FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...

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FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
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                                           Saturday, May 15, 2021   Vol. 26 No. 30   Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas


                                                              First SPVM female motorcycle
                                                                      officer Monelle Hébert
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...

                             NEW! 6950 Cote St Luc Rd #210 asking $429,900
                        Over 1200 s.f. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo, 2 car garage!
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                        SO L D                                          Semi-detached cottage with the
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                                                                       home also has a separate entrance
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                                                                                  Better hurry!

                                           Lauren Marks Vesely
                                              Courtier immobilier
                                              Real Estate Broker
2                                                                 May 15, 2021 •
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
Montreal rents up monthly, annually
 for one- and two-bedroom homes
The average asking rent for all Canadian       On a provincial level, Quebec was in the         in April compared to March, which we be-
properties listed on in April was   middle of the pack for average rent at           lieve is the result of units leasing faster as
$1,675 per month, a decrease of $167 or        $1,623, up 2.9 per cent monthly.                 opposed to more vacant units in the other
9 per cent from $1,842 in April of last year     Year over year, average monthly rents in       provinces.
and down 1 per cent monthly. Month over        Laval are down 5.5 per cent for a one-bed-            “Even with the prolonged pandemic,
month, average rents in Montreal rents are     room and 3.7 per cent for a two-bedroom.
up 4.1 per cent for a one-bedroom and 2.5      Although rents have continued to fall on a       there appears to be increased rental de-
per cent for a two-bedroom, while year         national basis, they are up regionally and by    mand, but it will take a few months before
over year, average rents for a one-bedroom     product type.                                    we declare it a trend and not a statistically
are up 2.5 per cent and up 8.3 per cent for       Average rental rates increased month          anomaly based on a changing composition
a two-bedroom.                                 over month in British Columbia, Ontario,         of listings.”
   Since hitting a high of $1,954 in August    Alberta and Quebec, suggesting the market           Anecdotal evidence suggests an increase
2019, the average monthly rental rate has      might have turned a corner with increased        of furnished apartments for rent, according
steadily declined -- now down $279 from        tenant demand.                                   to many property listing agents. COVID-19
the peak, according to’s and           The third wave of COVID-19 continues
Bullpen Research & Consulting’s latest Na-     to wreak havoc in certain areas of the           with travel restrictions in place has affected
tional Rent Report.                            country, but that has not stopped residents      the short-term rental market..
   Montreal finished 19th on the list of 35    from trying to get into the rental market            Quebec, British Columbia, Ontario and
cities for average monthly rent in April for   or tenants from moving for better deals          Alberta have the most offerings of fur-
a one-bedroom home at $1,469 and ninth         and more space before rents start moving         nished condo rentals and apartments.
for average monthly rent for a two-bed-        up consistently.                                    In Quebec, the average furnished apart-
room at $1,995.                                  “Despite the continued decline in average      ment is listed for 7 per cent more than un-
  Montreal rents average for condo rentals     rents on a national level, the rental market     furnished apartments
and apartments decreased 2 per cent year       has started to turn up with rents increasing       The National Rent Report charts and an-
over year.                                     month over month in most of the largest
   Laval came in 24th for average monthly      provinces in the country,” said Ben Myers,       alyzes monthly, quarterly and annual rates
rent in April for a one-bedroom home at        president of Bullpen Research & Consult-         and trends in the rental market on a na-
$1,325 and 20th for average monthly rent       ing.“The drop overall in Canada is likely the    tional, provincial, and municipal level across
for a two-bedroom at $1,737.                   result of a lower share of listings in Ontario   all listings on for Canada.

                           Get with the Times!

     • May 15, 2021                                                                                               3
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
4   May 15, 2021 •
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
Just For Laughs festival goes
       hybrid this summer
The 39th edition of the Just For Laughs                                                             ences so that they could stream it free of
comedy festival will be back to provide                                                             charge; live, in-person tapings of original
Montreal comedy fans its annual summer                                                              programming featuring some of Canada’s
fix of laughs from July 26-31. However, as a                                                        finest comics, which will both air and
result of the changing face of international                                                        stream on the Bell Media network; tapings
travel and public health and safety guide-                                                          of in-person comedy specials that will also
lines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this                                                            feature a line-up of Canada’s top comics for
year’s festival will offer a hybrid of in-per-                                                      Just For Laughs’ new record label JFL Orig-
son and digital programming not only from                                                           inals, and will be internationally released as
Montreal, but also originating from Los An-                                                         an album this fall; the return of the popular
geles and New York City.                                                                            ComedyPRO industry conference, which
   Laugh Out Loud (LOL), comedian Kevin
Hart’s global comedy brand and multi-plat-                                                          will run from July 28-31 and be 100% digital,
                                                                                                    and feature such returning events as the
form entertainment company, will once
again participate as the festival’s official pro-
                                                               By Stuart Nulman                     New Faces showcase, Variety’s 10 Comics
                                                                                                    to Watch presentation, Eat My Shorts,
gramming partner, and will include over                                        Stand Up & Pitch and 15 Minutes with A
200 artists from around the comedy world
as part of this year’s line-up.                     from Montreal, L.A. and New York; the an-       Power Broker.
   And the best part is that all digital Just       nual Just For Laughs Awards Show, which            More programming announcements, as
For Laughs shows will be offered to the             honors the best in the comedy business          well as the unveiling of this year’s festival
public free of charge.                              and was previously open to solely industry      line-up, will happen within the next few
  This year’s highlights include: digital stand-    people, will be not only 100% virtual, but      weeks. For more information, go to
up shows and concept shows originating              for the first time, will be open to all audi- .

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      • May 15, 2021                                                                                                  5
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3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4

Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Bea-
consfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, La-
   chine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon,
 Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St.
            Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)
                                                                              Arlene Dickinson launches
    Managing Editor:
                        Tom West
                                                                               Canada’s most extensive
                                                                              business growth ecosystem
                                                                              Today, Arlene Dickinson, well-           Dickinson’s venture capital fund –      ones, to embrace and respond di-
                                                                              known Canadian investor and en-          District Ventures Capital.              rectly to this trend,” said Arlene
                                                                              trepreneur, announced the launch           Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,       Dickinson, CEO of Venturepark. “It
          Contributors:                                                       of Canada’s most extensive busi-         Dickinson and her team had identi-      is no secret that the COVID-19
                                                                              ness growth ecosystem focused on         fied a shift in Canadian consumer       pandemic has led to a focus on
          • Alyssa De Rosa                                                    consumer-packaged goods (CPG):           behaviours. Canadians were be-          health and self – as well as a desire
                                                                              Venturepark.                             coming increasingly educated about      and demand for homegrown indus-
         • Marco Giovanetti                                                       Venturepark will house Dickin-       the foods they consumed while
          • Sergio Martinez                                                   son’s network of companies with a        seeking healthier lifestyles. Dickin-   try and products. At Venturepark,
           • Bonnie Wurst                                                     focus on supporting brands in the        son saw an opportunity for Cana-        we provide a support system in
                                                                              food and health CPG space. Fa-           dian companies, within the food and     which CPG businesses of all sizes
           • Stuart Nulman                                                                                                                                     can not only successfully navigate
         • Deborah Rankin                                                     mous for her marketing and invest-       health CPG space, to better meet
                                                                              ing expertise, Dickinson’s new           the new and emerging needs of           this new business terrain but be
       • Martha Shannon                                                       ecosystem offers capital, marketing,     Canadians as well as exporting to       better equipped with the resources
                                                                              programming, innovation, commer-         serve increasing global consumer        to thrive in it.”
                                                                              cialization and media amplification      demand. Venturepark will continue           The launch of Venturepark and
                                                                              to the companies it serves.The new       to support current clients as they      the strategic sectoral shift in Dick-
            SUBSCRIPTION                                                      network includes Venture Play, Ven-      grow and innovate, while simultane-     inson’s companies reflects her 30-
General subscriptions in Canada: 1                                            turepark Labs, Venturepark Voice,        ously helping emerging CPG brands
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                                                                                                              year commitment to supporting
                                                                              District Ventures Capital and Dis-       grow locally, expand globally, and      both Canadian entrepreneurs and
tion to the U.S. and outside North                                            trict Ventures Plus.Venturepark will     adapt to the changing economic cli-
     America:1 year $250 US                                                                                                                                    the Canadian economy while rec-
All contents of this publication
                                                                              serve clients across North America       mate.                                   ognizing and adapting to market
are sole property of The Mon-                                                 from its headquarters in Calgary,Al-        “We believe that food and bev-
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-
                                                                              berta and offices in Toronto, On-        erage, health and wellness and agri-    trends. For over 13 seasons, Dick-
ions expressed in this
publication are not necessarily                                               tario.                                   culture entrepreneurship will           inson has publicly invested in Cana-
intended to reflect those of the
publisher. Any reproduction in                                                  The launch of Venturepark comes        become key economic drivers for         dian companies through CBC’s hit
whole or in part and in print or
in electronic form without ex-                                                following more than a year of            our nation moving forward. This is      tv show, Dragons’ Den.
press permission is strictly for-
bidden.      Permission        to                                             strategic shifts, high-profile hires,    why we have strategically shifted          Businesses interested in learning
reproduce selected editorial
may be granted by contacting                                                  corporate acquisitions, as well as       our current business units, acquired    more about Venturepark can visit
the publisher in writing.
                                                                              numerous investments through             others and are developing new  .
6                                                                                                                                                       May 15, 2021 •
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
Quebec may offer digital
                     vaccine passport
Quebec has announced that they will start
to distribute vaccine passports to prove
you have taken a COVID-19 vaccine. The
passport will be a digital one on your smart
  Health Minister Christian Dubé said, "the
QR code, which will replace the paper doc-
ument Quebecers have been receiving
after their COVID-19 vaccine. The QR
code is not the digital passport but the first
step towards towards the government is-
suing one."
   The COVID-19 vaccine digital passport
will be used for going to work, entering
restaurants, travelling and other events. It
will be used to keep Quebecers safer.
   Starting this Thursday if you receive the
COVID-19 vaccine you will be given a dig-
ital QR code instead of a piece of paper
saying you received the vaccine. A QR code
is barcode that is scanned by any smart-
phone using an app and it will give certain
information on when you received the vac-
cine and what kind you were administered.
Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé
says, " as an example restaurants will be
asking for proof that you received the vac-
cine and the QR code is maybe a good
idea.                                            whether to go ahead with a digital passport      we are saying we have to look at it," added
   Canada Public Health Director Horacio         system, and if so, how it could be used."        Public Health Director Horacio Arrude.
Arrude said, is department is studying the         "We want to do a good analysis given the         How do you feel about being scanned
issue closely, and will make a recommenda-       ethical issues, among others. I think it could   when you enter a public place? Send us
tion to the Canadian government about            have a certain utility. We are not saying no,    your thoughts at

      • May 15, 2021                                                                                              7
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
The oven mitts are on
    for celebrity chef cooking
         challenge series
One thing that was obvious through-
out the past 15 months of the
COVID-19 pandemic; many people
took up certain projects, hobbies and
past times to while away all those
endless days and weeks of self-isola-
tion, or to learn a new skill that you
procrastinated to start for such a
long time.
   One of them was cooking. There
have been many who have decided to
get off the couch and make their way
to the kitchen to discover the joys of
cooking by experimenting with new
recipes, reverting to tried and true
recipes (i.e., sourdough bread), or fi-
nally make use of those kitchen appli-
ances that were gathering dust if they
weren’t a microwave oven (or ea-
gerly break in their brand new air
   Seema Arora and Alexandra Tri-
antafillopoulos of Zensa Media Inter-
national are taking the joy of cooking
and eating good food with a new not-
for-profit project that is serving as a
morale booster for the public who
are coping with the pandemic. It’s a
cooking show challenge featuring a
number of well-known celebrity
chefs, who will put on their oven
mitts and pick up their spatulas, for
10 cooking segments that are airing
every Friday on a special VIP Face-
book watch party that runs from
now until mid-June. Besides social
media, these cooking segments will
also air on the Emmy Award-winning
Dragon Digital cable network, which
can be seen in the Baltimore and
Washington, D.C. areas.
   Some of the celebrity chefs who
will be serving up their culinary magic   who were contestants on Masterchef        cast host and TV personality Chantal
throughout the challenge include          Canada; and Arnaud Marchand, who          Desjardins; Orla Johannes from
Chef Romeo of Shodan Restaurant           is the chef for, and owner of, the
(and has also cooked for P.K. Subban,                                               CJAD; and CBC news reporter
                                          Chez Boulay restaurant in Montreal.       Kwabena Oduro.Their final decisions
Carey Price and Britney Spears);
Vikram Vij, restaurant owner and for-         The culinary creations that are       will be announced during the awards
mer Dragon’s Den panelist; the team       being whipped up exclusively for the      show broadcast, which will air over
of Rebecca and Mandy from the pop-        celebrity chef cooking show chal-
                                          lenge will be carefully scrutinized and   Zoom sometime in mid-June.
ular chain of the Montreal-based                                                         For more information, go to
Mandy’s gourmet salad restaurants;        evaluated by a quartet of celebrity
Paula Zavala, a Mexican chef based in     judges. Making up this panel are TV, or you can
Toronto who hosts her own cooking         personality and author Nicole Jones;      check out their Facebook and Insta-
show; the duo of Marida and Narida,       comedian, Montreal Canadiens pod-         gram pages at zensamedia .
8                                                                               May 15, 2021 •
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle Hébert

              First SPVM female
              motorcycle officer
The SPVM is very proud to an-
nounce a great first. Policewoman
Monelle Hébert recently became
the first female motorcycle officer
in the history of the Service. To do
this, she successfully completed a
complex and demanding selection
process that was only successful by
around 30% of applicants.
The steps to qualify are long and
very difficult. Using the motorbike,
which weighs nearly 600 lbs, the
police must undergo a series of
track and road tests over four
weeks that demand remarkable
precision and agility.
On behalf of all employees of the
Service, we salute Agent Hébert for
this historic achievement.

    • May 15, 2021                                         9
FIRST FEMALE BIKE COP - Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - - First SPVM female motorcycle officer Monelle He bert - Montreal ...
10   May 15, 2021 •
Burgundy Lion PUB ON
     WHEELS offers new delivery
     of drinks and food on Canal
If you find yourself thirsty on the Lachine    PUB ON WHEELS menu:                           They are also offering a make your own
Canal Burgundy Lion Pub will have you cov-     • ANGUS CHEESEBURGER & FRIES - AAA            Sangria pitcher for your picnic or BBQ on
ered. In this Pandemic era they have started   Angus beef, brioche bun, aged cheddar, Bur-   the Lachine Canal. The Sangria will include
a new service called PUB ON WHEELS.            gundy Lion sauce, lettuce, tomato, pickles    juice mix, citrus fruits, a bottle of Barzoli
   Starting this past Wednesday The Bur-       $16                                           white wine and two 355ml Sarah Cole
gundy Lion pub is taken the food and           • TIKKA BURGER - Chicken Tikka masala,        cider cans.
drinks to you. If you are on the Lachine       brioche bun, lettuce, tomato $16
Canal and would like to order a nice lunch     • BANGER DOG & FRIES - Homemade                  The PUB ON WHEELS (POW) service
dinner or snack accompanied with alcohol.      Quebec pork sausage, Burgundy Lion Ale        will be available weather permitting and is
   The PUB ON WHEELS delivery service          beer, house spices, caramelized onions,       from Wednesday to Sunday.
will be free and carried out the the Bur-      roasted red peppers $13                       Order by telephone, website or in person.
gundy Lion Pub staff on bicycle.                  Please see the Burgundy Lion Pub menu      514 934 0888
   Here are some examples of the amazing       for more.                                     

     • May 15, 2021                                                                                          11
12   May 15, 2021 •
Gabby’s Farm: life down on the
farm from the point-of-view of
   a six-year-old farm girl
Meet Gabby. She is a six-year-old girl who                                                      can be a star,” she said.
lives on her family farm near Guelph, On-                                                         “She is a real hands-on person, especially
tario.                                                                                          when she shows the skills she has learned
   At such an early age, Gabby is already a                                                     so far doing her responsibilities and chores
farm girl at heart. She is passionate about                                                     on the farm,” she said. “And with Gabby,
everything about her life and world down                                                        kids do see themselves being represented
on the farm, from her chores, to working                                                        on the screen, and through her experi-
with the many farm tools and implements                                                         ences, they can learn a whole lot of new life
that are at her disposal, to interacting with                                                   lessons, such as how to play and engage
the many animals that inhabit her family
farm (which includes horses, chickens,                                                          with animals.”
cows, sheep, lambs and cats). In fact, Gabby                                                       Ms. Gray adds that “Gabby’s Farm” also
loves farm life so much, she is now about                                                       offers a new dimension in learning some
                                                                                                new educational skills. “As well as the farm-
to share that enthusiasm and passion with
pre-school viewers on her new TV series                    By Stuart Nulman                     ing skills, seasons, animals and responsibili-
“Gabby’s Farm”, which airs on TVOKids                                                           ties that are displayed on the show, we also
and the TVOKids YouTube channel starting                                   have a math element (the short form series
May 17.                                         activities she does regularly on the farm,      “Count with Gabby”), where Gabby counts
   “I never dreamed that I would have my        such as milking cows, riding tractors and       different items around the farm, or com-
own TV show. My mom sent a couple of            even exploring beehives.                        pares sizes, etc. So there are lots of great
video applications, and I ended up audition-       However, the series’ focus is not just re-   learning outcomes for pre-schoolers.”
ing with 2000 other kids. And apparently,       stricted to Gabby’s family farm. “I travel a       Although young Gabby is a farm girl at
they picked me,” said Gabby during a re-        lot and visit other peoples’ farms in the
                                                area,” she said. “I have visited dairy farms,   heart, she has appreciation of some of the
cent Zoom call direct from her family farm.                                                     joys of city life on her mind. When Gabby
    “Gabby’s Farm” is a series geared to-       goat farms, pig farms, sheep farms and apple
                                                orchards, so they could learn a lot of things   found out I live Montreal, she had this spe-
wards young viewers between the ages of                                                         cial request for me: “Can you send me
three and five, in which Gabby acts their       like what are cows like, or where food
guide to the world of farming and agricul-      comes from.”                                    some Montreal bagels? Can I have five
ture, and show them, through her passion           Chloe Gray, the series’ producer and di-     boxes filled with them?”
for farm life, how they can pique their cu-     rector, knew from the offset that Gabby            “Gabby’s Farm” debuts on TVOKids and its
riosity about nature, how and where food        was a natural to host this show.“She’s a real   YouTube channel starting Monday, May 17.
grows, and caring for animals, amongst          farm kid, whom you could envision her           Also, it has been recently announced that the
other related topics. As well, she shows        climbing a fence, then jump into a flock of     show has just been renewed for a second sea-
what her everyday life is like on the farm,     sheep and run around with them. Gabby           son. For more information, or to watch episodes
as she introduces them to her family,           also took a shining to the job of hosting a     of the series, go to
friends and neighbours, and some of the fun     TV show. She’s a natural who knows she          spreschool or .
     • May 15, 2021                                                                                               13
Book Reviews -

      Constant Comedy by Art Bell
Back in 1990, I spent a couple weeks that July         who won the cable comedy/t-shirt wars. Dur-
working as a talent runner for the Just For            ing an afternoon lull in the mezzanine of the
Laughs festival. In particular, as one of six talent   Delta Hotel (which was Just For Laughs’ official
runners for their flagship galas, who were en-         hotel from 1988-2006), as I was taking a break
sconced in the backstage area of the St. Denis         from manning the booth for the soon-to-be-
Theatre. Our mission was to make sure that             constructed Museum of Humour (where I was
during rehearsals and show time, the comedi-           working as a researcher), I saw a small pile of
ans whom we were assigned to were accom-               t-shirts that were individually wrapped in plas-
modated to and taken care of. For me, I had            tic, and were left outside the door of one of
the good fortune of having to look after and           the hotel’s main ballrooms that was used for
cater to an impressive line-up of comics, in-          the festival’s not-to-be-missed after parties.
cluding Tommy Davidson, Martin Mull, Tom               While nobody was watching, I took a sneak
Kenny (the voice of Spongebob Squarepants)             peek of what design was on the shirt. It was
and the late Bill Hicks.                               the name of the victorious comedy channel in
                                                       nondescript lettering and coloured in bright
                                                       pink so that it would attract attention. The
                                                       name that was printed on that shirt? “Comedy
                                                         It’s been 30 years since that revelation came
                                                       to me thanks to a giveaway t-shirt. Since then,
                                                       Comedy Central has been the dominant player
                                                       on cable TV when it came to original comedy
                                                       programming (like “South Park” and “The Daily        promos, getting talent to appear in front of the
                                                       Show”) and countless stand-up specials (be-          camera, and hammering out the details and lo-
                                                       fore Netflix began to nip at their heels in a big    gistics that would result in Comedy Central’s
                                                       way).                                                first regular program “Short Attention Span
                                                          Art Bell, the man who put the channel to-         Theatre” (SAST). However, the biggest
                                                       gether and was by Comedy Central’s side dur-         headache that the Comedy Channel/Comedy
                                                       ing its growing pains and early meteoric             Central team had to deal with was the im-
            By Stuart Nulman                           triumphs, recalls the birth of a major cable TV      pending debut of a rival 24-hour cable comedy
                                                       network in his recently-published memoir             channel that was being developed by MTV; it
                                  Constant Comedy.                                     was to be called HA! The TV Comedy Channel,
                                                         During the early 80s, Bell was a mid-level ex-     and it was set to launch on April 1, 1990.
  The job not only meant some good pocket              ecutive at the constantly growing cable chan-        But that’s not all.The book also focuses on the
money, but also a number of after show perks,          nel that was HBO, first as a marketing analyst,      behind-the-scenes look at the development of
which included going to late night shows and           and then with a position at its New Business         the concepts and shows that would put Com-
after parties. It was during the latter that I got     Development department, where he was                 edy Central on the map during its first five
to witness the cable comedy wars. During that          tasked as part of a team to develop and test         years, such as the live comic commentary of
year, a nearly dog-eat-dog struggle broke out          launch a new cable TV channel. Raised on com-        President George H.W. Bush’s State of the
to see what two new 24/7 cable comedy chan-            edy since he was in grade school (his favorites      Union Address in 1992 (which led to the cre-
nels would prevail and survive for the hearts,         included the Marx Brothers, Lenny Bruce,             ation of The Daily Show); Comedy Central’s
minds, laughs and viewership of diehard com-           Woody Allen and Mad magazine), and practic-          own “Contract with America” in 1995; Mys-
edy fans in the U.S. And that battle was waged         ing his comedy writing chops as a student at         tery Science Theatre 3000; and Bill Maher’s
at the 1990 Just For Laughs festival in a rather       the Wharton Business School writing sketches         pre-Real Time politically-oriented talk show
indirect, interesting manner: through giveaway         for the annual “Wharton Follies” stage revue,        “Politically Incorrect”, in which Maher boldly
promotional t-shirts.                                  Bell realized HBO’s potential as a purveyor of       proclaimed when Comedy Central’s then-
  It’s a well-known insider fact that no matter        stand-up comedy (especially with its annual          Head of Programming Mitch Semel asked him
what arts and culture festival you attend as an        star making Young Comedians Special and the          where the funny would be in the show: “I’m
industry person, a performer, a journalist or          Comic Relief annual fundraising broadcast).          the funny. But I won’t compete with my guests.
festival employee, there is a common denom-            With the growing popularity of stand-up com-         I won’t dive in with a joke at every opportunity
inator between them: they all like free festival       edy and the increasing number of comedy              just to get a laugh. I want the audience to get
or industry-related swag, and lots of it. This         clubs opening up across the U.S. at that time,       something out of this other than just me being
was no exception at Just For Laughs 31 years           Bell realized that having HBO create a sepa-         funny.”
ago. They were trying to vie for our attention         rate 24-hour comedy channel would be the                Finally, Bell gives the reader a cold, stark look
through free t-shirts. In one corner was The           next logical step. He wanted the new channel’s       at how fierce and cut throat the entertainment
Comedy Channel, which was owned by HBO                 format to be based on the “That’s Entertain-         industry can be within its executive suites and
and went on the air in 1989; in the other cor-         ment!” and MTV models, in which a variety of         boardrooms, when he was unceremoniously
ner was HA! The Comedy Network, owned                  classic movie and TV comedy clips would play         let go from his job in the mid-90s by the chan-
by MTV and hit the airwaves in the spring of           on a rotating basis.                                 nel’s newly-appointed CEO Doug Herzog, who
1990. And right in the middle was Showtime,               However, when he first pitched the idea to        previously worked as an executive at MTV, as
the U.S. cable network that was broadcasting           HBO’s head of Original Programming, Bridget          a sort-of purge of HBO staffers who were
Just For Laughs’ Saturday night gala live on the       Potter, she flatly rejected the idea, in which she   with Comedy Central from the early days. His
network, which at the same time was launch-            told him “Arthur, you’re not a programmer.You        account contains all the insincerity, cold-heart-
ing a new feature called “Showtime Jokes”.             know nothing about comedy and very little            edness and detachment that goes with the
   I was lucky enough to get shirts from all           about television…”                                   hurt of being let go from any job for the im-
three of them. I wore them a lot throughout               But when Bell brought the idea to Michael         punity of people who, according to Bell, “per-
that summer and beyond; however, based on              Fuchs, the chairman of HBO, he warmed up to          form their work seriously, passionately, and
the designs, it was hard to decide which one           his idea. Shortly afterwards, he was teamed up       effectively.” It makes for sobering reading.
would win this war.The Comedy Channel shirt            with Dick Beahrs, Executive V.P. of Sales for            Constant Comedy is a penetrating look at
sported its large “C” logo on the front; HA!           Cinemax; Fran Shea, V.P. of On-Air Promotion         what it took, especially all that sacrifice and en-
displayed its eye-catching multi-colored logo          for HBO; and Stu Smiley, HBO’s V.P. of Comedy.       ergetic effort, towards creating a cable TV
on the front, which featured a Jaws-typed              And that kicked off the dizzying roller coaster      channel from scratch that still creates an im-
Great White shark with its jaws wide open and          ride that would provide the genesis of the           pact within the comedy world, from the man
a speech balloon coming out of its mouth that          Comedy Channel, which would later be re-             who built it from the ground up and took all
uttered a “HA!” in large black block letters; the      named Comedy Central.                                the slings and arrows that went with it. How-
Showtime Jokes shirt was my favorite; the                  …And all of this had to be done in six           ever, in retrospect, Art Bell had this to say
front had on the left side a medium-sized illus-       months, in time for its official launch in No-       about the mighty comedy channel he fathered:
tration of a potato wearing a set of Groucho           vember of 1989. The first half of the book is            “Comedy Central created and showcased
Marx glasses playing rim shots on a drum, with         pre-occupied with the channel’s difficult birth      thousands of hours of innovative television
the logo splayed across the upper back of the          and its growing pains. Besides the usual clash       comedy.And most importantly to me, Comedy
shirt.                                                 of egos, there were the battles over copyrights      Central became what I intended: the center of
  It wasn’t until a year later when I found out        for the use of the clips for rebroadcast, taping     the comedy universe. And that was the idea.”

14                                                                                                               May 15, 2021 •
• May 15, 2021   15
Movie Reviews -

       “The Corruption of Divine
     Providence” a gripping look at
        the state of religion today
In the rural bilingual town of St. Michel,                                                 ous life choices and refuses to wear the
Manitoba, a teenage girl named Jeanne                                                      Catholic cross around her neck as a de-
Seraphin (Ali Skovbye) wakes up and dis-                                                   fiant manner of questioning the exis-
covers she has near fatal wounds to her                                                    tence of G-d due to the hardships she
head, hands and feet that closely resem-                                                   suffered throughout her life, while trying
ble the wounds Jesus Christ received                                                       to rescue her daughter from being ex-
when he was crucified.                                                                     ploited for her divine powers.
   Somehow, young Jeanne survives the                                                         Filled with eye catching cinematogra-
massive blood loss from those wounds.                                                      phy that adds a bit of colour to an area
As a result, she becomes the unwittingly                                                   in western Canada that could easily be
centre of attention, as the local Catholic                                                 portrayed as bleak, and strong perform-
church, the area’s Metis community and                                                     ances by the lead cast, as well as sup-
an American charismatic Pentecostal
preacher flock to her hospital room,                   By Stuart Nulman                    porting players Tantoo Cardinal as the
                                                                                           longtime sage mystic who aids Danielle
thinking she is a living miracle with a
message of peace and love to deliver.                                 to find Jeanne when she is kidnapped
This creates a whirlwind of conflict,        themselves the divine right of possessing     from her hospital bed; and Corey Sevier
greed and the questioning of faith in Je-    Jeanne to boost their respective religion.    as the loud, snake-wielding charismatic
remy Torrie’s new feature “The Corrup-          However, the greed aspect is starkly       American preacher Peter Wolf, who
tion of Divine Providence”.                  represented through the motives of            adds the right amount of sleaziness to
    Produced by the Winnipeg-based           Jeanne’s father Louis (David Richard La       the role (and bears an eerie, but close
White Bear Films, this film is both grip-    Haye), a Metis resident of St. Michel who     resemblance to controversial Florida
ping and disturbing. It’s also a glaring     runs a local bar and illicit liquor distri-   congressman Matt Gaetz).
statement of the state of religion in        bution network, who sees nothing but              “The Corruption of Divine Provi-
North America today, whether it be           dollar signs in this spiritual transforma-    dence” may have some traces that’s
from the mystical, traditional or charis-    tion that has taken over his daughter,        reminiscent of The Exorcist, but it gives
matic viewpoint. As well, it shows how       and tries to profit from it by offering       the viewer some food for thought of
greed and ego can be so counter-pro-         Jeanne’s “miracle” to the highest bidder.     what people would go through for reli-
ductive towards the search for faith, as       And the questioning of faith is repre-      gious enlightenment, and the quest for
these three factions indirectly battle       sented by her mother Danielle (Elyse          fame and fortune that can turn a reli-
each other to see who can claim for          Levesque), who has regretted her previ-       gious miracle into a false prophet.
16                                                                                        May 15, 2021 •
Koalas Know Best
                            feed a koala a bowl      been discovered in
        By Martha Shannon   of eucalyptus leaves,    Indian, Greek and Eu-
       don’t be surprised if    ropean medicine.
                            the marsupial refuses        Most of us are fa-
                            the offer, looks at      miliar with eucalyp-
The genome of a             you funny and asks,      tus rubs for chest
koala instructs it to       “Where’s the tree?
eat eucalyptus. It tells                             and throat to help
                              The art of ‘higher     clear the sinuses in
the koala that these        recognition’ is com-
leaves, while toxic to                               cold and cough sea-
                            mon to most mam-         son. This sense-stim-
most mammals, are           mals, but not the
not toxic to itself and                              ulating oil also helps
yet will supply its nu-                              to clarify the scalp,
tritional needs, in-                                 purify pores and aid
cluding its water                                    in wound healing.
supply. Koalas ac-                                          Soothing Oil
complish a leaf chew                                    Argan Neem Foot
marathon for several                                          Cream            tizer based on our       need a break now           sential oil blend.
hours a day before                                     All Purpose Sanitizer   own Thieves Oil          and then and using           As we often associ-
being sated. Not                                        Our Soothing Oil is    blend (eucalyptus,       this sanitizer does        ate eucalyptus with
only does the koala                                  popular as an anti-in-    clove, lemon, cinna-     help to undo the al-       the koala, there a
have the extra genes        koala.Thus he known      flammatory massage        mon, rosemary )          cohol ravages on the       warm feeling at-
to access the euca-         to have what is called   oil. Along with MSM,      along with our own       skin.                      tached to this excep-
lyptus’s nutrition, it      a ‘smooth brain’. This   emu, neem and pep-        special additions. As      We also sell a 100%      tional oil. It comforts,
can also detoxify the       ‘smooth      brained’    permint the addition      alcohol is aggravating   pure therapeutic eu-       relaxes and calms.
toxic foliage. This         cuddler is presented     of the eucalyptus         to the skin, we pur-     calyptus essential oil.    Like a cuddle to the
leaves the cuddlers         with many survival       provides a soothing       posely made it alco-     Excellent in a bath or
without excess en-                                   rub.                                                                          skin.
                            challenges.                                        hol free, but Covid      diffuser.                    We stand behind our prod-
ergy and they like to          Humans cannot di-         Feet are prone to     dictated that sanitiz-      As with most es-        ucts.We give great customer
snuggle in sleep up to      gest eucalyptus, but     many issues, as we all    ers should contain al-   sential oils, caution is   service.Visit us at
22 hours a day.             we do benefit greatly    know.The addition of      cohol to be effective.   required when ap-          Subscribe to our newsletter.
   Koalas have a mi-        from the leaves and      eucalyptus to our         We do use what is        plied to the skin and      ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’,
crobe that enables          the oil. When ap-        foot cream was a no       recommended when         it is usually best         89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire,
them to digest and          plied topically, the     brainer, as the feet      venturing out of         added to a carrier oil     QC H9R 2V1) Email
benefit. They only                                   need to relax, repair     lockdown, but we                           We are
                            anti-inflammator y                                                          (such as shea, jojoba,     open: Store: Tues, Wed,
recognize the leaves        antioxidant, antifun-    and be soothed.           also use this skin       argan emu, olive).You
if they are attached                                                                                                               Thurs: 10-4 For curbside…
                            gal and antiseptic          Long before Covid,     friendly and very ef-    can then decide how,       Call store during store hours
to the tree though.         properties have long     we made an All Pur-       fective sanitizer. Our   where and why you          514-428-0444          Outside
So, if you decide to                                 pose Sanitizer sani-      over-sanitized hands     might use your es-         hours call : 514-694-0705

       • May 15, 2021                                                                                                               17
18   May 15, 2021 •
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