SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia

Page created by Anthony Pham
SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia

             AUTUMN 2020
God in the
SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
     friend,                          with Bible Society CEO         Grant Thomson

              y earliest memory of connecting with God,         to you, and your desire for all people everywhere to
              was my grandmother, my only Christian             be able to open the Bible, more and more people are
              relative, praying for me as a small child while   finding a personal relationship with the God of the
    I lay in bed. I know that God used that prayer to           universe.
    nudge open a door into my heart.                               I am privileged to head up Bible Society Australia,
        Some years later, and a few other intersections         birthed in the very early years of colonial settlement.
    with God through Scripture class in primary school          Thank you for journeying with Bible Society to this
    and attending Catholic mass with my next-door               point. I look forward to thanking you personally as I
    neighbour, a good friend asked me to come to his            travel to events around Australia. However, the race
    church. He had just become a “Jesus person.” It was         is not yet won. Let us keep going together.
    12 January 1986. My friend sat me in the front row
    and when the appeal was given to come forward and              “But you are a chosen
    give our lives to Jesus, I took that step. I committed
    my life to the Lord.                                        people, a royal priesthood,
        I was at Hillsong Church, working as a volunteer
    leader, when I met my wife Heidi. I am eternally                a holy nation, God’s
    grateful for Heidi’s father, a Navigator, who
    challenged me one day with the question, “How                 special possession, that
    do you know you are saved?” I stumbled to find
    a convincing answer. He pointed me to the Bible,               you may declare the
    and discipled me, teaching me how to read the
    Scriptures. Seven minutes a day, seven days a week           praises of him who called
    with Jesus and I began to build a habit for reading
    God’s word. It has been the foundation, the rock,            you out of darkness into
    that I have built my life on since then.
        God has redeemed my life as he has redeemed                 his wonderful light.”
    yours. The hope with which we live has been
    revealed through God’s holy word, the Bible. Thanks                               1 Peter 2:9

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
Need a
job done?
Ask Barb
       arb Mathie is one of those tenacious, quietly    reps from all the denominations in the region,
       spoken, salt-of-the-earth people, who are        organises three events each year.
       the lifeblood of the local community. Anyone        Barb hosts a fundraising morning tea in her
wants a job done … ask Barb. Need a secretary for       Foxground home, where you will find 44 fold-up
your local committee? Ask Barb.                         chairs in one of the large purpose-built cupboards.
   Barb has been the backbone of the Gerringong,        Barb loves to fill her house with people. She will
Kiama, Jamberoo Bible Society Action Group (or          quickly claim she is no cook. Just bring along a
various derivations of its name)                                      plate and Barb will provide fold-up

for more than 50 years. If you                                        tables, urn, kitchen and a home filled
want to know about stickability,                                      with God’s love.
ask Barb.                                                                The October 2019 guest speaker at
   She also is a spotter of
feral animals for Feralscan, a
nationwide citizen-led group
                                    always                            the Bible Society event was Reverend
                                                                      Melissa Lipsett, Bible Society’s Chief
                                                                      Operating Officer. Over the years, just
on the lookout for feral pests
such as deer, rabbits, pigs and     pray                              about every Bible Society church rep,
                                                                      CEO and state director has made a

                                    for Bible
foxes, which cause so much                                            trip to this very active Bible Society
devastation to Australia’s                                           chapter, often enjoying the hospitality
farming land. And she is a                                           of Barb Mathie.
member of Landcare, assisting
in the planting of trees in her
                                    Society”                             “I always pray for Bible Society,”
                                                                     Barb says. “I pray for the staff; I even
                                                                     pray for the people who appoint the
   Barb has notebooks,                                  staff. I pray for the projects that are set out in
minutes of meetings and letters all carefully filed     Sower.
relating to her different community activities.            “I had decided to leave an amount in my will to
   However, her involvement in the local Bible          Bible Society, but then I decided, well, it’s going
Society Action group is particularly impressive. This   to Bible Society anyway, so I might as well give a
ecumenical committee, made up of Bible Society          donation every year.”

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia

                         angatanga grew up on         Creator God made it all. You have
                         Elcho Island, a remote       to speak to God, and he will guide
                         island off the coast         you, not the spirits in the rocks or
                 of the Northern Territory. A         the trees.”
                 Yolŋu man, he speaks a Yolŋu-           For many years, this godly man
                 Matha language called Dhuwa-         has been an inspiring leader and
                 Dhangu’mi.                           pastor in the church in Gove, his

                    He came to know Jesus during      community in East Arnhem Land.
                 the Christian revival in 1979,          Sadly, there are still very few

                 whereupon he became utterly          Scripture resources available to
                 convinced of the authority of        the 10,000 Yolŋu people living in
                 Jesus. When the elders told him      East Arnhem Land.

comes            he should speak to the land,
                 the trees and the rocks so the
                                                         Two of the languages,
                                                      Djambarrpuyŋu and Gumatj, have

                 land could speak back to him         a New Testament translation, while
                 and guide him, he defended his       three further languages, including

                 decision to worship the Creator      Dangatanga’s language, have some
                 God and to renounce the spirits      portions of the New Testament in
                 of the land.                         written form.

and                 Dangatanga replied: “You tell
                 me your stories about the trees
                                                         But many remote
                                                      Indigenous people

                 and the rocks, but I will tell you   find written Scriptures
                 the story of Jesus and how he        difficult to understand,

                 changed my life.”                    so they need a more
                    He explains: “If you dig          practical means
                 beneath the trees and the rocks,     for hearing the

the word         you will realise that the Almighty   gospel. Two

of Christ.
                                (not to scale)
                                                        with his
  Romans 10:17                                          Grandson

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
Translator Tjulyata Tjilya (with
                her granddaughter Sandrene)
                was one of the first to see the
                new Pitjantjatjara Shorter Bible

changes lives
in outback
SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
years ago, Global Recordings          and the Australian Society for       and there was a special touch
Network (GRN) went up to              Indigenous Languages (AuSIL).        as he realised it was his nephew
Arnhem Land and recorded the             As a result, a project is now     who had spoken the words, now
Gospel of Mark as it was read         under way to make two more           playing from his phone.”
aloud in the Dhuwa-Dhangu’mi          recordings – the Gospel of Mark         Dangatanga’s dearest desire
language. These recordings have       in Dhuwaya, and the Gospel           is for young people to hear the
allowed many more people to           of Luke in Gumatj. The written       gospel in Dhuwa-Dhangu’mi,
hear the good news in their own       translations have been available     so they too will have the
language for the first time.          for some time, but the benefits      chance to follow Jesus as he has
   Bible Society Australia recently   of audio recordings are now          throughout his life.
had the opportunity to visit Yolŋu    better understood.                      A project to make these
speakers in Gove, for a recording        While in Gove, Paul Kube,         audio recordings readily
workshop held in partnership with     Bible Society’s Northern Territory   available is one of the many
GRN, the Uniting Church, Mission      Engagement Representative,           valuable Indigenous projects
                  Aviation            installed the 5Fish app on           we are asking you to support
                   Fellowship         Dangatanga’s phone. This app         this autumn to help Indigenous
                    (MAF),            from GRN contains the story of       Christians share the Bible with
                                      Jesus spoken in 5500 languages       others in their communities.
                                      and dialects.                           The plan is to distribute
                                         “It was a beautiful event to      hundreds of audio-playing
                                      witness Dangatanga hear the          devices loaded with Scripture
                                      Scripture in his own tongue for      recordings in multiple Yolŋu
                                      the first time. We saw his face      languages to the many
                                      light up as the gospel began to      homelands and communities
                                      play out loud. He had requested      of Arnhem Land. Bible Society
                                      to hear his favourite story, the     Australia is partnering with MAF
                                      Parable of the Sower and the         to make this possible. Will you
                                      Seed. Dangatanga was                 consider giving so that more
                                      so happy to hear                          Indigenous people can
                                      this in his native                         hear the Scriptures in their
                                      Dhuwa-Dhangu’mi                            language for the first time,

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
so the next generation can hear      Bible.                                 and Northern Territory as well as
the gospel, as they too become          When an advance copy                by Pitjantjatjara speakers living in
leaders for their people like        of the new edition arrived at          Adelaide. With your help, Bible
Dangatanga?                          Koorong in Adelaide, many of the       Society is now preparing more
                                     translators clamoured to have a        to meet the demand.
A revised Bible                      look. One of the first people to
Pitjantjatjara translators were      see it was Pitjantjatjara translator   Eager to learn
very excited at the publication      Tjulyata Tjilya who was soon on        Bible Society Australia is partner-
of the revised edition of the        the phone to all her family and        ing with Nungalinya College in
Pitjantjatjara Shorter Bible,        friends. Tjulyata also took to         Darwin in developing and running
Tjukurpa Palya, which was made       Facebook to share her message          a Diploma in Transla-
possible by your support.            far and wide.                          tion, which began
   This new edition includes            Here is a translation of            with the first inten-
several recently translated          Tjulyata’s post “This is the new       sive last March.
Old Testament books such as          Bible, you can see the front              The first cohort
Daniel and substantial sections      cover, it’s dark brown and it also     of 17 eager stu-
of 1 Samuel and incorporates         contains the story of Daniel. We       dents had previ-
revisions made during                translated the Pitjantjatjara from     ously completed a
Pitjantjatjara New Testament         English, and it’s great. But the       Certificate III
audio recording workshops in         other Pitjantjatjara Bibles are on     in Theology,
2017 and 2018.                       the ship coming from China to          a prerequi-
   Bible Society’s Chief             Australia, to Adelaide, and then       site of en-
Operations Officer, Reverend         from there to the APY Lands, so        try. Many
Melissa Lipsett (right), was         good!”                                 of these
excited to notice several boxes         This Bible is widely used and       students
with the words “Bible Society        loved across the APY Lands in          had been
Australia – Pitjantjatjara Bible”    the north of South Australia, in       working for
while she was visiting Amity         communities in Western Australia       years as Bible
Press in China. Of course, Melissa
                                                      Reverend Melissa Lipsett holds a
opened one of the boxes and                          Pitjantjatjara Shorter Bible in China
cradled a “hot off the press”

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
translators and church/communi-      training service to ensure the
                               ty leaders and they represented      continued existence of skilled
                               nine language groups: Burarra,       and qualified Bible Translators for
                               Tiwi, Kriol, Gupapyuŋu, Djambar-     various language groups.
                               rpuyŋu, Wangurri, Warramirri,           Nungalinya College Principal
                               Maung and Dhaŋu’mi.                  Ben van Gelderen says:
                                  All the new students were         “Beginning the Diploma of
                               determined to learn as much as       Translating has been an absolute
                               they could. “While most of the       blessing and joy for the college.
                               students in other courses finished   Communities have been aspiring
                               their classes at 2.30pm, the Bible   for an accredited translation
                               Translating students continued to    course for many years, both to
                               work through to 3 or 3.30pm just     support and re-energise Bible

PLEASE                         to ensure they got all the course
                               work completed – they were that
                                                                    translation ministries but also
                                                                    to discover new possibilities of

GIVE NOW                       keen,” said Translation Consultant
                               Mally McLellan.
                                                                    working with digital technologies
                                                                    and methods.”
Will you help our Indigenous      This project has been                Around Australia, we’re
brothers and sisters open      developed in response to requests    equipping our Indigenous
God’s word to others in        from churches, Bible Society         brothers and sisters to open
their communities?             mission partners and Indigenous      God’s word to others in their
$40 goes towards printing      translators to provide an updated    communities. Will you join us?
and distributing Scripture
for Indigenous communities.
$80 helps train a Bible
translation student at
Nungalinya College.
$120 helps a community to
record and share Scripture
in their heart language.

Use the donation form on the
back page, call 1300 BIBLES
(1300 242 537) or visit

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia

Always                             In the wake of the catastrophic bushfires
                                   this summer, Jon Humphries, Chaplain and

                                   Religious Education teacher at Ravenswood
                                   School in Sydney, offers this prayer.

You are always with us,
Whether we perceive it or not.
You are always working for our good,
Whether we know it or not.
You are always there for comfort and help,
Whether we call on it or not.
You are always calling us onward in hope,
Whether we listen or not.
You are always the giver of compassion and comfort,
Whether we accept it or not.
You are not the cause of our troubles or sufferings,
Whether we believe it or not.
In all things and at all times your hand is on our lives,
Whether we feel it or not.
You are God,
Leading us to our better selves and working to
redeem all people and all things,
Whether we have faith or not.
This simply is, and so shall it always be.

SOWER - God in the - Bible Society of Australia
Remembering the Flying Bible Man

            revor Booth, who began the        himself in the years to come.        West Representative. After
            Flying Bible Man ministry            Trevor served with the            prayerful consideration and family
            for Bible Society, passed         Presbyterian Church in his early     discussion, he agreed, strongly
     away in July 2018. His widow,            years of ministry. In 1958, he       recommending the use of a light
     Connie Booth, has written this           joined Bible Society as a Field      aircraft rather than a road vehicle
     tribute to his valuable work.            Officer, spending the next 10        as a means of travel over the vast
        Trevor grew up on a farm in the       years visiting churches and          areas involved.
     wheat belt of Western Australia          community groups in WA,                 After two years of research,
     at Yearling, near Corrigin. During       generating prayerful and financial   including experimental runs to
     the war years, he would see up to        support for the ministry at home     numerous stations, questions
     40 Tiger Moths fly over the farm         and overseas.                        were answered including: “how
     on regular training runs, which             Early in 1966, John Ridden,       will the typical traditionally
     inspired his fascination with aircraft   WA State Secretary for Bible         non-religious outback Australian
     and flying. He wasn’t to know then       Society, asked Trevor if he would    respond to having a Bible
     that he would fly over the farm          consider serving as the North        salesman land on his airstrip?”

Despite fears of rejection, in        properties in their parish.             feature was the establishment of
almost every case Trevor was              Bibles and other Christian          local honorary representatives in
warmly welcomed and invited to        literature were distributed to          churches, which helped stimulate
call again.                           thousands of people in remote           a deeper interest in the work and
   Therefore, in 1968 Trevor and      areas of Australia, including           mission of the Bible Society.
the family moved 900km north          Fettlers camps on the Trans                Bible translation into various
of Perth to Carnarvon, to start       Australian Railway, with many           Aboriginal languages had been
“The Flying Bible Man” ministry.      opportunities to tell by word of        happening for many years. To
Trevor’s passion was to share         mouth the wonderful gospel story.       assist these folks, Trevor would
the word of God to people in the      He regularly visited more than 500      pick up Bible Society’s Translation
Outback of WA and he visited          cattle and sheep stations. As a         Consultant for Australia from
hundreds of communities.              result of using an aircraft, he could   Darwin and transport him to
   The first aircraft was a           visit four or five stations a day.      various communities where he
Beechcraft A23 Musketeer, which           He also visited major towns and     worked as adviser/consultant and
served the work for the first         mining towns in WA as the mining        encourager to these linguists.
seven years. Due to its lack of       boom was then in full swing. He            Over the 48 years of the Flying
performance in the hot conditions     would take church services or           Bible Man program, Trevor faced
and often short station airstrips,    meetings where he would screen          several hazards that could have
it was replaced with a Cessna 182     films and set up a book display.        proved to be life threatening, but
Skylane. This aircraft proved to be   He also spoke at schools, Sunday        the prayers of faithful supporters
ideal for the type of conditions.     schools, women’s groups and             were valued, and all incidents
   As time passed, it was realised    service clubs.                          ended well.
that the area of service needed           In 1972, the fifth year of             Looking back, Trevor was
to take in the Northern Territory     operation, it was realised the          encouraged to know that there
and North Queensland, with            borders of the work needed              were those who came to the Lord
subsequent regular visits to          enlarging again. Though based           as a result of this ministry. After
Darwin, Alice Springs and the         in Carnarvon, it extended from          more than a decade of outback
Arnhem Land Aboriginal Reserve        Esperance on the southeast              flying, promoting and distributing
in the Northern Territory. Trevor     coast of WA to Mabuiag Island           the world’s greatest book, he
worked in close co-operation          in the Torres Strait. The area          returned to Perth to serve as Bible
with churches, often taking the       covered about three million             Society State Director for 18 years
local minister on visits to station   square kilometres. One important        until he retired in 1996.


 Jesus loves
 the children
 of the world

         on’t you love reading          benefited from Bible Society             “I live in this crowded area and
         bedtime stories to             Egypt’s Bible-based Literacy          we are not kind at all towards
         children? The way children     project. Youstina acknowledged        each other, even the street cats
 gradually move from pointing at        that she was a bit of a bully at      and dogs. But Jesus was so kind
 the pictures, to rote learning the     church because, unlike the other      to the people surrounding him.
 words, to identifying individual       girls, she could not read or write.      “I am learning now to be more
 words, to reading more and more           “I saw the girls around me         kind to my friends in the church
 complex books. Their delight in        reading, but when I looked at         and at school, even those who
 words. The way it gives them           the pages I could not read.           are annoying.”
 confidence. Opens up their world.      So I bothered them,” Youstina            Twelve-year-old Urial is mature
    Our dreams are for our children     explained.                            beyond his years. Given a Bible
 to go to university, to hold down a       “But now that I have taken this    by the Nicaraguan Bible Society
 responsible job and contribute to      class, I am so happy I can read all   as part of their Project Hope and
 the wellbeing of society. And it all   the words, even the long ones.        Smile for Children with Cancer
 starts with a bedtime story.              “I like the stories when Jesus     when he was four, Urial was healed
    This is why Bible Society has       met people like me, like the          of cancer two years later. He
 such a strong commitment to            Samaritan women, even the kid         attributes his healing to God. Eight
 telling children stories from the      who brought the five loaves of        years later, he still reads his Bible
 Bible in a format and language         bread and two fishes, because I       and his favourite Bible
 they can understand. And the           feel that Jesus is meeting me too.”   verse is John 15:5, for “without
 difference it makes in the lives of       Mariam, also 10, attends the       God we can do nothing” he says.
 participants is truly extraordinary.   same literacy class with Youstina.       Even here in Australia,
    Ten-year-old Youstina is one        Mariam wants to be a kind person,     where literacy is not such a
 of 20,000 students who have            like Jesus.                           big issue, children’s ability

“I am delighted to be able to      everywhere, children such as
                                   teach these little children how to    Youstina, Urial, Mariam, Brianna
                                   find their way around the Bible,      and 11-year-old Bishoy, to know,
                                   how to read it and grow using the     without a shadow of a doubt,
                                   word of God and I pray that this      that Jesus loves them.
                                   is the beginning of their long life      “Even though I was struggling
                                   walking with the Lord! Exciting       and could barely read and write,
                                   stuff!”                               I pretended that I was literate,”
                                      Nyoongar woman Ros Khan            Bishoy told us.
                                   believes God has sent her                “But now I am free from
                                   youngest daughter Brianna to her      pretending! I really know how to
Marina and Youstina                to teach her how to love. Both        read and write. I do not need to lie
attending literacy classes         Ros and Brianna are learning          anymore. My favorite Bible story
                                   to speak Nyoongar, a language         is when Jesus meets Zacchaeus.
to engage with God’s word          near extinction but slowly being      I think Jesus came to Jericho to
is important and needs to be       recovered by the work of Bible        meet him, just as I meet Jesus
made easy.                         translators and others in Western     every time I come to church. ‘For
   Gail, a school Scripture        Australia.                            the Son of Man came to seek and
teacher, wrote to Bible Society       “I feel as though Brianna’s        to save the lost.’
on receiving her order of Bibles   from God and teaching me. What           “This is my favourite verse and I
through our Scripture Grants       was taken from us years ago           know it by heart, from Luke 19:10.
program, “I cannot begin to        (the Nyoongar language), and to       Thank you for helping me. I am
express the excitement and         have that (the Gospel of Luke) in     not pretending anymore.”
happiness I felt when I arrived    Nyoongar language, it’s amazing
at school last week and all the    what God has given us.”
Bibles were sitting there in          These stories of lives changed        GIVE NOW
boxes.                             by the healing power of God’s
                                                                            Please call
                                   grace are what makes our hearts
                                                                            1300 BIBLES
                                   beat faster. We live for these
                                                                            (1300 242 537),
                                                           That is why
                                                                            use the donation
                                                           we want          form on the back page
                                                             children       or visit

Bible Society at home

     Bibles for Bubs

     Bibles for Bubs                      Bike for Bibles                          International Bibles
 Two-year-old Zoe Buchanan loves         The Tasmanian 2020 summer                People in one in five households
 the Toddler Bible she received          Bike for Bibles ride in north-east       in Australia now speak a language
 through Bible Society’s Bibles for      Tasmania was a modest local ride         other than English, according to
 Bubs program. “My husband and           of 432 kms over four days – a larger     a study this year by McCrindle
 I read a Bible story every night        fortnight-long ride is being planned     Research. At Koorong and Bible
 with Zoe and pray with her,” says       for interstate and local riders for      Society Australia, we believe the
 mother Jane, who has lost count         2021. Every year the cyclists depend     Bible should be opened to our
 of the times she has read through       on the hospitality of local Christians   entire community. We know that
 the Bible with Zoe. “Her favourite      and churches to generously provide       people want to read God’s word in
 story is the Noah’s ark story and       meals and billets, which keeps costs     their own heart language, whether
 she loves to act out the pounding       down. This year, the BFB team were       it be Chinese, Samoan, Hindi,
 and sawing ... Our nightly routine is   treated to great country hospitality,    Tagalog, or any of the languages
 to read a Bible story and then she      food and fellowship in Scottsdale        spoken in Australian homes. So
 holds hands with her father and me      and St Helens. Despite cool              Koorong is promoting a selected
 as we pray together. This is such a     conditions, the team enjoyed four        range of international Bibles with
 relaxing, calming experience she’s      days of fellowship and fundraising       a 30 per cent discount until April
 even fallen asleep several times        for Scripture-based literacy work        5. Every order of an international
 while we pray.” On April 20 we will     for Pakistani women. The Bike for        Bible will also receive a free copy
 launch the 2020 program so that         Bibles event in Victoria, from March     of Meet Jesus by Mike Raiter. This
 babies born in 2019 can receive         28-29 – a 240km ride around Port         short new book in easy English
 gifts and birthday cards for their      Phillip Bay – will raise funds for       helps migrants and overseas
 first five years of life.               Bible paper in China.                    visitors get to know Jesus.

Bible Societies around the world

 Leaving a legacy                       Breaking barriers                        700 completed Bibles
Emmanuel Zhuwao, above,                In November 2019 work began              As Sower went to press, the
agreed to do translation work          on recording an audio version of         United Bible Societies was
on the Chikunda Bible because          the New Testament in Chorote, a          expected to announce that the
he would get to learn the Bible        language of Argentina. Chorote           total number of languages with
very deeply. “I also have a real       speakers are eager to listen to the      completed Scripture was set
passion to help my community,”         Scriptures in their language and         to reach 700. Unfortunately,
he says. The Chikunda Bible, in a      break down the barriers that are         although there are more than
minority language of Zimbabwe,         preventing them from knowing             3000 languages with some
is due for completion in 2023.         God’s word. Sisters Sabina and           portions of the Bible, there are still
Emmanuel is excited to think of        Clara, above, are happy but              another 3000 languages that are
the legacy he will leave. “I have a    nervous about taking part in             without even a single translated
young grandson and it makes me         the recording, so they’ve been           verse. That means one in five
happy to think of him reading the      practising reading the gospels out       people don’t have a Bible in the
Chikunda Bible as he grows up.”        loud together every afternoon.           language they understand best.

                     GPO BOX 9874 in your capital city P: 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) ISSN 1839-7425
                     W: E: ACN 148 058 306
                     Bible Society Australia is a not-for-profit interdenominational organisation. It’s a member
                     of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 154 organisations working in more than
                     200 countries and territories. Our mission is to achieve the widest possible effective and
                     meaningful distribution of the Bible; also to help people interact with it and to have their
                     hearts lightened by the Bible’s message of unconditional love in Jesus Christ.


 & roses

        ohn Parer was walking along       wanted to tell all the people in      and its challenge to jump into the
        his local beach last October      OneLife, Taree, the Manning Valley,   ocean to help Jesus save people
        trying to get inspiration for a   NSW, Australia and the world that     who are drowning.
 sermon he was giving the next day.       he loves them,” he says.                 “I followed this challenging
    John, who is pastor of OneLife           The strange combination of         message with the story about how
 Church in Taree on the mid-north         roses and the ocean reminded          I found the three roses on Old
 coast of NSW, walked north for           John of a vision that God gave        Bar Beach. God sent me three red
 40 minutes, asking God for a             Salvation Army founder William        roses from the ocean to remind
 message, then turned around and          Booth more than 100 years ago.        me how much he loves us.”
 headed back.                             The ocean symbolised humanity            When bushfires hit the NSW
    “It was a perfect day – nice          and all the people in the ocean       mid-north coast in November,
 waves, warm water and blue sky.          were drowning. Jesus was in the       John and his church offered
 As I walked, I saw what looked like      ocean and calling to those he’d       practical assistance to the
 rubbish on the beach,” he recalls.       rescued to help him rescue those      community such as donating
    To John’s amazement he                who were drowning. Sadly, many        money and delivering water.
 discovered that this item was            who had been rescued were                He also coordinated the line-
 a perfect rose. After staring,           too preoccupied with work, fun,       up for a huge community carols
 stunned, at its beauty, he noticed       sports and family to respond to       night, which attracted about
 there were two more roses.               Jesus’ call.                          7000 people. A Sydney NRL team
    “How did they get there? I am            The next day, John told his        made an appearance while singers
 not sure, but I believe God simply       congregation about this vision        Shannon Noll and Travis Collins

                                                                              Would you be willing to help
                                                                               Bible Society replace Bibles
                                                                            and assist in supplying ministry
                                                                                 resources to churches and
came to perform and support the      lot of recovery work to be done.           people in bushfire-affected
community.                           Churches are working together to
   Early that morning, John drove    follow up people affected, some of                      Please donate at
for four hours from Taree to         whom have lost everything.        ,
Flemington Markets in Sydney,           Along with giving away Bibles      call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537)
where he bought 2,500 red roses.     to replace those lost in the fires,            or use the donation form
He then drove to Bible Society       Bible Society is also supporting                      on the back page.
Australia’s warehouse to load up     the provision of water to families
with Christmas books, Bibles, New    who used what they had, which
Testaments as well as The Deadly     their livestock also need, to fight
News, a Gospel of Mark for the       the fires. We’re praying for all
Aboriginal community. That night,    the communities affected by
during the carol service, the        the bushfires and are working
church handed out the roses and      with our local partners to
Scriptures to share about God’s      supply Bibles alongside other
love for the community.              emergency needs. Please pray
   The mid-north coast bushfires     with us, and if you are in or
were followed early in the new       are serving bushfire-affected
year by the devastating bushfire     communities, then please get in
crisis on the NSW south coast        touch with us here:
and Victoria, and there is still a

Prayer points                                       empowered to read and understand Scripture as well
                                                            as other essential areas of life.
                                                            Australia: Thank God for Bible Society’s Daily Bible
 March – June                                               devotion series (available by daily email and through
                                                   Pray that people would be blessed in
 March 22-28                                                pursuing Bible reading as a spiritual discipline this year.
 Nicaragua: Please pray that children suffering from
 cancer in Nicaragua would know God’s love through          April 19-25
 his word. May they feel God’s love and place their trust   Syria: Please pray for the Trauma Healing project,
 in him, because he is the best doctor and healer.          which trains facilitators in Bible based trauma-healing
 Australia: For Easter this year, please pray as Bible      seminars as well as creating trauma healing centres in
 Society distributes an Easter-themed outreach booklet      local churches. Thank God for the leaders trained in
 that many young lives will be blessed.                     2019 and the hundreds of people who received healing
                                                            through the groups.
 March 29–April 4                                           Australia: Please pray for chaplains and gospel
 Iraq: Pray for Bible Society’s work in encouraging         workers in hospitals, prisons, the armed forces,
 Christian communities in Iraq through addressing their     outreach centres and schools. Pray that they may build
 physical needs for food, medicines and supplies as well    relationships and be present in people’s lives with
 as their spiritual needs.                                  God’s word at the right time, guided by God’s wisdom.
 Australia: Please pray for unity among all the arms of
 Bible Society Australia, including Koorong, Centre for     April 26-May 2
 Public Christianity and Eternity. Thank God that we can    Slovenia: Please pray for the Bible Helps to Heal
 work together to help people open the Bible.               Wounds and Trauma project, which helps women
                                                            suffering from trauma to break free of their past
 April 5-11                                                 through biblical trauma healing. Thank God for the
 Pakistan: Thank God that Christian women in Pakistan       16 new facilitators last year and that God would
 are learning to read and write so they are equipped to     strengthen them with his love and peace.
 lead their households better and understand the Bible.     Australia: Thank God for all the ways he is working
 Australia: Pray that Bible Society would be able to        among the Indigenous communities in our country.
 assist churches, chaplains and other local partners        Pray that Bible Society would be effective in
 working in bushfire-affected communities by providing      supporting Indigenous Bible translation, pastoral
 Bibles and Scripture alongside emergency needs.            work and supplying Scriptures for those who
                                                            need them.
 April 12-18
 Ghana: Please pray for the Literacy for Life project run   May 3-9
 by Bible Society in Ghana. Please pray that the project    Mongolia: Please pray for the work of Bible Society in
 would be effective in teaching of new learners in the      Mongolia, where they are seeking to meet the need for
 Komba language. Pray that the students would be            a Bible translation from the original languages that is

easier to understand for both readers and listeners and     Australia: Please pray for the work of the Centre for
that has more natural Mongolian.                            Public Christianity, as it continues to engage the public
Australia: Thank God for the Bike for Bibles fundraising    with a clear, measured and respectful picture of the
initiative, which has been running since 1984. Praise       Christian faith and the way it can impact all of life for
God for the more than $13 million that Bike for Bibles      the good.
has raised for Bible Society projects worldwide since it
began.                                                      May 31-June 6
                                                            Suriname: Please pray for Bible Society in Suriname,
May 10-16                                                   as they seek to reach children living in orphanages and
Vietnam: Pray that illiterate Christians who want to        those who have faced abuse. Pray that their visits and
read God’s word would be able to participate in the         special days of celebration with praise and worship,
Learning through Listening classes run in Vietnam           dance, and drama would help the children learn about
through church networks.                                    the special love God has for them.
Australia: Please pray that Bible Society’s publishing      Australia: Please pray for Koorong stores around
work would connect people to the love of Jesus,             Australia, especially for the staff who work hard to
through stories that invite and inspire, that build         provide a wide range of Christian resources to help
and encourage faith. Please also pray for fruitful          people in their walk with Jesus Christ.
partnerships with churches, schools and Christian
organisations to publish special edition Bibles.            June 7-13
                                                            Cameroon: Thank God that hundreds of girls who have
May 17-23                                                   been victims of sexual exploitation have found healing
South Africa: Please pray for Bible work in South           and hope through Project Esther, which is based on
Africa, where Bible Society aims to support the             biblical principles.
rehabilitative care of prisoners by providing Bible texts   Australia: Please pray for chaplains who work with
and other materials to prisoners, free of charge. Pray      young people, and for the Bible Society annual
that the Bible, as a book that brings hope, would have      Masterclass youth events around the country and the
a reformative impact on prisoners.                          chance to put Scriptures in the hands of teenagers.
Australia: Please continue to pray for Eternity News,
as the team seeks to reach people around our country        June 14-20
with news stories from a Christian perspective. Pray for    Cambodia: Please pray that the 600 literacy classes in
wisdom, creativity and energy for the whole team.           Khmer will help and empower illiterate people, young
                                                            and old, especially in rural Cambodia, and that they
May 24-30                                                   would be able to read the Scriptures.
Zimbabwe: Pray for the work of Bible Society                Australia: Please pray for the board and senior
Zimbabwe, as the organisation is burdened by the            leadership of Bible Society Australia. Pray that God
uncertainty and instability in the country. Pray too        would grant them wisdom as they prayerfully set the
for the launch of a project to bring help and hope to       direction and vision for our work, and see it through to
families caring for disabled children.                      implementation.


 Reclaim lost futures
          bu Mazen, father of three,    with more than half of them aged      countries when the time comes to
          left his country in the       17 or younger.                        leave Lebanon.
          Middle East because of           An estimated 200,000 refugee          Bible Society Lebanon was
 war. When the family first arrived     children are out of school for        inspired to start Bible literacy
 in Lebanon, he removed his eldest      a host of reasons, including          courses for refugees and
 son Mazen from school so that the      difficulty following the curriculum   underprivileged children after
 nine-year-old could help with the      in a foreign language, lack           it was approached by a pastor
 family’s daily work.                   of available places in school         of a Baptist Church who was
    After hearing about the Bible       or a belief that work is more         concerned for the future of
 Society’s Bible-based literacy         rewarding, according to the           displaced Syrian children living in
 courses, Abu Mazen changed his         UNHCR. The UN Refugee Agency          the camps near Zahle, Lebanon’s
 mind and decided to enrol his son.     also reports that the educational     biggest city.
 His hope was that his family might     attainment of Syrian refugees is         Bible Society joined forces
 return to their country soon and       generally low. Three-quarters have    with a school affiliated with that
 he recognised that this program        primary education or below and        church to train teachers to begin
 would help his son in the transition   only three per cent have obtained     three-month literacy programs
 back to normal school.                 university education.                 of two to three sessions a week,
    As instability in the Middle           Lack of education can              including reading and listening to
 East continues unchecked, the          reverberate for generations.          Bible stories on CD in a safe and
 number of Syrian and Iraqi             Many of these refugee children        positive atmosphere.
 refugees in Lebanon has now            will not be equipped to meet the         After positive feedback, the
 passed the two-million mark,           demands of reconstructing their       program was expanded last

2 million+ Syrian/Iraqi refugees
     aged                        75%                          3%
     17                          have a                     attain a
                                primary                    university
   years or                    education                     level
                                or below                   education

year. In the first half of 2019,      in partnership with 25 Christian
40 teachers were trained and          organisations.                          also meet Jesus and discover the
40 new classes were started in           An additional 1000 Iraqi and         hope that he holds out to them in
collaboration with 13 churches        Syrian refugee children took level      a situation that seems hopeless.
or organisations from various         1 and the vast majority either             Will you give so that these
Christian denominations.              started or completed level 2. In all,   children may develop a love of
   A total of 1000 Syrian and Iraqi   thanks to support from donors           learning and be enabled to go
refugee children, aged mainly         like you, 3875 children benefited       back to school? And that they
between 6 and 12, attended the        from the Bible literacy program         would one day be able to return
classes with the vast majority        in 2019.                                to their home countries and play
graduating from level 1.                 The hope is that these courses       their part in rebuilding their
   In the second half of the year,    will give displaced children the        communities.
successful students were invited      confidence and encouragement               Please use the donation form
to move up to level 2, for which 28   to return to the formal education       on the back page, call 1300
new teachers were trained. Both       system.                                 BIBLES (1300 242 537) or visit
levels continued through the year        As they read the Bible, they will

READ      THINK        PRAY

        Our unity, God’s
        favour & prayer:
        Our passport
        to God with Bible Society CEO Grant Thomson

 New ways to open your Bible
 Unsurprisingly, we at Bible Society are all about   Already there are more than 50 fortnightly
 the Bible. We want people to open their Bible,      devotions on a range of topics. If you are not a
 engage in God’s word – to be refreshed, inspired,   subscriber to our Daily Bible, which is sent each
 renewed by the gift of grace given to us and        day via email, our new-look Bible reading pages in
 revealed in the Bible.                              Sower will give you a taste of these devotions.

 As a Sower reader, you are already an advocate      Grant Thomson, Bible Society’s new CEO, has
 for Bible Society and the Bible, and we are         written his first Daily Bible series for Bible Society
 grateful.                                           on unity and prayer. We invite people
                                                     to sign up to Daily Bible via email or jump online
 So we want to share with you the exciting news      and read the Bible with Bible Society for a year.
 that you can now read our daily devotions online
 via our new web-based Bible app:                    For more information, go to our website:                              
Devotion One                                             Devotion Two
      For God is not a God of disorder but of                        How good and pleasant it is when
       peace – as in all the congregations of                       God’s people live together in unity!
                            the Lord’s people.              It is like precious oil poured on the head,
                                           1 Cor 14:33             running down on the beard, running
                                                          down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar
       No doubt you have seen that toxic condition           of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon
       that invades all groups when we drop our                  were falling on Mount Zion. For there
guard. What is it called? It has many names –                            the Lord bestows his blessing,
gossip, rumour, entitlement, narcissism, dogma,                                   even life forevermore.
hurt, jealousy, selfishness.                                                                           Psalm 133
  We see it in church congregations, in parent
bodies, on community and corporate boards, in                   What a beautiful image this psalm creates.
voluntary associations and in the workplace. It is the          Bearded or not, we can all feel the luscious oil
destroyer of unity and it brings something ungodly       cascading down our heads, dripping through our
– it brings disorder!                                    hair, over our ears. The word-picture captures the
  How do we build or rebuild unity?                      magnificence and blessing of unity.
  God tells us that everything starts with the heart.       King David, the Psalmist, tells us that God’s
Who is responsible for the condition of your heart?      blessing rests on a unified church, a unified family,
You are. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for       a unified team. How good and pleasant it is! Unity
the breakdown of unity. And when we start talking        enables God to use us more than when we are
to people outside of the group about the problem,        fighting and contending with each other. Unity
you know you have a problem. And you/I/we are            grows through a common cause.
perpetrating the disorder by gossiping and not              Note, too, that there is nothing static in this psalm.
working from within!                                     The oil runs down, as does the dew. A united people
  Think about the choices you make when you start        have momentum and this momentum is needed in
sowing the seeds of disunity. Our choices either         every area of life. Think about your inner life, family,
help restore unity or pull it down. Where do you sit?    friendships, colleagues. What helps nurture unity?
                                                         Look what we are promised when we live in unity –
      Lord Jesus, forgive me when I contribute           “for there the Lord bestows his blessing.”
      to disunity. Help me to be ready to seek
forgiveness and contribute to the repair. For you,              Lord God, I want to know your blessing on
God, are the God of peace. Help me to always work               all parts of my life. May your Spirit give me
for peace. Amen.                                         insights into my heart and fill me with the fruits of
                                                         love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and
                                                         self-control so that I contribute to unity. Amen.
Devotion Three                                             Devotion Four
                    Do not be anxious about                        Is anyone among you in trouble? Let
          anything, but in every situation, by                   them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them
      prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,                sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you
               present your requests to God.                sick? Let them call the elders of the church
    And the peace of God, which transcends                  to pray over them and anoint them with oil
    all understanding, will guard your hearts                                   in the name of the Lord.
              and your minds in Christ Jesus.                                                       James 5:13-15
                                      Philippians 4:6-7
                                                                  James is leaving us in no doubt – pray, pray
        In my role as CEO of Bible Society, I am calling          and pray. When we face difficulties, come to
        on all staff, board members and supporters to      God in prayer. When our hearts are bubbling over
prayer, individually and as the body of Christ in Bible    with joy, let’s praise God. When we can’t hear God
Society.                                                   and wonder whether he is there, pray.
    I believe this isn’t a good thing or a small thing –     There is absolutely nothing we cannot pray about.
it’s something that is weighty and important.              God is listening. He is listening when we are broken.
    Paul makes clear that we are to be a people of         When we are confused. Even when we can no
prayer and a team of prayer.                               longer speak and have no words. God’s love is so
   My desire is that prayer would saturate our lives.      great that he wants us with him no matter what is
   This passage is powerful. Anxiety is one of the         going on and how sinful we might feel. His love is
biggest challenges people face. But Paul urges us          without end.
not to be anxious but instead to go to God in prayer         Note, too, the communal nature of prayer. When
in every situation!                                        we gather in Christ’s name, he is in our midst.
   Theologian John Piper writes: “God has                    It is a presumptive Jesus follower who doesn’t
established prayer as the means by which we                pray. Do you have a lifestyle of prayer?
receive his supernatural help. And without                 What are some practical steps you could take to
supernatural help, we cannot live a life worthy of         a good prayer life and discover what difference
the gospel.”                                               prayer makes in our lives?

     God, help me to find your peace. Give me                     Gracious God, I come before you with a
     the courage to surrender my fears and fully                  contrite heart, my spirit talking with your
embrace your love. I seek your peace which cannot          spirit. Please forgive me for my failure to pray. Help
be explained for that is the only peace that can           me to keep coming before you in prayer. You are
conquer fear. In the name of Christ, I pray, Amen.         my beloved father who sent your son to die for me.
                                                           Thank you for your gift of grace. Amen
Devotion Five                                            Devotion Six
        But my brethren, who went up with                             Above all else, guard your heart,
      me made the heart of the people melt;                        for everything you do flows from it.
yet I wholly followed the Lord my God. And                                                       Proverbs 4:23
   Moses swore on that day, saying, ‘Surely
   the land on which your foot has trodden                     Over this week we have considered some
    shall be an inheritance for you and your                   simple guidelines for prayer, the discipline of
 children forever, because you have wholly               prayer and a culture of prayer. Today, our last in this
                  followed the Lord my God.’             seven day series on prayer we will look at six things
                                        Joshua 14:8-9    that prayer impacts:
                                                         1. Prayer keeps us close to the Holy Spirit. To
       Previously, in Judges, we’ve seen the good            become like Caleb, we want to become utterly
       and honest report Caleb gave Moses. Fast              dependent on the Holy Spirit, as we can’t do
forward 45 years and, as we can see in this last             God’s work without him.
chapter of Joshua, God’s promise to Caleb has            2. Prayer is the primary way that Christ is formed in
come true. Now as an old man, Caleb is as focused            us. Galatians 4.19 “until Christ is formed in you”.
on God as ever – he is ready to go to war for God.       3. Prayer reorientates towards the Light. We live
   Note the word-picture: for me I imagine God’s             in a complex world with many distractions and
deep footprints embedded in the snow, and Caleb              strident voices. How do we guard our heart and
is treading behind, each of his steps literally in the       keep focused on God’s Light? By constantly
footprints made by God, for Caleb “wholly” follows           realigning our lives to God through prayer.
his Creator. There is nothing casual or complacent       4. Prayer is spiritually potent. James 5.17 “Elijah
about Caleb’s actions.                                       was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed
   What might it look like to be as faithful as Caleb?       fervently...”
   Caleb really knew God. There are only two ways        5. Prayer breaks chains. Chains of regret, pain,
anyone can know God: through reading his word                sin, addiction, brokenness. Prayer keeps God in
and through a disciplined prayer life.                       the right perspective. We don’t get to a clear
   Tomorrow we will examine how we benefit                   perspective on life and the world by trying to
through a personal culture of prayer.                        reposition God in our worldview.
                                                         Prayer is something as people of the Risen Lord, we
      Heavenly Father, help me to have the kind of       just have to keep practising! Just do it!
      faith that wholly follows you. Caleb’s passion
for his Holy Father had not dimmed in the passing              Father God, I want to be oriented towards the
years. Help me to be a prayer warrior. Forgive me              Light. I do not want to be crushed by chains
my complacence, for I am loved by the Creator of         of past sins and hurt. Lord have mercy. Christ have
the universe. Amen                                       mercy. Heal me of my sins. Let me come to you
                                                         each day, ready to live for you and in you. Amen.
                                                    THE INTERVIEWS
When CPX made its documentary For the Love            From Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Marilynne
of God they spoke to more than 50 experts             Robinson on the beauty of religion to Oxford
from around the world, but only a fraction            professor Alister McGrath on how science led
of those interviews made it into the final            him to faith, there’s a gold-mine of wisdom and
production. Now, they’re making it all available      clarity available to search, download and share
in 100s of bite-sized videos.                         with friends at the CPX website.
Whether you want to learn about the invention      
of hypocrisy or why non-violent resistance
works – whether you want to hear about the
most important phrase ever coined or how
Christians could torture people – it’s all there!
CPX has launched this collection with 120 clips
ranging from one to six minutes long, but they’ll
be adding hundreds more over coming months.
to you ...

Cambodia literacy                                       a purpose,” she says. Hanna spent a year and ten
Seom Rany, 31, is a pastor who lives in Phnom Penh,     months in captivity after a military group occupied
the capital of Cambodia. She has been a Literacy        her village in December 2014.
Class Facilitator for children in a project you have       “My mum and I were the only Christians among
supported through Bible Society.                        120 women and children. I didn’t know what had
   She said: “I noticed that there were some            happened to my father and my brothers. No food,
children living on the street and collecting trash,     no medicines. We were beaten many times; in our
so they have no chance to go to school. Many of         room a woman died for lack of medicine. We could
them are children of migrant workers from other         hear suffering voices all around. I was losing hope …
provinces who had come to Phnom Penh to work            I was hiding a small Bible and trying to read daily. I
in construction. I have much compassion for these       had to be strong to stand by my mother. There was
children. At their age, they should be in school.       a voice inside me that I heard telling me: ‘it is not the
When I was about their age, I was already at school     end. I am with you. Don’t be afraid!’”
studying. They should have the same opportunities          When a real war broke out in the neighbourhood,
as me, but instead they are on the street collecting    with rockets falling from the sky, the armed group
trash. I began thinking about how I could help them.    abandoned them and fled. After a couple of
   “When I saw them in this situation, not only did     sleepless nights, “our men came and helped us to
I want them to be educated, I also wanted them to       leave this area,” she recalls.
hear the gospel. I invited them to study with me,          Although she wanted to leave Syria, she kept
even though I had little knowledge since I did not      hearing a voice saying, “God is with me.”
have any formal education in teaching. I took some         “It became so clear to me that I wanted to help
of my time to help them to the best of my abilities.”   people receive healing from their traumas.
                                                           “Now I am working with children in Damascus.
Syria trauma healing                                    To me it has been a great opportunity to attend the
Hanna from a village near Damascus is a trained         initial Trauma Healing Training. A great opportunity
psychological counsellor who has joined the Syrian      to understand what had happened to me. The
Bible Society’s Trauma Healing Program to help          trauma healing program helped me to understand
people. “I know our great God wants me here for         how God introduced himself to me.”
YES! I want the Bible to be available
For those who do not like to cut up their Sower we have provided a copy of this form with your address slip for mailed copies.

                                Australia - Indigenous Scripture                                                      Lebanon – Literacy for the young
My gift for                     (Tax-deductible*) 20SWAU1TD                                                           (Tax-deductible*) 20SWAU2TD

                                Worldwide - Children’s literacy projects                                              Australia – Bushfire Aid
                                (Tax-deductible*) 20SWAU3TD                                                           (Non tax-deductible) 20SWAU1NTD

                                Where needed most                          Where needed most                          Worldwide – Children’s projects
                                (Non tax-deductible) 20SWAUGEN             (Tax-deductible*) 20SWAUGENTD              (Non tax-deductible) 20SWAU2NTD

Amount                          $40                      $60                       $125                 $250                   My choice $

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                                Send me information about Bible Society’s regular giving program, Bible For Life.

                                Send me information about leaving Bible Society a gift in my Will.

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Your church
                           Name                             Suburb                              Denomination

Please return to Bible Society, Reply Paid 88900, Sydney, NSW 2001 (No stamp needed).
You can also donate online at or by phone on 1300 BIBLES or (1300 242 537).
If these appeals are oversubscribed or a project changes due to unforeseen reasons, we will reallocate remaining funds to similar projects.
*Receipts for tax-deductible donations of $2 or more will be issued by the trustee for Bible Society Foundation. ABN 41 725 839 724
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