a 30-day mortality rate of But my following interview lives that [we] cannot imagine.” challenges ahead. Whether email chain, Security Risk which occur in a public place a milkshake.” Honi previously The investigation is ongoing. highlighted how rising global over 35.2%. with Professor Manfred Lenzen, While supportive of striking this personal, social and Coordinator Duane Ledford could constitute a breach of reported that Hardman was Although Wilson Security temperatures and increasing “There’s a desperate need a sustainability researcher, was for 100% renewable energy political commitment can be suggested that campus security the Summary Offences Act involved in collaboration with had a brief stint providing numbers of natural disasters for new drugs, and there’s not more sobering. His work has by 2030, he cautioned against enacted globally before we should temporarily cease 1988 (NSW)” and personnel University management against campus security at the time of would leave us “much more enough research and funding highlighted the need for high- “creat[ing] a false sense of bear the brunt of the climate surveillance of the Carslaw are trained in responding to student strikes. the complaint, Honi understands vulnerable to fungal, bacterial going on to bring them into income countries to reduce security that doing this is all crisis is something we should bathrooms until the complaint breaches of law. Hardman also faced it was not involved. Pictured: Head of Campus Security and parasitic infections.” the mainstream pipelines,” greenhouse gas emissions it takes,” as the substantial not wait to find out. Simon Hardman was resolved. This suggestion No campus security allegations of homophobia Since the complaint, the 4 5
N E W S C A R TO O N SRC rejects motion to reimburse the Climate Strike Organising Committee Emma Goldrick The University of Sydney component in moulding public of pocket. Alongside the refusal reimbursement came from strike. The motion included the (USyd) Students' Representative opinion and lobbying vested to reimburse the Climate Strike the Education Officers, which SRC funding 10,000 leaflets Council (SRC) Executive voted stakeholders. In recent years, the Organising Committee, the had recently purchased 100 & 500 posters alongside a to reject the reimbursement of USyd SRC has battled with the SRC also rejected funding for shirts for over $650 in July. statement calling on students to student activists involved with extent to which they endorse students to attend the Students The executive members noted skip class on strike day. the Climate Strike Organising student activism, despite the for Sustainability conference that many of these shirts were This agenda item saw Committee, only days before three guiding words in the earlier this year. sitting in the Office Bearers councillors from the right- one of the largest student SRC logo reading “activism, SRC co-Vice President Dane room collecting dust after wing majority bloc abstain or protests in recent memory. advocacy, representation.’ Luo told Honi the refusal was being purchased. There was no vote against the motion due On 10 September, a motion “The SRC has [historically] made “in accordance with the explanation why an extra 120 to disagreements around the to reimburse student activists been a great supporter of Executive Payments Policy”. shirts were needed when many motion’s wording or politics, involved in the Climate Strike important environmental The policy stipulates that existing shirts could have been and the role of nuclear energy; was submitted by James activism,” Newbold told Honi. “before finalising payment(s) on used.” before the majority passed the Newbold (National Labor “However, under the influence items of expenditure for large While the SRC did not motion. Students) and the SRC’s current of the Liberals this year the amounts (generally $350 or provide reimbursements for Questions remain as to co- Education Officer. The SRC has come under serious more) a quote or invoice (with the protests, Luo reassured whether the SRC should take SRC Executive voted against threat. Despite this, I’ll continue an ABN) should be provided Honi that the SRC had provided a more active role in financing the motion, with no dissent fighting to get the funding this for the SRC to pay the amount “metres of calico and thousands and supporting student recorded. The reimbursement vital climate activism deserves.” directly rather than through a of printed paper” alongside activism, or whether the denial request Newbold put forward The mass campaign was later reimbursement”. loaning “megaphones, speaker of funds stemmed from a basis totalled just over $700, a cost organised on a “shoestring Furthermore, Luo claimed, systems and other equipment.” of miscommunication over that was subsequently fronted budget” due to lack of SRC “stationery and room bookings The SRC administration's resources already available. by student activists. The bulk support, according to Kelton are given to Office Bearers for approach to the climate crisis of the request came from the Muir, a student activist heavily free from our organisation, more broadly has seen many $420 the Committee used to involved in the Climate Strike so the Executive found it members abstain or vote against make 120 T-shirts for students Organising Committee. Muir unreasonable that students motions that would have given attending the event, with other said that the rejection of SRC should have to pay over $200 the SRC a move active role in smaller expenses including financial assistance has meant for something that Office the movement. stickers, paint, stencils and that despite setting up donation Bearers could easily get for free The 4th September SRC room hire. drives, a GoFundMe page and if they asked”. meeting saw a motion put Historically, student activism numerous fundraising events, In reference to the $420 forward regarding the SRC’s has been a fundamental student activists are still left out for t-shirts, Luo told Honi, “The endorsement of the climate 'Thoroughly disappointing': International and Global Studies students call for certainty Anthony Segaert or internship. it is unreasonable that we as that “if you do want to do hardship” associated with the Key points Students have said they students are expected to plan Honours, the best way to do it introduction of the degree, were told prior to enrolling that our academic progression is to do a short term exchange.” and pointed to the faculty - INGS students are angry that they would be able to complete meticulously while not having These developments are the Handbook for information degree requirements have not a semester exchange in fourth the academic information we latest in a sea of confusion and about the degree structure and been fully communicated to year alongside an Honours need to do so,” the petition miscommunication concerning requirements. The Handbook them project. However Acting read. the degree. has no mention of cultural units Degree Director James Curran Second year INGS student Questions were also in the language minor. - Students say they were misled now says that doing both in the Jaspar McCahon-Boersma, raised over the requirements The spokesperson said FASS about fourth year exchange and same year is impossible, despite who organised the petition, of the compulsory language is undertaking checks to ensure Honours options providing no alternative for said the information required minor. Most language minors, correct advice had been given students who want to partake to plan future study was simply operated by individual schools to students. - The University has apologised in a semester-long exchange. unavailable. of languages, require 6 credit Students say they were The fact that the compulsory “I had been applying for points of 2000-level culture convinced that the Advanced International and Global exchange was worked into the exchange a year early, in third units, but confusion towards Studies stream would be a Studies (INGS) students are degree structure was a major year instead of fourth year,” he these requirements has beneficial addition to their voicing their anger over a lack selling point of the degree, said. abounded. university education but of communication and clarity students say, who are now “I realised that the Faculty “James Curran [says] that if are now less confident in its regarding the future years of left without clear academic had no idea what we were you are an INGS student you promise, seeing it as a profit- their degree. progression timelines due to doing for fourth year and I don’t need to do that cultural driven scheme compromised by Second year students in the the limited availability of INGS realised none of us had any idea unit, however, it has not been funding cuts and understaffing. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of units. what we were doing either.” mentioned anywhere in that “This ties into the fact Advanced Studies (International Earlier this semester, 68 “The information just wasn’t handbook. So we’re going off that nationally we’re seeing and Global Studies) degree second year students signed a there,” he said. the word of the director,” said universities being treated as say they are unsure of the petition demanding temporary FASS, along with Professor McCahon-Boersma. companies and businesses requirements for the final year degree director James Curran Curran and representatives It’s unclear whether it is rather than places of education,” of their studies. The degree organise an information session from Sydney Abroad, held an possible to complete a language McCahon-Boersma said. “This was introduced for the first outlining students’ fourth information session earlier minor without the cultural is a direct result of that." time in 2018. The final fourth year academic options, and this month aimed at rectifying units, given the number of year of the degree includes information about exchange student misunderstandings of language units on offer at USyd. a compulsory exchange and requirements. the degree structure. In a statement to Honi, a advanced coursework units, as “While we appreciate that In a recording seen by Honi, FASS spokesperson apologised well as a major research project this degree is new, we believe Professor Curran told students “for any inconveniences or 6 Art by Matthew Fisher 7
O P I N I O N O P I N I O N Watching my parents watch The Farewell A critical appraisal of the Baopu He’s parents were not excited about his favourite film . I started tearing up thirty minutes it became clear after the credits rolled Chinese background. sounds jarring when compared with F23 building Art by Mei Zheng into watching Lulu Wang’s new family that they had not been as taken with the Indeed, the increasing Hollywood the perfect Northern Chinese accents Maxim Shanahan picks apart the Vice-Chancellor’s den. drama The Farewell. While the premise film as I was. representation has unintentionally of the family. English speaking actors of the film - a Chinese family using the “It’s a movie Western audiences will exposed the growing chasm between are panned all the time, by audience From his new office on the very top If engagement was to be a core pretext of a wedding to see their family like, but not us” the Chinese diaspora and their and critics alike, for not getting accents floor of the new F23 Administration precept of the building’s design, then its matriarch one last time after she is, “I don’t think it will do well in China” homeland. While second generation correct (just think about Emma Watson Building, Michael Spence enjoys architects have failed miserably. Good unbeknownst to her, diagnosed with They tell me that the subject matter Asians celebrated Chinese-Canadian every time she plays someone who isn’t expansive views over the city, its phallic architecture is supposed to speak to terminal cancer - naturally lends itself of the film is just not something actor Simu Liu for being cast in Marvel’s Hermione Granger), so I accept this is structures providing an inspiring paean the viewer, but the Admin Building is to emotional catharsis, thirty minutes Chinese people think is worth making Shang-chi, many Chinese fans found probably a fairer criticism. Nonetheless, to corporate success. It’s a far cry from a hermit — content to remain mute and had got to be a new record. By the film’s a film about, given that lying about him “not handsome enough.”Such I didn’t feel as if it detracted from the the Vice-Chancellor’s old digs on the unnoticed. In spite of its location on the end, I, with the rest of the booked out death is almost as certain as death was the intensity of the criticism that film’s total brilliance. After all, realism ground floor of the quadrangle — quiet, university’s most prominent corner, F23 cinema (most of whom were, like me, itself in the Chinese lifecycle. While one can’t help but think that Chinese isn’t the ultimate aim of cinema. academic, conservative. While it can be somehow manages to hide itself from Asian-Australian) were floored, some the guiding tenet of this push for audiences would rather the role be My dad has since showed me a easy to read too much into such things, the casual gaze. Given the design of the pensively reflecting about filial piety representation is the principle that whitewashed than be given to an Asian rather biting Chinese review he found it is nevertheless worth examining building, which is remarkable only in its and the diaspora (guilty), others trying having your experiences reflected on without double eyelids. My parents online. One line in particular stands the messages which the new Admin unremarkableness, this should not be a manifested in a piece of administrative design, let alone that of a home of their best not to burst out into ugly the screen allows a film to resonate ultimately concede that they probably out. Building projects. After all, it is, in the surprise. It is stout and blockish, with a architecture is highly questionable, let bureaucracy. Inevitably, we reach the sobbing (also guilty). Rightfully so, The more powerfully, maybe there is a limit would view the film differently had it “The film is plagued by one problem, words of its architects, the university’s peculiar resemblance to a hydraulically- alone one with all the character and joy same conclusion as we have with Farewell has been hailed not just as a to how familiar something is before been an Italian, or Russian family. and that’s its awareness of its own “new visible presence to the world.” pressed pagoda. It pays its dues to of any corporate office anywhere in the all the other overstated values in Dr. triumph of meaningful representation, it becomes banal and vapid. Perhaps, Not just a muted emotional uniqueness. It can’t fully leave a Western Dr. Spence himself provides some modernity with a glass facade, while world. Spence’s ode to the Admin Building. but also just a brilliant film. expecting them to be excited about a response, my parents point out more perspective, but at the same time, useful insights: “F23…supports in a grumpily acquiescing to sandstone over Respect and Integrity They mean nothing. It is this apathy I enjoyed the film so much that I common Chinese practice is equivalent tangible aspects of the film they insists that it’s sufficiently Eastern. As visual way the university values - flammable cladding in an obligatory, In light of the myriad Sydney to meaning which best describes this decided to watch it a second time, this to expecting a Western audience to found strange. While many will find a result, it struggles to convey both East openness and engagement; diversity but utterly meaningless nod to the apartment buildings ridden with new building. It aspires to nothing time with my parents. Though only a be excited about a film about a white it amazing that most of the film is in and West.” and inclusion; respect and integrity; university’s sandstone heritage. This cracks and defects, structural integrity beyond functionality, and achieves week had passed since I last watched it, family who send their elderly parents Mandarin, my parents thought this While the writer almost certainly courage and creativity.” One must leaves a bland, forgettable character as is indeed an achievement to be lauded. very little in adding to the campus. The I teared up and felt the same bittersweet into a nursing home. was a ploy to impress Western viewers, meant this critically, it’s probably the pause and wonder whether this former F23’s primary point of ‘engagement’. As And it is true that the building remains apathetic tenor of Dr. Spence’s remarks tremors at the same moments. But as Nonetheless, I remain unconvinced.. not an actual commitment to linguistic most succinct explanation I’ve ever Oxford don has surrendered his mind to openness, a security desk takes pride standing. Such low aims, however, do are reflected in the new building: much as I was there for the film, I was I retort that they’re applying a double realism. Supporting their argument is read on what it feels like to be part of to the corporate-speak which so of place in the polished concrete foyer, not send a message of excellence to despite its position as the new home of also there to watch my parents watch standard to film just because the the casting of Tzi Ma as Billi’s father. the Asian diaspora. And perhaps it’s unfortunately pervades the university’s its guards zealously prohibiting access the engineering faculty. As to respect, the VC, it projects no meaning, and is it. While watching, I wondered how director is Chinese, and that they Playing a migrant from Northern precisely this ambiguity of identity that public discourse, or whether he is to the upper floors. the waiter at the posh new cafe on the both sterile and unavoidably corporate. they would view it, given that the story would’ve never commented on how China, Tzi Ma, who is originally from makes The Farewell, while falling short merely speaking out of his arse. Diversity and Inclusion ground floor was unfailingly polite as Whether or not this is an issue is a is as much theirs as it is mine. “commonplace” a film’s subject matter Hong Kong, speaks Mandarin with a of expectations for some, so powerfully Nevertheless, some of these outwardly It is the utter meaninglessness of he served me my $24 ‘cheese selection’ different question, but certain things Unfortunately, to my disappointment, was if the characters were from a non- noticeable Cantonese accent which truthful for so many others. inane statements may tell us something these words which is so dispiriting. entree. can be read into Dr. Spence’s move from about the university’s glowing new The extent to which diversity and Courage and Creativity How Dungeons & Dragons made me a better writer the quadrangle to the top floor of a edifice. inclusion — those nebulous words Courage is a lofty aim for any corporate office building. Openness and Engagement adored by corporate PR teams — can be Video games fail where tabletop gaming succeeds, Peter Prentice argues. potential for storytelling aside from otherwise innocent story of a person Navigating the ruins of a failed corporation text adventures. trying to survive in an unknown world. Garnet Chan unpacks the University’s customer service promises and failures. Amidst the proliferation of all The power of bringing the storyteller these mediums, one question remained into an active role is that it allows What do USyd and a telecommunications experience breaks down? too decided to change degrees. During are intentional, keeping students in the — how could an author tell both a for dynamic storytelling. Texts are provider have in common? With your only respite being the this process, he waited six months for system for longer, while universities descriptively compelling narrative published at a static point in time, and Both operate in oligopolistic now centralised USyd Student Centre a response despite opening numerous profit off prolonged degrees. while also giving the reader an as such, questions that arise after the environments shaped by the ruthless – the equivalent of a telecom phone tickets on USyd’s contactless “Service Simon and Candice were only able opportunity to participate? This is what date of publication cannot be answered dynamics of supply and demand, hungry centre – students become helpless Portal.” Its sterile interface is the to switch successfully after escalating many viewers, and even Gygax himself, – unless you follow it up. With D&D, for profits or “market share” when consumers facing a bureaucratic abyss equivalent of talking to someone at their cases to the Associate Deans of sought to resolve with role-playing questions arise during the process of trying to out-do their competitors in a when crucial issues, such as academic automated call centre. their respective faculties. It seems as if games. D&D not only allows for an storytelling. The author can improvise capitalistic arena. Both offer a suite of progression, exchange credits or degree Such delays, devoid of human only when executive power is on your author to provide both a narrative and and adapt to the choices made by the cookie-cutter products, which often fail administration, arise. touch, resulted in Simon delaying side does the university start taking participation to a viewer, but is also protagonists of the story and ultimately to adequately meet individual needs. Many of us are no strangers to graduation for a semester and thwarted you seriously. But this process also the only medium which allows for this curate an experience for the player. Consuming one of these products the dehumanised processes of USyd’s any aspirations of further study. “[I] lacks transparency, as many emails of experience. The trick? It’s simple — the After having slain a great number requires committing to a fixed-term handling of student queries – an once had aspirations of doing further relevant staff members or academics author takes an active role, rather than of vampires, as well as putting on the contract, made difficult to escape due effective “cost-cutting strategy” to boost academic work at USyd, but not are deliberately obfuscated on the USyd a passive one. shoes of a Dungeon Master myself, to legions of terms and conditions. the university’s profits, which reached anymore. The whole ordeal left such a website, forcing students to navigate Even the most technologically I have come to find that my writing Top executives are compensated almost $170 million last year. The bitter taste in my mouth I’d rather just another bureaucratic labyrinth. stunning video games of the 21st has improved when attempting to generously for their often questionable system delivers anxiety and frustration. work.” It’s easy to blame the inefficacy of century, from The Elder Scrolls to understand the gaze of the reader. More management, with salaries beginning It is not unusual to wait weeks, even Michael’s* graduation date was administrative staff for these gross Mass Effect, are restricted by one key valuable and relevant information finds well-above the million-dollar mark. months for a reply. also pushed back a semester due to injustices. But it appears that a greedy I’m not sure if my peers in the Faculty In other words, I decided to go problem that I call choice oversight — its way to the spotlight of my pages They both also offer the promise of It took Candice* three years to administrative errors on USyd’s part. university is ultimately at fault. How of Science can relate, but I often feel that vampire hunting in my spare time. in other words, there’s only so much compared to before, as I have come to “superior” service - one which has been be properly enrolled in a Bachelors They incorrectly marked one of his is a decentralised team supposed to hours of soul-draining mathematics Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), the that an author can predict that a player learn what my players – my readers – continually broken. Whilst I can handle of Science (Advanced) with majors subjects as “incomplete” from first support over 60,000 students? causes me to need to release my inner game I played, was developed in the will want to do. In many games, this can find more interesting. No longer are a routine blackout between Stanmore that would best reflect her changing year, almost three years ago, despite Short-staffing and poor training artist. I often do so through writing — 1970s by an aspiring worldbuilder, often lead to uneventful conclusions - there bland descriptions of the paintings and Newtown, one shouldn’t expect interests. She was initially rejected displaying as “complete” on his Sydney of administrative centres come at the usually poetry or slice-of-life pieces. Gary Gygax. An instant bestseller, D&D for example, killing the essential NPCs on the wall . Rather, the odd depiction consistent failures when it comes to from an internal transfer despite Student. Email replies were staggered expense of adequate academic guidance However, only a year ago, I sought entered an entertainment industry in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind of Boblin, a tiny (and adorable) goblin, their education, and their future. The satisfying the ATAR requirements. at 1-2 weeks between him and and mentorship - which is crucial for to write a fantasy text, which required dominated by rising digital mediums causes the “thread of prophecy to be who sips his milkshake in the middle highly debatable quality in the recent Delays between email correspondence, administrative staff, which prevented nurturing the educational experience considerably more stimulus than what like film and video games. Fantasy films severed” - effectively ending the main of a dwarven tavern, makes it into print. overhauls of USyd’s academic offerings, forgotten promises of call-backs and him from enrolling in Winter School to students deserve. I could muster from the real world. I were ascendant following the release of questline. Worse still, this can even Whether you want to be Edward such as OLEs cheapen the value of a a lack of familiarity with the degree promptly complete his degree. He only The increasing levels of wasn’t sure where to get the inspiration the Star Wars trilogy, and high fantasy lead to results that run contrary to Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, or “world-class” degree. requirements culminated in the change received a reply at the start of Semester disenfranchisement between students for a world of my own, since fantasy TV, novels were continually being pushed the developer’s vision of the game — simply wonder how long you would Meanwhile, the teaching quality taking place three months after the 2. By then he had already enrolled and staff, general complacency, lack of film, and novels are fairly uninteractive. into the mainstream hands of enthralled for example, in Minecraft, due to the survive in a zombie apocalypse, D&D varies enormously. One only needs to initial request. The bureaucratic torture because he had no other choice. “[They] compassion and treating students like I needed something I could delve into readers. While these mediums allowed limitations of the AI of the villagers, the is a great way to explore that, and it look at new administration building: persisted when Candice tried to change basically blamed me for their blunder hapless cash generators is despicable. and investigate first-hand. It was then for rich stories to be told, they were most efficient way to manage villager doesn’t only fulfill your own fantasies intermittent Internet, fossilised majors – where the only consistency and was not helpful at all.” If customer service was a key that I realised that an oft-overlooked restricted by non-interactivity, and the trades is to abduct them in boats back — it also helps the aspiring authors out classrooms and poor recording facilities was, ironically, the irregular information At no point was a phone number or performance indicator, USyd would form of interactive entertainment — alternative — video games — were to your base, and then repeatedly breed there who need to playtest their novels. that make it difficult for those who can’t retrieved from multiple in-person contact details to a “real” person made have an appalling rating. tabletop gaming — was precisely what restricted considerably by technical and kill them to gain desirable trades. physically attend lectures. consultations at the Student Centre. available in any of these cases. One I was looking for. limitations that overshadowed any This paints a dark narrative on an Art by Lauren Moore But what happens when the student Simon* was in his last year when he can’t help but wonder if these delays *Names have been changed 8 9
N O S TA LG I A P E R S P AE R CT I V E Gone too soon: Recalling Tarago Brokenships: The materiality of memory Liam Thorne looks through his rear-view mirror at his youth. When recounting past relationships, sometimes an object is worth a thousand words, writes Vivienne Davies. Art by Browntown I distinctly remember the few weeks it up slowly out the front, and we it was in the Tarago that I drove to pick prevails. They are a distinct for personal A pink shirt. A Max Brenner drink. class each day. And perhaps, many of drink, ordered on the first date and before my now-passed grandfather’s, all hurried down up the path to say up my formal date — to crash en route. history to organise around, and in A sweater, a music box, and an these stories are best told through a subsequently every time they walked (to me, ‘Ron’) 80th birthday party. My hello. From the outside, our Tarago Its roomy enclosure has been a many ways, seem to take on their anthropology of poems. physical object. past Max Brenner, has never been mum, his daughter, had agreed to sat proudly, bearing a whopping- backdrop to moments of enormous own agency as characters themselves emotional significance. I picked up both Miscellaneous objects, from *** ordered since the relationship ended. hold the celebration in our house. A eight seats (a feature that never fails in your younger years. Sitting in my of my boxer dogs in it, getting to meet car, I always feel safe, at ease. Sure, miscellaneous persons. Dwelling on A short sleeve button down, worn “I can’t order it anymore without vast majority of Mum’s efforts went to impress), dressed in a sleek silver- them on the large back seats, traversing on occasion I’m met with throwaway dusty bookshelves, in the backs of on the third date and the first kiss, feeling sad and guilty.” into the slideshow and speech to be metallic paint job, welcoming us inside. delivered on the evening. For over a I clambered in, sitting in the middle giddy excitement with the faint worry comments about my overly-domestic drawers and one’s memories, these became representative of more than There is a whimsical magic around fortnight, my 8-year-old self watched row next to Ron, seriously impressed that a two-hour drive may prove too appearance arriving to an event in items linger on, way past their expiry just the memory of the date. “That night items from the first date. These objects her pour through album after album by the automatic window button that challenging for a young puppy’s bladder. the quintessential family’s ‘people date. I fell asleep wearing the shirt. I was capture a snapshot of two people of old photos. In essence, she relived replaced our old Mitsubishi Magna’s I also said goodbye to my first dog, Ruby, mover.’ And yet, without fail, friends What unites them, besides the fact lulled to sleep by the smell of her and unaware of the emotional journey her childhood, before placing those window hand-crank. “This will take as the Tarago quietly carried her to be and family always come around to that they seem insignificant to most, is was so over the moon. It was such a they are about to undergo, while also recollections into a presentation for us some getting used to,” I proclaimed to put down. For me, saying goodbye to the Tarago: a facilitator of road-trips, a that they were all poignantly central to lesbian couple thing – swapping shirts representing a sort of naivety and all to share. I still experience the same Ron, and then again to everyone for my dog — a moment any young child tool for carrying equipment in student a faded, gone by relationship. and sharing things…Being able to share untainted beauty that becomes even swell of joy she shared with us all when safe measure. The seven of us drove will struggle to forget — is inseparable elections, or a convenient trip for eight more poignant when the relationship re-listening to the songs she played around that night, simply taking in our from the Tarago. The NUMTOT in me says I should to the station after a late night in the SRC. There is a lot of lingering power ends. time and time again as she practiced new car, just as I imagine thousands of presenting the slideshow. young families have in 1983 with their resist venerating a car so highly; My Tarago’s odometer will hit 200 in one’s first love. Finally, these physical manifestations of emotions can sometimes be one- A mainstay of the memories was Taragos. climate change’s looming shadow 000 kilometers in the coming year. As should have us encouraging sustainable my the futuristic metallic glean of my Beyond the standard remnants clothes is so intimate for me, something sided, created after emerging from their car; a setting for distant family Since then, my Tarago has borne holidays, trips to schools, even just witness to countless new experiences. practices wherever possible. To be sure, Tarago begins to fade, I’m reassured that need to be swept aside after a I never considered I’d be able to do with unrequited romances. An anthology of simple but intimate moments with I learnt to drive under Dad’s guidance, I have neither an intimate knowledge to know my own will likely keep on relationship is over (socks, hair ties, a partner”. poems which came into fruition, even each other. Having not experienced slowly coming to appreciate its of cars, nor much of an interest in car chugging for many more years to come. plans which never came to fruition), The idea of a shared experience is though hopes of ever-lasting love did any of those moments myself, their cumbersome frame as something subcultures. And yet, the family car items with a history and a story are a unique to same-sex relationships. Yet, not. car became a fixed point to understand wonderful. It size makes it accessible, lot harder to discard. We all know that the tendency to attribute meanings onto It was a vague, ‘thing’ that started at how Mum, her three brothers, and their allowing our weekly ritual of visiting it’ll be easier for us to move on if these otherwise meaningless physical objects 12, with years of back and forth, until parents, navigated the ins and outs of my grandma and taking her and her objects aren’t in the space we live and is something more universal. Projecting he became her first love when she was childhood and beyond. walker to the shops to do her groceries. breathe in, and yet, most of us don’t feelings onto things perhaps makes us not his. Only after years of midnight Earlier this year, I found out that It was with the Tarago that my dad throw them away. We file them away, feel closer to the person, like they are poetry and self-healing was she finally Toyota had discontinued production of picked my friend and me up from Year out of sight, until we stumble upon with us, even when they are gone. able to attain full closure at 22. the Tarago after 36 years. 11 Afters. We tried (in vain) to hide them one day and somehow, though That shirt, however, also came to There is a lot of lingering power I first met our Tarago outside my the faint scent of alcohol from Dad’s months or even years have elapsed, symbolise the differences between the in one’s first love. A concoction of grandparents’ house. My Dad pulled watchful nose. Only the following year, they still have this ability to halt us in couple. “She was very butch… I, on the whimsical naivety and nervous energy, our tracks. other hand have always been feminine, the experience of letting someone I gotta feeling... again In choosing to keep these precious straight passing… While we could share into your life so intimately for the nothings, there is a thin line between the shirt it was never my fashion. It was first time can really change a person’s sentimentality and self-sabotage that me dipping into her world.” perspective. And when it’s all over, can be hard to tread. Indeed, whilst you can hold a the process of writing and creating Annie Zhang blames it all on DJ Earworm’s rocking electronic club beats. There is a Museum of Broken physical object that reminds you of the for years afterwards can give some CONTENT WARNING: SELF-HARM, MENTAL HEALTH Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia. Going other in your hands, it is important to sense of control over the otherwise inside, one experiences a plethora realise that you can never fully ‘have’ uncontainable flood of emotions. With I discover mashup artist DJ Earworm narrative — a feel-good message about drawing ugly charcoal portraits behind of emotions we’ve all experienced. another person in the sum of their every word written, a small part heals, late on a Sunday night, and plunge getting back up when you’re down, and the teacher’s back. On train rides home, They’re messy, absurd and beautiful. spirituality. But for some, the projection even if it feels only temporary. abruptly back into the buried life of making it out of this mess. she and her friends blared Flo Rida The idea of the museum is simple - of meaning onto objects seems Loss has no linear timeline. the child I had once been. The wind is “This year in the charts, so many and Taylor Swift from their tinny brick personal mementos from relationships altogether melodramatic. Although condensed into five stages: brutal as I wait for the Nightrider, and of the pop song seem to tell the same Nokias and Sony Ericcsons, annoying are displayed with a narrative from the “It felt like a very constructed denial, anger, bargaining, depression in my ear 25 different artists sing 25 story,” DJ Earworm writes in a song all the other passengers as they laughed donor, filled with snarky remarks or attempt at a movie moment.” someone and acceptance, the stages can disparate songs. Images splash across note on his website. “Yeah, we’ve been and tried pathetically to harmonise. wistful lamentations. But behind these tells me, referring to realistically repeat, overlap or feel my cracked phone screen — Pitbull through a lot, but right now we’re gonna She stole songs off the G Drive of the quirky objects lurks a complexity of a music box, given during a potential never-ending. And although we most first in a half-second snatch, then Lady celebrate with music and dance, and it’s school’s shared server, where girls likely experience the same basic human emotions, capturing the most intense breaking point in a relationship. Gaga, followed by and Kelly gonna be ok.” buried their contraband material — moments of one’s relationship. The music box played a song that emotions after a breakup, how we cope Clarkson and Kanye and countless 2009 was a strange and formative torrented movies and pirated pop This museum has held temporary her ex-boyfriend’s dad used to sing varies from person to person. more. year for me. That old me is dead and songs. She lay sprawled on the couch ‘Blame it on the Pop’ is a sonic gone, but I still remember shards of her. on bad days with her eyes closed and exhibitions all around the world, when he was a child. It was a source of “I think time is the only thing that collage of nostalgia, a time capsule of Several of her friends spoke animatedly shitty earphones in, letting Jay Sean with two permanent museums in comfort for him, and he gave it to her can give you closure. You can talk to half-remembered melodies from my about killing themselves, and many of assure her that there was no need to Los Angeles and Zagreb. While it as a memento to take through life and friends and everything but it is always childhood. In his most acclaimed entry them found themselves fascinated with worry, even if the sky was falling down. was never originally intended to be a comfort her whenever she was upset. time to think and be alone that does it.” of the ‘United States of Pop’ oeuvre, sharp objects. Once during language It is these sweeter parts of 2009 permanent museum, the owners found While that was what he said, she felt But isn’t time just another word for DJ Earworm strings together musical class, she and a friend pulled scissors that I think of now, as I press play on an unexpectedly large audience in differently. “I literally have no emotion forgetting? Closure can be romanticised samples from the 25 top Billboard from our pencil cases and dragged the ‘Blame it on the Pop’ once more and the heartbroken, the curious and the attached to it.” as simply the act of letting go, without hits of 2009 to form ‘Blame it on the blades along their forearms until the take another nostalgic trip through my emotional. And across the displays, a Perhaps you can’t force a piece recognising the necessary role of Pop’. No sample lasts longer than a skin reddened and tore. For the rest of decade-old, rose-coloured recollections. general sense of catharsis exudes; by of yourself into an object and into confrontation. Humans have terrible few seconds — a snatched word or the day, she carried the incision like a Truth be told, I despised many of the memories, always clouded by emotions donating personally significant items someone else’s life; meaning has to phrase, ending as immediately as it bright and bold accessory. The only songs that feature in this mashup when to a public domain, the donors undergo come from the receiver themselves. You and weathered by time. begins and bleeding right into the vocabulary she had to describe these I first heard them as a child. Only now, the final stage of loss – acceptance, as can offer parts of yourself to the other, Perhaps it’s sometimes better to next. There’s Jay Sean, then Fergie, then events back then was “teen angst.” aged like wine, do they at last sound Miley serenading us with ‘The Climb’, But as ‘Blame it on the Pop’ loops rather lovely to me. Perhaps it takes they say goodbyes to objects they have but whether you’re allowed to stay, as a forget. When confrontation becomes Taylor Swift from the ‘Love Story’ days, through my mind, its familiar chord a decade to appreciate how well the lugged around for too long. wistful bygone memory or otherwise, is too painful, or resentment continually Soulja Boy, Jason Mraz, a few sped-up progressions conjure up more joyful Kings of Leon meld with Jason Mraz. I In many ways, we have our own entirely out of your control. resurfaces, forgetting maybe is the next lines from the All-American Rejects. filaments of the kid I was in 2009. The guess it really is gonna be okay, isn’t it? museum of broken relationships on And of course, there are the best option. Somehow, DJ Earworm threads morsels kid who heard those songs first. She Even if the sky is tumbling down. Isn’t this campus. mementos from first dates. A sweater, And for others, donating objects of 25 disparate melodies into one bopped to them in the car every Friday easy—feeling love, love, love? We’ll make it Most of its installations are not stolen off one’s boyfriend on the first to the public domain for others to holistic song. It’s an impressive display evening on the way to piano lessons out of this mess. Change your mind. Baby physical, but dwell in the stories quietly date during ice-skating, now sits at ruminate upon seems to be the final of technical prowess. Yet despite its in Allawah. In Visual Arts classes, just say yes. hidden under the expressionless faces the bottom of a chest of drawers, never step in achieving that ever-elusive patchwork nature, ‘Blame it on the Pop’ she hummed along to Nova 96.9FM of students who trudge in and out of to be worn again. A Max Brenner closure. Whatever that means. Art by Amelia Mertha nevertheless proffers a cohesive lyrical with her classmates, mucking around 10 11
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